rIIVu r I X i:)KPI;XI)ENT I1ST ALL TEE 1 1ST G S. Ton-x.B.oo ior v.r. VOL. XI. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN C 0 U NT Y , X . C, MA RClTT , 18811. NO.M9. " -T m- 7TTZ TT. Tl - EDITORIAL SOTEX i j P "V I " TCJ7 rr n i mm a tw "aw. Fci-ViiAStri tp!nl. Dlpstioa Disordered Utbt. i - ' BOU BY AIX DRUGGISTS. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. Trtvri only by THOSJJ EEOHX, St. Helen, Laiic-Ir England. VRT JP. jLLX,E2T & CO.. Sole Agents ros oircs mn. w jt c i-v n. x., iew toek, WV (If yoor dnjjjrrst does not kerp thrm) w-.'.l mail Bccrum' Fil Oft rtctipt of price ti ijiri Jirtt. (PI else mention thii paper.) DISSOLUTION. C?rtBrp ierttofbre uWtia g " SIomwTUUiar to! th Inn nauis of r-t-n Un;J. Atisharr ind KOLi.D is greatly strengthen lng her navy. IlAEBiso- la at the Arlington Hotel, WuhiDKtoD. . Tax collapse of th rrnell pros ecution iff ms to be compltte. Two cotton mills are to be mored from Philadelphim to Alabama. Tims will be called on Cabinet peculations on the 4th of March. Washington City is on a boom, sued Ins I And huudrtfda el" houses are uudt-r J eon tract. i Tuk Jutrnal ha maintained i ail aloujf that Blame will dominate the new administration. Sthoxo opposition to the ap , pointment of Wlndom to a Cabinet IKxsition is manifested in Repubh cn circles. A C0KEKSP05DE5T at San Sal vador, Congo, says that Henry M. Stanley was killed in an II resume tv in Vile lib t he Minister IMiei.ts hi; profesioniup nt I' niversity. Kevpixski an AiiMrir;in jact. l m mt. r to S: 'cri.i bv Prussian govern men t A I.ARii K Ktim.in ('atl.oiu' c;i thedriil w.is imbhcly ded :ci: rd at Hong Kong on I'eeein tn-r 7:!i. It holds 4,00 people arid cost ooo. PRESinENT ('Ll'.VKI.ANP li.iS is- proclaiint 10:1 i tiling the Ssuate to meet in xt.i s(.-iiii on the 4th of March. T:i;s is probahly his last oflieMl iroc l.ini i' iou. THE World .s.ijs : "How true ir is that pvei t lr. :i comes to the honest statesman who wait. Mr. Parnell's vindication is as raud ae a sunburst a!rr a mountain storm.'" Cardinal Manning prepared an exhau.-tiv e WHERE TO BUY TKOUSERS. A Charlotte firm baa an order for 1.000 pain of trousers for a Raleigh con cern Raleigh hai some most judicious buyers Charlotte Chronicle. Snppose a New Berne concern wanted to bay trousers in Char lotte. paigu must be a perpetual stain upon oar national escutcheon. But, leaving ont the atrocities ol that campaign tor which there cau be neither apology nor atonement, what credit can attach to Sheridan Judging from the past the for the defeat of Kosser at Tom's railroad charges would prohibit aDy Brook! Every soldier of both each innovation. A merchant here armies knows that the Federal undertook to handle cotton presses cavalry led before Kosser through made in Charlotte, but he was soon ti10 length and breadth of the given to understand that he was Shenandoah Valley, and onlv in forbidden territory. Newspapers turned to gh him battle -when are constantly cqiuk out, uunu their forces on tn u .a beied h factories, build factories: become to one. independent of the North and Tue yrnu-i of ;L;s article Wefct, yet when our people build General Custar soon after tin lactones ana uuueriaKe lurougn aml talked freelv with him their representatives to compel the gard t0 the vallcv campaign. We railroads to treat them fairly, we iSaij t0 liin .vhy you not find these same papers taking sides fight us wht,n we (llv,.Ved y.ni battle with the railroads and encouraging at Martitrsburtr .'" His re;! v v.- .. them to break down home insti- i.we j1;ui nI,v three to vmir cue who has tutions by giving manufacturers in that day. and' we knew that by tail paper on other States advantage in freights. jug iMcic wo could get seven to as Jive met war. in ie- rREMlOIS AWARDED. AP.T LEl'AI.TMENT. Oil painting, teacher at Kinsey School, SI. 00. Oil painting. Miss Annie Berry, SI. GO. Hand painted firescreen. Miss Mamie Amyette, .Si. 00. Water co or flower. Miss Annie H. Myers (c o. Mr. E. B. Roberts) $1.00. Pairjtinj? on bolting cloth. Miss C. Justice, 1.00. Water color landscape. Miss Bogart, : SI. 00. i Water color, Miss Nan Roberts. 81.00. j Crayon portrait, Miss Mace, 1.00. j Painting on porcelain, Mrs. E. B. El lis. S2.00. Jr'eathtr v, ork, Mrs, J. A. Simpson,! SI 00. . Decorated vase, Mrs, E. B. Ellis, ! framed picture. , Bet panel, Mrs. E. B. Ellis, lamp. Crayon drawing, to pupil of Kinsey School, Byron's poems. Largest and handsomest variety of hand painted decorations, first premium awarded to Miss Clara Justice, 5. 00. Pretty variety of hand-painted decoration:-. Miss Jennie Hughes, silver basket. ' Pest collection of quail, not lees than 12, Geo. Debruhl, $10.00. Bestswao, Wm. Uaskill, S3. 