.. - - - .' i-.iyO -Vv. ' : v or': '. - ... ,' v-' - f,v i V - . 11 -s. . -s ' ' ,. -. J i - I NTDTCf EiSTDEiSTT IST ALL THINGS Torma $H.OO 2rr .r. VOL! XII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. Al'lilL ! iss;i. NO. 1. EDITORIAL 'OTKS. i ; : ' - . r r oxji hy. atl diittgoists. irr-PRlCE-25;CEWTS PER BOX. i. jti.-JtV'vtXXuKr & CO Sole Agents voir xrtnxs states, s k ht cjwil tm mew tork, - WSo (if ytwrr jKt ao ool Keep ia-ra wm moil wtciumi an4 he will hDg himself." That's ;i Pp s mtipt l pri-vM (Plc-u mention :h,i ppcr JQ oaf opinloD of the uarrlfl0D C " ' , dmlnutrUon. - -n ,"l . . j XBftttrerrfeta ol yV York " Wahinton aainit the reauuoiot- liKAUTiFt'i. and Be.-wonable weather all through this section. To err ia heman ; to keep it from btiaf foJnd oQt is ihvina. Atchi oq Glore. Jay Govli) now approaihea Grant with hi hat off, and .all the aewaboys stand around to ! the stow. Thb oiitructioii of a new PrHlatial Mansion, in plac of the prMat While Hou. is Iwiog Cttatd. IT i olUs sid "give him rop proprlrfpr of t ho of tho lac; ori'. A I'll r i. a i r I'Hia -; c 27 5 ay -; M M .w An act ro . I r a d : ; Fairiiiniii; ' l'.'il: r 1 ; : Sli l- i in ! n M I : ) a Vt-r I ; i c 1 1 ; r in t ot ;ind ..! M.irch :n .-I-;, the t ! ii rough ;'. I HTtinon. J)lill V, now r! I2na( nr an J byod Xew Hm aal :n the- V "ilmington ection, meat of Postmaster Tearsoii. .tboa w ar prootl to t. we count a;o:. our many patron, we , 'wpMiaJU ell toth-ir aitentioa. -h.t a,.Prv.-. th,:r pstron.g, Blsmajick s lt utterance in XMUii to aa ilk th pt. and that we haU hold oat MOKE IN- Ifa'd to riamoan affair mdicate THAX EVKK to oient their onuCdenc in the fntnre, perfect agreement between Grr ad taal Deetdew BKUU llih Alifc.i l tor T&Oft- II. Hoif Platda, CoC' ?pool Covton, Bvr cr..-k and BintT 31ilU Done tie. Start Lve and PoUb. I.or-.lla d Snuff and Arm oar 3c Co-'t ProrUlooa, Hontord Baking Pow.iers. W carry FUar, Toboos 8ooff, Coffe. Suar, ;c., .v r.Jl4 is the DRY GOODd line do hoa in th. vc:;.-n carrie a more Mttftbfo stock to pleat tAw barer, la atrie - wt . :n pnre. For DrM GooOa, Notiosa, Whtte (jowli and no on, will -at vou To mauv aDd the I'mted States. N'lTl' K.s have tvou posted' in tb;if .'-lie is liij; and r-st . Sknatk l'.iM'.Ni' S.vu ( h in --t'.i re 1 . of i:; : wishing ' o en ro ,i li.id to ht- In i : 1 t ;, i : i r ihtsoii.i i a! ii. o.-' 1 1 ! r : o t on or in Vrrnn i ; ' . ' ' i i in w i i ! ti" i! , I .i . . .! i 1 t SKN.U'iK Jry; v . 1 1'. G'I)ei:-l 'A".rTi .1 ;-i .i ki r 1: Hi hou r " o , r :i r 1 '. : i- , olli.-.-. M : . i c'i"..'.' I . :-t t r i . t" : . i . s I 1 1 1 i w!i: ': . S-i! (: - Mr. 1. .! ..; ; . A -S.'.-re-ti nds quiet 'or e ii re, I; is his tiing. ;i pi.itit-P;,'.s. th.i- !,'- appo'.nTmrij' was f ho l's" I life. It ramr lft diataae wrva voar ladrra and let KlMsfoa. What we caaaot vpJ, oar other merchant can - $41 tb eisaixa ara VxjlX it joa make roar headqaarter a: our hous' joowUX SjuI mrjihaxgta jw aotxia.' Oood, hoseat x?d, 3d 1he to t ':,,. .."!, ir..! oacc to Qk pooad. Cot Faro aa4 PaHw wear. ft BAD Y afAlC CLOTHING In tba: !.:.e joa'll u..; and a hoage in Caatar Caroflaa iOAxe! a. vajioQs rolling mill.s in Penui vauia that the price of wages ol employe will be reduced on and after April 1st. Ik the liepublican party is held less Norfolk I to a strict otJeervance ot lLa plat- THE Grand ( ' :i ( ti ngii. vert isenien t s ;re noti thoai do tha:r ho).'inr in f ., , . u 1 forms it wid scarcely survive the Chicago was imnit d : t r a i w . Wsi aola4aajaoa; if w- can : e fail w w:M to &: ol t a a e . vou your meaaare, need no: take 'leisure we rill naka 70a a sail La ortiac, aaU. n4 jo rnr bo eonf ent. If JOU caaaot COait tttXnitoa write to as, and aaawer all joor wwrita. OETTINCER BROS. duty. NN'ilniing'oii S- ir. 'Tin s far ; ho -!;. : -be in better favor i:li ! istration than ti.o 1 1 In trntli. editors addle: o,t -rriu to .f i 111 1 11 -i;indr. 1 vastly Sign of the Co.'ebrated Pearl Shirt. KJ5STON, if. C WAE! WAR! WAE ! THE WAR HAS OPENED ONCE MORE ! Owlar tA til hard tim ndiMiritr of nnnnv I .mi d(terminw1 tn -Tfar- forakh tb People the Beat Goods for the Lent Money. Now, In fact' aDd aJ1 the point to an proof af t& fact, I will quote joa a few of my pnc-. My Stock of eiodus bejond precedents. Tn ClotMnr a Ennrmoai. Men's good riae Flauaei Salts aa lnw a. bo. , t3.9. Alao food firnia fsrMea at 298. Boys' p,od Saita, from pEEalDEx uAERIa., w,nt. 4 ,V lata IS jeer, 00 Ir t2 98. Boys' Kbm San from $ 1 .25 to $1 .50. K3ID"T waDta Also a a tea hoe ot Mena Backa and Cataway and Princ Albert So.it. two(1,J of rom the office- 1 1tiTs iriTa irtTS' k,v- hnn.l,H,i .!o,.n Mr. oil .t , M .' kera Snnd ay , to at t e nd ch a rc h, BAdpneai. Men, Boja and Children's Hat trom io to 15 and 25 eta ntI Monday to transact a little OoArmatae to aatt joa in anj kind of tlat. public bnsineag. Philadelphia 8IIOE8, SHOES, SHOES'. The Lrgt 'and I't Selected Times. Stock: of Sboee I evtr kept. Men's Sbo from 7'o. to fl.OO. Iadiee' Tut Joxtelh ax la in faTer of the lUi MHOS OIWW, Ml, law, IJC. w iVC. .rKe s.m ui ru ,....... KT tha PUnaf- the Preeident's nomination. Ijet four years of national control upon yesterday morrun which it haa entered. 