(n-e .. - - , ' - - - - -" 2? jf. " ,iW I N" DEPEX DENT IN ALL THIX(i r iia n. 8U.OO I 'or i VOL. XII. NEW BKHNK, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, APRIL i 1 , ; NO. 4. KN.N l EDITORIAL NOTES. . m ; aa. m. l rmi iu Hftmli MrmttT Irttr.l to try em Bam of itm IhMIIi iMIt ", wM til Iuihi a4 T itooompitttheaiiLfc. Karl OTK STGIUCH; IMPURE) 0IGKT10N; DISORDERED 1MB; w M CM yi m rad ttl otS ksa ni mxtortr. utui cm of th b rr- CICMAJI'S PHXS TMC UU6Z3T UilM1 Ut wiUk net Bclz. tab. f . 4 CO-. ad 1C7 Ciui it.. In Tt. u ft 31 fw doc Dot l9 Laraj WTIL HAIL BEICHArS PILLS 05 RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CENTS A BOJL for a ti y Tom r (lev , t:ir;.:: r 1.111.1 el v I'll A 1 .U't us 1 1 1 : r imisr 1 I .of Tba Many Friends and Customers tiring ur oJ bood N H-mi- -n ! ::i ;!m;i!on wtion, Vkoa arts prol taay. roau am o;ir ui.ny parrcn, we ' etl to their Ueottoa, thc w ai.rfciu: t heir patronage CXtoaifat! to as in th mmI. anil ihn we nbali hoKl oat MOliK 1N "DDCJEMENTS THAN EVKK to merit, their woflcienc in the fntnre, Ud tat beidft BEIG THE AOK.NTS for TboA. M. HoH PUldi, CoU' Jpool Coiton, leaser I'wlt Ami l'.IntT Mill DocDlie, StarJ I.ye and Totab, LonlUrd's SnntT aul Armour & Co. Proriaiooa, Horalord's Hakmg Powder, W carry Floar, Tobcco, Soaff, CotTe. Sajtar, c. Aid la th DRY OOOD3 lia no boaie 10 this socti. n rarnei a more alUblo Stock tODUae the bojer, to style as well a.s in pnr. For DrM Oooda, Notiooa. VVhl: ooia and so on. coaw Um dittaate with yoar llies ana lot th.-m :c will pay you to ;hriir . hopping in Wa we ctaaot aap dj, oar other merrhinf' our honse tO 111 :inces to Bat the ehaooua in that it joa mke yoar headquarters at jMvQl find eferttatac to yoar notioo ty Good, boo eat rood, 36 tnahes ta poaad. SHOES for Farm aad Partor tfjr, EEXDT MABF5 CLOTH 1 N(, -1 n :hv Saatara Carotia to excel an. Waeaa tait Boat ear one ; if ci ': sat) 70a a salt to order, ami it we f 1 : aad j 00 ara ao money oat. It van ah mot come to KiDStoo wnto 'o aaavar ail yoar iaqairiea. Yoar tinly, ETT1WCER BROS. W t M fi' : n . hoase in . our nioAjare, u need not take A smai.I. colony or women ill be in the flood tide th.it will over flow Oklahoma. Kx Pbesipknt Ci.KVEi.iNH his (declined the appointment as ('m miAsioner of High Prule r,irk. N'oktii I'iKni.iNi has suffered much fr. ':ii fore-r. lirrs this spring. Virgin;.), though, .suffered more. .ME. PiKSKLi. haM instituted sa t ag.tiDS' the London Times for I: Del. claiming X KK).(KM damages. TlIK pxx-LSession of Oklahoma lanta ha. alrmly rau.st-J bloodshed ami t;,c beginning h.is h.ir.lly be gun. TlIK Voang Men's Democratic Club of S'ew York have tendered a r.ablio dinner to ex President Cleveland. Nothing has been heard from , the missing steamer DanmarL. It is now probable that she went down with over GOO sools aboard. Tiik Neith German Gazette say that the Boulanger trial is likely to have as paltry a result as the leaders of the Patriotic League. Teksidknt HabeisoN might wear boxing gloves to receive in, and the reserve the bare knuckles for the bores. Washington Post. Raleiqb has a new daily, The Call, published every evening ex cept Sunday by I). 11. lirower. We welcome it to our exchange list, Thk City of Paris, the new steam&hvp of the lomau Line, is expected to make the trip across tem)., the Atlaniic in les than six days. 1 1 in S T K I k K W S " r k t ! ; a gocl ni.ix t lmes atid .'. :r i t i 11 1 1 !,o 1 s ..( r. POTOMAC SHAD H.YTCHEKY. 11 k of tlif 1'isli Commission a! I crt "4 iv, rl. i'r' , 1 r o;th l'i en 1 in : he arc ,1 and W li i ti y 1 0 11 . '1'iie 1 in ; m it an re it the woi k done l the iiatioii.il lish com m isisiou iti-iiu'ui-ated by Prol. llaird, of the Smithsonian Inst tute, is mereas ing the food product of the country can hardly be overestimated. Kivcis and lakes which had been almost barren of the better varie ties id" edible fishes have been tilled with the finny tribes, and fishes winch were found only 111 certain sections of the country have been acclimated a- d domesticated in the waters of the oilier sections. It )r 1 1 c : ri t hi' m a' ' 1 ac a ! 11 1 ! ' '. e u . '. who , 1 n "' to build 1; Fort 1111 a' 1 !y tin- r slii'ul' are push; n e Let t hi I c be I effort We of the Fast t he iron is hot , a: mav shape the people tor ages to i F i n N, with 1 w e f our ui a ke hillg would require too much .'p.ieef. the purpose of this article to twe even a general view of the work , 1 one tv the )iu m issi icrs 1 n 1 t ttcik 'lines. 