TltErJOUKNAU w'., i i i , . i.i 'J.T.14T1 Ur am- . mmm mm hia M4 " to . . , ; ait aJMta, wtU Xinston ltmi. - A kaaJ fraaa o Tiar aa.mto fcsjt tss ItmI waa oaly daaaa4 by th A roaalaaa fxli4a el K la too ha , aooara4 wu e ufw iwumi ktUlMMd ElMtMud aa lauaks Bar. H. Bass ia aoaMlaotiac mt la tans as. lag miMH at M. E. CawaaVcSri. V Willi P. K, atf 4 Mr let, mx TaaaJay ajnf to uuiikiumxiaitM Joe- il aad Youth' ompAoioo S3. 50 Amar's Agriculmriat 3.13 Southern CuUlTwr . 3 33 Tmm Delinquent. ) Tbp briT. to compliaDc nub drerti lh pioprtj of all delin- qaant taxpayer. Th al will tak Dwaorwt'a Ugraaine 3.00 plc oo th 4rt Monday in VI y and ScUotiflc Amrion. -00 I tb ootom Unocal" are taking tep to ''cho1" f-?? km lb law complied with in eTery Cntary .00 I , Dotroil Fn Pt . .SD 1 rPct wlU. a Uw of putting the North Am r. Review J.S.Voouoty in pocieetloo of property pur- TVt KaUteUM alt aaacJi 4tv mivw fcy ' lk rjovw ok k -ipeJ iactioM m 8. Low. CMw u4 afcw Sa ta BkU Ui a Ua t at nMftl it Uy wUI pt aa; ' liVfWtM Hod CM Ul k mm ay Maf oton o u I. IltiaU im-kmu. IKt kMt M lk kW, nitkM. kMU III 1 Hiimlw awrtMai W tkw saty . Tie) KlaMlOw oc flees aaer the . m MatMM f Ma W J. IUrr4 awi Ms. E. C. lUttu the e4rk, mm weejk (TMaailr wkd ip 4il ia r wUI aw creel. , Tk KajC w ai ktT tkixr (ood re foe la) Umoswi &pklraa. if j ' kv ka awaaaadiii. I Tmm aoeit tor Lb toamulo for (,'hart h ' MmTQ w)jaiK 4r1, 4, b4 wLktrwJ mt ikhw. aecwia, li fa aaiO, lav aoaaiat evweaeaa, U i ,. taaait aaJat ! aaaai The aaas. A. T. Mill. kX . rrkact aoT iaa aoaiora aaaoh to the jrmii- i U aJa ntaaxia. Oai Maia'aT klikl ihe Deaaoerata of taWaavkaaw ararwa aaaaaablaal ad ao aMa4 tmm foiWwiM alderaaaa: ! L vartV J. a Wawtaau J ; M . 4. Lraf eae M,CUia aavd W. T. 5.J, ; ; VI wax4. & H. Abbou; 4a vara. L. J 'XjMCvjk afl aaral taiaiai kwima p4 aa l4ikeHvkM Ik at"' aiJer aa4 naiwai fia mm Tae) auaifaa Utt Daaaoe aUe ewie aa Weliaikoai eaarxa. Tx mmr ja4 at Imm waak. waa aa rajy aa imilii Taar waa a el a Wye a) mmm mf girka. TV epaafcla . aa aiUat a4 J am mm 8um4 au ' DaJbe Bar(a ft kW aaeataia. M. Iliaw ta Uaa Iaa4ar. aa4 ia pra-U otk) ta aiaeaja aa4 Ik aaaaa af taa aaamaaftf . TaiMiiaaattM ul a faU fo4 aaaiaL Om kirUT U4 th 4ilaa aTJLr. B. U. Waaa.W Ommd iHil aaaaj. ta awatt. waa ay atry4 my mrm, Taa 4a ataaiea trvaaa aafectfra aa Uaa fuacfcaa) Urm. Waa aa Lfce mmiy nnaaj a ia loan a laW liaaa aM ga tka aXara wfejak arMfth Vka aaavaa fruaa ta. l-f-ftl1tJf - a4 : d4 la aavia aaaaa mt ikve lmur To NtwYorftWorM. a.83 Ptr 33 Home and Farm 1 75 t'oarier Journal 2 50 i Nw and OberTer. 3 50 . Harpr ' Magazine ... 4 50 Weekly 4. TO " Ycrang Peovl S.00 Atianta Cooavitution. 1 3-3 i Old ubcrfbara reoeiriug le Jorm- j 1U and desiring to hare any of theae paper. ca.n . by making application to , Ika offio ia paraoii or by letter, hare a ataiameat of their accoaat on oar book aaewinf what they will haTa to remit to I aaaiila Lham to aay ol the tkori publi- aaaioava they mar lt. CITY AND VTCINTTY. MH' A D VER TISEXSXTS Fi.aji.Hb Clothing' ahoe' Roaaarrt et Peo Vtoiaa. J. 8ctm Bby earrlaaa. tf J E- Smith Clothing. hoe. ec H Dt ttt Ro i i i o it good daily. T J TtraJitK Co Famitor, etc. chaaed at aaid aale. Oaalow Wl 1 Hare a Railroad. The Wilmington Meaaengr baa ltuer rlewed Mr. Richard Lamb, chie en gineer of the Wilmington, Onilow and ' Et Carolina Railroad, wbo aay the J road from Wilmington to Jackaonville will be completed by the flnt of De cember. Thia ro noil be continued 1 to New Berne, and it ought to be done before the opening of oar next Fair. ConTlct Farm at Core Crek. The Raleigh New and Obterrer , ayi: Gen. W. O. Lewia haa written a letter 1 to the OoTrnor informing him that he 1 baa made an examination of the aectioo tarroondlng Cora Creak on the A A N. C. Railroad aad expreeeae th opinion thai il would pay the State to pat a force of oonrict to work to clear a f the land aad to (tart a convict farm. Be" aay that part of the land i wall timbarad and that it i vary fertile and productive. 0KTH CR0I.INA M:S. Kroin (ho Mate Tapers. Durba:u l'lira A i.u.i.b.T of co'ored exodusUTtt froui ;(,. HiUih ctcti n paased thro'ih ii-rt- -stfriay ifter nooo on"lbt K clock tr mi Hutht'rforvl IVmnc-r: Ttit-rc are two deds nn the ft cor ! of tl:ifl couuly wbirh brin up h i of forgotten hiatory. 1 i-.ry -!. il.nt' was once a : . n a". 1- 1 i-" ro. co u n t y . Khz: .:, '-.: ". ; x - T:. T .-. . . i ' . iii mufiioner M iui iv i int c i t r : i uted S'iO to ,i r .; a i tin fur.'l tur i u t-r tai u ing the S;t Mo : i.m; cidtien when they iDft'! here oa ti-o '. Aseociatioa Uiy r-i t . having u Chatham K o r.J : Tn- n icg at this f'Uct) tiarroH truction by tire on l.-!t llirt While repairing the floor in the rear of the office of the Moseley lloue. where a barber shop had been located" an old decayed sleeper wag pulled out to be hauled oil, and when turntd over an old rusty grapeishot fell out of tne decomposed nhell. The old ball wee rusty on one side and on the other bore the appearance of what looked like 1 clottod blood. Ic u supposed to .' ave been shot into the tree from which the log was hewn. Wilmington MeosenKr: The train i n the Wilmington Seacohn: Riilrodd run over Sir A. J. Flauner'a tine gray horse last night at 8:15 as the train teas com ing to Wilmington. The accident oc curred at the commissary about five; The j miles from the city. Tbe animal 'a left I 00 3! MKHO? A. cotton. N i- w- li. 1 1, , irn: four bales at 9 ID This Column per hi;:: rta. i: iu &Ld on :id t ni v build y ecnd Oe- 1 h u rsday . Mark i. leg. a son cf Mrs M.iry I'leof u.i.h town ship, was cutting w w.i ne uccidentuliy cut his foot very v c rv ly . ;Iniont cut ting it in lu Wilmington S:ar Too kitchen of Mr. I H. Knot, a who lives o . Fifth street betttn Dock an.l Orange, was burglriirtd Fn,ia nihc The teamahips UeU are ar.J eaiaHsee. i two of the Linisi vosstlsuf u.e Clvde hind les: was cut oil and his neck and shoulder badly bruised , causing inju Hps that necMtated his being shot : Mr. Richard Ltmb. chief eDaineer of the Wiliuin, ton, Uaslow fcnd EstCaro lina Road w ay , and dpt. J. A. Mattocks, engineer in charge of