0f ?l,:,(o.((rio. I PaBls, March 26. The Gaubois ment tornli il w, says Gen. Boulanger is suffeiing per cent of o. from the opening of an old woand and cutTjt-n :n 1 and haa been compelled to reeort to the use of morphine. Thk proclamation of tha Presi dent declaring BehriDg's Sea a cloaed sea may lead to complica tions with England. Excitement , larger audiences than orators do. prevails at Ottawa, Ont. ! and they address : ,nu after am- Cabls d lap ate has irom Indon '. Pains 'ire 0Vk,r an ! " ' lT ve'ui' to the News and Obaejyer, of j wben the voice ol t !.. p,-!! Kinder March 27, announce the deaths of ; is DOt he'inl iu t!ie Iah l " Mr. John Bright and the Dnke of "Chief Cn n 1 n u r.v and fifteen Buckingham and Chando. 1 warriors, apparently tired otMib- The Legislature of Tennessee , iing on government lationsan. passed a bill which the Governor I preferring has just signed making women eligible to office of the county sn peri nt eft dent of education. The annnal migration to Europe will be exceptionallj large Uiis It is already beginning in A GOOD EXAMPLE FOLLOWED. HEMOl Some wi eks ago a number of i lie nil ai'.d patriotic citizen of New Bcrno announced their readiness to donate sites suitable T r factories, mills, and workshtps 3 enterpris ing gentlemen of c tpital who would come and establu a industries and manufactories. The wisdom of the movement was so apparent that 1 ae example has been followed by a number of other towns and cities 0' the State, and it is believed that a genuine boom has set in that pi ii'Mscm in calculable good to thi people of North Carolina. The inducements !',un',t(" ,u tins section ol ttie country, to men of character and enterprise are not .surpassed in any laud, ami thot-e wlio make judicious investments, which are followed with energy and Kocaoitv, cannot fail o f attain- "'' ' ''r 1:1 ir abuudant rewards. While we are gratified at the thrown . - iiii-n', ,i,i'i', t of capital coming amon 1! u clcs s We confess to a higher pleasure le "I an ;ll 1 1 nesi 11 g t he pluck, e 11 1 ei j ! :.-e o-t .os;;i,,n AU, nidutiy of our own peop!-. :ade in ins m nations "they that would le chop ad freB must tlrt strike the bio .v." us! worth- So m communities re.siden: citizons mus' show the elements of .1 uohie ireii.'iise in manhood by nutting their own the ground shouldei h t o t he w neels and push- creation. ing a loss ing on t he car of progress a g.'Seril- i: 1 a s t e r ocked II is ." 0 ( . i lis: i a 1: 1 1 ; . The ;t:hi I'M' cs i,j Tar ill' a: e I i i ng : fact tliat ! Jeir.i c; a-;, of Tan ll ." If t ln-r " any hh ; i .;i o! 1 1,,- I i, opo( d to .1 T.I 1 i li aware of u . 1 he eh.irv lie : lis, t h it ; ;, i!i mm-; in favor of 1', Tiade always has .- il-c. tloil is Uut, Sh.iil v.i- i,,, That is settled, by a tax 11 .011 i a. lished polo s- of aud no etl'oi t i aboht ion . The point in and should he. ' i ot the tai ill' '. J i ! in- t a 1 . ti' i I 'einoci acy. the j it that the i'io .in nt.i't may i.of tning tan,:!y, ;M,d by 1 iliiiv ,, n : a ;. il land. I he 1 ei!.cc: at th.it this is a Go people, ai.d that AitlNi (! a I' oiti'ii u:oi.!na m:its i 1 tin- State Papers. upon t h ." I:, I! en 1 lei a : . par: of lb-iaib at io part a is now, a nd The qnes v 11 T.uul : g i 1 Vt ll 111- - s I 1:,- e.-Mb 1 "! : :. tn e ti t . - i 1 . 1 i 1 l I f 1 c iu nty th a of echoai ai iVa v i r ; . la ariav. .1 ? i 1 ' I'lll .v ay h, i; : n :. INIIK I a' ia! sh, . Mlaki' oat of Li,..' : ' ' :i :ar : -. i fara! year Morganton. Yesterday morning tracks were discovered on the porch roof of O. W. Pitcher's residence, nejir the Graded School. The tracks are Ihe apportionment those of a man. and it is supposed that for New Hanover a burglar had comm. nr-.d operations to -1 o) for each child enter the house, hut for some renson beet known to liina.i If, he changed hie :: The lirst freight train mind. 1 it Na-thern railroad CLaLhacu Uecord : We aro pleased to ay am-rr-ooD about 5 h.ar yerj favorable reports Irom the e a ptir has been created wbenl, Hmi nut. rr,-. in il,:. ,,r,t,. crand jury a Before the war Chatham nrod need oncfiivi d.hlm ( ' 1 ea n -oh ill- 1 s.ii i'.isna nil nod in ll; Tr; 1 1,, A aura ; '1 ll 1; lulii! . 1 : 1 he in ...nt tec- to subricriptions to the 1 1 1 -: 1 : rau-t s 1 1 . 1 : i.hl : oil outside chances ear . are offered bv an reported on the warpath near San Carlos agency, An,:.:ia. and may cause conuierali!e tiouble before they are corraled again." ;,: ;a:ty ,:iM,t: eniineti- thi whateye!' ti 1..1 ti monopoly is contrary to its genius and hostile to the purposes of i;;, Ihe ( lover n men t is not the guard. an of clans, specialists and favored industiics, but the protector of the nu n who secure is fortutus in the 1; ivs of prosperity, and defend its honor in the hour of adversity. The Democratic putv ass 1 ts that the Government has no light to take irom the people more oi their hard earnings than is neces sary for the economical administra- necessarv to the conquest of uifii- I tion of public affairs. The Kepuh- culties aud the achievement of beans, pretermitting an expression success in all departments of lif. of opinioir on the requireinen s of "P11 a wh . . I : . 