TILE JOURNAL. a. c. ,-. "OHIO Republicans tre divided I FIRST STEP IS XORTH CAROLIN A i at w Mf. C - t tOITOWAL sons. TXXXS It gTt flood 1Q T3EUI ro4 of tiaitort to tb White Boom kM grUj dlmlalahed. GlTTA! J OK EBICS305, the fiasco 81!1 Bfiar, wbo ds tijpttd tie) iroaeiad boo 1 tor, ia IT U oflclallT aaoaoei that lYMidtat Osraot will rTok the dKTN ( till agii( th Duke JL.vlLXOB unber of Morvoo eosTrU kin Lately gone to Uub fraaa ta bckvods of AUbtmi, Georgia ud T . JL 2U3 JLXTOXIO banker huwat lYtaMcal Ilaxrlaoa a ebair vaiaexi ft $1,300 aid o th horna o( Xtraa cattle. Tb horua are nve'.oi with rJ." TtJiaCflA lipabltat who t ' UadeU the iaaafaratioa huer taral home disgusted with the tt Q rrtec ectko of the Pri fUat's addrvan. ; - ILZY. Da, T. 11. I'aiTcaABUof Wilmington, L- ' saggaau,! by oa the subject of 'patronage' ander j the nets adtniaiatratloo." They art , divided everywhere- There are a doiea candidates for every office, , aod the disappointment tod tore- , headed will be m a large majority. A eichange sats : JefFerton Davis, the aged lender of the Soathern Confederacy, is now paat i the ' eighty Tears of age. Although hit hair is white, and bis veiee not no strong am :t w.m m the prime of his life, Mr. D.itis is intellectual! v as clear and bright a ever. "A DtNjtEU to Mr. Tarnell. with two thoaaand gaeata and Marl Spncr in the chair, is one wit in which Ion.loa admirers of the Home Kale leader projose to honor him. Kight or tea years ago no half dozen KogUshmeQ would hare b?n hrare enoagh to sit down to a baa;aet given to Mr. rrnell." Ix nothing that l'reaident Cleve land did wa there gTeater iierv ica 1 pfi,Ura f ihi iaii nfn fhjn Vi 1 a 4 7 V. V V V. . ' . i . . ...... .. .- ignoring froai the ft r t hoar ot bn term of orric ail :iodI diatinc ttona. He treat! all wcIwdi eaa!ly aj part of a great common coan'rT. He iiut two Soathern J men in h Cabinet and vnt other Southern men upon missions ot mi iportanct. He waJi thoroagnlj pa , tnotic, thoroughly American. V:I. ' Star. j As lar as the West and 3iu'.h are coacrnel, the tariff give them HISTOBT We liave received from the pub liaheri -First Stepa in North Caro lina History, " by Cornelia P. Spen cer. It is number one of Alfred Williamt Co. 'a North Carolina Historical Series. Tois bcxk, of L'7' page, affords as great pleasnre. Not only be cause of its presentation of impor tant facta in language at once elagant and lmpreaaive ; not alone on account of the creditable manner in which it :s brought out by the eotarpri.sing publishers, but also, and chiefly. tecause it is a history of North Carolina, written by a North Carolinian and published by North Carolinians. Mrs. Wpencer says in her preface, "This little book has been written to interest and instruct the boys: and girls of North Carolina. It i addressed to them, is dedicated to ; them, and it author would be glad . to know that not one of them, from ' ten to fifteen years old. will fail to read or to approve it. She will be very well content with uch . test of it menu." It ha been our fault th.U we b.tve left our story so long to other hands a fault that we have suf fered from. If it has Lxen wed toJd in theas psgss. TH Y. New t and ot-tTwr. (. K V. It A 1. ASSK.Min.V a in hav - K N A 1 K . '1 l.i' Sen .i : 1 . t-n ' . presiding, tu"' ;r 1 ('7 morn i ti l.i :: w ,i - ' . k n tine oik I'A-.M'i' i i, !'.' 10 Ik-, it pro . i orphan eh ; Id i en : vances ot m a.f incorp r :i r The Goldsboro A i" 1.: pany : on rem ; n justices (if t he .t public road law s. Mill to t're.i'f ,i divorce w.m take: readmp. Mr it on tlit ta' 'luest. w.im passed :r.- -t ings. n ;.. it i i- - I lu ll na : a re nd ad e ' 1 r ; ti ir and Mi J 'p I ie : to ( 'h.irln'te ;ind ! e K 11 v ,i ( '. mi r i im-,i.- lnuii u- : ainen 1 : t: the Librarian passed third reading passed by a vote of 74 to 39 and also resolution concerning captions, was ordered Bent to the Senate. A bill to make it the duty of the The bill relating to the deficit in Commissioner of Labor Statistics the penitentiary fund passed its to enquire into the management ot third reading, and was sent to the the railroad corporations in 'his Senate. The remaining portion of the morning session was taken up in the consideration of the pension bill. After some minor amend ments had been made the bill not ions calculated pa-sed its second reading by a vote bill to die a natural ol 7S to 10. ra!e eanie ver from the 11; and made a lively Pine icr a Jew mcinei) ' -. I' was dubbed "the one m in rallied eci:!,niii.vn.:i." The ti'li was made on wha' appeared to be dil lid y ' i i i i ; s i ( 1 the u ; ,er c.ui-e Id ol i i ' - e c 1 1 n d leas in (i ed to ! ay which, 'ipcii re idrawn. Tin- !:.! land t h rd : e.u! ilea" h bv t Tin- - Ml .ike I ' pull : todav el dere. i .it her t ban To be taken : neck and throttled, me light w as on a mot :on to the special order (or todav. HOUSE NIGHT SESSION. The calendar was taken up and the following bills passed third leading: S. B. 579, to remove the pres motion to postpone e aves ;u,d noee aid t he motion -ae.- L' I , hoes L'l, i riw iui. li l ii l- ii " i i our children ! reeling. win ieei eacn nwniriii'ia.. uc- ,n ,m,.n,i .,., ,,i 1'A-SKH THIKP KKAI'INi,. To incorporate Lastern Carol. na Land Improvement aid Co. ; to i ii cor por a ' e G rove. Liil to p: : I- State. 1 tie i-.i-( ion ol asi (eace a.s taken u and list as reported by the on election ol "jstices i I 'he peace received ,'' votes in the Si-na'e. The omnibus bills on local option was taken up on its .second reading which pa-v-ed second and thud Phis lull comes very near he whole t err; t or v of the 'an king orn til ces ,, tne the entire comniif tee was ted -ae.- l'I, noes L'l, the dent voting m t he afliitnat ive. -IT'.' I A T . i IIIiKI!. Tiie L-'.t-etii ;i law was taken up lor ci uuair re nee in the House amend ments. Mr. I'ou moved to concur and upon that called the previous question, which was ordered. Thirty or forty points ot order was raised, and perfect conlusion of parliamentary opinions expressed. The President ruled that the House substitute was an amendment to the Senate bi'.i. Mi. l.u.