1) r 0 i I 1 THE JOUBNAL. r t COAJtxUrCS Vl COTT has been afpoiated poat muter of New York eitj. lr" U ideal tkat Democracy glial fTooa4 U North and Mb. Roust Lxxcoxji for -aaCy aoUJad U Prmidant ( a atccpUac of th BxUia Mlasioo. FXOX ta Wilmington Ummi tr. Demoexatie Calctfo U Jabi UlmI, t& RipabJieaa nog U BLZJ3ZD ARE THE PEACE M4KEK4. Tne moral sense of the age La opposed to war. The disposition to leave to arbitration questions disturbing the peace of nations ia ateadily gaialog laror tbroagbt Christendom. Never be I ore haa diplomacy belli so honorable a po aition m i: dues now. Tbi is right. I; show that the world is advancing aciler th' Ih- of (' SXCXXTUIT NOBUI U rccirinf prtlM froa Dsocru. Corrtct. MaxiS oaAl to b rvcot&iieU waer Tmf it la toaad. IUXKXX in kT caaied wide prtad dMelatioa la DaloU aad MlaaeawtA. Towaa bar beau vtd out by th limit, and many fuaiHM UA booI aad abelter- r - . V- AT XUnaUfcal, Ho., April Jd, teo n!TTiyt ti o( taabr in Lbe jarda th spir Lumber Company aad aarreraJ amaJl raidenc4 were dMtroTtd bj fire aUrted bj Trk from a locomotire. Tbe Immi srejt 100,000. IIOS. C. B. BaiCII-XBIDOK, who u charred bj baw partiaana wlta eonnT.citv in the m order of CLajtOO, l uiaf ail poaaibJe mea&a to briar the failt; to jaatice. Whia he ascertained that the Got raor waa vithoat faada, aeceaaarj to fot'tow ap the cae, be promptly adranced the needed a moan L THX dlaaatera, by fire and flood. - that befell the eitiee of Norfolk aad SjTaaaah oa Saturday aad Sunday fcaveawaieoed rery jeneral aym pathj. It U eeti mated that the Iom at Saras n th by fire la not le than 1100,0 aad that the lew at Norfolk br fire aad flood will reach) 1130,000. TU Ciacinnaii Commercial Ga sett U after Senator Freatoo B Plaab, who waa a Coloaal of i bead af Missouri maraaderadonag th war. ' The paper eoortctJ him ol th robbery aad attempted Bordarof Uaioa man at lade pedeace, Mlaaoorl, daring the afar WUniaftoa ilesaea gtr. fJosr. F. M. 8L3CX05 aad II. 3. Sua, editor ei the Joes sal, hare beea eoamtaaioned by Goreroor Fovlo to be rrpreeeaUtiTea of Korta Carolina at the centennial eatlabranoa of the laaarnraflon of George Waahiagtoa aa Treaident o the United Statea. April Mth isUe)daU. Til admiaUtralioa doe act le- ' . ttrd Boathera Kepablieaaa as of aaj accoaat. The Preaideat ia Jbraied Ooagrwaaaaa Cheatham - Ual -fcelttat pay hie eampaiga bUraliooa oat of hia pocket, that ko eoold aet bare the diapoaal of - tha patroojx ol hLa dlathct to pay oil hia alectloo acoree. - Tax Georgia State Farmera'i Al" hare reaoired that erery baia eottoa made by the Alliaare aaea ia Oeorxta ahail be oorered by . eottoa doth, iaatead of jate bag- giag. Thia aotioa affecta nearly ICCOOO faraieri aad wtll probably raaoit la the ealabUahmeat of oaaay aew eottoa factories in tbe 8Uta. Ret. H. M. WBU.KT05, the gret raagallat, aaya: "I hare aerer heea eat with bat two pervooa alaco I bare been a Chriatian. They did me a great wrong, and It waa hard to co ap aad abate their haa da bat I did it. It will aot do (or yoo or me to eheriah ill will towards aar hataan beiog, if we draam of bearen." Thm recent Democratic rictoriea aad increased Democratic rote in the North aad eat oaly add to the Irrefragible proof that bad been addaeed before, of the fact that the eaoae of the National Democratic deaat Uat fall waa a alack, not of Democrata, bat of tbe aathaaiaam rtqaiaite to make Dem ocrata rote. Alexandria Ga aette. Wb note with pleaanre that Oetaent Maaly, Eaq-, of New Berae, haa been appointed by Governor Fowle, a delegate to tbe Centennial Celebration of the In aagaratioa of George Washington Preaideat of the United State, which takes place on the 30th inst., la the City of New York. Tbe oaor ia moat worthily bestowed. Ho. JoH5 A. J. CKiaawsix of Maryland, baring been men tioaed aa probable aaceeeaor of Jastiea Matthewa on the Sapreme Coart Bench, the Waahiagton Peat neflcent intlaonce and ciiliatton. Hat, tbe bJeaatl Dirine lideemer are to nations. They go Ii r ! . n i : ords of our not limited with heal ing on tb:r wings to every com mnaity wberc tbor are barraaaing disaeosiona, to erery home im bittered by rrnel estrangements, and to every heart that is storm tossed and anguiab riven. What more honorable, what more noble, what more Chris: like than to be a peace maker T Sacb a man or woman is always welcomed as an angel o I light; a ministering spirit eat aa an embassador from the coart of heaven to tbe inhabitants of Kartb. Bat, if tie d.iLe benediction resta on the eace makers, the de nunciations of heaven aro no less positive against those who break I Had he been tbe peace. Tbey are described as 'broilers," l,lasy todies, "atirrers of strife,' "bark biter" and from all, aach Chriatians arc required to separate themselves. ithoat partialii, with ' noth ing toj extennate and nanght aet down in malice,' w t commend to all tbe cnltivntion of charity, so tioned right of appointment to oftlce, and, in the eaerci.