THE JOURNAL. 4MM Unit. SXWBJ2UIS. H. C-. JULY 4. i-1 1 1 1 - 1 " If all poor wire know Xo to eock, )kon Ur little nift tor PRESIDENTIAL ClSDlD iTES. wkiifwi ol ajje umi prejudice Tb Bxt prileDtil elrctioo 1.4 party, when he declare that . long w) ort. but the prwenta latum of thr rltmi of tpiran'.a h n f mt day (warrencf . CkvrUuJ, Mill, r.Umer and Sluio, 00 ttx Democratic aide, and llajriAOD. 8hennaD, Kdmond a ad. on th llpablioan, art riiujr tli n)ott itutioa. lie 1 )(?mOlT!t II" I'iTt) ll.H DO filed principles now "gAve whatever national .mi. ven ' .oin el.itior.i'.e to tU mi h c.iudulate.4 as (reeU, Hancock and 'leveland. and ub je tn to quail r e 1 1 n : . ! 1 -lunge ;tnd ai 1 s 1 1 fl c a 1 1 o u . " If there Is any tact clearl enlab a 1 i 1 I H (II, Pit KM r,..!i.-r : . n : : 1 '...her.- II 1 k 11' lb ubjot IT l probbU Ut Uoa. Tl d J. lUjtri will retara to tk I'. S . . rTiwinrnd will Imi f- to 1 3- Sot bj the -'tarr. Tbtrt r many Mjxtj in which Hjhed in American history it is the p-erpetnty c f 1 lemocrat ic principles and !bt sage uf Vermont doca Liui ?lf no credit when lie denies the f piealdeutal randi con idtrd. and not HM'cli t ru t u of t h . i aji.H?rt ion. 1 he tt net 1 ,,. 1M n ixu:riietii'ii ol the constitution. stands us .1 light far oil! Pharos, thmwinp upon the waters, it. .I, to" i"st ol lue itlale to the principles and charuct er 1 1 ci which they represent Iu eural trius it ma) fx said that 1 r uiovrati- state.stueu repre- )licaa p4Uorm ut diatlnct principle which are renting jxil it i al navigators to the .00 la fvor of n,i bT all member of that party, port of Democracy in the harbor ol ad. How about Aa,i : u ja i IpnNica leader are safety, -'ljaal rights and pnvi ' eaa.iy i-omiiiilleJ to a common leges," have stood the as.inlt Jot caao deo(e the faith. Fbn tx-mg the cae, the Federalist from the day s of ,1 elTer nidaaramer to a bt ! I. ou . f candidates must bo thaa th traaqoJ du jrorernrd by pronal charac'.ens . th polUteal litaatwa. tic, p a 1 u g abihtv, iQtlaeuc. i.l ir.riSil' v n,l 1 kinn 1 1 r 1 ? v Worid 1 of optnioa taai -'-i - 11- jf. tn I'omDJBT is rich j M 4vs, m im m I u irul ecl n -Tin 1 1 -. 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 : ccrncil 1 . 1 in 1, . I a in pl:c. mts lor fiison net. in iv i 1 1 n . f. 1 u n 1 . 1 1 1 : !, pub aM, ci in i 1 . 1 Hi ll - 11:. I I tit 1 I I' i-s ' ' r muxH to elect a rreeWent anu Saj u Wtlte l!oe whneer The nl.s is 1 ue a p pro artu-le woti!. sc-.i ths cons -iera: :ou r 1 a ' 1 e n g in o 1 1 u s scarcely sufllce for f '.hi- irsoinl tira .ii A'tOTTSU sptrt t it own r--ard. It Iot .nay not be nstarti O, bat it lore can wot bs lout nl a UiTinz and .' re TUB Preeideo: haa apvioiated Frederick Doata, 0 Waahmg Um, Miair to Ilayti. Tats 1 of U bee appoint meut. tienera. Uarrieoa Iim made. laV9IDKST HaRKl--' noa the MUhore hatenlnt to what the wild TtTM saj. Noae of them are ap plicaota fof office, aad he i.s much ptoAMsl with their chit-chat- QnsSil- Wni.iaM H. Tai.ia ruEo la easeate! as a candidate for lhs Democratu- guber national omioatKQ in Virginia. He is a par geatlenian, and every 4ich a nan. -TUK Shah of lria ha-s adoptM he is ' acme ol the peculiarttien'of civil: r'or k.r tkn, Imt t a rather behind hand in others. He wears patented leather boots, bat seems to regard a pocact fcaadaerrhief a a superfluity " lr appeart that the State of Ne Yrk ha.s sixty seven of our consu Lar aad diplomatic ofUcea, -nd a joy a a boot one stxth of the emo laaationa thereol. It pays well to bo pitol State. lioetou HeraJtl. Hot ahot ta being tlrl into the Admiaiatratioa for appointing 1. M. Kaaadell, of Iadiana, marshal for the diatrwrt of Columbia. It ?a entirely anne eary to go oat the District to find a competent liepabliean. Tn Uoard of iitors of the UaiT-raity of Virginia, ba elect M tr. Taol lUrriager. of North ( aro haa. to tao rir t phuuology and aarxT raiiOTe Dr. I'abaH, who raUrao faun artiT serrare, because ot ad ord years. liotli Dr. liar ilagwr aad tao UatTtraay oi V ir glala ar to bo eoagrataiaU4. char.vcterist ;ca ol ny riti.'en now prominently befon- the public ad, a.s ( o: . 1 raker, of )b,o, jU-it now in '.he , e of '.lie coun try, . '.'-ave .if. nth'Ts and piv our rvsp-"'..s to h i ui . A g'. ini'i1 sat is ties us is no presi ien'.i 1 timber in U;m. He mav lor a -jaJi'l.irc, for whou-i ?!. ri!iMe will shout and go to t'ii pii;.s in bits'ks of Ove, but tin''" is uotlung .n h ui that com ports w.'b the digui' and t leva ;.-!. c f 1 ptesidetit States l'.nt that the seoo N-l'i'ic vf would draw ti.ic from the idea that a ai Aii h ouiil rattle in a m 1st. ...l could become the prei.l.nt of the 1 n 1 1 esl State. 1 raker has some high iialitiea sn to the preaen: hour, and they will remain the landmarks ol 1 mocracy. So well eatabhshed arc the principles ol the Democratic part that national conventions are only neceasary for the purpose of 11011. natingt candidates, and applymg eatabliaheU principles to the ever shifting conditionjof jmblic .1 Hairs si to hold the Ship of State th.- rocka 0 the constitution. Who, bat one ander the in lluenee of party splnt,would mention (ires' that there y a, A repreeentative of American Democracy? His nomination wai not in the in' of -party, but it is 10 the everlasting crtjdit of Deui ocrst' .hat in a gTeat political emergency, their patriotism roc superior to party, and laying per sonal ambition on the altar ol their ke hjs Uen country, they accepted the leader ust 1 nc! 1 rely ship of (ireely in the hos"' of giving psace and security to the bleeding Kepublio. As for Haucock anil ( leeland, we accept them a.s representative Democrat destined to live through honor and c ition o i t :t.- bt lie ii t s'C t lull . 'i hu ll w ii ic.l' 11 'i ! ti : on 1 w i : ! t he .1 p p 1 1 ideii O nine 11 Ie 1 ii. col 11.1 act .1 1 1 -1 H 1 ' ,lii t car, 1 s'.IU, ii deter- I e c; a.s: I cct 1I1H l.