nub juukjNai,. 5tW BCS.'ffi.KrC MAECUJ. u. 4. v. mra a aa smw a - UaarSaa T eajaaaavaae w fee aM ktai ae4 reet . JOat 1- IlKWIU. la Htl Tall a4Mlat KlaMM. w11 raeelax . abfVaaa taa 4eCmaa. t irtmi tw Mock of dry foods aa4 " gracasiaa. ' Taara ara aiaaa tau to laa goods la aaa. a, aa Mr fcrtotj mmw m last . Taarade ai- Nearly every toot v "' aaa. - - Dr. X. Bwmt, a ay avoan leant ' ' ahveicaaa ai Wim, K C. la la Sow a. -v ' a to aia aoa, a aaa d eat of Klao ' WW Cbliaer. v)lr. Jo L Ha aaa ro4f J ordsr . f aiaeafea froaa Rjcaaaoad. V. Tola ; " iaaa imuj aaro la rroarta io ba a aoaaa. Maf bopa ee it fall groam oaoro Vae)g T wWiLI Jla vao aaa TtMeJy aa4 ill to ait rmli-f"' " ' w afeiav. B MilaMoi 1 Urtro4 to ih Sakt aorta of lattoikr aad kept them v. aaaaaad lo mn Hoar. Taa &a. Jx Maadey f m icc- ' a Suaday ataraoo Ho t - ...i aaakac. ry drBii-; uu apelaST ae) eyl i on e '-: ni . anaatoiBaei ui a K.-rw 1 1 - . , .'at aprtoa, on UoodT aJ rui7 ijaa Um Ojaet M lo f w snoaey to , taat for aus .vm-eiiiuo k ta ifceraanBsaar Uaa. eVaa eStSactov o t oik. I. cwo , talaa o& aaaJial aad ea,tv ' Taara la eaasUa'Ty arrad attain u br aeaoe ol VtTHn a rtU loipr 1 - tara ka snatatatawd at ell tiaa. Aad : aMiM) klUeuu loo grMi t tIt , paa m taa top ul ftntlM opao ull . "Uia arooar taa ria r m ao mcq rr d . Waas lb ata oloaaa. A oioca work oraa taraa eupll or fry tvie a aaf . It la rary grat eartcwi- tf. aa tecaaioaa iaxouoa aad of fry . g-raak practical WaaSi. W Mr. . Artlkwil gra4aocaa. aaa dtff hitu o - gta (ur amakot vltb eaiekroa SaOM 4af0 lo or lr u oar Wat alii h4 coafvraaca ta ffd aa laa laiarvata ot oar i of cuuo -try. wkick rwuitad ia ta oail lor a aaaatiaaT mt P kiajaa Oa f rklay at las: ' a--, tajg aa kat 1 Tti m I r i . - kaaJaaaa a baaiaaa aa d A .iu, - rWJ argmais-UkK ff.-i i a lf Mr. X.J Rom, Jr.. l in. c air M. J. I. Tf tor aa i il o prr ifkiiio i- uMiu kirk JocR-val Yog.h L'ocnpaDioo 13.50, Tba Kioston Fre Pr i rndeaTor log to show that Ur. Washicgtoo Bry- Atuer 'n ArTicaJtoriat 3.U Southern CultiTatar 3 .23 j thcmU ba rfmond frota tba man Damoraat'a Magxixie 3 .00 ' agement of lha i.tN.C. R. A cor Hciantific Ajnaricaa. 4.00 1 raaoo-d.nt of th Nii and ObaarTer. 4 00 . Xrt ! Tiling from Kmiton, alio itabea that 3 gQ 1 thare u a damand in Lnoir coantj by and three rail? to th 3.35 , a large number of popla that he b re- riding out witli John St. Nicholaa ContTxry Detroit Ft Preaa . ... " North Amer. RaTiaw New York World 3.3.5 Star 3,33 Ham uid Farm 1.T5 Oburier Journal 3.30 N'ewa and ObrTer. .50 Harpwr'a Maaln ... 4.50 Woekly 4.70 " Young Paorila J. 00 Atlanta Cooatitutlon. 3 33 Oi4 anbacribara raciTuig torn Joca fiL, and daairing to hATa any of thaaa papara, oan . by making application to th offica in pcraoa or by latVar, hr a Catamant of their account oa our book ahowing what thay will Kara to rami to an title them to any of th aaora publl- oatiooj thay mar aelact. A. Mixlul Farm. The film i.t Dyi.i. tV about a mile from the c art's team, m rjiijljr mod- 1 'iirui to allude t i i the Kat . ' 1 HURRAH .' t; . - it ' 'o ii' 1 1 1 n i J In u f tw i'irs v . i i " i t a ' Trie M Jet 1 rm of n in reality bctwc-n t'n rtook f.irm Imt it- w ::r t . 'I ' will FOR SIMM.0N3 RANSOM AND , TIH: 1111. ViV,V 31EKCIAL. moTfd. The Fra Praaa In iti lait article aayi the ominous ailcnce of ita eetemed eoDtamporariaa along the line of the road make it apprtclatira of the fact that It ia engaged in an ungracioua taak. We can not understand why tee Frea Preaa ahould axpct the Jor-VAL to aid It in showing that the receipts of j theae gentlemen to be put aha road under Mr. Bryan's admlniatra- ; for a stock farm. Tney art' not call K more than a mile. The tra.-k f.irtn t .ur of tht-e.' .en- tlemen.hvg near the n:y bjti"'ii tho cametery roail unJ N('U-i' liiver r. i ii already a model of nfntntss. and well managed in all ita apjv intm-n's Oak? Farm if beyon i the National IVmetcrr. and wis purchased a year rr o s;o by coed uion A Public BuildiDg for New Bcrn-i, Hill Passed fioth Houses and Siirurd hy the President. The following telegrams recwived Sunday night and Monday morning hare caused general rejoicing in this city : Washington, D. C . March 3. 1359. n 8. NiNN Public building bill passed both Houses today. F. M. Simmons. waraaae j CITY AND VICINITY. ! AD'ERTISgME.TS. T. Uliii h Potitow. T. A. Qstis-For sale. J F-TaTLOS tor mine . - D. Snu ..--il n. lico. J E SaTTH Vi.t -(".otbing, ato. Jcmxx -1.-r sf rallcticm. J F. IS Tjtbo h i!e sale trade. W BoTD - Am. r Kra'.ernaL Circ I o. Wotk on tha :n - t " ' r roJ has bun in r n ; T..e ri.iti , n t:.e truck farm r.tar lb en r ,o"i . . i pi niii. We regret to f.. rof lb-.' illnaas of Mr. Ivc Pattcrav.-o. Tie has held the position i f .-ounty treasurer f'r the past two ;rin and triad" a fantful. honest offlcar For r;.r; :n I ufmr of a caotury , wuuJ . n; u torn II u Sv r:.T of i r r :j a ac'.i 11 m d H i r. i c'.y a IVmorrmt but a tat.emn of ;riK b:(hrt; tjr-e f t'crn tiso mtagritf and r-.oor Tba DurKim To&acco P. an; announcaa i lha rfach of Col Fjjco VIorshead waieh occurred In HioDmh oo tha , I?.h of Fa-ruary H wis a soo of Oovarncr M rehsad and wii highly MMS..I l t U ho knew him i r'r ' irrf iaad of toruiD ; tion had not asodal those of Col. Whltford 's administration, because one finely. Bum buildings are aead only to refer to the reports to learn latest a d to s, stables and othf-r all constructed bf;er t modi N. Wo w ere out the -ur- that; besides, tha JovrsaL has often prised on entering one called attention to the fact. In reply find thirty -on milch to Oorernor Scale' message on the A brake and bem, AN C. R. . the JOCRSAI.. after calling cooked food. These i the Governor's attention to the condi- tiou of our busineaa relations with the interior of the Stats, said: .Sseisaueof January 17th) . i But the Oorernor has great consola tion in the hop of the A. & N. C pay ' ing a dividend soon. Tha dsbt of the road has bean increased, according to his statement, about one hundred and ; thirty thousand dollars in order to put 1 it io condition, a few peculators hue pnrchaaad stock for the purpose of speculation, and caused it to advance, and tha Governor at once thinks there is hope ofadividend In the otr future. Tha truth is, the A. & N C. H. is no nearer paying a dividend than it was the dwy Oorernor Scales was inaugurat sd. In order to pay a dividend a rail road, like every other business, must , make something to pay it with. If the Governor will take the pains to examine tho erniDi;s of the A. A N. C K in ?-4 !?3 and compare them with any year sine that time, he will And that tcere has not ren much if any increase. And parhapa too he is not aware of the fart that live or six miles of new steel rails were pot down in 1 5. itrurtly out (Ac (iir-:tn jt (. the rrmJ. At the l me of writing lh above paragraph we did not have the figures before us as io the receipts of 19S4 '85, but felt confident that they were in icM of any annual report that had bean submitted undsr Mr. Bryan's ad ministration Tha Frea Press will remsmber thit ooe roasoa given for Oovsrnor8caes' ig noring the advice and counsel of tha if tlu : o t arn to f..