..TrELM CABUUJU OSPifO V .T ful Prlht Llat V nnvtn -! aVaaA CWf. M. C. Tax STXAima Eaglet, Vesper u4 Annie a aa mm umm wu rma aa i 1 -- . W m turn ni t kljua r - immwimm aaaraa m in aaaarj attalUiUY. T L M a D A Y Totu- RUUr for tla JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. j tU MMhi t crrnr i.-IU Mid !-. It - l!ki 1 paaTavfTr -y Uka -44t .:l4 t a. J(v vf m: i h HOr ia iImjWt c l4.M aa aa aa-Va alia.-. M4 rwr laa aiawaal a i VIVA LW Aim in AJkUlkk .HaM-aaa, ariaW urn ln nnr Milan u a tla, putmit rana: 114 M taitia aaa M l a MnatklMMtlMtiia. Ummum aaa aa arts ru a aaa. T raaam. aV av. nmm fl jaaaa-a bf. ' or- F'UMa nniiiif . rtiA. . a am.tm. ,( V aV, una !. I.4J I -! Sc j, r-VXa"v HBaa-a jo Llf aLTv- 3a. tit aVara;..', . i ,t. . a. - . . a lar .:- aj ia ta Jaaaaa J . Howard & Jones, NEW !:-'P.NK N . Hmemin ItoaaLaara a. a. y a M laaf rru Ca 1 ait lad t-iaaj a a ay iaj a rat i t aaaiaipa aaai iom a. r. a. alx w a w.t r a a M Wi-a. r. a . a. it-. .iu,it. a a a, .r.i . . OLD DOUirilON Sleanihip Company. HRMI- WKEKI.Y I-1 S K. ca iiiiii csm I 1 1 9 I V wrfl. aJli I rikll- Ml(1a tit,. Ail ail p aa. ortn. Eat uta W a M aaa (An oi f k i . s. . ,-. tn. 1 Xluxi? MUTE). Cpt Snii'j, T. I ait aManu. U1 fear Mki A 4i rtv a V tor flaraa i '. .!) n(in HufAt mim sua riuls 4 H ill. Iv a--)a rraaUia, HO MORE EYE-GLASSES MITCHELL'S Eye-Salve SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYSt P-iW. -; L ;-S.;rJntl. i fflar f S.;t of iti O'-J. Cam T'lr Dr. Gnii!ltiM, S)r A a m ill KkB, Hr. n I frnii l. k.n k WO . U4J : MO m ia ui a u . o. o "w f ova. a. a. P nmr- Clyl 1J p '.ir rsiai I. r. tlx ttoaUva k r all Driit U ( Caata. 4u D . a, Sor- MWia. at aarf rWA kaaf aa4irta aurta u u r p4roA aaw aw tiawt parriMi t.r . M ,r ta imi a f am. -a uia iMa ' ai a laaara aa w k la 1A Riur aaa tu ana w a o ail. va. aaaa. aa4 itf t aaU aMaa wit fea aalal laaat r laa aoiaara. K. a. 0 KJCn i4ai ataaaaa, ITLITrlR a TTUM. Una. .MorttxA. V v wcrnaiiUai. J Tr citr tSe fl. C. Fi eight Line xi-ajr73 ai arm; tah y FOR MEN ONLY! Ann t iti rru9 Mrwooo rwai lift .j umci ouiLiTT, P TT T f w 1 mM j i4 V mi IfTWta in k ' 4 mwa a 014 a Ta t 4 flltTlItT - I 1 itH 44 4 4 T- 4 il l !!'; C4.. II 1. 1 THAT FIGHT Tho Original Wln. :3 St. Li i, F- '.pt eo-irt ciriTI I S. hi 31 t,4T - a. v4 4 " jj-bj Hr. mk ! it T- at . a , i.T . U K 8KM1-WKKKLY TKIIS aaa a maa Haiiimor auitt Nw awkifanca ar Wf aWaa Nu ika.ti aon. 11 IAAT. U4tlu. at 4 U Taaf a) Mta 04M7 L14 a jli T Mat of a. Vk Ki 1 a l araaaa Baviuai , II 4UT 4Vk a n fa 1 444? m aa 4 aa 11 a, ana m. maimi 1, uU wj 44 1 aaia aiaaa avawkiaj n 1 a a 1 11 ia a a ama kuw aauH a-ii aa W .l-. u4a4a JtVuarva - "4. If: . 4 Ml4k7j . -rai Vaj f Vl IWal-i. 'l(ta , ij.-i 1 a A a (at . i B ' ; a ' a a; -' J( avtvaa.a raKav, a kkaauaiuuc a ill Tia' ' I art au. Traaa. iaa4 nw. 4maM.i, 44 44, r-4441 lalaai Haw f aaa i4ii 14V . awviaB44m. a,. ar4(. Va. , ruiia katyaio. u auaca I laa. rwr iS l'4tfU at44HT ' 44. 1. a a4l 44 Lai Aara. tua. aalD44444l WUnJam 44444I44J 4. V 4jlaa4 aamya. aai iinaa. " riiwmiia. nM44iaara. Ii4n. atiia aaaaaai '. . (asv, aaaaaa ai vutato 4,4 J . rT- t jttw 4 Dobbins Electric Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. n 3 StnctlT Pits. Uni&ra m ty. TMC 4T4414444 M-Ht44kt (r 4 ' ' f V I . 1." 1 . 1 - iWM'Mi .a -iw 4ait'v Ta MaittVma la aulllr U lkl f 44 444 I J J441 4T4 Ot4Mi 401? 44.:."i Tata 4V4M la ay I t.fc Mil I4 c. LJ.4JH. a. M iA T. Aaal. I51 A J 444. r-, "W, r, tia-at- 14..V-1 Stcamsr Howard, iadtpcadtmt Sti5-unbot L1e. READ THIS TWICE "HIRE 4 tLlal 5 ruo On aavd aW TaaraJay o.a J'Ui J. AfvU lava aaaaaiar UowiJ will aaa) fa.l'a-ia arbaoJa for Tranaaai trawy TaoraJay at ..cb( 'aioek. rataraiac FriiaT. To PoJoktrUi ayary Tuaad.t at igvl o'otoek. raarnio aaua dtj. J. J. X-XSITTER. UuM NEW BERNE ANJPAMlIco Un7. Tll Steamer TaHO.MA. C trial it ihlnp, x - x - - . JBcware of Imitations. r rtakklaa' tM)BHI 4- M1WUMMEH SCHEDfLE. m.laT .una Jit. a aijj ,- n Uia MoolM ,( Aua-a- rLtfTiir .;- "I ' - 'ir.? rAf!) follow al I rrtiaBi r4B4 alTat-l Cafta aaaa at a c tlaaiatt 'irtix aaa aaxl mt .taptamoar aa will aa ta oiwnllan Lm4 Xy R, aaa a'aanaa Dobbins' Electric Soap. raa on IfJir i.rTi n . kor a 44ii ; n a n - . l-.. arrlTina at Wmiiuwi! a.'. ..n- taaa Waaaaaitoa fur ")cr-o ,ra rr- r "wan iiwT'.iit ra;.jrjr aioa-nim v 44ii4 iaia koai aTaairi Laava Oaraamfes ajooaay af.o Vw aa Vaatlriaai aama n'. THE JOURNAL. greatest of these if cr: 'or withoni its proilu ' -iMiiiin! ! u r ii ami t li - 1 r lienor coin meri't 1 1 Tutt's Pills illniti1lr tlitt larpld IlieT, it rf U1h r ui ilti i1l,rll . ur(an. rrf ulalr I ht l w r I . a m 1 mrt u u a a I 4 rata ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. lis in I r I a 1 i1 I f r I r t thlr trtni aro I J ar I v rrr i n I in! . a Itatmji px ra Jir - i r i roi v rt I r I ti f r7- I (; Ihttilrm isi that nolion antl i n m r i r liH- ttnall. Krlr , J -S r a . Sold Everywhere. WEEK r v. II 1 1 r r.. nitnib" "I'ltifli,. with Stu i .iiiil the woikshop wit-h - j - .!,: !k.I ainl exliamt less en. c Imvf heeii there, hot tr.K'hrs: that the rnot lainj'ioiis ol hum a ti freedom m iit illustrious -ipostle.s of ; 1 1 s have come from the i-hlf n agriculture. It is at i.i f nt i he lov and umiti I'hiii of u dors of its i:ewl' ; I uri u vs t h a' t he char;icte"r nciiiiiatiu.f was funned 'd and m i' urcd. I ; was f waving raai, amid !he reaper arid the ... s!ie;.!:erd's iiell that w i re m a' ii red t host rare virt lies "id .ru:i ;ples ,,f patriotism and .