' I ' - . i i " .. f i 1 V. f i- . ?. j JT i..::-4iIitL''-"" 1 '-"" HiKfU. IXDEPEXDENT 1 1ST ALL THInC. vol. xi r. NEW HKKNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, MAY b NO. (1. T t4 s B BBSS' .aw 4 F.niTURIAL NOTF.S. II v HI! I sn M HI HI 1 ',. who!, milh, but ter. chees . . .. tk. p til fif .n mb M Vta4 ta4 PMa la M ttaaMoa, liaa H iKrH. IMtfia r Til fi lteeaa ma. 04tari frt UTttmTl niri'--rV' "T tSt W1U. UW K4laMlia (Ai I t.1 Ivrmili. Pork TTUX STU'JICH; UiPllRH) DIGESTION; EHSORDERED LIYBj; fi PLlr L- CM4aataa : brtnc"., k J ! laaiti I ii m7a - -- UH IMI5 0 MLU.IM tia ' - erf l!w Vma ftamt rrT-tytlrin-li . ii nTar t - iin r oc' lh tr- ZLJiZl&ri IUCMI1 KU.S tu THE UWUCiT uaVm UK. & ALU TOL MAIL BUOUrS PILLS Off RECDPT Of PRICE 25 CF.NTS A L The Hany Friends and Customers rou n t :!). w s b .i '. i . ..'i.n Vi'!n)D, i :i v I'i'r ii', e t he:r patronage ..a' MOliK IN .n fn':ir.. a n 1 lilutT ,i - Uia ux i ' . t N WMo re proad to apeclallj call to tUeir i(ic;io(i, xto4il to oa iq tb p:. "1 nnnRMKMTS THAN KVKK :o ud thAt beM BEING THK A(iKNTS I r Tlo. JI. Holt Plaid, Cot .3xol C'' i Mtlta Doaaeatie, StrJ ! IVtx-b I Armoor& t'o-' rnjutioo-, Hors:or l -Wt CTTJ noQT, Tobcco, Snuff. " ff, S : s . r Aii JO the DRV (HH)DS itrsf ti" bon..' ; .1 Mitabie ttoek to Lia ta lc r, :i '. For Drea Goolt, Notions Wht ;"! eoata ditaac itb joar lul md 1 Clattoo. What w cjonot ni ij, ur "'!: r Bat th ebjica are that il 500 mikf joavlll 8al rythm to your 110:1."' K7" God, hoorat gtxx)., '6 iro' r : thm poaad. 8UOCS for Fra and Parlor a-nr. HAOr MADE CLOTtllSO In m.i: tera Crolw to eirrl a. Wceavo toit aiont aar oae -, if - nu't Biaka joa a soit to orvWr, anl 1! l i i aad joa are no meoej oat. If Tea eiiBAt coo to Kon(n i " aaatver all yoar toqairka. Yoart trxiljr, OETTINCER BROS. Ds 1 UITi'ltABD of Wiim.an'on, ba gone North to hve hi l-e e treated." His many friends wish h; m a sM'm1 y rii-iverv. Uny. William H. r.AENrn, chairman ol '.he DemocrrUir Natiou 1 ( 'oui in 1 1 tpf, difd Use TietUy at b: hoaif in Connectieot. Tl!K W'et'klv Kt-iew of Trade :iif 1 Sv K (V. I ir.in Ct,, ha tht-rv i mnrt' ground than usna! to look I ir J. f.tr ol tr.itKv" Mi; I H.l M HKlil. IN and his ile are guent of t.ie-n 'ictoriik at Wuiyor ( a; le. Mr-. Chanihor lain it a tlaiihtt-r ol ox Set h'ljri of W ar Kndicott. MlSS linsK EI.I7AIIKT1I Cl-KVK I.AM is Komg atiroad iu June, mid ;' r::rr.'red tint ho accepted a ition in ouug woman'.-i hoard ing school in London. John Wan-amakke, the lt-ma-Hter (ieneral nd the "t'lT nier t nias upon hidi.ir..i. . maiiio-i 1 w.iimiv 11 newspaper a rd - I ' 'a : ha- ' ; ace i -1 : - III ih- c 10 i'Oiiii'r 1 V 1 1 : , . i 1 : a ; ! ):idh- ! . . :i ol 1 c ol' l all as cm So s y 11 t e t c. " 1 '. v : 3 in hae them to make a our common wealth, as well as to lurnish a large ami growing de mand lor correct statistical infor mation of our agricultural inter estH, which at present is very in a d ( i p 1 a t e . " e should fed in terestod ities, and endeavor to correct aad lull ; so as creditabla showing for 1 11 C.i II, h o on 11 1 I m pa' .el: 1 es h ,1, Hi sur o nf t he State of Penns 1 ;1 bo the next I're.-Mdent of States. Jerxt-v Shoe "i wiii iay you to ' r - ho p; : n in i n :' ers ou r honse ances to ; ;.ot find a hooae in t.-t - ) our measoiT. , i u nt'f ntt take nd :oa.sire we wim chant v a n i a Tiilte detUv Mrs II. KV HI AN" I) li.M gan.ed exactly Diue Kandfl in rlesh since she rjmt nhaktng hands as a ha-i-nejw, and Mrs. Harrison has lost three pounds since she commenctil ; he has: nfs.. All the features ol the great ceutennial programme in New York were sacwMfully carried into (fleet, locladiog the parade of ."kJ.UOO troope under review of 1'resi deat Harrison. Dr. James McKfk has gone to Morehead ( 'ity to make a sanitary inspection of the Atlantic Hotel, and tiave effected everything Dects ary to tboroagh ventilation, clear,-lines-s. et c Kaleigh Daily Call. I, : a; - i 1 h.H lie ill i '. . -five. l'l e i)-h. v Uair. . - ; utraining pour ' v - : wlrHpM.; ha the I :r.:. d S ill a i a n .-1 i iii Mime a :r: lie T tr s : s mi i' ju-t pi ;dr .-l c to be 1 ; e c a :: tate ag.i: n-t prefer to in repud: a' : : ,lr t ua ' ed i 1 ; 1 personal i a.o: , impost d b h. i the no': is i's ol bet- n w h a ' t Ii t towai ds 1 h.dleN that iial, oliiai versy . r. u - ins 'in- i pud i a! t d t he g! ' NN'est T Let in m In a let ter t o a 1 ' u t- r t , . w r to M,c rs ks of 1 1 1 1 t lie : n g A- tl n, u Lit, I. i , 1 1 u, n 1 1 it' e t hat M r M: : ' al ha l'l : i : a n i a lies i , e. w e n-i is, ;il f". nv.is derat ions tif ebl ,gat ions tat a al. Let Mdeiit have tr.s taiinlurt the gir.lt 0' !.d c Ii ' To- i e In i i i?n h!ir ;t-d IVarl Bbirt. K1N3TON, N. C. WAR ! WAR! WAR ! THE WAR HAS OPENED ONCE MORE ! Oviag to the Lard tim and scarcity of mooey, I am deterdmine to faraih t&epecpfo the Beat Ooodi for the Least Money. Now, in proof the fact, t will quote joa a few of my price. My Stock of Clollllllf; ia Ennrmoa. Men's li'ue Ktanutl Suits as low aa 3.99. jUao good SaiU for Men at $2. 