I ) ... f ' 'K-M ' I aV v 1 v, r 44,,,'- J ; . If v i 4 I B, -"rww. t rnvr1.t.i I X D E P 1 X D E XT IIST ALL TH IX(;s, Tox-ixxmt VI . I - s i- V m. X-. VOL. XII. NEW BERNK, CRAVEN COUNTY, X. ('., .IlMl .;. iss; NO. HI, To) -"-nrrT tut rr.n A I i . I "I II .- I I 1 f.r -v, 3. cmwmx " f CM 1 jrm I "-aBBa-araaBaw B B i a aw ma-na. a""-taMUMw taa, mi iim aaa hi - - ii mim it ana-la- CmIkmn. St. a4aaa 1 M Ml twflaa I aa. I" a-H'm. ill 9mammmmmmmmmm KDITWBIAL SOTEM. is the same R. fust coat mkx. ar uutr w in-rttr.! to try OB i intj pte-laa. tjmiiiintll Maa 4uwami wCl .T-Uckr-f ' r rax STcaicfl: gipjuhed digestion; disordered uyir; ACT tatf IIWl r wui woom vraj u T I a I I t UT m t 1 1 n har"1 C r utiH-Mil !! MICMASI KANT TMK UUIST IXLf m m JUL IMM l Fa m wtOk Kk Jk-i. aal k TMC KJi ICH 4 K. Lma.klr. lull HIU1 igMM duca nut krrp WILL MAIL BIZCHIM PILLS 05 RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CENTS A. BQJL Tba Llany Friends and Customers Utij nr uJ b;oad New I'.rr..- a 1 'A wtea t T9 proaJ to we wa:i: amon nnr P1aITj caII to thir attatioo, tbi: wo apprfr.A' txUdotl to BJ ia th pMt, tii.i: wi- !io: DUCEMENTS THAN EVKK to wer.t t! -Md tbt txid BEING THK AG I! NTS r TOM. M. Uolt' PUd, CoU' Spool Co. ton, 1.. .i..t MUU lKaitIc, SfrJ I.ve r. ! r. 'i.!-. ! . Araoar & l'o-' Prvvimon. H ir!or 1 ,k : W cArry Floar. Totccu, SnJiI. oiVs i3Cr - Ad In tb DRY GOODS Uce no hoie in 1, tviUbto stock to pl4 the barer, ia stv'. a . For DrtH Goo 1a, Xotioa. Whi 'mxxI .:-.l nat th ditAQ with your Ulit n1 If. , v Klaatoo. WUt wa ranoC saDly, far o:i,fr :w n faction, "Tbk smile! "Tnn mn who B Jon i m-Tur cj.lol umjd to pj o. .' i H"i.EE in rt-ptirttd tu liae broken mi w.ib mucii viruk-Do ia Tiik Kiiilloiiur i inm-li mtre timljulii'B of collon crgit' in the ,r v r. bokls of iteaojerk bc In t n re ported m as tuaii) wek. Mi.iok KlKl.Kiol l'tnliidelphia, w in training for the Kepobl can Presidential nomination in l'.'J. He ! (Xinspicuousl v d icpi.ij" ; n; an interest in baseball." Thk Cabinet orticcrs art so i .i - ft' (M lift " ! . m . n . i .,... w' ' 1, i. . ,n. 1 air.M .ii i r.u-:i , t- ,i ;: ..f id en !e '.. AS . :i : r to deny the report of t 1 m- Miypv IX- pablic begin to think there in pome- I i f , ! :; wl.ri:. i'i .: w 1 1 , ! ; " lire, i'Ii ..i .t:.i-, 11., .lrtl.r.n,. -1 has j;l.ireil 'ne:i;li ;1 i . n t t.e fa tare, -.1 .1 I". l-.ln:T as i irries a more r. price. . ; will pi j- you to :hir Bt th eoaec ar that it jou trike joa vUl flad rrrtbtnf to joar notioa Good, hoaeC joxJ, .'-6 mo'.f Uk pOQQd. SUOE3 Cor F. m kaJ Parlor weir. BEADY MADE CLOTH I SG - 1 i Eavator CroilB to excel a. W e oit Bout mar ooe ; ,1 iakw joa itt to , order. od if 4 JO BTB BO B)OQ7 oat. If jom eaBo eotn to Knton r avr all joar i&qairiea. Yoar traly. f.i: , :.jni''er n: our hoae , i- ' , ., :. ! 1 1 ...icces to r : 'ir.il . boa So In i : i o .ir meajan , vow need nt tX,e w " : ;.ie.m'ire we will t-enip!e.. r.i:.-e r : nobler e; : .i-. i: :. : : ! le.irn to resper' .i".d the Greek. to t obey." 1'. cr d iy prediction "f bem' ruddy ver::;etl South.- l'r,iiikl;n G.i. Tni-: . ; h t e me n t pat)llshed tll.iT t he Iii.l; chinerv h.ill of t lie I'.i: OETTINCER BROS. ' n of : ! Ki.ssroy, Jf. c. WAR! WAR! WAR! many pa'.ron, we anxious ,-.r r.iinMMf' troabJ in the ( abinet that the um'.t r ill e cr thiDi in It. Hoston Globe. a hnnd: Maky Andf.Es.iN ba.4 been luv- more ;h.i:i mg a very livelv time iu asocial deeper lii't-r way :n London of late, ilary is the most wipuiar of contemporary Koflish actresses. N. Y. World. TilK South can now outrival Pennsylvania and the world in producing iron charx;r than any where else, and of better quality boppiofc in and at a better profit Lynchburg Advanc. Thk I'Ditexl States revenue cat ler Kaah sailed for Hehring Sea fnd Alaska on Kriday, May L'-Uh, to protect American fishery in terest there under instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury. Norfolk ledger. Hkeoe. in the late I'niou army piAS compliments when they n:eet. Hutler charge Porter with cowar dic at Nw ( rlean, and Porter looks orr at Patler and sajs ditto. Koecrans says Sherman never won a tMttle, ami Sherman re sponds, "poor fool !" WKaTXBR North Carolina is a good coantry and we are not anr prLaed to learn from the sheville Citixen that N'att. Atkinson Son of this dty, bBTe o!d t2S,000 worth of real efltaU dm Lag the put tea Jji. Norfolk YLrgiBian. ! In 1 I UP, .wii is 1'roy. t-pt t- : n ,m On .-.id.T. : . !n r f- 'IKld i .-!i,i:i 1 even r ,i:id ";".et)t 111: :s -:i n ' KIHKHiV (,'OM PLICATION'S. N" hen Mr Llaine was jdaced ,n cliarjje of the State portfolio, in Mr. Hariisou's Cabinet u was pre dieted that he would emlro'l tins nstioii in war with some foreign jxisver. There was reason in this I'oni-lu.stoii founded on the cour.