-an Hire which clustered star-. ''' :n : in character of W a-hmg-.iud l.t'ed him in mora! stature ''a I a!.d -liMiildel- al'ove eveil "d- wt a;, rant -toi y. : n : in- !.. a leeo'iii t ion t hat t ' a'i ,rii.: in ,,; i ii d Ll r-1 1 has n--1 ' 1 : . d : ; i j . r nupiy new re--1 " 'I. - '.. . . t .e- .' 1'iien ii t it he the p ' : ' a- .on : e vei v I a r e I h: t h t Ii o; e X an tu i ; ,-: o i lOnir r i:id the s in ;i,i ad li, h.ili' lire li l ii ; ( ' and d li- -'III The Koy's Erenlne-. vNhere the boys spend their imDff?' l?ow the-v sPend them, and with whom, are questions of vital importance to every parent. At no time during the day are the streets so full of evil influences as t night. It is the hour for social i TEE BELLS Or CHSISTILEE. I.1,.L.-1 r. SHLK'lI.ia y. have you seen it ? i Ho ! For fho Sea I The -uu.-et banners of the day. Shone o'er the orange-colored M-a: And o'er the sandy beaches irray Low rang the bells of ( 'hri.stifee. With sails as white as sea rail's wintrs. gatherings amontr nil Hasoa nn ' Outspread to catch the Kvveet salt aii the time when every variety of sin I .- bar,i"es lay nk.e enchanted thh c in hftcf i. 'i OI S1? ! tpon some my.-tic- ocean lair. uuic ilb ueiormny oeneatn i Mi.' -.-V 1 -! . - ' J. , . 4 .. . 4 4 4 J ' J a : -v . i iiJI - .4, JC .4 1 w 1 -4.1 flrm . : roc . t J-Da rr. . . r or T J1 4 - 4 g . .-4 r r l n t t C 4 44M ,'..34 1.- 4 .4 .'i UlK.1 e ! V ( 1 , r Hi it ThnRP vhnaa lnnuence is of the most dangerous kind, either pass the day in some occupation, or spend it in idleness in hidden retieats of vice. To guard against the harm that such might do is then comparatively easy. As night approaches, it be comes more difficult. Then are these elements turned loose, ready to pollute the atmosphere of any circle that will admit them, and to corrupt the morals of all who come within their influence. It is the tune, too, when our boys are free from the labor or the study of the day. At this hour of leisure how shall we keep them out of the reach ot evil associations ! i he i Uie commonly make home pleasant. good: Out simply to t he abstract is not given is to This is very carry it out in sufficient. We From skies beyond the cry.-tal llood, The crimson beams of growiutf ILdit. Poured on the calm the peace ofGod, And melted in a glory bright, And slowly, softly '.lied the ?tay, Across the slpcping, twilight -e.i . And .sweetly o'er the beaches r.iv Hang out the bells of Chri.-tTle.i". Half -ad, upi u th0 shore reclined, I listened to the rippling tide, l'lil peace -tule through my troubled mind, And rare and thru-lit in .slumber died I slept, yet in my sleep I heard The sea's sweet hymn in minor key. Tin- ),,w ei y ol' the ocean-bird. The ringing bulls of t'liristilee. hen lo, I dreamed u sudden storm Broke o'er the ancient ocean rini, Tlietempcst . clad m cloudy forni, Witli da i k nes- veiled the zenith dim ! The sen- died out. the night e1X.v wild, And yi t no tii i or r.i me to me F"i id; 1 . iiiieu ' ,-:, iriM branded, I !ie..ra i,.c belN ,. Chrisiilee. THE ROLLER TRAY TRUNK I The .Ho M ondoliil l.n, ntloi, ..i i h I iir t r r ii l Ii ( rnim , . Most Convenitnt. MuFt Durable m, Cheapest TRl.'NK M.ide. Will p ,ve . maDy backaches A tdmpie i . i . . 1 1 . r i your hand w ill en abb- . t. , ( , ; ( unpack your trunk v. u . 1 ,. ...... lift a tray. MA OF. IN I.Yill.', 1 , ;.!. Sold by All !) a!crH. I' a Ti n I i-'ii ami m : ., ; H. W. E.0UNTREE & B .0- Makers of nil k inds of TRUNKS and THAVKMNd 1 HICIIMONI). VAI june!9 dw2m nrm Best Summer resort the lovjlv island of on the coMt'if O cracolte. Nature hps made it bo' Man hat Im proved it' Sea brerzo from every di rection,' Finest fishing in the world! Sailing; and surf bathing. Fouls. Suits nod Fishing Tickle at command for reasonable pricts. GRAND OPENING (iF THE 0CRAC0KE HOTEL, ' N JUNE 18th, 1889. S ,( 1 .sr va ri t h 1 1 1 if tnin Ii;nJ ( i'- l w iib 1 '"lit If h( h T: boys' dispositions be governed bv t ht- hoiiu' artrac- f ro-o.i, exit our - W b4 Aarrv j O V Kta-ta - :--r. war It i r to aVT f T '.1 " --- -s. 1'- l i i voock r , i -..1 t-r - ' i thj,.- roJ War -v at c Sn p U-. 3 . artaait. f 1 V tCaa . O CaUM ic r 1 1 r. : f -i ; r m J I rai ten p. f's a. m to lec :.- l" r M XX) R-Vll- l ' . iuj I U-aT lWt K Jli ( r i t cr Hani aiJ -if ..r , ,4iV. U ,8 'WaaV, 1 1 ; lo ll leiy I i villg O rill, III i Pair were why. on a i t here Cf CI ... ai 41 The"-:efSt:Qe Watch ClafcCatt?- i iCUnCi il4il.Mi, s. v- r -I ! V. 4 - . r ' s i . . a .. . . 1 . XA ' iaa The Sterling Co. . 1 . c are M!iip.arctiti on oil chickens t ii a ic dinner t .1 hit : tire two. lied oil !! g -mart IlesS cc. and I'd lirnvt I 1, '' . The Tie r A i .! 