00. Best loon, P. J. Delamar, $1.50. Beet wild turkey, J. N. Foscue, ?2 50; 2d best, Mrs. C. E. Slover, $2.50. Best exhibit equirrels, W. B. Planner, $2.00. deer, W. II, Whitehurst, $5 00. rabbits, W. F. Roe, $2 00. muskrat, Jas. Duffy, $1.00. " wild cat, W. B. Planner, $10.00. ' fox, J. B. Lane, $5.00. j coon, P. F. Bates, $8.00. j " ODOssom. J. L. Hawkins. $2.00. Every pair warranted. " 'lying squirrels, W. B. ; We have a lare supply of Florida Flanner, $2.00. j Cheroots and Proclamation Clean mink. J. M. Pate. 815 00. These goods are bought by ub direct otter (dead), J. E.Perkins, i from the 1-actory Look To Your Interest! Farmers, Country Merchants and thm Trade generally are Invited to oall aad examine our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions. Etc. We always keep in otock tbe 01 S brated State Prison and Parson Boots and Shoes. $7.50. mink (dead), R. Gray, $7.50. Best pair live mocking birds, James Duffy, $10.00. Four legged turkey, Jas. W. (Jibbs, special premium, sack flour. HOOS. Best thoroughbred boar, any breed. Crayon sketch, horse's head. Master I brad how -! on ' ifeS" RnufT at Manufacturer' Prloes. (HT No trouble to show goods. ROBERTS BROS., Sour A. Front ., iVstc Bms,It. O. JdUU engage- tbe American public .-chool system, Cau Charlotte put a box ol trousers your one. is strongly in favor of parental its in New Berne for as little freights it," Vu dT dswiTsd by mttul cn5nt. DAVID OKTTINGKi:. ABE O ET T NGER. SOI. OKTTINCt EH. ot :'.ir.uo in t - 1 V. Bsfsrrisc sbT aoties hg to ianoanc ta'. ":-- ViUM aad aar4 adopted ia oU irm aunt of :.OETIMCER BROS. aai (2iiaaiAa4:rat tTod ptrong? extended to ns and our ' tiM Jiailisr w bf a tame f Jr the future. W ar rvparI la Kt-t fHetsds and ar- wll fuppiied with seasouable fnt-tw nu aa MWbbla. Hsar; il.-w Pork 10O bbU. Floar, 44 bbls. UdIm, 25 bbb. Lorillard Saaf. 1(10 Witt OU faskatio Tobi--100 Iocs Kaiait, 25 bbl. Saxar. 5O0 baaksU IL P. Sd ZAH) babis Wtm om. 'Zi balsa AUaianc Plaid, 10CO iossa Coal's Spool Co! ion. Aad a (saoral atook ot DEY OOODS n Kaoa':-:- P: Tours traly, ABK AND SOL. 0ETTINGER, ment near. Mangamba Arkansas proposes to establish opposed to public school contn a bureau of mining and maaufac- pupils taring, and appropriates 113,000 "Bismarck has informed the for carrying out the object. Prussian Diet that there can be no Tnis is said to be a dull time trouble with this country over with the newspapers, this may be, Samoan affairs, and now the rjues , bat some of them are making it tion 1?, Does the Diet agree with pretty lively for their readers. Bismarck." 4ilN China people in eaay ciroum- "A newsi-ai ek advertisement i sUice bur their coffins lonr before drops the same thought they need tbem, and exhibit them aa ornamental pieces of furniture and we preferred to do as a trousers maker in New York ? I f not, why not T r ' the same tuoucut into a thousand minds at almost the same moment. This is one characteristic Confidence is freely expressed , o( itM Pwer au1 npriority over an j that the great victory of Parnell I other advertising mediums. " 'and Gladstone over the London j While delighted by the large Time will secure the triumph of , attendance at the l air, we sadly Home Kale. ; missed a number of expected golden letters destined to immor VnTBrifl. bke snreju. quests , anion g t he m I )r K i ngs bury tality. Thu strictly original expression,! has tta origin in tbe praaent condi-' tion of the East Carolina Fish, NORTH CAROLINA. We propose to consider, very brietiy, North Carolina's attitude towards the general government. I'rom tlie adoption of the Federal Constitution North Carolina has been true to her plighted faith. Al ways conservative, she has not con sidered it consistent with her character to emblazon her deeds, or magnify her achierements, but in the long roll of illustrious men who have given honor to Ameiica the names of her sons appear in Walker, 5? 1.00. CHILDRENS' DEPARTMENT. Best made dress, by hand, Miss Jennie Burru?, si 00. Beet made apron, Mise Mary Dawson, SI. 00. .Second beet made apron, Miss Bayard Morgan, 50 cents. B.-bt specimen of darning, Miss Mattie Nash, Si. 00. Best outline embroidery. Miss Lena hte-t knowledge of Dail, 50 cents. oecuuu uesc outline embroidery, Mies Sabituon, age four and a half years, (care Mr. M. P. Sabiston), 50 cents. Best crochet toilet mat, Miss Mamie Duffy. Si (.0. Bet child's socks, (care G. Allen & Co.. No. 319), SI. 00. Best patchwork tidy, Miss Daisy Guthrie, SI. 00. Best ecfa pillow, Miss Mary Dawson, Si. 00. Bert tatting, Miss Jennie Watson, felt Now, Custar was a gentleman as well as a soldier, and it wa:j evi dent that personal courtesy entered largely into bin replv. but no man having the sli the facts, has ever placed tie rela tive strength of the armies in that campaign at le.