wkw ;'j 1XDEPEXDENT I3ST ALL THINGS. VOL. XII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, MAY ISs'.i. NO. 8. EDITORIAL OTF.S. AT Roan' Chun I Blaaitoia. wc weft M W14 n4 4 hi AM ttMiae. Uek nicHi.yo , Haaii. pu na i m umiimi, va lami. r nwi rt " viTTiTT liMlMil tl lialfc, firl'-l-tl, leaf"?, ilea i '. snaiaraaai rwfi.'W'S M4inCtM,wU antXIT tmrnmi ifiii if uxunr ana - - J 'rCTX-STTJACH;-IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DlSflRDEBEU LIYER ; - - v H mn:i wnrk vcodan wo tS- Vttal OraaaM r StnaaHaf laaj Z-TZTlltanMSrcM:UM4Mt!mt BICCIUM-1 P1U tUE IMi UA6IT ULL Of T Pull dinctkau nU cac h D. i - .V1,' f V". I i -i "g A. F. U.lt 1 CO.. 117 Caul tt.'. SoU CSrt? win urmriw PILLS OS RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. v Tha Uany Friends and Customers llriaf; near and bond M" an.l i.; t!i Wilmington wction, bcm w wr prood taay, w (onr.! monj onr tn.ny patron, we peiJ1y eIl to thk attention, tbc w .ippreci.i: f thoir patronage steodd to as ia the pa:, and tht w. hod oat MOKE IN DUCEMENTS THAN RVKIi to mm t'.ieu- wn !hl-nc ;n the fnture, Ud ta.t baide BEING T1IK AOENTS ! r TV. M. lloll's Plaidi, CoatV Spool Cutov.. Hmt i 'th.-W an.l I'.'.uiT . MiIU lomeitic, StarJ !. an.l To'-.i.-b. Lon'.la-J'a Snn:l ii'.;.l Arnoar & C-' Proviaiooa, Horsl.ir.l's Hakin,: r-. We carry Floor, Tobacco, ftoaf, CoiTee, SnR.ir, , . c. V Aad la th DRY GOODS line no honi in thu o.- aaiUbl atoek toplaj th Iwjer. in st .e a. we POT Da Good, Notion , Whi'f inxvh v:- ! : teat ta ditaw ith jour m ' Ktaatoo. What r cannoc anp-ly, oar :! r Bat th.4 Ch&ac ar that it jou make your ;: yoa will find erryiaing to yoar notion. ty Good, boo eat jwxli, 36 ioaLe. to t tte ponod. SHOES for Proi aad Partor wnr. BEADY MADE rLOTIlISO I" th : EaaUrn Caroiloa to excel a. Wa MitBOMt ot one ; if . .ur . ka yo a aait lo order, ail m t ' h aad yoa ar no money out. It too eaaiot cone, to Kmslon wn- i" aaaver all yoox ioqairiea. Yoara truly, OETflNCER BROS. Thk ue- 1'. S. steamer Charles ton m one of the fastest war hip8 all.j.it. "I: is the miili-rtrtkers who never f:l f. r.,rr . u : ht Ihev under takr " i A IX'SSl'IHAi'V h.lS lieell (ll? C4iter.l in Sr. l ter.sbur; to ;i.is a i n .i t c the ( ' r. i i . Tuk S i ! ;i. n.'i i. N. C. S;ur. firvt r.itf .,iittj.r:t ant qm-htion of poii'irn ur 1 1 !-r .i ' in .-. - Norfolk irjj: ii i a. Juv. New Vork W orhl h.iving fired .'.fXW hi. ink cartrulgeM .it Mr. Cleveland is now throwing hot shot into Gov. Fl ill. TliK American augur let eon- t aiD3 one third more sagar than the f i; European article. It boats the p,.,-j, world. Washington Post. wh.it i i n r M.; S Tit 8er m : - ( 'oi I 1 . t " b'..u-U- h. .l!' . t ! A : c. : ii. i" ' i MoIlS ot t i. .it N.ihv ihi i (in w ... ; : 1 1 e m. i:. .in as !'.r : .1 n .i Ha: I St.r.:i A hoivv 1 upper J.inra- i : 1 .-: 1 : i . n : o that . . i ii i: i . , near ; vi h:!,. !e. n,. I ht'V I r is alleged that the L nited ofinti Ties , more . ; ' j y ou to '..-.ppinc in States buys all the cheap teaa grown in China, while the beast grades go to Englaud and France. Dr. Chablks Phillip, o long Professor of Mathematies at the LQiverity of North Carolina, died at Columbia, S. C. la.it Thura day. "i i.s k hundred thousand miners and iron workers are on a strike in Germany, and the soldiers have been engaged in shooting them down." id very who tii (: her i irpi.U'C i, u ii. bcr lau'.;. rs :: h o' Lit a.-ir eon int. i .:. t had i;.-cii. T i.'.l to oc - mil ; ir'e. I . Ti ': !'. o! eop!e s uioio u . t ' i; ' sent. Savatiiiah Neu s. P . r M a st i . i; Cii Ni ;,; W.n a M j KKK.it is reported. !..ix .!;-, ,. . red an entirely ih w 1 1-.i :i i..r ie fusmc to n move ,i post ina.-ter whose term has notepired. He is credited with "lioldir that tore move an oilieial appo;i;;d by Mr. Cleviland ,u,i 1 eoMiHiied by the Senate would be a n hi:ke to the Republican Senate "hah l.a.l a Tarters at our house o e.uneoj to t r. Mb. Glahsto5K attributes his part in the appon, t n..-?i ; . dithis good heaJth to his good sleep. He ground he is said to be oppo.-ed to always gets seren hours., and never interfering with Presidential pot- allowg polities to weigh on his mind masters whose Ih moeratle when he gets to bed. "The Emperor of China has a new umbrella which requires the our measure, strength often men to carry it. It need not take oost hina twice as much as u cireus tent, and is not near so large." The Soathern Baptist Conven tion is dow in aession in Memphis, Tenn., lion. Jon. Harfilson, of Ala bama, is president, and .about a thougand delegates are in atten- have not evpitt i oo m -N. V. oi.i k(;e commencements. The rime of college commence ments approaches. How varied the scenes, now different -the emo tions they produce 1 Today an institution lor the eiu eati. nol males has its commence ment, and a dozen or more vonng men receive thiir diplomas and go out lo make their fortunes in the wui !d. Tomorrow a Female Semi ::a;y will have its com inencemen t and a nuiiinber of oiing ladies will gr.olu.ite and tep mlo the olM of o in ,1 1: lull d . TiiU l.ii male and female have in . i I on parallel lines, but now they diverge, and each goes the allotted way. One feels that