1 1 1 1 MaiMrac1wt-r mi lie li me: one and his Three : " rep! ; in. who w.,s c' man arid i;:i -aw them. " I 'i o e that." I', is; iy do in-. -;:: t n't that on e '." I ,i : r, 'OH t tie li r.-' ." "Yes, that's re ; i ,t . ;. ti.i r. "And i -n : th.it 1 1 i ' e sccotnJ: Mini don ided together ninke Ke.iliy." .-.ud the father the old lady who was . t h astoli ish men t to the her so:.; "rcall . this n s and d ese r c Here, old l.oiN t li e old gen t ic plain matter d' rstood things as i i ve nu done. krr.l'e m list st udy the and tastes, and ' lic.-e in makllij : l ta- to t hem. Mot hoys aie ot a. social nature, and uui.-t have comianions. Fet them receive suitable ones at their own home. The parents need not i consider it beneath their dignity to help till this want. Join with them in something that interests them: it may be something in structive at the same time. Get their confidence in childhood, and retain it. Furnish them with in teiosting hook's and games, taking j o.ue that these are the right kind. ! Kead aloud to them, and get them ' to read to you. ('on verse freely on a variety of topics, not by thrust ing forward your own opinion on occasion, but by drawing expanding I heard Vl,i! uklu .-- i -hilled the ebon skv, -ea in I'm tin r liu v hi.-lied: winds around me cry flamed hind liirlnni an. a -1 1 c I I .i- I 1 Ml lidel s -hook til I 1 el h.-ad I he storm . Vet wiiil. nor - turni. i ouid still the bells ' tioiiMed .-hoie, ept wild and I ree ; or thunder s roar I ( hri-tnee. Th the iflit was clad ith stars; riht smiles made calm kie- The rijiplrs on the s.tndy hai -Shone like a thousand spin kin Ah. neve;- in the liv 1 hold. Shall I foieet tbat -umrn.-i -er The peace, tiie holy lesson told l!y those seet 'bells of Chiis! I was only in my hmcy'- view Tlie lilitiuin rent the skies in seams. And all lie- Jlyiy wind- thai blew S' re bat the sjent.s o! my du-.tin-So while upon my inner ear The raging storms swept h.ud and dee. Still could the outer senses hear 1 lie peaceful bell- o ( hi i-tilt lee. pi. 1 one hree nil ng to and two turning isteiiing learning bov is a cncourage h im take wl and I'i I oh n may iriiing." tak' have ' the second, the third for And ,1. Yh Ai..l p ! T' j J j.jt:.. , , TlTsmLfflfi FUMOS. w a-a worn y-.tJ-ij rf Tor.f. Hauty of Baafrn, FINISH and adaptability for rtand Ing In Tuno havts no qual. Eriry Piano WuTuited for Frra Yeirx Mxr. j.'n-.uf.- -h- V , .u Kir i STKKLING ()KG,VN Facto ries, Derby, Conn. MM 525,000 W jnh at P4VB434J i 1 t en Mwat Oa CKaV4x3 Out tjy A 44xut l . Hw.Hmrf Htw.and Prim Scond-hand TIKI II (IIHAIM MEM La .MKT rmQGtj fa al . aiuar iill : Ckat koM laaaa Herocm t"W4 rw4 r. LUODE A BATES 4AVANMAH, CA. Flao'a ("urn for Con u:iiption u .io tho txwt Cou zh Medicine. If von hv(4 Contjri i:tiooi iliaoa.M ,,f th,-, 1 'icrv ff .ljs re .1 u :.-s. Hut if r. u :o K.'S't liua i-mAv raoar.ti ,,f uc'cty. U ulight .uch noiv lssnuo it soriou u.4Ut.r. and ivf ril l.t tbt w 1 1 1 !4 ro . nir4i. 5 I-.-s t In . 1V41, -4UI-4U I IV. raxarrh La h uM WaaAiaatun riaau. .,,.,, 1 ' tlk U Oanaota aaj Oar I W ft 4a Oaraaaa tor N.w Kama ruwlat 1 fi aaalaa-. arriTinaJ al jr. Bar-.-.- . ,.!nMUjir I H wa.M narjWo4lir lwri 3. for 1 II V I Tarv. au '.atarmad-.a aaa d,. . , Jl J ffaaaa atva Kar MT.ra. ratomc, n.w I fl VI aaraaTaaraiW taoln 1 JI aw n Baraa fur a ' - t-,.n . . II faa rrMar aoraua ana -. o ill raa aa daaartbaao. "" jf aaa-l Taaa ana irla D4r vmx .aaar Baaraa to t -r.-o &n 1 fa a ml at ta feo.j c v aay acatnti. arrnJio -4r.nt an i -a .r.: "aalty at apaoa.n a ra- 1a a at ar art katraa poial oa Lka Ji.-ns .'a.- na aaaatoy a.l ;aa piaaa:r atuitn:, u 4)"t. daaarltaax -. T'a . Cor'am -: a- t4 a - -..i a " ' na w Ola v plaaaian . in : -o waan . al44 v pi. a ITin liatt. ima irli) 4, mt -a- ., -m lanjalar Maaaa aa 1 na f r- Tr . A a ana r- : r4.A:aal'.oa . to tv aottla Marat "oa rar'.aar la tlaraa. .orma'.li-o p?.t i J . ) a. kt v N ; c ; jo ri. . 4444 .4 4 a . 4 4 l il.(.H4' nt4 nutKi :; Too in -. rai. ; sat I lt-a :o w. . ami ilvia liiaL . 4ra n'. uim.i ' : t tlai anaa 4 n; jua;. aaa- -if l- i p-mir ItT'.iiaT. rj.i; ; rto.M aa s.oa aat oa. a -a.- . a a a larrfa uta nvj'tf ot m al 'i.! w .n J44; ..J nybiT ao taa tar t aw aa aaaal tut uj . . m.r 4a..l I aaahtlkal ara4tAiaktt '-r thtfm -. t.. - Vkat UaatM "nl a aamain.a s ; -. a a v a ; aaaaX aatl Ilail ar4.1 T S4a.- o aaa -r '.14 af7. tf r - aaal .lata: r 1 ja . ns T 1 aa n iiik I tata it. aaa .(aat t t:iala yianax and aiaa.ara Ar'..4ta4 i : ! t r .Ir-Jarl4 or anl hy mail. I I I ' Hai'lilsr. Wai-rru. l-a. I .-atir"p"T"r,',Trrr - - - - - o - I Haaaajawi.... ... . . -44 jaK.. .aa ia. . : ; 'sis';: issYO oolm . W.- V''1 a44 I?T" 'lStl I k. X a.4 aod n.r-r ra... .. I f ! T I 1 T IIS 55 ."-. ' HtRTEB MEDICmg CO.. ST LOUIS. M3 ' ; I . r i " ' i v i rr. i .- I II. - ' ' 4.- . I , A I I .. Alaaaa. a..! a aLr. J' ar 4 1 . u k VyV Xv i- Wtr aa.l a aar tatiaa aa.l aa -41 a IVlj . V 1.1. lITllaPra. L V. CI Til I. Vtt frit F gjO MAKE MONEYI TIIE NATIONAL BANK or sew Btxjre. . c. I t 3ays.) a rio CAptta-j. - - $100,000 Road Carts! aa.aal.. a . rt n all W Q 1 1 u ai viim i ium, - ou.fiv lOpor.t-nt ilir.i, Rtiyitf DIRECTORS. r tl'ikii ..inholv DUgglBSt JaVaV A. 8T. TBUalA.a DIIji, -" - ' 'a -. ( .