t , . . r , 1. - - . - - C - - ff f. TWV-'gsiiwiiy''tl pa." ' - -,:." ewrM, o-v; .? 1 4. .. " - i-3 N. fa, : i ,".S y.:'f- .Hjr 1V Sail nVi, P-"X I I II IMS ' Ha S 8 'rw ,'i ' r - , .. V 1 . - - ) ,, a. 4 1 1 1 1 ft f if 1 pnyruuM. INDEPENDENT EST ALL TIH'N(;-. t-x- h.c v-r. OL. XII. NEW ISEKXE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, Willi. i wj. NO. 2. KPITORIAL 'OTF.S. VJ mi Ml ml " - I MB f 7T? Tl. TtiT to rr-r Mrtr riy lTttl u, try ooe Bos LmSTUmCH; UiPMD DIGESTION; DISORDERED UYER; jgf IKS tMffii - fna ar wnadrr two the VKml 0Mlt1 1 flkaataf ni2krMt i UP I in f luctrrT. sod oci o to brM rim: 4 ' -w , - ' - rTf.TuaiM M nt( UllA PH lnw.Ikj vttii nek Bex. ita. ajit -. f. M.L i CO., 3i 1(7 Ciul SI- . li li ri i - nm not trp ati.) TMt. i4 vuI miiL BEzaurs pnxs ow rkeipt of price 25 cents akl The Uany Friends and Customers Urlsg near ud bejood lienie n n .loiinioa section, ttouft kf prood to ay. roan: AX njj ..ur mun) tMD, e MptcUQj eU tO,thr ltnCioa, th w( . ; prtc i : thir patronage Xtodi to a In th pC, and tha: hoUl oat MUUK IN- DUCEMESTg TUAN EVKIJ to mtrit th.'ir .-.Mitiilt-nre ;n the fatare. adlW(lMidei BEING THE AG K NTS t Vr To. U. HoJt'a Plitd.i, Coira" Spol Co. ton, H, u.. r r.-.-.-k and I'.lnrT Mill Doeu, StrJ Le n.W rot..li. I.' r:.;.4-1'.. Sra::T and Araou & Co.'i Provision. Horn'..:- V V ik:: I..wdor. WCJkTTj Ftoar. Tobacco, Snuff. C tTe, Sj-ir. , v.-. And to the DRY GOODS Itae do boc iq this : l.a carne a mort ku .rwtr (r nlM th haver, in itvle a c!l a. :i iru-?. Tnii Scnatr ailjoarned m-- I.t Tuesday. GEN. lin..iS"uKi; has left Tarn ' J for I5rue! ti avoid fall : n :n to 'the hand of t tie gov err men : . I HISi'K iii.MAU K , in rvj.lv in j; to L.rtbd.y coiiKrarultionf. mhuI that lie locked torward toiioon tinaation of jveace. , S AS 11 1 N ii T' ' v .i- d I .i.i U ion ,il)U ' geatlecnan. llif dancing jumijis vrerv n timber elevi-n, nud his every day boot were thirrceiis. TiiK miinic!jal elrction.s if Ul.'o Monday prove lxond q tio; inn that Murat Halstead is needed right at home, Washington Post. KlAV . n : : 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1m; M : . w t . . In K : i , 1 1 1 pr. ,:. ni . :i 1 A 1 ; -ii :i. v : . Vug II w : : h ' . ! o " 'II H IV . ' c c:;y . Mil !N I I Ti.v: t Ir.ngs. v(.r, VKHV SI r am; K. .u- ;i g;eat many Kr.tnge ,'t- do not claim that ( , 1 ; 1 1 1 ( I 1. .1:1 ;!,, ; ( s ! , r 1.:i.- r. am.; i.'li: sol VAX HID. A srIN(; I'OKM. The Republican Administration i u , believe ia giving oilicea to liejiub Means. The Democratv should loam a ! 0 8.i on from this. William sport Snn. lr is now declared th.it the 1'ana rn a canal in a stupendous failure. I: would bankrupt the government of France to carry out the scheme a.i originally jirojected. Wk would glailly mention evi dences of im jroTetuent in eister Kies, but they are too numerous and varied to admit of ?ecinc m c m 1 1 ; 1 1 1 -t. , i;.i!. 1 1 1 i ; 11 - I ' !! ! t f II theie is am thing very bnlli.iut in . . " , : " - ! It'll v 1. t lr.s diicoverv, but that the remark i-rerhxin is strikingly original, no one will ' I:t r-.v t' ilvny . 1; does look strange that an Ad ministration tuat set out wi:h so much pi'oiiii.-e hould so soon have been caught in a buirieane as deso latmg ai that which swept over Samoa, but the wreck of the iron ( lad Halstead, and the beachi; g ot a score of smaller crat't, are .sad evidence.-, of the appalling lad. I'.ur stranger, to m.inv. is the mi c.illed leslirrectloll of Demoeravy. The !itv of the death of Democ racy was ,if;er the oi dor ot" .Mun chausen, but a lew of its j'ooi kin gave currency to i he rcpoi t and volunteered as pall beards, and now t hev iire ft ightt ut d out ot their u - tl - 1 ! V. 1 1- .Ma:. t. :. li.'s bill I I , r .lie s which : 1. v i v : hey W--I e ;n p' T H a 1 is a 1 "ell IlO.ssee col oln 10 w I II k! t he i " ' who had been ! 'id, wits by wh.it t em . t liem o : 11 it For OrM Good, N'otioB. Whi "iood and so on, ;- will pay you t0 mention. The old State is muring, oar otn r m rc jii' .obi coBe Um distance tub jour Ij-lies ami le. ti.em 1 tceir snojving m What w I'anoot tap Bat tb eaancn re that u joa m-U-joawtll Had erj thing to vmr no i - ty Ooixl, hooei: geH!, aJ uc . s to poo ad. SHOES for Firm and Prl..r . i- . READY MADE CLOTH i 'G - I a ItUaltrn CAre4ii to xl us. Wea Mit noAt ur on ; if ca Blk 700 aait to onlr, and it od jom are do toooej oat. If jo enot eome to Kint a Mifirill joar laqaines. Yoars truly, a tioaso in vigixously moving TiiK New "ork Herald assorts hat "President Harrison is the only l; mg ruler who can gather at his table lour generations in the direct line, trom great grandfather Scott to the little Rus-sel! Harrison babv.' " iir measure, cod not take we will ETTINGER BROS. ;gn of :h br.i-ed Pear! Shirt KI5STOX, N. C WAEJJVAR! AVAR! THE WAR HAS OPENED ONCE MORE ! 