8 T HA a EOS." Ti:3 II. C; Frclshl Uno r:rT.ra ui in?m tjlxx rem Cm ana) an Ceao w lw. a ie ttae win teamaa laeto rawaaar SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS Xiltlaort tad Kw Bern MUnon tor eaj eea. wbj Laawtaa Wt r tor WUaan, ri'CS Aa t. aVAXVaVUAY. at aOJK. r. M. Tatt M aavty MBXCT Raaiaa of !ew 1 t Maun las wiMt enaeeja. aaa oa M ew twwt iMDmNtr a ?(aeLk. I'M' mjm uxmm SB in. neMaaea. ru tufMl. ail aoiaaa !wv& A4 and Weaa. Haaiaa mow w antoei. (.iMiaMty &irr u4 m m a w Waa. ... ajui ruart ca. ai iuaw. JA.BV W. WoCAUUClC, A kamk. v.. Wara. " Yarh 4 Mass. Traa Lis, rier 3Mrv rwe t. M CHUll bM f. PatarUara. ) tot iir. ttit. W utrn.ilaya A tetania; fl ahta). it day a. W4n eljel aaa I aa ail selaea at iaa dlSaraat amo o( Til aVTwLD IIHI ABM or ItLK A uir TLA !. C- LI IV aV B. UiUT. Aan:. - Saw B-eaae. . C can ! txtCuaWrtf) I: i ci I THE JOURNAL. TH K News anJ Observer. (iKM.lUL ASSEMIU.Y. DR15K IN THE STREET 1 r-wniiT Ud'.o :-: i rr t ' M d. -,1 . V 4 . ".i-v. N i ..i V. - ' ' r . r - r. r iSTHAT- FIGHT The Original Wln. C- F. Simmon a. St Pw1! W A. SitPwomj Mcli-cln, Ert'J V ui th L" S Court ririiTf ). U- Xm.n. PTtsf 'r A. Q. Simraooj Li VI A. S. I VI ku (or 47 Tftn DTirtu.-u Hi&dani,I.oit ArrtTiTi, sc !tu-ui ii, Etc R T R. Kiim Tutor U . K I Ch Q rv , Adxmi, 1 na.. writes - I 'iuj ( ibo.J Srn iAJ but tur tour (4niin M. A. S.on oor.4 L'r WfJwnn. I Sirt otim hft.1 to raNttrtut "Zmltn't it-iS ft-T vo ir Vl,1l Dr. J R. Crutt, Ei.tor rW rv i vl a p w it aAT r'-r I.irr MiiliM, inJ Sim S k. i M it. taVai BO aUOrr Ol ;ii"t CIXSlaUL EASTBiM CABOUNA UrsPAlCh r uoltaa aa arLk. Uaaora. rklMotyaav. Vara,. , Vai a BItMikoU Ctr- C. THE 3TT.A MTTa EAGLET and VESPER tm wU ra oa rwiaiar aa-1ai U4 Hiri'HuAT ItUMT. WAOXaitA aaa l vilAt. Taaa IMam tat nuwuin iu la AuaoUAA J. U A. ak. Nrfu.K mtuwi m. av. Vara. uj m. k ajd aaa 1liWai a. K. . rorim a ruu, od laff Ai Il ha a4AUt u pr .or iaeuslia loi rana mmtm 4 i iota 017 wam MtlfH4l wUi M oa w 1 raiiArtniaaaa. at cii, r. a .to. e r.. wu. a s.i. iv t oa. nmua. . , kr Nurftica !talra A A. ar axnauia a Mlaui rrtu CUk. W I urt U4 .t U( i, ant iin HMUWISM. tAaaaa ai fnouA a uyv . U4 taiaiin lAapataA aaiJj m MUtt Jr,a , ay rasa. IV. K f.i Aart km. Bk. A,IMM FfnaA ax'ia a fr laa trraaat Batiu rtoa an. ia. w CaT1"1 ' aA krw aat Ua 1 u ftr t utu) , M9A aaa vUl 0 wo. JUX at rtw rr.r. a. M H.I. a t .i l tio Mua4: r. . a . 4 . nu. bVCIjja. . ooai rn!(m An J. tv. .14IIU1 . tr ; -ak. AV. Aw araiA a. Aaai . N T .OLD DOUirilON Sisaasiiip Company. VWa (Mat aaalim Kawtaia r.- . fAArA OM aatal ravwiaa Waiar v ,' atAAAa. viA lrU aA roa a aw fork. t4 Clr. Aaat ail ycaia 9Arta, JCai aa4 Wam .nut, WM 1A aa UbAfV. Aia aa ia) Mat aaA IwuraUa. wtil tMi Vi, lor Ifm-m MuMUAt A minaiio 9. A T. A. a. A.CAb.ar I liwl Mnn. AAA H L Car vavuJC ataaAV TVKaDAIIA a FAJ- A aaa A A. AU. ai 1 taa) K Anna arlA aaa O. iA a. a cav a afcipa aw lava, av av f. ua.1 -n ,-r ar Aamaiara. CVraA Llaa AAiaA tor rim Aaaa . A at t, UV aauaa tor Aaatoa w ariu aw A aa a aa aaw aaxroaa Mr IAa raa ASar hi at aaaa La Um a aataAa aaa at Ol U. a. a. i. . m K. V a IWUI AAA a aauA aaAta. mbmv , AAA Avarr anailaai aat tto aa anu AaaaaA Dwa aaaarWrara. a. a. aoacara. Aav a cvurarru a mu t. .lortotk. r sTAsroan, . tora oiy. THJI IfZTtTSS aw TE2n riyzb n a j ' ' ' StaULmbo&i Compaxiy. WTU rjA Iba axiAwlA SaAaalaJA Aaany ia. laal. a aa J arat Btaaxner Trent A tU lia twrr M 'ill J ajul TQarKlAj ! tor nmiu aaJ la tarn J".; pui a a. , k : aUaiaar XinatOB. WUI laa Waraj Aaraa aar ktMfax ao r&aa AT aaA rrtAAra at U oHoa. A. aeara wtil aaar KlaauA u Moaday aaA TaaAafa TaaaaAa- ail .aiaraiaAta Ia1 aaaAA Akvar. .." v. XI. Pt ai Xa-a-aara. .,w.r. . iv a. V. a. WMJUX. AAWAtat ni am M. aamrai. JAU7 uui r.. J. a. aAAma. QaaAar BnAva .1 PWi' Car for Ccm uni pti-n La aiao Um bat Couj;h Medicine. If toii har a Cnrh wiLtkul '1 of LiuA, a fpar dnarA art) ail you nal. Hat 1 yxi no-(f'-t th'. aawr mmn nvaltar, aaJ 4vrai tH- t4a ohl Id r4Uired. 1-1 fj I'Balllirn U3 I at. Uavi TTaAyC aU! -f 4rMmt yr aant T nJI. LADIES DRON TONIC Win arf Ika ILOCO r-a-raUt O f TyUTH UJ aniaatav w a -A iaartaK Ia4iaaalt-' i aWrABr- a T . ra-4 aaa. a a V 4ak.r if-Aa4 aaaoai. aa av HA 3i raxa rr v ti 1 -a- - AO -J ai-? Ha-AiA r-ar - .a,, An t 'm DaV. l ; Baa.a iaai A aaDtaarat. TH!3 MH aHOICIWf CO.. ST LOUIS, M3 Dobbins Electric Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. II a Strictly Furs. Dmfcra ii Quality. H K W-rtami ttr-n'thA Sfna m-xi-V-vi r Thte p la l-U7 WttaB THE w naai fcim-ii fcr f fWa-aJ S t-Sa tiiajrWA-AX. Mtafl la lvallly Cia malt tmvmty J IT rurc J.r I READ THIS TWICE ruMjiM fifliCAlaiaT IAa Ana tr . it. lite wri .h.: iv.:T- 2 wjA i1 . til u- u.r c. in r'fettn: 9o.p a i v. 1 arnilaf; ta I rrrw S-SK trial . 1 V-n. J- If CaWfJ A.-ki at t aa I a4pa. Pcwarc of Imitations. a uY pr-... Ai fcc (-at:. lraTa.tT- ( A-.v . ar-il ruin -iotAr, a -ad arr . -tOOBim' tLrCTEK - anal t my 8aaT. Nrlt arwwry Jt-ict f- -rn Mii-ai Ui xn kaw-pai in a tix. k If y ar- kta t bar ar-li r-larr fr-inx ij mr arHTaraUaT -ac-r T3 F A 1 CaVrvAal latauaiar r-arv i--cufc! nek J W mad am ca.