thesurvey of rail way, are still in the city and will be here several days more. A Messenger item seeker found them busy yesterday afternoon making map and plats of the line which ha been decided on between Wilmington and Jacksonville, the counijr alte of Onslow. Statesvllle Landmark: The new 60 horse power boiler for the electric light tleel, have been put Joe McCoy, col creek loc bi Iioum Another Grand Emporium Opened. liviag near Cor It i gratifying to e that New dJ all bii rffeota 1 Bern" merchant are (triking out for tea a araa a aa w a4 aoaai lowe oa, mm k a kmmij ksaa la Mr. VmmA. Mo ta- UMuaatll U4 Jmmm X- raai haa M aieae a TV mmmm hmm bmmm ftl a anal atoek mm tmm ItM-Ui -Waaigaa aMy aa kM aiaaa paaria for axaaalaaiaaai aeora taa eivu aat It kaaaa hk patuag U by Sxa oa UjoJt; eveoing. Bev. L. W. Crawford n conda tl-g lalaraaliag meotlpg at the v. E. rrwry Toiag thi week. Th drlioijjcDi lax iiet crowd oat oatica othr al:r but It m latareetiog rvadiBf to Cravea coaaty people. The fir 4 lod of rock for the cm etery roe,d wa broejght down Monday valag by Cap. Dv Roberta oo th Meaner Trent. T rn n r r Dqi' i pjioe oft" the eokool uackata of the eoantry dkKrieta TV ackoola were open boat fifty five' day aaoaj aa average W. F. Bouatree. Ej. . bae a Coati-: aataj aot bich call for vn Span- tan milled dollar and waa printed In PaUadelpata in 1773 by Hall A Seller. ' Il ie ia t i xi tat ol prmmuoo. Tna Iblaiii town anJ ciantry (tore la the larroqa J io( roonti oaght to Mall oar who tea; merchant before fcuytag rkewbre. cotter bargain for 11 sockt cen be mad by eoantry nerchaow bro than in BHimoror New York. Oive lham a trial Mr. J. A. Patterana ia negotiating for h aew Naff hotel at Ocracok. If fce) eead ia getting it and ca gt a regalar llo of temer. such aa the O. D. boeU. to auake regalar tripe from aetkiagioo aad Sw Brn. Ocracoke will beeome a very popa I r reeort. : the wbolaaala baaineea which they are joaily en u tied to With the opening np of oar river and craek for navigation, new tewn and village sprung up . which oommanded a good part of our fonnr retail trade. Our merchants oaght to have at once secured the wboleeale trade of these towna and village. They now buy such quanti ty aa to enabl them to furnish re tailer on better lermsthan they can get ia Northern market. Tbeee thought ar luggeated by the ! opening of a vary large stock on Middle txe-et by Mr. il. B. Daffy. But a weak ago Mr. Mark opened at hi new Land, now Duffy cpen with hi store nlarged to doable iu former capacity passenger eeryice between New York and Wilmingtou and FernanJina. Rockingham Rocket: The Iiaptists at Rotwrdel have erected and almost completed a large and handsome church which ia a valuable ornament to the village. Mrs. Fa r:i J itit-f, grand mother of Mrs F I. Cole of this town, died at her ho.iie la'r I.tunnburg on the 23:h ult . bi;.'.! icmm. the had ii grandchildren o: J children. mot i f thr.u n. Shelby New V. : i Jim ored ec:i '.'i l. ii..i i i. th C 'i coin n ' knocked on Mm n id i, 1 tie C4 m cli i r : i I . i u c 1 1 1 c i : i n t ;. . 1. 1 l. c t i n c 1 1 r I t.'ii ment w &a ijj t-n-I.fnoir Topic. contractor i pushing g re v.-grand- v living. 'Hton . a col i h irli-!-t:n. I I. IC lin.Ii'Sl, w HI b ' x i'ir iir ir 1 1 1-r. r i et t a m i-t 1 1! -1 n tl v Milled. " 1 M i-w wlio burling i.i- ri . i , 1 i ti . a -i bp ugh' I' i I r in i H ' w r" k . Il 1 1 1 1 e l li : l I d b J u 1 g e l ' , a I S Mr. 1' I. -:,kpr. the on the new Hap'.it church, right along w Kb t.'.e work al ta im Kt ai ., i arlil a ax I lake leacai a vary tod aaa (a. vae staa ia tight aoca torn aa Hfaw f "' -Jg Iba aarvaa aha isadatiaa aaa aoata fiaitag aa asrioa down raaauoo aoaad PoIlokaTilla Itemj. it" Taaaa Acadaeay la Mill booming Thraaaaar pa pile aacarad Uat Mjadey - MV. A. B. Waita, aow mt TriaUt iU adareaa lb LUerary Society mi riieavnla, Jaaa It Ja. .tta. Joa Paarc racairad a few day. agt i roea vba aoaea at om good aid Nu bW aaaat thra toaa a boavaa (aatjj araat aa4 ofoaa Mr. Paaraa aaaaw taaaart aJa faatlliaank. la f ad a. keaa mt aar baa a4 moa araoUaar fata. I i Jaaaa. aa boa I, tavdaaarioa . Uia aeot ibaa pi aaa. an a aaJoataaaa aa I loa by a b bara aael aaaalaa; iba lot mar auataialne faraa aaaplaea aad a boat forty br Total oaa aoaid ao bar leaa thaa Orfaatal It. JXarHaoa et Baua aaa Jaat taoaivad Ary Aula amaaajaarj. ' Oaav W. Kaclaa SaaV araaa wa aban aa . aaa. It aaaairaiai Bmmmi Ooak Saraaasv aaa) arfil apea a la baa) j ff naar. Th ataaaa la Lixala Mi any brogb doom froaa aaaa Bar kaea . boa laga emllamlM.900 immt m eav ta. That waaaa-bail efaa txtr bM pat akaaad Bp Vmmrm by Omm. W. Kagler A a mm. Iadlaaa WUlrac U It aUaarratlaa. Tp laeii aeaaaloa aaaaa fern la Oocaou, A aril -6. A datpaack from Banaaraa. Daboaa. aaya: Tk raeo akag Ik eeaaainiioa woalat aooa bo a yiaiaeJ by ik Praaadoaa b eala tt tk India far th ofjaaia f Ik Or. laaartaaloav. m rooaived wvc bate I g ik ladiaaa e mm Bock, wk mtm badd by Sit kiC Bail, QmlU Joka Oraa aad ke. fa. TV ladlaaa mi- risk tk actio mt the govern tk arte ia ba pai M aiaia aar aora wo II. tv aad anaay ad aba kar aapra i tkair arMlfaga a. aesa taatoaw mt Ik Itaat rraa Baauag Bail mm. dmU, wbo war ao a4tarty ppoad a ik treaty aakaaiil i i Uea year, bae gtoaavatisraaaaaa frlaiy ar ina aaet Ikor L Ikul aasM mt aaooi aeaoaa; tka w aiaaa ekefart tk raaarra taaa X taaaat arrival froaa tk Staao Lag Rook aray tay bo ta poattiva th Statiag Ball aad Oaii will accept ta- ft Faial Wrack. Baluaoak. Ma.. A aril A pcla traas Wee Pata, Va, aa: A fat wroaar aaMajrrad a . tka Tark Rjv. "hewacb of ik Rjcbawad t taviii. Maiiraod. ahoal nra aaitoa above ike 'rr. t Vlocb Satarday atb Tka kaaaa ralaa Satarday waekod oo 'IMlral al a part mt tk daaa bo aa iba aa b paatd aael Ik rtr. aa a aagia aad aeaa fraigbl aar piuae: ) fcaaatk tvaakaat. Two aaa -m moi aaat tk 8 ran a. Dorvva r kUt d. Ta. kody C Ik ltea a boa W a aouaa mmt ba tka oaaarad ao baa a b Tk aagkat'T. aaaaod Lfacb. i lorrialy aaaUiad. bat aaaaagad k avaal MLayor Hill Vominatod. Tb LVaocrut of Kioston ia oonvan aeaocnbleO Laet Frulay aveoing iaatad the preeoert mayor. A. T Hill, for