HE JOUKNAL, M. . ICWT. . N O KK and Alexander 811001111 EDITORS 15 OFFICE. j tian. Dudley has done no in jury to l&ftl iaad acro&a the chuni. It is not olten that an editor get humanity anil religion because he Both are good men, and each into oflice, bat there is a change carjDot rise high enough to assault boa Id like the other. A mole hill ', coming in thin resrvect. them miT oe lJK0l about until it lx ine rres is more potential touar the temnie ot ( ioil and tired a tr.uu ,..,, T. . . For '"eJoi uNA... Country editor What are yon W n.ian, rmdale, the Translator. ! bllsy witfi deaf ? lerl,M-.s some aecount of this Conntry editor' wife-I am llllelit f-r in nr. ntitiisf.r -n.J i :: . . . . Wanamak,r has come from I tr.in,tor W0llId I10t , " , f, I "'"l?. 'P" lor Tk. P.. ;. - i i t l ) i .i i ,- win uuuoc w no a cuiuiiiu. iuo x ics.-i i.i luuic (Njicuiiai luuaj i D e tern I ne in i ui i a u u nrni ,i 1 1 .u u , i u i u t: I e.iuei s Cn 01 I' va 1 11 a 1)1 e 10HQUH IOTZS. k- . . . . .. .u. present the n rwinincr i f h mMif man I : n f m i n v ii in i ii i , I' i .ii rt eh :ir- I c h e reef or Coart of 3t. J.ttnea T W ho knows !" If Premdent lUrnsnn gives us square admioiutratioo anil leaves to Southern State to death with important t.irtor m moulding pub- actor and lofty purp lie opinion. Kvery man takes his accustomed to regard paper, and hundreds read at home aa worlhv ot hono" and imitation where filties attend political After Wanamaivr had eontribut- g-ithenngs. As a result the people ed so largely suspicion was aroused become acquainted with editors, and men were not slow to avow imbib-e their opinions, and accept that it meant the pun liase of the their leadership. Presidency and a participation in In the olden times statesmen re- the rewards. Some there were who rison for honors conferred in t he injury that W'anamaker has done appointment of the editors of the to morals and religion. Well has it Mr. Wan unaker's ke M : . Morton's nerer ct mailc aware tj any re- consular positions. tew men in nomination to the ;ce I resiliency, suit in disaster that she has done the Republican party are better was unlit to be made because it was so. The South &-an dissolve her known than Whitelaw lieid and solelv and notoriously a icward for aoliditj oniy upon conditiou of laps- John C New. They have not led the contribution and raising of ing into a state of misrule and Senates, nor nred the popular heart enormous Minis ot money for use in humiliation not m uch bvtter t han a bj their eloquence on the stump, carr ;ng t tie elec: ion . Togieiiii- vnd:tion of absolute barbarism, but ;u the. r editorial sanctums they portant oHiees for such a ciisidera i'racticalU Uepub.ican rule ;n the South wot. . .e l.egro "I.e. and negro : .:!. woul.l t-- de.t:. 1 -r her to J;a. 1 e tier s..dtj would Cms to comm.'. -;;.c;de li:chmoinl Dispatch. SKATOB Pn'Mii's praise of the management of the naval depart ment undersecretary Whitney was unexpected a-s it was deserved. Mr. Plumb points out the fact that it was Mr. Whitney who first aban doned the policy of w.vsting money in repairing worthless vessels and adopted the wiser courso ol spend ing all appropriation in construe ting modern vesds. Coming from an opponent, this admission is more than a compliment to a retiring administration ; it ought to serve a.s a chart for the Secretary ap pointed by General Harrison. Columbia Record. have forged the thunderbolts that tion is to put up the highest shook the political heavens and in the government at li brought confusion and defeat to Tocijiieville called a .-m t their adversaries. tion." President Harrison has done well to appoint Mr. Reid Minister to France, and Mr. New Consul General at Ixmdon. Mr. lieid has wealth, and understands the ameni ties of polite society, and this is about all that is needed in a Minister at the Conrt of Prance. Mr. New is a man of affairs. He is not as rich as Mr. Reid, bat ho under stands handling money, and is capable of making an excellent Consul General. Of course, in speaking of these men, we speak of them as Government officials, not a-s partisans. However oD jectionable their politic, we trust that as officials they will reflect hoimr . h D 1 .i'.IC THE SI I'KKM r. ( 01 'It I'. The death of .Justice S'.ml.-y Matthews oceaMons a vacancy on the I". S. Supreme ( our l'.eiich. If it was proh .!!. that a South ern man would ! ,ipp.;iit-d. w e would mildly sugge-t to Mepubll cans of North C.iichna that they urge the appoint met, t of Hon. Sam. F. Phillips to this exalted position, but there is no such probability. The New York World sas: " The death of Justice Stauley Matthews makes a vacancy on the Supreme Court Pench which may be tilled by the promotion of Attorney General Miller. Tins may be fo! lowed bv the transfer of Gen. Tracy The Wilmington Star, the - sent in Franc and England ' come a mountain. than it ever wa.s 1'HK Tribaoe says : ' Prof. James wer,? more influenced by what they No christian gentleman, no mo RosU Lowell will sail for KnIand tiear'1 tDan what they read. The young man will follow t he example April 27th. The World adds 1 "Cji thi moan thaf r TthI',.. educator of the times. At the attractive in the method or the ExatJLXD aad Amxic are la ao v cord on the 8iOAa (jneetioo. V TCouTvax. D.Qa-AJlT hae been sppotaUd illerster to Ansuia. ETXXT drill aed ooantry In the . .WCtUJBWprtaiea Dyiiaaeui aijthe "race problem," as it is called, -: the OlTenltj d Berlii.' , we can flght the next national con ETIXLT 3JLiITOTw"S, Joetice ofjtst on national fields and try