TIIE JOURNAL ! Mimii UAKCH 7. t. I SWM. II O torrtntiAL soroai. QE wlw eaa Uk dric us oftn s potior talin wko caa fire ic T2X pN of t& Uy it the pao tsgroji c tt world. Cbmanoej o. iplex works of I ; V WJXL tt HaUtoad CoeaaU lka baa iOd. Rip Yaa Winkle ferattx, FOXTftT coaUta of thx Hung: IaT8tloat 2pre4)oa, Inspiration. scijl. MWKX2f lack knoek at the door Ueftea flLadi th naaa taaide too laxy 2f 010X50 la ao troo u geotlfr aM voi&lag U to grotie real atroagt&w Caarlty aati Children. WlllT bow t The patriotism aad maa hood of tie Governor and OXttVli stoat aita and strong arraa. TSB iUilMMkd Commiasioa ia a r&ILax Jklora otoaopolle. mor laapoailioaa, and wtxnw than n jaor taniara txtwu tho lUt aa4 tat Weat. ' 2f no, la farmar did't do si ll if nkcaxriaga caojtd bj the iadittaacf ol ta weataer, floao cial eoaUrpatioa, contraction. o( ta brmia aad ;aral debiht j. "TSXJ U ao tainj aw ander iha ana,- ! Solotnoo, aad it mj t rmaabrw4 taat old Sol. wu acaatMa of paragraph writer tlajelXv Ttrr Uiuto Eipr. TSB Sw Tork World hit ta t prU "laaa foxatio a p r a j r p h all tAdLlf with rtli iarru, Vwrt tW Kf " Would tl aoS t wall for ta World to uke !ia ova Bljato 1 T Oxford " mj: "Tb Coaatj Coaaakaiaar of Granrille ra exsptd CroQ tae pjmnt of poUUsalt Cooiadtrate aoIdin wai kt Cab or war Traj wooadd doriaf too Ut war.'' CCX DOXJXT U abaat OTr tbo idt taat ta eoarta are afraid to- tick to Mas. To aa hoaorabi saaa it la laaipraaaabl j hamihatinf td b aeU la th pillory of poblt op(a!f JIl dtcpdinaaCxa aedj bo daepor aIL . Ocm ?UmlaTtoa frwadj want aa UextOJO ia the appropna:ioa f jr t&eif pnbiio boildiof . W hop thij wU fat it, WUmlafwn ta aJ vay (laerooa, aad ar kiodj Tgri for aisttt dti iaaarra for ar taair boat wtaaca. TSX noasikctio Banw sja : "akeapaara'a tiaa kaa ba CoaBd apoilad ia Iwwoty-taraa differ- && wars froaa Caaekjpr to SchaiaaywjT. Bat oa tao title pafaa of aH ediUoaa of kia work pabliaaed dstlaf mio Bfo il fo epUd aa at the bctiamtsr of taio panfTapb.', TSX Baiaeo ia bLa Ilarnaon CtxwtII MIMO, said the reapoasi biliUos to U laid on tae new Preaidaat wars soea aa no aaaa la Rallied to me I ia kla owa windom aa4 atresrth. Mr. Haiaee did not sajtkowtTtr( whether h was hi at lax a; thaLordor JaaieeO. Blaine. CocriexsJooraai. TSJI CTBTS of th mother of WaAhiajjton U at Fredenckabarj:, Vssad iiasaiaxked by atone or nooameat of aay kind. The ait f Ih o&l faxmhoaae la which abe dl4 ia la tho aaai nciaity, and it U aaM tho property is aooo to be eaii at aacttoo. The Gof-arnment eeht to DOT it. aad anake of it a oatioasl shriae. -CaaAXJ3 a. WiuiiMfl, of Cccciaaati, eaahier of th lie Line freight offlco, who aystrioaaiy di appeortd s week ao was abort to his seeooats, it U ch-arjed, with the Era CocBDaVBT to th araoant of a4!JJs0Ca,, Foot fellow : ilu eoadition k depioxabie. He did act tal ssoQf h to admit him to first circles la th Aaaenoaa aaa dlaa colosy. ATTT& Btsch diseoaaioa it hi beea deeidd that a awallow til eca&assoC sheolateiy rjaiaite to adailasioa to the laaafaratioa iUll This is wall. Wha it cornea to paja that aa Assertess eituea can not I' adaiitf ad to a Natioaal fete wuh oaldlkiaf himself oat m a fork U.J tho flasl decay of the Kepabhc wul bs issaiaeat. Macoo. (). Trh jrspa. tf I Blight make the aoo,: of a satioa, I car aoC who might make 1U law," was the deliberate SJSartios) of a eccieaiaatu-al aUtee i 1 "Bias Thr ia Urge 'meaam; m ths.decisraltoo. Laws appeal to xeajwa aad eooacio aixnplj. oog 1" ' makes its arcwal to the who! sseatal, mcrmi and pir.Caal man It fiiSf Its faciaatiof apei! over th sfhol eaotiooal txto; enpe aiaJly, aad ieadj it captiT. Ir. Mcany. A raXXJLDBlTatJi tpetiiai to tiie New Tor World sy, "one of the most , latsreatiaf Lacideata of the laaatrsratloa day eel brat too will bo th iaitistioa iato the Graad Ana f of th Bspo biis of x Speaker Ssmast J. BsadsllfWho will b mna trred ia sader th moat Oattermg circa autaaoss thst ever sarroand d th atrc of a reerait into th wdsr.w Ssy it orer afala, aad as J it slow, liar Is the traditional Cas, ' TBt yoor flager oa him, aad holssot thsr." STATE AND Xa.T10.XaL Aa enterprising paper can always find somethiog to condemn and moch to applaud. For oar part, we maca rather rommeDd than to censare. We have twf?u iiccutorai to aay, "We are all right. The Na tional Government Is against bat we have the State and that makes aa wcurv " An old gentleman wiip waj charged with inconsistency replied, "change the sitnation and yon change yoor mind." The State hj latelv been unkind to Kat Carolina baa said, ta effect, that monopohea are more powerfal than jastlce, and It has decreed that the chains that have cat through oar nh shall crnib oar bone. Hat the general government hs abowered npon as its ble-sing. tne Uoaiocratic Mr. Cleveland led hot to victory. "Mr. Clevelan'a term of oftice is about to expire, and during his ad ministration the country has gone on in its development and increased ;n its prosperity. In a fair mlndel contemplation ofGeneral Harrison's election to succeed Mr. Cleveland I cannot discover any ground for alarm. In sajing this, too, I beg1 to add that I am an tincompromls-' ing Democrat, I have always been' such, and never expect to be any thing else. 1 am a Southerner by birth, rearing and education. It is aider the impulse of my devotion 1 to the South and to the Southern people that I address this open let- Her Legislature ter especially to them. liie peopia are tue guaraians oi their own welfare and safety, and if any political faction abases the . power given It by the people it will be stripped of that power. Four years from now the Republican party will be approved or con demned by the American people, who are the makers and unmakers We, of this immediate section, are of all political parties of this land, to receive from ita bountv twenty The South has no reason for over thoaaand