- 1 ith for the city. Besides there were cher dry cattia. cheep, h 'gs and h ri-.s '. iiorou gh bred and graded, an Kd.pso windmill to pump wter u:. i n I -re e L -!i ru b dier for cooking food. Ti.e ret-ti tie'.Js of rye. oats and cabbage t:iett-ly oaks in the larg' ,:r n-,' u r r. nr, i i n the resi ien.'i1, g d f- r.ces. and go id r ; -i Farm the r a ' 1 1 . o f it.: Sen At B:'.: ii' : c ,:.m pie ! f ri-i.i! d : ; r ; ,-; Ea--t-T n son why Ki,.n t li Washinoton, D. C, March 3. 13S9. II S. Ni'NN : President signed public buil ing bill. Great credit due Senator Ransom. F. M. Simmons. progressing Now we understand why F. M. Sim mons and Senator Ransom were not at our Fair. Hr.Sitnmuns was not in Washington whiiing away ihe closing day a of the session in ease and pleasure, but was watching the interests of his constitu ents up to tha very last moment. We know that it would have been a great pleaeure to him to have been at our , Fair, but he denied himself this pleas- ; ure because he bad promieed l.imself that he would secure this appropriation for New Berne if it was within the power of man to do it, and :n order to i bridges do it he had to be at his po.t every :ke t 'ab minute the House was in seeion. No ::. member of Coogress, from this or any other State, has ever been more diligent :-. i;::ii :on aUl attentive to the demands of his constituents than has F. M. Simmons. He has given his district a large in i i crease of postofficea and mail facilities; . ;i 'j-" lie has securtd the consideration, and instances the paymint, cf a trate lir.K.'sr.KT TJK'I.M ' A 1j i on his bed 1 .y Ui:.!:ir .; At the dying coais and thir.xi:. C)f ,ju?t :i vi :. r '. When life was iileupure tivir..:. i And one he loved wa-i liviri . : His inner heart wa-i wi-epin j For the dear one gt ru 1 v ei ;: c Happily tUider tiic .-no .v. j The snow in the air wis liyin.r. The coal on the hearth wan di in j. The wind by the house v. n, h:i!. Theeotil C'f the h.d v.rmnnu' In rt ee p- s i w oe. He wishtd that l.e was hir.-. With snow-winds o'er him aihiu. Happily under the -i: -j ''. Kacky Mount. N. C i COTTON. i Itr ii" mar kct steady. .it '.i to 1". ; is ' Re sales of THE NEW BERNE FATH. "What the Po. S3 So.yn. R ri. entatives of the ) re.-- w ho at-j t.-nde-i the late Fxpo-ition h ive Leon j very kin i in giving i s:en ded ho'icls cf i : ii v, o ha 1 space to s c 1 1 1 the same. We copy their r.o have r. ot wo -a n u ruber of : :. but i s w e from j r t ; Crreer.rin . Thousands of v i-i tors ti i led N - -.v i;i.-rir. during Fair work, The city ! i r? loveliest and h'-r ci'iz in i: : I the.r prettiest. C'ti Thursday to were seven thousand people on tiie gr The fshibition of fi. h. oy-uis and i le. ir r. the lou. Cull u i lee . ' Nortli '.,1 Sol. lint n j 1 ;.r ;.io ii. portion of hi. "petcn a. Nswg and Observer Mr. Lucaa suki a 1 ,i afarmxrhe deii. i on t he p nd I n g L : . I 1 : n g u , e I ii ::i itt rr. fie of d by i y a ii the oioers he li tirart til ullll' - tar Ak la raaaaax of th cis.raso Ur B W. Caaarty pfaJaaJ ih ooj- oi . laa aallrn a aw a aa it ibi " aiaaHaa araa a W . Ha a- fuiio.! Hr. 1 aXarta U la a has Mr TTi mim Laa asasasl move amaa44 laiink. cpaaal oat wht h , E s -scr' 1 -nail tar ai IB aajsaaa, aiaaa aaJ pqrpo- livery it i. . -aaM laa aropaaai argaaia.ttoa m ii b taria bu l.t i.cuiiar iliaa ovsr 4.Tl-U'- "'0rd Xh.r bUg.. sr., taa: it rid-easy arara wtaa. fctaaaiy aaJ Jad lotoss. V DavH. IX Barpa iks m44r4 tha rwih load He is gatuog a lot aruoia rrosa a ox tnasa and other vooiclsa and la niiuic as ta asaas a ku . tie with suitable teams for poillag them Aboal lha time Osneral Harrison was baiag taaaguracd as ProUrol of the Caltad &mtm Hoodev, Wen B. Lane w as baing itom aa StisrifT of Craven ooaaty.and Thoa Daoisls as traasursr. Aa to parecaal honor and intrgrny tha two laat aimed ar the equaia of tha fire and to pople of Craven county ara mora Intareatecl directly ia them than tha former. Coogdoo it Soa are out big work at their mi. la oaar the depot. A larg dry kiln and pianing mills, coo ttructad of brick, are nearicg cooapla lioc and plans for other buddings ara laid oa; The macbinsry for putting ia tha gang saws baa arrived, and In aboal nae month Iocs will ha jerked op aad cut into boards so fast that one will hardly know what ia going oo FnaittiLi to b Paid. Tb pram ra ma awarded by the judgaa h Fair wilt b forwarded to whoco thay were awarded in a faw day a. Wa are rraaatad by the Praal daat of the Association to make thia aaooucamao:. Jajcaa City Incorporatad. Th bill to incorporat Jamea City has paasad both branches of tha General Aaaaasblr and ia now a law. If Sacalor Grsso or Rsprraautativa Ho easy will aaad as a certified copy of tha bill wa will pvbiish It In crdsr that candidates for municipal honors in tee nsw towo ! may baa to B x ih-ir feocs J i Aa Induati.ous Wife. Mr. Wrigh; Moors, of t'ravsn ccaoty, was don to tha Fair with a fall salt of boaieepua rioihea icrlading ovrto4- The suit w a cirii and spa lb; hu i( in six !m anl cut aad mads by her in f ur iiyi Ii thsrs aaotasr suck a worms n FiAtsrn Caro- liaa ' Lcs ofTer a 'oi prsaiiun for ths floeal b cua J rj:: exhibited at our o x : Fir Th Laauguratian Tha daily pap-rv receiTsd 'ktl night ara brimful of iniagnration news. Everything pxed cf? tmi; and tba crow i was lrmniju Sot ithstacd -Lag tha Ssy wu bright and beautiful In Saw Brn i: rained ta lorrsata in Waahiegtoa City, s.5 the paprs aiv Th Lnangural adJreaa. taken as a whole. Is broad, liberal and cocssrva live, and perhaps mors latisftctory to lha Sualh than was iifcievl or . tr-. tiaston Hootl, !sin-u'.i r i '. old nodi atapa that paople of Ne w Bar ns touch in g the m is bi r-iuir: itiiwomlhe caotar by 1 aftmict cf thi A AN C. R was that .oj ml .umaui uogs Ths Colonel j cjr people were al ways quarreling over ma. oti nouh to nr down tb9 mAnamnt- The JOVRJIAL has tha otirr .i I ia a short time time aad again assarted, and we still oa. . u ir i - 1 a: hia , asaert that tha business msn of ew i Mm l.e tree; a spiral 1 Barn a w ill ba con taut with any man- with the r proeper-.iy of o and hundred '. to Mt) tu i i t , and tereats truly ut aay one word there should be a io. no them and the to..i a. people. The bill und.r c was only to regulate l.'e. senger tsritTs i:iiiu io.e r a t4M are now r. . .iiated in - - n: tavi id v' i r 0 s t h : u nr re, the : ilrea y built h ic h he Hoped ! ihi ir I -t iii- ! i - I : . ' not 'V li III. Out .i lot een '- of the i.ioerati n he un J p i M.te The North Cir- T waiaa aaaafaaoria ily atartad. Thi was ay laaarawua aasl aagr satlr. Dr. O. ar aaaaks aa rata. Bar. I- Hm4it added kit aodoraa aaaa of laa aiawa arprsass 1 by tha eowaker. aad arxaa thai eaacloymaai saoaia aa aataraaa th aaaay yoaag awapi la oar aosaoiaaity who aa now aa aatlf ta aao of la. Th aajact af th aiaaslag. aa st forth fcy th awaaral aaaakara, ware to gaa oa fw ataaa aa4 arraagaaaaat a kick ataf f ait km ta aaildiag of faeaoriea aaa apaala ta ta world th advaa lacaa at aar aacOaa aa a aUoa for boa aaaa ajaa. Aad. ta order to aaake a kwciaaiac la tai wlraotiaa. U wa kteagfcg baa so avwaaia a body to b aaAiad a Cbaaikaf of Coassaaroa ar aoea aaalttia. Ta aoaoaapsiaa thta oajart. aaoaioa. aaaaiuaa was appoSaied ta eaair, aa tsaort aaxt Friday awkk to wtt: Oaorga