. . , ,a , , , a v - t a 'v , vi V r-i . - v V;-?v ''4tw - ,fc ' .- .,,.. ...I. T.nT---- - -- II-Ic-JIJm ' j-j-j.. .-.'T- . A-.... i-. ' , v- 1... " ' 'fv " - v . .'- U THE JOURNAL. BEWBXL1C.X CATIH. MSI. MM. J.T.mATt pM ktaa rtpta (tva la U ; U !!, S. WU1 IMl4P TW Ulk f nUvc Mill rar a-U. ts fMMriM WcJl worxA Mr Uaxa, t7 MJIrMd Itat eava e-a o- iininrii awnm - Dra XL Ltwfe. A- J- J ,L Womm, Eq., uXIiNftJ cOiar a sal4 Ui pio aMJac of iK Aiia S PnHV( AaaooiMicw OoUkoro Uit 0141. CLtlllia BATES. ;ocmil and Yoalh't Companion $3.50 Amr"tt.l.Ticaojr!t 3.33 Hoathm CuHiTtr 3.83 " DiaorM'i MAxin 3.00 " ScUatifio Amrica. 4.00 " 84. 5lcboJJ 4.00 " Ontary 5.00 " Detroit Fill PTe ... 3.30 " North Amer. Rariew 3.33 Nw York World 3.33 Str 3 33 iloco mud Finn 1.73 Courier Joaniil 3 50 " Ntwiind ObMntr. 3.50, ' Harper Ml 50 Weekly i'O , Yaong People 3 .00 Intertited in Onlo'w. . Prccccdings cf Board cf Commissioners Be.ieTinj thkt you ar more interested . of Craven County, in the SaildinK of railroad from x, . , , Ooldibototo Onslow than any editor I The board of coimi.onprS cfLraven know a , I sabsait these thoughu for county met in regular at-seion Monday, MAHKS1 OPEMMi. I j oar consideration. j The aboTe paxacraph is from a com ' monicstion to the Ooldseoro Argus in i which the writer U urjclog the feasibili ty of building a railroad from Oolds boro to Swansboro. It is perhaps true, rery true, that the editor of the Argus is mors interested in building a railroad from GoicUboro to Onslow than any other editor, but if ths writer means to oonrey the thought that the editor of the Argus has manifested more interest April 1, 1-9, at 11 o'clock a m" Pren ent, Jamss A. Bryan, Chairman; E. W. Smallwood, J. A. Meadows. l,iuiel Lane and Wm. L'lcve. The following were appointed tax listers for 13. Township No. 1, W. H. Lilian. No. 2 S. Y. Latham. No. 3, R. A. liuje I. No. 5 W. P. Stanton: No. 6 J i II. liurtrr. No 7, Wra. Foy: No. S. W. M. Watson. No 9. M. V. Car m on. j The her;:T '- r p-rt wa hats led in Atlantic Baptist Associnti : n. Tne union myelin,? t-f n.-fireiiO ivc from the various chtin hes. ccnsti'.u'.inj the Atlantic Ilr.ptiit Auioeintion, cel. vened in (joidJoro oa Friday last. The attendance was euoh &6 has usually characterized the tiiL-eim The morn ing session was d-.-voted to the matter of organization, and the reception of . I Aa previougly advertised, O. Marks reports fretn the various ciiurohea. In 1 had set apart Tuesday for toe opening tne afternoon the subject of systematic of his colossal emporium on the corner beneficence was discussed by llt-vs. C. , NOiilU C'AEOLLVA NEWS. Mammoth Brick. Buildiup Filled with the Largest Stock of Goodx Lvcr Seen in New Berne. Beautiful Day Large Crowds Pres ent Many Expressions of Admiration. A. J. Hires and J. L 01 eJUJ eMasiaair have in arc4 ta Oeefe e IbaSapartor Court s kfp hk record ra ih uii oich was) hmilt fu the pa roe, but bae iitsi few fsrmien la the cwalv fcve BihftliutU(Mn. Mr. J . . tt.or Cy U th Sv 9rUr tk,a la to ttM aoa io tau IK hurry o piaattawtaer take mr ! nJ pui sjeaitaiax vadvr t4 to snake t shou. Tkm savU eevice ut tsporu ' " A tlAnta Coostltution. J W Old tubecribers rwlT.ai tne Jor- ; " ti7in to sure railroad facilities and was acceded and iLed. ,,, ..i w v.,. mr of thus , for Umlow county than any senior ne i i eier iri.way. cnnsianie -eiect pprs, can. by mailing application to ! knows of, then he has not reaa the the offlo-e In person or by letter, hare a Jova.vaL for the last ten yean. statement of their account on our books The inimitable iisnrr mount once id that, "He that tootelh not his No. A . ahowinc what theT will have to remit to entitle them to any of tha akove publi- owa horn the same shall remain in a cations they naar seleci. to w n h i p bond , K pOl D ttd . M J Watk.i.. to t r i r. -.'. r I.: Pii n tf if i " io of hiiv ing failed to give --til. Jr. , n ap ( 1 1 -1 n Cm AND VICINITY. Th ?ta:-' MwLcs,; Convf i.tio.. tu- '. K.:tal'th City on ti.- Ktli " 11 Man Dncn A WUIett roaJn state of nntootadness. " At the risk of being considered egotistical we wish to street recall some of the efforts of the JuCR- r.i. red that ih Xii, m behalf of Onslow and to listera appointed assure our friends in that county that comuinM.'m-rs in our efforts to kep before the public the next. lelk niei t t M n j e i n 1 1 s f i o n from F i v e e on U't toy the tax the board of n-1 ay in May of Middle and Pollock streets. I Early in the morning the door were thrown open and by nine o'clock the ! crowd began to gather, gradually in' creasing until about four o'clock in the j afternoon when the numerous aisles, were fi.led with, ladies principally, ; examining the different departments. A full complement of polite and busy clerks were at the. various counters to 1Dg the discussion, after which a gen- 1 loin the State Papers. Raleigh Visitor: Mayor Thompson sent a party to the workhouse today for thirty days, as a nuisance. Sandford Express: A fruit canning establishment lias been organized at Keyei;r, with a capital stock of S3,O0O. Elizabeth City News: So far this has oeen the best season in many past for fishermen. The opening exercises at Ayoca begin on April 23, on which day the editorial banquet is set. Durham Tobacco Plant: Strong ef COMMERCIAL. COTTON. New Bei!.e, April 2. New Berne market steady. Sales of 10 bales at 9 1-4 to 10. A. Woodson Whitty. Eq. At niht the introductory : forts are being made to bring the local sermon was preached to a good audience option cause into disrepute. Let its by Rev. A. J Hires, of Kinston. After fri "and firm as a rock in this j crisis and with faith take for their a short uevotioual service on Saturday motto: --Trust in God and do the right. ': morning, the subject of Sabbath ob Morganton Star: Our farmers tell us servance and desecration was discussed that the present prospect for wheat is by Dr. R. H. Lewis, of Kinston, and J. M. Brinson, Esq.. of New Berne, open- Am vmtulv a-athecta t9 hwlhiel as Uke fttwsi poalorrlce .ava4 have arrea fotd wii that lUi Farrow's satt ae bn .-! from tktt. 1ay uo h s ib- Atm Dctl( I taa froaj-o rvai the th is t , Ta atraas (or fa ptaw i UZ."av, ta add.tioc vtnployin, a 1 Trirlty - . aarvtm asaaniJiar. caagat o to U to 0 JaiavaCU. Um a are MaJUg ib- r ( TO ,,.r T. - smiuom wSMuraesvi ib-t hmld ale pmysv aassaiags a day and aak lfca4 las fcaa It of las rreulii asay b Vald yasa thMS thas their tftc may ; twquirsd by th pwriaMt ' - XecteaM Uod( fseartt beusaea dull im Ms offlc. He aaye there m a grmt '4- tTUit off ia t aasahMC of snort4ave ' f waght la fM riaarUoo. When it 1 M MlfwMa Osl Iks 4f um In the yios tarpMtlM tas eoaetaJag to do LIUk U h aroaisJy refatad the eug V aioew aay tag Im tha aurxh side of Kms fV UKvesUss. chkiksa, potato ouoatry a esuoa) never gave section lu: nurJay. We ar iiid.rrarl that there ibutoc bar rocm la !!! county. Hyde, ho w svsr. i not a dy c anty. A p.n4! car i informs u that th f't bll match 1 w . n V k Eorevt and :i i'T i ho f rmer by S3 Ston waU Itenu. x -t r.