THE JOURNAL. THE tOl'THEB PBOULtM. iLe Germm UDguae usod by the Tb New York Herald print a ; speaker. The Knghah wm Xtf 8XX3IB. . C. JTME J7 iJW. i a IUaa, O K30OS9TKS3 fnw by firlf ll mJXatsj. Tn wtr!4 ai raoa to expect toiUaf dltiaelj taUleJ ia ta LaallAiora of Jmu. Or of th a pre me n of the day ia Um prentUoa of ("hri.tio daetriaa ia iu paritj. TBTJI k'anaara AHnac of Un lat wQI aold ita aaaaai meatiof it rajratlavlll, Aag-aj lit A. TSX pcopoaaJ abolition of in poUtaxta Paaasjiraaia w d fiaatad by deidJ at jjon ty TBKcora and wat cropa la th abie ppr from Mr. W. J. Orftio, of Kliiatxtu City, on the Soather-n - t Problem." Mr. Urtffin one of th- npr.nt.ativs yoaag men of Kt Carolina, lie wa. member nf the Hons ot KprfD alive from Pqao(AQk two ear ago ami prove! n ir'.ire working member. Ill ppr chow that, h u&a given much thought to the nejrro iiienorj. At :t concern the paat and nature poltuca of the S--u!h we extriu-t the following "The one art which btui stung in moft keenly than all the others i.h the diabolical attempt to force upon cm a negro govern men t. The paea of hiatory ancient or modern, ltil to reveal a parallel." "We have no leeling of resent ment aeainst the North; we have O i. ik. n ju d ( ur t r( t 1 ' i 1 1 1 a t In- 1 'u i.i .1 u! M r. I . will ilc l:vt-r .i-i 1 1 m i :;i S.ins loro, ,ih it w J lit intent ; iMi f rele- able, anl the frerman elegant but for an orator to iraprrtsne he mast tvldresa Ij i aj 1 1 in (he mtrl.i gence of In audience. Tu; cloaed the morning session and ended our attendance upon the A sae m b 1 y . After partaking of n royal din ner, we went with the multitude to away ol the bridge ,i the Ixach. to enjoy the luxury of The crops in On; the sea batn bratiutr that d.iv deuce er m 1 1 1 1 ng. These con n t ie- are .tg.r. i together by the bridge over Oak jiN er at Stella ; thanks comniiKMioner and good This eon nect l nt: link h.i. been severed a 1 r i n tune b the n'.liliii; we .ill know. anil ( o i n ea W lute to our icople. ai.r - M ale and Female Academy. F 'LI. i 'K.-VII.I.K. dime, I'd. i .;; l ' i: ,?. 'Tunai.: Tin closing exercises o X'ance Male and l'e .male Academy" ol l'olloksville, Jones county, N . '.. opened on 1'nesday, .! nne 1 " 1 -vJ. The exercises were opened by recitation bv the junior class, low ar- Never waa the surf teret are pretty pood, lue best we , have ween is Pr. Zanders and more inviting or the air more ui - l'.eni. r .in lor. .!. A Weeks. Ir. v.gtratinp. The flrat to plunge in Knne(t liml Klv Vi..u lri)m ( iir. waa lr. Kemp 1. l.attle, the lion teret; G. W.SmiHi, K W. Free ored nreaident of the 1'niveraity of man, (i. 1). and Nash Mattocks, North Carolina, but the penon who 11 ajfainnc the Uepnblican party. We believe that the htator4an a century beaee will give dne credit to the KortkwaataaTe aaa fTliy dm-lwe fw ronflJ,nt lha, Uie Jme f4 by ta Ung eoo tinned rain. BUtorian will writ tha word in- . 'TBX axa few gnAUr b'pa to famoaa' on the Republican party tttni prayer thaa to for .taannatnral attempt to degrade : . , , , nd dlnarace a iiortion of their own lUTw a daaaiM aabict to pray for. at tfJ(. south. It m right a Tm 8itaa 0 Turkey baa giren freemen and haman beings that the iOOLaad tlM ritiieoa of Itelfaat, negro snonid oe proceo eo in ma me, Xraiaad, il0 tor the Johnstown aadfererw. PaomBITIOM Is beaten; temper laea at met beaUo. aiid it u now aafe to aay that it never can be baateaia PeansylTaata. Pbdadel pbU Ttmea. Tax n inciter should always take la to Ue pal pit t wM ot the im eoainaeace wncn may libertv. and nroivertv, but tbe de fj.-endanta of the Anglo-Saxon have ever intrnstid, the protection of attracted the moot attention and elicited moat applanse, waa Daniel G. Fowle, (lovernor of North (,'aro hna. We have long admired him, bat never before were we so struck with hi admiraWe proportions. A head shaped for statesmanship, without one superfluous hair; and a lKly of purest mould divine, formed to ride the billow and sport yon with the tempest . As he walked WlWi' and Ode Holland of Onslow. Lave pretty gold corn crops. Cot ton l late, peanuts- too, hut bid fa 1 r to be pood . Swansboro in j;e;iera!l (juiet. but laut I' r id ay eveiimi; the town was somewhat disturbed by a regular tlslieuff set to i ) prominent ,1. P's, and the way the claret showed red linked Ike some body got hurt. Sune one ,ikud, where are your otboers, why don't arrest them now. ihe reply they are the officers ;ind we Pistols ;ind pitehfiirks w-t-re : ..,.. ... .1... V . V-. . r. ciiJ m iei. 10 Lue un:..clB - Qstfd w,,hmlt (iama-e as ,t hap gentleman from tbe weat said. "It pned, and though bl-md tlowed is worth a trip from Asheville to see Ireelv. not much damage was done it." No notice ol Moreuead would be tfieir own life, hterty, anil proper 1 complete without appropriate refer- ty to the band of any race thatienceto tbe Atantlc Hotel. Kx .!i?Hr' fl- ....r! Heut aa ,t haa been iu the past, l 7 b b U C LJ I t II V LJj-ll luc y 1 and preaent history ot oD proerons and condition under a 1 CDvernmen'. i now mor Haytl. Ita 1 tlje present season eel ipsea all that nearly ,imm and no bones were broke! The grand picnic and celebration on the occasion of the completion of Barker's bridge came otT accord ing to programme last Saturday, loth mat., where were gathered and such a ike a dream than a reality when one Ixs holds the superstitious rule of n oo dps4 OO bL (all and faitblal pre- d5-isai under the bljck man. This aaHlUtiOQ Of the tmth. I '"la ld, almost within our daily vision, ought to serve ivs a TH"K cynie laaha at aad woonds .lkall proclaiming to the Repabb to weary heart, bat Jeaa.s stands CAa party. To tut imae will tbe ladMiL "Come auto me ail ve Soatn come if yoar theories are and I til tbal arw heavy UJea girt joa rea. -yVnxxKTXa it can be foraaeen tbal to arfaa ia entirely aaeleaa, tbt it U tbeer waate of time, tiwHIjht, patience, and of more ever pat in practice in that sec tion.' " Not thinking, not believing, bnt knowing what ia in store lor the South It ever