Rowalra. L. Uarraa. B- W. Caaady. Dr. tl O. Ey aaa H. F. Oac Oa atoclaa af Mr. L. Harray th Fra naaa in ntnaii I U aarlhk pr 1 kara f thi aaaaHiaff aad eianaaa gaaar aUy taviasd anal. ana g caArBrvL. -I aaased lb Ufa f aar thMl giH by a , arnaapaaaaaf 1st- Aaftar a tag Uaa wssaaiiy ,.farC aaifxk3a. ataa w. T Uaaki 5 aw Tarft gosd by K. Basry. N'aw SC. C- Swajosboro IUnu. TV kfaaoaa af ta sarraaadiag ooaa try at la lai plao m (aa algkaa ago aaa argaalaa l a lodga hara, that a. kaJ a aiaallBeT. vatad or afflaara and rU aaaiy far a aaartaw. Dr. O. . raaan aaa alacaad VT. kf.. aad th aaaaa af ta sad go a aoaad oa was 8a Bid Lodg of awaaaboro. Capa. Joaraa Bwil. ar., dUd oa ka ftta fahy., a cad ahaat U years, of gaa ri dahUity arosAgtU oa by eipoaura R aa a aad auiaaa of tha place, lirad km aU ka Ufa. aad was wall !ihe4 ky alt wka ka kloa. Ha wife aiad aa-raral year aga, bat k tra l ehiVdraa aad graadohildraa lo r kla death. Faac k b la aahaa. agsmsnt of the A. k N. C. R that will foster and encourage their busineaa, and thay do not ssk that it ba done to tha detriment of other points along ths road. All wa aak ia that tha embargo ba taken off our products that go into lha j interior. Savannah can put fish in the Raleigh market for the aama freight or leva than New Berne; Richmond mills furnish maal and fed for North Caro lina towns because they have an ad vantage over New Berne mills in freights, the people weet of Goldsboro ara prohibited from buying anything wa have to sail, and we of ths Fast are prohibited from buying from them. Tkeaa are lha evils that tha paople of New Barn a ara fighting and ara bagging relief from whatsvsr source thay can get it. But the Fre Praaa claims to have found oat the trouble, and In recapitu- olina la it dor.. o a North i'm ini railroad com mine ion'.' Ni ' Tne v arc regulated by a. r S 1 Haas of Ri moud, Va. He regu ! ales the rate for uearly every pound of fr "ight on railroads in North Carolina llav. these S nator ike interests of No th l aroln.a at heart'.' Of course they have. N iw why oo the people Of Raleigh and L'hi'lotte eat corn from the State of Kiiifii-' lie said in many- large nunih-r of private claims without regard tu party or color: he his si cured an dj pro ription of S-OCCO forar. from tl. is i it y to the nat i nal Ce:n try. and the ho rk has already begun: l e ;.r.trodu" d the bill, which passed t oth House-, hni is a law, a ppropi i ting t7"i o, u to build a new revenue co'tor fi r the Pamlico district, and now. i:o: hu defeat, by the bull process which was curiied al most beyond endurance, in the 1 ,st election, he has worked with the same eameftni'ss and zeal tliBt characterized his efforts in thefirstseesionof hi term, and the result is an appropriation for a putl c building for New Berne. But Simmons is no longer our Representa tive. His term expired yesterday. Ignorance, prejudice and blind partisan passion defeated him. But the people of his district owe him a debt of gr .ti tude and it wi.l be right and proper for the people of New Berne to manifest the'r appreciation of his services by ' giving him a hearty and rousing re ception on hu arrival home. ! i But Simmons could not have accom- j (liished what he has without the aid of game was superb Time w ; line of everything i 1-e one of. including a bution s ,i i ; taken from a co it v. o i n " wallis. The ul.i -, .: : .. ' te:;t ion ;i. .t ; . 1 : tin ing t ' nop . Iti f ,lJ !:. .-t rirli.g Cot. 1 v. oooeii plate.- and gum ai: i ii.aiy. i . lii" man:.'-; id' o .!.:: f-r I 1:0 -o: '..o- full k en rn hi hall tl lured s we ir-l.e iro cy pr i ape W, oo?: kvj : t Too-H Oalo:. Slo-.D ('(;TToo '. .:.;;, j. per lb. C' i..v Market 'n.iiet. Sales at 47c. by ths c-rs;r in bulk. Small lots for local cou-umption may bring a small advance on the-o iigtires. Fodder. tl.OOal IT, or hundred. U i. ooaTOj. T .ai-i;.NTiNK Hard . 31.20; virgin and yellow dip. '';(), r..:i Ifl.OUal.oO. Oats New. 41a47c. in sacks. ! bzEnWAi 17al3c. per lb. h'ti:ir Oa foot, 7c. j Ha M--Country, lOallc. j 1 .Alt D- Country, lOallc. I r ii8H Pokk OaSc. oer pouuu . Potatoes Bahamas. -loaoOc. per bu yams. tiOj. per bush. Onioxs 50c. per bush. i'K.'.NCTS Ooa70 oer bushel. CfiicxEiNS (irown 40a0i5c. pair; half grown, 22a25c. Meal Cjc. bolted. Staves It. O. hhd. S10al2 ver M. jimier Cypress, its in. and over. co nd per M. : pino S2.50a4.50 -:; : jf.tts w eat India, dull and n"m ma:, i; Lich S2 00a2.50. Building 6- ;n - s.;-.H. S2.2o; saps, 31. 150 per M. WHOLESALE PBIOK8. :: : Pokjt New 813.50. -'ii ld.-:h Meat 9al0c. . i:.'s, i". R'. B.'sand L. C 7:a8. 1 ;,or;t- S3.50a7.50. Lard 6?r. bv the tierco. N AILS Basis'lO 's ,32.50. "liiiii Granulated . vc O ffi:k 1 va20c. ' 'i!:-':E i;ji. u.i.r iof.boc. : or wfc. MOLiBSsa and :-iTa-:i'S 2Ga4c. Powdek 55. Cl. Shot Drop. S1.R0: ', 81.75, . .'' :s idrv. 6a?f. -,-rjr"3 4". -J-- 'j::-. ... o - -4- . ; iro li rne Io app iiiued . 1 v. ar bef . .re. ; The Nov.- '.. and d'ti ri'iii: ? plond i i . uc : 1 1 - e 1' t ii 1 'I . W i . e II I 1 1' S :. i . t Is': in much. he rr THS AMERICAN ffi.::.TBMaL Gil The Acme of insurance 100 Barrels Potatoes, Genuine EARLY ROSE SEED, Maine Stock," For sale by HF. TTlx-ioIi WHOLESALE GROCER, MIDDLE STREET, NEW HERNE. N. t . To the Wholesale Trade Select your SHOES from a Half Mil lion Dollar stock and 8AVE TWENTY FIVE PER CENT. J. F. IVES. New Berne, N. C, Manufacturers' Agent. 3T 8tate Agency for Colgan'e Lubri cating-Balls. feb28dwlm NOli'i'H 'A K d.l N A . I Onslow County ( Superior Court, it. t. o , toe ctork of the Superior Court. ( ir.ler of Publication, li.ooi a. .OiMiooo Henrietta Jarman and ol ) iel s. s. H 1 1 eo i A .M ii it i ! I n nd il hers. H'e. :;ii i i ne, ding fur allotment of one- lior.l .ami to l'etltloneis. Ii ui r:ir!iie to n, P gBtlufnctlOD of Ibe '"in:, o iiie iiiiiilavit of tlio petitioner. Hen i v . . ,1m i i mi n . n ml from other evidence, I. I o in,, iii'ii-iiiiunt. May le Anna and j in r i ii.o.ini i shuii'i hi' Anna are non-reel. i di nih ,r n . . i ill ( iiioiina. and can not aftar ;ue ti::g,.)i.-i e IoiiikI within aald Btata. i :i ml Ui : in iieexo I lig Is for Ibe allotment bo I llif pel ii mm ih. Henry ., Henrietta aad Mury liei her of nii,.-t 1 1 1 ret pari of a traet cvf land In ftald peiliU'ii iltnf r i lied . alluated In said enmity of Onslou , nnd that tbe aald afaT I e Anna and her liiiHhunil aie proper partlee Iherelo. 1 Me siilrt May btlng alleged to baa ten.uit m niiinii.n wlih the pell tloners In snid land, she lu'liiit (Mho entitled to one third I hcn-of 1 1 . I tin I I his rou rt Ims on Isd lotion of this pr..e,.,.,lirii;. Now it i.. or.le: . ,i i.y i he nun t tliata Notice no pnhiihiifd weekly for six weeks In lha Ne w He i-n e W i i-k io ,IornNAi.,R nswipspsr I'Ul'lislieil in iimcny of New Heine In this rtiltc Olrerled Io Mtld May lie Anna and Savlno I r iiiir. c: Ing Ihe title ofthla pro ceed iik nitfl rufinrmn tliem to appearand answer or demur to ihe complaint at tha oflire or the ( lei k : the Superior Court of i in slow rou n i v, n t ihe Court House In Jae.k- Furniture ! ! JOHN SUTER Has on band and is receiving everv rlav handsome parlor suits, chamber sets, heavy walnut, bureaus, wardrobes, mattresses, chairs, lounges, eofas, etc. etc. Ho also has a line of home-made work of bedsteads, sofas, tables, bureaus, etc., which are neat and substantial. Priees Rlcrht Dov.n to 'ltoek Bottom. ee6dw Middle sf. No w Borne. son i A.I'. mn i . I oi I .rr I lie .th day of A prll. No HIM C A I ' . ( i : , s I . . llelore 1 !.e ( -Hen l y A . .llioit A n 1 1 i t w. :. n 0 II os. ; KltocK , Jr., e s u erlor "u rt ef Onslow Vun1y, s Sn pi- rlor ''ourt. . . f : ' . so pur lor Court . Iliiii.eMri .Itrman, Mary i lo.Miiuiil .1. I.. Andrewe, i , o . i : : ' s hiii I'e t Uloners, llliel I I, I so: I II nml her . Murrlll, I if feudant. ii lolmeiit to petl O one third of land, ilno I e Anna above Ink i- r.o lll.O'. ell,-. ell 11 ii- ... ; k:iO t . u : I 1 1 o i . I pel :l iiiii.7 and M:i-. of an lj 1 1 1 1 ahi'vi' loin b- ii : i . u i ii It.'