-n ing an entire r. w drrae. and when the im pOTtus; r. y :n frorene are com -pletad she will te rery nanJsome. Mr. llr -olt wu : tiie V'.xchango Tuerlay wi'.h a iot ot , cott... luoh. . is u.uai wh h;m, csraman led '.he highest pricn. U ttjk.nci : i cen'ji f r a prt o( it. Our thankt are tnderd the lies peruua Literary Society at Trinity t'ol Uge for an invitation to attend their public dsbale April Uih. Ur A. H. While from our neighboring town. Polio t ills, u to b the orator of the 1 day . . ,, For omeiimo back the city of Coluro- weaiher aa we axe having bow would - M saake aay J be had U Heated tor ' bia. 8 (.' rtu ixrn o,tkia an effort to eettbiMh ruanuiactuncg Industrie in taeir midac. The last ru ruber of the Record put iiah-d tSere. oimiains an accuuu. of a furniture factory moving torro t r , m N 1 Tk ith 1 ' ipttaJ of fJO.OXl t J ts our lat Iuom voa " ' w y Kt, X F. Ctoapaa kaia instead of Mrs. Caapweaav a silas ddlr o aweislly ta or " Oa laaS Sunday ih Hismt- o try Hap sjaia fcutd) eavvtem m iair a .nun h 1st Bayttocv. tha It-. C. Durbi ot Um aad a good eulii . an i . TV Fre WU1 B.ptwu hvd men u -ehjaraai at Treat car Wo.l bi noutac I fir gioO sneetuig m it 1 hr Hi j . aajas) a largv er I Mw . u a here ' ta an axare UapcU ehurrn ta Pamltco tt ts a a ice aaa CMOiatodioa houte ot wroreaip. aad to TUoa J Saeryer and ka ajsaaaara im taa4 swagbborfeood be oa Ua eradi o (ta Wiasi bvlU. Oa the) day a Marc, at the reel aUaKw of Uoaba Fiahar. eoi.. dd at the advaacwd ifsef 1 year. Feaay Al way. Sha wea hey aid doU the esdeea aersosi la Paaaiio eowary. li ao ia th aaaaerm part a warh OaroJiaa. She 4 -Maaaty teeoilaoged lb Kevoloiiooary War aad Oasa. WaahUgtoei. Sha was raaaawkaady aaaSsThaly aad aWby ap to m fe saosasaa Soe her deavh. She aad oaly hwaa ward ot the eoanty for aaoal lee y Of hsaith aad etreasrih reaawed and of earn aad e fort fatarwa the aaa ot 0yraa ad Fie a. aa U acta ta aaxaaoay vhk aatmwe affeetaaily mltmMom tba ' I saesn waea aeeUva or Mtioae. For -aaja ta 90a. aad fl-ft aottlea by alt lead- aSOar (Oaalav Ca.) lUaaa. - Taw aaaay rrlaada of Mr. Law. Marine wtU fea (1a4 W kaaer lhas fea hae gooe lav taa saarnaptlia bejsiaise acaia. Us kaa fseeatiy bail large etoreaowa - Tba (areaara la laav seaooa are basy pewswrtac k plaaa taetaer ero; bat few am eas-tac rartuiaara tale They Sad hi pave to raiae each at ' v ' I' ' R ;erts of ia e h oone r ktilia 1. ! i i ;. . r n hr J f rom . Ha at i r. f lu- Wmi India Inlands on the u.; tt, of hi letter, tstl bad to tjait .;;! anothr uland to dUpv of ui recnwia lr of his cariro, which h b jp 1 to r h by lh3l in stant, lie rport tho lumber market there very dui. The loae to shipping and human life poo the eeas during tne bouterons aaooth of March juet paeeed seems to have oiade an anxieaaliy high record. Tba coast of oar own State has shared ao little the fata uy. w hich ooatinaadly Brgee the importance of better equipped life saving service and the beet light houses off lialteras that cm be en gtaeered. Cai. E. W. roavSalia eoij 100 worth as? pan Ue4 year froea foar paar treaa. TatCoL Ml a rood faraiar too. aavt&g I aaada foart bairn ot aoatoa oa six 'rarai year ago. J. Usra baa eoid aeariy 10000 warvb ot enseoa fraea Bve acrae saaca H baa oakivaaad the five every year eiaoe taa war, aad it tea a boat atx heiea every year. a aakaawa veaaai wUa stgaala of diaamas waa eeaa ocT Is River bar I Swaday. aad oa Moaday ts wee an ahoat a as lie froon shore. Cape WUIlaat Moor of tba scar. A J Marine triad Io ga oal to U la bia jawt boas bat leva aaa waa too roaga; having obtained a larger baas aa saartad acaia next aaarmiag. bag before aa v to it they hiisale t saui aad weal oa toward Bean fort. It ta rapposel seekaaoa or death aad visited tba ere w. Wbal baa bacoeaa of the Onslow rail road? Soaaaaiaaaa we bear of a saw T the next thing w bear ia that lab) eold. li it a aaoaay-amah last acbaeae ta g tba Lactaiataro to graaa eoariars. aad than sell oat. per nape to soae other ooapaay? Wa east a railroad froea eoenawbere, wa doat mach care tf. Wa veer load tba other day by a yoaac gvotleeaea that tba raiiroad ONmld aooa bo bar, aad vasa we aabod bias wkeva H waa eovnlag froot keM. -'raaa Neaaaa to Wilnaiaaraoo. aad tbaa a New Baraa, via Jackaoa vUL. W tulj bias we tboaght be saost he Bstatalea. thai ba aaeaat War aaw. baa ba woald bar tt Meaeea Weil, aaayba w will gee oaa froai Nee- i a boat a aooa aa frooa aaywbere a. cam ot laroaoy wa tried before aaa at oar SBagaaratea. W. A. Caoedy. lata week, t eat Satarday a aagro by of Otiver Red rick broogbt lata to tba store of Mr. W N MarfaM toaalL Mr Maria aorehaeed Vh paaa, aad aa they bad the appear aaoa of batog; deaard with a nacaln. laOQght they ware hia. However he jjiiS eaiiiigi irriinni to bsiag CHiver to x tad aa the toi io w log Monday, when Iba aegro adagluad that ha took the aaa oat of tba g n aooa Friday night by goiag ta tbt;oagb tho bait boie, aad aarryiag lhana oa at a tide door which wa barred laeide. Ha lao4tcatvd an Otber negro, Carolina Pearsoo. the ferryaiaa, whoca ba said asaieted him bo get the) peaa aff Oliver was also tn d tetad tba same da y for laklar aa axe kaadlafrooB tba etor of E. ii. South Caroliaa gave bood for hia appearance al eeart. baa Oliver wea taksa to jail - Ivy depoty aaantT J. T. Canady and Owaa Jaetic. Oliver bae eerved ooe year ta tba paaitaatary for bdVglary uoaaialsts t la tbia aalghborhood a few yaaraaco. ' ' at Caesa as I Taotaaaada raffer f roan blood poieoa wba woo. Id ba eared if they gave B. B B. (Botaaio Blood Balsa) a trial Send taa Biood Balm Co.. AUaata, Oa. . for aooa: af woodarfai raxea, that oooviace tba aaoal skaptiaaJ. Il le sent free. J. O. Oibaoa. Maridiaa. Mas., write 'For aasabwr of yaars I so flared un told aaiaale frcm biocd potaoa . 8ev arm! arcaaiaaat physloiaoe did m litU t aa good. I basraa ta am B B. B. wiitk vary little faith, boa. to mr utter extTpriaa it ba at ad a as a will and haaxTTBaTaoa." X. T. Haibartoa. Maeoa, Oa . write . I Boatractad blood potaoa. I &m tried aoeaieaaM. aad tbaa went to Hot Boris g. I rataraad aoene a ralaad gaas awyeaaaily. Mohiag ecad la do aaa aay good. My snath sr peraaaded ga U tr & B. B. To aay attar eetoa bmbeaaat every aloar qoachly healed " Baa). Mosria. AUaata, Oa.. wtMm ! aailerwd rears from syphilitic blood which rvfesed to ba mred by all Aa Item for the Wilmington Star, The following dsath notice waa sent la last nighr Fanale Alway. col . died at Limbo FYeber ' oa the fTth of March 1!34. was bora la Kto. Was a member of the caarch for flfy year, and remeaib.-ed OeoaraJ Waeniagtoa welt. Mew Mas tra.ee Measre. W OUrer. C E. Foy. E. B. Cox and Samuel W. Small wood ap peared before the Clerk of the Court yaeterdey and were duly qualified as magistral The first named oa this last ia ready to perform the nuptial eereaaoalee whenever called poo free af charge, aad we venture to say it will be doe "ieoently end in good order." Fotand Bead in the River Tne dvad body of an unknown colored was found floating in Trtnt river Friday just below the railroad bridge. The keeper of the bridge die- covered th body, tied it to the bridge aad sect for Corooer odea. Tne Coro ner summoned a Jury and after exami nation agrerd up-n a vsrdict that the1 man came to bis death by blows from the hands of some unknown person. The neck bone was broken and ths body terribly bruiaed in several plaoee. The man waa aajadged to be about twenty Ave or thirty years old and was sapcoeed to have been dead about one eaoath He coui I n t be identified by 1 any ooe. It le possible that he is the sams man who waa kn'Xked r tT a vood boat some two or three weeks iri several milee baio w ihe city, bo t p rt ire who saw the body say not The boo y waa turoed over to lb eoanty undertaker f r burial. New Be nua