re-election Tnie U the third uoae Mr Liill ha been nominated for thia poaatioo. and ia a wall-aoarltad n doraaoBeal of hia adaaioiatralioa of the own affair during ibe past two yar Effect c f th Col 1 Snap A vtajt to th truck farms nar the city McBJay foucd th growing pea ad potatoea not damaged ao much by he cold aa by the wind But fw of "o poae ar ttousi y damaged bat on be light land the beans hav b eo uiorally uncovered and lft bare. In Mm iaatencoe the seed ar acttally aoottored ahent on th ground. Smithfitld Surntd. Xs waa recatved in thia city Mon day ikal lha UB cf 8mithnld, John ana coaaty. took fixe cn Sunday eve aiag. burning nearly ail ibe buain boa aad many reeideacea. The loae m aatimatd at over one hundred thou- and dollar. The fire wa still bum- tag yevterday and bat fw good war avd. Only about twenty thoaaaad dollar iosaraoce. Th St arm at Norfolk. Th eiorm at Norfolk on Sttardly eight wa fearful Water rcoe La the arboo an til lima stored therein waa reechad and aet the baildnagaa Sra. TV Cbttoa Exchaoza warobooa. nrner of Fyete and Water trot. vnd the whole of the old Cotton Ei- baag bailiiog, filled with cotton ware leetroyed. Tbe loee by Are alone will ppro x imate $150 0X) Perry' ware- boaae waa eatirely gutte-'. EtfatiBiUara Ba Delia 5 i I J. XQ Tznavmrr&tmrvm. , . - Marak ST. . aWWialf. ii I iad avd.y It aat Iar ia addttaoa a U frttiijr aaaryaaa abli6ed ta 5v tJ. other -ajjisa anaaplnil exo iko tiaaa. Tka la aa prtatad ia CN eeabracv Ha bat fjej miplW ill ITT tk bra4e Ibroeead (or aal ta tka Sta- Writ for tka Ejpwrtaaeai atio Bilala tUi kkJa aad tko kw)gni Mkikaaioaaeoaafraoaooa apoilcatioa. . U. B. BarrXk. iMraatoc. ratio boxtsju. T a aaWy b baeaeniag aa aoii kaowa aad ao rapaTaraa a aaad a apdl fi. iU eU booa- aaod BUctrto Brnoi Star tka aaa aaag a paaa . A pare. Blatiate doe aa skt aad it al fa' aid d ail that ka Waa Eleotrlc Bitter U1 aar all da a mt Ik Liter mm t tUim orlll eB0oo Raapieo W. Mr. M. Uak-lv and family of Hyde oooty, arrived ia lha city Taeedav per U. V- etemr Newborn. Mr 4akaiy haa aaovadtoNaw Bern with proapacta of makiog thai bit fatur tome. Our people extend the welcome ad 16 them a pleasant oj rn in e city of t m. Mr. A. C ito. d ag. Senator Brock, dx. F S K.xioce and Mr R.btn Ja aaa. of Joar county. or in th ci y Tnaaday oith cotloa. fo th Victor Z along th Bpila. The Hortiaoa admtawuauon ia aarry aX oal tbe aid Andre Jacheoa Demo rauc docino. "To the victor beloo( he toti " Il baa teen said that tb. o4icy of th d did utraiioo i that D IScsr mould b. removed unlrte for la fflcteocy i r other evidenc of unfli lb:t simply beirg a Doaiocrai a aot ium.ioi uui for removal if aur iaformtioa i ourreci that poltct a been abaadoacd by at leaat on da ortanct of the government. We arr afocoaed lht Mr A. S Wnii. a very SScwol puetal clerk oo lb A A N. C i hae been rtmof ri and John Ean lpa. cul , appointed la his place. he Quaxif Bridgo Road. Wane ai laat M adaj w r iaformil that a portion at tka Quaker Bridge r d waa in such condi tio that loaded wagons Bod cart could i paaa over It, aad that iwentyfire or thirty balea of cotloa ta tk Rich lands atiea had recently been hipped to Wilmiatioa bocaaso of the impaaoable ooodrtioa of this sec 1 1 on of tka road. The rood never was co spieled aa it should htvr b-o but a small aerxmni r moor t i jd i--1 ouj 1 r exoeaded during the O' iu -timer or weehe of ftvjitbi. vftibr. it can pat in li'DiIiiwu i.j i m i n pateablo for yeor U to a valuable road to Saw Borax and to Richland and Catharine Lake mcikxu of On.low. and we hope Mr t am B'S will do their part to etJ puilioc the rood in condition. iKjod oouauy roads ar aa eeeeotial aa raurotds the Qjkr Bridge road ia pocaliofly o to Oooiow aad New Bom at it shone a the ditance from en to fiftooa an I re which coante ia banliag a load and every foot of space t filled. Hi stock embrace many clsaass of goods, ad ladiee good have received his special attention. Ready mad cloth ing Ie a nw feature in hia basin; bat it embrace a flae line of good. In fact vry department is fall and there oem to bo no and to good of every deecription in paaeing the various rooms of his store. New Berne ia on a boom for wboleeale trade aad bar marchaat ar going to "hnatie. " Puah th Bo cm. A gentleman writing from Now York Inquiring about; hard wood in thia aectioo sj "I woo Id under favorable tadaeomeaca go to or near voar town and pat up a factory to maun facta re cartin pole. Ac. Plea let one know what the advantage are for makiog and famishing these goods at j ew Berne. " Th advantage are many. Tbe various river and creaks tributary, make New Berne easily scceeeible to all the bard woods to be found in this section. Tbe facilities for shipping th manufactured goods over coeap water line to points North or to the towns and village in thia immadiate aectioo are unsurpassed for cheapne and dispatch. And th advantage of climate, cheapness of labor, fuel and raw material are equal to tboee of any community. A number of site have been offered to manufacturer near th city and bocua of one thousand dollar to th Aral manufacturer wbo will erect there on a factory with a capital of not li than $20,000. In addition to tbi, tb rul of aaeoaeing property for taxation make oar tax comparatively light. The Board of Trade haa bean entrusted with the duty of advertising th aaa ad vantage and it ia about time to begin to haa tie. Tbe gentleman wbo write ihie letter oaght to bo at see furnished with one of lha card making known ad vantage and inducement recently and hope to have the ( hur h rnmpit'lfd in a couple of ni nitl) Di-d last Saturday at the residence f M I) Smith, Km . Mrs. Sarah 1'resnell, age 1 S3 years Mm. i'rrsncil had b"en member of Lower Creek Btptiot cnurch for forty years Ia Grange Sentinel We are glad to learn that Mr. l (' Murchuon. who ha been suffering with a dreadful at tack of neuralgia, is so much unproved aa to be out again. The many Insudo f the Rev. Mr. Morgan of the M. F" Church were glad to see him in town this week. He was on his wy to Greene county, where he was united in holy bond, of wedlock to Miss Kate Brown on