i , -V - a- f - , S a A' t f.Mti f s,-.-:r,.. ? gV; i ' ' J"V - -.l t i. II KMiHtru. I INDKPKXDKNT IN ALL TtlJlXC.:- Term M.O. I x- "Vr, VOL., XII. nkw bfknf, craven county, n. c, ji nf :. i no. i:;. ! t i v .v I Fcr .iuit SliipainJ Digestion Disordered liter. wPmCE225 CENTS PER BOX. rwifJ Vy T!10A DRtXnLiM, Stllolen. Tuuirxshire, England BttA ALLUX CO.. A'o Agents it rrr:i static. c WVo (if your lrtit t '- ' PUU oa receipt f price '.' ; ,'" y" 'i HONSEY SEfiVaiNARY,:r. 3NT. O T C A.I II. NT. r.W TORk, B'-tclum' his pr A Boarding School for Girls and Young Ladies. Fall Term opens Aug. 29th. Write for Catalogue to JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal. EDITURI VI. 50TKS. Snow in Michigan luTbursilay. N UTH ('AK"i INA secnntipK are Id JemanJ. Thk ChipvewA InJi.ui.H lire on tho w.ir path iu Minnesota. Ay eirhang1 lat M onlay the bottet day sinco the tlood. I.ATKsr returns pl,n-e the timnber of .leiiths tj tho .1 ih nt n w n d H:iter iv t.ji:.. Tuk ixkji ii.lit lie er murli i;i),irfl the stand ol cotton in Oeo jji a iiijd the ( 'arl i na r.aiKlmg contract auniutitin to ,ier 1.0iK),0OU are uo teiQK oar-n-'.l out in N'aahvillo Tenotee. Thk Saltan of Turkey baa pre- tb Kmpreca of (mrmaaj nec4laxx raJaM at 130,000 l i uxt A&sistnnt Postru aster Gen- oral ("larknon says he kno-s that the President want the postiV:i-es ii'.ed w;tli liepuMicau woikers. Sknatoe Kamsov has accepted the lDvitstion to deliver tbecenteu-n-.aJ addrenn at h'ayetteville on t lie ':t of NovtniU'r nt-it. said that Ilarn.Hon.t fond- uesa for Matuue in lacd upon ha olVire." S H.f. The l'.i Senator is an inch croat. 'd shorter than the President.' llKMK WAKI) l'.EKCIIKU 01100 sa;d; "The blonde type is nearest to the divine likeness." Very few newspapers use blonde type. Wilkesbarr Leader. estab',.1. :: q'.u' tn.in.'. : Nortli ( '.iro'.:: but norc.v.t: f.ic; ;i ro r of ( ' 1 1 s t i ! t ' . i '. t'linij ;o : : thin for t' r r. :: 111 lor :. ; ' di-r; . II:,' W .-tlo- A - good ed ;rj;"i white pO' in the Punter a ofVa-e !.,-r to bo r, . . a 0:1: ; i: w : i i o i r. . ' them, i:: iloorkoi j't oftie-e. ! ham. a ::. or tli t . for wh,.:;i i n 'I A n e jf ro m.ti'y 1 or. Sh s uni: ( 1IAKI is Few n;on ha o li ;d an t hat of 'har'.e Tiik farmers of thi section should erly of Florida, r. J. W. STEWART, Sale and Liven Stable. 3 remember Hon. Harry Tracy's ap po; n:iiient. He will U in (ireen ville on the Und day of July in New liemeon the drd and in Kins ton on the Ith. St'5DAV's Soolm Ik .tns.vH can.M'il an immense deJ of damage, sweep iq: away railroad bridge-, rei dence and destroying over a mil .'ion bushel of wheat. 1'onr fir 'mers were drowned. KiDHTKEN negro gamblers were arreted Near Vaycrosn (i.i , lat Sanday night. They were tried I. u The publ.e i repreMo:: : i: 1 ton, lie !o S n a t e i : trri:. IT. . ro : i io ia.so.J, a r : m o a i : '. n ir o t ':.: A f e w d . ;. - . World .in:i:-.i. Ij 1 i o : 1: i- 1 . S his : .i ' . ii col rn v. s ( f ; '.: i r enoug'.i. V :. : i .1 1 1 S J s. a liter - I I III the next morning, con ic'r d ni o n t h s Hid : n: hsnd. snd will be Tlnm Horae and Mules always on dlapoi of ob aa j tnsa. I hTvoa aaad a aaober of Fm Team., th .: ar '-. also traiaetl 8aIJI Ilorfea for both ladies r. 1 gentlemen. Vnad Street, Kew Berne. N. C. and safe sentenced each to 1 pruonment. i KKA r presence c f mmd n re ported to have been shown by an American moase which fell into a dih of efeuiu. He simply swam re -i :. i li :i.y o-.v and elov S ir I W. ! . '. v' legal r.ill .:i. M iu-ri' I f "i r toon, d after- ofos:on, v 1 am The Bergner & Engel -BREWING CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, IS TTNftUXSTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant. It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and NTT TBITTVE qnalities. 111 i e I I e r ' i ' Mr. -1 o n e i w ho i v:i, e " o more I ;'.. time I I. r -' : nen t unt.l :':: exc!us! ely i; for mv suppo roend and roand violently until he Jt was hk;ii m wm able to crawl up on the butUr havp r(,sujod -Ixjodon Globe. , wa8 nrt a nHt.h Lor ALLRwt SrRIJfT the bibj wards adopted the pianist of Baltimore, is but three in which 1 think I jears and seven months old, and not a failure:" ha played a number of times in1 The writer ki.ew Mr. Join public her first appearance being the bar, and c an bay of a truth, he when she was two years and four was no failure as a l.r.ver. With months old. .a multitnde ol fuends wo hailed hi.