Wf JHTt, PnyrlaUrt. IXDEPEXDENT ITST ALL THINGS. Tor xxx au.OO pr Tr. '.: VOL. XI. NEW BKUNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FEBRUARY 1'U 18S1). NO. 47. .i ii i i v V; . w . -aV V if. f V .MlMlMMriMII I tm tMminmmm EDITORIAL 50TES. : .... & lie llnfr: u IIMMM, CIK.lllllil 4 NMLlMt va fiiii mi will ant iiutf brrttni k try M oa o( l7mSTC:UCH: ILIPIIHEI DIBISnON: DISORDERED UYER; ' - - i s ikaank :J w rf ndttr. d oa ctf th beat r'- aro ka VmS ill HI I ! vlCa cacte BVjx. rj in I i Vr--" m. n.laan. UmuUh, fiffVif ir-Mjr -. "r I. F. aiuii C4 i ii iit cimi k. "WTIL W1IL BSULUTS PILLS 0!f RgIPT OF PRICE 25 CENTS A jL EuUal OTTark. DISSOLUTION. Tk Cfrtrkip hrrUfor cxituag: bare cmn'lr'tMl the Senate .unt bill. John SanK"I: N. Y., will !, th, tho next Coiiie.- tki 4T ii It 4 br nataal rooQt. DAVID otrrriNOKR. ABE OETT 1 NCt KK, SOL. O ETTI NO Eli. idol OotrtiTi Ma. PaK!ell will bnog an ac tion for libl agaiust t Lie Time in the lnh court.. Tiik totl visible upp!j of cotton lor the world, in oighr, m reported t 5,h70,44'J bles. Italy hx ordered 1W hemvv Krapp fUD aod 4,000 bore. Frmoc u BtrengtheniQjt the forts on her Alpine border. Sei'EETikv Whitney i men tioned .it the Denioi i a'.ie candidate for UoMTior of New Yoika the next fculxrnat'.oni4l t-Uetion. At h great maw meeting held in London Sunday, '.he government was duouticed for its brutality to wards Irish political prisonera." Tuk Premdent haj nominated A K. Stevenaon, at prent First- AMiatant Tcwtai aster General, to Pit;J. Abnbiir. icii b Associate Jaatic of the Snpreme Court of the District ofColambui. Some of the leading ciutens of Washington have determined to found a national park in the Rock Creek Vally, one of the most pic tareqne localities in the environs of the capitol." 'Paris workinzmen are demand .kill coQiinu in iD)t0f tb? gOTernment shorter hoars of the Supreme of labor." American workmgmen hsT no objection to the length of the boars., but thej don't like to work through so many of them. "A5 Italian newspaper warns Italians against immigrating to thu country, saying that Ameri cana, have no reapect for them. That is not true. An Italian hand organ grinder Is respected for what ;hre it in him." Tuk minority of the Committer ana feei Raci on the. iiauroau commiMion naa reported a bill to establish an atlrtsory commisaion, with powers to inTeatigate, and providing that the railroads ahall pay the expense of maintaining the commission. "0?(K million dollars for a new goTernment talecop is propoeed in CongTeas.'' Too' late. The He publicans made the Democrats see stars last November, and the Re publicans themselve seem to b.iva bn liftel above the heavens. Tni Preaident has approved the bill making the Department o Ag-. riculture an executive department, and haa nominated Norman J. Coleman, at pre-ent Commissioner of Agriculture, to be Secretary of of the new Department of Agricul ture. THB Wilmington Star says: '-It1 is fratltjtng to see that the Senate ' paaaad the bill to promote the efficiency of the State Guard. There can be but one opinion as to the1 valae and importance of such a. military organization. It should I be increased in nnmbr and effi ciency. THE Oo'.dsboro Argus says: "Sixty three Virginians have pre sented a petition to the U. S. Sen ate asking that silver be restored to an equal fooling with gold, to relieve "the gTeat depression exist ing among the fanners of the country." 'Gexiral HabkisuN appears to have lost patience with people who want to lay oat for him his route to Washington.' In a little while people who want Ilrrrison to point out to them a pleasant route to a government salary will loee patience too. "THE Richmond and Danville Kailroad Company waa accused of enticing the emigrate from Golds boro, so as to get their fares In consequence of this, that q company haa withdrawn the special rates and the negroes who want to travel through that road, no mat W TxricVi tn makft rnnm for r iD hew t Prt7. have to V V V Tf A w v w ei..iiiR'nff the i t river, a. d fe. h: oi h iL,d i.Ji.;i '.i pure i Mil .1 ( ibl- :;ifii' :ire more H a R M 1 " i F. i' hisc'.c::-'!' .ithI enn-duct. Thkkk t.tik channel 't t he carry m it to (.' ;i ,ir! Wan a.maki k's drop fli.'0,il( elect lull box, ,i lot ii net otTiv'c. 1 r ; t-.toi tint than cue hundred Moriii' ti mixtion, .irus now reerui'ii'p '. S. min er a Sf.iUs. Tuk di-pai tn.-;. : i Boston co.-t.-t the city r 1 .J "ii. 1 I'" -crear. and -t Boston ur..k : ;ihi'ter;itcd. This is not ,i m-i' : . i. .i '. ! o . Tilt 1 i-: i : . k : ,i; lc iihmi. oi ; .