-m of this right, it is not to te expected that he will encounter violent opposition in his Cabinet. Tbe time has not yet come for lr. Blaine to iwwert bis mastery and pive direction to the administration. The able tateanian of the SU'e Depart ment will pursne the even tenor of his way until some qneMion of for eign policy becomes the supreme isme of the hour, and then he will move grandly forward and bear , the palm alone. If Blaine were a younger man, if he had not learned by experience thai his is not the only plume to be j saluted, a wavelet of enry might ) now and then rufHe the calm ' placidity of his toaom, but, as it is. i be only amilea when Harrison ia : cheered, and gooa on with his , work. It is too evident that Mr. Harri son went to Washington jealous of Mr. Blaine. "It was noticable in almost erery remark dropped by TIIKTWO DOI.S V K It K II t Iil . r. v In the 1 Piere,-. Kr.i.lu.i A. t ; e , 1 , X 'I .!. i ii w i : v ul Y.lie (' h lien i a rude liar ' r n n .i 'a ,i 1 1 1 in ii'it Ui c men : li human:', ,u,i! m a renio' T i ri :t v, r.u s n' i. lli'H. '. I'. I ' part ui P.. -.hop (ouinl a : vitii; in lie 11. i.! l ,.n l)ii!n-l. We 1,., din nir t h S 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i v Jones County Items. i'i and i'iT) cents jut 1 ..lie pas:. iiii'' week ; ii r Si ' 1 !,r ,1 a Ii: i II ' i : i l: ! ' r Win that in shonlil lakt the docs. ii ue nei 'pie I . f i n i the stronger shuiilil helj and in proper ' ion to tin There is no other rea-on in bt'inR stron r, t xeep Stronger !ear mow than U' . I 1 1 n. 1 1 1: - to : i n'- I ion- . mm r.ixed"'- o'h.TS ll :io w V. re.-:. troi:: ('' .l.i ae -oin ; ; i r i : . 1 1 . I a: had a suial 1 I'll Wl'li w ! I !..; , ea t i:err au'iin la! .Is ul a kin -i a to t lie ITA part of i :e ! ! m i ;, us mi in un :t les t he weaker :r strength. or worth . that the I'Ki; cAi' 1 unit-us. The l'KK capita guA(?e ol duty is pure I heathenism, nay, the good heathen knew better it is pure beast ism. Hungry wolves won' t divide, they will flght fires. Taxing A to educate B's chil dren whether B. can't or won't don't matter is not a peculiar sort of thing, but the commonest thing in the world. A is taxed to treat , B'h son in the lunatic asvlum: log rolling occupies tall; 01 m, ui v of our the Harrison family. The para- i primarily to cure him, secondarily graphs in tbe press to the effect that Blaine was going to 'run things' made Harrison very angry. It wounded his ranity severely. a bigger or broader man he would not have noticed them. As it was, however, he atarted inwith the grim determi nation to be 'boss' himself, and to give the conntry an early knowl edge of the fact." It common-place men sw this, Blaine must have seen it, and he quickly decided to let the ship drift that we may realize that "blessed are the peace makers, for they (hall be called tbe children of God.' nAEHJ501 T5. qiAT. Beojamin Harrison ia now Presi dent of tbe United States, and ia charged with an administration embracing tbe whole Union. To him party cau make no appeal in opposition to tbe equality of the States. lie is the guardian of the ' tration rights and liberties of every citi ; isn. and. when these are involved. 1 the roice of party mast be tilent. Tbey tell us that Senator Qtfay ia plotting a raid against tbe Solid Soath. That "he proposes to take a hand in every State election in what be considers the doubtful Soathern States between now and 1SUJ, to the end that he my build ap atreagtb enongk to carry them then." "He thinks Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and per haps Florida, can be carried next time, and believes in beginning bow his efforts to accomplish this.' We, the people, bare no objec tion to Republican organization in the Soath. Indeed we prefer it. for it will be a powerful assistant to Democratic organization. It is perfectly legitimate lor Mr. Quay to open a campaign of argument in Virginia. West Virginia, North Carolina and Flor rda,and it would be gTatifjieg" o us for him to do ... : ao, lpaoiicaniam can win iu fair contest before the people 01 these States, let It hare its trmmpb, bat we atand ready to renell the drat intimation that corrupt methods are to be tolerated in "oith Carolina, whether tbe per petrator of the wrtng la the chair man ot the "atioaal Republican Committee, or a nrirate citizen of the State. Preiideut Harrison is responsi ble (or the conduct of Republicans daring his ad ministration. If be Is the patriot. aDd statesman be is renreeerued to be, if he is the christian gentleman the prepooder anco of church members in hia Cabinet indicates, be will chick mate Senator Qiay, and vindicate his pershal character and maintain the honor of his adminiatration. Flections are under State lawa, and if Mr. Cjaay supposes that he can ride rough abod orer this State he is in a fair way of haring his in formation enlarged, and of learning valuable lessons of experience. We do not belitre that Preeident Harrison will permit an invasion of the rights of the State, even for the. purpose ol securing Republican ascendancy. At all events tbe Democracy ol tbe South is ready for any legitimate issue, and will be found true to her plighted faith any emergency. until it became nedessary for a maater'a hand to be on the helm. We do not credit the assertion that Mr. Harrison is trying to 'freeze out" Mr. Blaine. Mr. Har rison could not avoid calling Mr. ! TlUlt,. f T,l r.il.init i t knnl 1JI9IUO IU UI3 BUIUCt " tbUVSUb offending a majority of the Kepub can party, and be cannot now dis pense with hia services without greatly embarrassing bis adminis- to protect people lrom hurt. A is taxed to put B's son in jail: also, upon occasion to hang him. A is taxed to have streets upon which B drives; to make sidewalks, upon