1... ... . several went 11 ile we do not arrogate supen- g" ei umtui, 0.1 ecs us energies to onty. we cannot admit inferiority the "Protection of Infant Indus, of North Carolinians to the citizens tries," the upbuilding of private ol sister States. fortunes, and the l;o',cti"U ol onward and upwirl is inscribed American Labor." on our banners, and with the It is a monstrosity t ;.. theiicli blessing of God, the Old North must be protect d ; State will take her place among tyranny ol the poo It has been adjudged that tin people of the South are wanting it the persistency of purpose, and the h xed ness of resolution essential t ) gieat achievements. Whatever ft color may have been given to t b is idea, by events of the remote past, more recent developments hav established the lact that Southeri manhood has in it all the element-! !:n:i ij -t- .t , t names as w,t, eeses in cases more wheat than any other county in u V'1 t:'e option law. thin State, and wo hope such may be .'Smell. y ..avv- i-..:-a: ir.is last eacare ttie case again this year. A sub- ei,;'at prisoners that have eotten scriber writes the Record that one of , iw "uuiii L' u irtni. uiuuLU. ii I lie L'fiUorR iPP.pn 1. r married ri iu . i n ., . a:a ia. n, I'. A. Cowan, Joe j fourth wife, and that in doioic so he be- bii. r il nrv G-inter. made their j came the brother-in-law of two of his ! War fr. r:i the Shelby jiil last Satur- , own sons. Our country roads hav " a r:, oi, n l.itn-eeu halt past three ; been in worse condition recently than ui, any time auring: tne wid'.cx. i.Joy are badly cut up by bo many wagons hauling corn and fertilizers from the ad of tl e V. 11. C. A. have railroad stations. , r iO COO so far. Capt. Statesville Landmark: J. R Connelly, tlaa rchoonr Mary Wheeler, the defaulting clerk of the Superii r i ,,- : 'houiiur Saow Storm, Court, who, with his wife and youngest w-;,s wrecked on the child, arrived here Tuesday night of : itivt r. S ;C . last Friday, last week from Cartersville. (ia . where va saved, but the vessel is a the family have located, was taken into custody at 9:20 a. m. last Thursday by Arn,n.v,ii: Mr. "William Sheriff Allison, in the passage of the I r.a.-urer of Franklin coun- courthouse The sheriff bad laid off a i.Lai t iliseafac on the Sd inst. dower in north Iredell, Wednesday, i laaieiit and useful man iD , aQd did not reach town until Thursday Mr. Cromwell Braswell, . morning, when he immediately execut- i-i. met with the misfortune ' ed his precept upon Connell, who was - .jbcco barn by fire last , waitin2 or him. The inilictruonis .i'.h 2.0 bushels of cotton 1 upon which he wag arrested were 1. . iiaJ mos: of his farming i for forgery, in the matter of what is t oca 1 known as the Fred Plyler check: L f .r T.vin-;. ii , Daily :Jas. W. Albright, of :' embezzlement of the Plylor funds, rand , i:r,ca L..ra has "been appointed State 6 fr fll"re to make returns as clerk. Ah-, ni o tho U. S. Department of Agri- t0 requires. The sheriff fixed Jitur... taking the place of P. F. Duffy, thb8 at J1'000 for the forK'-ry cae 1 tins ,-iiv. who held that position i . rne oiner two. i lie under Mr. Cleveland's administration. Pr'80ner made fruitless efforts all day Mr. Aitriahl is an uncle of Congress-!nd"p to 1 2 0 'ock at night to secure man i':r,'..a r. Mr. Duffy, is the first I bowmen, and at midnight he was Domo-ruc ln this State to walk the j l.ged ,n Jal1 bere he remained until Plauk ui.J,r the new administration. ojday morning, by which time the i- , , , .. ! bonds were made up. t.rcvnsboro ..orth 5tate: A big cotton 0 . , , factors conii be- built and operated Sanf,ord Express: There have been with ta.- mn.-y t-hat North Carolina I v'al va u ;u "'l'F ''-'' i 't!ic-j ei r kers drop ia Washington be 'a i Vr-'eiT "tot.- -. t li C nrWl VMX. HAT-FEVER 1 1 'i : k an 1 a V. a; soli l ,. i'Uii. '-,ajr, I ma r, a a f n. rn Coi a Kiirn nostril D4l -UKKliiU; by KOTnURH, fttilfid wly COOS LTOVr", V. IRL FENCING. i SASH, LOO'. GL SS A limj;. ..li AND At! I i prr - i. i r . At j: : a I8G2. THI AUD BLINDS, OIL, ;o PUTTY. ii1. PLASTER Aiuds of . 'TERIALS i Prices ! ilAZR, , Ktruet, ik'ia'd 1888. ELER JE r'ToCK OP tweer. March 1 and June 30, 1889. fhe Wilmington Star wants Paul Cam eron to endow the University with T'",0.U.a. We r.avc no doubt the old gentleman v, ill fcnil in his check for the uiikuli just a; toon eg he hears ab'ulthi' iiicvtm.ut. .'v h,-vi!le (.'itiz-.-n : Chief of detectives this season. The Alliance men and others hauling it away remind us of the people going into Egypt after corn in olden times. In the Methodist church in Carthage on Thursday evening, by Rev. S. D. Adams assisted bv Rev. A. Watches, Circks. Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND I I ATi.D WARE- VPKCT I TES. T W,,.,.. i . . R. Shaw. Mr. T. R Tr.on tr nr1 M,., ! ., l1' ' r .' oi c-peciacies Nannie M. Phillips, daughter of tho late mrl 'n!i r'Z" IT, 0,-aver yes: ruay received information Mint'er. col., who escaped from a squad ' Having w ,rko i K". , , , .v, v u of the eatiure of Ldgar Brooks, the ' f ralo , u: j iav ing w orkea r;i .aa ily at th bench o wanted in Greene county. ! Martin .nl,. h o.!n Ki- ! for OV.r th,r. "'" 1 I can do as goDil work i:, a:i v. an hmakor in the pearance in this county. lie is sup- state u me posed to have entered Rev. George Un- ' CO MP" NI Sf'E MF der wcod 's house in Jonesboro to wnship " " Asv"i k F T() last Sunday. The house was entered' '" " iVi , ... J , . ... , , .u ah! le street, ana nlor.hiticy wad Rtn pn txrbilA tho fnm. .... .. Tnp"tior' lifter a nrn- I -i . . " T . , v;ppo;;r.p 1-i.ptist i Lurch. f12 dwtf J HI., IU1,,, aiier a pro 1 1 maq on-nr Tho torn rn in 1 Vi o T nr I ( Creek community have loaded their ey Uu:irvir: Jir. ra. uiaiocK, oi guns with buck shot and this desperate r.ii oa. is. we Le.ieve, the largest 1 character will be summarily dealt with neicio rat ist wanted in Greene county Tennessee, for an assault committed ae wusiac in that county s ago We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. fcirookshire, which ocurred last evening at her home ne;.r Alieviile tracted chronic illness. ( ) the foremost States of the Amen can Union. Ladie nico Slippers from aad Boy Shoes at prtca to sate the ttmea. 43a. to 75c. FTJK NISHXHO GOODS ! Men's rnder'utrt a low aa 20 cenU. . JLfllcw BltrHgaji Shirt for 25 eeata. A nice Scarf from 10 to UO cents. fall line of Dry Oooda, Trnnki, Vallaea. nnd other goods too nomeroas to mention. y Coaae one, com all to WILLIAM SI LTAN'S, where you will bw treatevl rijht and get joar money's worth. WM. SULTAN, Oppoalt Baptist Chtfrch, the whole responsibility of the Gorarnment reat on Kepnblican ; acrict r ttetl! 1 A'oTHKi: crisis disorders of the mcnt have become time tho politic.! there is a set ;o; dition cannot last Ion eru men t must g ; e evidence of its ,il-: y storms of popular tee'.; give place to atiot In; . TllK mercantile world has real ized that advertising is as much a business matter as the emploj ment of clerks or the select ion of goods. n Prai.ee. The touch Govern- hlon..' I'very barometer falls crisis. Tins con- I :,e pov- :n mediate stand the l D'lU'lilv on to branch o ! s who hav "rtaiice their wai : 1 " ii.i'e e no 'go. Vet Middle street. mar23dwJm NEW DEJINE, N. C. AT FLAIVNERS CLOTHING ! New Styles ! Good Goods ! Low Prices ! TRUNKS ! All Styles and Qualities ! - - I ba in iUx-k th X'-. ELEti ANT TRPNKS prcbbiy "r a ml: N w H r n Two door North .if Hatt A riar i bosiness has made manv merch .nt wealthy, while ot her attached much itn bava wondered at sncoess. Thcv sun tept up with the times. Sl'EAKlNtr of woman the Washington Post s.ivs the women are zealous weikers, as well aa patient waiters, and no reverse seems to discourage their endeavors or extinguish their hopes. They ate as fond of the agitation apparently as ever they were, though the goal lor which they strive is still too remo'o lor the intervening d.s-ance to be measured." TnF. llairison Piai-c h'ter is plainly a private oae. p appears to have been dropped by Mr. INSET SCHOOL, INT. O. sVi. .. - T s' . , m r-'i3"3jpiJ- ' ' 1 11" "'" , ahoQlders. PaKfliDEST ilAKBisojf charges the laaportanate oflic -seekers with monopolizing so much of hia time that he cannot "turn the raacals oat" aa rapidly aa he othenriee would. N. Y. World. Naval officers generally are : making efforts to secure assign ment to the new gunboat ork , town, he will probablj be com. manded by Commander Chadwick. Wilmington star. As is generally known that ex Preeident Clereland is now in Cuba. All along his route from New York to Key West he iu received with every demonstration of approval and affection. Thk JnruAL believes in keej- in c, k... f. . U . .. 1 . i. .....1 . wc""c lur ll" iuuu- Blame, after winch it as lacked mental principlesof the Democratic Q() bv w,ni. one ;1Lll vilTU.d lo the party because they are esaential to NeW York ilorj!ll Tiie quest ion the welfare of the people and the (or a journalist to decide in such a prosperity ot the country. CAe was, Is the letter public The days are steadily growing property! To our mind it clearly longer especially for the visiting was not. Tho only difference be brethren who come to Washington tween looking over a man's shoulder two or three weeks ago expecting to read one of his private letters, to leave the next day with appoint- and the publication, without his men'." in their pockets. Post. "It seems that Col. John D. Washburn, our handsome Minister to Switzerland, write poetry. It is only fair to say that this was not known when his name was before, the United State Senate lor confir mation." The ''gentleman" who stole