. . .-a -J- 4 A ), ; .::.. 4 1 3 4 XDKPKXDENT IT ALL TIII-XO Term &U.OO 1 e r "Y" VOL. XII. NKW HKKXK, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. (, APHi no. :j. EDITORIAL 50TE.S. go vara : Fcr Ys& Steal Impaired Dlpsflon Dlsonlaral Liw. SOU) BY AIX DRUGOESTS. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX- PrrMXTd only by TH OS. BEECH AM, S4. Helen, Unfa.Oire,EnlinJ. ..i Z. i. AIjLEX CO., No? Agents , Wlw (if your dmjot vio- -i t t-'-p ,l " PUb on receipt ol price ipi't fi' i!. y t K nr. k-:c ll.lS lie' tlic p.irt ll.I: nr., Kr toik. lllr the i-i; . Il.iri ;-i-ii onlt-r nl" : alike I;,.;.;:1.: .i ' : A ' W ;irf ' 1 1 r : : i ;n 1 In' N 1 1 r : 1 1 Tho Uany Friends and Customers JltlOI. , o i : r Irnin'Kin section, n; dj patroa, we jpprei'n'r' thtr ptrtofe ha!! hoi.l nt M ( It K IN- th-:r i-onfl lencj'1 :n t!ie fatar, XIriaf tod b50d No r.rn tka we r proad to ajr, rouat apeiall7 eall to their Bttentioo. th: xUdd ta a in th pt. and t la t mTrRRVTS THAN EVKI: to men: &1 Utbid BEING T II K AO K NTS for Tfto. JI. Holt's PUidj, CoU' f pool CoUoa, H-Ar ('reek ami Bluff Ullla DosMlio, 8tX, Lje aaJ TotAb, Ix)nlUi d Snuff and AnnoarJL Co. ProviioD, IIorlonVa Hkin(t Tiwder. W en7 Ftoar. Tobcro, Sooff, Coff, Sajar, ao AaJ fa lAe DRY OOOD3 Hd no booje m thi ecti.n .-arne a more altAbJ stock (a pi Um bajr, to t t l veil in prio. eB!ATOR Rhervin is to abroad at his own expanse. The season is rather late, but ! look oat for political cyclone in tha Wwt. Ho. Kith a V. IMxn lus ten elected 1". S. Senator from Rhode Island. VV k are gratified to learn tbat the rp iq tbia sectioa were not materially irjured by the late i-oid snap. SrRlNw, tliat wa so MHvagely fcncked oot last Satnrdav, is slightly disfigured but nt.Il in the ,lrt. ring. (iiiuil. Oe'. James Iimjstrkpt's rei . deocin (ialD.ville, Oa., was de airojed bj flr Uat Mo.:c'iy. Ixs 110,1-M). "o insarance. In the removals in the postal aerric of this section, we do not aee the Italian hand of Wanamaker, biu the bronze fist of Stpu Ajri Mmi. N . one has jet got what he wanted from this administration. but everT one excpt Bradley has terruptf accDUd what b eot. Thiladfl- h-lli lH-,-n phia Times. 8ava55ah ,Qffered another heary lou by tire on last Tne.'ulay. C, ' .1. i. i'. n ' 1 1 .11 ! Im;i ,i UN f r an ii ;rna, il en VA h.it c e .in". N V., wept that t i : i ' .! a tic w w .:i.!t-r I'u'dy 1 'e th i (' r I . s lie: a ! .i 1 1 i rti : ii . and rats 'ii'." i. ! ; , .I a : .1 party pa.-; l'riday. a greatly tii ll at tie Tha- .i l: 1 the C,,.;,!- .,.!.. 11. i : the e Pre-: !. a' '- . t le 'e 1 a I. .1 .a i i n id 1 1 ted t he i'i a. . r-a! In ni and the ed r r : even Mail N" t :t..' .h i' h i m . A B" -r.N. M the 7th oa C-v. 'I'i; a For Vrtm Good, Notion. White iools and so on. u will pay yoa to Tbe yaTnD.h cotton mill, vaJued rlUi year laa.e- ana ii mem no iM1r snapping ,n 1M w barned and toUlly deatrojed. I'BKsiPEST Habbisos haa de eided to eradicate the race qaes- , tion. 11 ls wht of doing it la to' appoint white men to office regard- find . hoae in taia of color. rinsas City Times. At Manson, Iowa, laflt Tueday, Ife were rd. and 1 i U diat&ac Kbutoa. What we cAaaot sap-tij, oar other merchants can Bat ta eoA ar that il joa make roar head.ja r'e rem will And eTemhur to roar notion. E7 Goodf hoaeai good, 35 tolie to U poaad. 811 OE3 tor firn Ad Parlor wear. ' JEIULDX 1LADB CLOTHISO-In that HaaUrw Caraiia ta txerJ o. ..Waeaa ttrit aaoei Aar oo ; lf CAn': uks yoa A tait to order, aad il we fail no" joa ar bo money oat. It jo a enaot come to Kiaston rnmawfr aJ! joar ioqairree. Yoart txwlj, Oil 11 inir boas o'lncen to me o n ; 1 r. vil ! TiLa r ,-rr m k n w to lit vo, von need not take Krt Schideler and driving when a spark from Schide r:re to a, and with pleajare we willj irM pipe ignited the clothmg of his wife, and she waa burned to I death. OETTINCER BROS. Jr., the bri!::ar: the Dudley Stret aanonnred tu hi ; ' he had aeeept.d t; Twenty third S: r ' Church, New m. twenty nve ear v'. who is i Ncrth ar. lawyer and legislator ortlamed to the mini- Forest College '.a 1S to New Y o r k with Un building up a popui u his admirer- here ex ; m i n. i .l 11 t;. ' Mi-.::j; n .M rror. he i ,!;-. r of tT' ' i oil ii. ai.'l Mr. I; i e per on lietweel) have been 111 r ' h ( ' a I o i 1 1 1 a e! i.ii-: for !l ol ; oii . or of ' ( nuri'ii, ml IV iil oi the r.ap;,.