-s than three to one. And, when it is remembered that the cavalry was the weakest arm of the Confederate service, and the strongest in Sheridan's command, Best boar, not thoroughbred, C. H. towler, $2.00. Best boar, not thoroughbred, S. W. Ipock, $2 00. Best pis, under 10 months old. not less than 5, Dunn & Willett, 85. Best pigs, under 10 months old, S. II. Gray, $5.00. Largest fat hog, not les than 400 lbs., Jas. A. Bryan, $5.00. SHEEP" AND GOATS. Best thoroughbred buck, Joe Steven son, $3 00; best thoroughbred ewe, $3. 1 Best native ewe. Dunn & Willett, S3 , Brick! Brick! Brick! 50,000 id some idea may be formed of the disnarifv in nnmhprs in the rav.drv tidy Haskitt, Si 00. Miss Bertha D. JC 1 I w i i.i a K15STOX, Jaaaarj T, IS). our Game and Oyster Association. I "Tubzad froaa the fiber of the nettle is now span so fine that sixty milea of it weighs only two and a half pounds. The same fiber hM for some time been used in Earope in the manufacture of ropes." of the Wilmington Star, and Mr., In the tlajs of secession she was Blount of the Wilson Mirror. reluctant to love the Union, but, It is said to be an tctual fact wh en the alternative of dishonor or that a society ot well to do yonng disunion was presented to her, she women ha been formed in New threw her sword into the scale of York for the systematic study of her rights, and made honor the the Constitution of the I'uited lasting heritago of her children. J. W. STEWART, Sale and Livery Stable. States, and of t he time and condi tion that led to its adoption. An exchange savs Mrs. Mackev some new gowns When the clouds of war passed, she addressed herself to the sacred demands of doty eliminated from her bosom the bitterness of section al animosity, and kindled the fires i . . . i i TrtK Ponnlar Science Monthly wcu nul"" .i... .i k .. . .j.,. , in Paris, which are described as surpassing an previous euorts oi i- u modesty. i.ie is of old rose satin. oftt)e L nion. 'A I bar rsoaissd TWO MORE CAR WBMb WWTS mLs1 by ss iad Aniaaa I dsal oaiy witJk rslUble men aou i stock Tarda. IX)AD3 Hors ind Mulss, with great car-e. In making my and Kt nothing but good aad Will taka c1saut in showiaz tou through mj Stables and "road Street, -New Berne, N. C. sect, and that four-fifths of its mores axe made to exercise itself. We shoald like to bare the flea and the bed beg investigated. Datroit Free Pres. "The asesament of property in the Southern States has increased from 2,3o7,W7,466 in 1TTG, to f 3, tiS 1, 740, 94.5 in 1S6, an increase of a little over G4 per cent. Florida leads with iin increase o( 211 per cent ; Texas a good second, with 107 per cent; Arkangaa, 77 per cent, the rest varying from Virginia IS per cent, to Alabama GO per cent. Norfolk Virginian : The succes sor to V. 8. Minister Bragg to Mex ico begins to be a matter of interest in that country. General Bragg anticipates speedy removal, and both among Americans. and Mexi cans the belief is prevalent that Mr. Walter Blaine is the coming man. Letters from that country say he would be well recived. war than that fuir.ishcd in the Accepting the amendments to the Constitution in the spirit in which they were adopted, she threw her protecting aegis over all her (of nano rr- idinnt rorarH t r i i r'l on ' Shenandoah allev. color or previous condition,'' and ' w:th heroic resolution moved for ward towards her high destiny. If she has not reached the summit of fight at Tom's Brook. Indeed we of the South did not consider it a battle at all only a reconnoitering party driven back by Sheridan's advance. General Long, in his admirable memoirs of Kobert V.. Lee. places Early's maximum strength in this campaign at 1.000, while that of Sheridan exceeded 40,000. At the battle of Winchester, Early could not bring into the field more than 7,000 troops of all arms, while Sheridan's cavalry alone numbered more than 'J,00. The affair at luma wn. c.wV Best hand WQrk MiB8 Lula Ewell, month later, when in all probability glass set. Kosser conld not muster 1.000 men. T cl-ijxaky dlpastimst. Largest collection of cakes, Mrs. J. A. If the Mail and Express hopes to Meadows, S2.C0, to be returned; second eBtnblisb 1 1, o n np ri or i t v r, f North- largest collection of cakes. Mrs. C. E. ern soldiers over those of the South Best knit stockings, care Mr.trowder. 