Uo-0:ed. Rv. U C. Vase. D D.. has been elect ed to mem berth ip ia the "Xmencan In st 1 tat of Cbrlatian Pni.. . " Tnie ia ao important and notable cr gamxatioo cf acbolara and aciealista in America and T-urope Its object ia to cultivate the tu !y of the relations ba leen science and religion, and aa pacialJy to produce and circulate cbol eriv uieratur aotao'.iag tLe toech id of antici(m. mater lal :oj , and very f n m ut false pbiloeophy. Cur root modern litrraiure i foil of insid aooi aa well as open infidelity, and the youth of the land are to be guarded in meeting thrae wide and subtle latlu encee This aociety is working in this domain, and publish as its organ a periodic 1 cal.ed ''Christian Thought." In its 'ir, t membership we ae-e such Dtoii u 11 ii Kemp P. Battlr, Pree't of the University of N L . , one of the Vice President , Hon. Too. F. Bayard, Pree. Lee of Waahington-Ie Univer sity, PreeiJent Pat ton of Princeton Univsrsity . Profs. Simpson of Edin burgh University, and Sukee of Cam bridge, rlogland . Bishop Fallows and Hurst: Prof li. L Dsbney, D.D., of Tsxas. Wm E. Dodge, Joe. Cook, and hoe. of iuc.i strong men of this genera tion. Rv. C K. Deems, D.D., is Praei- Jnl. Such sn ir.iaiulioo for such work with such a membership must be DO n erf Uar intljeciial for good in the cotinlry . - ut Holt, bat Basinrss !" Is the way a Western man pat U in sx praeeuig to a frind hU complete salia I action in the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleaa aat Purgative Pellets. So small aad yet so effectual", they bid fair to sup pfaat entirely the old style pill. Ad ar-redy remedy for Sick aad Bilious Headache, Blliousneea, Conatipeiioc aad ail blood diaorders. Mild inaction, wernderfal ia effect. Put ap in vlaie, ooavmlanl io carry. Their nee attand- wealth. reeources and possibilities of their county and the necessity for rail road facilities have not relaxed, and that the seed sown in the p&et are be winning to take root and laneible result will soon f ol lo w. The editor of the JuIRXaL remem bers when he stood alons as an advo cats for a small appropriation to the Quaksr Bridge road in a meeting of the magistrate of J.d ocuntj. He re members how ths idea of building a road through the pocoein was ridiculed, some' newspaper corresoondents de clariag Ibey could stand ou a tussock in the pocoein and shake an acre. But a privets fund waa raised by the enter prising businees men of New Berne and a few citizens of Onslow snd Jones, a survey was made, the editor of the JovilaI. being ons among the first to pay out money for that purpoee. The survsying party began on the Onslow side and expected lo go through in one day. On the evening of the second ' day after tbsy bad been out, we, in company with two or three others, went out from the Jonse county side in search of them. They were met about two miles from the plantations and it was aftr night before they got out, having cut their way through the briars and thick undergrowth an entire day with out anything to eat. Tbsy came through on the evening before the fearful storm that washed away the Atlantic Hotel at Beaufort. But ws are digresiicg. Ths work of constructing the road wag be gun the following winter under ths 1 suprinteDdsnce of Mr F. O Simmons. The funds were soon exhausted, but enough had been donelo convince the moat skeptical that a road could be con structed and those who had ridiculed the idea became warm supporters of the enterprise. Aa act was secured from the General Assembly giving a number of convicts to ta-w-ork, and about that time the JuI KNal came into existence at Kinston and almost from its first issus it began to urge, agitate and demand that the convicts be sup plied in accordance with law. Our friends in both Jooee and Onslow re member the obstacle that were thrown in th way. The authorities were wrapped up with the idea of complet ing the Western N C. R. and all the convicts wsrs being sent to that work. But for the persistent demands of the people made through the columns cf the JoruwtLltis doohtfnl I' iwirlrti sver would have been sent to that work. But they were, after much do lay supplied and the final result waa the Quaker Bridge and Core Creek roads, both valuable and useful high ways. The JoiBXiL has also constantly urged the construction of the railroad froea New Berne to Wilmington, paaa ing through the heart of Onslow. It has published, perhape, fifty line on the subject where the Aryns has pub lished ooe on a railroad from Ooids boro to Onslow. But we have learned on thing, viz: that while constant egiaaiioa and demands made through a newspaper may secure the execution of a law, it takss something else to build a railroad. The Argus is doing its full duty in agitatinc the road from Goldaboro; the Jocr.vaL has done its work for the New Berne and Wilmlng ton road. and the business men of the two cities wilt soon have arrangements made for the consummation of the scheme. So mote it be. Dover. We note with pleasure the substan tial Improvements going on at Dover in this county. Several new buildings are in course of erection and the streets sre being regularly laid out and put in good condition. It is on the A. & N . C. R in the western end of the county and will some day in the near future be a great gra'n shipping station as well as lumber. Large quantities of the latter are being hippod .and one of the richest wsmpe in the State lie near there which is being drained and will be brought into cultivation in the near future The lands, it is said, are fully equal to the Hyde county lands. Djver's recent growth is due in a great measure to the energy and push of Mr. Levitt Hmss. who is operating a saw mill and planer and employs a largo number of bands. :l '. '. I . t ! I r-1'.i.ttv road y l-.sd laid off uiiiy is liable I miles nvir '. fhs road H.i : - I O-t - rii. wd uiitv fi r ntmn a -: tli o nt ly t t.e c hi r. t v , . - i i; r. t v will I . i r e rt-i ve ". ca-r s u ,;, ss to- li.-scr p cvv ;ni.i dei-d n sufficiently r. i of the Superior procure for his book of nettle- New Berne's Fair Heard From. The news of our Iste Fsir hss gone throughout the length and breadth of the land and by the nsxt annual exhi bition will be thoroughly advertised throughout the United States, ani the third exhibit will begin to approach the full measure of what we can show. The following notice is from the Chicago Religio-Philosophical Journal of March 16ih: New Berne, N. C, has just held an oyster and game fair, which was large ly attended. Th exhibits of oysters, I ciams. abad. rock flab a.d trout were remarkably floe. The game depart ment was a surprise to all visitors. Live deer, wild geeee, ducks, turkeys, swan, partridges, robins and roiny other birds known lo sportsmen were exhibited in groat profusion. The agricultural dis play indicated great natural wealth of reeources and products. Over one hun dred specimens of marl from several counties were shown, and nearly fifty varieties of natural wood. The jury a : p. i r. tt .i t" lav o if a road in township No "J. i'i kini;i; t; near the h' UK' i f W. 1. S'.dp.i-f i r 1 and connect ing the S: a ; 1 1 f r having r p r i - d t .' sai l ri :i I r. i. o 1 1. a: f 'T r o d a n . ,i ; '. wl.es." llliii th.' F i a . i t . ' I . r o i ( u : i r ! r- 1 ti that i . t i i : . ln1 r-.il I r t . de-.