his mission is to ire. re masses and mould opinions, by ti.e power ot his genius, swaying public assem blies and shaping the destinies ot we will iv men and nations. The other theui,, p.. realizes that she is to be the god dess of home, moving upon the sensibilities through the gentle in fluence of love. Hers is the duty of keeping the vestal tires burning, and warming the human soul with t heir celestial rhimey. Man is destined to disappoint ment. The glittering goal of his ambition can never be reached: but women cannot wholly fail in her heaven-appointed mission. She cannot avoid disappointments, but her tears will moisten the field of her labor and cause the seeds of love to spring up and bear abun dant fruit. Let us welcome the graduates, and speed them on their way wich eordial and heartfelt God biess von. rm : in th e - 1 through " Ch ir.fpi:i pi n 1 l:h inv.. -,e hickory . .!-:u.- to .- cvt nin . I I : I'l ' ii re v - . e- at: I u:.- i:ri! !;i!. i .v yv.ws rem the tate l'aiiers. -I A G jjj J .. I ...- 1 . ;: .it. ii . ,,i , i , .... . x it i; -1 vi-i.,... - ,-, j . ehinerj x .-; :n Niinir-i , j -.r. - , .1 1 roc; io :i . m: . , 1 1, of in i: c . : i c. t r v v. , j . j ; l M :i r - i i j 1 : . jli if .' shul!. U i- oc- ..; ; phi nit i.";s- t. . b.- 1 :. upon Mr. Mrrhall. When M r. Con.iv n a n . . r e Ai-i Vi, i i i r t-OU 111 It ..!., Ill -.' v. r r , ; - - - ; i ; n irank . M a r - 1H1.M up of J. I- I. ( ou my , w ho happei.ed to bo in i . w lt caught under tho wreck. earful y mangled and inHtantly killed. Another man, whose name we have not learned, an employee iu the building, whb h seriously injared that it was thought that he could not eurvive. The huil I- inC WHH nr rilil rmA unil in rntl.i.r n .li- l.-aru that the lapidated condition. WiUon Advance: A terrific wind storm swept over the eastern portion of our county Tuesday afternoon, accom panied in some pluceH by a fall of hail. In Wilson no hail fell, but at Mr. (ieo. Dew's larm, two miles northeast of town, it was two inches deep. I.hhi Friday night the barn on Mr. C A Young's plantation, about four min'H from town, was burned. It contained 'I'.look for a fruit crop this about twenty Darrein of corn and two i throughout our pection. thousand pounds of fodder, al 1 of which o.Ah. formerly a resident : was destroyed. Thn fire was thought el. was killed in Dillon, 8. to be the work of an incendiary ami .!,. Saturday. 4'h inst. , suspicion pointed to Wiley Boddie as Xeu -: i'oli 'i man Joo ()rr, tne K'li'ty party. He was arrested t! .m'.ncu. n of beiiiK the Tuetday oveninu nnd brought before justice j . w . Charlotte nt'ini'-le: The jirisoners in the county j til are at low water mark liuw. uieie t.a-.n,; cu y eight incarcerat ed - t-.,i ,ti-1 an,; .' white. Da: ham I'.aat I !. i. jo r of (..'.mmeree and Industry h.;-i i.i.i-iNr.:: ' I t.'iat cookH of eubeenp C oe epi-tii-.l for a c.nI)lng factory. :!; 1 i:: -n: Meales are pre .: : . r 1 1 - 1 1 t the inhabitants of the mi .- eti'.-n of the city. We know ie-i.iene, in wineh there are at t :U- e.-r' s. Tiie didease is of a I ty j e. however. i.. liirket: All reports ren- i . T 1 : L 1 , i j i t I' V Tin Odd Fei-O-.v , Mr. I-I. (Icreck. Fureka !..! i 1.1. Mor-e of Heaufort I. Friiay aft rnom fi. n a the Cran i T.o lo-' at l'a - .1 Tile following ofo-erse I-odf?-,' were electe-1 f r year: J. tl Frown of Ka MaBter: Dr. J .hn Pool. Depi.'.y Crand Master; John V. Unuon. f rand War- (!r-ir. 1 Secretary; Trea-ur.r: Kev. It pr-. .-entative. ; a! :i-',n:; t.t of an . ta:n ' of a:: i I ' ivid t . lurned i i tin,; of ie- hr.,!;.! t n-uinf: .h. Crand den B. II, R. J. J:)n J II. C,r!i The fun ! W. voir the unanimous Ju"ucl' iincaster yesterdav vole ot lie 'D 'trd yerterduy. in a one- morning for trial. Tlie evidence wa- ari... i t ..iifc.ierate veteran, and has euflicieut tc biiiil hitu over to court iiiid ;; v i i..- c:;tire worthiness of the con- 'a default of bail ho was committed to Ii I- ,:'-e rep.,-. ,i jr. him. ' jail. This is the second case of barn WiliiiiHKi .il i: view: Mr. E piv-er , tjiurninf? the last two months. Some one of SouthperC old.st pilots, died at thlDK n,UBtbe done t0 check i(" that p a -e Sun ;av afternoon at f! o'clock, -"" ;i year. Mr. W.W. Shepherd North Carolina Teachers' Assembly. ry eieoU nly at Elizabethtown Oi i ice ok the Skokktaky. i.eirning. i ie w as tanen sick Ruleih Mv 0 isw.. Mk fa.rroii: The sixth annual ses sion of the Teacher' Assembly will - Roan--fee Now: A very peculiar bird convene at Horehead City, N. C. oa was caught on Mr. A. d. (Jreen's fish June 18th, and this meetmg protnisps t. slide about a week ago. It was the be one of unusual interest and import si of a goose, was about the color of ance to the schools of our State. It w a vtuiin a iun. and measured four feet specially desired that the teachers uml from tip to tip. 1 1 is not a native to this patrons of the schools n-hail m.-et in s.-cti jiiand is mpnosed to have been ; consultation UDon matters lookine-to by the heavy Btorni of last the. school system, aiid to that end the Assembly extends a cordial invitation ' . I'll ("Tfn -'Mil! IOU8 JUIOC L:.0RNIA, ' . t'.e .', :. mnl i , 1 1 ",11 to 1 x ' " the human oi .irceable ' . 