1 ; 1 1 s s . on of Ill'lst 1 1 1 k 1 1 w I11 It d 111 so , ; o 1 n y we dest ; n ;es of our m e. Chicago distanced. The lotte 'es says; "Judge rAlUONAI.l IN N o ad in : n 1st ra : ; without a policy. Tl purpose , com m a;: d 1 11 ; t- (To r t s of s ; .1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 ad m 1 n 1st rat i o 11 w a I be. nerveless, 1 ntTio. ieii t II I II K M)l I II. 1 can succeed .'1 ere m 11st tiea the best hip. or the 1 11 1 c a ; 111 less. Ch ar eas tire we will 1 ; so 11 a 1 1 n 1 1 1 han a poi ;c'. v hat is ; ' ? b PI' answer to this einnnrv granted divorcee to three couples be duJmMm.I: . , ,i;K ti la Wilmington, Monday, inside of one hoar." BLAI5E has lnatracted the com lissioners to the Iieriin Conlereoce rat ion F pon the tin-re may large num ber of people b of the present vol ves the revelation o f through the poten'ia! leve t hat t he policy administration in- the South rriii'V of Sign of the ( VJebrJited Tear! ShirL AT FLANNER'S to Insist on the maintenance of ol it 1 cal patronage S moan independence. Ves, let! What is the can 1 CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ? CLOTHING SHOES ! SHOES ! SHOES ! A I tRT ntt mam 4 A WAR! WAR! WAR! THE WAR HAS OPENED OHCE MORE ! - - r a ru"" &v 1 I STREET. ! 1 i 1 her be independent. TnEXew York World thinks it a remarkable fact that among the American people the anniversary of the assassination of Abraham i Lincoln is not commemorated, j RlPUBLirAXR are complaining j that President Harrison is too slow I in turning out the rascals. The I same complaint was made against Ihresident Clereland. The North Carolina State Medi cal Society met in Elitabeth City last Toesday. K. F. Lamb, Esq., editor of the Falcon, made the ad I drena of welcome ami Hr. Long of Graham, responded. Kdwin Booth has so far re covered as to be able to return fo the stage. It is believed that the immoderate use of tobacco caused bis llloess, and he has consequent ly abandoned its use. TlIK controversy in the courts as to whether beans are nnclassfled seeds and not subject to tariff, or vegetables and dutible, has been settled, and it is now announced that beans are vegtables. Thanks. PiNE straw seems to be. the most formidable rival to the jate bagging but jt w.ls trust jast now. The Farmers' Al 910I1 0f tJ0 lianee should prepare for war in time of peace; get ready to tight the trust now. don't wait until your cotton is ready for the bagging. TlIK White Protection Ieagae ent situation m tic Whatever other i,ihis had their 1 n iiiirii ce, ' 1 cause is to be fontid 1:1 th chisement of the negro had learned the pimeiph liberty, or even the tr.e.uii government . Learned di serrations on common brotherhood of man . dogma that "ad men are equal," and the noii.-ense t hat South ! may havu e prime e e n frail -it-fore he 'S ot civil an man is as gon do for the d ; s '. iy theories ol poiit . ai et vanish 111 t he 1 gh t i and crumble In th, common mmimv The Kepub! spOB si tI e fo r h condition in ; white men of oency could tolera't re volu t Ion ca m e t h the tilth and 1 ot to construction pei n mosphere too pur return of negro h carpet-bag ascend) 1 It was not the .thcr f bt ! he t he born "one may nit if nl s, but they experience to' b'e o! . n p o t y ;s r e -. : g established a Soir h t hat few h irae'rr and de- a n a w 11 en tue sw ept away - of the re 1; left an at -o 1 i rniit the i;;;m; ion an d slave that 111.0 i t e.ng of the the South sol 1 d, t ran n :oa I o; p i es- and the monstrous empire of of ' a u c a South. Mr. Harrison white inaii, attempt to e.' Liarbansni en .1:1 m.u.h' o tii offer of the crumbs t h tables enriched by So Let Mr Harrison 1 f he wants 'the 1 t-s fWiav tn th hard time and scarcity of monev, I am deterdmme to foraish the people th Beat Oooda for the Least Money. Now, in down South in an F-aster egg that patriotic, but he ma DTOOIOI taa tact. I wtu qaoce yoa iew 01 m imn-.v -" wil hatch httte turkev buzzards to b under it he su ClOiAinr ta Enormous. Men s goou tiiue riannei buiu ijw m 3.09. Alao good So its for Men at 2 98. Hoys' good Suits, from 14 to 18 years, oaly 2 08. lioys' Knee Soiu from 1 .25 to $ 1 .50. Aim a Bicalin ol Men's Sacks and Cutaways and Prince AUert Salts. HATS I HATS ! HATS I Five hundred dozen Hat., all styles aadpncei. Mens, Boys and Children's Hats I'om 1" to F" and Jo cts GoaxaatAM to salt yoa in any kind of Hat. SHOE8. SHOES, SHOES ! The Largest and F.vs; Selected Stock Shoea I ever kept. Men's Shoes from Toe. to f F0o. Ladies' Kid BUoa Shoes, 95c.; Lace, T.V. to V. Al-o a large stock of Men aad Soya' Shoea at prices to suit the times. Ldie nice Slipper from FU WISHING GOODS! Men's Fudershirts as as 'o cents A aica Balbnggsa Shirt for 2o cents. A met- Scarf from H to DU cents Afall haa o Dry Goodi, Trunks, Valises, and ot h. r gc. d too aameroos to meat ion. Come one, come all to WILLI AM SFI.TAVS. wh.re b Ueated right aad get yoar monej's worth. m ay es ; 'o ic w ;se and a:i egregious es that our pick the bones of poor old CulT. yonng men can 1 Cuff now works dirt cheap and has principles of the to paj a tax on hia salt, his cloth- party of the d ing, his ax, his knife, his fork, and the Lord knows what not. Phila del phi a Record. GoVEBN"K VeWLK will attend o ilrawi: ir fat h eis n si it u : ioi the opening of the Avoca Sporting South," let ; in with the best men Men who cannot br Men who. earnestly elovation of all manic become aliens to tin mi w ill Wm. SULTAN, Oppoaite Daptiat Church, Middle atreet. NEW DERNE, N. C. tn ax "'d w 3 m The Bergner & Engel BREWING CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, Resort on the 23d and will return to Raleigh in time to leave for the New York Centennial. The State has made no appropriation to de fray expenses, but the Governor is too patriotic to let one of the origi nal thirteen be unrepresented on that occasioQ . Ml'NTii'AL elections held yester day (Wednesday in many t:ns and villages in Illinois in which l01' th;r the saloon question was the burn ing one, the anti license element candidates were successful in eigteea towns, the license element it fa. it he! II I ' i .tn e mi n n 1 1 iy in t he from the and the by the t mm conn try and half of Ins km. We cannot Will be bougbt. a r e . i n i ! a : o r s i to us. in the l m self sout h. ink dishonor. de-;rmg the nd. would not i r race, t heir F'd. f u- the on th.r son . vt-1 w i ; e r i ; h a t base . 