-r'i ;;.. '. lo de t; n i: L anil . t. ,t : d red in mi tion in tho defiuue for thin purpose. Ordered that tt.t clerk Court be instructed to office a State d oc k et and menu. Eioard toi k a rectus until ', U lock Tuesday, April 2 l-9 The board convened at '.0 oYl.nk a m , Tuesday. April ti l-J-9. Present. J A. Bryan, chairman . J. A. Meadows, D.niel I. -inc. K W Smali w ood and W m 1 I f v e Ordered, that the tali of costs for motions, orders and judgments record ed amounting to . :io be referred to thrt attorneys of the t oard and the chairman of the board with power to approve a n 1 allow Mich .n. t of raid sr- J Oount as may be found due. Ou mo 1 1 n . i 'om in n," ion e re S m al 1 w oo1 j and Meadow were Hpp int-d a com j mi t tee to hs i -1 i n m 1 1 . c in n ; between! the ShenlT and I'ounty ireasurer, ami lo audit and settle tlo- .vo .Hints ot the various county i tli 'et The following is a ii-t cf t e jurors drawn for the Ci-it ti-nin I the Su peri or Court ' f Craven County. hk.-,t wi:kk. No. 1 township W. A. MoLawhorn, W. B. Edward-i, Jas. F. Heath, Ed. Wbitford. No. 2 township W. A. Thomas, W U. loler. b. L. Wbitford. Jas B. O'Neal, Emmett Toler, (J. W. L'aton. No. 3 township J E. Kornegay, W. T. Hawkins, E. H, Lane. No. 6 township E D. Russell, J. II Hunter, H. H. Williams. No. 7 township Jno. S. Fisher. No. 3 township W. B. Boyd, T. E Marshall, Geo. llitchell, colored , Geo. D. Bowden, W. S. GaskiDS. Fred Doug las, colored, J. Lewis Fowler. A. M Baker, Alex. Miller. Needham Case. N S. Kichardson, v. :. Kiiourn, J. L Rhem. S. II Scott. W. N. Rus. Daniel Daugherty, colored . J I.. Thompson. No. 9 township L S. V. otheringtor, Abner Wetheringtou. SECC'M i W KF.k . No. 1 township timutfl Powers. W. F. Iancaster . No. 'i township S li Dann, Freder ick Belange, W. N. Noble. Alfx. Foy No. 3 township J. II. White. W. W. Davis. E H. Heath, W. W Diugherty No. 8 towaahip V. A. Tolson. jr. No. township E. F. Rjwe. W. T Dunn, A. J. Yecmins, W. G Brinson. Wm. A. Fulchrr. E E Usrivr, Chas N. Whitman. Ordered to the R- gister of Deedy be authorized U purchase a blanU record for deeds and a bottle of ink. Ordered that the rrquisiti m of the clerk of the Superi ir t'ourt be referred to chairman of the onn :in?n mere with power to act. Ordered that hereafter all vouchers Issued to paupers outeile of the poor house be issued for three months in stead of one . Ordered that upon the piyment by Cbas. Duffy, jr. of all l.ixes assessed against R ibert L- hman. on the hous nd lot purchased by him from said Lehman the claim of the county against said houie be released as profiled bv law In such cast s . Board ad j -urned tome-; firitt M ndv display everything aked to be seeo, THE BUILDING. The store is the largest and hand somest in New Berne 50x90 feet, three stories high, and basement, with ele vator intersecting evsry iloor. There are three main entrances, two large glass front on Pollock and one on Mid dle street. INTERIOR LOWER FLU"!; Tne two entrances on Pollack cUcet are elegant and spacious. You walk in on beautifully polished marble of mosaic design on which rests tastefully painted iron columns supporting the upper stories. The whole floor is almost as light ks day. Spjlves encircle the entire walls and are friled w Urt merchar d ise, and the counters, divided into sections, are also heaped with various displ ays of articles . The corner show windows will first catch the ej es of the ladies It is to exhibit the millinery department, located oc the second tloor The first section on the left is devoted to ladies finery: dress goods, china. Morie and striped silks, Henrietta cloth, Uhambrays, Albatros. striped and washed flannels and all thadeJ cash- meres. &c. Section two. farther on and to the left is given to embroideries, lawns, fine eral discussion od the part of most all of the vi.-iting brethren. Tne relation tine. The mild weather and eentle showers have Riven it a good start to grow. Lenoir ia to have a furniture factory. The money waa made up and the organization effected this week. Wilmington Messeng&r: Major W. R of th pastor to the Sunday school and ounjrleft some tine Irish potatoes on of the church to the Sunday school were the subj-cts of i Ucusgun in the afternoon, the leading speakers being Keys. II. V. P- 'e and J Love. Ou Sunday mornin . sermon of licv. C. A. Woodson, of M ..ohead. was highly enjoyed. lulhe iilttinoon the UsUnl services of the uuday e. hooi were dis pensed with the iiJJios; s to toe school made by Rsvs. 11. V. Battie. C. A. Woodson -nd J. M Brinson. At dioi a crowded house ei.j ivi-d eloquent and tnliiant i resent. God s word li R v. 11. V Bill!.1. The meeting was u u-ua!l s-u.-ri ... ful and char cteriz -ii by yre:;: ntirj-.-Bsm and devotion. Pleasure Party on the Nt um1. EilTcio Jol:..N al With your kind pier mi-r ion we wiii t i ve a brief d es. 1 1 p u most ; n of tion if a piea.-ant li lie trip upon the Catawba wheat oooom or our incomparable ;i thinking that such a sketch miht inter esl some of your readers who are un aware of the superior accommodation now offered by the well appomtvd Str. Tahoma. Our party coLsistcl of several r f New Berne's fairest daughters aril their ts coris. Our leader, the popular and af fable "Tif." whose fertile brain is ever alive conceiving plana that v. ill con tribute to he p ensure of others an i to whose generosity we owe the enjoy ment of this delightful occasion. We steamed from the wharf of the E C. D line at m., and proceeded on our jjurney. Tne scenery en route-, rivalling the majestic grandeur of the Hudson, filled us with nrue as we re-il- and -outh is a double department sur- ized perhaps more fully than ever the I rounded by four counters divided up natural beauties i f our surroutui inp; exhibition vef-terdav at the Produce Ex change. They were as large as a hen's e:g and weie raised in his garden in this city. These are the first of the season and demonstrate what could be done ia this section if the proper effort w ere made. Xev.-j and Observer: Rev. George W. S-inderlin. State Auditor, has accepted ar. invitation to deliver the annual ad dress at the commencement of Chowan Female Institute at Murfreesboro. Mr. Tom Pence has made an assignment to Me.-srs. T. R. Purnell and W. N. Jones. E-tiruntei liabilities 6,000, ass.- ta .-'0 of ij. j -c.ston Enterprise: Sigman Bros., of :;.e nio; l progressive young f:.r:::- r- u: Catawba county, say they I have l.C ) bushels of wheat left of their ' la-t year's crop for the Newton Roller I Mill to grind. The mill has not yet had i to stand idle five minutes for the lack of wheat, and has not irronnd anv hut. DOMESTIC DIAHKHT. Eggs 9al0c. 8eh.d Cotton '.5 aSic. per lb. Corn 48a55c. Fodder. Sl.00al.25 per hundred. Rice 55a70s. 1VRPKNTINK Hard, Sl.0. virgin and ' yellow dip. 2.50 I Tab 8i.00al.50. I Oats New, 41a47c. in sacks. Bimwu- 17al8c. per lb. Bmf On foot, 5c. to 7o. Hams Country. lOallc. Lard Country, lOallc. Fskbh Pohk 6a8o.Der pound Potatoes Bahamas, 45a50o. per bu. : yams. oyo. per bush. Onioxs 50c. per bush. Peanuts 55a70 per bushel. Ohiokkks Urtiwn 40a5.r)c. pair; half grown, 22,a25c. Mkal 65o. bolted. Staves R O. hhd. S10al2 t er M. Timber Cypress. 18 in. and over, 85.00 per M.; pine $2.50a4 50. 8HINOLBB West India, dul 1 and nf m lnai; o inch 82 00a2.50. Buildings inoh hearts. 88.25 ; saps, 81. 50 per M. WHOLB8AL PBIOKB. Mitss Pork New 814.25. Shoulder Meat 9al0c. O. R. 'b, F. B's. B.'sandL. C.-75a. Flour 83. 