-e m! t!-e distinguished Secretary wliilo a meuilxr of the Gartit-ld Cabinet. lint Mr. HI, line has dmie nothing rash during his ineuinbeii cy of the State oflice : nu tic con rr.n he h as exhibited w i.diC'ul p,iii.-ei var i ,-ui , and is ever content o I'.ill.nv in the footsteps of .Mr. 1'., is aid. Heretofore it has been believed that Mr. Maine made his ie n tracks, and that no other man h nl sufficient stride to cover them. The Berlin Conference , is at an end, and the Samoan complication is settled in accordance with American declarations. Mr. 151, line ui!I be credited with thesettle-:in-nr. an. I he is entitled to com meiidat ion . if for nothing else, for having .-t-nse enough to follow the right pii'h, althongh the way had been bl.-.ed out by a former Ad ministration. It rnjuites nohttle sagacity o be able to discern the r:gh:, and still more courage to pursue the right course when it of New Be:n; ( . -ir n , ; : . ; : H-t.-l. Ilarr-. ( i rt t n an 1 J , ; I r:- p. A -1 r . . i: - r.-. . i u ( r -1,': l.ar W. II Pr, - : Y A ! : . i i r. I., mu-1 I n AW i. . J. M .-.re. y A." Nix--,n r, i f. r the r tf.- S;..-.,.. ire 1 , j :. ill. i the i- j : ;r- r-!-..::-. N S . -. Y. V. ste.'i in' ex ; in I it y i p. n: l " ; Kr ir.-ii I II !': Hr .-.r.i The k:i : .- :r, .ml f '.!. tin 1 :i in 'a i ' : i . fell ;up! :p : i::::p- Th t m ! i: f t tie- ; that he . w :iii ! ! , r r i -. Up- t w . i pi 1 r 1 - ? v . r t r.u ! r-PiJ il f p -t en the iv killing, tli.it H ir r i r k -e M- r h 1 ld..w j f,t ' i . if - r . r: the rrir r. r -i I ; ft rt- t nr. 1 t!i:p ! I .ri i- . e 'a . i . 1 1 : r i : - -. Sit v. CI .: Ver f. - . i,i : Tr. s lu-ito.-r. -w Closing Extr. jses . ;Lir:. nt. S(ntfiice. five years Graded School. ..menu iry. tor the offense of The final examinations of th- )..! the coat, convicted at this term School were 1 eU 11 uitdry FriJny i.'. r. ivs'j yearn, to begin at the the annual report was read t.,e prize i. the hve yoiirn. He proved awarded, the annual address delivered. 1 !i .riieter arid the commun- ; and the school formally closed. The e ' .'.- - ! id te. be rid of his school bnd f riends of the school assem- f-.r .j'aI.:!.'. bled at tho theatre at 10:30 o'clock. The iiei;- y. t iii-i. lleu-tey, jr., exercises were begun with prayer by -- n i JL 1'- I'nillips were Rev. Dr. Vass : then followed the f ' ' ' -i ii'K lip'wn a fence from reading of the report of the President ie i in . :.hi vatioii. (ireen & of the Board of Trustees of New Heme : ared f .r the prosecution, Academy, as follows: 1 I'i!; f.-r the defendants anni a L IIo.Nolt koi.i. c u thk nru pi km: . -dhy. Sentence, one dollar ..HADED tpiiopI.pi 11) ..! ii..- defendants and cost. 2,1 grade John SuU-r. 4tn grade Hertha Kafer. 5th urade Kate Matthews. Hurt :i i ;ir New, 'i eil W idely ;ii: tie'ent in,! : ex;-oi;ioii must rt ttect credit upon the wisdom of a political nvnh That Mr. lilaine will move on Ir.s own lines whenever the Dices' 1...VS f. l.P'A . If p'l h:,v, y on an 1 ; y lh- ; ri- r.r r wl.er- I. went if.t !:.- while the ii. ar.d titer 5-d and tirt i th efTect hchir.d i r. -1 a n 1 1 y . I r was r.- p e.. r the time . f i!. i:: f arr- : i" r i ' I - en.pl in; r r - u . r . t . . T II ;-. -!. and i- -r.r the : ir.K' ' f the he pi-rn.-r : i m -: that ii H i:.-- - k tile -':.;-- ' ' HlC il. lil u. 1; i (1 1: p.-.. i ' tak a in A E-'l ;; 1 Br) an. St.- ver.- f.ni-iii: r was on a n mirs tie P.'p ties in tiki: wa - e-a:.:- "f Jimi-8 Stanly, a colored ! . f larceny, the appeal Dowdee. i" n un I the sentence re- Oth grade : ;.. t-A.) yearn in the ""CJ -I.' uiHa Suter, M ii, ii ii- ine IonowiriK pupils have iintr.i r been absent, tardy nnr disun.-std dur ,Mi do-ket was inx the year: John Suter. 2d rde counsel to argue Oswald Kafer, ii.J . Hertha K ifer I'.h S T Jones vs Kate Matthews, 5th: Louisa Suter, 0th. QPJ .,.,.,11 I lei . P It Pi.1 lf iar -w-x puiia uaic utcil bUIUMflJ llUNtl -'1 i at i , ..-a nt i i lie ca.-e It. 11. Co. rt i W. 1"- (.'larke, (ireen & 1 I. J. Moore for the de poratinn. The argument lion of defendant to dis- ise cm account of irregulari- ! position-. The motion ;; i plaintiff appealed. 11 ! t .eh w Of b sitv demands it, we have never the k.iiiu. Hatch .ion r, ever con- - r,-.-:." This means that got niiilcr a m a i n Th Pearl Shirt. THE VAR HAS OPENED ONCE MORE I t d' terdmUiw to "Ac:oiM)i3a U reoBt acconnt tbre i- m thnfty feling among the is "the largest baA. hi struct ed t: ml cr a .