f V- ... ... ft II - ,;orEB3IONAL. ftTKAMKHr DR- J. D. CLARK Tha N. C. Freight Line : i'. THE J0URNA1 1 I n il i ii i f a .Jury ..r Si I .i am! K iilciin', s(OI (if i n : 1 i; a i r if is- ( u On a.-i.l P. H. PELLETIEB, ATTOBXIT AT LAW. : 0 rviuoi '.U '.r ;f j SKMI-W KKKLY TKU'S Baltimorr and New Bern P in i" r I bn 'rvu.ii In - a :, I A !( M 1 'Nl' -no, J LM!D tl '. rt,..r for S.w , w LI - loi'.U.-.HKli.M.il H,I i. M Wlt f rlll t tttftmt( fttw. tW- I L TIQ4 r Htd. :or ha.tinort. ll Id- ltt4 mam Cmrnr M BrM. ad Tt,!- m u.lfin .m. out or v.- im mar utp froaa liiUairv com nrw- -. auypka OS. 7 . Mosluk. ton- Uiaa to Inborn, i roT t hi aii. HMtiaMd. a4 ail sulata Nom fat aa4 Mt Mak m com coanartioa tor B-U po a m - Rar;iJ Kr'.ioat of sw A4a " - - foi.owi. j LUh: ri . tlt.iiiLor Hi'' RR1CK. At.. tuna.l. V. cij j aid In , m, ;j koUj 1. A:.--.-i. (.. . OWCT H. GUIOH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. toms door iCtV ilim tavv a4 0iv7aa imkw- V' KvMMUtMH4C 1- T--"BMlHft! A Ka- '.4 T rtpa it.r. r HUMPHREYS' - 1 xrxmrrr scci I ' 1 bxu nu. UMH. . 1 J - - HOMEOPATHIC Li j -TiF.'i'Sy rii u it I til mZmhvb. Dial ill ' .i w""TT j 4 1 44 ! . M. xlntt, rrwHWno H. ) ort iaa. if MilO . Wlniaja A tluM7l (la 7 . wlorJ I'iovhjo, MUrU) L Timo& bU1 Ias3 :D( iD'1 r ta guar- ad poia ta U J T nul ufflv a uf I -llUt CiiTSLaiJi arrt.ta m C"a la Uaa i- i t avj'.l.. ' - laaMaaaaBal Waaau i ia -.. - 4s laa. rii ia I ax SPEOl FICS. CnjTT-aaIl!3iia iTTr- anaa. a A3 f ik ftbor tswf tela r for Mi M it 4 raj wrw of r. &. Doffr 4 S. aUtry, afi441 ar. HEALTH IS WEALTH! READ CAREFUIaLY. AVOID III1K1UK or IILK A1 HIP V I A N. C LIMB. IS M. UHAT, A.anl, w aw. .V. C. EASTERN CAflOLlS iP iCr Tbe f t Frelghi L r a kiv oil m- at. aa' ihlt. u ,iBr(. rklMalaala. laii.laiua. a.-tla aCUaaaaalt Olf. . . . HiE STEAMEJtS EAGLET and VE8PEB "FmTDT befe it ro I (I A WEEK Co lKl vr k t any co-opcrmiioo (f ta ctcb matnb-rr hIi m tW Club fc W U-Ja oof, ai fS B-.-aibr 007 PT 1 1;n! ftrt Qu!lty rtvooa, Del - - T tjafC m::tt.-m f --itS-T K i;r i or oyro . 0 ' 1 - -tt . skJ. a t . a 14 Jca i - J U' much tavi AaT4 1 iC J t J I - WTk . - a V ii i - - . r - - - t. - - it Anerdoto of Dante. ! Tlie following amnsine; anecdote ii : i f : i .i.. . ( iS told at the expense of Dante : i (it An-; i.- r. l.7. On one occasion he left his house ' :ic c! .n,-r ;u-ri(,'i;ni. .i Hem- after dinner, to goon some bnsi- j ''r. N- '. NfNop. :n ir-r. 1 1 o:ii ness to that of the Admiral. As M,;tl. - M.;, .. ( ., !.u!.! lor lie was passing by the gate of San: Sio(U)fi V Ni.iti.i. :i tlie ;oil ol I'iero, he heard a smith who was New ik. -;.ekL-ii Ii.-. t i lot striking his anvil, and as he ! ' Vi ;m Ni ii-c 1 1 el , liny worked, he saDgsome of oar poet's ' m:!cs inward In. in Hatteias. Saiil verses, but mutilated and with ad- j !!:: was iiilormt'd that the Cht-in- ditions and alterations. Dante j ':m woaldtakf nojulot until !he said nothing - bat approaching the i I a; H itter, is :Sw a.-h. On workshop where the smith kept his j "iival a: Hatteias on the tools, which he used in his trade, I ng ol 'the HUh she was again ut seized the hammer and threw ir Best .i ? r l Ik r A n, An l I.IrO 1C1I- 0 a Wrv U. r I, .. 111 TV altUA V.-1 aa T XfTmtn-' J .Saw IWr'. ') MoMiaV fV MtA H.t.Al L.I Ua'AV Taa a au- ra ii Hot. aila i T. Ataaua.('. K.H s. (i,.,l -oii5u K tort,tOil n.i unu.t K. H. and raa7iia K. r .. ro a ri:aC. im! r(ialaM tlu- ulfl ,. . v.- - rM'l 'm aa ifl'itat...L. trm;. ra a.. . , tuaft u( a . . i . . . Li 40 taiwaab u ..... KW. a. . .. m t . . . r i L I'NW . -. I .4. . . K I .i .Hoa-va kavar. a-ruut til. ipc. . ... . A (i. tj. I "Ta txai' I i..Jf u 1 . : q.; j K. ltallotM. ((.i.x,. riMa aawa o aar. bu a a Miur Tntia taaaaa aa io aW uo , a . t 5.r.(r?a:War:I.Cl3!jCcts5ir: . . j.m .r r.i:.i;A ; . Sex -LI Wl,i r . 