1 : e i i s t t threw away apeail richer than all his tribe." but they are iloaters who are not worth the offer of a bribe. but it will be of local interest to give a brief account of the result ot the shad hatchery at Fort Wa.shington. A reporter (if the Press called on Superintendent Worth, who has charge ot' the Potomac, hatchery, and requested him to give some in formation in regain F the work done t here. "This station." replied Mr. Worth, '-was established in Withou' going into a detailed method of the taking of spawn, I will say that in 1SS( wo hatched ,".o. OHO, (MO of fry: in 1SS7, 00,000, onO: in lssS, so. 000,000, and this year we hope to hatch 100,000.000. All this is without increase of force, and is the result of experi ence and better regulation. Our collecting berth extends from Fort l'oote to Indian Head, a distance of about sixteen miles. We get eggs from six fishing shorefl and from forty or fifty gill net fishermen." When does the date of tak eggs begin T" "The average date for collecting the first spawn is about the loth of April: the largest production is about May l,and from that date up to May L.'."i we receive from two to five million eggs per diem. We send our spawn takers to the several fishing landings to collect eggs, but the gill fishermen soon learn how to do the work, and they bring into the station a large amount of nice eggs, and the ex penses of the station is about i,()00 per annum." "Where are theeggs hatched !" "Here, in this building (Armory building:. Theeggs are collected from the fishermen and kept at the station in agitated water, after being impregnated with the milt of the male, uu t ii t he li ne or forma- ' of tion of the lish can be seen with the naked eye. The impregnated eggs are brought up nere uau ny tne steamer Corcoran, and the hatch ing process is completed in those glAss-lined tanks you will see in the other room. When the fry are large enough they are placed in the shipping cans and are ready for distribution." "What is the percentage of loss , u hatching the eggs V ' Oh, there is an immense gain over the natural process of hatch ing when it is considered to what dangers from predatory fishes, and so on, the spawn ia subjected when lie.spositcd in a natural method. We estimate that of the eggs we receive t he percentage of loss is at the lowest -5 per cent.: that is to say, for every 100 eggs we receive we deposit seventy-live shad fry. I f the eggs deposited by the female shad in a natural way were to hatch out a similar percentage the streams would soon tie blocked up w;:h the masses of the fish. Now you can see what we have done and what we may expect in the future. Six or eight years ago, at the Fort Washington station, there were collected only o,000,0()0 or 10,000, 000 eggs annually. We collected so, ioo,O0O last year, aud we ex pect to collect in a year or two from 100,0no,noo to 12.., 000,000 per aunum. Recollect, too. that this increase, has been accomplished with no increase of the working loree.' ' Where are the most of the fi y deposited T" Well, we send some away, but the great majority of the fry from this hatchery are deposited annually in the tributaries of Chesapeake Pay, and the result has been seen in the gradual aud steady increase of the run of t-had for the past ten years.'' "Ad old i iver fishei mau the other day told me that while the iu creased nin of shad in recent years might, in some degree, be due to the effort of the lish com m ission, yet he thought the run of lish was in cycles. The shad run had in creased, it was true, but so did the herring run, and the commission had planted no herring fry in tho river. How is that f" said the le porter. "1 might answer that," said Mr. Worth, "like the Yankee, by asking another question, 'Why is it that the streams of the Pacific coast are now abuudantlv stocked with shad, com mi s.s niiig wit the rate t wetity 1 progie.ss t he past ed at t h n um of and one millions. Acot 1 have be take a ce! rep ; ts, catch of propor: in Sou: h ( ' , Ida. "I th:: trav.ig in manv r river Paeii: Mexico u ii effort s oft sion wit h t perienee h summa; ion Wash in .-to .ii ir- iS ( AilOl.SXA N I V. -.. 1! tile v e a e ; i , j. ' i ' t ' e ; ao Arus: am est id; (). s shuwn is perftv Tho case of Mr. iinet the A. & N. postponed till the After a due in- iii-in hy ,-i Mop.