-: : . gie is a mistake, iiiAess ;: t his bnihling ;s ; i,p ; i: sinele span ot roi-f. bnild ing at t hp . r, :, ,1! a s; ngle strncture -w.is .-. x ' y per cent, larger in the a:ea it cocrt.l than machinery halicl the l'ar:s t x po sit ion . Our ;n.i::i by I i'i I leot, the in.n Pans is 1 , pn bv , o. I nt se are almost exactly the dimensions of onrown machinery ha'.!, w hich was .W- by .'ten feet, l'r.pn this com parison Philade!i'h:a can get a good idea of the s pit nd:d propor i t ion 8 of the Pans exhibit. on build 'ing, which no d.i'.ibt g.ve an !m . preesive ciTect by the immense ! arched roof, w hich rises to a height t : e r 'a a- ii than h lU'.t c 1 th a to lie pc in t . Y ht n t i, e t eluded, the Suli -r. r. with th, e rp-ir.t r'.- r he heard the tr tice. a t . 1 t't. .'. so much r :. he was sati-lh ! 11 . : d . ii W ,ls 1 . ss li ii.ery n i.i at of the r r ; which tic beer, alas deceased . waa se th, Oviaa t th hard tio-x and scarcity of m, nor, I faraUh the popI the Dest Goods for the Leaat Money. Nov, fa proofs th fact, I will qaot yoa a few of my pnc . My Stock, U ot thBi, daltn that the pat ClOtilinBT tl Innimom. Men's od l'ic.e K.annei Suit as low m 3.09. AIo good Soit. for Men : -Jo. lioys' cxm Sail, frOBi 14 to IS years, ooly $2 93. Hoys" Knee ?n:ts m $ 1 .25 to tl.M. BBkwIineof Men's Scks and I utau" c ! rrn-v Altrt Soli--, 1IAT8 HATS ! HATS 1 Five hundred do.-en Hats, all BtjVe Drwsc. Meo. Bot aad Children's Hi's t-c-m 1" to 1". and 2o ctf . UBjarmatM to salt yoa in any kind of Hat of 170 feet, and .s almost unob structed save bv p u . it :e e x r e n d- biiibl ;ng tloubterl. Our political bkies are not . vet cloudless. England hits maniles ed restlessness because of the attitude of this country in regard to Canada and liehring bay. Great is diplo macy, but the activity of the Navy Departments of Great liritaiu and the 1'nited States indicates that something more than words may be in demand. Hat it must be re waa Pu,v. .;, nt meinbered that every department the trc uhle at :h - ; t!ourishf8 its own trumpet, and we ng. i';. ier ti.e may be sure that while General thought it bt-t t . a ... , , . of r.riscr.erV c t::.r I racv is rubbing uii his guns, Mr. " ' , of mantldnghtt. r. i Hlaine will be using his pen. It is ready a?stEt(Ji ,: often said that the pen is mightier lhat );0liid not obj- than t he s -ord. and we trust that that aft. r hearict: ti diplomacy will again be trium phant. There is, at the present time, considerable speculation as to the meaning of certain events in which ! 1 1 r i : r. -1- i . i ni . v, y b f r i-1 tf si irn -:.y f r the tn-r ! . ,t p, v' it r.r: 1 t ilk-l out ill taking hire l.ini ,1 that it . : r from : t and foh v,e.i r ' in t hat wa r r:-;-u i tat i: n ated that - the Ji;,- r. -:-w was finer, that i the you to n.anr.er it; j !. he had ! op t y the .:. r ti,, r.- I ; a- i , ij ' 1 the school vear. and the nveraie rMi i. fr the plaintiff, H. R. dance has been good. The following prizes are to be award ed : Sij-(h (jriide Minnie Dowdee First pn.e fur high est average id scholarship, deportment and attendance. Louisa Suter For bet-t at tend un e and excellent deportment. Arthur Kafer for second best atti n dance and for vpry good hir-tory le-son- Lewis Cox For best lessor. s in his tory ?nd book-keeping. Fifth On, l, Kate Matthews hirst prize f,,r p. r feet attendance and excellence in schol arship. Mary Do wdee Second prize for at tendance and scholarship. Diisy Guthrie For greatest imii n e ' A W ' T Ht I A A I .VI IP ' IC-, Hi OUICE r cc ' ; h i MitiiA, C - 1 i ' P. Till '..'.!.. be i ' 1 ' i : I ! i . 1 1 1 . ;-...bh i :! tina- ! - it'- Pl-.ll ' y il! - dc- p. i....! - " or ina tive KIDNEYS. L ! v E R AND BOWELS. I- . - - - 1 - v , to ri. r : c r - - r : : r : rrc tual l y ,i -.itc Dtccr, i i riTianuc sttep, ic.;,iii: . STDE-iOTii 1 T ri iy morning at 1 State vs. Jesse Dunston ier cf Joe Herring, col., p. J. K. O-Hara. Esq., trie pri-ancr. Solicitor rite. nireof or.e hundred had The following jurors ment in penmanship. -i, : Yc". A . Thomas. N. S. Rich it. F. Hiil. John Dunn, J. J. T. Hall. Joseph Nelson, Street, P. II Parmi- i n '-spy. col.. E. H.J hrson . c - to I .y. gingerbred PI ar- t i in- between twelve o.-arf old. though it is said x e f n . It is also reported s neither Cither nor mother proved conclusively that nut the eleventh day of v. h i ' in a quarrel with ! Kl ae "fDnc,! notner coiorea Doy -ioout I t l :-. 1 prep-. .