- 7 -;''' vvi:-., , 4 ' ." ' -.Y' tY. -.tYr, STCAltEtt. Tfco II. C. Freight Una THE JOURNAL. C'ir.n-.:s8:o::-'. s Rt tn Mo. t ; t Jt at T t"'1 o4 It. aaU T nay N '.m.WtCi SXMI-WEEKLY TBIP3 1 S?r. ill I -a.. Sdirn K&i ss3?m tin scm l K 1 Ul Hl'TTKRW H Northmen' I. JStltlxaoj and New Berne; Laarra telUMv fc Saa N(.wit- PAr. ArC-iAT. at aix r. m. iMim H-rAo to Wtlaort, re laa- AAaVY.MAlTaUAAY. a aUX r. M. - m um& I1U5CT lt ot r Sw in Hanmm vitot eM. oa if-tg HMttaMBMl. M ail potaia ?lorva f - n n imI. MaAV uoe(Ma. l mlt fotaMy Kl-ra R'l oi I 4 FOR MEN ONLY. 0 UM HI-. Hfclinori . J A Ik W. M0CA!UliCX. A.. rto.. v.. lrk B2o. Irmn Ua. r-.r ' Koa-Uk trr. Jk pipm, nmrni . lit Caalrfti vtuu-f. liMlTt inn. Timj uxl HtrU y - ATIDBftBlKlSI Or BI LK H. OKAY. An . THAT FIGHT Tho Original Wins. c y . -r. sl i : I, i - 7't M ti r i HcJ f . h : i H Z...a. - . : A . U. - -- - L.t r K f . i : - : - ." - . - MA"; V ii : - - - I EASTEBiH CAROLINA OiS'AW The Feet Frelirbt LLae l V. rta IUhMU CWy. SI . C. r.' EAGLET and VESPER f tta B -wiU ra on rmftT aaila , MOM - b-T" - HOJUiT TC LHO'T. tUDMKUA T Mrf JUTCKHA T n r r mfc ntT nurtM MiJ.iim TTUDAT. WirjKltBAT u4 rtlDAT Auuu X. C. H iwuf Ik. lar. rlte. And NoHDlK ft. K uxt tM NtMTrtuK M. H.. term riUkti nJ M4 i ,f imt oclA( snpartor (MillllM to wa itma loa It Imobra t Oir.1 TTtifft iTin1 f r-1" " " ofclKl on ti lc CUM mil fooila o M taippad rta Em', r Frw" Snr Tark. tr Fa. R. JC. ".t " Hrk Unr. M. K.. Dau KV. Hulioa. rro HallTDon by tfiUA. A lUii. K. k. IfTMMadt (I. StAtlon. fi1 Kartilt. ky .lorfbtc wa'.nam K. K. HiwT -i by (itrt'.u'i A M'.oor Tro butiuJao C w I jrl J " r r. -a -v- lb. V-nl. loo riim oiivl r. .-). T5Ck ttW'ir4. A A M. H f MlllA. r. at m. R. H., ori.V . H. C. BMXlXJl!, nr. rraQt Ain: 5 . Ik Ik, Sortolk V. OLD DOUmTOFJ Sisamsbip Company. K ia Cm- aaaf1! OM aatA raivatrttA Wiitt roa RwiMk. aWltlaavawav, w lark. K 4alki ITt - A4WMkUwta ntr. AW All VAArnts. Koartk. Eaa aq4 Wm CtMdllVa-TrUOAT. n BRUAKY a-t. ' iaaA, MAlf ArtM Boaoat. IA Xtnsa? XlXia. Cipt SntiiU, AXD Xlasir Klinn, Cft Pritciitt. aTUl MkU ft ?Iflr(K. V.. tor Maw Kara. arte aTaalawaB. MONDAYS aA rILttXATaU BAJA Huaa aoaaxiloi) ari4A akav m ara o la H. A r. H. ItwaVkaV. AUaaana Ttaaloa. aa Ail ocaar a (Ami f aiaaa ttat Traat Kiavrv. auralM. wtli tall fracn BKIOft (aa aVrvIjC Altajai. TVCOAT IMFIlI UAT aA H19B A. M bulAIo odd ajaai I trlta tava O. U JV N. Co. Ai k. Maa Vawtt. ft. A. P Co. acaausar- uaa KDipa ror rvia Car tuawo 4 Aar aiIKa. Or a Um Kn-p . AaaliA. H. A M.T. CV ail I pa i Maraaaaiaa Af aaunwaawnta alaiaa ar aaUooA Aav4 At arMiiaa atii aarv ta lor u a paan a trtaa y aata-a. ka iAa tavt luiutai w naa IMUI atupa aa.to aaa wa iu do toi AOaal ua Wka taAawav t'lin aUijaaAi aaira af q P. a. a. .a or AxA. VA. taaaaaAaaT vTU lad a (tiual ia.d.a . mn ao 'crt AAaa r ii a ! aay aaartatr aai I'.t.n Ua WUi Aa Battel loaai y Uwortun. . B. BOSUCTH. A aa i AtAAMaf CVVtXrTVK A TTIUtCR. Aaaaaia. Itorteik. v a 1H Jt!V lJ t r r-: 4 . : Hi: 4 T fc aV Ami: 't, soKkl'H, F.rc. m R T M I'.' .-ne. k' r M . K. ,9 a1 C A i x 1: . T - . w-tr "1 lyxi L k - Jfi.! .t Jr nv -i I fr Vlr ! . I Hi T I r---i.l a - . t iaT ' T'-'.r I t 1 -' "". u" -- J .Si: ! t. A y I: aj-fii . 4i 1 -vtm Iwi-: 4 ar:r Rfp :.t ia J ' r a i" - a- 01 cr !...' cuilJ.-t, (oush Medicine. M -a : 1 1 . '. ': . ( t h v 1 ? . i' 1; : f v ; :;.v- iiiiv afs-f rti 1 vn M BROSM T0WIC karr-ai ! ' HUAITH ivr.1 OB af YOUTIC i7-. " lia -.1 fMt loo lfi' :.f . ! 31.. - HAS" LADIES a- 'a. iaakl flfaa. i k- - . J I a ar "'J "A ."''lil'.lpa'.l i ' a a- a- S a ! i 1 ' i. ir ? A ) Dobbins' Electric Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. II ii Strictly Pure. Dmfjnn o Quility. T i . a ;.v li-i'.-air Thl aVOlk p t IflrtatlramJ In ejaalttj io-1m jr with Iuri.n. BlAtlllllK CtlMt rnn ln jarr thr aarot fatirlr. I - " READ THIS TWICE U t-v ( at Inf f lu ill rrr- 4. 5-w Ttrt tit XXLB ITiHTSS & THENT R1TZB i 1 S tsaVxabos.t Compmj. 11! raa tAa AMioarlaA Aaaia aa Bail aAat Jaaar aakUtf. ' ,-. . . 8taunr Trent - ATUl laaaa aaaa y at. it ay tn) Tlurmi . aniana a4 AAA aVaaoaA Aaa aa Um 4 B n t 1 1 tstarav-aciaa po'a'a ranaraUBA aaaia aavr IT ' Steexaer XLoeton. q ai i: trial . : T r loat t h I a f, - - pewarc of Imitations. I1.''-: Dabkl i '- - . Am,,,.. vi., , . - t DflnHUV F.I.ECTUI T3 f : a-'- follow dlrrtioni ATUl tBara JlAay Baraa Aw Klaauia oa Vaaa aVavya aaat rMaya aa t3 a rlje. hi . katara ra, wlA aaa n Ktaatua aa Moodan aad JawaafcaBK Teawamg at a.: ic'raaaA J. 0. BiaAKtW AT at .Ifatan. - - . . r. trvAAAjr. V. K. V AH.O. Aaal at Travuxa . At. a. lanB, Joily utajrta . B. BAA-AA. OAAkar ArKra. IktirirT. Oaa l Alajuhta kiaaaoa. A VKEW BEHNE ANDPAMUCO The Bteemer TiHOMA, - A kABMlBaaaalT eoaatrDeta.! rr:ht and paa Baaaaraar boat. Kaviaa omu pia-Ml xi taia . ' f TTa It kft BvaparaMl o ratNla r aa partor arTte i ait potaia oa kwir aaa H- ti anty. and ttrr. yur itl taa fuliualaA araauaia an: b .n aaarattoa: Laaa Aaar IkMuaalaxF at Si A A TtaMMa. .VJama u-l ui.u:. Crn ' VaaAiaaaaa a aad waoaa m a. i . I aana Kayboro ary atoiuiay an " T.ara aSky a A LX. A. M . atuprln- at itumai ainlaiaaa AalUiA A Jam a aivl i'iubr faaka ATltvtnc at .Niw Hatu MooOa aoi.l Taava ay vraaUoca. Aiaallaiil aaaaaaAar tavtamodAUoa. a ui I Aaa trans A A aaTUUe. I Fialqai t n'r" - aa rit! 'ai r M - aaaaa A C iK Um, And iiitt iIitxaw AtaaA. C3 JkD. K. AABATTT. AAnv Vanjamara. C H roaLJCA. - -.ow-. ruaf LXA A iDWII.I, Anta. KiriJ-ru. BlOKUI A. HIAAKT. rAar(f viaoarau ttaraa arary WadnaaHay and Dobbins' Electric Soap. I. L. L'RACMN &. CO.. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. N EVER. OUT OF ORDER. ''- - uNCM - ; :; vi. - ctLAs. .... -a . ; Steamer Howard, PHILADELPHIA SINGER Independent Steavmbott Line. WARRANTED 5 TEARS. LOW ARM 0 Bad AlAr MooJay it '. Xh ia ol faapc, ihA ttAAinAr Hori a ll rai lata follow lax achaJ Q ia FoTranto a-rary Uoday And Frt-Ab-A4 alhl o'clock, rwarami TuaaJy Avi 8Ar4Ay. J. J. LXSITTEil, MiOAiir. . J. DSaCBWAT. AXABt X BaWB. Tiitfs Fife a411 aaa taa A yaa (- rr.m " akaaaW aalaary . ikl '' 1 ' - 1 BHll A a ii-' tktj Sick Headache, . I --..-i - V ARM. 1 1 1 tp y a hear J it - iho 1 iu no of tho Itoao Ia the rhm' of the uLbnm pale ' Tm-Kir from Iho i.;iht of the en months ' mowi Went th barque of the cilvar 8a;I Tii-Kjr from the WnJa of the frozen fees Lay the land cf t !.? unhine clear. And Thorfin folio .t ed the oaprey ' pDs, With his bride from Kiord Fere, To the laud of the lily and roae. To the land her the will wood a mi. g . ' 'ii. happy the bride of the North, who goe r the bar'iue cf the silTer win' The palace a pile of crystal ihone. And ita ice wal:i woro mingled with tirs. Anl min.atrela sat r und the ma;'.ed throne. W.tl. re.l torch, the s.i: an i It re ' I have mirried a wife." aid Thortin. roun(. ' And my bride ia tr. der and fair . And I t e hoar! t h e t a ! b y t h e m i n n t r e 1 s ung. ' '.' tha land of the golden air. Of tha land of the ii y and roue. Of the land where the un birds ting. Where the porple rice of the wined grapA crows, And the winters are bright with priDg. My crystal sails in the ail tat mist. 1 will lift where the warm w;cd piy . And nTtr tha saaa of amethyst. I will bear my bride away yr over vha tea-road F.ric the lied. Past Ilellaland tha fair. To th j.iine i'lu rr.ed mounta.n a.: ntn ita head In :he land of th golden air. T -.he land l f thS lily aH.i nee. The land whre tha tun-bird! sing. S here the purple Tine of the w iced grap grows. And the winter are bright with cpring. " t'rir. ;he tiords white moved the lateen sail. From the tiords white and gray. Where the nighu are fire and the sun ia pale. And snow mists veil the day. "'Farewell."' sang the bards in the crystal halls. To the barque of Thorfin fair, " We still w ill sinj at the festivals Of the land of the golden air; Of the land of the lily and roae, Tho land where the sun birds sing . h, happy the brilo f the North that gcx'e i n the barque of iho silver wing. " They came t the slopes of the New World Bay. And the either hills were Rreen. Hut a red canoe with plumes of gray la the dusky nights was seen. Then Thorrin said : "The sun is bright. And r.a summers are wondrous fair. But the wilv savage lurks at nijht In the land of the golden air; In the land of the lily and rose. The lani. where the sun-birds sing, Where the purple vine of tho wined grape grows. And the w inters are br lgh t with spring. ' We will write our names on the sea walls clear. On the reedy rocks by the Hay ; And the legend leave of our young child here. Then sail o'er the sea away.'' So back o'er the waves of the windy seas. Tho child of their love they hear. To dream of the mount and iu sun crowned treea In the land of the golden air; In the land of the lily and roee. In the land where the gun-birds sing, Whers the purple vine of the wined grapa grows. And the winters are bright with spring. To the fiords wild came the latan sail. To the florda white and gray. Where tho nights are tire, and th? sun is pale. And the snow-mists veil the day. "The sail cornea back." said the bar 1 of the halls. "From the land of land most fair. Now what shall we sing at the festivals '. For sorrow and deAth are thare. In the land cf the lily and roee. In tho land where the sun-birds sing. And the world is n ot happy w he r ever goe The bar juewiththesilver wing." i a their royal penj round Mount Hope Bay. The oaprevs scream in tha noons. And the early bluebirds flit, and stray The herons white, in the moons. And the rocks of the Bay, the legends lay. The name of tha young child baar. Tnough centuries nine have pacstd away. Fr-m the booths of Thortin there And this was the Northmen's Kjne of the Roae. And the land of the sunshine clear. Ar.d the bride who sailed from the Norland snows And the waters of Fiord Fer. . 1'.. K . : M . 1 . A 111 .1!. Il.in 1 w. i; ?! ": by tho Bmrd ct" f Craven Ccunty :v.z. 19S0. '!: Will. Cii'VC, M. 11 '' : lor u .i !i a . lor 11,1,1 r.'.: lW-:iiy Wciis l.i ..irk A. Tolcr lor vs r 1 .".ii; a-'li. SinveV tor . 1 '.on :;r r r 1 ; I Y! . .i 1 1 ei ri uti n : i 1 t' ii 1'. lo: .te.-.ir nitier r! "i ; l'.et'o- Ni-l.-oti 1 : A. r W li) Ho Didn't Join. Uulljing the IVorld. i t i. ill they helil a pro r.ic;eii Don't try to bally the world. It - .i' ;h Cool, K in iiit-ftin doesn't nav. Whoever enters the ." atid tlio re.-.il; w.is a great ring, for a 'rough and tumble fight 0 thou whose name will ever wake n. il awaken iT 1 1. ; oili'hout with Public Opinion, is pretty sure, a kindred feeline in mv breast. EOEEET BURNS. T. W. HARBIN GTON. um llidge. 'Id A! Tueker w.is the only i:;an ;n i!:e e' t it en t wlin. iti tl.e I.inj:;.-'. l I.-.u'.)n l'..i;i-r. i'eiii.uac'1 . .Id ,n,' mo on- A. I.'.oy .1 1 Kdiie I '.;-. i ;. rl; M. 1 1 . 1 1 . : i ,1. Y;:- ;r, I If i " oa i . r 1 . . Willett rl ; rl.YY . r.. I .;: 't:i. .1. I I .tliei irk r 1 1: SV hen Sprini: lor Nr Ku--.-;; lor Tli Ciuiolt r-oii r 1 row n 11. i; 1 : . (i. MoY.ev for l."iO; 'l',m. 11, tins r 1 1. hi .Mc( ray r I ; 1 1 a :n , ! ? 1 ; ( '.ifar l'.t o-o:,'-:: M a: v A. M : - I '. .-.,!. ..i r.'!.' . a roe I , r il. . We-: M... ... 