-t in a DEADLY WE.Vl'OVs. The ca rr i i; g of deadly Wiapn.s c uireah 1 M condeuined Py the virtuous ainl the good of all cam mnnitien. It is a practice hurtful to Hociety and dangerous to indi viduals. It is indeed a rare thing that a valid excuse can be reii dernd for carrying about enes p(r son a concealetl weapon. But man is a progressive animal, and while a little while ago it was easy enough to determine what wa- ment by "a concealed weapon," it is now diflicult to determine. A distinguished Judge uae whose learning has long adon-d the judiciary of N'orth Carolina has decided that a clam is a deadly weapon, and no . ;. al has been taken limn his decisKir, and should an appeal be taken the judgment of the Superior Court will be, allirmed. It is possible that tins adjudication might iead to the aholitiou of clams, but for the fad that "The Beadly Greenback" has been fired on and its e t er m i n a' l on demanded. Current Iitei ltnre says ; The last item of news from the labortorv is that the deadliest ol bacteria live and multiply on the bank notes that we handle. Probab ly there is not a viler article that we ever touch than a bank note Carried in the pockets of the most i A lii ; M ;n . w :.!. .-. '. r h 1 1 p 1 1 ; i -i r. . - ; tinkers in He . machine-. - . liiht i .;:,;. W I llia.e; ;i Cel 1 e.,e-i I J Lir U !, - A K an 1 i:,,- i i .. . . ; cay at i, :ki,t . ( ircen v i , I '. aw i t ii r- e . i hist We ite"- ; w.-.-fe ,'i (, h . , ... I.. !, tn- : ; ert i I ; . Wl.ii,.. Na.-h ii i -tractc l re..-. I on in tii' M' '.ii bv i:- . i i. ;; II ac fc II . . I . . l arr. vl... I r-. I" J u 1 v . mi l whi tier.', v. ,i- , , I i -; 1- ri 'ay aiel . ..( Wa,-' .i.t :i -urvi-y i! i'e- lii Hi'.' Illl'.ll 1) m f nir ! lie -1 1 r v e v ; - ! i . i , i of the r-i.cl tan.. l;i, - : been 1 tinm .r. i.' i :' i phip ht tlie Mf.l,....-t C ..I! ! A. i rcf t;e. ; i i : :i A i. sura ur. 1 .') we. fruni I ' . : ' ; :n ; . , i , ,-! 1 t(V, Mr. War.-, an i 1 1. : 1 -v be lncrearii;' Hit.iical K-c r ;er: It v. Turner, an at: a uud mo-c vara i f i i.ri-'. li.ii maae:.. il;i.i'a.-t' on Sitaram hvitiiuit. while on his way ii ,n.e Ii poiutnii'tit at '' Iai-L lai: 1 'ur ilear hr her d id a- 1. .-. -"he po- A Composition on War. - ' ' '' ''"" Ii iho Mil','-' number ni the M ' . -l.i keens a hook . . aiidiDK. nearly - leac"cr lvt fl:li t..c compnntun ;''.' . 1 1'rot-byterian below, written by liarlowe I'arrott.a on street. It all thirteen year old student of Kington napudent refusal College. It was written for the editor of The Teacher, while on a viwit there, at the desk without afsiatance from any to re i i . . Ui tary laws cf the nai fate Chronicle: Yesterday morn aock, the reidenoe of une una with no dook to consult, ioung ol. corner Third and C Parrott is a grandson of James llar .! bc-.l of a great deal of lowe Dibble, deceased, who was for aar articles. Dae thief , ,. .: .!..-,.- ami robbed three many year8 a Proaiinent citizen of Kin of which persons were , 8toa a9 a carriage manufacturer and a -;i active lire are re- ; farmer, and who wall longberen.i ni larpentice regions of bered by the people of Kmston and the y ,ore rounties. On , . , . , , it l.ee.vnle. a drunken 1 adjoinin COUBt,eB- aH a kind heart. 1. in j-a.il . set lire to ; enterprising, good ciu.eu. : irn l,w way out. The jail 1 ii'ian ami the nan was lii" eighth annual meet-'-to- 1: t.ol : -rs of the Mutual v 1 1 , A Alt When one nation lights another 1 1 . y are at war. Wars are rtemrurii ve. Man fights man (ni l numbers are killed . 1 .an Association of Char- Some are captured and others !:. o! A- hi,;, uveuing at the j disease. They aio exposed tu ml '- 'aan. Anionic other . weathers. Sometimes ineulliciontly fed - cr..firy"s leport Bhows ' or clothed . Summer hurts the mild.er ra- !-rolit is 10 pr cent, less than any other ei aeon, but e. n i ln.it f-.r tiie past two then they have to march in the c.n - 1. i v.; hi t-u paid bf the . and some have sunstrokes. Same l.ga: in swamps, but r,tn't light much, lor '5-j: A it' tracted meet- when they try to shoot they nink kn. e - tins week at the Hap- deep in mud. The swamps give them n Scotland Xeck. The; r9ver8- in Africa tho 1-rench Holdiers ' ii jnl for m II'Ll.'.k. :.v; . .c i.'.j : a. I iOus JUIOE f ;C1C -'r CALirORUIA, 'v. Ci .- . o vn du inal '.. n to ie ' ' i Ik Inimaii " i i an rii'ivcahle i 1. 1 j enna- :'.. Consti ' ' i '.' ii!-. dc- ' ' . '. . : ii:.n tivc KIDNE;S. L!;l Wd BOWELS. kev. LJr. Hufham, will be o- it v J. s. Dill, of Ciolds 1 ora K Davis, wife of -er-art V( r; lie Mr D, -eVi Tec. iiiii. fought the Arabs on the Sahara There they rode on camuls. .Sometimes they couldu't get water. Sometimes they. i.L U ivis. c. .lored. has been ap- ! were wounded and suffered very much. st:;i istrea at Halifax, vice 'Sometimes they got limbs shot oil ami M'hougii but Mr. Dixon, man. was a if-lor i- in' was ry a' Wake '.. He goes ; i, t en ' ion of church, and it; to sec had devote. 