Wednesday the 3 1 int. Salisbury Herald: Mr J K Whifh : arj , the ed itor and proprietor of thio paper, was married yesterday at Al bany. Ga., to Miss Ella C Rjberts Mr. M. S Brovn met with a very se , vere and almost fatal accident last Sat urday afternoon A fractious horse threw him out of his vehicle, landing him on bi shouldar He was conveyed borne unconscious, but with medical tseistance soon recovered, when it w. found that his shoulder was dislocated Windsor Ledger: Lit Tuesday night about 11 o'clock, the C-.h ult . a loud explosion occurred near town. lh cause of whicn we know not. It shook the bouse in town. It was heard for milea arouDd Windsc r Mrs, J. C. Simpson accident lly ran a needle into her finger Tuesday night of last week. The doctor war oucuruone i and it was Tound that the needle had stuck ub. in the bone and could not be extracted vVe are sorry to learn that ehe ha suffered acutely from nam. ih lino for station arrived yesterday morning Thej ew engine came last week and has , been set up on its foundation What ; would probably have very soon turned out to be a jail delivery if the project had Dot been nipped in the bud. was frustrated by Jailer Joyner last Thurs day night. A hole had been cut in the Moor of the L'nited States prisoners' roomj in which were confined five pris oners (among tbe number Thomas Hrotherton, who is in jul for killing Junius Summers.) and plans were evi- j dently on foot for getting through the floor down to the second 6tory of tbe j buildiug from which an easy tb- cape could have been made through a ' window The town had quite a mys terious visitation last Saturday Dight j About 11 o'clock a tlock of birds with a , d ilit-retit caw from any ever heard in this region before, made their advent and hovered over first the electric light and then another, keeping up h contin ual cry but never coming low enough to be cr.n. Their noise was very singu lar and attractel the attention of a good many pernors. Mr. W. A. Doug las said that while berdiDg Bheep in Washington Territory he was acquaint ed with a bird which had a similar crv . Eggs-8.'. CuKN 47aooc. ; Fodder. SLOeal. 2." rUHhKNTlMt liar ' yellow dio i 1") I'au gl.OUal.'jO. Basi-w Av 1 7ii 1 c. per i Bsskv On foot. 5r. to 7c. j Hams Country, lOallc. I Lahd Country . lOallc. I t BRSH POUK 6 17 j. i-.ei r I Potatoes -Bahitmas. 4 yams. G0ai5.'. p, r bush. O.luXs-40c i or bush. ? 5")i7U yi-r bu-ho; OlilOKVNt itrc.wn 40..i"i",C grown, 22ia2oc. Man- 60c. bolteo States R O. hhd 810-.12 . e. Timber Cyprt as. 14 in. and 85 00 per M. ; pin.. S2 50a4 50. dfUNQLES West India, Jul 1 and w inal, 0 inch ?2 0Ca2 25. Buildinr in:u hjarts. 8i.25. 50 tier li WHOLESALE PRK R6. ilESS POKR New 14 "0 F'HOL'LDEB Mr.'.T-OalOc. C. R. 'e, F. B '. 'aca L. C. 1-. Flocb 83 50.", y Laed Sic. by the tierce. N ails Baa ie'lO's, 52. 50. Sdqab Granulated. Ooffek 18a20c. Cheese I3j. Salt 80a85c. per -ich., MOLAB8E8 AND SVKCf 1? SCftiC'. POWDKB $o.0v. Shot Drop. Si.r.O buct, SI. 75. Hides Drj fi.iSc. . x?- 4 . Kesusene y. Tallow 4f : t y ; :- DISCOVERY. Onlv CrniiiDe System of Memory Trnininj. hour iionks Learned in one reading. Wind wn:; fir ring cured. Every child and nilult -reatl v' benefitted. orc;it luducomciits ta C"rn:Hp m.i.'nco Classo. Pr .h.-.-fi, wfiii o;, f Ir. Win. A. Ham. naniel (.rejalfa ThmKn, t!i rret Psych. I ' -.. .1. -VI. iJ.lcklcy, !.!J.,ci tnrof tun Chritia it'...'' ' t- i'i'-hartl I'rortor, the Scimtin-, Jinn. . . A-!!T. .i il.-!-.- i;ih.iin. I. i.' V Ave., N. Y. IS FOR 11 'iijii inn. a A J 7)0 j p r bu . : pair: h:. If 11. over. li BABY CARRIAGES PJfiC 14 M LHIlUb IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF Sell The Jeweler" Will convince any one that we have in stock the Largest, Most Varied, and Comr lete Line of Diamonds, Watches, Fine Jewelry, Silver-Ware, Fancy Lamps, Burmese. Gold and Silver Head Canes in the State. It will be to buyers interest to see ! our goods before purchasing. slSpecial Sotice." ALL PERSONS OWING I State and County Taxes arc hereby notified to make immediate payment of the same. I shall proceed to collect by distress cn and after March the 10th. issu. DANIEL STIMSON, Sheriff. Mai eh 1st. 1S&9. dtf EASTERN NORTH CAROL f 1 .'?:! ARBLE WORKS, itlonuments Tombs 'iiioiuHini Bntialng work! H B DUFFY ,TALiANiAMER,cAN marble Who will, In a Few Days, Orders will receive prompt attention) and satisfaction guaranteed JOE E. WILLIS, Proprietor Oor. BROAD At'D ORAVMK Stm. SKW BKRNM, Km O G. . MiLLxa l mr authorixad aarat I in KiDston. ma80drw IR! A new- lot of the Latent Styles of Biby Carriig.'S. uni l.irgo assortment (f every description t-f Furniture just re ceived, and will be received. rleise call ami fe our B nages. t,riii iK.v.ii to iiotk GOMl CORN! 0 Bushels ale Give a List if aby Car- BY off rod. Posh on the boom. Voo-Taxpayar. If aay ona will take the trouble to examine th tax list of Craven count) aad oota th unpaid taxes ha will be oooae disgastad with a government that pretend s to have juai laws and equal nghta and privilege to all citizen alika. Thr is a privileged class ia Craven county a class that refuse out right to pay tbeir taxea; their property lha ordeal of a sham sale by tbe sheriff once a year for taxea, the tax payers pay lha coat of the sale and that ends it. This privileged class have then ooaeee and lots ia this city which brio good rental; they receive the renu oal bid defiance to the law ; ref us tt contribute to the support of the govern inent which they enjoy, and thus cans their fell 5 onsen to bi excessive!) Durdened. The time ha come when the count' oommieaiooers must comply with tb' lemand of the people and make ! pay their taxes, l kert u jue thg rowv.'v on bock tajrms to pay thr tooting debt Can any good reason r iven wby a person owning a gooo oaae and lot in the city of New Bern should not pay the taxes thereoa as wel hi neighbor who own a house b il aid ? Il ia tb boast of our government lha mr Constitution recognise no privi ged class. But the ad cn i o 1st ration oi he laws in Craven county does rec ignns such a else They are allowed hold property without paying on. cent of lax. The