-ily constituted ' t :..iiiHinr.. Mr. V. E. Davis, a r. ivhi ki.ov.n in this city, has : .. ...I irrati att.l ordered to the ''e 1 ';t..: i,: A number of Cin : e;, i,;i,-:;ien have formed a eyndi- hevelup the marble lands down Murphy, N. ('.. in the extreme vti-iern p.irt of the State. The I of oi.ioO.lOU is an taken, and ' 1 is p tij in. In fact work is t tUe 'piarries now. i- : n S;ur: The surveyors rur. ' : - f tho 'nulow railroad 1 M ii'umbor'j Store, about ...i r t:oin town In the libel : ' ; ' J. I'. Harper and oihere : i'aiii-ii i-u amdiip AD) any. '. w ,-.-U in tie- 1". S. District si N '! t 'ih. ye. Judu'o Huches 1 n u!,.w ... en of SI"). Clio to btiltil Si , Ar, :ht. 'I'u .-'.n h a p , Mr. V,ifihiii,i the A. iV N . r . 1 SuperiLHendeni personal app'ea! tradespeople i ! h 11 i n . 1 1 n i a W i :. y . I-in Cut ill rteon. who lives on 5th street Oi-t w t en P. and ( ' L)u r i nn t lefCH-iun of the Mi l' ti ! en L u i Cr mi i na 1 Ctour t j is t adjourned, six negroes, of whom one is a woman, w i. -re sentenced to the chain gang, and two njgro men were sen tenced to the penitentiary for ten years. C W. Tillett. of this city, received a loiter yestrd ay from his father-in-law. Dr. D. N Patterson, of Mauguin. who wroto til at a few nights ago some i wagoners camped near his house and left a fire burning. The wind blew the coals into the woods near by, which were soon in a bliize Toe fire ppread rapidly, and in a short time it was ear ried by the wind to Ir. Patterson "s l a. His barns, stables and othi r otuhousis were consumed, and hi-i residence nut saved with difficulty. Elizabeth City News: The comno--sioners have at last decided to o bey the law and build a new jail The latest news of the storm con li rms al 1 that we first heard and adds more wi.i1.-h and further lo-s of life t i ihn already I .ng list. On the coast of North Carolina the Storm was the severest for years, and in Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds there never as such loss of life and prop, rty . The schooner Parrot, the Siic.in 1'aro iine, the Maggie Etta, th Susana. and two other boats hailing from hli7.h-ih -t 4 P I - ' ' ' L " ' f"i ni TIJ 1 IA , A 1 V f A..- nut inTtOU8 JUICE 'l.'l ORNIA, e M. J V r S- t K. . lias t, ' setoi out hi Mr S.I. Dill, t ) mike i o) the inercharits ana 1 1 , , . . i ij rie-.ai,.i u i.- to : Ktceiits of new I,, .ir,, uu onaiiKt) i i,uy are lost, ana liot) rt Whitehurst. a -M-yer and It. V. j white boy. Mathew Oranbcwj, Fred . h" veterinary ex- Gaskill and a man nam F?Hilev nl, urneito Washington yester- ! colored, are drowned. AtNag's iiad far an heard from there have I a large lumber schooner is ashore, and m a- casts of glanders, and it the storm tore awav several pottos ,.. disease tirely and considerably damaged the I others. The north end of the hotel is broken away and sanded over. i inn! 'an tn !' ' human ...ni ., bk : i i ma Cnnsti- ilF de nial live ' . "i be presumed elsuwhere along the lino to sign a petition r, , pie-ting ths.t the said Washington Hran l)e n-iiiiiii , a Preei lent ol th" said road vvlu-u te.e proper time cuu;e,-i for ni.kmg a change'.- It W.-,!. a pitiful luo. in.- sight to see Su per : ntt n i e!, t I nl I . of theA.iV N". C. li. ii . aim; ting up nr. i do w n our streets yesterday in tne eaiilv atmos phere and drizz y rain, from store to store, peddling that petun n f,,r Mr. President. Hry. n. it w.s not isnlv i.ei f u 1 to b e h o 1 , 1 . but it was u n . i 1 g n ', i , - i IT , and unprecedented in the sail Pro-i " dent sn.l In? Su per in tendent . asu-e.ia- oeing exoeea lDgly a i-t.i.-tel u 1 to many of our citizens. We dun t know whether any of our people signed tt.e petition or nut. We iiope thev .ill i.-t. f r. as yet. the record of i'resi lent Ih-yan '. administration of this pitc' of v ou able State prop. -rty has not been made public. In the meantime we would like to know it Superintendent Dill's i r ,!, in while per P r m i n g t n is sjm oerviee of "cirrimg MiiiifMr, Bryan's petition is to he iuelu i d in hiu S ilary as Sa per 1 n ten d en t . or u h ei her it is to be deducted from his salary and defrayed by Mr. ISryan from Ins private funds. President Pryan is so exact and hair spl i tt i ng i n his perform itice of his own "ellieial " d u ties , that we ask for information or, this point. In other words, an tiie liute s of Su pe r , nt en a ent of the A. & N , C, K It ir.clu le tleit of "carrying aroumi" the1 p-tition m question and such l.ke "foreign" sei vice. or not'.- We know that the duties of President of the A. .V ( '. li. li . include in Mr. Pry tin's est una tion ; thit of "car rying " the ti-hing poles of the (ioverr.or; but the opinion f the public as to the dunes of the-e olii v in ipies tion, what of thai. And as these o!ih:es are public films t'c o;ijr.t..ii of the public is to be con? i iered and should be regatdt d . Stonewall Items. is eminently believed that th ha i been eradicated. Durham Plant: The R. & D. Railroad Company hat j!n-eil upon the passenger depot ingeniously constructed bulletins upon which aru recorded, by means of dials, hands and movable platea, the number of trains, in what direction they me going, w hether on time or de layi d. and at what time they are ex- KiRNEYS, LIVER ARC BOWELS. h i..r i.a.vio.tilrntrc ;cdy 1 oown fl . . .. , ; ,ii h.