0if to t hM titaea and srarcity ot' nior.ev. I : .b terdmine to rnahti lh orDi th Beat Goods for the Lriit Monev. Now, id proof Af ta fact, I vill q'oot joo a few of my prices. My Stock of not at sach high prices. WilujiDg- THK Hon. Simon Woifof Wash ingtoQ, D. C., delivered a beautiful oration in Charlotte last Monday night. He gave the history o( H'nai Hnth in a charming manner, aud received liequent and pro longed applause. 'AEING for the meritorious old soldiers who have ajust claim on the treasury is one thing: satisfy ing the apatite of the laim agents for public money would be qnite party another and vastly more expensive thing. Hartford Courant. The latest in regard to the new deal of the cotton bagging combi nation is that it will control the supply of bagging for the coming crop quite as effectually as did the combination of last jear, though and thrc lie came causes. Thkki the old from the so With ail du men engagi 11 n hesi t.if.n, base ii": !i place. I I' 1- to In I i srn son a successor The work ot so tar beloii d:s 01. s .1:; .i ,c::. hso back" : ho..;., of . re tl 1 ..1 lot s I I olll 1 as t ,:oiih e I d . 1 t ol a iio, a : t i-r 1 dead man o's man . 1 1 d. said that .in i.atmal iitscarii g b( ok .iii.liii.i. geti tie il t, " . 0 r ; i,e t ik,- its :i ( 1 as n t !l it Ueeli .1 on t'ne be m it ted to absolutely Star. Ib 'UK 1; 1 was not esi ; : ; .1 ' (it'ii. bf.' to name s'lce M.ftio-ws 1 1 c m e ( 'or. 1 1 is : 1 1 1 1 :; ov r( a' a vacancy oh oil g ;, t 1 . 1 -' t o be per t x . s ' a :i longer than is i.ecvss.irv. New York and ol ton Btar TUB next and moat interesting j prent time , Uge in the Parnell case will b bis , blnff. He was own examination before the Com- spoke ft Jill ns: CI 0 Hilar 1 Kaorfiaoua. Men' good Ulae Haonel Suits a low aa 13.99. Alao food Rmla fof Men at $2-98. K-ry ool SalUi, rroni 14U13 jear, oalj 92 08. Boyt' Kne SoUs from $ 1 .25 to $1.50. A W m tin litni Wn'a AAka and Cutawn s and Pr nce Albert Salt. ITlTai IIT If ITfl ' V. hnn.lreil doen Ill's, all Styles; aad pncei.' Men, I3oja aod Children's Hats tr,.m :o ;,, r, and -Jo "ctj ; muwioner. The defense opened he wants it Garaate to salt joa la any kind of Hat. Wednesday with a ieech by Sir jn-it as Lot 8JIOES SHOES, SHOES: Too Lirge-t nd Los. Selected Charles Kussell, that will oaccnpy evorybotly Stock ot Snoea I eTer kept. Man's Shoe trom . v. to el xk l.adie fonr days. Mr. Parnell will then I " nates er Ktd Bo ft on SoaXmi, 9.V.; lice, 7.V. to V. A'so n lare st.x-k of Men id Boy1!' Shoea at price to suit the Umej I.ul es nice Mippers irom lie. to 72c. rUBNISHINO GOODS! Men s I odorshirts a.s low as cenU B BAibnggaa Shirt for 23 cen's. A r.'ov S-arf fr. ni lu to i cents fail line of Dry Ooodi, Tmnka, Valiaea. t her g cds ttxi )uar9-a4 to meatioo. ' (7 (sTtse oa, eotne aJl to WILLIAM Si I.TA'S. wher. p.umll b latel right aai get joor money's wor'h. L:o- I s a ;.; n t m n t t-c . a 11 ai 1 a I ' oi 1 to please rs a:. more than Min ister Phelps' w.is. l l ...k.H as :t Presiden t Harris :. it . 1 not care any more about '!i; tli.iii Piesidost Cleveland did. M. re power to the the arm of Ivh i I 1 1 . m all their stir cess,, rs m t i.i line. Pxiston 11 era M. Sf.naI' K 'Li : ;;' rt.soaition in favor of consult i :ng ic 'mir.at ions in open session coming at the oks n l ; ; : io I : ko a oik- of t hose who Mr. llals'ead, and the resurrt ct ion ! V : i v ? What is the meaning of th s 1 The election rc'uiiis tiom ( )li ;o. Illinois and other St it cs. show Dein cra'.ic gams e er w lo-ie. and soine places are ablaze w ith the tires of Democra'ic vitory. 1; is a strange thing that, when a .successful party first assumes tLe duties of Administration, men seem to think that all opposit itn l? at an end, and that the Ship of State is on a calm sea, with gentle zephyrs kls.sing her sails. It inns' not bo forgotten that a p irty in power is always confronted liy a party out of i.ower, and the price ol power, like that of liberty . is eternal vigilonco. Strange that it was not every where loreseen that I itnnocrats would take advantage of Kepubli can blunders to improve their own lort unes. At the outset of the present Ad ministration, thu .JnUKNAI. pre dicted the clash of arms that now resounds through the liejiublican camp. We claim no credit for the jred id ion . lor we all when two jars o violently together an explosion must take (dace. The opjiosing dynamic elements of the Kepubh- i ii H r i i o i : men's i i ; n . W':s s t . r . t il r-i.e. i. 1 ii, ; l ' ill, C U'i i' ir p ir.it c 'ii , i -breed ;oi ,! Spr e t SI.'l I I! el (.iolddboro A r tif the -t it-' a, -i-.-t-r.:;-- Ii : 'lter L ret 1. l.ilf frnri- k i Ml-' I ' I O J ' ' brV" th-t" i i.l In- ,i j ; . Veal , in ; : : ' . i a - i i 1 1 1 ni. n i tie 1,! work m t : . : - -::y i : !.