l " - -, .' - v.. '-. -;. . a r ... ' j: . . ..I .,,-.- ' . '-- . . . . - t I r 4 i f il 1 r4 A irCCUL CLI BIIKI RATE TFTE JOTJRNAL. . - Jockv :. in ! Youth 'a .V,m pn ton J'S.SO SEW BeUIC9 C APRIL M, a. T. B1T1 to aae -trt4 atsa sa te JOOI L. HTFIW.. ! it MHlM. ' ess boars Ba Ve XiaJtoa lumj. TVs) irsckiM l areas tagro-winf o UviaT Bmillnsj Wka emr (uatn Us ara sow Ikay 14 ta pro4it, A gr( ww eppeevrej In theee til ii r '"1 Mr i.CWuotoa.tr . suast Mas Aaato Hee4ersoa, are o Tb tpeUe Bttmoa it south sale) ar kouig rwax4 ii mucft ttapa) l thai "llrC d'ppiof " It w to KlMtOSl eoraewbai !te (.rack In f la to ! Baraav TWwaKtail essavo n Jrtaiai il(k, aa4 ail are too, la iMd un aiaaaaira to taa eioata xrcM of Kteaaoai OaUa. Pri. liana o tha Btaha UafvanltT la to dlir th j ttraaav Tta BOOlait la tUli oa fox tha peato&ca aal taa aaaUraaaa ar NtiD( itn(Mtia(. la) ilka aiaaall oaar pnaaai atoiaat aarj aeeaMaaaod aia c poamaa tar U hoi J lat t fort araalf aai aoeoablr to -rarjaody. It ii (talif iac MUMusct thai i'.at. OaiUaat, af ar towa. aoa i;Jo; i oajr Saata UaiT araity, woo i&o dt.r amaalal ata Sociaty Poi la a taaaaH l C Tna Jodaaa war Pr.-,- faaaora Wiaataa aitd Maoma aol ,4 M.C Sk. Jl. rno-a ho rt aaqaiaUa1 arica Hr. Co lioa racocd wkbiia a ttala4 tkioabia C1 ia ro oa aairfri d a taia piaaio raaolc Oa o taa) raffarara of th law oa . oaMdiac aaock. lio io i'otinm aat kavat BaaUa, flJaa loa foilowing bii! a aooapiauat: Bta flock of afcvaap. tnj aavaai la uaWr. waa laraai oat of hm aVMr: to7 wo 4iret U a oaixh bo lot ao aaal iaaaa ip and 4a aaaadad kia lao poq aJ la c f a laraoty aaaaata aawsd for raiataria . flfiy niu act) foe taaiac ap aa4 ioit 9' aaaita a day aaah fa aaary dajr ka kp Tairty 4aj kaiac tJsa lioa Amr'n AjTKrulturiil 3.3- Smlhorn L'u!tiatr 3 33 IVmortat'a Haaxina 3.00 Scintiflr AranciB 4.00 Sc. N irh.laj .ntury tVtrei: t'r l'r--aa S" 'i rt h Amr. ivTier N-w Y -rk WrlJ. StJir H m ir.l Firm. 1 " 'uric r J -uml Nar and Otafrior. Har-f-rr Mkc-une A FATAL SHOT ( olorfd Hoy SUj Anotht r Uratd Opru IUt. In 4.00 5.00 3. SO " 3- 3 23 J 3.5 1.75 3.50 3 50 frt 1 1 m I a r t KiamliaUnn Th 51fr raramlttd For Mnrdfr Hii Sunday aftrno.in , between fir? and six o'clock, aa the Sunday acbool of Chriat Church wu biinniD the inter atiOf rlaatr rxarciaaa in lh prpence of a croadiJ home, tha 'TOI'' " v( a ptatol wu heard and John Alrk Harria. 4.50 a colored boy about eighteen yeara ki, 4 "0 rollad into the ruttr in front of R. N. ' Young People S. 00 Dntly'i drug atora, a dead boy. The Acrh'r Lh F h-1 : h w : fer . i: ),. ! ifn .i r Trirs. Mr. ien n' U", and n.; ! m a L i - i :" 1 .-i w r. r i : Old iuba-rlbra rociTirjg tne JorR (1L. and deiirir.g to haTe any of thee ppra. can. by making application to tha office in pMoa or by Utter, hare a Uxumoct of thir a.-count on our books congragatioa waa not much disturbed until tha diwi spread and some of Harria' family connections arrived and beholding tha daad body with the hole of the pistol ball in tha head and the brains ooxing out. gare rant to their ahowin what they will have to remit io ( fe,i,ng, ln diatreaaing acreama. Boon a entitle -.heca to any of tha aa-ora publi cations thay nir ict. CITY AND VICINITY J u ScTia-Oa painting C R lln. Ja -For rent. V. H Bt'TD Noti of la W. D. Ft. i X M.- Clothing, etc n. I! N 1 1 ' f I) ru store for sale. S I. Vv .: - T agnu and tha pnblia. H i' ak: .t J 'N - Jiai Meant ahoa T'u :". i broaght 1 ii w aa at u red . t.- 1 anoiner am r. i which j aooia vary protty animals Tha rimiioi of tha F .Its rica mills have basa torn down and a lirga ware hoasa ia m be erH-t 1 on the sit Oar liTfry mn an 1 thoae owning " v stable can n.N: b-- t.-i careful about ! Tr 1 iped it i! .'piion the fora aaiiiac. tha adi raa ap u ahoot I Uad,r lr c" S3M.00L Taa aavaap aawapad f roan Ota I shoo Id t mawi! . a4 rata raaal fcoaaa; aa offlcar : nu,tm . . t- ,n . Ba4 fa. ak aawa aW aaaa aiaasa sa a r T s f s i hiaa al Ua ahps look Kim bafora , -ui Jaatloa who ga tha hxtpoanJar tha r.'dy Kaa -prohibit: -a iu: tho "antia wooi ka ka4 aaaavrwd traxn want another wr.i.-k i; , . a laaah that waa dropped . , , aAarlkay aad bwao l.pxia4d U. I " n. ar. you ina.ct iar ajitaal ait thaa ha la aaptia4 of tha aa attrcay rf VI a i'arr. col., yeater- MIiy a a aioa, fa Uaih for Susdsy day I 'm dieted for 'aaulting a col- dlaaar. Tartly, ha haa hard lak. StoncWavII lumj. Oatr poasaiaaf f . Joha Laptoo. ii-.-w.-paaiad rfMai htoiJy, hi. dauK-.rr a aaT to !fav Bar a. ftaf. Bator. Brad. Gatiia aod B.rjr Tarahaa ara add tag qait aa iapr ' aa to mtt piaev. Kra. ft. H. Baitar aaJ Wm A'kv Dtaasi aVaw aoaad a aalUiaery w.ib ItehsjBwalt tat lata plaea. Oax ao faeea diaticl ha. tn no tVUktt aiajh aato (wo yaaxa. and I bare so hoard t a etaU caaw of bo cbv.1 at arisJhisi tea Uauia sinew it haa b-o ia o .-ad mm .! a : i w Mr.l . h I'on rs " i I c . . - i . - o f Cap:. H W. U'aaab ..h Fr .-: :.-( hn bn xoach r . 1 t y : - c f the paint b nas h ! j I : : s r. - w r. rf lh Dts taa t r r'. irr. t. '.ho trf": Xr.CH. fjwUr U snaking bus o-a fartiltaav at haaaa ata eoat of $10 pr Tha s:arur i i-r.ia aDSB. It waa Lrtwd aide By aida last year wfavh saaaara that eoat I JO aod f iO and prvvad Jaiat aa good. T. A. Piw ars, a eitiaaa of our piaca. has) hawaotait aad parfaetad a avanara dsair1kaar that dasartbotaa ia taa drill ail kistda aa farUliaora ia aay iiaaatity w.vh the hotel U to bc-ard aa ; t a at home. rr. " 1 ! Too c.-.r..; U oj a k a it a ba no bar in co cc ct n aad fimiii'-ii w l . '. t cheap thfra aa ter can Vlay 1 lea al kha O. D. wharf Liout. Fran lata of tha I" H. Ntri, it Liaa;. Winilow h 'jr the last year or two bwon ngaj in the oystar survey of S, t' ar.J has rnri frocn the aer ica cf tha Ny f r the purp-iacf be- large crowd gathered at the croaaiog of Poilock and Middle straets where the dead body lay un il the Coroner was aent for whosummoned a jury and held the usual inquest. There could be but one Terdict, and that was the deceased came to hia death from a pistol shot, aaid pistol bing in the hands of l.muel Hatch, colored . Um ia a likely colon d boy lU.nt tixtaan years old and ha.