-- of t he Committee on '.is .iiol Means t 1 : t-; ; report on (.0VERN0R HILL AND II IS WATCH WORDS. David Beunet Hill, Governor of the State of New York, is leinr He i a lir keen cud carpet iiianulao HTTZ to bT Bii w Ixg U ooo-.a- thit Vuiaw aal aava aiofH4 ta old ftraa aar.4 of OETTDNCER BROS. uJ Vail l&aatiaf for pat kiad pu-oa- extnJ-d to a in ioar fpt nt yrtart w V a eotiaaae f un it tb fatare. W ar Tyli la mtf tr frnd ai arc luppifi iJonmbl- (la, ih aa 500 bbl. .aJ MtM Pork tOO JToar, iO hblj. UalaMM, J5 bbla. Lorillard'i Sou.f. 100 Wea Oil faskaiio T b . 100 tOSa KaaaiL. is bbu. s.v. 50 b.k? B. r. 8i o-- SOO vuiti Wixun Corn. '15 baJ ALaataa P'.oi, 100O dyrm Coi' Spool Cottoo. A J a garal SUok o DRV GOODS at Kaj-ci": V: . . Yr traly. ABE AND SOL. OETTINGER, OX- facnl. turer. Tuk Senate has eonfirmed the appointment ot 'iUon, to be Ten sion Agent at Washington, and Anderson to te AS'X'iate Justice Court ol I 'tali. "boomed" for the Presidential con tent of 1892. He is taking time by the forelock. His grip is a strong one, but it will require superhuman endurance to hold it to the decisive hour. The New York World sajs that "Governor Mill supplied in his ad mirable letter to the Tilden memori al meeting in this city on S:i'u:il:iy, two watchwords for Democrats in the irrepressible contlict which will bp continued as a result of the Re publican restoration. "To win the contest," he wrote, "onr weapons must be those which will enlighten the ignorant mid tne tariff release the credulous from their fears " "Agitate," was the motto and cry of O'Connell, the great Home Ruler of his day. Let ns add to this the watchward "Edu cate." and agitation and education now will give as that reform of the tariff pernaps even before our re turn to power for which we waged our recent campaign. So from the nettle Defeat we shall have plucked the flower Victory." Agitation is the opposite of country w ho w..- is claim s upon i ! ,. 1 1 1.- i to those of W'.inarnak. is Alger. On the .- Cabinet . eeOn i ". that ' ;--et ii.ivr only m an of a - no Bar- OIl ; but, cd to minister, in; i doubtful ground. He i - t! ki"" of the i! i .i :. - ing," has alv ays been w ii'it when expectation w;ij t-xpt r i J en into reality it didn't realize ; the blossom of his hope withered, and the sutnrnt : of hie content be came bleak, dlsa-trcus. bli..aid riven winter. Why 1 There is four" being driven 1 .1 .. . t. 1 : ' 1 lauu oei i ue uiiis a!: i niougti the vallie.o. into the ciiie; ami across the prairies and l!!ai:.e'. hand is upon the reins. Ulaiue as premier oi Harrison".- "coaeh-aii .rough ,i t h inollg! The State's Interest in the A. & N. C.R. Music as a Factor in Education. We find the following item in the The Journal has for several years U tleih letter to the Wilmington Mes- , nrged the necessity of teachicR vocal senger: music in our public schools. The law Ic h learcc-d that a bona fide cash oujrht to require every teacher of a vw,r,o0 S2 -peru Bhi0, fo- theSate', public ichool to teach the rudiments of K', 000 shares in the Atlantic and North w , , . . . Carolina Railroad has been made. It is V0Cal music- and he who Iia8 not mu8,c not known what will be the result or enough in his soul to qualify himself what action the Legislature will take to teach these ought not to be granted upon lL a certificate to teach. It is a very im- If such a proportion is submitted to : portant part of a chil d "s education, ytt me uenerai Assembly we trust the ; Major Finger, although thoroughly de- ' State counties of Craven, Pamlico and Lenoir 1 TOted to the educational interests of the which are large stockholders, will have not in his long report, nor ha. irienas enough to insist on, and have a ever, that we are aware of, recem- , Every pair w.irriilrd . provieo inserted that the purchasers of mended its adoption as one of there- e nsvo B larK" supply of Florida tha Kiate stock must take all private quirements of a publ.cschool teacher. 'Tlno V'"' U"na Cj stock that is offered at the same price. ' We copy the foUowin. article on th. JZt": "" hj Look To Your Interest! FarinerN. Country Merchants and tht' Trade generally are invited to oall and examine our i-locli of Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions. Etc. We always l:ppp in stock the celebrated Prison and Parson Boots and Shoes. 7 is a sctieme on foot to get subject from the Detroit Free Press, n of the State's interest in tbis and commend it to Kinr-er Hn,l tr, Ther p;..-s.- road for the DUi DOse of not on'v sob' t a cz ana.oi 4 on.ia .- blintr the road, but the N. C. R also. The difficulties that, ha at ton,-! ,1 n, to this scheme have already education of you h of all timcv and con- I 'l.en t 1'. of Amsterdam, oiii.gest man in ht- admiuistr, be writte .ti'.n. 1 on an 1 t he 1 "Bla doors through which will ne v. ;ll s of the flow the luence of the The two houses , if Congress met stagnation. Wherever there is in the House of Kepr.