dollars with which to . whelming apprehension in contem- . . plating the administration of Gen eoastrnct a macademired road to IIarTiaoa . yeither Las she any the national cemetery that will reasonable ground to expect politi afford emnlovment for our laborers, c-al favora not because she is the aad rename nlraiiure to all of our rwuin, duc sinpiy Because people. And, better still, the city of New Berne is to have a pablic balldiag, coetiDg seventy five thoa sand dollars, that will te an orna meat to the State. We are greatly r oid. NN feel American blooi boandinj; in our veins; bat we don't intend to tarn nnr lucks ou gLumus North Carolina Tbe present legislature will no", Ja.t alwavs, and wo will weather the storm until the Kaat Is recnsi from tlirjldom by the omniptc influence of paUlic opinion. Id commonwealth of frcetnen there must be differences of opinion which it is becoming to respect, bat it is very difficult to bring the emotions under strict discipline wade fortunes are being wrecked( and a rich heritage deepoiled, by what seeitis to us the arbitrary exercise of deepot ic power by seni le corporations. THE 4tt) UAlL LEtiILlTCBE The Charlotte Chronicle, in it report of legialative proceedings eays: "Mr. McDonald, from com nitttee on roads, reported favorably heart bill to prevent discnminatioa of freight against the Atlantic N C. Ii- II- Co., make it unlawful for any railroad company to diacnaai nate, making such a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of flfX1 for each aad every violation : provided farther that the indictment may be tried la the county in which the goods are shipped or delivered1 ;" and the News and Observer aays : "Mr. Doaghtoo'a bill to prevent discrimination in freight rates against the Atlantic N. C. li. Ii. Is in the right direction bat doe not go far enoagh." All this is true. We, o( the Kt, are gTateful for aay exhibition of interest in this section, and we trust that the Legislature will yet perfect a mear are that will remove the barriers to oar progress. Bat, aside from the pecuniary iatereat involved, there is a prin ciple at issae. It is the dnty of the Legislature to provide for the general welfare, and to gaard against all hurtful discriminationa. Why limit the provision of the bill to discriminations against the Atlantic and North Carolina Rail road T Why not enact a general law prohibiting discriminationa against all roads, anil placing ail upon an equal footing T The l'ast is not clamoring tor special privi leges, bat for equal right. she is not on the winning side. But let the South remember that the cam paign tan not based on the race problem, nor wa it a contention for or against States rights. ' The South can lose nothing bat those jiolitical ofticea now held by many of her worthy sons. She may not loe ail of those, lhat will, of roars, depend entirely cn General HarTison'a regard or dis regard of civil service reforna. But let us take the worst view of it, and suppose that every Southern Democrat now in office shall be removed promptly after March 4 ; the Soath will then be no worse off than she was for twenty years after the war, and aarely she is better able now than she wa then to bear , the diaadvantage. "The fields of the South are richer than ever with unfailing harveate; her mining interests are ' more extensively developed, and are greatly increasing their product , of inexhaustible wealth: her man ufacturing Industrie are thriving today to a marvelous extent and expanding constantly; her rail roida are apreading over the entire expanse of available territory; her : people are stronger and happier 1 than thay have ever been. Let i Southerners tarn their hands and to the vast resources, in finite riches, and znatchleas beauty now revealed in the land which the Lord their God hath given them. " During the next four years there is no more danger of inter ruption to the material develop ment, industrial progress, and flnan-iai prosperty of the New Soath than of any other part of the coantry, and I do not believe that the relations between the races in . the Soath will be any more strained J or unpacific under the administra ; lion of General Harrison than they ! have been during the presidency of ' Mr. Cleveland. 1 UK (.I S Kit V 1. ASKMH1. i HI 1 DAV - 1 a : ! . Ti.f Sr:,.i, I. (!.. . II presidui':, iiirt at In oYlock, .mil. after routim- business '. the morn ing hour w.vh disposed of. the lull to incorporate t he Southern Inter State KxpOHitioti Society was. by request, taken up ;iml p.issed its second reading and was ordered enrolled Tor ratification. A bill to amend section L'.o'JT of the code in relatiou to swamp lands passed its second and third readings. T II K rSKIMSHKH l;rstNFs, being the railroad commission bill, then came up on its second reading. Mr. Kerr, in leply to arguments in favor of the bill, said nothing had leeu said in favor ot this bill but abuse of the railroads. He addressed himself to the provisions of section 11 of the bill and its cumulative remedies ngaiust rail road corporations, its unjustness. it unfairness, Ac. He spoke forcibly iivonthe expense ot this commission to the State, which could not fall short of .