con v th4 Ullted SUt Sapreme Coart, elusions with the Republicans on died! la WeehlaftOtl, P. C, few ; principles instead of sections. (Lajg 'Richmond Times. ttrOHV-aXTXTlBa eoatinae to ad-1 A srscm. dated Kome, March ttisA letter to Mre- Benjajnln ' 20th, says : At the Uiminet yester v ' HArrieoa, atach to her annoyance , day Cardinal Panvcchi, the Pope's aaddUjCUl Vicax, said that in the future it gather A COtOIXS ehareh in "The 'should L-i neceasary for the Pope Letters V WUJcraeee" hM reierred a quee- j to leave Huron he would find a tloa Of dleclpUae to the Preeident , sure refuge among the American flt hi4 ChtnU ! biahopa, who would receive him . IlXCTOO Coaxreeemeo hare re. ( wlth honorable hospitality. -eelred from the rreeident se- L'X how differently the two tanaCM that tatiafy that 3feredlth sections are constituted. The New York Tribune and Indianapo- been said that WOOld t appointed Public Printer ' North can divolve her solidity and lis Journal to high diplomatic and appointment HATQX Oaa.XT of New York bas tha preeage of greatness in his ability to sly to Jay Oold m - proeaptj ae it la said to ordinary AorLais. UI.AUUUX scnviLiii, nomi ated for AaeaeUnt Secretary cf Biale, hae been sat down on. The ttaaoa waj he hid written a book S Aaiericaa diplocaaty. ' . Uta Eogluh nieaua l still aadecided. Saaaor Evarte U now eatioaed tor the place. The "Tttaiieat haj lad ic a ted hie parpoee ' ta glr the appointment to an able - lawyer. Tnm Vorfolk IabJ:e I.dfirer of i Wedaeeday report a rery severe torn on Taeeday night. Consid erabJ damage was done in the dtj( aad e(Tera) disasters at sea ara reported. Tint member ol the Commiaajoo - appointed to d Locum the Samoan - qneatloa at Berlin will sail from ."JUwYoek oo April 13. John A. KiJWOn. WiUlara Walter Phelpe ; aad George JH. Bate are the com- . axlaaioa. ' ' v , TKX ,ilesenger ay; "'It is eow eatioated that the damage done to the New Jersey coaat be tveea Saadj liook and As bury . : Park by the storm of Saturday and Saadar will reaeh 8123.P00 or ; l50,rxx). .CXSTAUC offlce-sekers who can SOt aJforti to go to Washington aara teen aeadiax their photo- , frapha to .'the Preeident and heade f departmente. A good many of , then will receive negatlTea in re tea 2T. Y. World. QZXZaAX. CLCtOXaX fought i daal with Uo. Ii. M. Yancey, but .Barer, according to oar informa tion, with Hon. JeffsraoQ Dana. SUt ChrooJcle. Wroog. Gen I ' Clin groan, looght the duel with WUHaa X Vaacey. TntXXJt are eertooj complications la Waat'TlTftaia. Goremor Wil- ' aoa. aaa eallad au extra seeaion of the Legtslatoxe, bat It is learned : that tha Sepabilcan members wil . aot obex the call, aa they do rec osaixa Wilaoa s Go rem or. - TOT New York Herald says that ' of the propoaitioa to eeUbluh Coo CederaXe Soldiers ' nomee that '-the eooatry eaa afford to do thia thing, and w believe it woold hare the heart eooeent of moltitades of . Ualon oidJers-" His FAtnxxa Fvli.sk, fifth daahterof Chief Joatice Fuller, was Berried la Milwaukee Wednesday alrhl to J. Matt. Aabery, Jr., of Chicago. It waa an elopement in highm fe. and prod need a great t aeaaatloa tn Washington . : 'JlX Unz'ah paper contains aa adTertlaeoieat by which one lady of poaitloo' aeeka to secure shelter for a weak la the hoose ot another Of the aana claae, with an inciden . Lai prtaentation at coart. Preaeu- tattaxl brokerage is a new thing in . aociaty." BZO &JLXDT, Montana, is fall cf excitement orer the dsrelopment . of gold miaee In the Sweet Graaa . 33 nilea northweet of it. fPtopla hare j oat arn red from the kiEa, reporting that miners are . naliag froen loO to fo) a day. ' JL 8COTWH iKian CoogTea !a to be held la Colam-bia, Tenn, on the &Zh of May. Among tho ex- . pected to be preeent are Senator Xabw Vance of North Carolina, Col. A SL McClare of Philadelphia, Cobart boaner of New York, aod - Iltory W. Grady of Atlanta. A eichaage aajr : 1: la eatlm ated that the Increaee of popalaxioa in : th United States is 100,000 per . Bioata exdaeire of immigration w ft tea (aat year waa j13,0'. The ' prevent popolation us eatimated to bm W)00t,000, and th nex.t ceases tft' bo taken In Jaiy w;.l f!ra 67,(X,0jO. AX Illlaots CoagreaMman de Baaaded the tnetant remoral of a 2aioeratio poetmaater for politieal aetirlty, bat it la said mec no en onraxeneat. Poet master General Waaanakar tntimaud Chat the tarn offaoaira partiaaoahip" had baea dpanged froi the depart neat roeabaiary. FXOX thai editor of Geo. P. Row H & Cos American Newspaper Diractor7.'pabllahed April first (iu tares ty-first year), it appears that C. E. Oh, yes. Giving ns some- In the past men that may shatter its foundation. paper. 1 he family from which our , thing nice thi week 1 ral uan.Maior sprung was ealled de , (J. E.'s W. Yes. I am irivine I villi J e i n ,1 .j .. .1 W I .. 1 - i.l . . . . . r " .. . v . i , uuair an 1 I M H , . ... ........ v l u ii cqiuuaun IS Silld thiit m Timl-i n irooli.irn 1 : -t .T stump sneaker wa the nolitical nf Dn.llev heeatme there is i.othinc , u-..u... ,1... , , Udm 1U. 8aenT ana serve it witn in the ear 14So. one hundred It directions how to boil a Westphalia it with I also luout i aimronnate framishincs 3 ears alter yclill'e, , have a new method for makingpaie if Lutterworth, had 1 ,c 'nip nrni e has beenr,; ,". u:s rr;uut'on ol the; C. E indeed! Well, after yon Wanamaker V" ''TV Autho,nt!,;a di,ller ! through, dear, I wish yon would itntinn ' t;lM..li t he time and the place fry that liver and pork I bought n.rm, aume atnrming that for dinner, for T am mio-htv hnnorv as tlie.pUce. and " I l! (lioucestershiro'as tlie.pl l-j.i was ; he date: while other con- Is life worth liviigj tend lor Wales as the place and ot you go through the world a Jvspep- 1 10 .is the date of his birth The tic' AckerB jspepsia Tablets are a po.si- .,,,.,,!: i . . c live cure for the worst forms of Dyspepsia, writ l li. cities to the latter opinion Indigestion, Flntulencv and Constipation, tnnn tne statement that Tllldale Guaranteed and sold by H. Berrv. New- tiist Lieg.ui t i traulare the Holy Scripture in his own native 1 i ij bru, N. C. ceived instruction from the ereat rmili! n,,r lu-lu-ve lnm eriminal. but newspapers ol that day and ap- when he accepted a place in the ! f ' J'" translated the five , , . , I books of Muses into Welsh m the pesred on the hustings a-s the oracle, Cabinet, it was at once recognized vt.ar j -L,u of the people. Now the newspapers as a reward for the amount paid by ; Ho became an earnest student of are the oracles, and the peonle him in the ereat national sale and the lSible at an early age while in the sacred temple of purchase of the Tresidencv. : prosecuting ins studies at Oxford, m ,.f,i, i,k r ,x-u ;., ".f,, .i.es ! living taken degress at Oxford t v u CflT P T IttUiO Ul 111 lir ' ll PU.'l'o iuii "'tv- v i , j p , J (VimKrwhru . . . f f - their oracular utterances. to the conduct of a christian, chris- i t(, , ,,,, (.tl,1(tr' lM7 '. . ... w ... are vor skeptical? , . , . . .. '"'in'. ' l isi), I; 0 ..v.. w;il c mviDi'e vou that Acker ine press oi tne country tenders tianity is wounded. ,ofi.ittle bi'dniir. in dloucestei- KDghsh Kemedv- for the lungs is superior grateful thanks to President liar- Eternity alone can estimate the;stnre A St. Louis editor announces that he has '-a keen rapier to prick all fools and knaves," to which a Chicago contemporary rejoins : His friends, if they are prudent, will take it from him. He may in jure himself." 1 u c tutor, he such place ir.ni. He lu'ell end ct h u with his d u t les preached the (iospil as at s as were within reach ol dues not seem to have .lA'ed with the L'ift of publ.e speaking, tor, in a letter to his iiieinl. Joiin l'nth. dated .Janu ary, 1 .")."..;, he sas, --God hath made me cv;l l ivoied 111 this World, and wr, leu; gi ac m tin- sight of men. speechless jnnl rude, dull and slow witted, your past shall l e to supply ia an ii:,.fr vr,'I,aratlons. and i" R positive i--:ref.r al! '1'Lroat nrnl Ludr Troubles, i.'roup, Wh .ailing Co'ih and Colds. We iiirani'-f tl:-j j rtpar.-'iion and will t;ive vi'.i a Faiji'e bottle ( e .Sold y li. ii m . X- w ii- rne, X. (". the i ight to do what allow, and if a citizen I.ilicity is ii' 1 is uid ilo what they forbid it would c in) longer liberty, because others niild liave the same powers and brightest of newspaper, says thi of itself: "The Star has com pleted another hair ;ear. It is now 21 years old. It has been able to fill all of ita appointments, to keep clean its Democracy, to uphold the truth and the right, and has a larger constituency today than it has ever had. It does not pretend to be the beet or liveliest or ablest paper i the State or in the Soath. It does claim to Le faithful and honest and pure. It has hosts of friends whereof it is 'mighty glad.' The Star is strictly and always North Carolinian and it hopes to continue to merit public confidence.'" SECTIOSALIS ESSENTIAL TO THE SUCCESS OF THE REPUBLIC! P! RTY. The Republican party had its birth In sectionalism, upon it it has lived and without it it must die. The Administration seems to be solicitous of the diasolatiou of the Solid Soath, bocause of Southern sectionalism. If in this crusade the President is successful in de stroying sectionalis-a and taking the negTO from the political arena, it will result in the restoration to power of the national Democracy. What else hi the Itepnhhcan partv to stand cn 1 New York, ('onnecticu". New Jerwey, 'h.o, Indiana. Illinois, Michigan and a majority of the remaining States of the Northwest are with the Pemi.xrr.icy on econom ic iiaeations, lo-al self government and a strict construction of the Constitution. The last election w.u won by the liepablicaas with sectional appeals. The Soath was defamed, and the Preaident accused, because of the presence ot "ontherners in his Cabinet. Everywhere in the North the air was polluted by a tirade of abase of the white men of the .Soath, and the insane clamor for more rtgnts and pr. v : icge for t lie negto. Eliminate se tinnaiism in all its bearings from every section of the Union, and present to the country credit upon the great Government frotn the Navy Department to the they have been appointed to repre- a ttomev Generalship This, would make an opportunity for Thomas Piatt as head of the Navy." We do not consider it at ali probable that the suggestion of the World will be followed either le cause of its wisdom or the source from which it emanates. If New York is to be further conciliated it may be accomplished without a change in the Cabinet. Mr. Kvarts would no doubt accept the position and make way for the return of Mr. Piatt to the Senate, but sup posing that enough has been done for New York, the President can greatly strengthen his administra tion by nominating Hon. Walter Q. Gresham for the place made vacant by the death of the late learned Justice. PARTIES. There are those who lail to ob serve party lines when there is no political canvass to arouse them. As will discard army discipline when no military campaign is in progress. Germany defeated France, be cause Germany waa ready and France was unprepared