99. Hoys' gonl Saits, from 14 to 14 jearvoalj $2 98. Boy' Knee Suits from 1.2 5 to $1.50. lao a aie Ba ! Mea'k A.tU and Cotaw s and Prm- Allwrt Sait.s. HATS ! HATS! HATS! Five handed .loen H.rs, ail style aoj pneea. Mejt Bojt aa4 Chifcirea' Ha-.s :"-m ;o to l", and Jo ct Gmaraat to aaii joa id asj kta4 of Ua' IIIOSS, 8I1(S:T, SlfoBS I The L rA and I'-m; Selected Stock of Shoea le-rer ktpt. Men'a Shoes from 7.V. to f ! h Ladiee Kid Battoo Sioaa, Mc Iac, 73c to S. Alao a Urge of Men 4 Boja' Shoe at prices to n!t the time. I.-die nice Slip; ers from l5uio 75c rUBHXSHIKO GOODS ! Wer.'s Cnder,!. rt- s v a, ... rent- A Ealbrifxaa Shart foe 23 ceq'ui A nice w-f :r w. i to ..it -en-.s A fall liae oCDry Qoodi, Trunks, Valiaei, acd other -oods too BaaMroas to aeotiao. C3T 0 one, eotae all to WILLIAM SLI. TAN'S. h. W UeaCetl right aad jet yoar mone's worth. WrJ3. SULTAN, Opposite Daptltt Church, Mr. Hii!cN v, THE Woman Suffrage League of '-Perhaps thsrt New York State, passed a resolu tion protesting against the "glar ing injastice of excluding women ! from any share In the public pro CeedingTi of the centennial cele bration." STE CnABI.E.S r.USSELL's al lasion to America as '-that greater ' IftnlanH a iram ' lm bo a a " la nf rft. minder that there are more Irish men in America than there are in Ireland. And he might have added that England is to blame (or ft. I5oston Herald. A BFRLPr dispatch, Apil Wth, (Ays: "Mr. George II. Bate, the American member of the Samoan Commission and Lieutenant Parker weVe refned admission to the ex hibition opened by tne Emperor today, because tbev wore frock coats instead of dreas coats.'' conn try nn ho h as General llarrro twenty n ears as 1 cur Democratic Indianapolis hav and cry on me 1 not seem io h t i : tO Hi Og!, .'a II. t tan re, and ei i: take dinner at the NY might be expected. Harrison uon't an actjuatntan with withholding lh dent act u.r ly rt ta i ll the civilities f - ol.il Mr. Harrison is coal, ; that he is ju.M, anj he a band mi a t'rin.d :;:.! was a shadow it .i :. nocenoc. r in an ol the .M'l-.ilv tor l.'.UiM'il Ii ;,-iid hi 1 iiiliana. language : or. c In thv i i:,i.c!i for g the List ;; iiecatlse mis noNvn in st artt d the hue other I'.r.N does at he can allonl as an iiiapiain ipitnth' I don't ('KM l.NMAI, CK1.KI5K V I'll) V. The centennial celebration of the in aur.r i.'ii of Washington as the st lh i-.-oleiii of ihel'mted S'ates : lie .'.Is of Ncnv Y oi k, o i, : in , ar h April, was in all respects a spl rii il ; il success. The in.htary d:s, Ir, w as the grandest of modern times, and the civic ceremonials were alike worthy of a great people celebrating the birth-day o( a magnificent 1' v '' lic. All the States and Territories were represented and shared in the honors of t he occasion . We can not gi ve a iiet.ul- ! aa. i'i u :. ' of great e a I. ' ; :i our ; a' a 'Il al h 1 tol . because t." ! he multitude and variety ol incidents l n v 1 1 1 ed. Cmi'llinr 11 ill deliver, d t he ad dress of welcome, but the gu-at .MX'ceeh of the day. w as made by Hon. Chauncy M. Depew. I.L.I)., the regularly elect ed orator of the da . As )r. 1 epov'sorat ion will go into histi iy as a nia.-t -rpit ce oi American e h q ue n ce, we give Lis concluding paragraphs, regretting tha' we cannot i ep: d uce t he w hole irlili ess : "The ll.uver of Ihe Nouth of ; lu nations d Continental 1'Tinape ure conscripted from productive indus tries and drilling in camps. Vast aimies stand in battle airaN al 'ng t he 1 ron t icrs, and a, Kaiseids nn h i in or a .Niinisiei s misuse ina pie the t ; know dilped ll.Vee ii, a Ii chai a and ;; and r ue:: ii tol L, Ui a! i m I kc We a dellN S Wide -a th I In a ti and v genee I'resideii Did oa sp.ea k ; ii g twt) weeks the p c t 1 1 1 . i ; ! man .' D.d ''ii your Lis; mean. ' i; ,r at Mdiiad .' dm. wiii' you made ' 1 OelleNa' tha unce.ve 1 while Me p a p,ir! v : ' i if v.: t:ia pes; p 1 N a: it-1 Mr- ii i ; i . i g- t hal i i Ul: at .), .Gli ibutt -aridr !' 'i ' a . i In,., i 'A a l ic a.is;: nl men a r I " ' 1 ii- 'i ' ' t i a '' "en i . and that hk ii h inipi ssia!,- f, r iin- hall to li'il l th. rn, the meet ilk; was adjourned to llm open air. The rcAvd in attendance was ')u.t en thusiastic over the idea of r-rn irnt n n . and u is said hundreds of them would laave at once if the word were given. Mr. David J. (Jreer, opp of the old est citizens of thin citv. departed this life last night at 10 4a o'clock at his residence on Seventh street, betwe.n Princoss and ('hentnut. The deceased was in the ?4th yp-xv of his ago. and leaves a wife and one child, the fitter of whom is Mrs. T. (..'