-k called lor the leading ol the amendment. The clerk began to rivd. Mr. Lusk immediately ln'erruptcd the read ing and asked for information as to 'lie amendment. I hi again and was a Si con until county seat of Harnett county from were LUlington to Dunn ; incorporating the Eastern Carolina Game, Oyster and Fish Fair. The House concurred in the Sen ate resolution to allow the expen diture of all the available assets as far as they go towards completing the Governor's Mansion, T.OTU DAY. SENATK. At 10 o'clock sharp the Lieut. Governor let his gavel fall, rapping the Senate to order in the morning session of the last legislative day Freaks of an Elephant. Some years ago, there was an elephant in the Zoological Garden at Antwerp, whose intelligence and docility made him very popular with the visitors. One day an English gentleman was so pleased with the fascinating manners of the noble animal that he procured a quantity of sweec cakes and other confections, and, placing them in his straw hat, held them out for the entertainment of the elephant, who picked out the delicacies one by one, swallowed them, and then, taking it for granted, that straw, no matter in what shape, is fodder, quietly crushed the hat into his enormous mouth, aud crunched it up with evident relish. This was looked upon as a capital joke by the bystanders, one of whom, who had a straw hat on, was particularly facetious upon the occasion. Just as ho had made a very successful sally, however, at the expense of the liatless man, he felt his own hat gently lifted off his head, and, on looking up, was just in time to catch the last glimpse of it as it disappeared down the ele phant's throat. On several occa Edwards & Clark, MACHINISTS. Craven St., near South Front, NEW BERNb', N. 0. If you are in need : f any work in our line, give us a tri.il. uni wewil endeavor to give 8atifiiLtion . Good work and prompt f ui ii i i m -i. I of contract is our aim. Call and see us. imil i - 1 1 1 ScroT:.! i HI.K..I I . I II I r'i SrFriric enrod me of malUmont lUor.t. 'i t I had bci-n trnatod In vain with ultl t in. 1 ii'M (if Mrrrnryand Potash. S. H. K r r. .1 I'n' Illood ronton, but rrllrvt the t.-"i v I. ' ii .'! ranged by the polwjnotiw ci-o Iio KU,. 2422 3d Avinne, N. Y. i .1 ' (in my (tanghtRr swelling ar.il ' '!. WV cvf hi-r Swift 'a KrieeiFir, 'f v . - u '"-idrrful nnfl ;h rure prompt. A lii M!MNI. n.-v.-liind, Viu. - i .i i i ( mi i rr I a '-.I'tablc remedy, i-.i . ii.. liiinr vliii.li jicrinniK nlly nireii 1'.. ' , 1 ll'IK'HI-. ( .till IT Hl'd I 'otltllfllMlfl .huh s, ::,1 f..r h....l. en '.', 1 i. nil Mdn . in.'i: ii-il f r. -i: u'l ft M'K. 1 1 1 ' ' ' , Jlr;iu r A I hintu. (i. HEALTH IS WEALTH! READ CAREFULLY. hour were unsv destrovine uselees jiapers ami letters accumulated the session, and packing during J(L('' jf1 OnvtBlM in i ' VJ , Cj h ra only by iim 11Itu Cbsirloil 9 J. v. C J OUD A N . I - t. " i:;vi n crilver ' . ' ;i in 'U In lbs . f ' -..i:iirrb(n and 1 K'M-rlb Itand ;( 1 sale in rrroinmeDd liid II In all Mifferrrs. A. .1. ISTOKEB, M.D.. DsMtor, III. i lurr., 81.00. K..1 I by Urugglita. Apont, New Borne, my2 11t MARVELOUS Dr. E. C. west's Nkrvb ao Buain i TREilUEVT n iiidrnnlAil DnectMo ti ,r u.u.. SlOns Snnsenuent to this the I rla. Dlizlnesa. Convulslona. Kits. Nrv,u The Senators during the morning : elephant picked off and devoured ZT TVt Ko7 r.V. hatS made Ot the Same Cheap thOUgh I Wakefuluess, Meutai Uepresalon, Hofu-nlnK WhOleSOme material: and, in One , to misery, decay and death, Premature old in!,t:inrn n hdt's mnintr hnnnf-t I Age. Barrenness, Loss of po-vr in eiih.-r i. , , , . i au t l il v n 11 11 f.u r Lr I u isix. a uml ti- 1 1 r i c ii i hnn L- a lorru t ho a n ond .1... ' v j -ii w,. . ..v t, v,-., aT,o, vv uuvi . was lUns recKiessiv apnronr aieu uo(!umencs luej are oy by him, ribbons, pins and all. noRv time inter- oaa II praid aa saccor ao protection from Ne l.ngland P and Irn q j i an i a. Al!i.im iron mt. l'eunsj lv i n : k iron :n lb Iutavill- mirkr: Th in. IN of Aaanta ait '.hi pntacla of the miiU of Liwe'd in Men'phis, in St. Loam, in t'bicag) with no pntec taction whatevrr 1! thcro is jdj virtQe m protection it should appliexl now between the State ; it , ai4 la faror of hta sou Princw i Tr miani. 01 .ew r.ngianj AlZaAdtr who is a aar lad. The 1 1 oedl protection frnmcompetition , fadnWefrVrfli daria tha mi- with Old Kngland. our mills and; BOtiij f lh Ptiac will t M. Kj. I fctonN need protection Irom com ; petition with tha long established milla and faetone. of the h,ast. iH Or.Bojcwia th prwaidency of lklSoathra Baptist CoavsaUon. ' X WOJtAJI dntiatiB Philadelphia . U rvptad to have a practice of 1 11,000 jar. And yet sh ia Cca Ma lookiae down In the aoatlL ritUborj Ckrooictw-Tele- " ' KrSQ of 6rTla baa abdi attachment to the land of their town birth, and will imbibe fre.h real to 1 oo:'"i show rhemsflves worthr of their sires. It w::! be seen that the book wa.i written for, and dedicated to. chil dren, bnt it will richly repay perus al by adalts. We commend --First Steps m North Carolina History " to our peo pla, and ask foe it a place in every North Csrolina home. New I', it- : to hji I . H( r I .1 11 C opi-nri rilpfril 1'V don: w.is riilt- u ;..;i ; OWlIl In sub; ii iiic fill-. .'Il Ol M-I.t Up .1 '...iil givi-n ; hi- t ii. i' 'i: .Mr. I. u.sk. The Presi !': i i-il ;o piTfrnptorily hi i ci 1 1 d ; n it-rru pt ion n ii ii : ot ' ' 1 1 1 1 r , an d t he v.'.i.i ; - ,i 1 1 . A l ! he fun :. l col . ii g M r. Tiioin as u .uuciidiiiriit hii'h he not iff o, to st r;ke out g claUM'. I.--s. ,ir Ml h .it l'i ore-Hung istifd th i e t . in ri.;!v on 'ed. ' Tl.f ifgui.ir i I'eiH The : i: w to get two House der of t d .1 1 lie S p. it i-! fi m -, 1 1 This, is five tet that demonstrates the insincerity of the advocates of the tariff. Henry Watterson. i . - -CLTXX-aJID'3 'w York law " fim ll eosapoaMd of G rover Clere- UaJ, Caax(M W. Baap, Fraicea . 