. I ' ! . !.,).. . M.. II pi . .1 Ir I I I d ;.r.d ii " f ' iouc 'n h the tx ei Alb rt the tho in at . was rh e ' Id for ew ti.e Senators had said tnry oontrolUd bv the clamor papers. He would Rsk them if they did not cWsire. during th" political rimpt (is to hio nepper clumor for the intereitu of u. demtcratic party and individual uiirrmti. He would bx governed nr. i u. rolled by the clamor of anhi n-st lm I working constituency , ho. bv tneir sutT".ges, i ad sent Dim to tne Senate or Curia arolina to look after their and the State's best lnteres.s He had talked , uij Lot be Senator Ransom in the Senate. Im of uewpa- ; mediately after tbe election the Jot P.- JiAL took a stand for the return of Senator Ransom to the Senate. We knew theie wua opposition, strong op position in some localiies, but after considering the matter calmlv it was i j the honest judgment of the Journal ' flivif SZnal, -- ffanonm ,,11 uarca ..IKk, . . E. ilOU ' ' UVLilli klCkkC, l, 1 . North Carolina for the next six years than any man the General Assembly bill ss the one now under considera tion. Senator Vance had toll him that it would be a great mistake for the democratic psr y in f t i to create a railroad commission Senators on this floor were circumscribed l v senatorial latlng ita arguments to show why Mr. districts but Vance was North Caroli Bryan should not be retained, says: CxrrmX froaa a raay eaeer cold ia (oa ainal ka aaS aaad a-vary- taaaaT lanssasaaaJail bat oai aa ao fimi. W a ad r aad o as Ely taai Bahav, It ka eatlea bk asfle ia taa dara. 1 aaa fra from ay od afwr aanac tha Baiai aa aaak. aad I bliv Ik at aaa kt reaaedy kaaaa. Feia Craaafat for waas It ha aoa for so t tTi if r 1" J- Uar- rwi. Wboliaals Orocar. 11J Front str. Jf Tark. ClyOaaai tWai ia worth las waht la gold a vara for eaaarra. Oa bot tl aarad aa cV. A. Laratl. Fraak ha. Fa. X Crasy aaatla! aa tha War Fatk. J ACKaoa-roxa, Fia., Marc l,-5ii aa Jasa tsaas aar froaa Ohiiahnhn m4 a asoody affray as iwig th 8 alaoia ladtaaa ta taa Cvargtada. Jiaa Yasag a kacfe. vai arasv. aad vkk a Wta aear ru5a aartad aat oa tha war path aaraask oaa aad aii.Jiai sat. B Sraa aaa a aali tkraagk ta bvaia of -Waaka Kssaa." aaaaf af ta Miia kCjiad kiaa laaaaaaJy. D Mil kUki -Ovl Tiger. "Toaac Tl." a -f CJJ Trtr." aasl proa hi y ta Ba. I gaaalanl Uatag. akyaioaily. swp ad oat of hi wtajvaas joas 11 Uto to as hi father drop ao tha groaad a corpaa. aad with a blood aardliag war w hoop h spraag oa th laa aad a 4 to aaad agt (or of ta nfle foilowad- Tlor a aaa aaprk la atrength. hat was at laa) wroag rod of tha gaa. aad aaforo ka ecatd wrvea m froaa kla aatagoaat ka wma aaot dead. Th ataalao thaa UJad wO papooaw of hta atatar , aad attacked hack a. 10,0a ws aad child ran ll-sur1aiiliaT-'r tl wa flaaUy eor- Jf , g aal aaot daadi ky "EUlly." aaj made propo.ftiocs to Rev. I aahar 8aaiaO. Ia ! thaa half ao D D , to bH-ome its paster hoar algat ladUa war k Iliad Honored Abroad. Al the ancual meetin; f the man agers of lh ' Bova' Home. " February t h. ooa of tbe most vensrablt and ta fiaaaual cbaritira of in city of Balti aaor. Hon Ixsils McCotnae, mam bar of Coagrsaa frocn Savanth Mary landki U irk't, was sl'Cted to deliver the annual aJdreas in Ford's grand cpara hems. March Uth. ni J ia ft. Long, Eai of thta c.ty. wnapp-Mnta-i his : tern at a This masea Mr L'ci th -rst'r for IS90 , AatVa aaa Palas. Whoa kaadred kottl of saraapar Ula or othar p re toe Uooa spaciflo fail to aradteab ta-bora scrofula or ooolaxiooa htTfhl pens on . roseabr that IV B. B. (Boaaai Bld Balaa) ha reload many 1ft paean-! aloaoria. ia aa many aaam hal locarakl inat?aea 8od 10 tha BiosJ Baiaa Co.. AUaat. Ga . for "Book Of Woad." aad b ooevincad. nuiaasahntn iloco rraimm. U- W. Maawar. HowaJl a X Rods, Ga. j aril: "I aeafflceweJla yaara witn All tb aaautciaa a cwa t Kacatves a Foreign Call. Falling Sprma Preabylarian Church, one of lha largest and bft equipped ebarchae in the Valley of Virginia, has C. Vaa. Dr Via has a'.s-i had propositions aboal uadertakmg ministerial work in Fogland. co a islary f t'1'0 sterling, or 53.CCO par an nun: Th people of Nsw larne birs teen vsry fortunt n having able and learned preacher to mmntir to their neads wbica bu .'i .t ofton been reoog nir.J from home 1 Ua has deprived tha road of thou sands of dollars in freight by antagonis ing and alieaating tha busineaa man along th Una of tho road. 3. Ha has, by reason of a too cloa ooa n action with rfval linee or by a natural inaptiluda for negotlatione or lack of bueiaea axparieoca. tact and ability, plaoad tha groat Richmond A Danville system. tha natural conneo tloa of thi road, in a boatila attitude, which make il lm poaaible for oar peo ple aad especially New Barn a to do any busineaa with th intarior of lha State, thus cocn plated y frustrating tha hopes of our fathers who built the road . S. Hia management is obnoxious to tha vast majority of lha regular patrons of lha road . Hsra is tha point for Governor Fowla to Investigate. We have been under tha impression that oar troublea were ail due to tke arrangements and combi nations mads by tbe Associated Rail ways. We have ben deprived of that buiineee'relationt with tke paople west of Goldsboro Ikat naturally baloogs to us; our business has baen throttled and in many instances totally destroyed and given to othsr points beyond the ftte, not withstand ing we have the advantage of proximity, and the Free Preas tells us that it is all on account of Vlr. Bryan's lack of bunneas x t r len ,-e , tact and ability N w if it be true, aj laid down ty the Fre Press, tnat Mr. Bryan has caused taou lands of dollars to bs lest to the road by aatagonixing and alienating th baaineaa man along its line, and above all. if It ba true that a lack of more friendly relatione with the Richmond dt Danville Railroad, by which Ihe trade of New Berne has suffered, and in soma reeprcta baan wipad out, is due to his lack of busineaa tact and sxperisnoe. Governor Fowla should not wait until tba stockholders meeting, but. if it is within his power should rsmove Mr. Bryan at one. Governor Fowl has not to take our word aa lo the embargo oo Eastern products. He A-noc that ii cj-utt If ha can racoove tha barrier that is de stroying the bairn ess of this or any other raction it his boanden duty to do it. Ilk m Vorth I '..nlini ifu ind i V (i r V one had expressed himself for such a , pcgsiu.y elect to bucceeu mm, ana we are more than aat is tied that we were