-taa : fallw Hrrtm9 oaa Aaack jaaCaati-T ar-iyr V ,u raaaaMOt klatr-al ti3 rjc aurtifrr Saaax-a tr-y jaj 4bc 7 Mrxd l -S -1 rei-abic, uaJ cnry Nirr44 Dobbms' Electric Soap. I. L. CHAGIN V l i i LAP y L! HI.' A. CO. T1 afteaxaer TUIOMA, fr.taai Mtw. at araparaA A raator apm aarrVM Aa4taa)iaAD lo war .aaa Rj ar ! rmiloa) aovatr. aaa M.w (tarn, r-ir .riaaa. aa toitola i w.t! tk. :n aatarAar aaalX A. aa OaatootA . w4aaarlaf and a. ur u iaatA anl y r. .tot? r. 4 . LaAraA HayKwrn ttT Morula r to.' "Hjan a mix A. at.. HapMac as niw.ri,; ' aivlaaaara. anittba. AJaara tn.l llabftw OaaAA arrTTtaax at yw Broa Miailir ,1 Ara tai jr araa Uva a. Aaaallaa. Hnm aromiiotUllon arts fl(rviAna axtuuaa. rmtainaHMiiiw ui ra...iTi or AaA AV ft ft. IJaav aul ..ry latofmatwn IV ttm ABBOTT, Aat. VtaJi.rt. C. tt. rJWUCA. Sfc,aw.I rOWLXAAlVartLI, 4.na. Hjrimra. CoaUK 1. IHMtT. KaWtf uaaarai Manaarar - ' -M'." to. 1 THE LADIES' FAVORITE. - NEVER OUT Or ORDER. If y"t r ri t-.t" --af - - n' lifr., aaiit n:r rTit at j: :r r - ' fr '.rr-ria avn 1 - Sieamer Honard, Independent Steamboat Line. Oa AAvl aUr Mociay the lCcb Jt el 8apV iha itmr Howard a ill run la follow tA acoavJ aia " Far Traaloa wary UooJar anJ Frl- aUjr at ica e'eiock. raaamio Tar. lay aa4 SAtoxdaj. J.J. I.AflrTTER, KAiSAar. i . J. DiaoawAT. Axaat at Maw Batda. PHILADELPHIA SINGER WAItlvJLNTED 5 YUAIiS. ui on ARM. .il iJ PfliQS "Drank . yotjr Worabip. " tha officar tai J Drank ia Iba atraat. nr " Sb. rmoJ br baa J A lingariag traca of tba go. Jen grace Still acfteoaJ tba line of her woe-worn faca, '."nk.njpt and tacgld her rich brown hair. Yet with all the furrown and itainii f care Tba Tear, of anguith and tin and dea- pir Tha child of tba city waa paaaing fair. The r i pa red mouth, with lipa com praal Tba riaa and fall of the hearing braait The nerroui flnjin, o tapor and amall. Crumpled the fringe of the tattared , hawl. At aha stood in her place at tha officer', call. She eAemeA r.ood and fair, the aeeaaed , tender and w eat . Thil fallen woman found druak in the tret . Dor. the hand that once smoothed the ripple and ware Of that tangled hair lie still In the gray -I. that mother who preasaad those red lip. to her own Deaf to tha pain of their smothered moan ? Flas the toic that chimed to the lisping ' prayer No accent of hops for the ioet one there. Bearing her harden of sin and deepair '.' Drunk in the stret in the gutter found From a paaaionata longing to cruih and down Tha soal of the woman the might bare been To fling off the weight of a fearful dream. And awake again in the homtsttwd hard by. And wooded mountain that touched the sky . To linger a while on the path to school And catch in the depth of the limpid pool. Under tba willow shade, greao and cool , A dimpled face and a langhing eye. And the pleaaant word of a paaeer by. Ye men with sisters and mothers and wire. Hare ya no care for tkeee women lirea ' Mast they starve for tAe coaafort they never spak 'i Mast they ever be erring and sinful and weak Staggering onward with weary feet. Stained in the gutter, and drank in the streat .' (iod Templar. 1 1 Uaaar aid HamAaltj. In the jear 1740, when England u at war with Spain, the Kliza brtk, of London. Captain William Kdwaniit, coming throajh the Gulf from Jamaica, richly laden, ajt with a moAt violent atorm, in which tha ship sprang a leak that obliged the captain, in order to ave the live of hia crew, to run into the Harannah, a Spanish port. Tha captain went on ahore and directly waited on the governor, told the oocaaion of hia putting in, and that he surrendered the ship as a prize, and himself and hia men as prtaonent of war, requesting only pood quarter. "No sir," replied the Spanish jroTernor; ";f we had taken you in fair war at sea, or approaching our coast with hostile intentions, your ship would then have been a prize, and your people prisoners; but when, distressed by a tempesr, yon come into our ports for the safety ot your lives, we, the ene mies, baing men, are bound aa such by the laws of humanity, to afford relief to distressed men who ask it of us. We cannot, even against our enemies, take advantage of an act of God. Yon have leave, there fore, to unload your ship, if that be necessary to stop the leak; yoa may rent her here, and traffic so far as shall be necessary to pay the charges; you may then depart, and I will give yon a pass, to be in force till yoa 3re beyond Bermuda; if after that yon are taken, yoa will then be a lawful prize; bat now yon are only a stranger, and have a stranger's right to safety and pro tection." Tbe ship accordingly departed, and arrived safe in London. KabbLsh. We talk of rubbish, refuse, waste matter: bat to the philosopher there is no such thing. Ia the economy of Nature nothing is wasted. Reconstruction keeps pace with decay. Science, too, taking the hint from Nature, is continually applying to asefal purposes materi als whirh hare apparently been ex hausted of all utility, and often converts into object charming to the senses substance which in their crude state ard offensive and dis gusting. Filth, that we would rather go a mile out of our way than enooaDter. used as a fertilizer, may enhance t he perfame and beauty of the rose, or impart a rarer flavor to the peach or the pear, from the waste matter of the gas works, black, foul, loathsome and tenacioaa, are de rived some of the most delicate and fashionable colors of the day mauve and magenta, for example. From the barrels of recrement which are set oat on the sidewalks, the ciJToniert literally "by hook and by crook' extract merchant able "trash," the sale of which sapplie them with their daily bread. ot a gutter that has not some Factolean grains, if we knew how to eliminate thsm ; and fertilizers enough to enrieh hundreds of worn out farms poar through the culverts into the sewers of oar city. If there be anything in the ma terial world which seems useless, it is only because man knows not how to turn it to accoant. Science proves the great Biblical fart that nothing has been made in vain, and at every stride it takes it develops new sources of wealth and enjoy ment, making the world richer, happier, more contented, and in cur admiration of the and beneficence of the UST DAY. i.n v i ;.. The 'Srli.ltr "a-, r.illcil ;.i order by 1 . 