for war. If there is a popular demand, more imperatiTe than any other, it is the demand for education. How can the people be educated in politics unless they are tanpht, and how can they be tanght if the Prees. the great educator, is silent T Watchmen upon the walls must sound the alarm, or be guilty of the blood ol the victims. It ia imposeible for farmers not to see the evils ot Protection if they are presented to them in the ab- R.IXSO AM) KEID. W e have an abiding confidence in Senator Ransom's devotion to the Democratic party, and his fidelity to the State of North Caro- one tie sence of exciting political cam paienv If the people are to be lina. That he is poli t ic n educated in the science of govern- nies, and this may be one of In ment. it must be done when the chief excellencies in the present passions are at rest, asserts itself. and reason ' condition of affairs. Senator Kansom wiii be criticised for his vote m favor ol the confir mation ot Whttelaw Keid as M ;n. s ter to France. The facts m t iu as follows: The Dated Mr. Keid France, and thi A good general always has in view the next battle, and when the combat comes he is ready for the struggle. Let no man be deceived by the adoption of Democratic measures by a Republican Administration. On the hartUflel.l nnnnin urmios confirmation cailo - . , j...j, ... execute the same evolutions, and an . tive session ot the observer of the conflict must look to objections were n-gi the colors to distinguish the combat confirmation, one mi account of ants. In every political move-; offensive partisanship, and the meet look to the tlag and see what . other because of alleged uiisman principles it represents, and be agenunt of t he ;.:la;i s otthe Mer sure vou stand bv the ark of the ganthaler T pe-settmg Machine case seem to oe I'rtsideiit n 1 in l -as M. Ulster to question of his up in an e.M ' u- Seliate. 1 V0 I against his Constitution. vital and essential principles ofgor rnnien:, an 1 it will be found that the people, by a Urje and almost eoant.ess majirt'v ire att. hed to the Constitution. hen coriT.nced of it danger they .:; :! . ,. -.j, rene and save it. 1: need not be p..sed : '..at the Sou'h w.il lo e Pen:.'-r t:c solidity so long as the N'.-rt h :s solidly liepabiican or is black cohorts stand ;:i so'..d tn ii it. x MOSEY IS POLITICS. The use of money in politics is not discreditable to parties nor to individuals. The manner of its use determines whether it merits cen sure or applause. When a citizen contributes to a campaign fund, for the purpose of nav:ne the legitimate exoenses of ... senators Pavne, 1 'i . . i hinder ';g menacing her tra;: log her progress her honor. Put, eve:- np; os K- . t :. -;sai abolished and ;ts merr.nrv ob literated, Protctiou cannot i'coine the fixed ptI:ey of 'h:s Govern ment. I' is contrary the sp rit of our institutions and antagonis tic to the best interests of the people- It gives gold to the tens and takes bread from the hundreds. It bailds here and there a palace, the campaign, the act is a creditable one, but if the contribution is for purposes of bribery and corruption it is not only reprehensible but criminal. It is claimed that President liar rison has drawn the line clearly in the cases of Dudley and Wana maker. Dudley's method of deal in ' with tloaters in blocks of Eve, ' is universally condemned, and the , condemnation- is hightened by the : personal character of the offender. ' la is an effort to bribe by a pro fessional politician of doubtful morals. i W anamaker's case is different. His omtribution is to the general campaign fund. The contributor ( ! is a merchant whose business will : be largely effected by the result of ' the pending election. Ilis gift is intended to avert damage to h;s business and danger to the Re public. I In view of the facts in the case ! whose example is the more injuri- Com pany . It is not probable t hat the charge of mismanagement was sustained, and, if the accusation was false, all honorable men bhon Id have favored his vindication. There is no way of avoiding the ohaigo of otleriMVe partisanship, but was this of itself suflieient to defeat his continua tion ? ( ):i this i.- tie I 'eniocrat ic Ransom, n vot ing what lacketh in ine. lie wrote eighteen or twenty winks besides those writteu in his native language and his celebrated translation. Among these works aie his - Aunswer unto S:r Thomas Mine's Dyaloge." and 'The Prac tise of the Fraelates, Whether the Kmge's Grace may be separated from his t!ieene, beciiise she was In.- Knit lim i Wit'.. " 'I'li.i 1'ist if , .. ' -" ; , 'v ' u v 1 tnem these was sufficient to procure for Timlale a violent death from Henry VIII., who proved himself to be the inveterate enemy of Tine' ale and his translation. It is to Tindale as a translator th.it the woild is chiefly indebted. I.i arned in the Greek and Hebrew, as well as the Latin, he was emi nently qualified for the work of translating. According to the Fntish (Quarterly Review his trans lation of the New Testament was published in the ear loL'fi. This was the first English version ever made from the original Greek, since all the preceding versions had been made from the Latin Vuhjad. At least such is the opinion of such men as Dr. T. O. Summers. Tin dale's New Testament is the first printed English Testament that ever saw the light. Having com pleted his translation of the New Testament, he translated the Pen tateuch from the Hebrew into English, and set out for Hamburgh to have the work printed, but the vessel was wrecked on the coast of Holland