, - . t -s .' . - . --' V t M m Hint Kilt l N'DKPKXDENT IIST ALL T: Tor Til m lB:i.t0 J M VOL. XII. new m:i:E, craven county, n. c IS 1 1 7 V b EDITUBIAL NOTE. I K : u r: f " ...-w.w "!-- ;!MrM. .- ui. n,.. t ti ....Tt.. -i -- .r nit MSI fV ? - 1 .. i . - - - - , - Vj n WILL 4V tflJCf M to try oa Box a UMflt tocum plate hemiifc. THiX STOCHr niFAlEE) DIGESTION ;: DISORDERED UYlfl; w C ' : brtm.t-.ajt ' ' " - -.- ' - ' 9- 4C0.Hl i ' Cii S! . ftta tw. a CtNTS A BOX. .i r t i . r i -1 WAM ill). 5,000 Lbs. of Wool. bay jamt WW in ! rv ' Wkt fmll !m of aipJi of rn' ' . i: I yor nl. For p;. va r : o :' rn'..0i l u - ' OETTIWCER BROS. . -j f t l: r 1 wr.t,' to -r i'.cI Tear! Shirt. KIN3TON", X. C A lot of Mason's Fruit Jars just received. OETTINGER BEOS. KINSEY SEiVJIWARY, ixr. o- a .2 - ' j ! t , 8 i t: s if r w w V v '-. 9.1 X cd O o ,o w fci 2h O K k n n When :.! TlTR President has appointed ran be Immm Hon. Woi. Walter l'helps, of New turn- nut me. .Jrrsfj, mioister to German . bill. 1 1 . r ; i. I)vtl A. How MAN. of North irt W.i;; i:n 11 C.trolma, haa boen apiK)intol a thnr whrn t;mbt agent m the (rt'in ral I. and NN' Ki'sski. liow IK, ex-mem bi-r of the City Council of Uichtnond, V., h- btcii M-ut mi to the grand jury for forger.) Fl.AMK hM l)n abided to hood at JnljDittowii. Fjorable wiiuIh ami prompt jdwi, ul rh:!.v.lelphi.k i- 'iiiptiniei aertt4) a il na.ifroan ro n ti j .it ion . In i: i on there m strength, and in qliuu aJone can the organized -,n. Itistriwt of the Nation bop to rope against centralifed r.vcility. Tin' National Fvmomut. SKHi'H s trouble in apprehended with the Flat Head Indians in Montana: they refaae to surrender three manlererw, and a determined force is h-elng tent against them. TrtK New York Star claims that no other papvr, in the aame period of time, ever made the sncceaa or the impreaaion which the Star has made in the half year of ita new existence." "THK Interior Mepartment pro pono to suppress this year'n medi t no dance of the Kiowaa and Camanebea. It is a perfectly de ofrxiA dance. Ita medicinal feature cooaiaU in sacrificing two Indians, who are killed and cremated." NTiinia sterna to be too mean for some men. There is an old fellow in Maine who is imposing on hia bns in the most shameful man- ner. He naa pur. an t'leoiric neui m lb hen boose and tha hens lay Compinv. T.i. day and night. Hnrlington Free holders 1:1 Irt ! i Fresa. much I.ind owi. Tuk Fresident has appointed ( inted St.ilt . John L. Stevens, of Mame, t-o be Englishnitii n; Minister Resident to the Hawaian Island; George Maney, of Tennes - see. to b Minister Resident to Paraguay and Uruguay, and Martin Crawford, of Ohio, to be Consul ( ieneral to St. Petersburg. TilK land in Oklahoma is all taken up. Texas has 5,0OO,0! acres of better land which is free to our the settler. ate. hc r.i'h. ; and Sni: ol cons ia" 'rhf ..; . da ... ' CI:1'1 1 S t : i ' H..;:m. tliev with e l ' : i met:: s 1. forma' ;o the ...;:pp i d . re w cor t i - in c :i ; : a ' abroad ." Si is to !.. 1 k w; : are o ' n n 1 i anc t o o t h i ex act , t here land under ; m an age me :; viduals or i ',7'0.'- I ;ltTf o! chnsetts, so that ; other countries, a: ance to o;hei enough to make ,( like Massachu-" ; :. whole of New lui than some go er support a k i n r . T; of land owned by corpora; ion ; corporation i.;, , ! r ai. il' ;a u a ' es i r n e tansm is in direct opppsition to the theory of the Federal Government, and the conduct of the founders of the Republic. The tanfl was dt signed to rai.-e r. e ii ae for the government, but .'.;i been perverted fioni i's . r i ua! purpose and is now ust d : the ::otection of certain indus-.e-. which, under its fostering arc. have become powerful nio nopulu's. Nt)t more than one third of the revenue from customs got s into the treasury ol the 1'nited S-.i't-s. by l.ir : the greater part of : t ; carried to the pockets of man u I.icturers and capitalists. This be.rii; the ease, the Jor UNA I. Saul, "If the est ablihment of the Con it derate States in the territory of the I rnted States was treason, the entrenchment of capitalism in the republic, is revolution." Perhaps the sentence would have been clearer il instead of the word .'"'", we had written r hellion, but the sense and force of the sentence would not have been in a -tenally changed. Revolutions are not necessarily blood . Those that have exerted I III. 1 !' ( !! J: ' sj; e rin;i l!i Mtuj.iNA .vmvs. " 'late rain. Slate I't.M h I n a' Scirdo Inter-.