Jt 's jj-ny - ... J iva fc fj-UlLf t4 . -- - jit - -a, Y!5?? , -Z ' V'-' iE JO URN A L : SCW BCB.y 0. MARC 11 W. 8l. n ' MA. T. ataTaV" la au KaraW aa . Ubra4 Amr nMiim aaaa aa aaJ imtyu - fat rU T lARtWItlD. la M.l.i "aU BaaM!., . a. U1 r...lr Onslow County Items- aaMEClAt. CI-VI0 RATES I Joe."-and Yoih'e "om pan ion 82.50 imtr'n Agrtcultariat .5 . Suotharn Cm lti Tatar . .3 ' Droort' Uuuin 3.00 Scientific American. . 4. 00 ' Si. SieooU 4.00 Canturjr 5.00 Detroit Ft Preea .... 3.30 North Amer. Review S.M Now York World. Star Home and Farm... Courwr Journtl New nd Observer Harper' M&ffmsine Weekly 3 3-3 , 3 23 1 3 50 3 50 ! 4 .50 1 ntr. O W. Snaita ku iiuiM U taa Perro w mill aa Stall u k4 I oa Qaeaaaeraak. I tWl MlUf IJ f rmia4 worve for. At:ni ( ommution &.. Fa-a" all oi4 eubacriber rtciTII1( the Joel-' r j saL. and deainng to ha-re any of thee B-V rUaj Ward fro OaaWw ecu a . PPra. bT making application to 4r wlM.Mtt 4 rwvU6 oaarc. i the ofSea in pnon or by letter. have a CarWvt tuwatr. oo tae h Sunday ot 1 iuumDI of their iccoont on our booki U aMate), fcog the Imi d.y o tie ' owloi what w u i hT, to remit to 1 entitle them to u; of the aeore publi- I Tafplia aatiai eiu lo b the gik aoer; ev) ueM mho vn I buz u4 aae eo to eat U doia Ur. Sol Uuvmto ku airMJT over 50. COO am htm Uavl4V Mr. B. W. sad A U rrwa I water. A- T. ArUkar. Oe- W KUam. Jr., aa4 a Ivoet ocaVere, bva out tad aaVel aaytaoa ade apoi taoaeaade. We apa taa aia pa-ea a preaat woa 't Wowia ad aA taan la taa faUL Taa ocha daj ta acoaataaat au wara rW4ia toajotaar. om u- the aba. ao 4 I Uwk. Jia " "All rig at. Laa. eo far ae I lT' 'Ob. aaaaiag. oaJy a Uttia ap Mi u e Haae aga aad eaataM 1 hk. I wat to a44a eoaoir u n I f-l ttk 1 waat to B4 juo ' Tho I. ktaia yoajpa4 aa ia i.-iJi-r n j Jbta tit oa o taai bar )ck aad L. elraea am to ioa. m frtvad in Lh aatailKa a . aearad kian or t ti JUi by taa aaaaa qaewttuoa .i . -uoq. it a caoaa ay a-tta a .rij ug a loag eaa4 aaaia. L-U(P 1 va Uarkey. ananaaeaiMd aeatMa . a Moa ba aaapv jaaiavW iroao k " u nj (.. awaf a (ui awi pueeet ' Wntiid yaaj leaT yo f atal for pucnpy ' mTi aa. tV, aa Ike k tom kaeaa, Ila t ka ; eak. gaw rn J a Wf too tf yoa d a bla oa- I JUa't waa4 to ba kit by a aiad no. aah "flat aaat aaada yoa leave 7 oar aiale ' " ' XjX, 1 Uoagat da aaata eood woJ to kla aadf. taa; aaj it I thoagki tf taa aiaa kit hia ka euod do it, bu aah . tka aaa eoaaldat kite sn for iar. WkM I eaea a aaaa aaappta ' at m ub . arid da f met ail eooala owl o J cor Bare af kla aaoaia aaa gwtater ait iif, I ia, aaaia or arala gad d-a ; oa forget jg. aa." Wa Jia eaa the joke ke aaTarad ttOO to laaea kia aaana oat. hat Laa a eaid a take it, Tfca bt pari w . It waa Jlaa'a bovea aad kagir aa 1 L-n aaly waatad to etaai t iti (or r. aailaa. gji ka got wltal h iau1 'or ta-odaye for aachiag. cation Vhay mir lect CITY AND VICINITY Wm Si LTijr War ' war Tin P.iarAsivi Farxih. F Clricii -Sd pota-.oM J'K'bxaL Dickon' w rk L H i'iTUl-Hiriir. no. C- U HaowM Hotel for ran:. J. L' Suns H i-l re, pic . want! Deo A W. H. F W y itt Y it; ('.aTi -Attention farmer ; f iDf L Josta Count j Item tear or t s t u - 1 1 friht Th to n f 1 0.1 fVrn on U ouin rtrer ha dnai lerafi.a i-nrapbiral di Uactioa bio( io"ai.l ia tan ft ud'.im eod th r-i '. o i. h 1 If the tram runniri f ri m Wllniiil o to Jaota DTliIa br ti,. b giooiBg o( n(i: Tttr ht can t u b r-jooiog 1010 N Hrn br tbe ticna we op u th d it Fair ' IrOTernor Fow haa app. idi-J our towneasaD thaj S iiruc, i' q . 1'aT oaaeUr (crra! i f '. r. State (taard. He ; anccad : b law'Vi Kujc MnreheaJ. A croal it "f !!ra tppoio'.mol. Ur J i'kifin 1 fAuriawaam the ri t ; M 10 J a f HteUuaofa if riom k a rt v ! - 1 i i hjom peon . f orm r ly o iwri.r n- wa ou I wuneMiog j a fa.u ? ' t . sba the tat rtw , ou ( of tin '. r ; 1 r 1 r. i c ltru k her I ia the fa ktr. T H Ip"-k. 0 Tot, wu in the :uriaT w.thf pc imanof Bra . rn H- 1111 '.Cat it yielda pro lific aoJ hn Eoite-i and xitxed with Pamlico Arooaad. Oar Pamlico frtenda ipem to br? aorne what exaroiead about a rrport, which we publithed at a rtxrt and not m a fact concerning the debt of that county to Crmren. Bat we like to tee a people j-alous of their good name and ready to defend tkeir honor wheneTeroccaa ion requires It waa injuJicioua 00 our part to have publtahed the rumor that itepe wnn being taken to reaiat further payment on the debt due Craven by Pamlico. We are glad that the report ia not true: 4-'0 wa reinira lo knnw that 011 r aiater Young People 3.00 ... . . .lir. rrrt j 30 ; ' - hai got into the column of th J"i R Sal. We accord them tho pririletffa of oar colamDi to make the daaial. But they aay tbey hare taken atepe to ascertain what the amount ia that they 1 owe. Knowing that it had not been j loog since thu wa done by the commia- ioneraof the two couctiee, we were tome w hat be w UJ ered hen we heard that atepe were being taken 10 bare a , referee appointed to ascertain the I amount due On the minute bo-, k of 1 the comm uaiontri of Craven county we And the following: In pursuance of an order of the board of 00 ai m lee 1 on era of PamUoo county j appointing and directing Cba. II Fow ' ler, chairman of the board of commia- aiener of laid county )and Wm T Cabo i to meet the board of commieeioners of I'raren county and aacertain the amjuct due on the judgment obtained by Craven county axainet Pamlico ooaaty in the Superior Court of Ienoir oounty rendered June term 1S75, they find the amount due in aait judinirn'. 00 February 3d. 1S?4 lo be thirty three thouaaod nxht hundred and Lir.i-;i eight doiiar and flfir nine croU as p par from the record of aaid juJmeoi with the rarloua credit therein paid by aaid Paonl ico county . All of which i re t-evlfuily nubcuitted tbla April 6.n by th 1 i.i r ( f :ht c in n. tin ica- THE 0 N SLOW RAILROAD. Tho Trains Will le Rur.r B.iginnir.g i f Next Year I u the V il 111 111 .;i M 'J.'lh we tiioi lie f 'ii; lo tion 7o ti,- y ' an Hii-w i-r i 1 y : 1 r 1 : ; , ; 1 51 n o,. r . ;n.,i ( r : .. 1 1 . 1 Tour r 1 ft.: r- I ; tran'er f t 'A 1 . ir 1 o 11 nil K tf'. 1 ,Lr. .1' ,1 1; i:,i .1 Ker.tl. m. r. . f I irt no u char it r I r n ii t 00 - i u 1 : :i lmnie.i 1 .to i'"i..tr':i 11 of 1 he n h h .t t r nintf f r ui v.' s ; ; : 1 by the he : :. 1. 1 : - . f , 1 r 1 .t tt' ".r A 9 V H f Co Road caru . I nhtng. ho etc. romp am w r a aaured fa t. I 1 .1 r New H r r . 1 r mind that 1 h - run year lu f r. m V 1 : rr. Ti.I- W'.a- .,r- -a It'- I 1' ' r:r. m ros ii f n ti 1 I : f 1 1 : ; J a c k o r. v 1 1 o - 1 , . ihn r si eh ui - rr : ; !. 1 m: i '.; . . a ; . prt f il , ;. h Tho i.t-.,. 1 i , . I miT'.: 1.1 1 re . h e r : f r . 1 , . t i can be . :TY r 1 . 1. r 1 are ; , t ::: i build to N r 1 ,, 1 grou mi .'or d t o. t . r; y et 10 m u r. o 1: ; o Hern e 1 1. nt 11 . 1 ' . t : p iH " a 1 o 1 ; r . .1 . New p. r:o F M. S ::: : : A - n r. r. .lo) o 1. w ; to .In ' . M V. n, I i . It, r 1 1 n -11 v : le 1 1 in . r r I 1:1.!. a 1 . 1 In ur 111 : t ' ! e 111 next 11 to J - cks:n- 1 o ' i o , bout : . 11 with the v 1.1 K 1 ni-' . . n to iv e .'e t o 1 . t hfi t h'nst ' i ri il 1 n a ; 1:0 ' eo. nil's a . . ', . 1 1 . t n 1 . d . ! ' " I o id lnnt : ' ' j '. : o h that . 1. : li'i 1111 nt ii: 0. who I. 1 to At ' l.t ; i t .8 A Sirgular Request. A iiing m.iD employed on a ybel of ono of our steamship lines receutlj re ceived n lf ter from hid father, uho re sided at Portsmouth, N. C , announcing the old gentleman's serioua illnees with a rt nueet that the on liatiteD home, and oririkC with him nuitablt' lumber to uil:e .itfur's C'Tii. 