- GE5. Wm. T. Withers, aged 64 election to t ho ' . S. Senate with I yean, proprietor of t be celebrated ' the satisfaction incident to the con Fair Lawn Farm and a breeder oLviction that Florida w ould be well I noted trotting horses, died at his represented and the S m'h paiianily j home in Lexington, KyM last San- defended. We oio not d:sappo:n i day, of woands received .in the ed. For lour ear or more, ho ! Mexican War. met the expectations of i.is Iriend-, , Tuk Virginia State democratic and retlected the higho.-t h.-ar on ' Convention for the nomination of als State. candidates for Governor, Lieut. Then there came a eh.ins ! Governor and Attorney General world has .ensured l.:m. a 1 will be held on the Uth day of continue to c. -n.-ure L;m to : wl; out it is nil' pa:: oi ii:ar:: I'ALKSTINK. Asia :s destined to be tho .-cene of .-tirriur events before which the ai'hiovoiiionts of Alexander the Great ai.d h : s successors will pale into i ns fj u : ti canoe. The time is not lar ih.-iaut when the Turk- ns i l'.sir.'pe i u nation will cea.-o to i ist. Fur more than four cen times t hey were a j I nyue sjiot upon Furope, a continual menace to the surrounding nations, and are iMov a stain upon the civilization oi tho present age, nud a bar to human irort-. 1 1 is t lie jealousies oi tin- ( h i i .-I i a n n a I ion s o I Furope tl.a' enable them to hold then o.'osi nt fouling both in Furope and A-;a. TiifV .ire military advi-n tni.rs. and hold the land Iv mili ta; ten ui e only, and tho '.si. . ! tiieii four hundred yeara ol tin- oc I r;i.,n:i y of Furope has "on verted the lairest spot m it into almo.r a , b.irt'i-n desert. I. ike l. salts hi o 'r ;u,,owed them wherevar tln-y h'o ' olita.nod the ascendancy. The liwiued woil.l cannot aiiord tual . low thtnn to stay the tide of mode: n proreh.s much lunger. The v.-.;:iti , and needs ot civilization will burst tiie barriers that ignorance anil Mo-iein superstition have erected :n A:a Minor: a--id it is the policy f i ' . v , ! : e d nations to establish a o'-ttei iroveniment there the t't'e H.n i.i u unparatiVfiy an alinO-' aiod Up world. As Fir a tho ken of human u :s doi.i reached, there are very i.li,,;it; lroi).b:l;iies that the dews w: I at no distant day occupy Palestine and dominate the country. They may not be a very powerful nation, but they will bo the most enlight ened cm earth. Tho liot lischilds, it :s said, hold a mortgage on the country lor two hundred million franc, loaned Turkey, and Faro pean powers will see that they aio protected in their claims. There are now eompai at ; ely !i;it few .lows in Palestine, but In i-o w ho are t hero w ; t h the oil araet oi is' : c intelligence ami far siglit ed uos s of their race, are work ' ::ig great changes for the better, i ,itside of the walls of Jerusalem i new o;t is now being built up; land .-being reclaimed be irriga- t:on. a grit ul t ure is improving, piugre- is sure, and the waste place- are ri i ucing in prosperity . Fiji- l.i-tory of this gre;it race is wundei fui. No ot h I people on earth hae ever .-nown such tenaci ty ;;i;d singleness of purpose. ; i.ned w : ; li such intelligence and indomitable energy. When the long d.uk n:ght ol ignorance and -iipe: --t it ion overshadowed Furope, they were the great custodians of no. ii'v all that was valuable in science. They were the bankers Wi;! Id was ,i have , so p, , Put .: Which Vo I n si,. II o arc Mo I! !'! I N I 1)1 VI II, : I I C i 1 rllC o A- is. As. ( ,' in i n- IllliiCl CO i : ! c ; o a s - lie :r.-ar ' . , o-e :.: the .Mill -iden: bor-- - : iO.onnl ''i;iai day li, Carii : 'Uc ter i : Olfl-- I i.c : . r : -i'l-'i i n iy lliw b. .intuit n ; 1 to the mi-n - .civ. About 251.) went tiiken to all the prin-intpref-t. During the .trimt'Uial talks were larv Hariell nny that iu i rri,i,.Ti ;tH the re- 1 Th is should "i.r I in. band i . 1 1 1 i OlHi. :ir.' r 'j ;' 1 I sea; : and .-do-':1 tho 1 and t hcl' . I e Hi : 1 . Af; r v. , i v lie. ,-r iu br-t-cMii- ;h ran in first ! - :.rv eiitlemhnly. k k . iioti vc and un- r informs us that 'i -iaie '.""i. of which JfiO ' rci-ter. r-:' . -tcj cs ronsioted only - Mr :J. When it is . . it-1. T. WinBton. of - j a-e. Ki-metLing was i all. iitiuii of every ' i '- l'ruf. Winstou . -i-.iii i. r Senator Vaoce it. ileeaid lie Would and Vance all ihe n,,u .ui' ii eopiou-' notes and give . lit-' f. i.unii' Kvnoiisis: b to graded i-chool, a v o a lecture on reading from the t! ret to the t.nih urnd". The Hpeak.