f fly Y IXDEPEXDENT ITST ALL THINGS. Termn $B.OO rrx- "Sr.-ar. VOL. XI. NEW liPliNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, MARCH N iss;i. NO. 50. ; rid JSiLUoA' sir f rh. : a - i nu I ja. " EDITORIAL XOTEK. Too who r. f IVia etMHa rini tw mtu. ana iuut m mranclf t'll to try om Box of tfcM wnona intiM Oox. tMMpMi koUUk. For a M. t MfM aj t. Clf I ml MHtMID l " 7EUWTC : UfiH IT? AlHED DIGESTION : DISORDERED UYER; of tb kiiiim frme. No comer. r.o o. r :!: t new in m 1 1 . "Evei: Din tue Im-ds v c .Seasons .tit dacts wt-1! "Tix i much he ! ; me i thau t." li:t Th k ( hrluttr "G rover ( 'lr l.in rpoaj OK Vital OpommI apanBrBawai vvwajaaa: laru TlftM ymKlfmTlit' .aMaaOU M MM. I It (a pa tJI aaaaMa) of aocartT. an c7 (bar beat rauva- . HIIAt Ib&MCIM W Ilkl OrfiJh- 4iwctaaa Wili cac& Box. CO- J 111 Canal St. ooaai But Kcvp uxrmj ynu. nxiL Ezzcnirs pills cs reoipt of price 25 cents a bci. DISSOLUTION. bfst Presiilt-i.t It is ri'jx.r:. the pi ice i c siuce his :r.'i. I: ii.e W n 1 tic. u, ; c 1 1 ; ; will all c.)u;i 1 11 k.i: ; 1 . o? l:v:..'. the 1 : ;.i -I. ( :. Pi ess. 1 1:' ! V: -I A . Stoaio 0tlLar aJr th firm of or A ( ted m9 VM ills iV dlattHlTtJ by annl Kiwtoa, St. C Ja. T, lJ DAVID HKTHM, A HE OET T N( , Ell. - ( ) I . t ) E TT I M 1 1 : 1 ! . Bfrri( to bT itie wo b to iani-antv w k4laM &ai kTt loptd tio Old rm mm- of OETTDWCER BROS. I " n j r i ! wail Lkiar for th dm! kia.i tstr :. W T pry U4 to wrtf oar fr.rni - i " 500 bbU. M-mr j Mf P -.r.-100 bbl. Flour, 40 bbU. Mo1m. bbU. LorilIrii-, So a J. 100 Vmn Old ra:kahc- T x 100 too Kiait, 23 bbl- 3ur. 500b.hU K. P. i ' JOO baaiitU Westrrc Cora, ii bJf AUo" Pl: 1", 1000 tot'i Spool Cot:.-m. a.i ..n.r.l ttlofDRV GOODS t i'rfu-sil Yomr. trJj. ABE AND SOL. OETTINGER, m OettLnger KJ5srrojr, jwtuArj :, isso. u. and our UiSKllO has dvppsia. much 0000 diet. 8tth fme ! Jaat think of Oden's picture in the Washington Post wkh Powtll'a name nnder it ! A rsowinii exchange 8js that Harrison's Cibinet may le ei prejei thnaly : Blaine, o, o, o, o, o, 0, nd O. THE priH-raUnaror cannot set iato the land of proprity lecaase he has no "right away." (ilcn Kails Kcpablican. TiIERK's consii'er.iUu' human n.iture nbout i newspaper. For In stanc, .1 new sennation quickens circulation. lerre Hante pre m. llVEEV do in Washington went srrk: md Moudav ninht. Every tre had a coon in it, and there was I iiiiki not an axe to be had all sent to t.P the White House to be ground. , Mb. Cleveland hsviu become h.um a ci::ren of New York ho 13 tx pe:ted to Income a member of Manhattan Clab. Mrs. Jleveland will enter and adorn the lest society of the city. Tuk home of Chief Justice Fuller is on of the chief attractions of Washington. Ilia daughters are cbrming, nd many a young man Presuieiit.au bleaks Cleveland for giving tbem r , ui. fuller enjoyment. mAn wn ,JOW AT the Federal Capital the three been ,f ,t, , K's were again on hand. Eut it fetter to k .-i was Kain, Knm and lievel. The able to do .i.nn.-' thre B's were there also Biaine, Picayune. Boodle and Bancombe. It is said It i reported ;i, drnnkenness abonnded.-Wilm.ng- r of Degroes ton Str- tended the iiunnur.ith.n. Ir is intimated that Col. Wm. one of thm exp. c: - to t W. Dudley is to be first assistant anj neariv t.v. i .:., a.:: ke. only a PRESIDENT HARRISON'S IN Al GP will s vt li ; h. u v 11 UAL ADDRESS. indignant fuiy : 1 1 riTiLi 1 d jj n r H 1 rriiinn'a inonnrnrol i scbolarlv address, nor nrr,r y-rh- i.. '-'i i l. 11 I 1:1.1 day o! . L's Ih)-o:i with loseph I'.i i r ices y;r- not 1 pro :ix 'i e .-.1 s : 1 the . s.i yd I . I ! e : 1 i 1 w e : u- s c ;:',':n l;ee 15 is it a statesmanlike document, grt, ,j. out it is a iucul presentation et the views of the President npon ques tions of national policy. The Journal hag, at different tunes, taken occasion to say that General Harrison must follow in the wake of Mr. Cleveland. There : but one ( leai ly marked departure Irom the course id' the '!r vi Lind adrniiiistrxtion in the 1'aiiisoii augural, and that is in regard to protection. The tariff reform, to farmers. whi h we have looked with such at" the fond hopes, has been relocated to the inrm':. the distant future. made :i L'ke Mr. Cleveland, General liar- Fo ; rison a(puies ed in the necessity of Foo.-t.ii-. t; reducing th.e revenues of the " , r :X J 1 1 1 1 1 11 and 1 S rator K rr Arraigned. Totton Raising-. f; o Pn;resrive Farmer is throwing Editor Journal: In conversation snnif- hot fliot at tl:e Senators who de- w'th a brother farmer who Was looking , f-.'l.t. " :!:e r..i!r,M.-l ronuni.inn hill In 011 tbe drk Blde f "COttOD rftMillR,' Look To Your InterostI 1 1 u a 1 .a" an i!itc of I-I ,;v and ( 'ieveland. murmur of a she spreads oi.r 11; i consider sp"ik-' . stars and . its greatness : Why ; i. Whe! i m.