-O. n ac 1 -I . :i;h ot ap l'ell 1 r 11 111 pro- .: ! sM,. as ol 1 s and 1 1 1 1 1 en 11 11 1 .1 nt - Li il tlpo 1 r ' II 1 e I, ' . I Ills h.ii .O I M II I Mij Don't yv lUliau-Oul-cUcs : 1 11 view ot the fact that t he philosophical pietist was perfectly right wlit-11 he uttered his eele tuii'i'l leiii.iik-. that '-we ale all m " 'i' ii 1 1 1 ei s,' ' and need mutual help and consolation, it isciii;iu tha' ue women .shouht criticise I'.scii as iiidietively as we do. There oiij;ht, one would I Tric . to be a strong fellow-leelin' :n mil hearts lor each other. 1 In f ! In n is not. e ad in 1 1 in 1 inn ; 1 1 t a a i I, one aie ft c e tioin sin. We cannot deny we are all liable to mistakes. We know that impertec; ion is the rule, and per!e"tlotl almost tin possible in a!i respects, whether mora!, mental, m physical. Yet, when two or three of us an itheied together, elsewhere t han at prayer tneetuifr. we assuredly arei me re apt to .spend our time in finding fault with smnc absent ac ejii.i-.fiT ai:i -e t h.iti in utteritif: hm or, r.s, s. FOF. ?! 11 iu 1 u l 1 1 h- in;iki' Tiie weild et I w,,; ii..: a . .ak. . u.-i.tli blii-mr. ' w. .ii U bless and !.apiiness, tin yd en light. i-u s fail and bright iml del ighf , 1 epi'-ss s ni-ht ii. re thy siht. . .v e's excess, : I .vc thee l.-ss, c. ai nt it sli Hit 3CX3 OF KHLASKZY. A I'l'.r.l KVAI. ., ll.W h.- K 1 1 lar ue v, .me iii..irniuir 11 liu. ly 1 up w ln.ick him Ju-li up 0:1 -us 11 ee. k my cny umk with uMed the In- a 1 ended. e p :-d pi pen- -'I ' IV a 1 1 e h ' I y not !" t mni, a ' 1 1 1 1 .I the I nitesl . a s t 11 ' i : 1 . 1 act ft"'-s i,.. v 11 1 1 1 ... pro i ' 1 1 n . o ; h. u . 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 no-. 1 ' o , n t , Hushed .1 : t .. piep 1 i I . a 1 1 k .1 1 1 ' . . a .. 1 old , a w 1 1 a e I'o.i each county heuc 1 r has bee li 1 ecc i ei 1 t h ply previously ( u : 10. ex 11 aust ed an d a It to this department ! t he sa III e. As tie the old law i!, ii. 1 after in 1 . M u. ! .. ' . di' 1 .i.u: i.-n .1 'in tci ui 1 11 al e 1 1 u I 11.1t I . Ueg;..(-i s ol I 'r inhumed as to 1 ; dnt lew as pi . 1 .n d ui; '.he are not the d is 1 1 11 gatsh 1 n g the aces, crowned with ;aai.'.esol m.inh.l. l-'or instance, immortality. ...... .. .1 inf, nut so is a duu nog. e 1 ail to see u lku wu at grounus bu 1 1 r a s e r y .g. 1 in st pe.-.pb' c ii' .vating peicc l'h m in i ft'Sti al tosses h s J at ; .e. Kmaker ha.s uist ticeii renomi nated for liovernorof Ohio, and it is oroba ble tliat he wii elected. Tins wi log. shown in re.stu Mr. Morrill's exre'tatiou of South -a long contained Republican aacend virtues of ency. Is the nation so wedded to monopoly and plutocracy that the bans cannot Is? broken? llaa the purchase of votes in blocks ol fle so delightexl the people that they cannot be drawn from us facina Hons? Have the lordly manulae he will le re- turera so ingratiated themselves in pre luni eclat the favor of the poor that they will is I he the bud dog's bra ery is hen the prairie bull id and 1 hallenges the Th is mi in 1 at a an . 1 . o : : 1 r to pension . 1.1' new " new ieiisioi: . and niO': ..Itilel llitol w , i ! ir 1 ' i 1" . Ilie. , s 11 11 . le I I 1: e ; 1 1 1 n i.s he. i to inlormation at the old sup iicd ha.s Peen iust presented ir a renewal ol blanks under t ; available .l-.i.y 1st. the h : '1 .inks w id .la'. . 1 ib vi id be lu'dy i me u iieu then b the iie act 1 ; w 1 ho: is e I e 1 1 e 11 'il I - e. 1 i dm ii;,r the .same t h ; 1 1 g 11. lid at the Smiths' will lie en t I'he e a k . 1 wa: t l ess at "a ! r. . k led l ace .- s- ii. k p hat t hei t nl lar:' and .Mrs, iu.le ', M . - s I. 1 reads .' a t ! r a . si. . "f : 1 - ;4 lament. i'i! i 1 ' :. ce i ' ;; ad means the same tiling I'.-otile like '.. ci :ticise ea. sometimes To show 'la t lie l.ross Ms as 1 t "i 11 , w 1,0 : s .s titit a -1 -' a: nic, 1 lp top wiil al ; y as :. a 1 n . ii.-i. a' id v ei 1 Leu n.s Kil.-eti'.- voice st..!e i-'n 111 she thicket of holly, ui t ui neil just t lie 4 hole 1 if 1 .111 II iitin; to fully-, nl softly aluu' TliiLitih the myrtle heat In- 111,11. 1 and her son su. pt u pou us'thei . .1 I:: tale. lail! of ,lsM l.c.l i st. s.ililet is I Tit a: ;e I ' ' tl su per .or 1 1 s , they have bee 11 Pile 11 d t .1 . a 1 1 d times tn'Oause if their super it nous ; ing foul of some ab in an v other way , e -let o 't 1.. gosMp, and are : sv.ird. Nor arc we cr; ' :cal as we seem 1 .'' her. r o-s 11 e C a U e Millie- o veil t y tail 1 . ' 1 in knew she went hv am our ony ,'ir it alter so u'teiiy hy 'o . sv hen s e i.oid .I l.o, ey . s as -be -Uli' I.u .in jv, .. uent by Hit1, 11 li. i e I lav . Ami myself un.i t!je br;.:s-. And the little re.l sl.otilil ict our dear pa.s.-. ' ' 1 1 y wliisptii:r In-r pi aie.-. I ii I 'he lass ami lier lay I luod'li the myrtle and header l. Kt' a ilieam ..leal iivs.-tv 1 ) ei the mountain together. - - - - 1 tar, Stay on the Farm. The farmer's life is one misecl with toil and pleasure. There is always work to be done on the farm JefrigG: fat)! S a gate to mend, a fence to reset, J? an ox in the ditch, a broken door to repair, a garden to plow, a tank to bnild, a crop to plan, a crop to plant, a crop to cultivate, a crop to gather, and a thousand thiugs to keep the active braiu and willing' bands and feel employed; jet if the farmer wishes a little recreation, he can leave hia tools and labor and spend a day or two in the woods with his utj, or a day with lishing rod on the lakes and streams. It is not so with the business man in the city. His business mast go on. He cannot shut his door and walk out. If be takes a day on, ce necessarily has to put some one in his place Farm life is a real en joyable Hie, if well planned; bat it may be tun ot misery u not man I aged with a view of making and i mixing pleasure with business, i Farmers do more hard work than I business men, and usually live lon- erer and harder. Farm life is made more tolerable by the joy and hap i piness farmers get out of it. The : business man has his bills to meet every month, and is often puzzled! , how to make ends meet. He loses hours of precious, 8Wet sdeep over embarrassments that stalk iu his pathway, while the contented