'The duti ul nn Olit') I'O. Vance Male and Female Academy I tie cou; mt ncem en t txercinen of this rcl 1 will he held on the 19th. 20th and 2 1-t of June. Hon. Kemp P. Battle of Chapel Hill will deliver the addrefH. I'r Battle will tiud a generous, hoapi t ab! e eo,le in the Pol locks v il I e section , a tad we ro-.-u:e our friends there that the Doc. . r vtjll give them an address 111. ml w,;n fco.d, hard sense and (.iracti i'iil rui' .-'i"in. We hava heard him 0:1 nuch L-cCciaioi.o and kuon" wln reof we epeak. 1'KOPI.K K EltVWIIKlti: 1 i;:ii:i our Rta'.cmtav. when we t-av ;!:ht AcKer's Ktig'.ih Ketnedy 1- n cvr-ri m at m:; er:or to any and all otLe- preparations for th-- Throat and Lunr- K. hoopirip l o.iCo an I I'r.iup it It Bl.igic ucd relieves a: 1. 00 Wu oflt-r you a hamile bottie fr-e lir-ineinber, ti.13 Keii.edy l? Mild on .i : '-:t.ve u a nil. te'-. bo d 'V K. lo-rr, N - a ilerne. S C. ii-uiln; tiO ( iO 1 ii ti 0 r ,1 firo eorn 1 n . Wool, P "IV j Char 1 t'.o (. 1, 1 10c CllDJ HI' '11 lr- JU -1 .1' he w f, ri a 1 a 1 1 1- br.kriOiir u-;if.i,i',", r.i pbypicians c um r i.ir i',i, 'iu' ii still very critical. Ali-xat: ler O.ivet of Jlint Hill, w;i m the try yo,dav for the purp'.M- "f t akti.aC ti" iiece.-Sai steps to arrei-t and l riio,' tu ju.-tico a man name II. A H 1 1; . v. 1.0:11 he charged with i-ibiii:,y C C. Hhj ts, a grocer cf this c.iy. ni uio ;in a-.-ion-nieiit jteteiuay of all h'.-i st ;rk. i.otef. accounts, etc to Hern I Ciaiksuii. tir-o tee. The liabilities are estimated at 1.500. The ai-retd are probably hetwefli twelve an : tiltet ii liundle.i iloll-ir?. Ii-i il v 1 1 it- Tiiiit!-: Sunday i:ine iioi 1 persoijc. enne t.oi ll.rrii-elv t with the Xo.y bale- fvtMEKClALe Bern at 9 to 'J 3 y roixox. 'S;:w Beh.ve, Mirch 20. market ftea-lv. Sales of ut r lb. per hundred. tranix"rvd I - ni r. 1 of M 1 ' h m n f r .1 l ' Hi Fi-roar are bekiad la farm wcr k Bat few era ready to piaat oora. Bawatog Broaat wa attaadiag wurt uq ' aadawiar. ila aaada a faJthal reora- ! Ua waa act oaa of the talk - I c ty 8 bat waa aiway. ia kla' ,.,. ai way reoru tu tot 00 taa riakt aid a of eeerr aaeatioo. Aa atUaao. that Uka mind, of oar j mA r"v ol tloar it -ill make up like a U ui ir, l u rqaally a pa' at abl. Ofur Para i ico frienja will bear to mind that toe JcCEXiL haa not aid that they wera going to repudiate their debt Wa merely publtehed a rumor that they were taking :ep to S j it We cheer folly gire them an opportunity of de nying it Rt Mr. Dill of Ooldtboro preached at the flepiiet church during the peat week. The tarmoni were uniformly of a kigh order, and greatly enjoyed by hie congregation Soholarly, earnet, aod poeaMed 0 drcided dramatic tal ent, he 1 00 ordinary man. and our Beptiat frieoda of (joldaboro are fortun ate. Mr Dill rrtnrnrd 10 hi home rea terday. The r, aator. Ur. Battle, atatea that fan church haa bea tboroogbly reriTad. aoe ne confidently expect to reap a rich harvaet from the faithful cowing in the near future. Whether the tei im of meetinga will continue longer will drpn.l upon Jef lopmrrU tonight art) OH Laair boeaaeea ao- a etaiU-raaor to which Bill ftaerga fciacaad biaveatf aad Traak Cbi at taw baadlea. attraraad atora atiaa taoai ao Matvlajr at coatrt tha-O a patent aadicaa Baaa. TTaa aaopea ot Jowea axa ? ery inacb la tail aver taa railroad pa-oapaata. The ' Atiaatta Caaaa Haa aa ear-re Ted a roate fmaa Klaeioi tsuraagk taa Caiaooapia aa4 Cyareaa ereak aaetiooa, aad the PttiksaerviUa aad ateytrrUte aaetioae ke graat boyea of taa Maw Baroe aad WUaBtnstOat road. itatl-ea Foacaa wa alao kere tatira Oreaa who eopar- aaded aiam. Oar paopia eaaact aader ataavi j Mr. Foaewa waa oaaaatad. aa kia aaaa waa exactir Ilk Wooten 'v aae) LaOraad frost KUcaaoaae1 . aad. ia opiatoei at aaty, aifk atroager BatMaaa of Wake. We eopaoaa tbodv bad to ba aaariAead aad they raowgkt Jomm ooaaty cow id ataad It a waU aay. Tat Sejpailai Cotxrt eoaeaoad 00 kfoatday. Jtidga Salpp pceeidiog. 80 liattoc Allan wai at bla aoat, aad 1 aaaktac eatort work ai the Stata docket Ba to a faitafal afSoar aad look well to laa tale rata wt taa tax payer of th aoaaly. lavrga aaaabar at alto roe 7 a axa priaaat bet the doc eta are email . la faot awr paoale are rataar too poor to goto law er aaytblag elea that doa't I n ia im One dealer r Aypafataatli af Ua SUbap r Eatt Caratlaa. April 4, TharadaT Cooeecratioo 0 CaVarate, S. Oabriat V, Faiaoo. A prii J, Friday Creaiog Prtyer, S Stayaeaa. Ceatdaboro. AprU T, Saaday. Stb ia Laoi-f Mara V Kbtaaott. Apctl t. Taaaday kforaing Prarer. Italy iaaoaaata, Lanoir eoaaty , Evening Prayer. LaOraaga. AerU II. CTtarad ty H. Earoabae 8aow Dill. April IS Friday -Farmetlla. April IS, Satarday Eeoiag Prarer Daw ana a Scaooi Hooaa. Pitt ooaaiy. April 14, PaJaa Saaday btoraiag Ptayor, 8. Joaaa, Pit ooaaty ; Eeeaiag Pvayar.S. kHrheeia. Pk eoqaay Apfil IS. Xoaday blorauig Prayer Bail a Ferry. Plu aoaaty . Ereaicg Tfrayar. 8ikl. Laaoir eooatr. AprU tl. Taatar Morning Prayer. Carta) CTxarcb, Sew Baraa. Eonn Prayer. & Cyprlaaa, 5ew Berne. ApU S3, Taaaaay J. tboauj.Crmn Mtyaty. April S4. Weetaeaday Orace church. Treatoa April VS. Saaday a ter Eaetar Morn bag Prayer. & Paal . WUeniagtoo . F.e atag Prayer. 9- Mark 'a. Wilaiatwo Taa tXoiy Cooaeaaaloo at ail ooormoi aareteaa. Tba ebiidraa cataabiead wbmerer praetieabla. Taa a(7artogi to ba for Dt-xteaaa M 1 alnaa aalaaa otaarwlea appoiatad . Taa V art wlil pieaaa repared lo aaeet taa Basbop. Ptwaotea. Iirw, t hv aava Pmia. Waa a baadred bottiea of aaraapar Ula or a bar prataaUbvu tpactna fail to aradteaaa ta-bora acroala or wn ( agiou biood poiaoat. racnaaabar that B a B ( Rota a M Btaod BaJoa) baa gaioad oaaoy thniiaariil rtctortaa. ta aa run y Mm tagly taaetrkoia taertvace. Saad w th Biood Baiaa C . AOaata. Oa . for Boub of Woavlara."' aad be eoaiiaced. It la taa owvy Tc moo rrtirnt O. W. Maaaar. Hawaii e X Boa da, t. wHtee: "I waa afSactad olae year with eorr. AU lha asedaola I coo Id take did 00 good. I theo tried B. B. H. aad S hoatiaa cared aaa ooad. " Mra. M. Wthaoa. Boaad Moaowaio Tetaa. write . "A lady frtaod of mio wa troabiad with baaapa aod ptoopia 01 bar faca and neck. She took thrre bottiea of B. B- B- aad her ik lo got aoft aad arHh. ptaapiea daaapoMred. and bar baaltb taaprored graatiy Xaa. L. Boa worth . Atlanta. li. writaa: "Sooaa years ago I coatx acted biooal poiaoa. I bad ao apoetile. dbt difaatiotj waa naiaad. rbeaoaatlem drew p aty liaaha eo I coo Id hardly walk, aay throat waa caa tamed fire uma. Ho 8prtags gar no baoeflt aad aay Li a waa 00a of torture atl I gae B. B. B. a trial, aad. urprieing e it W- 1 a ml. tba oaa 0 flra bottiea c a rod F. . St-taoM fr taa 5l freldtt nf Ue i.J.r.it. Errp n Jocwit:-Ta poopl ia th arcaioa er a wraeeicg tba pacprlaty of aatnorta'ix ag tba Dot. rnor tbr.