- 1 i IMC - (1 j.rop (.--ai h . i ,r . tnoiu c-.ine-t i rf-r r- v , , , ten-l K i : . t) llr 1 1. lay. U ,.' rrn : I: r ir i - i he I .1) H i ' 1 ft y 11.. A ( hivcrnor has M. M. Marshall 'I ma at the Paris ib ' X pi-clH to ht- nicnt. On In f!. Fr ' J o 'clock Mr. K I farrior pit-ur.n loose. I'rii I ad e I nh i a Ht'iionn lllem nrriv.-d ::t Inm saim." mi j , 1. n 1 1) tr 111.1 1 1 H day. Raleigh Call: Cart- B. 1'. Wi has just fttowed away nmcty-livc Of hay from hish'airview farm are! . . 1 1; i i, i h- o, h I licit al 1 ". (I.e t f" l J - Hi the II II ( ). .f c 1 1 1 1 1 j I ihe pre Ihe I h i n ' Mi One ' i i 1. 1 i. v cl rau lie inn h, ii ei ectt'd at, - . Mr.Mi' ' I a II I r-"! i I i i 1 1 .- hflv hi i PD Til II lor a rn an age l h lo r, e alii w . p I a U - . i I A - -i lib y i... irUrLHluc'.: n was lo It1 hi. In .bliii r . . i . in a k -j a pr ac l a the ''ail-in ovi rb'i: -. ! I i . i- r i., r A M e 111 b I V W !.r one of ', ,,i 1 r -; ..I: tlon TIllIl A -At-i tor .. in'i 1 '. i ' i .mi important 'k p I are on Mon Nunn'u Hotel I b.tel ill Will ii 'lull i .iii;hoUt. b a 1 1 - 1 1 u r y aiiil i military on ilitahle at the cen 'tte il lo in to be a bear K ' ' np in.l ut nl us I-ave ' ' 1 1 n l 'in l r i hutp on r ar up ill . i v i r ! pracl i -;il p e a u . I in Carolina. ... : ol the greatest mil nence upon men and camSinu : and nations have been elTected without fet-1 who a resort to arms. This of which we ton Culb . -.: are have spoken a revolution which '! i has changed our political system - : - ,:i wa- not accomplished by the b. g:- bnyonet. but it was the work of a I n.il subtle legislation through the S'a'es agency of representatives chosen : in the by the people. :e bind The reformation must come o.:i to through the same agency. Let the amount people become instructed so that man or they can see clearly the operations ' r or ml the Slate b beautiful : . . ; sy 1 van :a an -. , 1 there ho 1 . : . : , of uu, k f ; r . other p n. t. up t ) tn . I i wire p in: : show the r i l ; : i ; ; had ma.lt; in a C her resources . Rut the humb Governor ha 1 ..em: uu pr;n i; . C -t: ... . po-tnia : torial i .a ( b il.l. : bin- : ; ; eiise.l -river a:-. I 'it; bh -i . covert ; ! tug out a The an;, this i V.-; A she vi that A: mart. r trict. 'I , i j.-ate . :d(-! has ov w hi . b b, t tt" : from Neuse River farm. '1'hiH in a pio digious change in thin Iiukhichh fur Wake county. It is a new departure in agriculture in thi8 section and Home tbmg which if prophesied three yearn ago would not have been believed. Mayor Thompson this monnm: received a letter from a capitalist akinK)f h. could Kt an option on the purchase of the new street improvement live p. r cent bonds at 107. This indicat... a bik;h and tolid business and is enough to arouse a hi, gratify ui eniiiUMa-ni in every citizen, were it not forth, fact that a disgrace in the eitvki.o .ti as the Union Depot has a ten-ten ", i suppress all euch ebullitions. Wilmingtoa Ad vertiser : I: h, e a . -our painful uuty to ehron'cleihe c.ea ii of Mr. Miles OaiHon,.of Shallotte. Hi un wiflt cii'jiity, under the f . .1 a . -a i n . i . -treaniuj; circumstances, as tln'v t . r . triven iou-: It seen, s that on a of the accident. Mr. (Jaison. in onni.iiiv with a Mr. Sellars. had cone alter . iaa; -in Shallotte liver, and after K, ttu.;c a boat loa 1 had started for home, w i , n a-. -i aliment for tbe boat sprung aleak and sunk i.ef.ne t Mr. Samuel they could reach the shore, ana lac: cm was forced were thus lef t struct1 in i n the v. a : . r y to make col- Caison was an excellent swin.ni i, the retiring ; while bis compmion could m t sa ,n. a- the chief edi- all. and the former rauniit li'ft i I m and Observe. latter and tried to swim acrcae url U-n.-ral Robert I him. and at the same iim- i le . i : -. that he had him with encouranintr tn.ni. v. mi, i is on t h Tar "t near the shore, however. th ! r mne-nce dredt?- i come frantic with fear ae.l ia 1 .. pr. 1" in Hl.i. 