1 ; A: : kilo II ill 111 1 h-1 i -1 : "met' Ci Woven Wire Fencing K..i F( T! A:. -1 ai A - Tautaan. paiaam a aoariaa tor Hi ata- canmiauiaia. mtav iaaaoai mawavaaav raitaa MdaaMk imn rnumtlaa) 1 aan r ttta oaT or lnaia laa arAa iUaa t tmaavalt aaiaaaarr. ataaavr aa 1 il. I Ak Mamaia ia L naa mt o ax. tavaMMtaa-y I a a 1 aad p laa illna aw UaJ ta aalBjav d Puar Laaorr aa aa thai araua. tmit- aiaai aaaa aaiaaai-a ITa "al "oA. . a aoafoa ajwui fcaa aa ma. aaaA y aaaU yraaald aa rn aciaurro ui biu laamaayana. arita a a-r aat aw boaaav ma a ana aa iraal that bom aaa a aataoa a UrutM i "1X7 ITT aaatoa wit M M. oar wrtlAa nw- tf la. a natUDaal waM aw ad omif tr R. S twaT- p a a a . w BacD.af. C itd.Ir Drunkenness Afan Waaa oaraatoo ra)atraa a acn-j irtpa pa arac a-lU ba raa. jno. s wui'X (tiao. rv mi. aaX 8 V kJ op ..1, iHTlaioo krajtji B. CWAf . ,aarai rralabi Aiig l. .v r. A H. H. 14 . .Not(o.. a BLC. ktciaji , a. v.aaaraa rrmkcai A f aat a. (.H. orK Va. ,-au Stabania. .H.e OLD OOUMION Steamship Company. HKlll-W KiKLT l-J2iE. Ta Ola) Itaailalaa Hauakl aua'a Ola aatal ritaiiti Water , la ilaaaurla aaa t ampkl (m IV aaj.aaaJ a a aaa ) a . - B-m ar aaaa. ftaaa aa taaakal a aa aaa at aaaaa ar aai. aa ka a. ,VlaBMHWIiraaMalikaaar aaa !,!! HV) kk la kaalaaily aanaiaaa aa4 wUl aaaaaBaaalaa aiailai ! alrtaaaTar aa ilanfcnlK tTMviaMm, Wa GUARANTEE T ra aaa a 1 a. ai buuA a awa ara ia a-aarT I A I Ii aaa ra aal I - r --in? 7 A J0H2T H. ClABTEEE & CO ENGINEERS. FouAder tad MachioJata taiUaaaa mt BTatavaa. Uava, a auiaa. aUt k Caa-aaT aaa I aaa. aMaaaaaja4M4Catt3klia all klaaa a ' - r" I I . aa aaaaara afai tln,. . f ann aa4 ks (t-ra a r aaaaarr aaaailaikiak a aaaai la lwi 1 aaia W laa A J kaa tar k at A. Hartaaiat laa Mlaa Vaiaaa. ktaa Itoran aork w any J.l-llTW,fm. LLtXTlIl.TiwPm 1. 1. tSSZin, ClUier. THE NATIOriAL BANK OP HW BEBJns, N. C. aJCO0arOaUT3 IMS. CapiUl. - - $100,000 Sorpluj PrqflU. - 86.700 DIBECTO&a. Jab A. Bktaji. Thoxa Daxiiu, La XL Cmu. Chas. 8. Bitaj. Uaoaoa Allm. T. kf. Sixvoss, WAAHISOTOai BaTAJ. i oTirwm or tmm Ccurortxvi or m Bjjtk. Dxcasuaa 31jt. Loaaaa4 Diaooaata I143.5AXU u.a. Bmi jj.oco.oo OU4 8toaa J0.10.5-s Sawl Eaaala H.010.JJ V, 8. KoCaa, BiMa, And Spavia Sl.It3 rT it 1M ftoaa Baaka.. .anuSilwJ. Capttavl Barsioa aaif ocbr Prortta drvalatioo Dapeaita m.wt 17 00. 000. 00 . S.T0O S3 33 900 00 . 1 9-4. 113. 3 ro Svrialk. k.iuaMt, v(k 'AakkAa. Immi . f...ld.aij aa Wuklail.a Tlly. AH ( LnjIQka. Nurvi. Eaai ud Ufa '. i-i U u ai. MUI.Iai iaoa,aa.i. .urtiii t.il.. u ;.vu JU4ZIT ILWBUUE, Cipt Pntcjttt, ' aau tn-an .'ortoik. v a. fcr f.w JI,"k; -..!!.- a-tlou. loDAY ' "a.iiia an. aa auaueaaion wim .ua pi aa a.p u4 ua M. a T. H. a a. w. n aiLawe iiuuia,.aa ail oui aaniaw oa uia itoia aod 1 rao I KJ rarm. aawiia. am ii rum a. ar H A1K.N a " ;vui aircv ll at-1 A 1 .1 aaa IT HI .n.a a. m.. aiaaiD Jar J-aa- Tl. B. . r- Lo . aiaamar! tor Baa ma or. Clja Una ruilpa for ittiaa WkB. a. aa. l. lA3. a aAlca . h(A. " auaaoaa nran mmr . !m ir t . .aruiumna wo aaa ma am do few Uaw aAi COuda rar w o n m a - ait.Ya. 'Ofajk a1U Sad a aonrl Uhu - , - "" arary aoarkaaT aad altan wui oa paud ui.a oj vaaoi&eara. a. a. aoaaarrs. Aa Laa. CULflfPKR a TllXIB. Aianu, Kartotk. Va. aTAsroan. Viaa-rraaUaal. 5 Toct Cllj ll. 7. A Tfli HBUSE 1 TEE2TT RITEB 8taaxLboat Compaxij. AU raa taa foUraia rVvaala aa aad an. iaar lav law. 8teamer Trent 'Ui kaar arary Mootlay lad Tc-.rda B UI OTloI rnr K m t .n4 aaaaa (. aaa ail va wa no ad 1 a la rclau rat ara lxi.1 aaxna day. taajaar Klnaton. arUi iaaT ! Barua tor Iiaaaa on vn - aaya aaa ma ay at 11 o'clock. M. Katarn- uaa. wiu wara a laa too on Monday aod 1 B araoaya; Toagotiu al ail lstarmadiata uavaaBaaoa jiioaa aurar. i. J. DiaoeWAT at itakan. W. F. aAjn.T. riiaalaa D. a. aABAraxraUaavrUioi w- a. WARD, Afaal at Traava. M. C aarr. JaUy Okdjrvald. J. a. lAkll, (aJBkAar Brldca. 'TI Oaa'l alaaaca kid a Klaaaaa. B $403. 833.33 Kaqsaatiiia: Atlaatjon ko Lha MttMMal BarawttA. aiao lia o( Oiractora, wkicA taiak wiil b rrfkHaJ aa a fOAraa taa of earai aaajatanact. tb ia Bao k kaTfeaa lAa aacevnta o Bank. Baakara. Marchaata. Cot-pormucma, Flrm and 1am! Ivkl aaia WkA rQpT)or facilitiaa ia ararj I a Uioaata branch of lha Bank it) f baa aam. corraapood aaca with a ti a to itioaa ia ioTitad. Spaoiai lOnUta girao to collect iooa taa DOaxaaaa aa4 la (areata of cor wapoailaata aal piroo caraf allr n J ptir al taa J ad lo. Saapavctally . NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO LM. The Steamer TAHOMA, A hard'om ay enoafruud rratakt nu. aana-ar boa. ba!n &-r n p a-d oa ttua foaia. ka praparad to rand.r atrpartor aarri