1 ; S.ir.it. : i '. l.i' h ; ii ohou.-e 1: Harriet 1 Tl: l;. A. Monro rl: Matilda 1 ; KIm-v I'.v. r r 1 .""; for ll.ititia'u I'o'ter ill 1 i : - 1 . it 1 'r I, eli ii ie .i! i. oil el hull! h;s ,ial I'.ie tli ; ii ; er had ti a 1 ti.e coin m ;: ; ee I ii : in . oa: h.' heM an. eoiiie up iiiit ii! ;l.e 1 'iii.diy ! lie pre. u lier wi ; Wei la! i 1 fi r oi ii A! d V! -1'ei related :. d.irkiii'.s to .-'e oh eventually, to be "doubled up." I Whose checker'd life eo like my own riocietv is a Briareus, and who but Conceals no follies unconfessed. a madman would think of encount- i Frm Tfs b thou djd BPrinK , , -.. A mingled mist of woe and glee . uiig, v. in. a ciug.o iiau u, u i.o, o And of ber BOcial mirth did sing hundred armed fellow! Better i Throueh hoDe and fear and do' hake the multitudinous hands of tiie giant good naturedly, than Al pel',' llln l- e ' ef otial.y. her Tui !' t ilouo ;. ue s.M ,-e i ; i ii: 1 y ll'.'.l'lnli . "nav of t!r. I llln 'I' .1 . . i .: ; la -And 1 nil ti, ur sin- i a- r.. ,. Mo.-' n Mn ; 1 S.l.l rl ,".i Tax 1 I iue k M i : y I i . ' i r': Mr-. I I an .-on In! I. !,:- I'.-t ' T '. 1 dah, . I . 1':-;. S;.i Sin;.'i I ),.: 'at h .t r ; n Ma. ke rl: (ml .1. I and M ary .' ones for M r.-i. t 'ai o 1 , :; e ( i : .hilia W h.te l.T il';. .. and family r.h Ttu 1 1 1 i 1 1 iv i n owal the -a :n i a- . i ; a. d a ;. . w i s st a! Pi i , e re n . a. le : keel er of ( . e r 1 1 1 1 ' a ; it nil and le Ilo et t ;n;e e i . a r ap t to re'j i.tti-r 1 ; ham"' a dd , ;. .1 i 1. I. I . (1 M . ;ek r a.!Y I Wm.' ( ,!v.;. -1 . ; 1 . Pi -l.'N t-'I ; .'lulia r .1 ,ek a-ve K. .o; M i -.. ; o . . e I t . he :tr : i a i 'iVal. !: :;o e -.!.(.- lat -1 1 t u pen . . i e 11 ' t i 'ii ; t n aid ai oil. e ?" . io.'ky hel e. 1 : li'e! -' ail " t : . i - : i r .-li. re i e-t ; t on an' ii:e. I've lieeii Sad . : 'o i ; it." 1,. 'lie.-t III 111 I.o 'U I i e l 1 little 1 i It we 111 r lo; il.; I'lalih wai d felli'e V uvs l; H'h s .r:d . ets for 'a:. 1, llit wo, ,1 . r Y 1". 'A at tend in '' ' 1 I e;ai. "o. yp ,1 of sa ilier-, r 1 v: 1 hail: ir fall term of , ("xreen. ball::!". - i : i ourt eru r, f 1 . : turnkey lee.-1, r'. , 1 , , t " 1 ; N A I . , print::: uitr. rlT: K 11. nied'.cmes for po, Harrison. i :, -bills. Tin: 11. (',. M r.Y I . l h Harham. term of court, r 1. niary. $b': ...'. 1 "1 for poor, 1 )o .; p 1 . iff, feeding prlSi'tn M. M. W ihiain-. house, r h M . M. W at p, mr house, r 1 1 son, lees and 8erv a l' -- o: i;, i - Ceo. II. : !.r;.l-e. ieel'tT ot 1. S il'aa. . '-I. ild f , r ! i ; i .VUi, 1. -el. e, . u; in ; .--1 1 L ' i , 1 o e . 1 i, l'.u' , at h -u i r i ;; I eol lo ll r tha. 1 trails 1 1 I'.-i W'.nie otl.'t. g.,' er Iretie ther ip. !.." Joel's ho--, n' . an in : lie w u-n' 1 an' 1 kuo.ved hit. ' t i.'.ns like that e:a,r:a er IV Her ui unecessarily provoke him to wrath. Despise the world, il it s,o please you though to do so is a proof of arrogance, conceit and egotism hut, as you have to live in the world, to lean on the world, and cannot get along irithout the world, it is just as well to treat it civilly, bhrewd men, who understand their race, never seek a quarrel with Society. They understand that it is possible for an individual to persuade, lead and quietly con t red a community, but not to fight it down. If you desire to relorin social evils or to disabuse your fellow men ol" their prejudice.-, the surest way ?iof to succeed is to resort tn deiiui.ci.it ion and ahnse. Kindness, conciliation, the inthiciice nt good exam ile these are the true and effective means and appliance of reform. Provoke the world, set its will in aims against you, and you can never carry your point, be it what it may. For mankind has more to wer to resist than any unit of the mass has to insist. With what mildness, with what patience, with what loving kindness Christianity was taught hy its Sacred Pounder, and His knowledge of human na tare was more profound and perfect v Premont cir. Through hope and fear and poverty. No fancied note falls from his lyre, 'Tia all-pervadinjr truth he singu, 'Tis nature's warm poetic fire, And bright the epark that upward springs. What pleasing thrills the minstrel wakes, Emotions sweet and pleasures mad. Yet every breast that sobs and aches Finds in his own a strain as sad. IT MADE r i wiry v The voice of nature was his own. Its varied chord?" and pathos grand Came nt his bidJict?. every tone A willing etraia it his command. While Bruce find Wallace is his theme. Or objfots c f -til! dearer weil.t. For S.'Oi! ' al -,is wishes? tn'in, Or dioops to mourn tb" daisy's fate. By winding "NHU" nt e e h s'rays. Or gurgling "Ayr" in sultry noon Communes with jjentlo ' Dovoc'b" brae3. Or wal lis tin", hf, tiks of boa nie " ', l, on. " C i d i-i the brt use thiit iioe- nut ft el Responsive strains puo'e. i ve ne. In hat sore plaint of love's appeal. To "Highland Mary" iu thf? ekiBs. While truth and justice h.ii survive, And love of liberty iu pire Man's mortnl breast his nmn will iive In characters of deathless fire. Carve out no pointed phaft to tell. No rare device i.f sculptor's art, A world's affection weaves the spell And shints him in her children's heart. "My mother 1i;l b. i ii uslnp Painf's Cki.kky Compocnd for nervous j prostratl'in, Bri'on.paij- ' led by uielup.'tioii... i ic. anil It Uai-i J. u lj'-r u world of ood. I' Is tli" only uieill- j , liif that MrentrMe i vua the iii-rv, " . (i. II. Hi ; i:. Oi I)l-.i.i.la. I'n. Palne's Celery (ninr'uund la of niii'i;.iiil,-il value to wumen. It atrencthciis tiie i,':v, regulates the kldnr-is. und has wi.nil" nui'.. r In eui'lng the pulimil dlse .sc.s lth ivhl, .. v.o uu:D eo often silent ly fcuir. r. f 1 per bottle. Us(.irS.i. .v. iipi-i : . W ELLS, laclIAUUS N- ,V Co . I ,lirl ,L"ti ,11 I. c STRONG "'a ! ; :ir Have been affllelnJ In 10, .id i.ot sleep li.id no aipctllp. M " I f oimriencea ualaif - . i i, I"., .11,1. ujii felt rellol frum' 'V i.