'in. il. r . .ire h x -in pti ,n c f fi'im thunder aikanie. We '-vi ral times, ' "itr a-.roaeh, , 1 1 a ite noisily, a.ler ntorni in tb I'eft-ud. a t s.a 1 1 -1 i u r v . u He. ami. it! more than oo.ia. land o w netl b v met: ; u 1 of protection, as it gathers its re sources form all departments of labor and empties its accumulated treasure into the laps of protected capitalists, and the evils of capi talism will be realized and the remedy applied. DKS1MIT1VM The l.iliowin; readied . i.;s iT night : Uk. Fiu ; u "Despotism" sat. bosom belo .iii.i I ead A Boarding' School for Girls and Young Ladies. Fall Term opens Aug. 29th. For Catalogue with, full particulars address JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal. m e a ' i : v some s better to be d i tors w ho. 1 1 eveM thing of J. W. STEWART, Sale ami Livery Stable. i.1 I l . . When that lsgonesbe rougn reau.ng . , , , ii Ilt'U ttf lllil-liril hM 30,000,000 ares more for sale think 0Ter whar W;4S at f2 to t-1 aa aore, with forty years moc, perplexeti. time to make payments. Fort We want to :i - Wortii Gaiett. (juestions, ami who aaketl than a set of i Hrrna is again after Porter. ig claimedj tinil In a roar colamn letter, addresaed any importance ! to the Admiral, General Butler Is it out of the reach of law to savs: I fear that I have done you prohibit the strong from oppress ." ing the weak ' 'iou said it was what you could not do for yourself . " . r , r , ' J i treason to form a ( onfederacv in immorUlired you: for I have giren the nited States. Was it treason your name Lo a boaating, vainglori-1 against the laws ol the I nited oaa, calamniatory lie. Hereafter 1 States, ami n ot ; he people? Now, forever It shall be called a "porter." ifa8et of nu' lorm ;l iobinution or trust to run up the necessaries Agais we welcome the New York '0f lfe t0 f.itnislnng prices is not Star. Por several months it has that treason against the mass of not hrfn hinini?' nrvon n.s. tint it people striving to get an honest ba-s come aguin, and we are glad to ean, !f 11 :"Mlv . ,. , . , niUd States ca!. oat s that ita light is not diminished, aQ(J U0WIJ t,u, ;iS-l and that ita Demooracv is aa pure are the law makers work There tire many kinds of despot isms, and among them Is the des potism of kings and the despotism of capital. The American peeple have too long enjoyed the blessings of constitutional liberty ever to en dure the bondage of political slavery, out tney are oppressed oy dents in her rmverm:.. a tyranny far more cruel and ig- North Carolina has at . . Wt-re noble, and that is the despotism of population of the?" Stat- of wealth. 8ame- XirK"-lJ- !" '! - pressed ttnnneiai y. , : 'at ion iursduv ii .me on deep id g half !...rr t,. oi i, a il u. t already- kin c ' , every ether :r . :. . has i akf-ri tb ti.-tics for tb-' pa r; ucat ion: 1 pri v r -fact is th 'it b- : tc lef-.s f ,r t .! ucat 'it.; ' '. State in the 1 1. 1 o. a con; parri- n . t North Car I::. .. North Car- I i -ginia in f: nar.ci al .-: development. s I . back-gr-'ur. ii in c In Virgin ia has t a gives them -!.. Carol . n a baa c r.e ai. Virei ia he s ov r wit. 1 c . le. the ' IIP 'ire . fr in 1 1 i ai t f oiii) -! leveled to hall, w ith An ( it the Ivl.s,.. and met estimates run n i n a it tee this ni' v . r y 1 -1 n o New t. n tor. rif V ; list b(;iii i'resby tei i continue 1 the aft in. vilie is in belie tit if got la.-t -killing on .birapt-.l i from I- ; w i e r, t n e cou n ty I Whit,. Hall, clean 1 oiber obstructions. 'uev h, i,-, sei,t on laabe it navigable, a! : s, i now it seems not to be the head-it- r:,,il revenue 0 is ms i -b a- is to be Ibis is another c aiipleie power Mott v i billet-mr. J. H. Eaves, 1 Mr. 11. (). 1'atterson if m the eolb c torsh ip that 1 he lo-ated at Ashe- r A honk was 1 - - t t a i i I if l ng. now " m i be new town written in it in 1711. : h . man r'presentinK w here la.-t week ht committee. His eost of plant and low that the commit- j struggles they both sunk, the i. rise again and be cast upon the but the heroic Caii-on to sir. drown. It was two hour b.-f. th. HO riling think it will not be I .-fore the town hag lights. i ' - i-ii rise: IKev. Mr. Moul oi a Presbyterian evange a p 1 1 ;t i 'act. -d meeting in the oi i-hiiit a la-t night will be !'i t ''" veebs. .reaching in ' m;d nCht llenderson- . w b( o in n frig to enjoy the n.e bur ad vet ti-ement she i.a'ner !ij a health resort by t '.be. obnv lever that was : t t b bare by the car load rut a. i the .t the : n ; Fine Ilorvea tad Males iIwiti on b in !, disposed oT on e7 term. t Utr aa hind a nombr of F c- T.m:-- l''. Uo train S-dfl Hor- for N5f.h '..'