-u n pa tiitraa fcf taa apottl 0 lha Hoc f. bf dioanaoa of Mw B-ro a Preei deatofiha Atlaatto A MorOi Carolina Railroad for taa aal eaeuiog uio. TTaay do ao iateod to prefer aay pci- aaa ma taa araaaat mow"- - A Big Bii:riMi The Cah mduatry th. menaa in New lirrce. aioo ahipped Friday p-T O. D. Una, Faatctn Ducatch lice, and A & N. C R , eigbt thouaacd and fire hundred pganji. in which were iht hundred an 4 fl fty -i 1 roe thd Sn hundred and thirty an backe. and the balance in herring and other ftah. I: look two and ooe fcalf tooa if u-n and the raiue of the ahipmeot waa ?6JJ (V Thw l the work gf one dealer alone, and a there are arreral other it ia aafe to aay that '.he hi( ment of !iih yeeter day mrjBlM if. t uo to $3 Ltl) or $J 5.) The CUra a Deadly Wrtp.r. A ip-!. reporter a; Brau.'ort w.rra a bw the i r a me i;ce that h: H onnr Ja J je Sr. ipp hn r n 1 i ilitt cum u 1 leadly wr;on The circurnavancee are tkee The Ju ii" or. arriTal Sunday night aupp'i t n clam fritter, pine apple eel mi l, br.r.g educed into trying the mixture bj 1 j una; attorney who had d wait aa.org clan- ail hia iaya During the r. u h t th clam kioked and i..uri hi Hon -r to n mall degree Net; lay NJ.cit.T Ailen waa readme a to; of indictment for an ailray wherein ore if the partir uied deadly aeapot-.. . - .: a piatol and a clam " W h t 1 t h a . ' " a.', h 1 II rnr The rVdiiritoT r-1 aa n D.d aa aault lib dl.v "; :: l--it a piatoi and a clam A Weil, " tail acth toe o y a k no a c a m c a B ha liar. -lit! wea: t care but I Cham H r'ewi.EK. m ii of 1'im 1 ico C o W. T. l il!" A 1 1 r of 1 4oe r d t ' m r . Ja.- A Bkvan. W U Wat n. S W Latham, W O 1'kl.viHi.v, 1 om'ra of Cran county. N w ia it poeeible that proceedinga rnuat be inatituted every year or two to aacertain the amount due' Can not payment b-e made and proper credit girec without furthtr litigation'.' 1 'n the tame pae of the minute where the atiove report appear 1.4 a full eta cement of the amount of the judg ment and the variou pajment made. If we had apace today ws would copy the whole thin-, but aa we have not we only not that it appear that Pamlico owed 1'rxta. on the 20th of Auat, l-"Ti $-43 S3 83. and on the 3J of Feb ruary, 1?J. 833 e I 59 So our regu lar cor re pond en t 1 miaukrn when he ay th debt haa not been reduced. But what haa Craven court house to do withit' Wdonotaeetbepointin mentioning that. I Craven ha reduced her deb: b-ecauae the commiionr have levied a tax vry yaar for the payment of the in teract and to create aainking fund for the d lacharge of the principal. When the debt wa ftrat funded we are in formed that a special tax for this pur , poe, of one dollar and twenty five ' cents on the hundred dollar valuation. waa Ivie1. ila Pamlico ever levied ao high a apecial tax for th purpoee of paying her debt'-1 If not, our corree- poudent ought not to expect it to re- duco it debt a rapidly a Craven. It it to be hoped th frui amount wiil he o aacartained by the preeent inves tigation that there will not be need for another It would ba far better if the expanaa of each in veettgalion oould be applied to the payment of the debt. Again we beg pardon of our friend for publiahmg the rumor that atepe wera being taken to "repudiate." We are truly glad te hear that the word ia ofTenaive to th am ,1 pa t i w h . 1, a ' n. :i . :. : . : ... - ( . in this taper r it r 1 . 1 , : : . (.'had wick. 1 '." 1 . .' r I ' , . - : 1 - 1 . : . : .. ; d that a nine' iii.nt!. n f : : o matter u. 1 b. r.e ( o n. i, t n- OU4. and I'l' lliH' v ,. ; -o -t itl- rn- were acciii i .fa --1:1 11 to -hi t re-4 t lie d 1 - : . - -. r : t . n - e a N e u lun-.i' 11. 11. w .t lot 1 1.1 f 01 lo vrlln I 1-' : we :r i to know the i. r.iiii.e, t :t . regard to this pn pert i e f ri the appointment, and if ti " p. to use the colun.i s i f tl..- J that purjoee. and war.-, to he why of ciuri? we i;.'.i-t t . rn.i ( io v e r r. or 1 "W It'. ; :. : ; r j could not appoint a irm give mre universal pa'.is Ka.4t than Mr. S.mn: 1 . will more th-roiiRh. y .: 1 to the intsrpot of th" r -.d ror.4 Whatever I. : I, tt. ' he dos w ith a 1 hi- rn-a;:.: good judgment In -ai n:ii tb.s w t do not mean to d i-pAra.e the l.tness. ciairrs and qualifications of others We mere ly state what we be 1 1 wvp to be the truth.. I i 11. be n, .be 1 .e want 1. N a;, f. r mat -1 them ii'i-n; ul : n t" the r one that e his time ir. 1 its pta tin 1 to do. t n r t and M)KI II CAROLINA N HWS. 1 nun (he Mate Papei . a:,f.rd Express: The forest li-es neir H'lfmaii Lurnl a rt-i tion uf ttie li . iV A. 1. road oil Saturday ai.d blocked all t h trams on that road for S'-ver.il hours. t "h a r lot te N e w s : A n 11 no or 1 f f 1 r in e : s w rit? in the cit today. I he r-jior: it.u u iTr k on tne fariu-i is progressing : ri-kl) The iiMiiir of I'na;,, tt-- . I- !. r- a r.waid ' f cl'1 U f..r the ii.-tection d :i e burl ,rs. Ki ri,-r-v:l,r .':e.s: i'en I'o- w pjoils I.tlel r.holl ,;t the Ac oletiiv r Ji 1 - no-K A l.i" a nd Order S 0 let ti is ! .e ij ift ii,!,- "I ur Ihr I'lit po-e o I aMirij 1 u r to .1 11 , o m 111 i-s 1 :i rs a 1, ' 1 in 1 , r in the ex-.nti' 11 of llo- c .rpor.ti m. I ' . 1 ..a ::i 1 ' Ij .c," P. -it : Ah 11: - . x " -h v.- . -,, led t x i iu.ers I r .111 ti.e s .:.. -. 11 'ii 'is-.d lip tin I",i 1 J esle .lay len.iis ( 1 li r cor r es po n 0 e 11 ! of F1.1t 1 1 , v t 1 . under il ate of Mdirh 1 3: li . -,iir 1 'nine oi.h lnst. Mr lieOIV WllKlI.s i.e.i ht his home (ti Fml Riv,r. m he "'l.ti you of his a k'' N,irl,i Argonaut. Material is hein put on Hi" ground aD'l tile erection id ihe M'-tn 001st parsonage will, we are .nf' lined, commence at once We -ee it slated itlat tne liold I.enf Totiai CO tV..rk-. v- ith a cii'iul of S3U 0LU. w il 1 ne r:ani7. d at Kocky Mouui wnn M. W. Hart, manager. Mount Olive Telegram: Mr. Divis Wims had a heu to die last week mat as oil eiiouhto vote having entejei iit-r '. st ear Tne truckers and fruit growers of this town and vicinit met m Hie Y M. C. A hall on Saturday last for the purpose of forming a Truckers Association. Luaksviile Gazette: We learn that' r I, u . tirtiAti i-uoWaI in a rt.il.l f.,rn, I lias struck pajrtions of this county Baptist church, of this ton.- Bri.-k layini; 011 l lie cotton luctory will be I'uiiinii-m'ol r.txt M nJav and tbi" bui Id me; 1 u r 1 led to completion at the earlii-st opportunity Hev A Mcl.'ul- len 11111:1 uiii-r.l to hi- people .Sunday mornint. that he had 10 take up a col lection from tlo- memoers of the M. K church a-i el by ihe list conier ence. of co-iO ami s am In-. I propose to rai-e dii; atiioui.r 1 n atjoiit 13 minut; s Who will l; 1 ve .- -Jo r I Mill, said s veral . Toe fteii hii.s went around, the amount as added tip: risult I haw river 373 Tnank jcu. Ail sano the br: metre d.'X "loe-v 1 I, I .-. lsperrC'l . Iiocb inba in t: Mr. L liran : is somewhat "po. ;"" and exclusive since ms re 1 11 rn lien U o ,.h. ; e f u - in k to receive some ot his best frieinis. ' 'ause liy he's o, 1 ti-.e mumps. Some 1 f the bar k e - p. rs are v.-i y wroth over the .j'2i'U inpior lie. n-e. ai d i.ow declar- tn-ii'-eiv s r- : i.v to stand shouhier to sh. ulder 1 n f e t'-mper-u nee prop e It) carry tbe t a n "dry" at the election 111 Mn. A tentlcnian th i I. - 1 ' i r 1 1 , ; ir i-9:tl0.;. SC.D COTTu.V ' CohN 4c"a35c. F 'odder. -51 ,00a'. Kije -33a70j. 1 X c. i-i:x tin K Hard 31.50. virgin and yellow dn,. :S.73, , rAH-si.00al.30. tA';'- New. 41a47o. ill sac! B Bkh-jWax 17ac. per lb. "ssi-On foot. 53. to 7c. II AVr.; Country, lOallc. Lak;.) Country, lOallc. CfiKiiH Pokk 6a8r;. per pound. Potatoes- Bahamas. -loaOOo. per bu. yams. (iOo. per bush. O.vio.v.s 30c. per bush. Peanuts 35a70 per bushel. chiokhnr (irown 40a53o. pair; half s.iOA'A' Hhai - 05c. bolted. Staves R O. hhd. 1012 ter M lU'-.-ii-.u-Cypress. 1? in. and td 0 J per M. ; pint 62.50a4.50. iiiiNULES WTost India, dull and nrni ntn. 1, mch tf2 00a2.50. Building 5 11: : 3J. 23: saps. 81. 50 per Id. WHOLESALE PRIOE8. iiiiOb Poke New 814 33. ' o v:.r-ra JsIeat OalOc. 