the mailing list of the New York Voice haa been rewarded, and yet Dud ley remains in the cold. Why should an exposed boodter be t treated worse than a detected thief T Nashville American. Tiif, Sun's cotton review of the 'J."th says: Putures opened rather firmer on strong Liverpool report, but became very dull, and after 11 a. m. there was decline with doll closing, ia sympathy with depres sion in financial circles aggregated by desquieting Paris rumors. STEAKEK CULL', OF E YORK. The New York World is a fierce fighter, and is never satisfied with out a complote victory or a crush ing defeat. For some time past the World has been after Speaker Cole, of the General Assembly of the State of New York, and it now has him in the pillory and is giving him the bastinado. The Speaker has confessed that money was used with his knowl edge to secure his election, and now the question is whether the hide the World has in the tan yard will make sole-leather, or is only tit ro be used for vamping. The World, with the laudable purpose of sbowiog that its con clusions at e those of other distin guished individuals, has inter viewed a number of prominent citizens, in various Darts of the country, ns to what they think of Cole and his methods. Below we give the response of three of the Governors ol Southern States. Governor Fowle, of North Caro lina, said "'that he bad not informed himself as to the matter, yet he would say that if money had been used for proper election purposes there was no harm, but if it bad been used for bribery with Cole's knowledge, the Assembly should expell him at once." Governor (iordon of Georgia, said: "I know nothiug about Mr. Cole's case, but I have a very decided opinion iu regard to the use ol money in con trolling elections. My profound conviction is that this country is in more danger from the efforts, that Hist the that the and the bo taxed 111 a Ii tit ac- atnl the ia. It is barefooted tnou n ' a ; nee; : toilers by the sea. si.ouii to afford luxuries to the turers of M.issachusett: iron kings of LVhnslva an outrage uu common sense to say that the farmer v. ho toils through winter's cold and summer's heat, with no day of rest but the Sabbath, should ae taxed to bung gold to the collets i . Uiiilioiiuires whose only labor cuir-ists in clip ping cupons, and w!ioe gala day lasts through the livelong year, Ir is the sheerest tiilling to sa that "Democracy is the parent ot Tariff," and responsible for ir. This child of Democracy lias grown "too big for his iu'eecae-." and the sooner ht' is In, .night back to iiirental discipline the bet'tr for the country. Labor needs no pioiection. in free.. America labor pioiecis ii-el;', and no man is so independent as he who goes out u.'o God's laoscd sunshine, and with ;,;-, own right arm, sows the grain and n-aps the harvest. farmer ia Stumy county, lie runs a frc of twelve- plows, and will this spring cultivate about COO acres in corn u'.d cotton. Last, week there was quit a m-iii dog t-care in the neighbor h",ia of the Pennington mills. A hog and s-veral dogs were bitten by the rat i .1 animal. It is also reported that Mr. Travis Iiiicsell was also bitten at tic- .- .me tim-a by the same dog. N.i -liviile Ars-inout: All along the line of Norih Carolina journalism there is an iaqiravcuient both in tho editorial conduct and mechanical make up, which is highly commendable. Both Wilminttton and Xew Berne are more alive to the importance of manufactur ing enterprises in their respective towns than they have ever been. We hail wiiii pleasure tho new life which seems to have been awakened to these places, and the Argonaut will giye them a lift. UjcLv Mount Phoenix: Work on the large, handsome, new cotton factory, which is being erected by tno Rocky Mount Miils. is progressing rapidly. Between fifty and 6eventy-five rock and brick inat-ons are at work on it, and when completed, u win bo the largest in t h e Is, t a t e in this ph when he is caught lurking around. Chatham Record : Mrs. Celia Fields, of Gulf township, died very suddenly some days ago. She was about 90 years old. was the widow of the late Jack Fields, who was a soldier of the war of 1812, and had been living alone for sev eral years, doing her own cooking and waitirjg on herself. She was found dead in her house, her body lying near n chest, and on a table was a pot of coffee and her supper untouched. William E. Boudinot died suddenly at his resi dence, near this place, on last Friday, aged seventy years. On the morning of his death he ate a hearty breakfast, dressed himself, and about 11 o'clock walked into an adjoining room and suddenly falling unconscious, died without a struggle in two or three minutes. He was quite a remarkable character and his life reads somewhat like a romance. He was born at Wil mington, was appointed a cadet at the .Naval Academy at Annapolis through the influence of Senator Thomas II. Ben ton, Berved for many years as an officer in the United States navy, from which : he resigned shortly before the