- for sometime bn in tha employ i f K H. Nixon. Kaj.. and I r R. N. IlutTy at the drtnj tore of the latter gentleman. Ia the examination before Jjtlioen Lirinaon and Watson yesterday after noon, it appeared that Iym Hatch, the prieoner. and John Harria. the deceaat d. and two other b.Ya were rear the ps sender Jep.it the A .t N C K on .Sunday a 1 1 r coon, and that Hutch ar d Harris had a quarrel aod came to blows, that they then started down town. Hatch taking the lai. Thev Wftt down lltocick street to Pol lock, down Pollik to the drug stf-re where Hatch wili em ploTe! as a servant in the Ian otlica of klr. Nixon and in tha dru; store. Arriving at the wast end of the store Hatch went in at a back gate and is supposed to hare gone to Mr. Nixon s law cfHce and got his pistol ; the others went oa to the corner and halt ed . Harris stood looking diagonally a.-roaa the street towards Meadows' drug store. Hatch came through the drug store, paaaad out of the door opening i n Middle street, went within a few feet of Harris, leveled a pistol on him and tired The ball entered behind tha riht ear and ranged in the dmc-t-on of the left eye. producing death in stantly. Dr. H N. LijtTy wu sitting in the front part of his store and saw Hatch pass through but did not suvpct anything wrong. He heard no talking or quarralin,. but heard the pistol shot. Dr. Charles DufTy wsj sitting in hia efflja which adjoins the drug store near the door, be heard no talking or cjaerreling but heard tho pistol shot and looked out just in time to stv Harris fail aad roll into the ditch. Ha bast is VVioaiow. 1 enad to him, pulled him out of the in command, i ditch, and upon examination found that life was soon extinct Hatch in the meantime ataxted to move oil but was apprehended by aome gentlemen com ing op at the time and was sent to jail. Ia the preliminary trial Hatch wu Shad dsy hatch:: Worth North know h f Pi-t. rr. . ly t C ! W . ir i The Prtg.dtn'j Again. :p In mis "Wild (i ru' i i t'.ir- l.HH toret oi'iioo to the front jig-urs with h;r . er.i! ran ill., to fjr the l'ri snj dcy of the A. !;- A N C R Ho seems to te lnficcrd ar.i! itb " Le ir. cr at , " L Coin mu r. i c.i i ' 1 1 v t ion a j pe.i red in S u ! ay ti isp ue. - to I.oavitig Mr. Bryan 'a ad rtiinimraiion : .I i'' -tun 1 on us own nioriu. and l,v;ng the people along the line i f Ujo ro,d t ' ky whether or not ihey war.: a , , char ge, we wieh to rpeak of ilr. Sim- in i'.m qualitications, and Itio ropn-ty '-( appointing him to that position. If it is to be put on political ground-. ( a recognition of valuable service to '.oe Democratic party, tlnn no more fit- V. L:3i r: st itii: th:r. : : i o t . 1 w itii oir. r. of the A. v I our '.i:- - iiot bi-p I) I ri" I t iv ir. Mr I'.r: IT, '. I V M. , ar.' i r. pi : 7 r - a r. 1 '. rnit-ioy to d . f..,:t n: ike- k ?!;.il lg-.on i ; r of . 1 to ir. the w s t he v 11 re un 1 rt.l 1 1: I n Il ea 'li ' Pr. A M r i: - r.t I" rent bsck .is his race and d-rx.e ; ck: i i :: ;.'ii i r upp.i N i i cr.t n: with d ::i. '.- '. charges that in: ued by Mr W. of the roa ) . t" tition and thirir Sle.n wolf rwnr the 1 io v e r no r "His Y. y; : r- We the i;r ier stoti. N i ' . nun-. I to us i v Mr 1 ' A A N C. i: i.ln.H i. Kxcelier-.cv t.i n u:i: t; agemwnt of the r a i same w e f.rol poOi. - -i 1 ---n ,' I ur. 1 1. Pi i b. ting app incmentcan be made from the econd i i -1 r i . -1 than Mr Simmons. If we are r .c o.i i ikon, a comparison i f the v- te v. i ! -Low thai the Second iii.orict w ahoul .he only one in the State where liovernor Kowle made a net gain over Governor Scale". And who will nay this was not in a great measure du" t . ti." wise, prudent and vigorous canv.,--tna ie by Mr. Simmons.' As to his ijuahticatioiis. uny nun wili acquainted with him must ac knowledge that he carries a level head . a miud so well balanced that he can tu:r. t ,-ucces whatever tuices he devotes his attention to. As to his popularity. " W; 1 . i i: on " is evidt ntly correct about th it. He v.-s the lir-t in Congress to introduce a I id winch if ii hail pj-c d wouil ii ivc knocked tiie life out of the great Hig ging Tru,-t. and hit) etfjrls i ti behalf of the farmers in this m-tter doubtless c oi- ed nione y t 1 be fr n . t i h i-i d i -1 r n-1 i v '.hit p i wer f il 1 coniiiin Uiiji. to 0 -1 eit Mm . Is is i, t ..ur purp. iso to sho . up Mr. I'.'v.in s sliortcoum gs in ord.r to ii.ive htm r . m ived an 1 Mr. Simmons put il. iiutiun is per feet , but i f Gov e v n or Fo w i e tin Is it necessary to discontinue Mr Hr j an '.- s r v i ces us President, he w ou : d r. -i.ium ns a thiircugliij c -:ii-; r i e i i i . a n 1 universal.;. I np- i'h pres. i; V. ". 1 C forci.. c!i..r h: . In C: Ci u : t i iv ir.ori. I ' . -1 r : I f T tl'.e n - f : i,e . n. i m - i i jr. or s ill' t r n- Of c'o 1 'or i ntin u oia- 'AnOUN.V NEWS. liic Stutf Papt-is. i . Dr. V. O. Thump- .s Si 'i :i facsimile of the ', by General George Wash- : he 1' o it o 1 States, running j 'l' 'lit. vears, between ' j . : At -.is i , sidence i n ' a. 1 u il jrli, after j .s ' ! i .. .. -I ii.e; e.ilmcnt, I 'i : . uv.-on dit.i. rather ; '.i . '. : m ilie i v ear of .. j.:. iucs of Mr" S. T. ! rtri-ft. was virited by :. j' ro'-t and hid pantry . s m;; pi:,--., c '.nsietiiig cf ia: i . i-itjitir. haci:i. etc . 'ic :. . I. ,J;al" iu rl '. O W !1 a - . u br. 'uarloll; GOMM EE VI A L . COTTON. Nk'.v Ei:i;xi:, April NevV Berne market Bteady. Salon of 7 bableg at 10 1 4. domestic n . v . Egg6 9n9; c. Corn 47aajc. Foddi r. SI .OOal.o p I'VE PEN TI-N E Hard yellow du-. i 30 f jii-gl.00al.50 UxawAl 17alvc. ; or ; Href On foot, 5c. to 7c. Hams Country, lOallc. Laud Country, lOallc. 'aZbll Pohk 6a7o.Der pnuno. Potatoes Bahamas. 45a.r)().-. per bu.: yams. 0a7o.;. per bueh. Onioxs 40o. per bush. Pranuts 5!5a70 Der bushei. LIIICKKN& lirown 40a55c. rair; half TE VACUUM TIPPED AH r bnn..i od. S ' .10 virc i.-i aii J ; BOYS' ARCTIC DRIVING REINS. M. over. g'lii.'V. ( , rtitic by Coin w ..- i. -fr ir.i a M i-e- ilntlii,; c mi.-"! s- t i in f.or til:, u i . . -ai. i a-.--: I. in. . u.oro J . V. Mi Com bs, ut ten days ago mthern trip. 13 very eick in Flor- Stephen (iodfrey. of Long Creek grown, 22a25c. -hip. -ont his 8;in Thomas to the j MbaL 60c. boltc-d r.i in M ii'-r.toti yesterday. Be- Staves R O. hhd.SlOalii ,.: i :iaif-pa-L tueive and one o'clock i Timber Cyprtes, 13 in. and ..;!.:. tv.o larlirs attempted to fe5 00 per M. : pinu S2.50a4.50. nit ) ti." r. -idonce of J. T. Butler i fcirjlNOLKa West India, dull iiud io c t.lh Trj on street. inal; 6 inch 82 00a 2 25. Building f e-ville Iamlmark : J. T. Eaton. hearts. $U.25:eapB,1.50 per M. ha r.nd postmaster at County j wholesale phioer. 