lo aiwl froao all polala oa lovar BM Hivar atuA Ptn tloo eoamr. and ia Barn ror taa praarat Lba follualo acnauola will fcw in opanUlon: Lraa N.w Bamo araay Wadnaaday aod Pataraay at SIX A,. M tor kiaj borr. .topplnr al n.bloou. Adatoa ana njitha t raak. Vandanaara kna HKra.aill. Laaraa Harooro a-rary MotidaT an Sa 1 ' B00KST0KE. J. L. HAETSFTELT) KISSTOX. X. C, BOOKS and STATIONERY floivool Bcoka aad School Sappii- a tpaariaity. Oonfaotlonarlaa, yioawo, 9mmft CVsra, TVya. Glmuvrt , Or9dmry, Flikimg ToekU, Cte. .orar aoailA ot LoTtia'a BaaA. VaWT tlaJT. L. HABTSXTELX) $500 Reward ! vtU aay taa aaaaa raaard tor aa r raaa a laa? aa alara . dj aaa Bala, avafe kaadatiM. T1 n rm ay at .SIX A. H.. atopnln at r"'or.aall anjaoaara, AmlUia. AJama an 1 Clabfixxa (,raaA arilrlnt a: Saw Irrni Monday aod Thora J aianlnaa. Kxaallant paaarncar a.-rommodal!no. aai- i oka iraini aa'.ltLira. j rraiao: rc:p'aO i. r aoj rr-rr!rd j bj ; Maal A.C U. fjna. and rttry n'.rmallon (irao. l H. ABBOTT. A an l, Vaudan:ra r H r)WtJ:". Kurraill r"WUH A foWKt.t A ran la H.vt..ro (iCORUB A. HCMEV. noldwlf (.ianara; M q .p: Steamer Honard, Independent Steamboat Line. On and After VI on .'.ay th :0-.h da ol Sp-. taa kteuar Howard will run lha f(jlowion acbadul. For Trenton Try M indar and Fri ikr At aijht o'clock. rKarnina Tarwdsy and Saturday. J. J. LAITTtR. VlADArir. j . J. EHaoawAT. Ajcat tt Mew Berne. 8O0 TO S2 PER ROD. A3 abM ftjtof vlaba. Ottm r. maarfl anAd f7"r in aa v raawwr nra : n f -r- t- r-. Ta r ii.irlLri wtttt wibic riri t M. IK Aiaa X. Hwka ll., Cklaaa, 111- OETECTIV ES Wl; 111.1 i h;i.- FOR THE MILLION. 87 rOPI I. VH Ii VI. LAOS. ' I'm Joit l.oikf Down to Ihr t.ntr," nnd Hfl Other Na an 1 rupalar aliad. in nna t.-k. rr'a Only lorrula. niMIF.SS. LETTER-WRITING and Spelliaf l'r tha School, Oltirr and II a oa a. Coutajn. M.500 woraa u :a ' r ap.llaa vroet. 3 , Ol O word, aaaae- pronnn Clattaa. bat di?-rnt mmno (omplflfl Ralaa Tar Paarlaalloa, I or ( apllal Lattara, AaBr-ealatlaaa. Hamplr. of I BO Batlana Lrllrn. I tu-i 1 " pa-a, ka fi.iaomai boqsi 13 eata. SHE. Ttf Kidrr Ilitrrard. ( ' o m -plata la 4 aalanaaa. Thm -oluin-a . - tha of k.a.Ua Ukrary. W. wi.l nni j). Ihaaa 4 roloAaa for aaly lo rralk. HICl AGE 1F FLOWER'. J " T alt tlkoaa tran -II .iw.ra thai ull Waal w.TT-i ru d cr kxprrai w . ; ' " FTkow. Tia book flra nam an-l a-n tlmrr t all kn w n I - ra. PrlBUl krtary pfxr. haaa4nij U una. Oaly 10 raau. Tke World-RrnoiTBed Widow Ilr 4kU Piarn. ( ..mpl-t in 1 TT.inm. T1.!. wark B a ti iiurB ;n vrj lott. Oaly 10 ru. llame Doctor liook, oaly lO ccnti. DiAlofaet, Reritntioaa and Rrad flaaa. A raiaatia t-ja. tx j jnax aai Only lOcanta. ... rpoa rarap 4 pHra, anr (-" akr. bocVA '.:! Va aal part paid. Foacaa ataatpa takra. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., SaO FairatoBBt Areaae. Pklla-o I'a And But I And I n, i , An i A - - -.ac in .in .a.- Lor k in .-, fiicrl v jH-eit (1 Wno he -l.c s.m t lint h : .i. d.-.i: h. I ! . i Mine ft..; rcf !i As ... 1 k i -- fell! Ull" io s:.at l io K. ! y .i p.i : r , T vt ; ; :i 1, .l. : oui'M l' pilot .lolm Suiipxin. lie rtas ailorined that the (. ' I itru ! n ai Ii ol Been jiokeii tl:c day Bel'oit'. Simo-on s;1ni that the schooner was n : furnisht d with a pilot and (, Mi.it he would (iiie lor tlie pilotaye. a- :i.e law .-.ud that the first pilot th it speaks .shall Be paid and no other. were under the impres ; s;on that Willis was entitled to the . pilotage and that no other could eoilti - the same. We therefore in lornied Simpson that we would not reieiie a pilot Irom any Boat ex ct'pt the one thattiist spoke us, "'" ami that lie in ight sue l f lie pleased. hen the tide mi t, d a pilot from the Clew that spake us on Neuse river, came on Boaid and we crossed the swash or inner bar and anchored the schooner .u the roads to await an opportunity to get to sea. I 'or t his ,-er ice the law al lows the pilot to collect twodollars. N l r the outer Bar he is allowed ten cents per ton. The 'herubim is tons; hence her pilotage is !'