which, it mayK1, only B treads. If A is a good citizen he rannot spend one day, unless he be alone, not one hour, without being taxed in some way lor B or or some member of the human family from "A to '.." If Cesar don't tax him. Go t will. Humanity is made on this plan and Christianity carries it out. Out of self sacrifice grows the church of Him who "emptied him sell" for others, the least deserving and because they were "lost."" The agreement prevails on the lowest piano, self interest. A can't afford for b's people to die ol smallpox. A 'a people might ' "catch it" and A taxes himself for nnarantinp. If he is too icnorant i rr, sl.nf. the rsr of the alnhabet t l,UIT "m and so, ai.er a Kuowieuge oi iue iaci, the owner is subject to a severe r:i ; ! c.ti;: :s the onler of th- v:'!i us in. in v have finished pi. l lit ing. The old 1 1 j 1 1 the tune and farmers1. The .loiios county farmers have planted a large crop of oats and Irish potatoes. The run of shad m the Trent is very large this season. Shad sells at Trenton at '20 cents per pair. The s-ason is fast approaching for angling with hook and line. Won't our Trenton fric'iuls keep the fishes mouths sore. The Jones county Farmers' AI liam e met at Trenton on Friday the nth of April and held a very harmonious and interesting meet ing. We learn that a new steam saw mill is in full blast near Trenton on Crooked run, cutting cypress lumber. Mr. John Homer is the proprietor. Married ar the residence of W. W. Pollock on Wednesday the 27th of March, Mjss Nannie M. White and Mr. Jobu M. Andrews, J. C. Parker officiating. Long life and happiness attend them. Judge Shipp at oar last court sentenced llobert Smith to two years hard labor in the peniten tiary for the larceny of one hog. Haywood Smith. his son. and William Simmons, colored, one! year each for helping Smith cm-! ceal it. The last Legislature passed a hog cholera law compelliug all owners of sick hogs to take them up and pen them where other hogs cannot get to them, and when one failing to do J. W. STEWART, Sale and Liverj Stable. I am constantly receiving shipments of Horses and Mules, winch arc selected by me individually with great care. In making my purchases I deal only with reliable men, and get nothing ut good and sound stock. Will take pleasure in showing you through my Stables and Yards. aug'-Trd wif oad Street, -New Berne, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Craven County. ) By virtue of the Tax List for the year 1888 placed in my hands for Collection, and in default of payment, on or before Monday the 6th day of May, 1SSI), I will expose for Sale the Property hereinafter named, to satisfy the Taxes, and Costs due by said Tax Payers, to-wit : No. One Township. Tax and Costs. I Anderson, FUas II, lo' acres, 2-euse River, 130 acres. Poplar j Branch .' 17.19 ' Atkinson, Jas B, 100 acres, l'mey Xeck 9.2c I Brown, Kverilda, 25 acres, Maul's Swamp 2.98 I Brown, Washington, 21 acres, Pioey Neck 0.212 Carawan, Henry J, o.j acres, JUt. Fleasant 0 56 Cohu, Adolph. 40 acres, Hill's Neck 10.34 Cohn, Sarah, 241 acres, L S Creek 17.99 A PROCLAMATION. in t t aaya: M Among the great legal hijuiaariea of the country Mr. Qreeawell occupies a foremcat place, aad there la none among them, perhaps, better equipped than he for the duties of a Sapreme Coart Justice in all the require seats, mental, personal and judi cial befitting that position." YxacXTLXS-, prrcepte, forma of truths il Lbey be true principle, trM precepts, good forma of truth whether they belong to the past, the preaeat or the fatore; whether thy hare arises ia aeaihea or Ckriatiava, ia apiritnaJ or aecalar Uoaght -Chrtatian lie include tbam all within the wide eireiee of Ita poanaaeiirmt aspires to waaterer Is tnM, tad pi sJii good ia each tf theai, bid then all welcome Uta iU experience, and elaiaae t&aa ail M portion el Ue heritage oi Ua) Ujgdaa of the truth, orer w&Ja Ita Lord i Klag. Alex, lladcod. U1BRI505 ASD BLAINE. It is aerer absolutely aafe for a ruler to bare a Prime Minister greater than himself. Potentates hare managed to surrive adminis trations iu which tbe power was behind tbe throne. Theparaphan alia of State, the pride and pomp of station was with tbe crowned beads bat the fame and glory of tbe achierement belong to their lieuten ants. illiam of (rermany baa not been abla to conceal his jealousy of Bismarck, and Mr. Harrison can not help showing that be n chilled by the shadow ot Mr. Blaine. There is no merit in Die ever recurring effort of the President to show that bis hand is on the ri ins. Thus may be, and ye: the eye of tbe Secretary may 1 dnc'iug the course of the chariot. It is often affirmed tb.U Mr. B!a;ne has tn-come cor.cicui that Mr. Harrison i sWove h:m. and that be i restive because of it. lij th&FridB4 or the railed SUtei. Washington, April .". The fol lowing proclamation was issued late this afternoon : A hundred years have passed since the government which our forefathers founded was formally organized. At noon on the thirtieth day of April, 17S9, in the city of New York, and in tbe presence of nn assemablage of heroic men, whose patriotic derotion had led the colonies to victory and inde pendence, George vVashington took the oath of office as Cbief Magis trate of the new born Republic. This impressive act was preceded at 0 o'clock in the morning in all the churches o( the