-sentatives in stagnation there is death; wher- joint convention on Wednesday ever there is agitation there is life, and counted the t-iec-oral votes The Democratic party is not dead, cast in the last Presidential e!ec- 11 cannot die as long as its vital tion. "Whk.n it is one in.nute after s o'clock it is past s. When it is thirty minutes alter s n js only half past S. Here is another (lis covery to make the world pause Tuk President of t he Board of Health of Jacksonville, Bia.. says officially: "There is no fe'ver of any kind In tue State of Florida." principles are kept before the peo pie. Tne essential difference between the Democratic and liepablican partk's is as distinct as the differ ence between light and darkness. This is not manifested at all times. It is often the case that the two great parties are in accord npon matters of expediency affecting alike all sections of the Union and all classes of men, and in this patronage ami Government. It matters very little who Hani son may appoint as Cabinet Minis ter. In England Salisbury over shadows all. In Germany Bismarck controlls all : and as Sal isl to England, anil Bismarck is to Germany, so wll Blaine be to the United States one great, potential mtliience, dominating aDd control ing by the divine right of brain and will power. Harrison will be Prc-sidt n : es, as Richard the Second was king, with Bolingbroke behind t h ron e. Parties bctn buying stock in tho A. & N. C. R. auu they already feel and talk like the road belongs to them. Ic remains to be seen w hether or no; the General As sembly will bite at the bait beingthrown out. They start out with a communica tion in a newspaper showing how bad IfraP" SntilT t Maimfneturer'n Trice. No t-ouble to show goods. ROBERTS BROS., .Jour'. tVont hi.. ,eu Q, ditions or society have insoired the philosophers and poets with numberless allusions to the intractable natures that must be dealt with in this indispensable, though laborious, process. Doubtlees Plato's conviction that boys were veri- i table wild animals has been shared by men of eminence in all ages, if we may believe Pope's reference to their lack of Brick! Brick! Brick I 50,000 I I the State needs money; shows how j character, and our own Holmei' heroic Governor Jarvia saved the State from method of treatment for the unruly creatures up to a specific period. The O 2? JC. UJ. OCMIIiK IL I avmnsthMh, M ill... paying taxes one vefcieru . ic .ana suggests that a trimm rhnrrhman r.nAinn ho,i great thing can b ; accomplished now we are persuaded, sorely tried, before Miry is by selling the State's interest in the A. be wrote his famous treatise upon "The & N. C. R. and prevent the increase of m Ahh i- fu-u ! patience, skill and delicacy with which tax9- 1 he deyoted himself to the work of 1 We see the General Assembly is giv- I transforming the wretched nature of his 1 the railroads a fair shake at tbe ! ro-val PUP"- the Dauphin of trance. L ing Commission Bill. Tbeir leading men 1 .7 y " K"0" 8 conclusive prow 01 , W.P. BURRUS& GO.. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Gi'AIN DEALERS, Mahkkt Dook, m:w ItEKNK, N. c. 1' Ctonsign us your produoe. mi. dwif 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER Has a fine stock of SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE. r.verywnere eise tne oiiieseeKing conditiou of aff-ir8 it is properly fever is epidemic Chicago News. 8aid that "there is no difference in A rich man :n Portland. O., got parties." drunk the other e thirty s:x coffins fo ing on I 1 ru etroit PLANNERS To will Rati NOBBY and STYLISH SUITS In SAC KS 4 CUTAWAYS Hi STOCK cf SUCKS to J G F.5TS ' FURNISH ING GOODS m ri.ETE Two Joor North of H .: A Lsirr s a 1 the town, taking these Free Pre. Ik a colon d r:. ,:i can hold no Federal office 'l importance : if his children cannot be educated in Ohio : if he cannot work :n an lib nois tobacco factory, what :s he to gain by remaining colored ? Ashe ville Citizen. THE Ooldsboro 1 a:!y Argus says: "The Arkansas exodus fever has about spent itself in these parts, and the colored people who sur vived are addressing themselves to work with a cheerfulness and dili gence that is highly commendable." "The Secretary of War his transmitted to the House a state ment of the Chief Signal Officer ol the Army, petting forth the very great inefficiency ol the present lieu tenants of that corps'. Gen. Greely urges the passage of the bill to re organize ami im rove the service" does he rank World. Humiliating have to confess that we do not know Colonel Allen, but we have no doubt that there are those