thing has tons to that extent thai beliv th taxpayer n rnaas of tbi. oouniy would be justified in refuain to pay another dollar of tax until th collection of lh baak taxea has been o forced. The officer of the count hould be forced by pub I ho sentiment U colled taxea from all and aboli.h thr priviUged claa. Th law-abiding poopleaf lh county can do this if they will. In the above we do not mean t" oo personal; we are speaking in general terms of a great grievance lhat baa beei Mid too long. Tai l Tha-ssa tat par aiood. MaiarsWoaaa. ff Kasisa , rala mm . aad IL.0U f VMsaJl ttVaw $9 fwr sVata. Meeting of Farmers' Alliance. The Craven Cou nty Farm era' Alliance oh'ch met at the court bouse on the 5th ins'., wis represented by dt legate from the fl rat fw ouu-aiiiiuti uj ipwiku u l increase m aamoera aaa a ucicimim lion to preserve the orgsnixalion. From the best information to be ob tained there was reported a diminution of the acreage plantod in cotton and a decided increase in the acreage of the graaee and grin crope. Lees fertilizers ased except by the trackers and more eomport made than has been in several yea re. Major A. Gordon, tbe Business Agent oi th county, read communications from the State Baainees Agent, report ing that ail arrangement naa pees wiMfLKs o thi ric completed for the transaction of busi- Ieaota aa iasp-re Ute of the blood aad i aMa mmd mll mambr of the order were oim api"V)a u .it I i.toB Blood ajja ml Ilea iarbs. t pari lea aJ leave u cmpteamo amoovo i y uw. try KUortrW aad elaer. i aore ia msi i xe moouag was vary aarasoKu, gg VTi.t! by 1. Barry. Wow" -jaalvaa vary hopeful for the fatura of Vara. N r tB faxniar. Oreensbcro Pttrioi: The city fathers nave eppropriaud S CHI for the turchase of guns to be usud by the Continental 'ompany at the Guilford battle ground celebration on the 4th o( May next. It was ordtred by the board of countj commissioners, at .heir meeting Mon day, that the hanging of Elijih Moore on the 19th inst . be public, at a plact to be aelecled by the sherilT Kut an ippeal having bei n taken to tne Su preme Court iu Moi re s case, it is noi ikely that the ;t i: t . lc nv.11 be enrneo aut on thit date. Nashville Argo:.ut: S. D. Marsh bourn will plant tent)-one acres iL tobacco this year. He sold the tobacco from nineteen acres last season for ovei 3.000, or an average of over S150 pei :ra. Our farmers report extraordi aary preparation for a crop this year An unnal quantity of land has beet cleared all over tho country, and in th. Hilliardston section, it is said that dur ing the past ten years, there haa noi oeen as much clearing and other prep aration made for a crop, as has beet) this season. Tarboro Southerner: For all practi al purposes Edgecombe is out of debt Track laying on the Norfolk rail road began at this end Tuesday. Con j-actor Petti'.t received a telegram tha ay to begin and push it Sherifl Dawson drove to Rocky Mount, taking vith bim his four year old son, Frank Be alighted from his buggy when hi reached the outskirts of the town to set person a moment on business, wbe' he horse took fright at something am 'n away. Tha animal ran a half mib o the livery stable, when little Franl aa thrown out n.1 much scared hough, but iittle n j:vreJ. Wilson Advat.c. : Mr. W. R. 8ry f Greene county, tells us that "4 ne roeS have left his and Ins sons farm- ince the exodus begun. Consider- ibly more truck'' h s been planteo round Wilson this enr thiin u-ual )ur i eople have discovered that trier s money m truck farming and nianj o hem are trying it n a small scale Bill Fife" jrrache.l nl the Methoii" :nurch last night lie is mi earn vorker in the vineyard of the Loid Judge. Jmes L :stiepberd is o own Our people loved him w hen b vaa a telegraph operator, they loe iim when he wa Superio rt"ourt Jud. -nd they are mne the less fund of hi iow that he is a Supreme Court Judge Twin City Pailv: We learn as w to to pre lhat Rev. Win Turner, ai iged and respectvd cui;-n of S.Ueiu iad justditd whiis returning to in iome lb is even i ng His death occurri. bile on the road riding in his i-nrriag ivar Wsughtown A fatal .ici iden -ccurre on last evening in the railrosi ut near Rural Hall on the Wi.kecboio Cxtfnsion. 1: seenit ihit a ruimner lands wrre at work digging down leep emoankment when suddenly llo iirt caved in, killing ou negro in tanlly, breaking another s arm am wounding several others ni re or lers Asheville Citizen: Un yesterday wt aw a deed made d Jlr Alexander Jrrelt to the Home B i.ird of Missiohi if the Preeby,enan Church of ttn I'aiie-1 Slates conveying to that bod me Oakland Inn protertv m the town f iotoria, the con -l iera' ion being ighty thousand dollars It was e moet cordial greeting wl.ic i we. coined Gen R B Vance as he stepped from ur electric railway cars al d urtsquare yterday afternoon i'mil ijuicki) thronged around him. und hisguniai face shiwed his appreoiation of the rtiai hand -s i ug f wLieh he wa- tbe recipient. Newton Enterpnsi i lover comt s out of the last winter in the bert condi ion we ever saw it. Ii: is very promising Mr. William llinson a prominent citrr.en of Lincoln county, died at bis home near Matthn wa Chun-".. Wed nes day, April 3i. aged about 7'J vears A bout a j ear s go he h ad one ey e. w h ich had been giving him much pain, re moved, and has been gradually sinking ever since. Ia most psrt of the county a portion i.f the peach crop was killed I y frot Iat Friday mom ing. but there are plenty left yet Mr J.imes Brown, tho new owner of the Long Island cotton factory, on t lie Tatawba river has just ricived machinery for adding 1 C '1 a 1 d it i .n il spindles to the factory . News and Observer: A great many Raleigbites will attend the centennial at New York. April UO.h On Wed- neaday, the 24tb cf April, at Avoca, Hon. T.J. Jarvis will deliver an ad dreea, telling among other interesting things bow the people live in Brazil Sue;;., eti 3: s ficm Men and Women. " A ny tody can ed it a paper. All you have to do is to keep you r eyes op n and put down what you see." Wby don't you give greater variety to your paper, and let the peop'e know what goes on. " " Why do