city, by a prayer for God's blessing on the Government and its first President. The centennial of this lllusTious event In our history ha ueen de clared a central holiday by act of Congress, to the end that the peo pie of tbe whole ooantry may join in commemorative exercises appro priate to the day. In order that the joy of the oc casion may be associated with deep thankfulness in the minds of the people tor all blessinga in tbe past and devout supplication to God for their gracious continuace in the future, rpr8enUtiTea of the re ligious creeds, both Chriatian and Hebrew, hare memorialized tbe Government to designate an hour for prayer and thanksriring on that day. Now therefore I, Benjamin Har rison, President of the United States of America, in response to the piouu and reasonable request, do recommend that on Tuesday April 30, at the hour of 9 o'clock iu the morning, the people of the entire conntry repair to their re- apective places of dirine worship to implore the faror of God, that the blessings of liberty, prosperity and peace may abide with us as a peo pie, and that His hand may lead us in the paths of righteousness and good deeds. Ia witness whereof 1 hare here unto aet my hand and caused tbe eal of the United States of Amen ca to be affixed. Done in the city of Washington, this 4th day of April in the year of oar Lord 18o9. and of the inde pendence of the United States tbe one hundred aad thirteenth. Benjamin Uakhison. By the President : James G. Blainb, Secretary of State. Ottoa aad Wo-ol. The. crop of cotton is reported as being very large, possibly greater than that ol any recent year. Yet the demand lor tbe staple con tinues, and the size of tbe crop see ma justified by the demand. Tbe manufacture of cotton goods Is now profitable, and new mills are in course of erection in all parts of America, and in this movement the South is conspicuous. Soon the raw material will be manufactured oa the large scale near the place where it is grown, and the New England mills will be handicapped by their distance trom the cotton fields, iu tbe competition with their Soathern rivals. The outlook for cotton is therefore a bright one. Wool, the other great textile staple, cannot be so well placed in the economic sense, owing to the great deficiency of reliable statis tics. At a iecent convention, the National Association of Wool Growers took steps for establishing a better system, including the or ganization of a central bureau of statistics. When this Is carried out, the wool producer will be greatly benefited, not only by accurate statements and forecaata of the market, bnt by a better gradation! of qualities. It is proposed to I have this matter, the grading of! wool, taken up by the Association. I Few staples need grading more im eratively, as wool suited for one bran.n of manufacture may lie quite un adapted to another; the; carpet maker needs a material totally different from that required 1 by the manufacturer of tbe zephyr worsted. 1 "levy" on him. If A can prevent j B'a people taking small pox he is j an idiot not to try to do it. Ac- cording to the (lospi l ot "Poor Richard" mightier with many I than the Gospel of the Son of God, I "An ounce of prevention h worth a pound of cure.' ' Unless ignorance as tome seem to think, is '-favorable to spiritual ity," A can no more afford for B's children whether they be white or black, red or yellow to grow np in ignorance than he can afford for them to catch anil spread small poi. I f "ignorance is favorable to vice," as history seems to "teach by example," it is cheaper for A to be taxed to educate B's children (whether B won't or can't don't change A's interest in the case) now than to be taxed to jail, or hang them by and by. The United States government, after a hundred y ears of experi ment has decided that "it is cheaper to educate an Indian than to kill him.' It is. I think, more Christian. Society should protict itself and in the moat economical and Chris tian manner. The orthodoxy of barbarism is this: "God bless me and my wife, my son John and his wife us four and no more-" And it is "liberal orthodoxy" barbaric orthodoxy at its best. The true barbaric orthodoxy is have no wife no son no daughter in lnw, no; a neighbor not even a dog. The Vale College hermit was not strictly orthodox the two dogs were heresy. Raleigh Christian Advocate. The premier is a mot astute gen tleajan. When Le accepted a place in the Cabinet he knew that he was to be Secretary to tbe President, and It would hae been the night of folly for him to have assumed the bearing of the Chief Magiatrate of tbe natiou. Nothing has transpired to offend the diffnitr or wound the senaibili- tiee of Mr. Blaine, and those who) see ernlence of alight in tbe de-1 Dortment of tbe President towards j r aad tffactiTa. Dr. Piros P1m- b dalrd ia point of ffieacy, aad yt Uir actioo la totally free frocn any aa peasant irmptoaia, or disscrebl ftr tffceta. Puralr Treatable, per- tfan wiau but littla bar blow, Bat wuu that Hula trooc;. Tbia is aapccislly tra of a purga. The araraga caaa or wotAaa doea not precisely banker for it, aa a rule, but lakaa laces II to M prompt. Ntrer liet Into Drbt. "ot many years ago a young man came in town to finish his Studies at the office of one of our best lawyers. He waa well edu cated, intelligent, agreeable and kind ; but he was poor, and in order to support himself, tried to get a class in French. A few scholars came, anil the thing did not pay. After a while he paid his landlady, left his boarding house, and took to the woods. On the tide of a hill, in a thick pine grove, he pitched his tent, where he cooked Ins food, ate, slept and 6tudied. Of course, his strange conduct made a great deal of tal-fc. One morning after a terrible thun der storm during the night, his friends hunted him up. " You'll be sick of your bargain after- this," they said, "and be glad enough to have a water proof roof over vour head." 