-r i a strong h.lv.. 'te ' f ! I! t-r n ndine aicl ,( enj.i, j the liiid.il, ' truuini ill llir ed -.li'a: ; n al march. He declared it a fallacy to dirt card anything because it in old or to accept anything because it is new. He recommends- the reading of fairy lalen by rill the children. He cited Pilgrims Progress and many of the phiyn of Shakpppeare as holding a high pla-e m litprattirn, and they are purely fairy tales. The discussion was jiartadpated in by PruftHod a Winston. Harrell, flax ton and Hume. Prof. Winston H.u.i hr had rather bin children would read anything than nothing. This neems very broad, but Winston's heal is generally level. Tho next paper washy it.s kaiie Willard of the AKheville grnded s ho.,1. Her theuio wag on grouping, and Me proved a mistress of the text. I: was an admirablo paper, and elicit, d many compliments, i'rof. Slier paid h.; was glad that (Jod cent that woman 1,. re. All great men. he i-aid , are made f great women. The afternoon was ppent in s u!;ng - ,' Vo i ' 1 .1 ' ('.is JUlOt ' i.i "A, I ' ' bod ;, be "inn : ma re 1 1 live A-- V and p.o ular man here is Hon H. W. Wahab. wlio is now U i; 1 i! ( AIM: 1 I .o.l ti..- s: ore of th lenry iilmh 1 most priict ical men he evi S blither:: s e r v a : o r v Mr. i h iri I'.e 1 S..Uth f tire i on Hon, -a. -' dir. r.. tie' S,.ir, in Kftlei O; I i r s o f ii. f oi. eg e . Wa ie. Trcy I '. J . .ties . I , n M i.iret.boro. ville; W. A Par k er. Ti i:: i ill;.. l,- . r i.i r ti t n . i ' Mi (.c.v.. ; eh li ?. I,.-! 1 suit-d in a . i-t J. i ;, v cer.-.- -,r: 1 -.7 o 1 1 : . n i ob have a c h. lint g b i.O; , f ti.- I ::. s meet, w ' in ; Of the i I th-.' members of the and courting. a tribute to the no- ' The most noli'.e "'O oi u.e o ..cner s iiie. ills is not l'' 1 -V.'.-I- l:( Io f-rrll H l li I su or ,;,,minlnr, :" ' :- .;; i at iiii.-s. of steam and elec- bfrin8 'foken of as a prominent candi ' v :.. :.'. .- i.itary-tichool-bouee, un- date for (,'ongress in the lirstdi-iri t. ' - ' ioi ar.a unnoticed J. W . Stanton i-ai s lit en ! t;.. p .ssing travtdrr. mind and ii ateut w ri; upon mind and soul. - th.; ruii..!.t .-;. mly but powerfully mt'1- ' earth i;s mighty furceta The e.erciea in the aftfri.o..n in re us vad.-ys w-uh verdure introduced bv Mitor Finder, who m- yieoima,ter pours , troduce j 1ev j. p fro well of Trinity I'-lue upon the rich . am. planting there Loll"Ke. Mr. Cro a ell took forln-nib- am o.tion, nils the . j"ct Political Economy, and b. Id ).,s r and thinkers, with audience oer one hour and tin e-ineo, with heroes K I Li i i ! i 1WELS. ' TUALLY ;i eep. I I -1 t: eloltc. - i .n:y. t: VMI'P CO. ; n ri i 1.1.1 ars i. f big' A.i.iiu H-bu . r e -i i t i i n -r. . h- v i r J;teJ ?. a i. and no..1 ; . ton i : i : as r. : o:ri-st in i. - n i b 1 y w , ; l 1 1 c 1 1 : f- n t i '. M.dve an 1 tl. ; sin. 1 . . .1 - -ii- - i f.:i t.-t.e- Norn. : . i r- i. . . ! own 1 1 t - :. Ml i for o i r i. A I. it f. a.,t.. i 1 uv I'tuiirpH of educa- ' .ruiitrt (lie in' the year 1 as iii.it. ativi-. t,f popular i n c.e.i. otunl culture. The Ae-- ' o'ig ra; u I it.-d ou tile ap ' 1 i : A . A Iderrnan and t?l.as as e 1 ui.'a ; ion 1 nass.ionaries, .Irii tu '.e;e humorously i . the bis!-.o;;s of the profes i "l ot tiie ud.irens was a '' ' in u.ngs must need o. , i..,.iit of education in oa -.. 1 ;o. appeal to teach- rr.fes.-ion by their i ii..- t h i ngs nee d- :c'i o: their fro a: riiou sense 1 the business of k T.'i. : :,. ii i g.ti , -:i ii ':'-. '. Tn ! . I.c,.; . I :u th. o v. filing. bine. f iolty ideals in i i v l t - in harmony 1 - . V V. i eg of en; a going on v l creased r porta; i n. the V i ! mingle;. , i: tioa P nlmaii. Ti. reach, i ih" '. i:r v.. cut, an i is p'l-hin i i v min utes. It will be remembered than it was Mr. Crowell who wrote on the railroad commission bill while thio a me was before the late legislature We failed to get full notes of the speech so cannot do just ice to the speaker by giv ing a distorted account. Governor Fowle arrived last niKht and will speak before the Assembly this morning. Modern Languages will be on trial today. Dr. Hume is on the ground and is already whetting hi-i literary e vord. Dr. Hume stands in the front rank ot orators in the State. His language is beautifnl, chaste, and grouped in spark ling rhetorical boquets. Prof. Horner is the senior member of the Assembly and wears a classical ap- , pearanca. He is exceedingly fond of Greek prepositions, and we w ill be en tertained when he ascends the rostrum. i wo enuaeements were enecteu vn- CREAM ATARRH CI e;.,, N - -:i I oo-, J:: . ri llaiuo: M . ;i S . , v -- I .. l -- ' II Ta - r SiiK-n. 1 r; II A e:u : fc.C':iJRrcCO5 gt !fer HAY -FEVER .. KtrtlDd . u 1 Mt b; .y . THKKH. o.lilwlj 1862. EM Op; 1888. HE JEWELER liimsulf "why ."ri wiiiue fj j.u.