50 cents. Be-t button holes, Miss Julia C. Russ, 50 cents. Best pencil sketches, Mr. Claude Foy, SI. 00. Beet penmanship, Miss Lulie Ives Whittier poems. Beet hemstitched handkerchief, Mise Bayard Morgan, 50 cents. Best article of wearing apparel, Miss Julia Bryan, gold ring. Best article of wearing apparel, Miss Ada Burrus, gold ring. Second best article of wearing apparel, Miss Carrie Arendell, muffler. Best bread, Miss Laura Scott, 50 cents. Best jellies, Mias Bayard Morgan, SI. CO. Best wine, Sarah Bryan, col., (care Mrs. Geo. Henderson). 10 lbs. flour. POULTRY. Brahamas, J. B. uick. Slov-er, S2.e0 Best varietv cakes, Mrs. J. A. it must select some Other theatre Of Meadows, hanging lamp; second beet variety cakes, Mrs. C. L. clover, set table knives. Best fruit cake, Mrs. C. E. Siover, eznyrna rug. " Best bread. Miss Prances Taylor, silk K copied a little cote from Dr. umbrella; second best bread, Mrs. M. fiuston and failed to give the Smith (care Mr. Baker), clock proper credit, and now a Baltimore ri;trhpr ' ' ' her ambition, sue has Kept tne taitn, paper, that had published the same Best collection breads, and is entitled to the triumphant note, goes into spasms because a acclaim, "Well done, North Caro- thlrd paper published ir as from lma " the Journal. We take our hat Why them should we be appre- 0ff to Dr. Huston, and extend sympathies to our brother. glass Mrs. Hyatt, hensive of the future T He who sur veys a body seamed all over with FOR THE NEXT DAY i r f .., . l." . . An exchange says : The pencil . icreuc-, ''f'""'" ''i'""-"!"" wood indastry oi Florida has grown : church, recently in session at Roan to very large proportions during ' oke- Va- addres-.l a large audi the pst twelve months. Four ; ence 0Q Southern Education. The rnmni.. ar n - nir, a. 1 tram ' NOTt h . Said the BlsllOp, WHS the and profitable business. The saw- amf rt r Ka rarinni rr ilia f K pnn h. 6FP(1 A reservoir in which was being gath dangerous foreign element. out the Scat is In demand, and Aue puiest -vme. .can has advanced twenty-five per cent fonrul :n tlu' s ,:i;h- lu! dul not know t,u; tne people 01 me South ought to thank Cod they had in value within a year. Wilmington Messenger: The covered with white lace, and Studded with 10,000 worth ot gems. A coKiinku's i :ry in New Koehelle, N. V., r an investiga tion into the h.r.h 1 f an infant, reached the ceuclu 10:1 that "the child came to its d-.-ath 0:1 January 31, IS.S'J, through the ignorance of its mother and her husband, from causes unknown to the jury." "It is an interesting fact that the majority t Presidents have had blue eye- Mr. Harrison's eyes conform to this rule Mr. (M...1,.J'. . ,,.... . -'-.uuBr -c u.u-u a --io.honorab,e wonnds wou,d b,ash tQ those of Arthur. WUham Henry i ghriuk ftt th(j mere 8U8picion of ap. Harrison had dark eyes. President proaching evi. rftther woud he ac. Pierce's eyes were intensely black,. tfae past as secnn fQr lhfl as n ta uio udii . iuuiurt.i rjciuiuii o r, , . ... . - . luiure, auu 011111c uu uaugei ilu forbidding, and the confident assurance that while - shared Bishop John 1. Newman, who it may inict temporary suffering, figure was eveu inferior to that of , "" presided over ttie uginia .on be win rise 8nDerior to its influence iociore, uaing kineti nis anu.gon- ned fruit. Mrs. K. R. Jones, $1.50. and stanfl Prppr in the ponpionsnps 1SL lu ' UL1 ' a',J""' LU luP UUKC uciiectionoi jellies, Mrs. J. A. aimp- and stanu erect in the conciousness for bjs iuterest and protection, son. SI. 00. of his manhood and the supremacy knowing it was the onlv channel ' est Pic5j'e preserves, Miss Hannah of his power. through which he could obtain a CIarK- Si. 00. 1 , & r,,, , , , , , Bei orang? preserves, Mrs. Wooten, North Carolina has nothing to pardon. 1 he duke readily engaged Fort Barnwell. Tennyson', poems, fear from a change of national ad- 1D hls fne,ld's lnterest and tairly Bett .ineapple preserves, Miss Manly, . . . ... rallied the king into a compliance, cake. ministration. She is superlative in After the kin- had linished a lit ot tsst p-ach preserves, Mrs. Wahab, her intpprifv. and snnrpmo in hrr i.,ni,t0r ,a ;,-,, ,...,1 ,.,-.-.n,. naif dczt-n cans of tomatoes. "O - 7 . laiiULCl C. U A M t. U Li 1 AW(iil : I WUJ- allegiance to the Constitution and ise, he inquired of Boclore what the laws. could possibly make him so strenu- . ,, a, ,, ,, 1 ous in his intercession. "1 will hat then! Shall we all be- . ,, , , tell vonr ruajestv said the laceti- come Republicans and fall into line ous 'duke: ''-If 'he had Miilcred. 