'I did not take to the woods from choice," answered the young man. "I could not see my war clear to pay for lodgings, and I am resolved never to be in debt. I know too well the danger of boing in debt; my scanty income will carry me through the summer, when I hope better times are coming' Gentlemen offered to aid him, but ho sturdily refused their of fers, got through his studies, and has now a large business, which handsomely supports him. Was not that pluck ? And did he not well think that the danger of being in debt is a s-erions dan ger T 1 wish more people thought so. Getting loose in money mat ters is often the beginning of ruin. When a bov or a young man falls nto the habit of borrowing money. spending freely, having things oharged, neglecting to pay, and not keeping his promise, lie is in a bad way. He forgets, lu-s, loses bis sell respect, and is slowly but surely letting himself down, down, i down. The history of many a mail , shows how jar down it inly be, j even to robbery and murder. Two ol the worst murders ever com-! mitted lq Boston were done by 1 respectable men to ii?c their tltbt.' One killed his intimate friend be-, cause he could not pay a debt which he was owing him. The other a voung man shot m cold- oioou. in nroau iiay, a yonng as sociate, that he might rob the bank he was in of a few thousand to pay his debts with. Both did their work coolly, and apparently without any twinges ol conscience. Both were above all suspicion. They had borne a character fair to the world ; but there w as a weak spot, a screw loose, a canker at the cere. They trer? loo'- in their mon' y matter?. Debts were dogging at their heels. Thry had lost thei.i uprightness : and, having lost that, the devil can tempt a soul to do anything. Child's Paper. line. This law is only applicable to Jones coun'y and three or four others. I hereby give notice to all my neighbors and friends that I intend to eo that this law is strictly executed in our neighbor hood. Some days since I saw in a news paper that a gentleman North de sired to hire a lot of reliable men would pay them ?2.ri0 per day to tack nil advertisements on trees and fences. I thought I would have some fun, so I wrote him I was his man had handled a ham mer nearly all my life would tack them up a good long while for that price. The gentleman supposed that I was his man, wrote me to send him four dollars and he would send me an outfit that would bring in lots of money for me. But some how I and he saw things through different spectacles. What a pity we can't all see alike just pre vented me from getting rich. Bad luck to me again, Mr. Edi tor. My spectacles and a sharp advertiser s won't focus alike Another fortune lost just this way I saw a breech loading double barrel gun and a large telescope to be given to the first that would answer the advertisement. It went on to state how he conld afford to give one gun and a teloscope away in one locality. He said I must show it to everybody 3nd aa they were of such superior make and finish everybody would be sare to buy orje lrom him, I concluded that as the hawks were so bad I would send and get it. After due time I received the gun and telescope too, but I could neither load the g:n nor adjust the tele scope, for it was an immense pic ruro of a real fine breech loader and a picture of a fine telescope with the modest requst that if I would do a certain amount of work which he said I could easily do or send him twenty dollars I could get the gun and five dollars for the tele scope. Well, I did not send, could not see the groat chance thac he saw lor me to make money. A Viirsu exquisite who thought that au ey e glass would improve his appearance, went into an opti cian s and was a long time trying to find one to suit him- None of them would do: they were either too strong or too weak for his sight. At length he found one that was just right, and inquired the price. Surprised at the selection he had made, the optician, after looking at him in blank astonish ment, ventured to ask what num ber of glass ae would like for the empty frame he had picked out. I was troubled with chronic catarrh and gathering in my head, was very deaf at times, had discharges from my ears, and wag unable to breathe through my noee. Before the second bottle of Ely's Cream Balm waa exhausted I was cured, aod today enjoy sound health. C. J. Corbin, Field Manager. Philadelphia Publishing House, Pa. I am on my second bottle of Ely's Cream Blm, bein a sufferer from catarrh since I wae a child, but with this medicine I am being cured. Wm. L. Dayton, Brooklyn. Brooks, Sam'l, 2S acres, Hill's Neck 7.93 Uail, Elbert, 1000 acres, Palmetto 1G.4S Dudley, Lafayett, 170 acres, Neuse Kiver 9.70 Dudley, Sam'l, 120 acres, Bay Bash 4.12 Ernal, Abisha, 30 acres, Piney Neck 4.