1 life to the or KiiZihbta (,'ity sioners.w.re m day in conrider.i a j ill. i hey ap r .-till of t;.f oi l-: 1 New - : Ta- C- -tv. rr. ; --;i"C i al session t-t-I' .n of tlie building of inie.1 a ; jmrnittf-e .it.-l Sign of the ( debrated Tearl Shirt. KI53TON', N. C. VV k take oor hat off to the Goldsboro Argns. It late anni reraary number was jaat splendid. When Goldsboro doe the hand j aome thing, we participate in the ' pleaaare. him succeed. Mr. Dixon is a typi cal "Tar lleei," tail and dark, with aquiline features, l.-ailcss in debate of public questions and a lover of baseball. lie will preach his last sermon here on next Sunday. Tin: Daily Norfolk lrginiau of leprous and loathsome, it passes f " "J ., T'". th it t limn nil tliQ TA.nb-of rf tllO rt.lir.tiil . . r t.,..i i.iii'.i,u laithini an-: n...-t :. -.ive NN'e would not think of taking a pocket handerchief that had made any such roand without washing ami fumigating. We could not be induced to put on the shirt of a tramp, but the money of the dis eased and contaminating goes with out a thought into our inner pock ets. What disease we hug we do not think or care." Now. we are iu favor of the most rigid law.s against deadly weapons, provided, that said law shall not apply to clams and greenbacks. ;. 1 1 is f i can re; had nfte ; w 1 1 r k l n ourmo-t m;il -tors, and ... I' a c r STIC K TO TIIE LAV. Stick to the law. It is ht decided to bewail work at . a was parch i-e.i from Mr. (J. W The -1 . , Mtgui" Kit i, r bar Pieron. with a h'a i of i tins place to ! u r f ri . Amu;. on Wade's lAic.t l ar d .rii; Sunday uud sun total I c- ; tic- v, again . (lahis bor o . r j. :.- : The A that the Argil h is ur.re.t vocated for (c.ia-boro mini, alo w-lapsing months an 1 years, is at length on he tan: 1 1- 1 Wl T I 'I-. Ac am. r.-moved. Mr. Jacob -,i-r. a ho lives near this place was tu'. w i eki at;o taken ill with an at- 1 i paeiim inia, from which he vers d in due course, but he lost his a (,i)d has been m a etate of lunacy -" . 'en. I.. . Estes has r- A a j -!!: n in the postoffice de-hi- it i-i announced by the tele ' I h n been appointed first : ;n; -i; pcrintendent of the railway .-erv.:-.'. arni will he assigned to -a A., ie';i -c of the Tirat Assis- InV-iiVi- ht ib"th i:v ,u l . d dollars. i r..n . . r t. Ii. -nii.d. I i the M..r g: . le WARl WAR! WAR! THE WAR HAS OPENED ONCE MORE I GK5IBH. and Senator Sherman .Tuesday, Apul '.. sas: hare joined in the request, it of- Saturday n.g'.i a ! appear, that GeneralJo Johnston apPear to hae ;a;: c be retained m Commis-sioner of ' porev beo;.ii a i oA KaUroadu and the famous Confed ti,oujTU future a.!.: i erate, It is thought, will be retained jt(, Pfrr:s In another im umrc. .ici niiuomciici. estim iteil damage ::i t OwlaXto the hard tAae uMlicarwy or n.,:.. .. I -. ..eterdmice to 1 the Mormon Conference, Salt ate vicinity w ill pr-nai-fiirtilB the people the Beat Goodi for he Lcaat Money. Now. in : -ke, Monday evening, the atatia-. tween ? H"'. '' c.:-..l 70. proof of tho fact, t will quote you a few .( i-v pres. My Stock of! iob of the church were presented, heavy loss to m.r en CtoUdaf to Canraosi. Mm' g-od B.'ne r.anne! Smtnai low "jabowlng IT total population of 'liberal people .:! .: 11 OQ a 1. rrw.t Unit, f l,n 4t UR l-TVi' .'.xl.l SnilA. frrtm I . I " ft " " - " 'I.V1' fh nhr iwnnntinn in rmn;l 1 v. .111.1 t ' It 1 to onr people, t n.u t T d Z I tO IS jem, 00 ly 92 08. Itoys Knee sail to ft ak-o line ol Men 'a Sack and I'nui.n s 1'hiv ' gco.l Suita, front tr, in 1 .25i to ftl.50. and Briuco Altxrt dait.icllfled' nd th? church digni- e storm Sunday Norfolk r seaports, may show gh The . Aliniedi . range be .000 The rgetic and At general it isfaetion sec' AII8 ol . ItATH l!ATI HATB ' K11 hnn.lr.l d..n H all jm m .... - - - - j ... - . , OJKlpnoev. Ueoa, lloya and Chiklreo'a Hat fern in -,- 1.', and 2.- ct "umiDgion ocar. Gjarate to Mil joo ia aay ktnl of liar. TBrze thousand women, repre- 8IIOS8. 8IIOC9, SHOES! The Largest and Bt Selected I Mating twenty two different data, Sttxl of'Shoeo I erer kept. Mea'a Shoe.i from to tl vj. Idiee' j held a meeting at Cooper Union, KU Battoo Shoe, 9V.; I a-e. Tic. to S.V Alao .a large shvk. of Men Niw Vork Mondfty nlght, and n.t nd Bot Shoeo at price to an-.t the ' imcy I. ..l e nice Slippers from ! .l. u.n 4Si to 3c. man was allowed in the hall. , That's a bad a.s a star chamber XUNISHJLNQ QOODS! Men a 1 bJth:::s i w nw JLoleo lUJbngtaa Shtxt for 2i cent. A nice S-irf from 1 to JO centa A fall ho f Dry Oooda, Trunki, Valises, i d other , aaaoroos to aaeotioo. Coat oae, cocoe all to WILLIAM SCI.r.VN S. where bo treated rlgM and grt joar mooej ' worth. 