-, r -ro.,, If IW.. a d- . avua a a a44 aa. W4. 4 mm. v a aaa. ta- t)a 4 a- Uaoaua Atrj y m. fiMax-f (). H K. arv s. V-s W kav.-a aaaai Ml if aaa 4J1 aal atajrajka. ft .Ol t4 aV -a aai a-a aaW f lai -aU 1. na aaa aa la-am 4i-l aAkau--i TXjf , aTaTaTaTHaTaTaHHaaTaTa 4. T It 4.1 1 a . 1.. iaa .4 ita a. 44.. in. . rinii"fir II 1 ..... 1 14 aaa aj ... 4. I'll liri-f.. V mifatll 1 1 1 ILLK i) HUIYIPHREYS' YETERUABY SPECIFICS "r Hcr-.M, Uzl, Si7, Icir, Ecri. AD fOUlTST. 3 00 fa4r llaak aa Trralaral a f A I m u 1 a aaa l hart rtaat Frrr. - -at. rf.rri, lo4tr,ll,4, I a fl a n. 14 a 1 1 . . n -H.al Mt-alaallla. Milt Kr.rr , T . " "'- '-ar.fM, Elfi..i,1B, ( I .-IHalraur. S a a. I I.I..L aiaar l.raka. U... r. K.-l lit. lira,,,, Paaaaaa.la. .. ( aliv-ar l.rl.-.. Bfllrarkr i't'Vt y '"""aa. Ilr.arrka,,. II ll.-I rlaarr aaa hi..,, 1)1... ,r. I I Eraailap Illaraafa. Vaa,,. J Iv.-Illataa. af lllajaailaa. Hakfa ( aaa. with k;4-tJV-a. ktau-.uai !!. 114441 . HI 4JV1 (albal.4 ' ' a 1-4, tluk) tati ,. 4r SC ii. 4M . - ..A Soti -t n-iallaa-a or laal lTapaM tntajLa-, ia or aalilT aa Bavaiat at Pr-.oa aumpArajV Mad. ia.. 1 0 fullan K . 1 aII17acriI2ETS' EOXXOPATSI0 f f SPECIFIC No. I0 ku)a - . . NafTca DaiilityTVital Wialumj, JM Plataj M'aia. fatM aia aak ar ataVar aaaaaa. " a taa aa aaraa iaj tuaa laa U. l(-atial a. raaatMaaf Ca4aaaa aw, V ll of cur Vrtarinxrr I 'raparatioana h.l of J. V. JoTjan, I irtiatnitU, cor. HroiJ and HiJdle I'.rreU TV. C. aruiintr- li Din-nliy ami I tu port anee. A long cherished do re of the American firmer is fulfilled at last. A long defered duty w as performed when the o0:h ('ongre.-- raised the t'ommiasioner of Agriculture to the ' fall rank and digui: ol a cabinet ' minister, and President llnrnsoui deserves the i hanks of the fanners' for selecting as the hr.-t Secretary ' of Agriculture t he lluu. .lereniiah liask, a practn-al farmer, who from j the humble walks of hie has by his I own energy and worth In en raised' to a seat in the uighcm. councils of the government. Jli. hard corn moo HeDse, his nr.iet ical experience hu daantles.s courage, tin wise ct itesmanship. will without a doubt I place f Ir.s new branch of our go vern-uii-nt on n par w ; : h the other de par t men ts and w ; ; 1 g i s e a new i in I pet us to the agr'.ru ' : u ra I i n d 1 : st r ies ! of t he n at ion . It is refreshing 'o n-ite that the i rn ) o rt a n oe of agriculture and thel f it t thnl farming is a science is' being admitted. The old ideal that anybody k no ws enough to farm j is a great mistake. It requires as much knowledge, as clear judg men t. aM good liusun-.-.i t.u t, to be! a 8ucchsIu1 farmer as it does to j aacotHJ in anv other activities of 1 life. Knowledge is the symbol of' sncces. the key that unlocks the I CoreU-d treasure. 'Tli-e larmer is de.iln g daily with the essentials of li.'e. hence a thorough know ledge of Ins profes sion is indispensable. A knowl edge of the great teononno ques tiona ot the day and their effect and baimg upon his industry is a necasit;.i knowledge ot govern ment in a dutj: neli government among the farmers of America is an lDHtioct; and history teaches that where the ownership of the soil is l.r 1 uirgei u itstri on : eil , good gov ern meut ih the rule. It has been truly said t hat what ever disturbances mav threaten the order of society, whatever wild theries transjilanted from other climes may seek foot hold here, the republic oi the Tinted States must rest upon the basis "of agriculture, "ucic iuc itii in ers oi t lie re voiaticn and the farmers ol the constitution placed it. '1 he farmer in t h .s country who owrfH broad acres which he has earned by his own industry, and whose title is in Ins own name, is not apt to have any sympathy with the communistic theory that no one has a right to ownership in the soil. We are glad to know from person al observation that the man who! has the product of his labor in i wheat, in corn, in pork and in beef I is not easily led astray with wild1 and revolutionary theories. j Our government rests largely! upon the shoulders of the farmers.! Tbej are responsible for ihs success and erpetuity. They are the con servative elements in society, and n the end are enn hif. rest mi n i ?. r. and controlling force m government against theories of administration that have drenched other lands in blood: against the sp:r:t of anarchv that would sweep awav the land marks and safeguard- of our ( 'hris tian society and repu blicin govern ment; against political murder and ballot Nx corrupt no : against the encroachments ol the saloon and other kindred v;r, s, ;h,. farmers ot America stand and will continue to stand as the shield and buckler, i ne nisei ves i lie w ; , ! : n g sn b ec laws and therefore ; safes' strongest ad m : n ; i at ors. the us: ice and ::u;.oi tai.ct i n g a repre.-en t at : c : :. the of th ad in i n ;.- trat o n . The impoitauce o: deelo every orancli ami pha.