-. : system Erritfbuiir-" BLOOD, I trRESHIWC FVtEr. I'tJLTH mri 8T3EWCTH ii i t dot d. v e f 0 eeil i Asht v thirty f Ci m ten, ; men ot no, bars I f arc has hand .-on Tt is a good thiner. kind has long been i M. e i "iilz,-n : The building of a ou-,,nd dollar opera house is in hill a by some of the monied ; A-heville. Two thousand i a- been subscribed towards the ! of .a lot upon w hich to erect a : c brick and granite three-story ' A l,ui d ing in this city. This w , secured in a very few i: uiters of the soliciting! I Charlotte Chronicle: Col. I). i. Mix f well yesterday took Miss Lizzie Alex I ander to the usj lum in Morgantown. The city Democratic convention last night, nominated '. H. McDawell as candidate for Mnyor of Charlotte There was a strilip yesterday at the knitting mills at Mt. Holly. About twenty-five hands refused to work, be cause the superintendent charged to them the needles that were broken while they were at work. On Mon day night a burglar entered one of the houses of the brick row near Oaten fac tory and stole all the clothing he could lay his hands on. Yesterday morning. about J o clock, a burglar entered th residence of h , A and stole a go'd w was discovered before he had time t finish his work, but he made his is cape. F'i SYRUP CO. I O'fAT, A Y commit:. ... pointed a few days ago. Shed.y .New lira: Fifteen acres of tine wooilana belonging to Mr. Wm Pearson, of No. 2 township, was burned itur-iay . Charlie Armstrong. :ro who w ith live other negroes. l from isiieiby i nl on February t, r , j nnimu ki r nrsna uation in ine city yeeternay. lie ex amined fully two hundred horses, but found no evidence of other cases. We regret to learn of a painful and serious mishap to Dr. W. T. Ennett, of this citv on Mntldnu mnrnincr unt nl Newsand observer: Several persons Gary sburg, w hile he was on his way to witnessed the novelty of seeing an ox the annual meeting of the State Med i siiou e.-terday at Pennington's black- ; ol Soe.iPtv ut F. irohoth Pi.r. TheD.w- EflTQN 1888. THE JEWELER HAS A FINK RTOCK OF McNmch of this city. , W atches. Clocks, Jewelry atch and chain. He SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE- last the 1 e s c a ; 'as been recaptured. Charles Colston and John ('. Eeastcr werecon vioei of the murder of V. C. Aber nethy at Vorkville court last week and -'entence.l to be hung on June 7th. Chads M--M inus was released. Pay boro is to have Win. T. Caho and tit the head of the Thev arc possess,, 1 chance of st.i :i; ni a. Mr. C. C. Iipton atol Midyett, two of our cii i., have been shad lishmg A 1 be in a i le Sound 'his M,e home on the F h h i n sC. am a good catch and fa; r pi ire Married, at the residi-ne a newspaper. .1 a m es is 1 1 1 1 d e r t a k i ng of a good port Mr. the i sh an rums the Ben j . Hopkins, the lit her bride on the III"!, in-.' Tr Farbour ninl Miss Kite Ho;il;ius, Mr. K. Hooker. .1. P., olii.'iatmg. No. cards. T h etc va.- s,,me ot the spectiitors b.itliy toned tibouf a dinner. C. H. lai'A lit of tills place has been coium issiotied by Gov. Fowle a delegate to the General Wa.sh ington Centeniii i! It seems that Gov. Fowle rccogniz -s the fact that there is .someone m the Fistem part ol t he S' o no;:i:y ot I ee ogi, i- tion . Tilt' we. Cher is rp a regular noith-ea.st t .ire ai.il ti.t-ie is i:o telling when it v. ,11 end. : ip.le high est tor several ears. 'n mail from otir city on Monday: the mail carrier was afraid ol getting his mule's legs broken by logs on the side of the ro.-d on the P.iy boro side, and not nn, !i cl aud tloating in t he i iuipT.i.y. sible ""chance for toot travel ing unless wading over hi The footway on the Pay boro side is simply a burlesque on luotwa,s and the foot tiaveleis slculd be protected. A pair of young In vers near heie on Sunday last planned a chance to escape the old folks and get mar ried, bill the deacon who was to t li the knot let the old lady into the secret, so she set her Ilea .-mith shop. )I"rt of them had never seen the sight before.- Ex President Cleveland and Mrs. Cleveland are ex pected to spend a week at Morehead during the- session of the Assembly. Tiie Governor lias made ex-Lieut. Gov. Stedhian chairman of the North Caro lina d legation to the Washington Cen tennial in New York a graceful and appropriate act. Sicford Expret-s: Mrs. J.M.N. Furgu - n's d welling and contents were burned yin-T'liy. near Manly Four sections of tiie R. ct A. L. road near Moncure were burned on yesterday and delayed the tram for Charlotte Beveral hours. Th" forest fires have damaged much of the tine forest in Moore, Richmond, Cumberland and Robeson counties dur ing the 'ik, Naval store and lumber men are tiie principal losers. Mr. A . F. Page ,t.t lny.uOO feet of lumber. "Fire, tire'' ha.