1 with the administration T No, not should have been tin hair was red." (Kinston), diploma. Best pastry, Mrs. L. S. Crawford, half dozen cans baking powder. Excellent bread, Mrs. E. B. Roberts, diploma: excellent bread, Mrs. Clay poole, diploma. Best pepper catsup, Mrs. C. E. Siover, SI. 00; best tomato catsup, SI. 00. Best green tomato pickles, Mrs. K. R. Jones, diploma. Best jar cucumbers, Mrs. Claypoole, diploma. Best jar mangoes, Mrs. John Hughes, best pepper pickles, diplomas. Best vinegar, Mr. D. Hurtt, 81.00. Best collection preserves, Mrs. H. J. Another nobleman, whose Kennedy (Pamlico), S3. 00. ' ' . . . . 1 n 1 I n a. ; nn n .n.f lira sn. Si. 50: good collection can- A Good Reason. The Duke de Boclore, the favo rite wit and buffoon of Louis XIV., was in his person far from agreea ble; his countenance was rather his titrure lll- 7e will sell the balance of our Stock of Clothing at Cost. We wish to make room for our Spring and Summer Stock. Kinn hnrn t,l ri r 1. 1 1 t. T '-i t n m '1 C ambition of the Penitentiary Board to make their institution self- The World says : The Pharisee Republicans, but North Carolina in France. supporting should give way to the in politics is an off ense equally to patriots, ready to support whatever - deeire of the honest laborer and 1 true religion and to common sense, tends to extol the honor of the na- Stonewall Items. mechanic to cam bread, provide And the assumption of men who tion and promote the interests of ugliest ni an Good collection preserves, Mrs. S. B. Waters, uiploma. Be.-t home made wine, Mrs. J. Hughes, diploma. Best honey, Mr. Bud. SI. 00. Bert honey comb, Mr. Bull, $1.00. Best 5 lbs. N. C. butter, Mrs. Ham ilton. S2 00. and aisagreeau. The weather is co' decent clothing and shelter for his raised or contributed to au enor- the State. The same considerations enough to save pork, acd no licking wife and children. Even the real mous corruption fund to carry the that will induce us to sustain the : of a new Governor should not be election, but 'didn't want to know' administration when it is right, will 0n potato planting. K HOWARD & JONES. i permitted to outran the public dis cretion. The World says : When the col ored man becomes educated and by ability, la teres t and training is capable ot joining intelligently in the ousineaa of government, he haa how the money was used, that their impell party monopolizes the virtoe and wroDg. us to oppose it when it is On the 21st inetant, ac the resiJt nee or tne oriae, near urantsDoro, iirs. Ardently desiring the Sallie Rowe and S. II. Harris were patriotism of the country, and that prosperity of the whole country, married; Elder B. B. Albritton ofii- Gocd butter, Mrs. McAdams, 10 lbs. llour. Adams. 10 lbs. llour. Good butter, Mrs. H. C. Whitehurst, 10 lb3 llour. Best chow chaw pickles, Mrs. Clay pool. Si. 00. 5 lbs. suet, Mr. Chas. Nelson, SI. 00. Contribution to culinary, Mrs. Wind ley, diploma. Contribution to culinary, Mrs. French, diploma. Amateur display of taxidermy, Swin burne's poems. their candidate is the 'chosen mes srnger'' of Providence, is too offen sive to pass without rebuke." "The difference between a using North Carolina will be true herself and true to the Cnion. to i The Bergner & Engel BREWING CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, IS Ulf QUXSTION'ABLY THE Finest Beer Extant, just as much right to a part ot it and a sitting sun is again lllustrat- aa the whitest citixen. There is no ed at Washington." 1'sually the place for a mere color line in a re- higher honor is awarded to the new public of equal citizens. And we Preeident, as the rising sun. But, do not perceive that there is any this is not always the case, l'er greater disposition to draw it at haps the most conspicuous instance the South than at the North. of the sitting sun'.-, receiving the LoUISvilli Courier Journal : higher honor was presented when THE VALLEY CAMPAIO. We do not intend to rekindle the The repeal of the tobacco tax with us is now only a question of expe diency and party policy. We are ready, and the Democratic party is re-dy for tbe repeal of the tobacco ecno tax, provided men who have clothes to buy, and axes and saws, men who have houses to build and barns to construct and cattle to feed, are similarly favored. That Andrew Jackson gave ''ace to Martin Van Buren. Win l'.uren was received with great respect, while Jackou was cheered to the As indicating the probable in tiuenee of Mr. Blame in the admin imtration. note the following re- guage used by Gen. Rosser in his marks of Gen. Harrison: Some address. We do not controvert the elating. On the 24:h in?r.. at the residence of Mrs. Sarnh E Ives, on Chapel Creek, Elder B. B Albritton and 1l,o ludy named were