far mer, without the fear of being closed up by the sheriff, takes his , rest. Farmers have bills to meet, it is i true, but they do not come like rifle i balls from a Whitworth gun, every ; week or two. The writer has tried farm life, and loves it. He has also 1 tried business in the commercial world, where u.c allowances are ! made for dry weather, short .crops or low prices. The commercial The Season Is ai Hand FOtt Fretzerd Water Coolers, Wire Dish Covers, Fly Fans and Traps. Wire Cloth and FMli TtiVs. A Fl' 1,1, l,iSi-i AMI vi :;i I' 1 o.n iiti ; i s L. Il7 CUTLKK, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BKBM. N . BISTER 10RTH CAROLIRJ i r5lW00DWORK3XGf AftAMEMT(gJ MO. 28 UNION SQUARE.NY. CHI fiT, LOUIS MO. HiUmffB OAtlASTEX Notice to liqucr Tealer?; The Vhol"klo n .1 UeUil Liquor Dealerx of ('raven county re hereby notified to come forwnrrt nd renew their H 'eribe8 on July 1h: h . ri.piiiid by law. June '-."-.h. tssO W. P. LANK. Hhfri'T Hy J. W. PlIiM.K. 1) H. Fixmiture A.NH- MARBLE WORKS,' Eclipse Sewing Machines JiEW BEKM. K. C. Slonuinents V al tl! ill l-i' 111 Uiail IfALiAN&AMERiCAN TIIK KI HNITI HK CO I s'l ll.l. I.KADt: U have mi tiand an.l are manufacturing an.l rf.-i-U'lnK every 3ay haudaome arlor -uiu. ( 'hBiulaT Hull. Hall Htan.U, Warii n.lit n, 1 i.-sfe . 1 tiiilrH, l.ourike. Tin Hafe and Mntl ra-BM-H. All Ule o.xJi we liianufaolur .. Kimil mil iiiliiisDtltl. W al liave Um . iluem HUi.-k and latent ntyle if Baryy I'ac r :u trial ha fcvrr Leen l.riiiiKhl Uiirta . iv. Wo have a Hue slock nf ("lockp, Hie l. r'eB an.l Mirrors. We pay himiI cjiali for our koo.Ih an.l Ket a I luccni n I of 4.1 and -'ill ir ; cent, ther. fore v. e run M il Kxda rlier 1 Ihiin any other ttre , n 1I1K elty. Wears hIho HKi-ntH the Ivllpue Ke Inn Maollloa I It hiiB in. . , ti 11 1 . If you want a flrat-claai machine .-all and iw in hefore hnylng ela ! where. ' e will nave you money. T. J. TURNER CO., Orders will receive prompt attention vnd latiafaotion guaranteed JOE . WILLIS. Proprietor .1 Ji Mlitlle Bl reel rRopHijcroiio. y-v berjif, v on' tin1 h.wid i .f IHTsuuai' just i we !'. irtl vi' ourse eli'iiliif i -l',)Vl'l l'i VfS I'll.s t a ! in i" I'll i to ll . the a ii il k 1 U I V m.tkc u t i unit's to quite true that the theory ot natural will In' i i'i i. i il lit' ifrtormi'd y them. At tho i;npoi tinir oopirs of till" til'' t lie m I t di-t: surli iil.iiil.s, tin H' u h as : . 1 1 ii.' ni ni is lie 1 1 . h.. : i j . : n;r : her w 1 1 h t (.- . .a i-dii lorin ii n. y la' iu i-fj.s.ii' to : . 'I '. . re 1IH-1. 1 .s o ; ' lie i'.it t th.l not in t-.t n Vi't .ill does iiioni 1 1 i I o h . 1 1 1 1 u . 1 1 w - - li.ivc heeii " d selection is incompatible with that about." or wh.n we personally of supernatural design in those verily ; he .ulae -listeiieis never cruder forms which it necessarily hear auy ood of themselves " iretH'iited tinder a belief in special If we could hut banish nl-te in- creation, I do not see that such is gossip fi'oui tleeeiit soeiety, tke case with regard to any 1 lie Dhine Plan of Creation. To me individuallv it has always I world has no sympathy with a busi uppeared that a false issne is raised ness man. The day his bills fall when opponents of Darwinism j due he is expected to meet them; make their appeal to the odium j it he is unable, his paper is liable to t lieolnticum. For although it is ; go to protest, and his business to with tLon who Ul;ev? that guber- consider it a blessed pririlego to honors are e.intial pre- coin their blixxl anil bones for them cirsitn to the prtvM Jen 1 1 al ofiic, it expcted that farmers tv.:t thr jHNiple will nver admit adiI mechanics will become th.U . lUiekeyc (iovtrnhip is the enamored ot poverty ami be ineTitAbii' ireludr to th highest trothed to wrttchednefl T Nev er excH'ii'ive vition on thin routi wsls there a greater delusiuu '. In nent 1 "vs.- the jKipuUr majority wswith The loabliran partr n not the Democraev. Year after vt ar of wantiog in a.tutoess. It nj.y be Republican administration wi wntinir in soqdiI and eoiiHiateot tlrivo the iron deDr into tin. soul principles, but it m as cunning as a uut il nature cannot bar it, .uu! i fox , and it will rommit no jtich miiohcKul will again assert ilnell i blunder as the nomination of We have no fear for the Kepub- 1 Foraker wouhl Ik. Harrison may h,-. The election of lJvSS was a l.vw groaod, Sherman may b an fearful ordeal, tat the people t ame antidelavian whoe followerers from its fires purified and never e drowned iu the rlool.and afi'i.n will the h ueq 1 1 iatinfit 8 ie taele UMar tks rtt1ofU4Tkok EJaiooJi may be a cold as an b- presented of bought 1'resi eomatrj. ifc- ptiferoois ioaas lt.tA e Aaj ol lhera WOQid dency and a degreed Kepnblu ti rJIlo XKftra is us u ; be taken ia preterenc to i oraker. LOCAL AI TOXOIT THK HO.NP OK fully ireet ! he a. '1 lie "i'r". 8C Ii I a ' i. ai o t i.e.' the i ..I 1 'i ra Monday n I u . . Atti i i i'-i' d U et no l"i ins ticu a i i v ' " t he i-.e.' "I widows, and all ijf t-M leanLs will be dispensed Willi an-l j;, w i.iK's substituted. In addition, the t.Vpart men '. will be engaged in mahm,; i:njir.r into tin nat u i e and t t ;,;.ii ,'ei ti.e pres , i pl . . a t '.oil s un .le r ",.te M i'.h t he lust i I the' present ear. , : u , 1 1 bo u ect'usary ol application par w oil litis I'l l I .-, i.u vv lien t spec i.i i PmB9iznrT IUbiuox iaUat m Miaistcr to IUmis. Tuts will be ma adatrabie appo4itJDnt And (tmm hia oot e( Ui oocatrj Tb Vmmk nij b aoJ to naa and eoo4 aim off. Norfolk Virgioian. lixaWTS owfbl to b UboreJ for bsoMkM tay an ralaable: bat no reaalt U raiubi ajerriy brcaas it aM ba UborHl for Ths only way la t work for a goxl result, aa4 noC iepol a pen a rem It t ing good amply be-AU it tu bma 1 bo red for. T poor popU the ii phi, rtsa prast-xibea ebeap bat whoie iom uetliciae; no r(u?iiig the eotuiaaipCJoa oat of their Nxlies IMTV H'" were writing an rtieli tate Sorengnty and L'hmI In the Unguag of Ul Char , lotte Chronicle "t be National Its-1 pablican party will never invite , - r.s r hv n.inimiiinp & . n (H i J te poverument wuen our attention was .,r w.M-w-r'. i-i hr H. i4 one directed to an editorial in the 'ew who woa't 'go' in thi ctumtry for ork Star on "Ical Autonomy the Pre-uieot. A wa-p CABDot bear up p,ond of l'n;tv." which so well . an eagie lod. TIIK KEl'Tt" RX Or' PlKTirs If :: U- :d that it i u.elej to d cu pd: tics at t hi 1 1 me, we re pi y fjj'. x-ili:ic. relate to the govern ien'. in 1 the govern mfn t is coiu'.antly gung on there can 'w n -i end to :ii:ticil .1 i4 u-ioii . 