8. Bavaftf Travwrs Lrnde Sauon, r. . .1 t' rr 1 I 'k..!.. .vawaajsi incj auu ' une CO.TE5THE5T llt"wX "Not happy, bnt content."' So TIT! cutanea tad treasurer of grcs the world. thA yCjmonuj Society of the! The change o( Admiiustration .'SI E Cfcorea (N'orih) annoanc haa come, and the great multitude C ttal tb idbtednea of the Socie-, 0f face that throng the highways tj U 115313.17 more than at thia cf there is no visible chaDge. - tiaa laat jear. .Occasionally an oftice holder ex- . PaTTsUC EGA.t wants the Men- hibita the smalleat posaible concern, Ca Dtssioa.n So doea Walter ahd now and then an office seeker ' ad the Meiicana are said ! reads Harrison' t remarks on civil to prefer him above all others. ! service reform with evident disap . - Waat U Scrtarj of State will ' pointment, but theae are the ex do remain to b ?n. ceptions that emphaaize the general -BrrTXH look after your owo sins content of oar people. CHARITY A 5 D CHILDREN Charity and Children" is an 'ollnr nrr rnhllshi1 at riLCiiru i. j ( . . - . - Thomasville in the interests of the Orphans' Home, established by the Baptista of North Carolina, of which Mr. Mills is the able and popular manager. The paper ls gotten out by the orphans of the The Hons Speaker Ia'a members are bill will i: through, cotiM-ip bills were inttodu proceeded to the business, which is at lightning speed. M r Sutton from t he mittee on the oinuii'us prohibiting the s.iif certain localities, calle the rules were suspem bill passed its third reading. SPECIAL i 'KliKIt The Speaker announced the hour for the consideration of the election law S. 15. 7'd, J 1 . 15. 1'V The question was upon the passage of the substitute upon its third read ing. The clerk read the substitute Capehart, of 15ertie, Dr. Matt. l.ipior 1 1 .iip.ior in up the bill, ed and t he pumic documents as rney are oy bv him. ribbons, nins and all. At resolution permitted to retain The ; last it became necessary for the 1'iesident spent half an hour sign- j authorities to interfere, and notices ing bills properly ratified. Several I were posted up on the premises, resolutions were adopted for small warning all persons thatched witn amounts ol extra pay to sundry ; straw irom going within reach ot persons for extra services. The 1 the elephant's trunk. tellers on the election of justices ol the peace submitted their report fame i.v Florida. announcing the election of all the Fhom an Atlanta Drummer. nominees made by the committee 1 Mu. A. K. Hawkes, Atlanta, Ga. : on justices of the peace. ' Ijear Sir You doubtless remember hill to nrnvidp for the renrin t-! ma Kt-tUt)K a gl of 5 ou nearly three A to provide lor tne reprint-, , weekg aKO l h:id thcn given uy all ing and sale of certain volumes ol j bopea of ever b,.1Dg (iMe tf) read &i!lsia. th-' Supreme Court reports passed i The Imt three ecl, however, wiih its several leadings and was or- j the use of your g!a6.-e my eyes have deled enrolled De-'n wonderfully beiierited. and I have Mr. Lucas presented the protest i hthfrsS rT ar." , .' , ; .. . ing, the first I had done m two years. T Ihu minnnrr r t r ha m k ri hero rl , . . strnf u is uloofed . cv. vmwo ana moreover l nave great no pes or 1 ' 1 T tlie committee on education for the ! their entire recovery in a few years. I Ocuaic aaiuoc i aiuiv i il uiaucu - 1 ' " mfcuij m-uiuiusuj t v School law enacted at this session 1 Bla8:j 10 y friends. Yours respectfully. With Moore, Marsh & Co. All eyea fitted and fit guaranteed by F. S. Duffy, New Berne. N. C. ji2dlm uennuOirrtMrtt I caused by ovei-exei Hon of the brain, self I abUB-i or over-lniiulKt-licw. Kach tox r.-.n- ' talnB one moiilh'H treHtmeni.. S(io h box. or six bottles 'orSo.00, sen! b luml pn-imiil ou receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX IIOXE8 To cure any c-ttst-. Wuheacii nnli : ci .- v.d, by us or Blx boxes, aocompaiil.-d w,;h S ' 0. i we will send tbe purciiar.er our w: .1 1.- mmr- antee lo refund the ruoiie ti i Ik- ; e.t t m-nt does cot efttct a cure Guarantees issued only by H N DUFFY, druKtciflt, sole (lcnt. New Berne. N. C. i.M'iv. lv Spring- Session DISCOVERY. Only OrnnlBe System sf Memory Tralalaa. Four Hooks Learned In ono reaUaa Mind wandcirlna cored. Erery child and odolt greatly beneStted- ( , mat inducmeDt to OormpomUnot Olsssws Priwneotn, with opinion of Dr. Wm. A.Hom monil, the world-famed Hpect&hat In Mind DlwawL Daniel JreenlenrThompson, UmitmI P.rohol int, J. SI. Bockley, I. l-, diWrollh C"riiifo A dcx-alr, .V. ', II ir hard Proctor, ths Hetsntisi. Hons. V. XV. Ator, Jndiie tJibHon, Jodah P. UctilHlfliOt and others Runt iiot frwo hj Pro(. A. IAUsSHTTE, 2J7 I lfih Atc, N V r ; il. I i 11 1 ng ,.-, Viiic t In Si n .it Lr. 1 r i mi W ar umi . .11 .'ii!i! dnvt all the o!nrrd 1 ; . in N i n ! Ii ( ' i roi : ii a in d ' lu' pi-ip!t wniil.l havf I'' il:) ell; w h . r!i tin- o ' im rd in M n.i-v iit-rfni nit-d. 1 ll 0 HoilM' Mill !'.v a vote ui ayes '.i! was ordered enre'drd. Mr. Thomas in t-xplaiiiing his viilc brought up hi.s old thrwat ol 1 '.en i .mi in Harrison. the newly tdi-fted rresident ol the Tinted States, and atlvised the negroes to leave tins State and go where they 'mid have their rights. The Senate went into an election of new members of the State Board of Agricultuie and .Messrs. Fart h ing, I.ineb.u'k were the tellers on the parr of the Senate. Dr. V. K. institution, and compare favorably and the Speaker anuonnced the bill'' Moore, of Duplin, Hon. .1. V. Payne, -aad a!.orteomiog tbsa to b a I - TJ9 prat Us a boat those of some cn els). A pioas life in joa is the -.. tt prpmoUn of piet j tn others. JUleix&i Qriitiaa Advocate. . "THX TnuUsyi of th Universitj - br pKtsvIlj laTitd Governors " LncT YirglaU, sad Grea of N'ew V A . A . J ,L. A I-l ootaiseaecmeat. Governors Green id Jowle wcr clavsa mates st Tax pre dupAtchs sj that ' fto bod iu oa Qju.4 to wltoeM pTMldsat CleTtJaffTl's arrival in 2Tv Tork. A. tpiaJ to th lUeh saood Tlaie ujathat Mr. and Mrs This contentment arises in a great measure from an abiding confidence in the stability of American institution?, and the as surance that man in his individual capacity, is the artificer of hn own fertane. Why should not men