50a7.50. Lard 8o. bv the tierce. N AILS BasislO 's, 82. 60. 8UQAR Granulated. Coffee 18a20c. Cheese I3i. Salt 80a85c. per sack. Molasses and Syrups 0a45o. Powder 85.00. BHOT Drop, 81.50: buck, 31.75. HIDES Dry, 6a8c; Pro-i 4-. Kerosene 9ic Tallow ic.oer lb. h'ASTERU NORTH C1E0IIHI E.ifiRFsLE WORKS, BKIt..K. K.C. ulonuments. Tombs-' i hdi KsUiiiBi wartt ITALIAN&AMERiCAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt atUintlo snd aatisfaotion truarantood JOE K. WILI.IR. Proprietor Oor. DliCAD A.'-D CRAVE SU. KKW BERNE, TI. C G. E. Mu lir ia my authorized aget t in Kinston. ra80-dyw JOHgIcSOELEyr FASHIONABLE Boot and Shoe Maker. Pollock St. Newbern, N. C- , pie,. ' s ' i ' lliiee lino IiIm KA I.I, HTOCE. A I I I : I a I . hii. i.e-n 1 1 i-i i ed and ha la led I.. n:i onleih fr Charlotte Chronicle: J. M. Cross, of l oncord . who has been spending several uays in Charlotte, was robbed on Tues day night cf a watch and chain and some money. Mr. Cross on that night went to the C. C. depot in this city with a young man about 15 or 16 years old, and it was while at the depot that ho was robbed . r tf-RUPflGs ; India linens, checked mualins, plushes. I velvets, llouncings, sateens, cambrics : and numerous other things. I In the centre of the floor aad parallel I with the two main inles running north into the same number of section. Facing here is the caehier's office, under the 1 manajseoient of Mist Maud Moore, one of New Berne's brightest daughters, j What is termed the ''bargain counter" comes first among this group. It has ail kinds of notions, noveltieB. and a diversity of miscellany from the smallest cost up. Adjoining is the hosiery department and ladies other wearing apparel, figured lawns, flower ed cballie, collars and cuffs, calicoes, shawls. Ac. To the right from the right hand en trance are heavier goods ; ginghams, table linens, domestics, jeans, has and much more in this line. In the southeast corner on the same tloor is the head office. It is handsome ly carpeted" in Brussels and otherwise j fitted up wilh all necesaery fixtures, j A mammoth safe holdi a convenient 1 owc.tr of the line. One Pai.ty. in May next Jurora for U. S. Court The following jarois have been drawn for the spring trm of the L S District Court Wriich convenes in New Berne on the 2Jd of April. Jurors are n u re quired to be present until the of April : Way ne county . K. G ( '. ; el .. n i . John F. Dobaon. Joseph 1 Io; lo we: I . George Cogdell, Robert Kornegay. F. A. Sim. mons and Benjamin Barnes. Pitt county, Wylir Whit, h cil Dawson, R.bt. G Mcfotter W . Q u i n u e r '. y . Craven county. I!. H. Line, Richardson, R. D. Hancock, Andersn, E. W. Smallwood, Fi. Stubba, George Green. Jr. Thompson, W. F Rountree. A d . Coun- er and S , N . S E II C b as Wm T R. Den place as a repository. Eight large chan- attention deliers light the buildine. ! is Mr. Hussey, the chief engineer and second fiob. From the middle of the hall near the rear a broad winding stairway leads to- Gl'.UtD against the strikf. the second floor where the rrincinle mr- i An l alwa; s have a bottle of Acker's Func tion of goods we stored in bulk. It is the "who esale department, " and consists principally of N C plaids, bleached and unbleached domestics, pants cloth, carpets, dress goodi, knitting cotton, oilcloths, mattings, shoes, hats, sc., cite . In the southeast corner on this lloor is tho country. Uthers n note natures weie not so susceptible to poetic fancy paired away the tiine pleasantly engaged in whist. At 2:15 we arrived at our des tination. Smiths Creek, where we we e entiM tamrd by Messrs Kugltr and M G n igald . It now apprjiched the Lew i:c:iin hour of luncheon, and the ship's t:oti summoned us to the sal on. n ;, rt1 we beheld a most sumptuous rt pa-t pre pared ny our cite. cr. one of toe party, whose knowledge of the want-, on sucn an occasion ad mirably i.dapted him to the position. Tner- we rea'el our selves with tho delicacies purchased from the Craven street repository of everything that wouid tempt the most fastidious, the proprietor i-.f which is the "prince of good fellows. " Mr. Mc Gonigald, the gentlemanly and very clever agent of the line, i lined us on , interested and determinpd n ncn hiic our return trip and contributed much : The Directory met last week and will to our enjoy ment; and after a most de-: meet again on Tuesday next to start lightfulrun of two hours we ai rived : work on the grounds home at S o'clock. i-roC..i,, t , c . W a , ot, , - , t . I, 1. ,1(V . f . 1 , uiccuouuiu 1U1UI. oeuatOT HOC6 ueoiie to i.iantv L 1 1 o UJ11.SI3 Ol Lilt Tahoma for their kind and Charlotte News: Tho State Sunday school convention, to be held in this city next week, will bring over 300 delegates to Charlotte. They will be entertained in good style. Rev. Dr. Prit -hard's address at the Y. M. C. A. hall last rdht was listened to by one of the largest audiences ever assembled there. The doctor made an entertain ing talk, and one that was listened to with pleasure and profit.' Wilmington Star: Two 6mall frame buildings ou Church between 'eventh and Eighth streets were destroyed by tire about 2 o'clock yesterday morning, j Tne houses belonged to Daye Bryani, ! colored, and were insured for SSOO. Tuero u great rejoicing in the firs, j war 1 la-t U),ht over the election of Mr. j Morton the first Democrat ever' elects! in that ward aa a member of the : board of aldermen. i Edenton Fisherman and Farmer: The i presence of railroad and steamboat! magnates in our midst this week means something. Vultures never hover where there js nothing to feed upon. Nothing meant by the comparison, but ain't it suggestive. The Fair is booming. Stock is being rapidly taken. The Sec retary informs us that money is rolling in. snow mg mat tne people are really FIM CUSTOM-MAEE EDOTS AND SHOES I : ,. .1 work men, all 1 n -1 mr I -: s. pi o III K.,1 ! 1 Oil I.' w n 1 1 1 pp r I p i. II iy (I . I. , Mni; i.:pIi..i red. u K, iriiMranti "Lha li..' luteal tyla ptifc; Mi cou rteous has accepted the invitation to deliver :i n al.lr,cj op- tl, . c.:i r..j n.ni. ... . . "PJH.P.OO op. lud uuuiuru oattio Worthy of spec. al mention 1 Ground Celebration, May 4th. This alone should insure a large gathering at the battle ground on that occasion, for who would not walk miles to hear our ow n Zeb V Petitions are being circulat.-d throughout the county, for signatures, asking the county commis sioners to call an elect ion on the uues- one, or a co d or couch luav fasten itse f , " ,, K ,V - ,T " T16 , - . , ' shall be sold in this county election to upon vnu. ne doe is a preventive and , , , ,r . , 1 l" a few doses a positive cure All Throat ' " "u l"u U,SL uuuay June, and LnDg troub es vield to its trtatDieM ! lisli Remedy in the Louse. You Ciiimot I tell how soon I 'n'ip rrv.iv stride vour little A sample bot'.e is riven Remedy guaranteed by Berne, N . C . vou tree ar R Berrv. . tbe New 'THE R0.U) 10 HLVVLN. MILLINERY HKI'AHTMEM. Tlie first room is given entirely t. ; mnlinery and ia presided over by Mrs.' A. .'