-, 000, by reason of eemmissioners' and clerks' salaries, printing and litigation. The bill provided unlimited powers for the commissioners, even to legislaing. I; was cl ;med that the "Alliances" demanded the passage of the bill. Then why does the head ol that great organization, Sid B. Alexander. u-e such strong language against this legislation. The farmer does no: want this bill to become a law. and ll the Alli ance will i,s'en to thcadieeof Capt. Alexander moie, and less to that of a few third 1 .euten an t s, it would beot great good to them- The argu i a i 1 road ior- , robbers and 11 people of :.;t t here had 'Meat inaiT- e great i-orpora-hurried t heir long the greater portion of the bill cousiibred. Cpon motion of Do 1 0! mi.' o W ,1 s .Mr. ightoti, the committee arose and 'i ted progress and asked pi-r-bion to sit again Fridey at 11 .Oeh. M ot ion adopt ed . KI 1 IIIIIH Ii Y. A 1 1 1 N 1 1 S. B. amend mg t he charter ol the llurgaw Onslow It. R. Co.; S. B. "TL'. changing the Code so as to charge county treasurers with the interest received from deposits of county funds. NnTK. In our report of yester day a statement was made that was construed by some as intimating that the bill for the completion of the Governor's Mansion was de i the House and called the previous question, the passage of the bill upon its second reading. The bill parsed its second reading and took its place upon the cajendar. PASSED THIRD READING. 11. B. 115, to have the Chief dustice make report to the Legis lature of all needed changes in the laws of the State; H. B. 178, an act to define felony; H. B. 741, providing for criminal statistics; H. B. 432, to facilitate the cancella tion of mortgages; H. B. 869, regn lating the v Inanner of trials in cer tain cases; H. B. 957, to aid the penitentiary in becoming Belf sus taining (furnishing Gryestone ated by the Alliance men and Granite Company 200 convicts at Republicans. Of course we did not intend any such intimation: nor did we intend to do injustice to any one. In point of fact, as our report showed, quite a large proportion of the farmer element voted for the measure. UTH DAV. SENATE. The Senate. Lieut. -Governor Hob presiding, was opened with p!ae; by Rev. L. L. Naxh. A message was received from the House of Representatives anuor.nc ing t he refusal ot the House to con cur in Senate amendment to Senate till I to prohibit the issuing of non transferable scrip, asking that a 1,290, to settle controveries between owners of adjacent lands (clerk of Superior Court to appoint a board of arbitrators). This measure caused a lengthy and able discus sion, Messrs. Cooke, Carter and Jones speakiDg for the bill and Mr. Hoke against it. The bill finally passed its third reading. "Never give up the ship," cried Lawrence. He saved the ship, and he was at once a hero. So we say: Never give up your life when attacked by dyspepsia until you have tried Lazader. Whit is the beat remedy for tbe baby? Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, for it contains no opiates and is innocent but effective Sold by all druggists. Price 25o. Two advertisements appeared in a daily newspaper. One read : "Wanted A female servant in a medium sized family." The other: "Wanted A young lady to do housework.'' The latter brought one hundred and fifty dollars per capita per annum); H. B. 9G5, pro viding lor condemning lands for use of ferry houses. NIGHT SESSION. The calendar was taken np and j sixty repl.es, the former only two the following bills passed their third reading : H. B. 727, concern ing fish in Pamlico county, forbid ding dragnet fishing at certain seasons; H. B. 793, incorporating Huth in Greene county ; H. B. 79, incorporating Contentnea. Quite a number of other bills of a local nature passed third reading. Adjourned until today at 10 o'clock. :te ol) ! t!CC ie soldier: rt'iin : made special e.t alter the i ; 1 1 1: i ; . !l .; Ve selves and the ment was used porations were 1 1 oppressors ft the this great country, been forgotten the nanimity ol ; lo tions when t Lev trains ou to sorro w i n g, tie v as: a ; ed . burning Chicago, when trail alter tram was oarr:tkg help and as aistanee and food to crumbling Charleston alter the e ar t In tioke. when train fol.owed train hurrying fugitive away Imiu the )eilow fever stricken d . : i o ts . passing Other long tr.ir.s earning food, comforts, s-",,ini-i' and medicines to those who could not get away and tnee aie the great thieves and robbt-rs : Mr. Le Grand, in favor of the bill, said that the railroad corporations were grinding the life blood out of the pvople of the State. He be lieved that every member ol the Senate favored a railroad commis sion of H'.ine character. It that wa so, how" could any Senator say there was no public demand for the bill! He referred to the demand made by a resolution adopted by the State a-ssx i at ion of Farmers' Alliances held in this city. Speak ing on the merits of the bill he thought it most tender, kind and ! affectionate lor the railroad eorpo 1 rat ions. He referred to the one now under consideration. He j compared it to a mother's tender i nea for her helpless offspring. He thought it iustand reasonable and I very tender in its provisions to the railroads. He read from the speech ! of Senator Thomas, six years ago, I in support of just sueh a bill as ithis, and asked why he opposed it i now The matter of discrimina tion wa well handled by Mr. Le- ! n 1 D K r u i n if ii ti n ii t nof . i L mi I o V.J 1 auu , rj u u n i u iu u nj ii.il OLU CU U I C of lreight rates from Loaisville, Ky., to Richmond, Wilmington and Charlotte in favor of Kichmond and against Wilmington and Char lotte, and showing that in many co mm pointed. Bill for relief of of tin" late war was order for Mom!a 1 morning hour. I ! I E SPECIAL Senate bill to amend the Coiisti tut ion ol North Carolina bv which axes trom white property and are to beapplied to educating white children and the taxes from the property and polls of colored eitieiisaie to be appl led to ed uca t ing the colored children of the State was taken up on its second leading and was re relet red to the ,udi-',ary committee. Senate bill 7 11 to pros ide for the completion of the Governor's Mau- the pol sion was taken up is the second speci il order on it-- second read ing. This is the bill repoi'ted by the , oin t com m it tee on tbe Gove-trior's .Mansion to I he House of Rep- 45 TH DAY. SENATE. The Senate, Lieut. Gov. Holt presiding, met at 10 o'clock. The bill making an appropriation of 10,000 for- 1889 and 40,000 for 1 sio for the support of the institu tion ioi the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind was taken up. Mr. Twit tv sent up an amendment to strike on- ? 