be content 1 There are many reasons why they are not, bat all of them have a common origin. God has intWso!iibly associated contentment with the highest moral discipline. The individual who has dedicated himself to duty, and lives m tbe discharge of his obligations, acts well his part and with other newspapera ot the State. The New Berne correspondent of "Charity and Children" is Rev. Henry W. Battle, while his father. Gen. C A. Battle, is on the edi torial staff of the Jci'BNAL The anally accurate daily Tobacco Plant has things a little miied. It heads a paragraph "General H. W. Battle," and proceeds to pub lish items from the reverend gentle man's report of the New Berne Pair as published in '-Charity and hildren." We mention and Children" credit to which it rsrtue of its New pondent. upon its third reading Mr. Amis rep. submitted a fe remarks, calling for water frequent ly and occasionally mucking an orange. He desired to hear from the Democratic Hide. Mr. Sutton informed him that that side was ready to vo'e upon the question. Mr. Amis continued, saving he was hall a lawyer and half a farmer and i ,"ash. was in a com! it ion to know that the i bill was to cheat the nigger out ol his vote, that the present election law was as good as he wanted it anil that this bill discriminated against the negro race. Mr. Cooke arose and asked Mr. out the leatures of of Robeson. Hon. A. I.eazar, of Iredell. Hon. C. D. Smith, ol Macon. Bill in relation to .justices of the peace passed third reading. The u'clocl chair. this that "Charitv Amis to pom mav receive the the bill that discriminated against fhn tip or i Mr A mm riiiPM i:H". is entitled by inR be (lul not (Hel wdl ,arra;n Berne corres- j taking water ; he wound np by sav ing the cannon shot at Sumter pre cipitated trouble upon our people. ami that this bill will bring down the powerful arm of the Federal government to defend our elections Mr. alser rep made ciuite a leave lesults with (tod. 0TUa4 wtra mt bj a larje! rt,t omo ill say, "I cannot be aUitada vfco eaoered loaf and : cont,nte ,i. The anxieties of life, laad. Mr. Cfcraiaad epcially J Md the ihoasand every day au- WM aUTlM " iaercpuon. ; noTaBcrs tha- 1-set me, mike it Sox Christiaa ar slow to obey .a eo asm aod bocaosdi am tb-ey say, It aaa sot bca laid home to their bearU with power. Fancy a child ,;- Mjfar'thlA. to a father '. Wonld impossible for me to be coutented." It one m beset by a thousand an noyjDo?, there cannot be content ment. Mora! discipline has been neglected, the n. it ore left nnttnardedi 601 aomethinf elee be soon laid ou ' and !l.e enemy has entered and am with power f Christians shoald ' taken pcfrs:oii of the c.'idel cf irmxapl .aader foot that enthasi tthesou!. : aatla doctrin that "We are not to do good aaleM oar hearts be free t- lodoit." SC. lxniM Advocate. , Ir Is a enxioo fact that among . !l taa Tut throog of promineut ma WOO occupied the floor of the Ualled States Senate chamber on - llcmday mornio g the only oae- CVS MISS 4J 4V IflVWU " Wi-i ( onlj On who whiled away the hoor oexora u ceremony oy reading. - Seaator, Vaacw, with a black patch OTtr Lia jcUas socket, devoted ha ; aiUatioa to tha paeaofamata -" aiaa. Thare, was something very . sad la the sight he presented and , '.Mm la tha jrallari N . Y. World. I 4 A srxciXL to the liichmond ' - AUWSJ SS1JSI. 1UIUI1UBUUU WAS raeaiTfel la Norfolk last sight of a easo of aTIefed kidnapping in Kaatao, C, which ls causing - nfsh STtsmsnt in 111 jl mMdtinn - Wiila ths aanse of the guilty party " j BoC yiven it is said that be is a f" ' vi wuiiuvisuio Lucun ami AOOOS lorlj-ars years old. me allccatioa is that he brought a . Gwxnaa ftiri, a boat sixteen years sli from PhilaJelnbia ander Drom ' A IL.l K . V. - . I JBHp WS V UWU I4ftl I ICU UUl. If ths girl's story i proven true ' OBBaiotcrestiog developments m it bosxpected " ' XHK Atlanta Constitution says f th new President -Knowing BOtbiag whatever of the situation ir, or of its sorroandings, be COatends thot it mast be remedied A I 3 1 I . , pj s Ijlisai oi reiierat sisr i."h.t la cOogressionai election. iun ,i ail old scheme ander a new name, svadtt is not as ssrtoas a measure M atixat bo sappoaed. Unless the ST, Cottfrsss) to go aboat thscoan . try vitA brass bsvads, for the par But "i'jd th leopard ihange his spots or the Kthiopian his skin T" "TV.srs is a fountain fllltd with blood, litivo from IomiDuel i Ttins. And nosfrt plnnfsd bnaUi that ::4 ,- sJI ibir foil l y ttaiDs. It is the part of wisdom to culti vate contentment. Kvery disposition to murmur and complain mast be sappressed, and when wave after wave roll over the unfortunate, threatening to engulf and deetroy, them let the Christian's hope be as an anchor to tbe son!, snre and stead (ast. KOREHiN irPOIHTME.VT?. k is reasonable to suppose that Mr. Blaine will make many changes in the foreign representatives of this coantry. Thepresen; ministers at . . . i i i i line couria oi r.njjiauii, r rauie, j Germany and Russia have already I torwanltd their resignations to the State Department, and ;t is probable that their successors will be appointed without nnnecessarv delay. Many conjectures are indulged in regard to these missions, but it is very generally believed that Mr. Whitelaw P.eid of the New York Tribune, will succeed Mr. i'helpe at the court of St. James, and that Hon. W liliam Walter Phelps will be the next I'nited States Minister accredited to the Fiench republic. t ne of the most ardent sup potterc of Mr. Blaine is Richelieu Robinson of Brooklyn, and it is understood that he can hae a first class mission if he desin :. Mura: Halstead. John . 