1 tariea alone number over .K),CHX). Virginia and t ;i" c with com).tra; 1 . t ly The pluck, courage of our peop le is a they will regain ; tu in iiiitiv escaped small damage, irn! enterprise t e r 1 a 1 1 7.1 under all circumstances to obey the reality. -Ioivj Ii r.nc ..T.,. t.v-r,.no,l If letters! lil. . A. i.ivrr. ill. ll.I.. ..v.i L.i(... . is impossible for the people to dis criminate between good and b.ul laws. Ignorance is no t xcu.-e for crime. It is the duty of every citizen to know the laws that are in force in the community in which he lives, and abide by them. Il the laws are oppressive or uuwi.-e their execu tion will bring them to light, so that they can be amended or repealed. The city of Chicago is now in great commotion on account of the late municipal election having been declared roid, because of a failure to observe the law in regard to it into a fuli A There ai" a i r, g r 1 c ' : v d 1 ! time by their f irrr, r e numbers of c olor est I ram i:ism-i".; a with t iie ex 11 s f v. 1 I' wen v t ' ol N .in ing n; Scot to f-.I T r 1 u 1 1 preacntd .u : Eight tcrM" special c 1. !. c cesan in:"-i':-t cording to a iog stcckhc.ii for perrujn-n ton factory. CjColsllI.g i i" i v. : 1 .--ii lei- mt; : urgaa.iz.i Th-' MU.:l: A !; "L' 1 . revolving 1 v e id m a 1 . ran . t ! ij.il ;. -i's fra -a '.-. 1,0 v.-t iit '-'. t e 1 s ago r . .; . : a j e I y. 1 1 A niui.r. - ; ana 1 ..- .:. -. . a v . ac - l h.is 1- I L.ll t: v o- ''.ly c i . A L 1 h 1 r 1 t a 1 1 a : their a With, j" s-o-i . n. to the ; that w bv ;!: onomist: We were .V oae who knew that un to - f t wee'-j there had been : 1 this town to be reshipped ' i'..o".-'.anu more shad than o; - ! -a ti.e --tree date last sea ' ia.A. the 1: -Idnr interests was ii "reiMiig. and now exceeded - a . i 1 Ii" a 1 1; let: i t ura I products in ni: ' Wlien onr oyster fundum 'A '. lopf .; v. Aiall seeacoun a a m.'irv.. h.ui r.-aurctfl, such -a-ld ha-, rarely Been. Our s have done well and generous- r La-: niftting they dppro- fty d liar toward the i-nter-ot the m dical guests who ' the old town by holding :. l S ate convention on the m l ; -;!. irst. with us. The were helpless for life. Tho French un der Napoleon, after the burning of Moscow, beat a retreat through the snow and many were frozen. The Ro mans made prisoners (taken in battle! and their families slaves or let the w il.i beasts tear tbem to pieces. Tha Indians burnt their prisoners over a slow fire. Whole nations of Indians have been butchered. Liberty comes to us through war sometimes. The fir6t battle was fought by Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel. War is caused by greediness or and the salary reveDge. There was once a war in neaven. ine aevn stayea there then. He got up a rebellion among the angels and he was cast cut and fell to earth, bringing down many stars with him. Findine himself outside and no chance of getting back he renewed the war fare. God loves men, therefore the devil does everything in hie power to hurt men's souls. Ca lOt i . . . 1 1 . - ii 11 10 rrrccrvAur -a a. .1 a-SnlNC SLEEP. TP T NCTH ii r:v fi SYRUP CO. ' i'i. r i' YORK. N Y h. lie cor.vcntion will be opeu and v. e are of the opinion 3-il get our j iwb so twisted words, that it will take us get back to the linguistic or.:- cf the English tongue. Argus: The death of Mr. itb. in the dAth year of his ; 1.1a -,r. i 1. is reported from in ine upper section of the I keep r 1 ; 1 r eyes of parties nee. Important 1 aso Decided Against the Slate bv Jud?c JJond. Samsbl ry, N. C, April 11 -Some a;x" ''"'' oM'"f m"" davs bzo Mr. E. L. Hawks, of Eexino- i 1 take particular pa, ton, Kentucky, was arrested here by order of the county commissioners for selling lightning rods by sample with out license. He was tried beforo a magistrate and fined. He refused to pay the fine and was put in jail. He 1 then gave bond and had his caiae moved ! up to the Superior Court. In the j meantime a similar case was pending in the court at Greensboro. Not wishing i to wait for the State courts, the case was moved to the United States court 1 before Judge Bond in Greensboro. Yes terday a writ of habeas corpus was is sued by Judge Bond in tho case here, and it came up for trial today. It was decided in favor of Hawks on the same 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER II l.a A I INT STOCK OK Watches, Clocks. Jewelry iiOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE- f t T A ( I.KN. f Spectacle 1 North larolina t-' lit them to the l hi in . Having wiiil., i h- adily al the bench for over thir'y vi'.hh, I l In I oan do as good work as 1103 at c hmakir in the State. CO MF ANI SEE ME. AM K. EATON, Middle street. Opposite Ma; it I'lmirh fe',2dwf Look To Your Interest! Ear ir.e rs . ( '. .11 :. ; : j 51. Trade grin-rally are nr. examine . 