(53 Ellis, John, 100 aires, Piney Neck 4.45 Eberstine, Yon F H. 180 acres, Near Vanceboro C-86 t omes, Chas, ou acres, Jtsell ronu 5 53 Pomes, Frank, 50 acres, Bnll Pocosin 4.87 Pomes, Sarah, 109 acres,Creeping Swamp ' 3.32 Fomes, John, oO acres, Bull Pocosin... I 1 Martin, Benj, 50 acres Clubloot creek 3 Martin, Absolom, 34 acres Clubfoot creek 2.M Martin, Jacob, 34 acres Mitchell's creek 3.J0 Martin, Sam'l, His. 34 acres Clubfoot creek 2.45 Nolon, Jno jr, 15 acres Main ltoad 4.2H Priestly, Stephen, 50 acres Clubfoot creek 385 Priestly Sarah, 02 acres Neuse liiver 3.12 Pritchard, Moses, 50 acres Adams creek, 100 acres Adams creek 4 23 Richards, BeDj jr, 72 acres C.ibooque creek 4 8N Staton, W P. 870 acres Long creek, 1 10 Coat's creek, 75 acres Long creek Sparrow, David, 10 lucres Boards ltoad Wrillowbv, Lewis. L'(;o acres Cabwoijue creek Wilson, John, 18 acres Coate's creek No. ix Township. 18.80 420 4. 68 4 08 Tax and Coat. Anderson, Jas, 5 acres, Hlocumh creek f 428 Andrews. Isaac, 50 acres, Sandy Kuu 5J52 Beltner, W H, 10 acren, Slocumb creek 4.3. Berry, Geo. 37 J acres Slocumb creek 4 93 Bryan, Collison, 35 acres County Road 3.33 Coleman, Harry, 52 acre-i Bricn's creek 3.02 Cooper, Doctor, 18 acres Lake lioaa fi 03 Dove, Mrs Patsy Ann, 100 acres Hancock creek 4.59 George, Squire, 50 acres Black .Swamp 3.84 Heath, A L, 320 acres Brice's creek 9.47 Hoggins, Sam'l, 300 ajres Nease Kiver 13 09 McMilfian, A D, 48 acres Slocumb creek 3.73 McCray, Turner, 80 acres Hancock creek 5 05 Marshall, Geo H, 400 acres Slocumb creek 6.60 Marshall, H A, 340 acres Slocumb creek 0 01 Marshal, F P, 219iJ acres County Uoad 7.50 Manning, Larkins, 14 acres Slocumb creek 5.49 Sykes, Funis, 50 acres Slocumb creek 5.22 Smith, Noah, 70 acres Railroad 4.38 Tolson, Mrs Holland, 713" acres Great Branch 18.71 West, James, 10 acres Lako ltoad 2.32 No. Seven Township. Tax and Costs. Fisher, Abram D, three-fifths acre Kiverdale 7.27 Fisher, John S, one-1'onrth acre Itiverdale 9.02 Haskett, Summerfield, 200 acres Johnson's Point 10.01 Moye, Garrett G, 148 acres So. Neuse River 12.06 Tippett, Elizabeth, 240 acres E. Side Mill Branch 9.70 Wollenden, Caroline, 1205 acres Cool Spring 49.31 No. Eight Township. Arthur, Martin, lot, Scott Laud ).(( Brinn, J H, Urs of, lot. Queen and Pollock stj . . . . . '. '. '. '. . '. '. . . . . . 5 50 Bryan Frank, lot, Pavie Town, 2.0.3 Becton, Mariana, lot, South Front st, 3.22 Bryan, Jas, lot, Cedar st, 4.63 Blackman, Marina, lot, Gardner Alley 4.96 Benders, Beuj, lot, Crooked and Bryan st o!l5 Burney. Luke, lot, Metcalf sr, 0.10 Baker, R C, lot, Gardner's Alley 0 38 lilackledge, K Xi, 836 acres, Trent road. 1887-'88 36.00 2.49 Gaskins, David, 98 acres. Neuse River 10.24 12.70 5.66 AN old office seeker says that the surest appointment in politics is disappoint ment. IS COSI MPTIOS I.VCIH4BLE! K-ad tbe fulloti: Mr. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark , itiys: "Wns down with A Incefrs of I.ung, cn i fritnds and physi cians pronounced me un Incurable Con sumptive. B gun taking Pr. Kind's Nw Discovery for c'onsurtif tion. am now c n mv third bottle, and ab Y to oversee the work on 11. y farm. It, 13 tl.. finest iu-.di-cice ever made Jesse Midlaewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: 'Had It not been for Dr. Kicig's New Dis co v'-rv for 1'onsumpiioB I won Id have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doc-tir-. Am now in lust of health." Try it. Sample buttles five at It. X. DuflVs Wholesale and Retail Drug Store. New Berc.e, X. per dozen, wholesale. livery cloud has its silver lin ing."' The boy who has the mumps can stay away from school. Gnffin, W H, 80 acres, Mt. Pleasant, 133 acres Mt. Pleasant Griffin, Hardy B, 60 acres. Mt. Pleasant Griffin. Penny, 250 acres, Mt. Pleasant 9.33 Heath, Sarah, 262 acres, B. Swift Creek, 250 acres, Fisher's Swamp, 400 acres, James' Swamp, 10 acres, Mt. Pleasant.. 32.43 Heath, P A, 32 acres, Cow Pen 5.05 Heath, Levi E, 25 acres, Bear Branch 5.95 Chapman, Juja A, Hrs, 156 acres, L S Creek 4.70 Hoell, Alphonso, 23 acres Maul's Swamp 4.52 Jackson, Jesse T, 200 acres, Mt. Pleasant 5.56 Joyner. Bennett, 40 acres, Poplar Branch 12 Lilly, John F, 9 acres, 1'iney Neck 4.12 Lancaster, St. Clair. 52 acres, Mt. Pleasant 5.30 Lancaster, Hollon E, 21 acres, Gardner's Bridge 2.64 McRoy, Mary, 21 1 acres, Mam's Swamp 5,69 Mills, J H, 160 acres, Mt. Pleasant 87-' 88 11.81 Moton, Doctor, 82 acres, Butler's Ford 4.41 Tercer, N A and J A, 100 acres, v anceboro 15.42 Powell, Geo "W, 200 acres, Juniper Neck 6.33 Roe, Ernest, 32 acres, Vanceboro 4.84 Smith, Redding W, 90 acres, Willis' Neck 8.53 Smith, Stephen, .500 acres, Piney eck 16.02 10.10 6.56 6.86 5.55 9 Sutton, Sam'l, 200 acres, Cow Pen, 21 acres, Turkey Quarter, Sutton, Chas, GO acres, Cow Pen Stevens, J H, 120 acres, Gardner's Bridge Stilly. Elizabeth, 600 acres, Hill's Neck Tripp, David, ir, 31A acres, Cat Tail, 6i acres, Juniper Swamp. Tripp, Jas H, 27i acres, Piney Neck 4.51 W lllis, Poldo, 2j acres, Near V anceboro 3 60 Wetherington, li E, 21 acres, Nense Kiver 6.31 Wayne, Fannie, o acres, J i' Wayne Land 3.22 Ward, W H, 125 acres, Bay Bush 87 '88 7.00 Wiggins, Alex, 76 acres, End River 7.97 Wiggins, Chas U, 3o acres, Mt. Pleasant, 30 acres. Mt. Pleasant 6.52 Willis, Bryan J, CO acres, Willis' Neck ' 6.10 Willis, Andrew P, 100 acres, Willis' Neck 6.10 Willie, David