1 1 avie county. has made an assign- Mesb Pohk New 814 00. The weight of opinion here is Shoulder Meat 9al0c.. ; ve- u ill be annointed collector.! C. R. 'e, F. B's. B. 'e aiirt i.. ' '. - 7-:.'-. riX)CK lo.oUaT.U J. I ?4 . : Ti Ii IT i. ': vnnNh whtni i '" nfw t hai iw iT l-ollitH I till ur Hlnnuwi, avd. i i K 'txtuL AJXtnaV ' ( r ROc. Tit a vat Jit nt the article I iv anted, trhen a Hoy. Jt is very Ktr.ing, prvUy, nn durable. 25o. t paid. if.' VELOCIPEDE BELL 1 o I tin P"t i n i . : . u ! n in.. I'" ap Bu ll' 't oniideiitly given out that Con- an lAvart has endorsed him and ' '. P.or-rronhas withdrawn in . o; u;i ; is to have Capt. J. S. : ! ' o.e as a special agent. The iu. n are likewise confident that :i-: the appointment and it is ::t .ii.poetible for a Democrat to . .i v. a tne lnd docs lie. i i! iz-r. : A car loud of p : through the city yester rout e for Mc 'sm i.ior. I'iiy . Idaho iv. 'i i.i re s -. re -ix teen f amil ios : '':;-" lr is s.-,:i (hat the i r--. a i at!. one Order, have 1 : I' i. ',::.. aciiurchia Mitchell . :: .r li ik er '. i!ie. and in con- : ii a i- ' '.. ' i. which is in t o !: nt: 1 us of a college. f eU-rgv tin n from Wood- . jiaivlan.l, the Jesuit ;:i Americi. will visit i.e.-1 ruoruh. LaED 8c. bv the tierce. Nails Basie'lO'e, 82.50. Sugar Granulated. . u Coffee 20a22 Cheese j. Salt 80a8oc. pcrack. MOLABSE8 ANDSYBUP3 S0a-litv POWDEB-85.00. Shot Drop, 81. hO. hue!.-. 81.75. HIOE8 Dry. (intc. : 'rr-. TaLI.ow 4c. ror !) OTICE OF SALF, !1 1 Ti 1 ' f ti. t t :: ,-n th.e W l.o I; 1 to e 1 I ' t 1 . a elgh . N i i : iz-n s of ti n pr.-s tir.ct i r . ;:i"-t;r.g I re-en t iv i n -riled '. the jour ii. an r r y ,a ir.i the New Id r'Cd i Cut and will ( 1. r f t luxmer trutl .-.forms us that he expacts fm:.y lo I! There will 1.1 oppoced t I'ryan s r. d a i r t f tll'Dilsl. lel.t r ce signing I h . , . n i en t I-i' 1 ; i i" o -intitu M ' f Mr ii f r.id i ti r t: in rj al. -i ' ii. ie. d 1" h. Fr. tii. in i u-..-. 1 1 1 i n t: 1 p i r r daw tared. It as atveaa aad eaar ao make ts i . v. i Ki,. com log ;ao r a! ni an gr of the Pamlico a.f ritrTsr TLirrr -tt-T f 1 "-' Or star Co comrss-.l f gentlemen of j repreaented by L J. Moore, Esq., and N jrvh Car iaa sr. 1 New York. Hi hit , urrn. tne state try cvoiicitor White After bearing the teetimony nriaocar'a counael BLated that thev grcrandsof N v . and is now showing ! ws-ould not aak for bail, aad the Dnaoner tea) ata aaeoaae aad aaa Dr. O S.Au- saora'a. Waa. T Ca-ooa aad C H. Fow lotr w aatsl Jadara " for la s aa s I v a Thay hara 4aanosxasraasd hayoaad a doabt that k aaa ha rahtsxl saocraafally is oor eoajatf. often aoksn of tno it ailable oyster hie faith in them bv his works Jones County Item TbOa. J. vYhitaktr, it fio rtpttirio ocJ boitdior; ' Tratop. Yttmtn baar priTaz and pLaaliaf eottoo. Trtnt rirer I teoiio. with brr t iagav TIM bcidiw at Trentoa ia geuiog OCOa) Ojij bi. Old tin log rolliif hxs come MgTaia. bvaaap lands art) bis; elsued and drained. Latwr it pJsroUfal ind cheap wtth i U BOW. Wbert the Core creek road eroetea the Kiaatoo road tea jeara X u m lonely, draaxy plavca, bat mw bov cbaad. Hlaekamitb hope io fall blast, had here And loader a dwelling Aad a large, oeat eaarca hoate. What a ebaoge. Tba hackieberTT crop bids fair to b largti and tha exodat ageat4;rha Craw will bare a bard time of it sbouUl tlvey BJe tbetr Tiaita here daring the hackleberry asrAavoo, aa the crowd lb AX the will deaire to see wtil b bajj And too independanl to lAlk KaaaAA or iliaaiaaippt. Why a real genuine Jonas coanty hackle berry darkey feel r.ch and eoaastsqaeacial aa a California mil lionaire daring tbe huckleberry atiUanniom. Ve know one thing, fax Titers oaa'l get them to go to tbe farm aa long aa they can gathtr a faw quirts of berriee, and we really belldira that exodna Agesta can't a gage theoa jaat at that good time eter. C ACTIO TW HOTHBBI Every ao haw ia eaatiooad agiast a her eiuld laadaaaai or paregoric si sales a a aasxaiarai craviag for atima mata wfcico kills tha miad or ti' child Acker s Baby 8ootber la spciai!y prepared to baaexlt ahildrwa aad care their (xi&a U ka harmleea ai fna tains ao opt am -r aturphuiA. flod by K- Krrv. Nivb-in X. t . P.c N'tc aid Tournarssst. A rin J pic n:c and tournamant will he bald t V M Ip.ck s store near Vanceboro on the V.h of May. Tbe boat roocrr at tae tournamant will ba awar sd with a handsome prix Good man: is 1 a i i time generally. Tbe aimii'i ar J. E Mcl.iwh.rn. N. E. ltaak.es in I li C Gas kin. was ramandad to jail "The snoet cold blooded murder we ever heard of," were the words that passed around on tbe lipe of the large erowd that aaeasablad at the corner on Sunday eveaina:, but the provocation aneing from tha difuculty which pre ceded was not generally known. Bat to shoot a xuan down as you would a dot is Indeed horrible to think of. It is an outrage upon tbe community, and an outrage u poo the laws of the coun try, which the courts out;ht to vindi cate speedily. The First Ffj. i Btaavm Haviyation frcm Smithfield to The fl i t bo x of peas f. r the seas on New Berne, waa sh:pved over the A. A N. C. il The citixena of ScTen Springs 'n Friday br J. II. Iew.s an J Bryan ' Wayne county held quite an enthusiae- Siaogbter. two colore! men of Jamee City. Thry were of the Morning Star variety seed, bought of J. F. Clark of this city, and were consigned ti W. II. Lipacomb A Co , N Y Last season the first box w s- shipped oa the iS.h of April and in :""7 on the 1 ta . by the sm. shipper. J 11. Iwia of Jamee '. '.'.v a.i Sav.-d I The follow icg c-al l.-gram his fc-ovn re- j caived in New York from Lisbon I Passengers and crew of the stoannhlp Danmark landed at the Axoree: U40 of the passengers on eimur Missouri, bound for Foiled-I ph : t IIst to follow by next steamer. The Danmark hn f r several days ben known to l av se.