-.iiitr it. I mw liuve a (rood a. ii Men. My Hpliita and ' ' ' i.o-,-1 r a )iuntf ruaiL" , . l '. : . ' o:.z.ilo. La. Paino's ompcund , i ,1'' .'mil curaN , I: '1' 1'iri anil , in ,.ui 1'i.wrer a 7 i ml : Ii DIAMOND DYES Tiu- A-.'..,' KtUiiuj caa ... .ir Irniontor, It u r iv ii i i . "1,1 il several .-. I I II il I u '-"l I I !., Ii. !! i:v d it. 1 i -an I ; Mil well. l" ll iii.d eiier'y : , I T.nin. Now li, P. A rue Di-tricl Second Round. Willis, P. P., Goldsboro, ;ere I 1 1 , , 1 g . I I ! lo Oh M : Nun is C. Creiile. -on. Saer.fi. New I'.eiae I .i-i-.'. ; ':.--w -, i i , r. r 1 . ' ';: a . . i in : a ' : g ,,; : -!e . h, .a ... i i-;, , !' tii.iV Ke'oii iry in;",'!' f r l-'eii--oii. '.g'.. rata-i.- - : : m -oa . S her-i-. -a,-,. ".ii: Mr-. cook at pour .11; ams, o ei ,-eer J. A. Pichard ces as clerk of board, .'i.hl.i; hook and stationery, s o.,; (Pis. Light Co., gas used by court, 1-'; K W . Sin f : h . i epai r.- of Will s hridge. So; 1 .niiel Lane, services and mileage a- ,o;nniis sioner, r','.-'11: d. A . Meadows, ser vices as com miss oner. : '. A. Bryan, services as c,imm:.--ioner. roi '-'O; Wm. M. W.rson. .1. I'.. t x a ir, l n m g t wo 1 una; ;cs. i'.. Total for the month, sjal .V. a m.vkki ri 1'iori r. star! li n ir 1 iirn r. -. A- a people, vi v aie ru.-haig on wildly into commercial feudalism. The rapid congestion of wealth, the rrTaildeiied rage tor .,, uinuiating i riches, the tm-ci upuious means cm p!oe : and who.-e c mceded resjiec talcl.ty ernes of their astounding grasp and audacity, the evident and alarming dnit of Ameiican c;t ienship into two classes the extremely rich and the extremely loor should arouse every patriot to action. In va;n do the people dead furjus'ice. In yam do they pr ,te-t against the encroachments ot corporate and moneyed power. In vain do they admonish their State and National Legislatures that impending ruin and bankrupt c stare us in the face as a nation. l:i va.n are they struggling nobly and heroically against the tide which is driving them lia esi-t ably down into the degradation of eon: mercial vassalage. This is strong1 language, but it is truth. To rescue j the agricultural and other 1 n dust i i.d I interests from the impending rum : : : o restore that healthful equilibrium t between ' he great ludusti les of the, country which ;s absolutely essen tial to a healthful growth audi prosperity, to secure to the farmers j of : lie land some of the profits ofj their hani earnings. ;s uie grain mission ot the Parmer's Alliance aie. A.I . di '. W,,I. I wu-n'; -, fled ;;: in', mm' ei boat t !:et. but 1 'lowed the', d.dn't ay II , " t e II ! ! , I I ' I sei h :i:;::g-e- lio.-s .-w , . ; c ii '. I; imait : counted u agin mo erbout sell in' uv that ere di'ad .-'eer to them i folks ler hv'cf '" ( if course.' ' Wal' I'm deii.cd ef I'd a 'nought :t. Don't 'pear like it 'ud hart lio'l'in". when none of 'em' kno'.vcd the steer died. Beckon mehby I o: ten t er : i.eai I,, Iks w hat got up cr ler t her pore ?" " That was vt iv wrong." I'd a never thought o' it thet air way Begosh. I s'pose it wasn't ! right nroner in me kcepiu' ther; than that ot any mortal. The Lvangelists and the Apostles he sii)i.ht the world to hear them; they did not attempt to broic beat it. Almost thou 2crsuadcst me to be a Christian," said Pestus to Paul. It would be well if some of our modern reformers had the courtesy and wise consideration of that great apostle. Whether your object be to do good to the world, or to make the world of service to your; own interests, don't assault it violently, for it is too strong and too obstinate to be carried by Btorm. Ishmael old spilt aigs to tried that plan, ana it ma not an- dmner swer. inousanus nave irieu u 'since and been worsted iu the conflict. Isolated Teople. Men who isolate themselves from ', S, 'J. Beam an 's chapel, ! .March '2-2, 2?,. I Goldsboro, t. Paul. March .".1. Mt. Olive cir., at Paison, April d. 7. Kinston station, April !'', 14. ; Craven cir., at Beach Grove, April L'O, 21. Goldsboro cir., at Pine Forest, April 27, 28. : Goldsboro, St. John, April 2S, 2l. 2s ew Berne station, May 5, C. Pamlico cir., at Barnes' chapel, May 11, 12. Carteret cir., tit Adam's creek, 'vflLiaGrange cir., at Bethel, May! 2.., 20. ! Lenoir mis., at Woodington .June 1, i Jones cir., at Lees chapel, June OW T GET - STANDARD BOOKS! e have male m rangi inonts with whereby we are enabled to offer mlar Publishing Ilou-' at rate Books in clubs or as a premium n ith THE DAILY AND WEEKLY JOURNAL 1 .leil -UCCe- ai.d the gl t'.ous tin wrick o 1 A merican that there this grea revolution farmers nothing." take a su; or tliey s-.tr.atio: such, people re if i lie real We vio the lol.owii! is not u-t o and alarm, agricultural W e selia-' I: to show on ly iiition i i tui it. "i Udon's MaalTold Cyclopedia. olume XI. carries this work from Debt to I'ominie. The GPt pages are pa" ked with information of just the kind which the vast majority of reading people desire to obtain. Like ita predecessors it is truly 'namold in ita character. Ia a single volume it gives an unabridged dictionary, and a cyclo pedia of information which is ample for practical usp, is fully reliable, and is brought down to the present year. Among the articles treated n.rQr..s at some length we notice that Debt, 1 ror ;iarm with its various sub heads, has over on arnis 7 pages: while kindred topics, as ' pum me(i ,. ., Debtor and Creditor, occupy over jng f1Kur, ; i' pages more. Delaware has about ruiialni 5 page.