correct in that opinion. When the S nator comes this way again the people will show him that they appre ciate his efforts in their behalf. All honor to Simmons and Ransom. County Commiasioners' Proceedings. A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Craven oounty was held on Monday, March 4th. Present, Jas. A. Bryan, J. A. Meadows, Daniel Lane and E. W. Smallwood. Thoe. Daniels presented his bonds as treasurer of Craven county which, after due exam inaf ion were unanimously ac cepted, and he was qualified accoiding to law. W. B. Lane presented his bonds as sheriff of Craven county which, after du examination, were unanimously accepted, and he was qualified accord ing to law . The clerk of the board was instructed to notify E. V. Carpenter, C. S. C. to make a requisition at this setsion of the board for all necessary stationery required for the use of his office for the next six months, and the R-'gister of Deeds be served with a like notice. Tlje valuation of the property cf S:ivy Whitford in thocityofNtw Berne a-i reduced from $250 to S 1 25 . n account of error in the I i-t cf 18. !' oird ii 1 j n;rrc I tlO o' l.c:: I ces day . B a: 1 i... t . :i Tues:-iv at I'l a. m. 1'r.r.etit. A. Pry an. D.une! Lane, F. W. Small ood and J. A. Mi ado we ak large and had ever neen found doing and advising that which as for the prosperity and cent interests of North Carolina. Nine hundred petitions rep resenting 60 OOO ( f ti.e best people of tha State are calling for the enactment of such a law as th is bill creates. He wanted the bill to pis and no fooling about it. Allowancti Mad by the Board of Conimiasione i a cf Craven County at the February Meeting. 18S9. ' For support of poor: Wm Cleve. jr., for aupport of M. Harris. S2 CO; B Kite, Si. 50. Sarah Heritage for M. E. Hall. S5 CO; Henry Wells, SI 50; Amanda Clark. Si. 50. A. Toler for V in Keys, SI 50; Waahington - Spivey for W. Bonner, 81.00; Ceha Hernr.gton, Si 2": II Rar Blount for Cn-iar Conner, SI 50: Hettie Nelson, Si CO: A A. Lloyd. ?! 50 . It. G. Mosley for Edney Brown, tl " 1 ; Thoe. Harris. Si ov M. Hahn for PanMoCray. 1 CO. J. Wiley self an I fimi.y. S4 i'0. Civiar Pecton f r 1 Mary A. Willett. S : 25. W. Wiu Wright. S WMt ; 8 C i Sarah H inc. k . S-t '"V fvepb- n I Perry for Hani: d : Spruiil f r Neil;e Ruseell for Th. - M (iunnersor. . '..'" Isaa I'rown for Ha Heiekish I1 vi- '. 11.00. P. hert (,. 3uck. S2-00. Morv c J .ir -M I r k . t. n. Si 00. r s . Eleanor . f ' r B. C re . S 1 50 . h i ghou-c. ' Mr-. V. ' H-irriet : t ' K A ". Mat. I la ver. Si. 50. . i int. c: ' o.ic.i-1 on The Fin- 'A as a grand .-nc-people of New Heine d"-prai-e for the mitntr wl nibit w.i- ai r-t:g'd. 'i'tie Hot. v. as the only tirst-r!a ' hotel place, and its clever trcpikt Messrs Pattersons, deserve- cr 1 the manner m which too vac'; : ed so large an assemblage. La Grange Spectator. The t ish and Oyster Jrair Berne was a big succec-s. It beat fair we have cc-tn in -""i iina. The tieople of the . ' 1 i Id 1 City are to be congratulated. ; Chanty and Children. 1 The Exposition grounds and t-,;!J i.'.a are tbe handsomest irorthe puiDn.-c-) in the State, and at night, v. Leu lliutriinat ed by the electric light, presented a spectacle, that in iti .associated and combined loveliness seemed more like a magic vision than the euh.-tantial triumph of in iustry, art and science. It would be impossible with the Bru ited time aDd space al my commnr.d to give a detailed account of tl c exhibit. The stock would have done h .nor to the bluegrats region of Kentucky: the live game ranged all the way from a mouse to a wolf, from asp.irro-v to a s war. : t he fishe9 were be ilot-r ing m their almost endless variet v oy -tt r.-! a-k tile hon ored S ate Auditor if they were nine, fide b.. side with the tributes of fori r-t and stream wtrc the produfo of tho fertile soil. . Washington Prog:-. The exhibit in genenl was by far the best, we have ever seen at any Fair held in th is State, which rellects great credit , on the people of New Beiue, Craven and all the adjoining count;.: o j ! Elizabeth City Economist. ! And now let ua turn in reverent vt;,- , eration from Nev Berne's great heroes ! of the past to iti men of the present and see what they are doing for the old his toric town. We regard this Fair as one of its achievements in industrial and so cial progress and we shall make no ex cuse for giving, somewhat in detail, the history of its daily progrc-s. The suc cess of the Fair i phenomenal and the question naturally comes upperrri o-t. how did it originate'.' I: is an original conception, a deviitiou from the old Agricultural Fair of big pumpkins, po tatoes, turnips, etc.. etc.. or it is rath' r aa absorption of that old idea and mak ing it subordinate to those more attrac tive features of birds and beasts and game and fishes of the streams and broader waters. But why particularize We did not see. and do not tell, and cannot tell the half that was there, nor tbe ha f of what we saw. Ic was eirnpiy a gra-rd success, grand in the numbers that at- c'o-1 o f Poiicy. So 25. Annual ci ues, S4.00. Assessments. 82.50. 2") per week during disability. 2' 0 paid after three years. :oJOO paid af ter five years. The bal ance of -Si. COO. less G per cent Interest on amounts previously drawn, paid at expiration of seven years. -"'.'O p ii 1 in event of permanent dis ability or death after three years. SI. ''OO paid in event of death after live years. E:gi'.ty-threc applications taken in New- i'.e.-ni in about a month, among whom are many of the best business men of this city. Male.-, and females between the age of 10 and CO. W. B. BOYD, mar:'. J wtf Agent.- IN Ba! i OUNCE ; ESTABLISHMENT OF Jeweler " The Wiil convince any one that we have in stock the Largest, Most Varied, and Complete Line of Diamonds, Watches, I'm; Jc.veiry. Silver-Ware, Fancy Limps. I.oirniese. Cold and Silver Head C,.r...s in the ic V.1W be to oiivera interest to see our gi before purchasing. For Sale, T.r IVrry land , appu: For fi at Ba Die !- : .- k nown as the Barrington -. w o.!: about two hundred acres of tmd ail tho rights, privileges aDd rtenauces thereunto belonging, jitter iriformatioi apply to T. A.GREEN nl'ing Ilctise of Green, Foy & Co. :0: V." 1 v.". J. ITH, Agt DEALER IN Mens. Boys and Children's Clothing. Boy's Clothing. 81. EO up. Men's, S3. CO us. sL-lso, a full iine of BOOTS AND SHOES Women's Skoas, 70;. up. Also a full line r f J3RY GOODS. lv- Call aa J see them. marldwtf Ace id en tai Shco'.mj I formation w as rfcoivel Saturday .4 1.. a, I maid take lht Mrs- H. r . h. per. ot nyjs cajaniy. aU J sb ao good. I thaa trWd B. U. , aad) aovtl aarad. aaa aoaad. " Msa.Wkf. WlKa. Roaad Moootaia. Tags, aritaa: "A lady friaod of aiia ara I rou 4d wka- kasae aad pseaplee a kr faoa aad aack. iHaa took thra koatlaaaf BL 8. B. aad hr akia got soft . aaJ taafimk, aiaapla diaaaaaaad, aad ar kaaita ta proa ad raaUr." Jaa. X Boa aorta. Atlaata. Oa. arrttaa: -Soata year aga 1 ass iractad btood aosaoa. -1 kadi aa-gpaaO. gaf digratioa ara nimm, rkaaaaaaiaai draw p aiy liaab ao I eoaU hardlf walk. af throat a a eaataxltai Ara Uaaa, II jg PpriagM gar ao kaoaCl. aad my life wmacad Of tort ara 3t:l I gtr Ik D. B.