you put such stuff in your paper? Nobody cares anything about that. Tell tbe folks what bargains we are giving." "What in the thunder made you put that in your paper; How can we make a profit on eggs, and butter if you publish what we pay for them. " " Why don t you give us more,goetry V" "What tbeduce you running on poetry for.'" These are samples of every day experiences. Ihe man is not yet born wbo can't tell us what we ought to do. nut mortal few know what to do them selves. The laJiesare different in thia re spect. It is very seldom that a womaa makes a suggestion to an editor, and when she does it is usually done with commendab e d ifcression. One, who is as good as she isbeautiful, said to us last evening: "Won't you call atten tion to the animals on the streets':'" "How, " we asked , "in what particu ar?" "Why, see those goats! They .nay be gay. festive and picturesque hut they do not conform to my ideal of Deauty. Look at the cows. When I was a lutle girl my nurse used to frighten me into being good by telling me the bad boy bad horns, and ever aince I have associated horned things with fire and brinstone. No use telling ue thtt they are essential to good liv ing and without them there is no eucb things ad butter, cheese and ice-cream 1 admit that without them we woulo oe in a fearful dilemma, but I had rather be on the horns of a dilemmn han on the I orns of a cow. But above all else I am troubled about the horses I don't mean the ip! en did flyers and tbe -legant trotters, nor indeed tbe saddle td buggy horses that "run around" or an hour or two in the evening. These produce pleasurable emotions especially if I am with one who 'handles the lines beautifully." But just look at that little pon pitched to i vehiclo big enough for Noah and hi amily. Now what right has anybodj o impose on him in that vay! Of all the outrageous treatment f horses, that ptrpetrated by the aver age drayman is the most infamous. Half of the dray horses are ill-fed and :ruelly beaten, and all of them are enerally overloaded. Many of them re so out of chape from bad usage, so leformed from founder, fpavin. wind .alls, splint, and a thousand ills to vhich horse U-sh is heir to, lhat tbey ould be rejected at any respectable quine infirmary, and some of them ouldnot be received at a fegularlj harurrd bone-yard. I think some nicg ought to be done, und if no cut lse rises to eubmit a proposition I sug est that our city fathers ordain that n ne can obtain a license to run adra ho cannot prove that he is merciful t on beast." Good, that woman is sen Bottom. J se6 d w UTsR Middle Ft". New B.-rne. 1 A Nice Line of Men's, Youth's and Boys' Clothing" Just HeceivedJBarrlflgfO ALSO I Shoes, Hats and Dry ; Goods. , Which will be sold j very cheap at j Us C. afj.lBil, ti BURROS & CO., GENERAL 0JEM1SSI0N MERCHANTS, AJSD GSAIN DEALERS, LIarket Dock, NEW BERNE, N. C. Consign us your produce. mar 5 dwtf of the JOHN McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE Boot and Shoo Maker, Pollock St.. Newbern, If. C. Desires t iiiiijoiinof Hint Ms KA I,L BTOCE ni- il Vi'KKI A I . has l.een re reived und he la prepared lo fill ordem ! FINE CUSTOM-MAIjE BOOTS AND SHOES Ilavli.i: : v. n si: p.-rl or H tiled workmen, all oi lt i s pi n:ii f .1 ; y ,1 1- ,t In Htiilniiim pain.i i,L.e I irnaranlee "tha beet 1 1 1 h l iiul. a e,,,..i ill u.e ltt .trU. and (Liraljiliry," As one aiiioiit; iiinnv teslliiiontala of tha dmrm ler n( my wm U the suhloliied from . well known rlilzi n lis lis own story: I'MTFr. Status Npw Kericb, ft. C, (ViMMis iih iihio:, Oct. 6th, 1888. J Ml. IIC-I.KI.M, 1- ,..t, su; ri, ,:(, me a natr of Kalti-is si mi ii r in ilio,n j .e.i made me two yennaiio. I Imvo wm n them I wo years anC lliey nr.. etiint n-i j hsve been weaiine shoes rlfly p'x lean und tliev are ths bail I ever wore. IteSDeelfullv. "MiKiied" K O nil -t- Kepalrlng neatly and promptly done. Oi l -'I tl w DICKENS' WOEKS. Baxter, I I i sbi a,i i Middle St.. New Berne. N. C. ble. ruahicg Fr rard Ills little town of Avoca. Berti tiunty. it making a big effort to mak self known to tbe ooUiJe world and ney are on a pretty sure way to accom lih it. Like our nearer at home, and rttgressiye Aurora, Avoca i not only horoughly advertising and talking up s facilities and inlucements, but is .cting A grand celebration ha? beer rrnnged to come off the latter portio' f this month. The program ia a long sried and interesting one. On the M(h Minister Jarvis is to deliver an .ddress on how the people liTe in razil. We wish these progressive little owns all the prosperity they may de serve, but our principal efforts are to be iirected towards our own home. If ARE VOU SKEPTICAL! ?o we will cmvince you that Acker'b Knghsh Remedy for tbe lungs is superior to all other pr. parations, and i a positive c ire for all Throat and Luog Troubles. Ooup, Whooping Congh and Colds. We 4 lurantee the preparation and will give vou a sample bottle free Sold by K. Berrv. New Brrne, N. C. MOLASSES. English Island, Just arrived per Schr. Mattie Hiles, For sale by ROBERTS & BR0., South Front St. Pure EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE A. A. BATTLES' $2.50 CALF SHOE. EVERY PAIR "WARRANTED. Also, a Full Line Ladles and Gents' Shoes of other make They seil the Cheapest and Etat Line tt CLOTHING, HATS, DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever ofTored to the trading public. mrlOdwy GOODS HOW TO OUT A l!V Til Ell. which he is L'crn FROM THE Whiskey, MOUNTAINS. I have gu hand a lot of Pure Mountain Corn Whiskey and Alcohol for Medicinal pur noses. J. F. TAYLOR, Wholesale au.l Eetml Grccer, FOOT OF MIDDLE STR. E?. jin23Jwtf NET LEuNE. N. C Wanted: 500 Rcc v.. S. i-.s. 250 llu-ki,; -l;.j, . 10o Skunk Skiiir. 500 Fox Sfe ' ns. Ulio Otu-r Si :n-. lbO Mick Skins. 50 Opossom SkiLs. 50 ESi ir Skins 5D Wild Cat Sk;r.. 50 House Cut Sk::. . 100 Rabbit Skins. '250 Deer Sk iu-. li I'O attle I' . 1000 Sheep c-ku - . 11X0 1 in l SklJ. Vnd also Tallow, H-i at.d Fich Sounds. Highest market price pin! for al! the .bove. If j ou don't nelo-ve it, trv me. J. U SMITH. " mir27dlm New ierne, N. C. GEORGE ALLEN & GO DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural I ni p 1 e ni e n t t. P'o-a!:, Il'irrows, CultiTatora, ii-.ve8 and Ajtea, Wotid'M Mowers arid Reapers, C-jtto.i tii;3 ft cd Presses, Ifertiiiz.