-n 1 n: and the paaaecg-rs an 1 cr-r r. j -n b er i cj; til hand re I suis n i ! t . . g:f.n up as lost Daad Body F Mr A C Uairds crt twelve mi.ee the bod y , f a and .a the Ii i v r r . Bricson writee ua from Farnlico county, and below New Berne, that coirvd man waa found drowned in the. north shore it I river between Duck cf Neuee and Goose tic meeting on Saturday, the 13th Inst, for the par pose of organizing a steam boat company and raise money to build a boat to run on tbe Neuae river be tween 3 -i 1 i d in 1 Ne w Berne. The merlins' was presided over by W. CJ. Broadhunt. Dr. J. C. Grady acting as secretary. A committee was appointed on resolution which reported as follows: lie it known that we whose names are hereunto annexed haTe this day entered into a copartnership to bo known as the Seven Springs and Goldsboro Steam NaTigation Company, and do further agree to establish a steamboat line from Snsithtield to New Berne, and dofurther agree that as soon as sufficient amount of stock is subscribed a Board of Direct ors shall be elected whose duty it shall be to organize for business and transact such busme-ss as msy be required to carry out the object in Tiew. This coinmitte reccommend that txxiks of subscription be opened at such placea aa may be deemed most practic able to the furtherance of tbe same and suitable pxrtiee be named to solicit stock . They further recommend that aa soon as the deeired amount of stock is sub scribed that the preaent secretary be empowered to call a general meeting of the stockholders for permanent organi zation. The report of the committee was Ilr i r ..r. . m tunal the p. i pie i f : i u p.-. s that :. '. : d i .- s n n a m - . f K . : . t remain on Mr. i.ran -We think r. unfort question s ii ii . d h ve so see n . bu: it is t!. and w h i i the tit to rise it i bar 1 t s p w 1. 1 be ; n t (;' accord .as d.m I ti before the G v rr n to r a o f t i' rial We l.rsr . f me country a: a t reak i.- . k fj. e for the truckers t i -:gu a p. t if they are using the argum hear of in . r ! r t . . uui t Mr. Bryan noy . t have "li me from ip v fr. n :- ar.d we r.-com- :. or.f.-r- . with . Press a half ss n.en bv it- keel g 1 I - -. u this t-1 1 r r e d v. p ;ng t pic. v e s f v r the sap it down. The w n cf i ;s own take it. i r poisoi. ir.o human - -1 . :, : 1. r o :i ! 1; ; n I. r i, ; : ' - .:. io cases A Kerit-. d Con-.i i:na Pro r. cy . i ti recent r.tnn1. er of ;!,.-: ing on the paucity o terial in the "' North C ir.-ii:: of: : : Harri.-od noi.i Cabinet. F.ii . . a; t : Judge ii.'V i:n u r. is too level l,ea 1 king t : .n . and . t th, at we gp.at u res. ! e x c e I and I present jti i i . i 1 . ti I that w iil become vac.i A very ,! .-sorred c,-.: wl isrll MS : i n merit being ued ; : Bryan is n i r. tan will be d ;sc r. t -. cue will have to by regular freight tr ad vanced t h. n . .. r ' ; surely rebou r. ii . i Better keep the contest fairly . have the truth, ti, noti ing but the trut crae k were pi ace be ab m in state ih- vrrv I i - waa supp ed to subscriptions. m:it on ta .- n cf diac -u : sixty y ar Th- bod y w a i l f d rc rr. p V4 : t a r. 1 : '. '". " tlr !-:.'.. f. ! ,c,: The remains adopted and a committee appointed to r. 1 L-.ritfd near the open books of subscription and solicit ! a - I Attempt at Sa: -:d' i i od ye Fveck. sa, ! Ten; pa Davis. a cii.irel somm who is in the habit of ; m c . b : n i the ardent 'o" freely, as ah e anUd ' rT th- ' D wharf into the T un t n a':.rmon. B-.x-'.on ia one of . i'.. "J cf on the w h r f in 1 ho and o'hers n- i '. F. 1 Ja. ks.n while he isic( r.i.:n.'i( oil', ar.,1 grabbed Tempa. bncgirg h-r back -nth.- wharf. Sae waa under ts ict'.uence cf l:q ior and evidentiv intended to drown herse'.f. bather ' good bye Beck. gave timrlv her intend, n ar.d was saved w am : n Sh wis the '.a ' rag pu; on s Iray ani csrriedto SI il.T.i'T H .1 dull j, vet-a. " i ! Trlhateef RcapetrU Did. io th e city, oa Moaday n-. ra tog. April U.h. ISSw Mra. Jjwpeine PUotl Joaaw. ia her 17th year Il waa tad ed ead to aaa ooe so young tafeaa frosn a koviag Aasbavad and fond 1 pavraata. asat law baraavad oavee are eom (ortad w rtA thw aaaarasia that 'tkwir loaa w aa hr gaia. " All that a skillful ktsk-ita aoJ loioi han la coald do we d-oe. But the decree had gone , J x forvk. tha aaa se soger swot aod toe call Bade fx Ba r to cocie up higher Aa geatJe as a alienator Breeie. the spirit Bid tha body adiasx. aad we wafved talo tave havaa nl rwwt. Thos the flrst Mah w a takeo from the fssutly chain of krvad ooee. to aaaka bssfso. if pcwai Aio. oaora attractive to to-e that are lafV Taa aching and saffariag body is at reac, aad tha aool raoing over iha vtutvsy woo. Oh! tow aaguiaa of the loving ones. Tho hewrva feiewd ia sorrow wito no sy hot that of Uosi to paoeUate. Food a aa hwad aad pareats. loving brothers aad saatara. do ao reOel againat CKi saor qaawtjoti Has provideaoa. bsst be lecooc lis i aad say "o asy wi,l but lAlave, O Lord, ba does." aad the cloud taavt do sv overshadows yoo. will be roilad away aod you will taiok of bar bsm1 aay tha la ao dead, "ooly goae be fars "tad satarad iato ih ifl rsaioa as twat Ties a as a hosts of reat. a w mi mt. WhOft wa ara Used aad weary. Tho way aaar aaa en koc aad dreary But boU oat (arthfal eool. aad thou wilt ho forovar baas. A Fia.vp Kiaatoaa Fraa Preea pieas copy To dreavaa of a postderooe w bale . Erect aat tho tap of hat tail . Is tho Bitta of a storaa (If tho waathor ia warm V Caieao to ahosakl happoo to fail fl tea in a dasa t aaaooat to atch , so y how. ftooao sirae, however, are iaial Uhto. IX too ara axooaAjpatad. with no i-- is.aa wrtxA LnM headaotia i " " " smell . irTLTiu wts.s naa at Y.l T 's aaaa laai wovx Brawaa at-, a saw i m w i . tii arVlotA. Thoy wUl cor, you. coax,, tw. woobleo.-J. B Ail draawta. j Den-liotal, N. a rliher a 1 v anced n 1 1 h i n g a r m b v it T a h l u g '. . j a Krd an d The 1 1 I a t w . . Stvrn fl f te O o!i: to Mtv t h i 1 :-. i ;a ril ( enle n ai Al Kates to rw Berne ' -ri:r. i .n Steamship Com .. r or. 1 trip ticket from ,, s .. . and return for r. Gj.i from April loth I1--! EveryS1y. and the iiur older citiisns well remember when steamboat! plied the river be tween New Berne and Smuhtield, and the people along its banks, far u p in Wayne and Job. ns ton counties, were ac ' pi a i a t ed with our pop le. did business with them and had an interest in com mon with them. There is no reason why ihe same relations shou Id not exist except the introduction of rsilroads has golte n e very bod y to b-lieve that water traneportati n is too s ow for this day and time. Many farmers along the banks of the Neuee from the rsi. roads, yst they neglect the natural channel, provided by nature without money and without price, for carrying their prodce to market and exchanging for other necessaries, and haul with their teams everything they aell and everything they buy several miles in order to find a market. No cheaper freights can be asked for than are bein; obtained at New IWne over the water lines North Ths people along the banks of the Neuse as far as it is navigable are entitled to the same advantages if they will but take advan tage of it We hope the new ateanrboat com pan y will succeed and get a boat on at an live mmd. Tbe Argus has b, n a -;..::. -h ft i.