-jt :i the s pa t !l tO " ill' 01 r I) V -ua 1 m ! on the dark side of "cotton raisin," he , farmers, (Country Merchants and tha nnaprtAH thul it: nrat nhnnl. tan natnta a Tr aH t. tfpnprkllv nri irivifnr! ty. flail mwA too i.v-t if.-iic of tha really progressive po0nd t0 raise cotton, and at the present examino our stock of i a- 1 nator iC-'rr of Sampson is taken prices it is raised at a loss. I told him , j f 1 ri ' to (:-. in the following manner: there must be some misplaced labor, or : l-Ty IjrOOClS. (iT OCQTXCBf Knring the discussion of the railroad . heTnuad t P1 accurate account. . . o.mu-ion in the Senate, numerous 1 I have kept an account of farm ex- PrOVlSlOllS. EtC. ti.iu,:s were made at the Alliance, Penses and receipts for several years,, whi.-ha'.iv.-.vrf elicited applause or ap I ?nd for the encouragement of any I brated proval from the political "clackers" in ' farmr wbo thlnks ''cost ten cents a , Drateu u,eCbb,e,. jt was repeatedly charged I DOU?d tc! raj8e cotton, I will give here State Trison and ParSOD Uicii trio r-ditunr nt among the Alliance i , v; , T " " . nofnh if oaf vasr men been "manufactured" and , F , , . J n .1 ( up etc. Senator Kerr, who ! , . , . 'i'. w .iKuirc. iaowledged champion of enow neiowwnat ougnt to De an average ! Boots and Shoes. W o as - a v to . We d, prese ! i ! l l ; i ii:M!'i: Ida a '( me.iu part.cularly happy :crP ,for the county. I hope some of ffj , orirH tafwnawa mill ....... . . ,. Every pair warranted. We have u lurvp himiIiIv of Florida in- "e could not answer nation and that can merce, and of creating a defend American ust a; 11 the navy com national setiag may llee ih 'II 1. Ms . A I. A! V - : . . : .;ne she sjiends 11: I:..,. 1 ; i.i r '. .i.k.n,; htss as "moments it u :li c.o:i. Mer chant Traveller. lA'EKY rillNx u .is .it .'s best 111 Washington ia.-t M..:idi. bnr the rain is said to have t'c.iten every thing. I; bear the 1 i 1 .'.nd the new ; i-e.li I lie 1. ul.es. n'ei e-i ii to h 1 ve a r : e . he m ; t; h t h a Ve .Jo we p: fMime n with the rii.'.s'er. C Alliances, bar n- pn-po quiet outdoor talk wi boner on t he high seas. da si: 111 age t he inalieiia! . 1 . .- ... .... . , , 1 . lij;illia me e.u.eu 10 a hit mi..'. imiet outdoor tali: WHO and a fair count the present and mon brotherhood, former administrations are one. Piu-iois h w is it with 1 There is not the shadow of a shade . trucki n i.ay j.' It wi!!. sav. "of com -e it v. ill if t! ::. vers.-::--'S and o h.'.ve a tiae ( :!.- 1 : of difference between ihetn. Both do honor to the great Democratic hit." Jt uni jiay at doctneeof equality of citizenship m the same measure Will Ji n ou isous 11 i-vents. Not everv season. id . 1 - N t 1.- e n (). p.- J. W. STEWART, Sale ami Liver j Stable. postmaster general in recognition of his valuable services daring the Prg-sidcp tial campaign. In this poattian he may hare lively evercisn in removing Democratic postmas ters "in blocks of five.' Says the lieoord : In Philadel. phia the average number of persons t living on an acre of ground is 13 : the number of dwellings per acre is and the persons per dwelling G. In New York the number of persons on each acre of space is 52 ; the number of dwellings per acre 4, and the number ot persons per dwelling 18. TlIK World Bays: ire nutn - S-nit h at- P very an ofhVe. be diap- under the Constitution and the. but so that. :.t.iderit)g seas-'n laws. after i-eason, it will ail' ird remiuit - Whde gratified at this accord, let ration, comfort and happiness, us be prepared to find differences: Ah thing- rued re-;. ;,--- d-:, s of opinion as to the provisions ' necessar lly imply lndvleiiee. The necessary to give force and ef- 1 mrreli.ttit it - s yvheu be takes Ins and ; . 1 i'g- in play in his s .stern : and I : : . 1 . r 1 .. : -t - .. -r lloorof the Senate, ! "urr , y u ,;u Dext lau' u : ; r ; - V, put him arid those 1 ma7 he,P UB a" t0 URe more economy. .-. I -! :-, ; i ;:h him on the witness- ccojif unth Xine Acres Cntton. Jr. .: d 1 -npannel their constituents ! Jan. To breaking and harrowingr. 810.00 .'.i: :- ;w.d a H-.nie questions. Sen- ' Mar. To 1 ton acid phosphate, S15. . r jt; ir ar: 1 ;.!! (.f them asserted that composting S2 17 00 ; .:: i-ri ,r. c-.il-i no: affect the four " To half ton kainit, SO, -10 bu. 'i ..e Caucasian, a paper cotton seed , 86 12.00 hi- "wn tifwn of Clinton. To 600 lbs. cotton seed meal. 7 r.O P : - arkTuiner.f i a biy game of To 300 lbs. guano. S4. 50: sta- "'5r. Kerr b 11 1 his people did ble manure, 83 00 7 Ml ' '- a c fiimi-sion the Caucasian ! Apr. 9. Running off rows, SI. 50; i' ' Legislature that Sampson carting 100 loads compost n.i I "'uiniicj c-uiith's arc ovenchelm- $1.00 2.L0 ..;'.,' -. -r .' tlo: bill.'" Si says " 10. Putting in manure aud I It- ; 1 e . ;,ta::ve S ever..