.oo over the outer Bar. In the aticr noon of the same day the master received a summons to appear be fore John Kolinson, a magistrate, 1 at a specitied hour the same day ti, and show cause why he should not pay John Simpson si. fill ur out ward swash and bar pi lot age. Now 11 r Bear m mind that the schooner hail not crossed the outer Bar and that her pilotage is not due until si.o crosses the Bai : that she is owned in tbis State and that her owners are well known and very itBaBle. We went on shore and upon our arrival at the place desig n.i'cd lor trial it was suggested By the magistrate and agreed to By the plamt;!l' and defendant that the case Be tried By a jury of six, .dl pilots and commissioners of , pilot Being objected to By defen dant. The latter learned after ' wards however that t'o; h pilots nnd commissioners of pilots served, some of them having- expressed themselves to lavor of the plaintiff betore they were sworn. The jury were empanelled, witnesses sworn and the case given to the jury, .a They were out about two minutes when they returned with a verdict '''''in favor of Simpson, i lie plaintiff, ,v'and judgment was given for full pilotage, which I propose to show i i ( never became due. We then and I there craved an appeal to a higher court and we were informed by the to magistrate that our appeal would j not be granted unless we first paid " cost. A bill of cost was then pre i sented i ?.70) which we paid. As across the street, he seized the! tongs and threw them across the j street, he seized the scales and j threw them also, and so he did to ! many ot the tools. The smith i turned towards him in a brutal manner, cried : 'What the deuce are you aBout j are ou mad V "What are you about !' cried Dante mi return. "I am about my trade," said the i smith, "and you spoil my tools bv throw ing them into the street." ' j -lfou do not wish me to spoil i your things, do not spoil mine," re plied the poet. "What do I spoil of ycurs?"' asked the smith. ' "You sing songs out of my book, j and not as I wrote them. I haVe j no other trade and you spoil it for me." The enraged smith, haviDg no answer ready, collected his things and returned to his work; and the next time he wanted so sing, ne sang of Tristram and Lancelot, and left 1 ante alone. StoCKINiS FlNE(0L0RS7r.AT klEITHEbSrVlUT Wash out Nor Fade ONLV The Sold bydruggistS ALSO rKERI.KSS BR0ZE PAINTS 6 Colors, PKKKI.rS I.trNDKY BM INfJ. PKKISI.KSS INK POWItKBS-6 Kind 7 Colors. PKIKLKSS SHOK ASII II 4KNKSS DKESSISU. l'J hKXLSN l.l.(i DYES M Colors. .1 it: Ho At t! .1 Bui Fo; sjt not. i 'ii I I'.o :r.i: h that toi : ibto i t.o.irt loaieii f,. f : i a i v. : i'o . : d ff'.t 'lis i:. knew t l.o io w :i . '. In ih.it .il::o.st in ;!io ; I i 1 1 . . I .ii. I. a.l : .i:.t. ji in r:i hor lift,.,. The Sterling CL MalfttfTalCtMrflrt oi - fc. . THE STEBLKG PIM, run rm QiIlty of Ton Baut7 of Dosign, FINISH and ad a pt a billty for at and Ing In Tuno havo no equal. Every Piano Warrajited for Frva Years aVsl saaVliaaf-tV.n araATavntr1 to evrj irctiMMr. .Jo MiiiuiAtturc :hc Woild Rix.-wnij STKKLIXG ORGAN Factories. Derby, Conn. Wuii the !ri;h .f 1..M-. She o.iiried th.it f.i in th .'U '10, Fr.mi the sin f-hoateu du.ro. An.'. ho dared on the n .iy not a m. .incut U iv. st, L-st the heart that s. l.nn'ly ho.it in his breast Should cease ovoin:..io. T' Their cot. near a; hand, h.-i h; : . !. n khe bore. And, though her fame s!i.-k as !;. en tered the door, Her heart did not ijnail Yet nl.e Mhed when ho'(l j llrcd his form on the bed. f or h'.s eyes wore wi le st.ii;n- as i:"!.o we: e dead, And his face ghastly pale. With the i-'ii:nia'. ..: Ins life. With ih v Mnfc And o or .-..e saw. m his , ;. o. And she heard !. .s. .:n a s; And she r. jiii-rod i i in I ? r,.n-ht f, en'.eied ih )o:uh . .1 T::no, 1: :.!. t fa.nt 1 f.o r L.o.e had tar h.v! v I'.Il , Stieutt-th had ( l.o.-t,a,,d Sir. .1-,-th had 1 1 une To he bore 'cine t she'd ne'r known batf. Ti J lo r an 1 1 bi rtii V. (jrn).hi. . Ol ( Piao'a Cur for Con suniption la alao the best Congh Medicine. If you hare a Couub. without dlaeajvo of tho Ludrh, a few doai are. ail you ntyxt. But if you ne-Rl'H-t this easy QiMm of afety. the alight Cough may become a serious matter, and soventi Lsjt Uea will bo required. 