-; Delirium Tremens. 1 pages; .i,,,' ,,. ,, uemocraey. neany . pages, ani- lMI(J. y;,., mark, about lo pages; Deutistry, about jiages; Descent of Man, 0 pace-: Development, H page?: D:et. S pages: Digeation, I'd pages; Diphtheria. . pages. There are, also, a large number of really li e 1 1 fu 1 illustrations. The form of the hook is most convenient; the paper, print. ng. and binding are all very good. This is emphatically fY i yclopedia for the eople, and the extremely low price only o cents a volume m cloth, or ("- cents in half Morocco reach of all. may be ordered and returned if not -at islaetory . John B. AUlen. Pub lisher. New York, Philadelphia. Chicago. Atlanta, and San Fran- C SCO. w 1 1 be t he success ry ot American m-t;tu la . hue w :;! be t he Ameia-.m lo.pe and berty. We are aware e t ho -e who think t ha' ui'iieaval this grand : . thought among the ; --miic!: ado about Cat li.ey ate in .erticial v;ew i f u are wallahy blaul and w e C" a:: men, 1 comiitioti ul, W ulder Buuton's ole red barrer society, and have no near and dear j family ties, are the most uncom fortable of human beings. Byron says, '-Happiness was born a twin," but the phrase, though pretty and poetic, does not go far enough. We are gregarious, and not in tended to march through life in single or in double file. In pairing time, i. e., during the honeymoon, individuals of opposite sexes may find it very pleasant, not to say delightful, to walk apart from the unsentimental world, two and two. But as a general thing they are ready enough to rush back into the crowd when the billing and cooing season ia over. Petrarch would have grown tired of Laura, and she of him, had they been condemned to a life long tete a tetc in the wilderness, and Sappho would have jumped into the sea to escape ennui, had she been compelled to matri monial solitude with the man for lack of whose love she made ';a damp body" of herself. It has been well said tbat the vital principle grows weak when isolated. The man who cares for nobody, and for whom nobody cares, has nothing to live for that will pay tor the trouble of keeping bouI and body together. You must have a heap of embers to make a glowing fire. Scatter them apart, and they become dim and cold. So, to have a brisk, vigorous life, you must have a group of lives, to keep each other warm, as it were, to afford to each other mutual encouragement and confidence and support. If you wish to live the life of a man, and not that of a fungus, be social, be brotherly, be charitable, be sympa thetic, and labor earnestly for the good of your kind. Deprived of His Living. It is in Taris that the art of begging has produced its most remarkable examples of uncon scious effrontery. A wealthy roan in that city was told by his servant recently that a man was waiting in the hall below who had sent him up a letter. The letter contained the foilow- v, hat got in ermong mv hangs?" " That was a very grave sin." W a-. eh? Wal,' I'm dinged sor ry, ler dl l.ke ter do light, an' I hate ter give that barrer up. D'yer reckon little things like that 'nd I Ullllt It 1 111 UV 11 . Yes. indeed." An'Ispect they'll hev it figgered up eigin me 'bout leediu" them hogs I sold wheat bran ter make Yin weigh up." "Yes. that's against you." -I 'lowed it mout be. I guess wm km lilt cnoieia cuicKens onier ther peddler an' put tin" grease j inter ther butter, an' workin right smart o' corn stalks inter loads o' corn that goes ter market, an' all sech leetle things like them I reckon won't be counted up fer nothin'." They're all sins. Brother Tuck er, and will have to lie accounted for." Wal. parson, 1 .-'pose ye'r post ed up in sech matters, an' know how ther lays, but I been or goin erlong thinkin" that all them Ie etl things v otildn't ermount ter shucks an' 1 felt like es if I wasn't goin' ter hev no sins ter answer fer, an I wan't skeered none. But ef sech trill in', insigni fere ant things is go in' ter he ht 1,1 up ergin me then I I'm er goner." "Oh no, brother: you have but to I repent and forgiveness will follow." : "I'll he all right, then, will I " I "Yes." 1 "An kin go right on jest es I hev ! an' it won't he counted?" Oh. no. You must re; cut and i reform. Leave off all your bad j habits and lead a dillerent hie." I'll, huh. That's jest what I wus erf.-erd uv. Seems like gettin" religion comes down puny hard on er teller. J'd like ter jme yer, .arson, an' go ei long er ther rest, hut it 'mi be a leetle grain too st rain : n' on me. I reckon. I don't mm' tin i' repeiitm', hut ther tuther par: sticks me. fer I've caekilated on ilom'er heep o' boss swoppin' :h;- wmtei." Detroit Prec Press. (cm in en dable I n dependence. A lew years ago, a poor eartman in Bo-ton, met with a very serious misfortune, when dying his voca tion at the docks there. He had occasion to hack his horse towards tha edge of the wharf, and in doing so. the vehicle accidentally received I a-k them to a backward momentum, by which u ;- and ted us I (, lrt a!Uj horse were precipitated se lor concern j ni-l0 r he water, the horse drowned and the cart damaged. The sym pathy of some charitable persons immediate!'.' set on foot a subscrip- a who1 liter. 