-nd I and supporter of pr m iem Bryan, and haa rendered him and the p a i some ' very valuable service, ii ro .; t -t lona n y . and we have no doiitt the rupture of relations is f. r g o,l cause, nr.d on proper grounds, still w r regret it. Too much adverse critici-ni f this road and its belongings has w r. tight inn. h mis chief to l he ; u ' i i - ar. d l he rivals in ter ests in vol v ed . The jul iic Ei.ini never long rep. s . s r t -1 c 1 1 : . g t : . e Atlantic a n 0 North v arc 1 1 n a K iiiru.nl . ar. : he act ion cf tno I r ove r n o r l- mere or . . - - t ai r ur I rassed or unduly ir tin. r.c.-d by w irring f . c lions , in the i x r c i -e , f n s : u ' i. s in in the appointment .' Director-. The Atlantic 1 i ad i- u; a bett- r p 'a s -ic.ll Ci ndlttori ti. .n '.'. ,it:v !;::a - hce it was r.-w. Mr !:-;. , p. 1... ocii-'g-.l well l n some r c- c: -. at ! a -1 A i. 1 while we could criu. '!. h.nii r r-er;..:i- failure and euort-t oniing m s n.e (i taili. w e think the gennral eerv.ee of the road has bi en ns succ.s-ful ar: 1 satisfactory as under previous mar.ng. p.i. r.t . We should go f or al lo w i n g t h e pa; ror. s of ihe road, and the inhabitants of the eoutry it traverses, determine, to a very great extent, if notentirelv. the man- are ss veral miles agement of the line, and p rhaps there is no better way or ascertainment of the publie wish than by popular petiti- tion. We understand that petitions are in circulation along tno hn cf the road opposing President Bryan. He certain j 1 y has the right to m. r t : h - l:: tit against j him by counter p.-titi :.- as !. Argu : shows ho is doing. In Our 0 u Interest. I-i I iroii J.tknaI.: It is certainly to be regretted that in th matter of choP ing an administration of tiie Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad there should be an attempt to make the selec tion a personal one for the gratification of the prejudices of a few pursons. I heD comes the gall and audacity of those engaged in this that ihey suppose Governor Fowle would te moved by su -h consideration. We take it that G.iv l'cw lo will make this h pomtment after an intelligent and e ire ful i n ves t igat bin of fjcts. chosu.g as President of the road a man with ihe proper i :i al i ficat ion s and w h. so interest is identified w ith this section of the State through w hich the road runs, and get broad enough in his feelings to hold this State propertv for the ad vantage of the people of North Carol ina. The people of Eastern North Carolina are not behind the people of the State in giving expressions to their views. Tne Scales administrat en was obnoxious to ttmse people it was hostile to our in-; tereBt. and his selection of State proxy ' an! some of his directors was taken bv the people of tho cou n t iea ly i n s along tho road as an insult to them. However able and patriotic Gov. Scales might' hare been he walked out of his t fiicia! j There is io station w ithout a pang of rfgret from i Can.' ina of w '. the people of this section and it is with ; heard that ecu id tne sime gratincati on that the people Hiong the line of the A. ci: N. C. U K. will si.e this snmmer Gov. Fowle a-k the Scales adminis tration to walk out and give place to others. The hostile feeling to the Scales administration caused by hurry ing out Col. John D. Whitford and with to cry out i more haste than judgment, putting in T:.e argu n'9 pi-6 Mra Washington Bryan, was , ... laincercatthatinie' it is sincere toJay, :it if Mr. ' . . . J land remains today . i k tram r. y. Jl. Simmons has every qualifi- tl:e truck ; cation for the Presidency of this road. pt on the ' Intelligent, patriotic, true to liia every obligation, and above all, faithful to his trust. in lis broadest r.nd ntest will I highest sense. The people alonj; the line of the road in the counties of Wayne, Greene. Lenoir, Oaslow, Jones and Pamlico are practically n unit for him. Carteret has her preference in herown son, Mr. Chad wick, but would a thousand times prefer Simmons'to Brvan. Craven, if tre people of the county spoke, would show largely for Simmons. There are ni the same gentlemen opposing; him for rea which:"i"ns, best known to themselves : some dark horses oppose, him. they favor the weakest maD, Bryau, to give him some strength, but they are hid out iu the shadows of New Berno waiting to come in themsolvesf or the race on the home stretch. This is the only plausible object I can see to this cnnosition to Mr. Sini- .I'liro into the char.c- : mons. r.ers. g. nu in mess of ( Mr. Bryan op poses him and is doing e circumstances! what he can to show Gov. Fowle that ot tamed. . j . , - . i.oru oieso us. ins uireciory running about in Lenoir for him, his superin tendent in Wayne, two or three going abi.uk with petitions in Craven. This to let the Governor know that Mr. Wa-hinfton Bryan has the people of F.asttrn North Carolina in I is favor. 1 doubt not one will be circulated in Jones before any one knows of it: per haps, too. iu Carteret, and the names of some respectable gentlemen gotten, but i this will be a boomerang w hen the par ties write Gov. Fowle, "my name was i too w..s v corc . llif bo re, on of 1' tl..' i. the tiiV Gldo. cic s at ci; i ,.r fricL .- i: m : J ft of titi e pa Dr. Wray. a vet tic.iore. in the governuu r.i , h ironio.it. o d the Be v ie w e a j - : Dr. Winy f u.. ! to .t ii i.-- .: tl'e genuira-" (;!;ii: i rs out ;. p. s may be able -non to star; p it, ..u an incurable di-ease. and is dar alike to roan and l.-ast t .ihe la i ri t lie w a v i. f py . e ii i i , o Wilming; i m'c amor r.niry su i -.p'.. y s v : : i o i -.-.'!. - nki.n Times: John Williamson :n .v i:o. have succeied in inducing pp.!'.;- i : ai- rac to go lo Kansas last Ciita Ja;.-. but he succeeded , fin conse 'o:ei: cf the big crowd here) in hav a Piutob -r of his spirited law-break- r.