-e cf cult lire cannot he over-estim I lie Mother's I n II nence. The solid rock which turns the edge of the chisel bears forever the ! impress of the leaf and the acorn j received long, long -:nce, ere it had j become hardened by time and the elements. If we trace back to its fountain the n ighty torrent which lertilies the land with its copious -reams, or sweeps over it with a devastitig flood, we may find it dripping in cry.-tal drops from some ino-.-v crevice among the distant Inlls; so, too. the gentle feelings and a fleet ions that enrich and adorn the heart, and the mighty pas sions that sweep away all the harriers of the soul and desolate society, may have sprung up in the infant bosom in the sheltered re tirement of home. I should have been an atheist,'' said dohu .Randolph, "if it had not been for one recollection, and that was the memory of the Ljme when ruy departed mother used to take my little hands in hers, and caused me on mv knees to sav, ' ur Father which art in heaven '.' " e v e ry out. cultivating and their ideas and thoughts hen all this and much more i has been done, do not expect to , try to keep them always at home, i Allow them to go to suitable places at proper times, and often go with them yourself. Let them know that you trust them to the full ex j tent to which they show themselves i worthy of being trusted. Instill j good morals and a spirit of true manliness. Encourage every good ; deed, and teach them that princi ple should control their actions, (live them a chance to make good of themselves if of the right ma- tei ial, they will succed in doing so. ; Exchange. Tl 111 this 1,1 my pa'h f mine, e wind peac Mistakes to be Avoided. He who can take the mental and moral measure of his neighbor with perfect fairness, is a rare bird in the social flock. We are ant to taught in lell lom. crease, l'o listen lor that voice divine That stills the tempest wiih it- And now I hear a gentle tongue 'Mid all the storms that come t A.s m n. y soul, hy memory rung. I hear the bells of C'hristilee ll IK ARIZONA KICKER. a estern tuiionai Life Has its I'ps and Downs. f .... v e tin ad tue ionowing items from the last issue of the Arizona Kicker: The Last Straw. For the last six months Maj. Davis, of this Durgn. nas lost no opportunity of abusing us and boasting of what he woum uo it we did not steD softlv Last Saturday the major, who has no more light to that title than mule has to that of professor bor rowed a shot gun and gave out that i ne naa camped on our trail and i meant to riddle our system, with 1 ft. .aCaaO Mi l UK'1 tri oner inn tripa n week from VhIi ne from Nw Mernn. F i r a-t b from Witdb iriRlo-n 1 1 11 Ms . 81 V to ti 0 i. 7 OO to 10 (Kl. . :io on Ol i l n e . k. nth. Addrt t..-l-r. I. 4- 1 . ;,r gauge one another by standards I :ZZZZ":.. ,,V.UIU . was rpin.iir arioin f uiuusui iu ua, auo. aunouga we were very busy at the time super intending our combined weekly N hat the Heart Is. II. e hear t is like a plant in the i tropics, winch all the year round is bearing flowers, and ripening seeds and letting them fly. It is shaking otf memories and dropping associa i.ons. i ne i.nsoi last ear are ripesecdsth.it will come up in joy again nextvear. Thus the heart is planting seeds in every nook and corner; ami as a wind which serves to prostrate a plant is only a sower coming forth to sow its seeds, planting some ol them in rocky crevices, some by river courses, some among mossy stones, some bv : warm hedges, and some in garden I and open held, so it is with our ex- i pcriences of hie, they sway and b w us either with joy or sorrow, i 'They plant everything about us .with h'tirt seeds. Thus a house be j comes sacred. Every room hatha I memory, and a thousand of them : every door ami each window is clustered with associations. warped By prejudices arising from long way out of the straight line of abstract right. In fact, only a great mind can judge other minds with entire impartiality. A good classical scholar usually leels more or less contempt for a person utterly ignorant of Latin and Greek. Even a college-bred man, if canght trippiDg in his read ing ot the dead languages, is sure to be taken to task by the pedants and martinets of the schools. The truth is, that to undervalue the man who knows little or noth ing of the subject in which von yourself are thoroughly versed,' is human nature. If the cr pat pat philosopher alive should call the captain ot a ship her binnacle, the man at me neiui. though perhaps unable to read or write, would account him an ignorant lubber. One of the most common mis takes committed by persons who move in what are termed the higher circles, is to estimate men by their outward polish. Persons who show no regard for the conventionalities of the fashionable world are i?ener- ally held in low esteem by fashion able people. We hare more than once seen, with no small degree of indignation, a plain, honest, sensi- sible man, unacquainted with the usages ot society, made the butt of a group of lisping, effeminate pup pies, incapable of anvthine bevond the veriest small talk. Beau Brnm- mel considered "a fellow who could I nroiisistcut Man. id