10,000 and insert ?37,000. Lis'. The bill passed its second ai. i third readings. THE SPECIAL ORDER. 11 . B. 4,'S1, S. B. 490, to enable the penitentiary to become self sustaining, providing for an appro priation of $75,000 per annum, and withdrawing convicts from public works except 150 each to the Western N. C. R.R. and the Broad Creek Canal, was taken np on its second reading. The committee ou penal institu tions submitted two reportsou this bill, the majority favoring the bill IT" I f B cowards & uiai M A( I STS, Craven St., near South Front. nr. r a e n i i m CiVT. FJ H UntAM DALiVl NEW BERNrJ, N. C If you are in need of ai y work in our line, give us a trial, and ve wil endeavor to give satisfaction. Good work and prompt fulfillment of contract is our aim Call and see us. (Jl e;l tl s"S til' v mi! IViHHa tri s A I I a y t'ain .ii.(l lit. (Ill in in : t i o II, Ileal- Hi. S e - S . K ' s t o r v .' t li t II (' H I T ;i k tc rt n Sineli. Tr. A ,i IN l.y II I H 1 1 . ft W I pass aa printed, with the provision that W the Broad Cree Canal shall have an equal force of convicts with the Western X. C. K. K. The minority report struck out the appropriation and allowed no convicts to any public works. Mr. Payne sent up an amendment to strike out ?75,0O0 and insert 50,000. Mr. Blair sent up an amendment to Mr. Payne's amend ment to strike out 50,000 and in sert 40,000. Mr. Pon favored the bill as it came from his committee. Mr. LeGrand favored the minority re- Naaiei. To tell a man he doea not know hia own name is equivalent to calling him an idiot, and yet no many English patronymics have been altered in the spelling and pronunciation, in the course of time, that the family names now t borne by thousands of ns are not oars by lineal inheritanc. Batler, for example, is a construction ot Boteler or Butteler Baily, of i"J"' T the local freight rates all i uj .u a . uuii i i lino vjkj- j twesn nmington and Charlotte to way stations in this State, where ; the consumer lived, were often nearly equal and some times more THE lE.NTl RT "WHIT UV THE fcOUTH." Th March number of the Cen tury Magazine ia before ns. Like iu pradeeeaors it ia beautifully illustrated and is luminous with brtght thoughts presented inchoic Hnglish. Passing over all else that is ex cilnt, we come to the last leaf, and there we And an open letter that is so nearly in harmony with oar sentiment that ve give place to It in this column with thia single modification: kxotc no nnc Somtl. To tue Sena, one and of Bakester. That Shakespeare was in donbt about the orthography of his patronymic ia certain, since he splt it in three dlflertnt ways Saakspeare, Shakspere, and Shackapaie. Sir Walter Raleigh's name is another poser. No less than five versiona of it have come down to ns, vit: Raleigh, Italegh, Rllffh RlillT and Ivawlv - : as many i.u u;iuiuk iu iue inape or a name, however, is better than to be nameless, as it is said the ancient Scythians wers: though we can hardly believe that the people who baflled Alexander were anony mous. Travellers tell us that some of the tribe of Bushmen have no names, except that to the oldest male membsr of every family an honorary title, signifying "Old Boy,' is given. The elderly Bush women are never called "Old girls,'' howerer, which ahows that ebony barbarians are more gallant than aome white Christians. Tent I if a R4ci pw . Mrs. Mildleigh read in a house hold journal the other day that "a tablespoonful of sawdust placd in each boot will keep the feet both than equal to the rates charged from Louisville to these cities. The scare about stepping railroad bui Id ing and driving capital from the State was all bosh. Georgia, with her commission, had built one-hall miles of railroad in 1SSS i as North Carolina without a com j mission had built in twenty-five ! years. Mr. Turner, of Iredell, submitted an amendment to the effect that not more than two of the commis sioners should be of the same po litical party. It was adopted by a J vote of ayes 8, noes L'J. I The bill on l ts second-readin g failed to pass by a vote of ayes ! noes -S Those who voted in the j affirmative were Abbott, Aycock, I Bailey, Brock, Campbell, LeeperJ ; LeGrand, Little, Lucas. Payne. Pou, Reid, Robinson, Shaw, Sills. Smith, Toms, Turner of Cataw ba, Turner of Iredell, Twitty, Williams of Cumberland, Williams of Pitt rese:ita:i es which lailetl to its second reading before, that body Mr. l.cgrand submitted sundry amendments which provided for this sale of tho "elephant" now on hand, uncompleted, at public out cry, lor not less than j35, 000 and lo purchase a building for the Gov ernor's Mansion at a cost not to exceed 15,000. Mr. LeGrand ad vocated the adoption of his amend I merits and they were adopted. Mr. lute, chairman of the com mittee on Governor's Mansion, stated that t tie report of the com mittee was founded noon facts and sworn statements. 