and his money, writing and books were all lost. He accom plished a second translation, how ever, by the last of the year 1529. This great and good man, of whom the Emperor's attorney said that he was homo doctux, pius at bonus, was not supposed to prose cute his pious labors without serious interruption. His books were burned wherever they could be found iu England, and himself was driven from place to place until at length betrayed by a professed friend, he was captured by his ene mies, imprisoned in the castle of Vilvorde, eighteen miles from Ant werp, and alter an imprisonment of about eighteen months' duration, was first strangled aDd then burned to ashes in the year l.io'i. Such was the traeic close of the Reformer's life a life consecrated to the best in terests of mankind and the glory of his Creator. G"iHE'. March it", ISS'.h Dtinorest's Magazine. Foes it seem possible that only one huudnd years ago, when Washington was inaiiguratnl in New Yoik the first President ot the Fnited States, th it the city was then a small place, sixty times smaller t ha ii at the present day, or having oniy about thirty thousand inhabitants ' Now New York City looked at that time, and thii cus torus and costumes of the residents are graphically told and beautifully illustrated m Demorest's Monthly Magazine for April, which has just arrived. At this time, when the Centennial ot the Inauguration of Washington is about to be celebrat ed, this article will be greatly ap preciated: and those who purchase the April number ot this popular Magazine w ill be repaid, not only bv this, but bv numerous other attractions, not the least of which are the beautifully illustrated article on "Birds," by Olive Thorne Miller: "Young Japan at Play," which will give manv hints to the children fcr new games : "Homes wit h Two Servants," which contains suggestions for the management ol servants, uiul theie are numerous other equillv interesting subjects. Publ'-hed bv W. Jennings i)em- IMMHI.ES OX TIIK FACi. 1'ir. ic i.n impure stt.to of the bo d und ur- 1'" ki-d upon bv niuny viih suspicion A i k : li lood Elixir wi.l T-move all im pur.ti' s aid leave the compVxion smooth fit ii I'lrar. 'there is no'.hitip that will so tlcrouphiy 1-ui.dup the constitution, pu r:t'v and strengthen the whole system. S.. i and guaranteed bv It. Brrrv, Neiv-b-tii. N i . "I'd hate to be in jour shoes," said a woman, quarreling with a neighbor, "lou couldn t get into was the answer. SIRUP OF FIGS Is Nature's own'true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effect ive remedy known to Cleanse the Sys tem whin Bilious or Costive: to Dispel Headache, Colds, and Fevers: to Cure Habitual Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal. R. N. Duffy, agent, New Berne. mra23 d4w wly ''Special Notice." ALL PERSONS OWING State and County Taxes are hereby notified to make immediate payment of the same. I shall proceed to collect by distress on and after March the 10th, 1S89. DANIEL STIMSON, Sheriff. March 1st, 1SS9. dtf Ask Your Retailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE OE THE JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. According to Your Needs, .JAMES MEANS 84 SHOE M light and stylish. It flu like a stocking, and REQUIRES JN U " lilttAKING IN." be- ing perfectly easy the first time it is worn, it win satisfy tne most w fastidious. JAMES MEANS 93 hHOE is absolutely the onrv saoe oi its price wmca nas ever oeen piacea ex . tensively on tne market in wnicn ouraDimy i considered Deioro mere out- wara ,Dtear- ask tot tne James fitL- -W-Ai&zsr auco. Heaas $2 Shoe fur Boys i&j5& J. MEANS 3c CO., Hoston. Full lines of the abovr: f !ioi -s for sale by Howard & Jones. Furniture S ! John sin eg Has on band and is receiving every day handsome parlor tuUB, chamber seta, heavy walnut, bureau', wardrobes, mattresees, chairs, lounge, sofas, eto., etc. He also has a line uf horar-made work of bedsteads, Rofa. table, bureaus, etc , which are neat .'i.i t-ubBtsntial. Prices R!;,'!it IH)yi l lti ok Bottom. seCdw Middle sf. Nm Brne. The Alliance to the Front ! The Progressive Farmer, bold, vigilant, aggressive and progressive. Jtbas opinions aDd expresses tnem. Korti-elgbt columns, eight pnges. All Home-Print, i ifflclal organ of North Carolina aad Virginia ytaro Alli ances. The Llvest paper In Die (Joutti! Ooes to nearly 120J postorHces in North Cnrollna and to 23 btates. (JNH DulLAK A 1 KAR, Slrlctly Cash. t?end for sample ci.py. Ail- THK PKOGKE08IVK fAlt.MKl!, l'jl-!gli. N. ' Ij. Ij. Polk, Kdltor. I). Ii, Hkowiikk, Hakint-HS y nnai.'f 1 . tf ,.vivie- n. Talent, lying in the understand ing, :s ol'cen inherited; genius, being the act of reason or imagina tion, rarely or never. THE PERFECTION Of the age in the medical line is the liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, Cal. It is agreeable to the taste, ac ceptable to the stomach, harmless in its nature, painless yet prompt and thor ough in its action. R. N. Duflfy. agent, New Berne, N. C. mh8 dw4w lie who is false, to present duty breaks a thread in the loom, and will find the flaw when he may have forgotten the canse. The baby has its preferences as well as anybody, and the taste of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup renders it acceptable to every infant. Price 25 cents a bottle. You are aware, of course, that inac tivity induees dyspepsia with all its wretched consequences. The remedies needed for such cases are judicious ex erciae and Laxador. Price 2oc. Mules and Horses. A FINE LOT of MULES, and HORSES have juet". arrived hi