married. Charles Spruill has contracted with R H HrtTfpr fn hni!d f(,r ri i m n enm- tires Of war, nor do we propose to fortable residence in our place, and has permit the South to be misrepre- commenced work. I: will be quite an , , , addition to our place, sented when it is in our power to , , t .j . Wm A. Reddut haa made quito an prevent it. improvement on his home, and W. T. The New York Mail and Express Caho 19 contemplating quite an a idition- r to his place, bo hard times or what of the l'7th ult., refers to the ad- not we continue to mov; upwards, dress lately delivered by General On the lSth inst., near Graninboro, Rosser, at the Southern banquet in Ir; J!?,n ts, R'es S':1 c' vyrV, ' Only almcted a lew days. A good citi- the city of Baltimore, and, in this zengone. connection, publishes an extract - , , , ..... A Bloody .4 lira y from Sheridan s memoirs, in which , r , , ... I often the rt--ult of b.id b!voa in a that General claims to have family or community, but nowhere is f.iinpd a sicnal victorv over Gen- bad blood more destructive oi hapi eral Rosser of Tom's Brook FLORAL DEPARTMENT. collection plants, Mrs. L. C. A. Simp- ness and health than in the human sb tern. When the life current le foul and Bes Vase. S2 00. 2i best, Mrs. J eon, collection choice roses. Best variety cut flowers. Mrs. White, Kin6ton. writing desk. 2d best, Mrs. Kilpatrick, Kinston, Sl-00. Best collection daffodils, Miss Manly. SI .00, to be returned to Fair Associa tion: geraniums, Miss Taylor, SI. 00: calla lilies, Mrs. J. A. Simpson, $1.00; pritnroaes, Mrs. Vass. SI. 00; narcissus. Miss Annie Justice. S1:00; hyacinths, Dr. J. D Clark, Si. 00: nasturtiums, Miss Ulrich, Sl-00: ferns. Miss M. Allen, SI. 00: hardy flowering shrubs, Mr. J. C. Harrison. SI. 00. Largest collectisn cut flowers, Mise Manly, S2 00, to be returned to Fair As sociation. Best hangiDg basket of growing plants, Miss Taylor. 20 lbs. flour. Most tastefully arranged basket, Mrs. F. C. Roberts, SI. 00, Best variety native grasses. Miss Jen nie Hughes, S2.00. 2d best. Miss Minnie Best bred 81.00. Best bred Cochins, W. II. Bray. 81. 00. Best bred games, J. B. Quick, $1.00. Best bred Plymouth Rocks. W. II. Bray, 81. 0U. Best bred bantams, II D. Wool & Bro. $1.00. 1 st bred Leghorns, J. Humphrey, i 00. Best bred Langshans, Miss Whitford, $1.50. Best and largest collection by one person, H. D. Wood & Bro., $5.00. Best pair bronze turkeys, W. H. Bray, $1.00; best pair white turkeys, J. L Rnem, 81.00; best native turkeys, Tom Foy, 81.00; beet exhibit, F. T. Patterson, 85.00. DUCKS. Best pair muscovy, W. H. Bray. $1.00; best pair paddle, 81.00; best pair Pekin, 81.00; best exhibit, J. L. Habn $5.00. GEfeSK. Bsst pair China, J. B. Quick, $1.00; best pair Hong Kong, $1.00; hest pair Toulouse, W. H. Bray,$l 00. A SAD ACCIDENT. Two Boys Lose Their Way in a Snow Storm and are Found Dead. Editor Journal: A very sad oc currence happened near Catharine Lake on the evening and night of the 21st. Two little boys of Mr. Jno. Cottle, aged 11 and 18, went out in the woods to feed hogs. After they had gone it be gan snowing very fast, from which cause it is supposed they lost their way, and were found by a party searching for them on the evening of the 23d, both dead, lying flat on their faces. It ap pears that the foot of the one behind became entangled in some vines and threw him and in falling must have caught the front one and threw him, where they died without an effort. Their father had gone to New Berne to enter a very fine colt at the Fair and reached borne a little while after they were found. Mr. Jas. Philyaw happened to a very serious accident which came near proving fatal. In attempting to get of! a cart loaded with marl his foot be came entangled. in the lines; he fell, it frighten his mule, and ran the loaded cart over him. Riohlands, N. C, Feb. 25, 1880. W. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND G L AIK DEALERS, Maiikkt Dim-k Ni:V ItKltNK. N. J. iT Consign uh your produce. ill-: d w tf 1862. EATON 1880. THE JEWELER HAS A n.VE STOCK OF Watches, Clocks. Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND FLATLD WARE. SPKfTACLEg. I keep n larger stock of Spectacles than any other store in North Carolina I take particular jkomh to fit them to th eyes of parties needing them. Having worked steadily at the ben oh for over thiriy years, I believe I can do as good work as any watchmaker in the. State. COME AND SEE ME. SAM. K. EATON, Middle street. Opposite Baptist Church. fal2 dwtf 1 V f j m S mm The World Stands Aghast AT MY LOW r RICES, And wonders, How is it that I can sell so much lower than any one else? I'll tell you: I have determined to be easily satisfied for the cash, and WORK FOR SMALL PROFITS. My Motto is: FAIR DEA'LINO. Come and buy from me, and you will never regret it. K. R. JONES, New Berne, N. O. Capt. II. VY. Wahab for Railroad Com missioner. Editor Journal: I have seen many names brought forward for railroad commissioner, but I have seen none who combine more of the necessary quali fications for the position than Capt. II. W. Wahab. No man in the East has spent more time and money in the interest of the Democratic party than Capt. Wahab. True, it is said that party service must not be taken into consideration in making this appoint ment. Granted, but such service should not be counted against a man when he posssesses every other qualification. Capt. Wahab is from the grain grow ing section of North Carolina. If the commission bill is passed, the General Assembly could not put a better man on it than Capt. H. W. Wahab. He has l large business experience, having been j engaged both as a planter and merchant for the last quarter or a century, and has been a successful business man in every respect. Eastern Dkmociat. The Ladies Must Come! The Gentlemen May Come ! A N I) Everybody" Come ! To SKI-: Til E Handsomest Tea Dinner and Toilet Sets EVKi; hBolGHT To THIS MARKET. also A 11 I.I. LINE OK Hou so FiirnishiDg Goods AT I'.' TTOM TRICES. 11. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, N i - VV K : . ; .. N. j. Eight or Ten Tersons Killed and Thirty Injured. St. George, Ontario, Feb. 27. The St. Louis Express, passing here east bound at about 6 o'clock this evening, went through a bridge just east of the station. A broken tire on one of tbe engine wheels caused the rails to spread, and the first passenger car, Pullman car and dining car went through the middle section of the bridge. The Pullman car which contained most of the passengers was thrown clear off the bridge, turning completely over and landing right side up. The dining car stands on end against a pier. The passenger car remains on the bridge, having tripped the ties ahead of it over the section that col lapsed. Eight or ten persons were killed and about thirty wounded per sons have been taken oat of the cars. Dr. Pierce's Pellets (theOriginal Lit tle Liver Pills) have today the largest sale of any pills sold by druggists. For all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels, they are unequaled. One a dose. 25 cents a vial. GEORGE &LLEN & GO DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implements. IMowrt, lluirowi", Cultivator, Hoom ami Axes, Wood's Mowers and lleapera. Steam Kngines, Cotton (Jinn hikI I'ressea, Fertilizers. Land Planter, Kainlt Mechanics Tool and Hardware, Lloie, Itrick, Cement, Plaster Hair, Paint, Kalpomine, Var nish, Oil, Olass, Putty and Hair. Freezors, Kcfrifrrtratora, Oil Cook Ht(vcH, KurcUa Uurfflar Proof Sash Lurks, warranted to give security asxl satisfaction. PKicj'.s i:i:y LOW. OKO. A LI.KN .V CO. ,'j,; XelsoD. print dress, We do not approve of the lan- sluggish m:h impurities, and is slowly game. aiacriuutiug us poi-uun w c.cij i'iu " isest pr. quail, J. ijreen. ti.cu. woodcock, W. Ellis, $2 50. JOHN McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE jimid peopU will involve four the t twit Mr. country BLuue facts on which it is based but it Is in far the Democratic party can go unitedly ; beyond that it cannot go ome over-cautious business men the occasion. It IS breWed from the finest Pale Canada talL affect to believe that the even cur- But, it is remarkable iImiBfrton btar aaya: ent ol their mor.e got ; in will be Mail and Lxpress should have se West Bailey Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and NTJ TBITIVE qualities. Tk kfl rep-tation enjoyed by th HP ANT is dae U ILATESLILS are aed and art exareised d art ax iu naaaCaetare. Jj dwt JAR. the bodv. the ptril to health, and life even, is imminent Eariy symptoms are dull and drowsy feelings, severe headaches, coated tongue, poor appe- war. intemperate and not appropriate to tite. indigestion and general lassitude. Del3y in treatment mav tntan tue most serious consequences. Don't let disease that the get a strong hold on your constitution. 