. ('raft. Wilmington Star: Announcement c made that tha Ladies' Memorial Asso ciation have purchased a plot of ground in Oakdale Cemetery to wbiah they ii nervous n.nnt0A .u ...i.:..i, ....: , , . n I.,, oumiri B v mull HI IHJUl"! h- result of over- in the public part of the cemetery. It - . . iuh ui iuii tu rut tone lilt )idi t' and nrohnhlt- tn r..t , 'rz-.r. i , ... . 'd upon our the ground. The plot 'is local, d near the gates A horse runaway with a cart cn S uth Front street yeteraav afternoon, and the driver, Mr I, II. u itt, of Masonboro Sound, was pitched out and thrown against a tree n c.r the market house. Mr. Hewitt wis no seriously shocked and bruised as to rt -quire the services of a physician, tut recovered sufficiently to btieniblcl to drive home. IV s. . .late: Tiie potato ,! Bred in this sec t .-iatr.es y .u must t attention. The meetings has sr--ce I m po -ilioa this i 1 tarn th.it the . rii.r.y Methodist. ' ir L. I a, -d pastor, ten a vacation this -' ..i him a purse : ' defray h is ;x --. '- Sunday School X4 r. A ut ack V,'. Hi Job neon 18 ahalk, fitldt he CI) IS -..ry i rains u feare J. no w- h, ; a rcu'lr W i i.i. (1 Ldlh.I- 1 in os ol t h nafiil in hi r t.-ic riiriio . i "i A r.egro woman : ::..! Toe-day by the a.na ea.-,t or. the Wil- -- bey ond S e I m a . .eiiart having noticed h t La 1'cre a great twit cue overhead caused i f birds living northward, rtbeli' iicinps and could .- C'-1 m th.e electric light. ro Ar, us: The water in both a oeii-c riv rs in this vicinitv ng to the recent heavy country. A freshet is e are live young foxes for and bc hooled for A I i I'i'jrl f n T no m i iou8 JUlOE CAL'r CRNIA, ' ' ' : i a 1 ii itial .'.ii to lc Iiiim.ni -! ll.-M t'ill.lf ' . 1 1 1 i K-nna- . ; t'onsti- il Is de - : ::..c 1 1 ve riGcj m KIDNEYS, LH'EP, AS;D BOWELS. The Fifth Ward Republicans. At twelve o'clock Thuisday the LCfl.'-L Ti. rsr.t rrrccruAur i '..I,, .,i,-d .h. r. w : fifth ward R publicBDB, or about three di ya n of them, assembled io a small bu i Id ing on gueen street for the purpoHe of nomi nating a candidate for councilman. rccrong .aiabties by Mr. Will' Win. Orumt the faithful pressman of h;:!-: r . t i i n t-r :u fos hunter and gen- : the Jccknal, was honored with the i.i. . ..-piie. or oi t:; ponUiir Arlington ' die-cry Hotel. cai ,1 JRt O'-OCO, :.r.- i:L3iliNC SLCIP, !-' ".L ? ' e a STrrt.'CTH "J L ;TfI ' C-Jt-' FIGS Il ill I Our W Ah- in ;. a v : -odd ck. that h:.s d he h.ol -1 cond s , 111. u ; hhl lows: T t blown c i . i seat tt-rt-d there l- n i i r i. ? ' W i , : ' h co v. r d ' eight i mage 1 1 1'res lie g I "a i it-1 i: : . and a: in dr.fts. i p . t te i y v t r t W 1 destruct in c Nvar s this is no ib - ne i i i! a i i ha-, e. ! O ..o,l lh JUb t l'l 111 i h much of tie Mr. U. P. damaged c; Cir. d he S Oil tic- top si bio t n da u t .lolcr s Mi idler .'.sl.iel'ai in iri i r v rv a;i I ti. Mr. Ida. lie a.- Nm diii -( m ; content ic I'resi icN from life While : is admitted wo '.Id never - t; re if t here w 1. Middle atreet, NEW BERNE, N . C. mir"i-2dw3(n J. W. STEWART, Sale aud Liverj Stable Fine Horses and Mule alw ays :i h :i an diapoaed of on eaay terms. I kare on hand a d amber of Fin.- re vm - , th n ,.a- g - t al0 trained Saddle Ilorse for ro b ia i:.-s m 1 g- trdemen. w.U ho a : e roa.d Street, New Berne. N. C. s- The Bergner iV: Engel BREWING CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, 13 UNQUESTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant, It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and NU TBITTVE qualities. Ma. Thomas A. Motirk, for fifty six years clerk of the county coort of Jefferon county, West Virginia, died on Tuesday, April '0th, in the STth year of his age. We know of no other instance of a man's haTing held office in this oontry for so long a period. The centennial of Washington's inauguration was celebrated at Birmingham, Ala., by a speech from Senator Morgan on the Con stitution of the United States. He closed by showing how that instru ment was sufficiently elastic to enable the people to rid themselves of discord negro suffrage saying thin fi the ultimate solution of the race question Baltimore Sun. VA5 DEK hi I.T I'niversity, at Nashville recently is.sned a circular offering to instruct free of charge one highway oiTicial from each county in Tennessee in road en gineering. Tennessee h nronsed on the road question arid Vander b.l; Lniverstty proposes to give valaable aid to the work of im proving the highways of the State." ui'i the University of North ( ' ire 1 1 n .1 do likewise! h if s.in s i'reHident Little T Cnder this administration a Uepublican candidate for Congress las', tail who was defeated appears to be about as large nn Isaac as one who wa.s elected. I.ockey in the sixth district in this State and Ward in the eighth district didn't get a blue bucket full of votes be tween them, but they are distribu ting patronage from Washington on the same footing with- Cheatham, lirower and