-i ry, , I vliu ckj , OUU UIUC1B IU liUdl I 1U1U. The catch of tiah by the teachers is very light. i 's-.ng on i.-t - aro- gr . : :ag force has 1 p- u: from the tl.. r.g- alnnu this OI the world, and the princes and fine weather. A large force r f hands jj potentates of Fnrope were their engaged iu budding a trestle over the CUStOmera. Though, oft times thev bead of Green's mill r..nl. an! other were hurried through Furope anil "3,l.er streams near the c::y. suffered persecution unto deal1., pV. A m"-1", -i ' -,v- v'"' ,s- . , ' iL i- r .u C reasv, of tirace M. I . I l.ur h,i; thu they dung to the religion of their ...: mtm;, r, ,w , ., , tb.ias, was el.; t- i Grand am I a te e r oi-l oie i Mi :. . 1 a i. a. li.T s 1 1 fe. Teach 1!'r? -1. :iin-ls ti... m-;,' mtention, the fJiii" :t:l i I! ; -. :. ,' i the siran devo- ti n as law or m-j icino. but teachers Crki.t il.u( n re inf. . -;or t" ice members of other : , rof.-.-s... ;.- in i rid. ,,f profession or de- Johnstown, Pa., June 20. The first -,- , votion to us work. The speaker leveled 1 clear day nere Bince the awful calamity i I keep a l..r. r the lance of sati; .. against the cranks found work amoDg the ruins practically . than any other -i .1 f i n in hi ih i unn n nrm in a an ma rr n n tula t . - i r t i i i ' . me I'Toieesion, ana - . ..v. v If.' : 'I " K ( K AND PLATi.L1 WARE- lathers a.-r promulgated from the Kcights of Py and h demanded tho apppcii' icn of common ser.so i i ti. .i ii ing. '"The doctor who propo-ji .. t-j revr lutioiiiz;.. tho science of medicine and to cure all the ills of the ileeh by some little nostrum of hisown invention, so oi hods his level in the I l I. s. .ii.iii of Spectacle o 1 1 Ii f aroliD to i hem to th ag I 1 ' e . Lecturer for the i arisil icti .n of North Carolina A gocd appi-ir.tm. nt. The Annual Encampment of li.e S.ate Coiard will bi h.-ld at fan:p Latimer, com mencing July l;h and td.s.cg July l-th. All regiments an I c. npanns, a- well as all Held and sti in heavy man-hin tarjt General at ' day evening. July be under the c -:n; 11. Aruh i:v. f. :d ITi kigb rpatAtea enjoyed by .OMPA2JY in da to tho f.ict tint o: MATEEIAI m a.l and tht the AT exeixliKsJ dario iU niAnafcture. ti. FrdUiNKi: .V KNGEL ly ti e I I N 1 1ST AND PFST erefe--- SK1I.F and CAFIE ;. 4 d:f Agent and Bottler. New Berne. N. C. VAN WINKLE GIN "MACHINERY CO., COTTON GINS. PRESSES, FEEDERS rJ. CONDENSERS. The Vli Winkle Cotton Gin Machinery Augunt. The Old Dominion have an early opportunity of show intr the etTecti of a aectional ad ministration. Tuk national American popula tion of the w England States is anaally diminishing and their places are being taken oy immi grants from Canada and Furope. It will not b-e many year at the rat of diminution which h.u been going on for some time, before the native Americans will be outnum bered by the new comers and their children. his statemc. fr3i'itios of :.;;:i. a:. :. is hnm a r. : to for g: vt reme in : e r : T- Jones sa s . i ia; u tn h. into pn'ouc ..io, ne was the existence of a -u ic : erful conspiiacy ag.i.n. had its tirigin ::i t ho . top id Mount Wiuai. luey r.ever hiive forgotten that they are of one faith and one lineage, and the chosen people of God. The world has never jet made full acknowl edgtnont of their indebtedness to them. W hatsoever things that are good in morals or government, mankind is, m a great measure, in (ieb'ed to them. The light that aiw.u s led them shines in their traditions in the dawn ol the world's oioaticii, and eiic; i .It s as with a halo their long line of prophets, priests and rulers. Place them as a nation in their own country, the land where their fathers trud, and it will again 1 1 1 rt kt a 1 1 rri -' t lui rrw ii 1 1 n i: f n 1 1 1 t .ooool ... o.c. not enter; i ue menu Mian cume upme ur tiee. char-cter here and in.