1 1 will cost but ' port 0f the committee on penal in T-VA-..ei, oy way oi appropriation ; gtitutions. of public hinds to complete the: Mr. Thomas said hid party (the building and for the purpose of ! repablican) furnished the bulk of saving that amount it was not wise I tu0 conviCls and he ought to be legislation to sacrifice all which has hearci. He favored the bill as it been expended already. He had a j came from tne committee. State pride in the city of Raleigh i Mr. Kerr and Mr. Stnbba spoke ana nopea ine uiu wouia oa auopc ed without amendment. Mr. Kerr stated that in clean cash the building had cost about 25,000 or 30,OO0 and he would state further that the State can get 30,UOO for it just as it stands, and he thought it was the best thing the State could do to take it. Mr. Emry was strongly in favor of completing the building. One Senator stated that the building had got so deep into poli tics that his constituents had ad vised him to vote for a resolution to purchase 500 pounds of dyna mite, put it under the Governor's Mansion and blow it to kiDgdom come. The bill as amended passed its second reading. The rules were suspended and the bill was put upon its third reading. Mr. Lucas did not think the building an '-elephant." The State was moving on to greater prosper ity and importance and we should look to the future. He was opposed to selling tbe building. It had no political significance in his section of the State. He would not vote to sell this building or for any other measure which would reflect upon the dignity ot the State. The time will come when just sueh a build ing will be needed. He thought the reported bill to complete the resi dence should be passed unanimous ly. The bill as amended passed its third reading ayes 25, nces 18. THE NEW DISCOVERY. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may joursel be one of ike manywLo know from per sonal experience ju-t l ow go d a thirjf it is. If you have ever tried it, you are on; of itsttaunch iric-nds, because the wonder ful thing about it is, that when once given a trial. Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the kocse If you have never used it and should lid afnicted witli a cough, cold, or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or monev refunded. Trial bot tles free at It . N. J lurry's Wholesale and lie tail Dr'i ; Mine. Wholesale price, $8 per do7. n. Young 1 zclarence says he has onlv t ent seven ladv friends. and w hen his hat blew off in the street the other day he met every blessed one of them before he cap t tired it. Notbirg but i!ui;-i i.iiivi! merit can ai count lor the phenoim i;,d reputation achieved by Salvation Oil. It kills pain. Price 25 cents. The Darwinian theory p .rplexes the multitude. - They object to deeceudantf from ruoukevs. But not even a baby obj-cts to Dr. Cull's Couh Syrup. Better ride an ass that carries me than a hoist that throws me. rU().CT.E!l Tirst a t-"ld, then a cough, ihen con sumption, tin n death. "I took Dr. Acker's Koghsh Ibmedy for Consumption the m in nt I I i'ji.h to cough, and I be lieve it saved my hie. ' Walter N Wal lace. Washington. bold bv It. Berry. t rne, N. ( '. todi visible, we have pledged our 1 dry aad warm." Mr. M. has jret feilty, and wound it our iTctioni i1" n newspaper recipe, and as cltuter with ever incna!Dg devotion Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Hanks, Larber, Ben nett, Blair, Briggn, Brown, Cope land, Crawford, Lniry, Taulkner, t arthing, Green, H am j ton, Hoi ton. J. r mmUm or mn&m IMt pow or xrt i'lf 2f. tm him to bom fro, mm mArvVmm im The letter u from Marion dery. aad i. follows : "Wnir of the s-t rn " -Are we one people, or are we not ? If w( aro, why tin cvnatatly recamnf ijaeolion. What of the Sooth under the coming administration of the Kepabhcaa party T If wf are not ooe people, where art all tbe boasts of birtd differences and the e!o qaeot declaration of obliterated sectionalism that have in recent years txyn sounilng :. rou g turn t the land " Political parties must always eitsf. and under our form of gov erameni they are certainly ad van -tajeoQS, is not positively necessary. They wrvr as checks on one another, and hinder that wholeaale corruption m high places which sooner or later ba.s always resulted in th total destruction of and is pate1 dynasties. "We have jast gon through a jTeat political contest nothing more, nothing less. Sach battles necOfManly involve victory ami de feat. Oaly oue side ran win. In this iDC40e the Democrats were defeated. So were tbe Prohibition lts. Bat this last fact does not agr that we are all going to become drunkards immediately, nor dews it demonstrate that the doctrines of prohibition are utterly onsoand. 'ow 1 caonot possibly see wherein the Democratic party has may btter ground for senoas ap prohnaioQ with reference to the coaatrr's fature welfare than the Prohibition us ts. By way of remon strating with tbe prophets of evil, we aught remind them of tbe gloomy predictions that vers o actlrtly elrcalid by diappointd Epbikaa foar jer mgo vhtoi 'plained of cold feet, she procured j rIahef; KerrJVDK. I-"eback.Long, h- hc. . n,.kt ati v,m kh ' Lusk, Mean., Moore, Lice, Stubbs. rstired, and poored into each one a 1 Txhcma-S', U'rt" if.M n-fni r ...iin.t , V imberly 's. f.i.i.,v. a v . ' Mr. hiiirv -HlllllCIJU UlC" UU 1J1B UUOIS Dfll morning, ate his breakfast, and started down to the office. He had not proceeded far before he re traced his steps, walking like a turkey on hot bricks, rushed into the house, kicked off his boom with so much emphasis that one smashed a ten dollar mirror, and the other nearly brained his seven year old son. He was evidently displeaaed about something, and demanded to know in unusually vigorous language, who had been filling his boots with building sand! Then he recovered his boots, emptied out the sawdust, and said langnage that made the dog clap his tail between bis legs. 