the negTo should as sume the cootrol of the government, even aa a mat;er of pecuniary gain, it ii more important to as to retain prious heart qialitiea, to engage the governmental control ourselves than to sarrander it to them, and bav tbo moat beneficial tariff IX a appalling number of uomi ijUation that the OeneraJ Govern- eitlaa vblakay baa supplied or ag xer.t can enact." rni-raled tbe motive to crime, and -Hat if the negTo mast be given , , . , kt control to protect his life and his Vaa concealed wtartoo baafaratabed , . V J . , . . ... miuKw 4 liberty and bis property, who will Ua opportaaltyan.l means to com protect 0Qr,t It Dot tvem ait iu Waabiagtoi Star. ever to have occured to theae lie- Narw YoBX State aanaal tai publicana that both racea here can - 2 i t v r,i,.,,. not control: only one can be in rsia now La Jiortb C arwinians J . r hww tm . power. Either we mast govern the may sow ia a comparison of the tai - 1(?rro or h(, mast g0rern cm. In rata of Xaw ork wttb that of their importance to ua there ia no qnea- owa Stata food and laffieiant re- tioti to gigantic. All that man aoa for abort school terns aad a po- Involved in it and the . , . , . , Sonth will ever b-e foand tbe opjxi fanafalLackofpabheimproTemeat. neat of lhaJ paftT wh)ch kg Caartotta Cbrooicle. directly or indirectlv, such a condi IXDlaJVA seems to have become tion of affairs." UaoroaxaJj damoraliaed sioce she It is a fact, that the republican vaaeaptarad by IailI party of tbe North queations the "Wockj ot fira." Tbe tateat devel-1 loyalty of the South because of the faiat ia Lb arraat of for boys j refusal of the southern voter to aawtar IfWaa yaara ot age who shoe, j support the republican party. We at a Mr-til aa-t drowaW aaother boy j are glad Mr. Griffin baa sounded f tklrtaa. WUjBiaf too Star. the key note in the IleraJd, and A nonmmox, mow aader dia , " thl Uct M th'-T eaaio for tbo aaaeatioa of Weatj"1 lQ th 800(0 h,V8 bQ red by the many admirers of the UeraJd. If tbe North cooJd only ionnauing ' haa gone t-efore. 1 here are now i'e ai an 'a I more than live hundred Ernests, in the Hotel, representing: all part of the I nion. Kipreaious et satis faction and pleasure are heard on every hand. It may now be re garded aa tlxed and settled that M I 1 1 '.. . 1 . . I - - i . V. .uorenesu n 117 iJeH iuo piace wim lounu a the lea. line health and pleasure re- them ( 1 sorts on this continent. Mr. Kaney the proprietor ofthe Atlantic Hotel, is known and appreciated far and near and his present scceess is no surprise to his hoat of friends. The Teachers Asaambly is a sac cess. Every thing at Morebead City is a suceeas: and the loom of North Carolinians awe pride and pleasure. Mom tad the old and 11 g and l.t t.'e, we bare experienced a revolution in northern sentiment would very soon be obtained. We trust Mr. Gnflia will continue hrs good ' Florid to ta State ot Alabama, mm aateb. arnredtT tbe latter State. I mm W ml ts , of M " w? f' Qd experience what Paaaacola, a batter port aa outlet tat Ixr fTOwiaf baaiaeaa thaa sbe mm at praaeat la bar own harbor of lfobila. . work until a radical change ia "Tka aerroeaof Ubioarwso math . . , t , ,. effected la ad the States north ol diaajatlafled with tbe s an ail share of ... , Maaon and Dixon s line, t&a ptroaao doled oat to them by Lft adasiaLatraiioa that they tbrratea to pat ap a ticket of their m lor Stata Officer at tha next Jactiaa) aad tora over Ohio to tbe iVesooerata. W bat they w aa t ia the fficaav ad tf tby caa'C get tbem tbey aew ao mm to being Repabti A HTHFACTOET t t wa.s made Taeeday en tha RaJeigb and Gia toa railroad ot a proc the tnven tioaefBoylaa Codao Waka coauty, sem Wn a: 10 tor talagTaphiag to trains while in Assembly Hall Oi k TISIITO -OREHEiOCITV. 1 Friday morning this writer ) boarded the cars for Morehead City, j Captain Charle Hancock was the 1 conductor, the track was in splendid condition and in one hoar we were at tbe Atlantic, ibis run, at the rate of forty miles an hoar, was delightful. Jast now tbe chief attraction at Morehead, is the '-Teachers As- '1 we entered the 1'resident Winston atotioa. Meaaafea were received waa in the chair. As Governor wbida tba traia waa maaiog thirty, Fowle waa preaent nothing could aaiUa as boar. If this invention . be more appropriate than for him p-aaa oat ail right ia practice the to make the first speech of the day. tavwfltor baa a bl fortane la his rhe Crovernor waa at his b-eet aa graap. WU. Scar. a-sail. Like .-old sous-, tf m al A ICX11.VD bad lived sixty years witb laitblai wife. He erected a aaacalfleaat maaao leam la which to w aj reaily . Then began the regular e lercises. Tins waa Modern I.nguagea Day ; dapoait ta-a aiwrlaJ remains of the ad the lirst meeti ng of the Modern Vila that left kiai arr three aaore Language Aaviation. Thomas year of united home life: and after ' Hume. D. 1 of the I mversity of sbocOj deliberation, tor determining North Carolina is it.s president, and waat shoald im the brief epitaph , aiore appropriate select ion cjald that ahoaM tell the story of her Me not have been made. home aa wrote, 5ha always mide happy.- It waa eaoagh. In aim reapoaalbility to God, avery tadmdaal ia la-iiri jaai. or. raa tba word radicalJy means, not divided, aot diviaibie. There ia no parti tioa of tbia reaponsibihty, no aoaptag its fall burdej. Tbe soul tata ia ooe of absolute solitude. We may share oar moaey, oar time, oar energies oar very thoaght Bat we cannot share tha things cf eternity, the individual responsi btlity of the soul. S. S. Time. WiXiM iiltt' doable action ehopptaf knife with eight blade, la going Jay and nlgbt chopping, off beads. Iu one week it struck off 1,013 hsada. That waa recent ly. It will do for a Civil Service reform admlaiatration . Ob, the peooaiaea of that wicked old party called Kepablican. It evidently doa aot believe with a poet that dreM o-aothing can need a he." Wil aaLagtoa Moaaaofer. TM Baltimore American haa kiad words for the South, -ieapiie it l politic. 