-', who voted for bedding rows 6 Co S -a. sif thousand Alliance men ' " 23. Harrowing and planting, "t s m;.-. r.. Which is right? Why S2. 50; 10 bu. seed 81.50 4 00 r ey .vcr hc-lminfily for the May 13. Siding cotton with har tal'?" row 2.0O L' if ic. di at some facts. Take the " IS. Chopping $2.10, siding W. V. I; 1! . one of the best and , up $2 50 5,00 en e-q'. -l in the State. Will the Senator 1 " 25. Second hoeing S3, siding tell c- L-tituents that they are not j again 82.25 Gi.-criimi-n-j against in the following ( June 15. Third hoeing 52, fourth iirfures taken from their schedule of 1 siding S2 4 00 rater? For p. car Ion 1 of guano (20 tons) " 23. Plowing fifth time 2 00 -hi'j-d from Wilmington to Warsaw, July 13. Sixth siding 2 00 ' 55 mile. they charge '540: Wilmington; " 27. Siding seventh time 2, to Clinton, the Senator's home, S45. , splitting middles 81 ... . .'! 00 i ;oro, s.i miles, ?i:.iMi il. laKineout scatt g grass .75! ricking out 10,125 lbs. our large farmers will give us their ! Cheroots iind 1 roer.ition Cigars I.. hi Klit by ui direct 1 11 rer's Prices. ineee goods nr from the Furdirt titf" Snu If at M 1 mi f ttj!" No t mi hie to r-how goods. HOBEHT0 BROS., SijutK fYont si.. Veu Bemejf. O. :r' Brick Brick! Brick I 50,000 w. p8 m 111!) Fo et te vi i If? Is.. it. mi 1 rjec. 4U.U0 IUBRUS & CO., C-EN . ,) C0KMISSI0.T UERCHANTS, AND Cv.'AI.; IJEALER8, Mai:ki:t Dock. m: v t i:un t:. n. v. Consii.'i m your produce. rn d I ' ticiency to these fundamental doc- ' morning walk nines, remembering, however, that everv muscle pointed. Mu. Hakkis'-n lias spaken for the administration of wlm-h he is the ostensible head. It is now in order for Mr. Blaine, the to step to the Iron; and his programme. Feiends ot Ire! ind in States will call tlie ,r Secretary lllann' to tlo testimony tn revealed the spies in America. It is palpable' to eeibod in the light of recent events that with leal !)Oss. an nouuee he Cn-ed entlon of lac that the P trncll case has pres. nee of Pi ltish is will be time enough to antagon ize the new administration after its designs have been manifested in j variance with our conception oi public duty and personal obligation. We greet Benjamin Harrison as , the change of crops, the President of the United States, ! The ground cannot ;. idle. Kain and. admitting the sincerity of his and buusuiue luoistuie aiul heat declaration that his administration force vegetation, and the problem the farmer rests when he leaves his plow 111 its farrow and goes to herd his cattle, mend his fences and tlx up his gates. Nothing net ds 1 est more than land, arid nothing is more restful to the tiled land than W i : I ho p'.saso explain to the people if Simeon why it is that they are 'ii.-.r.-.- i S5 mure, on the same ear for a ' C7 .-a i'.'.-- than on the farmers of ni". ; .' .', ' a' ft distance of 183 iiiiie'' Will he ti-Il why thry fhould pay 3 more for C7 miles than the farmers if cotton at 40c SO 50 Ginning and bagging 7 bales, 3.548 lbs 21. M Carting, weighing and Eelling 7 bales. ...a 4 20 It will be seen by S157 09 comparing these II.'! III UIHCO Lliail llll.' lailllBIB II (. iL.i- l-j no on b5 miles? Will he tell them ureB that this crop did not cost quite 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER hap a kink stock or j Watches, Clocks, Jewelry "'v. ,:.t , 4 I - tin y should pay S5 for a car from C' a Pound to marke and market. Oct. t Clinton. 12 miles, and Tat- -ieconnt inth Atne Acres Cot ton . Cr. bora only mts Si on the car, 18 miles? 1 Sept. 21. 1st bale 560 lbs. at 8 3-4. S4S 5 Will he toil them why they pay S5 for 12 miles, while Scotland Neck pays only SI fur 10 miligy Will he tell them why ; Wits n iihvs S47 for 100 milps and Fv- i SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE. etteville navs onlv S40 for 133 miles? And finally, will he show these good people of S impson that there is "no dis- '.-riir,iri':ii. n" in these charges? Nov. Dec. production of the Here i-Xiiei ience P.. 1 mi a.- must be It th" pea eiop eai, wh was it .1 fciK-y ;,.7S.inw V That l,700,tbe 8inPle fX'-epn-!. of laree and 3.400 small terrapins -Mr. 1 amenis no me t. were slaughtered to grace the table ln ('re:l- lin'al:i at the Inaagnral Ball, and that the tin (vUt'" V;.-or rest of the coantry must undergo a "Prt?ss Chelonian famine for somes weeks A Ku.