. x-. ---. 1',oad Street. -New Berne. N. x n C. VAN WINKLE GIN MACHINERY CO., COTTON GIN'S, PRESSES, FEEDERS CONDENSERS. The 1u Winkle Cotton Sin Micbiosr) ' ( r - v Tn ff si t i,i ni Mickiiirf Cl., A rLA.NTA. t . . k Engel CO.'S The Bergner BREWING PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER 13 UNQUESTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant. It is brewed from the finest Pale West Barley Malt and highly recommended for TEITIVE qualities. Laazer Hops, and its TONIC and NTJ thm high rt potation m. .a . OIK PA NY i. da t the fa--t t: MATERIAU1 ar n I tb it rw lrUNNl dart ng aiioafiot. n ever. To all wishing a New ork d:!y. we commend the Star. ItlK. recetit vigoroiM protest it the cciiored vett-r in Indiana and Oiiio shows that the intelligent men of this race understand the hy;Hwriry and selftshne.s. vi the lpub4iran leaders, ami the cold bloolel calculation: of Fresuient will hf Harrison. The rolor l.ne is break ing. N. i . World. IIki'.'STs rerleciun,; uKn the characUr anil management of Dr. (iriMom, snpnntenilent of the Insane Asylnm, havimr lxconie rnrrent, a sHcial called Hevwion of the Nianl tif directors met in Kal e;;h on laat W el a e.l a y to iDveati gate the same. "ery able eonnt-el m engagrd and the result will U given to the public a-s sHin a.s il : known. Tnt'sT't .oatinue to increa-sk'. Thev are getting rn"h trom impost ttons on the txo!e. 1 hey tlo not cart" for abuse so Kng as they make money. The strong hmd of the bi'.k sli, iibl lay hold of them and jtop the r int-ju;: ! . i e "f the flr-i' that n.eeds atteii'.on is the .ig.-r trutt. It is now dividing a dishonest profit ef Ckhi a month or I'J.IHjO.ihm) a ear. I'.altimore American. W k take great pleasure in pre senting The National Keonomist to the favorable consideration of oar readers. It us published weekly at Washington I). C. by the National Foonomtst Publishing Company at one dollar per year. It is the ofli cial organ of the National Farmer's Alliance and co-operative Cnion of America, The National Agricultural Wheel, and the Farmer's and i.atxjrers I'nion ol America. I : ha sixteen well filled page.. Tun plackv attitude of Switer- Canada l43 in regartl to six ual and politi cal reiugees wtio cmi an asylum within her territory does l.onor to her spirit of magnamity and inde pendence. Criminals she will readi ly surrender on proper proof, but men who axe in danger only for the ssss.viii ol '. lie J teiji have ime 'an o. ! : us t hat i' m 11 I : - : .ek iDtTf:, i' ': . '"tl. e - ( 1)0 the .!. -ools b : "?inav t lit ::. u:..'.t r ' A: li t icai j..irt;.v. be tune-, ' Has I a. :. S im over the re; us b i 'be n...;.. If he ha.s, li ' t he alta.il I i will loc-e respect lor mm allows the masses 'o be g death bv these ru'.tni: .it's1 they re vol ' .where . b as he to get volunteers to put voitersdown' The capital too dlgm.beil to shoulder pecipic will in i; l ) keep ' I . t ' s c i t b, et. w n.it w . . nil ' It he .1 a:rs ami -ee t . 'tl al ; a. b. tlon't the her troops W ho .nt lor. W e - u . "t: e; be! 1 1 u r I hem ' up i r I po rn com mit! il ed If l. led If. c i -!.- j . I ' V(4.t t ilk' T-t. H4 I, !! V4 . . .. Inirr.alUiil at i.laata 4 ftr Frit I rmi- and the fighting t power, an. of I'tiole hold of . better are years, j. ,. . . b a e i s tall ( b : ; ( , o i ( ) u r es ' el til i ' : 1 1 . t, i i i , ( i rooT) .' : ,:-a t-. to ou r c b i'. i.s w :..'. r .us a coul: . : 1 : b : I . , : : . gra : n , or as a c t : ' , '. ' -:. .: bla.le. M cP io", : u b te liiir'lb ..mi . :: i . : gree' :. ,;n .,-.:,.. . ; edam our : b ' b : " Str a'e be .. - poi nte.l . j : i s ' . :, - t : . a ( b Lit eil t o . an -e -e r . u - : i " . . and when our peepV ., ., abon t the si ' ;:.i' : :. ' :. . t . . s hope for t in' cou :. I : m I '. a p; men t o I' the pr. .pie, ! ;. the and for t he people, . : . 1 : i 1 1 1 is the to: crt; t: :. . r t-t retort hence we item' ::p. : , mica the great r. ::.. ,. ,; j o, t i m es. e understood. 