1 f 11 1 Ii IV. Unit. Mr. I.tik tr.ive no: n e rh.it he would tile ;i protest un.iinst the pussage of the election law which passed the Semite on Saturday. BILLS PASSED THIRD UEADINii. Amending chapters 117 and L'Gl, laws of LScO, and chapter ;5i of the (.'ode in relation to the praetiee of mediciDe : to incorporate the Far- Alliance of North its sub-Alliances : to 0 1 , , ode, and ehai- 1 sS."i. in rel.it ion to before the ( 'ourt . mers's State Carolina and amend section tor 1!, laws forming cororat ioiis clerk of the Superior A resolution of instruction to our representatives m Congress re questing them to all necessary steps to secure the passage of a bill endiiig Ix-fore Congiess to im prove the signal service of the United States adopted. in fo r .ar H"VSK. MuiiNiNi; sr.ssii'N. The House met at 10 o'clock, stead of .! p. in., the usual hour Monday's session. Speaker Lea in the chair. ((uite a number of petitions were presented asking for a constitu tional amendment for the pro hibition of the sale Til liquors. HILLS INTKi 1 1 1 V ' K 1 1 . Allowing standard keepers to re move measures from the court house: protecting the private oyster bed of the State; relating to what is a lawful fence; to pro hibit judges of the Superior Courts from adjourning courts for political speeches; changing the ( ode :n relation to the (lovemor's h.iI.uv 1 increasing the same to f,(K'. I'ASSED TIIIKI) READINGS. II. I!. Til, to prohibit trusts 111 the State and punish persons con nected with them: II. 15. Sll, in corporating the Southern Fxpo sition Society; 11. 15. :M(), tor the encouragement of sheep husbandry : IJ. 15. l.illo, purchasing the brick vard farm now boing worked by- prepared himself for a long BDeech upon this bill, but he favored its ! passage. He thought all the rail-! roads of the State should be under t he control of the laws of the same. ' He referred to the fact that the Cnited States had a railroad com mission : that l'j States had com missions and that 10 of the L'G were more stringent in their provisions than the one under consideration and none of them hail been de clared by any court to be uncon stitutional. He referred to railroad building in this State and did not believe that the passage of this act would retard such work a part icle. .Mr. 15.u Der. in opposition to the bill, said the argument that public opinion demanded its passage was but a sentiment. Mr. Lucas, beingr recognized, yielded, after stat in g t hat he noticed quite a number of bronzed faces in the lobby and galleries and desired to submit some cUan cut remarks as a plain farmer on the bill under consideration, and the Senate ad journed till S ). in. NIGHT SKSSli.N. Lills on the calendar of private nature were taken up and the f'ol lowing passed their t hird readings : 1Y) incorporate the Farmers" Co operative School of North Carolina ; to promote the immediate cultiva tion of shell fish in the State. at the Speak- in ifSE. The iloii.-e was opened usual hour, lo o'clock, with er Leaar m the ctiair. The committee on judiciary re ported favorably, a biil exempting telegraph operators from serving as jurors, t'ommittee on military afl'air.-, favorably, a bill for equal izing the appropriation tothe State Guard among the several com panies. EASSE!) THIRD READING. H. 15. (51 12, incorporating t he town of Seuiiletnwn . Greene county; II. 15. (517. incorporating the Fender and Onslow Land and Improve ment Company; II. 15. 1,0.54, to make more effective proceedings before the boards of aldermen and ct her bodies. the penitentiary authorities known , m H,;iBiI) as tne liieasoe iarm . .n amenu- ,j( meat was adopted, eilered by Mr. Holman : Trovu'ed, that a per senate. feet title can be effected." I'm-,- railroad commission. of farm 5,iHM. Hie section compelling the rail- Adjourned until p. in. roads to transport the commis- aetf.knoon sE.-D'. sioners free of charge was stricken The unfinished business of the out, and the amendment changing morning session was taken up the , the salary to $2,500 was lost. Mr consideration of II. 15. l,o:5J, to l'.mry proposed an amendment incorporate the town of Worley, making the commission bill apply Madison countv i n motion of to all roads, which was adopted. Mr. Coflield it was laid on the table. Mr. Blair then arose and said that The Speaker announced the special , he was not ready to vote on such a order for ,U,i to be the considera- ; bill, wnich was of vital importance tion of 11.15. 840. regulating the ; to our State. He declared that he employment of females and minors ! had heard nothing of it from hi8 employed in the manufactories of , people and that he had not been the State. making ten hours a : asked by his people to vote tor such legal day's work and prohibiting a measure. He asked the defen minors under twelve years of age ! ders of the bill to bIiow him the from working in same. The dis-1 need, where the railroads had op- Cusion of this measure consumed ' pressed the people by rates ! "And nearly an hour and it was finally tabled. The Speaker announced that the hour for the special order had ar rived. 