-t Laud -Master, Kainit Vleciiatjics Toolj, and Hardware. Lime. Brick, Cement, Plaster Hair,, Salsoraiiie, Var nisti, sjil, j Suss, Putty and Hair, Freezers, IJefric-erators, Oil (JooJi Stoves, Eureka Burfflai Proof SatIi Locks, warranted to give security and satisfaction. PEfCES VE It Y LOW. GEO. ALLEX & CO. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Truckers Heeding Genuine Early Rose Seed Potatoes, Maine Stock, for replanting" their crop, can be supplied at Lowest Price by IT. TJIrieli, WHOLESALE GKOCEIf, MIPDLE STREET, NEW HERNE As agents for owners we offer for sale on es and accommodating trrus the lollow uig J escribed improveu Keal Kslate In the City oi .Nev Bern-: .No. 1. WI1 A. KK PROPERTY AT TJNIOK PuINT ; includes the piece of land kaown at "TH K bLAN IV" aia the wharf or roadwaj leiiliui; thereto from Ka&t Front stieet. Ais-o, water space now being filled in. The .ocntion is the best m the city for all mann t'acturing purpoHes, whila lha largest oiaft viaitlni; our waters have ample depth of ivnter for load lis anil unloauiDg at the wbuf. .N i. J TWO IIOUSLS AND LOTS A.1 I'Ni'JN !' 'INT. occup'eel as ow elllngs. Is.'. S. HAiiVHY W1IAKF l'RUPERTY, .ii'liii-ir.' rial I of water frontof Lot IS o. 12, :i : 1 ie p. in of the city. Upon tha property islii. HU i :i cuiiimodlous brick warehouse. I he . i), to. use a portion of the prop--.-rtv. No. 1. Till-; IRON FRONT WAREHOUSE ,N , K.W . N iTKKKT. No. ",. V.-. l'K 'li)KI-J AND HWKI.LISO 'N "'ItAVK.S i"itKfr cccupitd by It. O. K. 1. A. : : 1 i!t s.-r: im- of valuable proper "" toL-eih--r w::h the best terms upon which :ne seme w!i4 be bold, will be furnished n tppacsiti'.n in tl.e uiidersigned at iheir office nnu'.n Front meet. WATSON STREET. Ie j Ins and Real Estate Agts. AGENCY FOR WOW DAILY Receiving Any Kiilisrrllier to the Daily or Vl'iiii.r Jot'KNAi., wbo has p&ldone vear In advmnoa. will lo eiitllled to 111 ner rent iHartmnl nn set of CHAM DIOKh-NS' WORKH. For lha money, this Is the best edition on th market. Comparad with the rest of former, a van recent days, H is amatlr ii how lha irlna nf standard boobs are now reduced. This la especially irue of the works or Charles Ilck- ens, and the inotit morvelonsly cheap edi tion of his works tver pnbllrlind la uu ques tional. ly the "lie,. ' pilllliili. imw lumS h. John 1! Allien, toe "Literary Involution" publlHber. New York. Chicago, and ) where. It Is printed In kok1, clear, lai(a faced nonpurell 15 pe (from vhe sun nlaivs as Appleton l-opnlar I.l irnry Kdlllnn, price per stt JKI.IHii. double column najra. smail quarto form, eaty for tho rye, coo t iilentto handle, and Is handsomely bon d In cloth, In elirht volumes as follows: List or (he Vols- Over 130 lllnstr'ns. I. Mnrtln Ch iizzlc wit . 1 ri. Iavld Oopperfleld. Hurtiiiby Kudtte. I Christmas Htorles, Kd tr 1 ti 1 IrcwMl ?. Kleob House. I Sketches iiy Ir 7. . Mutual Friend. 11'dTlmea. I. Nlcholns Nlekleliy. ) pictures fin Iialr. 'I Hie cf Two I 'II leu I L'aconi'c'l Traveler. I 7. Honibej and Hon. 1 1 1 1 d Cu rl oatt v RhOD 1 1'lcltwlek Papers. I American Nnlai. Reprinted I'leoes. (ire . I Expectations s. Little Dorrlt. I Ullvor 1'wlsl. I'rl-c Per Vol 4 5c. I cr Kel 3.00. Size of vol 11 me .'1 .'1 1 1 7 ."-1 Incliea: noaLaaa. I If by mall, '2 cents per volume Sample copies an be seen at thlsofTioa. Tax Notice. To Clef r (.rcen. dellnquenl: lake Notice. That at a Kheilll's Pale tor taxes, at the court house door In bay Iniro on the 7ih day of lay. IHiX, your land lylns; on Mason s Creek, conralninu Mm Brmi mm for the taxes of 1SH7, when and where I be came the purchaser Id the sum of Sevan dol lars and flrty cents, and one dollar and ten cents costs. Tolal JW.0U. Unless the said sum. loKetber with the costs of ihla advertise ment, and the '2 per cent. Interest la paid aa lequtrcd bv law for the redein ptton or laoda Bold for t ixpb, I shall taae a deed therefor. W. T. JAHo. Hnyboro N. C . Feb 14, IKMi. Cost of :iU rtlsemenl, tA IHI. Middle St., Tax Notice- To A. A M. Hahn, UellnquenU: Tftko Notice That at a HherifTa Hal for taxes at the court houwe door In May bora, on I tie 7ih iay of May, 1HKS, all your lands In Pamllro county, on Hprinu (-reolt. Trent Creek. Head of Alligator, Headof Bay KlTi. and Whitfhuietn Creek, wcr all oid for th laxeH of IShT, when and wbt-rc I btcatna the purctiBKi- r Id i he en m of I wen l v-oue tlollaia and thiriy-Btx cenu taxes, and tbre dollarsand tlilrly ci nis costs 3i M). Total l n:t'ss The miui, together villi ihe costs oi tl; 1 h advertisement Is paid, to gether with thr 2-1 per cent 1nirest aa r jutr?d by law f r the redemption 4f lands ho.d for laie, J Khali take a deed threfor. b' KKTl'H Mil.CEH. lUyborn, N. . Feb I . IKH. lubL ol ad vert lm un: t , f i (N New Berne EST A II LIS II Kll I Mj J. Re-established UMill RHIt'ILT 1M .i t He rue. N". C N. C. Where have the Indians gone? There is only one left iu the city, and that is at Pulmer s igarstore on Middle street. Ton a ceo is an Indinu weed, and from it Is .nade Klue Clears. "licvliifif Tobacco, Fine Citt Clie vi ug, and Suuff, and some tliing mixed with soineihmi; they call Ji Sureties. Call and see what is wnat, WM. L. PALM EH, middle St., Newberj. Road Oarfs! lO percent cheap Ci tliau uiiybcdj". 5- l'oa't buy before g .