1 at' he ; o eta until e expect t the re ts are i gti n, :-l like lots in ..come I take 0 them 1 a he w hands capital the tyranny P.eyond question much of the unrest of the masses, the apparent popularity of socialistic theories, is to be accounted lor by the multi plication of monopolies. I f the establishment of the Con federates States within the territory of the 1 uited States was treason, the entrenchment of c lj.it.ilism in the lnutt of the republic is revolu tion ! T he m t ; tn al e aim of capi t a! mm is universal empire. Its maicli is over highways paved with human bones and through livers of tears red wKh tha Lfe blood of the pojr. It is the enemy of liberty, of equality, of justice, and Northern ami Suit hern industry alike are the objects of its oonqtlesl. The peo; le ol the I'lilted St. .Its. by a .el an d al most coun t ies ma oti'y, arc attached to he Con st it tit t m ii nd the I'nion, but su perior to this attachment is their love of' life, liberty and happiness. Let it not be supposed that the citizens of these States will con sent to pay tribute to the ruoney klr.es who till their c tiers with gold t'eiiit tl of t he biccd and rnuscie of their cou u t ry m c n . We do not wish to be aiisiinder Viood. Wealth when properly ae Forest SbCub'J each, thrown . ; n :' jtui: in n . lit lad it- 1 t a : ptettine the' ,-, give th e ! be .'..:-; the tax f i" th from ti. a li. incl : lie 1 '. i ti,;:. In c i s a u - -: i . 1 1 . . said he v. tib: quesli -m I b e that the m n- . cat i an is ii.ti. I he tl: 1 not 1, I : such oh 1 : j. a 1 1 rt brinpir.; hiiii ! Africa to er all th- l b. s-iiia-by tl;e whiu -. h quirts the t .1 '.cat ifil is honorable. Capital when lh(1 educati' n if htly cm j loved is a ministering girt- was an a! - ng ;i waste is t he ro e. nually ninety-three oei,;- f, r f.fry in habitant of the .State b-r a.-r .'hot as. North Carolina, thouuh in t-rteudid financial conditicn, arpropriatcs annu ally thirty-cine cents for every mhaf i tant of the State for hi r schools. After showing up thtse huniiii atln: facts the Covernor made a strong ap peal to the teachers, and specially the ladies, to aid him in bringing our good old State up to the full measure of her duty in this re.-pct. He aanm the Cniver.-ity endowed with b"'J . 1 ; a year: he w ants th'? pi i scut schoal fund doubled he wants the religious de nominations ;., jut tiitir f houilt r.. to the wheel and endow Ti.n.t y. Wake nd I'av i n w 1th at 'It :..-1 each, and lit th at n iK 1 i ioi-rs be . of the J.onr"i. to ins; was he- id last Monday orptanian a meetings to 1 Rtv. Tl.om.a nuinber v. - r d e n c e of I , , 1 1 . informs us tl have been tilt t rat ion this y , since 1 ss.",. Durliani Tobacco i n g . m tie- v. c -1 e r n near the railroatl, Atiiirew Ij. om col a n e . colored to learn the it is state. I i for the bail learn that tl ine; well at i of the nan in Durham, eral 1 v p! , :.s weather. (roldsb -.ro Edna Pearl the am iable It-v. lb A. Chimb in t 1 ver that i , . ph ol 1 f.--. r r-Kx.rft A meet ic Methodist Church : for the purpose of r for the series of 1 here ia August by I . tch . A eoodl v present As an evi- r tunes. Mr. . II. Wolfe at more real ePtate deedB 1 in his office for reis .r than any previous year iac, ai Plant: This morn- nburbs of the town, while 'projicken,' red. shot Bob Meb- with a pistol. We failed xtentof the injuries, but ar lr. A- M. Moore probed but failed to find it. We wounded man was rest cm Last night was ooe e-t we ever experienced The niahta here are gen- t t v. n in the warmest A i mi Vat, s and cent i m hrcai, at: ar : .. C . 1. 1 i : r ti r -. ed re nt-r. ; , ride netr. thai i that place plac. As tb : I iie Death of Miss in Durham Friday, ovable daughter of . pastor of Trinity has t'tM a gloom . Sfc di4 f ty - only 10 years of 1 ! 1 1 io w c 1 i hjia r e i en jo Irip to ver y v, s; 1 ploEed the country, and 1 1 1 o out there. He x oi -p chiiens of '. . r ore. le: .. negro con at the stockade sent yo-o'id.ty and im i v-rv -xeit.-d m an- li .i 1 si .1 tl or ma ! i at im .. v. ho die, to! I ni r i t'i e Short 1 n it touches, and places of earth .uf a lien in engine of oppres more terrible than the s shook or the battle's between capital and on the side of labor t he side of hnmatutv His 'ab'U tons, think more mciit , and on as if the a'. bier t-f ' ' ' i i e e s ; a b -Icrate States ti.e i nited C , 'I' tt'ti. h- I hursiiuv wt lishment of the b within the I crt ; ' ,.; States was ; rr.i-. irit'tit i :' ci p. t a. . - m : :. t ,. ,- irt of the republic is ii'ti',:;'. : . The b i; :. ha- t. o a-M't ; cd that the establishment .'