'What's the matter, dear'" mildly interrogated his wife For a reply he savagely jerked on his boot, and dashed out of the bouse with his feet warm clear to the rtxHs of his hair. I wonder if I could have used the wrong kind of sawdust T" mentally queried Mrs. Mildleigh, as her husband disappeared. strongly in favor of the bill and the majority report. Mr. Turner, of Ire dell, and Mr. Farthing favored the minority report. Mr. Smith favored the bill and the majority report. Mr. Lucas made a strong argument in favor of the bill and the majority report. Mr. White demanded the previ ous question, which was sustained, and, upon a call of the roll on the minority report, which struck ont convicts for the Broad Creek Canal and the Western N. C. ft. R., the latter was lost ayes 19, noes 22. The majority report, which pro vides that the Broad Creek Canal and V. N. C. R. ft. shall have an equal number of convicts, was taken np, and, on a call of the roll, was adopted ayes 30, noes 8. The amendment of Mr. Blair to substi tute $40,000 lor $75,000 was adopt ed ayes 21, noes 17. The bill then passed its second reading. Mr. Pou called the previous ques tion, which call was sustained. The bill passed its third reading ayes 27, noes 12. NIGHT SESSION. A bill to change name of Bell's Ferry, Pitt and Greene counties; to incorporate the Pender and Onslow Land and Improvement Co. ; re lating to burning woods in Pamlico county, to annul chapter 33, volume 2, of the Code, in relation to land lord and tenant. It is correct. easier to be critical than advice 'jw mothers- Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the game, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and ia the best remedy for Jditr hcea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. An ounce of encouragement is worth a pound of fault-finding. A LVXX'RY AXD NECESSITY For rich and poor who wish to enjoy good health, and who do not wish to resort to bitter, nauseous liver medi cin s and cathartics, is the concen trated California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs. R. N. Duffy, agent. New Berne, N. C. feb8 d w4w William H. Oliver, INSURANCE AGENT AND -Ac3Lj lister, NEWBERN, N. C. SPECIAL. (1RDER tx'ing Senate bill No. f (Mr. Wil liams, of Pitt; to reduce the legal rate of interest to tl per cent, was taken up on its third reading. .Messrs. Williams, of Pitt, Pou and Moore spoke in favor of and Messrs. Long, and Lucas against the bill. ('pou a call of the roll the bill failed to pass its third reading; riy es 1 1 , ti ot-s '' i . nun fi I 1 1 reci u mi 1 cr the vote by which the Icil failed to pass its second reading and to lay on the table. The mot inn to lay on the table prevailed. NIGHT SK.--S!. N. The following bills n the ealen dar were taken up and passed their third readings : To compel butch ers to keep a registration of marks of cattle anil other stock purchased ; to incorporate Leaufort Lumber Company: to incorporate the Free Mason's Lodge and Anrty Academy in 1 1 vde con n t v. Hi 'lis I'. The House opened a the usual hutir, without IK i USE. Tne House was opened at 10 o'clock, Speaker Leazar in the h praver bv the Lev. L. of t he cinral Met hodist ck, in o'i : ra cr. i; KADI Nn. ig t he charter COKSVHPTIO' CURED. An old pbynUiAii, retlrtsd from prscticr tiAriag bad plcd in hii h.nd by an Emt ls!U rmiionATT the forma La of a aimple Tretabl mdy for the spdir and pvr inanat car of t'ocaampiion Bronrhiti. rLaxrb, Asthma aad all Throat and Lnag Affection, also a positive and radical core for Narroua Debility and all Nerroua Complaint, after baring teated its won derfal caraliT powers la tnusand o eas, aa (ell It bis duty to maae It known to his rufferiBf: fallows. Actuated by this motive and a aesire to relieve ha man suf ferlsf;. I will sead fra of charfe, to all who desLr It. this recipe In tierman , French or EarUab, with fail direction for preparia; and osiag. Seat by mail by ij dreaWinr with stamp, naming this paper. V. A. NOTis, 149 Power's Block, Roches tsr, N. Y. aovl wly r.ssEi thi it S. 1'.. 1 T.'I. a in e n i of the Norfolk and Southern Kail road Company; S. It. l'SI, allowing the school commissioners of .lones county to rent or build an oflice. A message was received from the Governor, transmitting an opinion from the Attorney General, in re sponse to a resolmon passed by the House, asking for the same, in rela tive to whether theGeueral Assem bly can confer upon an individual or corporation, forprfv.iie purposes only, the right to have lands of citizens condemned. chair, w L. 'ash. Church. The morning hour was taken up as usual with the introduction of petitions, bills and other regular business. The hour for the special order having arrived the House went into committee of the whole and re sumed consideration of the bill to raise revenue. The remaining sec tions were amended and adopted. The material changes made in the bill as originally printed are as fol lows: the poll tax was reduced from 'J" cents to i.) cents; the' valorem tax from cents to '2 cents. The section relating to tax upon con certs or musical entertainments for profit was amended as follows: Provided the board of county commissioners or its chairman shall de'c-mirie whether or not it is really for religions or educational nun) ses and no other, and this HOUSE. The House was called to order promptly at 10 o'clock by Speaker Leazar. Mr. Hoke, from the committee on penal institutions, reported favora bly the bill relating to the board of directors of the State Penitentiary The bill reduces the number of di rectors from 9 to o and pays them 900 each per annum instead of 3U0 as now, and requires that they shall give all their time if necessary to the management of the institu tion and make and publish quar terly reports. Mr. McDonald, from the commit tee on roads, reported, favorably, iuc uiii to pieveui n loci luiiuaiiou iu freight rates, against the Atlantic ec C. K. K. Co. (Makes it un lawful for any railroad company to discriminate; making such a misde meanor punishable by a fine of ylOO for each and every violation. Pro vides further that the indictment may be tried in the country where the goods are either shipped or de livered.) Also the bill granting additional powers to the Suffolk & Norfolk Kailroad Company, (allow ing it to increase its stock and change its route.) H. B. 1017, changing chapter 113, laws of 1887, so as to abolish the Bureau of Labor Statistics was taken up. The bill caused consid erable discussion. Mesgrs. McCot ter, Sutton and Walser spoke against it; Messrs. Holman and Phillips in favor of it. On motion