3 1 atavrr h U t ia aod Cheap. Mia.ai.. aa.1 n I HolJ bj drufflrtM. or aaot bj mtM "l 11 Pc. Horaarty f..r ( I I Eaan-at lo Car, aa utt's Pills Tneayapaptlr. tha dkbllltatd.whatta ar from rarraa of work, of uiind or aody, d rink ore ipo.gr. In Malarial Regions, will find Tall-. Pill, the moat tenia', rr-loratlictttr offered the aaffirln intaliai. ' Columbus and Ills Sailors. As the sailors of Columbus were to him in his voyage of discovery, so are our faculties to us in the en deavor of our spirit, and so to the witness for truth ate his fellowmen in the work in which he has called them. The sailors said: "Where is the land !'? and again, "where is the land T" When the continuing east wind the trade wind blew, it teemed to the nmlors an omen ot fear. "Will it not blow us on for ever? So in advance of the mind in the search of spiritual and po litical truth and cood, or even in the pursuit of science. The im pulse of a grtvit directive thought, though it is as a wind from God his trade wimt, which will conduct ns to, and then facilitate our inter course with, some new and now to be discovered land produces, as we are advanced onward, distrust and fear. Though our faculties heartily were with us at the first. ii in eitain j there was no one on the island that ; would sign our bond to secure cost . - sh'.-o 0f a higher court we offered master's Bond with schooner as security, rir.ss the magistrate would not ac cept. At night of the same day, a severe storm came on and in the early morning of the "Oth, the storm of the night previous having increased to a violent huricane, it Became necessary to cut the schooner's mast away to save her from going ashore and stranding. She then had to return to New Heme for new outfits; hence the pilotage for w hich judgment had been given never became due, yet we had paid the cost, o.70, which has not been refunded, and the judgment still hangs over us. The above is only one of the many instances of tyranny which we have to submit to not because of our inferiority to other men. but because of our weakness, and we appeal to our legislators for such legislation as -will grant to us the rights of free men. Joiin "EI..SiiN. The Colored New Jerusalem. I found a lot of colored people at Raleigh ready to go to Louisiana in charge of an agent, and selecting an intelligent looking man I called him aside and asked him to explain how and why the exodus started. "Vell, sah," he readily replied, "it started in dis way. Julius Straker dat lat man you see in de depot doah cum up try our nay bur hood an' axed us if we didn't want to be rich. IJe said if we'd go to Louisiana we'd git way up high in no time. Dat's why we ar?gwine." "But how'll you get rich ?" "Work de cotton crap on 6heers. We git half. De fust year we shall dun make !?1,000. Arter dat we shall git along faster. Ize hggered dat I shall have 10,000 in five years.'" "And what will y on do theu f' "Open a bank, sah." "Are all of you going to accumu late rlO.UOO and open a bank !'' "No, sah. Dar's one pusson who is gwine to cumulate $ , an' den buy a steamboat an' another who is gwine to 'cumulate o,u00 an' buy hisself a toll-bridge an sot down in a cheer all de rest of his life." 1 etroit Tree Press. The Only Rinsrdoin in America. It is not generally known that the only king upon the western hemisphere died some weeks ago. His name was George Frederick Augustus, ami his subjects were several hundred .Mosquito Indians of the north coast of Nicaragua. W hen the Spanish conquered at V.-uii ;n his from rcatli. had w l.'.'. !! r loving (hi- earth : hor ai ins as h her fianie that Fixed" Capital. It is curious to observe that the only relics of the great Roman Umpire which now have any actual utility among men are the Roman road and the Roman law; the one, which was constructed to open the way for conquest, remains an open way i'or commerce; the other re mains at the foundation of our civil organization; all else has vanished except Roman literature and art. Of all the forms of capital which at the present day are springing into existence perhaps less will remain even a century hence than now remains of the capital or products of the Roman Empire, if we except the opening of the ways. The term "fixed capital" is sometimes used to distinguish the less perishable forms of capital from those