- it i -n to taLe a v. r icit uti-f-i for j.risoijer 1 i :s H, -r. : r stated to its btir. c known that aft. r hearing the tt -:im-ny he had advist 1 the Solicit, r to take that c- urse as he wcuhl be conitebed to charge the jury that they con! i n t ti.aJ a verdict of guilty of murder tip -n the testi mony. The verdict agri. 1 t;p:n was. i ir g ti.e ii.'e de'eaiod RepablicAa ajpiranta for lDg t be length of tin Coigns ia Mhwoari. They or Philadelphia Ledger. not guiltv of the rr.urirr u charged. i.-.t. rtfir-,. . .. ..... iieucn uuici aia aic uj.ic .iai Dutguiltvtl lelor. i u -1 y l : ticipants. "The sudden and un- of Johe Alex. Hinis. anncunced ilenartures from Vash- Court took a recess until fbOBXO in the 8UU must be dis- hi( Cliov Boosed throagh them, and that NN'ho does i...t iemember ;th thBii laflaeBC is purchasable; l'J.r) what pleasure i.e looked to the oeiar fixed a the fienre br one of imo of vacatitui in the das of his childhood ' W hat i- er are t lie liar d -ships of boys and g:i!s during the bOM worthies. . AKIWHPirEB item sa-rs Prepl an d P- 1.1 t's n :c-t S lipp-ers from SHOES. SHOES, SHOES 1 The l Stock of Shoe I eTer kept. Men's Suovn : Kid Bottoa Shoe, IWc.; Lsc, T V. to v-. bb4 DoyB ShoyB at prics to sn-: the times. 13c U T3c fUBinSHINO GOODS,! Men i a deri-. .rt -s ow xs ceai Bc Doibrlggaa Shirt for 15 cents. A mc- S-rf from 10 to 120 ceBtB A fail ha of Dry Qoodi, Trunks, Valises, ar.d other goods too BBBsrooj to mention. COBBO OB)t COBB ail to WILLIAM SCII'AN'S. whtre ton will bx ueavtd right aad gf C yoar money s worth. st Selected 1 -'eot Harrison devotes about an V. to tl.Oi. IiadKSr ' boor B day to newspapers. lie rom A " a Urgrt stock of Men lfds the editorial comment! cut for in Oat for him by bis secretary, glances Bit the telegraphic news, and al- WaVJB I ir a Awai tho K iiii k3ii home bv the deep o.ut IWBB V V 4 UV UBOU lruAa BOOres. Poeaibly his sympathiea go 8Da" w' Pfn" our vap.ii oat to lboe much abused mdi- school term thp vacation . Two C(.!!egp g.lls Wert' lie. to each other. i';.e l:ed in the mountains, and the other ha. ea n !" t hey asked in the same breath. '(,' mgton of the French Minister for the apparent purpose of holding a conference at Pen6acola - ith the com in an de r of the Roland, a French ship of war now at that port, is per haps FnlTicieutlj accounted for bv the fact brot hers NV h e n the c c u r t r c c r. va. i. i . w was resumed on the S. ate d .a. k t . . H. P. C.ritTiQ, c.'tivi ",ui f r A .v on II. J. C'arawan, wa- iiae.1 '. t.": cost 3Dd required, to Live hped in P. for the was tali reorr si r. 'A'hi.. A -I bet-n u n were i h ardson. To 1 s.,n. i John F i Swert. lee. p. 1 . Du r.st color. ar. and li f I j that ho- ; . ! that lie living. The S; hoah tp-r.. J a till ry i J-ie lli-rr. the sat:.-' neck with a knile. inllicticg a wound which c.iu-e i death on the same day, and that an cnicer of the law was near by and billow ed to them to stop the light. The fvl : nee for the prisoner thowed that he and Herring were employed at the livery stable of E. S. Street: that they -were engaged in carrying water to a lot of mules, that when through the prisoner went to the stables and went about bis u,,rk: that Mr. Young, the superintend nt of the stables, sent Dunston to call nerring, the deceased, to bis w ork : that Herring came in cry ing and cursing aud told the prisoner that he was oing to beat him for that, and the prisoner replied, "You bad better ktep your hands off of me;"' that Herring w,.s, a few minutes after- n the CA! !: 3 J IGB Y!:!T CO. f'oiirtli d'ni'lr. Btrtha Kaffr First pnp for highest average in attendance, scholarship ana deportment. Laura Walter 'Jd pr . for atten dance, scholarship and deportment. Jamei Whaley For geography. William Sohissler (ireateet inipr.-e-ment in writing. Bertha Kafer For spelling. Thinl Grade. Nina Baenight Scholarship. Oswald Kafer Attendance. Addle Oaskill Deportment Second Grade. John Suter First prize for hightst schcjlarship and r.i.v - CREAM Ba CI 11 II S's N s:i! I'., !ges, I :i n I n :i iiii ii CatarrH .1 PlciiDrpCOW hiii nun in tr . Un-...,, mi,, :.THAYFLVLRfl)-Jo II ;, I . i I,, Jfv - t i r , ' II s I' ;i s t Smell. Mi, C.', Sn 0.r- a" tut Tr; Ihr I ,, r, A J.IIM 1 s i, l' re. nt . , ,- ; , li.Hii. r.i o r , , , li W arr,- i s , . , . struck Herring Lizzie Hancock Scbolarkhip acl di- on the portment. Adolph Nunn Attendanc e trut (iradf. John Meadows For best tcbolarship. Closs Barker For best attendant e. Alberta Clrich Second best in schol arship. Adciuired First Crude. Rosa Schissler Best average in schol arship, attendance and deportment. Mary Jones Sscond best average in attendance, scholarship and deport ment. Thomas Cox For best attendance. . Amy Cook Third in scholarship. The students to whom prizes wtre to be awarded came upon the stage, and General C. A. Battle, with brief re turn of SC'.n for h:s gi . J U-h.iV it ur Cicero Wood, ciiortd. indicted f.r wards, seen advancing that the confreere.S are the larceny of lint cotton fn in the cot- prisoner and striking him with his hst, , ,, , - i ton platform, was found ra t guiltv, cr and that the prisoner backed without uul lucid aic luaijt n uu marks, very pleasantly awarded the K001' work HAY-FEVER ,.. ,!, t,t , tui i fand ... - 1 a -.iMni p- .y ' 1 .. I . . I Hi. I KRH, r .. v. : . in, I ,.l wlj 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER H AS i 1 ,-. j : 7 ., K OF Watches, Clcck:. Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND PLAT 1 1) WARE- sr i: r i.kh. I keep a larger stuck of Hpectaclea than any other si. re m N..th Carolina, I take particular pun- t lit ! hem to tha eyes of parties i.etaiing th, m . Having work, .1 s:, alii Ht the bench for over thirty years. I believe I can do tr.v v. ai hniakor in the prizes. Mr. James Thomas was then intro duced. Taking "Education"' as the COMI- idoaiii, the umpirea. for whom he aKl I ")l,,JMl' subject of his address, Mr. Thomas Up''OH,te llaptist ( mu entertained hid audience for about half an hour in a most delightful anil in structive manner, evincing a depth of research and thought and a natural grace and beauty in delivery, couching his thoughts in an elegance of language that was charming. After the address President Lng 'Where even France will not be permitted e:c- Matthew appeared for nim-e!f and a verdict of manslaughter. made a few closing remarks and the .. :.-ji-. i- .- ., ti :.u-,r:,..! -.. to t hrust the Monroe Doctrine asi il tL5UIlt-u Ijr nimse,i. stating mat r.e aue ease as argueu v, nu Luuiiucia- j auaience was uumissed with oeneuic- went into toe store tut was hired to do hie zeal and earnestness Dy ootn tne an- j tion by Rjv. Dr. Yass. so by a man who said his name was torneys. and af ter His Honor 8 charge N'i SI-.F ME. SAM. K. EATON. Mold le street, h f,12dwtf take another view.'' It need not , ',' ' . appeared f or t li c d ft I. : a ed be asserted that the people of the Matthew lull, colore i. I nited states are especially friend- with break ii g into the ri- re of s. il h. r lv to the people of France, but Scctt for the ur o.-e cf st. a drg goods. L -i , .TZi d striking to the sidewalk where he struck the blow -with the knife. At the concl usion of the testimy the solicitor stated that he would not ask a verdict for murder, but would insist on GEORGE ALLEN & GO DEALERS IN General Hardware tXX ic 11 It lira I i ru I c m ei u t H. Wrj. SULTAN, Opposite Daptlst Chnrch, MlddU street, - - - NEW a r"Jd w m 13P.RNF, N. C. J. W. STEWART, Sale and Liven Stable, i ''"- Fine Horses Bnd Males ilwn i on hr.i 1, disposed of on easy terms I h ' r oa aiad a oiibt'r of F n Teart. alao trxiaed 3xlJl Horsen for both la h ,i ! g--. 'road Street, New Berne. N. br c. The Bergiier & Engel BREWINC CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, 13 TJiraUISTIOJfABLY THE Finest Beer Extant. It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and NTT TlUTlVi! qualities. sometimes has fellow feeling." Tut: Sew York apecial in the PaJ-irBore San says: "The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Company hare project oa foot for the building of a line to ( olda boro, N. ('., lor the pur, se of opening up a heanly-wooded conn try which lacks railway facilities, and also with the ultimate object of gaining a foothold in the South ern coal and iron producing cen tre.'' Thk (?eorgia Load Congress, re cently m sesaion in Atlan ta. adopted a meaanre looking to a change in the road !is of the State, and a committee was appointed 1 o present a memorial to the legislature re-'jaegting- such changes as they think w;H tve oetter roads. The o efw helming sentiment was that couv.cts should In as lar as pos sible worked on the roads where their liUor does not con:!:ot w;:h free labor. A Ntw lliMi'sniitK paper won ders why Mr. Laiu, of St. Louis, should b thought of in connection with a consulship now occupied by Mr. 1'nderwood the former ling nothing but a merchant, while the latter is a gentleman of high hterary culture. The reason Mr. Hun is thought of is probable b r that very cause that he is a prac tical, intelligent, broad minded man of affairs, while Mr. 1'nderwood is a man of books. It is a wide-awake business men, rather than mere hter.ateurs, who are wanted at our con sulate. Wue I'.uhop Potter remarked ;:i New i ork that President Harri son had 'not g-iven one hour to me to ui v nioi. ii : a . n tin! j;.) with :i. n if. l; win and establish Havti. her authority in . ate be splendid '. ou have in the mountains, have Soch beautiful sceiit-r;. . nlticer.t sim-t have no i-r ': -t trut I cannot at tract I e as moun tai us motion le.