1 :o t he ' to all' f our we lit . n even e I n;, Ul. Lag ones t iie con Kead the no cause nesota. r 1 We h. Stat t.e ot t he one piia :r farmer i sav t here 1 he reco; ded mortgages i-i tho.-e States are P. the f, 'i.o Will g app.li. Ill 1. '.. '. r 70 1 .epiMI - .O I MM 10 ; Illinois, i-i'nii-ai. $ g.-iii.iKiii.. r ' ". o.lc 'O : ol ;:i i.i m io : Iowa, r Y 1 ,- g' -brings it within tne A specimen volume ooo.ooo; Nebraska, r 1 lo.ooo.p, o ; Kansas. rY'oo.oo ..(.on : Missouri. t'17,ouo.0oo; Texas, s. 1 u.i mi i.ooo. Total: ''', r ! '.'(;( ' Inovtr- ! an-i t'.utt, '- ". ..(!'.' oYcv' Tlr.s. in just one t h;i d ot the agr ictiltui al States. The interest for one year at six per cent on th:s mortgaged debt iI those farmers ;s ' , n rui r d and t iVr' n ron'.'iYn- mn- hundrxl anl tic nty th":iind a'.-'.Uir .' Almost enough to covi r the entire cotton crop ot the South. KsaiiLiie the mortgaged indebtedness on the farms ot the rem lining eighteen States to equ il that ol the above named nine States and it would amount to enough to pay for all the railroads in this a.-t country 1 Whither are we ilialting .' Is there no cause lor concern among the farmers! Is there a farmer or jtion to repair the poor man's loss; I and vvhen a very handsome sum I was oiiered him, lie respectfully but ' firmly rejected it, saying: "I'm not denying that I am poor enough, but I have always had ' foresight to lav by something for a rainy d ',.''. ami I'd take e ire that no I'i.e .-!, ill look ar mv new cart land hoi.-e. and -av. ! gave him a dollar to get it.' "' ; This is an install, e of indepen I deuce and fere.-ight in humble life j which we think might be acted on with advantage by many in a higher station. I n cur own chilly, damp, aad even changeable climate we ought alwas to wear clean, dry. soft "Itesjfajed Sir. Y'our well known and exemplary generosity has led me to hope that you will magnanimously take pity on the situation of an unfortunate widower who has been cruelly deprived of his means of subsistence by the death of his wife. I am, sir, yours in distress, X. Y." A Pleasant ITajniate. Two Indian children, a boy and a girl, eight or nine years of age, were sitting among the grass near the village of Atures, in the midst of a savannah. It was two in the afternoon, when a jaguar issued from the forest and approached the children, gambolling round them, sometimes concealing itself among the long grass, and again spring ing forward witn his oacii enrveu and his head lowered, as is usual with our cats. The little boy was unaware of the danger in which he was placed, and became sensible it only when the jaguar struck him on the side of his head with one of of his paws. The blows thus in flicted were at first slight, but gradually became ruder; the claws More-head City, June lo, 1G. Beaufort station, June 10, 17. Straits cir., at Banks, June 17. Core Sound mis., at White Toiut, June 18. Snow Hill cir., at Orman's chapel, 22, 23. Sand Hill Dots. George F. intends to enlarge his crop more help in the family. Good many farmers are ready and waiting for planting time, liobert Lee speaks ot planting corn this week. Mr. John Pearce has the finest wheat that we have seen. Mr. Pearce knows how to make fine crops and is surely a model farmer. The fishermen are taking ';fisher man's luck" with patience. Judg ing from repairing and building of boats they must think a better day is not far off. Our public school closed a few days ago. Subscription school began on the 18th, with a slim attendance. Some of the people seem to be ignorant ot the bene fits of a school to children and to their neighborhood. Club up, neigh bor, and 6ee that you have a school during the whole year. How to Secure Health. Health, like success in life, is to be gained by paying attention to details. It is better to try to keep from catching cold than to be al ways trying to avoid infection. More cau be done to check cholera by keeping houses clean than by using tons of disinfectants. Nature gives health. It is man's perversity in departing from Nature's teach ing which leads to disease. Nature intended all to have fresh air, sufficient plain food, uncontaminat ed water, and exercise. Let us accept Nature's bequest, if wo pre fer health to disease. They are standard works, well bound gomely embellished. Ib-gular library nz Pvrry nubfifrnber to ei tberahe 1) A 1 1. one year in choice from ,ili 11. C' Illo.-t 1 r WjiKKI.Y am d print, ami liand autiful in design. JoCUNAL, paving advance, and twenty-five cints cslra, will be entitled to their this list. A large a.B0rtmnt will It tent on hand where ther w . j cau be seen. Where wo have to send tin m ly mail, 10c. additional will b required. flannel, next our bodies, Theup-aml Ln(,.i f)owP(1 wirh vi' our dress i hi. in av be lence ; the little girl then took up per part ot changed and agreeao.e f ueiio , the branch of a tree, and strack the the season--, hut our flannels ought j animal which fled 5efore her T e exce; u e Indians, hearing the cries of the The easiest way to mark table linen: Leave a baby and a black berry pie alone at the table for three minutes. Seeds of the most valuable va rieties of cinchona bring -$1,000 per ounce in Ceylon. There are nearly 100,000 seeds in an ounce. Said a little girl, coming in from the fields, "I saw a pansy, and I was going to pick it, but it was a butterfly, and it flied away." A six year old boy wrote his first composition on water. "Water is good to drink, to bathe iu, and to skate on. When I was a little baby, the nurse used to bathe me every morning in water. I have been told that the Injuns don't wash themselves once in ten years. I wish I was an Injun." Young l..d- (to pdil.