1: was the consideration of S. 15. "I i. for establishing a North I Carolina training school and for jother puposes. This tiill passed i the Senate by a two-thirds majori ty. It abolishes the eight normal schools of the State and appropri ates the ". 000 used for this pur pose to the support of the training school and county institutes, and places t he ma ii a gem en t of t he same under the direction of the State Board of Education . Mr. Lyon spoke favoring the measure. Messrs. Sutton, Blanton, Trull, McCotter, Newland and Alexander spoke Messrs. Carter, if von do show me clearly 1 will vote for it." The thing that frightened him was that the rail roads in the State had not made profits and still they would say that they had oppressed us. Be declared against the constitutionali ty of it, and said that we could not apply it to all the roads. M j. Fou said that the commission bill would not interfere with char tered rights, and that the state ment was confirmed by the recent decisions of the Cnited States Supreme Court. How can it pre vent railroad building! He went on in a most logical way and plainly showed the needs of the measure. in Mr. Lucas made a powerful speech favor of the biil. He had the arninst the hi! 1 Hoke, Overman and Beddlngfield I floor lor over an hour and attacked .also spoke favoring the bill. A ! all the arguments of the opponents I number of amendments were of lered but voted down. Mr. Crisp moved to table, and this motion was voted down by a vote of 4G to r4. Mr. Doughton moved the pre vious question, the passage of the bill upon its second redding, and upon t D ia Mr. Franks called for the yeas and nays. The bill finally failed to pass by a vote of yeas .'54. nays (. The remainder of the sessiou was taken up in the con sideration of this measure. Ad journed until this morning at 10 o'clock. of the measure. He addressed himself very particularly to Mr. Kerr, of Sampson, who yesterday attacked the bill. Senator Williams made a strong speech in favor of the bill, and Senators Blair and Thomas opposed it. Debate will be resumed to morrow. Intense interest is shown in it. The vote will be verv close. li to creasing forecast ( reator. - aatatraacfa awfrr f raaa A-Aaar aa4 tiraaa. Uttr aia m .mm a aJua alia aatll I tia AaAlatg TDafsKOs! FIFTEEN DAYS'. TRIAL m km owi wemt ttrou rou pit ok cot. KHk-Ana Machisa wir-MtUa. wrA lo, alMAraaaiaa eAatfla, m aaiaaleaa iJ liar A -r !-. kail Awaat HtarallarA BMala. a velvat-llBaA ruaJ' I i yy igutt 1m m Jfr, bu . i r ctirq. R.9vraibr wa nuiutra ouf mt-hw aqual u ut -(2 -4 jrS iw ja tha afcc Alm. , Tba C. A. WOOD CO., wC - it jr. lack iu PaiiA4eiaaiA, ra ' Mtrly Affection. As fathers love their daughters better than goes, and mothers love tbeir son s better than daughter.. so do sistern feel towards brothers a more constant sentiment of at tachment than towards each other. None of the little vanities, heart burn'ngs and jealousies that, alas, for poor human nature ! are but too apt to spring up in female hearts, can, or, at all events, should arise between brother and sister; each is proud of the suc cess of the other, becanse it cannot interfere with self nay, on the eontrary, is flattering to self. Hence, if there be a bond of family union more free from the selfish blots that interrupt all others, it is that which exists beeween an af fectionate sister and brother. 1) DAY. S E N A T E . Lieut. Gov. Holt called the Sen ate to order promptly at 11 o'clock. PASSED THIRD READING. To incorporate the Original Free Will Baptist Conference of North Carolina; to amend section l,si4 of Code, in relation to clerks of the superior courts making annual statements of all moneys in tiieir hands to annul section 10(i of the code in relation to removals of proceedings in courts: to amend section HI 7. code, m relation to motions to vacate arrest or reduce bail; to amend sub section 0, sec tion loo, code, in relat ion to code of civil procedure in cases of mis take and fraud : 3,4G5 of the code prison bounds. ; THE SPEi I S j F.ciug H. L. 0-1, ; the regulation o ! freight and passeny State, w as t aken i , reading. Mr. l'.mry sen: i amendment to strike ' and C of the bill. Sir. LeGrand sent forward an amendment to strike out in section 17 the figures of ooo and insert '2.500, as the salary of the com missioners : also to sfnke out 1,000 and insert rl.-jno as the salary of the clerk. Mr. Payne spoke in favor of the bill, said it had become a necessity. It was within the province of the General Assembly to enact the law. It was not unconstitutional and he thought public opinion de manded its passage. It was not intended to inflict any hardseips ou the railroad corporations but to maintain a just and reasonable rate of freight and passenger tariffs. Mr. Payne made a most torcible and able argument from his po sition . Mr. Kerr, opposing the bill, made a splendid legal argument against the passage of the bill. He was ot opinion thaff it was in direct con-' and rebuked the opponents in very tl let with the ( onstitution of the plain terms. annul section n lela'ion to i ; 1 1 1 ' R . 