11 be Mail and Express should have ae- but treat yours-lfbj using Dr Fierce s ' On don Medit-al Diseoverv. and be res- Stataes to the memory of tbe great , disturbed by the agroMvi. foreign lected the valley campaign to dis- tored to the blessings of health. The men of the paat will not be thought policy which thev snppose lie would prove Koeeer's assertion that the "Di-covery" is guaranteed to cure m , ,. ,. ' ' , I ... ., all cases of diseasa for which it is rec of even by the men of tne present, inaugurate. My fellow citizens, no troops of the south were superior ommended. or money paid for it will be It ia a dligrraoe to North Carolina one has ever accused Blame of be- to those of the North. refunded. that no atataea hare been reared ; ing a fool. He has some ideae upon If there is one blot on American xhe d iv laborer who earns with to William Gaaton and George E. foreign affaire, and I am glad of it , history darker than all others, it is k t i,Vm) nnd 'the sweat of hi the fact that only the FI'KST AND BEST ' Badger, the two greateet men of they are rare. My countrymen, ; the record of Sheridan'a valley brow coarse food for a wife and that the greateet SKILL and CARE the centory in public life from I have digres.ved a little iu this campaign. As Americans, as children whom he loves, is raised, North Carolina, Then there ought talk about Mr. Blaine's foreign Southerners, we wonld gladly efface oy uns geuttous mumc, w .lirrnit-r. 'inil flinnCrll W il Tl 1 1 tl CT T ll O Utnea to Generala Pender , policy. Neither he nor we propose 1 it ; but. as the rift in the moun- ' . . ,ifl) :. nnhlpr thari any policy that shall imperil tbe . tain, made by some terrific convnl- tnose who think ' themselves ab qulet of this country. Speech at i aion ol nature, must remain for all solved by wealth from serving John Byrum. E0. W. B. Flanner, BERGNEH & EN'GKL Agent and Bottler. New Berne. N. C. to be and Pettigrew, the two men of highest capacity who illustrated oar arms ia the great war. Indianapolis. time, so the Sheridan valley ram-'others, English snip'e .yl.oO. double rail, J. J. Royal. SI doves, W. T. Caho, SI. 50". meadow-larks, Ely Dudley, si. 50. yellow shanks, J. J. Royal, SI 50. beach robins 81.50. shuiHer ducks, Jno. Byrum, SI. 50. mallard, J. J. Royal, $2.00. black ducks, Q. N. Ives. 5f2 00. sprig tail, J J. Royal, $2 00. green wing teal, Q. N. lveB. $2. bald face, Jno. Byrum, S3 00. dipper, J. J. Royal. $1 50. coots, Jas. Green, $1.50. black brant, Jno. Bynum, $2.00. geese, Jas. S. Lane, $3.00. canvas back. J. J. Royal. $2.00. hairy head, G. N. Ives, $1.50. spoon bill, J. J. Royal, S3 00. summer duck, J. F. Green, $2.50. shell drake, J. J. Royal, $1.50. Life has its glimpses which we would do well to cherish and make the most of. Never do we see or know, much less do we feel or ex-; Qqq anfj SffgQ faker, penence, the whole of anything. M" " " ' Only by receiving little by little as ; Pollock Et.- Ncwbern, N. C. it comes to us, eagerly yet patient-1 i)PSireB i., H!.,.. ,:, n,:,i , kali, stock lv. and putting together what we , UK ,A 11 l;1 A 1 1 " iv,a H"11 hB ' . r , .!?, ,,n , preiiaicil lo n . , .1,-iH (.H receive as skilliul y as we may do I we attain any degree of clear or i FINE CUSTOM-MADE BOOT, AND SHOES true Conception. He who insists' Ilvln um mii..r,..r hklll.,1 workmen, ail on more than this will forfeit all. - r ".ViViVni' y.'.''i''-.K'- i KimniH -the There are none that fall so an-,aJXuuHyr """" u'" ""8t lylM nitied as those that have raised as on.- union- nnmy i. sMmonuu or the f, , ., r , rharaoK-r nl m u n k 1 1 n-mi I . 1 tux 1 from a themselves upon tne spoils oi tne!wen known clu.' u inls iiminu Hl.orj-: PUbliC. I'MTfll SIAltH Nl Hl'llNIC. fJ. "., FAME IS FLORIDA. Jno. Mi Soki fy. I-.-y. Trw . .TI.;.T. nnr-MMFn Ukak siR-i'iea. iiink- nit b pair of r ROM AN ATLANTA JJRT.MMER. KalU-r hlniilar to thoxx you ruaje roe two MR A. K. HiWKES, Atlanta, Oa. : yearn ao. 1 Imvo w,.rn th.-m two yean and t- -r ,4..u.i - tboy urn rok1 yet. 1 hay been wearing Dear Sir You doubtless remember , Bhi)R IMy ,;i ;,.lirRHM,i tev Rre tbe be." me getting a glass of you nearly three t i evi.r r,.. KtsportO'Uy. weeks aeo. I had then Riven up all i ined" K u HILL.. hoDee of ever beine able to read attain. ru-pulrmg neatly and promptly done. The last three weeks, however, withi .. the use of your glasses my eyes have N been wonderfully benefited, and I have been enabled to do a great deal 01 read- j ninino CflD CHIC HT PflCT ing, the first I had done in two years, b 1 U A II 0 rUfl OALC A I LUol, and jmoreover I have great hopes of their entire recovery in a few years. I cannot too highly recommend your glass to my friends. Yours respectfully, E. C. Callaway. With Moore, Marsh & Co. All eyes fitted and fit guaranteed by F. S. Dufify, New Berne. N. C. il2dlm y 4 $ q q q Having purchased a large nlook of Cigars, and the demand for same being small. I now offer to the merchant CIGARS AT COST nntil my stock U reduoed. Cash on delivery. r-- V.. f ' - 4". :. v ; V vere- 3t - i 1 is J. r