- iauded in j ill. The Times chal- enc;es any county in North Carolina to - ho c- a? t'e .v non-taxpayers as Franklin. L I 1: at th.'i list of lands advertised for the pay nic ::t of t xej. In some of the -tnties there arw one thousand tracts a : criisi d , wi.ro in Franklin the nuhiber i.a- i.e-. er rvaciw .1 sixty, and is to only ten. do. Goohb ; i- report 1 :s the ti .:. lo ' ) Argus: .noth.-r burglary to thisrfiioe. This time it ry . i .'ur. Nick HolliDgs has I, cm rilled. Nick says ow was badly paid for his his pantry is never "Hush." rose nee of quite a concourse -d- of the contracting par C. M 'Mullen, pastor of the :i -ourch i iSiciaticg. yestcr at 0 o'ci ,ck . in this city, i L. I'lLlav son and Miss e v. ero u: itt-.J in the holv h i-.r, mno-h an n: un that the vineyard of C. W. Garrett & Co.. f kmgwood. which has a reputation fir beyond t he lire, its of the State, has b- I 73.OC0. On Tues .. .;ro woman who lived on !..hn. - on'.: f irm in Faucetts a- burned to death. She I- .'d to - s 1 1 1 . is , 1 lb- tr 1 a r. 1 all I - a t ni ti :i c:i arguments ::: th, ..p- v. iil tack. r conduct G o v p r n o r truth and o Much 1 ic.il.; let w h ; i. M I! - Mi ie fr, r.;.r eV N K. right of iimr and r i K h t of The Richt rf Tr'. Criticism We c py I i Goldsboro Trai we think t resents the A question in the pro) r i ; g I ; i . No one ought to question tl the people t o pet it i in the (lo. no one ought to question th, the Governor to ter of the petit the s ig u at u r i s i. r: ,1 under which ihey have t, It n in t the .,' i f r.aa.e- . n a eti I tion that command- the attention of the j Governor, but tho ci.ar.ict, r of th" jeti- tioncrs and the object raj ed for. j Tbe manage me r.t . f the Atlantic and ! North Carolina K i , . r oa : ai. a Us fronds ; were dou bt.ess tak. ti 1. t .i r rise on Tuesday no rrir g. ::. :i i ur clever neighbor, the Argu-. cpetie i its battery ' on the President . f that r ,id and his met bod s f procet diiic to c-1 abi ish a no ; strengthen Lis o; u iar . t v ::: ti . i . xe cu- B rr.--. ap his :ure f,.r a place1 t in f . u r y .-ar---. pi : itii r.t an i one Anctfccr Shot'.r.j; Thos. Chapman two colored boys. , what is k::..v:i ; suburbs of the cif and Chajm'-ri iir w a Brooks, the I ail t k: arm. Chapui in was b i f r ' Tuesday up in the char. with a dead iy we. ti in. testimony and argum.' to bail in the miui of il penrai.ee ,ai tile r.i'St t per ior court in .: ."-.'.' commit ou t Duriae; ti. against C another c i ar. J N atioi i P.c Igt d ii, - : . toi ct.e d ay 1 w a pi-t .1 J. i tiei,; iu n in the 1st week i - .u aUit ! r il V, me a ro bis cealod we by Hon. I and Jas. I The coiir flned ihrm c Durin-t th-: occasion t...o crowd f c 1, his opinion bla ti.e for ai pistols, at: 1 whi n ct.iu't.t n l n -. tec. a : the j iii. tr: i! a ; n : ;n a ted boy oris. Ti C. cl..ik ( Cllara. aij'p. . d di : en-la his r tho Si lie frgv; C-'iat.. ' . C i pate:: I n, i -i . if ti. r. i c ist. Mr. (o il: t 1 g ti p .r. I ' , v .- -. put on that paper by importunity, I , his prao want Simmons, no Bryan in mine Then there is a paper exhibited in a irug store in New Berne kept by Mr. Hammond, which has on it about thirty-four nnines. 'Ibis paper, follow Democrats is addressed to Gov. Fowle asking hi m to appoint Mr. Washington Bryau President of tho road. Now fellow Liemocrats, who do you think signed this paper, asking1 Gov. Fowle to appoint Bryan as against Simmons There were thirty-four names on it at 7 p. m. o'clock April 17th, lbbi). Thirty of ihes? were negroes and four w hue people. What say you to this'.' But this is not a 1 1 some of the ne groes were women: but this is cot all Listen: Gov. Fowle I beg you in the interest of rights of theee distinguished petitioners who prav you to heed them. is the name of Kr.Es Cux Kees spoke election day for Cheatham against Simmons, telling the colored people the Bible said any colored man who voted the Iemocratic ticket would die, and that was why the Lord took Israel Abbott. Kees is opposed to Mr. Simmons, and that he may be heard in this opposition, he Fends his petition to Gov. Fowle. I wonder what that man wiil say when that petition is handed him. Fowle, the pure patriot ; Fowle. who loves his people and his race having a negro Republican as be nighted aa Kees Cox, telling him not to ; the hi appoint t . M. bimmons rresidcnt cf the A A N. C. K. I do Dot think. Mr. Simmons, ycu , f P'as w need fear this. Gov. Fowle shall know the truth before September next. Demc hit f CLatt oka H.l s. The iruprovi no tr.s a mills, by D . Cor g ! ep . sive. The dry kiln, plettd tin J tic' pi .ni brick, are r, s w i e c e i v i whit h w iil tcot: bo q . saw is also in position thin.: get; in read in chicory .at C halt o k a Itfv man tiiiit visits ti. i - ui i ri . 1 ! L- X i 0 tl -IS C ..31- ruiils. aiso of io macliint-ry i. The gar. wl.. n everv . ! uni of ma- .1 o i g i . r. - e ; :ooi I N I. IFf l Not if you e, , ihr i tic. A iar s 1 'y.-p tive cup- fo- : Indie, s-e n. F. .'al I iunrar.teed a;, i s, bern. N C. Lare Shiiim:p.t ( Iver one lio. U: asparagus was s day by the niornin phia and New Y rk some of the- Idlest to the? North, ri; ro hes: pr i. c . A few days m : , nit rii i.n r . r u ch t he v c rid y-p, ps..i lal - : s I i to the JIjdb Arrington Gold .' o . ar.y cf NaGi county, the - pua ii,o !a- t a o'oi. ,T I "V !.-i, p ' was burniucr; bru-.h on some land she c.esrii; o and ht-r clothing took fire. T .i-i-: tip-1 stcorpi death that has oc curred lat-.-ly in that section from the - .tne rau-'v', c.iishviiie aior.au; : sjme time he re d,.v !a-t bunday morning Mrs. H. BrytUit. who with her grown oii.hter. Mi-c Annie, and a little son on .dam street, opposite the rar ' Hotel, was awakened by a noise r -ni ana upon getting up fouud io man in the room. When Mrs. I Brj int a- kod him who he was and what i he wanted he said his name was Alfred ! Perry and that he was looking for j work. She told him she had no work for hi", and he loft. The case was re ported and Perry was arrested and j after a p reliminary examination was commit:, -J to jail to await the action of . the f,rati d jury.