1 It aaya. Tba Soath ia Pfocroaaiaf aaora rapidly than moat The pabliahed programme an noauced, aa first in onler, an ad dreea by W. I, Toy, A.M., profee stir of Modern l.mguage in the I'niversity of North Carol id a, on "the Study of Modern Languages in shils inil college " bot the learn picnic ana rejoicinj; 1 one lot to -witnes.s, yonnp, rich and poor, white and black, pretty ami homely, with all the elite ot I it li cou n t it s, and the adjoining counties met and tawtcd of the tat lands of ( )nsow and Carteret's liberal produe's. We met alH'Ut a. 111 wm-n we .iree a.sseinblage, .ur.oiic; L. N' . 1 on el I le ami lady, C. T. 1'oHcue, L.-'i- and family, Mr. H. 1". l avior and, Dr. C. .1. Mattocks, and a host ol others of onr friends, fmn to st e Capt. Terry's mammoth saw null. Capt. T. had promised to show them the sight of line.ssir the mill cat Ui logs ami he did so. lie had billed to saw iu one hour 10,0110 ieet of lumber, which he did to the ith surprise of many. Alter thts s a stand was erected near C Sabiaton'tt store, and the speal Dr. ,1. W. Sanders ot Carteret, Thos. E. Gilman. Lm , ot Ons were introaacd ov Nir. 1'av JEI'KEILSO.N AND CLETELl.VD. An attempt is being made by the advocates of a high protective tann Koonce of Florida, 111 a series of other two failed to send regularly to show that Jefferson, the father! neat little speeches intersected In appointed delegates, bat each llONV apt. ers. and low, I S. Allowances Made by the Board of Commissioners of Craven County at the June Meeting, 1889. Wm. Cleve, Jr., tor the support of M. Harris C; for B. Kite, .d-.50; Sarah Heritage, for M. E. Hall, lo; Henry Weils, for self 4.5C; Amandy Clark, for self 4.50; A. Tolern, for Dan Keys, 4.50: Wash- which was very interesting. On ingtoti Spivey, for Wm. Bonner, Wednesday the crowd was very d 00; Celia HerringtOD, for self, mm h edihed by a speech from .Mr. o.T5: Hager Blount,for Caeser Con- A. 11. W nite, a student at Trinity ner, 1.50; Bettie Nelson,' for self, College, and a Noting man from '"'.CO; A. A. Lloyd, for self, 4.50; 11. this place, mid a Noung gentle- - Mosel.y, for Edney Brown, 4.50; man ol much prom ise. 1 Ie took lor tor Mattie Buck, G.00, for Catharine Ins subjeet: Woman, " and in treat- Smithwick, (3.00; Thomas Harris, ing it would have done honor and lor self, .'1.00; M. HahD, lor Dan. credit to older and more experienced McCray, .'i 00; J. Wiley, for self and minds. W'c are proud of .Mr. family, 12.00; Caesar Becton, lor White being a young man from this L". Becton, 3.00; Mary A. Wi'llett, place, and iiou't doubt 111 the least tor self, 3. 75; Eleanor Wiight, for but what he will make Ins mark in self, 3.75; W. B. Pearce, for B. C, the world. On Thursday the crowd being very much increase.!, we had a lit erary treat 1'rom the learned and gifted president of the 1'niversity of North Carolina. Hon. Kemp. 1', l.attle. He was introduced by lion. 1''. M . Simmons of New Berne, m a neat and handsome speech as he can always make. Alter r. Bat tie's address he was presented with a handsome boijuet hy Mr. 11. C. l'uscue ot .tones in behalt ot t liu von n g lad 1 es o f the school. On Thursday night I'll the musical concert by .Miss .Mary ilarey. The music teacher ot the school. We can speak for Miss Harvey a bright future, as she is a jlearncd digniticd and accom plished lady and iicst excellent music teacher. l'nilay downing lri,h: and be .uit 1 1 ul 1: required two steamers to take the immense c 1 o a d on a jiicn :c do w n Ti 1-11 1 1 1 er, li" bad been in alt eti d ance at t he commencement dining the wtek. Tbe croNNd being composed ot beau t;l,:l voting ladies and utallant n oung men, ho lelt the dock amid children, 4.00; J. . Pitman, 10.00, the w avmg ot hand kerchieLand the j Wm. Boen, 4 00; Kate Chapman, ;o ous shouts ot the steamer by . K- - -'ose'y. hoase rent f0r the gentle sex who could not attend , poor, 5.00; E. H. Meadows cc Co., but. wished them much j v and medicines for poor for May, lfi.GG; (io-lspeed on t heir trip. ' ' M . M. Williams, oveseer poor, 10.75; And now Mr. Editor; in closing Lanney Wiliams. cook for poor, our no-iee of -N ance Male and Ee-', o-00; J. J- rTolson agt., provisions, male Academ" o( Polloksvdle, we for April, 143.2; J. J. Tolson, agt., would leel as we had neglected our 1 provisions for May, 91.49; Moses duty should we nor mention T' Hryan, burying poor, etc., G.00; to the public in commendation the : Moses T. Bryan, burying poor, etc., pi inc. pal of our schaol, Prof. V. li. 0.00; Peter Eisner, rhite washing Skinner. It. .poor house, G.50; W. B. Lane i turnkey accounts, 1G.50; W. B. ( nun Circuit s. s. Conference. L3De, sheriff, board for provisions, The Craven circuit Sunday school , 1US.50; J. A. Kichardson, fees, etc., ( ohlerenee met at Asbury church 21. G5; Geo. H. White, solicitor, fees dune 20th, iss;i. There was a full ! and costs,89.50; J. A.Richardson re- WHO SODE TO C3NEMAUGH. .S KMOT liONVKN. hit" the to-Aii of ( "'onemaugh, Striking the poeple's soal with awe. Dashed a rider, ariaine and pale. Never alighting to tell his tale. Sitting his bier bay horse astiiJe, 'Hun for yiuir lives to the hills!" he cried ; 'Run to the hills !" was what he said As he waved his hand and clashed ahead. "Hun for your lives to the liills ! ' he cried, Spurring his horse, whose reeking side Whither he goes and whence he came Nobody knows. They see his horse Plunging on in his frantic course, Veins distended and nostrils wide, Fired and frienzied at such a ride. Nobody knows the rider's name Dead forever to earthly fame. ''Hun to the hills!" to the hills!" lie cried : "1'un for your li V I ROYAL nww X niifitr to the mountain West, 0.00; Wm. J. Moore, tor self, t 50; Sarah Hancock, for self, 4.50; B. Lathinghouse, for self, 12.00; Mrs. V. Pery, for Hannah Burns, G.00; Stephen Clark, for self, 3.00; Harriet Sprnill, for Nellie Spruill, 3.00: K. A. liussell, for Thos. Moore, 3.00; Matilda Gnunerson, lor sell 3 00; Klsey Piver, for self 4.50; Isaac Brown, for Hannah Potter, 4 50; Hezikiah Davis, for Penlope Taylor, 3.00; Mary Gatliu, self, 0.00: Jabez Carter, for self, G.00; Jabin Jasper, for Patcy Shepard, 3 00; J. t.iime L. Toler, for Lina Dunn, 4.50: Julia Mackey, for self, 3.00; Geo. J- Dud ley, for Jack and Mary Jones, G.00; Wm. Cleve Jr. for Caroline Griffin, 1 50: Mrs. Jnlia White, for Emily Dauguterty and family, 9.00; Geo mm if 1 -Stojl II 1 111 . LI O ! Tai n't safe. h thev j 11st look at him . "to let him ride Wrong: Passenger. One may, perhaps, presume to far upon old acquaintanceship ifl to indulge occasionally in a mild practical joke, but to attempt familiarity with straugeis is "another pair of sleeves." A riiv gamin wa.s wont to play radio roughly wnh a good natnn d bull dog, owned by a shopkeeper I the neighborhood. One day the boy was walking with a cion . u In 11 he saw the dog approaching. "Ill ! Theie's Tow.ser," he 0: 1. d. 