of Mr. Phillips, chairman of the J committee on agriculture, the bill was recommitted. Connecticut Mutual, Life. Continental of New York, Fire. .2cna, of Hartford, FZro. Hibernia, of New Orleans, Fire. Travelers, of Hartford, Life and Acci dent. Fidelity and Casualty, of New York. Marine Insurance Co., of London. American Steam Boiler Ins. Co., of New York. Spring Session OF Vance Male and Female ACADEMY. Opened .'January 28, 1889. The patronage of"the public ia res pectfully solicited. Terms for young ladies not exceed ing S70.00 per session of five months, including Vocal and Instrumental Music, full course in Book-keeping and Commercial Law, and Penman ship. Many pupils get through for 50.00. Full corps of competent teachers. For further information address W. JL SKINNER, PRINCIPAL. Polloksville, N. C. HEALTH IS WEALTH! READ CAREFULLY. Dr. E. C. West's Nksvi aud Brain Treatment, a Guaranteed BDeolflc for Hfate ria, Dizziness. Convulsions. Kits, Nervous Neuralgia. Headaohe, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness. Mental Depression, ttortenlne of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay ana death, erematnre Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of power In either sex. Involuntary Lossf s and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self abuse or over-indulgence. Kaoh box con tains one month's treatment. SI. 00 a box, or six bottles for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any oase. With each order received by us tor six boxes, accompanied with (5 00. we will send the purchaser oar written guar antee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by R. N DUFFY, druggist, sole agent, New Berne. N. C. ap24 dwly MARVELOUS s'.'Kci.u. ok in: iue Speaker announce the PASSED THIRD READING. H. B. 1127, to raise revenue. Cpon a call of the roll the bill passed by a vote of 72 to 13. (The to tux : bill passed without any amendments bv in-: other than those reported in Fri- i sertiug in lieu "on a capital ot less aav s proceedings;, u. i. nui, to amount than twenty live thousand ' protect public moneys in the hands dollars," "on a capital of of county treasuries ; II. B. 1104, to .f."0,000, twentv-hve dollars," '-on , prevent the careless handling of a capital of'o,030, live dol- fire arms; H. B. 1128, to allow lars. Section 27 was amended Dy sianuaru Keepers to remove me decision shall be dual in all sticti cases.'' Sec. 27, was amended by inserting .". 00 instead of $25 00 tax unpii ltiiu-rent lightning-rod - dealers. Sec. ", relating on banks, e'e was amended BORV Ask Tour Retailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE OR TIIE JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. According to Your Needs JAMES MEANS 4 SHOE 'is ugni ana etyusn. it nts like m stocking, and REQUIRE Ji U " -KttlSAljLLNO tN." be ing perfectly easy tbe first time It Is worn. It will satisfy tbe most uusuuious. JAM rJW Ml KANM k fttiut is absolutely the only 6hoo of Its price which nas ever Deen piacea ex- slvcly on tne market In which durability considered before mere out- . ward Art tot tht James Bmie. J. MEANS & CO., Boston. Full lines of the above rh for kuIp by Howard & Jones. V llir ( urr n "rfcffafl t Ik lied into xnen noatril nd i in I... 1 i i. e tut onliiHt lriieUU: by ickI'-ici1 .mi rU. KLY B KOTH K R8, rm ftrcet. New V .rk ianlftdwly DETECTIVES Vantd In every county, fihrwd mrnn to act arjW inRtructionp In our secret ervice. Kxpr)nc not nt-cesaary Tho International Itatrrtivc, official parx-r-Y th' Hureau,coDtalnnxn t MkenHHrtns of rrlm irjHlH wanted, and for whowe rnpturo large rarta arc .ff- r (J Hnd 2c. stamp Cor partlrnlars. AddrtHw, Grannan Detective 8ureauCo-44Arcde,Cinc.nnti,0. QALESMENss- Jrtfile and retail trade. We arc the largest "kW matnirartarert.ii our line. Jtncicwe two rent stamp, a permanent WARPS $3.00 PfR DAY. position. So attention paid to postal rarda. Money advanced for wages, alvertlslng, etc. Centennial WianutactMring Co. HSHs&HSBHLslUsMliSSSM AG E NY FO WHEN tou an tret a pure, chun, fine SAVANNAH I'll) a K I i;s ) a nd . 11 1 , ot t tie very fluest HA V a N NA1I TOBA V , i wo for a nickel, why don't you a i to IA I.IM K R'S CIGAR STORK btj-1 t tlicin l'onot be hambogged by ciieap tttish ; e- t it t,ood smoke aDd be iiapj y; hi.i1 on cun uet nny quality or L'laiiis. on vi-it t I.lttl.- Mexl otkoa, one cent Kl. i Hi- Kit 'is, very popDlnr brand. f,r lt-i ut. ! . ! Why not come nd try ttit n." w m I., i-i i..m : -. Mid 11- Ht . . Is .- v. 1 ie r :i . BEST STEEL Woven Wire Fencing Wire Rope Selvage SOo TO S3 PER ROD. All alcMsnd widths. Oatesto match. Sold by ua or deal era In thta line of goods. FRKIGHT PUD. Information free. THE McMClLErV WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., Not. 118 Si ISO N. Market St., CUcifo, 111. FOR THE MILLION. 87 I'OPl'LAR BALLADS. "I'm Just Going Down to the Gate," and 85 Other New and Popular Ballad- In on book, rrinted on lieaTj apr-ca)ndared naur. l'agea size of sheet uiusir. Only lO S5CDt4i HI SINF.SS l.KTTEIl-WniTIFfG nnd Spelling f ir the School, Office and Home. t'oiiuiiiiit H.5O0 word usually pellei wrong, 2,000 word Mtsmv prouaa. elation, Iut iliffnrnnt meanings. oracle t9 Knlea for Pnnrlnstloa, I f4pltal Letters, Abbreviations. Nsmpln of lOO Ilaaineaa Letter. Contains l'xi pajsa, handsomely lxuud. li) cents. SHE. By Rider llnegnrd. Com plete 111 4 volnmea. Tliee Toluines ara tha slie of Heaside l.llirary. We will send you these 4 volumes for only 10 centl. LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. " Hy all thnee token-flower, that tell What words can ne'er express so well." TIthoh. This book (rives name and sentiment of all known flowers. Printed on heavy papai , haudsomel bound. 