1; le. :f c rr. dijviseil to truce, we could not do it, lor our idea that we herebv it .n our own. Ilie Mr Into tair parses, nor eQiliti; thf m the enemy n Cr;ng ai-on u. If in Co th rUsc laUiea fo drugs which co ai; o! t!ie:r Agen eirchril -pa JoAipher' woald WSb The promtei , they ea rrtx h bc:er ou gardens. Kni U?r. JdK.x la the dirk a raia for the atoas," whow toach aay thing into g; l. ol Goi are b-t:er lhn "pb huo pocr'a tone." to the Christian, f. r they trsanfor'ai the d writes! j ' c tioas toto ta br.ghte. blc:n. Mi. u i.-fieof a ; txju:. i :. n-ie ta Uttle eirele la wuich he ; .ves btter and happier. ea-a of in n tiounU in ee that . e.: of 'ht rna,l ircl the wiile.t: 's,i m.i ' wi' al of us may hae fixed u i. miad that oat of a ngle home tkold v :b-w ;r.:'".i'3,'n '. hat l! stimulate Ibe who ivmajon wealth aad tb w!-io( : ed , : I Iean Stan y Ot! u.v.l to . .1 aaore olten "No eTis, im - rox :. If you wan: a no w b-tli' . i a: Cot I for :t if fexxJ, you mils', to. I f.-r tt: and 1 1 plessiire ) ou mut t :. for it. Toil . tb ii" I'Vasure rotnen throah toil. And m C '-y - l! ndoU-no acd indulgence . 'A iien a aian gets to loT'.ag hn wor. !.:. 4i(e ( a happy cue -Mornitig Light. TS-STlKVIXe; IM il .s I'a'N Pti. IW!ir MrDo aid that Captain lawoa came to his ofllce, raa the veil, and wa. altnit:ed by him. Dawson, bv uatifled, w u .lou.. oring in bis deaeaoor and warn d him that he mail not peak to ta French msid agun or come aipoa hia pramises. MclMw re frfiad that ho woold upeak to her vfcaa ewer be eooae, and until be, Oawaoa, eoaid ihov bis authority lot (or bidding him to irwak to her. tawaoa tho saU to wttae that bo woaJd pa W Lib bini ta fit papers .ance .'.u a uematiu we ivaoi tiring, we ili tnK'k, au.l when the next o'n the . iiemv w.M have I tie ad press adopt ay a liepublicans cannot ivmpreheiid the true meaning ol . piurio. hhwih, while Democrats hae not the lightet diftlculty about uuder tandi-g it. Therein is the key to the fundamental difference between I lemocrat ic ami Republican doc trine. Our country :s one formed out of many parts, and it is one r, i. composed of man v. It m too large and varied to exint f the e ery ml to w h e. r l.x.t baf le I t : ! ed an.l pr . ic ' . ' . ' ! e r : r . v.-re.l ar' er I ' , e i; ii i- . ' ou ' ! : t , to more .iiTiLng Ileitis it ig in n es.s to hh'i'C tt,e enemy, tc eer. advance, au.l hold a. ! e I . : ti.e t o n : 1 1 u 1 1 o n "at ir ! at: I :.. the U. t e 1 1 r em it; r:: our d lie driven , and prosper a a consolidated com campaign ' mumty. If Maine ami Florida aiifornia ad Masna. husetts. Texas mil rennsjlvajjia taj to conform to a single code of laws and run torn, the country could not hohl totet her for a year, It i local liberty that insures the general union ami enables all to heartily co operate for the common defense and welfare without suffer ing restrictions unsuited to climate, customs or traditions. Tlu; sorengnty of separate States oser their home ayTairs guarantees the perpetuity of the lpublic We could not have for our standard, any procrustean bod, because some "f ui are too big and sonH too little to fit it. New York must have law to unit the metropol is, and parishes of Louisiana regulations apphca ble to their unique parochial civil ization. Ami bo it iroes throui'h ablare t otlt the eoun.ry, conformably to the true Jemocra;io idea that the nearer government is to :be jeople aud the greater the indeiiondencel -n w.w oli ed in its irpetuity. 0f localities in locai matters, the I Senator Momil. of V ermont, strongej is the whole bol- jiolitie. i:.tribut" to the l oruni.of .Juiv, A combination of weak links cannot make a. ha n. .V herding together of pigmies will not make an army of giants. It i.s by cultivating the that its , mdeendent strength of each com will Humanity :n 'he Tinted States N p.J . er :wf.! iii .e monopilv and .-r i. ; !vii a. 1 eu ' urous aud i lie pages . f the North American Ke u-w , t h e l orum, the rribi'.ne, the K- o-n oai .s t , the Man ufacturers Uecxird, and ltepublican p ;-'.. cit : on gvnera'ly, are ' . '. h : '."I, a. if the !:f- of the uitiou. an.l the hbertv tif the eiti a v. g. iron artuds oc the prosects o' the Kepablican party, ;n which he ventures the prediction tenure of iol:t.o.l wiwf r malnta.ntl bra long per bo i kei." :i embeilnh the a : st twentieth .'eutur.'' W h is Senator M.irr.ll. and ariia: rcceiN ed b oi.l - ni toiei s. 1 e i . - Hi III the l o i I ; i a . a ol tie, 1 i a i ci iui p' i -ii t ion h I t tj ii : e tl P m new s i -a j . ' . also hail- ' o I . IU ..' 1 ot ne. it I I P Hi w .tiuwe who alli'ail it't'i n it.' a pension, l.tMl h-;t 1 si I ip e having determined in ti.e i.vw pi iisjon act that only Mien vii-iow -hili he retained or eniered i.u 'b. pen-ioii r 1 1 as are iM'i . it, i. c s.;. a a., art- in actually y stated icat: on m in the t la.s.siuci tarn 1, lii.ii:ry will iti ' he cases are pered gossip fi'oui tleCeiit society, tbe case with : r.eiitlsh'ps would Iv more perma- hypothesis of theleology which iieu:, and we would spare mrselves deserves to be regarded as in any and others man a rankling wound, way worthy of those higher many a never -to -be forgot ten spasm conceptions of theism which the of nip'.rt'il pride and vanity: lor of growth of natural science, in all its one thing by assured ; there is at parts, has been tLo means of least one udi!a!e amongst every engendering. It is true that tbeists , ;rcio ot gossips, and while the are now required enormously to gnnd spoken may remaia