. Scajrborouco and Miss Delia1 K.p'.uoe, both rece it graduates at the Am. strung i Cntp.r Miliiuery establish- i ui. n;s of Baltimore. An adjoining room i where dressmaking will be conducted j .nipier tne cUarsre ui Miss Joe rarriiT. a Concord Times: Mr. Will Kerr, the inventor of the machine far making seamless bags, which will be manufac tured in the now factory here, is now in Chicago having his machine per fected. The brick is now beinc made Presents in l!;e mr.t rlcum fi rm THE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS jJ.i: OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA. Com I line-el with tho n ih mnl virtues of plant-; ktinwii to he most beneficial to the hum;.ii system, 'forming an agreeable ami effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the ninny ills de pending on a weak or inaitive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. 1 1 is themct excel intremc'Iy V r.nwr m CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Fhlir-ns r-r (. -,ns:.p:ctl S ' TM1 PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLCEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FQLLCW. Every one is rising it nnd ..11 are delighted wiUi it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIbT F . ; f-t 8YHUP OJc IOS MANUFACTURED ONLY bY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY NEW YORK, H. Y- I p. u u 1 il A ..I i't pp nip-t U P 1 i,r, . I N I I 1 1 S -I A I h. M ts I..- . '1 .) M. M. J... I f i lo 1 l: s l i. I L'.'O I '' I h s ' li i hi . H I K H 1.' i p . I ! : I ll.y H r.' fc-p,, ,1 Bl.Plt.R fill V h I e cr v. .ire. '.-.IL'M.'pl IU1 r: iik iip'MIv Rri.l promplly Uon. 'l Z 1 ll w . I i t. sllmonlaU of th u 1 1 ip- hu hj ol iiA.1 from B ; Ih 1 1 k own iitnry: N 1 1 . KHNI, N. C, ' let. M.b, 1H8H iriiki. nip. h pair of e "U lndi m two rn t he in i wo year &nd I Imve Ipwii Wftarina I UiPr un. lha bpnat llevlM'p'U II I ly. K (i HILU VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY As agents for owners we offer for gale on easy and accommodating terms Uie follow log d escribed Improved Iteal Ksiate In the Clly of Not Berne: No. 1. WliiKK PROPERTY AT UNION POINT ; Includes the piece of land known at "THE I8LAN11," ard the wharf or roadway leading thereto from Kast Front etieet Also, water space now being filled In. The location Is the best In the city for all rnann facturlng purposes, whlla lha largest oiaft visiting our waters have ample depth of water for loading and unloading at the wharf. WO. -i. TWO llOUBES AN I) LOTH Al "I' tills Tli,' 'he Lis purtiv: p-Xtv.ni :i.'i.'!il. i:niv exjicrienccp. virk. L-r,,wth p.f Mr : few rears ha s tli at larger ! . His n v inputs fur t! s tliriui;i ail "i in ir i-'Uin t les in .ili the brui.el.es Maik' rt acb rtOl (' 1st business fer such iiro- r-ioai was ile ro meets tho ie tr.-ule th:i.t .eljoiui;-1: and The Truck Outlook. We Rt the following information from tba Wilmington Hir: Tba erlT potato crop in the country around Wilmington baa bs n aerioaslj in jarad by oontinu-d wet weather. One iruckar t e porta that he baa ele-ren acres "totaJ ly ruiDaJ," aad other report more or leaa dainage. The prospect for other "track" rosy be Rood, and for po tatoee itii, if on well drained lands. Charleaton truckers aay that their cabbage cxep U fully twenty days be hind last year; but potato crop that are not rained by the rain are fully twenty daye ahead . BtTtaotB truck grower, it is said, are disposed to try new market this yfJcia preoovaced It; exi with do discomfort Th sterling immq, aad will ship fewer yegetablee I ma no apptita. i aaeriia iccoum tor meir great popular- to rew ion, tvoeton ana rDiiadeipciia, w h ich citiee. except the few Interior it. Vv-I polmm la aip) aAd Wt aad my Ity kU0n wee- 4ie i- My Urot wa my Knell aaa) oc ma la take eoehdrtioa I eooa- i a mm a. o. a, it eii rrt?T twear aad tcr am aeraa m com- ninon and Joe-'e Hrc kn .colored.! Jones county, I. II. I'arker col. . II W Williams -.!. '. ("has. H. Ki v and John Mercer. Lenoir e.mr.tv. J (,:i F ield-'. Jr.. Elias Jackson (col. . Henry Arc hbell. F. 1'. Fields, K. M. Abbott dead.. W. C. F'ields. J. M. Woolen Hy de Cinint y , W. A H.iuni. Beaufort county, li. W. Walling. Hugh Uos. Walter Clark, S. Smallwood and John D. Clark. Pamlico county , Kobt I'. Midy ette and Asa Whitcomb, Greene county. Jno. I). CirirriHley. Juinny Dunn icol ;, James Newell and VV. A. Darden. flnilow county, John (Jilman. Wilon county , Charles Battle col'. . Nash county. B. F. Tillery. Kdgecombe county . II. B. Bryan. Carteret county. Marion S. Webb. She scolds and frets. She's full of pets. She's rarely kind and tender; The thorn of life Is a fretful wife I wonder what will mend her' Try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, Ten to one your wife is cross and fret ful because she ia sick and suffering, and cannot control her nervousness when things go wrong Make a healthy woman of her and the chances are you will make a cheerful and pleasant one. "FaTorite Prescription" is the only remedy for woman peculiar ailments, ; cstarrB ,inco 't A Well-Fought Fire. Eirly Saturday morning just after midnight fire was discovered in a two story building on South Front street jus-t east of the railroad crossing. The lepartment made a quick response and did efTeciive work which otherwise would have been a serious confligra tion. Four buildmgg in all burned. Thi y were old aad not of much value. The one in which the fire originated was owned by Major and Dr. J. B Hughes and occuped by Israel Simmons. :olored, a wheel-wright Lops on build ing about S600; on tools and imple ments, S3C0. The oihur three buildings were owned by L. 13. Cutler, the loss on which he estimate between S600 snd S700. One wag occupied by Miles Shepard, colored, a worker in lathe turning, wood carving. &c. Loss on machinery and tools 8400 Dr. Eugene Scott kept groceries in the next build ing His stock was also a complete loss, amounting to upwards of S200. A barber shop occupied by John Mayo and a warehouse in the rear of the fire in which a lot of lime was stored and owned by E. H. Cutler, were damaged. A brisk wind was blowing from the BDuthwest which caused the flames at times to leap the entire width of the street, underneath which the firemen were making a brave and determined tight to prevent the buildings across tbe street from burning. Tbe heat of the fire was intense, and to hold their po sition, which was only done by con stantly turning the hose on each other, waa the only means of saving the proper ty across the Btreet opposite the fire Though stream after stream kept play ing upon them they would blaze up on the roof and threaten serious results. A line of hose turned on from Maj Dennison's mill also did good work in the rear. It was one of the most successfully faught fires we have eyer witnessed. There was no insurance on either build ings or property owing to the very high rate charged in what is known as a very inflamable locality. A RLMAhKADLE I! 30 The Road to Heaven. A Golden Casket of Unique Brilliant and Christian Treasuru-i. gathered from tbe Rid e.t Mints of Religion. Science, and Philosophy: sumptuously Illus trated with a Magnificent Galaxy of Royal Steel Plate Engravings. .- o other book of modern tiir'-3 dea.'s with euch a livmv; subj-ct. displays such genuine genius, h.s such ii signifi cant, striking and aura -tive title as this new book po-seeses. It contains the essence of a thousand tons boiled into one, and explores every field of human experience, that Can engage, fascinate and charm bo h the highly cu tared and the unlearn.