late war, was appointed a captain by the Confed- GEORGE ALLEN & CO DEALERS IN General Hardware AfrriosiHurci Implements. Iow:-'., I Ijir c vi x. Cultivator, l!r.es i;;id Asi8, Wood's Mowers ickI Reapers, riK'niii i ;Ji J ies, Cotton Ciins noti ProHsee, Fertilizers, lain, I Plaster. Kainlt Mechanics Too! and Hardware, Lime, Brick, Cement, Planter Hair, Paint, Kalsoniiiie, Var nish, Oil, ijlass. Putty and Hair. Freezers, KcfriK-erafrors, Oil Cook Stoves, Kuroka liurfrlar Proof Susb l.aicks, warranted to Rive security and satisfaction. P11ICK8 V la It Y row. !:). ALL la V X CO. Died, at her resid ence erate estates government, ana ever since on Saturday evening, the war has resided near Pittsboro. He had travelled all over the civilized Asesnieiit and Odin 1 ion of !'.:t m has L-tui tne Stite Tre iSLirer following : NOHTH CAKOl.lXA. TllllA-l k I'll: 7 K .lei,; M o . a ; 1 ss.9. Te th '..r-'s i f V.'.aa.'v : ',,;'i,aa..!uiio'.' .' Tne law jiiov uiiiig la t.ae appoint ment of lift takers by the banr.ls ( f county cmmif rioriers is not ra.-t- ri ,:ly chaneil. SectMbr. 9 aid 1J. of "An Act ta rrmiue fur tiif As-. -.-ment if Property and Coi :e. ;ti m ,,t I .xes. ' rmiiii-il the 11th dy of Mareu. jVj. are. however, hert-wrh c iLiiiin.i.auil t i you for your guiaan, . in a Ivan -e of the publication and d i-i n an i . n . f ihe act bv the Secretary of bt.-.te. Very respectf ull v , L. V.'. La'.n. Mat" 1 re M.ieh 111 a Mrs C. C Snciirhf in t.hM 4-th v.-ar 'of her ae. The deceased ! world, and bad accompanied Commo was a 'most excellent lady laved by all J dore Perry, in 1852, on the first exprai who knew her. on t0 Japan. He was a skilled navi- . ' o - u v. gator and a scientist of unuRual attain- laruoro bautnerner: Spinning has be-1 entg He wag fa fir gu g (h( zun fct the coitoa ftory, but only on , x eervice Pyetem which is now so ''in- frame. Since last week the frames TiuaDie for the spoo'ers haw been put up. Now j t e machinists are at work on the warp-j News and Obeerver: A private tele ing machines. Booms like mumps i gram received here yesterday evening are catching, and Edgecombe county is j from a party in Washington stated that r.ot - tand inv; idle while its county seat, Hr. Nichols was in the lead in the con is t'oina forward. The Swift Creek and I test for the public printing, and that his saiieai Oil Mills at.es. this as well as the j friends expect him to win' The new- pr i - i at Couetce. The idea iy appointed justices of the peace are seem , i.av ;a r.e cut that the raw j requested to present themselves at their i r, i : a a - c lii ooui.tr y s aould be util- earliest convenience before the clerks of ... a. courts and be sworn into office. The . j r. TIT. u "We '-I -i.il some weeks clme anowea is sixty uays irom jiurcn .' - J a finefield for a I r8t- he matter should receive at '.tticerr The seizures of tention in good timo.- Several car i t-ani bundav morning ; tinth.t assertion. This. ' through here yesterday cn rout-to Mississippi. anoiner case aeaiusi , r-.rv, ..-ro t at live rev the ! no wi t i i- - 1 r-.i. vlinicttliflftnnnrliini. .. . . t ..-..-v ppw. ; - .,.,: TO.,!, ., h r.-.r.re mav be done along i OI " ml " u','" ,,,'r Ja-liro Bvnum savs 0ur ' Superior Court on next Saturday, . he w th best arranged and cnarges in this case are those of false e lie has been in in the , f1CLC"oc' " a t b en to Now Berne.- brought m by the grand jury. Messrs j Alfred Williams & Co. have in press . . . : "Seventh North Carolina Digest, by er to the acc: den t . v ' it -e act is, d .iildl :i llciai.l. o groa' lii-roaaissance consent, ot the same h world when obtained b is that the latter is t ae ou account of the no ; ence in the case. Mas' THEHK was never s. terest in the industria of the South as is now shown, and there is every indication that a fiiHKl of immigration and vast money investments will result. The national importance of this move ment cannot bo exaggerated from it is likely to come the solu tion of many of the serious prob lems which are now exorcising the publicists of the I n;,'ed States. There is no cure for race le.duusies ami train t ion ai etu n and complete perity, which interest l u t he in ai u : en ; tri'Miv, Detroit Free Pi .- u r e r . Section 9 The board of county com missioners hhall annaallv. at their have grown common in the last few , April session, except in tha year when ears, to purchase votes in coutroll theresball bean assessment ot property appoint one competent person in each ing elections than from any other tosvns ip to list ail the hm is therein at calls.'. I do not see a remedy, but the valuation assessed en the same . and ,, . . ., . all peisjnal property in sai-i f-.vniiip all the powers of the Government, s id board of comm.. --.aouer-iijw .