'Now see me head him oil." He stepped in trout ot 1 he doy, with arms extended, and pjiti.dU blocked the passage. The animal looked eurpriced, stopped, and evi dently considered within himsell what it would be best to do. "1 never knew him to act like that," said tbe joker. "He allers ; lays down on his back and rolls. ' '"V. "IT., w2$?- ltovAi I'.akiso I'liwnm Co., io Wall t.. P0VDER Absolutely Pure. 'J'li 1 m powrt-r never var1f. A maivi'l 1-I-url 1 y . f-l rr i i: i h urn! wholoiDeiieft Mutt 0'. moil h I iMin ili orcllDarv kli d 1. "l -utinot ix- sr.ia in corn ptl t ion with lueiiiUl- . V . JuneZI (Uti wad frl Aw ! Guess I'll stir him np a little With that he sprang at the dog, 'caught him by tbe ears and bean iTTAVFi VOTT R'R'RW TT ? lie thinks to scare u-, " said one, n ith a nnllin? him nbonf i-,,1ta(U,"1,!'01 , , , r m 1 n ! "Towser" was evidently amazed, but i onema;i"h loiks dent swallow 110 . . . , , , J . ' ,.iiaH'. ! uut ne proved equal to the occasion. I'aiu't nothinc-, i n h.-t, but the same old i Fastening his teeth in the boy's leak 1 In the dam above South Fork Creek.' j Blind to their danger, callous of dread, ! They laughed as he left them and dashed ahead. ; "Run for voiir lives to the hills t" he cried. Lashing his horse in his desperate lide. own through the valley the rider passed, Shouting, and spurring his horse on fast; Hut not so fast did the rider go As the raidny, roaring, mighty tlow Of the million ieet and the millions more Of water whose fury he tied before. ()ii he went, and on it earn A. Hill. Keeper of'Clermont bridee. lo.oo: liachel Ireland, keeper 0f - 1 URl 11 ;; vcry Ila"1" w,n... k--,j o r.,. vv iv, ; i siu-nniL'. sw-i-hnji seethinir tide i 1 1 1 1 .1 ij i ia j i ' . i v . aiuau x s r , for self, G.00; Lizzie A. Wood, for sell, 1U.00: Calvin Williams, for sell, 10.00; Susan Butler, for self, o.oo: Betsey Westbrcok, 4.00; A. W estbrook, 2.00; A. F. Wiley, 10; Mary Gates, Li. 00 Benjamin Koonce, l'.OO: London, li.00; Zach Stvron's legation from live schools, the of the Democratic party, and Cleve. laad, the for moat representee of the Democracy of today, o-ccopy antagonistic positions on the tariff. A ungle nentenceH ia taken from volume of Jeffereonian litera ture to sustain the position that JeiTerson waa In favor of a protec tectlve tariff. This sentence, or, more strictly, part of a aentenoe, is the lMt el a use of the flrat Demo cratic platform drafted by Thomas Jefferson in 1S00, and is in theae words: "Knoocragement of science and the art ia all their branches, to the end that the American peo ple may perfect their independence of all foreign monopolies, institu tions and influences. " We axe again reminded of the old preacher, who dugusted by the faahions of the day, tnrned to the verae of aciiptare, "I.t tboee who are on the honae-top not come down," took for bis text, "Top not come down," and preached a sermon against the habit indulged by the sisters of gatheiring their hair in a knot on the top of their heads "Top not come down," waa thun dered from the pulpit amid the lightnibg and thunder of .Sinai. The rreat difficulty with the organs of protection originates in the failure to comprehend Demo cratic principle. Democracy has never declared in favor ol a uni form tariff of thirty, forty or fifty per cent. Ita diatinct declaration is in favor of such a tariff as will produce) reveuce sufficient to de fray the expense of the govern ment economically administered. good music from the L. C. Land of Neighborhood on the entire circuit Beaufort. After which tothedtn- was represented in the large as ner table all repaired and such a seuiblage ol visitors, which by 11 dinner we have seldom seen, o'clock a. m., numbered about three Everything and plenty of it to eat hundred persons, and drink, and very merry The conference was organized by was the programme proper, and it electing Kev. J. 1'. Washburn wa properly carried out to the President and Daniel Secretary, letter. Although there was a bar Keports were made from five room and liquors sold there, all schools, all of which showed earnest seemed quiet and friendly, only one work and good attendance of the or two seemed too happy the spirits children. Parents not as ranch of unjust men made im-H-rlect, aud , interested as the superintendents one knock dow n by a misunder- thought they ought to be at some stauding, with a few dollars, cost, of the .-chools. ccc, all passed off with the best ol Alter some brief discuss ion as wishes for the future welfare of all , to the general progress of Sunday concerned. The K. C. Baud came ; school Nvork, and a few well selected op from Beaufort ou Friday. stopped I songs interspersing the exercises, in Swansboro, serenaded the town ; liev. W. M. Kobey, D. D., was and went on to Stella the same introduced to the audience. The night. This band is composed ol doctor's address was attractive, in gcutlemen of high moral character. I structive and impressive. He gave We have forgotten all their names, j the parent, the teacher, and the but their Captain, M. Marshall, I scholar some excellent food for manager Ed. Martin, and bass . the mind. After this feast drummer liamsey, we shall not was ended conference took a forget soon. We hope to have the recess, and another feast for pleasure of seeing them again.1 the physical man wa.s spread Many incidents transpired of under the shade ol the trees. This interest and note: funny and too was varied and attractive, ridiculous, and the lovely women, , seeming to suit all classes and oon- yonng ond old, the court ing gents, ; ditions that were present. After the pretty girls. c, but Nve have I dinner the social faculties seemed not the space to enumerate. The predominant. For an hour or more bridge waa built by contract by farmers in yrtupx, young men and Geo. Mattocks. E.