0 x nna . ' ii :: d Con.sti-!-..iii- ills dc ' ' ; inactive C1 nN in I.:, a led y. r-terd.iv lo .riiinEr. He was taken sick at the breakfa-t tablo nvA died in about ten minutes. Ciar. i . Cfar. I r the- . : find a hoase in will Sirn of the br.c d Pearl Shirt. KINSTON, N. C WAE! WAR! WAR! THE WAR HAS OPENED ONCE MORE! Owing to ta hard time aud acaretty of money, I am deterdmine to fanifh tbppl ta Beat Gooda for the Leaat Money. Now, in proof of ta fact, I will quote yoa a few of my prices. 31 y Stock of CIoibtDX bSnArtnoni. Men'a good P.lue Flannel Suits aa low as .t3.wS -Atao cool Saita for Men at $2.9 8. Hoys' good Suits, from "lit 19 Jaaxaoaly $2 98. Boys' Knee Suits from $ 1 .25 to $ 1 .50. Ala ll lcKao( Men's Sacks and Cutaways and Trinee Altxrt Suits. . IlATB ! HATS I Five hundred dozen Hats, all stylea aa4 price. Meaa, Boya and Children's Hats lrom io to l." and :s cU. Gaaraataw to aait yoa la aay kind of Hat. BIXOES, 8HOE0, SHOES ! The Largest and Host Selected Atnt f RhMa T kent. Mn'i Shoes from 75c. to tl.OO. Ladiea' i I dance. : Dr. Robert H. Morrison, the, father of Mts. Stone wall Jackson, Mrs. D. II. Hill, and the late Mrs. iOd. Barringer, died at his home in Lincoln county, aged ninety one years. Office seskees at Washington complain that while the President is fond of using the cruiser Dis patch, he does not employ dispatch , In making appointments. N. Y. World. "The Indian has got through with wars. His warlike spirit has' been stamped out and he now makes one of the laziest and biggest ' loafers the country can possibly! produce.'' Whes John Wan&maker was awarded the Postmaster General- missions World. Wk. have seen two .statements lately that are wor h repeating here for hhc ben lit of ur fi lends who are thinking about manufactories. One is that lilteen companies h.ne or ganized to build cotton n ll in the South within the la-t three weeks with a capital of r'-.V" nm). The other, that a number of of them are to be started with New Fngland capital. The other significant statement is that the Farmers' Al liance of Georgia has contracted with tho cotton nuils in that State and Louisiana for L' (ipo.ooo yards of bagging cotton bagging which might have been bought in New England, but was not. The Sonth ie, for the future, going to raise the cotton, spin it, weave it, use what she wants and sell the rest made up into that shape which will bring the best prices. or juian r.- .u::i i incr a-ed t at,;, augurale the as'. Pi:; taken at i, t . 1 operation . Mr. ( 1 rc k being on the dunces : a g a d ispo-ii i !, t rt . . : i . i v .t.t t- jo t'" . r. i pu 1 be i . l a prr A 0 1 H K K HAD APi'OINTMEM. In our admiration of .Mr. Cleve land we never went so far as to claim for him infallibility, nor do I we see any prospect of being more Present Biy.-.n I favorably impressed with the pres- As he c(.i 1 tw. i ent administration. Jo'unai. mi The Jot rnai, has applauded General Harrison as often as it lias censured him, and we trust that we shall find much more to com mend in the future. Any man may and must make mistakes in making a large num ber of appointments to office, whei e he relies upon others for informa tion ; but there are truths that ad dress themselves to one's conscious ness, independent of extrinsic testimony, and challeuge recog nition. General Harrison ignored one of these faets when he ap- h S '.. res f r, '. l ; i.;i double daily train i n i Prep id ent Hra:i roe.', utterly in; prr ei icable llnancial cond itir n c f t warrant th" undeita! this service iie s:n l! for immediate use at Iea.-t thou 'aua dollars wi.i.-n be brrowed. Th;- r.v a t; no. i r . blown h, Diont h. Sale) ury Herald : The knitting mill i- nuw making stockings. All of the rai.w..y iiihi! c !-rks running from Salis bury ;.. Km xville on the W. N. C.Road havu f .en ili:un,-rf,l and Republicans apr ein:,- i t . Mice, e.i thtrn. The last to go was Mr. W. H. Crawford, who re ceive! Ins " wa.'kii: Din-rs" hut Satur day. .L'-nrdr pi': Died, March 29. on v alley Riv.-r. ', herokee county. Abram Collelt. tormeriy of Collettoville, Cald well cimity, o l: e-J O i years, S months and '."J o.ivs. He died ,( cancer. The warlicr .Mi:;.! i: ot J.enoir. Hickory and Moio .ii; i, wi!, hul l a convention in Hicaory l.ur-,,'.: . l:is thought that they im. ua to ioim a tru-t. Newd end 'loreiver. Ta-j i:ommi'.:o appointed Lo have the cotton factory company incorporated have secured the j the Teachers ulun, i. no auuuai snow oi me ; remain Wake County Cattle Cinb to h placet yesterdav at tho Capital Alliance ware- j house and wi.s in all respects such a I success t i tn-iaiii fully the reputation of this Wake e.mnty in-titution which has done s , muri. fnrtlipTin.i 11 vt mara orC. y to make l.-.r famous. ,y. tttville as order. Evi h' 1 ;ghts and t he JJCUO. ago win n ii 1 nrg. .1 a . ,V N. C. It. s that it is I that the a 1 will net To put en i will n.