for this one, seventy- hve I cents, said the wife, showing her husband her purchases. I "One seventy five ?" said her I husband, examining the article. Then you have been swindled. It is not worth more than one dollar and a quarter," 'You misunderstood me," cor rected his wife: -I said seventy five cents not one seventy-five. "Seventy five ! ell, you ought to have got it for half a dollar.'' advice tojiotheks. Mrs. Winslow-'s Soothlvq Syrup should always be used for childien teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and iu the best remedy for "diar- tuea. 1 wenty-tl ve cents a bottle. Vdiiiiratinii and I.aulib r. Adm iation ami laughter are ol such opposite natures that they are seldom created by the same person. The man of mirth is always ob serving the follies and weakness, the serious writer the virtues or crimes, of mankind; one is pleased with contemplating a fop, the other a hero: even from the same objects they would draw different ideas. Kl PHIVSV Lav'- it. to ! l.RV, 1':. 'Usa: mo-;rn:i sac is i;: ft:. :. aal 1 itrv ti.' ::.nv t.e KV.-irr- ar.- '...-cr, u : ':.i by .-ii v ft ' t. . i. .d b for it 1 :. n liv iail'v fact, life, hint ill - send his plate twice for soup'' a creature utterly beneath the notion of a gentleman, fn the estimation of that tailor-made man, to break a rule of table etiquette was a graver offence than to transgress one of the Commandments.. The opinion which an unsuccess ful man expresses of a fortunate competitor is almost always unjust The merits of the eminent lawyer woo uas more clients than he de sires, are invisible to his thread, bare professional brother Coun sellor Suitless; nor can the Kev. Drowsy Drawl, who preaches a small congregation to sleep every Sunday, see anything remarkable in the discourses of Dr. Lucid. whose voice stirs men's hearts like the sound of a trumpet, and into whose church the multitude crowd until the very aisles are full. As a rule, if you don't entertain a good opinion of one who has eclipsed you in the world's estimation, the best way is to keep that opinion to yourself. The probability is that it. is tin. tared with prejudice; but even if impartial, few will believe that there is not a spice of envy at tue Dottom oi it. Again Never despise a man for not knowing something that you do know. It is not improbable that he may know a thousand things with which you are entirely unac quainted. In forming an estimate ucwspapei , uaruess shop, grocery. Dazaar and gun store (all under one roof, and the largest retail establishment in Arizona), we laid aside our work and went over to Snyder's saloon in search of the major. We found him, and we gave him such a whipping as no man in town ever got before. He lies a broken and stranded wreck on the shores of time, bo to speak. aim iuc uutiur says ic will D6 SIX weeks before he wil find any more trails or do any more camping. EXPLANITOEY. As several versions of the inci dent that occured in onr office Saturday night are Hying around town ana nave probably been Itele 1 1 ll .4 . - " giapueu an over ine world, we deem it but right to give the par Licuiars as tney occurred: we were seated in the editorial chair, writing a leader oa the European situation, when a rough cnaracter Known around town as Lf: . I tO I 44 4 1 . . -uiiie tue oiajer-caiieo. in. AS we had never had a word with the man we suspected no evil. As a matter of lact we reached for onr subscriD tion book, supposing of course, that ne wanted tne best weekly in America lor a year. The Slayer rnen announced that he had come to slay ns, not because we had ever done him harm, but because the influence of the press was driving OHt the good old times and customs. e retreated towards the door ofour harness department. Ue pursued ns with a drawn knife. We then felt it our duty to draw our gun and let six streaks of day-1 ugnt througn his body, and as he went down we stepped to the door and sent a boy for the coroner. It was a clear case of self-defense. auu me inquest was a mere for mality. We lament the sad occur- rence, but no one can blame us. u e paid his burial expenses, and in another column will be found his obituary, written in our best vein and without regard to space uiuer .Arizona eouor nas over done half as much. Rne(3lorsThat NyyWASH out Nor Fade ONLY USING Sold bydruggistS A I.sO PEERLESS BRONZE l'UNTS-0 Colore, PEERLESS LAC.MIKV HI I PEERLESS INK PON DEUs K Inrls 7 ( ..lorn. PEERLESS SHOE AMI HlUVUss UKEsslM;. PEERLESS El.li OlkS-s ( olori,. SPENCEi. BROS.. j-lliL'rn WriKhiripton . N ( : Jmu i L..." '"'L'" " a a v v w w w i w Atlantic S. N. C. Railroad flAlK TAlil.R Ao. 16, '! rufeiot fil.O A.M.. Tuesday, Juno isth. lSSiC BEST STEEL' . WIRE Woven Wire Fencing Wire Rope Selvage I TL. 14- Jl SOn TO $2 PER ROD. Ail Rises and widths. Gfttfito matrh. Sold bv uuor d-airrt In thla line of gwvln. FKKHJIIT PAin Information fr.