I'.wnrt. Statesville Landmark. CiKS. a.s-iiimiTi ', however competent to lead in war, rule in council, anil determine wisely in the performance of executive duties, was vulnerable in the court of (,'tipid, He felt tenderly toward a Miss ary. and to her he wrote his only Hvem, the MS. of w hich now re poses in the State Department at 'Washington. Th THK NKW We do not si and rock, ou the World is too personal, t i exvedients and to to principle : 1 i.' pluck and m.in t Sunda 's W or Id pages was an ex i: cal perfection it over est i m at e." 1 In in speaking ol tin 0Kk mui:i lb 1 is upon a suiiii polit :cs, for it much given to 1 . t t ,e il e vol ed w r di ii, : ; e its oils euterpiise. of forty-eight p'.e ot in ech am i ; m poss i Id e to Monday World Sundav issue 11 lch person nivin: s rem.irk.i! argest da: sa N s of tl the pr in 1 1 tl w : i . ib i i i ing it as a sou v en o to remember some fac ts i i 1 1 1 1 ' e r i i : h g : ' that whole eh'-rih laid end to t :, d t 'J''t'l Plbos. Tlic out would cover lo' columns J 1 u' ed via reach t-nce aid a arotl n d t he i i; ' : : L' known i.i -n i ' -" D a N :d l oo; el h, M al 1. con t a: n ' : 1 : number . ! v. -copy o l n , - ' i d ;. ' whole I . ij . : 7 I :;.( ah 1 ' ' : - d , a s s, -' j . ; Lut lus! n ' a -.VS 1 1 1 a e.N I ti . .pia: d e. IV er t N er preset V ,e -ciSiiil :i , ; or ' a 1. 1 io- pages t i'ii nn ere .ul 1 re. it li n spread . and the lid would r ' noes cipitate the mos of modern times. Tioth .Monaiohial and Republican go ei n men ts aie seeking safety in the repression ,ind pupnression of opposition and criticism. The volcanic forces of Democratic aspiration and social istic' revolt are rapidly increasing and threatt n peece anil sccuiity. We turn from these gathering storms to the British Isles aud find their people in t he throes of a po litieal crisis involving the form ami substance of their govei n menpand their statesmen far from confident that the ci.fr anchised and unpre pared masses will wisely use tjieir power. But for us no army exhausts our resources or consume our otith. Our navy must needs increase in order that the protecting flag may follow the expauding commerce, which is to compete in all the markets ol theworld. The sun of our destiny is still rising, and its rass illumine vast territories as jet anotc.ipied anil developed, and which are tfTtxj the happy homes of by had and Hying tim .,ii o t ,onnl,. Tl,n m-calintia losses are about as f Lllt.iiV'.J VI 'I. upiv. . A 1 k V O I. 1 1 1 " which affect our government and the expansion or limitation of the authority of the Federal Constitu tion are so completely settled, and so unanimously approved, that our political divisions produce only the healthy antagonism of parties w Inch is necessary for the limi of liberty. Our lurnish the lull equipment of shield and spear for the battles of free dom, and absolute protection against every danger which threat, ens the welfare of the people, will alwas be found in the intelligence .. 1 . .." l,..; . nln.. on. I WHICH lli'lfi antra i in a ,nui, nuu houses the courage and morality with h0 which t heir powers are exercised, house, sdi and hoi; -1 s ? ! 'J " i - W :i and .'. ere torn w r. J 1. d . a. , v n ere dUtliCU.-l S (. 1 , I. V . Her r i d g s c .1 1 a. :. - s nn . r a ished and his '. uthcu- s .liin.v- d. W. L. H.:. hst s. y.-r-d l. n- ra. nt r. a anil several r.egr p:;..;c.!,f pair injuries by the :a..;ii:: 1 1 r w the houses gave nn -,v. I.) I, Hussey 's coo - ic a- ... ; .. If: tlowt breaking m ha- h aa-c top f Tihiy 'lacker 1 .-t ev ry I, i u pren.i-es; f i.ir t u n at' ! c c : ore a h Mr. i'. V. W blow u to tha g r -j t.d . Tr.ere i- not a f-. a . c ia :?;. ! :t standing and tlca- 1 ra w te r r i-a w i.i -h looked so nico bef ..re the stonu are now "a thing of thepjst. " I a many plact 8 they NVere tiawu up by i.ie r.i is. whi e the fruit trees are -tripjod their en tire fo.ijg. and f ru-.t. M.iy of the groves in t ,;vn w er-.' c j m 1 1 --le ' y tit -stroyed. The telegrap-h ;cjles art- tit.w n and communication by wire to Clinton will be imp.irsible for a day or so. At ihn writing u e i. ivt he.w-d of no deaths, but st-n r,:l w ho were ia the midst of the storm are hadlv I rui-ed ro The actual ows. ae near as can be a.-cert t ine i at this time: Central iApr.'FC Henderson Dean, wh- ' - a . leogi d with the murder of D. C. Coco- :i ;. ar Keyper 1 .st winter, w is a -'SMitu I at Idarthage on Wednt s lay .1. .' f. to ten coons tried in r' ' ' ' ''-;al coni :ti.-.i of crt--'iis R r; : ::i Suif rd on CbrCtmsB ho, aa.-- m oi.