's. F. B's. B.'a&nd L. C 7ja8. Fl-oi-r 83.50a.50. Larl Si:, bv the tierce. Nails Bn-iB'lO's.32.50. Suo ah--( rranulated , So C-jr;-:::c l-a20c. CuEiiM-: i;j. Salt c0ab'5c. per sack. Molabseb and Sysupb 80a45o ely's CatawrH nnr in n. a a . ' a n Cleanses tlie N'sal I "Ansa tres, A Hays fain and in (larnin a t io n. Heal is tbe S o r ( s , I e s t o r e m t li e H e 11 s s o 1 Taste and Smell. wFtvtR lifil r v" "a. PROFESSIONAL. Try ,7 l ure. HAY-FEVER A particle Is applied! into men nostril nrwJ . 5ti-oi. i nre mi cents l DruuntBtg- by mail, registered, li-) cts. Kl.Y HR0THER8 Warren Street. JVew Vork lanlSdwly over. m -.1 , 11 t !c :r d 'pin i 1 I M r.i To:, ifu! b "no 3 .00 -p. si.ro: . r 1 " l 1 - 'aC. 'J t r 1.75. r, 4 . - ic. ' 1! 1 ' I p -' Is t I M ilied 1 in Match an ep ;ot so iv ere.i . .-to -k- ini d. - M S;nkicij of tho Capt Pritcliard c f the s berne was in the city v gave us the particulars of 'of th? schooner I'r.i.-m oun.J. prevnusiv ar.rt. u 1 . JOURNAL. The Char ii) . 1 ' ipt Starr. Wilmington. Del bound from Nor ft h or.er Charm. earner New s', or d ay and t h a sinking in 1 'a m 1 1 co : d in the What haa Leaksville done that it cannot snare in the same bleasing '. The w heat crop in this vicimty has improved greatly withiu the past few weeks, and promises a eatisfory yield. Otd also 1 00 k well. Twin City Daily: There haa not been a case of lever in Webster county, in tnis State, lor over thirty years. A splendid record i hre is Veb6ter countv '. Journal -The ind ications hailed from tut w as at this time k . Va .to I. each vil le. load ed w ith brick, par t us. She loft The Cm van -Pamlico Ci. It emf that we have had aomewhat j the wrong view of the case that wa aet to be heard bafore Judge Shipp in this ! city Saturday. Instead of being a care j of Pamlico va. Craven it waaCraven va j Pamlico. Craven connty wag limply 1 aaktng for the usual mandamu to corn- 1 pl Pamlico to levy a tax in compliance : away with a judgment of the Supreme Court waves were battled with witl obtained by C'raren againat Pamlico in out ny abatement in the severity line and sawmill sp N'orfedk on the 7th inst., and was 1 h ! h mouth of Pamlico river the following Wednesday where ahe encountered the equinoctial storm Tbe first accident was the tearing away of the rudder which at enco left her al moet completely at the mercy of the waves. Beside the captain, tlo was only three others to man the now unci ntrol able boat. Itwasundeitaktc to make Pamlico rivtr, tut tbe weather was too heavy to accomplish much. Not being able to handle hi r. th- t;.,.r was Mown overboard and ti.e yawl h. at carro d All Wedntsdav nigh t an i Thu rs- The rictn- ia: at; .' .1 Kaat Carol . c a F ih . tl arj. e . 1 y t- r n4 1 n 1 u uial li.. late r-. make a aplendid io ;c for ib Ana-vi-ation The build ing and jr mr.ii witn i m proveai eat we notice are .: d iwn at $" 3J3 7S. Tbi 14 eatirmv tm iw The property 1 1 cheap at $10.CV. an 1 w h n tne ca-.e- ! lery road 1 como.eted 1 va'uo wi,l be cent ii er ab 1 7 increased . BWor tl r.i xt h a.r 14 opened an. ther t-n.. i tig w .il be erect d ' epaciaiiy for the f tr.itit of t?h, oy atera t n d game Th e A 4. v : a . 1 " rt 14 de'er mineltoworkopto a perfect e i h 1 b t of all th mater'! rfeii rrm of Eatt Camiioa Nw feature and larger prornrtior.a w;li be added every year uctil on" v,4inng the Fair can 0 the whole ' ! the P..-: in a nut sm-II A S'-oarnS A -oun u Sn irr 4 t a st-ramt'. t Oak n.-.r Bern. Th now in !- t it opwn f r at for Bo,r-e S t.r.d r. 1 - 1 - n in thu tss u e from r presents th" necessity cf : f r ii i 10 S nil Winte VI T' m. 1 p.i n d N w g 4,-rr m dre Ige t.at i a S- .u ;. ! it;.i w 1,1 ao n have a b : to M. rotead ily. Oaiy taa anaaagaaneat m hub But the di!o -ultT In reaching New IVerce Ij '.aok of u til ie:i water in the Sew Barne and Ueau.'- rt i1l. We hi" for aeveraf year urged the H73. Pamlico objected to the man dimui iauing ualee a referee waa ap pointed to ascertain the exact aiuonnt of the debt now du. The ce i in the Superior Court of Ienoir county, where the motion for mandamus i usually heard, but as tbe Judge wa aick at the laar term of the oart the case w as aet for Carteret and by agreement waa heard at chamber in thu city veaterday. Simmons cV Manly repreaentrd t raven. M. DeW. Steven on and W. T t'aho represented Pam 1 ico Counavl for Pamlico urged that the mandamu ahould not ta until the amount due Craven abould be aacer tainad . that large aume had been paid to c raven County which had not been applied Ui the payment of the debt" that Craven aince the ad jurtment of the debt had funded it and included a large amount of floating debt of which Pam lico waa not bound to pay any part: that Craven waj not entitled to a man damu because tbe affidavit of plaintiff ' did net aet forth that the amount asked for had been paid by plaintiff to the j cred 1 tor I'cuckI for plaintiff inauted that the , amour.t of the debt due Craven by Pam U'o h 1 1 bren definitely asce rlained and a judgment rendered for it. that the '-juration of w hat i due now waa mere- I iv one cf mathematical calculation and i no referee w aa neceaaary; that Craven countv alone wa repooible to the! creditor for the whol of the original debt, and that it had annually levied a , t-tx to meet the mterealon the sam and p provide a sinking fund to discharge the principal that the debt of Pamlico is a apeciflc debt due to Craven, and that it ia not for Pamlico to aay bow its payment shall be applied ao it get the proper credit. The plaintiff admitted . however, that they were not prepared to make the proper affidavit for the mandamus t ecause the tax re to make I the payment on the debt were yet in I proc of collection and the payment had not been made. Upon thu. admission His Honor dis miuil the case without prejudice to the plaintiff. The above is about the status of the cae aa we could gather from the argu ment We think we are nettihg into the marits of it and will give our Pam lico friend a statement in a few days of what they have paid and how it ha been cred ited . of the storm. At night the veseel .howed signs of Kraining and began to Lak. Tbe pumpe. were put to work an 1 were kept going all night and the next day and night. Friday e v en 1 n g the steamer Manteo of the Old Dominion line was sighted but too far t '2 to signal. Satur day morning the captain let go anchor with hopes of drifting to chore. There waa then fix feel t f water m h ( r ho. d and it ws evident t'.at she must soul go d c -a n . Ti.e s h ntr t iiarles Lister and the steam- r V.-spor of tne F.. C. ) line were p .ken. but h:gh sea thai was running render. .1 it impossible for .slant e. The hoht c in pel ling all on ngg-ng. At ihis 1 ri- s 1 I r ke 1 1 c . t . it hre w or. T.i- . p .in r - t : ,- o 1. y o. es Ihey 1 icn. with o t h e . r own safety the r,.- 1: ihor ' I to Ihr c -ii 1; 1 1 ii n nt I-. .no Td.e keepei . and a-s:s them to give ai . v a--w as no w f a-t sinking board to take to t ie juncture a tremen over her ta-.s.ng a tbem ail 1 n '." 1 1. e w and a negro man w that could swim. ! great uodertak .i.g to 'he.ro j helped the two otht r- tck : ' gmg where ih-'V c.i.nh" ! int oughly drenched an ; 1 1,1 -I bleak winds In tins peril .u they were signtet from 1 r Light, two llilo-s u;-tai.t. of the light. W J Scum tant Ireland. w::h str ' the ir duty in I 1 e I I o w e r e d a b a t . a 1 . 