-s day. tod.n is sublime tion ; en. li ing more s siieak of t ! I know that it : be a y oil w 1 1 il 1 d see !: : p a ,. - r, beau' . lock a i: I. i ' rr , u Fell. S.ii ii n ia t-t n 1 !.. f Henry (ireen. Yerd ict, guiltv. Jujg- Hev.ewing these various COUlpli ment. seven years in the p., r.ker.tiary. cations, and considering the fact Henry Price, eharg; d w i.h stealing a that the piesent National Admin- peck of com. Ho .-ul mitte.1. his coun ts liepublicau : i : . i ' i he i . . -r.iV,,!. I car ; i i . s . in.l :'ere cr. , . n; p. no mi :i : Lil i. I lilt. I. lis. 'prig' so N our y are t-stei -p ocean . in : ty in mo- a vt' tai per : . dea: . you s :i :i (: . a ii d ist rat ion is Kepublicau. we con sidt-r it fortunate that Mr. Plaint is a" the head of the S'att part uieiir. De i :i p. line ii i n j wa ve brace Y II for lo'ti Voice tipoli tlian ,n: I sav . n g It n,..--i are, or i. a vac at ion . espt . lal'y The m;i to his ties aud am iss i hi p.. bit if .'IIS of e cry - e 111 -. . If. : .'I'll. : . . i : r Jones County Items. The wet weather continues. The whortleberry crop is and is r i pen i ng. Fanners are near all eonipl.i of t he pot at i) bugs. (ira.-s is growing luxuriantly. Much of our corn ueds working badly. Mrs. M. C. Guldens, who has been critically sick for some weeks, we are glad to learn, is now much bet ter. The farmers say that their Iiish potatoes .lie large, but very lew to ; he vine. Not w ii h.-: anding the depri-dat ion .d tht . : r . i-n ': ., -iiii to a ', a- n. . VI Weal :i:i : : enjoy soul highest treat ;ti has a? st-r t ed t ! to throw ( il tin sweet repose o The student h.s 1 m. . k a:,d tuc learning c in never 8 -.flier, IP'T d-pth- iiii- w.th Nature The hoi ;n busi.'it ss room. t i.e c i;i :ic er nor i t-acii t he Me. until he t ei' a !': t i-iii.iii w i p ) the r :;ra. m ,iv ! the i c in . pro: a I W itll put in but he .is ot hawks, tin chickens is pretty r.iir. Corn in places is drowned. Many of our farmers have had to plant their swamp lands over again. N e have heard of but two real tine gardens in our whole section, L. II. Mallard's aud M. C. Gid dell's. There are but few partridges this spring in this vicinity. The sports men and hawks have nearly cap tured them all. The farmers are so busy fighting the grass that they actually don't have time to visit Trenton even on Satnrday eveniDgs. Many of the newspapers say that the fruit trees are loaded with fruit. With us the wet weather or some cause have nearly unloaded sel, W. E Clark,-. K-o . statu;-: that he was so n. in h ti :. ; , r ; he ii ;! ,u r.c- f liijti tr at th,- ti.e., tha: ;. '. r.ew n, -thing ab rut taking the . r: . i t was su sren i 1 . r pi'-.'ri r.: f ' t laiwaid ii aiy. M ,:i,,ui Pr-a ks and Thomas t .ha: -p. an w. ra.-a... 1 t i answer to t he charge - - f ha l ru: malfiay. Haliv subni tte-L I. J. M ; ,i;-: -:ir. I for Broks. O H.,ra f..r I 'bapm tt). V,-r,ii.f Brooks ptni:-. t bupni n r- t cuilty. Pr t o k -i a i: : ! i i I y w . i ' I t ! 1 ai d cost ea -h . James I ) i ; -, e : . an 1 J .bn I ! -. n 1 1-h-. two young ct-h re 1 stii;iinc. wire put ou trial for the larceny cf cl-.os fr--mthe store of M. 11 Snh.ati. i'il.ri f .r the boys, S Pi it.-r Whi'e f r the State. Yerd ict. i. t gui'ty. i.. t! r case et guilty I tit r . t j ;, v. n James m i . , ; a ; i Hogan . tie I y Steinlielp- r's b- tl crop ol spring river, pi, a led ctn the jury, in about fifteen minutes, re turned a verdict of not guilty of mur der, but guilty cf feloniously taking the life of Joe Ht i ring. Thad.ieus Mumford stood in dicted for throwing a brick at a rail road train court hear .01tTII CAROLINA NEW. From the State Tapers. Hookerton Clipper: The wheat crop in this section promises to be very good. Our Methodist friends contemplate He pleaded guilty and the ; building a new church house in this the testimony. His Honor place. I'luHH, 1 1 a i . v. s, ii I i i at or, I I , CH ivll'd A X n, Woctl s l,, r .11,(1 K.HXrB, .S ! a III f . li i ; i ' n. Cotton (on-, ;.,:il PiChsen, C'rtill7.'rs. ! ..in. I 5",ns(,r, mult Mecliantes To.ri-. noil Mardnare, Limp, liritlt, CiiiHiit, I'lastr li ii !som i lie, Var Putt;. ;iml Hair. : i ir; -. ,';r. Oil -, - . , 1 1 ii rg litr usually sent parties to Twin City Daily : We are much paini d r,.. .v.;. ,,t K.,r to learn that Mr. L. N. Clinard. one ol it-.l mi., viicunr:, uui. iu , stated lit .-it I.'- rl.. ..en i - ,,r ;., j i ' Salem's most respected citizens, ha l wouid soi.piy suspend judgment -n met with the misfortune this mtxn.ng this case and h t the defendant pay the to get seriouslv hurt by being thrown cost. Hair, l'.iint. iiish, i 1 , i i i r.