jlC dwtf M. HAHN & CO. Furniture AND CLOCKS! Newbern Furniture Go. stilij t,e a -p; H e have on hnud and are receiving every day uandBome Parlor KuHb. Chamber Suits, Hall Stands, Wardrobes. Desks. Baby Car riages, Willow Chairs, Lounges, Tin Safes. Mattresses We also havp a full line of Mirrors, Pic tures, Picture Frames. Clocks, and iudow Shades. We pay spot ensh for our coods and get a discount of forty per cent, therefore we can sell goods cheaper than any other stores Id the city. Yours respectfully, T. J. TURNER &. CO., PROPKIETOUS. L-J A 24 Middle street, NewBerne, C. HEALTH IS WEALTH I READ CAREFULLY. A man's nature runs either to herbs or weeds ; therefore, let him seasonably water the one and da stroy the other. Salvation Oil, the greatest cure on earth for pain, has made a most bril hant debut. Price 2b cts. Philosophers say that affairs should always be conducted with a view to the greatest good of the greatest number Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup does the great est good to the greatest number. 25c The Sterling Co. Manufacturers of l THE STERLING PIAHOS, WHICH FOB Quality of Tone, Beauty of Design, FINISH and adaptability for stand ing in Tune have no equal. Every Piano Warranted for Five Years And satisfaction guaranteed to every purchaser. Also Manufacture the World-Renown eo STERLING ORGAJV Factories, Derby, Conn. liverythinfr On Wheels. ore Vi rr t r et, New (1 ; : il ui : ' ,1 1 ml 'rf 1 1 a : n 1 ( 1 ' ! 1 n f.i vor i f 1. :; 1 !: . 1 : 1. remark.i'.iit' th.it in .-:k1i a r. n U the chief Kt'piihhi-.ui agitators, Inallji. H.iwley. 1 .i Kvarts and rianil), rt fr.r.iH-d 1 r ui i : : n . If tin-re had trt-:i any party ciin-t;cn mvolvt-d :i the iu ir.it: clil jrourncw honk ciuitaimn -j over P..-.1 tw, -il,K- h iv.. r. i:lt. 1 ! tilt v dilTt-ri'iit st les and plans of Road Garfs! lO percent dicap- B,:l t'i than anybody. l)o-rt buy before getting our prices and catalogues. THK GKO. V. STOrKEI.L CO.. .NASHVILLE, rKVI. Name ti.is paper. mars! A iv Voa Intpiidiii' to Iluihl a Home .' If so. Ktfrid ns your address and o cents in stamps ur postal note n- i sad dot th Und-ncap, lr and 1 0as to society Dudley's or NVana ids with bovH of poverty. It maker's T cianot b th? pohev of i ropablc, I Dudley's motto ii "Get There. in which every citizen votes he io means are oi nttie or no pi without fear or fjvor asked consequence of any maa. Tho truth is no Ad- with him are weaker than ropea Mnrn tnJ nrMidiaJj of mini t rat ion can h-r aecr$ai in sanU kad CavaAdA aov aaabcr 17.107. Democratic principle, to baild ap aut wcaaMOi Dim. trationT mhawinr a rlm of 707 d aria r the a aristocracy ol wealth morts ty- ' Wanamaker is the opposite of UfSrrtm BsOOUJ, sUia Of 7,:J in j ranicai taau wic ut-.'uams ui .u ....u.-.vwwu, V very low prices tea years. I Karor ;n t he select ton of a I Vinocr.U tl case would have ht-eii different. In the present conditu-n of a tl .i rs we see no pood rc-a.-nn ;n opposing the wishes (f the President. Demo crat was m favor of honoring Keid, bat there may In- wisdom in re frainiDr from oih rii: fa.-'.n us opposition to the President. The South may expect no laois from Harrison, but no injury can resalt to this section (roni Sou; hern Senators .showing tvery courtesy to the President consistent with their fidelity to the States they reprt nent. It will be reau-inliered that a lit tle while aro the whole South was indignant because home, costing from i-'JDi) to3..0iJ, arranged by the bet architects in the Knifed States and Kurope. i'he book gives pictures and plans of each house, showing just how j. n. ciiabthke. basil manly. JOIIN H. CEABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Fouaders and Machiniata Manufacturers and Dealers in ENGINES AND MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES Builders of Iliiglnei Bolleri, Saw Mills. Edging A, Cut-off .flachlne, W"e are prepared to do Cantli.gs of all klnis .run promptnees. Particular and Immediate attention given lo rt'pl B Oi H.l ElIKlB. Dr. K. C. West's Nibti aks Brain Tsbatmknt, a guaranteed specific for Hyste ria, Dizziness. Convalslons, Kits, Nervon Neuralgia. Headache, Nervoua Prostration caused by the ue of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of ihe Brain resulting In insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of power in either ex. Involuntary Lossts and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self abuse or over-indulgeuce. Each box con tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six bottles for S5.0Q, sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us 'or six boxes, accompanied with $5 0( we will send the purchaser our written guar antee to refnnd the money If the tieatment does not errect a cure. Guarantees isaued only by R. N DUFFY, druggist, sole agent, New Berne, N. C. ap24dwly Go to F. S. DUFFY DRUGGIST, AND BUY DRUGS & MEDICINES HEAP FOR CASH The best assortment of Trust es In il,e city A perfect tit guarantf ed. A full as-iortmeut of Fresh m.d Warranted Garden SeecJs. A large, varied and Eeli ct stock of I'trfu mery and Flue Soups. A choice assorlruent of Fine and Cheap Proprietors of ufl's Tonic Mixture, Duffy's Anti-Bilious 1'UIs, old and reliable ramliy Medicines. Hat-l'liimen, Feather F:sns. Mounted Klrils Feather Work and larcv Articles made by MlSS A. V. 1'T'FKV All of which we ofT.-r at the V KEY LOW. HI ST FKK'F.S for CA-?Il. decldwtf F. S. DUFFY. J. . SMITH, agt., DEALER IN Mens. Boys and Children's Clothing. Boy's Ciothi-ig. SI. SO up. Men's, S3 CO u;. Alio, a full line of BOOTS A2TD SHOES Women's SS.038, 75o. up. Also a full line of DRY GOODS. tT Call nd see tbem. rrjarldwlf (3J ,1..,,- i .... i - ,ri, ml..r..,l A tit- I . 