-.r) I eee, Mr. Shears, that you publishe 1 my article. Mr. Shears Yes, we Uded it: but we had to cut it down a good deal. We had the boy who runs the adjective killer at work on it pretty nearly all day. "MoIIie, I wish you would be a better little girl," said a fond father to his little daughter; "you have no idea how sorry I am that mamma has to scold you always !" 'Don't worry about it, papa," was the reply of tho little angel; "I am not one of those sensitive children. Half the time I don't hear what she says." Smythe Hullo, Broughno ! I'm Robinson Crusoe. Arabian Nights Entertainment. Swiss pamily Robinson. Children of the Abbey. Don (Quixote. Pilgrim's Progress. Last Days of Pompeii. Scottish Chiefs. Thaddeus of Warsaw. The History of Saudford and Mcrton. Andersen's Pairy Tales. The Bi iiM ,! N( w Ti'dtamcrif . liny Crusoe. Adam Bcdo. She. A history of adventure. King Solomon's Mines. Harry Lorroquer. Handy Andy. Pen- Goriot. Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy. Chavasse's Advice to a Wife and Mother. Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby. Rani-ay's K .niiiiisce rices of Soottlah Jane Eyre. East Lynne. The Mysterious Island. Twenty Thousand Leagues I'udor the Sea. The Tour of the World in Eighty Days. Grimm's Fairy Tales. Paul and Virginia. Gulliver's Travels. Child's History of England. iEsop's Fables. Poe's Tales. Mona's Choice. A Lucky Young Woman. Merry Men and other Tales and Fables. Baron Munchausen. The Servant Girl of the Period. Five Weeks in a Balloon. Waverley, Etc. Ivanhoe, and Lord of the Isles. Rob Roy. and Rokeby. Cooper's Last ot the Mohicans. Willy Keilly and His Dear Coleeri Celestial Scenery Life arid ( 'haracter. Modern Women. Vol. 1. Modern Women. Vol. II. Knirn-on's Essays. Famous Boys, and How They Became Famous Men. Half Hour with the Poets. Ingoldsby Legends. The Practical Astronomer, Parlor Magic. Iri-h Humorous 1'ocuis. Life of Washington. Famous Poems. The Christian Philosopher. Poetry of Love. Poetry of the Affections. Poetry of the Sentiments. Scottish Humorous Poems. The Sidereal Heavens. Goldsmith's Poetical Works. Paradise Lost. Kcble's Christian Year. Popular Natural Historv. Young Polks' Natural ifiMojy. Bawn Benjamin Franklin. Kit Carson. Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles. Rocky Mountain Adventures. Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. The Fur Country. Wild Life in Oregon. Christine. The Lover's Library. LoDgfellow's Voices of the Night. never to bp removei close ot , ne week., win a w c it sup-1 Cra i 1 tire n , ran up and saw the jaguar : sorry to see you in this crippled i.Iy ourselves with cleau ones, i which bounded off without showing ! condition. Were vou one of the Ibis practice has been the means ; anv disposition, to defend itself. 1 victims of the recent railroad of preserving many thousands of ! y ' : , N t d Anecdotes. crash 1 Broughne No. Whittier's Poetical Works Bryant's Poetical Works. Poe's Complete Poetical Works Hypatia; or New Foes with an Old Face. Rules and Exercises of Holy Living. The Buccaneers. Thomson's Poetical Works. Children's Stories. Grimm's Goblins. Veronica; or, The Light House Keeper. The Irish Gentleman. Evenings at Home, and Life in Ger many. Knickerbocker's History of New York The Sketch Book. Hugo's The Rhine. Baxter's Saint's Everlasting Rest. The Use of Sunshine. John Halifax, Gentleman. Adventures of an Attorney in Search of Practice. Six Hundred Dollars a Y :ir. The Rock of Ages. Florida. The Cricket's Friends. Christmas Stories for Children. The Kettles Birth-Day Party. Grandfather's Pocket Book. Short Stories for Young Folks. Daniel Boone, the Pioneer of Ken tucky. Dickens' Adventures of Oliver Twist. Dickens' Old Curiosity Shop. Dickens' Christmas Books and Tales. Israel Putnam. I Captain John Smith, the Founder of Virginia. Every Day. A story for young ladies. Benedict A mold. Professor Conant. Conspiracy. A Cuban Romance. An American in Iceland. Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. Kingsley's Sermons. Lucile. A poem. Hoyle's Games. For oh il - Abbott's Stories fer Childrm. Fox's Book of Martyrs. Wonders of Astronomy. Across Patagonia. ( 'liioe-; ( -ordon. ( 'I exar'.- Io venge. r rozt n l irate. Temiyf.on's Ccrni lete Poetical Worki. Life in Pari-. Songs for the Household. Lalla Rookh. Jess. Homer's Iliad. Aytoun's Lays of tfie Scottish CaTa- 1 iers. Bishop Herbert's Works. Ihiiinent English Liberal. Valhalla. The Myths of Noracland. Splendid Advantages of Being a oman; and other Erratic Essays. Scott's L'irate, and Marmion. Scott's Kenil worth, and Lady of the Lake. New Arabian Nights, The Cardinal Sin. Witch's Head. Saddle and iSabre. Charles W esley's Poems. Abbott's Harlie Stories. drrn. Penalty of Fate. The Evil Genius. As in a Looking GIabi. Allan (juartermain. Dickens' Sketches by Boz. Dickens' Barnaby Rudgc. Among the Trees. The Butterfly Hunters. Boys' and Girls' Rook. Studies iu the Philosophy i and II i-tory . Reminiscences of Saratoga ston Human Nat m'. Self Help. War Tiger. Tiger Prince. Tribune Essays. Voices of Freedom. liri.