1 oner and (ien. Lew Wallace, and many otheis, arc being pressed for high diplomatic isition. Mr. Blaine, for . time, will hare his hands full, and it ta eiHi ted t bat, afterwards. THE INDIA. Tha Republican party plumes it selt noon havine eiven freedom and .ifir-n.hin tn th. Afrienn .Uta- let lengthy speech, becoming eloquent ' ... at times, saving that there was no meal uow imu uu uuc.t necessity for changing the law, and energies to the amelioration of the that the Supreme Court had delared condition of the unfortunate In-, the registration features of the bill, ji, and the Constitution of the 1 nited ' States bad also declared them un stop to inquire, . , . , . imafPl, . h.lt We will not whether the conduct of the gowern ment towards the negro conforms with tbe highest standards of right, bnt leaving ihe past to the awards of impartial history, we tnrn to the Harrison administration and ask the Democrats were not unanimous ly in favor of it. Mr. Sntton stated tha'. the Dem ocratic party east and west stood united upon the measure aud that the bill was drawn by a western man. A number of others from for the descendants of Indians, who the republican side spoke against never were enslaved, those rights j the bill, amqng them Messrs. Pugh, r,rr.rraa ,1,,, Am i. th! Kejnolda. Crisp. Trull and lastly, u w l ' i i v v n turn vau h. i v ss v i , , , i . . . . : but not leastlv. arev ,col. who common heritage ol Americans. ! brought down the House in loud mere was a time wnen inaian . cheers and applaus lie dwelt at length upon the idea that the bill would disfranchise the colored vote. A large number ol amendments were offered from the Republican side, among them a lengthy one id the nature of a substitute, which lution, and now neither race nor was read, the pur 'ose ot the Repub nrevion. condition i- a harrier to I0" btMnK to IlUl' their IMrt-v any man citizenship wis incompatible with the distinctive race ideas that dominated Anglo-Saxon Americans but these distinctions have been swept away bv the waves of revo- n r-.-n r.--M- in,l f A olwivr i f C "MTn rho halls the star spangled i . ,nn . , ......... Mlf ,,, banner as his country's flag. Wherein are Indians inferior to negroes T They have a better claim to these fertile lands and shining rivers, and if Nature has cursed them wita the badge of inferiority it is not seen in their personal ap pearance, much less in their love of freedom and their dauntless courage. It is time tbat atonement was made for the wrong done to the Indian by this government. The glory and crown of strength is the helpfulness which it extends to the weak. This government in stead of protecting the Indian in his unquestioned and unquestion able rights, is made the terrible en gine of his oppression. He has no standing in our courts, no rights a hue man feels bound to respect. The conscience of the nation should demand justice for the Indian. Give him citizenship, the rights the rest of us en joy among these the right to work or starve. When ;e 1 The vote on this Republican propo i sition was 7ii against, in favor ol jit. Mr. Cooke Dem. spoke, ex plaining the features of the bill, being lrequently interrogated by the Republicans. M r. Cooke showed conclusively that the opposition had raised a howl about a Lull that was as good aud even better than the old law, and was legal in every par ticuar. t'pon a call of the roll the result of the vote showed 7M for and ."..i against the bill, a strict party vote. MK'IA!. "KI'Hi:. The chair announced the hour for the election of justices of the peaee for the several counties of t he State. After the tellers had been appoint ed the clerk proceeded to call the roll, when each member responded by voting for a list sent Irom his county to the joint committee, who subsequently made a report to the legislature. In less than one hour about twenty-tive hundred justices ol the peace were elected to Gil the vacancies that w;l! exist in August next. :.TH DAY SKNATK. Senate, Lieut. imrsK. House was opened at 11 . Speaker l.eazar iu the Prayer by t he Rev. L. L. of the Central Methodist chinch. i Mr. Carter, Irom the judiciary committee, reported favorably on i a bill lelating to the insurance law of the State. The elTect of this Senate substitute is to allow citi zens of the State to takerisksin companies out of the State it they wish to do so at their own risk, but such companies are not allowed to solicit business in the State unless they p.iy tha taxes imposed on other companies doing business in this State. Mr. Phillips, from the House brach of the joint committee on agriculture, reported the following nominees to lit! the vacancies ou the State Board of Agriculture : W. R. Capehart. Bertie coumy : A. Leazar, of liedell county: C. D. Smith. Macon county : Dr. Matt. Moore. Duplin county ; .1. P. Payne, Robeson county. PASSED TII1U1) READINii. H. B. l,40f., relating to registra tion of deeds (privy examinations of husband and wife to be madu separately ; H. B. 1,400, relating to the sale of laud by executors : EI. I!. 1 , i'2, concerning protection of the Gevernoi's mansion (autho riiug the Governor to draw on the State Treasurer tor an amount not not to exceed ?.00, to be spent in the preservation of the property, i The Gov. the Indian works he must be pro- tectedlike ths rest of n9, in the presiding, was opened w.th p ...... i or Rev. L. l.. Nash, ot tins cit Holt raver y . The Senate began work m dead arnest to clear the calendar and leave no work of importance in complete. A resolution to expend toward Mia com iilt ion ol the ( i o vern or lian the rights and privileges they Mansion the available assi sts now fruits of his abor. i The Republican party claims to tie "the champion of liberty" let them now make good their boast ing, and give to the freeborn In have given to the slave born negro BOM of dramaiiag ap ths aegro 1 foreign rnvernments will 1 kept VOter, lh CspaUJcaa partlsaas basv. Whoever may be appointed irfil eonUaaa to aavs aa issas in tlk &Uar eX too colored brother tOXoUiopoCa." c ohsv mptio craiD Au l.i phrsieisn. rrttrid from practicei h&Tinr bad placed d his hands bj an Kat In.lU rn'.jsaonaTT the formula of a simple regi'table remedy for the pdy and per manent cure of Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and I.nng A.Tectioos, also a poaitiTe and radical cure for Nerrous Debility and all Nerrooa Complaints, after having tested its won ilerful ruratlre powers in thousands of on hand was adopted. THE M A i HINF.KV Ad wag taken np as