who are re.dy to affirm that "he is a man, a full grown man, every inch a man.'' Admitting that Col. Allen is all that the most ardent admirer can claim for him, it is no reflection I keep a SPECTArLKd. larger stock of Hpi than any other store in North Ca ct&clea arollna. ay and bought It is when the Constitution is at himself, lav- issue, and the powers of the general :: :e in stock in government are involved, that the eh aie always two parties confront each other, and the clash and clamor of tbe irrepressible conflict resounds throughout the Union. The paramount issue of the times in which we live, is the tariff. The Democracy asserts that the Govern ment haa no right to collect from the people more revenue than is necessary to defray the expenses of; antage gronnd buf r p r i on a nrnhlpm inirAl vd in mrvnl.l nave KHf 11 u.e eummuite ineir Tiewe 01 ing the character of young people. It the matter, all opposed to it of course, ; is, in fact, to this great indulgent in and one of them, Mr. Talcott of Rich- ; structor, that we are indebted for an mond. submitted figures showing tbe -ukk"uu, tual .8, uncon-, tbe uniformit-y of freight rates now charged j dispensable force in drawing out tho; oy the railroad. Now we wish the I beet qualities of the heart as well as of , uf .u.1 t i 1 thftmind. in ot.hAr wnrrTa a nohomAfhat I tucujufiE ui i. lie ueutiai ist,emoiy were : Z 1 3IR. BLAINE AND COL. ALLEX. acquainted with just a few facts. Mr. education. warded Washes. ClOCkS. JeWellTT, .,, i.-. , a f.nff ronrocotilol tka I? - fl Pa a. ..... ...... . 1 i. oi. Julian Alien, oi ureensuoro. n. ituim . , j wim me iaea mat poetry was the mys- North Carolina is authority for the was one f the representatives, before trious influence that appealed, beyond statement that Mr Blaine has lhe committee, and while he speaks of a!) other agencies, to the deeper in accepted the ecre"taryshtpof State, the uniformity of freight rates he know, 'uS .tam"" iSdS? at He says that Mr. Blaine told bim that his system of railroading in North tributed to the graceful measure of SO. Who is Col. Allen, and how Carolina absolutely prohibits any traffic : Virgil's verse, together with the tender er veracity ? X. .Y. between the people of Eastern and ne88 ' it8 sentiment, the consoling sue-! x take particua r pair)9 to fit them to tba Western North Carolina. Will the - fa roT o7 f d" as it may be, we members of the General Assembly ; .trained impulses and making him a' navin worked .tdiiT .1 th. hnrA listen to a few facts i model of good conduct in after life. for over thir arBi T believe I oaa do Eistern Carolina grows the finest Without detracting for a moment from M KOod work RH any watchmaker In the sweet potatoes of any country in tbe Strophe and its beneficent sway over all world , but people living west of Golds- j its devoted admirers, still it will appear borocan'tgetthem. A gentleman from j upon reflection that Fenelon saw in tho Winston who attended the M. E. Con-1 cultivation of this exalted branch cf , letters only a powerful aid in dovelop- ference, after his return home, ordered ioe the higber imagjnativo faculties, two barrels of sweet potatoes. The po- and in this depriying the ungovernable tatoes ccst 2.9 j. the freight was over passions of their deplored impelling QQ . ' force. Now, while it is freely con- ' , fessed that the poet has always wielded MerchiEts in New Rerne want to . L . j !t . nunn 1 o' m t tin' in Iho nrocont -" power over me minus oi men, ills an upon him to say tha,, in the present hand,e the oda of factorjea in Char. . higtorica, truth that m the mOB, chiva. 1 CG51E AND 8EE ME. SAM. K. EATON, Middle street. Opposite Baptist Church. f12 dwtf condition of public affairs, he must lotte and other towns in North Carolina, I rous periods of all past chronicle, acquiesce in the necessity that but the freights are prohibitory. Freight i the epochs "of the most brilliant! " : achievements in the progress of evolu-1 relegates him to a position inferior on the same goods from Canada or West rion from darkness to light, the potent 1 utterances of the poet were, lnyariably, wedded to the musical numbers of the' bard, the troubadour and the minstrel. Thp mnnof.ono and tha flrAAlr musical Fair: they can only buy a ticket to i modeg of the lavs of Yirril and Horace government economically adminis tered, and Republicans insist that the Government may collect by taxation whatever is necessary to "provide lor the common defence and promote tho general welfare.'' Democrats enforce a strict con struction of the Constitution, and insist upou the most rigid economy in the adminiatration of public affairs ; Republicans give to that instrument a Iatitndinanan con struction and encourage the wild est extravagance in the expendi tures of the Government. 