-fate aud Federal, legislative, such to wcsr.ip list t-.i;trs mi n ... , - , . . , sation for their services as judicial aud executive, ought to be : Bhall de .U!t an,, usel to break down this vile aud bv the countv treasurer. growing practice. The charge that 's- F..ch t.,w,nip h,t taher r- b i pointed uuder trie niiUi,,rny ot -c.i' the negro vote is suppresseu in tne nine of tin- ac; shall a ie r ise in nv South, it it were true, ought to give n'ore public places tron the town ' r ship, immediately after his c.ppoint- to the patriotic thinking men of ment. notify ing ail tax payer, to return the country far less concern, for to him ail the real and psr-onal pro, er- ty which such tax paert.baii own oo the future of the Kepublic, than the Br(lt (iav of June. Ja,i s.ii r-tu-n h i-m-l - ,:ii.-.-t i-i -rate. ' ' I 1": Kl. J riiNAT. 1 vi.mmgion aeni'K-. l ne ooara or , tj. All. a ar nf tho Feiler;il dire frs ul th'J Wilmington and Wei- i r.nrt Th rnlnma will rnmnrioo nomp npany have authorized Rnn " OH onj wiii rnntin a rareful payment of three and a half per , . . ',, ,h :n the North Caro- incates of indebted- lina Supreme Court Reports from vol- n P. cent, inter na-s of t!i st on cer Ccr.ipany : SO in inn Tho nrnfssainn will rp- treasurer's rfrice in this city on and ' j reinilar announcement in a few alter ira1 i.-i oi iiiii. nn-j aay ihit ti.-' prospects oi tne trucaers ana f irrr.ers o:i tho coast wero never better trcm L'-Vei The World Stands Aghast a r i ' j aw I'KtcKS. :i that I can Bell ; i ' 'lie id HP? a. termined to be , -ii. and WORK 'i'.AI.ING. "ii'. and you will JOi'ES, i lerne, N. C. CORN! Bushels ale And wor.de.- . Jin SO much lower li' I'll tell oa : 1 I pail v sn: i-it. : f r FOR".SMALl. Pi. My .Motto i-; 1 Come u:.d '. ;s I never r. ,;r- til. s Mi 00,060 hoc a r. z :iptn hoard ' p :l.i or ineysay d Adjutant General James D. RJ U i f t 5 i P. Oil Glenn states that the time set for Iff kJ&iiStsfW lA UUi they now are. With continued Wrightaville this year is Tuesday, July 1 tEfEitAL s-.!? in, P of them will have a 9th It will Cfmtinue ten days. A nn MwiS!!Tnv MPRPTTAWTS private letter received by a party in , - A?D GJ AIN DEALERS, The hail did not touch them. i: .-iiingliam It icket: We congratulate : this city gives the sad intelligence of . oarfri n is of the Spring Hill section the death by burning of the little up. u the pro-poet of soon having a rail- , daughter of the Rev. Mr. Rose, who road . Miss Annie Sedbury, daughter ! wag formerly Episcopal minister at Ox- 1 Mr Jr. s edbury. of Mineral Springs ; f0rd, and who was well known in this ,..' i - aa aied in Pee Dee village on state. He went from there to Birming- a-c.i p.aout ii. years.- ham, Ala. , about eighteen months ago. hear ot any one naving the -'-: 1 It: Dei VUU e ti,,. nu-.-.ries irtiae'.- There is a young ia i v ir. t.w;i who h,-:d them several e .a- laoiiii'l v. ho i. now courined to Mahket Dock, MaW ItUICMa. N. c. Consitrr. c ,,;:r produce. this habit of depending upon accumulated money to decide the shall be made to the listt..;-:tr ourin the month of June, under the pain- ;o d penalities prescribed uv 1 iw. Ja-.ch litt I- ii . E is question who Shall make OUT laws taker shall attend at two or more earn towrsap urine pui , s. so I as ;s ne:a: creat i s a i , , omjit pros- I; III Oil :' liar- It is reported that the Cotton f For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. Writ for Catalogue to JOSEPH KINSEY. Principal. .in 1 n V t'O.NSV.M ITIO A a old ph ys ., in a , r liaTlnt' had nt",-. ,' - 1 Bagging Trust which suspended at India iHi.taoiiary the f St. Ixiuis under th Are nf th feKotahh- reua dy I, r t farmers han survived. Our farmer friends have only to remember the words of Gen. Taylor at Baena Vista, "a little more grapie., Captain I?rKff." nd down it come. Th speacb of Secretrry Tracy, going to show that a protective tariff will increase the wagea of American haborara, ia being circo lated in tho M&nafacCDring districts l HHI) m&nent e C't.rrh. A-th AtTwtiens. a',, r pes for Nervo-.n pet,:!;' t'nmplun'.. fif'er l.a derfu! rural lve cjuies, 1iji.s felt It las , to hi Buffering fell, motive ADd a dthirA -faring. I will 'ti,l t: ho desir p., lias French "r Euk-a.h u preparing and usmtr. drf BsiDg i'.h man, ., W. A S..1 t- : la 1 ' tr. X. V. 1; y ;,a l-la.st a siUj.le Had per- aeintlH. 1! Ii.-'n: ,.ti.l l.r.n v " ;i ' radical c a re -'id ad Nervous UK' tested its won s ia :L',afinds of d ity to niskf 1: known - Actual, d by this ;'"e ii anaia su f- e ef charge, to nil ecipe ia (l-rnian, : ii fail ,1 -ct 11 ins ( r S' rt ! y mail t-y a 1 nr.tt.ing tlr- t'!,;-r T.. Hi ' !..,.... s vt w". v and what those laws shall be." Governor Eagle, of Arkansas, said: 'The tendency to corrupt the ballot box is alarming. The buyer of votes with money is only one step removed from the man who steals and destroys ballot boxes. To drive men from the polls with intimida tion is about the same as to draw them there with money. Theetlect in the latter case is worse because it destroys principle. A man who would admit that he had used large sums of money to influence votes may occupy tho Speaker's chair in New York, but such a man could not occupy a high place in the State of Arkansas." il.ia ita: A CHILD KILLED. Annther child killed by the use f opiates given in the form of iSoothirg Svrup. Whv mothers give their children such deadly poison is sarprisiDc; wh.n thev can relieve the child of its pecuhar troubles by using Acker's Baby Sootier 1: i-eiuaLns no Opium or Mo phine S- Id lv It. lierrv, New Berne. N C. in t king a lis At hint The fell, the I'nion M-etu - dap'. 