-; hi en on the lips of all this eou nty. Scotland No.k Democrat: We have seen and hoard of more wheat in this community this spring than usual. nil- n a nopetui sign. -a consider ate e -t ring of fence dividing Halifax and Martiu counties was burned last week. It c night, accidentally, we learned, I rem iires used by the railroad hands. Wilmington Messenger: Dr. W. A. si!.cr i(i.ns. Wray, the United States Veterinary la- I l.. ep a L.rgersiock of RpecteclM spector. sent here to investigate the ; than any other store in North Carolinm, cases of glanders among Messrs. Harper i I take particular p.iin.i to fit them to the com pleted his ex ami- 1 eyes of parties needing them. Having worked steadily at the bench for over tli i r y j ear s, I believe I can do as gnod work an any watchmaker in the State. COME AND REE ME. SAM. K. EATON, Middle street. Opposite Baptist Church. f9l2 dwtf tor had .iaen early in the morning, and was sitting alone before the tire in his room when he was suddenly taken with hemorrhage of tho lunRS. He fainted from loss ofbtood, and slipping fo r ward with his feet, in the fire, was ut terly unable to help himself until his left foot was frightfully burned, rni his right foot painfully so. Rockingham Rocket: Last Friday was another windy day and forest fires were again on tho rampage. They broke out on the north and south of town and swept over a large territory. doing great damage. We regret very much to announce the death , which occurred on the 4th inst., of John J. Bennett, Esq.. who was sheriff of this county in 1859-'60. He was about 70 years of age, and died of heart disease. We kaow of a family of Mineral J These goods are bought by us direct springs townsnip, this county, consiHt- from the 1-actor Look To Your Interest! Farmers, Country Merchants and the Trade generally are invited to call and examine our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions. Etc. We always k e; in itock tho cele brated State rrison and Parsons Boots and fc-kuea. Every pair warrant td We have a largo supply of Florida Cheroots and Nl'rochimation Clears are or. ir. Walter Dunn lost a fine dog last week. He went mad and bit sev eral dogs in the town and community, and went throutir Palmyra and made a swipe among thj dogs there. Ashevdie Citizen: Mr. D. V. Thrash an i family, and a ptarty composed of seventeen people living in the vicinity of Asheyilie. left yesterday to make their future home in tiie newly ad mitted n.iiof Washington. Rev. T. A. Wharton, of V ay ens v i 1 ie, has been unanitnoa-lv called to the Steele creek churc!'.. ., s to I... t he Sou t 11 has o , r gatioti va Sabbath. Wi! nan eral alii. .11 n h AO pes r.s pass ce lice p. Trie Come eel! -i iden'.urg county, which is - !arr'st country church in ;i ng the Presbyterians. It i "J no-in tiers . and its congre rn s from mi to I.1 Oj every igu,u Messenger: Sev- Wilmington firms are the cieditors of T. ry's Son whose faiiuro has .ounced from Whitevdie. tion of emigration has now be-iaa:.-,r,f consideration and nee in the colored people of ion. A mass mreiing of the ,-,in e of the city was held last First Colored Presbyterian tne purpose of considering of emigration and electing State Emigration people to be held it Friday in the men here lean ; 1 v e r His t'uR i records that 13 UH QUESTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant. It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt and when the when before the planting of the in seventeen, the Republican ticket p,ntlsh nrin 0f war Glorioc was streams witn snaa ry oy tne com ... a . , , . '"'no mission, some eight or ten vears in bix and the Democratic in eight. ftbout to sink oil' the Cape ol Good ag0, tbe're was never a shad io be ilmington Scar. Hope the ship's band stood on deck found in any of those rivers V A united press dispatch to the aiui pUVed "God Save the K:n." "Put it is said that figures never Virginian dated New York, April It may be that Admiral Kimberly lie, and I will give you some statis- ,. . , .- , , , , , , tics that were sent on in connection D,, says: Three bales ol cotton remembered this when he ordered with the United 9tate8 exhibu ol snt here from Galveston, Savannah the band of t he '1 ronton to play tiu usu commission at the Cincin- and Atlanta Cotton Fichanges the "Star span were sold at auction today on the gallant flagship floor of the New York Cotton Fx- against wind change lor the benefit of the Con- harbor at Ap federate Soldiers Home at Austin, mav have tn e ning and instead of church ;ts was cxivr made her an angeiuon ' them on the way to ( :, and took e'uaige of t he and escorted her lionii her a tongue lashing, be bridegroom is of : that some one of his eei veil the old adage: ' course of true love, etc. i o f ' c , to ; go in? ig i.n 1C Woll, re llilc ap d into ache gled Danr.et was va; u 1 I and waves in the :a. Put whatever n 1 . : s : ncen 1 1 ve Ad. as the nati exposition. We know that ;hting there has been a steady increase of Tex., and realized H),r paid ranged from P'c pound. TllR Washington Fight Infantry Laazer Hops, andiof t liarle8tOD' 3 c 18 ono of the 'oldest military organizations in the hlrjhly reconiniended for its TONIC and NTT- country, and is said to b the only , ' one that has n revolutionary flag TRlT 1 V K qualities. that will ,bar Hinging to