1 j d a n g e r if s w a : i . : r g cue. ! The sufferers were t Light and cari d for 1111 thev were taken a'. 04 'Ilk d "'It I. ken I til Tii' s r 1 ill-.. r: I' man r '. a 1 1 : th.- lie I. mi'-r Newberne and earn- .1 to Norfolk . Cap:. Starr faysthat ev.rv'.lung was lost except the clothing they ha) i n He h.ad something ov.-r a hundred dol lara in ni 'lo-v h.-s: i. mo valu.ble notes about l.a p.-r-- n I ut it w as all 1. t except a -over -jiart. r Th e Cha r m in ;n t water and at a p ous to navigation mt w h r, t v ' r i feet of B-.c- Trees t apt . Jos J of the A. iM N Il le rep ' 1 . 1 ug 1 1 eer ' r l s that two Broken Arm. Mr. John Collin, a one legged Con federate aoldier and janitor at the cur wtUiakOoortlMHtltatat Wa are Im porta n-e of thia work to New Berne. houae, had the miafortune to fall toid that walla tka paaeaagar freight lnJ w bkTf sbout concluded that it art) aoca. laa aaarchaatila f raiBU ' will n.Tr re made navigable for even Va-aaw. aader Mr. Bryt "-' .....,. UB,i lh-a-o-.rn. aaaa, lata aader Coi. witxoa -u j - aiaiattixM. At laaag I aaaerBtaad tba I oaeot own the canal and lake it In raaaipta tbe It. Wavara ka taa trotoia? 1 wii (oa improvement of Harwlow Waa mj joa. other ocat ' aad Clubfoot ereeka. It i. an impor Baa!daa Stoca- " pant link ia the chain of inland aarlga- Soaxtfc aad ought to ba owned by $ZO0 Bwrard tow aa aaarorabia eaaa of iha (oearamanle Steamboat ar ready krwrnU Catatra -ZZ'iZfwl tt Ota rtwta m.ntioead by our corraa- from a buggy and break an arm laat : Saturday. On Monday hia little four-year-old daughter fell from a fence and broke her arm. Verily, miafortune never ccnie tingle handed. Pron wishing to improve their memoriee or etrengthen their power of attention ahotild tend to Prof. Loiaette, tSl Fifth Are., N. Y., for hi proepac- large tree standing within the right of way of his road . aid within live miles' of New Berne had ie-en'!v b.en con-' verted into w i i d . ami one. a poplar, mtanired four and a half feet across ti.e stump and was seventy-live fwet h ng . mad e eigi. : cor 1 s , f ,(M t he ther was a pine f..ur feet across the, tump, one hun ired feet long and made ten and a half cords of wo.. I ' Capt Koi.er-on gives us tb.s item sim- ; ply to show what sort of timber we have in this section. New Be r no Ah-ad. A few days ag 1 our Kins:. m corres pondent stated that John K. Parrott hd garden peas in bloom and that Clay Parrott offered a wager th-.t Kington would ship a box of peas this spring; before New Berne. Last evening Ralph Oray brought in two pods that are full enough to ship now, so John Parrott a ill have to stimulate w ith all the n.,w- tu po4 free, aa advertiaad in another ' errul a rugs he can command in order aolnmn. m5 dw4( I to beat New Borne. are that there will De a large number of new houses built this year in Winston and Salem People would prefer to build brick rather than frame houses if an ample supply of brick could be de pended upon at a reasonable price. Cioldsboro Argus: The fox hunt an nounced for yesterday morning by the Argua came off on limeand is generally concedeu one of the finest chases this sec. ion has ever known Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D., of Wilmington, ono oi the most eloquent of North Carolina divines, w ill deliver the commencement address at Fremont Military Institute on May 2X We congratulate the In stitute. Wilmington Star: The damage by fire at the residence of Col. W. PCanaday Friday nightitis estimated will amount to S5U0 or SI. 000. The tire was confined 10 the basement, and it is supposed was Caused by an incendiary. It is now ihought that the Atlantic Coast line will extend tbe road now building from Scotland Neck to Kinston, to Wilming ton. A surveying party has jubt fin ished locating a line from Kinston to Catharine Lake in Onslow county. Charlotte Democrat: Convive Kiser, who escaped some months eince from the stockade near Charlotte, was cap tured lust Monday mornirjgoearPioneer Mills and brought to Charlotte jail- The annual meeting of the Mechanics' Perpetual Building and Loan Associa tion was held in the Opera House last Mori lay night. The net profits of the concern were 9 60 per cent , which would hive run up to 11 23 ppr cent, but the fact '.hat the Association had to pay tax on its own stock. Salisbury Herald: The seventh series m the Building and Lean Association hich began March first, is running a i 11. It lias already nnir" shares in 1. than tne 4.h series n't r had.- Our Lutheran friends a-e happy, and de servedly so. over the fact that the lasi ioilar of the debt on t he ir splend 1 ti muse of worship has been paid. Last Sunday the contributions for this pur .o-e amountei S305 50. rujre than enough to liquidate the deb:. Tne .hurch will soon be dedicated. Durham Plant: At the freight tltpot f the h. A D. K R. this morning w uoticed cigarettes billed to the foi ow iik foreign ports: Sydney, Nital. Mei num. Australia: Algoo Bay and Bom ,. . Chief of Police J. A Woodaii. who went to Sanford. Florida, after the leilow Hart, w ho CO mm Itted forgery In IJ'iihiim. telegraph to Mr. Geo W A alts that he can t get hia man. that tie im already been sentenced to five . ears in the Florida penitentiary. Ashe vil ie Citizsn : We have not heard ne last of Cap: Johnston, in political .ife. however, and future Democratic gisiation may bring out of the depths .1 U. publican misrule the very measure in which h-i was such a potent and energetic promoter. An immense quantity ofr 00 lingslaPsis beingshipp.d .0 Asheviile over the W N. C Rii road The electric railway freight ar hauled over seven thousand pounds f fn-ightat one trip yesterday There are over fifteen thousand people, in cludiDg residents and visitors, in the c iv at present, and more are coming. Durham Tobacco Plant: Chief of Po ice J A Woodaii left last night for Raleigh to obtain a requisition from t iovernor Fo wle upon the Governor ot Florida for one John C Hart, who is wanted to answer to the charge ol forgery. It is said that Hart, while in Durham, in January last, claimed to be a special correspondent for the New York Herald and not the caah for a S40 check, to which was forged the name of James Gordon Bennett, the proprietor of the Herald Hart is in custody at Sanford. Fla. This case may be tried in our superior Court next week. Concord Times: A few days ago Depuiy Geo. W. Means captured a blockader in the northern part of the j county. Seven gallons of tire water was taken. The stockholders of tne street railway held a meeting in lawyer W. M Smith's office last Monday evening, and the company was formal y organized. Mr. M A. Walter is the owner of a Poland China hog that is the happy mother of 17 nice little pigs, all the same age. All the stock in the Btreet railway has been subscribed and I the company was organized last M in day evening. John P. Allison was elected President. Shelby New Era: Mr. Anderson Ham bright, who lives about two miles be low Grover, as run over on Tuesday by a four-horde wagon and almost in stantly killed. Mr. Hambright was hauling lumber and. while going down a hill aboutamilefromGrover.thelock chain broke, causing the wagon to run against the mules. The mules started to run and Mr. Hambright vas thrown under the wagon, the wheels of which ran over his stomach. He died in about half an hour. The Board of Aldermen held a apecial meeting yes terday and ordered an election to be held on April 18th on the question of t 1 1 h 111 -ox in -ti 1 ti- f 1 n W .1. 