- tii -,- i fipeaiance in -r.l : 1 io- y are ieohe an i iiave c ine t--, v.'i-k !C-p: vh;?k-jv o it of '.h iu and iliey cn be managed. d it: a-i:y Lady: Alfred l.hll, cob, a oa ;. ; : . aocr- under guard, while al weik :- . ptiM.c lead with a gang of 'oo. is ;u : : t i a : t h e S , I em limits on l -'a . ... . ' :. , a a iii.a a creak for o r-e i" a . A i !! :T h. v. :;- tin d upon b .s ... ,i- . ii r -. o.e two guartis, -ni:o : . ;iu h.i;ial sool guun loaded wuu Lu. i: -h a, ;o-,eiiil of the shot taki'g t h'ecit in the hip, producing rath, r dtiDgercc.s, but not nectesarily fatal wounds. i'miriKton Star: Geo. W . Puce and John li di ,,vi i a 1 h i-; r a 1 vac from N o r : i , i. ' curios , l , ; , ( -eorge ai.d .J Ld-lio,, of !h 1 1 Cliil IC, Pea i position of Chairman of thf conyt nti n , and John Q. Smith w as elected .Secre tary. Just as the organization was completed a Journal reporter tntert d aud took a back Beat. He was accom panied by his fuend.Chaf. Hai z 'CP! ei n , a staunch Democrat, who has witn - I meetings of lhs Tammany I) mocracv of New 'ork and heart! I.'haunco Depew in Home of his beBt after dinner speeches, but had never iliiPHHetl a genuine Republican convention of New Berne where the colored brethren ruled supreme. The organiz mon having b t u con pleted, at least a half daz ri nddrcs-eti ihe chair at one time. '1 he pliy-ia: force of the Journal, firess wan so:r:e wbat paralj zsd at being called upon by so many i.t one time, but a rap on the defak with the Broad stick of stove wood lent and eloquent which he held in hia hand, staggered some of the would be orators, and enough of them fell back to allow II. P. Kennedy and II. H. Simmons, the present in;umbi ut. to be put in nomina tion. Ed. Tucker, an old stager in ward meetings, had made several atlempts to get the ear of the cb.2ir but failed evt ry pop. Lie now arose and put the question squarely to the chair to know if l.r would be recognized . 'T will," responded the chair. i Ll i U . 1 1'. SYRUP CO. in. '.: IV YORK. H Y Kl.V - CREAM 8 a l ri i . . 1 1 1 . , th. i 1 I ' ass. i tres, I'll i ii h 1. 1 ! ,n fl:l in i ii a t i ti ti , CatarrH ft ijTLY'S I 1 1 s t t i t ' sens la s , Smoll. Ti ; t It A c ut., is cl- o . a1 1 1 1 m 1 1 , r.'u' ,i ti NVurri.-i t I l r li 1 1 JHH "MriV; HAVFEVER w2 &A r m m HAY-FEVER I'll l ri t n en I I Y t t H. ti netrirai)d I trucirlma; Ity HHUTBK88, in nl&tlwly - ot negro emigration oiid . and there is much ov whether or not ' : " goi ng to head the iC v. A . A . Watson, .a. ;. of F. c-; Carolina. P d vi oai i oi to St. din lay morning and persons live males - -who v.-pre presented Am id, rector of the 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER lINi: BT'X'K of ig-t Caii; Dr. Ilunjjj'ri lecture at iLEtitute on Saturday evening -.aracteristic of lha: cultured and 1 1 1 "Ihe u" Ii a;n i i eign tol gw.g f a' p I i , ; . m g utieman. The subject wad : -s; j and symbolism of the .'Ce." A gentleman of Ral- n.orning received a letter beg a. 1 in misfortune. The sup- a i at had b. e:i burnt out, it BPema. and og oth-r troubies enumerated was tha: i h - lire left me is. vue wife u r lve; i r f- n . and Didn't state how iildren had been Tucker then walked around m from of the chair and declared that he had been granted the floor and lie intended to hold the fl jor until he was heard . He re-aeeerted his allegiance to the Repub lican party, declared he was a Republi can from the crown of hi-t head to the sole of hia feet, and, said he, with grtat emphasis, "whoever says I'm r.ot a Republican is a liar." Continuing his Watchc:, Cl:c!:r. Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND PLATdh L? WARE- -pi t r 1 1 i.rs. I kt i p a Iaiger stock of Hpectaclaa than any other store in North Carolinai I take particular p ti.i t. fit them to tha eyes of t at t it s ret o m - t hi in. Ha for (iv as g I. Sla-o Presby terian Lamberth. true! aa re a . led ho r; . e'- 1 U ' (.! e ; etc . i J. v. pi escrva 1 nistiutions L. Hill, tru k and hou-es . -Herring, truck an! house. V. II. M ur rt-y , t r 'c k e n I h ust s. 1 m.0: I. R Carroll truck 1 hu-o, .'.; O. P. Middlelon. true : a, i lo- s. .rVm; W.I' K-nn.-.iy. track ar.I h c; ao .--JeO. J. K. Smith, tru-k at.d hoii-es, :-, n, B L lilac k rr, ore , tru-k and house-. 610"; Dr. L. Hussev. tru.k and home-, ?pl". A. W. li -il. truck at) I luun-i. S-Po; j, t; Marisey, tru -k and hoases. a Ce in a n y burned. C: arl .tc News: Still another addi- tion.haa been made to the already long remarks, he said , "I f out d is war fer d e lis: of new enterprises in Charlotte. Tho ; Re b!ican t aud - latest K? me Charlotte Oil Company, and : ,, , was incorporated and the articles filed BaD' ban- went the chairman s i :n the clerk of the superior court last stick of wood on the desk , and he de wt bit- l ha burglar business in Char- clared that anv reference to the waCwas ii-e i-"ii. teadii , at the henoh r lie r y ea:s.I hi 1 ie ve I can do I " r k , o - I malar in the u)M i a n i ) si-;k mi; .y, JC K. TON. II i d tl le ut reot. h f12 d wtf SI 00; D. J. .atoii. Ira. 5: 1 00 : lil lck bu rn 1 ira.c , houses. SI U'.U: W. B)it! houses. .