-. THF, MoMitLi.fv wovkn ivini: i- rx-F t o., . Naa. USA 120 N. MnrL.t St., t alettco, 1U. Drunkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured T AOMIRISTERINO DR. HAINES' OOtDEN SPECIFIC. It can be ghren in a cup of coffee or tea. or In ar ticle! of food, without tlic k oowloilfre .f the ).. i . on taking It; It le absolutely harmless an. I ill effect & permanent ami ppeeilv cure, whether the patient laa moderate drinker or an almholir wreck, it NEVER FAIL8. V e GUARANTEE a complete cure in every instance. 4s onio. li,,i( Addrensln conii.letu e, SPECIFIC CO.. 185 Rao . Cincinnati. 0 $75i to $250- fo Ol) A .HO . TII i- tna.i i oi k 1 1 ns. AgentH preferred who run lutn'sli i. horse and tl ve thel r whole t i rue in i n.. Ihn: nesa. Hpare momen'N mny Ie proirHi.lv empioreu ai8'. a lew vrchh ies in lounn and cities. B. V. JUHNSUN .t en., l , - ii St.. Richmond. Vft. . d. riaase siuie aze and li siness ex perience. Nevermind aooul sending Htaniji lor reply. B. F. J. A Co. apriidiim (o l'o. I.At-T. Kclll.l'l i.h. ( i .IMI WlCHT. .""oi. I. I isxrit'jcr 7riiii.4. No. f(l. Ar. l.va.. fstMtioiiB. Ar. I,Vaj. V " ' i i (ioldeboro 1 1 HO am 4 dti 4 (J'J Iji (irango 10 4t! 10 4fi 4 ll") 1 Kindlon (i I s (i ;j ' 1 ' 1 ii 1 1 1 N e w He r ne ' ; s . ( , - I- r i Moreheml ( iiy i, M, 7 1.7 I lllll V. ;!:.' IJ.sT Si IM I t 1.1- lli.lMl Wkkt '"-! Ni. at Mixed I t. A Mixed Ft. A 1'h.i-h. Train. il ioim. Put" Train, a :ii '' I 11 oil, lHbi.ro If (.(I p m ' 1 ' 1 l"l I '.I'Ht 'h l 1 N 1H - 1 7 . o l.a (irani' 7 H4 7 44 " 4" l ulling ( 1 it k 7 (Kl 7 10 1 1 1 1 K n: si on 1,42 " '') s .'." t 'aow 1 II : 11 ;, h. lo In f'H Hovrr 1 .', () In.! Hilili torc C'n-ek -i ''4 aj 80 11 1111 11 i'" TuHraroiM ,r4 4 00 1117 114 1 ( 'lark li H'! .'! 42 1 ! 1! no ? In 111 in Hi H (Kl "7 '-' )". Km er.' ale '.I 1 1 tj 4fl : 4s :: 1 '1, ,;,(,, ti ;;v, y y;) 4 1 v 4 1 i. 1 Uvelot k s y ((4 1 -17 4 1J Niwport K 17 8 27 4 ''. 1 VV4IH S (HI H j (-'1 '- I' 1 Allium,- 7 -17 7 r.2 r I'i .''-I .Morel. i-ad City 7 17 7 27 f li Atlantic Hotel 7 Of) 7 15 '1 111 l.m Morehead Depot urn 7 00 ' 1 ''' v 'I 11 11 r iltv an Hal 11 rnav . M moil . . v 4 dneadaj ii nd r inlay. J rn - Ti '. d. n i n. : t 1 1 h rn Tru; 11 i-i Tmii. -.1 Toiin, ar : 1 Wlilnlnl North al 'J I H 1 M Wei. !.:, II I 0 .I..' "mi l" ! wim wlimii KUin a Wal-i- -o.d North. i4,avinK Uoldaboro , and with KlihtiK.nd A u rjvllla it. Ii Mvlnit (iol.lHl.on. J I o p ,m, ' "'Hi Kii l.moa.i a'iaas villa Mi.t i Hi. d'lifi, .1 10 ,.m iMld with "ii Hllll w e. int. I rh'n Iron, I p.rt. tl.a :-tR Wl - h W I ! ,. I ! it ht 1 r 1 1 , ri and Noltla Diil. r r-i. iifla r t. Atlautic &. N. 0. Railroad Co. i asi.m : h u nn'AlttM KNT. N 1 w Ifk K--. N I . May VH. KM I ' AohMs AM. I UK ITIU C. 1 ''-. i 1 1 Hm.-sof I nt,.. H..1111.I TrlpTtraan. ipoil !-!:, I loi.K l,e.o I,. Ii.llitaoi, PICTURES, MIRRORS THE BEST Picture Krarues or all kind. All the "Ki gers1 UroiipH. Card and Cabinet size of i mines, tmi.-rf L.tch lnga and Kniiavins, from me of the largest ana best aeleoted stocks in the Country, )-:- lauiisned lSol. JAItTKS S. EtRLE V SONS, PHILADELPHIA. PA. O" Catalogue on receipt of stamp. jeVlil wm THE PHILLIPS PATIENT Improved Venetian Blind. They are a rjerfect Ptihnt iinifi at nnen for shades and inside or outside blinds, Saving the cost of these articles and making a Venetian blind bv far the cheapest window furnishing in the market. Peculiarly acinDted to bav windows. WilLnot zet out of order and will last a life-time. Any person can hang; them. For full information apply to D. T. CARUAWAY. Manufacturer's Aenl. rnay30 New 1! me. N. ( '. 1 1. 4f ii :, I . i; l ll K l n. 11 A s .111114- i. IssM 1 SSH. iSS". H Iwi (.ood lelurn 11. kt la to lie taken s. t o Hickory. N. (' Moranton, . c Old Kert. N. U Hl'k Mount n, N. C. Ashvllle, N. C Hoi Bprlngg, N. i' .. 81 1 HI 11 It.", i;t.-) i i.oo 1(1 Kl JI2.MI l.i 1 I 70 is. as 1 S I (I 17 JO I ..10 ).4f. 17 H 17,.' m is Land Tor Sale l.l. vein ' I 1 1 .v. 12 711 1 1.2.1 lit W J."..t(J IXSrRCtTUiNH TO AOEN'JH. 1st. Amenta will In no case dev lata from Uieee rates without proper ImtrDctlona. 2d Children under five jetn of age. riaa ,-hlidren of rlva and under twelve rrarat, r aye. one half the within nan.t d rale 3l. Tickers raual h llmlteil to twenty our li'.iiis litjond schedule lime In earli dht,-- -llh. AKmiBwin aee that Uie contraclaor nckeis are properly n iled out and signed and notify purchasers that tht- coi.dllloiis Hunt he fully compiled with ftlh. Kulea itdvernlnir the checking nf Wi'im ri-itumi o ,e WiT tlcketa willani.lv for I. hu -, i in , ked on tlckeis sold al 111 t wit h ii, i .. 1 1 a S I. DILI.. (J. V. A. Atlantic & N. 0. Railroad, I'AMSKMil; K 1 '1.1'A I i 1 M K.N f, Nw lilUN, N. I , My -i'.tb, l.m. t,noii ISk'j It on ii, Tili 1'lrhala. 1 1 . ' is Ol r arn. 1 OMInl Tl In TlrliMta Willi III I.. NO HARM DONE. The bojs got after a stranger the other evening who was pointed out as a horse-thief, and ran him all oyer town with the object of pulliDg him np to a limb. In some manner he gave them the slip, and in their xeal-theygot hold of Judge Dow ney and held him up to a lira!) for over a minute before the error was discovered. The iudse is eu-eruin? around with a sore throat and stiff neck and threatens to bring about nity aamage suits. Take a friend's advice, judge, and hush up. You got off power ful easy, considering your general character. While it was a mistake. TWO TKALTH IN lx mile Ktait t Ii of K ; i Creek. No 1 ,; n acr, Cleared, balance well I ed to growing corn, f portion of the clt art-d i anch. No. 2, 2."i about one and a half miles Iron price J.l.OOO cash, or art cash proved security for nalanco Apply to JAM his vVl I.I.I A M -1 Klnston. N. Or to Jori'.NAl. ( 1- H H'K, n21dwtf Njw Heme, n i Ml S. lll.i W.