80 pp. Only lO eenta. The World-Renowned Widow Re tt n 1 1 Papers. Complete in 1 volume. ThU work is a treasure in everj home. Only 10 CUB. Home Doctor Book, only lO conta. Dialogues, Recitation nnd Head ing. A valuable book for young and old. Only 10 cents. Upon receipt of price, any of abovo books will b sent postpaid. Postage stamps taken. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., " 8800 Fairmonnt Avcnne, Phila.,saw 8ASTEBN NORTB C.lROLiRi BLE WORKS. SEW BEKXK. . ( Slonuments Tombs. V a I all tin It Clre.v-B mi lluildir.r; wcrin ITALIAN&AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attentior vad tatisfaotion gtnaranteeVi JOE K. WILLIS, Proprieto Oor. BROAD AND CRAVt.fi .t. NEW BERNE, JV. t O. E. MiLlib ia my authorized aez t in KinstOD. mABO-dT BOOKSTORE. J. L. HARTSFIELD KINSTON. N. ., DEALER iy BOOKS and STATIONERY School Books and School Supplies a specialty. Ooufeotlonerleat, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigar, Toys, Glasmrare, Crockery, Fishing Tackle, Etc. ne door south of Loftin's Bank. Very truly, J L. HARTS FIEL D OTJ1K. WEEK while as convenient Wjl instalment ! yr.K in, is mtm to us. Ttefi co-opcraiiun i'i mc club members sells ub 30 warencs in . 1 n r rw BSBSSSf' 3fi Watch Club, and weeetcaah frooi I 1 o) the Club for each watch before It goat R I jBout, though enih member only pays If I I a wees. XU13 nwnywi(iTvyus e more for ycr money than any one else 1 and why we are doing the lnrgestl 1 watch business in the world WeHB I only first quality goods, trot orf j pnecs are qdoui wnnt cJintrurt m ondaualiiv Our SlO S1I verWtcfc ifl a substantia Silver (not imitation ff any kind) St-m-Wind American LjCTwS Watch ciih'-r huntinfr case or OWB. Our 0.:r.. JO Watrh is a Stemrtod. Opnilacc, It- t 'mrlity, stiffened Gold American 1 V uuh ,ruarattfed t , wear 20 rr " r. It ii fully cqufla tOMiyff watch sol.J I i' r hy otht-rB. We find a first-da Lu :'Ticl Cold Caw much more s.iir-.f.ff.'-v mill serviceable than nny Soliu vj,,' I C thatcanbctoldat less t!;.m C. the money, as cheap solid lusts invmiably thin, weak, ot U-w qu.-i ''.y, rtinl worthlcai after short use. ( U a.ch oontaina numerous iinpuriuiu uaiuncu u-jr provements, of vit ? 1 importance to accop-1 ate timing i atent l 'ustpraoyt i aimi M-vrnw Wind,&c, which wo control exchisiYely. It is fully equ.il for a curacy, nppearance, durm biiity and s-rvire, to any f75 Watchjeithar Open FaceorHununc- Our043.OO KU ruad Watcb is cr;eciaMy constructed for ihe most exact nc; use, tint ! la the liwiat Rail road Watch made. Open Face or Hunting. AU tlici;; prices ar t either all cash or iaduba, l.l(( a VTCCU. An SJ WntcH ImuLu.ur ptwen fr ts.f oacs tvalcA. The Keystone Watch ClubCo1 RalnOfilcala Ce'i Pws BullOloo 004 WALNUT ST, FS'IUCA. PA, .rents Wanted. Aj. Watch Insulator, $1.00 'lick. SIil l-V lilfc'l ti ' T0Ol ft i.rl.:e. CI insasi SOS J. H. CRABTBKtt. BASIL KARLT. JOHN H. CEABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, ' Founders and Machinist Manufacturers and Dealer In ilNGINES AND MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES It 11 1 1 tiers f BBilaes Boilers, Saw Mills. KdsrlDK A. Cut-Off Machines, We are prepttrod to do Oaatlngia of all kind with promptiiewt, Partlrular an.l immediate atUmllon glTts to r-pal 8 of ail kinds We will ho glad to (rive plans and Bstlnuat for any dead lptlon or machinery . We are iheaRenta for the aale of the Amer ican Haw. Also for O A A. Harg-iimlri ' osl. orated Indestructible Mica Valvea. We Rive satisfactory gaarante for all work dona hv ns Iv22r!2awwlr AT FLANNEKS You will find NOBBY and STY LISH SUITS in SACKS and CUTAWAYS. His stock of Shoes and Gents' Furnishing Goods is Complete. Two doors Norti Al.HKIiT. lit 4fc& wr DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System f Memory Tralnlna;. Four Baoka Learned in one readiest. Mind wanderinsr cured. Everr child and adnlt rreatly benefitted. Great indacementa to Oorrespondenee Glasses. ProspSctas. srith Opinions of Dr. Wm. A. nam. ati, me wona-tamea opeciajiBt in Mina iia KINSEY SCHOOL, G-range , 1ST Oa. Hons. VV. W. Axtor, Jude Otbson. Jadah P. itefijainin. and others, aent post free by k Frof. A. XOISETtE, 237 Fifth An.. N. Y. lo Uieuaandj of special order, the ooiisiiieraiion of adding that a tax of 25 cents per j standard weights and measures .... .. . C . 1 .. 1 TT T t . . " 11. ii. llL'., to ue entitled ao act to raise revenae. On motion of Mr. lioluian, the Hoase went into cominittee ot the whole for consideration of the reve nue bill. Mr. Sutton took the chair and the bill was taken np by sec tions. Some time waa taken up and ahare on the capital stock of the from the court house ; H. B. HOC, Raleigh Gaston K. K. Co. Irom auuiug anoiuer cause lor uirorce; the vear 1S67 to 18S9, inclusive, , H. B. 1179, amending the law of and onwartl shall be levied Upon motion of Mr. Holman, the committees of the whole roee and reported prograss. Mr. Sutton, for the committee, made, a report to burglarj (making two degrees, one where the dwelling is occupied, the other where it is unoccupied); H.B. 1,201, for the better care and pro tection of orphan children; H. B. $500 Reward! We will pay the above reward (or any caae or liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headaohe, Indigestion, eonstlpation or costlveness we cannot core with West's Vegetable Jjlver Pills, when the directions are strictly com plied rith. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to gtve satisfaction. Large boxes containing SO sugar coated pills, 25c. Kor sal e by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. The genuine manufacture only by JOHN C. WEST CO., 862 W. Mad ison St., Chicago, 111. . , Sold by R. N. DUFFY, druggist, New Berne, N. C. ap34 dwly 6 r"i h t ml Ii For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. Write for Catalogue to JOSEPH KINSEY, ; Principal. BjJEftJaaUL, , L , , . i , , .- -i, --,t i,wawrawTggaaa' , . , , i

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