E, 3 acres, Mt. Pleasant 5.68 Willis, Lois, 110 acres, Mt. Pleasant 4.63 Willis, Benj F, 50 acres, Mt. Pleasant 5.45 Watson. Jos, 20 acres, Swift Creek 2.76 No. Two Township. Tax and Costs Arthur, Martin, 100 acres, Mill Creek 3.85 Averett, Lewis L, 20 acres, Hill and Glade 4.40 Cuthrill, Geo Wr, 50 acres, Broad Creek 5.21 Daniels, J T, 200 acres, Neuse Kiver 12.15 Edwards, F M, 15 acres, Sand Hill 4.40 Fulcher, Albert, 25 acres, Forrest 4.74 Gatlin, Jacob, 17 acres, L S Creek 5.09 Guion, Ferdinand, 72 acres Broad Creek 5 25 Guion, Albert, 50 acres Broad Creek 6.28 Gaskins, Brin, 200 acres L Swift Creek 6.99 Gaskins, Kaymond, 93 acres Wolf Trap 3.56 Hammond, Aaron, 100 acres Broad Creek 3.89 Ipock, Levi B, 118 acres Broad Creek 7,22 Jones, Jos, 15 acres Mill Creek 5.02 Kees, Asa, 30 acres Savanah 2.40 Latham, Nathan, 12 acres King's Neck 4.58 Lancaster, Lon, 92 acres King's Neck 3.35 Latham, Job, 12 acres Broad Creek 3.03 Moore, Jacob, 16 acres Broad Creek 4.77 4.66 Morton, Jno, 24 acres Sand Hill Price, Chas K, 118 acres Hull Swamp 5.78 Stapleford, Cathrine, 240 acres Broad Creek 4.85 West, A C, 148 acres Island 7.18 Wilev, L H, 125 acres Broad Creek 5.82 Willis, Chas, 39 acres Broad Creek 4.65 Sherman, Nathan, 32 acres Sand Hill 4.40 No. Three Township. Tax and Costs Artis, B W, 35 acres, Houston Land 6.98 Black, Jas, 5 acres, Mosely Creek 4.35 Bowen, Eliza, 150 acres, Flat Swamp 6.44 Brock, R M, 360 acres, Dover 10.80 Carmack, Thos, bo acres, Snake Hole 4 32 Heath, W H, 65 acres Core Creek 7.41 Jackson-, Martin, 50 acres Core Creek 5.31 Jones, Eugine, 25 acres Mill Branch 4 63 Kornegay, J E, 7 acres Dover jJepot .12 Oates, Jethro, 10 acres Half Moon 3.42 Outlaw, F P, 15 acres Dover, 600 acres Kent Land 15.68 Richardson, Alonzo, 77 acres Mill Branch 6.45 Rouse. Lewis, 21 acres Mosely Creek 3 22 ADVIfB XOMOTI1EKS. Mks. Winslow's 800T111.V0 Syrup should alwtiys be used for children teething. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar bcea. Twenty-rlve cents a bottle. When ii man runs for office, what kind i fa sweetmeat does he be come? A candied date. Rouse, Henry, 200 acres Dover 11.65 Slaughter, W H, lo acres Core Creek 3.79 Smith, W H, 75 acres Core Creek 5.25 Sutton, Noah, 40 acres Mosely Creek 5.22 Taylor, Lon, 21 acres Mosely reek 5 57 West. G YV , loO acres Lypress pocosin 3.30 No. Five Township. Tax and Costs Black, Jim, 13 acres, Clubfoot Creek $ 4.32 Blango, Sam'l, 100 acres, Clubloot Creek 3.17 Blaugo, Jas, H'O acres, Clubfoot Creek 5.32 Becton, DanT M, 10 acres. Clubfoot Creek 4.20 Bordon, B F, 1000 acres Hancock Creek 14.46 Bell. Beni H, 400 acres Clubfoot Creek 6.72 Bell, Jas R, 210 acres Clubfoot Creek 4.50 Carter, J P, 84 acres Mitchell's Creek 3.03 Carter, W H, 60 acres Neuse River 5.16 Chadwick, Hastey, 50 acres Hancock Creek 4.76 Chadwick, Wm. 50 acres Hancock Creek 3.02 Carter, Lewis, F 0 acres Clubfoot creek 4.65 Carter, Isaac, 28 acres Mitchell's creek 2.38 Carter, Elijah, 25 acres Clubfoot creek 4.44 Cavanoe, W J II, InO acres Canal creek 9.80 Dove, W H, 15 acres Cabooque creek 4.86 Dove, Wm. 156 acres Cabooque creek 3.97 Fenner, Silas. 47 acres Clubfoot creek 4.87 Feuuer, Jos, 37 acres Mitchell's creek 4.51 Fenner, Sam'l, 100 acres King's creek 3.25 Falls, Gilbert, 100 acres Clubfoot creek 5.10 Fisher, Spencer, 50 acres Cabooque creek 4-63 uryan, a, lor, ueorge st, 6.50 Bryan, Virgil S, lot, Eden st, 10.17 Brown, Jno B, lot, Middle st, 1887-'88, 25.08 Bryan, Dempsey, 95 acres, Neuse and R. Road 3.22 Boesser, F, lot. Craven st, 10.82 Cuthbert, Mrs Rosa W, lot, Craven st, 18.33 Cammell Bryan, 50 acres, Neuse Road 6.4 1 Clark, C C, lot, Pollock st, 1887-'88, lot New South Front at, lot West at, 30.40 Clark, Mrs E J, lot East Front st 2.03 Coley, Henry, 3 acres Neuse Road 2.88 Croom, Jas, lot Cypress st, 6 65 Charles, Jas, lot Queen st 0 38 Dixon, W B, lot Change st ........ 9.89 Davis, McLin, lot Queen st 2.93 Dennison, A R, lot South Front and Metcalf st, lot Soath Front and Metcalf, lot Son h Front and Metcalf, lot Bomb Front and Hancock sts 11319 Edwards, Shade A, lot, Rountree st 6.96 Fisher, John, lot Scott Alley 0.38 Foy, Samuel, lot Bragg's Alley 3.80 Fisher, Emanuel, lot Gardper's Alley . 10 86 Forbes, Isaac, lot South Front st, 1887-'88 10 41 Gardner, Caroline W, lot George st 13.72 Gaskins, Wm, lot Spring st 7.78 Gnthrie, Susan, lot, Craven st 9.05 Green, C C, lot Jerkins Land 2.35 Holly, M P, lot, George st 7.78 Hancock, liobt jr, lot N E. cor King and Graves, one-third lot E cor King aud Graves sts 32.73 Heath, Harriett, 50 acres. Bachelor Creek 3.22 Hill, G A, lot Eden st. . . 3 62 Hill, Samuel, lot Pavie Town 4.78 Hardy, Jane, lot Berne st 9.05 HiU, E G, for Lott Henderson, lot Richaidson Aliey 4 96 Hancock, L W, one-third lot N E cor King and Graves sts 7.72 Herring, A A, 100 acres Neuse Road 7.00 Ipock, Arthur A, lot Pavie Town 5.44 Johnson, J S, lot, Elm st, 1887-'88 16.70 Johnson, Sarah, .lott Scott Land 3.80 Johnson, Jos, lot Pavie Town 3.22 Jones, Debby Ann, lot Elm st ... 3.22 James, Henry, lot Pavie Town . 