1 1 . u-v . lo &lve plane anu est. mates i i.r ii'viv "uiu iiiiiijjauu, -.i-ijj ror an v aesci lptlon or machinery. Clirpeilter C.'.n bniM lroill these we are the agents for the sale of the Amer I'l.ins. If VOU ever intend to biliid lcan h.aw- . AlBO for A. Baraamln's oeie. ;i house, wi ite at oru-e. as this ad brated Indestructible Mica Valves, V,1I t IM-HH-Ilt W 1. in tlii-; p.iH-r. Addre.-s. 1 ne: ajijiear again ; J"a bv ns. We give satisfactory guarantee frrall work Iy22 d2aw wly ('. Snr.rAi:n. Mvausburfr. Pa. A:. I jiption ; I UKI 1 jil.v-i, inn, r : i r .-ii from riu l.MVir.LT I. ad p..ic a -n r.is imuu i' tin i Iu.U.i iHis-ioi,ary the formula of a .simple , v.-K'-Ul.!e remedy for the .st.ee.iy and per- j msiien: ture of ( oiisuin prion , Bronchitis, i (V.arrh, A-thim and ali Throat nnd hung. Affections, also a positive and radical cure for W.i-yohm Di-bilkv and sll Nervous i Keublican i-on:plaint, after Laiing tested its won- ; B:gi btipiven univer sal satisfaction In ths euro cf (Inorrhcps and 1 prescribe itand feul sfe i a recoin mend ing it p uli sufferers. A. J. MOVER. M.D., Decatur, 111. 1ILILE. SI. 00. Bold by Druggists. J. V. Jordak, Agent, New Berne, N JO. may2dwly Land For Sale. m Q9MTvttl not u V ffJ CUM StTiOULT. mm SmcxhS Fine(olof?sThat jorfade: ONLY EE1 tQ.ro ors OLD BYDRUGGISTS ALSU PEEELESS BB05ZE PAINTS-6 Colon, PEERLESS LAUNDRY BLUISG. PEERLES8 ISK POWDERS 6 KIndi 7 Colort. PEERLESS SHOE AD HARNESS DRESSING. PEERLESS EGO DTES 8 Colors. Drunkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured IT AIMIRISTERINB BR. HAINES' O0L0EN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup oi coffee or tea. or in ar ticles ot food, without the knowledge of t he per son taking It; It is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether tbepatlentia a moderate drlnkeroi an alcoholic wreck, it NEVER FAILS, We GUARANTEE a complete cure In every Instance. pae book FREE, Address in connaence. iOLDEN I SPECIFIC CO.. 1 86 Raco. AGENCY FOR Cincinnati. 0. here i Where have the Indians "ne? I only one left In the city, and thai is at pMlmei s israrstorf" on Middle street . Totoaceo Uan Indian weed, mid rom II is made Fine Clear. Chcwln TuIimco, Fine Cut Chewing, and Snulf. and h thing mixed with something they Ciearettes. Call and see what Is wt.Mt. WM. I.. 1MLM1-.K, Middle st.. ,eu l..-r:.. MARVELOUS UiEllllORY LOWEST PRICES IN AMERICA. S.a.i.t'irrf. Hrlinblt hmuM m jltmml priem km Xn rnjttprtition vtM Chmmp Iihm imt MMMMfi. ItKDIM ED KUICES, HPECIAL OVPKitai. PIANOS S200.IORQANS S6& 7S OctUprUht. Btrlngod. I famr 8 IUH. Kwm ' Kioh Rtnmwotxi Cm. ntop OoapUn. rWOM STOOL. COVER. INSTRUCTOR-ALL MEICHT PJUl I.nrret Ntoj-k Horn.. 200Htrlaa4 Trrf Low Trnif I'nc F.r Oontrsot H Rl.k Ko tartM nre of CmIi paid BIX 8PK01AL OFFKR8 knul lti Free PapCT. ' Hharps and Flat." cilac full In'tbraaUv LUDDEN & BATES. SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, (AVAIIAI, t . wine I --wai Woven Wire Fencing Wire KopcMlva 8O0 TO 2 PER ROD. All iriM and vldtha. Gatfwt. match, ftold br wmort 111 till- line of u-'x-t" PHtlOHT rAID. InTornwUqB fraa. THK M. Mrl.l.KN WOVEN WUI FKWCf Ha Noi. 118 A 11(1 N. Market H., OUMnlU. GTIVES ' "n merrvn. Kptinc aWH .( n 't t lik')AMt0f crinl . '.il't'iro inrgm rr4 ' r . rl iriilrirfl. AdlrM t .: r . j 44Afcide,C.nc.niiU.O. DISCOVERY. Only Oennlne Sjmtem f Memory Trnlning. Four Baolta Learned In one reading. Mind wandering cored. Every child and adult vreaily benefitted. Great indaoemente to Corresoiidnce Ciusoa. Protpoctai, with opinions of Or. Wm. A. 1 1 n m -mood, th woTid-fanjf"1 Rpeciahrtt in Mnul I st.;,t. ", Ianiel tireenleaf Thompson, tut- kt-.-m Pkj-'i oit, J. M. Buckley, I. !-, editor of t ho fVKif,i Advocate. A'. '., Kirhnrd I'nirtor, tin- Sni-nur, Hons. V. W. Amor, Jndgc ihoii. Judub i. Benjamin and nthprf, sent pivt f ! hy . Prof. A. LOISETTH, 2'd7 l iltli Ave, N. Y. frr ij i CI AWE J I .ClubSy Phii.a. OTJ 1 i. ElK r 'yeiem while as convenient to the buyer as a: y Instalment syslem, ij jmp system to us. The co-operauua i;i uic club members sells us aR uratr.hen in each 38 Watch Club, and we eft cash from the Club for each watch before it goes out, though esch member nly pays a week. This U why we give you more for your money than any cm else and why we are doin? the brr-st watch business in the world W c sell only first quality goods, but our price arc about what others pet f r sec OurSlO feilvcrWuteh is a substantul Silver not imitation of any kind) Stcm-W ind American levcr Watch either hunting c.ise or open. uur j mu Hisri.Htni-B i"u . ODCnFace. f::t cu: lit V. stiffened Gold American Lever W au!i tr.ij.rani ecd to wear 20 yeaf s. It is lul.y equa (O any watch sold for w m i y a first-class Stiffened C rs. We find J Case much more sntisfartorv a;.d tervirciL le than any Solid Gold Case th.it can be sold at less than double the ir- n-y,a-i chc.ip solid cases are invnr'My t! :n, weak, of low quni ty. r-;-i v. :::'..; ss after short use. Our$3S Waicti roniaina n,-,n,fmim imnnrtntlt TiatuI'.H d iril- provemcnts, of vital impcrt n'-c to acciir-ljwj Wind.frc, which we centre! exclusively. ItlisM Ibi'.itv and scrvi.-e, to a: y Watch, either IKi ; Open Face or H :utir.. 613.00 liaSI- -ttA W iifi-h 14 r- " r:,.-.t-'ir Irrt fur 'the mcst exact u : is tl.elK--t ! road Watch n.aj?. V: I.-.e cr ilumin . "'J: All T-nrir.