1 1 Bens,.,,, of N 5 ag Ti t ea r - J ,. 1 . u l.epl'.c 11' . h" tel in tlo- llr- 1. bd ly burm-d in it lie never t He leaves many fn.-n-i- T olders of fie J. V. ( d . 1 1 M f 'g ( pan met here lasi 'l ues lav. A s annual dividend of 0 per cent Was cl tn-ii and the mills are sh o v n to b a pruperou- and healthy condition. Sno.v 1 1 1 1 i Bipti-t: I'n--re i- a t deal of li.tt-re-". be ng manifest- ,1 in midst over the organ izat i m of a Y C. A This is a good move in the right direction On la-t Saturda . the 1 Till mst . the funeral of Mrs. Luna Nobi-s was preache-i at Ormonds chapel I y Kev. J. L. Thompson Mrs. N.ibies die.i at her home in Ydneeboro.- Mr. Joseph News. n. who r si let near Saii.e. in this citintv. started from his home last Thursday morn ing in company with his wife, and hw w if e 's mot he r. When oniv a si ort untaiice from his home the horse took fright at a dog and jumped to run, the horse in the t iTort to get away threw Mrs. New son an i her mother from the vehicle. M rs. Ne wson ' arm was broken in twopla-es an 1 her mother was brui-ed by the fall. ! u' was not seriou-'y injured. Roanoke New-: The iKt" of lh next annual exhibition of tn- R r . and Tar River Agricultural S iety i- t.L'to ber 29. h. Cu.h. Hist and N v inner l.-t. A gent ennui w ho 1 1 v es in l .f neigh borhood "f Aurelntn Splines f.nd is himself a practical and observant farmer mforno d us on Monday that the farm- ', ers in hi- section were niu- h f u rthcr ad vanced on the Lext crop than usual. He also told us that much less guano would ( be used this year than formerly and : that less cotton would be planted ; more ; attention being giveu to corn, ous ami 1 wheat than heretofore. On Friday j morning last the jail at Jack on. North- j ampton county, was burned to the 1 ground. There were four prisoners in ; it. Pruett White awaking trial for whipping his wife. Anthony Allen. I-e.k,-l t.s,. ll -i t,., .i, ;k .,e, I 111ucii A rn anil 14 ooy . itir nil rt: icii oeing colored. Tbe jail was completely j destroyed but none of the prisoners ! were injured. I is thought th h t the j -building was Fet on fire by some of tbe prisoners to efcape. and the three col- ! ored men did escape, but Robert Powell, and the boy were captured and are r.r v in jail at Halifax for safe keeping-. Never Rets On liK Own !L r.-c. They tell a good stnrt i f :: rn o.; v. ) , has a fondue 6.4 for f .,s; hor-es. A yi ti or t w o 11 go lo- na 1 - -r. o ;h 1 .a as t-.i ; .; t .1 Oe a "liver." ami marvelous -p.rii r were told about what she had doie. and was capable of doicar. But an suti mate friend noticed thai the ravia r cf the wonderful h r.-e n-.ur etast d ir, m.-ney on her. 'Why don't you lac',- Jp r i r a p,on.L round sum if die c-n 00 w i-,t j 11 .1 tim she '-at, '.' " he as l, t-d . "Tl:-.t would prove that you had cm!" once ia lor nut as it is " "See here my fr;. 1, .":. " .; i o-!.vr ith a t w 111 k le in 1.1- '-o Hotel For Bent. a Till-: OJRACOKE HOTEL, ti." I-!and of Ocracoke, will be 1 L i- the-ensuing year, beginning -t. Terms cash or secured if -ul furnished and readv for ccup .m y. Sealed bids to be forward- Upol rent. M .y note1:- upon af undersigned before April 15th, 'urther information furnished : ii-a:ic.ri to C. M. BROWN, Sec. and Treas. Wanted: "oii Raccoon Skinp, -3u Mu.-krat Hkin-, lb" Skunk Skins. 'vi Fox Skins, ol'U Otter Skins, 'i'io Mick Skins, ' ( 'possorn Skins. -0 Bear Skins. 3' Wild Cat Skins, 30 House Cat Skin.-. IbU Rabbit Skins. 230 Deer Skins, o.bO ! "attle Hides, lb'fiO Sheep Skins. K'OO Goat Skin?. And also Tallow, Beeswax and Fish Sounds. Highest, market price paid for all the above. If ifu don't believe it. try me J. U SMITH, m .r '7 d v. 1 m New Berne, N. C. GEORGE ALLEN & CO DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implementu, Plows, Harrows, Cultivator', Floes and Axes, Wood's Mowers and Iteapers, Steam ICnrjInes, Cotton Oins and Presses, Fertilizers. Land Plaster, Kainit Mechanics Tools and Hardware, Lime, Brick. Cement, Plaster Hair, Paint, Kalsomine, Var nish, Oil, Glass, Putty and Hair. Freezers, Jtefrierators, Oil Cook Stoves, Eureka Burglar Proof Sash Locks, warranted to BTive security and satisfaction. PRICKS VKKY LOW. O '.. ALLEN ,v CO DR. J. D. CLARK DENTIST, &' twni, a. o. -1 Ofilca ii (jravau nrrot., 1 wtween follixk ( and Broad. vtrT'ldaWg P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTOKNL'Y AT Ij A TV , Craven St., two doort South of Journal office. Will nrarllne In the (lonntle of Drava.Oar teret . Joiihh. insliiw and Pamlico. I'nlteii HtHt.-s iviuri t New Berne, aaa Huprerne Cuurl of the Hluto. febl dtt VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY SeELlO. nwcw tt am mi y r Juia.1 jul. 1 va utvtii .t ATTORNEY AT L A W,. RooMH South Front street, foardoon west of ('raven. - Merrunllle Uwmiil CouveyanclDg apecial les. T Imher louirht and aold. ! HI' M IMIBEY8' ECL'ECPATHi: VETZUI1MAEY SPlWina For Horses, Cattla, Shaep, Dorrs, Hogs, Poultry. ,100 I'A(;K HOOK on Treats mi ni of tnlmali aal , ( ban fspnt Free. h ew-, i 'ongenilona, Inflammalloa. -Plu 11 1 lIeiiliiiiiiia, nlilk Frver. stii nliiM, l.nmrnrmi, K hrnma tlaoa. lllHti'miirr, NiimhI Illerharaea. Itut h 11 r 4 ; t-u 1M, V 11 r m oiiyUn, lli'Mven, I'Deanpnlau a. r'liEfi A . A . II. It. . . i--. i- . I. . (.. II. 11. .1: k. StaMe 11 -f ti Ith Rrwclflo(i. MaVCBAl in 1. H.-iz. 1 on unci ModJcator, or d-rlpN. liPllTBr M U m rr liiB'. Ilcmorrhagft rinnry nnd Hldnt. r Ilt?-BVBc K r II pi I latRM. niaVIae IMni umI'H of liltfl.attaOBe Trier, 60 DICKENS' WORKS. HOW TO OBTAIV TUICJI. :iy tf.sT,.l.er to t:ie Daii.v or Weeklv kn a 1., who has paid one y 1 ar In advance, ; he ei.tit.ed to 1" per cent discount on a 01 iH.s 1.ICKS.N.S" WOKtfti. For the iii-y, lii.s is I'm- best edition outhemar- 1 r ni pa r..d u i: ii the cost of former, even 1 ei-i-n'. days, it Is ainazlc how the prices of standard hooks are now reduced. This is i-pecia;;y iriu- cf the works of Charles Dicfe eijf, and the most niurvelonsly cheap edl t.011 of his works ever published is unques tionably the "litiz" edition, now issued hy John 1: Alden, the "Literary Revolution" l.'.ibiihiiei-. New York-. Chicago, and elte-wm-ie. It is printed ill good, clear, large 'aced noni'i-.ieii tjpe 1 from -.he same plates as Appleioi. s I'opiiiar Liarary Edition, I'lic-e per Ktt Jlu.inii, tioiibie-columu pages, small 'jcoirto form , easy for the eye.xonve iiient to handle, and is handsomely hound in cloth, in e:snt voluines as follows: List of Ihe Vols Over 130 illuatr'n. Martin I'l-nzzlevcit, ',. David Copperfleld. baiiiiil'.v ll.idi;.'. 1 Christmas Stories, I Kdwin Urood. hleak House. 1 e-kt tt l.t o hy ll(,z. , 'J. Mutual Friend. I Hard Times. Niom.Iik Nlfk'.f-hy. i i'ictures f'm Italy. Tale of i .v, C'leH i coiii l'.cktvC'k !':i i;i I- t.-Ie I l-..).t c V 1 lavt-ler Tf rs. ee. s. l i-o,tio::s 1 er I inmbe) and Son. did Curiosity Shop American JSotts. .fi nml - a ; 1 : 1 1 i e s. 1 1. Little Dorrit. I Oliver Twist, if. Per Set $3.00. ;e :: 1 x 7 l-i inches: postage, nTs per volume. s can tie seen at this ollice. .-io ' d..n : v 0;, know nie well t noi:!. t kr.-w that I'm ll'U WH'liV,' t !)-1 oe my or.'S Ti c peciallv whet I fi'.-i .- He ih-t c .n't Ctme oil t ahea ' When .1 in til kr. : r .:: . 0,0.1 p.ish whit he u cd r: 1 k-- h- !. , - n't 'e"l t 10 mod. -t t 1 say - 1. Win n L'r. Pierce put his F-ivita- 1' 1 1 -c r i p: u m b fore the pu hi 1 c :i t e r ' -. i n rr m.