-'Iing with Thorns. Gil Bias. Lady Audley's Secret. Molly Bawn. From the Earth to the Moon Direcl, and a Journey Round It. Guy Mannering, and Lay of the Last M instrel. Lady of the Lake, and other Poems. Famous French Authors. f Religion anil Hall. Ihe arena ot your country, aaid M. "le Losseps to the Russian 1'nniv (irloit" '-is almost exactly similar m extent to that of the patriot m whatever sphere he may moon." l'tie important difference lives dririn extending age. licate childhood, and t heir ongevitv to i hi The slaughter houses of Paris are clean; no onensive ouor irigniens Smythe Why are you hobbling about on crutches, with your head replied the prince, "is that, whi.e the area of the moon is a fixed quantity, that of Russia is con tinually increasing." live, who does ma led God speed to the noble and heroic men of the Farmers' Alliance, who are earnest ly seeking and striving to the direful calamity which ensue, if this state of things is not remedied! Let every man who belongs to our order renew with each day of his life his undying allegiance to the cause. Let every In a school reader the following sentence occurs "In the year 18-17, - is put atoes formed the sole food of the Irish peasantry." A school- mi ia. r ka avaxla A la aa-liallO' a a A u.,'"- a?t Icw pjtli. aud Develop PlesL. I aia-f 1. atlvcaotl; Mat. rHa A- a A-aa. -aia KVKIt YWI1KUK. FIFTEEN DAYS'.TRIAL m rain owi mmi won too "ii ore kit. H (V Ami UuS u luta t r-a (.! aiaa-ila, Mlf-Uraadlaf ikilllf. aalaalaaai an lla-A(-raiaalBC. bae Aaaat aa( af aCtA A aaaaala. .a a val-at-lln4 eaaaf la i pay ar-an H ct . kut m.l k circu-w. R-awsnbar. aa fuu-a4a our bjOw iuw a aay a4gHKaa mm Vim aa tAa aiaraaa A I ti aaa , .- - . TAa C. A WOOD CO-YVnr - 11 M- It -. rfcilAaaAlpaUaH T EPOCH. Th tranaition from Ion;. liQcariiig and : .infu! lickniu to robust healtn marka an ' rpoch in tl.e lifo of an individual. Snch a p,rr.,li,. a v n f ,d lr..inl.l In t I' A n.Tll- !o.-t and tha arrncj whereby the p.sid patriot luelltiiy IlimsCi! WllU US IU ' hral-.h haa Ueon attained ia graWlul'.y this great task of disenthralling the l b irsM-il Hpom it i thai a, marli la naard i i pr;i i i Electric Bitters. So many f"-i -.LrT owe '.heir restoration U health t. the uie of the "treat Alterative and I Tonic If Tin are trouble! with any dis eAa ot KidneT-., Lirer or Stomach, of long energies cuuntrv.- atul industries ol -1'iogressive Farmer. the animals to be killed; no worry- j tieT U1J aund 0D arm in a sling? ing and fretting, no unnecessary ! ouguue xoooggau mmc, cruelty. Tho animals are brought! A tender hearted and compas to the block quietly from clean sionate disposition which inclines avert boy read t he passage "In the year , stalls, where tney were tea ana , men to pity and feel the mlsfor tnust ly17 forty-eight potatoes formed i cared for as though intended for a tnaes of others, and which is even the sale food of the Irish peasan- long lite. Jt everisn excitement anu : lor its own sake incapable ot in try." cruelty produce unwholesome meat jvolving any man in ruin and .and cause disease among con- miserv, is of all tempers of mind sinners. J the most amiable; and, though it aa-.aa.-a ! never receives much honor, ia My dot (three years old) was recent-) worthy of the highest, ly taken with cold in the head. It1 seemed finally to settle in his nose, I which waa stopped up for dayB and niehts eo that it was difficult for him to breathe and sleep. I called a pbysi tue AIIVII'E AO MOTH liltS Mas. yvi.ssLow s bo TIIEIK Bl'SIXESS UOOMIMi, Probably no one thing has e;c.;si d sacb a oeneral reiv.ii of Lru !e at K. X. I i: r?V s drug s tor as their giving away to their ' customers of bo many free trial bottles of lr King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Th tar tra i- simply enormous in this very valuable artiel. from the fact th'it it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, ( obis. Asthma, lronenuis, croup. Good books improve the mind und afford valuable aid as educators. The publishing house we are dealing with do an immense l uiiness and give us such rates for their books as can not be obtained by others than publishers. While these books are real handsome and worthy a place in any 1 ibrary, one other strong point i-liould not be in, 1 1 ccln (t, the print. The type is large, clear, and will not injure the eyes. A large supply will be kept on hand, but should any selection not be iu stock ! will require while to order it. Now is a good time to begin or enlarge only a ahort you a nio Hucltlen'a Arnica Salva. Tug Best Salvb in the world for Outa. Braises. Sores. Uloert, Salt fian who nrescri hod . hot did him no ! Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped lv good. Finally I went to the drug store j Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin O i i i i i r i , . , J aa- n kn I y- -v f Ih I t a I '-wnnrr Mn I r"l 1 r.rlllll. (inn. H. r I 1 1 I M aK I II VHI V aTllXB 1 X itm i ,-. inA- .UnH;r will iumIt find nouia aiwuys De usea ior ennuren cureii. ion can tst it ue ore uuvido; dv fc1- a L aw r , - - r.rieBtr.dt teethmg. lsoothes the child, softens i "uin, a trial bottle free, large SixeV. , It seemed to work like magic Tte I''J'J .- . ..ti .. u v- T-ar- Tkv,ni,.i. ue s-ams. anava ail nam. cures wind : vorr .ti n u-iri-nntM. rnr sa a y i. . oov t uuso won ",.. m tj uoto. B- -. . ' HatAil Dmir SLore. Wholesale rnce. $s oouc, ana ia tne Deet remedy lor .uiar- Dnff pau dosA. ' hoeA. Twenty-flve cents a bottle. 1 Wholesale price, $tf per dozen . library. Remember that when books an be required for postage Address, to he. sent by mail, 10c. eitra will SooTLILNij SYRUP and all throat and lung diseases qu-.ckl d for children "Wholesale and lie tail Drnggist . he has been all right ever since. j. lu"u""' u ueuw P Hazard, xsew xorK. . a.o UJ x.. u,. JW NEW BERNE, N. C. l i -;.j.i' 5 V ai.r jiwj - ...... vs. J - ,

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