-sian 1 t;; to come in conseqaence, seems to arrested in New bo faily indicative, that this is going afld pawning a:, to b a hard shell, diamond back : card asking lor pobhe judgment wants a chance to ( i ladstone ggest man riot e en e.xcep . - P;.:! ide!; !i;a n.i V"1 Administration. "Doctor jOlivik Wendell Uolmesi complains of the perse ! a TWO llORF. CAR LOADS of Horj and Males, catjon inflicted npon him by vol- vVmJ. wtrt sIt44 Vj m bdividasJly with ?: fire. In making my 1 nntcr correspondents. Twenty or lutkua I daal ooij witi rUaile mto, aci ii uotbin,? ut gool and twenty five letters in his morning . .y been ink lor stealing . t rco-rtt fs out in a s;i-peiisio;i of I! steal om J stok. Tard. Will take pleaanrs in 'aowini; Stab'. ind ''-oad Btieet, -New Berne, N. C. The Bergner fc Engel BREWING CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, 13 TJWQUX3 TT0NABLY THE Firuest Beer Extant. Tt in brewed from the finest Pale Canada vh:s fatberi through his newspaper CTlt BarleV Malt and LaaZer HODS, and there before the Administration is highly recommended for its TONIC and NU TRITIVE qualities. T hlh rvpotAtton er. o.o! fy ! 1 in . Ni-'.K v ENGEL COMPANY 14 dae to the f.-: th: o-.'v - PIM si AND P.KST MATERIALS ar a.M and tha: :.- - SKI :.!. and CAKE ar ezeiruetl daring tU maaafactarv. jy d:f looks m 1 1 e 1 mall is considered a light delivery, and nearly all are upon subjects of interest to the writers alone." This is a revelation. We were not aware that Dr. Holmes and Gen. Harrison were so much alike. The Goldsboro Argus says: 'Mr. C. B. Iwis, the special repre ventative of the Detroit Free Pres, was in our ct!v yesterday." Mr. Lewis n better known as "M ought iaad " He visits our State for the while purpose of giving through his paper reliable information in regard to th i section of the country. He is expected in New Berne soon and will receive a warm welcome. 'Kl'SSELL IlAERIdi 'N's frrends in Helena, Men., declare that he will t 'pitching into thy; old man' lines of Homer every to sleep on. Tims 1. the advantage ui a ela tion to a man trout! somuia." I V 1 1 is t rue, as . , , Tracy is Secret. ir 1 and Proctor Secre ' .a: as :i .,:.- w.-: I. i'rai ;, ; a -to ia e t ; : I'll r'uf i - . . . 1 ought - : : ' ! :. -." -. The N Mm;:. Me--. 'P. is ran;, l ed ;:. n a Kiel, t lie ( ler ni 1:1 n 1 v ,1 the Baltic, t h a ' co;. ;!:, place iii S la.nan waters b American man ol war an. man corvette Oiga, but Bavard ban l ea - d n- ' 1 and navs it is : :n : gh t to go - a io sh d al educa 1 ith in red, tii.lt :.- Navy 1 War. it e .1 1 . 1 1 ! e - ' and po 1 : 1 1 1! : o, - and :ig-r a s: 1 c: react, at station on has taken et ween all 1 the Ctrr Secretary I'.nj of r. i!i ible." Where are Thi-y ? Vjto. Creecy of the Economist in writ in;; c;i our I'.r iuiikt s the following jadt crnicis.u on the art department: We went aud looked around and r.-eoi.iz i but one portrait of New li-. r:ie'- glorious galaxy of the olden i'.:a -. io.u ili.it was one who was great P. t 1 .'. t-1 ana honored in his time and v i,-.-e memory is btill green and cher-i.-iic .l ia the hearts of his countrymen iL" c urt.ous and dignified gentleman, drought the i-iateanian, the scholar, the jurist. the warm-hearted friend, the Chevalier Duyard of North Carolina, the beloved itathia; ii llanly of New Berne. Where were those great men that he loved so wi :'.. feme his contemporaries, some Ins i:i.uvie. i-ome with whom he had wiesiled in the forum, some the Gam aliels at whe.-e feet he had learned the 1 s-oc- of lit' tr- and iirBt lighted the torch of bu youthful ambition? Where were the S:anl s, father and eon? Where a: give was Oatton. the firs: Stanly's great rival, who owed much of his own great ness to that gi j.nt intellect-and imperi ous will whicn sfcrank from no compe- 11 1 he titin l.o-vever gifted or cultured it miht be? lie it was and he alone that could strain Uatton to the top of his other cause, nettle and give and take blows that no other men of thir time could give and take. Where were the Stanlys, grand father Wright Stanly, son Jack Stanly and trranuson El ward? Where were tlie Syeiehts, father and eon; that grand Very i.irmer :. .-entleman. the elder Governor Simmons is entitled to great credit, . should first an. ih zc his soil and see Speinht, whose sad fate at Stanly's not only for what he advocated in what it wiil be?: produce. It is a will be national, we indulge the ; is how to induce pleasing hope that the future ot highest value, thel nion will give brighter glories 1 must teach us, to the American Kepublic. close obseiveis. - was ib iectvie la- VH AT HAS BEEN DOM'. : so ? Perhaps tile seasons v.erc ua Congress has adjonrned, and the favorable. These we can no: change Legislature is about to adjourn, ; Dut we can prepare on:' land so ar and what has been done to benetn to enable it to stand the masses of the people or ad- better, or more easily throw til vance the civilization of the age ? 