-tcad of the brier shall coitie of a-.or 1 a:n, ear up the mvrtle tree, and thev can ex machic, v. . r!,- tl.e claim in glorious exultation with timatt-y the prophet of old,-' awake, put on c ' , . , , ,, thy otrength I) Zion, put on thy the South.'. t:: ' beautiful garment O Jerusalem. move our plant r.. . Fngland is now seeking a shorter and go en farih.r route through the gateway of Pales- h f T a,:' , tine to her Fast India iiossessions: , ' '" '" , .' f ered . A m , .-he is survey i ug a railroad route trade at. d ,-p.; .nJ , Irotn tho .Ioditerraneau to the consi !. r this n.ar.. i. ; :. :.' rs . w 1. 1 report rdt r t ) the Adju . 1 . it ::;a-r on Tues i. Tie' v imp will i :g. G'-n. V,'. 1 ....... . ... profession and is recognized as a crank I ao IluYa giving way to one oi unrest, or a quack. It is not so with us. We ' discord and danger. As yet there has gather uir.eive., together and invite I been no outbreak, but repeated breach t roin the f , r corners of the earth. from ! 68 ?f the peace occurred during the day North, South. Last and West the edu- t and tonight a free flgbt occurred in tional Don 7 aixote aud Sancho Panzos. ; wnicn JB,ePb -turner of Da wreDceville . They 1, ran "e up and down on their ! 7"a ae8au'te d and probably fatally hurt fiery Lttle hub' v-horsea and level the ' by To C? 1618 of Philadelphia, lancea of their genius at the old-fash- A1! the ld'e mfn who C8n et '"ntoxi ( ioned w ind noil of human wisdom and ; caL,6.d are drinking, and tonight the human exp ro nee. What care they i mlItia are resting nervously upon their ( for read ,,: ur, i r i r i n c anH ninhorin. V ' . &Ud the UlOUSands Of flreH that! millions of dollars worth of property and innumerable human lives, capital ' Having w or ki d si .-a, I d y at the bench and labor are wrestling in a bitter and I for over tinny 5 imih. I h.-iievo I can do threatening contest. The quiet, tub- as good w ork as any w atehniaker in tbe dued feeling which has prevailed since State. COM K AND SI ': MK. SAM. K. KA TON, Middle si reel. OppoBite Hai.tist Church. f2 dwtf GEORGE ALLEN GO The will end. A. Perl Ti.e ch- m gated by the P since has tn tight r favorable character, received d ai ly ! r. n the country m r.-la; ment of mar.u f c ;i this section. Ti.e .; . s f ti:, i of Tra.i e o.c-ie days reltirr.s of ti.e most 1 . : t.-rs are t . ing 0. .:: - r. r.t pans of 1 -s' a hi i-n-i : -1 r i e s in : we have 1 o ir Ivjund and ro'ia J they go before our wondering g o: .'. riding labyrintine circles of phonics and civics and physics, word-methods and object-lessons, eye-training, ear-culture and nose development, until charmed with the sight, iiko encnanted princess in the lairy-tale. we mount un behind them ir:.y Ar ricu 1 1 ii 1 ,; I IMov-. 11. M; ICS IN i! 1 tie . A ; r 1 n i. a r c are burning are throwing a flickering and uncertain light over a good sized army of laborers burning w ith a desire to mutiny. It has been announced tonight that lVo.nl the strike which was begun this morn ing has been declared off, and that a thousand or more men have been paid I " and whirl away beyond the realms of i und discharged but the discharged men , Fort . ! i ! earth amid tae clouds of glory. There 1 have ad fet 'mied tu abandon the ,..,;, 1,.- 1 . fiauc, auKA Liao slilllul I'.lcB lluvi' 11.11- nounced that all idlers must leave early in the morning, else the miliiii will he jiitnivare : 1 ! 1 1 1 1 . 11 t H. . o , i : jit r , is need of common sense in education as well as in all other professions: com- ods .,f ,:. rroren ar.i in svsrem of ! called uPon to drive them away. In, 1.1 I i i 1 i r ..eh hi i.i ." w i r s M.'iliii I n .11 (ill.s , .111.1 I ol - a . -. . I. . '. thr ! such an event serious trouble is con templated. New men are coming iu on train, anj ail the contractors r Mr. oi vent .oils of d poW- V. .: i.-oi pi ine. " Ihe follies of attempting to niaku edtc. lUi'jii easv. of multiolvine rii.lv -.' .1 . '" r ..'. Ii ' In ;r a.lnannQH every siuoies tVn-tle . hiidren, were satirized ' huave areed. 'a tho fur to rur.n,,ih rhoir tvmn u.'ith mnro ami hut tor fit una: ai.il cincaiu:. .:. the noblest work of 1 " ' " " ,v -. I 1- I ' i null J f Inn r,f Inffn ,. 1 j,.,i,i .kfin. scription ror a monument 1 irS a:iv trul t I1.1t I'oCllt man receive l:-e to : ideals i ever lived m farly greatness: i as dull as a of our Irish populai .:.. While in the .i.s.-;d:;ci:- . I. -charge of his duties as a senator. ro.