! 'he i oti federate Sta' es was : easoti. but t he I uiuul Stale- ha- ii:d -I., ami a majority of the ,olocait s of a pro tect i ve tar;;; inml angel bite m.akttig t h lo blossom used tis s : o n it is earl hqmike's roar- 1 :i t he war U'.inr c a i e Ill'lM'iM' It IS ami right. We would not eticouiage strikes, much less woultl we invoke the fury ami havoc of communes. With hope in man and trust in God, we counsel fortitude and moderation until enlightened pubbc sentiment comes to the rescue and demands for all classes an equal share in the, troduced Me blessings of government. So long as we have a tariff that discriminates against the farmer and the laborer, and collects from the cottages of the poor the means for equipping manufactories and building pnlaces for the rich, the iron heel ot an accursed despotism will be upon the prostrate necks of our people. Let us anticipate the day m which our sous will rise in their manhood and shake this despotism from them like dew drops from a lion's mane. Fdueation, education is the lever that is to lift us from the dark valley of danger and A not h ' r 1 amc t Governor -p C ' State lot i ; m viiling h.b- r . :i she ht, i m - ; -: higher elm c.i Ho tloiiol b n, L menierabb a- : a training -', . North Car lit. tithe r ft mao . --. out .put : send cu t cf : i . . of the to lc . i The Gcarm i plauded during.!,: When the ! , a , President ;:;-' side ovi-r the A.--', mainde-r of the m The Govtrno,- d n - nl: f b. ded t erat i curii tl) i,'' wl c 1. .-( hug. win. a s - r '! t o us t a n h ed t' r.i c, ' pr tic . -m . . m.; i in f tr- '-- i tnat was jort to the is convinced 1 the Sheriff in a certain T to go to the ! f the money. -v . he could o'.erday. but Yh:L Hunter ; en t ! eman at pp. scd to m i s l 1 1 in . lie , great delib- i an x ious and a i .uu i him i t ciiiiiit. rind 1: i and d is- 1 . dried -up t of legs .; jiacking. from that '- 1 a mule this . there will r.ot be many grap. s ii.i i year, for there was a heavy ram 1 apt Monday , wbi - a was St ,1 ohn ". I . v This puperetition is said lo have i, . nated from Herod having been iliank I with wine the juice of grapen whn he ordered the head of St.' John to be brought to him in a charger. ('hat ham steps to the front with a dog of remarkable sagacity. It belongs to Mr Samuel Thomas, who lives four nub j northwest of this place, and carnes ! letters and other mail matter with safety and ceUrity back mid forth be I tween the residence of Mr. Thomas ami I that of his son-in-law, Mr Gaston j Campbell, about eight miles distant When any member of Mr. Thomas' ! family wishes to send a letter to Mr Campbell's it itt tied around the don e neck, and ofT it runs straight to Mr. Campbell's barking and yelping all the way. On its arrival there it remains until sent back with an aniwer. This, is the only mail route that we know of that is not supported by the govern ment, and where the route agent has not been removed by Wanamaber' Elizabeth City Economist: The new Presbyterian church is not yet finished in its interior , but it was occupied on Sunday by Rev. Mr. Thomas of New Berne, who preached an excellent ser mon upon charity, taking his text from the "bread cast upon the waters," filr. Thomas is a young man, 'and from the size of hia congregation on Sunday it would seem that the popular idea that the Presbyterian church cannot take root in a soil that is without rocks and gravt-1 is incorrect. Along the coam of North Carolina and on Roanoke Island there are found mounds of oys ter shells, generally about ten feet from base to summit, dome shaped, varying in size, butgenerelly about twenty feet in circumference at the base. Th. j were apparently constructed with care and we think could not have been the refuse oyster shells thrown out fiom Indian settlements at some remote pe riod, as has been supposed. If not re fuse shells thrown out by the In d ia-is when the oysters were eaten, then tlu-y must have been raised as memorials ceremony sepulture