1 ta .; k . f 1. .i ts and the 1 d l cull and urrit g Saturday. The ' KroundB 38 the drummers' liarnae case n 1: brook. John L. Kueiiiu. '. Edmonson. M. Hi iTai .a am: hard, reported s 11 o-c r i p : 1 , in round numbers Tarboro Southern, r: Sui !A I. ', J -e ja 1: is o C I : i a iv n A 1 :-- -. la. liii- i:i. d -,- w 1 1 h v 1 . 1 1 . , ".for hi s : a- a bro her ot Mr. ii. V . , " . is lA-y. and of the late Major , brinB eult for damages. Hawks will nur The general law of the State mg near this puce, on t..e r. guaranty that proviues mat woenesera ioi ine fouUll the boJ v uf a neeri, r losses m due township lies within the limits of 8Utr and cold 'in d.ath. Ta ninlst ol" their own t lie city, the election shall be held came to the cor-cito-i- season, in tue safl'erinir. thev have uca.io .vi ...y.i.-.i I.- . , thewavHc-cA'T-n- because of the terrible devastating t he township 13 not included within fur...e Ana we.id.-d n 1 a it 1 i. i ' ,1 .I,.-. fr,... .i .i- room 111 tlieir uu unsi iuobuuj nun iuc nisi vaur-c. ii.-i.. Monday in Anril. and that wherever Jooa iveoej . . . rr,- a leao mg i.iv iu i o an ivia;: e -o cer e.tii was . an I tv tin-' Ml J'.v pected. a; learn, iiav .T n'n n c r rn fniintx? Hp o .- .a :n thia city, where be i a-n: visits and conversed! y . Ti. dead bodv of a ! man named Isaac Knight, ci ut.ty. who waa in this city lay aiad left for home in the i-j company with two young on a wagon, was found Sun g . ear the county gate, on iiadroad. Foul play is BUS i th.e two young men, we - !'. en arretted and are now Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions. Etc. CONSUMPTION ClRbU. An old physician, retired from ractic. fire of Saturday night da too nil will -Washington WM. SULTAN, aeMion of the Sen kte ... h a Tn: Belgian government has i aroun,i informally warned Bonlanger to : groun,j aoata.n Irom political agitation , ter,.,i which the government will not s'14re tolerate. The General has been 1 glory JKHl AI.r M. sacnd iia:;...: .leru- 1' ::. ' I .1 er ll llc.'ll h . many vn :s-.::i.:. . ,.f T me !: 1- to: :. . w;!i 1 1 in.i.ii .1- . Oppoalte Daptlat Zhnrcb, Middle at reel, .... NEW cu ar'Jti-lw .'in n 1 11ERNE. N. AT PLANNER S t !; V l: ' CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ' CLOTHING ! SHOES ! SHOES! SHOES ! 1 X 7 1 inr.rr..! t U i f if ...im I il . .1. villi I U 1 J 1 Ui CVJ LUL II LJ C 1 UUJH1C3 " I iu uU 111 All SO the wishee of the government in thia respect he will not le eipcbed from Belgiam . ()v our "Georgia Conlederate Home" the Atlanta Censtitution says: "We are goiiig to Guild it. That's all there is about it. The movement is but one day old and yet the subscription has passed 10, (KX). That the next week will see it pa.s the required limit we have not the shadow of a doubt." A coMi'iRlsoM ot the vote jut j time in reveiry a:..i caat in lihode Uland with the Tiesi The Washington dential vote in November is inter- j nated Col. I..!:o eating and instructive. The total the New York Mi: vote la i-yXH) agaiDst about -Mi.OOO i for Cons n', at .I. iia. last fall. The Republican vote haa i nothing to say ag. fallen ofT nearly -i,iHK) and the Democratic vote ha increased ' abont the same nnmlvr. lioodle can't save the tariff lords rime v V Wnrl.l ' m em 1 ers o t t h e p n - melody, and ' tribute of v oi : the great 'rea' But i ' i :..'' City (d Sololiiot: tic temple sci v . fold ciiorn . .A around that we arc .1 eru-ale c: pi. ices wher. draws his 1 . c, lister is holy .s elic mil Til.' I'l'HV 'i.g as the ln-aiiiy and A p l S lt.S i ! T I' .oil to magnificent g : : s in a ; 'A , . s e v e 1 1 -angels ;c 1 A c r 1 1 a ' . :.g, but ot lo'iatnl (' A.val - .:. i. - Mi ¬ llie city limns, ine election suan ue veI1ted a b:iv held on the third Tuesday. "Tnder eoon have u" n the decision of the Supreme ( ourt, tu.n prove the city of t.'hicago does not en tirely cover the township of South and West Chicago, and therefore the election, instead of being held on the first Tuesday in April, as it was, should bhve been held on the third Tuesday." Thus matters are complicated, and the people confused. Will there lie an ot her elect ion . and can the Democrats again sweep the city ? We do not know, and we 1 1 ii est urn if anybody know-. We return to our text : Stick to the I iw. I u it there is safety : without it there is no security. : r.