- a trial, aal. garprU'r z may , lha in cf trw tc r :rr 1 Tha Ra-lroad Commiaaion BUI. The Senats of North Carolina has re jected the Railroad Commission bill, pasaad by tha House, by a vote of 2 8 to 12 Now will tha fifteen Democrats who joined the Republicans on tba aide of tha corporations tall us what relief they propoee to give ua against tha pro hibitory tariff on our eastern products'.' They can not plead ignorance of the condition of things down here, for Sen ator Lucas told them about it. Governor Fowls, ex-Governor Jarvia and ex Governor Vines all know of tha em bargo placed on our eastern corn, flah, ovstera, potatoes . etc. , etc., and kaow ing this, they favor a railread commis sion. If those Democratic Senators know of the existence of thia condition of things and intend to return borne without giving us any relief, then it ia to be hopd that tha pieces which know the no now will know c( i tnsm no more lorever. I To thoas Senators who made such a P. :. M -: ii g I. J V . II a r r i - o n jAber. Csrtr. Patsy Sr.epard. ? 1 '" Ser.ia Dunn. S'. ' Catharihe J. Sm.ihw Mackey. Si 00 . G. i J and Mary Jones. S2 to for Caroline Griffin. S White for Emily lower: i eS 00. Tha fc 1 iO ing c! . : ::: the allowance b- i:.i: claime i Geo. II Hi moct bridge. S '. 0 ' o ksepar of Will's' b - Peel, i ti : n J i-p J I. T ; ; g m .si k . S2 ' ". I I id ley f Wm C. .i :'. ' o Mrs M it t lr Mrs SI .'0. -r foi r for . v f r Julia r Jac k - r t a : f , .: tl" . k. - , . K.e hi ide. Slimson sheritT .rnkey boarding prisousrs 570 "e lumber, Ss 41 lumber. S S-S'3 78, summons juror.. Richardson, clerk, fe. j. record and blanks. S'J '- ' recording taxes, til ! ". Bates, holding iro) ie-t on ring, 810.00. A G O ten. and six jurors. S'.4 CO. E. A: Co., medicines for pen r. fee ' id 1:1 i' a- f Clere I n land D. . t"i :o plans and l.-n It. ' :io. lumber, St' 9 . J A A - . SiJ 1-. g and H G Tin s. Her " r mer, fees Ii Meiadowp '.C C8. New- Berne JcU'RNiL, aJvertiring and pub lishing proceedi ngs. S '.2 V.i.J J. Tolson. agsnt, rations for pjr S'.'l 4-; Burt Gardner, n pairing L to No. l town ship, Sll B0. N S Riciiar dson oo Son. printing, Ac. S'.O t"'; M. T. Uryan. cofBns and burials, S- 'b. M. M. Wil liams overseer of po r r.o-.ise. SlOcO. Fanny Williams c ok and making clothes for poor. Si 00. li. G. Mosley house rent for poor, t i oo. I 1. . iiar ham jiuitor for court house. ,1'J.' 0. O. Hubb clerk, fees. &c. .l. o Total allowances for month. SI; ". !"(3. tended it. grand in natural objects, grand manufactured tirtich. s curios and antio,:it. t:r tality and Inn ines-cd t Berne, and grand pecuniary re.-ults. : fo k ;. TilO id- ,. I).-'! - wi.scli . :. oil.?' attr o t- i a 1 i o :. . : n.i t io- e :. i , o. : : . m a I 1 the n tin gr. disj - 1 1 1 -.nd i n 1: ho-, ; f :o . 1 i i i. r. ii d ti. t v, 1 1 i n to be Fine(olorsThat rt)WASH OUT Altv A SO l" . U llaiubrid.0 . Ciav i ' . iKUAI, OPI V . Muniiav. t;,: . I el . .uvs -iih.v-' srr. who la a ol R A- Di.lon Tnacarora. had acciJantally shot herssir ; . . E.actnc B.ttera -,t:. ma Ihroagh tha Uft breast. It ssaa that j M'y nBt Ior tB ,a tne Dme OI , My brother also a verv 1 kfrr Rophr discov.rl tar j P1 this taction wa under rial Fever and daundioe. I mi. -."V" I ni tlmelv QM of this rrnid rino a ,K an : ineai our Durusit luiuii auu w" , ,, ptatOa Oa too lioor uuwbi iuo j piaksd it ap to prevent her littla aoo from Toul nd PoiC i niaatslpieca tha hammer struck it and i Ika pasted fir ad, tha ball passing through Mr. Sopor's left bras had oat near tka ahooldsr blade babUd, drooping oa sjha flor. 8k a llrla whaa th iuiaanir wa atartad to lafom hr aaoihr. Un. Dilloa wm la tba dry ratrritrlolTaoallvafam boat for !!.. ,' . ', , .. " .i "-,: ...' ,;" . jr; surely rrmaxabar them ia the future. rater or riea la Natora's own troe laxatiro. Itiatha moat aaaily takaa. aad th moat affect ive remedy kaown to Claana tha Sys tem whaa Bilioaa or Coative; to Dispal Head aoa. Cold, and Fevers; to Car Habitual Coojtipation. Indigeation, Pile, eto. Manufactured only by the Calif ormia Tg Bvrup ConapAny, San Fraaolaoo, CaL R. N. Duffy, agent, l?ew Bmm. mn3i &iw wly i umy v.- l.t'(i re-c. its h .Vala- wus cured by Am satisfied Electric BitWra i-aved Uui lite. ' Mr. D. I. Wilcoxaon. of llor e ('ve. Ky., adds a like taatimony. saying. H positive ly believes he would have dad, had it not It was rtd that the vouohi r here-' ;of re issued to Robert Mosley f r Mrs. I Gatlin t e is-u-d to John Sa r y er. j Tin' property ii.-te.J by Mary Freeman , in city i f ew I erne, vaiued at cfOJ 00, 'va- ri- ,u-id to S250 00 on account of err r. The clerk was ordered to note the charge on the original blanks in the Reg iste tut tli. e. Ti.e vauationoflot of L. J. Taylor on Hancock street was reduced trom S4C0 to S2VJ on account of error, and the lerk was ordered to note the change on the original blanks in the Register's . rli ;o. It was ordered that the clerk return to the clerk of tbe Superior Court the court bill tiled by him with instructions to Bubmit to this Board an itemized statement of fees charged therein by Justices of the Peace. The contract for furnishing rations to the poor of the county was awarded to J. J. ToUon, agent, at thirteen cents per day for each person, according to rchedule on file in the Register of Deeds' office. It appearing to the Board that at the August meetmg 1884, upon the petition of Jas. A. Ernul, A. K. Purefy and W. A.Themas, a public road was laid out beginning near the house of W. A. Stapleford and connecting the Staple ford and Shoorly roads, aad has been declared a public road, and it further appearing that said road has not been laid out by a jury according tc law. the clerk was ordered to issue an order to the sheriff to summon a jury to lay out said road according to law and make report of their proceedings to ; this Board on the first Monday in April ! next, provided that all cost for laying I out said road shall be borne by the peti : ttoners and not by tbe oounty. Tha clerk was ordered to notify the i supervisors of public roads of No. 2 , township to examine certain roads re cently laid out and report to the board of commissioners at their meeting on - tbe first Monday in April whether or not they are in good traveling con dition. Il was ordered that the clerk of the : superior oourt, sheriff and register of deeds furnish to the board a statement of tbe various blanks needed in their respective offices. ir a i ar . has c ol- u t i k i r g i year V e x w.'iieii e-x the time i wnrk i: i effective! li ii. : l: n L ill Tile 0 1st i'l ' d ' -il oy : t a re 1 1 v f r th" be-:-: -vt r State, v. !.i!.- tin : ,. . f ii woods, pi.u!' ry ar.d io to-, of tax iderm i-t ry one if r. ! excellence. Tne Fair :s Hal gme .de in the . ', r .i. Pacts. o ; orioielit revelation even to tl. I: ves of this s.