-q.. assisted by maidens in pairs, mothers looking cording bonds, 11.75;J. A, Eichard son,printing,1.35; New Berne Jour nal, advertising and printing, 12.50; O. Ilubbs, endorsing and filing claims, 11.60; Freeman Harris, re paring lence No 1 township, 32.40, Harry H. Sumerville, repairing fence No. 1 township, 32.40: K. Quidley, janitor, 10 Mountain in'h and torrents wide. God alone micht measure the force Ol the ( iineiiiaii'h rh"d in dts Y-shaped course. He hi ml him wor hni c- 1 u r 1 he lh d C'oneinaUL'h town and all who stood JeeriiiLT there at the man who ciied, Hun lor ymii lives to the mountain side !' ' On he sped in his tierce wild ride. 'dtun to the hills 1 to the hills he eried. Nearer, nearer came the roar Horse and rider fled before. Dashing along the valley ridge, They came at last to the railroad bridge, The big hoise stood, the rider eried, "Hun lor vour lives to the mountain side !" " Then plunged across, but not before The mighty, merciless, mountain roar Struck the bridge and swept it away a bit of straw or a wisp of hay. Hut over and under and through that tide The voice ofthe unknown rider eried. "Hun to the hills ! to the hills !" it cried 'Hun for your lives to the mountain side '" trousers, in startling nearness to an expanse of bare knee, he held on like a vise. Just at that moment the boy caught sight of an unfamiliar spot of white ou the animal's head, and dropped his hold to take at once to his heels, leaving a goodly portion of woollen eloth 111 the creature's month. "Ran, Patsy, run !'' he shouted to his chum. "He's gone and turned hisself into another dog !"' 'Different Initials." 'Twin boys having been born in i I ' ucle U istus's house, the serious (question rose what names should i be given them. A council was 1 I nill.l "Dar's one ling''" said Aunt Lizy, "dat's got tor be 'tended to. Dem boys mus' hab diU'rant 'nitials, lesssen deir handkerchiefs gets mixed up."' "Dat's so," said Cncle ltastus, reflectively. Then, after a pause, he added, "Well, I'll tell je. We'll call 'em Edward an' 'Ugdne." We know the value of a fortune when we have gained it, and that of a friend when we have lost it. THE ROLLER TRAY TRUNK! I'll "Mont Hondirfal Invrntlon of lb' Nlnrlernlh Ontury. Moot Coiivi uii nt. Most Durhl and Cheapest TKI NK Made. Will nave you many backachis A nimple motion of your hand will enable you to puck or unpack your trunk without having to lift a tray . maim: in kykhy si yle. Sold by All Dealers. H I'ATCXTKI) AND MAI W. KOUNTREE Makers of all kinds- of TRCNKS and TR A V ELI Nil Kit II MON I). V A ; junciy dv.2m firm 11 v & BE0 I'-A(!H. Kinsion Book Store, In Hotel Tn'.l I ! u I Nil 11 p. It Ou the Other Foot is everv employer's duty to nd on this pbitlorm Jefferson and Cleveland, the Democracy of lSOiof tn-u clt7- ik' resiect ior clear Mr. J. Kelly, a boss mechanic, and was, we understand, turned over to- the inspecting committee, Messrs. G. N. Knnett ol Carteret, and N. M . Mc Williams of Onslow, without a murmur of dissent. The speeches were excellent. Ir. San der excelled himself, it possible, and Tom. Gilman knows how to please a people in a speech. Educational Shower Hatlis. A member pf the board of edu cation of Milwaukee. Wis., is trying to introduce shower baths into the curriculum of the public schools has a high and the Democnrcy of lSS'.), Btand shoulder to shooldcr. From the twelve volume Jefferson's writings Republicans eitract the fragmeMary wordi " Kncoaragement of science and the arts in all their branches to the end that the American people may per fect their independenee of all foreign monopolies, institutions nd lnrluences," and tlannt them a a complete vindication of a high protective tariff. The Democracy of today would stand resolutely by this declaration if there were any orrtyn monopolies, institutions and influences, to thwart American progress or trammel American citi zens, ago the American lie- alter a number of good looking babies, that were stiring around ; altogether presented a scene that for social development is not easily surpassed. About -i o'clock p. in. the con ference again assembled in the church. The chief business of the even ing was the election of delegates to the district Sunday school con ference which is to meet at King ston, N. ('., on Friday before the third Sunday iu August. The fol lowing were elected, viz : W. 15. Pearce, Geo. Lewis, .Mrs. W. H. West and J. 1 1 . Stevenson. Pour alternates were elected, viz : G. T. a k e water h. P. lrwl.l T T 1 as an factor. ne ; iuuioiu5Uu, "i"S ' J- ope, 1.. I thinks that a pupil sho.ild be sup- ' 1 Iaylor antl NN -' Pane, of phed with a clean cuticle before! After some discussiou Asbury any attempt is made to rub up bis, " -1 fcieceu .is iub piace 101 110m mtellecr. W h de he would nor m :ik, ! m C tli ext circuit conference. cI prol'e.-Mor wit absent and t Lat j publir hwept all such ob it tractive- part of the pregram ma ; stacles, ami the monopolies that hid to b omitted. Ttie neit in order, tii an addre.-yt by liev. TaoniM Hume, 1). 