the I " . . ,, v;U'i. . L'vr.n breeze. Put the company has been TW hi-h reDQUtioo enjoyed by the Fi.l.GNKK A, FNGU.L. ' B,a lrt x.r , denied, it is said, a place of honor X31IFJLNY i da to ib fct luac ooiy toe r i . r 1 i i..ox UXTEMALS X ael and tnt the greatest SKIFF and CARE jy-4 dwtf The prices miral Kimberly showed himself a to Hc. per hero and a patriot by this romantic deed. So long as t he glory ot the flag is Intrusted to suou men as Kimberly and his sailors America ueed not worry about her lame on the salt seas. Fo not such men deserve warships worthy of their manhood! N. V. World. in the grand review at the coming centennial ceremonies in 'ew THK conviction in Aikans.is aud sentence to twenty one years in the penitentiary of a White Cap. has hm mentioned. It is noteworthy that the onlv known instaneeo eserdjed darlof 1U ma a factor. Agent and Bottler, New Berne. N. C. York, and the Light InfaDtry has pun ishment of a W lute Cap should very properly decided not to join be, not in the North, where W hite in the parade ac all. They will at- Caps most abound, but in the so teod the cntenDial, however, and i called lawless Sout h . Norfolk ir-p-rad on theu own accord. ginian, the catch of shad in the streams of the Atlantic coast from Connecti cut to North Carolina inclusive, al most in arithmetical progression during the past four or five years. The commission has annually for that period detailed trustworthy men to visit the fisheries in the rivers within the bounds mentioned and the data received were on a a most reliable basis. "In 1SS0 the catch of shad was 1,1 10,000. From that year up to 1SS3 no attempt at a census was made. In the latter year the catch was .".,173,000; in 188b, o,,"S4,U00 ; in18,S7, fi.TF),UOO, and in 1SSX, 7, ('.00,000. "Now, you will see that from the 1880 to 18SX, inclusive, (he catch of shad nearly doubled, and what is of special interest in this connection is the fact that the rate of increase was in exact proportion to the in crease of planting the fry by the SlIK quietly desk. "I have writ ten a began. -Well:" cM-laai with a look and to annihilate, bat .sue hilate wo: th a ivtit . "I have written Father's Farn" and Oil i'-' liiteri up: with exti aordina;;, don't know how it- poem written on your la! her V eh '. I as afraid it was writ: paper ami that you wanted t publish it. It 1 should eve; pen to drive past your f'athei'. Fll stop and read the poem, afternoon, miss." d to ;. Din ned : d Ml-IVliV. Vol I fe Caere, 1 p, night at 1 1 churcti. fo the oue-te Uelegates to attend ti Convention of colored i n R 1 1 e ig h on t no la month. April O'j'.ii. M jrganteu Star: Wheat is looking weli in this county, considering the atn, ii n t of ,i ry weather we have had. Two ear loads of the sons and daughters of Ham passed up the West ern road last Sunday bound for Arkan sas On last Saturday and Sunday some of the mountains in the direction of the Bine Podge were covered with sr.o'.v. hence the coo! weather here. A tire occurred on last Saturday in the veu.MLy of Oarnewell P. O.. Caldwell county, and extended over an area of a hour one thousand acres of land, burn ing ien, es. haystacks and everything in its poh clean as it went. Several dwelling house-! were in imminent danger, hut wt re saved hy great effort. Din ham To':, i 'o lhant: Miss Lessie M. South.:. to returned t ) Durham from New York a fc-v da;, s since, where she has been spen.iing a couple of weeks. It is rumor-ii on go al authority that -i n ring a proposition v York aud accept a ai,: in the New York Music at a salary of iay afternoon, after i nee i f p-titioners : n ! h; . ir was found a ni ' e i t n ames u pon sn election upon local i th- county commis it an election be held and for the town of .1 M n lay in June ing of father, mother and nine chil dren, none of whom either use tobacco in any form or whiskey except strictly as medicine. It is a record to be proud of. We might add that the father takes several newspapers and always pays cash in advance for them, and does not have to run around town tho first of January looking for some merchant to 'run him during tke year. Chatham Record: The first snake' story of the season comes from Mr. R. i R. Smith of Hadley township, who says that he killed a black snake, last Satur day, that measured 9 feet in length and 7 inches in circumference. The coun ty coroner and f uperintendeDt of health went yesterday to tne Buckhorn section for the purpose of investigat ng the i cause of Mr. Richard Weothers' death, which occurred very suddenly last month. Some persons suspect that he was poisoned. Deputy Collector Spence Taylor made quite an extensive ' revenue raid a few days ago. In Hickory Mountain tawnship he cap tured and destroyed two illicit stills. and next day he cut up two more on ' Deep river, in Gulf township. Thence he proceeded to Montgomery connty. where he captured and cut up another, making five stills destroyed in three j days. After destroying the one in j Montgomery county he spent the night at a house about five miles distant and , next morning his buggy was missing , He tracked it