-. Lenoir Topic: There is a house up in 1're dir.au that has been tricked and , conjured by witches. Whiskey stored 1 in mat hou-e becomes so smart that it ; pours it-elf out. All you have to do is : to place your jug or bottle and money upon a otrt.iu shelf and at once you ''-ear the blockade firewater illicitly "':g -tlmg" itself from an invisible ! it ii j jg into your own jug and away ;. ou go without ever knowing who gave you the whiskey or who got your i money. Commissioner Balle w doesn 't ueiuve ia this, however, and on Thurs day he bound Horace Jones, colored, ovi r to Statesville court on the charge i of I t ing one of the witches, i New ton Enterprise: Wheat in all I as of tti'j county is iooking excep , tioualiy liao for thid season. Harvest ' promises to set in early this year. : Cords of rock are now stacked up all ' i-ohg tiie Wer'o rn Railroad, resembling in :-..:: ti:-1 co:d wood that lined the r.i. I . 1 . : .. ci.al tarnii into use. Ic "... : 1 i'.ie ce iioL'ient Sunday .... ;.. :..;..:. a L. ,: Ci.'iorod population :v r . : - , m :rri a,;e of a colored " - r a:; tho daughter of uncle 1 i .v. -1, iw. Tii" old man ob t ie uiar ia;;-'. bu" the preacher T.w.'Ue.! liiai. The knot was ..- : ii ly w i ; ;t en the train : i :u .r. : . i,;:ii it out. . ... i .-: Tl-.o members of '. -1;, :.;: m church congrega oia ': .j;, a l.ar.diome purse Y. cli.i. i-. tisi-ir pastor, and him oa a summer pilgrimage Laropi'. The Doctor will be ,ied by Mr-!. Miller, and they ti t : ur to the Holy Land. :.-!.!? quit planting cotton our; yesterday to talk about : ne.ero lights. Sis women :, turning from a fishing ex- ' " into a row an i ihey made !;,-. i ';.e was. hit ou tiie head with at: i her s.-iuli w;is cracked half rof.tp'i. tot flio is still living. - ;.:":'. r this a croud of four men g"t into a liht. and one of od ins throat cut. The gafh was e cat', .in 1 vvas sewed up by Dr. I'ri'ler and Iv vliiuenf n ,! ,-r. . : . ;, . render. .1 iu I In- n i ;..n of w. l K. rii. e , v , J w. 'lay lor and wif.. MMlu l'vi..r. m W'iiyne i-uperior rouit. I Mini!, nn Mmtdny Ihe tiilll dnj of May. Jkhtl. sell or chsIi. at public aiicilon at n.e ('ouit House ,e.,r in the ( Ity oi New Heme. N.r, (,,ec,w 1 1. u ilescr! bed land : A I met of laud ill the liaise . ( lee in No. 11 Townshl p, ( rsven roc.nrv. .Norlh Oro inia. on Hie smith snie of 1 1 , e" A t 1 h i, I te i. id Nor Hi I 'srolinu It il 1 roHd, nc"joln ing t he lap , : nl J. K KorniRny on t,!i e v. l , Ir llviiit oa IlieHoutli, W. II i .rirlln on ih.-. iiki . litel ti, suid Atlantic and North Carolina linor.n.l on the north, and being tin, land k. hi in t:.;.! Taylor by .1. E. Komeeay nail m it.-, . onium ing two acres more or les. W. li. KOVl). C.'int,: .s. New Berne, N.C.. A pnl ii.",. iv , i,4 g Store For Sa!e. On account of the decease of the owner fcttuated in Pollocksvi; 1 e in the rlohest and most prosperous section of .tones eonnty. J he deceased owner was a suceessfnt di le gist and the stock is well kept anil complete. A copy of inventory will be fnrulshed ) ar ties wishing lo pnrcliase. Will Hie en tire stock, and give all the time .'.. sirid P, l.arty wishli g to . cate. Addrt ss raitito! i i kl'j Jffi ' ' !',ft'! ti-tthoitt , lijlij : ' .'',.':,.. II. !:.. P.,K. Me . I vi i ii,)) ! i o (! r. ? a; ii, i;. : . i.n . A ; torne - at 1 a New Heine, N Mortgage fc'ale. ,i P.y v I rt tie of the powe-s eon ia o.-tgaze given by K. 11. llmgett umi N..aia M. Haiarett to the National Itmii ,f , w Heme, wlilch mortiraRe was duly leirtfciered in Huslow count) , ihe undersigned will sell by Public- Auction at Jacksonville. Onflow county, at Noon on ihe l-'lrsi Monday In May IVSti, a lot o.' peiBonRl property chimm inn ..: horses, cattle, earls, bugles., faruilng inip.e raents. etc. Tilt. NATIONAL HANK cl NK HKKM. aplSw.'li .Mortgagee. Ladies, Do Not Despair. A woman who tins sutlere.l for several years with female weakness an! is ie,w cured, desires to tell out of gratitude all ihe suffering ladles ln the adjoining counties the remedy, or will send Hiem one month's treatment for one dollar. A p.erfect Home Treatment with full directions. Address Mrs. JA. Ii. HTASI.V, aplw Trenton, . . I'. Atlantic & N. C. Eailroad, Passenger Department. New Berne, N. C, April I8c9. To Agents and the Public: On April the 27ib. tickets will be sold from coupon stations below to New York and return, to the Centennial Celebration of tbe Inauguration of George Washington. April 20th, 1SS9, viz: Morehead City to New York and return . . . $20 90 New Bern to New York and return 19 50 Kinston " ' 18 15 LaGrange " " 17 70 Tickets will bo limited to a continu ous passage in each direction with final limit May 3d, 1889. S L DILL, G. P. A. :i tri Sharon t for a few a pair cf w iio were a re iv ay PL gr H tor. T..r: Ot Ail, ir;, ipd li i. . r r.t f: oni be train to No .v i ;, pa m ! exaai. are J i; laml'S. t in A Passenger Static a a:i. at Newp itt. Next week ; i. e A i . ,. : . : . Carolina Railroad t'girs the of a neat and tasteful lutij e Newport. The Newport pet be congratul.it. I 'in., i- . they have never i. , 1. i we to say like other wcr!. It will be lirst ci,-- Wa-. h; ..a balance sliould lake ad vantage of these ear ly day of such bu i Id that 1 1 can mak e eeems to go c u qu 1 1 1 ,y hi, 1 very rbmi rate- late into consider ation thai il.ia cheep ticket eotitlea you tr meals riween Norfolk and New V,,,x F B. K. BCKTt Agent. the trip from Snailbfield to New Berne at any season of the year. The people of New Berne will ex lend them a hearty welcome. . N, rth . ruction a: ion at e are to me thing v . n t u re read Pr, anient i i t:i i y w 1 1 h apparently r. th. I -1 r; iSEi f r m re man ten years with that irrsdful disease, catarrh, and u-i evrrv available medicine which was re-omnifnl) to me. I can - n.-x i hank vou enough for tne relief the various i in pro v o nn r. unconcerned as to the clamor of the friends of ihe various Candidates for his position ur the excitement over circu lating petitions. Among oihr improve ments we note the : n : rod ir-t l n cf gaB in the New Berne warehouse. This does away with the use of oi, lamps and gives greater facilities for the The First Box. A telegram from W. H. Lipacomb A Co. of New York, received Tueeday afternoon announced that tbe tlrst box which your C re m Hilm naa enoraeo oi pvmm imu nom on cnj om n.i apeeny iisiiuiing m trui K at night , if . vv.n.iiTi.. me tan:ui ju'irn, "i""'.". '-. 4 uj NFf fifteen ve.rs I -as nnoTed with ADVICK TO "OTHKBI. saverwpa.oin m y hed aod d lachergee M&9. Wwjlow's SooTJlLNQ Strip ... . ,1,.1 from catarrh. Ur sense should always bo used for children " . . . "r, T. .1 . 