-c-d urtv to the farmers of the Sute to visit th comiug session of the Assembly at Morehead City. Every privilege of the meeting and all special rates of board and travel ill bo extended to the I irm ers who may attend the session on same terms as the teachers hav e le t n Hide to secure for themselves. We feel that this interchange of views between the teachers and their best friends, the farmirs. will be ex ceedingly pleasant and in every way benolicial to the general cause (if edu cation in North Carolina. Thanlcwig jou for the pi ivilege ofext nding this invitation through your most readable and valuable j urnal, and trusting that a largo ntimbir- of our farmer friends may accept the invitation, and prom ising gladly any service I may be able to render towards making their visit to Assembly enjoyable, I Truly yours. Eugene O. Hakrei.t., Sec'y N. C. T. Assembly. KIDNEYS. LIVER AND BOWELS. nr.-.t.sr crrrw rrrrcwAur '.,,; ..I. .1 PURE rjLOOa, I.EFRESHIHO BLEEP, HEALTH .-n-l STPENCTH V. . " ''' ' 'e 1 ill are ., k . ,i: . I ih .; f mi v :y ifi SYKUP CO. ' rt. A ' iV YORK. D. Y ::,',' d' cai.ifw-;n: i: t. v v CREAM BalM CI '.! II.M-, - N-s;il -a,s;i tros, , i i a I'ain and I n II. mini n t i o i) ' a I s tb. S . r t- s . K stores T 1 1 si m s s l TilNte h II l Smell. CatarrH Try Uir 4 A ifirt !( !.. j 18 Htfrt'ent.J.. niHiI. rpciHiTi-. Warren Sirt t re . :; 1 HAY-FEVER On enrtl noit-lland : ' h u i I iriiKirlala; tty I I Y KKOTHKRH, .ok Isnlfxlwly w. . i i WOUid be tl- e ie i to L M rollirg ttock. iu ct':.. r ur ly equip the roid f.. r an a. serger and mail train. The Preaidt lit baits i.is on the idea that the additional Convention or Delegate Trom the Cot ton States ConcemJn? Jute lagging'. Birmingham. Ala.. Vnv 15 a Cnn- nave to Wilmington Star: Col. J. 8. Morrison, vention. embr&cinsr deIeo.te fmm Al. 1-. " says formerly Chief iOngineerof the Georgia, Hances and Wheels of all cotton States, ices and Carolina fc Northern Itiilroad, is now met in Sublette Hall, this chy, tteie Kkl Batton Shoea. 9fic.i Ijc, 75c: to Also a large stoct oi Men,, it .was understood that his tad BoyVShoee at priwe to suit the times. Lad.es nice Slippers from ; heart wm Mt on 0Qe CDt ,eLter Ue. to 15c I postage. He has now discovered rUBNlSHINO GOODS! Men'- Cnderahtrts as low as J . cents I that postages tamps Cannot bosafely X nieo liadhnrrs Shirt for '25 cents. A nice Scarf from 10 to J cents o av sue xuMit&u - , marked down to one cent. aK 1. - -I I W - 1'allaaa l " ,1 nther L--W11 tftCI 1 --Ll-,rv aHr,n bOKK recent experiments toaae merits of Governor Hill, or the and direct intercourse with the aaeroae to mention. ...... m.. i,...:.i... i.o. in i' ranee prove mat a periun an- sonnuness 01 his political opinions, reooruer. iue i resmeut last oiil- C LEV ELAN I) 1 N lsili'. We cannot inaugurate tho presi dential campaign of 1 so'; and we would not if we could: but there are those who are constantly hold ing np Goveinor Hill as the presi dential candidate of the National Democracy in 16'.'-', and it may not b inappropriate for us to say that the voice of the North 'arolina Democracy is not swelling the loud acclaim. Whatever may be ceipts late. In tl.is aie of progress and enu-r- pointed the negro James Townsend prigt corpor3lio:i9 and io iviJu..u must liecorder of the General Land 9eek new business and not wait for new Office. business to push th r.i. Tho A. & N. C. There are official positions that K- should not wait for nw ami in- nC(rr nf infpllicrpnep in fill nnrl creased business u C ree it to put on , , ,, i another daiiy to uieu iue m nj piupeii ue ap- place a negro at the bu9ines?. jiointed. but to the head of a bureau in which tram, tut it thould take tr.e ti a::i and invite is at: easy m .tter to say "it can't be done.'" ' I can't" is a "nearly all the clerks are white girls ready excuse for ecL-,ol boys, but the is little les.3 than an outrage. Tie teacher of olden days whi knew the Washington Post says : virtue of the black g;.m didn't ullow the word to he u.-ta The i'resident t a i:s the J. .u.nai. by witli the v llmint'ton. ( Ins i1w & Kast ! morninc. Ahnnl-. nna hi,n,lH alo. o proper- jarolioa Iltiiiioati. He will superintend gates are in attendance. The object is tiui.al pas- i the coustructibn of that portion of the to devise means to fight the bagging line next to Wilmington. His long and I trust or force that organization to more iicuhaiur.s varied experience ensures good work j reasonable prices for bagging. The lor the Company. Col. Morrison will go i temper seems to be in favor of making into eanin earl v next week and will at an arrangement with the hnppinir men will be all expense and no increased re- once begin work on the road about two I if possible. This is not a fair way to calcu- and a half miles from town. i A speech of welcome was delivered Itockv Mount I'laindealer: Mrs, Lou j bv Capt. J. F. Johnston, president of Harper", of Lattleboro, was stricken the Alabama National Bank. It was with paralytris last Saturday evenin. responded to by Col. L. IL. Polk, of Herrecosery is almost hopelees. At Mortb Carolina. The sessions are all Proctor's mill acioe-year old negro secret. Representatives of the bagging girl was knocked into a well by the breaking of the "sweep" and either killed or crowin d at once. Twelve or bfteeu negroes left Nash county Monday for the fortunes of Kansas. We believe toe white people will be benefited if the movement is extended. factories are present in the conference The following is furnished as a por tion of the proceedings in secret session: I ' . , l T T Til l r X' . I. , 1: - x o.a. o. i.i. on.unun, ap- Opposite Kaptii-t Churrh pointed to confer with the bagging mflnnfa.hirflrD TaaA lullura rnm tti-r rf them. More than three disclaimed anv I HPflPRP 1 I B. Pfl 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER. HAS A KIM: BT'iOK OF Watches. Clocks. Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WAKE. KPjCCTACI'F.R. I keep a larger stock of Spectacle than any other store in North Carolina. I take particular pain Jo fit them to tar eyes of parties needing ihftm. Having worked ateadUy at ihj.bnch for over thirty y&ra, I b4v I C do as good work as any watchmaker iaUM. . V State. COMTT AND SKK ME. HAM. K. RATON. Middle street. f12 dwtf t -j'..,. 11 jmblings that forebode revolu tion are tn he heard in the record er's division of the GeneralLand Squiring why e u ii not v raci ice what Oflice. There are twenty five lady we Preach aDl1 thow" P"'K"ts by giving clerks emnloved in that division. VT readers the daily press dispatches. and they are brought, by the nature We admit that the Jut i.nal ought to the personal 0f their employment, into cousta'n t have the di.-patches. and if it had as much credit as the A. d: JV C. !.. and Raleigh Call : The Wake County Hor-'T u.u i.u ,J Z ticultural Soci-tv is negotiating for the i fZll ihfitb'y WThuld ? Bt8nd purchase of thirty-hve thousand baskets I lllZVXZl JeJ.7, one from each State consisting of the following: Massey. of Florida: LiTinj: ston, of Georgia, Payne, of Kentucky: Cisyton, of Louisiana: Breman, of Mis sissippi; Carr, of North Carolina, Mcln- i tosh, of South Carolina, and (io an, of Tennessee. The committee was instructed to con- ;or fruit snipping purposes this season. Vv hat a pity the Itileigh cotton factory isn't up and in operation. An ordei was received from x.rkansaa to day for cotton yarns. The letter also wanted to know what would be the price in large quantities and wanted information as to the best way to ship, etc. DEALERS IN General Hardware Atrricu It ui iil i oi pi in o n t . Ilo ws, II ur r . H.'M hud Wood's Mon i ts , Kt'a m In; 1 1 i 1 1 1 at on, A x -n, nut tCenpnra, ri IK'S. .', I . Cotton i:ns ui.it I'rCHHtMi, w hi run on. eome all to WILLIAM SI' 1.1' AN' be treated rixbt and get yoar money's worth. WML SULTAN, Opposite Baptist Chnrch, Middle atreet. on rill fer with rinninhnn. of St.. t.nHis. now Wilmington Messeneer: CaDt. Nobles' 1 ir, . i, n ; rua t .v,, i.,.. vineyard is now in excellent condition, i R.,in Tr.. a i Fert i 1 l7.rs. I. and M:ist-r. Kaiult could get tho additional train we would and the prospects are flattering for a ! he had to submit to them and report. i M t'lianl-s 'I'uri - . n l 1 1 ardwarr. NEW BERNE, N. C. maTJlMwam VJ. W. STEWART, Sale and Liven Stable. ting in a draught, no matter how it will not be .warm the wind, will catch cold in it presidential from three a change of neckties gave ne snb- anu the American peo; ject a cold in the head. sacrificed mi the al: i: Tile lndeiendent accuses Bishop ambition. Potter of discourtesy to President Day by day the u, Harrison in delivering the sermon Cleveland ad:n;ir.'.ra; ;. that he did. As the Bishop is one more autl more appaieic of the sovereigns, and the President rison has the sagacity to a public servant, we fail to discern Mr. Tracy follow.- m the i any discourtesy in the op portuua Mr. Whitney. admonitions. In the abson.e ix.eptioiial That the past of this country is causes, that now give i.. evidence a humble past" the Chronicle l lu,"f exis.ence. air. i iceiJini will be win in.l v supported and jiowerlul following very large crop. Mr. William Bonitz, : i i a .l.m .1 .. ... I-... .i-.- 1 r . .. .o-. :.. .i rp iv i u mteu lo tuaL oiuce ice Kive me uiptmioioi igam. n. eau uc lUltlOLIt 11 IUJI 111 LUC ' . - , ..... . ., for m a n v vf uru mnnrialnr n tho -moll Kev daaies xownsenu oi i.icu- sa.d to the credit tt uiea.tiisAi. tnat k- -h-Go!boro. Va8 rrogramme Commeneeme.it Exercise- m on i I ncl vim 14 I ii tn hfl iltl Ii tnnl, tl,.i r,-, iil.TiiOiy. fnr fnnr , ' . . , . . ... I . - s . .. - , i. ,.n - c,... i i ,i is . ' ' r leaseu cue commercial laotei in mis iumci sui m ,.ui in v.iioiin.i. iu iiu iuiuuicb. i. cn i eve am . tie i ie mnera: :e nartv. ,im.,Kiu - r tiLT, (anv .41 c '.uuivutUII i C LI C ' OUIlllilV. aJUIlH. HHr 'I H fS hf'T were of a national missionary society, ant one and the main Ti as or. w e think of Hill's loin of the Mr. Har- see it, and ootteps ((' at was because we had day. Suppoe we w patches low. wl-.at we have ov.. r any DOStofliees be'ow he C. U. '.' fioes not the President know that this pap-T. pub!iph;d this morning, will go to Morehead City tonight with papers of the same da'e fioni Raleigh, - one tram a re t king the d is ad .iii', !ge would ... r p ..per w Ith the v on the A. cc N. Flnm iloreea end Male aiway oa hin disposed of on easy terms. I hare on haad a oanber of Fine Team, th c ir-- aJo trained Saddle florae for both la.li- s an 1 gent 'oad Street, New Berne. aad will be and safe : :n en . N. C. i The Bergner & Engel BREWING CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, 13 UNaUXSTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant. pa-st doee not believe. It is a more glorious country today than ever before, but this glorious present is itself the outgrowth and conse quence of a glorious past. Char lotie Chronicle. Wk note with pleasure the en litgement of the Twin City Daily. Id journalism, as in all the profes sions, there is always "room enough at Hie top," and we hope some day to look op and nee the Twin City then. AN Ohio mau wants to bo Min ister to Hawaii. Why can't the Last let the coast have that oflke T Ohio is uncertain as to where Hawaii is, but it h.vs learned ot the existence of the otBce, and that is all the bait a Buckeye needs to set him running. San Francisco Alta. Thk cauniDg business in the South is steadily increasing. It should be increased five fold at Iea.st. What a farce it is to be eating all winter Northern canned fruits and vegetables. This is positively as discreditable as it w is in the North Carolina Agri cultural Fair to feed the stock ex hibited ou Northern hay. Wil- 1 1 rc i . . i , tl: :o th It l brewed from the finest Pale Canada "f-Bw'; The suit of General Mahone, ex and Laazer Hops, ana West Barley Malt highly recommended for its TONIC and NTT TBTTIVE qualities. presulch 1 1 al t: o tn i u ih.en The o f: e n lepra' r.i d. ' .! a ii. le.i'e. i e in .1 . ,! a ' : hi ' deney has never '. en r . -: : is an s w e : ed by ' , , : . e ' Cleve! Hid w l- ' : ' . -people i 1 w .:s . '. e ,i'i most eoi : u p : no t !e ! k n. history .1 tie r-:i:.'r. Mr. C le e 1 an d's p pu '..,::' ; s pot diminished by his dele. it. It is very rarely that the rising son is eclipsed by the t-etting sun. but at the late centennial celebra tion in the eity of New i ork Mr. Cleveland not only our shorn- Presi dent Harrison, but he received more applause than 1 1 an hull , 1 1 ill and Depe w coin b: ned . There is another reason why Mr. Cleveland must be prominent, and that is the prepoiidet ating impor tance of the principles of winch he is the embodiment. Whatever else may rest undisturbed, the people will demand a change in the tariff, and the re establishment of that broad nationality that includes within its scope every State in the Cnion as equal in rights and privi leges, and equal in digni'v and honor. The great aim t Cleveland administration was tariff reform; its t-ublime ao om pi ish- has been twice a member ot the Indiana Legislature, owns a fine farm, and eamo very near being elected Bishop of his church re- lecomes eentlv. But all these things are forgot ten by the ladies in that division. The only thing that they care about is that the Kev. James Townsend I i.rdiirml lis -i n Siinep h i si nn. po.ntment was made nearly ' half Wilmington. Chariot-.-. Kchmond. of the ladies in his division have Washington :.-y and Baiuniore r , .. . . , Ciive us the double daitv and n e n ul applied lor a transfer to some other thtn bepe the peoul(, t , :ilJ ua in takinR division. They all want to be kept the press dispatches, and then we will on the (lovernment pay roll, and be looked upon by the out.-i.ie world as lor that reason are averse to talk- a place of some import m-e an 1 worthy ing much about the matter, but the of Ui-K'e'. applications for transfer speak foi . ' ! , 1 Montana ICineerutie. : henisel vi-s. , , .... ,, i . St. I M I , Minn.. " 1 iv i, A lb.lei.a W e natura y have to pay a cei- . . o ,, .,.., . 1 cpeci-il eavs the l.et-ab.i ans coneoe tain amount ot court ami delerence control 0f";he Montana c.-ititutional to our chief," said one of the ladies Convention to the 1 -i!io.-r..ts bv in in vate, refurnisu and remodel the house, mon, by Bishop V. W. Duncan and endeavor to furnish good accom- Tuesday, June 411 a.m.. Senior mudiiiions to the traveling public at class day exercises. 4 p m , Spiakmg very mod. r ..ie prices. by representatives of the Literary Soci- Asheville ,Iurr:al: The prospects for eties. b BO p m.. Meeting of the Literary a good v heat crop in Buncombe and all Societies. the couniies west is said to be quite i Wednesday, June ' Centennial eel promising. Mr. Robert Sutton, a ebration of the incorporation of the prominent farmer near Webster, Jack- University. 11 a.m., Address before sou county, com tin ted suicide by shoot- the Alumni by Senator Ransom. 1 2 HO. ing himself in the hand with a pistol Fri- ; Annual meeting of the Alumni Asso day. An ia:orview with twenty per- ciation. 2pm., Alumni dinner, s IiO sons yesterday as to Asheville 's popula- P m.. Roll call of Alumni by lassen. tion. the ii'ie-fS ranged from 10,000 to Speeches by Representatives of each !-! C O It is fair-to say that twelve out class. Special class exercises. of the twentv w ould not compromise on Thursday, June b. Commencement I. line, itriek, ( Yiuciit. Planter Hair, Piiint, ludH.iininn, Var nish, Oil. .loss, Cutty nnd Hair. Free7.crs, H ( r I gt-t a t ors. OU i Cook Stoes, bin ckn Itiirfrlar I'roof Sasli I ..( In, iv.irriwit.od to Lrivi neciinlv and hh( isf'itrtlott. CICi KS ?.CV IOV. ti i a i .i.r. n v t;. First Shipment of 50,000 GrOod a large Day. 8:30 p.m.. Social reunion of Trus tees and Alumni in Library II ill. for ie 1 Lab t i " ! 