1 superabundant moisture. We confess we cannot answer. Seed may be tKiecfive. Pol Perhaps National and Stale legis- e0uie reason there h-..s beta deter lators will congratulate tbemselve ; 0ration : and. il this be so. the 4. 2J bale 483 lbs at 9 3 5.. 46 til I si-k ta 1.K8. 6. 3d bale 498 lbs. at 9 1-5. . 45 70 : 1 k''''r' a larj.er Htork of (Spectacles K, 2 bales 990 lbs. at 8.5 ... b7.51 j than any other More in North Carolina, 27. 6th bale 535 lbs. at 9 15. 49 17 1 take parti, ulai painx to lit them to th 16. 7 h bale482 lbs. at 9 1-2. 45.74 j eyee of partis needing them. 14. 325 lbs. seed cotton at 3c. 9.75 3 1-3 tons seed at 815 ton 50 00 i Ilaving worked rtefidily at the bench ' for over thirij years, 1 believe I can do Total receipts 383.19 as food work n any watchmaker in the Deduct coBts 157.09 State. ' COMF AND SEE ME. Profits 8226 10 s A M . K. EATON, This land 15 years ago was worn out Middle street, and would not produce50 pounds of lint Opposite P.aptir.t Church. fel2 dwtf . cotton to the acre. I have only 40 acres cleared and plant it all in some crop every year bo the only rest it geta is a rotation of crops. It may be suggested by the large 1 farmer that 50 or 100 acres could not In tended at the same rates as my small patch, if so I would suggest that he cut 1 the siz9 down till it will tend cheaper, , even if he cuts it down as small as 1 mine. 1). Lank. Myrtle Dale, March 9ih, 1889. Stonewall Items. on having done no harm. Are remedy is in a f; those complacent gentlemen satis- adulterated seed. Red with this! He who neither risk a crop by us does good nor harm has none of ' evidence of the . the elements of mauhood. lie is a 1 jjjt we veutnn piobabiy thing without influence. A use ,e rest ot less cumberer ot the ground. -:-ll Mlpp: No far tut '." sei d t i'-th; 11 u n IlOuid r failing. M.-i tion t hat failure oftener re.-n';.-- ! want of adaptation t t' .--od to the the suit. Detroit Pi 1 e Press. Sometimes men are eutitled to ; plant thau from am "Dr. Alvin Tali 1 . r r, of Can- credit for successful efforts in pre-; a field may have bet 11 neb necticur. a Vale man ot the class of venting evil, and in this there is a ; the elements of pea prcdu -, c.,w 11, ,t i e t i .lis ii hundred kind of good. Bntthis cannot be ; tew vears ago, aa-1 be wanting in in all ion a said of deliberative bodies. Mr. ' these elements now. I: c j rat e-r iThe World Stands Aghast' AT MY J.t)W ritlCES, And wonders, How is it that loan sell so much lower than any one else? I'll tell you: I have determined to be hand will always be the dark and produce. Il IS a hloudv nicture In New Berne's historv : Congress, but what he actually : waste of time to ylant any thing and the younger Speight, not conspicu- jus lor Driniani guts, out ior me steaay pjalities that are often as useful, and ii-o for being the la t of the old time With 1.1 no ti m'ei pare i !.;::; accomplished. We hope that the which the counter-part of Mr. Simmons can producing be found in the State Legislature, excellence. ur.e man of whom it can be said he accomplished something for the gootl of his constituents. We know that there are many good men 111 the Legislature, but, in his ut ii itai ian age, it matters very little what a man iutends to do il he accomplishes nothing. Mi: CLEVELAND. 1 ind to a le ol ot It is with true regret that I infontn you of the sad loss by lire of Mrs. Lucretia Stilly's residence on last Wednesday night on Blount's creek, Beaufort county. Her house and all the furniture, wearing apparel, and kitchen were entirely consumed, and the inmates of the house barely es caped. On IaqI S.itnriinn a vanlr aon Mr Wm. Lee, near GranUboro. was found I U510' x-??.11 Di WOEK ' rfoaH in Ha linn..- ....nllv kn foil FOK SMALL I KOI' ITS. dead. When found was lying partially I My Motto is: I' AIL DLALINO. in the fire, his head being partially i Come and buy from me. and yoa will crisped. It is supposed heart disease neTer regret it. was the cause. lie was about 70 years K. R. JONaP, 0fgCT k . a -.-r. ! New Berne, IT. C. C. H. Fowler has traded with Dr. I ! . W. H. Rutherford his fine Arabian ! mare for the fine stallion exhibited at ' the New Berne Fair by the doctor. All who wish fine stock can be accommo dated by calling on Mr. fowler at Stonewall. i The Ladies Must Come I ' !!The Gentlemen May Come ! nan a 1 ! ; . 1 The people of N are very mdign ui Agent and Bottler. New Berne. N. C. AT FLAjNNERS LADIES' FISE SECZS. Ccnmcn Z:zzc izi a Specialtj. 2EN'S HAND SEWID GOOD a EAR 77ELT in variety. Two Jo n North of Iltfi AIJIKT six months old." We think better of Uaaaell than that. No doubt the Administration will be "pitched Blackburn mile ! into," bnt KasAell should not do ear. a paper pa', the pitching, bnt be onht to "be g.ys that Chainb. at the bat" "to keep in" the who w.mM riot family- volt'ano single i THE Sonth is practically ignored have no partial, altogether in the make np of the rencounters, bur Cabinet. That certainly has a de- tackles Vesuvm- cidcd icctionai look. The Demo cnytic Administration was broadly Union, knowing no North South. There were two members from the Sooth chosen by Mr. Cleveland for his Cabinet. We can see no grounds 0ne of the suc.