2sor is this all Republican construction to that of Mr, Blame. We do not venture the opinion that tbe coming premier will De aole to hold the sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Then, according to Col. Alien. Mr. Blaine is to be Secretary of State. Mr. Blaine told h:;n so. But, what else does Col. Allen say of Mr. Blaine? He says that Mr. Tennessee is mu;h less. People between Goldsboro and Greens-1 horo want to come to t:.e New Berne ' Goldsboro: th-:n buy again to New Berne. New- Berne has corn to sell; Rich mond has corn to stll brought from gays place in time to tne ambitious measures of a more advanced Art, and a musical spirit infused all the metrical opinions of the wandering singers who were the depositories of their respective Jr. Chicago; Rileigh wants to buy ; New , people's traditions and contributed, in Berne, as every man endowed with common sense will admit, ought to J9P The World Stands Aghast AT MY LOW I KICKS, And wonders, How is it that I can sell so much lower than any one elser have the Rl?igh market, but the R. & Blaine said, "the South would have D. forces it to Richmond. We believe! to work out the solution of the race corn can be taken off th9 wharves in problem for herself." In the selec- ew Berne and transported by way of tion of Federal officials for the Southern States Mr. Blaine led Col. Allen to think that he would The Atlanta Constitution says: permits tho plundering ;i in We are no longer troubled by Re publican opinion at the North. " e .lor- : : of FOR THE NEXT Blame and ;-:;t Republi s is all that i. ere DAY We will sell the balance of our Stock Clothing at Cost our Spring and Summer Stock. ms Oasla. t ti .e the HOWARD & JONES. The Bergner & Engel BREWING CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, 13 UHQUX3TI0NABLY THE Finest Beer Extant. -It is brewed from the finest Pale Cauada WeS. ViUlOJ tion of Miss Florence Winfleld, of Vt.Vlw .mmmrlAi fnr its TONIC and NTT- Beaufort county, and kindly con iAAgmj .Cvv- pay regular pa.Mnger fare." The Wilmington Meaaenger ays: 'The boom of David Bennett Hill swings jather early for 1392. There are other States than New York, whoe electoral vote was neither neceasarj to Harrison, cor of value to Cleveland, in tbe' last election, and )here are Democratic states men of a Urge caliber aj the "Fmpire State" produces. Democ racy Is aUll joaug and rigorous, and may conclude to try its politi cal fortunes in the great West. We shoold advise that. The Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad rmght, with some proprie ty, b sold to the North Carolina Railroad Company, under certain restrictions. But we are in no hurry to see the State cut loose entirely from that work of public improvement. Notwithstanding a!I that haa been said and written, it has been a valuable improve ment, aDd well worth what it cost the State and people. Wilmington MeMDgr. Axoifo he beautiful attractions of tbe -Exposition is the contribu know now- t hat ' ,' : m" "Bill" 'handler re rt can patriot ;sm . and t i is necessary to know. ON Wednesday a stormy session in House of Representatives, ing from the Sma! during which Mr. South Carolina, South, and showed is as much below par m the North aj he is in the South. "It is reported that one ( first resolutions to be offered extra session of the SenaU for an investigation into the work ings of the Civil-Service Commis sion. Tbe charge is made that the law has been used as a club to back those without political influ ence, while tho.'e who were backed by influential pany leaders have never failed to get good places Tne better plan would be to abolifch the whole thing. What a strange powrr is mem ory 1 It compacts itself into every thing; into a taste, into an odor, into a color, iuto a form, into a sound, and suddenly out of these as they touch our senses it leads forth its vivid p. norarna of the paat, lovely or awful, sweet or sail. How needful that memory's hand be beautiful with holiness as she he.-e ail. t out of ed by us, iud not son Mir- i:y of the people for the tune! a favored few. 1 1 f monopoly and piuu,c;.u ...