or othi-f pmp s of commemorative coiisbb ra: ion r. . do not know- that the -a- nbell ni-ei: -! have ever been carefully c mood They are quite common on tic id North Carolina in the vicinity of Kna hawk and Kill Devil Hills m I'nrnai l. and in Dare counties, and they a:e found, though not so often, on Ho an ilo Island. They are probably In in.:, cairns, and if carefully and thorough I . examined we think thev would I, found to contaki the remains of dem guisbed dead, and relics that oa i throw light upon the manners and c.c toma cf the American aborigine, or a' a n t i 1 1 1 1 a r i i n least would gratify logical curiosity. Mrs. Hayes Dead Fkeemont, Ohio, June ba'i ' B. Hayes died at 6 110 o cb morning. At 8 o'clock la-; Mrs. Hayes turned much v...i gradually sank until the hour death. At her bedside were the bers of the family together w.t Mitchell of Columbus, cousin o Hayes, Mrs. Huntington, cou-in Hayes, Lucy Keeltr, Mrs. A. II. and the physician. Mrs. Hayes buried Friday afternoon. 1 of .-. 1 i t re. A- F.NOKL AND F.KST and CARE ' y i dw.f Agent and Bottler. New Berne. N. C. e s.tm.e position. political or social opinions she will The Con I ederat e ('.ovrrntrsent not nrreoder. Already the repob- rested upon the stibium- ; rut hs set lie ha-s notified her powerful neigh- forth in the I v . Lira: .on of Iiule- bora that their agents, enmariea pendence. I tie a. ; ion i i the peo- and spiea have occasioned more pie of the Smth.'.:) ihe bnuation trouble to the ministers of the law of the Confederacy, was in itnita- than all the refngeea combined. tiouuf our fathers, ami in uo ord- W&ahington Poet. amv w:th Aitin an ilea-, t apt- sutTeriug to the sunlit mountains of security and happiness. It is impossible lor men who have tasted of the blessed f rn i ts of free dom to be held in the chains of an ignoble bondage. Even now the light is streaming across our east era skies, and the day of our re deinption tlraweth nigh of Public 1 n-trm : i ci t looking of ali tic Mite ' r Pinger fol la v. a I :- v.- b . . ' -.:-. line cf the ( I v.: . ... - re overestimates - t r mat- l we are doing f :M I. c .c . r. . and iilso w i c . a i - ' ere made. H b: tub : strat. d tb..t b . itb ' 'ar hi o:c m ni'. in r ..:.' a - p e n K J 1 1. -n . . : but mi. scoring ,b ' bound t... conn- t ' ' ' " : l.u the St .ti tbic:. :. :.- . ' . . ia the (cm I a 1 A trilling tc ; h t i c .' 1 a r educa::. m Trearute 1 ua, i '-b i c . - : iutroduc .I i.J tai i i.e w-.tt. : -: '' ; ;e best talk as itAvcubl I the -b -r'-He j titled hi'-.rtilv with tl.- u v, rn- r in his desire for file State to cb . son;. -thing for the weed of tb- :-. The i-venieg ta rsicu cf the A. -mbly was devoltd tohetn ingab mr frt l:i Hon. W. I. Saunders. - .er Mary cf Stt.te. on 1 Colonial Times. ' Tcls w rit. r could not he- i ia cut to h- a: iter, i: is said to liavj biea a very c.-.r t. img paper. We 1: me t'1 st t it in print --o..n. n l a ' i u s t - I ' iiu b C on I r-la: re a i . d in 1 i i 1 a I 1 cord Turn s: ' c. 'li n t " Bcem s to -n i n.' v ears le;se on has heard of him. . I at the m n at It K rd -. t of t leigh. man Whitley of I n e iii'i grape ciop count'.' this are d I il! : ni tb.eir be t I lave another life. Every He will be xt Fourth of July cele- Springs. He has cut oth. whipped a bear in o-wr took a detse of med i v er w as it witness in court, cations now are that a fine w b 1 be gathered in this vear. Our Black Boys with a vim. They are doing make a record at encamp- (.overnor Fowle as a Ki-lu nn.ii,. Pishing is an instinct of hum. not No man no distinguished m. n great man feels satis tied with hi g : ness until he has spit on his La ' not a bite and hauled in a lug n- ' enough to found a tale on it that - 1 1 live to ten times as big as th ii-n, , Governor Fowle has just found out i . he has labored successfully these m . years to make an orator and statesm but finds that he cannot be a route big man until he becomes an ex p. fisherman and knows how to spit . his bait like old Isaac Walton, w i never cast his line without wetting n bait (not his whistle) from the pott so of his mouth. We like Governor 1). We welcome him to the ' ti - ho i r guild." He will find when h fished inall the bert tirhing groun his dominions, and sung li-lung with