-ci- 7 ., Co.; k Mmc C rif.l S.i- !. ' i , r r . Il t m1 t - ;.-cli,,Ii. I I . . A CO. If he did not behave in the future ' from a buggy and ran over. aidgment case. Court t M In the af'o u Id be prave 1 in this lOCK. a rvce-s to iiitu -n e-ri s-'.-siou Fred. Mosley, p.,!.. w&- put a:; trial for F. & A. J. E. o'llririi roi l M inly it Guion appeared for the defc-ndai.t. After hearing the testimonv the defendant submitted to a News and Obssrver: The directors f the cotton factory held an important meetiDg yesterday morning at the ollice of Mr. John li. Winder. Several com munications from parties clfering sites to be received by the company as stock were read and considered. Goldsboro Argus : News comes to us that the recent hail storm that passed with varying movement over this entire Firs: &hiiJ.nent of 50,000 this t :. 1 ; n i r t-. tl . f tie i- him t v . v,-ns or ;..to Mr. into the arge and verdict of guilty. He was'then put on portion of our State, has proved of con trial for abandonment of family, which . eiderable damage to the crops in cer was dismissed for want of jurisdiction and remaii-ir-l i r the Justice who took his reccg.-.i.'. ite.'e tu court. Good Bricli Have Arrived. tain sections of Saulston township. county. Wil. .Star: A HPft.ion of a small sare Judgment . jnK jeft at lQe gtar 0fjgce yesterday by , p. i p 1 p ( i rot.p.nul 0,1 r trees of the fruit. . :n u tied i aiitl) . statesmanship," the Republican her present c a e a b!es.iig. ati press was ready to ;nmp on him with both leet. One month later ta:n the !.':.. the Philadelphia Press, the stalwart poetry i t" mot;. Republicanism of which will not tie anon. lea'. ;ng t questioned, says. "Three months 0f home. :. tin Th high rrpatAtion en,o;-d oy nilPiXT t dii U the fa.-t that only MATERIALS bjw aed aad that the great are exercised dorian iu majsaict :re. Agent and Bottler. New Berne. N. C have gone by since tb;s Adminis tration began, and we have had nothing bn: the contention for place." If H shop Potter was rLGN'rllC c KNGELL heretical, what will he said to the FINEST AND HF.ST uttBrance of one of the most promi n . . f , k A lllaimKliAan r w rr n r. m Sill I and CRI' "e111 tuu tirj'c,i u w i k n u o ' which boldly followed his lead. A priyatk company, with inni,0hi m sten k and flfX)0,0X) in bonds, has, thority ot Jy4 dwt ot the 1 1 ... 1 1 1; t I.. . : ! by the sea. North Car- Mm ';...-numeral.:.- s-; u. , r r,. to al 1 coin! .t . u. - . ! 1 . :' one is to siiggc-' a hut; that which :s nearest not be surpassed, we rt with (Mir su : rou n d i ti .: gellt pint. -1 her ii. hot re "n io r the ever, arid h: a:: !,.m the cab. ii c .- tt.ige a, :n. vironed by Feaufort arul it is said on the an- salute New P.erne as ;! the Manufacturer's inet-n of sum mer resort.' i .- s i; . . , u Tti name dri il, but as perlect can- '-t ( uhtent , and, in M oi chead, p beaut i fill There has been a large quantity of hay shipped to Jones county this summer, yet there has been any quantity of crab grass hay that could have been saved last fall which would have been much bet ter and more nutritious than much of this hay that I have seen the farmers hauling around. The Magistrates of Jones will con vene at Trenton the 1st Monday in dune to elect members of the l'.oard of Education and one com missioner in the place of Mr. Frank Brown, resigned. We trust that every magistrate in the county will make it convenient to be there on that day and consult together and elect the very best men in the county for these positions. advice tomothekd, Mks. Winslow's 8ootui.no Syklt should always be used for ohildren teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the bt remedy for 'diar h ea. TweQty-tlve cents a bottle. asked the m. i. . father has gone b. tntiary and L ft him a v te r. His II ri -r. i n :. -con f e-ssi-n . gave i :.o ir. the penitentiary. Judgment w-.s fa-;, ing cases : Daniel Harding, i I . : to steal a drink of whi!. in the county j ill . privilege i o hire cut. James Stanly, p I ; years. A ppeal i . Tom MctMt, r. ... - ; logs, one year in the p t David Hin.s, c-.l -r. i . ment suf pen d . ti on a y ou tii of the ti fen , a :. l instructed f bail o;:, Mmuel Hitch. ia years i-i t he p-r.ittr.'; ir The trial . f J.--,. p: w 3 s ar : . ; c r: t i : : ? i n i dir. f J K r: ri -. d ay . Ci.urt a - -. r i Thurs i.i n. rr. :;,-. the Slate ti -k-t. State vs. W.-c K .:. y . lircer.y r f r.- ,: . th i B. Oglfsi-y. W'.- t .i-.- n his o'.v n c.