-ction. I; Star.iN A I Trior.' n re many t 1 vert ised . but on 1 v . . ' -1 by its manufacturers. of guarantee, an I ti Pierce's Golltn M i . which is warr.iiitt d to in all diseases for w.hi mendei. or mon. y t . promptly refunded. I scalp and scrofulous, swellings, t-r he u m . dred ailments. NorFade ONLY ""-HI laawayakaZ"1 "a cb m Sold bydruggistS ALSO PEFRtESS BROXZE PAIJfTS G Colors, l'LUil.Kss I.AI NDUV BLUING. PKKKI.ESS INK POWDEES 5 Kinds 7 Colors. PEFKLKSS HOK A.NI HARNESS 0BESSI5O. 1'EEltLESS Et.G DVES s Colors. ''Special Notice." ALL PERSONS OWING State and County Taxes are hereby notified to make immediate payment of the same. I shall proceed to collect by distress on and after March the 10th, 1889. DANIEL STIMSON, Sheriff. March 1st, 1889. dtf PLOWS ! Our stock of Plows oomprifes. the Avery Steel (one or two horse), Atlas, Boss, Dixie, Daisy, ChampioD, Clipper, Granger, .Watt, Climax, Gem and Stonewall, and ako the ordinary Turn Plows, such as the Nos. A G, 10, 11, 35, 10, -15, 4,S, f)0. 55 and GO. Castings of every description, be sides a full and complete line of everything for the Farm. We respectfully solicit fhe Whole sale Trade as well as the Ketail, and we are prepared to offer special in ducements to Merchants. Send for our Price List. IVHITTY & GATES. Jgr Saw Mill Supplies a specialty. i, eeiling entitled aa 1 1 tie purpoae of the 0 il find nel apart. In 1 .iinO loiceUitr and loo,- iiihiii, to tba ml Henrietta Jarman I lord part In valoe I iiiiol. situated In tba n i v nnd sou in Pet ween tha id ii i I o i si l.i.inehee f New nulla iio,.1k of John Rhode, 0 ' ' II 1 : 1 1 j . i i.i iiprs, and fully : e ' ' 1 Ion m i i end V duly filed ' 1 il :o ' 1 1 e 1 1" 1 1 y T a i j 11 lr(l 1 O ap. i or d. n nr r.i ald petition 1 i.i On i rllei. eif ihe olerkof io ( : ' 'iihimv eounty, at the i Oi u-.i'ii ille, on or bfora I 0 ! i o n . I Aprl'. A.U. one tbou o i n. o n t .i e edi m - nine, or the .1 u( po io court for tbe 1 , ri ii e eoin piHlnt. i ia lounl and ihe kprI of Ona- ' o i i on i he eleventh (1Mb) 111 . A 1 ' 1 -'.'. i 11 A .-. UKIti X'K. Jr.. Ik (A i lie Suiicrliii I ou 1 1 t f 1 11 Htow Oo. N (V I 1 A I. I i ilV A V . A I lot him lor IVI 1 1 ionerii fe21w8t. I- i l.i'1 I ua o i I Ml III I Oi.l I ; pe llllaii. a, reliei liehmi len 1 1 1 1, 1 low r li p.' r o duy o el'i a Oh N I x Hta i f. i.y North I'umi Ionia. ( oiii.I v. Slisiill A. Sin I Ii loi I I A "l . : a O 0 . AO a I To A V o Tllhe No, aa , O.l I, h aHins, ;. on m , : eoun, I v Ilo- p ,:, ; ,,1 ; II . mil vi .ree f mm I : ,. I.. ,i, ; I 'II' CO;il (art I !. I s !', it I II .I ones on nt v 1 . i n , a .r reon ired I o h .p. a tile sa me wll Ii oi I he in ( ictol'i l o I - ina I Hiiperlor Poort I Kali Term 188. i lias i.een bestin i u i ( ourt of Jonee usiti, A. Hmltb. for is of matrimony, that a ine Clerk office of ourt, that ou are 1 inik-weror ilemar lo lowed b law. 1 II ITA K Kit, ' 11 1 '. . J I'll s (,'o. T;i:-: Notice. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY As agents for owners we offer for sale on easy and accommodating terms the follow ing d escribed improved Keal Estule In the City of Me v Berne: No. 1. WfliRK PROPERTY AT I WION POINT ; includes the piece or laud known af "THE ISLAND," and tho wharf or roadwaj leading thereto from East Front street Also, water space now being filled in. The location is the best in the city for all ruanu facturing purposes, whlla tha largest I'taft visiting our waters have ample depth of water for loadlDg and unloading at llie wharf. No. 2. TWO HOUSES AND LOTS Al UNION POINT, occnp'ed as dwellings. No. 3. HARVEY WHARF 1'ROl'ERTY, including part of water front of Lot No. L!, In the plan of the city. Upon the property is located a commodious brick warehouse. The O. D. 8. S. Oo. use a portion of the prop erty. No. 1. i HE IKU.N FRONT WAREHOUSE ON CRAVEN STREET. No. 5. BRICK STORE AND DWF.T.l.TNii ON CRAVEN STREET occupied by It. O. E. laoage. A full description of this valuable proper ty, together with ilie best terms upon which the same wilt be sold, will bo furnished on application to the nndersigned at their office nbouth iroDt street. WATSON A STREET. Uec6 dwlf Ins and Real Estate Agts. LOWEST PRICES IN AMERICA. Standard, Reliable Instruments at Lovest prices An ova. jvo competition teith Cheap, inferior Inttrumenf REDUCED PRICES, HPECAIs OFFERS. PIANOS S200. ORuANS $65 1H Oct. Upright. S Stringed jtucq rvosewooa (Jtvse. Four Rota ReiR Eteve RtoDS. Couplem. Fine CaA STOOL, COVER, INSTRUCTOR ALL FREIGHT PAIS largest Stock ISoath. SfOOStylenand Prioer, a ouo c?n .ri ifii a,u ij. n nun itjs .'iwinui Low Time Prioea Fair Contract No Rik No Forfeit ure of Cash paid. SIX SPECIAL OFFERS. Send fnl Free Paper,"' Sharps and Flats," giving full information LUDDEN & BATES, SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, It SAVANNAH, QA To Caa i- , i "ill lie No la XeK, ;, : I i llie Till ,a' M jison s i ' , for the i x i-niue the 1 1 lars nnd III cents coms. ' t'VeO.ier voi menl , and I li l e i in red la J sold 1 Hay I . I i a! ni a 'Oho HI h Hale for in-! lioiM- limn 1 ,i llaylioro on .0 .'.I i.v. I'v. our land lying on K . eon ! a 1 ii , nt; aim acres, Vfaa a6ld k of !':. u l.e, i nnd -where J be rci. i . , in ihe num of eeven dol . ' els. nml niie dollar and ten rl oi a ; vi.'i. I' ii leSH the aald sum, il Oie cokIk of itilH advertlse- 1 per ce n 1 . Interest is paid as for i in l eiiempi ion of lands r I i I"-, I sli I a li St oi ,a.H ' 1 I . I -. nt. ii deed t berefor. W. T. JAHO. Tax Notico- To A. A Halm, di lln.UoilM Tnki' Notice J Iih: n shnr.fl g Hale for taxes ut ihecoun i.ouh" tiooi In Hayboro.oti the TO. day ot Jl4 , I'linilleo coliulo o: freek. 1 lead of A I I- and v in, tdi u , m s I a:l vnur lunds In Hpiini; I'rwk, Trent lor. Head of Hay Rlvel, R , wi'i c all sold for tha CIO' I,- Lu-C o n-rit or O'h ii i r- id fc r it v. i cure fill tilTt-ctioi.-o tcttc r l y. tiro ' -'.ra-i'.l be fk-.n, i- o r c e i k;n- Mules ' A FINE LOT have jjst ii:o j 1 G dwtf and Ste ainej Vanceboro I.e.ives Yar.eel'oro every Monday and Thurs- lay ::i'rii:vi!l at Ki;jist o cloek for New ierne, I'lio ii: ic aT all t' points. 0 or.o-iir. iv iiVeB New Kcir.c for Vance- Ca.i Friday morning, at 1 lits N . i . mi cri i be Ptnred at -. s ( o at all k. Muuager. GREEK", FOY & CO., Do :i G'-nornl HULL- M. 11 A i IX o: i O. Banking business. w Fankino. House, :t t, fourth door below Hotel Albert, XEW BF.RNi:. N ('. Ilk. ? O jLi vJ O ia. -o . Furniiurs Go. STORE! V. e aave , -. li a v :..'. loiii" a Had M:i!i'. IlpeeH. VI..o Mnttreseti We also ioo. tures. I'lC'tUl a Sliaif en W e pay pp. 0 11,11 ot I Ohio Wa dit- fei t 11 L . 1TV. Vo.. - I T. J. TU; 2-2 X fl M'il il- i Drunkenn a !ii located on the corner. nc.-.r to. M .nunieut. where we will be itiad to fo' cur frit-Mis. Groceri:" in Great Variety. Choice Fruits and Candies V'co::I and Glass Ware-Notions- Cheap as Cheapest. Wi:i;'-! and I. : hes: Sheet Music; Books oii.i School tttpplii-s : SnufT, Tobacco and iind many other articles. i-w i all cf hicii we boil at the Lowest Cash . .. 1 Pricc:o V.,.i'. 1 If yen war.: to sell or buy COUNTRY s iii 1 PRODUCE, i: wiil pay jot: to see us before you b ir,r-iu. : With thaulis for past favors, we so- ; licit a share of your trade. L' P. iS. Free stables for all of our cus- : tomers. Yours truly, II. C. BOYVEST. Kinston, N. C. J. A. BRYAN, Pres. L. II. ti ll .EB. 1 ir Tits li. II. ROBERTS, CiisliiiT. THE IMTI0NIL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 1SG5. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86,700 DIRECTORS. Jas A Bryan, Thomas Daniels, L II Cutl-sk, Chas. H. Bryan, George Allen. F. M. Simmons, Washington Bryan. Statement of the Condition of the Bank, December 31st, l$t3. Resources Loans and Discounts $ l4S.5t0. 