-:d:ng in the neighborhood of 'a-!i:ngton head watois of i li us shor toning IiO-.-essliiIlS 111 t iiotis.uid m ios. the Persian Gulf, the route to her India neatly one On the other hand of P 0 or C" look.- i I; .!.!; and a d 1-; -and we can mat ti r u hat K 11. jK . 1 r r ' I rhiuf , .. .. Ti -J T. t ; ;; 1 . f . v. 1 I W-4! Bl th Ttat i H.J.I mt I f rm- 1 1 n I 1 . - with his wile and matory let tor- m ;. him w inch fed into FKt'if. 1 f a man gros the right his wife and groat I varieties of fruit it will pay him a Increasing .:i irule better interest on the money invest- drove her to n.-a: ed and the time required for its killed h.-r. 1:.. l.'i- caltivation than anything ele on ed b the -! . and farm. Fruit will not pay every dure life a' a.-h.r.g year any more than any other drop, Furope 1:1 the ho; but on a ton ear.' average the fruit on any man'it Firm if right sort and properly ren . . r o -.-1 Ida 1 to of from li of the rest abroad grown and agon l:c let 1 II e I lis ol 1 !.el. Il : -r t hen era;: - o ell r.ca Tu fists En ui Mitkitispr Ci., l I. AN 1 ,V . ' . -1 FROST KING COMPANY. KCtirtivt vuurtcTutoi or pv. ": Hater, ll1 nni) Ir.xt do not jvfTccl ii. F":t;-'; Brict: TsniJj W1i. I-4. i'i nil Mull 11ml Hnr- l.i. 1 I. an. ,rr. i Brick and Stone. M ul. n II ni.nl. or ot. .1 r- t O . r 3 ' c W a P r tc ' v a : - R E 3 E RVATI VE TTZll : 1 J E. Car. !i ui Wi.'.ut St' :ii 17, I. T. A GLANCE PTUE ESTABLISH KKN r v " Doll The Jeweler " Will aoaviac b f oa tAi b r. atOaJC lk U'fM. Uoa Vini, tod CawytoawTia) ot DunooJi. vv Laawp Btllin, tlold and Mi Cum ta lav But. It w!U fc U bayar lowrem gnt good tofor purvhm G. S. PALMEE, N.rrblBl 'i r 11 1 11 "i rim nri t. t -. . t - 1 '. 1 . - - ; v l 'o r. . n :-:: 4. . : .. 1 raA.1 u i.'d u ! Stnci.. ar.a mhi. ooi;ri: - Y in 1 M rl K,vrM fur n"o -W ;s ;d.nted will put more clean cash into h:s pookel, in propoi t un to the aruouut taken out, than any thing else he ran ra;s. Louisville h arm and Home. Tun (irvensboro North State cumplaina that I'ol. nox'kery did not get such recognition at th han.Ifl of Harrison's ftlministra tion h;s friends thonght be w.w entitlfd to. If the North State will take the trouble to examine the make ap of President Ifarnson's cabinet and appointments, it will discover that the administration is not national but section al. (irover t'leveUnd's cabinet and apoi:U meutj, showed his administration t-i te broad and national as every alm.n;tration should tx. The North State however is inclined to bo content with small favors. TllKHK is not a town in North Carolina where some small Indus tries might not Ue established, or tnose airacjy in existence increas ed, by co o(verative efTort among their . itius. Where only a lew thousand dollars of capital to begin rn with is necessary, ai would b the case iu many of these industries, it would not be difficult to raise that amount on the instalment plan Si, .;::. .; : -n to .-Olio 1 ; . - - ' . . 1 . 1 unable to gi a; pie u and oonfes.-ed 1 .. r cone, lost in the r junoss. I u h : - . r. n: invited by a be:. c . 1. :.; to go to 1 : i o;t. and m il ins hem., arid ho accept t ation. scare. I;, k ' -a : :: d.d. There .- no : I...:. atT.ur" i n t !.--: an g. . .lone . 1 rorn a ca 1 :n : e . . a i know oi i::- p:;!.;.. and ; we are firm .n t con -. he has long been a .b-r. entitled to the -;. n ;. i- h e rous people. ot : a-i.ap-w as i :n. in ill m-o ; ;i i- :' i . O w e li at an , Ku.-sia wants an outlet on the In dian Ocean for tho rapidly itn-reas mg oinpire in Asia. She already iiolds the groat inland Caspian sea. and has a dominating influence in the semi civilized countries west ot the river Indus. If she should at tempt the coinpiest and annexation ot' these countries, and in all proba bility she will, aud succeed, she would llank the Fnglish possessions on the west, aud to use a common express, on, have the msido track of Fngland. Then would come a contest: the Kussiau Pear and the Priti-h Lion would moot in deadly contlict. l.vor since the days of Peter The Great. Ku-sia has sought an ocean outlet. The possession ol Gons tantmoplo has been the object ol her rulers, but all of her attempts have been thwarted by a combina tion ol Furopean Powers; they did not relish the idea of the .Mediter ranean oewmiug a ivu.ssiau niKe. parent. y. ii 1 '.oth Fngland and Kussia hold their stories t i possessions in Asia by the right of cigarette sm- oonouost, und a 'conilict between m,,ru'" Wt I!: these powers would arouse the jetecied' i.'iai Mo.