'o provide for t iie roilroad r tan lis in this 'i on its second iorwanl an out sections ID IPSE. The following bills were intro duced : Mr. Chadwick, to autho rize the commissioners of More- head Citv to regulate the sale of liquors, and to prevent obstruc tions in New river, Onflow couuty; Mr. Bridges, to prevent county commissioners Irom serving more than one term : Mr. Hargrove, to amend the ac: lor the protection of orphan children ; Mr. McGill, to amend the code m regard to claim and delivery ; Mr. Bridges, to foster and promote the interests of poor colored farmers in Eastern North Carolina. The House took up, as a special order, the bill to appropriate funds to complete the Governor's man sion. Mr. Pugh offered an amend ment to strike out section 4 of the bill. That section was as follows : 'That the State Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized and di rected to pay out of any moneys in the treasuiy. not otherwise appro priated, the sum of 5,33.04. over and above appropriations made in sections 12 and -5 of this act, for the completion of said mansion, to be drawn on ihe warrant of the Gov ernor.'' Mr. .loiiesmade aspeech iu warm support of the bill in opposition to this amendment. lie stated that the building would represent to the .State, when completed i save the third floor), almost $"3,000. Only 1 l.",()OU is now needed to complete the building. The State cannot get more than ?31,00o for the build ing. Any business man would complete the building under such circumstances. Fpon a vote, Mr. l'ugh's amend ment was adopted 1'J to 4G. Mr. Smith otfered an amendment that the Governor and counsel sell the property if they can get 30.000 for it. Mr. Sutton antagonized this. He thought that the matter should be recommitted to the committee. Mr. Baird offered an amendment that one half of the Burke square be sold and the proceeds applied to the completion of the mansion. Mr. Lyon wished the bill to go through as it stood. He thought the opposition to it arose from a ; with section 4 stricken out. He was informed that with the draw back, the lower story coald be made habitable. Eather than have the mansion sold the people of Bun combe county would furnish tbe money to complete it. He would rather see it stand there until it crumbled into dust, than see it sold. It was a disgrace to the State to entertain the idea of a sale. Mr. Doughton said the public squares were granted to the State solely for public uses of the State. The first thing the Legislature knew the whole property would re vert to the heirs of the original owner who gave it to the State. This changed the whole aspect of affairs. A motion was at once made to adopt the bill as it origi nally stood. Mr. McDonald offered an amend ment to Mr. Stevens' substitute, to make the amount ?40,000. This was voted down, as was Mr. Stevens' substitute. The vote on the amendment of Mr. Pagh, to strike out section 4 was then recon sidered. That amendment was then voted down, 56 to 52. The bill failed to pass its second read ing, ayes 42, noes 59. The Far meis' Alliauce men, u was learned, voted against the bill. Tbe lie publicans were in great glee at the result. They voted against the bill also, and really led in the fight against it. MediciDe and Mars. It is commonly remarked by foreign thinkers and philosophers who have studied our national characteristics, that Americans are an excitable people, of highly nerv ous organism, who follow the occu pation of the moment, whether business or amusement, with an intensity oblivious of physical reaction. Our medical men defend the truth of this observation, and at meetings of scientific and pro fessional authorities circulate pam phlets with such headings as: ''Is the American Heart Wearing ; Out!" i Statistics recently published seem to indicate that the average degree of longevity reached by Americans is considerable less than that ot Europeans. This would seem to be true of even the military men, as the following table of the ages at death of some of the fore most commanders of the century apparently provee: ! American. Grant, 02; Thomas, 5 4: Hancock, G2; Burnside, 57 j Logan, CO; McClellan, 57; Sheridan, 57. European. Manteuffel, 79; I Bazaine, 77; Wellington, 83; Wran !gel, 93; William I, 91; Blucher, 77. Of prominent living generals, Sherman, aged sixty eight, ia the oldest among American comman ders, while von Molike, aged eighty nine, MacMahon, aged eighty, Gorgei, aged seventy-two, and the Duke of Cambridge, aged seventy, could be named among Earopeans. Once a Week. This wondrouslv progressive and brilliant paper has paid 10,000 for a serial story by Frank R. StocktoD, anthor of "The Lady or the Tiger," ''Rudder Grange," "The Late Mrs. Null." "The Great War Syndicate,'' etc., entitled Ardis Claverden. This new novel deals with adventure, romance, and humor, and is in this gifted authors happiest vein. It will be profusely illustrated. It opens in No. 21, out March 9. In addition, an illustrated novel, complete, by Edgar Saltus, will be given in this number, bearing the title, "The Girl with the Naked Eye." The London Letter is by the Honorable Lewis W ingneld : Society, by Hans Knickerbocker; Boston Gos sip, by A. Mayflower; Popular Science, by Dr. Andrew Wilson. F R. S : Book Reviews by the epark ling ltkyo W. Hazeltine; Poems, Essays, and Sketches, by the fore most authors of the day. The Editorials are by Mayo WT. Hazel tine and Blakely Hall. 32 pages. A complete novel (illustrated) by the brilliant Saltus. The opening chapters of Frank R. Stockton's serial. All for Tea cents. It is not to be wondered at that Once a Week is a marvelous success. This ia what our families want every Saturday. The best authors. The best artists. And absolutely fitted for the family circle. Our readers should try one number and judge for themselves. TVsnt of Courage. A great deal of taleDt is lost to the world for the want of a little courage. Every day sends to the grave a number of