-lUng our prices nid catalogues. THE GEO. W. STOCKELL CO.. NASHVILLE, TBS. Name this paper. mar22 l'verj-flilng On Wbeels. Buggies! I)ICK 1 ' Lop Hood cNS WORKS The simr.le y or tne doz eaition or Dick ens is now on band. Regular library size print. ilh JockN'aL at astonishingly low prices r 1 and see sample. a5 tf hand cloth binding and clear We club these works complete either the Daily or Weekly Go to F. S. DUFFY DRUGGIST, AND Bly DRUGS & MEDICINES CHEAP FOR CASH. The best assortment of Truses in ihe cltv. A perfect rtt guaranteed. A full as-ortiueiu of Fresh and Warranted Garden fieeos. A la rye, varied and select stock of Perfu mery aud Fine oape. A choice assortment of Fine and Cheap Cigars. Proprietors of Duffy's Tonic Mixture, Duffy's Antl-BIUous Pills, old and reliable Family Medicines. Hat-Plumes. Feather Fans. Moonted Birds. Feather Work and Fancy Articles made by Hotel For Rent. THE OJIi.U.OKE HOTEL Upon the I-laud t f Ocracoke, will be rented for ihp tnnj!Lh' jer. beginning May 1st. 1 S v 9 Terms e;:sh or secured notes. Hotel furnished and ready for occupancy, healed bid to be forward ed to th undersigned before April 13th. 1SS9. Further information furnished upon application to i ". M Bii OWN", m2S :3: Sc.' and Trt'hfl. :ii:atcn. N. C d2r7COO n COP;n00 A JIOSTH can be O 1 0 LU CpJU made working for us Agents preferred who can furnUh & horse and give their whole time to the busi ness. Spare momems may he profitably employed also. A few vacancies In towns find 15. F JOHNSON A CO.. lWl'J Main St. . Richmond, Ya, N. R. Ladies employed also. Nevermind about sending stam p for l eply . Come quick. V juis for b ., B. V. i. A Co. " aprit h"m Spring Session Vance Male and Female AOADEIY. On IK. ...nin nf the ..mA .1.. Ml A. W. Dl'FrV 7,1 Z , . . x. , j All of which we offer atthe VERY LOW- win tie an ow time nsn supper ana Ei,x pricks for CASH, steamboat eicursiao to the light house. 1 deci dwtr F. 8. L'CKFY. AtteEifion, Farmers We have o- hand und can supply you at Rock Bottom Fiucts : Stonewall Cottcn I'io,c, Climax Cotton Plows, Gem Cotton Plows, 'Cotton KinfTs." Iron Age Cultiyo'or Cox Cotton IM. Hirers. Centennial Coru IM,. ,teia, Ami everything else is needed on tbe farm. Give us a trial. WHITTY GATES. So. Front and Craven Sts. I Newbern, N. C. Opened January 28, 1889. The patronage of the public is7re8 pectfuily solicited. Terms for your.g ladies not exceed ing S70 "0 per sessiou of five months, ineluJins Vocal and Instrumental Music, lull coureo in Book keeping atui Commercial Law, and Penman ship. Many puril get through for 850.00. Full corf e cf competent teachers. For further information address W. R. SKINNER, PRINCIPAL. Poiloksvilk-s N, C. Ask Tour Retailer for the JAMES MEANS 4 SHOE OK THE JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. According to Tour Needs. SaW" US : A7 ' -A tl WALTER'S Fhofcgrapfi Oallery. I "t;i k c r m a ' j ! iimi re ! n In To I'm Ing my many f r lends :tinl ; lie j n l l (reneralJy. thai 1 hnve returpi fr m Mm City and r' opened my i'imMok rapMr f-Mui.o at the old Ktaul, where I hhail le please! to see all tuj frlendn and l he ji,h,ir xonerally. The very f!u t rmMicn h I have met since iha i in .-ie .New Ii-rne my hom )m ar guarantee o: u.f s'.n i -i M uf my worlft It Kienk h for i t m-. f . My Unlit nieH Die s W J'OKCELAI i Lr r r,i 1 u all in v work CHiliUKKN'S IMCITKI'S A SI'I-XALTl h,R Y STY I.F. Ol I'lCITKI 'OP KI AND I, A K; KI) TO AM I" 1 V. I ) h S I K I ' Thuikin uli ! th-iret 1 he ml pn I ron ft e, an I lnpin l ineili u eontlnuauce of i tie same. I m i -ji" ifuMv, M'aii im v A l.TER, New Mrtrne, N. n. N. W. cor. Ml,:. He itiwl I o! -. k ttJ..over K.N. lJnll's tfi ti!"ic I iHfiinei- from Pollock nen20 dtf JAMES MEANS 04 SHOE na UXUl OUU SiyuiUi. IIOU 11K I mmm m m m mm . aaam. Ing perfectly easy the first time It ' u worn. It will utitisfy tb most fastidious. JAMES MKANS U bHOE la absolutely tha pnlr shoe of I La price wbtca Has erer been placed ex tensivelyon the market in wnicn anraoinry Lerea beioro mere oat- ward Limesr- m -m- m .a S33E' ' - U f t? .JBT r r arisK tot mejamev i2ZM anoo. aUe&Ds w ttnot for lioys J. MEANS & CO., Boston. Full lines of tho above i-hoes for sale hf A IMi'KII FOK TIIK lASNKK. PnblUhrd ft I the al lnnl 4'ailtl, i ur tii cdvlfr f i h r rou tiiry. Howard & Jones. GREEN, F0Y & CO., :QaELXXlr3C. Do a General Banking business. New Banking House, Middle Street, fourth door below Uotel Albert, raidwly NKW BERNE. IV- :. GASH STORE! The Waehinfrton Weekly Post U a lare riht pit: japei , li : ! to tliebrlm Willi lh mtv hiiehl n nifHl Important news matter . Alio: its ilepar Iruonti are In charge of i oin' leiii n. en, ainl no pains or expeiiHe an? t-pnreil lc make I iik kkki.Y 1'ost a moi! 1 fnml:y nevi-paper. The sub ben pi Ion pi lee i I 1 1 K W i i. s i Is $ 1 per year , pa a t ..'! i-t ' a In ml v an re. H- nd for Bum p!e c j i , i h. The Washington Daily Post In the only jiioriniii; jmper ;nilillHh(d t the rap Oil wLiOi jiisnisM'B ll.e Isellltled for itliei I ti i; mill in . ii 1 1 thenewhef llieday. Willi om In i e n,r. nl ippoi ters s ml tjn-rlal w li I 18 We I. re el ill I 1 i 1 1 In i! I nl lie. 1 I if. moal -ea.liible J fl.i I eer ruileil in W fish in Kton . The 1 in nn I nr. .r w i.i.!. iiik i mi news fur tha next few in i n. 1 1 1 1 i ii id be i..pniei,l to all, iiii-l llii'iiovi:: I .e p. . I .i 1 1 1 r in il : urn throiiKh Which tn . Ill Hill 'I Ihhli Til K I'All.l 1'OST. m; life: : 1 i- lliiil , , ' f Till I I A 1 l.T lOST ( I : i .nd. ' I ! oi.i'JOIil . one Tunr . . . ( in Inn Oh Jfl (KI 7.60 . fi" We are now located on the corner, near the Monument, where we will be glad to see our friends. Groceries in Great Variety. Choice Fruits and Candies Wood and Glass Ware- Notions, Cheap as Cheapest. Whips and Lashes; Sheet Music: Books and School Supplies; Snuff. Tobacco T'lie Sunday Edit'n of The Post and Cigars; and many other articles, j all Of which we Bell at the Lowest Cash ,s "'l '' u " !l lniei s: i. r. ai urea, and lis Prices. Mieuhieiv:.. ;t ii i, mii irkm (j h Biiy Journal If you want to sell or buy COUNTRY 1,1 1 " ,"1 s 1 " will pay you to ere us, a. sin x.- ni; .!. u before you bargain. Th is as f. i 1 ml Iv 1 Hi l i 1 1.. I.j I'm J Sin., I month.. To 1...I With thanks for past favors, wo eo licit a share 6t your trade. P. S Free stables for all of our cus tomers. YTours truly, II. C. BOWEN, Kinston, N. C. THE POST, FOR m ONLY. W ASIIIM.ION, U. C. A quirk, iiormutnt onaa iur iui or railing Dinnhood. II .11 IIIIHIIWM wealinoss, unnnturnl loasea. lark of stranataw viiri-ir cir dovoloiininnt, rpuiind by Inrf lacrauoa. xccusue. ate 1 .nine.!, h.K, nl KIM JCKDIOAJL OO.. BTJFFA1A. M, X. 1 r- - rv t " - i'Jr-: i , . ... ' '.. ... :; .Wt'i i-.v-"wn' . "i-.'-V'A '"f'i- '-iv rx.vV: .'xirf- :'v:-''V:-' ''o'