-e-f for special hope in the artful ad Georgia. Pant y dresfl. Its omi&sions are signifi cant, audits shy and covert hints may not be overlooked. Wilming ton State. The seed sown in Chicago las' June blossoms into a perfect tlower and a large today. As a gardner the grand kius, ground p. -.is. v 1 1 in ; Oft' UIS11 ! Cllll; ed at ( o .. brave s h : it1 Joe ller's :icord man a ler be t here to see t no f. ; e iiy . In response t t he t i.iii:ry . "Docs farming pay 7" sr give the following from t he 1 lome njid Parm : l'W. E. Tavlor ot M i-oti ctumtv, is ! larr.iers ot he 1; ade with eleven plows, ta.e hundred and eighty-three bales of cotton, three thousand ami three hundred bushels of corn, three thou-and bushels of oats, five hundred bu-hels of peas. ppl of to.iiit-r, pump p.-.'.s. c.e., and a oltl party must be jironoanced a liberal supply ot ir..-1" ;:: i. - smoke success. N. Y. Tribune. Oh, he's house." .,1.1 k..lAnl l 1 : - T j hip uiu uuiuiuuuimi, LB is . inuei 1 . 1. ,.i r-.-'.-l tli ) If r i j i . J his delicate manipnlation, aided by patriotic fertilization, we have aeen developed in the National garden that beantiful shrnb known as Credit Mobilier; that radient roa known as the Star Kontes ; that succulent cabbage known as the Fredman's Bank swindle; theae rare plant designate! botani cally as poti tradmhip, furium, QrandirtoTui and District of Co lanbij. robbrriet icandaltum. The old gardner will doabtleaa be able to tarn out some new varieties daring the next four jean. JT. Y. World. G rover Cleveland has laid aside the robes of office and is now a private citizen. No doubt he en joys h;s rest in the calm serenity of domestic life. Upon his brow falls no shadow, rests no stain, and henceforth he takes his place with Washington, Jefferson and Jack son m fame's proud temple. To say that Cleveland had faults is but to affirm that he was mortal. No one claims for him a place among the gods. He was a con spicuous mark aud many lusty warriors trained their guns upon turn ; but wtien he left the public field honorable antagonists ceased firing, but the New Y'ork World continues its cannonade. A man of less malignity that the World Management seems to possess, would be satisfied to see his sun go down and night wrap its sable folds around him: but the World seems to be emulating the conduct of the boy who having thrown the cat in the mill pond is determined to throw the last stone at her. It would, perhaps, be weli to remember that cats have nice lives, and at every demise a ghost goes forth to aveuge her catship The victorious and exultant World may yet see ghosts that will not down at its bidding. Cleveland did not fall alone. Piesi leilt made t l.o .-; cism. Uk" ni.. i ( 1 nil II i:i :;.-: 1 i a l,.!i President. Delegation after delegation passed through the front door of the mansion and by the President in the east room. The line was not halted for any speech-making or for the presenta tion of tributes to the President. Forty - ( depend P -roe! fiom ol oil by the Iv as w. I! n.;vi been itself ison's as a 1 n t! which it is vie w c-d . For the purpose intc Presideiit, it is 1 roba suited asanv that con! ! selected. "A house divided against cannot stand." Mr. Man Cabinet may b regir-lcl unit. Mr. Blaine, the Secivta State, is we!! kiior-. n ; - i.,,c. abroad. N chin j: c ::i be him to t ;. ' ij: 1: " eti 1 :.r ; Y: -. Mr. W 1 u ib'in, tin 1 : t y oi the Treasury, was a-.-,,(-;arod with Mr. Ul.iiue 1:1 the GaihYld Cabinet. The two statesmen are alike their relative pos-tions being similar to those that existed 1 et w.-t-u Conk hug and Piatt. .Mr. Wimlo.u is the "Me Too" of Mr. Blaine. Gen. Noble, Secretary ot the In terior: Gt-n. Proctor. Secre , iryut War; Gen. Tracy, Secret. .r. ol the Navy, and Gen. Ku.-k, Secretary of Agriculture, are military men of no reputation. bur wi'h.il are honorable and w . ! 1 meaning men. Mr. Miller, Attorney Gem-tal. was . 'l-litive Governor? .- here were the ti.aekieiles. the Grahams, the Sheparde, th l'r a nil t he Daves, the Naehes, the ol :.-r P. r tuat we once heard the v. i:-. r .lie c'u 2i.-e i reaif riCK Nash, ana-! t;- N-o.v ':-!. iiii. sv wad the equal i L.i r.;-.:e disiin-tuisbed son, u. : . - A, i where v. as that great mu.. C i- rniicid Na?h, who fell at ia :;' iu t.19 creat struggle for 1 r(' ;r..! ti..'.v In c Pn rcd rr Penn-ivM-iYsoi!"