1)., pro feor of t he Knrlish Language in :he S'.aie Perversity. President Winston simply announced Dr. Hume, sajiug. ,T needs no intro duction to tun A.emblv " The now clog the wheels of her progress and b.nd the limbs of her people are the great monopolies, on her own soil, created and lostered by a high protective tariff. The MdU bill went far beyond any measure ever advanced by Mr. Jefferson in Its protection to Meaier greeted with applause, American industries. Not because and proceeded to deliver a master ful address on "Tha place aud re lative worth ol Knglish 111 a course of study." It would be '.n vnin for us to attempt to present a picture of Dr. Hume and his splendid ad- He boldly asserted that English is the purest and best classic, and easily sustained his of any change in the principles of the party, but because ot the appli cation of those'pnnciples to exist ing conditions. liemember that the Democracy is committed to no tariff schedule, to no special caatom rates. It stands ou the distinct declaration in favor of a revenue tariff gufli- the shower baths eompolsory he would try to maike them popular with tbe ambitious youth ot Mil waokee. He believes that they would do much to transform that cityof well scrubbed school children into a flowery ri.dd of intellectual prom ise. It is not enough ,Vr parents to do their best to educate their children and give them a good start in life: what appeals most to the boyish heart is the kindly, loving interest iu all his pursuits from the earliest days of his existence, arid this both father and mother can and must give if they wish to keep in touch with then sons. It seems little to silence the eager liescrip- 1 tion of a base ball match because it interests no one but the narrator: ! but the want the child: and towards those wiiMin hi most 0en with . This able apostle of c ieanliness draws his coin lu.sions mainly from the success of an experiment made in washing the pupils of the schools in the German city of Goetingen. There the educational shower bath has proved a great success, banish- lngjerime and in m a n v small dulls should After which conference adjourned. I). Lank, Secretary. Die Iuter-State Farmer's Association. This body, which was organized at Atlanta, ( ia., in August, 1SS7, is composed of representatives from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Geor gia, Louisana, Mississippi, North Caiolina, South Carolina, Tenn essee, Texas and Virginia. These reprt st n'atives live or more for each (' District) are appointed by the Vice Presidents of the States, respectively. VICE PRESIDENTS. P. V. Kolb, Montgomery, Ala. L. P. I'eatherston, Forest City, Ark. J. 'f . l'etterzen, Pensacolo. Fla. I no. P. Fort. Mt. Airy. Ga. Juo. Dyrnond, Pcllair, La. T. Henry, Greenwood, Miss. -1 swnpaiu , 11 1 1 is ..,,0 , .,lrr (u.iarfn V h, l;Iin.l V till, V1U kJlLALit ' v e grows reserved ,, ,, VM' 1a mrfA s; r L. D. Yarrell, Pellfield, Va. P. M. Hord, Nashville, Tenn. Cr. P.. Pickett, Decatur, Texas. The Association will meet in the city of Montgomery, Ala., on the -luh of August, next. Peduced rates, on all lines of railway will be secHred, us also at the hotels and ptopj sap-porM. in eij-bt VlrrialaN. GtorrU, Alalwunav, North CroUa, SoaU 0anrinas, Floridj, th day was a paper, by I'rolessor mjA Tex rcaJ uUU I'. P. Claiton A. M , superintendent nlam hare Increased 794,91,$ of I'ubl r- m.rm iamaMd 14-431- And "Fckisc. BtaUdsbU UTI decreased ti'J, smted to the distinguished gentle mium 1380. This Is a most man and scholar. We hesitate to boarding houses of that city, and replacing indolence : W1il be furnished to delegates in and untidv bodies ,iiimoi,rtusmtarv. with a generous supply of vim. Composed of leading, practical Consequently he is desirous of in- ; agriculturists of the South, this oculating the systems ot smalls totiy will represent the enterprise Milwaukeons with the potent and progressive thought, which new shower bath. conditions and surroundings have If the Chicago board of eduea- involved and which must solve the tion does not take kindly to this i eT(Xf,t P(.niiomic ouestions now con cent to defray the expenses of the ' Cioettingen-Millwaukee idea it will frotUlng us. Let every State be oe aooui ine nrsr matter 01 ine son . fully ,uul ,stronglv represented, which that board has uot snapped important questions affecting the up hungrily. .Music aud gymnast- material advancement and iudus ics and clay modeling and German trial development of the South, and aud what not are already on the psnp,.jlliiv the nromotion of her n - i ' - ' .... usi. 11 y uin ado snower oaius. Chicago News. ecouomicallv adrriu- proad posHiou. Dr. Hume was followed bv Pro- Government feasor Araistroog. of Trinity ol- istered. lege, in a strong and beatiful essay The takiug of a cent beyond the on Heading. neceassrry rtvenue is robbery of The most unique production of the people. School at Asheville, on The subject was well xcaJltat t&ovlag, mad it is spin 4id vtxmlM at U- tatmrt." to us, that there wm too much of nw Biac, N A Dl'TV TO VOl'RIKLF. 1: a lurpriung tht popl will ue c-mai-.o crdirLrv pill when ihy cn e rar & n&bl KDlih one for the Hmne aixcsj It Acker'i EdIiiIi pills tr a puai ll" cut for tick headache and all lirtr iroob i TbT r imall. iwfvet, easily lakao and do not (fTip 81J by K. Uerry, TllE tinfoil so commonly used to wrap Neufchatel cheese, chewing gum, various kinds of candy, and all kinds ol chewing tobacco, is great agricultural interests, will be considered. L. L. IVi.k, P'f.v, Kaleigh, N. C. J.N't. C. Cheney, Sct'i. Montgomery, Ala. have some concern for the moral habits of his servants ; bnt that is not his first duty, and it would not be altogether unfortunate if he were now and then reminded of the fact, even though it were done somewhat rudely. A wealthy man was in want of a male servant, and heard of a Chinaman who was said to possess many desireable quali ties. The Celestial was sent for accordinly. "You smoke!" asked the gentle man. "No, me no smokee !'' "You drink V "No, me no drinkee !" "You gamble T" "No, me no gamblee !" "Then you're iust the man I want," was the prompt answer. A few nights later the master of the house gave an elegant enpper for a party of gentlemen. Wine flowed in rivers, bettiDg ran high at cards, and cigar smoke, as dense as a London fog, shrouded every thing in