the special order i minority ANdTIir.i: U.K. COMMISSION HILL. II. B. 1,4.".:. . unending the laws prescribing the duties ol the com niissioner of Bui eau of Labor Statis tics, requiring that he shall inquire into and keep informed of all statis tics relating to raihvavs. their management and the manner in which they are operated, including freight rates, discrimination in freights, etc.; giving power to call upon railroad ofiieers.to administer oaths and to make reports to the Attorney General and the General Assembly. The House was startled at the announcement of this bill. A commotion prevailed for some min utes. The bill took its name at once as "Cooke's' railroad commis sion bill." Mr. Cooke, theauthor of the bill, explained the features of the measure. The bill was read by the clerk. .Mr. Cooke asked if any railroad corporation could ob ject to its lowers : if any member on the iloor could object. He said we owe a debt, a duty, to the peo ple in this matter, aud we cannot shut our ejes to the great demand far it. He weal mi at some length a Ivocatiug the bill. Mr. Crisp (rep.) stated that he stood upon this measure as he did upon the railroad commission bill : that it retarded the progress of railroads in Western Carolina. But he wonld give the gentleman from E'ranklin (Mr. Cooke) the credit ol having dressed the wolf in sheep's , ., i .. ... i - . . i . i i . doming ueiter man ne wouiu uae expected he could. Mr. Sutton (dem. i stated that he was opposed to springing this meas ure upon the House at this late day of the ssssion. It was not lair and therefore he was opposed to it. Mr. Hoke, dem j spoke favoring! the bill, saying it would tend much towards making the Labor Bureau more efficient and that it did not ask for oue dollar, but put the Com missioner of Statistics in a usefulness. Mr. Walser icp. was opposed to of the General Assembly. Messrs. Aycock and Kerr, of the Senate, and Messrs. Carter, Cooke and Holman constitute the com mittee to examine into the matter of railroad corporations which fail or refuse to pay taxes. SPECIAL ORDER. The bill to confer on the Com missioner of Statistics the duty of examining into the railroad matter was taken up with a favorable re port from tbe committee onjndi ciary. Mr. Kerr moved to lay tbe the bill on the table, which motion prevailed and thus what was thought would be a lively debate was cut off. The penitentiary brll was taken up as it passed the House, leaving the institution just as it has been, except reducing the number of the board of directors to five. The bill passed its third reading. N'IGIIT SESSION. At 8 o'clock sharp the President called the Senate to order. THE CALENDAR was taken up and all bills of any imporcance were disposed of on their several readings. Every bill requiring a call of the roll was passed. The Senate then went into EXECUTIVE SESSION. The Senate in executive session confirmed the following appoint ments made by the Governor: Board of Directors of the State Penitentiary Col. P. F. Faison, Wake: Hon. C. C. Clark, Craven ; Major T. Kmry, Halifax ; Hon. Lee S. Overman, Rowan; Hon. H. 13. Adams, Union. Trustees for N. C. College of Ag riculture and Mechanics Arts Mr. W. S. Primrose, Wake; Hon. S.B. Alexander, Mecklenburg; Hon. Ellas Carr, Edgecombe; Hon. H. E. Fries, Forsyth; Gen. Rufas Barringer, Mecklenburg. The Love of Children. Tell me not of the trim, precisely arranged homes where are no children: "where," as the good Germans have it. "the fly traps always hang straight on the wall." Tell me not of the never disturbed nights and days, of the tranquil, unanxious hearts where children are not, E care not for these things. Gcd sends children for another pur pose than merely to keep np the race to enlarge our hearts, to make us unsellish, and full of kind ly sympathies and affections: to give our souls higher aims, and to call out our faculties to extended enterprise and exertion; to bring round our fiieside bright faces and happy smiles, and loviug, tender hearts. My soul blesses the Great Father every day that he has glad dened the earth with little ones. Selected. For three weekB I was suffering from a severe cold in my head, accompanied by a pain in the temples. I tried some of the many catarrh remedies without any relief. Ely's Cream Balm was recommended to me. After only six applications of the Balm every trace of my cold was removed. Henry O. Clark, 1st Division New Yoik Appraiser's Office. For sevt ral years I have been troubled with catarrh. Ely's Cream Balm has proved to be the article desired. I be lieve it the only cure. L. B. Coburn, Merchant. Towanda, Pa. A teacher wants to know how to prevent his pupils from '"playing truant." One good way is to havs no BChooJ on circus day. HOUSE. The House was called to order at 10 o'clock with Speaker Leazar in the chair. It opened without prayer, without order and without much routine business. The committees sent in their farewell reports, all ol which were unfavorable. The only bill introduced was to ncorporate a Baptist church. The morning hour expired in less than ten minutes. The pages were kept busy draw ing the per diem of tbe memberp. The tellers in the election of i members to fill the vacancies on the Board of Agriculture reported the following as elected: Vr. R. Capehart, A. Leazar, Dr. C. D. Smith, J. F. Payne and V. E. Stevens. TENSION BILL. S. B. SG3, H. B. l,19d, for the re lief of certain soldiers of the late war (the pension bill), was taken np on its third reading. Mr. Cooke took the floor and spoke at some length, making an eloquent and pathetic argument in behalf of the ex Confederates. He spoke in op position to Mr. Doughton's amend ment decreasing the tax. Mr. Cooke favored 3 cents on the bun dred dollars worth of real estate, and f cents on the poll. Upon a vote of of! to 44, Mr. Cooke's amendment was adopted. The bill was finally put upon its third read ing and passed by a vote of 75 to 24, all the Republicans voting against the measure except Messrs. Walser and Crisp. Mr. Doughton, on behalf of the tellers for the election of