-d, the Cnritr:a ::nd the man of the world . In the opening pagej of this unpar alled work, the -Maj sty cf (i,,d is un veiled with a pomp of language incred ibly gorgeous, ati'l et simple enough to reach ihe mind of a child. Science i called to testif, how (1- d sees and hears us and how the ele iients eerve Him in His watchful care o- r:i in Ne w light is throw n up.n the Holy Bible Tne secret of the hum n hearts are lal i hare. Every passion, i.ifection, virtue and oice of man is boldly yet tenderly touched by the author's wizard pt-n. The book is a mirror in which may see themselves, and if the advice, of Se crates "Kn i w Th vse If c ill ever be fol lowed . t h is mag n l ti' en t wli'.ir.e curta il ly affords the means. The chapters on the Ui.known God. Life. Death nd the Glories, oi Heaven, are marvels of ingenious reasoning and noble precepts Awe, Tears, Laughter. lodignatiou, Deught anil hrtSCinati nvin DlTKT-T . . ' .1 . ,,, r i , . .. I Pji'lVP' I Ul.ii i UPP.U11 BU &(l IWflllUKS. for another large factory, to be built on I No. 8. HARVKY whakf property. the site just below the residence of Mr. W. R Odell. The capital stock of the Beautiful """'uiafiuriDg company naa ueen lucreasea irom 5-lou.UUU to S545U,UuU i nearly half a million) and thin factory will belong to that Company, making three large cotton factories under this Compan v. Winston Sentinel : The many friends of Dr. W. II. Bobbitt. w ho some time ago was stricken with paralysis at Rockingham, and was two weeks ago removed to the residence of his daughter, Mrs. II. C. Ashcraft. of this city, will be glad to learn that he is steadily improving and that strong hopes are cow entertained of his per manent recovery. Dr. Bobbitt is still conlined to his bed, but uses both hia hands and saj s ho could spend some of his time in silting up, but that he suf fers from nausea u hen in an erect pos suion Tnis. however, is owing to the elTe. ts. of the medicine he is taking and will be; only temporary; Statesvilie Landmark: There are a good many cae.es of pueumccia in this county, i'iiio is-the worst month of the year lor this litfection. People cannot be too careful. The reports of the condition of the growing wheat crop aro rather contradictory. Upon the average, however, they are favorable. Mr. M. L Mote arrived home from Washington yesteiday, confident that he will he appointed d istrict attorney and that "Reliable" Eaves will be ap pointeii collector. -Congressmen Brower and E'.vart are controlling in a great me.isurtj the patronage of North Carolina, except that of the black dis trict, v. hich is demanded I v the coon tread on each other's heels as one I Congressman. Cheatham. However, peruses this book. The Mean. Low at d both Hrower and Ewart have wanted Base are lashed with unsparing sar- ; to dictate the appointments of district casm. while every virtue is polished. ' attorney, collector and marshal. That refined and glorified till it chines in the ' of marshal was probably a compromise gracious "Beauty of Holiness " 'but they appear to be far apart yet on The book is elegantly embeilishf d , the collector and district attorney, with a beautiful gaiaxy of royal steel, plate illustrations, by art:s:3 r f orid- , dappi - KS AXD COXTENT."IET renown. ihe most entraticir- .en "fl are reproduced in th' se en ar m i n j p'i ges , forming a magnificent picture gallery. The work contains over 7u0 massive octavo pages an i is piinte.l from large, new type, suited to every decree of vision, on extra fine paper of admirable finish. It is issued by the Globe Bible Pub lishing Co , cf Philadolphia, Pa . and sold by subscr. pti..n only Mrs. A R. De Limar. who is the authorized agent for this section is now canvassiT'tr for ( anno: iro i.ar.d in hr.nd if we look on the lark side ut every little .-h-tacle. Nothing wiii .,,1 ,U,rkeL ail'- ii rid naike it n burden as Dv a. A. kker s l'yspepsia Tablet wid rare' the wor.-t foroi of Dyspepsia, t'on-tipation and Indigestion, and make life a ' appinsss and plfnsn.e. Sold at 05 a::d cent. i-v li. Berrv. N.w Berne, N i '. it. We heartily recommend to dur readers. this to. Truckers deeding Earlv Rose -a lime A Dl'TV TO It is. surprising t": cmunn nrciiiiiry p;l cure a valuable F.u'.i money Ir. icker'. positive cure u S's:k-1 trouble. Ti.ey are takeu and dn i , . -r; ; New Berne. X. I'. OfKSEI. It pee "hen h Ola- ti..-: Tker for ti :!i tai. .e and S U l-i-t se ll me !'- a ; v e r -.lv beecL Stock ?I A KKIKD. On Wednesday. March 27 r,tti."iesi dence of the father of the bride. J. A. Ernul. Mr. J E. Wilcox to Miss Ci r nelia Ernul. F. S. Err.ui. J. P.. ofr.ciat ing. otatoes, Maine for replanting their crop, can be supplied at Lowest Price by 9 Including part of water front of Ixt No. 12 In the plan of the city. Upon the property Is located a commodious brick warehouse. The O. D. 8. 8. Uo. use a portion of the prop erty. Mo. 4. THE IRON FRONT WAREHOUSE ONuEAVtN STREET. No. 5. BRICK STORE AND DWELLING ON CRAVEN BTREET occupied by H. O. E. LiOdge. A full description of this valuable proper ty, together with the best terms upon which the same will be sold, nili be furnished -n application to the undersigned at their office i nSouth Front street. WATSON BTRKKT, dec6 dwtf Ins and Heal Estate Agts. HUMPHREYS' ra. nmririEYS' booz Cloth 4 Cold Binding 144 I t". ak Hurl ImgrmiU Aiinn niL ... r. o. nti mm, n. v. i.ikt nr rniNcii'ii. nob. rimii rin. ..l!."TCr"' (:'n. Inflammallnna. .. . ItWirrilil lVr.r,,, I YV m - I ' r iriii iilir. er '1 ppp-i Ippppu p,r lf..,t..' Jlinrrlpp-n ,r I liil,lr.-n .r a.1iph J5 llVKClllery. .ripn,K. IUIioup. t;ulio 5 bolrra !lorhiiN 'pipliIpv pc '..imhfl, Hold, hi . ii, hiti "ja veilrnlcln. Ipmllinili l-acoch J tlcndfirlica. Sirk Mnnpinrhtv Vrlip. .5a HOMEOPATHIC .12 f yupf-tmia, til I roil- M.iinarb HiinprBfd or I'ntnrnl Vrrodm nil. Nxi I'mdinn I'triorli . i roilli, CVtiiKh. IhMirult lir.llnnt ali Itheiiin. rrjTMpn fcrupuoaa.. Hhninmliftrn. Khvnrrniic I'mni h'ewr Mid Au". tnUa Mft.la.ri a IMIrfl, lUinrl .r IU.iin(r ('ntnrrh. Influpnm, nUi in lh Hoad honprnff ( ongli. 'ioii'nt nucha. . (vrnrral Irrhktlt v,rliaHai Wnaknaaa Kidnv IMarnat ... rrv(na lfhthlv rinnry Uenkn iMifniri i inp tipwri, mi pi t t ion .25 39 .no o .v .AO .vo .A l.MI .AO I Oil 5PECI FICS. Sold by I Irtitru I Mw. cr pricp.'. liinriiiins'jiniiu.vl i o. iwii'.jtpwiu. a.1. All of the above medicines are for sale at the drug more of F. H. Daffy and K. Herrv. Middl Hireet N Berne, N. C. Attention, Farmers, We liitve o i liand ami c;id sapnlv you at Rock Hottom J'iiicks: Stonewall Cotton I'lows, ( Umax (Jotton Plows, (loni Cotton I'lows, ''Cotton Kings," Iron Age Cult i vatoin, Cox Cotton Planters, Centennial Corn I'lantors, And everything clue tliatis needed on tiie farm. Give us a trial. WHITTY & GATES. .So. Front and Craven StH. Newbern, N ( '. Hotel For Eent. THE OCRACOKE HOTEL, Upon the Island of Ocracoke, will be rented for the enBuing year, beginning May 1st, 1889. Terms cash or secured notes. Hotel furnished and ready for occupancy. Sealed bids to be forward ed to the undersigned before April 15th. 1889. Further information furnished upon apr5;:oaiion to cm. rmowN. m2S w3i Seo. aud Treat). Barringto & Baxter, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR TIIE A. A. BATTLES' $2.50 CALF SHOE. EVERY PAIR. WARRANTED.! Also, a Full Line Ladles and Oents' r,o of other make. They sell the Cheapest and Best Line of CLOTHING, HATS, DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever ofTereil to the trading public. inrllKlwy Noi: i it Cai Ht for.- llel li . my A. Jurn.:. .' 1 i P I 1 p- WN 11 I UNA. ( . i . 