1st AsS, a-;,.; a a C, ddrb'iro D iai is" GO h and :!;.t I--1.0 riiaav-M ,.: 1 1 .,: - to i : . or POHi' Topic Svsu ni c.a Woods, n and J C ' N I a ; i T . Iniraau toiy sn Hires. .-ATL'i.I'.W i Topic S,.bbal, 1 ' crata.n. U 1 1 Lev. 1 ArTI'S.-a.)' Tiipdc Sjnday Sc 1. IteUtion of School . Jas I !i ins r 2. Relation of 1 School. J. t I. Ar.a .-. pr i; erty for ; pi act s a si Ot' rae of :! l:!,C ta the .0;h. It is a oca an have t'ae measles but once, a. a dectrovs that theory. aa Cay Economist: Tho Dis-, al w.ii:ip Canal was sold to a North ii Cucipar.v soiiif weeks ago and the i- v. a- c.-i.ib ii'.t'i on i ta li p. .id f--r u is ors -'. impr ay emer.ts . 1 ne 1 .- f r ,d a aaii;: ap-ech, and upon lhu gumtilt.re has been no rer aaaui his age and past . b pain which tho tooth 1 d li. W, Oe r v law CltO. Al.I.It.V cT L ' Statesville Landmark: The indica tions are that quite a number of our DeoDle will visit New York on the oc- l.ci . . , , . e J-lined case of casion 01 tne cemeuu .ou.al.oU - supposed that a me inauguranou ui -.niUv, tist, recently performed quite a novel examine our k. operation for Mr. A. V. Farfes, one 01 whoBe eye teeth was giving him trouble, having an abscess at the root, causing fr,lal rmn m 1 o.i nnd makiny the eve t?"5"-by- , fje water. Dr. Sapp drew the tooth and s-s.j.oiij. and the Mr parBi looking at the gap it left, ru will commence pented himself that he had ever parted ': . nSallOual Case Dclra,l thnl- il- ho rtn- hack. i was State vs. Tfae dntlst accordingly disinfected it, arson, ills case 5, ,.j ifitr th l.-.n. rf n hour up. n a plea of guilty by lt oack where he got it. It is grow- wyer. in a short, - tilf, soreness has cone out of newai 01 the nain which tho tooth formerly ,. . he was .sontencc-u to ( caused and it bid8 fair to last Mr. Parks ,;y l .a seven years. ' his lifetime. Our folks are still enii- aiietin: The brush Sres on grating. In the course of a note Mr. las lor tho past week have yV B. Hardin writes us from Mast, exit a-ive. Thece tires at Watauga county, that 50 to 75 persons sent a be lutiful sight, and left that county one day lsst week for 11 h never tire ot looking at. Washington Territory, cow the State of 1 bogs and cats which showed Washington. Thomas Brotherton. of e.-ery eveii raeaf being affected with Sharpeuburg township, shot Junius a-, are; ii .hi;,. v,a re killed at Valleytown Summers last Sunday mcrning, inllict e. ;',.w a ry.s ugo. Sanie days previous to jng a wound from which he, died Tues il, i-.-, ime ef tha hags wt-re known to iay afternoon at 4 o'clock. The shoot- u-.v e been bitten by ft rabid dog. The ;Dg took plack on Brotherton 's own areiiiiiin irv work taat is being done on : premises. He is a bachelor. Summers riae Cii .tiaia oaa, Cleveland and Murphy bad a wife and three children and had ie.ilroa i in ti.ia county is progressing been for five or six years a tenant of finely, and u iO frmi 1.0 0 to l.a'ih nun at work cn 8amo let, his wife doing Brotherton 's thi- road in loss than 6J days. cooking, wasoing and house-keeping. Charlotte Chronicle: Samuel W. WTil- Brotherton was taken into custody by - c, of I'.iw Creek township, yesterday Deputy Sheriff Summers and was t r.sugln hi wife to this city and had lodged in jail here that night, 'rer el lined in the county jail Mrs. .. .. Wiis m is vi.'ieutlv insane, and she was I JURE WINES AND LIiL'ORS for ,a ,1 ,,.. i oi ta e.w:-iir. a renlv in re- X Medicinal and other uses for sale gard to her admission to the asylum in ' by Lock To Your Interest! Parmers, Country M rchr.nts Bnd the Trade generally are u.vit. 1 to call and f Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions. Etc. lways l.'i-;i 1:1 stock the cele- We brated State Frit. 011 and Farsona Boots and Shoes. apt : v ef Florida iaii'.ii'in Cigars iciit t'y us direct ae p Wi v- r Every pair w.iraai We hav a in,.' Cheroots and 1' These mm. Is aie from the 1' .1(1, i v. K-y" Saulf at M oiuf n tnrer'n Prices. K:':' ' 1 ouhle to sliow Kooiis. ROBERTS BROS., South Front at.. New .Berne.lV. O. iture!! SUTER Ilan (.p. lianti and is rpccivinfr every day h p! . -1 im n n.'i r I nr v : 1 i 1 h chum hT BAtH. wouiiin t surprise us to Brothertoi's, living in a house on the hp.tTr w;,i.,,, b,,r..u-. wardrobes, miitircoi-i-s. (iaiirs, b-utige. sofas, eto.. Jamfis Redmonp ef. lie I - a a rc- a ion f borne -made work of bfd-l.MiiH, eof.i . tables, bureaus, '. tc, w hich are neat aini i Prices liot torn. se6 d w -ul stantial. It'-rlit Do ., ii to JItOCk Middle sf. New irtne. ' 4 W '3: ... ' I i',t - '''-4 3 ;', ' , 1 I ' j A i t - ' . c. i -i A N-s) t " ' -I e .1 I m

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