-il! ,1. Ol bUif axes and Mr. KeA. v Leart. d tt. nth : will reap a r. h Ghari ,:: . 'h (Ah i r I u : : e a hegroe-. I :: ln on I.. ca Snide r A h- ir Thoir,.,, : Cald a ,-li y e-terd a v a na-e al door. 1, mg t . g i - u il. Mi.. i ihe ic. annt in .Snow Hii! jiii to await an investiga tion The board of county commis- .-;.:.. rs. in adjourned meeting yester day i a c. r. - id er the local option petition, i.-.-u- 1 c;i order in pursuance of the p.-tA I'.-n -nlmiitticg the question of ii cen-a " to the voters of Goldsboro co; por.vtiv'U. tho election to be held on the -I'C jnd Yi a:. lay in June, coming. !'rogres: The prisoners We ..AA.a.H 1 ,p .!(. fe the cele bn.ti .! Stato r.-i,-,on uvd Parson Boots uud Slioes. having had placed in Lis hands by an East India missionary tho formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the ppee.lv and per manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and I, ring Evr ry p,,ir warranted. Affection?, also a positive and radical cure We have a large supply of Florida for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Cheroots and I'rnclamniion Ciar Complaints, after having tested its won These goods are bought by us direct derful curative powers in thousands of from the Ertrtorv. cases, has felt it his duty to make it known g;" S nn If nt Ma rm f urturor'n Pricen. to his sulleriDg lellows. Actuated by this C-f" : o t ouble to idiow goods. motive and a desire to relieve humun suf fering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, thia recipe in German, French or English, with full directions fi r preparing and using. Sent by mail by ad drtsiDg with stamp. Dinning thi-. pupei , V. A. Noves. 149 Power's Block, lioclns ter, N. Y. nov 1 w ly ROBERTS BROS., Soufr. FYont ft.. New Bernt.Tf. (J lrgton :j unsuccessful attempt to break Tin. .-.lay night last. They Lad a id" good their escape, which '!A.y h co required about fifteen : r.or. when they were dig-j N Sill lasaa aa 1 A:,- ir plans d-feated. They I r(.a. A 1 1 av s Pain and llj- ..CatarrH LtttAM BAlM Cleansos the -la Lara of the same I it tan ma.ie uis escsp3 ..,. .. i n n at E ur: ra rn:i!- I'll! t : a to has iioin iep U d . i 1 ! pre - We ! CK1)J'AL AMI IU Et KM EN MAE. ardllial Cilbbo.'is has l.-sUed i ncular letter to the clergy Baltimore in relation to the a proaching centennial celebration of uv the inauguration of George Was mgton. The letter is tilled with patriotic sentiments elegantly ex- w a Po' ii had r:i i- i i : -. the open 1 1 a man. 11. a at I of the :a: ' Jlld-iC of t presented t f Ca tion fpeecu K. H. ttaitie .Tnsiica St: of It a i -.n v 1 . i HP. J ith . I' father of conductor 1'r: t o; ' I' e J- n. ard. In 1, s the President wo;A lowing the precedent 1. next 1 lished, of giving t be in l members of t he an : Ur Two door North A i a i kt t U ir! J. W. STEWART, Sale and Livery Stable. ' iC' eotwtantlv reeetf.nr I ta wUk are leud by me faraaasee I 1 w ,l!l ! ateek. Will take aairf n So.n; la.iiTpiaallr r 1 . i b '. e ru iou l. i, . f V: lard. j4i road -Street. -New Berne. N. C. Stani.K i haa sufTered enough in : Afm a, for the world's benefit to be entitled to fair play till he can I speak for himself. A man like Stanley, with such a record of en- ! durance, segacity and heroism, is j not apt to jeopardize his entire j fame by descending to slave trad- i ing or any other questionable money getting conspiracy. Wash ington Post. The Atlanta Constitution and the Angusta Chronicle are firing at Sfnator Colquitt. They are making a noise, but as Colquitt is en trenched in the hearts of Georgians pmess that alw.i they w.ll injure themselves in- ,r- Kei.i-n.-te; n stead of the Senator. lie h.us :ust teen given six more years in the Senate, and he will continue to represent the people, the Constitu ti u and the Chronicle to Cue con trary not w i th stand i u g. PEKiGDKNT HAUItlSiiN needs rest. He haa tveeu in office bnt little raore than a month and yet he wants to get away from Wash ington for a day or two to brwatba the leisure, in fresh air at Fortress Munro. The would afford akin my ) president is described as looking cultivation of food and pale, careworn, half sick. The Then oulv thini . . r i-1 . - l ... i area ui oiaie wcigu ueavny on me would Drillg to t tie p. - aooalders of the President, but the Please, Mr. H iri.sni importunities of office seekers are Blaine, whiciiev. i ma irritating, and wear down not only boss, send Mr. Be: bio patiance. but hia pbysiqae. .Jerusalem. i e hep li'Ilt fob to can ic ir 1 1 . i. not so tar forget .air dut;. brotherhood as even a. wii.