the rooms. The Chinaman made the supper table a marvel of beauty, and waited to a charm. When the next morning came, however, the gentleman found no preparations for breakfast. "Drunk, the scoundrel, I've no doubt!" he said, as he steered his wav out to the rear quarters, ex pecting to encounter the prostrate body of the Chinaman. there in the kitchen sat the "Celestial" sober as a judge. "Why haven't you got break fast f" "Me no stayee here !" was the answer. "Don't I pay you high wages enough ! ' '"lessee; but vou askee me smoke, and I say I no smokee ; I drinkee? and I say I no drinkee gamblee! and I no gamblee; and yon smokee, drinkee and gamblee all tree. I no stavee here!" Poston Herald. lave DNvdlers Found in Mexico A dispatch from Deming, New Mexico, says: "Lieut. Schwatka has arrived here. His party has been successful beyond expectations in their explorations, and especially in Southern Chihuahua, where livirrg cliff aud cave dwellers Nvere founil in great abundance, wild as any ot the Mexican tribes at the time of Cortez's conquest. The abodes thev live in are exactly similar to the old, abondoned cliff dNvellings of Arizona and ew Mexico, about which there has been much speculation. It was almost impossible to (jet near them, so wild and timid were they. Upon the approach of white people, they dee to their caves by notched sticks placed against the face of the cliffs, if 6teep, although they can ascend vertical stone faces if there are the slightest crevices lor their fingers and toes. "These cliff dwellers are sun worshipers, putting their new-born children out in the full rays of the SHn the first day of their lives, and showing many other forms of devotion to the great luminary. They are usually" tall, lean, and Nvell formed, their skin being a blackish red, mnch nearer the color of the negro than the copper colored Indian of the United States. "Schwatka claims that nothing has heretofore been known about these people, except by the half Indian mountain Mexicans, and thinks his investigation will be of immense anthropological and archieological value. He estimates the cave and cliff dwellers to be from 3000 to 12,000 in number, armed only with bows, arrows, and stone hatchets." Two Sides. Few men are altogether bad or altogether good. Moreover, most of us habitually show our better side to some people, and our worse side to others, from which it fol lows, naturally enough, that we are differently estimated by the two sets of persons. One set praises our generosity, the other berates our stinginess. One says, "How amiable !" the other, "What a crusty old customer!" And neither is wholly right or wholly wrong. Two travellers from distant parts of the country met at a hotel in Philadelphia. After dinner one of them proposed a visit to Laurel Hill, and the other accompanied him. "I had, in fact, no other object in stopping iu the city," said the first, ''than to find a grave in this cemetery." "You have a kinsman buried here T" "More than that : the best friend 1 ever had. A queer old fellow, a Quaker merchant, in whose house I was an errand boy. He took fancy to me, educated me liberally. set me up in business in New Orleans, and as he lived never ceased to watch over me with the care and tenderness of a father.' The man's voice began to grow husky and his eyes wet. "I tell you," he said, "God has lelt some genuine salt in the world When I think how many people are the happier and better for that man's having lived, I actually feel sir, as if this ground under our feet was made holy because his body lies in it." His companion was silent from sympathy for a few minutes. . "I never knew but one Philadel phian," he said, presently, "and he is dead. A Quaker, too; sugar importer. He used to trans act a good deal of business with our firm in New Y'ork. The very closetj, sharpest man in a bargain that ever lived; a very steel trap of a man ; woulu argue an hour about a penny. A implacable old Sbylock, too. "There was yonng Graves, I re member, a fast young fellow, who cheated him out ot a few dollars Well, the old Jew pushed that matter inexorably, in spite of all we could say. Graves was the only son of his mother, and she a widow. 'Justice! justice." that was the cry, until he sent the lad to Sing Sing and perdition, and the mother to her grave. But, luckily, he is dead now himself. Hello! Here's his grave, and a handsome shait over him." l'I raised that shaft over my benefactor," said his friend. Clarke' I 'a tract of Flax Congh Cure It is a sure cure for Whooping Cough. It stops the whoop, and permita the child to catch its breath. It is entirely harmless. Good for any citugh of childhood or old age. It heals the bronchi and lungs, and stops the cough. For Winter or Bronchial Cough thig syrup is the best ever discovered. Only one size, large bottle, f rice rei-UU at F. S. Daffy's drug Btore. Clarke s Hai Soap makes the skin smooth, soft and white. Price 25 cents. Dave yon got salt rheum or tetter, Scrofula or fever BoresV You will never be the better For your faith in quacking borea. Seek from nature's Btore the treasure That will save you from tne grave, And give blessings without measure Not to fool, or quack, or knave, but to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery, the world-famed euro for tbe above dUeas s. It is guaranteed to cure the diseases for which it is recom mended, or money paid for it will te refunded. It is impossible that anything so De a companion to your husband, said to be dangerous on account of if he is wise man : and if he is not, ! natural, so necessary and so uni- the lead in it. Its use lor wrap- try to majje lum becomo your com- iversal as death, should ever have i ping articles of food has been panioir Kaise his standard, do not ; been designed by Providence as an ' forbidden in France. - let him lower yours. ' evil to mankind. A homely man of merit is never repulsive. As soon as he is named his physique is forgotten; the mind passes through it to see the sonl. 