? Where was the ! Psoas to the minut. at times passed i;k-.:.c--:L E-i ward Graham, the rival of tia-.i;; and Stanly? Oh I where were te p.-.iatings of all those great na!ii-- atj-l others that we do not now re. ail that have made New Berne a plac... oi r- no.vB and given to its sons in ail tun;- a herbage of glory. And where were ii.e beautiful and gifted women ti.a: were wc-rihj- of the love and made the rcrir.emcnt cf these great men? Where were the lovely and patriotic matrons that lent their influence in urging en the baijof the revolutiont where were the pictures of the Daves', the Uastuns. the lilackled gea ? Where were the picture of that Esther Wake who by her feminine witchery won the hearts of North Carolinians in the legis lative a: --eem blit s that met in New Berne i-, :.; troubled times nf Governor Tlie President's Tribulations Washington. March 6 It ia esti mated that 10,000 people were admitted to the White House erounds today. About half of these were allowed the Dinner and Toilet Sets nf ittJ OTn if oh 1 b 1 rl rr h Q rill J xwr dli (hu ww If 1. 1 Y I I t 1 1 J L Uliu I IJ iiauuD " 1 bit tile ' Everv body " Come ! 1 1 s.'-ii: 'i'HE Handsoniest Tea- EVLK l.lii' . I. Hoil FY.' i ..;': j. 5 I . V T" THIS MAHKET. Ml OF jipg Goods i'illl'ES. 26 GEORO and shook hands with the President At 2 o'clock the President went up stairs to lunch, and fifteen minutes later appeared in the East room, and stiil the people came. There were representa tives from every State in the union and from every society or other organisa tion that attended the inauguration cer emonies. After shaking hands with perhaps 5.000 people, fatigue compelled him to stop, but to gratify the curiosity of those outside he stood for twenty minutes upon the portico over the main entrance and reviewed about Acriculti: 1 o.uuu people, woo passed ueiore Dim. Then he went back to his desk a short while and began handshaking again after a lapse of fifteen minutes. i At 3:15 o'clock it was determined not j to allow more persons to the White ' House, and the President closed his . - 1 ; n .. a ir.l-U .- IjlJIMlilLlUll, ilU.1 lUHUCllCU J J 1 ' . . j , . i t-M..ti, .i ? Where w a. the likeness ?econd day experience at handhak of the nr- ttv girl who touched her j Jn Among dK?,h li,ht fantatic ' in a minuet with were0 .i'i1. Cl"0J W,-.rhit;gti..u at a bail when he visited N-w berue after he became President? Where was the likeless of Miss Jones, ...... . , : . ri..., , f u..,.u f ' i-:;.. win. had the heart and offered I Katl0n' composed principally of colored hand ' .-f iii-' wealthy and distinguished Charleston, S. O. , the Alabama associa tion and the Iowa battalion. Robert Smalls, the colored member of Con gress, presented a South Carolina dele- men. v TLER, 0 Street, - . N. CI. e-LLEM & 00 I'llALltltS IN General Hardware I ' - i- I e 111 c 11 I g. v 1. alti vator., :. i ,e-, .i.-:l JCoaperg, i :.'t,'i'e.s, o.:.d I'rossog, it f'lasier, Kainit PIOWH, !a VVo.xi s " ! .. Cotton C Forii 1 If.c r:. "Iccli.litics Liinie. Uric lliiir, Tuiti nish, Oil, f i i 'r;-i'7.-.-i, (Jon'i St.). ; Ja-:.-. v. ho? Ceilla to I ve O. J.;hnstc.n of Edeuton, and rtfu-al of them made him f. and cynic, and who was said bee a tis moi beautiful woman itlVf1 ht-Cli 1 i .T 1 - 1 t-i 1. .. . -1 . . 1 . r 1 -.. j. ut) ejtauue rmuiutriiu uiuu, ui rvtiu- j r" -1 sas twity, aiso canea. a nanasomeiy mounted broom, silver mounted, was presented to the President by a visiting delegation. A number of persons in troduced themselves to the President as relatives, and to each the latter spoko a few words; that was all. "Father says, " il.:.-., March 5. The full gaid Mr. Russell Harrison this evening, e Supreme Court has dis- "that he didn't find out until yesterday ! ill in equity of Caroline how many relatives be has. They didn't :i i .-.id Hardware, MiHit, Plaster .:! .'mine, Var ::! ami Hair. ' :.::r:itor8. OH o--i.it Ittirjrlar v . -ranr,ed to 1 r..:t isfactlon. " '- J 1 .s y I i : of ht-r time in North Carolina. Soul ii and in a (. onrts are Competent 1.- -T-a.N ia-Ltil ef mi-ni th V LOW, :x av cc. T7?J TcTrm?T TcV .1 ri.tlUti.t.aaaJl I C a -a . jur.e ! r--. n v -. s a la . C 1 1 : ' r: 1 rsu-- Cornelius Dunham, which bother him any. but he does not like P Pollock for years the la-v (. aimer id dent Uarri.-on i-iol ;.- the our political sy stem. aYi:;i maker, Postm.'.sttr Geio.