obscure men who have only remained in obscur ity because their timidity has pre vented them making the first effort and who, if they could have been induced to begin, would, in all probability, have gone great lengths in the career of fame. The fact is, in order to do any thing in this world, that is worth doing, we must not stand shivering on the brink and think of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble as we can. It will not do to be perpetually calculating risks and adjusting nice chances. There is such little time for over squeamishness at present, the op portunity so easily slips away, the very period of his life, at which man chooses to venture, if ever, is so confined, that it is no bad rule to preach up the necessity, in such instances, of little violence done to feelings, and of efforts made in de fiance of strict and sober calcula tion. Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might. GB0TER CLEVELAND. W. W. SCOTT. Fearless to plan and bold to execute, Intrepid, upright, calm and resolute, The Nation's friend, the people's advo cate, Knowing no North, nor South, seotion, nor State ; Self-poised hia guiding star the right He questioned not the "watchman of tbe night," But blazed his way truth his unerring guide And fell at last still on the people's side ! when history comes bis epitaph to write His name will glow with an immortal light; The modern Curtius yielding up bis life To beal tbe wounds of fratricidal strife, O, Mother Earth, accept the sacrifice. And close the gaping chasm as its price ! Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia. The issue of the tenth volume calls attention to the rapid progress which this excellent popular cyclo pedia is making. The publisher promised the volumes at intervals of about a month; he is recently more than keeping his word. The volume extends from Cosmography to Debry, contains about 040 pages aud about 100 illustrations, hand somely printed and neatly bound in cloth, all for 50 cents ! The Man ifold is more comprehensive than any other cyclopedia except Cas sell's (which costs several times as much), including an unabridged dictionary of the English language in addition to ordinary cyclopedia matter, and though many of the articles are necessarily brief, they are sufficiently lull for practical people, and some articles are sur prisingly extended for instance, Cotton occupies 2G Dages; Cran- nogs, 8 page; Creeds and Confes sions, 5 pages; Cricket, 4 pages; Crusades, 0 pages; Darwin and Darwinian Theory, 17 pages, and so on. It would be strange indeed if a cyclopedia ol such great merit, published at a cost so surprisingly low, did not reach an enormous circulation. A specimen volume may be ordered and returned if not wanted. John B. Alden, Publish er, New York, Chicago, Atlanta and San Francisco. Dreary People. Iu this agreeable world, so glori ously embellished, one meets with many dreary people, discomforting Spring Disorders I "T have nsed two tXMXJ Celery compound, and It has alTei latactlon as an appetizer and blood T. L. Bebmkb, Watertow Shattered nerves, tired brain, impure blood, debilitated system, all are the natural out come In the Spring. A medicine most be used, and nothing equals Palne's Celery Com pound. We lot others praise us you cannot help believing a disin terested party. Brigadier-General W. L. Greenleaf, Burling ton, Vt., writes: "I have used Palne's Celery Compound on several occasions, and always with benefit. Last spring, be Ins very much run down and debilitated, I commenced talcing it. Two bottles made me feel like a new man. as a general tonic and spring medicine I do not know ot Its equal." bottles ot year PalseH I It has siren entire aat ar and blood muincr. EBMKB, Watertown, Dakota. Paine's Celery Compound Is prescribed by physicians, recommended bT druggists, endorsed by ministers, praised by users, and guaranteed by the manufaoturara, as a spring medicine which wlU do all that Is claimed for IL Use It this spring, and asa bow quickly It tones you up. Purifies the Blood. Full accounts of wonderful corea made by Palne's Celery Compound after other medlclwa and the best physlclana had failed, aent trea. There's nothing like Jt. f i. co. Fix for $5.00. Druggists. WKixd, HicnARDBOJi Co., Burlington. Vt Mor Anything my (Mor. IT . CJC V 777 f) YF IVITU niSUntin HYFS . " lT"'. SmpU.JAtraMe,Jiamomiiai. w - - - - " ' -w wesnuasca. $t (Man. lnfflfltllWMl OW TO GET STANDARD BOOKS! Ve have made whereby wo ar premium with arrangements with a larg? enabled to offer Popular Publishing House at ratfs Books in clubs or as a wretches that descriptions ef answer Milton's -"loathed Melancholy Of Cerberus and blackestmidnight born , In Stygean cave forlorn." We have at this moment one of these Spoil Sports in our mind's eye. It would be doing injustice to felony to liken him to a criminal condemned to death. He lookB like a wretch condemned to life the Wandering Jew, lor example. If you meet him even in the sun shine, you seem to feel a whiff as from an iceberg as he glides by. In society he is a perfect kill-joy. You cannot laugh icith him, for he never laughs; and yoa can no more laugh at him than at a goblin. If he ever had emotions, tbey were frozen in him years ago, past all hope of thaw. His voice is a sepul chral monotone, and his speech is always of coming ill. Things are never at the worst with him Every passing misfortune bears a mirror in its hand "that shows him many more'' The raven that croaked the fate of Duncan was a sky-lark to him. He is gloomier than a rail road tunnel, and a greater bore. We insist that manliness and cheerfulness are one and indivisible, and that all lachrymose individuals are deficient in pluck and back bone. To laugh il Christian; to howl is a pagan accomplishment It is true that a man may smile and smile and be a viilian, but bis very hypocrisy is a compliment to the moral excellence of mirth. If smiles were not symbols of honesty, what villain would think it worth his while to counterfeit them t THE DAILY AND WEEKLY JOURNAL. They are standard works, well bound in cloth, good print, and hand somely embellished. Regular library size, aud most beautiful in design. Every subscriber to either the DAILY or Wf.HKLY JotjenaX, paying 1 1. r . 