- nopoly and plutocracy f. ui.ded on the legitimate, fruits of industry and inteiprise, but monopoly was aud plutocracy based upon the the bard earnings of labor, wrung from ans-, the honest sons ot toil by the ll-Klliot contest, mailed hand of arbitrary power. Hemphill, ofi Will the people ot these States defended the tamely submit to such atrocity? that the negro They may submit to it, if they slumber on. under the narcotic in fluence of ignorance, but if the subject is agitated, and the people are educated to a proper apprecia- Norfolk to Rileigh for lees charges than if shipped direct over the A. & N. C. R. Tbe truth of the matter is. North Carolina has been divided up between favor the appointment Of CODserva- tteee railroad kings and they have de- five Republicans men who had cided that a man living in Craven coun- laid aside the hatred and bitterness ty or anywhere east cf Goldsboro baa of the war times, and were aiming no business shipping corn, potatoes or arth .WfOnnmrnr of tho connfrv anything else west of Goldsboro along ; proper pia y of the imagination. Wher LUU 1IUC Jk L 11 V, A k. VA, AS A. . 1 U 1,1-1 19 UUlliiyiCA Hi llliatiVUUI V.' J 1 O C II l 1 1 do email degree, to tbe formation of a i : i -: t. t u -, A I """ " I'll tell you: I have determined to be are subjected to the crucial test of ex periment, the rule of the imagination, in a poetic sense, is practically discard ed, and groveling prose it assumed to be the only medium through which sci ence and art can be imparted. But the murmurs of discontent are becoming: more ominous every day with this cold inflexible method of oommunicatiog knowledge. Tbe circle of true scienoe is, it is felt,, lacking in an important segment. Education, in the'fullness of its meaning, must develop another faculty of the mind and cultivate the emotional side of our nature, through a t 'V and the happiness and welfare of the people. "la many ways Mr. Blaine expressed his concern for the welfare cd' the South." This is very fine. But we cannot forget that similar utterances came from Mr. Blaine in the early davs of Hayes' administration, and that, since that time, the poison of asps state"s rtock has been under his tongue. Ad-' mitting Mr. Blaine's present sincerity, the South accepts his declaration that it will "have to work out the solution of the race problem for itself."' The formula, for this solution, rests upou the Now all we ask of tbe General As sembly is that if you do sell out the State's interest in this rond don't let the counties cf Craven, Pamlico and Lenoir, that h:ive paid one hundred cents in the dollar for their stock, be turned over i easily satisfied for the cash, and WORK FOR SMALL PROFITS. Mylotto is: FAIR DEALING. Come and buy from me, and you will never regret it. K. R. JONES, New Berne, N. O. The Ladies Must Come! Tbe Gentlemen May Come ! AM' Everybody" Come I to ski: tuk Handsomest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets EVER IiKofGHT TO THIS MARKET. ALSO A t I I I. LINE OF we loos tor a purer, more aeiigniiui, more helpful hand-maid for our intel lectual and moral elevation, than we can find in the study of music It in at gonce an art and a sck-nce, and it has the divine attribute of not being susceptible of debasement. Its . vast j . 1 .. 1 i ., . . r . I . , . . . L to the greed of these rich corporations.; g0od and the beautiful, and genuine Q e I IHTliSlilnfr bOCQS Diatie arco lu lane iuv uuuuij i tescneiicism uraww ilm uuuit-et niffiiti- stock at the same they pay for the ! tions from this crystal source. It is the voice of worship here on earth, it win assuredly, be the language cf Elypium hereafter. ii u won oi iuc Miuaiiou, iney win rise - . ...... in i no majesty oi rreemen, ana 1 bre.i their chains like Sampson ''the brave are always generous,'' burs,; t he withes that bound him. are accepted as truisms all over the world. White men will govern, and their government wili accord What a Boy and a Match Can Do Capt. R. P. Midyette of Smith's Creek, ; Light House for Hattenn. Pamlico county, was in the city yester-; We are told that the Lighthouse dav. A Journal reporter met him on i Board waxed jubilant over the recent the street and inquired for the news." action of the House Committee oOom ., , ,, merce unanimously agreeing to recom- 'No cews,' sa.d he: well, yes, , end the appropriation of a half mil-' there is some news. ' lion dollars for the erection and estab- At this he removed his hat and ; lishment of a lighthouse on tne Uuter distills life's scene. into that the beir g that st, them suddenly, uncoiitro be ungels that cheer, demons that mock. W ror. We believe that any Northern man who would give the South over to the control of the negroes HARRISON. Gen. !! irrison is evidently In trouble. V New York World witb Justice, moderation and kind cartoon has him on the top of his ne8s- chimney, badly smoked and utter- Wlth Mr- M-"a- the S:uUh Iy disconsolate, while officeseekers desires the appointment of conser- 5warm around his cabin clamorous native Republicans men who have for immediate recognition. , ,aid asule the "red aud bitterness What is the matter with Harri- of tbe war times' and