which are but useful only for the day; but there is nothing fixed except the law of change. There are factories in existence which purport to be fifty yeara old; but within that time the motive power and all the machinery has changed once, twice, or thrice; where land can be had true economy may now consist in taking down the high building of five or six stories piled one upon another, and in reconstructing the mill only one or two stories above ;he ground. "Who can tell when the next inventor will appear who will destroy all the rolling-stock of the railways T Who can tell how long people will be satisfied with the present erode and unscientific methods of constructing dwelling houses T What useful factor or form of capital exists in a material form today that is more than a few years old? What permanent im provement have we made on the face of the land even in this country, modern as it is, except in leveling the hills, piercing the mountains, filling up the valleys, and laying down the ways of com merce T All that we can- do is to move something; we can make nothing. And when we have opened the way, laid the rail, and brought the line to the seaboard, why do we obstruct the distribution of our own products? Why do we construct legal barriers to com merce with Canada and Mexico, for instance, more difficult and costly to surmount than any of the heavy grades over or of the tunnels through the mountains ? Forum. The Use Doss Are Put To. In the search after industrial power and economy of human strength, it is wonderful that dogs are lelt so wholly unemployed in America. Their uses in other conn tries aie many fold. Dogs of al most every breed are tanght to work by the Germans. It looks old enough to see these sagacious animals, of all descriptions, from the thick headed bull dog, and mild and intelligent Newfoundland, down to the candle leg, half hound and snappish rat terrier, all fully and profitably employed, instead of lazing away their time as they do in this country. The majority of dogs, however, are of the larger kind, and it is quite amusing to see their willingness to work, and the va rious wavs in which they are em ployed. No person is presumed to use a wheel barrow without a dog to draw the load, and in vehicles of this kind are loads of milk, wood, butter, cabbages, bricks, bread, mortar, and hot coffee and refresh ments for travellers. All the labor that the person behind performs is to act as steersman, while the dog draws the load, and instantly stops when so ordered. In some cases the teamsters become intoxicated and fall asleep, and the dogs turn around to watch them. Plain Preaching. ' Fire low" was the advice Crom well gave to his soldiers. It is something the minister ought to do when preaching. "Fire low" in your arguments. Make them plain and clear so the plain people can understand them. Set the truths of the Bible out in such simple ritV aw -va LADIES Will r.urify tbe BLOOD rgulnt Hi" LlVt-W nnri KIDNEYS and Kr- ioRr- ihn HEALTH andVTO- UK or YOUTH is.rpia.Vant ot Appetite. I mi iija-'.f inn. Luc If of btrenptu lmm I ; red r eel i n(f ab solutely ctire-i: Honen, mus cles find nervfti receive new forco. hnliven the mind nnn snri !i Hrm n i 'ier. liHr4i ' v w " i 1 nnri in DR, HAilTitE i 1 o GK TONIC a F" f f, i"a"'i y run1. i : v.-i a 1 - v. 1 ' i "" '"r. i lex ion. . 1 une nipt .-at rmi ii'"rf"! i . .. ; ' ' I r.pn- i - r'.Ly. J n-iT Ptp.' TT" T . ' ' ' ' - - : ' " !- A V 1; BKHT A Hr. HiRTi-'R'? LIV: PL.LS ; '.'TtrfiC'-.rstlpa'.iv; Iavi '- l-ir.' a:itl Pink I ; ' . I r id ;c ri p. .iiii pn-; L o 3 iA iTira Book I ;:ii.jd en riit of : wo c--- -"i 'ostfege. r::jR. HAR7ER MEDICINE CO-. T . LOUIS, MO. THAT-FIGHT The Original Wins. C. F. Simmons, St. Louis, Prop'r M.A.Simmons Liver Medicine, Est'd . ... c..c kj. o. our V K FEATS J. 11. Zeilin, Jrop'r A. Q. Simmons Liv er Regulator, Est'd bv Zeilin 1S6S. M. A. S. L. M. has for 47 years cared Indigestion, Biliousness, uyspefsia.sick headache, Lost Appetite, Sour Stomach, Etc. rtev. 1 li. Reams, Pastor M. E. Church, Adams, Tenn., writes:"! tninic 1 should have been dead but ior your Oenuine M. A. Sim mons Liver Medicine. I hnv Ifftra sometimes had to substitute fT 1 "Zeilin's stuff " for vour Mcdi. (Cilflrj cine, but it don't aaswer the Dr. J. R. Graves, Editor Tht finri. Memnhis. Tpnn. cavf I received a nackap-e of vourl.ivpr Medicine, and have used half of it. It works like a charm. 