u.nre- widen their ideas touching the peatetl. the cruellest criticisms and . nature and the method of snper slandt'iH are inevitably earned to human design in the realms of their v u'tim. Kxcliango. organic nature, just as was the case when astronomy rst revealed the leach Your Hoys in vspire. .utter inadequacy of previous ideas Much prosy a lrice i s bestowed i touching tbe realm of inorganic on boys and young men that never I nature. But I cannot see that in gets beyond the drums of their the former, any more than in tbe cars. ne of the most useful ideas latter case, those who on other von c u introduce in a young head grounds have accepted the theory of the ia that its owner is bound to make of theism should find any reason- nis mart in me onu ;i ue cuooncn auio cause ior aiarm in Deing to try. Teach him it depends reouired to extend immeasurably solely upon himself whether he j their conceptions of the Divinity soars auove me ueau ieei ei me diocrity or not, whether he crawls or d:ef. Give him, as far as pos sible, confidence in his own inhcr- reu nift iii. . bi. ,Js a i li n c until i he ii'Bt 1 .. I i s.h i i a u to i , 1 1 eat ;on.- anil have a n . a .suspen i.j.:;.: of ihe .c.ttioi.r, .d rec such t i:i:c a.s tins j P ircd to furnish dost Put pi : s M eiLl.l a pi e sc ii their. sum ; n : hi tiling nl ne ' a pi commanded ui. I ilepa : ; im n t s : nt w bl a n I. s a i: i ! .pip enicn ts of t h. pi epa red I oi n e w and ample n ot i ce t be oil u tin: of the various papers t iiri'ip-thou' the State, V el V lti'sjiectlullv . (I W. SlNiitUl I.N. State Auditor. Aud I am ijaite etire that they would be committing the grayest of possible mistakes if they were to adopt the advice which appears eu; capabilities. Argue that he , to be given them in the words with has the same faculties b, which i which I will conclude: others have risen to distinction,! "'o wonder that Darwin was mil that he has only to cultivate reviled by mc who had the cause itlum and apply in their exercise 'that uj'ght:- propulsive agent, a determined will, in order to rise. of religion at heart, for his tbnory tended not only to repudiate creation, but to discredit design, l'.id him shoot his arrows, not at ; anil so practically to enthrone the horizon, but tne.enitu. A ooy who sets out in life with the Presi dency in bis eye, although he may fall short of his mark, will be prct- ne ws- 1,1 I.KlM.H II K.MS U heat crop ai e v ei y pour. i, rt M V The fai rest ol . . . : i More head City Messrs. (ieo. and Stephen I.assiter are home Irinn school. i on tig mo. king birds sohl oti our st I ret s i eccu tlv at the low rate of two for b ! 'ecu ce :; t - . The di.dicaLorv bi riuo:i at the new r ..11 ,1,., ra " -w 1 iw When ty sure t0 reJC'u a U1gi'er position !HM , ' ' , ! than if Ins ambition bad been aiM'!i. itions .Pie i , . , . , , r,,. , united to the oilice of town con- w. be given ml ., ., . , . ., Buieii" oi , iiuc n ant. c kmlu the custom hor e. This is not a land where poverty is a serious impediment to ad vancement. Very few of our mil jliouaires were born with gold ! spoons iu their mouths, ami several 'o( the most distinguished of orr u statesmen earned their bread in early life by the sweat of their brows, fortune's gifts are wrung from her id this country by beads and hearts that no such word as fail, and tamo has no special favors lortlie.s'.ik stocking class. Action, sav h Aristotle, is the essence of oratory, but it is more true that energetic -i' is the soul ofsuc- M. 1'. Church will be delivered by the Ui'v. Pr. I.ew.s ol Maryland. Mr. Presitiu Whitfield, who went to (ieoigi.i iu i he early part of the v ear, ret ui ned to his home near our to w n t li s week. Ir. ,1. M. II ad lev. one ol our best farmcis a vreil as physicians, announced a co: ton 1'iossom m h:s fields ou the J lib i list . Among tLo K iuruiug gents Iroin Morehead C.ty last wee. wi- were pleased to meet J.-. Podd, of Clay ton, ei.iuiiii' for h.s home. Mr. .1. A. Pai s. ; he genial and much behked von tig clerk at 1). C. M urch isou's, le.ive.s next w eek to The best temporal advice a i eesr ; lather can give a son is "!;'"''. unreaaoy as lord of the universe." For urn. The lioj on the Wasp A wasp is a six legged bird that lives mostly in trees and under the eves of barns an4 you cannot tame him; he is too busy. Ifcever stroke his fur the wrong way, because it makes him mad, and when a wasp is mad I don't want nnthin' to do with him. He has what they call ua stiDger," and when he goes out a stinging, boys must keep away from him. I leaned up agin one once when La vas busy, and I jumped as much as a feet, ma had to put mud pie on that place. I hit a wasps' nest with a stone once, and the boss wasp chast me clean acrosst the lot so fast that when I got over the fence I tore my pants; thcu pa spanked me till I wish I had let tbe old waep sting me, Some say wasps make honey, but if their honey is as hot as their stingerin' I don't want none. Pa Onward ani upward an.l t."ae lir.a " to the C'Boy. let the eagle's i'ujht ever bo thine, j says the sting rin' ain't so bad at nrst as tbe reKolekisuuiis ot it lor a few days. Ue osght to know, cos me and my brother Ike got on the roof and poke4 a big nest from the peek down in the barn yard wliile pa was milk-in'. Albany Press. ai tend a con .'ere: Virginia. The rem ark ; . . Northern i; an : :i one t oulil gi ; I New .let.scv than on the extreme that :s church in ni. ble by a town, t bat peaches in vims unjust course t- ery peache at . i i en i ; oUt r;or, but the fruit unsurpassed in I le:;c of ll ivor o,l Ue ami t of part !:a He : and the The overt h to . f system would l- a a: rT the great Kepubhc lias become ;n vincible. That u the iemocrat c idea of the formation and jirerv a tion of a great united Kepubhc. The Republican notion isdidei ent. It is that the country ought I fo h a aobil wholo w i r ii liL tl 1 i a- s for all parts and with ower dis tributed from a .entral authority down to the tieople. instead of InMng delegated from the people up through tbe various an; ol localities and States. Ia the Democratic creed local autonomy is the Iximl of unitv. wai-kin.l, it will lie a colossal monu- Thft minute self government is one is an are t this easoti ari that 1 1 pcti.. la the vvoi II (': an . I t.i-'c 'Ihe 'iol . t'. '..