-'Hii. II J . C ;r it housis '') : J . li. Wir.o W. aO T . e nn el. ' and dar to ol the t a h d the be llg -. ' on The spirit of Washington fills the execii-JNc ofiice. I'lesidents may not rise to the full measure of Ins greatness, but they must not fall below his standard of public duty , mil obligations. Ilislile andchar actei. conscientiously studied and thoroughly understood by coming generations, will be ready for theiu a liberal education for private life and public station, for c.ti.enship ai.d patriotism, for love and devo tion to I tiiuii and Liberty. With their inspiring past and splendid pn sent, t he people of these I'nited Statts, heirs of a bundle! ye, us nail n eloiisl v r ii li in a:l w hich adds to the gl"iy 1 1 1 1 1 1 greatness of ;i nation, nn i ' n a n abi d i eg trust in the stability ami tlasiieity of their Con stitution, and an aboudding faith in themselves, and hail the coming century nyiiIi hope and ) ." J. i ' . .1. C I i W. .T. h and tra d. :-n. trio ) u . tru i ward t. til! adlar 1 leu -tear d k and k an .i k and 1 1 a a k k and tru 1 loth1 i ' becoming serious, if not for the burglars, tiien tjr those who are taken for burgi os A young negro man was shot two I v f Cheers in ward 15 last Sat urday nuiu. His name is Green M3 cei.io.i: the bullets have been picked 'iu of hiau and lie will be able to be ubcut again ic a few days. Wilson Advance: The Methodist cburcn is bt-mg remodeled aud repaint ed . When completed it will add no lit tle to the beauty and attractions of our to w u . edltioh paper, i of a h u n i edition N .1 t-ai appt-aii Colors, white -. an il in' ; and b e N i II It long onal THK Ml 1 blU Sit ( K W 1 1 I I 1 s. The Bulletin of t he Nor; ii Caro lina Department of Agrn uliure is before us, and we take pleasure in calling; attention to the communica tion of I o in m iss i o i. e i Kobiiison. which we publish below. The sub: ject is an lmpmtant one. and the Commissioner illustrates lu- fidelity to the people :n presenting it to their coiisidera: ion ; "In lsii an dlior ol the Federal Government will cad upon every farmer in this Stat", and expects following is an t0 reCeive correi , a; an Xh aJh repatatioo en.oycd ;y .b. B K X)MPA5T ia dae to the fot tht or y the K MATK&IALS ar q.mh1 and that the greater : Ar txerdaed darlof Itn mauafactare. ;t n ill: I M IST SKILL .V ENGKL AND BEST and CAKE Jy 4 dwtf Agent and Bottler. New Berne. N. C. exact copy of this poem, punctua tion, capitals and all : Oh jo Otd why nhonld m y Poor Rest lri Hrart Stand to approve ihy Mihl and Power. A; lat turreoder to Cupid feathr'd Dart And now lay Bleed lag eerj Hour Fur hr that Pilylm of my grief and W o Aad will not on a-,e Pitjr take I it tle-ep iraonjit my moat inrcterata Koaa A ml with gladocM nerrr wiah to wake In deluding ilepioga let my Kyelid cloa That ia an earipture-d Dream I may la a "oft lulling ileep and gentle re r-ie I'.wfn thoe joya danied by Day. Norfolk Virginian. w r rs t o in any questions propounded in regain to his farm and oper.it ion s t hereon . These statistics are veiv impor tant, and all .ire interested in them. They will refer ala.o. exclusively to tho crops ol the present Near, issp. I; behooves every farmer, therefore, to make correct answers to all questions propounded by The Spring Topic in Cartel et. Liniuu Joi i;.al; Our quiet little community has been some what excited recently by the pres ence in our midst of the petition peddler. The petition is in favor of Washington Bryan for President of the A. N. c'R. 11. , and Phil lip A. Koonce, who was, but a few days since, for Simmons, is the ped d ler. This little scheme to inveigle our people into misrepresenting their views to Gov. Eowle is the out growth of a visit m?.de to this sec tion a few days ago by Director C. E. Toy, of New Berne. In addition to the petition scheme, it is under stood that a regular plan of corres pondence with the Governor has been conducted, and Nius we are to be presented to the Executive as a community ablaze with Btyan enthusiasm ; in truth aud fact his name has lor years given us shivers. We know Mr. l'oy is a good schemer aud very careful in his means aud ways to e.urv out his objects, but what shall be said of this scheme! Silence, we fear, is the only charitable way to deal with it and out of the respect we have for him, we leave it, but we do not intend to be misrepresented to Gov. Eowle. nor any one else. There is absolutely no doubt about W 1. n Nell d di t f et - i I . , k n t ov v. i i 1 1 a o s a , - . ' - P tunic 1 ha, l iC i :i, a li. ti ton ic. T O ( ' tiiah a::, i o .re; writt s: "I B. B. i- : li has done ir.e great o I . L. W. Thompson. 1 ic; w rib's : "I b. 1 ie v.- Ii 11.!; blood purnier made. i: im proved my general health An oid gentiemm w i t -. gives me new io'e a:, i r: v there is anythtirg th .t v.-, . 1 : man vcunu. it is B . 