about two miles and there found it cut all to pieces, having been destroyed no doubt by the owners of the capture d st ill. fOSl .flPTION Cl'RKI). An old physician, retired from ra tie, j having had placed in his hands by an Kst India missionary tba formula of a simple ' vegetable remedy for the speedy and per : j inanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis. ; Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and I. ring Affections, also a positive and radical cure ! for Nervous Debility and all Nervous i Complaints, after having tested its won -, derful curative powers in thousands of, j cases, has felt it his duty to make it known ! to his suffering fellows. Actuated hy this motive and a desire to relieve lnimiui suf b ring. I will send free of charge, to ail who desire it, this recipe in lorn, an. French or English, with full directions fo-r preparing and using. Kent by mail by ad dressiDg with stump, naming thi- paper. W. A. Novks. 1-1'J Power's Block. Roches ter, N. Y. nov 1 w ly Snuff at Munufacturer's Prices. IfiT No t ou'1e to hIiow goods. ROBERTS BROS., S'jutt. Front ?.. "Veto Berne, Pi, O. GEORGE ALLEN & GO DEALERS IN General Hardware A jr ion it ii nil I in i e m e n I H, Pill'.iK, ll.irionn, Cultivator, iicics and Asm, Wood' lIov ru ii!iI Ituapers, Htcniu 1 lii g;i 114-H, Cotton iiiiis unil I'iphnch, Fortili.ei s. Land i'lusK-r, Ktiinit al ei ! i a i it". Tools iirul I lard ware, fts-teh, ( , im-iil, Plaster Hiiir, i'ainf, i iilsom i ne, Var nish, Oil. ;inss, rutty and Hair. Krcczerv, h'rfrii'iHlorH, Oil Cook Staves, i inekii Burglar i'nin! Sa-!: hei ku, warranted to trivo Kcciiii! nod na t Isfactlon. I'lill I.H V!il!V LOW. at:'.), ali.i.n co. CORN! mm CORN! 50,000 Bushels or Sale . P. BORBOS & CO., GENERAL C0IH&1IS3ION MI-:iiCHANT8, AND GliAIN DEALERS, Ma hi. .1 D "; M AV lii;K. C, N. t fcS" Consign us ,";r produce i 11 ini 1,0 to hap i bill) ; ood Mis- Pe-sie is e u t j r, tun. t ) N e ' 'onset v.ii a v of comparir: with the re ,::-.r a that there were t he ilslS to SeCUI e iptiou, wliere a ; i si'jners ordered t on thi- ouosti .n i 1 larh .in. u the -ru xt. I. -n .ir Topi : 1 ing M;-s Lucy M l-t.-iney saved ib-.ut t-a.'d '"V a or, iss Lo we r Mr. II. P g i ve.- us an ao lire, which wa pie living "L.Y:S ..Catarrh L tit AM dAlIVI I .rtlTl ui - i W MAY rtVLH BJ H a ' WT, , - V J th in A iiiiilnoK .Man'- llrar i - 1 , tk Ni.w Y 'UK City. Aj.nl t, Mr A. K. 11 iw hes 1 'ear sir: Your patent ee glasses r,oeived some time since, and am very much grititiel at the wonderful change that has come over my eyesight sin -e I have discarded my ild glisses and am now w,.-a:ing yours. ALKX ANi'i.ii A'. CP Secretary Station., rs Pair i of Tiaij cf New York City. All eyes titudand lit guaranteed by F. S. Duffy, Now Berne. N. C. jiSJlm Wednesday morn r and little Hattie railroad company pan vent mg tho trestle , ei: f roiii bu rni eg up Il-'ilck, of Clenburnie. aaiii of last Saturday's fearful indeed. Peo the course of the fire moved everything out of their houses, thinking their houses would get burned hut fortunately no dwellings were burned. Paul Howell and Henry Bean's stables were burned. The meeting which begun in the Methodist church !a-t Sunday week is still in progress, and will probably continue through this week. The congregations have b, en large at every service o id great interest manift sted . The meeting has re-ulted. so far. in many conversions Charlotte Ohronicb: Last night, ab Hit (J:h" o'clock, a burglar attempted to enter the residence of Mrs. W. F. CI causes tiie Nsal I'assa pros, A Hays Pain awl In flam m a t i o n, Heals the Sores. It e stores the Senses o 1 T a s t c and Smell. Try t Si e ( aire. A particle is applied into ere'n nostril na is ngreeaele. I'rl1',, in renlsnt I inn;, 1 hi ; i mail, registered, ti ' ru, Kl Y 11 Ri T HI- K S Warrea Street, s-ew "i ,rk HAY-FEVER ,1 ly English Island, Just arrived per Schr. Mattie Hiles, For sale by ROBERTS & BR0., South Front St. COOK STOVES, WIRE FENCING, SASH, D00K3AND BLINDS, PAINTS, OIL, GLASS AND PUTTY. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER AND HAIR, And Kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS At Bottom Prices! L. H. ( U FLKH, 1 26 & 28 Middle Street, n r.w ni'.itN it. n. v,. Inriaitixre N I CA Kill AG ES. B:BV i: ! It . l l It M I ( K i: CO. S i 1 1.1. 1- 1'. A IM : . ii in! ; 1 1 1 1 ii i i iiimiufurlurltig ; i r (In liniiiisume Parlor i ss , i, I Fi , --iiiihIh, M'aril ( . i ' i I .. . n i ( s. I ii SuffH ft ntl ii.m li. we initnii f Rclure - , 1 v. : , ; i i u , c ho Iihvc the . , . - '..,. Hh iy Car- mi to this . , " iirhH, IMc- ( j " i i hkIi f(r I l' 1 1 ' i .1 1 : 1 1 i -f in and M) per . u n Ma rliea4ir . : 1 1 s 1 1 , W'earp i i 1 s, v, h,h Miir-hlntt. . . :i , . i ! i i l l U ulil H (1 I"Kl -r.la-L - : k. . , s i .c - , i buy l iik t'lfto- T. J I U K N F R I'K' Al CO., il 'HI K'l'OKB. , lierni,, N. C i 4 i, .11 ; 4 ' t I . I -II- ; ! t! - 1 J . V I. 'A 1't 1 : " (-. V ' i , . ' ... ' a.- , ' . -f . ., - - : ,. i r - i l ' V : 0. . t ' ..'". . I" , - . .

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