-d y for ill ft-ll.'lle (I l-ea.o v;-i " -.-.'ll !-' ,:C.ti )1. gu:ir,.nit t-.j or lip. in- y r--fund .t"" in every li.ittlf 1 I it. 1; pr. ve.i th.t he h ,d .-ntire corj'id'r.ce in th pr. p -.r:it:..n. lie felt sure of 1 1 s no-r : t-. Rn . : t'.i-t.s.i-mony of thou -and. - o f - ;i:-n uhohav,-'i-t-n cured I v i' of we iliw.i - j " irri M uianties. and nil the d'-'r- - i.-'tr iii-"ii-P-"' frinii u hioii :h-ir x : :!!-: - ... ..tilth pr.-v,s th. .:. hi- !....:i ws w.;l founded FIN ( T Vi. I XliUHT E;is! Carolina I ish, ()y(er, (i.tihe and I n il us: 1 i u I Attin -hit inn. l,r. ""i.Sh p-ij" men : en re al t Mortgaoe tlebt Cash pail for p.-rniam provements Expenses holding I'air.. Sundry in! ebted ness ... Due for electric plant... Siock Ftihscrih. 1. 171 -0 Accrued pr' tit- Truckers Heeding Genuine Early Rose Seed Potatoes, Maine Stock, for replanting their crop, can be supplied at Lowest Price by I i OLKS ALE GROCER E S'lRIET, NEW HERN E. N. C. armers Net rec't? from first t x ':. i h 1 1 'n Real e-tate Sale uf luO shares stock Sales old mater ml Receipts from second exhibit.. Klectric plant Due from -toe k ho ; 1 -r - f't" 71 eharcr? stock r u -nc 1 1 hed -1 . U h. 17 i-7.71 .-.l"3 1 1 - ::j3 :a J 3ud (.ti 1 3 1 1 " 3 C tj'ji; t;-.' '. " : 1 ' o ij 3 Co V.Y hiive on baud and can supply you at Rock Bottom Prices: S'l'iH-vall Cotton Piows. Ciitii.tx Cotton Plows, C.oai Cdttim Plows, 'Cot ton Km," Iron Azo Cult ivatoi'ti, '' Cox Cotton Planters, C'nr'iini;il Corn PIanttM3, Ami ovt-ryi iiiiig t lst' tliati.s needed on t he farm. Give us a ti ia!. WHiTTY & GATES. So. Front and Craven Sts. Nowht'ITl, ('. -! THE Whiskey, MOUNTAINS. W. r-ox. 1' Ever 11,' her crta-e- a 1 rt 1 it - W 1 1 Acker--. l.cne!: i lia rn in- ri'hn. N. C (AtTIOV v runt iit-r :- 10 mot h t: I have on hand a lot of Pure Mountain Corn Whiskey and Alcohol dicinal pur ler ) c 1 hodr MA ItKIKD. M On t Ihl t all l i ,1 o;i ? - resi eto'-- 1 f ncr I ri er P. ul. E-o . I.v ti.- In at tl Wai Fleck, of Knox CI Holland, of New Bern Mary Hen er son -in -1. 1 a . J-.ni J .s. H. to Mi-? J. F. TAYLOR, ho'n-Solc and Retail Grocer, Fut)T OF MIDDLE STREET, NE? BERNE, N C. j .n-'3 tf Sarrisig; 01 i:d. In Washint'on. D C . March 0--ih. 1;9 of consumption. Mary A. Hilton, aged 2f years. daurhttr of iMni.T and Louisa Hilton, formerly of this citv The remains arrived Fridi-.y -.;ht r.l were buried in Grt enw u j.i Cemetery Saturday. to. & B ' ,sj -I axfer, As agents for ownera we offer for sale in easy and accommodating teimsihe huiow lug d escribed improved Keu! Ksia I e 1 11 1 hi CltyofNe v Beriis: o. 1. W H. A It K 1 KOrKKTY AT CMO.N Pol NT : Includes the plfoe or Inn l known in "THE ISLAND " ard Ihe wharf or ron.lti-,,, leading thereto from KaRt Front ptnei Also, water space now being filled in The location is the best in the citv for nline.toi facturlng purposes, wluu lli.i largehi . nifi visiting our waters nave ample depth or water for loadluc and unloading at ih- wharf. No. 2. TWO Iini'SKH AM) i.ri'lv. a 'i UNION POINT, ocenp'ed as dwellings' No. 'A. HAHVKV WHAKK I'Ri ii-kh-i v Including part of water front or Lot No. I" in the plan of the citv. I dou the nrnneri v is located a commodious brick warehouse. ine u. u. . a. (Jo. use a portion of the nriin- erty. No. 1. TtlK IRON KKOXf WARKHtltlHK ON URAVCN KTREKT. No. 5. BRICK stTORK AND 1AVK1 i in ON CRAVEN STREET occupied by it. : .' K. uuut,t:. A full description of this Talunhlp nrnnpr- ty, together with the best terms noon which the same will be gold, v. Hi be furnished on application to the undersigned at their olficc Dsouin rronl street WATSON t STREET. decS dwlf Ins and Iteal Eslate Agts. AaTEEfl SORTB CAROLINA IRBLE WORKS, HiW UKitSH. . t. ISonuments Tombs- 1 i 1 'R a t 1 : a ; ; j 1 : . s ITALIAN&AfrlERiCAN BABBLE Orders will reoeive prompt attor.tior end gatiefaotion guaranteed JOE K. WILLIS, Proprlct- bsoad Ayu URAvy:- Vt. I.Klf H'.llll' ("Ver .r0t1oao4X Sold Ity Iniiirlaff or Srnt I'n-pa i il mi lterrtpt of Price. Hii'i.l hrevr.' Med. Co., 109 Fulton SL, I. T. IIUMPEETS, HOMEOPATHIC ff SPECIFIC No IjO in uso 30 yi'nrs Tho on'r noct-fnl nmd ttatT Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness BTii l'ror rat 1011, from orfr work Or otbw eUMC N ami Jftro viiil powdvr, for I OC yi per vil. or fi i ft,. 1.1. I -, II10 t-1 .C Muini'lii-, .-tit i.rmtpaiil on raealDt Jlrdlclii.lo., I UK lull,, u., a. t. All of our Veterinary I'reparatlot can be had of J. V. Jokdan, DrtJKgiat N. W. cor. Ilrond and Middle atreeta. New hern. N. C. 'IIS A 1 Su pr-rlor 'tonrt. 1 I. ol 1 lo- superior Court. 1.11. Hi i.rii lin larrr.nn. Mary re t :,e A . Jul rce. h fun! I.ei hiiKt.Hiid .1. L. Ardrewa, 1 mm 1 , un nml 1 etiiiouera. ' 'if " 1 ' ' ' U' NEW BERNE, A'. ( O. . Miller is my authorized aget t in Kinaton. ma30-dvw GREEN, F0Y & CO., A en 'list Hugh A. Miiirlll. May I e A'n end her 1 i.Kt.ii nd siiviin, 1 .. a 11 1 in, .Ion n F. Murrlll, 1 .aura A . - he j. aril, m Defendants. Hi'i.iiil l':oc.elli:g for nilotment lo pelt iloiirrs loitciher of one-third of land, T) M 11 y 1 .e A n na 11 nd Sa v I no De Anna above named : Take N.. , , Tliata proceeding entitled aa aiio e hah 1 ..-en I ieKun ami the nurnoaa of the KKine is i" hnte allotted aud aft apart. In ' kind by metes :uid bounds togetbrr and ' 1- . without uivmion nrnong them, to tbe - '.'' pet 11 ioneiH Hi'ury A. nnd Henrietta Jarman ' .-sA and Mary Andrew, one-fhlrd part In valna . 1 f or an ii mi nlid I rt of liind. situated In the f'J : above uaim .Is-. 1 1 1 1 1 - nnd State between tha " '- 4 V -aoiilhweM and norlhwesl branehe of New ' ' 2 River. Bd.ioii.uig 1 be iiuids of John Rhode, V "i ( . shepiiid. M . i '. l, y 1 nnd other, and folly V i deaeriixri in ihe p, uiion already duly tiled V , H C, herein, and ton are hereby required to ap. ' "1 " pear anil answer or demur to said petition t 'iCjA V - or ( iiiiiplBlnl. ai Ihe olllce of tbe Cleric of Jr . ' 1 be i-ii p. rlor t om I of iiihiow county, at. the ' J' , 101111 House in .la ksoiiville. on or before" ". 1 Ihe 1 w eiii y -lift h day of Anrli. A.U. one Uion-. V'.. J . saml right hundred nnd elithtv nlnr. or Uia - s 1 4 pel illoners v. ill apply lo tint court fOT tb ) ' 1 relief demantled In the complaint. '"" . f Given nnd- r my hand and the ftealof OnS- i'z J ow in'i-ni'i ciiuri, urn ine eievenui (lltnl. " t" day o t ebruarv. A I . INhtl. . ". i MAS. OEHOCK, JR.,, li-iltrl I he H 1 1 perlor Com t of ui alow On. ' iVlil,l'i"AI, A I Im net k for Pet 1 1 itinera. fe31wt' A . I o A. I 1- 1 i vol et Term UNW. , Ul t( l Nt l"in- yininty. lit an A . Smith AMtiusl Smith. Art I ill ,'i-r V. Sin ii h. Take Noiicc: lhal it suit liaa lieeu begun anauiHi on i u mi' Mipcrior couri oi JOnea couiily by I he I'lulllllll. Siwhii A. bmlUl, for n divorce from Ihe bonds of matrimony, that I he com pin mi in fill tl In ihr Clerk' ofllea of loin s ouniv Huperlor Court, that ou are ri'jiurru io a pppar Htui ftniwer or dinar I I he ku me wit inn the time allowed ba law. le 1 "her :;n JKet. THUS. .1. WHITAKER, Clerk superior Ccurt, Jont Oo. I. J. Mom. k I'laiiilifp Attorney, feb2llw Do a General Banking business. New Banking Hocse, Middle Street, fourth door below Hotel Albert, fel.dwly IKtV BERNE, N- C. J. A. BRYAN, Pres. L. II. CUTLER, l ift I'm G. II. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 1SC3. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86.700 DIRECTORS. Jas A Reva.v, Thomas Damih.s L. H. Cutlsu, , ' has S. Hhya.v Georgk Allen. 