1 1 1 . s s pi;i. r lor ' 'ourl. i k . ( : Ip. s ipi. i l.ir Court. t:.ip, M.-iiri.tii. laniiHn. M&ry 1 I., i fins1 nn.i .1. I,. Andrews. I'lHUiiirrH Hint rptltioners, li1 11 si Ii.nli A. .Murriii. Ip li H Ht llll Sll V II" I 1 ,'i u ru A . h ;pm i d M; 1 1 Hjie.ial I 'ICC. P' ipiiii-rH l To M : y I T.I II li A n ii nritl her Ion ii I' . Murrlll. 1 I'lflKlBllU. p 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I o petl- iiiird uf land. I (' A liliS HlOVC II 111. Tli Up at. p. ip sa hp k I ii. I N ' I . I. as i, IH IP' I..V III HI I ie i . 1 1 ' p 1 1 ' i s ; ; . are! .Man A . Of n II Ip'l'l l I'll a Iip pi p- 1 1 a ' i p p p 1 i a' p. i ii"-i'p iliiu rn titled mM i. I pp n i p 1 1 hikI i l.c I'urfMPiif. of tli a i .'- .. 1 1 1 1 1 . p l Hiul net apart. In p s uiui ti.pitiipiH t.pK-th-r and '"'li aiii'Plilf IIihiii, to lh ui A. mid 1 1. 'i i p'i i a Jarnian a , mi.- ll rilpirl In value pi ira.-i of Ian ,. ki iiHlepl In the p n nl y a ii. i Mian iTlwtpn Um a.nilliM .H in,. I iipprilm I'M l.r.nirli.'a .f New Ki er. iid.nn n i iik 1 1n- laii.ls of John lUlOdea, l '. J-li-1 hi i .1 . M . i . 1 1. i ii n, i , lien, and fully .I.'H TIIk pi In 1 l.i' in-nil'ili hhi h.Iv dulj fllad her.'iii. uiui um mp- ii.-r. l.v r.'.iilred l.oap p.'Hl mid kiihwit or di n ur to said pwtltloll or i pini pla i n t . a t Hu- ollii i- of the ill rk of i hi' -n pi'i .,r i ourl . . r ( iiihIii' county, at the I'ourl House In .In knot v II le. on or before 'In' i'wi'iin li ll h Jay of April, A. 11. one th on -Hal i il i- mhl li u ii.m i-il a i i.l I'lilih nlni'.nr the put : I ioiii'i k v.:il ai p v lo im. court for the repel ili'iiiMiu'iil in ilic p-oiii p !h I ti I Olvp n uiui r n -v lump! an. I ih. ncrI of Onl low Mip. r ..I- l -oi, it n,l t. eleventh (llUl) .lay o: h . I p i 1 1 m t i . A 1 , s.!i .HAS. . . 1 Hi m K, .1 K. , 'l t k of III.' si n ,.,,, ,r , 'ou It i I t II. Blow tlo. Nl"SlHpll.l..WAl, A I 1 p: t i e s t. p i I '-! 1 1 Ioii.th. feilwftl Tax Notice Tpi i ;. i- i i p r. en. il. 1 1 r 1 1 j ti - j I Take N..i,.i.. j i,,il at n slii-tillH Male fnr lax.'H. at 1 In .i.ii r I lii.imi' ilmn In Hay I torn on llie7lh,!ay ,.t llnj, Ih.ss. . . - latul lying on Mas pii n 1 't , p - k . c pii i a i ii I i,u .un act cs . will sold Wanted: From Ah W4sdr lo Eaatsr Sha poodars apoa it; Wbil b terp troond To rmiM c&h for that bonst ' Pres. I Oor(i markets, bars bn getting th I balk of l& Tgstbls roa in that ' avctioQ in past ya,ra They upect to (hip to mora western cities, such as iiiiuii,.iiu iin tu mniiui tiimui guarantee on Dottle wrapper Naw York and PennsjUaai. 1 bottles, 81. Six for ?5. Ola Dy arugk'isU. under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give entire satisfaction in every oase, or money will ba refunded See Large I was troubled with chronic catarrh and gathering in my head, was yery deaf at times, had discharges from my ears, and was unable to breathe through my noee. Before the second bottle of Ely's Cream Balm waa exhausted I waa cured, and today enjoy sound health. C. J. Corbin. Field Manager. Philadelphia Publishing House, Pa. I am on my second bottle of Ely's Cream Balm, being a sufferer from s a child, but with this medicine I am being cured. Wm. L. Dayton, Brooklyn. A forthcoming event One tbatr 500 Raccoon Skins. 250 Muskrat kinj, 100 Skunk Skin?, 500 Fox Skins, 300 Otier Skin-.. 100 Mink Skins. 50 Opoesoni Skins. 50 Bear Skin 50 Wild ( !at Skin. 50 House Cat 8k in? 100 Rabbit Skin-. 250 Deer Sk in-. K'OO i :attle Hide,, lOOOSheip Skir.s. 1000 lio it Sk ir.s. And al30 Tai. v. IJresiw Sounds. UiKhrsit market price paid for all above. If vru fluu't believe it. try WHOLESALE GROCER, VIIPLE STREET, NEW 15ERNE. K. L. load Garfs! 10 very tiling On Wheels. 1 O )fr ciit cheap- e. than itnyDoily. iiefore sjettlnu Buggies! our prices a roi'l t.iiy ;i :ul ca.1 ai ou 11 es I'llli CiiCO. W. STOCKELL '0.. .MSHVILLEpilH. N:ime this pfipc-r. marii2 i l-'i.-h GREEN, FOY & CO., !anls.ers. tne me . Bacceeds three others. mir27 dwlm J. U SMITCI. New Berne, N. C. Do a General Banking business. New Banking House, M.pi.tie Strtt-t, fourth door below Hotel Albert, gi'e uvilr 5KW BERNE. C. Pure Corn Whiskey, FROM THE MOUNTAINS. I have on hand a lot of Pure Mountain Corn Whiskey and Alcohol for Medicinal pur Doses. J. F. TAYLOR, Wholesale aud Retail Grocer, FOOT OF MIDDLE STREET, jan23dwtf NEW BERNE, N. C GASH STORE! Wo are now located en the corner, near the Monument, where wo w ill be glad to see our friends. Groceries in Great Variety. Clyice Fruits and Candies fWood and Glass Ware N6rtions, Cheap as Cheapest. Whips and Lashes; Sheet Mtihic; Books and School SuriDlies: SnnfT Tnlmren and Cigars; and many other articles, all of wiiich we sell at tbe Lowem t'aBh Prices. If you want to sell or buy COUNTRY PRODUCE, it will pay you to pee us 1 before you bargain. ! With thanks for past favors, we bo 1 licit a share of your trade. 1 P. S. Free stables for all of our cuh ; tomers. Yours truly, II. C. liOWKN. 1 Kinston, C. for 1 In- l-ll 111 p- 1 111' H nil p-enlh c tHHi hi 1 I P ' I 1 II Mill i" i. l ii I wu h il l In- l t" 1 1 1 1 1 t 'i I h soM 1"! I aylM,,, BI ..f : - ' I' III . . m l.i ii mill ili' re I lia 1 li l 1 1 1- mi in p.f Me vf li d.il- i i.l . 'ti i- p p 1 1 I a r H till tpn ' 1 1 i p J .-Mis Un. aa I.l flu m , ...Ms nl 1 1 1 ih ipiI vi-rtlBf-r i p. : 1 1 . 1 n lerent lit paid aa U p i 'Mp in tit Win cii lniitla N. ( ' li in I ! I I rt K . I. 11.1 ll 1 W. lirrfnr. I . ,-AHO. li. A. Irtli.' ,mif Ifllt lp ul 1 l.c . t Iip Ti Ii ' la p I ':i hi 1 ; p p p i'"U i " 1 1 i k . I li ii'l llll.i w llll. Lu Tax Notico J l.i : . :i , 1 -, i ii . j i t. h 1 i.ftl it I h S i I 1 1 I I 111 MIH- m H 1 f May, l--. a.1 if A 1 'tijitoi, lit k; s i'h i k, w i 1 1 1 1 1! h Sale for i ii Un i tioro , on vour ltiniii In rfi-h , Ti eut i of Hay KIvpi . noI(1 for the i Ii I li X r of !,. Wl i u n iiiiM r in ih a n 1 Hi i m v mx ' c-1 1 1 ' 1 1 h r ii iiil l !.m l - J l.'ifi. I li i-s 11 I h 1 H 1 s o ! I ! h, ;! !, V w . ,1. ,l'. t s.i.d lor l. J. ; a i !.: - H ii ami ulii it 1 liffAuie Ihe Mini -f I Mini v-oiif do 1 Ifcirs uih "to Ihxik uml tfir ih ( in : Tot. i 1 Mini, lnt I lir W lib iiiM'iiii'i I In i mid, lo ir ' thi lnli rht aa r- n-1 ir in pi Ion of JrimU iHkr ii ilci-d t hcrffur. ! r- S I I n M i I .I.Kit. Kki i ii.t HH l i im'. N . C. WALTER'S Photograph Gallery. I Vnk' tn al I'lamiie in llifin mlng niy inan f i :en.lH uml i he i-uMii KiMieraJly. Uiat 1 tmvr r.-i i, i n. il In. in Mnii'lii'iiii Oily and ra oi'eii.'it nil" I ') nl .ik-rn pii Ir t-tupll.p at the old st.'iii 1 1 . i 1 ,et p- 1 hi ,:i ; i I..- pi i hm.p1 Ui ste all my frli'iipls uiui 'In' I'lililW' i'i-1 , i-1 al I y . Ti.p i iv ll nt 1 1 r: i iv M.n-p -ha I liiitd met with R'.tiri' I hin I- mail.' Ni-iv lu rni' my home Ii mm ra 1 1 1 ee p ' 1 1 '- m i pp i ' . ir k I y 1. nf on y work 1 t Sl'PH US fp 'I 1 I P.' i f. Mv hum l-i' hi l- I'.' i i" it: t ll ; I.l 'U i- n tA" k Y i i r r I.A 111! Kli T.p A 1 "I 1 1 'I 1 l k I I l p.' I' th.' S..M lORCKLAIN i i i , Ii I ' 111- - A SI'I-'CIAI.TT. I'll I t II K i i.l'IKIi AND EH s I V I p ' s I K F I p, ippi tii..;t i p-t 1 1 liera I patron r.itilliiiiauoe of 1 ml! ; i i t.p nti-i It I p.-ii : s' -1 In Ii , 1 In t.M A.-s U A I.TFK, N. w Heme. N. O. Ml.!.; .- uml I'nl ipp-k sui.,nvar K.N. . I i.j; bti.i e. 1 n I riiii eo Irom Pollock ep20 dtf i v,. .... i 1 - i. T r t I yrrrr aartt Mfjijwt niiiM fi ni - ri i in i 5t t-r-