- W.i- u yi.ir : Mr !: verttd ,1-w. n a . IrtlK 1 1 1 1 t,e Met il ay in,; 1. ; mi I ttiri.niiw 'i .. Hie O'll l-i.,1.1 -tiO i a ; i cllll rci. . an 1 ' " l " It; ill- l r s n ,- ! i r k ' fort iliu l !!. - Asl ii i- j ur -:,i-th i- el ; . aii "f a re, . r ro i c p . i i ;,i i:-v It ' i IV , r- n. i!!. Ht n in: il , . i: ni'- ( (ill-., i . , .... : of -er in a: - . !'.. i : i will I ' ' i'rir.ii App.iv l iiiur, ' 1 'v i : 1 1; ii., 1 Var-i'ii h i- :i i : : - 1 in right on tl.e I'.iaiiil- i t menii ..tit d V' 'hi in- 1 1 1 j r . : i l i c i 1 1 r : Mr. ! i . cm w ..s t 1 1 r i: " i 1 . -1 i . Nulii I'll Tear out 1 r v.;br U 1:1 I Ills J.'ill.lMMI i iieil . n of 1 lie 1 ire Depart merit ,i Pi-si met i vp ( onflairration. ! Ii 'j e I : I - t h I? II it ' It re tit ! 1 at 0, o'clock i .. in .: r.iii euiirii'l many to turn t ! 1 were in the habit of - until a I itt r hour. The dense 1 f -m ke emitted from the dry I : iaison'. mills at ocr.e desig ; iii- ' .rjse of al . rru. . Fli.r. i'l- I'.U'.TMK.NT HEsl'oNDS. ii it ;i-u ! proniptnt-ds the fire Je-t-i c!-l,' i to tilt- aceDe. and a ion:.' r f iiv t. of all classes .-:': r. -i. ar; ! seeirif; the danger ii la .r f .. ! !o w-ci uzns in that We are now bavins; delightful weather t of Lumber Nature id just boomio(f, and The heart of the trucker is K!au Now the red-bodied K-idish With iu Haunting rfen t0p Yields to the gentle yank of tl.e grower And enugly boxed is sent North To garnith and gife zest to the ureak fast table. The Asparagus now pokes through The ground at a tine rate. And is sent to tickle the fancy priced Palate of the wealthy dweller of tno Large cities. Soon the toothsome Pea and all its Vegetable kin will be clamoring f r Recognition at the hand of the Shipper, and thev will all in oo.i Season be taken in and cared for i'-"..r Jm& ,fl ..III I I III licit iOUS JUICE J -'ORE I UN NKy F r'Z Or t. ALII OFiNIA, hur- t i. f -t si..-. 1 .e ' 1 1 Mr. ; v et. it: I- .it.'! i; i . u :i r : 11 III , i v an ii .it i know that d namite come 1 h. i, t lie ( I - ' i e . No iii-uiu: -. This Mr. 11. n-iii'l t L.J. 1 . ' 1 . l : i ; : . I.iO. :i i, e -Iillllrt i i : I ' ' t I l i II) e " f i i 1 . 'II 'I il.e O'UI tl . '. . I ' moved tic- ! i it n pose t' . e ,-t ct tie- v. in's W. i:.:: ,.: I. ,i : sin , ttie K- ; u i . Ho ird i-I Ai i ni" War i. is a '. . . th- em plo e- .a 1 i rt : .rot- V. r k - IliL'. Ttjt'l'l IV 'A' . - I 'ins " No l y t. voun h- i -. an the diiivni ii d change i- propose i public Luil 1 1 lit' 11:1 dtrucn a, ana u,e t ask I'd P ) rn ai; e a n e of an a . i itu n i. -P. . l 'h.O iotte 1 ) i.iv N f r.. ArcK land, N. . , April :!. The ricane that made such devastation at Samoa did preat damaire in the lnlarul .iy were exposed bean of Tahitti, one of the Society group - i to i.rrt et the ll i-ries. Many persons were killed. On the I- i ; t ATI' n. land of Tonga thirty person - perish'-a ... - . , . i ,.. , i rn v- c and the ttarm di i niufh diirnan". I.l...- t,r: P'Ott -tl ( II .liUPO .... , ., . KoMK, March .! . loi mors have .p rt::e ! i-n, only a few reached here of thi death nl Kin J,:hn the wio . house ot the A. & t of Abyslnl, from woiiii.it. which Ii- d;-r the old mill i in received in a battle with the I.rvih i i Mettema. vt-mv uve y:ir.ld down a-,-.-. i - T. t .i J IKN.Na. April .! The c.lnri of tlw- a toe i .rt r one. On the late Crown Prince Rudolph will shortly i t :.e luij mills an ; on the be placed between the tombs of Kmpn-s ... .To-.TU. 1 I.' f.i...' q y , j- a million intitnn uix u i .m pe i 1 1 .'l i a i 1 1 ' 1 1 nan. of Mexico. Paris. A tiril t!. ( len. H mlarii', r Im- r in th- larg.r mill and issued a man i festo from Hru-.s-N t t h front of it was the dry kiln French people. He says tha' he "ill yard back of it were several not "bmit to a trial by the Senate, bin f , , , . , , . that he is wi ling to be tried be-or the f slabs and considerable : - , , magistrates or a jnry. In t onclusnin. i.ear the kiln. Not far , (Jen. Boulanger says he will await tin- yard are the residences elections which will make the Kpub!i m i t R msotn and Mr. Isaac ' habitable, honest and free. Pakis, April 3 It is btaied ihatfi.-n . near tii'.'m are many other r , , , . . , , J Houtanger left l'aris at the counsel of nJn.g don n in the city. his friends who declared that he w aild 1 b .- t r i-d by an x cept ion a I 1 1 1 b :: n a i . ,. i.d would mc s"aiie alive. !: : ' nial -Mil P. 1.C 0 btiui.'ui . able i ' j 'i t m.i - 1 Ci'iish hi do 1 1 .. .: t:i- KIDNEYS. LIVES JJiD ROWELS. - 1- pr, iC; I u n. ber. L CLEANSL Tr! -jr.il v.'. '.; rrrrcTUALLr About ft rty or i i li K i. .r. e. IM.- oltT t : i 1: T. i WuKK. ini'T.se ipjatititi- 3 of i recti n the firemen :.:. p- t i wr-i k. There t i oil he ; na 'aoy in a '. t n j in r i -1 w t e r. I - e '1 he Lad i. s Tri u re ph.i n 1 K iij"as Apr:i n . . i; i j ii , V : t v.-r. arer mill and and foon four v .it- r v.. r- oirro d on. The io i.'ir. ir.-'l an 1 twenty--1 f." '. " '" i t: :r: b . r in the dry I t -ii.r:i . pt i bur.