-M one li i. nd i ed . Wi ii ai'a i i- .i ton, ; i ::s, lie. A in. eiiiliraei fi a ri -li i h of I , in 1 ,( r land, rni-t Nu v:!h ap- C. i-s ol Fart. imineil t ..I lM.il. I I 'I',. ire 1 i 1 i . Id lie. i ll 1 , 1 n 1 1 e K IhKlOIl -New I i i - - n Mi.ri-liHa I u ne I at i Sat. Nljrlil !'(.ll 2.6 l I. 1 I I.I. (). P. ' II i 1 .VI GREEN, F0Y & CO., Ho a Oeopral Banking business. Niiw Banki.no IlotSK, M.,111 Street, fourth door below r.'oUil Albert, f'llwlr SKH BKKIVK. T-i.. HUGHSON & SULLIVAN'S THREE-QUARTER ROAD WAGON. of your fellows, try to come out of tDe bo-vs w(? not eo far wrong after your own individuality, to discard self, and to measure men by prin ciples and not by prejudices. san. r e aiiil Hell, r of ll.1V ri'lllioi! :r.e-. 1 1 in the I'uiniil.it ii.ii of .ill , (irusfivriii ,t;i,i I i.i J, the tiiuml .it ion on u , ; industries rcsr. 'Agriculturi... c.iiiiiiH ic,. nianur.ictorit'.s ,ire trie throe suits t luit eiir:i'!: ,i i i . 1 1 1 i : i . ! mt .1 n i iigr; ,it.-d ur wi'at li l; N i (I .u s; t-.:ct'.-s. vt wit limit .1 ' : 1 1 ; ( ) wii.i' ,)i:e 3'- i. ! ii not. T ..ir- are i ti." hope tl.at :i . A mi y t it guarantee that .ril'.riiT to ilir.-e-in. Aii! brine list the d, Illon .tt-nd K'q.eiPV. ;:-:.T- tor ly's 1 : ver. St. nia 1. nr.ii $ ! per U,t ftte I'rucei-t. ,!- r.it... $s oo The Real and the Ideal. l'ixley Who is that girl, Jack f .1 T - - l I T 7 uuu l luinK i ever saw a more 1 homely irecKies, a cross eyed. Jack That ! all. We wish such mistakes would occur oltener. We can defile ourselves, but we cannot cleanseourselves. The sheep can go astray alone, but he can never return to the fold without the damsel-fiery red hair, I assistance ot the shepherd. wart on the chin, and 1 . , . , - ; Poor girl, poor girl, so young, so fair, , i And doomed to die so soon; UD, that S the ! The seeds of death are scattrH thtro young woman who eloped with her And long before life's noon lather's "ignorant and nrrlv furm The grass will grow upon her grave: hand two weeks ago. "Not the young woman described in the newspapers as the 'Invalr. t lu-ury is to h. vain preti-tion . imw in,; I n'.ik w .l s. hut In m t u' the to do one does, knowing Deautitui and accomplished daughter of Farmer Hayseed T" "The same.'' "And who is that remarkably tine-looking young man who is now in conversation with her!'' So friends in sorrow sav And thick no power on earth can save The dear one from decay. Why do they think and talk like this . Simply because some of her family have died from scrofulous poison ing of the blood, and they see indica tions of the same taint in her. Scrofula of the Lungs, commonly called Con sumption, is a terrible disease, and it is not to be wondered at that ther dread i : is olier and ' P I M I'l.HS O k- .1 1. ar. I ar. 1 ': . e re is i ui..' l.p -. r "ii art hen C ..( raL'.t e ; I UK FAl K . f :h- M .o.l aid ;. v -.v i'.ll --upii ion . i.l ri move all .in- ottlpli Iinll Mliooth 1 1 . t n tr :'ha: will to e constitution, pu whole system. : v 1 . 1 v. r - v - e w "W hy, that is the 'ignorant andllt- But it can be conquered. The poison ugly farm hand' with whom she can be driven out of the blood. The elorictl " taint can be eliminated from the system. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery """" has cured thousands of persons who ULlFE worth LlVMrj ! were expected to find early graves be- Not if you go through the world a dyspep- cause "there was scrofula in the tic. Acker s Dyspepsia Tablets are a posi- family." "Golden Medical Discovery " tive cure tor the worst forms of Dyspepsia, is warranted to remove all blood -taints Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. I from whatever cause arising. It cures Guaranteed and sold bv H. Berrv. New. ' all scrofulous, akin and aisaln liiananna r . -. - 7i.. 1- a li-htan.! ta-lv ?'-:K-. i- iiv- -wii- .i. r. .-,.: ..,,-: ; .- r : ii.f r r liiio1r:it... r..:.,: a : : i 1 ': . ; . , . , , intra. .... . iilc;iio,' sri.i.iv . ""' M.v,..r.-f.. r. ; ( 'I 1 lii . -' 1 I I v . r .- ' b-rn, N. C. or money paid for it will be returned. FROST KING EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURERS OF COMPANY. H.'lIlT, -la;ls ll ii al Hot all- I tin it. Prevents Bricks Turning White. I ps Mil Willi, iintl laur. lact'x la iin. Waterproofs f.laiik Brick and Stone. iViiIcp Trade Mark HeKlstered.M.in li 'jili. 1.4.9, ills niatJc prtltal'. Y0.1 C.in Paint Over Cvmiitc;l or Brick Walls '.cited with Preservative. .' .11. , 11 11 11 1 pi 11 .'" - : : ' . "I... 1.1. 1 1 al:il -11,- OFFICES : S. E. Dor. 3d and Walnut St's., Phila., Pa. 12 Broadway, N. I

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