- .-eiv.ces at the M. P. C'.un li. o.i Sunday the r.iul, iust., w:.l be a ijotab.e event in the chin cli rt. cords .-; our town. Not ouly is the cLuic'u the handsomest exteriorly iu our town, but its beauty of design au 1 iimsb, it.s interior is surpatv.iig. N'otbing bespeaks the wtnili ami p'ety ol a people more poteul.y t...m the.r labor 1 he l.iucoln History. Following upon tbe July chapter" of 'The Life of Lincoln" which, as already announced, deser t be the Fresident's renominatiou and Mr. (ireelev's self suggested peace trip to Niagara there will probably be only six more installments of this remarbabie history in Tbe Century series. It is said that theue con cluding chapters deal with the most important and absorbing personal and political topics, to which Messrs. Nico!a and Hay bring a vast fund of special infor mation. Lincoln's sagacity in tleal'tig men and measures and occasionally his humor come out in strong relief m the chapters alcoholic that ive the 'usitie view ol me Kucw the Symptoms. Wife "Cyrus, I am sure young Spoonamore is becoming serious in his attentions to our Susie." Husband "Nonsense I What makes you think so "lie wears a new necktie every time he comes. "Do you think Susie cares any thing fcr him f "I know she does, tshe hasn't eaten an onion this spring " pieces. Ariose who are doing well in agricultural pursuits should Ipt well enough alone. The cities are ,oyiar,erowded with population and poverty. Th,2 most independ ent class ot people in tjje world is I that have a good home on a goodi farm and make tLeir own living. I PKOPLE EVKUVVl HEIIlil Confirm our statement when we say that Acker's English Remedy is in every pvay superior to any and all other preparations for the Throat and Lungs Iu Whooping ' 'ough and Croup it is magic and relieves at once We offer you a sample bottle free. Ht-metuufr, j.Li.s- Remedy is sold on a positive guarantee, Bu'ij by It. perry, New Berne, N C. Some of the so-called affections of the day have underlying them a sound principle they may be edu cated in their tendencies; and to be educated, to improve, is, as money getting-, one 'of our hobbies today, PRUUHKSS, Ic ia very Important in tbiu age of vast material progress that a remedy be pleasing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and bealtby in its nature and effects. Possessing these qualities Syrup of Figs is Lhe o.e perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic 'ensyyn. True Dignity. The day laborer, who eajns, with hard hand and the sweat of his face, course food for a wife and. children whom Le loves, is raised, by this generoits cjotive. to trne dignity ; and though wanting the refinements of life, "is a nobler being than those who" think them selves absolved bv wealth from perrintf others. Buckles' Arnica Salv. Tux Best Salvs in the world to Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively' cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Prioe 95 cents per box. For sale by B. N. Duflr. iB 17 or. HHOAD CRAVED 8t. NSW BERN, JV. C U. K. MlLUKH tc uiy toth irtZnd aei I in Rinston. Alex. Fields, Trav. ling Agent First Shipment of 50,000 Gr-ood HISTORY OF ALASKA Have Arrived. W. P. BURRUS & GO., GENERAL COMMISSION MEECUANTS, AND G .AIN DEALERS,' MlltKKT D'.i'K, s i; v n i: ii n r.. cr ..ln.'.n tiH ; .': c i ni. -f Kinsfon Book Store, in Unti l i nil itii'idiiifr From lhe Eaillrat Prrloil o Ihr Pres ent Time. rlr HI IURT H.iU K HAM If. I I A vivid r.:.rrallv:- of inont j.t-t 11 Mar 1 n 1 . r est; orielrjal, tr.ithfai,. tlirll l!n l'ruwn largely from HuBStau no'jfftii n:w Hiki rt--vualt'd. Thifl boo. complete lu one volume, with Index, Is dow rlrut Itatied HiipurHlf lii'in tin complete Betof Mr. Banoroft'H far fame. his torical series of thlrty-Dlne 'J'him sands in every part of our land will avull themselves of this privilege, mid luiy ami read with avidity tills li.iok. The knowl edge wtiloh 11 contains Is of Intense IntereM and lmportaace, and much ol it is iiam.i no- where else. aPCMTQ Ml k NTCfl Everywhere; for all , S-hoil . .k h im.l h.Iiii.iI nULIflU linill LU lie wori.i art ' in i , , , ( n(J Hl , , , , . , .., , ested in Wtal wflndertu; ..ottn'ry -Alaska, i 1 1 The works of Mr. Bancroft have met with Iinynter P dimly, Ihe ln-Kt m remarkable sucoess having ftoulred a great fruug (,1(jarHi t0har;.o an.i unuii '. good, earnest and active worker t un make From $5 to $20 a Day selling this most entertaining volume. A p ply mmedlately for-excluslve territory, or this rare opportunity will slip by and he for ever lost. Neither moae u.a- er.prience '8 r .. Hired to embark 1 a th is enterprise, as the pit nil Kh ars allow thirty dajs' H in " for t he ait. nt to deliver apt! polled hefore payment to th in. and If the ho(k is properly presented it sells Itself. Address THE HISTORY CO., TJ.t MarUt SI. jy'Jdliwlt San Frani li o. I al. m il iei Iiivd ; W. T. DUNN respectfully the puciic that he is repairing inf..'rmn You Can Save Money By buyiriB your Alabgstine, Ready Mixed Paints, etc., frota VVniTtY & GATES. Wa Lava the celebrated "Packers' Ice Cream Freezers be sure and see them before buylag any ptner. We bare a full stock of everything in tba Hardware and Builders line, and invite your aiieation to tbe same. WHITI-Y & GATES. Agents for the Sherwin-Williams celebrated Ready Mixed Paints, and dealers in Lime, Cement and Piaster. The New Davis, Beayy erles of this WONDERFUL MACHINE. It spcalja for itself. The ladies want it because It is a PERFECT machine. J. M. EINE3, Agent. New Berne, N. C. Bki Ai sE one is stimulated bv drinks he imagines that he is trencrthened also, but he is aitfuiiii ui tut- lu utirat.. realv stimulated beyond his the renoniinatiou of the I resident, ; nafn;.,i,i, ,lriT10fnrai jilt'rrirnrnt lni;r'-t'-i nt di lt'tt) t ih v(i: 'tm iimi tht'ir Hip h. t.iken n, itiM. 