-t cut and . liiiiiiii. ic.it-' i t ) cne hundred '-live f i Usai. 1 more near by. v i r Mr. S;:ms,-,a mills isK A I.' : a . K iij"as April no ting t water, O.kaloosi uit a is still ixtnit. Att.ra vt re planted vigorous liiit the female o.tn.ii.lat"" f. r city inces won th-. o.iy Py sweeping majoti'.it s At : i ttot. w c -.1 I'.i.ls.Kan sas, the ladies u t re triumphant. Mrs. Mmme Morgan L -1 r , p el-i led Mayor with all the tic mb r-n o' the LotiDcil of her rex. I t f ;,r '.,WC SLtrP, s : ,.p . r.TRi. cm I'Ai.!: VioCA 1 !i, : ViU't' CO. nnrt" C ATA R R H lint Am bALi.i i'b'iin..'- Ill 'CDCAkiahWK lrT'cuRrrcb Fhayfever-s v- . ri-" " - . MiipwrecUed ( n il In P. tl. BaI-TIMORP. April The sleam-hip Decatur H. Miller, Capt Taylor, which arrived this morning from Boston. r. oit.,,,,. HAT -htVtK A iMrI :! '"'1 ' ' :i'-'i iiimlrll nd I ' , i . . i Tiik.'L'lHt; b' 1 1 ,i:l f.. l p.ev -ni; of i tli -i.d f t ai - ii- - in: tr-uo oiiere.i t.y ito teenon t t Mrs. Irvar. in party have collided, and what brought a nimb-r of .b city. ( apt. A ip n nr i me citv ii jrn up a:..l lay. it grow in farmers, he says, ar than usual at thi- tim Col. Wm. Johnston. few days ago for Mexico, a-c-m . p il. lea by his son Mr t'rar.k J .ni.rt-.n. is oe tamed at S,iii Aiii,n;o bv the i.in"-s ot tiPob-rstood t hat he had speak it all out before if the rules allowed. are t it' ni o i es w n take the stand for the following ten : promj it th projKisal is hojie ho w and etTectn t days, and have the largest audience a witness has had in many a near. Wahingtoe Post. TllK Germans will send the ciuiser Sperb-er antl the corvette Alexandrine to Samoa to replace to succe the Cterman war s b 1 pa wrecked at of iiie. I ic 'i.i i d pres -Pin .-enator, ins one, and wo persistently ivljiii a Pre b it of it can only bo determined ,1!I;e after the fragments are gathered. S-range that men talk of the death of a party that is founded on prmeiples as indestructible as the love of liberty. Democracy is not dependent on the patronage of ofliee for its vitality. Ic is in- bis son. Mr. J-lm-t herent in the people; lives in their fioed lu hl' b d dl 1 ' homos and coea with them to their i Tarboro So itn; n:e: farms and workshops.. Its spirit m iv not nlwavs be in active exer J . . , water-worKS iimv te t- cisc. but its essence is immortal. ;ow onl it ,lue-. n , t 'mmrT?m' ' most of a very te.v w, THE SENATE. machine in tr.e c .tf r; f c tr ii n and acain. Wft have cl aimed work and evarv be.t ri i , - for the Democracy the guardian ship of the Constitution. No as i . t in up their rtr.-t c :. p A f ir Hit i : oil.- .a- bv Ii til- Co-1 '1 ii:' r- w,ra oi or f-r the de I ui a:i:trs ha- tH'tnt-s to lile iii' ri . ii h a v.-as :-ro : ; 1 1 he hil- loi- ty. Ail tin in bet el' -O w ic. b it here a 1 hum;. the r.rii and bm war, is tl and Mr. and r p.rtioui'f hi- pawed brought the shipwrecked crew of seTen i i he wo iKari of the men of the Bri ish schooner Margaret -A. still brtcz:- blew from 18 iisr, lino! r. h w a -1 ikiLOHtp; hy ' I i I I oHIKRH, N , w ii nl , (1 w y L , which was loaded with sugar, sailed from Trinidad . Cu ba. on February 12? "i-"- 1 earned the sparks for the Delaware Breakwater and en !..!: c.r, iers in great Makes to- countered a storm on March 'J. and on nsi icLces cf dec. R.iCSCm the 24 th foundert d . Patterson. It took hard work 'tarit watchfulness to save these A Had Wreck. St. Paul, April 3 Reports were te- '" ' ceived here late last night of a bad rail- i,, ;ou vi.,kk. road wreck on the Northern Pacific Tio - rc. .iag: men! o" the fire after the I near Missoula, Mont. About f o'clock : ; r.s Ace planted was admirable. be Passenger train ran into a freight , ,, .. , ; -and a green freight fireman and two ihe st. r : v,ero well a irected : the j trampH who were Btealing a ride were hook and liiiiui oaaipanies did good j killed and some others injured. The work, but it took two Lotirshurd work ! acctd-ent was caused by i misplaced to get the iire under control, and it was I 8Wltcb. past i... on ur..-re tee engines stopped 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER II IS a I I". I i T :CK OF V7atchc3. Clocks. Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND PLATLD WARE. s r i : i r v s. I keep a ho, . --.n i. of Spectacles than any oih, r store m North Carolina I take particular prinis to lit them to Vba eyes of parties need inp; thr-m. rk too : 1 -J J U - -II he tle II id there been no difficulty in tc. water the engines could have !p:i-' laid , the tali k is pp. pump and boltr are Redly the firelight uhines t o t.. no room, Chasing away all the ehaduv lgi n,: rk much sooner and much of : Light-hearted children are i.thu : .a r wulii have been saved. ,'e. ' rather is aa happy as can bo, the Lo-s. por wife and mother who suffered :;i in s loss w ill approximate eo long, " Ii is n;ids have been cutting Is getting her health back and soon will QQ fQ VOUT SntSTBSt! " t't- oer uav recent v wni fl i Huving worked sieadily ut tb bench for over thiny jeais. I believe I can do as good work ls auy watchmaker in the -ate. joke a:w ske me. SAM. K. EATON, Middle etreet. OppoeitB Baptist Church. f12 dwtf l'iXt'diiO (islAM s of purp' i-o ;s esseiit i al III the i-VrP o n. an " li WW1. SULTAN, Opposite Baptist Church, Middle street. NEW BERNE, N. C. Aua. Our government will send m Ins wa s. being to Samoan waters the iron cruiser every shitting w;m Alert and the wooden cruisers Pich- pi i-h much tor him mond anil Adams. It is supjsosod man. I he that the 1'mted States' vessels will h:s briet. n mar'JtJdwoai AT FLANNER'S reach w ee ks ; ships. TllK The schools. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ' CLOTHING ! SHOES! SHOES ! SHOES : T.- r. x- rt: ' . . l-sv. -.vA KINSEY SCHOOL, GrXSV22LSTO, INT. -O. their dortination several n advance of the Crerui.in harlotto hroi.tcie sas: lironicle favors jiubiic It thinks, however, that there ougiit to be more schools teaching rudiments thoroughly. Not one dollar, in its judgment, , ought to bo spent for a "branch" . aliove the three K's so long as t hero are any number of children "within reasonable reach," who have no school to go to, daytime or even lug." . April 1, in the I'. S. District Court ut P.altiniore, Judge Morris aentencetl Wm. 1'. Ford, .John Wal lis, Stephen W. Croswell, Noah 11. "ard aud John K. Chaiiwick live o v s ter im p; a l n s recently convicted of cruelty to oyster d ledgers to th.rty dai each in j.i.l, excoj.t hadwick, who wns lined f.fty dollars and sentenced to throe iU- in jail. Tno sentence dates from t ti e tune of t h e: r en v . ct ion . F K i 1 M the 1 1 m i n g t o n Star: In the Senate MrTeilerotTerod a resoiu: ion that herealtorall executive noun nations shall ts- considered in open session, which w,w referred to the committee on rules. The Navy Department has ordered three war vessels to te sent to Samoa. l'op-o I.eo has written a letter to Arehb-.shop (ribbons arid other Archbishops of the 1 n.tt d States, e 1 w e : ho I it shorilla'tM s.iry as . , t ii e r e . t r i s eXCf.le: ';. Wl.a- ih' t i c IP III' II' '1 'II: ami t he N et'OS bus. nes, win oh ; ' d:s.l,i t than a i oim para'iv ol I may Ir our pa' I,-, of our apgiiisii. u hoads upon iiosot!. feel t ho pu.s r i"ii st an t in t he r .Mb In this 'wi'il'i . : lot every lioiii be builds. lot li . m fon ndat ions, and M.e n , continuance in well d. an perst rue', u ; f t h i ' ages. 1 il , ; cil c, 'i. -t ,i i, c vala.-d In :: : . : ;' tr. :s iinen, . ,ei, .:. i m pr e a . e ;. t . ii '. .. e c ch ati go and we c t. ao g , A measure .repiac; m a be 1 1, e - morrow. Hit pi ch inge : :t J . ii ni ne, groa' err w -" a l b 1. s or n p, s. Democrat s . in t i u i N ope ' A : I' iy illfaiis unst a'de a'., ut by : iiK'oiii- :1s fellow s'.ok to Lis plow as . ai.ipv in ealllls ill signally " ; 1 s i ' 1 ; n T a ; ; e i lough in ids! in our p.c. and ' s c. a. - sault can bo made upon it that does not rally for its defence the party of .Ictl'erson, Jackson ami Clove land. Tno Senate is now being violent ly attacked, ami its existence is threatened by mad la'publicans-.' The Senate is essential to our form of government, and any at- t urning. .ii-iir yii u; a the whirr antl ri a-.- s ; of water-. Map." f No 1 SJ ni akt s ao e :. for i he quarter en 'i i:;g ing increased in-i:i h.-r.-takt n in l li- ceo r. i d g the d rairjape of I , ;. and the genera1 o tl Mi any 1 an J w a:- l : n -1 . . V.'asl.ington C. Mr. C. W T.ii .- i- i:: in ma. hin-ry f. r a ! oil mill. I" b- ere '!: i : Wei. ber the man w h At 1 v.- I -nl with N- w ton . w . temj.t to destroy it is revolutionary, and Lreut,u to v.. Clt'S 11- Il 1- t : - 11 . t 1: is a peculiarity of .p,ir;J ., 1,1 l II e lu a o , aictul h I . I W e n , '; ' v ' an ' w bin is. ho i.e int 1 a tor Ihe Senate represeir s t ho States, their sovereignty and dignity. It cannot be destroyed v.i'lioiit ovoi throwing the equality and inde pendence of the Statt s. The "ash:ngton Post, a popular eand.dato for Keiniblican leader ;ei, siiv s : i. is a our Senatorial establishment that while it is the creature of the va rious S'ate Legislatures, it is in no w ise i esponsi separate and in some S'a'es. six may come and go diiiing i Senator's torm id olli Ins count v ers of tli day I .-:' r. im::.o:.- a court, at N Mm: 1 .v :ii .irr.i-.gie. I. f ive of the i r g c ;i r t 1 M 0 - V . I.I: : ih-- roar A i.i i ,v re;'-:r; i merer i iii-t ne. r-t-iiscii.s-, d. i- little 1 ! .- -:i e i - 1 fr. ni in Iimne in m i!.- ' ( :r--e - th" b ; pned r r -n r K r : I mi o- f unh t i -a d. d;ir Ci i - - - nis day. ' . i 1 1 1 a time in or (, A n A tr- ia act ri q nriv q a oKn ia t nr. i o Vit would n.,t dry over 25.000 per : Ab gbe thinbsof ,he shadow that's taken lumber has ac- ; count its flight ; ilea in. j i i t v and lie has for some- j the shadow of diseass that darkens so .