-r, ugl blot on a luank may lie Nviiittr. yve hereafter. It will be reduced to Blaine with appendage. IJCC: sha he Cabinet, analysis, is a .siii-ht Har nsonian t-eii ii a i its last u o'etiier rep-eteii me suggestion of a -pecial pulicy for any section of oar country. It is the duty of executive to administer With his fortune fell the hopes of and enforct in methods and bv millions. instrumentalities pointed out and There is no disposition mani- provided by the Constitution all fested to put on "sackcloth and laws enacted by Congress. These ashes" because of Harrison's suc- laws are eeneral and their admiuis- cesa : but Memory keeps within her tnat fine ruta baga known aa tha : tration should be uniform and equal, cells a thousand barbed arrows lOeaon-Chajiaier naval jobbery; . c,tizpn mv not deer what readv to flv on wines of venreance health, and who do not , , . .,, , , resort to bitter, imu-ecua liv Yawshewui obey, neither may the ana revenge. y no Kiueu cock ! executive elect which he shall en- robin! I said the sparrow, with J force. The duty to obey and to my bow and arrow, I killed cock l execute embraces the Constitution 1 robin T" The World may exult j in its entirety, and the whole code now, but so long as memory lasts, of laws enacted under it. Ilarri- the recollection of New York's 'son'a Inaugural Address. Clc.-l-:.o-.'U t f Wan.s i. i- an What know ae iing for a perpetual in- have so many. " training the defendant from a-r.it brought by him in .-..,.,,.,.,.,... i S ,a;ii Carolina on August When a hundred bottles of f-drsapar- ( 4 . a !.:. !. t'ae defendant sought ! dla or other pretentious specific fail to i-i.-;...:. : a irnirtgage of 8140,000 eradicate in-born scrofula or contagiciiB ,,,.-, p.T Smith ' blood poison, remember that li. n. li. li-'a uu FASHIONABLE Boci and Sho Maker, .. wbern, N. C. .i "I pr. .:ie Oiat t cinr; i h i . t - i ii r 11 ion kn .th as Desn hill. The ' (Botanic Blood lialm) has gained many v'ar.-an before the Su- thousand victories, in &g many neem- urt of Miissachusetis was ingly incurable inst.net s. Send to the purchase by Dunham of the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga . f..r wa merclv colorable, and " Book of Wonders. " and be convinced, -old be restrained because of It is the only true blood ivmkikk. i-.e; 1-icLis in cases neretororo neara, , - saow tnui the courts of South Carolina writes: "I was aillicted niao years with and the Suereme Court of the United i sores. All the medicine I could take States, do n .'t agree as to the law. The did me no good. I then tried H. B. H., S-:pr.-me Court of Massachusetts de- and 8 bottles cured me sound. '' en'es ir will not interfere, as there is Mrs. S. M. Wilson, Round Mountain. no evhUnce that Dunham's purchase ! Tsxas, writes: "A lady friend of mine sh of th- mortgage was not bona fine, and was trou Died wun Dumps ami pimpies I n,.. M, , 1 1 1 II I ' km:, m. i.-. .'. I . !. t i . I h t- ni.- t-i ' HO. I 1 . ' rr A LfyiRV A.VD XECEsSilV For rich and poor who wi-li to fnjoy wish to er medi cin s nd cathartics i-i lie1 concen trated California lia'ail fruit reme.iy. Syrup of Fig?. P. N. Duffv. sgtmt. New H-ret . N C. f ei S d wi w i'-i').!.'! ,:it: ii ' - K A I.L HTOCk i : . . i ' veil Hilt) he im E E;:ii! AND SHOES : work mon. All : . it t a n f r "ih in U'Hl kly tea 1 in i ii i ) Ih of i he - i 1 . ' . c nnri from m vt n i-t ry : i 1 i i n k NY (, " I. Hi, 1KHM. . I - ii' pair of ' ! II.Hi.' I))t tWO i t t in i wo yrHrti and 1 ;ia.- lHti weartriK 1 hM r vli-s bil Kt'.MoM fully, K ) HI1.L l - 'HiT'i iy lone. or:'.' ( (1 w cure, it is mild, soothing and healing in its effects, and cures "cold in the " head." catarrhal deafnee", throat ail- TMPORTED FRENCH BRANDY AND ments. and many other complications of 117 Y I T A X" T ri I NT t it at f aioat rarl urol V-ij tft-itioait-ir loaiaa rrt rarta V I a- 1 Uljlj .11. i.1 J VJ Aa J UI-V. -VV.v, MLA. lliin UlOtl tC 1 i-i g U 1 VT Ci C V. OW VDU VQf lJ perfidy on the fth of November ' for sale by James Redminp. druggists. and it in the opinion of the court that on ner iace anu necu. one iook tnree the case can be properly determined in bottles of B. B. B. and her skin got soft t'ie courts nf South Carolina. and smooth, pimples disappeared, and her health improved greatly."' Jas. L. Bosworth, Atlanta, (ia.. S.jOO Reward -jim, 1 nri...i is olfered in good faith, by the manu- blood poison. I had no appetite, my CIGAllS FuR SALE AT COST facturers of Dr. Sato's Catarrh Remedy ; digestion was ruined, rheumatism drew . . for a case oi catarrh wh'ch they cannot j up my limbs so I could hardly walk, Having pn rehned a large stock of 9 my throat was cauterized five times. Cigars, and the demand for same bairnr Hot springs gave me no benefit, and small. I now offer to the merehanU my life was one of torture until I gave CIGARS AT COST until my stock U B. B. B. a trial, and. surprising as it reduced. Cash on delivery. may seem, ine use or nve Doilies cureu me." 1 . .... ...v-w...-Jl At-V.;-,;, Y ' ,p w i'h- " s, ""Y. . tV r .' 'vC v r z' ' ' "Y Y. . 4-Y- c , - S ' 1 ' ,

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