'he Nt-.t'or of llit StMi.te j.ithor td the prejirit t.irirT. the protf.'tis e li i m ,i - the lIia; li .'f a iirnt inirn i lia.I It is the fiTpr;n .f hn eniun. If it surv.v,', And lH"fltti i lileHflings on 1 1 ti nl i ou lo Hi t --. A ;;f in - i... ,u'.d i.u; lo who!! i iit'iii'i'l; tin- , insiJor.i; i. ill uf .1'') man. Unit' tint's not ills tl.un tl.i'iri. N . ' 1 1 1 1 f ) ih umitti'd tlit t,a;i rn li.iiity its Ik ,m;y. lVfry thing is j,-! iMipi'.l :i ti . 1 .irraned with thf must iimm.itt.' skill, und t lit- d. r ti t .iml maiiili'st object of plr.ts; n t s.'ci u." vision. The man, theitiuit', wiin tiuvb ; Mr ii;iiloso- ol the d'agreements resulting in Cabinet changes, of Chase's ap pointment to the chief justiceship, anil of the executive dealings with the "copperhead" conspirators at the .North. Xo part uf the work will attract wider attention than the account of the measures adopted by the religious denominations in support of the Administration, and of the sympathy and wisdom with which 'he President met the sug gestions of the churches. exhaustion inevitably follows Just as far as be has been elevated beyond his normal condition does be after sink below it, and this alternate elevation and depression is very wearing upon nerves and brain. diet, mi ih. -strength of neglecting! fifty thousand copies have been CALTIO.V TO MOTHERS Lvory mother is cautioned against giv ng her cLi!.' laudanum or paregoric: it creates an tmnahiral craviDg for stimu lants which kills tbe mini-or the child Of the Acker's Baby Soother i3 specially prepared interest of the last three install- i ! benefit children and cure their pains. It merits it is . mlv necessary to sav I ls uam.esy ana. contains no opium or . , .-. , ' : morphine. Isold cy ll- Ijerrv, Ncs-beiD, that they cover the period trom the :v (J w second ' to the death j , of Lincoln and the collapse of the ! Euioy the blessings of this day, rebellion. ! il God sends them, and the evils of The publwhers .niiounce that the ! it bear jiatiently and sweetly, for back numbers of 'i he Century from this day only is ours; we are dead November, I SSo, containing the , to yesterday, aad vre not yet born installment; ot the .Lincoln mstory , tomorrow. . . i i are now ;Jl in print ana can oe supplied to those who wish to com plete their sets, (if several of these numbers two hundred and Furniture !! JOHN SUTER Has on hand and is receiving every day hanjsomp 1'arlor Suits, ChanioerSets, heavy walnut, iiureftUB, Wardrobes, JlJattrcsEes, Chairs, Lounges, 3ofas, etu,, eto, Ee also has a line of Home-made Work of Bedsteads, Sofas, Tables, KureauB, etc., which are neat and subetnutlal. Prices Right Down to Itoek Bottom. seli.ltv M i.l.ll-. St., New H-rne. 175 Sample Hats, All Bliadsfl, Shapes apd Prices, in Wool and Fur Goods, will be boU at New York Cost. Barringfon & Baxter. Notice. MN respectf it be is repai Watches, Clocks and jewelry opposite the Depot, New Berne, N. Work guaranteed and priors to unit tbe times. jeTdwim A GLANCE IN THE ESTABT,TSnMENT OF Ilead.iuarters for linbinn tfic, crockery, glHSttware. etc Agent f r the Nen- 1 1 n i Hi- lug MHiltine. Kot-peei f u 1 ly , JOHN L. HARTSFIELp K inplon , 1 . Ci. AGENCY FOK Hazard Powder Co ! SHOT, ALL SIZE8. i i I N STOCK : Lily, Orange, Parity, I Patarjspo, and ' Royal BaUiog P6v0e) i f TT . .1 1 n 1 1 n a I irciicy iui nui uiui n ui b u j Preparations. ) All sold at Jobber' Prlcei. "Bell The Jeweler" 1?. TJtriJ? Will convince any one that we have in s toe jr. the Largest, Most Varied, and Complete Line uf tiiarnopds, Watches, Fine Jewelry, SUver-Yare, Fancy Lamps, Burmese, Gold and Silver Head Canes in tbe State. It will be to biiyers iuiorebt to sec our goods before purchasing. Round Knob. This favorite Mountain Rt-sort in open for tbe Season of 1B89. Guests enjoy the advantages of the best Mineral Waters: among them n superior LITHIA SPRING within one hundred yards of the ouse- Terms, 86 to $10 per week. Post Office in the building. W. D. SPRAGUK, jedwtf Proprietor. GEORGE ALLEN & GO DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural .1 m piemen tr, Plows, Harrow8, Cultivator', Hoes and A133, Wood '8 Blowers and jeape:H, Steam Engines, Cotton Qinjj aud Preston, Fertilizers. Land Plaster, Kaiuit Meokaulos T00U and Hardware, Lime, Brick, Conic ut. Planter Hair, Paint, Kalomluc, Var nish, Oil, Olass, rutty and Hair. Freezers, IlefrigeratorH. Oil Cook Stoves, Eureka Burglar Proof Sash Lock, warranted to give security and satisfaction. PRICES VKKY LOW. OE() AII.r'N v ). WHOLESALE OKOCEH, MIDDLE STREET, NEV 1'iERNK. N. l . Highlander Tobaccq Works, I.. I.. AKMiSTEAD, pitOfBiBii,. I. NCII tll'HO, VI Smoking Tohnrco from Hio oorks took ihe medal priz..? at Vienna. 1873, at I' lphia, 18711, and is now com peting nt the Paris ExrxMtiti .ii. I . T. CAHItAWAV, Agent, ml t d vvtf Now limy. H. O. Sea Breeze House. Thin p ipular hru-e in Morehead OUy located near Die feaobers' iwniLi., is now open f .r (ilioBts at (foe DoTIa per day, oi I' lve Uollars per eeT d'tiriog the summer. The proprietor will dtt his btt to please every one ho may stop ai bii lit'iise, jeTdwim J. T. EATON, Prop'r. hi a m a Infroal myoadri aaJ orddrl hi-n oat of tju ode. Dav ao struck kin oa bd with Ilia vtikiaf caa0 and fofloJ K up v4Uk two Mows (rom hia haad, ksa K iVrDo). bJ itiq r him Ui M l UUVI VI mu ""-"I " men! to pr;ituAto In- fa!N ili t.i.v.orvi uf ti.- li" f'jall wi:b ;:, .nl :hf .r.U. ', : (c t-" bu r i in it rtc k tor M.-irT'". r.h L. tfre .-; if it 1 1 will if bi.t eii o f : ii tlU-.'ttnl wi-jtlth. 'iiir.Ifil by tl,,Al- ( pi prlll('r,, t-.inn.'t Lt din imjirt;j; J.iilo o! p-irty prox ;e"t ikj Iol vs t he J a rl i ug luoainre o( hia life i un iau trtoro tie taken away Irom tbe eitizeiiM uf St-aU",-!, cttie or townshijvt it In' .-ome.i practit'ally imjosible to a l minister a jreneral government to tLe satj.ilaction or benefit of ' iio wbole reopli? iii. attire, and w or Itl w ! ! i ,i ' . ',ln Ins liitol't'. : in il;ic'' in i"irniri i ;. ui" lj i.