-mempUted enlarging the kiln; mJ homes, and makes the life of wife ; . . ' and mother one of terrible sulfering. r to meet tae capacity of the i How plea8ed we are t0 bnow tnat at )aht I: is a heavy loss, as there was a remedy has been found for all those but a man of Mr. Stim- i delicate derangements and weaknesses .le energy is not to be Peculiar to women. It comes to cheer- , , less Domes wun gian tidings oi great ii-coiiraged He will immediately re- joy Dr. rierce''s Favorite Prescryp- ' build the dry house double its former , tion has done for women what no other no lii-urncc s II 'r iildoni capacity, and the mills will be going remedy has done, or can do, and it is again in a short time. CliEATH.VM t Al . 11 1 TilE.H. .V On i i' s,;,,,,- ,iith Carolina Elec tion .Methods. i. . r isiiui.. -uin N ii- ii d Cheatham i colored i lis widte to Congress from 1" i. I was brought not to be wondered at that women w lit have been cured by it are so enthusias tic in its pra se. It is the only meiu cine for women sold, by druggists, un der a positive guarantee from the man ufacturers of satisfaction, or money re turned . Earlh(nake Shock in Haiti Ni:w Yokk . April 3 Purser S-lioli. 1 iis . Carol my f u . -cltlt beloe tie- town called 1 rennrts that, at about 10 4 Farmer.-, ("our try M' lohantu nnd the Trade geio rally : r :: i ''ed to call and examine our s toe I, . ! Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions. Etc. We always keep n M i k the cele braled State Prison and Parsons Boots and Shoes. K very pa i r war i , i; ; . i . We have :i Loi-- i-upply of F-orida Cheroots and I'e" i mi num Cigars These goods ;ue beugiit by us direct f rom t he 1 .ut. r . J--'" SiiulT ai M ii-.uf icttirer's Prices. Ot-i" No t oubie t" hhnw goods. ROBERTS BROS., iii." rv-r.t ut., .V.ui lit.rne.K. O. whirl: ur 'ai x . 1 1 ay 1 i . a a , n : ble to i hem. Tune distinct Legislatures, P'hurb'ti: ', : received in t Sen at i T Wo..' ( i.im L'l" ii . io that the S.-n.it-nervou-ne-s i ii I . rib - P: 11 g proved I v r--t an i t c The Senator t xpt-cts p country hmne in mucii . , -' .- '.:. i. i.i p. i..- hi'in,-. M -. tl i .: ii . s i --. r i f : om .- r nm 11 no in 'i T". ii a :i ; r r tr.aiti at hi-i- j. s-il'lt until 1 1 -.-ember properly . Se v ci t aifii of ISlootl I'olnou. I gi,l : s a . 'li.lt 1 .lues ..em .' ' "'l.ii Pe t T an t 1 a 1 1 s i ' 1 1 1 . e -- p III,' '1 '".' n... f. i,:,.v, i.., it-.,o t onrrt ss cinveues nex 1 r Ul'll t it vtij.cu iiv ono Uenoral J b.n Augustus Vun.j.p st Ction dissolves, goes OUt of mator of Chuli.tto. died ve-o r day at existence and is forgotten. It one o'clock, at his resident in ihw cirv. . , in the Tath war of his ago. It is sail I power Ot tlietngnest that lhe slgp,t of Senator V..ti-e's rt- , i i ir . r ...::..... ...jf-nti, . let. ... to m in nr n w i- : re 1 1 : it or n lai.n.fc .-.i," u. j my manner, and 0f the Headier El Callao, in half an hour. rived todav from Port de ) a. m. . 31 a r i ll J i ii v s C.ty. It n'- srtlled entirely by 26, a heavy shock of earthquake wa- Li.e hi- ii-. &nd s.mmons knew he had felt in the town and adjacent country, to u.-t tins ,-oPal vote to be re-elected. whi:h lasted several seconds. At the His ii. ends wm.t oyer and callei a time the schooner left no news had baen puo.ic u.ectn; a ud etats-J what Mr. received of any loss of life or ihouage siuiLii .:!;- uua ooi.e lor the district and the colored people, and as he really had provt a i,iin-e,i a benefactor the colored mecio.sy., re r.a.iy to go for him to a Thoueanrls sufTer f rom blood pois ,n , nidii. i..et.iK u:o all for Simmons, ,n h.,r.j i( fuv i i. is repudiated and in- jj. ( Botanic Blood Balm ) atrial. S.nd touugni oe nau tne . h Hlood Balm Co. . Atlanta. Ga. . for he was biding his , i. f a.,,f.,i ,,,.,J .i . uuurv Ui wuuuciiui mien, tuat lvmh mtc t V a rt i oaf kbprrT ipral . Ir ia aprtf frPP Chratham himself appeared at a called j 0."oibeon, Meridian, Miss., writes, metticg iu James Pity. lhe crowd op- .-For a number of vears I Buffered un- pore -i eii rjitaniui,, alio Uijf Ol lue ica'l- ers impaired : "Dion" Mars ' Simmons git dat 'pro pi'iiiiioii fur de ne-.v Pos' Cfii-':" ana p :. suite. i . gl.o.-i t tune. olir.Iil w. No oile i a -how. but Ti. nigh: before election Mr. exercises a povser oi iiieniguosi that lhe slgp,t f)f s . . .i i i ii- . r ...::..... .jf.nti. r . to t ne nonor anu weinu eoi maiumg e e 3 .o.... the State in the choice of a Sena tor, but exacts no accountability from him in return. The Senator embodies the theory of State repre sentation as distinguished fiom iiibir repi esoinauon in i oniess. Yes did. told agonieB frcm blood poison. Sev eral prominent physicians did me little if any good. I began to use B. B. B. with very little faith, but. to my utter and the K.