1. M Simmons. Washington Bryan. STATEMENT OK THE lONLITl N 'U' TIIK Bank, December 3!st, l1-. LoanB and Discounts 811' "iO.ll U. S. Bonds 'Ja dOO.OO Other Stocks f.i).10!J..V Real Estate 1 olO.r.5 U. S. Notes. Bills and Specie 51.o3 J7 Dues from Banks 11.5U9 17 S-403,f)2ti.38 Liabilities. Capital 8100.000,00 Surplus and other Profits Hfi,700.oJ Circulation 22.500 00 Deposits 194,422.5-) ?403.f)23.3c Requesting attention to the statement herewith, also list of Directors, which we think will be regarded as a guaran tee of careful management, this Bank invites the accounts of Banks. Bankers, Merchants, Corporations, Firms and individuals. With superior facilities in every le ultimate branch of the Banking bus ness, correspondence with a view to business relations is invited. Special attention given to collections and the business and interests of cor respondents and patrons carefully and promptly attended to. Respectfully. (i. H. Roberts, Cashier. Tax Notice. '"t .: To Clc( ro (Ireen, delinquent: e -v , lake Notice. Tluil at a HheilfTe Pale far x , V . laxeN, ai in.-coin I hoimo door in Iiayboroaa ',,', tbe T Hi tli.y of Alny. IhXK. your land JytO; Oa ' fti ason s Crei-k , co n i ul nl ii g 500 acre, wae aol4.-' -for ihe ibxi s of 1 -h7. w ben and where L ba-. f J Hi e Hie p i rr linker In Ihe sum Of aeVVB dol ,) . -lurs and n 1 1 v en ta, and one dollar and tea ' ' V ceniscoH-N, Ti'inlJMl'i. f ' n lea tba aaid tociiht-r wiin ihe i-onis or i b l advarttae . r ii. en i , ii no i la- i' i per nut. tnlereat la paid aa . ie .,inie, lb law lor i he redemption of lande Koi.l lol K:i I Cost I r oh 1 shftll take a deed therefor. W. T. JAIIO. . I ' . K b. 1 , ISJiil. rl iM-meut. ?:t CO. Tax Notice- I'o A. ,V VI. 1 1 it 1 1 ii . ililiiiiUenta: Take Not Ire 'I hat at a Sheriff" Kn.1 for taxes ul I he eon r I bona" door III Key boro.oa 1 1 i e Till lUy of May, U.HS, all your1 land In ' l'ainlleo coin, ly, on Spring Creek, Trent i ie. k. I lend oi 1 Junior, Head of Bay Rival, -nod wn il i Im ' M h ( 'reek , were all ola lor tba iiixeN of ls7 when and wbere I btearoa tha pin cliMNi i - pi i he k n iii of i wen tT-one dollar , and iioi iv sii 1 1 nis S-l.-'iHi iHiea, aod tbrea, , iIhIIhih bimI Ihiitv t nil cos la IS 1WI). Total , fji.iin. I ii i ks li.e hrfid miiii, together with' 1 In tel 1 ' ikl s O r w il ii'iteri iKi-iiu-nt ta peld.to- 1 ner rent interest aa re i l he redemption of lab da ti.iill ladeadeivd therefor. I sT Li rt SilLLKK. .lei. I 1. IsesM. im in lit. i:i N 1 1 K II 1 ' I : ' ' I u I N A . ., 1 1 , I y . . U . V .1 Hint 1 ' . ii '. c. f. I I A -a-" 1' U.l I III lor ,i'I ,e loll I 1 S V V. H. 1 An Tak. d. f. I. t Pu pel lor Court rd. Administrator I'ialntlfTf v I H 1 ri. ii' ton, Catherine Beo vniliBiiii i Hniiiiliry, Fran- i ;s wife i, John hleotoa, ios v. i f i i . w H West, buaea . " II Weal. adralDla io rii I i y, JMary Koy, Kd nie, lieiendanla. s 'el.'i Pit loo and hi Wife :or- rl - iilim li ..., ! : 1 1 ol said i'. be I , A I ' o,!ici Tin. t hi artlnn. entitled aa in I" oi comiiiinrid and tlia com. i rim n en i n i le-rifllre or the Clark ni l on i h.. seventh day of Noram i ss-. a nd von are hereby summoned io be and nil ear before I be J ndge of our nu perlor mill , ni Ila- court lo be held for lha county of niitjiir, hi the Court Houae In Jacksonville, on ihe Knurl Ii Monday after the 1 '. i hi .Monday in March, A ll. 1 SHU, aod mooter Ho- coin pm i ul , iiicii as Hforeald, and If ton fa I lo iiiikni'r lh said complaint w i t h in s ild lei ni of sn Id court, the plaintiff w 111 n ppl y I o tin- com i for in-1 e I lef demand ed therein '1 he purpose or s,ni'i nriion ia to have tbe hiiI tl A i ice. an. ong oi hi i s, derlared irualee fer I he p ! n : i 1 1 His or one of I hem. of an undi vided half :nl' i. i' in e.-riatii land In aaid eoiiniv il.ti nl'.'ii In Ihe complaint, and of on. -half I ii 1 1 n ki In u certain lund. amount j lriein the w hole io hImiiii IlfliM.n hundred lolhirs nnd inn i. H. mi l pniil In "V. 11. Wat, Ad in mihi rn i or i i'.'. roy. wit horn preju dice nnd. i oil; rn! said rouri made at Spring Term, A. 1'. Ism. nnd lo exclude aaid defend ants li 'in n I tiilcrcsl in Huld halves. i i i . n io .!. r in Im nd and I he senl of aaid Ci nil I i J..' At his lion farm o J C Brv i William Dillas H aged about thirty : c.'iiiity or. tu n.-ar PoiioksVilb ' h of pn e p. ni' ti :: -. ar- He leave:; EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE A. A. BATTLES' $2.50 CALF SHOE. KVEIIY" PAIR WARRANTED.; Also, n Full Line Ladles and Gents' bhoes of other make They sell the Cheapest aud Beat Line of wife ami five mall children. March 21.-t. 1V-'J. at her home in Reidsville. N ; .. Mrs T C. Evans. Mrs. Evans was the daughter of the late Mr. James C. Stevenson of this city ever offered to the trading public. mrlOdwy CLOTHING, HATS, DRY GOODS and NOTIONS GASH STORE! We are now located on the corner. near the Monument, where we wiil he glad to see our friends. j Groceries in Great Variety.' Choice Fruits and Candies Wood and Glass Ware Notions, Cheap as Cheapest. Whips and Lashes; Sheet Mueic: Books and School Supplies; SnufT, Tobacco and Cigars; and many other articles, all of which we sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. If you want to sell or buy COl 'NTRY PRODUCE, it will pay you to see us before you bargain. With thanks for past favors, we so licit a share of your trade. P. S. Free stables for all of our cuh tomers. Yours truly, II. (J. BO WEN, Kinston. N. ('. To ihe Wholesale Trade Select your SHOES from a Half Mil lion Dollar stock and SAVE TWENTY FIVE PER CENT. J. V. IVES New Berne, N C, Manufacturers' Agent. "Jap State AgeDcy for Colgan'a Lubri cating Balls. feb28 dwlm d.o o: Jn'iiiai y. A.I' 1HM). M as (, I.HI )CK, .Jr.. - i. , ' i : i Su pel lor t 'ourt of i misiow rounty. . '. ItKllfllT 1HWI . d : n i Ni w I'.i rne, N. C WALTER'S Photograph Gallery. nun. 1 hat II a I...' Ti.e ' since 1 U' II rn 111 .- .a' i.'iimiic in informing my r e. d- nod 'le pi. Ida (jeneially. tbat iciuriadfo iii Moiehead City and ra ce l':."l":o:iplilc Studio at the Old : ere 1 s 1 . a, 1 i .e pleiikrd to see all my n i d i ! .. pn I : ic eiii i al i . m iln'.ii 1,111.1 I---. tH I have met with I u i lulu!.- New lu-riie my home la a : ee oM . ,c s; . p i oi mji. of my work 11 t,i'nkh I "I" 1 1 m Mv I! tilii no l-.l 1 K.i l lo : : I'HII.l.KI-.N s Kll-rl S 1 V 1 K 1. 1 1: . s I 1 " a n I h ii. It '.hi; :oi II te, nil I I 'pi HI I na Ice I II. s the t i Si i I T ' k 1 OKCKLAIN KU il ' !'.!. A SPKCIALTY. Kiel 1 It K lol'IBII AND -1 V I ' j It 1 1, .r ih.lv eiv I i be ml patron - Io Inerll 11 rilllllDllalllW of III I I S H'Sl I 11 1 , I'll t IM A S WALTKIl, New Heme. N. O. Id. lie nnd I'o'iock al.N..over K.N. -.! ir. I niiHiiee frtirn Pollock eeo-D dtf $500 Reward! i Vi of .1 lndik-i-Ni ratuiot cio Pi Un. wlioi piled A-lth. never tun ' w .li pn v the aliove reward for any oaa tupiaitit, dyFpi'psIa, alrk beadaena. I I.. sh i i n f net ion . Larire boxea ronlnlninu :M kiinitr roBted pllla, Stic. Kor siipntlon or onat.lveneee wa n wens egeiauie uver I rcciions nre ati lolly oom- are puri-iy veelable, ana .arire t a. Sfte. sale bv nil druiruiKta. Heware ol oounternlta and liiiitnt ions. I he iri'tinlne manufactured only by JHHN C. WKSTA CU.. &G2 W. Made, laon St., Cblr.BKO, HI. Sold by R. N . DUFFY, drufrgUt, KdW Berne, N, C. p24dwl7 W it '9 f