- hat her at al', ln-.'.i.i -. m.Mi ! li i ,v - 1 1 ' i . i ll ! Ill sP 1 1 . iiitpi's mat tue 1 i" "i lcu, Miperiority of ratio with the IS II. i 111' i ' lire, through. Ily I'tur and lloit l oldl Ar.. n..n1.Kwar, ir, tl a rrw,1 pond ill, in . an' nuruueu uj ' . . v. " j.i.r.u.-u- , of theTiniJK membrane or tne nostrils ; i tie use Ovrr tUe Palh'.rsa Ocean. Athwart tbe vast continents traversed by mighty iron thoroughfares, many armed like the fabled Briareus, myriads set forth daily to encounter the vicissi tudes of travel, change of climate, un accustomed food, and an atmosphere, possibly miasmatic, yet with a calm confidence that their heaiin vPilt be pre served. When this confidence is based Schedule MB" Taxes. All persons required to list their pur chases, eta., as required iO Sec. 92, Revenue Laws of N. C are hereby no tified to make their returns to me at my office on the 1st day of July. 1889. JNO. A. RICHARDSON, Reg. Deeds and ex-officio je29 Clerk B'd Commiss 'rs. K. R, JONES, PROFESSIONAL. RODOI.PH DUFFY. H. II. NIXON Duffy & Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N C. Office over R. N. Duffy 's drug Btfire. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, Ons low county, frplpdwly P. H. PELLETIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AXDMONFV lilt! Ki:if. Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. A specialty mad. In lies itim small loans for short time. Will practice In the Counties ot Craven, Car- : teret, Jones, Onslow an4 t'amlioo. United States Court at .New Herno, an.l t Supreme Court of the Htate. (ebi a if VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY For SalQ0 - An ttiz ills for fiwiHTH w .' ill-r for suje iii eiiMy a oil Broii in mn.iH 1 1 t..-!)ufi Hih lolloir: I ti K .1 PHcrllM'i! Imi'tovwl K'h I ! stte In lm City :f .N' Hfrii: Nn. 1. WliAKK rUOPKlfl',- AV I'KIU I'ul N I ; lnt-lttiles the lfce of land kutu "Til K I M LAN 1 1." ai'O tlit. u ha if or roadway leading thereto frtun Kasl h'rcinl kl.eni A le.i, water space now leiiit filled In. 'l'ne location Is Hie liest In the city for all tuann facttirliiK lniriMises. whllv Ilia largest -iaft vlNltlng otir waters )itv ample depth of wat'-r for loatlltif; and unloading al lh wharf. No. 2 TWO IKH'HKH AMI 1 .Ol H Al C'NH'N i'.'INT. MTui)--d h.h u I'lllnaii. No. I. '1 UK IKON Ki ll;,!' V.'AlliJl .III ' O.N t K A '!:. HTKKh'i'. ' , V r ! No. HMft T !-Tilt ANI VYj'b AAA LU ON t I! I ', I N h,Tlil':n i ui ltd hi It ii. tf a i ii 1 1 .1. ".-I ' ;.iu. i,r iiuh vtnimiiie tik..r. ly. to..l,. i ,.i ij,e l.ekl terms n roil ntlirat tlit. km in., w 1 1 1 lit ftol.l.vll. I.e fi.rniat.eil - d ii IH. 1 In. I ii .ii in ti.e undersigned al il.eli ftl... ti u : I j i i . ot 1 1... t. WATHflN A HTItl'KT. dt'i-ii dwtf Inn and Ileal histauj Agts. VALUABLE TRUCK LAO FOR SALE. A l.i.nt 1 i . !l 1 Y At HI- v el KMI ! 1 I .A 1 1 1 m I nn l..l : l 1. 1 ii to . mill' . i.f in.. ' I ; v , k 1 1 itl (. f.ij I r ... -1 l:.l.llt. i;M-nl I ,;ii'h '. A, .. ',, w : ti i v ,t ktk l 'i i.i .j I: ;.l l i ;. (.'t.n. Tin: ii,AtM: t i I BUY GOODS LOW, i.; at ROBERTS & BR 0. U'o k. ep i Provisione, -1 : .- i I V AND fia suit. 1 I-'" '. : 4sim. tkoi'eor MoriiH, J.r.livs tb.e ARK TOl UtPTHiLi I' ,o w wiil cmTin.-e tou th: Kjii..!i HemadT for the ! to a., o'.oer prrrlioci. d i I ;r.r f r ail TLroat ani Lung Tn.ul t'rojp, WL "I'ln Congb and t.'olds. (5irant- ths prpr'.ion aJ w;!l tou a san-tiie Uottlr fr" N'H ly iicrrr. New iiern-e N... iiiin, u iu'U tiH iK) w n , it lurlr ii .juicklv' n ii think:, when h is con- i:i: n .l.-iso of old-feh- i'r. l'.i't. h ' iddsant Tur nrt. titiv. sugar cateJ 1 ; "If C i urtii w . i 1 Hi.iL r i tt lo i 1. a. ok' i"neil .ili. native 1 ' , .' i;ranul-. e. arctlv larger than mUBtarj e'd. A a ri'iiii.Iv fur ail derange ment of ill" ci. .lunch. I; er and Uowtl, they arc tearductf and throat, affecting the upon trie possession or tne supreme lanes. An acrid mucus is secreted, the medicinal defense, Hos tetter's Stomach discharge is accompanied with a burn- Bitters, it is indeed well founded, ing sensation. There are severe spasms otherwise not. Brackish water, bad of sneezing, frequent attacks of head- food the wearying and other bad ef ache, watery and inllamed eyes. Ely's fecta of railroad jolting, sea sickness Cream Balm is a remedy that can be Bnd nervousneas, aggravated by a jour depended upon. oO cents at druggists; ney and its attendant discomforle, are bv mail registered. 60 cents. Ely shorn of their pernicious influence by Brothers' druggists. Warren St., New this sterling alterative, pacifier and lork" "iwlw compensating! medicine, invaluable for dyspepsia, feebleness, nervousness, con fer ii disordered liver try Bct'cham "s Jtipation, malarial disorders, rheuma p,;i3 I tism and kidney cocplaintc. CLEMENT MANLY. O.II fil'luN. Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT i.AW, Office 2d floor of Green, Foy & Co. V bank. Middle street. New Berne, N. ('. Will practice in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in tbe Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. aplO dwtf Dry Goods & Notions. Full stock and large assortment. Prices as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. F, M. SIMMONS. M. L. OlItilN. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will rraotice in the counties of Craven, Jones', Qnsloty, Carteret, amlico, Lenoir and Dyde, and ip the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal office. npVJ.lwtf 1 fJrorrrlm, Dry (loo(l8f Hoots and Shoes. Rm 't to givo un a trial hon In ' noe.l i f nii)tliing .ti tut li,.i Kl Hl UTM 4 Bl.l i. The Best of Mrdicinr, That pure Corn Wliiik. v, at .1. I'. TA VI ( Hi S Prrc Alcohol. At J T.W i DR. J. D. CLAKK DENTIST, niwiiRi, . o. OSes an Oravsn street, between Pollock and Broad. par7-ldwx Kiikwood Flour, Tho best in marltet fur the piicp, At J. F. TAYLOR'S. Casgard's Turc Leaf Lard, , THE BEST, At J. F. TAYLOR'S, I oo: of Middle street.

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