-lein element which is now a casioKS an 1 semi dormant volcano of unquench- for the ! :.;.. able hate of both nations, whose -lumbering sounds are distinctly 1 '"on board. They have a legacy of hate against all christian nations, that has been banded down for nearlv a w.-, k i ; ; n . : : . . . .vo v.-h . V. h.a: may ! .-. 1 hi ( i -aia '. t I ;.no k ,i. - . : without moon or stars. :.-r than intellect. No li dent in any of the Y. V. 1-1 innate the t-sc.-r-iv. John Far; k i.e., ! . '. . . yesterday at : . - .: :. -Hcipe st rt 1 1. When th" i...y ar.--com p 1 a i n ' 1 t hi- ic.otl .. severe pains . Tiie iittie his hand over his heart ai 'Mumnn. I !. tvo g' t h.-re. Stn i f.T tic I 'in g "In e f . c i As the lad haa i; -v. r !..- Mrs. li inkl..-;i I wi.ii let 0 iv I r, g to t he c-rj t-lii... his face she de. i 1" i to r t .r. After tl.e had .ir went to the h y '- -I : i t prop-'-ed f r ran i .1 ea.l . T' n n oc:1' : plain. .1 he w.o :i r; When a J'.r.-cirT ; :. pi ar ed o ve r 1 1. e l . . 1 u.i. Johnnie's com p mi ira' the house an i r. i it- i i; played ' ' l:i " ar; 1 ' ' !. with the oi u p t 1 :. .: e c lav r.il.t in ti.e t . -t an te '11 h ' I W a.Nfui ...c c r. I t.'.in n -1 . k 1 1 . f ' r . aiari'ie,!, t.u . p . araiice o m, . on a d . .e d he ia,.. f Ol II h : ..a ' f i a ;' l.'lifr w .th IV. l-lll.itl.t r-..v Chatu.t. r I race that cardinal virtues can achieve a noble ci il.:'.:iti-.ti. No amount of intellectual culture v ii! -apply hack of virtue in no n . r if courage in men. Intel lectual no. no h.as r.ot diminished app'.n.-s. --n.-ije-. divorces siiiiis ol ;. ii','a.inj civiliza- - r-c.;n .ii- ot our country n ! - systeas are the : '.-., popular and the most 1 : a inpcd for intellectual 1.- ti.;' tviiiher's work to Cl'JlV; ;'I the Sj.jl, how- ihey may he. and to it- chamoers the l;C" ami seih-hness. of un fiitary an 1 baleful sur- w u'koluisi and despair. li-du ,,f life and knowl niiJ ambition, of philan- r 0 i -r 1 1 . The true teacher the reward of Ins work. c- always planting tiie seed whose v--t his ..e.j s .11 never behold. But 1 r, ; ! s ;p... a ,j as carefully each : w ti t -aioe loving patience and -1 mv li- pel'ui enthusiasm, as if his -!.-.'!! i 1 ii.- gold en f 1 uit of its nobler r..; that he has created. " ilo- co;:.! in-cctj, multitudinous. . av' wh.i-reof ot:r life is i : 1 . 1 ' . y boil : .1 up. in 'tie deep's blue - -: ; a 1 ; i ig iit. an j then and 1 ;. ' r : - .-; , ;. 1 ai ui other . t n ti.- obi.-:, th !h"r..n gh e 1 1 1 1 '. 1 r ' . open the e r ,-llia 1 cb-o'l.-e f: lil'.h of i;;c i fortunate h round mg-. and let in l . t c go. ot h i thr. py a tM 1 " -1 r 1.' lie ;:- Doctor Foster today started a sub- to the 11 n known dead. lie proposes to have the monument erected on an eminence near Prospect Hill and ovel looking the u n : fortunate town. A train consisting pf nineteen freight cars loaded with provisions of all kinds i arrived in Johnstown today from t ab dron, Neb. Among other things the cars contained horses and carts, while the roofs cf the cars were full of it 1 zens of the town who have tendered their services to General Hastings Sixteen bodies were found today, an.', many of them, on account of the ad vanced stage of decomposition, were promptly buried after being completely covered with oil. The stench is becom ing daily more sickening and unbear able. 1 ho Mtckieuberg Declaration. Hon. Alfred M. Waddell has recently discovered among some ancient records of Wilmington facts which ho thinks may fairly set at rest the mooted ques tion whether the Mecklanberg Declara tion of Independence was signed on the 20th or 31st of May. CoF Waddell thinks the weight of evidence is clearly in favor of the 20th. and gives his rea sons at some length. The Charlotte Observer says "Mr. Waddell ia a close student of history, and his fine legal mind makes all his conclusions on his torical evidence of value.'" - ( o. . U .! I 7--i -.. tt i o h . X . ' s , :lel ( -. (UTH, i I 11 "' . 1 ! f ' 1 - 'M, '111 -iei , Kill II It o.l I tunlware, nt. iMiiHter ..010c, Vsr Ilir. r-. Oil Uiir'l ar .i!l i to '..'IIOH. 1 1 V . , ro. Firs- GrO of -.a A li Cl ' ,1 7 " ' -?rrg - -. -i .a 1 X t It. . p. it -l U.I AKL1 ( GO., .NTS, ".IIS, . 