'Yes, I shall break the engagement," sbe said, folding her arms and looking defiant; "it is really too much trouble to converse with him; he's as deaf as a post, and talks like he had a mouthful of mush. Besides, the way he hawks and spits is disgusting." "Don't break the engagement for that: tell him to take Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It will cure him completely. " '"Well, I'll tell him. I do hate to break it off. for in all other respects he's quite too charming." Of course it cured his catarrh. PROFESSIONAL. RODOLPH DUFFY. H. I!. NIXON. Duffy & Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. C. Office over R. N. Duffy's drug store. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, Ons low county. apl9dwly S :ho 1 books and school supplies a specialty and at living price. Royster's candy, the twst in town; fruits, cigars, tobacco and snuff. Headquarters for finhing tackle, crockery, glassware, etc. ARent for the Now Davig Bowing Machine. Respectfully, JOHN L. HARTSFIELD Kinston, N. C. P. H. PELLETIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MONEY BKOKElt. Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. A ipeclalty made In negotiating small loans for abort time. WlU prwtloe In the Count let ot Craven, Car teret, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. United States Court at Mew Home, and Supreme Court of the Btate. febl dU CLEMENT MiNLY. O.H OUION. Manly & Guion, ATTORN EY 8 AT LAW. Office 2d floor of Green, Foy & Co.'s bank, Middle street. New Berne, N. C. Will practice in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. apl6 d wtf I-, M. SIMMONS. II L. OIISBS Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the counties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal office. apl2dwtf Gome. One And All, And see 10j different kinds of STRAW HATS to be sold at Wholesale CoU bt J. E SMITH, Agt. Also a gocd line of MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING, HOOTS, SnOES and DRY GOODS tliitt will be sold veiy cheap for Cash. J. E. SMITH, Agt., Middle St., New Barne. N. C. T. R, JOHES, Grroceries, Dry Goods & Notions. DK. J. D. CLARK DENTIST, nxwii Kim , and Broad. -e m i: Cnliiif Ask Your Retailer for tne JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE OK THE JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. According to Your Needs. .JAMES MEANS 84 SBOB lia light and stylish. It flu like a srocKlTiK, ana rcr.y nut r- HO" iJKJSAllIINU JLN, Do ing perfectly easy the first tlmp It is worn. It will satisfy the most tasuaions. jahksiim.i 3 SHOE Is absolutely tlio only shoe ol" Its price which ;ver been placea cx vely on the market In which durability considered before mere out ward ippear- H tans $2 Shoe for Boys J. MEANS A" " Honor.. Dn 1 I 1 1 nrtu rt f llll) 111.- . J V 11 O . ' -t 1 1' t. Howard & Jones, NEW BERNE, N. C- m S -.- - V A m 'm o ftj hi m m Full stock and large amor ln.r nt. Prices as low as the lowctt. Call and examine my Block. Satisfaction cuarantced. Spring Session OK Vance Male and Female ACADEMY. Opened January 28, 1889. The f atrenno of" llie public is res pectfully solicited. Turma for young ladis not exceed ing S70 00 per session of five montha, including Vocal and Instrumental Music, lull course in Book keeping and Commercial Law, and Penman ship. Many pur. ils get through for $60.00. Full corps of competent teachers. For further information address W. R. SKINNER, PRINCIPAL. llokovill-.. X. C. V Ks i a in. imi r i K.--.-Ntit.,:si HKIIl'111 Ism lhS.s ul New Hrriie, N. ('. 5-Ton Cotton Gin Scales $60 - beam box h Brass Tare beam. WwTSJited for 6 Years ' i KrolKht Paid. -1 ACE NTS WANTED, j Bead far Tarasa. ' "J0NE8 HE PAY8 THE FREIGHT. FYr FYte Price lAit. Address - J01TES of BIKGHAKTON, Binghamton, X. Y. WALTER'S Photograph Gallery. I ;take great pleasure In Informing my many friends and t tie public generally, that I have return (1 from Morehead City and re opened inj- I'holoyraphlc Btudlo at the old Htarul, v. here I shall be ple.aaed to aee all my frleiiciH and llie nuhiir yeneially. The verv nattering success I have met with since I have made New Heme my home la a guarantee of the superior st3'Je of my work 11 speaks for Itself. My light (jives Ihe H O FT I'OW'KLAIN EH'KLT to all in v worn. CHII.DKK.NH I'KTI'KKHA Hl'KCI A LTY . EVEhY HTYI.K oK I'HTVKI fOl'IKll ANIK! l.AHIiKDTOAM S I 7. K Of SI III I, '1 h hu k 1 1 ik all lor 1 1 1 o I r very 1 1 hern I pfi Iron -ae.nn'l hoping to ou'ilt a contlulianie of te same. 1 am r spe'-l ftl 1 1' , TlioMAB WA1.TKK. New Heme. N. O. N. V. cor. Ml Idle and Pollock (.., over K.N 1H.IT h rut; More, l.ntrance from Pollock . aei20 dlf No principle is more noble, aa there is none more holy, than that of a true obedience. Extraordinary Bone Scratching. Robert Sperry, Tremont, III., had Erysipelas in both legs. Confined to the house six weeks. He says: "When I was able to get on my legs, I had an itching sensation Ithat run me nearly crazy. I scratched them raw to the bones. Tried everything without relief. I was tormented in this way for two years. I then found Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Skin Cure at the drug store, used it, and it has cured me sound and well. Clarke's Flax Soap has no equal for Bath and Toilet. Skin Cure 81.00. Soap 25 cents. For sale at F. S. Duffy 's drug store. WANTE 5,000 Lbs. of Wool. price fir it. r wo will into 1 '.lank ( Ih, Lindsoja, We will buy your Wool anl pay the m irket ship it for you to the factory and have it mad Flannels, Pants Goods, -Buggy Kobcs, etc. We have a full line of samples of Pants Cloods, Lindners and Flannels on hand, from which you can select the patterns you wish to have manufactured out of your wool. For particular information call at our stoic or write lo US. We charge no commission to ship your wool to be worked into cloth or blankets. OETT1NGER BROS. Sign ofthe Celebrated Pearl Bbirt. KINSTON, N. C. A lot of Mason's Fruit Jars just received. 0ETTINGER BROS.

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