1 1 U. 8. Bonds Other Stocks Real Estate U. S. Notes. Bill-, Duo from Banks. 25.000.00 50,109.58 16,010.55 and Specie 51,383 97 112.539 17 IAtibilttie. Capital Surplus and other Profits Circulation Deposits S40J,0L'3.3o .8100.000,00 . NG.TOO.M . 22,500.00 . 194,422.50 Life Size Portraits. r'. . '7 . '-.Z,. -i,', r , Baeata-'a Aralea Salrs a. ca allMaUriai Dia-w" Tar "i '.tlx i , T Bk8T 8alv world 'r I Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured vi.!.,.. i.i.., . a V.; i i Out. Bruisea, Sores, UloerB, Salt i by aiministerinq dr. haines' OOLDEN specific. ...-i. ...i.i p., . -,i i , .Rheum. Fever Bo ree. Tetter, Chapped! K can be given In a curi of coffee or tea, or in ar- .lands una ualed. Price .,0c. and 1 at ! Vhilhlaina Oorna Tad all Skin 'tide of food, without the knowledge of the per- Life Size Portraits, ia Oil or Crayon, R. N. Duffy s Wholesale and Ketail Drug Hands, OWlblalna, Uorn, ana all BKin taklng it; lt i8 absolutely harmless and will : made from anv ki-d of small nir-turo Store. Wholesale rrico, fS per doaon. EmpUons, and powtlTely' cures piles effect a permanent and speedy cure, tvHetlicr ; ?v Altss aTOR t VAPP P ' " ' or no par required. It is aruaxanteed to tbepatientis a moderate drinkcroi an alcoholic oy mitb AttiUit.i jjitoLi. r va nnrfeot aatisfaetion. or money re- 1 1 neyt lo. - uunnn., "i".i-"" (ua.aUKCU, o---r- . a complete cure in every inniaunc. io iiojjc uuun lunutxi. rnw u osuis per uva. x-ui i FREE, Address in connaence, sale by B. N. Duffr. ian.1 ' TRUCKERS' Seed and Supplies At Geo, Allen & Co. " FREE. Address in confidence, "KF'J 1 SolffeN SPECIFIC CO., 1 85 Race tl.. Cincinnati. 0. 1 street. The best BBsortraent of Trusecs in lhc city. A perfect fit guaranteed. A full asHortrneut of Fresh and Warranted Garden Heeds. A large, varied and lelect stock of reifu mery and Fine t-oapM. A ohoice asaortuicnt or Flue RiiCi Cheap Clears. Proprietors of lHiff'g Tonic Mixture, Duffy's Antl-lillious 11118, old und reliable Family Medicines. Hat-Plumes, Feather Fans, Mounted Birds. Feather Work and J; ancy Articles made by MissA. W. DUFFY. AtTof which we offer at the VERY LOW EST PRICKS for 0A8H. dec! dwtf ' F. 8. DUKFY, .... .fi i,- . A. ... y.. vi....,;'T I.'.V.... ' if 1 her residence. Johnson feb2dwly 8403,023. 31? RequestinK attention to the staternent herewith, also list of Directors, which we think will be regarded as a guaran tee of careful management, this Bank invites the aecounts of Banks. Bankers. Merchants, Corporations, Firms nnd Individuals With superior facilities in every le ttitimate branch of the Banking bus ness, correspondence with a view to Dusiness relations is invited. Special attention given to collections and the business and interests of cor respondents and patroDs carefully and promptly attended to. Respectfully, G. n. Roberts, Casliicr. Go to F. S. DUFFY DRUGGIST, AND BUY DRUGS & MEDICINES CHEAP FOR CASH. ihm'B ot lv7, when nnd where I became tbe purchaser In tin- hi, ,n ot Twen I v-one dollars and tin ri v-ni n eeni.H tS2l Olti) tuxeH. nnd three dollars nnd thin y cents mats .1:1 SO). Total gl.tjii. I lia's tho Hitld sum. together with thecoRlHo: this ml iTllteinciil la paid, to Ket her wit n t li e Lin per cent Interest aa re i,ulred by Inw for Ihe redemption of lands hold for iHxefi, 1 biiall take a deed therefor. FKMTUrt AHI.LKK. Haylioro, N. (".. Feb I 1. IKWt. Coat or nd ert ihenenl, iv'l no KOKTI1 CA Ilfilil N A. j Onslow County. ( Huperlor Cpurt. Cader Ward and K. W. Ward. Administrator of Lama Ward. Plaintiff'. Ai;iilr'M .1. Harvey l oy. I . n. Hi'cLuii, Catherine Bec tim i P. is v lie i. Nat lianlul Hum phrey, Fran ces Humphrey iiilw wlfi, John lieeton. Alii liecton i U1h w ife), w. H West, Hnsan 1 ) West ' his wife,, W. 11. West, admlnla tralor of nt tierli.i' I. 1 oy, Mary Foy, ad ward W. Fonvellle, lieieudante. To the defrnclanth John P eton and lila wife Alice: Take Notice: That an action, entitled aa above, ban taa n coin m . n rt il and Ibe com- io oftleo of the desk e, u a day of Novem a , in n by summoned , no .1 ndge of ourHu - oi lo be held for tba ilie t 'on i t House lo 1 ourt I, Monday after V a,, h. AD. lattW, and oi. il un a f i ireiald, and i a Kil l complaint i i :. I on plaintiff '.. i iii ' e lefdemand- ni" b.ive tli -. d . trua'eas ; ' ' ' in. or an uudl- i'iO i oi ioIm in eld e ' ' t ,0nliil, and of a . 1 a . , . n ni mtll o i c i , l . u , , d re '1 ' ' II Went, .l.a iii pr.Ju a, .1. at -.prii'ic id ,ii t.-nrt- . I 1 I I I SMI : ' K . .iio ' Oil, I w lam n : y . pialnl I herein 1; V.l of said rourl on , he her, A 1 1 IKK", nnd l o I e nnd npi-en r 1 1 perior 4 'on, ' , a: t he I'll 11 1 1 t V Of I 'I. K , Ml' Jaeh ni.1i 1 1 0 . o i tne First V a KllHWer 1 1 1 " ei oi . .. If you fa I 1 i a w 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 k j : , 1 i . : . . f wl P V I ed Iheie'ol I ne I" , , said : H U M P H R imkM: - EYS C, Cold Binding . ".iii Sir- I Lngrarlnfy HIKE. n. Hot 1 IO, If T. s-'rvors. i hik' oiir, "r I Din rrtirri . f ' 1 1 1 1 r i) Hcnlri , .i .;.imi; ( ONtillH, ( ool. I'.n.rtl Vriirnltcin, 'I". .time Ilmlnrh. s l. H rmm. .1 onus 1 1. IIrih mt ions .. W ai III I '..' . . t li i ni; of 1 nfntiLs lii.rA.lull ,2 I'.iiaaii, l ulit . .2 iiintniK .. .Sit nil" . .? I.'. 1 ni..-.'i ,. . .! "In. In. Vi-rlien .23 IOMEOPATHIC DiNprpHin, I'.ilmn, M.inn-ii .. .25 Kuiiprrnwrd 'ir I'nlniil Iriuta -25 Whiten. t"e Vr tu-.- I'.-n'xl" 2! 'roup. ' oiu I'jU.'Mlt llr'Tilhtntr nt IihiinT, 1 '. I" 1 riiptioiia.. ,21V It hriimal (Hin, I II n ..i ic I'mns 2ft mil yu'. i .Muianu .JVO Pllrs. I'-iiii.l . i -V. -,: .. ftO "olnrrll. Intlin-r n. 1 in the Head .AO Whoop in c "oo 2 Ii . ! '!'' ' 'nnirhs. . (ifTicrnl Di'lti lit . I 't. oukneM .ft0 Kidnr v 1 'i .(VO .tmiih Di-tiilit v . 1 .OO I rinnry Wi-nkm'".. w, 1 1 mir !..ri Diui'iiwrp ot thi ll-iirr . l'(i!pitntifn 1 .OO SPEC! F1CS. Suid i 1 1 price. Ml 1 All f sale at t! and K. Bertie. N. I HUM ' 211 on ii i It . -' i m.i i.n receipt of 1 la. 1U-J lullonHt. ii:'-.i n-inws are for os ,.f F. S. Duffy !dl' si rcet , New I : I 1,1,1 1HKM WALTER'S Photograph Gailery. i i ii,. many I : I have opened Ktainl. ' ti :" Tic,. fi'.r. "c 1 : Itllara: ' II !':.!. ml un my that l c and le 1 be old n 1 1 m , a a I l r a . e met wltb n. hoinf. 1. a r m y work l oliCKliA lit Mv t i s i :.' Ki- I- la! ' I 1" a 0 in vc o, i Pllll.llltKN 1 ' 1 ' ' I I lt 1'. A KFaV Mill ni I'll iI H li la III. HI ', o A i Mr I ' I" K 1 , K I ' I liaiils .ni; ad lor tbeiv vc a,o.. an , l .'p::iii lo mi rlt a :wsiiri.. : an, T 'Sj.ei-, f 1 1 1 1 , T11UMA.1 W ALTER, N w berne. K. 0. .N. W. cr. Middle mid Pollock at.a .over K.N. l' h rut; Htorc. Pi 1 1 ranee from Pol lock seu20 oU SI'KCIA I.TV. H I KP AMP in- 1 1 bcral put mn continuance of r 9 I TO 6 liAVS0tg JT yQ.w.nt.i not lew Wyl eauMBtrtotur. U EJ9 Mrd cnlj 17 lha ltitnni Citaicol Co. W Ohio. I'M "S. 4a '"fA'"' .'-V! iN WftsW Sfv h glvrn Qnlver ii'.inciloa In the cere r i innnrrbme and On 1. i p, escribe Hand i.aa 1 i.aiiD(nna- 1 1 3 I' I" nd auffrrsra. . .i. MONEB, M.D.. D.oster, III. riiKF.. i.oo. Tmd.aaijiijjBB., 1 u Guld bv Pincglsta. J. V.'Jobdah. Agout, New )ern, N. 0,