-puiiiicans ot th cid t d . in caucu - . t : :. -. ,nal ca r !; :i . i t lo- t . during the ses-i ci f t h h ' v- C I'll 1 . n w ,o Pi-Vows ho en oil ;ct ion for n pr 'A h. ri so Ul e t v a e ve r v ti ling w: ;:i. ' 1 1 1 n t r put love and their tie- po-'ol :c great thing For Girls and Young Ladies. Spring Session of 1889. Opens January 16th. CJT Wr.M for Caialoc to JOSEPH KINSEY. Principal. i c enterprise. dy pulls ci.s way 1 e 1 1 ai ii 1 move; when some puds oneway and some another no progress can tc made. All citirens are interested in the common prosperity, whether they think so or not, antl the only thing loft to do with those who constant ly l.g behind is to leave them by the wayside or else take them up bodily ami carry them along aa we d refractory children, no matter how much they kick and squeal. Norfolk landmark. an iitisui a; . ' L'l-e t- lation ot a e nd n .! pr .:. 1 emoc: . Wo cm '1 ' 'I.'' if; I I.e u country :. gie.c r s, ; ; u rge u p' : i (hep li: :.''. c i ii - i r . . ( ' :.-':!. . u Doss, p .;- :; ' . c ,v : their wo .i'. 1 ti. .: ; for war. 1 ; o ; 1,.- it- rt. :.' nb' eo ' . 1 Oi s ' : '. '. r: t t tioari n g one an ' . .1 '- ';:;. lotting :b- 1 g':.' into t hmr n't n o 's, i;:s , hearts : other-. '.i:-:a religion, dispt :;: t '-( , t y , and s h uv i n g tne o 1 our holy ' in is: ..mit . ( ',.: in poll t ips. 1 1 1 us; i a : : ug lhe of patriotism, and standi! gloaming o.n.eters by t hi the ( 'oust it i: ' n p . --tt ot ' C ' s et. or ol raiht 't tile, r s. on,! c i : 1 1 e s :.c in c'l. ill cio e ot . s; ,iiitp vil t lies g w ; h ill lv Ot A rl.K KIM. K K. ' 'f health an 1 "irengrh r n-wed ni. 1 of re and comfort follows th.- use of Syrup of Fig, as it a ts m harn.ony with nature to itli.ctua.lv eleanse the iTiteru when costive , r hoi: u h For ulf in un 1 if'. ' b tp. s y ;ol lead- ' iDi druggists. I This is in direct compliance with the requirements of the Constitu tion, but the framers of our organic law iievt r contemplated a period in the future of the young Repub lic when statesmanship would be subordinated to wealth as a qu.il; t'pnition for the Senate, or when the Leg.slatures to which they confide so great a trust as the election ol Senators would dispose ot their votes, or any of their votes, to the highest cash bidder for the ofliee." 7u I n inn a nd ti, ( 'institution .' is the rallving cry of the nation, l'no Kopubln an party cairns that it saved the I'nion. It cannot do stroy the ( 'oust 1 1 u t ion . Tney 'ell us that Legislatures hive been bought. We answer oli etors have been bought. If the nireiijso of Legislatures justifies t the abolition of the Senate, sodoos the purchase of electors justify the abolition of the Presidency. After tho same methods the House of representatives fall: the indiciary is overthrown: the Re public is in ruins, and chaos reigns supreme I Put tins cannot bo. American liberty rests on the rock of the Constitution and it will abide for ' ever. Wilmington s: -.i . are making j re p . rat - is ping season . ittvl the "Utlo as pn-misiiig. Im.'no A corre-p' I.delit w i 'u in her 1 .ti i c itt.ty try int; to get up a J to b'o : a C' tP'ii f c. Farm-is are very : ni 're cott a: i h. .n lax .e'. y t r - y . , r the in etc.-- ' Api : ,r..p : I i c - r o .1.. km V An a.- y . nip , w l-I it. g i::pie A p-,i r 1 1 v a ' ii. si o,'.-: -iv i Oil p son .ii. a :i it.g . t-r-- Mi.;-. Ti. p o . a, into ti.- i: burn- 1 t depot h.r see;,.- that i Five ear . . i Arlii.u-.i-. v, i 11 iO'.lke ' - 1 color.-,! ; in mustere.i t ' po-sil,!" io : the tit-p ! 1 in. the ground a I with the nb were stowed and chicki n c la ly with sixt several sets o (if the etlilgl".. "Sunday l i'-t the crowd iv r which a b -I n. L tern 1 so happy a- ' 1 ing around h w. s mie of t hem to a in -ike hmi elicit urnricin il Vinfl mniifl mu n Willi .au i"." piopnai.oii iu a hearty person." rl 'iie road to the soiaiers cemetery.-' T iia,nrn Y. s. he du." 'Th-Jii't he git that 'propriation to build a i.ew itivoip uiiiii for dis yere dees: : lCl'.' ' ' V :-. lip dil." "'A t h. i heii w hat re talkin" bout'; Wi.at "s oe matt- i of A!.,rs' Simmons':" ' I 1 it's j I-' he t roil de. gem 'len . ' re i Mr. i lu a: nam . as he got b is opea ' ' M-ir- SirnnioLS got too much ia ;'. : n e. IP-go-., uown dar to Waoh . . m;. -: 'M s-.ur Cleveland, I v. ii,'. li.-w P s ( 'pis ,'divii to New ii r : : " . ' A i i Mi.-- nr i lev. lnud he says: .h r;l.t. M.-:i,r Si cmons. c. .- ; ':: want. A:. Mars Simmons g "- : ;. d.-i p'.otv soon an' says: M.---I (.''.'. . li.-i . i want stone road i ' -' i: '. :: .;. N- iv p.. me. ' An" Missur ...v. i,i. 1 ..... .-jv: 'All right, Mr. Sim- ru :.-. 1 oil . e v e,; .-'J pCi.U to m -ke stone I-. ;.' .v." lii- s:-!,m -ns '-oes back A Moonshiner Killed, it. : .v.. net k ::g"in an" siy.-i "Missur Cm aKI.ESTo.n. W. Va , April '1 I).