'oils : t The St; flana .1 g. Kirau is-Piri. icd Mtbb.hed rrodac Mrchr.u I Nw -rk. Phil- ' ldjpfci. luitim r i tn 1 Hton. 2'it which haa proved so satisfactory in ( (l'M M 1' I A 1. '..i pl.y-:c:: having ba.l plan : la.ba iH.s.s;,ir.ary :! Teu 'table ren.".1.." P ii.ir.PE t c-i re 1 f ' t 4tarrh A : b : a ai AlTts-tioii &. a p. for N.-rv. ..- I .1 1 'oc. flair.-.- ': .lerfai ccio- : 04LS-s . has f . : 1 '. b ; -to b;s sa:TiT'.r. g moti s 1. Q . i f. : : f.riDg. 1 Mill-":: ho .1 e-s : r-" 1 breach u Kn g 1- ' prepnr'.r.g &r.d us ; drcesio g w ;: b s::. W. A.N !.- 1 i ' . te-. N. . MO I t 111 11 twelve centuries of unceasing war fare. They have seen their glories depart from them one by one. Thwir splendid kingdoms and em pires, have passed away; they were wrought inlo existence by violence, and by violence they have been destroyed. They once held part of the north ern shores of the Mediterranean. The Isles of Greece '-Where burn- I he 1 . . In Th- N r t ! . '"..1 I bly 11 ir p- m ; . hund red :.:;.! la; New " .! k n the July '. :h . nr. i re:;: A ugu-t V '. . d i ; time, and ail a: their h no - a: : may t a i 1 r i The t'he '.pi !' o.l Pall M.ll. l.on.b Ch.'fi" l''.'.i.k. ! Paris, an.: th ceived. -i:t s; homo may be 01 al !' r.irrnrn 1 - 1 i iffT ng bappho loved and sung' were eiven above, a l,.Pr... fi, ki.i n. i,.,icc u.,; . -. , will I . ; coil iiotr;i "!: t 1 th. i tlp'V will i theirs: t hey held t he half of Spain attention, inform:.:, n r.. for nearly eight hundred years, and eral movements if ti. m a left behind them monuments 0f K'ren through the d.,uy N. architectural skill, that arc no, cUlny the wonder of the world. From wui bo ix day at Midlanc the gates of Hercules, their power tel in Louden. 'ami -ix days extended to the land of the ancient Petersburg, in r.ns-N Pharaohs, from thence, to the plainB server, of India, they levied tribute upon rieechamV PdN euro bill nearly all of the nations of the ' vous ills. t PHYSICIANS CO.FIiSS. All hone"Bt, conscientious physicians who give B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm a trial, frankly admit its 'uperiority over a 1. 1. other blood medicines. Dr. W. J. Adair, Iiockmart. (ia . writes: "I regard B. B. B. as one of the best blood medicines " Dr. A. H. Roscoe, Nashville, Ten 11 .. writes: '-All reports of B. B. B. are fa vorable, and its speedy action ii truly wonderful.'' Dr. J. W. Rhodes. Cra w fordsv il le. (a., writes: "I confess li. B. B. is the best and quickest medicine for rheuma tism I have ever tried."' Dr. S. J. Farmer, Cra wfordsville . (i a. writes: ''I cheerfully recommend li li B. as a fine tonic alterative. Its use cured an excrescence uf the neck after other remedies effected no perceptible good. " Dr. C. H. Montgomery, Jacksonville. Ala., writes: '"My mother insisted on my getting B. B. B. for her rheuma tism, as her case stubbornly rasisted the usual remedies. Shg experience.! immediate relief and her improvement has been truly wonderful. " A prominent physician who wishes his name not given, sayp: "A patient of mine whope case of tertiary syphilis was surelv killine him. and which no prayer by Prof. Dum- treatment seemed to check, was entire ly cured with about? twelve bottles of B. B. B. He was fairly made up of skin and bones and terrible ulcers." : o . h 11 . W Fly 1 no populous minutes, that pent : the work lal 1 come aft', r ,i.-h if it will ... r": string his a if his star i:s own be6t than the sea- L. N !. V. ('overs, ii Tabs. . 1 I SOT direct, . i.Y. II. MANLY. tn interesting aud and TfiTTT Owl. I " O li i;M(;i:,'d:i, i ( I IS o HMNi..-. were opened g 1 Vor a: Prof. J. ' : g x e r c 1 an -. n t '. dlege. er of Holly Springs, pre- -. . 1 1 1 1 i 0 11 of sympathy for ' m .is physically unable - -se'ubly. ' . ;r.g committee on pro 1 iippointe.i: P. P. Claxton, Bag! y . Tcijilmaon of the Greens- ll.ill.tiia of I. nil 1 11 Slv llll. J .1 k ' 'K i' w. !. 1 . i t.. a. 1 . Wilt. !! j -' 1 'h r O en . a r h 11 C aiivick tomothkhs. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syuup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for V.iar hoea. Twentv-flve cents n bottle. w a : ' ; leu a ;i l.r.C',1 ; We u ' .. d.lLl to UH i '1 mist . .... rs In SUPPLIES EloiUn, ft Nli lilno, h ' ' Hi 1 h 1 lltl . i u 1 v 'he A iner- .t.l. H CJP- ' h . 1 work I '. -2 1 1 iJu W W 1 J , r. " " 1 i 1 .-' ' s. - J -- . g- --: i err .i'.1 'V.-'s: ;.vt "j::.-' . 1 i.. - . . - s- 1 s.:'v St

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