11 P. P. A. Shepherd. Nerfo k. lUth. lss writfs: "I .I. i B. for the pre-ervatian of have had it in my fat- io two years, and ic. -1 had to have a d ft ,r. Tecs. Palilk. Aiapdvc 'I sulftred le.-i.ldy fro. Tic use of I. B. H h .s like a n e w n i a n 1 a a tin usan.l de a lar s f r i h tl on e me." W. M. '"ha-hiie. A "1 had a .-.n g -1 il . :' t which at l et s- . :ne 1 to right leg, w bach welled u A n ulcer a charged a cii then gave B. me. " . Va.. A r:d on iv h-a. now .' B B t no : Can i the ! -re li -. full B. B a ii-. rn th St.bbcr- llciin hi Heli dpt. Win. 11. Hamilton arrangements with Cat. W. whereby for the btnelh of tin Home there will be ( if. r. d f Memorial Day at various pi o State Capt. j ; n-.d's on; hh vs. lh It igre vs r " liioe laiiii' he sol i for t went v-ti ve o ic which tiftct-n c-rus nn i d go f r ;he diers" H .me. In i t do r ; i, e i on sale it is d- - ir.. i tie.: th-- o nf memorial as-.-t. ou-.it n- v.d.r--aiuiii' s are to be ohs.-rv. d h ul one e send in t hi i r a oi rt---1 s la -.p. T Patrick. Kaleich. N. ' . c:;i:hj w-,11 undertake tt.e t-.de in their t Tne,attt ntion of the nitaii toI a - -tions at Raleigh. Ncnv Berne ar d li born is called to this matter Newa Observer. Ct);,St Ml'l ION ( I Kill) nas made R. Bond o r s . i e on as ; ti t h is .. "iheket hit's wit! - each, of r ; he Sol id t'oeni o up rent Mr alter- : gun ly Cclcil! gan's I but h 0 nar m a dt' i i n a a c S t' i a : n ; laid. P. D. Gold baptised two -last Siturday and two on San- Lie membership of the Primitive c'nuica lias been very much in- i in the pan few months. We a. K ,,ra that the wife of Mr. Ber . - f li.deN's tjwnship. Nash . o a . . ; k a:- 1 killed by light . -;,i l.iv ha-t. during a severe : : o -. e-it -d thV. section. Mr. .-. .d c-.-M married only a few .-y Id - hr.,: The farmers in a. i and Kutherford counties are along with their work than .a. c : t-t n in many years. Dr. 1: a k. i a B ovvimg Springs, as- v Dr. il. II. Black, of Wellford, ;: .-a.- a de.icate surgical a oa fir. Dhuk Hawkins, of u i i .-t week. About six months . l-..wUit.t broke his arm in two (one of the 1'racturt s healed c : iy, but the other hud not. and i pb. do.,:;;, as.-isted by Dr. S S t ; Shelby, sawed olf the ends of ict ,i-. ,- them together with v. i.-a. h;.e bones have com- t- er i: an 1 Mr. Hawkins is ': ,' : oirv Carolinian: The bodies c i i :, ois ; err y. colored . and the . !.!!::;, whole, who were lost i'lrrot whc T; -lej went down in ;.' Aj : ii gil-a were found lloat ;oa oi'dil on Friday last and rang1" here for interment. ad: U. hi bo-r id ge . a prominent 1 i: red ale- at.d cue of the most -;: fa; rnera of this county. out of order in this meeting, and he wnn endorsed by several in the eon vent ion a being "right. "Then I will leave that part out," re plied Tucker. At this juncture si veral eugg sted that they were wasting time and should proceed with the nomination "You can't take this 11 )i,r f r in me." shouted Tucker. "The chair ha. give me the this floor and you can't take il ' away from me. '' But they did take it long enough for the chair to explain who was entitled to vote in the convention and who was not. "It is the straight Republican con vention." said he, "and none but straight Republicans are entitled to recognition, therefore ho would dtclarc that only one nomination had been made." This announcement brought Tucker again to his ft et who, with great vehemence and fiery ind ig n iti .n . said : ' You sit there in that chter tar. You, a wheelman of a Democratic press, yes, you sir, you, air. and say that I am not a Republican'.' Why, eir. it is worse r than Solomon and (oninr rah 1 " At this juncture Major Oden arose, and in a very dignified manner, poured oil upon the troubled waters and sug gested to the chair that Mr. Kennedy's friends v ere able to take care of them selves and that he hoped ihe chair would reconsider the decision and al low Mr. Simmons' name to come bob-re the convention. The Chairman, after again explaining the rules that govern all political orders, denominations and parties, acceded to Opposite Baptist Chur "ft The Wcrld stands Aghast ai as i.ou 'tin ;i;h. And w-ondi rs. If.,v ; i ;t that I can soil so ruuch lower ti an aiiN one elHei I'll t.M on : I hail- tie ler mined to be easily satisfied for ihe cHHh. .-.i.d WORK fdr'smai.i, Pin a ir- My Mono , - l-'A I DI .: .Nw. Come at.d i-iiv f r. ; i ne- ,,ntl urn will nevt r I e.. rt ; ' K. II. JONES, a vn Borne, N. C. 5 ' f-3 DP Generc! A r i c u i t . i . i IIoN S 1 ! . -11 -Os WlXtll S el .Ei t- GO l dware i - 111 Ii 1 s. ' idtn illori.. i v , 1 1 ti l lo C..f to i !,!l7,f t . ritlay roorning. d by Mr. It. N. far aac ;; w i i : h" ;, r mer.l and Wneii c . t '.v , i a --et d.d P; meet. R -vc '; I s.. rir, to his i ; ".t Thursday night and left the suggestion and declared that Ken nedy and Simmons were both before the convention and that nc in ii. at ions, were closed . After considerable racket about how to take the vote, by ballot, ch -nne sides of the room, rai-ing hands or standing, it was deci led th it the nomi nation should be in rie by ii-n.g to your feet. The chair ordered all t ! .