1 want no better Liver Regulator and cer , taiuly no more-.Zeilin's mixture. Dnj)bii3 Electric Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP M THE WORLD. It is Strictly Pure. Uniform in Quality. i I Y. original formula for which we paid $50,000 t: ::y years ago has never been modified or ch., nicer" in the slightest. Tills soap Is iiloiitioal in quality to-day with t :t t made twenty years aero. If contains nothing that can in jure the finest lalri. It bright ens coi and bleaches whites. IT washes flannels and blankets as no other soap in ih- world does without shrinking leaving them soft and white and like new. READ THIS TWICE THE f . IHERE is a great saving: of time, of labor. soap, ot tuel, and ot the fabric, where Lob- bmb Kleciric Sojp is used accordinir to direc tion. 0X1' trial will demonstrate its great merit. It wril pay you to make that trial. T all best tliinap, it is extensively imi- J" tated and counterfeited. rVaAraArVra. 1 1 .1 1 1 -11 i. Central America thev lbuud the ! f"S"B cieariy musiraieu, Mosquito Indians too "powerful for ! ac th c,an c belP from seeing their arms. A cnnirv or so Inter. I tuem poa t put your fodder so UIU that paople can't rearh it. Try Them Fairly. Ifo rr r aa Kaa 1 a- a-, au 1 - . ... . j , a- l VPW . I ro n 'a t and though onr fellowmen entered t ho flliin ni An ;1io t r- n-ttK l. ,7 fllO "M f"li l 11 ! f "i C'ralf t hrt in-.Tt fit' ' ... I a h q ru Yt no r o - h ako it- V- r Mcarnguii was tlu-n calleil, was a - i"acli, " f.ivoriU' resort for buccaneers and I earned the admiration of the peo- marn.wu.rM tl,n .,hi-e f.trmino- -in ' I uuliuc uoci ujiiicu IWIilf- , - - - o alliance with the freebooters, and carrying on a deadly and hereditary war against the Spaniards. From hope, jet now there is anger. The captain is called Tool. It is asked, "Where is the hind T The sea is endless, and the widiI will blow us over it forever and ever." On, Saidie,'' gushed .Mamie, meeting her fneud nu the street, .icrii-.niiuarucvrfuiniindwiiircauit. i "i dozen of us girls have organized uld tvtiil WHERE. Land For Sale. r riiAuT :s i.k.nuik .! x -n o' aonl-ft o K ' na'..n . on Houia I'rraa i I a.-r.a w .'.ti iini b'jtijraj elrara-1. N ar.ra wa .. ..n-.lraU. r.i a.' apt- tion to the heart It is said that when Cicero deliv ered an oration iu Eome the people that neriod on th. Mosnuito Indi- I dwa "a.iug, -liow oeauumr ans had Irieudlv relations with the ?d splendid it was." But when English, and, in lsju Great Britain ! Demosthenes spoke, the people a lirowning club, and you mnst 1 aust,u uie euici or me in oe to oe r --r- , ,V '"T come to our next nu-eting. It is crowned as king and placed under ! "s ad . d he fir8t perfecting lovelv' the protector ate of the court of St. i excited therr admiration to prarse inc'8 have von read r The Lire kine, George Frederick ! lcll! t0 and do thethiugs pointed Peware of Imitations, INSIST upon Iobbins' Electric. Don't take Magnetic, Electro-Magic, Philadelphia Electric, or any other fraud, simply because it is cheap. They will i-uin clothes, and are dear at any price. Ask for o.i DOBBINS' EtECTltlC and take no other. Nearly every grocer from Maine to Mexico keeps it in stock. If yours hasn't it, he will order from his nearest wholesale grocer. T3 EAD carefully the inside wrapper around each J- bar and be careful to follow direetion on each outside wrapper. You cannot afford to wait longer before trying for yourself this old, reliable, and truly wonderful Dobbins' Electric t Soap. I- L. CRAGIN 6c CO., PHILADELPHIA, - - PA. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to rurelmsc n serins mnchlnc, ask oi:r ivji-nt nc y. -u v j'ln. e for terms and prices, i i y u o;iT::i.t lunl our aent, write d irec ttfMH -iirfit ail. 1 ress t you below iiame.1. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE B.ORANGE.MASS. chic a j o - 28 UNION SQUARE.N.Y- DALLAS, ' '-L ATI ANTA GA TEX. silo.;': i?. h! j,i jimi suNraAMcisco.ciu.. PHILADELPHIA SINGER WARRANTED 5 YEARS, AEM, $20 Grandl OPE NIN AT Marks' N EW Toesdav, Aon 2nd Was a GREAT uccess i & Engel CO.'S The Bergner BREWING PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant. .my a-via, a-aa in a aaaaa! artt. Taar an Mil a tiv ra atrbrur aoaa. ara pa rat y maao., a4 r-"-- Lavaa aoiaa rZ.wu.iaa W aaaaa aaaaad tdla. Ur. Tim Z. k. .11 aaaaaaaaa. paa-a a aoaalarteiaa -TiBmiaattona. Tra raaalM ajaaalaalarW a. J.tad WKUXalCVk. MS W. Had at 0i Ut CW. ::C 't--por'Nm o.' t. lB.r lorn. Z ft aOU t Of SCtl ft haV' t U i: , p . r '. . . A .r.d fmbrvti I r'.b f Ll CD b-r r ljaJ, a'.'. it irooj ifict No. pri ca w .t n p- 1 1 fioUVf R. M- DLTTT. raBal, New . i. If. Oa Bl aa-17 i provad aaTarlty for a.ari.- a rr 7 -, JAM EM w'ILXIAM. K laa ton. J L- Ur to JOC'rl5AL CFriCE. olid a-J Saw Raraa. . C LOWEST PRICES IM AMTDI rmni'i'KD pricrm. bp'wih.hfhh- w- PIANOS S200.IORUANS $6t R - "x1 (: ' Base. Coo pUr. Fm. ra.. JTOOL. COTtR. USTMJCTOA ALL FREIGHT Plli Irr (ark Haata. 1)0 H t I ra aixl PHrr . I" 'rf-C-', 8H RPE IL OrTKBS S-nJ I , rr r.. IQurDa ITata.- wfrimm fall mlTO.:.P LUDDEN it BATES, UIT1UI III! IMM. AjiA. tJL j "Oh, we haven't rend any yet. Augustus, was I lie ! We're onlv met onre. anil therf we the first monarch. 1 talked all the evening about Mins It l.aura utinvere, who is going to marry .lack Rnllion next week. I ilon't care much lor I.rowmng, anyway." ont. The pulpit Cicero addresses randnephew of I 1 w:l 4 .1 rn n Ir . en, dissolute, and incapable of m"e1 lDe sentimenc ol aamiratiOD, managing his affair s. At his death 1 wLh,le the PalPlt Demosthenes fires the little kingdom was in such con fusion that it was doubtful whether it would receive another sovereign. the conscience, which leads to christian activity. FIFTEEN DAYS' TRIAL IN TOUR OWN HOUSE BEFORE YOU PAY ONE CENT. It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada and Laazer Hops, and atea highly recommended for its TONIC and NU TRITIVE qualities. Hi eh -Arm Machine has ! f-Mctlinar nAMtl. lelf-threadlntf alinttle. is noiseleu an7 tXToof PorlTT TVTolf light-rounin, hasthc fine8tsetortU.cb VV Cat -DtlllCjr' iJXiliL gcnis -,55 or j-cx), put sena ior circular. Ke member. we entrances our maexune equal to macnlac on the market. Address Tha aP. A . WAAn aPaTal '"-T A 17ar10tl&St.. PblladelpMa, Pa. PKOPI.K KVEKVWHEKK t on firm our siat.-ment when we sav that Acker's KnIiL KemedT i.h in every ay superior to Any and all other prernsirutlonH . QTuk-jt. MnmAfiot com for lot or f t. i 1 1 n m FflR MFN nWl Y anmaturai Ira.. UU of .txattrtiT 3""'. cuaal br lndlaoj-aUoi. I AITI() TO .MOTlIEItS F.vfry uiother is cautioned against giv r.j Ler cliil.l lau i.inum or paregoric: it creates an unnatural criivinu' for stiniu- for the Throat ami Lunt-s Ia Whoopins- lanLi which kilU the mind or the child ough and Croup it Is magic and relieves Acker's liabv Soother is gp. cially prepared i at once. We ofler you u sample bottle to benefit children and cure their pains. It irea. ttemember, thi.s lleiuedy 1 sold on is harmless an 1 I a poaltlre guaranty. Si!d by I. lierrv, ! morphine. Sold 1 New Berne, ('. ' ' ' i X. (' Agitation is the marshaling of t he conscience of a nation to hold its laws. IS LIFE WORTH L1VIJTG J Not if you go through the world a dyspep tic. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are a posi tive cure for the worst forms of DvsDeDsia. contains no opium or indigestion, flatulency and Constipation, v R. '.rrv, Nowbc in, Guaranteed and sold by K. Berrr. New- I -ar . " a - " bern, N. C, Big a has given univer sal satisfaction In the cure of Gonorrhcea and tileot. I proscribe Hand fevl safe iu recommenil iug it t" all sufferer. A. J. STOVER, M.D.. Dooatur, III. PTUCE. SI. 00. Sold by Druggists. J. V. Jordan, Agent, New Berne, N.,0. may2dwly Cnrein 6l f f TO & DAYS.jj m 0rmmtad not toW frw mbw Btrieturt. " wSm Mra 0D,7 bT tb 11Stm Cl.alcftl Co. BJ -V MM-a. Clnclnnatl.aFTaa XVoij- The hifch repatation enjoyed by the BERGNER & ENQIL yOMPANY is dae to the fact that only the FINEST AND BEBT MATERIALS are used and that the greatest SKILL and CARE are exercised daring its manufacture. jy4 dwtf Trad. Agent and Bottler, New Berne. H. C. . " , V 5': - , r ! -i ' 1 ' . I , ' T4