--, disapproval. Bit pt i haps Bro: her Shepard won't gel the appointment, and, in that event. we shall present Mr. ( 'hades Bei.'ii stein, of New Cer no, -North Carolina, for ap o .'I'mciit as Consul to Jerusalem. The Presi dent, or Ir.s friends, has indicated a desire to break the Solid South. Here is an e::tei:ng wedge Let Mr. Harrison succeed in making Mr. Keizeiistein a Eepuimcan. oy sending h;m to Jerusalem, and he will realize tie pleasure and hap- lol.ows ;iccess. hi home in il 1 1 i-'joro en S-.iurdav pressed. Its concluding paragraphs Dr. Jones wa- about 7' y.-ars old. an are as follow.-: had been sick tor ..liie w..,-ka pa-t He was one cf the ni p.-omoaen: ine; To all it nhould be matter of pro- 0f nilleboro. and was w . A known an. found satisfaction that the citizens respected through, a-.t the of the Cnited States, without re- funeral took place sundry, gard to race or previous allegiance Durham Tobacco Plant: A to any tiag soever, are about to being circulated a.-i.ing t.. recognize the life and the achieve- comm..cn.rs-to c... mi . ,; - it local option for the a . meiits of the greatest man this JuuG . j. r, p. . . western world has nurtured, as a death of Mrs. M . '" gift of Almighty God to his own sister of our t..u nru-.a-.. age, and as au exemplar to all the Walker, which occurred a: . , near Bethel Hi I. Person c agon to be. , f , . IV. uh , . , , Thursday of U.-t week. In order, therefore, to give ex- mali age"nt on the It .y ia.ro pression to our heartfelt thanks for wno was displaced sohie ca u tho civil and religions blessings Mr James Luniey. of i;.i thus far vouchsafed tons by the been leappointed to t Giver of every perfect gift, and to Mr Bumley was an t J ? 1 . we hear no I'h.i ge a pray that the spirit of patriotism a Democr;4t. lnou. which burned in the heart ol cient cause for rein v Washington may continue to ani- the powers that ut. mate those to whom the destinies Wilson Miir .r of our beloved country may be in- Mrs. Uobbn.s. u.- n imctnil T-nn ora mriturl ltr Tlajr Moore, i. ij. . ! -tr.i '.: J j - a 1 1 1 Tan cr i our ig t tie p: . : a :i::,i Ira: ivjiatiDg to Mr ted a'ojut thirteen i lar river :v night last. The v hich was built . Tao mill, 10,000 ' o! la rnher was n . insurance. . gun are eppecial - a if:) the oppor uprovrrriertt. The dp-ting a ppecial ; - let, ten season. " tin :;- in progret s r . hurch with con wn. an 1 the Meth- :i a. protracted it.ii results. Our a at work on this Plant: V.'e have Mr. KAoinson said adding on Peabody ard : "I would give p.-it i f running my u- . . t. This was tag. Saturday night r . of r..'. ird . and five of ity aldermen met and aise worili. according to owa statement. $25,000, !' a-o;, ,',.;, besides en- i II e it 1 s the S " r e s . K e- Souses ol Taste and Smell. r i v 5tVC0-,17.nntAn HaYFF.VERj 0 , fAT I COOK STOVES, WIRE FENCING, SASH, D00HS AND BLINDS, PA1KTS, OIL, GLASS AliD PUTTY. LI Pi, t?iit ?;t, plaster AND II A IH, An i )1 Kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS At Bottom Prices! HAY-FEVER Try the Cure. A particle is applle 1 into eiicn nostn I is :arreeiile. Price 'in rents n: iirae;-o-o; . msil, registered, li I i id I I Y 1 ' K ' ' i I I I- I : U Warren IS t r e e t . New "lalk anil Ca.v L. 26 Vjj ... . otroct, IE010E &LLE o- rpn DEALERS IN General Hardware Ajjriculturiil I n p I e im c i : . PIo-a.., Harrows, Cultivator. Hoes and Axes, Wood a Mowers and Ifrniicr.-1, Steam Iiuines, Cotton Qins and Iresso, Fertilizers. Land Plaster, Ivauiii Mechanics Tools and Hardware, Lime. Brick, Cement. Piaster .., , , Yar- liic VVillU. AT ru s ' Freezers, Kefrig:erator8, Oil Cook .Stoves, Knreka Hnrgliir Proof Sash .Locks, warranted to ivo security and satisfaction. PKICES VERY LOW. OKO. ALI.KN V CO. A'" ";l jSal - A - Hair, Paint, Kalsoniine, rn.e.- i- nt til the M i-t. r . Served d and is entitle i : to him was larg '. of the late Ea.-ter 1'isb, Came and I tion. 1'iien. lein. 'It w on M 1 his heart to si c "tue jov oi ; to sides, he wo salary as mil I .... V in'-a c imiietellt a - Males, and success i .. iiT. Mxiiosi- c he 1 ves drru-a-b c t P c . I c ! ' g h ' id J i i :: -ale in . again, w :io!c ear; li." Be d appteci.i'e the any man. and t to hp cilice, t'.Kiity for the ' poetic fancy. na : ; i leisures he I 'a:: 1 ;i. or Mr. really be i.'.