aie aiilliDg at son! A little while ago it was the development of the country and asserted that "the grandson of his tne happiness and welfare of the grandfather" had a head on his PeoPe- .boulders and would be supreme in The PeoI,Itf of the Sout1' lou ag0 his own administration. His firm- laid aside "tho bitterness of the ness was vaunted as superior to war feeling," but, she will always that of ordinary mortals, and capa- have a recollect ion of the valor and b!e of breasting any storm, no endurance of her sons. Every matter how fiercely it blew or from blazing furnace and every busy what ouarter it came. But Ree him workshop attests onr purpose to now. No storm bas broke npon ''dee'0l' the bim. There is a stiffening hrpeze. tue bappines.- perhaps a jquall. NTothing more; PeoP'e- and he trembles, hesitates, and But, that which i most s.guiti- fears to thrust himself upon the cant, in this reported interview, is billows Elaine's concern for the wellare of tbe South. What are bis ideas on the subject ? What, in his AT I' 'TTOM I'KK'ES. L. II. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW I! ERNE. N. C GEORGE ALLEH CO DEALERS IN General Hardware implements. Plows, l!;irrovvK, Cultivator'. H.x-H and Axes, Wood's Mowpm and Reapers, Kteam K'nfriiies, Cotton lins and Presses, Fertilizer!, l.aiul Plits'or, Kaiuit . ... . . . . . a i 4 ....l..i..i.tJ ' I ' . . J . . t.ri.l 1 3 U Wl V A W A Robert, what is the matter at mistortune u nas oeeu iu oiwu w u - Lime, liricx, . rineiii, 1'iasier Hair, Paint, Jialsomlne, Var nish, Oil, JLiss. I'utty and Hair. Freczcm, Ks-frifrerators, Oil Cook Stoves, Eureka Hurjflar Proof Hash lAX'ks, w irranted to give security avd satisfaetlon. PRK ICS VKltV LOW. iE(. ALLIEN Sl CO. showed a large plaster on his forehead, I Uiamona onoai, on ape naweraB. v , AcricuUurrti I .JA.,V.t- nor t Vt f ihia fool i rt rr vi h a m nt f hair and eyebrows singed. , heanily reciprocated by every mariner, "Why, you have been through a fire," I from trje highest to the lowest, whose aid the reporter. j voyages, whether rare or frequent, call "Yes,"- said he. "I sat down to him to traverse the waters in the neigh , , I hood of that dangerous and treacher- dinner yesterday, and pretty eoon j ouj) coagt; 8nd the newg win be fuU of Mrs. Midyette. who was where she j eatisfaction to all the people who dwell rmil, ef cut to the barn yard, ex-i in this section of our country whose . . T j - . i j 1 requirea 10 recoru or reau ui meumau- the bare- I ran out immediately Bnd ! ful accidents, involvin loss of life and found my stalls in flames. Fortunately j pr0perty, that have occurred about all rnv horses were out except my drive j Hatteras, almost at our very doors, mare" which I thought a good deal of. ! One lighthouse may not stop all this - u ,u , but it will do a vast deal of good: and I ran to tne door of tne stall that she , .( may be an opeDing wedge to be fol- was in and threw it open, and as I did 0wecj by other lights in the vicinity, the fiame puffed in my face. I fell Trie signs are that the matter will be immediatelv with my face to the pusneo, ior mecumuinwo " u'u' and crawlad out backwards 1) grounu the b;st I could. The mare, all my stalis, my barn wiih eighty or ninety barreU of corn, and peas, fodder, and a large number of farming utensils were burned. " "How did the fire originate': that its action be promptly reported to the House. Norfolk Landmark. JOHN McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE Boot and Shoe Maker, Pollock St.- Newborn, N. C country and aud welfare secure of the Oyster Tirates Captured. Annapolis, Md., Feb. 11. Tho State fishery schooner Folly, Captain George Quad commanding, captured last night tbe schooner Joseph IL Johnson, Cap tain Samuel Cox, of Baltimore, and the 'T have a little grandson, five years Silent Bateman. Captain Heary Peters. tt ...) f ,oth ,0r,f tr of Baltimore. The former whilst llle- u.u. uc k i.-.u , caUv HrpHirintr on Foliev's Point, the nK MTH;iai. w the stall next the one the mare occu-, faUer OQ Hacketg, Both vessels re- prepar.-.i n . ..r,i. ,k i, pied, raked uP some dry fodder and , fuged t haul to and several rounds of pjjjj CUSTOM-MADE EOQTi AND SHOES stuck the matcu to u. ne sajs, Liow- . Bmau tuui auu uauuuu n.n iU uc ucC.. ,u. v,Q ,hn,i,. ha rtinlv r,nt it 'against them. After th? Johnson was l V.J , C 1 J LI . ' t . . . . . t. . . . . . j t all out before ha left." Did you have any V l 1 rpH t h 1 1 1 j i:nr. Hint hlR KAI.I.HTOCk ii 1 1 c i pil Rud ha U is an ignoble, mean !e;inw arm is promises, and the party's the enemy of bis country and its will not harmonize, and he is in the highest civilization. Tbrre is no most distressful distress that ever What's the matter with Hani son ? His own theories, his friends' . l i ..i :t,.