-z Jriril(-.fr:!f ',-ll C.T ill ( iubs B.'J I lfUuLa:or given frt vriih t,ac.h Vi'th. -JtC7 .'' l 'Jf The rowfftaoWafch fli'h tlo.k:! - lie?. ! MiU flWa tn TV Put Pw'Id? I fJVV i?1); Amenta Wanted, Aj?.x Watch Insulator, $:.C0 FOR THE MILLION. 87 rOIM I.AIl HAI.LAOS. " Vm Just Uoing llnwn to the Gate, " and 8G Other New and Topular Balladi Id un t.oi'k. rrinlf.l n !."avy aurralMidei'vd ppar. F i .,1 .li'M nnmlr. Only ! MU. Ill SIM.SS l.KTTKR.WniTINO nrnl Spcllim: f r the Schooif Office and lloiiif. ... tiiniH H.50Q 'words usually P:. r.i!,t', 2,o n.rili nam prOBDM rllllloll, I. in djU. Tnt iii, -iiiilng CmplM Itn loo lor runrliinlion, I of 4 aiplasl I ollcra. Abbrrlatlina. Ha,anplM of IOO Kuln- Lrllrri. Contain. 1U0 pafam, bai)dBoiti-l Huud. 13 reoU. w SIIF. I!y Ilidrr UngRnrd. Coni plrlo In 4 rolnmm. Thim roliinii an lb .no of Kratlilr l.lbrarj. Wa will mid Jem tbeM 4 volume, for only 10 Mnti. LANGI'ACE OF FLOWEIlg. " It? all llin.B tnkpn-fl.mor. that UI1 What w.inli ran ne'er cxpreas ao w.ll." Braoal. TMfl t.ok fclT' rtamo and acntiment of ftll knowffj fl owers. Printed on licnry paper, haudaomel bovnd. 80 pp. Only lO rents. ThP M'orld-nrnowncd Widow Be lott Pnpor. ('.implf't In 1 Yolnma. TUU Murk In a. tnwisurp in cvpry home. Only 10 tttM Home ) tor Hook, only lO ccjita. Dialngiica, Itrritntiona nnd Hital InKTM. A valuable book for young and old. Only 10 rentN. Tpon rorript of prlro. any of above book, will h etit Nistpaid. 1'oliLage Btanip. taken. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 38G0 Fairmount Avenue, Fhila.. V H00KST0RE. J. L. HARTSFIELD K INSTON, N. '., DKALER 7.V BOOKS and STATIONERY School Ikoks and School Supplies a specialty- Coufootlonorlas, Toiiircn, Snuff, Cigart, Toys, Qlasmrart, i'rovkery, Inhing Tackle, Etc ne door south of Loftio'a Bank. Very truly, J L. HABT8FIEL.D The Many Friends and Customers living near and beyond New Berne and in t lie Wilmington section, whom we are prond to say, we count among our many patrons, we especially call to their attent ion, that we appreciate their patronage extended to us in the past, and that we shall hold oat MORE IN DUCEMENTS THAN EVER to merit their confidence in the fntnre, and that besides BEING THE AGENTS (or Thos. M. Holt's Plaids, Coats' Spool Coiton, Beaver Creek and Bluff Mills Domestic, Star Lye and Potash, Lorillaid's Snnfl' and Armour & Co.'s Provisions, Horsford's Baking Powders, We carry Flour, Tobacco, Snuff, Coffee, Sugar, &c, fcc. And in the DRY GOODS line no houso in this section carries a more suitable stock to please the buyer, in style as well as in price. For Dress Goods, Notions, White Goods and so on, it will pay you to come the distance with your ladies and let them do thuir shopping in Kioston. What we cannot supply, our otlu r merchants can But the chances are that if you make your headquarters at our house you will find everything to your notion. Good, honest goods, .'!( inches to the yaid, and 10 ounces to the pound. SHOES for Farm and Parlor wear. EEADY MADE CLOTHING In (In Eastern Carolina to excel ns. We can suit most any one; it' w - e.tn't make you a suit to order, and if we fail and you are no money out. If you cannot come to Kinston write : answer all your inquiries. Yours truly, : 1 1 ou'll not find a hoose in u-e will f ike 3 our measure, io lit yea vou need not take leasine we will OETT KINSTON, N. OS. Sign rad d Pearl Shirt; EY SCHOOL, KINS La For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. Writo for ran! :tc to JOSEPE K1NSEY, Principal. . STEWART, Sale and Liven Stable. a . - ,.,!, 1 , , pr u curative powers in luousanus oi tw iinir1 nr t'li u i in ii i n i 1 vuu. . i pointments of Mr. Cleveland. TWO TRACTS IN LENOIR COUM'Y i,. it ) ,u,itvtomakit known lsmu" BOUtn oi amnion, on tsoum West H to Lis sulTeriDir fellows. Actuated by this ! Creek- No- 1' Nacres, with one hundred i . , . i- t. e Iparpd hnllinpft wpll tlm jU ro1 ) 1 a tl a -.f i.i.,lfl,.i l,M,kll.,r,o r-t- motive ana a Ot.siro 1. 1 relieve numau hui- " " Moral Obligations "c u010lcw "M'""""11 i ferine. 1 will send free of charge, to all . to growing corn, cotton, peas, etc. A lor the COnnrmatiOU 01 I Jemocrars, 1 ,, iin desire it this recipe in llemian, ; o' le Clcl"ea una emDrices a ncii " ... ,. . ... j: : With lull Lureci.i-'ii3 ur 0 rellgtOQB crtl retrains ' . 1 ir k : rr,nrin, and : mine. Sent by mail by ad wtfa frw f io rTititirmatinn ri f l.nnnlv S3kIodtUIUUUBjtdSUathL country that depart from him-no Christian flag traiU in the ,icans unJer a Kepablioan adminis irtsiDp with stamp, naming this paper, V. A. N.ives. 149 Tower's Block, KochfS ter, K. Y. novl wly his youth up he haa bn a chris-1 (iEO. AU.E5 & CV. JUST RECEIVED Another lot of GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY i for sale by James Redmond. anch. No. 2, 250 ee of timber land, Icitoreacdaballes ro tract No. 1 rice $.i,lXK) cash, or part cash with ap proved security for balance. Apply to JAMES WILLIAMS, Klnston, N. C, Or to JOL'BNAL OFFICE, nL'ldwtf New Rerne, N. V Edwaros & Clark, MACHINISTS, Craven St., near South Front, NEW" BERNii, N. 0. If you are in need of any work in our line, givo ua a trial, and wo wil endeavor to give satisfaction. Good work and prompt fulfillment of contract ia our aim. Call and see us. I have received TWO MORE CAR LOADS of Horses and Mulw, which were selected by me individually with great care. In making my purchases I deal only with reliable iucd, and get nothing ut good nd sound stock. Will take pleasure in Showing you through my Stables ar.d Yards. aug;'27U.wtr road Street, -New Beine, N. C.

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