.('t'' . ' v-.' ,- r'' -i- :--V 4 -v C'V''. 1 A o - Vet ..... - -i. .' ? ?- - . - ' . - l.fi,.lrr-lllril"lii i.nl ii.wi.itiii no - r.-.-". " : ' .fa-)--.-',- i 1: -X i: C f- i! Slew mirut, i IXDKl'KXDKXT I1ST ALL TI-I IN(i:-. VOL. XII NEW HKliXK, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. ( .. ,U LY il, ixvi WE n5 EUITuRIAL mjtk. ;.,i a .i h a won its su. 1 III u v P -i ii i: 1 I i V M . 1 1 1 1 S :it to the nat luiiith '.hi t ; . . i Ik For Weii Sfcaacli linpalrBd Dipstion Disonlsfed Liter. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. PTTMrrd n1rWTH0K.nFK( II IH. St. II. !n.,I-in-xhirf,:niin.f. It. P. ALLF.y A- CO.. No- Armts Fon, rmiD utatix a 37 11 r.. ik.w voru, Wl. ( ( rar drufccvi: i v v - . . I'-cco.:u 1 Piila 00 receipt ci pr.ce :hi jpcr.) WANTED. 5,000 Lbs. of Wool. Tun Kcnri hi. tii'i-f of ''.j. im ri a 'j'j.wi aj'rl t own. A . 1.: . ;:r. :r.:nnt t'0'.wt.:i tne K 1 1 r -r t- :i - f t'.t. I ; . .i:nl N . -.tr I r ! v-iiil tn.it tue 1 'res: i i c ' wi.i mt1'!!1 :h i '.'nre t 'r. i .in m ( lo tx r .' K : i- KU.m N 1 a I Uu nv.evt-.i :l.-r trom a Nor:hrrn .u?'.-.-bor : wr : a 1;h: - rf :!. i '..u u-ili-r- . S .i ' r s . Kr. r k:.- i r o in AU'jiuhik there w... t an Mvera'e cotton rrop wh.'e crn And iruil morv a ut than lor ten -.irs -.i-t. Li1' ' UK Ibe mind and eilucato he heart. That Is theonly way to ,Jt ",n ever lift c any people uXin it hgh- ri : er plane M" lu'ing. - r.nr.n ron n. ; . t Ai ,i.s--i-r ' a::- r' :i ;!.i- r. ti ii! P. .l..f. A . ,. t 1 1 : iin' !,.!. W i' li i i- so ul ; fti spoken ul :i.i :'e:a-!it.t tn rettuu to lue Jstuuti :y . N.r.iragti.i mikiI, we w;!! nioi i;ing conliiH' ourselves ; t '.:- 1 ' ' 1 .ii.il.i ( K-f.m and (lull Can.ii. ' ' 1 ;i! tc th in half a cri.;t;r ' . i.cMir- !;.IV' been proposed cr , a'arldk'-t.n the distaue by water t t-eti the Atlantic and Gulf port - ' .: i ii: e,i States. '-The l.iti-' " ; " - ' -e ..t :!( ins lueii projected : .;.-r ' .. .i . :. i; ter granted by the ,i 1 da in Augnst 1SSS, to .lano-s 'I'm- i . Sj cneer and Others, eieatlli' a : em pura! nn to be kuown as tl.e "' u ' 1 : ' ' i ' i ' ' l'i.T.da UoMii and Gulf ('ana! p,'.,.- ', ('.::. pan, witn a capital it so".- e : 0(10,000. t. I d ' . The l:;.e ot the canal beg.ii on :,:l':n-'' the Gulf of Mexico at Cedar Kes , "' 0 1 1 , e I . i : and extentends to a point on the uas (l(t,n .lohn'.M 11 i er ;st north of I'a- thev i:: s. :.' .: orir I'lin- n.'O'W .1 CI..N i;nci! by ( ' . , n f . ; -lullrl -, . ' a I : I : :.iiv , . 11,0 0 to V will by yiar N --; in i : ti il for ) i to '.a- :' - ' i : 1 FluMit, ra " V bT fai. l;a ! i.np-w ' l'i kai, froai waih you ca we.cj-. ; out ofyoa; w oi - " 3' a. TT J us.aj: - r ETTINGSR BROS. Mi'"n rr. i y, IiiK attention of the ro.