-ti ri-. I ar, i , u : with seme i:.tt'.ii.:-r his oi n w i:i:er. 1 1. '. h . not help his ii-. I:, his jury lie stated t:i:; it- tailed grocery up Pawii w of scven up was perrr.i.tt , Ml htair. The jiiry pa--ni ak ic g ti -p a v.T i ic t t -M ' is the s-aic.e p. r. n u h : -Patterson 's c- ab-ou". t and took from the pc ' forge-Ian cn dorseun nt on t ; r : Ii in trie lir-t cas-. tw county j ana cost. Y'irgii Sparrow auj Esther Sparrow, th1 y ni ce iiiuuths in Mr. W. C. Barden, of Magnolia, shows the severity of the recent hail-storm in Duplin county. It is not altogether "wrrrn to afrazz.le." but on one side indicted for forcible tr-spiss. obtained the t0Ugh bark has been entirely beaten a verdict of net guilty. off. Fortunately tbetrack of the hail The jury w is discharged and the storm was not more than a mile wide; --c.to- a recess to 0:00. Saturday !t8trUCUn f morning. wn-n motions will De nearu . P. B! CEiv and g Sl CO., LUC HANTS , T.KR8, N i ;v Coiimgr 1.1 i: n the civil dool I v of the h-rk . no rroir- I'.i ti ti r aio ( niai A -; f r . : r tne : y o : V " . d his ase v , s also ence : i -h t-- the ! a L-:b-the came tive cents t h.ng in . Kinsev Raleigh Call: Mr. Jno. W. Carr, father of Messrs. Julian 8. and A. G. Carr. of Durham, died last Saturday at the Morgantsn Insane Asylum. He was for his life time an honored citizen of Orange county. Last fall he was afflicted with mental aberration, suit e which time he has been in the asylum. Mayor Thompson said this morning that it looked a though everybod wantod to buy some of the new city bonds soon to be issued. There nr.. ap plications from Chicago, New York. Kansas City, Baltimore and other - and Friends iu North points. The mayor looked as though ii I'ill A isit l"s during h .s feelings wero very much hurt be cause he would be totally unable to supply the demand. Charlotte Chrouiclei Sunday morning i i . j .i,., , . i r i i J 1 - ', h rt-d U''ei rgiars euiercti taie j t-.-iu em e m A,i . - . Mayer, on N. College street, and stole i'--'- between fifty and sixty ,b. liars worth , -. t -. ( 'o'liinf-ncemer.t. May C'J of clothing and other articles. Mr. and t. g -o i leturniug to June 6th. Mrs. Mayer's room U on the tirst Iloor. .-mictions io parties living in rDO- investigation it was fcund that the burglars had entered the house from the second story by meant, of a , back porch. They first went through Y- the upstairs-rooms. In one of these Jir. Mayer's prarents were slei ping, ami in the other his sons. Services were held iu the new audience room e f the ;jCl, Lutheran church on last Sunday fru ,N b v an East the lirst time. leeteniay morning. a 1. 1 "u simple in brtrad daylight, a thief entered Dr. c iv and per- Keistler's store and appropriated to hi- own use the Doctor s pants and vest Ths Seasc-M Is Hand i;n o thk face .re -ii-.;..- , f 1, . blood and :. by i-.any with suspicion. Lixir w itl r. move ail im-p.-e tl..- icnuilesion smooth is-re is nothing that will so -I an the c nstitution, pu-c-.h.-n th-- whole system, oa .', bv 1! H-.-rrv. New- 'al roll :ia v.l nifiiien! Week, i tl arrat gem-'tit has been made i p.pp I, i iV 1 .!!! i'.l. Kitlwav, R-fr i..t'l eli W all W Fiv 'I a:::. Win- ! ircular couct-rn- A 1 L. 0 JL1. it. I vt-rs, Tiibs. HOP 1 1 !II rir'lKH t ItKIJ : : -a ia:.. r-- i: frem ; I- rac since. k and collect-'d the mom y. In tb.i- case judg- h Mr y par. c t a e t r -irt-.v and per i i n-iiii. prion. Bronchitis. . :.: -. . A..:!.- a an i n.. Throat and Lung ; a'.- a p.'-i-.v.- an I radical cure ri.i.s peiali-y and all Nervous p..: -. af:r r ha,iiig tested its won- -ri .1 ..ra'.vi- paw, rs iu thousands of ises. h ; ii it it hi- duty to make it known . Li.- s-:vetitie f.-ii pis. Actuated by this and a .1- sir.' t" relieve human suf I ML. send fr-e of charge, to all -ire ir. this recipe in (i.-rinan, er IL pii-li, with full directions for ,iu: iiiai usli.e. St-ct by mail by ad e with stan. p. natiiiiig this paper, .p, 1.- 1 pa L I'e-r's block, Hochts Mi! ii. .-. Burkldri'i Arnica S1t. The Best Salvk in tho world for Oute, Bruises, Sores, Cicers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all 8km Eruptions, and positively1 cures piles or no pay required. It id guaranteed te. give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box For sale bv U. N. Duffv ;sn 17 FliUii alS U li Man a fa hup tlNQiNES AN! ir.iil.r. . i S v HtlU. I. .-:,.-,-., ,, W.I,. i-l-e ' : t :p X. Y novl wly Beecham 's Pills act weak stomach. like magic We u ,1,.I1M ll , Street, -.TF.LE &l CO r' i ? v T ' ; 1 ( 1 ! i 11 1 8 1 tt . 1 . 'v i ' FN ill SOFPLIES Inn llolUrs. i rr Ha htn , . ' . klii.U . ' . r , n ' v t) A Miff 'fie- , vu w wly . 1 .a--" - a t. . t v.J t X ;r . , " ....

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