justices of the peace, made a report of re sults and the report was received. PASSED THIRD READING. S. B. 1,173, in relation to the elec tion of justices of the peace ; S. B. 1,529, to investigate the titles to certain oyster beds in Dare coun ty ; II. B. 1,408, in relation to fer tilizers, (that an excess of per centage shall not be a violation of iaw. Mr. Walser (rep.) sent forward a resolution, which was read, compli mentary to Speaker Leazar for his ,ie'(j of I uniform courtesy as a presiding I officer. The resolution was adopted by a unanimous standing vote. The House cleared its calendar BueKlen't Arnica SalTs. Thk Best Salve is the wcrtd fox Oats, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively' oures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cento per box For sale by R. N. Duffy. jan 17 The city editor wrote an article and headed it "Doom of the Bus tie.'' Then lie went out on tbe street, made observations of the dresses worn by the ladies out shopping, rushed back to the office, and substituted a "B" for the "D" iq the first word in the title of his bustle article. A Memory of Early Days. Bane of childhood's tender years, Swallowed oft wth groans anil tears, How it made the ilesh recoil. Loathsome, greasy castor oil! Search your early memory c.'ose, Till you find another dose: All the shuddering frame revolts At the thought of Epsom salts! Underneath the pill-box lid Was a greater horror hid. Climax of all inward ills. Huge and griping old blue bills! What a contrast to the mild and gen tie action of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pur native Pellets, 6u gar-coated, easy to take, cleansing, recuperating, renovat ing the system without wrenching it with agony. Sold by druggists. "Why, Sam, how do you expect to get that mule along with a spur only on one side T" "Well, boss, if I gets dat side to go, aint de udder one boun'to keep un!" MERIT WISS. We desire to say to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. KiDg's ISew Discovery for Consumption. Dr King's New Life Pills, Backlen's Arnica aaive and Llectrlc iiitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. For sale by K. N. Duffy, whole sale and retail druggist. Price per dozen bottles, SS.O'i. jaE22 ly Vance Male and Female Opened January 28, 1889. The patronage of the iuU:r res pectfully solicited. Terms for youcg ladii-s Lt exceed ing S70 00 per session of five months, including Vocal and Instrumental Music, full course in Book-keeping and Commercial Law, and Penman ship. Many pupils get through for 50.00. Full corps of competent teachers. For further information address W. R. SKINNER. PRINCIPAL. Pollokavillo, N. C. HUM P II KEYS' HOiraCPATIIIC VETEBINABY SPECIFICS Tor Horses, Cattle, Sheep,. ' Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 300 ;.K nOOK miTrril in i n I of AnjjntiTa and ( faarl Hpnt I'l-ee. rver. ina'',ltin" A. . II. 11. I I UIIIM, 4 '. ( '. Ulntl'mil . I. lion or Ji I I na. I nfl tnnm llfin . rl)inn( M I'lii MilU Vrvrr. mm na. I.n nu-nr. nnpuuia mm. ltlnti-mper. Nanl Dlrhare. . r ii Itn. Worm. Ileavea, Popomonla, pm. nriiTBrnr. Mlsrurrtnire. Ilemorrhar. I rlnnry nnd Kidney liurmn Kruplive Ji..w. Manue. Ilini-HHin of Ulneailou. PpPTll I II oil U LOWEST PRICES IN AMERICA. SHandtird, Reliable Instruments tit fxnrest price Atiotrn, No competition with Cheap, inferior instrument. REDUCED PRICES, HPECiAI, OFFKHH, PIANOS S200. 1 ORuANS $65 7f Oct. Upright. S Stringed- I Four Set Rer!e. Eler Rich Rosewood Case. Rtopa Coupler. FineOaA STOOL, COVER, INSTRUCTOR ALL FREIGHT PAIS Larvest Stork Month. 200HtTleaanri Price Planoa glO Monthly. Orgnnii -o Monthly Low Time Prices Fair Contract No Rink No Forfeit Br of Cash paid. SIX SPECIAL OFFERS Send M Free Paper, Sharps and Plata, " irmn full information LUDDEN & BATES, SOUTHERN MUSIC MOUSE, SAVANNAH, 0ft, BiSTKEfl NORTH CARUL!.1 HARBLE WORKS, raw BEUSE. monuments. ToniDf. til'l klali tr7s QJ hr.:idini j?ori ITALIAN&AMERICAf! MARQLI Orders will receive prompt mntirr vnd satiaf aotion guaranteod JOE K. WILLIS. Prop Cor. BHOAI) A ' f ( l i II. II. I. I. .1. K.- Ulirti Hail fill and Mouk-atur. 87. OCT Prlct , Slnlp liottle(ovpr Mdones), - .GO Hold by DraKglitai or f-nt Prepaid on Receipt of Price. H imphreys' Med. Co.. 109 Fulton St., II. T- iiTjiirniiEYS' HOMEOPATHIC f SPECIFIC No GO In um 30 jer. The only irocefTi. trnmaj lor Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and I'rortrntion. from oTr work or other cauaea. tl pc r rial, or 6 rial" and large vial powder, for V&. Si h.d n IRriioi--ra. or tent postpaid on reoeipt oi pnc. lluaplir.j.' ll4leloC., loO.llae St., ft. i. All of our Veterinary Preparation1 can bp had of J. V. JoiidaH. Druggiat, N. W cor Broad and Middle etreete, Newbern, N. C. BEST STEEL Woven Wire Fencing Wire RopeSelvas ft no. TO S? PER ROD. All lit, ami width. GRUnto malffh. Sold by u or dealer In thin lin.. nt iro.-1i. rHKIHHT PAID. Information frwa. THK Mi-MM.I.KN WltVM WIBF. FKNCK CHfc, Nut. Ilia 1211 . Market U, Oklwfa, IIL GTiVES W nr.t .1 In rvrrv oonr.ty. Phrewd mnn lo art Bbtrr i ii-i rn. 1 1. .ii- In our iworet er-rvire. Kxperlenre not I. .'..ii i Til" 1 ntiTliHtloiinl lletTtlve, the fnelal .ii i ..-r f t h' 11 u rnu, '-on til iiieextu t llkeneaaeaof rrlro i!i, .uhiiIiI imJ for wliopr-rapture tarft reward ii r . fl-r. 1 S. ii'l 2i . ufAinii for iiartirnlnna AdcrMa, Grannan Uetectlve BurfrtuCo.44Arcd.CInclnnU,0. G. E. Millkb is my author:.: .1 in KiDston. T-ni'P- n,e Pain and pleasure are so inti mately interwoven in our human life that either alone seems to be incomplete. It is for us to accept them both; not for their own sakes, but for something higher than eith er, that we have at heart, and that will make all sacrifice easy and all burdens light. $500 Reward! We will pay the above reward fnr any enae of liver complaint, dypepsla, sick headacli. lndlgestlon. constipation or costiv. ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Fills, when the directions an- sti let ly com piled (Pith. They are purely vege' able, arid never rail to give satisfaction. Lare box, 8 containing 30 sugar coated pills 'Jfic. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeit an 1 imitations. The genuine manufacture only by JOHN O. W EST & CO., MT2 w. Mad lson St., Chicago, 111. Sold by R. N. DTJFFY, druggist. New Berne, N. C. ap24 d wly BOOKSTOHE. J. L. HARTSFIELD KINSTON, N. C. DEALER IN BOOKS and STATIONERY School Books and School Supplies a specialty Ooufeotlouerlos, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigurt, Toys, Glassv ire, Crockery, Fishing Tackle. Etc. ne door south of Lof tin's Bank. Very truly, J L. HARTSFIEL D SAM'L T. SKIDM0RE, Wholesale Commission FISH DEALER,- 14 J fc 141 BEEKntll STREET, FCLTON M4RKKT. ! febl :im W TTOXIXC FOR THE MILLION. 87 POPULAR BALLADS. I'm Just Coin Down to the ;nte," acid 80 Other New and Popular Rallada in on tiook. Printed on hear auper-calendered paper. Pagea aize of sheet muaic. Only lO cents. BUSINESS LETTER" WRITING and Spelling for tbe School, Office and Horn. Containa ' 8,500 word naoally palled wrong, 8,000 wards UUM aranna. ela,tlont bnt different meaning, (lonapleita Rales for Punctuation, IJsc ot "plla I. altera, Abbreviations. Hamplea of lOO Business Letters. Containa lou Jfea, haodaomelj buund. 1ft cents. SHE. By Rider Haggard. Com plete in 4 volumes. Tbeae rMuinea are the lie of Neaslde Library. We will aend Tva ttieae 4 rulumei for only 10 cents. LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. By all tlmne tnken-flowon that tell TV hat words cau u ar iprna o well.'1 Drmoi. 71i in book r1tm nun and Bntlmntit df all known flower. Printed on hoary wper, Landaomelj boutHl. bu pp. Onlj lO coti. Tho World-Renownrd Widow 11 e Jott PAppm. Complete In 1 Tolutoa Tlila work is a treasure in-every home. Only 10 ft Home Doctor Book, only lO cents, Pialopnr, Rocitationn and Itead In sr. A valuable book for young and old. Only 10 cents. Upon receipt ff pHr, any of alTe buoka will ! eut poetpaid. Von Lag e sUuupa titlteu. , AMERICAN rt'BLISUING CO., " 38GO I airmonnt Avenue, rhila., I U.K.', v:.-. ., .1 . .' i. r (r-V.tj ihc i : .: i -. .;:'::.. .. - i t "rji pi'jt . ,r :t I '" i. ..I. 1 Vl V XV C i v .if h t (ore it goes h I'.ctnbcr only pay i ii wliy we give yoa -,( y (an any one elM r (Ifinz iho larpeat .1- -.3 in the woild VVe acll ,t quality floods, but our! ut wh.it others prt Itirsec-vtfUUSllverWatch . .1 .-l.lvcr (nflf imitation . in-Wind American Lever r hui:tinK c;i.e or open.; ) " ntt It ir. n t- tcm wind. -. ' t t !ity. riiHcnedGold ! : Ni';i u !i ,unt iiitterd to . 1 1 is iuily equa o any pT J i r ;..8 by oifurs. WefindW''- - ii lcncd (.t-M Cae much ' u :nry and t.r : v ii ruLle tbmn ('' .'Ir; t h" money, as cheap ,Vy i!iin. weak. . t v ' ' after - I '1 Ir.lK' tl .. I Kiul . i : . .Lin - H-La IK" I V'J,- i 1 1 3t' GrrangCe HOOL, (n the railroad ! a"aiLm6 '""" o. .- iopurt and the SeDtte. as .1 committee of commission bill and that the bill tha whole, Mr. Tou in the chair, ! proposed by the minority meant went into its consideration. The I something while thn bill lneant bill was read by sections and some nothing. minor amendments made to it.; Mr. McDonald dem. ) favored the when the committee rose, reported bill. Said the people wanted more Senate The House reassembled and con curred in several Senate bills, Ad journed until 8 p. rn. HOUSE NIGHT SESSION. The finance committee reported to rppreiwnt thi countrf abroad it cj", h flt It his duty to mil it known . readings i " .i . . ' to his uffennr fllo. Actasted by thin1 1.1.11 tn 1- conso.in to know ib.U Mr. motiTB ,.d a de.ir. lo eaiuy. buma wf- t0 to isBprw kkir kmrr swr of - to Prof. Loisstf . XSZ JVU At, X. t nin fmpmc- tim a avs i lial jam il lea a ayW h ai OlSU. nvS dw4t ' HUtne bu always ihowu un appre ciation of braiaj, and hi" appoint- will b Tery apt to be qaal to tbe poU to which they mr BJwlfTJeJ- fertnjf. 1 will send f rea o( charjw, to all ho dmirs it. this rscipe in Uaraian, Y rnch or EaiflUh. with roll direction for preparing and using. Snt by mail by iil drwlir with stam p, naxninr this paper. W. A. Note." H9 rwer'i Block, KocLrs WT. V. Y. Borl wlr its actioD, recommended that the light on the management ana anairs uuia umuiy , lco"'"- bill Dused its sci oml and third ol the railroads and that this bill tions asking for additional pay tor simply gave power to investigate I all clerks, pages ana oiuer em iiithnri.e the directors of and make reports. I ployees. These resolutions were fVia nunif.rtiiirr In i,nn,,aL-a fl.a A ffflr f,irfrir iliarnSHinTl. t hfi rf. I DUG UPOn lOBir fCttUlUK "U WCre '"VI ('V 11 1 n . la a t . ' ) vi 1 k 11 u l j III V - Vl , ui.uv,a 7- j a a brickyard (arm passed third read- publicans antagonizing the measure j all voted down, except tne one re injr. Mr. Cooke called the previous ques-ilating to the pages. On its passage Bill to prevent trusts and com- tion. Upon this Mr. Mastin (rep.) the House roared with laughter, binations passed third reading. called for the yeas and nays. Adjourned until JO o clock: to- isolation in faTor of State1 The bill upon its third reading 1 morrow. She Uroke the Engagement because eho eaw that he bad ceaed to love her. Her beauty bad faded, har former high spirits bad Riven place to a dull lassitude. What has caused this changed Functional derangement; she was suffering from those ailments pe culiar to her sex. And bo their two young lirea drifted apart. How need less, how cruel! Had she taken Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription she might have been restored to health and happi ness. If any lady reader of these lines is similarly afflicted, let her lose no time in procuring the "Favorite Pre scription. " It will give har a new lease of life. Sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufac turers, of perfect satisfaction in every case, or money refunded. See guaran tee on bottle wrapper. ' "liiSr'Sii. S ... " " ;- : J ;' . !-"-Sr.. For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. Write for Catalogue to JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal.

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