--,..,.,..-.---..-V-.rt and the party's needs opinion, w,u cuuiwuuib must iu iuc welfare of the South : and what you tain'.-'' "Not a cent It ia a heavy loss, but you can say to the people that I 6ball move right on. '" struck three times and the Bateman once with cannon balls they eurren insurance, Cap- ' dered Thsy did not return the tire. TB1T1VK qualities. ffc high rpttko enjoyed by the HIIitiNKR A EN-fTKL JOMPAXT la da to tbe fct that only theFINKST AND BE8T MATE1UALS r aed and tail the grateet SKILL aud CARE txucUmd dariaff iU fruaaaLactur). )j tributed to the ladies department use in niineing words. We bt-Iieve in our soul that t.o K'oodi true, honorable white man can desire in his heart to remand the South to the blighting curse vf negro rule. distressed mortal man. Never in the history of presidents have so many slates been made and broken. A little while ago Allison was offered the Treasury The Ladies' Favorite. The newest fashion in ladies' hatB will doubtless cause a llutter of pleas urabla excitement among the fair sex. The Captain seems to be getting along Ladies are always susceptible to the in than huf. he i.4 a man of firood grit 1 oHancmA rtf n fjiKhinn nlate: find the means would he employ to secure anj DeTer gives up."' more startling the departure, the more it I This is the supreme question, earnest the gossip over the new mode. HftvllIK 1 v orderh pi r,:ti In Hlli-:tlli bfst ni n l r i and (luiHlit.ii . As (II Ii- f , 1 1 . i t : Mill1 rli urB c I t-r nt j i w : well k !ii ' v;i .!! n t' I ' n i i r 1 1 suns ( 'OM M 3' KS IIH 1 1 K. J NO. Mi T . B -i . 1 - i; I IF A K ln I ' : ' , fiiipi r:in hkiili-l workmen, all i p i iHrn ii "lha :l.. InLcHl atylaa i cmM rnon IaIh of the Mm kuIiJoIuimI from a ' t h ( w ii Blory : N 1 K WVMJtK. N. C, t rt. .'t b, 1HHM. 1; f KK" ft mr I I l.uv. and it remains unanswered. We cannot answer it. We must wait and see tbe motto on his flag and the disposition of bis battalions. gal wis si in VfA ra h ; . ihey itre k SllO 'R f i f i h x I ever w nri-. Kejmirtti Agent" and Bottler. Hew Berne. N. C. through ilrs.'liollie Lewis, of 'ew Larne. Notbiot can excl it, aud few exhibits will equal it. Although aa invalid Mis Wmfield is a most charming woman. All of her work is done in a reolioiBg position, aa tka k n rt hn . hi. in mit n 11 in . . n K , u .1 ronfoant in 1 . ! . . 1 ortrl manj months. No riaitor to th. ; lineage and all that makes grand wns of Ind.anapoh. thought that Fatr should to iwir without sseinr 1 the nineteento century civilization, there had been an earthquake. hsr sxqalslta ntedle work. ' Wil. Star. If there is one man in all the Mosby and nnghes. i ( p 1 r of k- v'u me two i n i hem i wo yenra -voti uvi M! tiH-v are the lvmi 1 1 pii t fn 1 1 v, i ; U HILU ii. at ly Rinl pr"nii't!y lote. rt!Jl dw 7 If the white men are resolved that portfolio, but he rejected it, and tbis shall never be it will never be. forthwith there was such 'a clatter A man who is tue enemy oi nis nf sIflrn thar hfl, rh siApnnty f1f,ni. W - - - t . u "Cute!" he echoed. "Well, I don't positive cure for the ills which afflict know as the adjective would have oc- females and make their lives miserable. curred to main just that connection. 1 This sovereign panacea can be relied on t, But if you mean that they do their in cases of displacements andall fuoc- . I nUI wn- m n W n wia ttiaa Hrkllttl ar fl TI tT A m O T t It HtlilfIA lin ffA ' w (liK IV. CL mono aw a. woo vua v-v. -eJ.v. . r n . a mb . Whatever fate betides us the South about" it; cause no pain or weakness; poor, haggard and dragged-out victim , tluAMS rUli SALt AT LOST. illill, Ui fjUUll, oio ccijnuiu nim u k'" to' ' - - . . . r, - - - j lease or life, ic is the only medicine Having nuichased a Im e ..took of ! i will be true to the purest puiiau- ought to be, and nothing that it ought thropy and highest civilization. not, then I agree that Pierce's Pleasant " : : Purgative Pellets are about the cutest Virginia bits three candidates little things going! for Cabinet positions Mahone. rrRrCKERS" SeeVand Supplies 1 At (ieo. Allen & Co . for woman's peculiar weaknesses and ; Cigars, and the demand for 'name bain ailments, sold by druggists, under a , email. I now oiler to the merchant. ! positive guarantee from the manufactu- OIQAR8 AT COST until my stock la j rers, that it will give satisfaction in reduced. CaBh on delivery. every case or money refunded. Read j fc "twT . g-m printed guarantee on bottle wrapper. 1 m - JJJ m 11 T 1 y' " aV. a. 'wr- J ' mil ig mrms i J iA J.i i i 1

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