-:u to i a- IV bv Sir, to announce at a seasonable time beforehand a special service triat noun for the morning of April AUth. at ! am-.d the 1 1-- o'clock, or at any other hour most suitable for the congregation. You are further requested at for such service to make an address supfgested by the occasion, closing with the "prayer tor the authori ties." As an additional expression of joy and thanksgiving, the church bells will be rung from 1(1 to Hh.'lO the same morning. Jamks Cardinal Gibiions, Archbishop of Baltimore. The spirit of this letter is ad mirable, aDtl we commend it to the true worshipers of God of every creed. We are too apt to forget the superintending providence of Cod aUl,ut in national affairs, and it is proper entirely.; , , , last Sad that we, as a people, puunciy recognize Him as our protector, benefactor and friend. "Righte ousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." ing at t i." --1 -Friday r.ic. t work w ; s c. Master. -:.: the I. earl . ! .joice over fa pa.-seth all a: Ml es S f who ! i I ! . V Baptist ch ir. such a I i a e heard his ,-a p rt wive a ,rt" .a Ti to the pa.-iorac-place, and i ! i the llr.-l Sand iv i Charlotte Daily New-. I hereabouts on SaA.rei nights. Put the th.-nn fall lower than - dea-re no frost and the fruit c The residence of 1 " im pr I hest M o. --, a-coiint ine- to thou- ars upan the property of nish, Oil, Glass, Putty and Hair r est citia. 'ns. v e w ere I. on tnis morninz that :- .A A. run h i A dealers in ad nr.iie an assignment, i ca di's amount to over i i.a ; s - warrant ; a f r A'-- 1'. ice to answer f o- r . ; ; ; tpo n ,c.;i,.y under a-. It i- h ti.i that Price araa.dag hid in imitation t :;; ..'".-. u p- n the clerk tr. .. - lit 'k.-:.wn. and ob r . ,; pml of liquor and ioiitrs -uid seventy-live 1 m 'iipv. Price had not : u r Ait a; advice. 1 v . : . ' Two new mem a ivtd in the Pre-bvterian : a iay. Wo believe every : ta. vii is making substan- - "Id I bet I saw 7j to- ; i ;. ,-: c reek. Cross Hjads H:.! townships." said '.: : ' us. after having cone t hips. - on Sunday i. .1 wtd.ip.g house of Mr. ' . uv d in tho edge of v.-..-- Pe-tr aved by tire, we .tr; The family escaped t.ai g iaiilding in their .!..! s-.ve.l r.othintf except . i a pi rti in of the bed : - i-: ail- -u t six h.und r.-d K-aap is a hard working ! f .lis heavily on him. ir. n who has been almost' at ft wheat has been n ever before. He And won d i a. 11 BO nill.'ll 1 o a l A I'll tell Vou 1 easi 1 v sal i-lie I f KO It's MA I I. 110 My Mollo t'otne and never reci . t 1 MOLASSES. English Island, Just arrived per Schr. Mattie Hiles, For sale by ROBERTS & BRO., South Front St. !.. 11 li. fc ' - ' ''--- IIP' s Aghast i tl.at I can U 1 1 ,4-i in mM to he . h. nil.! WORK J,IN(i. . '.in! 3 uu will J O X E S , I flllP. N. ( - i . 1 if! M. A It 1 ' 1 tlof 1 I i H f . l.lid I IVHI'H . n-;i. i - li k ii. y bliht Mh' H h tT 1 ' I Till itOI) U I- I i I Ultl : . ' :i 111 ' IT Of w I i J ronld Tl.f ffl- ' ; li - ( u (1. : -i l !.', tf tul III C Hi h ml by 1 ho i t ic w 1 1 1 ic r t 1 U 1 ikIn ' ii ; MHI, Fu-rniture t'.Ml CORN! arns from the regis- op 1- :P i- 1 ' i : I .- ' I a spark from a shinttles on ;.;' furuiturtf an ; 1 fully or.e-h f. : b "se burn d. rjJmJ lift one cri" ! P Ta-' i ci tin- r ; th ral ot: re I- h rn .1 !v ;h- TP: t r -tr i iro-mb' o 1 :i s pt'a r BABY CARRIAGES. recently, tells us that T1Ils; SI.: w nun v. Fl'KMii bk to. STILL. LKAIIM Weliaie on hand and nr.- aianururiuianK anil receiving every iiav 1 1 a n I s- m i i e i'Hrloi xt fc iiili, V Iittlljuei nuan, . 1 1. 1 i .ii.iiiip,, .-i iiiu- ' ''' r-o.ereui, ecuuues r0bes, Desks. CliaOs. i.oankes. T n Sa'eK a ral i f hP.I tages recorded ilattrenes. All the k"oi1b we maun Imp ui lai'CC r.a fc,rmerly. "I are goad an.l suhslant ikI Wo also li it e t P 'f u - i,j CueKt stock a i ui IhI.kI stvlr ..f Hntiv Ca-- li.ji'n sraau gram planted nate, tnnt llKH PV,., i,eeii in.uiriii i..iioh the farmers so well up city. W havea ilm- stock ..f caii-h. I".- . a - r o a ShcrilT Crowell. t.nres nr.l MirrorR. We juiv Kpnt i-.ish f..r ' '. ' rt our eoa.ls and get -. d iKcoun l or !' uud p.-i ir - at work m earnest and ceiu therefore we ran H.al e .. ds .-i.e.,, la tier times here in than any other n.iro in this -;ty. We nr.- I. iptn' future. Forty- aleo agents fo' the l-.-lii.se s.-wo-u Ma. cue . :. j J Il has no o'junl. If vou waul a li --ki -.-Ian rs nave been received in lllohine n mi ffin i.e!,,,,- i.uvn.t .-k- church sice the rPvival where. vP wtp mv vou money, vend weeks aKo. Forty- T. J. TURNER & CO., ; have bc-rn received this l'Ri h'hiktoks. PJ A 21 M1J. lie Blli'eP New Kerne. . . ( '. Bushels S5 x le w. p. mmus & co., GENERAL COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, ATiD n-'AIN DEALERS, Makkkt Dock, . t:W liKUN'K. N. O. ansign us v'"ir produce. !U Ll . .1 .. I..' -". rt r , t ' 1 1 -1 i-iaaf.asiss 'Mj,Z.S3kZ-u. iri -

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