1- - Wil-l mnr a iruDOire. ni sae ifrouiiaa.. ii wjvuitn uo tu..u, f.iif v.lv a Cteam ttaica l nave orer tne gums, sns;i ui iiu Caae. St. a'.o 2w curea wind colic, and is the beat remedy for Jdiar- hoea. Twenty-flva conu a bottle. A PLK V.SIM. SH K ()f health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it aus in harmony with nature lo etTectuailv l.-anse the system when co-niv , r biiiotis FoJ sale in 'Oc. an 1 :.i' b :.'. - bv a'l load ing druggists. 1'. M. SiuimotiH for President. Saunders' Store, Cartekht Co , April 18th, 1889. Ei'iTi'R Journal It seems that tho . people will agitate the question of the Presidency of the A. ct N. C. R- nut i withstanding your etTorts to keep it i quiet. If the thing is to be kept up. 1 want again to insist on that eminently . eral prori popular ana in every way emcient man. ii any F. M. Simmons, being appointed. In1 with v. I this I mean l.o disrespect for our worthy surprt- I fellow citizen, W. S. Chadwicb, but I know of no one who could give more I universal satisfaction thaD Mr. Sim- i mons. I am anxious, as are all other good Democrats in the east, to make Governor Fowle s administration popu- ! lar. The greatest stride he can possibly make in that direction is to put F M. Simmons at the head of the A. & N. C. R. Yours truly. Wild G" ARK VOf SKEPTICAL! 1:' so we will convince you that Ackei'n Fnglish Remedy for the lungs is supeiior to all other preparations, and is a positive oa re for all Throat and Lung Troubles, t'totip, Whoojiing Congh and Colds. We guarantee the preparation and will give vou a sample bottle free Soid ly 11. l.-rry. N-. w Berne. N. C. salt- i ' cur,- il 1 1 i i i l i i rlu. S(i (r. ( l'. s . ttl EJ1 . ; c i Tl.ou-a-id siilT- r fr. io who woul li. llotan: to the Bio. book of w. the m i t -li,-; il al. I i. s J O. Gir sou. M -ri !: in. a "For a nu m her of ve-i- I told agonies fr- in bio.,; p r.tLt ph so ; ii. c- .:. 1 i cot ry iiil!-' f .if.-j ba; , , , it I'-is in i ; .- p. a i. hea rtv person Z. f. Haiberton. ' i .c. ;:. G i. ' ' I con trac ti d b i oo 1 physicians, r.'c.l i! Springs. I return man phv sical : j'. N me any goo ! . My mo to try B P.. V. ishrneril every u' r Benj. Mo lis. "I suffered year p dson which rel treat nu nt. Pi ; a hop. b ss c: : hail pains in I ip- ar.d j kidney s w, i e d . -, . -, a . ii . u ic. ra' ed ar i ii. y i ice: i ll.Pg SI it s I . i lo- c h a meiicod a u - ! 1 ' I ' B ev.-r v u ic- r and . or e ap i cu P't-tely within twu rucntha. : I: i I i t. u ; . ' ' i IP: a i . i. . lolrtl. I , n v. c :. t 1 hiPie thing Sn mo: lo r i' i my i.t i.r.-l tl .eu to H ,t a ruined d to d.i i-rsuaded as a. . d . ' Adan-. i. G i . from f-j phiiiiii :-. d to b cure h hios pronoun 1 1. .d po lo . .th.rt.cr: ino emigration .0- ruck tiie negroes of v. canty heavily, even if :.o it ft there last week is td. A gentleman from nday asserted positivelj- tiiere last week. Fii- ioi' Oil Mills was orgau i i: i stock of S10.000. H . tdeclLiJ president, and N p.: ov and treasurer.- eo withtn two miles of i: o oat-of-li.e-way place rs in e.ekicg uuiet soli r ice ou the look-out. or ' in c am ar tured "kind will udav Diorn- m'.erley's. in the ix miles frcm this n path the dead .n was found. The vcrdut that death i and exposure. p'tisant and lively !' a: ii: - v. l oc.ies a 1 ministration is i i . - -.'. : . . o . given to matters usually c :.s. t n .; : ujirior importance. A few ''.'-: a; ; sho .v a wonderful transfoi nr. i a .. .'a ii T il decor -tio is of the c oi : . q .re, which wiil be mainly d:: , to (Overnor's determination tl.at th i : -:'.. id.al bp an ornament p.. i- c i . --- i; -v. . ( ade is preparing i i t.-st I.'.- riaw invention for the trans tii'osioti of rti. -s.iges t'.i and from nin th i: r tta::is. iio beiri.n J eeteiday morn ir.o ai the ('ox rrosiing near the peni-tei.ii-.rv ti ! iv h:s w ires which will ex-t-ui , re p.olc. Houses the ordinary ii i graph wire, three cf them, wljich are s-curcl to tiie cross-lies by insulator- at distances, of about 50 feet. He wili Io.ve everything in readiness in ah hi i tell days to attach his instruments and to m ske the test. Tha instrument wirli v. hi li the test is to be made was r,iM.".r.iciii'i. d in Raleigh. Don't ihi-vk. hawk, blow, spit, and liir-gu-t every body with j our olTensive i-na-h. but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh lie;;.' :y iiict i r. i is. 50 cts., by drug- A Lot of OVERALLS and JUMPERS AT JAS. F. TAYLOR S. Will be sold cheap and warranted not to rip. Engineers and sailors will do we ll to call and hoc for themselves. J. F. TAYLOR. Wholesale au'l Ketail (iiiii. FOOT OF MIDDLE STIU FT. jinS.'idwtf NE K BERNE N C Hotel For Rent. THE OCRACOKE HOTEL, LTpcn the Island of Ocracoko. will be rented for the ensuing year, beginning May 1st, 1889. Terms cash er to-cured notes. Hotel furnished and r-a lj- fur occupancy. Sealed bids to bo ft. rward ed to the undersigned before April 15th. 1S89. Further information furnished upon application to C. M. BROWN, m2S w3c Sec. and Treas. Washington, N. C The New Davis, The lioneer Sewing Machine Orders left with Ml: JOHN HI'T l-.It or with M ics. H I N km on Middle street lor the DAVIS tsh.wiNti MAIIIINK will recene prom pt nt 1 cut ion. apll dwly J. M. H1NKS. Agent Spring Ftlillinery. New Goods ! Latest Styles and Dress Making ! SMS. SCAHBOHO & KOONGF Second floor. Southeast Ci rxo r. cf O MARKS" STORE. 12dwlm NEW BF.RNiv. N ' Ask Your Retailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. According to Your eeds. JAMES MEANS fI4 UOK Jis liirht and stylish. It tits like gtockingr, and RKQCIIIES 1 intr perfectly easy th- flrt ttrat- it is worn, it xvi. l 5'i;;-iv the m'-st .fastidious. ,1AM KS'RIEANS S3 MIOL n a!..- .Lit. iv t!.. bi, Cf it JT'iv wtilrh lias ( vi r I'lact ii x- , tcnsiv. ! en tlv n:'irV,t l:i wli!. h durability is c.-nudrit J Lk!1 'pi -y uicn,1 out- tt. S.e '-TAUi m tatTilcax TI C "StJ- ; u tS r ...atS SSe i --ffife" ec CO.. tld'lan. :;;-. e . l.a.'S tuv Ask for the James Heaas $2 Shoe for Boys J. MEANS Full lines of ilie n i-cI,.ar- aaia:. Howard & Jones. Road Gads! K) per cent, e lien p it than stiiytooily. S- lo-rt buy lefiii- e..ltjn!- )Ur pile,' auil catalogues. THIi GEO. Y. STOrKKM, I ).. i asiivili.i:. riivn. Name this paper. inaiaic. ICvery f Ii i n g On AV'lu'i'ls uggtes! This Column 4 iV l s mi: DUFFY, ' 1 : ', V ' ho will, In a Few Days, 1 If 1 ive a List of the t G00 which he is eceiymg iiiddle St., erne ft- - . s ' t - -- ex,. x : ' ' tr ' i v -TSP' A Jh)r 1 US f . . . iV'.s 1 V - i ' I