-, ate I but there were not eeats , re ugh. so s' tin hal to ai-sume a very una. mfoita! le potiition. The chair must hot t-ecn this as he put the que.-ti r. in i rr tl s numination first, h;s f.A..nte, an i Soon Mor :i;;; in lie road in an unconscious i. u. IL was taken to Mr. Mor , ;-.- a-oi .'lO -dical aid summoned, e di-.-il in a few hours. Cause, lexy. His age was about Dc years, idatte Chronicle: The negroes ar.eth- r failure last night at hav- aivi ntiou to nominate a Mayor, c cicuniitio' on the Lutheran irv r.o d SCO .'0 yesterday in ur. id a-uoant suhscrihed . eo ;;:.:.-. . a l o ' . . 4 .0 . 'J . Ground crab -a to lav for the imnrove nd a I !;; n- td th- Bu ord'l Io;e 1 c . t- !.- II hotel will be ,- Krg- .' i: is n.-w. At the -1 a t r : an chu rch . on Sunday J ' l-C i r pr t ach ed hist f ars- n. oi th- eve of his departure lb-Id of ho -r in Richmond. r i im it a. (,! 1 i I1M- . 1 I 1 t h Ilili r. Con. ii isli , O : 1 . . . . Frc- 7 er.-, ! : Cook Sltm's, I'rool Sash I.. gi vfi Kt'oun t '. c fit HI S : : . I'i est-. ft, . i r, K ai ii i t ! 'a : (I arc, , I in h tor 1 i:-, Vur ..:., an! I i iii r . ;:,-.- a furs. Oil . hii !5urglar nn . i r i .i ii '1 to s .t i-liK tioIl. Y LOW. : X tO. First Cliiprneut of 0 it was an eve felt an intt-rr: tion was prrs- H in w n ; . an d a h i-Uleig! an, Observ . Charlotte congrega- -: Tiie in- juoction m the matter of the local op tion elea ti :i bids fair to bring out some tr iitresting developnu n:s I.t Gov. Bolt arrivi 1 in the any yesterday aftef i ton on the train from the West. on these otliceis. questions aske of acres in t he the aggregate Among the many the feelings of the people uoon tins subject left untrammelled. They are practically one for Mr. Sun nions, and if by the scheme of Di rector and the importunity of his agent. Mr. Koonce, they ar, made to appear otherwise to the Gover nor.u will e fleet a misrepresenta tion of their sentiments, and a de ception upon a worthy and patriotic A li ft. r N ro 1 will be t he ii u m ber several crops, and n tail: ; vat ion 1 value of farm implements and also id live stock; cot of leitib.eis used : es timated value of ail farm produc. tions for the present e.ir, lS'.C number of horses, mules, oxen, milch cows, and o t h t a cattle. - iii'i-P, 1 tare ao ' ':;. : vi on its c f oeovn v tics - u; pre; .ires l is ariavi. I. hi: f Justice e pri no- i-f the Associate Ju-hicts ot iii h i p: .-a, " Court, ad-niinisterf-'l to him i! ' o-.th of cili -e and he at one. assumed the duties ef ( iov erri.ii'. wii.ch duties he will continue to discharge nr.ii! the l-iurr. of tluv rnor Fowh' to the Stat" from "oew York city, where he has gone to jittr.u the Cen tennial Ce I e brat ion of the inauguration of General Wa-hirg'en a- President of the Doited States. W i i id in trOdi M ei-na r: The colored people of the city held another n.teting oi the inter, st of emigration, la-t night gave them an opportunity of ii early as os-ible. The v.:.- w a and after several coui.t- w .a n:., as thirty for Kennedy. At this juncture Matttov not the candidate, walked door, turned and shook his chair, say ing, 'J w ant vmi stand I've got notd.ng m ire l d . this mets . ' T.H- Vote was then tak- o .'.a Iso-., and t! e tellers anncunc i t .vto e. Tacker again arose ana gave w,, that he would meet them at the b box. He was about to make i.e. speech but Major Oden lovingly- t his arms tround him and carried oat, and the convention adj c;ii. (iVe. This was hardly a sktrmi-h c mi will, the convention "fa n n r.d tion, but friend R izenstem t;nt i 5 Good To Arrive Tomonow. w. p. eoBtiys & coM GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GRAIN DEALERS, r. - re. t rd thi a 1 1 1, t nn i t r d . u c. ! ur-.g N 1 M a i; k in 1 1 v i ; i i ; n ' c i !ui f. 1 i : i& o'yiifeftg flPOSii'lsfrj:":.1"'1 ' CUREiel LY! II.INO MANHOOD! avoilh DEBlLITTi : hel $75' ' I : s (' I .1 Nixon etreet Iv. is good to be there. and Mind: Effect : . - , t - !,-. i'i,sinm Old or Young. in i . f - do-ol H m t nlarr ami Mori' til isa 1' II Th o f ROUT. I i i t il " 1 '. I P. n. III. In llaij. I . . hin lr I ntllrifi. n. .d .......U ma.ll4 -H L MED IAL CO., BUFFALO, . T. ) " 1 .o A MO Til ran t , , ,: v . ii, a lit- work l nit fcr t -: it bu can r ii r ti tHh h !,.,. 1 dim' 1 o t h- hUll ' s in:i In- pfofl 1 h hly n - . io' til l h I 1 1 tow , n H. i.N .1 .. lOttf Main ic .1 li; nlnPHii X- .. i t mil nv Hiamp i n j r id'im ,1 W-s. f t I I r v.. i: -a Ui ,. 'L ' -Jt . t 1 ... 1 m e , .' s, c . I 1 -at ' . . -'fit a.' ".' , Vr..: .. -. ' H ... ... -o- ai . t r.'i , .1 : t 7.'. ' i , ': ! ( . " . , -n. 'a- f " I, .If v.-

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