1 :' -etien. ;':,. ii tn i. a ; i - o he 'he to a Post reporter yesterday, under three to live n.aj ..rity. The Herald. tl, iiMmikM tlcit hiT ii.imn Rep., figures tile COnventi n at .j- should' not b, divulged, and her rndJnt!",!;:'" it" position thereby endangered, ''and mateLi. , );ie uistri-t at it will be very disagreeable forme close that the oili -nil . to treat a negro as my superior. I needed to decide the .1, ill rrat intounmp nfhir division vote was light, to whi if I can : if not 1 shall have to stand cans ascribe their defeat, it, as my bread and bntter de- I( Heavy Suov.. pcml upon it.'' Amii.aND, Wis.. May is. Pass, tigers " on the trains arriving in this city last Stonewall Items. night report from three to five inches of snow all over northern Wi-consin and Bavboi'O and Stonewall both Michigan. Four inches fell at Halt. lected their entire Democratic - j u J ,"UIU , l"!lt .' , St. Ionaof., Mien.. M.iv P! A hesvy storm occurred h..r- yi-st-rday. r,il ..v r tiMthi- less than 1:1 0 o Nashville Ar.i unnt: fhiring the pres ent week iiiwut twenty negroes have ltft Nashviib- and vicinity and about twenty-live htive left Rocky Mount for Kansas. They are moving under the direction id i-orne agent at Selma. "We ae toh.l by the tie.: rots here that they are ulf-.re-l f .r-;y acres cf bind for 15 acd tiie use of ali t-ev can clear in three years, dca. ing l.nd in Kaneas where there is not a tri e in a hundred miles of any where, exce: t those which have been ,-et out, sounds a little funny. li i'eeu iilv 1 ; ; of 1 'ao; i ii to w I. tiesnatie nist week. A six year old district north and west of Massue and daughter of Mr. Jesse Moore, of this St. Ambroise Btreets has been swept town, died i f measles on last Saturday, clean, with tho exception of a portion We b arn that Mr. Moore has four other 0f Valier street. About 700 houses were children sick with measles. The burned. As many of them were tene- bridce .'.cr.e- Tranters creek near Shep- ments, the number of families homeless pardV tn i i i was kerosened and fired on not less than l.'JOu. comnrisinir ". Of'O Disastrous Ftre at (Jiieliee. (Quebec, May 16. A disastrous lire broke out early this morning in Saint Sauveur, in the house of Mrs. McCann. on Valier street, and spread with Kr''at rapidity through the wooden district which surrounded it Tho streets burned are portions of Valier, Chenel. Saint Peter and Sainte Marie. At 1:30 p.m. the fire had burned itself out. after reaching the limits of St. tor: Mr. I. M.James Sauveur, the toll-gate keeper's house in p liineu a large rat-. alier street being the lant to iza. I he Have Arrived. P. BURRUS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION LP. CHANTS, and g;;at: MllIKi j! BALERS, M.w i; Consign o electee tickets, so the county is safe. Messrs. Potter and Swindell have snow shipped their mill from Bayboro The fall seems to be get ...... otoarvior TahniM tn I'nnnr cm Michigan. 11. L II 111 . 1 ........... . ' - t L Ik.- lirii. Ta hlh repaUtoo eutd by the i -.. OltPAUT la doe to the fact that only the T 1L3LTESIALS are aW nd that the greater: Are exereieed daring iu manuLtcture. Agent and Bottler. New Berne. N. C Senator Warner Miller, Senator John 1 . Jonea, and others, against ment was national unity, and the Carolina Oil and Creosote Com- around these the alii etion oi the pany, . i . Canauay and others, people cluster. waa finally aettled on laat Monday It is a longtime to the meeting cs. KN'GKL before Jadge Bond, in Baltimore of the next Democratic National VND BKST at chamber, by consent, whereDy Convention, but theie are duties to nd CAKE certain oiucers imiucu. ouuoo- oe eriorineu in trie interval, and quently at a meeting oi me direc tor ex Senator Warner Miller ef presentation of the New York, was made President principles essential alike to the per and General Mahone General Man- petnity of the government and the sger. .prosperity of the people. tea iie an Oi Aumi-t n H. 13. It i N r. ii 'NTS 1" SKILL a jy-i dwtf i i i :i i J iroaa creet wnere sue win eoiuinue A T, r j ,,i to manufacture lumber. when yea i n't fed v., t the residence of I. B. Hooker, know what ans you. d;v.- m'l'.ayboro, on the Oth inst., Mr. tanic Llocd B.d.m a tu.n Malachi Potter, aged about 70 tonr'c'() t-.tnah tt:. t hm years, after a long and protracted wrUes: "B. H. L. is atlliCtion, died. A good citizen is has done me great t unnfl who eaves a hOSt Ot tnendS L. v. inomp behind him to regret his going. JFor once we have had a nice, gentle rain which will insure a good stand of cotton. Corn is an excel- the lent stand, but there ia some com plaint of bugs killing it in some lo calities. Irish potatoes bid fair for a good yield, and oats are quite B. for the preservation of my health. I promising. In the Whole the farm- have had it in my family now nearly , . two years, and in ull that tune nave net ers' prospect is fair. faad o bave a (1octr On Wednesnay, the sth inst., at ihos. Faulk. Alapaha. iii . wru.-s; il,u roiiloTififl nf ths hrirle's father. "I sutfered lerriliiy fru.n ihri.fj -1.1. Mr Alhcrt H adder, on Adams The use of B. B. B. has m . u- u. '. " . . . - ti ,j j i,. . ike a new man. I would not t...:e creek. Miss Annie Hadder and Mr Bande tlljllard f.,r u, , A i: h .las. H. Harris were married at .5 aoneme.