- ' . ; I a.; r. vi-i.iii' cuttf r down tectives Baldwin, Robinson and Wal- : :i io N- '- An 'Missur Cleve- lace, coal police for the Kl k horn reg i. ri . i ti. i i.. i. '. .1 rigi t. Missur Sim- Mercer county, went to Tug River yes ::. :- I . i 'N ;.v, gem'ien, terd ay to ai rest a despera.lo and oiomi w . ii M..- in .i.s goes down to shiner name i Will Moran. A tig'n! in a-.rr.g: o .lis w inter '.. T. Halberton. Macon. Oa., writest "I contracted blood poison. I first tried physicians, and then went to Hot Springs. 1 returned home a ruined man physically. Nothing seemed to tin me any good. My mother persuaded me to try B. B. B. To my utter aston ishment every ulcer quickly heah d . "" Beiij. Morris, Atlanta, (ia., wiites "I suffered years f rom syphilitic blood poison which refused to be cured by a.i treatment. Physicians pronounced it a hopeless case. I had no appetite. I had pains in hips and j .ints an 1 my kirinevH were diseased. Mv throat v as take all de ulcerated and mv breast a m ass of run ning sores. Iu this .ndition I com mencod a use of B. B. B. It healed every ulcer and rorean.i cured me cm pietely within two months. "' HARDWARE. COOK Ito'OVi:', Wic L Fi-NCINO, SASH, i 03. SAND BLINDS, paixt, oil, glass and putty, like, clm::.nt, plaster AND HAIR, And t il Kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS At Bottom Prices! L. II. (TTLKK, 26 & 28 M;t Street, J ' ''" I Wi. Jam. savs: 'Mis- sued and Moran was killed, not. how ever, until he had wounled serim-lv all three of the detectives. 5b h .rouble is anticipated. 'A 1 '.ii to ta ke all i "it v and put 'em y agin'. What's Missur i r r. ply '.- He likes Mars" Simmons got a i.-e ol 't-r Pi i :n. So he 's Ail light, Missur Sim . i ! ii.- uiiiio," pleasure . ' g w me ti-r say . an' whar i e ni i ne wi t k arler , leve.l a. .Ir on: t-p It v : i -. and th te ill th 1 .-Vet M.i h : CO.NSl'MPTKH .IKKll An i i pliysi, inn. ret i : . d f : e. i .. having had piact .1 in his lnui.1- by ni; l.n-i In.ii.i inis-ioiiary the forti.ula ; a sM!, j V vegetatile remedy p.r tl.e -p.i. v m-l pi : niir.ent cure of I '. nisu ::i p; n. Br. i-lots. 1'iitarrli, A-tlir.n aad nil 1 l,r .at ..n i I. on. AtTe.-ti.'Us, also ii jiesuive ii : . rmiiiMl i:r. for Nervous Debility uu I i.'.l Nerval I 'o:n l 'laints , af'er hatii.c tesi. d its won l 1'n 1 t b dphia cas's two 1 il-re t fill" ' r -ol ." in-r ,. fon: .IT., li ' a o a- h ;i s i y ing '. is Wife oi' e if to i-tt r The agents will not takt ;i i i , ke wild lire, and ilk.-d t in- more i t was ' next day overv single to .vii went to Cheat- derful curative p.ov.is in 1 1.. . is ,f HSteltlt 111 - i ; ' l I y to 1 1 1 H k e II known to Ins sintering it .. no a i t nut. o l.v th:- niot.ie iii.it a 'l.'-ir.. '. r. oeie lnoinii sul ft-ring. 1 will send f n e of charge t- a i isutkio. .n-n.c .il,.. ,i.,irs. P. ,i,U recpe in li.-rn.an ; HE H-KST SA'oVF. in the world for Frendo-r l'.i.oi-li iwl. lu.l .iii.T'ime io Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt preparing ni.d using. Sent hv mini bv .nl H'leura. Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped drt s ing w ith s'iih p. niisi.u.L' tic p-pei Hands. Chiibiains. Come., and ail Skin W . A N"ii- 1 la 1 r p!,;,. l;.., . Eruptions, and positively' cures piles ter. N. V i - i 1 v or no pay required . Ii is guaranteed to give perfect eati? ta t;on. or money re- T CSf KIv 'F.I " r 1 1- - Annila r lot of funa-i. Price ja -onts per box. For f J UARRKTT'S COCNAC BRANDY sale by H. N. Ouifv. jan 17 for sale by James Rk.pm .no. The Vv'crli -CiAnis Aghast A V ?i Y IA.-V." t 1 1 1 ' i .n.. And w ..li it : . I i w , .: that 1 run Bell so miirli 1" a . . I -1 . i . ; . : . i Ise'; I'll tel I v "ii I h ce dot .r no net) to be easily sali-h. ; f t in- , ,,si:. and WOUK I-1 HisMAl.l. 1':. Ml:. Mv Motto I- I I : 1 I ' I, A 1 . 1 N ( 1 . Coiiie and 1 ' 1 y ' .' om rmi, and y ou will in vi r regret .: . K. R. JONES, New l'.orno, N. C. - M BA13V CAKItlAGES. Tin-; M.U I P. M II M I I 1 c . villi. I . I . 1 s - i it ' i ' .'I ' .i : ' a ! 'n,t ' i ; r H t lit I li K ; ' ' t l; ' liatolsMiiiM I'Rrlot ' - . . ' ' ! : t ' ! ii li.ln, W Hf -I - r . , 1 k k k 1 I . - In 1 1 fc . I ti Suf n im d M t s, . , , ! h i I (I r V 1 I . 1 -' i . A . it.Ki. Imvc thr II;.. ' ' I n : ( Hf- I , i . -t 1 : ! . - - ' . . r I , : . . i . f f . t I 1 lM ' ' . 'A - i ' i . . k , I ' 1 r m.i- w ;i ! I , ... i . -1 - .i , t.h f(.r nnd .O it.' ' ' . i ' ' - - 1 l' ' 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 r M ' t i . i 1 . ' - , - U o iire '. - :C ' ' "il' V.,.,l. ; i i s. K . it ' i I - r- 111 Ii:IiliH- T. J TUibM'K c CO., i ee 'I'l l K'KlltH. . '. M ' ' " I . O I.e. ,N I'. 2 Hi a. i , t.. tl ' i ii ' 1 r i i 1 ' i t , 1 -f ; ,1 . f . ' . . - ' ; '. ' 4 ' y ; : "L-zsLrxz!" ' i tii'? ;1a- . .. ' s ' s '"f.vA, ' '.".,, 11. , -A . ; j. .- . ... T .' V: ,.ie,.oOiO.

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