all the tarpaulins fem Wr ville Sound to old Caifee's In, t-t he will be "a bigger man tin Grant.'' He has lately been to coke, ostensibly to each . pirates, but really to catch tCh, arid w e can see already the effect of that no fish in n on his popularity and hisiii-tmo tion. Dan. Webster owes much of hi hold upon the popular heart to Ins rid ing the wave in his boat at Newport. )." and would b enthusiastic in our admiration of i...v ernor Fowle, if we could see him in h. shirt sleeves, in the surf at Nags Hea t, with his trousers rolled up to bis knees and throwing his heavy line, with a young kitten for bait, and running up the beach with a 75 pound old drum hung ou to him. His instantaneous photograph at such a moment of rapt unconsciousness, we would prize more than when command ing .'the a tip an - of listening senates." (Home down to the sui f at Nags Head tb is season . ( Mv ernor. and hand this order no. 1. to P C Winston, at hia cottage by the and if he don't serve you right, th. n report the fact to these head . uai i c and we'll know the reason h Elizabeth City Economist -a - 1' r several days aimers in the neighbor -lib I at Mi! 1 . Waxha w 0 ..miry south of these a n in the throes of in it owing to the presence I .-ar w b ieh had been us referrei to. Negro . i to do farm work, il iron remained within r . v. h . i e the farmers 1 at'o rn-s scoured their upon slaughtering this Vt sterday was a bad ami his career was cut .' or,.u ,y :,ir. L-. H. i aiiil. ear '!' n tenant h guns ,-- f..r the coast battery e ig g iou nil s at W rights - i ' u to that place y es . - coast railroad, and . at iinv. A telegram t j , -mr. lay to Maj. T. D. ; ihe ,h ,,th of his father l P besrtn. Esq., who . ia p.iaden county on ' was m the bOth year singing "The Bay as Biscay iitiiv. mlly esteemed for hauling in the porgies. We aiel generous nature, a ra 1 around town yes oing William Murph . toiling valuable letters -' in this city some d who absconded before tea . had been caugnt ra -or Beecham's Pills euro vous ills. bile it I ol 0 0 " nil i ; W lars recovered consciousnee,. ; ; .- I Caison was but about 1 tl i,earso: ee was respected by all who knew boo da and his untimely but heroic tie ih U ' l--cast a deep gloom over the er-i ite P 1 neighborhood. P.r Chatham Record: There i an cd l,r superstition that if it ram-on Si .b l,,,s "' Day there will be a ha 1 grape or. . i h , i year, that every grape wul r.a ih.i th is touched by a drop of ram on H' ! that day. If there be any truiit o. ''' el ' i . i Th 0 the -Hure ' I i rn I erg 'I IIJI- 1 uti les a re - v :th i neheH. mmetlHB I in km, I o w p r ! of ,hB ml the - I on. no the i 1 1 shed 0 the ht to . .1 to ' leog ' "g . e.al. e en re . : - and 1 bale N. . . . t.-r- .1 the oih by The i Mm. 1 1 v va i btis '.1(10, . b.r 'I 111, ' I I I H - - . i. n , . ' . l.illl'H all.g It . I l'HH ....hey W HH ! ho .0' :f . - ' ,y b, .a r''V4", -'i.c- - .'1 e Yta. Cy.'' r a v It U c I is ig . . I ti'llW e 1 1 n a to tha bench I tm do i in the ' i N " t rent. .' .1 wtf c,,V. joiiH h. :i. s- - co l' O U ' M. MA ,r I tit 1 1 a ii it t I- I 11 I H t B i . m SUPPLIES tcilrri. In. 1 . I II -., - - ' Kit hi ntla i I ' 'et. Kiva I .-ill niKUf o mr i. n oel- r i, II work . iaiw wiy ,;. t "M t Oi U wa la C . tWt ''. mom - .-. , uilrj, - ',, w I, ... g hums -1 e ,' t " i a i e .. t .in. and v 1 b i'C o i . . a ic iliiid h a . I ' i , e .u s. w ho 1 belt. f .; ' i C or r:it ely ' pof ae.I ib. ia. i ' t b. family. I l..l 'ill, e . . II ' A a .hi;'';. ' ' . , ,., t,.-.-, ? love.' i . ! ; ' t an Maul I in 1 i i a .- e. t e e a s i rn pie V';:' lilbl (II..I per- j iiei ii. :i it. . I i .t.. .., , ib nrhiim, . 1 h!.i. ." - " i :.: .- . I .. e. n I I aing " , r Ab'C 'ii- :i. et .,i is ! aai 1 ;ur V' bo b I y , rta.iiB Cl. ; a c wi.ll ' bate: e a,0s o I ea-ea h.,- : . ; ,: i , , on ,,k, ,i l.nowo . ' to hi .- iC. o !.-',! ' i ' il 1. v thiH 111 nt , n i' , a i e i - ' C I n i a tl H 11 f - . y'' lentlg I '..lb eil! .- ' . ,-... U all ' 1 who ile ire i' this reei; ii (.erman, .-. I rend i " r Pai o i- i a , i ! i : e ' , ; , i , ,-t imm for .. prepaiin - iiial n - - ,s, , ; i .nl,l by ad- tires ttC ttitli -l;t:eo n o i llii pujwr, o W. A. No, i Cl a ; I oK, I o l,e te r . - . M c i 1 I y 1 ! , I Mi T .0 i