-' p. m.. and left for Smiths creek w. M. Cheshire. A.h.nca. ( ; a. wr.ti not the least of these is the repeated wtrere a reception was had at the "I had a long -pll ( ty-hoid , , j ..... . . t i n rorr i 1 1 m i ' u w u eti n t, ii,- t i t i . n - fundamental 'k k" ri.ht le., wh eh swelled up enormously. was quite a" .yn ulcer al-.. appeared which d;s- spent, and many were the congratu- charged a cm, full of matter a .;.-,y. I lations extended to the bride and then gave B. B. IV a tr:l and it our. ii groom. me." Saturday i.ight tae -4th last. The fire wi.- :i'-i'"ei before much damage was done. We hear that a similar attempt was i.!2de to burn the bridge across the creeu between I'actouis and ington at the same time. Hlil Baptist: Mrs. Patsey Lae oitl.is conn ty , is about SO years e. an i is in good health. She I 1 Ii L : i ' I . r. .oi l or 6. 000 persons. The total loi-s fire is estimated at 000.000. by the a me site r o I a a ho.. ,o 1 . " W. Tbomprun. Icon-, writes: "I b.-lieve B. 11 ic blood punlier made. h li-.-proved my general health. An old gentleman writ..--gives me new life and new : there is anything that wi man young, it is B. B B. P. A. Shepherd. Norfolk. Va I 10th. 1SSS writes: "I depend Alien Tliorndjke Rice Dead. New York, May 10 Allen Thorn dyke Rice, the newly appointed minis ter to RuBBia, died suddenly this morn ing at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, where he id every day during the WB9 a ueBt Mr- Iiu'f had been sutler an do more'woik at her iDK from a throat affection for a few i ivanced age man a great many of the days past, but was not supposed to be in v,.,,-: . v.' L Grimeley who any danger. He intended to sail for r-.i-i"- ah three miles from here.has Europe yesterdav in the Innmn Line te:- hoi s ,,f wheat that was headed steamer City of I'arn, but wa-c.m nice a u ei k ago. It in taid that if pelled to delay hi departure owit.g p. v. ,.,-,11 v. ::1 !:ie:- a rabbit the first of bis sickness Mae. a c.o.ii er. pis .xpected. This, Mr' Rice died at 3 W o'clock tin- t;,, :i. is cere than an average. morning. There wer- with him at the time ui ins ueain u aineH rs irgen i . oi The Season Is at Hand RefriaoiaLj::: Frcczor;; Wat Flv a r l . ( U ( ' I o , Wire Dish ("overs, FiiiiS and Traji;;. Wire (.'loth and Hath Tabs. i i : n i r hot ., '- i i ion j i j i c i n Tat ho.ro gin-. W. T n P to tiie d; p. 't lrom the river it v. as i pp jr i; e tl.e B t i . v - . L;r.; ,-. e: .in j mi i iiik fu- i. a . yd engineer, was backing r- ,n (TorlH i, ' CddolVi n-nit f Urt l.-..l, A. II . bottling establish- , . . n. vu, u. v... ... i.oiti f i.v and St. James ,,',..,,,., uurin au.x uiwu iiini 1111 (.ijmeililie iasi. l. ii. ( r i li:r, 26 & 28 iYlaUlo Street, !". V Hi. I j. n. eh i.ThKie Ii A SI 1. MANI.T. fee! fever, in mv s'.re.-ts. a boy. stealing a ride on the pio.v. v.;ow catciier,; felt it rise up. He looked d-.wn and saw the mangled and criihe-u form of a negro boy. A lit tle more light is throw n on the case of tii" i;:'l girl w ho s-uici.led Friday in N-. 11 t"v-n-:iip. S:ie was 12 years of nil', of si tin o mind, and deliberately -. r . ; ; e I b..i?e!i' iind jumped to her death h v. n a well llar-h trentm.nt. it i- l:: .i-h'.. go id. ;d !o r to tiie desper- Twia City Daily: The f-torm of j ee trday swept over this section of coun try with considerable violence, enap-p-iiig limbs iro.'ii trees and on elevated points uprooting trees. It swooped Jjiiiicrf Kernereville with tragic eflect c ;.:ph-t.-ly wrecking the I.invilb) ware-iicii-e. which toppled or-, its foundation an I fell iu w itu a crash. Frayer Wil- Ihuiis, deputy eheriil of R xkingham ' ter, N. V . CONM.MPTIOV (IRK.ll An old physician, retired from rm t; , having had placed in his hands hy im I ,m- i India missionary the formula nf a - m.. !. vegetable remedy lor the speed v mid per tiiaiient cure of Coiisumptioti. Br'.i.i lum. Catarrh. Asthma and all Thr.iKt ai. I I. i.. AlTection?, also a positive an,! ra. 1 ) 1 ,i-. for N.rvous Debility an l all ,, -.,.i-Complaints, after La ing tested it.- vn.n derful curative powers in thousands if cases, has felt it his duty to mulo- it kn.. n to his sutTeriDg fellows. Actuated by tlo motive and a desire tn relieve huiiein mi! fering. I will send foe nf charge, t, . ,i i who desir it, this recipe in lieriium. French or EDgli-.li, with fail directions fur preparing and using, heist by nnol bv .. I drts-iog witli stamp. iiHinuig tie - p.ijei . W. A. Novks. 1 III 1 ' wrr.s Hbudi. Ilm liis lmvl wlv J0K1T E. chabtree & CO ENGINEERS, founders aad Machlnlete Mine LNuINt faetnrers and 1 lealeri In AND M'.rHINISTS' SUPPLIES tl .11,1... ..i 1 n.iiin llollra. San tlll'a. I .luini: .v. t ui off llrlilaiaa( a e ., 1 1. , .. i .i, . : .1 ,..,i i urn :,kk of all klnda w : ' 1 ; i i : . i .. , l';i : u: ,o i e -,. , ..'.- u u-ni:on glvan el, S I' 'H w . i..- . . 1 1 -i : ie sulci eatlmataa V r r it i . ' ' : r m - i if 1 h A nr a I .i T u u in I it ' ol- nlut l. .i i: u Mr-mi i fer all work - T .... j ,-', ' ,'. y f

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