6.10 Jones, Susan, lot Bragg's Alley 3.22 Kirkman, W D, 95 acres Bacheler Creek 7.63. Lucas, Jas, lot Elm and Scott Alley 3 80 Lewis, Henry S, lot Good Bt 6.38 Mcllwain, Isaiah, 15 acres, Neuse Road 4.76 Moore, Wm, lot Jacksmith 4 38 Mayo, Jno, lot Cedar st 5 50 McLacklan, Alex, lot Pollock st, lot Pollock and Berne, lot Craven, lot Pollock and Berne 35.22 Moore, Nancy, 60 acres, Bachelor Creek 3.49 Mcllwain, Redding, lot Elm st, lot Elm, lot Broad 1092 McOill, Wrm, 10 acres Neuse Road 3.26 Moore, Jas H, lot Jones st 5.10 Moulton, Mrs M D, lot East Front st 19.56 Payton, Elleri, lot New Front st 3 22 Nelson, Jos, 204. acres Trent Road 3 22 Oram, Miles F, lot Eden st 12.18 Oliver, W H, lot Broad st, lot Queen, lot Hancock, lot Broad lot Broad and Craven sts 49.88 Patterson, F T, for wife, one-third lot Johnson su 69.16 Patterson, J A, for Bessie D. Flanner, one-third lot Jobnsot st. 60.70 Patterson, Mrs E J, one third lot Johnson st 14.02 Koberson, Nancy, lot Pollock st 7.05 Koberson, Nancy, guardian, lot Pollock st 7.89 Randolph, John, lot Queen st. 7.76 Richardson, Violet Ann, lot Jerkins Alley 3.80 Rollins, Pleasant, lot Broad st 0 25 Spencer, Harriett, lot South Front st 3.80 Spicer, BeDj, 80 acres Nense Road 7 59 Simmons, Abram, lot Pollock and Jones sts 9.30 Stewart, J P, 100 acres, Bachelor Creek 5 63 Smaw, Windsor, lot Jerkins Land 2.98 Stewart, J C, 50 acres Bachelor creek 6 23 Smallwood, Asa, lot Jerkins alley 3.22 Simmons, Matthew, lot Queen st 7.89 Stevenson, H C, and S C Whitford, lot Craven Bt 34.38 Street, S R lor wife, lot Pollok street 31.80 Street, S R for children, lot Middle street 38.41 Staton, Martha, lot Pavie Town 2 63 SkinDer, Axom, lot Pavie Town 2 63 Thomas, Jno H, lot Metcalf street 7 85 Turner, Martha, lot Berne street 3 52 Tucker, Lncy Ann, lot Berne street 3 80 Taylor, Lewis, lot Cypress street 3.22 Vail, S A, lot New Front street 7.17 Willis, Henretta T, lot Coart street 4.38 Willis, Moses, lot Berne st 4.38 Fisher, Jas H, 75 acres Clubloot creek. Godett, R B, 45 acres Mitchell's creek George. Jno H, 90 acres Mitchell's creek. . . Gooding, Abner, 25 acres Clubfoot creek . . , hU Prime Minister have not risen to the plain from which Mr. Blame sanrsys the future. Tbe Preident has the unques- fctly harmleM. Teacher How many wars were waged with Spain T Pupil Six. Teacher Euumerate them. Pupil One, two. three, four, tire. six. When erery thing ele fails. Dr. Sage 's Ctrrh Remedy cures. "0 cents, by 1 druggUU. A Unilntn Man's Clear YUlon. Xkw York City, April 4. 18. Mr A. K. Ilawkes Dear Sir: Your patent eye-glasses received some time since, and am very much gratified at the wonderful change that has come over my eyesight since I have discarded my old glasses and am now wearing yours. Alexander Auak, Secretary Stationers Board of Trade of Xew York City. All eyes fitted and fit guaranteed by F. S. Duffy, New Berne. N. C. j!2dlm George, E, 75 acres Clubfoot creek ; Godett, John, 25 acres Clubfoot creek Godett, Jeremiah, jr, 38 acres Clubfoot creek . j George, James, 26 acres Clubfoot creek Hill, Henry, 25 acres Little John creek Howard, Elijah, 12A acres Cabooque creek.. . Iluggins, Edward 200 acres Cabooqne creek . Jones, Abner, 125 acres Clubfoot creek Jones, Edward, 60 acres Long creek Jacks, Wm, 50 acres Long creek Mason. J H and Bell, 1S0O acres Coate's creek Martin, Elijah, 26 acres Clubfoot creek 4.35 Martin, Rigdon, 34 acres Clubfoot creek 4.45 2.63 4.61 5.31 4.40 3.86 4.35 4J58 4.42 4.40 4.42 4.85 4 10 5.24 15.05 w mis, is, lot East Front st 4.96 Waters, Isaac, lot Oak st 5.32 West, Horace, lot Craven st 37.05 Willis, Caesar, lot Jacksmith 4 27 Windley, VirgI, lot Gardner's Alley 5 27 Williams, Thos, lot South Front and Craven srs . 26.38 Williams, K P, lot South Front and Craven sts 24.47 Willis, Isaac, lot Scott's Alley 5 05 Whitfield, Virgil, 15 acres Neuse Road 2 66 White, Wiley F, lot Pasture st 2.93 Warren, Jno. jr, New Front st. 87 and SS 18 86 Wayne, Sarah, lot Brown's Alley . 2.93 Ward, itosanna, lot Forbes Alley 3 HO Wolfenden, Mrs Caroline, lot Craven st 34 72 Yorkj Matthew, lot Berne st 4 33 Yoman, Martha, 267 acres Neuse Road 1109 No. Nine Township. Tax and Costs. Avery, A W. 300 acres Neuse ltoad 8 92 Avery, Jno E, 140 acres Neuse Road 4.78 Bratcher, H T, 60 acres Bachalor creek. 87 and 88 7 n.1 Churchill, Calvin, 75 acres Jumping Run 6 06 Clemmons, John, Hrs, 140 acres Green Savana 2 87 Dawson, A B, 160 acres Stony Branch, li acres Nense Road .... 28 61 Eubank, G T, 30 acres Tuscarora " n r French, F J. 27 acres Flank Landing 4 37 French, L J, 20 acres Plauk Landing 4 52 French, L H, 28 acres Turkey Quarter 2.70 French, Alonzo T, 145 acres Turkey Quarter . f, 05 Ferrand, Jos B, 100 acres Turkey yuarter, 87 and 88 . . .' 9 05 Green, Cicero, 534 acres Clear Spring, 500 acres Noah's Ark 4 7.94 Green, John C, 250 acres Stony Branch 11. 95 Hurt, S F, 135 acres Bachalor creek c 38 Harris, Sam, 100 acres Dover 3 22 Hill, G F, 250 acres Turkey Quarter 10 to Jones, Abel, 550 acre (no location) 8. .30 Kornegay, Owen, 100 acres Dover Read 3.32 Lawson, Martin, 102 acres Jumpine Run r'rtn May and Spier, 125 acres Neuse Road 17.47 Prescott, W W, 160 acres Nense Road hi'm Rivers, Aaron B, 30 acres Jumping Run 3 38 Williams, M J, 75 acres Bachalor creek 30 The Sale of Property for Taxes advertised in this List will begin at the Court House Door on Monday May 6th, 1889, at 12 o'clock M, and continue until all the Property has been sold. All person la forested are hereby notified of said Sale. DAN'JLi 8TIMSON, Ex Sheriff of Craven County, North Oarollia. Hiii iiiiJ, 100:' " ; - U '4K- r ft ',' . , : . i ..' Vv I ...;V ' ; t"' -: K.-.it Y ' 'I 7 -X: ' V' m M. -i 4 -' " sf-r