'Ill ..aa. ... one year in auvance, ana iweniy-nve cents extra, win ne entitled to their ehoice from this list. A large assortment will be kept on hand where thej can be seen. Where we have to nond them by mail, 10c. additional will b required. and The Bright Side. It was old Isaac Walton who said, "Every misery that I miss is a new mercy ;" a saying worthy of the profoundest philosopher. It is only too true that misfortunes come to us on wings, but retire with a limping pace, and yet we should be ready to meet calamities cheerfully, determined to successfully over come them. There is scarcely an evil in life that we cannot double by ponder ing upon it; a scratch will thus become a serious wound, a slight illness even be made to end in death, by the brooding apprehen sion of the sick, while, on the other hand, a mind accustomed to look upon the bright side of all things will repel the mildew and dampness of care, by its genial sunshine. A cheerful heart paint the world as it sees it, like a sunny landscape ; the morbid mind depics it like a sterile wilderness, ana teat lite takes its hues of light or shade, from the character or disposition upon which it rests. Exchange. Too Solicitous by Half. A lady was very solicitous about her health. Every trifle made her uneasy, and the doctor was called in immediately. The doctor was a skillful man, and, consequently had a large practice. It was very disagreeable to him to be so often called away from his other cases for nothing, and he resolved to take an opportunity of letting the lady see this. One day the lady observed a red snot noon her hand, and at once sent for the doctor. He came looked at the hand and said: "You did well to send for me early." The lady was alarmed, and asked; "Is it dangerous, then T" "Certainly not," replied the uoc desire to win a cheap reputation, tor. 4to-morrow the Bpot would have disappeared wimout my ass is f aaai aF atlaraart fctvat ara1 amM ka aaalaaaia.aal hartfala atal fit Saaai aaa 1 m . W. C aitli.nC lalaatkU, SJ. c SCX2 XTZ2TWHZZZ. FOB MEN ONLY. a. autl. MmuMina fur teat or t 1 1 1 a wnWi4. a i naaii ailtlia. alarmi ' it La mrmm fia. nmor i mi m i u. i 1 r aaiarria. l m- ri mtiia I i i m4 i i i f) W. T. a-axa aramrca-i. oa. arrrraxo. A -C ARROW E4CAPK. Coi W. K. Kalaon, 'of Brooklyn, oame home one pTanlng, frling a peculiar ii(rlitnrti In tha cheat. Beore retiring, he triad lo draw a loog breath bat fcund it almost impoaaible. Ua ruflerad four days from pneumonia, and the doctors , ! gT him u p. Dr. Acker's English Rem edy for Consumption tared him and he is I well todar. $old by R. Berrr. Newborn, ' iJf.C Cnited States, which provides that no State shall create any law which may impair any contract. He made a vivid comparison between rates in North Uirolina without a com mission and in Georgia w ith one. Mr. Carter opposed the sale of the mansion or the sale of any part of the land on which it stood. It would be a lasting disgrace to the State. It would be charged, as it ought to be, that the Democratic tance. and I should fee for this visit." hare lost mv The remarks of Mr. Kerr were to party had expended roS.OOO on the the point, and a strong, forcible building and sold it for $30,000 ; at and logical argument from his a loss of $23, 000. He thought that standpoint. j the striking ontof section 4 was a Mr. Turner, of Iredell, had not compromise. Let the bill pass, TERBIRIiI FOREWARNIN6S. Cough in the moruing, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness In the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness In the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of con sumption. Dr. Acker's English Eemdy for Consumption will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by R. Berry. New Berne, N. C. Promoted for His TVIt. The famous Russian warrior, Marshal Suvoroff, when receiving a dispatch from the hands of a Rus sian sergeant who had greatly dis tinguished himself on the Danube, attempted to confuse the messenger by a series of whimsical questions, but tbe bravo fellow was equal to the occasion. "How many fish are there in the sea ?" asked Suvoroff. "All that are not caught yet," was the answer. "How far is it to the moon V "Two of your excellency's forced marches." "What would you do if you saw your men giving way in battle V "I'd tell them that there was a wagon load of whiskey just beyond the enemy's line." Baffled at all points, the marshal ended with : "What's the difference between your colonel and myself!" "My colonel cannot make me a lieutenant, but your excellency has only to say the word." "I say it now, then," answered Suvoroff, "and a right good officer you'll be." It is an ill battle where the Devil carries the colors. Great good nature without pru dence, is a great misfortune. Do what yoa can when yon can not do what yon would. Advice is one oi the things most frequently given, but seldom taken. TAKE IT IN TIME. "For want of a nail, a shoe was lost: for want of a shoe a horse was lost; far want of ahorse a rider waa lost." Never ne glect small things. The first signs of pneumonia and consumption can positively be checked by Dr. Acker's English Rem edy for Consumption. Sold by B. Berry, New Berne, N. C. Robinson Cruboe. Arabian Nights Entertainment?, Swiss Family Robinson. Children of the Abbey. Don Quixote. Pilgrim's Progress. Last Days of Pompeii. Scottish Chiefs. Thaddeus of Warsaw. The History of Sandford and Merton Andersen's Fairy Tales. Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby. Jane i.yre. East Lynne. The Mvsterious Island. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. The Tour of the World in Eighty Days. Grimm's Fairy Tales. Paul and Virginia. Gulliver's Travels. Child's History of England. uEsop's Fables. Poe's Tales. Mona's Choice. A Lucky Young Woman. Merrv Men and other Tales Fables. Baron Munohausen. The Servant Girl of the Period. Five Weeks in a Balloon. , Waverley, Etc. Ivanhoe, and Lord of the Isles. Rob Roy, and Rokeby. Cooper's Last ot the Mohicans. Willy Reilly and His Dear Coleen Bawn. Benjamin Franklin. Kit Carson. Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles. Roeky Mountain Adventures. Goldsmith's .Vicar of Wakefield. The Fur Country. Wild Life in Oregon Christine. The Lover's Library. Longfellow's Voices of the Night. Whittiers Poetical Works. Bryant's Poetical Works. Poe's Complete Poetical Works HvDatia: or New Foes with an Face. Rules and Exercises of Holy Living. The Buccaneers. Thomson's Poetical Works. Children's Stories. Grimm's Goblins. Veronica; or, The Light Keeper. Tbe Irish Gentleman. Evenines at Home, and Life many. Knickerbocker's History of New York The Sketch Book. Hugo's The Rhine. Baxter's Saint'B Everlasting Rest. The Use of Sunshine. John Halifax, Ge'ntleman. Adventures of an Attorney in Search of Practice. Six Hundred Dollars a Year. The Rock of Ages. Florida. The Cricket's Friends. Christmas Stories for Children. The Kettles Birth-Day Party Grandfather's Pocket Book. Stories for Young Folks. Daniel Boone, the Pioneer of tucky. Dickens' Adventures of Oliver Twist. Dickens' Old Curiosity Shop. Dickens' Christmas Books and Tales. Israel Putnam. Captain John Smith, the Founder of Virginia. Every Day. A story for young ladies. Benedict Arnold. Professor Conantja Conspiracy. A Cuban Romance. An American in Iceland. j Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. Kingsley's Sermons. 1 Lucile. A poem. Hoyle's Games. '. Old House Ger- Short Ken- The Keiised New Testament. Boy Crusoe. Adam Bede. She. A history of adventure. King Solomon's Mines. Harry Lorrequer. Handy Andy. Pcre Goriot. Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy. Cbavasse's Advice to a Wife and Mother. Ramsay's Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character. Modern Women. Vol. I. Modern Women. Vol. II. Emerson's Essays. Famous Boys, and How They Became Famous Men. naif Hour with the Poels. Ingoldsby Legends. The Practical Astronomer. Parlor Magic. Irish Humorous Poems. Life of WashiDgton. Famous Poems. The Christian Philosopher. Poetry of Love. Poetry of the Affections, Poetry of the Sentiments. Scottish Humorous Poems. The Sidereal Heavens. 1 Goldsmith's I'oetical Works. Paradise Lost. Keble's Christian Year. Popular Natural History. Young Folks' Natural History. Celestial Scenery. Abbott's Stories for Children. Fox's Book of Martyrs. Wonders of Astronomy. Across Patagonia. Chinese Gordon. Texar's ReveDge. Frozen Pirate. Tennyson's Complete Poetical Works. Life in Paris. Songs for the Household. Lalla Rookh. Joss. Homer's Iliad. Aytoun's Lays of the Scottish Cava liers. Bishop Herbert's Worka. Eminent English Liberals. Valhalla. The Myths of Norseland. Splendid Advantages of Being a Woman; and other Erratio Essays. Scott's Pirate, and Marmion. Scott's Kenilworth, and Lady of the Lake. New Arabian Nights. The Cardinal Sin. Witch's Head. Saddle and Sabre. Charles Wesley's Poems. I Abbott's Harlie Stories. For chil dren. Penalty of Fate. The Evil Genius. As in a Looking Glass. Allan Quartennain. Dickens' Sketches by Boz. Dickens' Barnaby Rudge. Among the Trees. The Butterfly Hunters. Boys' and Girls' Book. Studies in the Philosophy of Religion and History. Saratoga and Ball- Reminiscences of ston Human Natur'. Self Help. War Tiger. Tiger Prince. Tribune Essays. Voices of Freedom. Bristling with Thorns. Gil Bias. Lady Audley's Secret. Molly Bawn. From the Earth to the Moon Direct, and a Journey Round It. Guy Mannering, and Lay of the Last Minstrel. Iady of the Lake, and other Poems. Famous French Authors. Good books improve the mind and afford valuable aid as educators. The publishmg house we are dealing with do an immense business and give us such rates for their books as can not bo obtained by others than publishers. While these books are real handsome and worthy a place in any 1 ibrary, one other strong point should not be overlookek, the print. The type is large, clear, and will not injure the eyes. A largo supply will be kept on hand, but should any selection not be in Mo:-k it will reqnire only a short while to order it. Now is a good time to begin or enlargo you a nice library. Remember that when books aro to be sent by mail, 10c. extra wifl be required for postage. Address, NEW BERNE, N. C. - . A t -