-ooflice tha' :..: iepartnu'Ut 1 called to the fact a;.,l ; ;. , that it now t ike just t wiee as lon' '';. :. to get a letter from Washington N. not the ' ('. to New Heme, as it d:d forty p , -, r:, years ao. w a up :. lm. liHi.ws jKi AKH. ol "l'ans a- . ; ...j announces the distxivery of a med;- co:.. 1 c.uieat wh.cti, when administered jur.. .-. a:.- by hypodermic injection, restores oM'har'.e. the aed and decrepit to youthful white po; tiiat the o :n : '-id i i . k a I:. :;i t ii : , c: a ! i. t ab :: ! .1. lor.- e:. I I,, u !;, . a ;1 ' tell can prosper: in- us ti '' ::: Ne'.e '': 'It' Hi! then .i Mill I. .. I U - II. , ri il-l-t 1: . , ; n u . i i'.'IO ; 'A . r I I : i ;o :. lr v . Ii. i: , . ! ! . try. S. h : J n o ; 1 10 .-il.: i I e I i ) an ..is .ill m;u ,i: p,ir, c o 1 1 1 n i : - -: i . 1 1 1 i I tie'.!' a . ;!.( ( : i e . ' (red:- lieVed. i . : ' ; :i : . 1, Shirt. KIXSTON', '. G A lot of Mason's Fruit Jars just received. OETTKTGER BROS. KINSEY SEMINARY, G, INT- O. igor. N. V. N'orld. Thk l'ayettevibe H'server of the J7th ot June is a ?ilend:d trade iue of twenty lour pages. We congratulate Fa etteville on having snch a paper, and the Observer upon having such a town to write about. JrtKtK 'ai I. ins. in the tircu.t court at Chicago, decided that the divorcer in the Jewish church are ! noil. The haaband hid secured a r church divorce and waa suing fer a confirmation of it m t ? Circuit ( ourt. TilK N ide a wake and Christian ;h.r the M e ' - intent ;' :. can-..- ! " n . w h at i s : i I i ; . w ho ':: '. T!.i- a : : -mit'di a- :: - r: ington l'ost , the 1 '. 1 1 and t he New "i o: plot l ii : i :. t ie- 1 '' an ! w : : ;, ! prt .-i-n ex'rac lr, 'in t !. I ' rfWH fHti -I tJ h -awr yi.nu S3 O m fT r f,"s' - fwij C m J, -jm'sZ? 5 W W V rr rm -ZZL .'.r.-'Tr O JJ x .ii 3 1 " i : and Young tar we .! : I nion are conducting a crusade jj,.r,;,i against the kissing habit. As the -r,, rt remarks of t heso periodicals have CiiaGest. :i a - a reference to the kiasiug of women publ.c. a:. . y by one another, there is not a man 1 Jur 1:. .1 .p. .: ithecountrN who will object app.irn. ... " J uo dull t't . ., a . Mi THK weather prophets uf local and tha , rtnown annrtUD el j eaterday afur- a iar :. ,ooon 1 Wednesday ) that the tern bl v l 1 -M' Jil.1 'I' n ' a !er 1 t 1 A" w . ; s - d : . '.' e . : a , : e 1 , r 1 :.e::ir, iv ..' !!. e 11 1 r y a-h- i "Mill r. We etday. :' -':..:t . ! i.e trial at 0 the : 'a a -.a re is (', ul 1 to the S- ! he proposed da inili s. From t ;,e d" the canal it i p. t d to I each t he Atiatl tic either by the rtver, ',' 1:. to the 1 pi n m'.i, or by .nil! t :o:i . 1 canal 1 1 mn ei to tl.e ocean at St. August 1 In additional canal would be about seventeen miles long." Thus the eonstruction of a sb:p canal lioni Cedar Keys 0:1 the G"i'.f to St. Augustine on tl;c At lati'ie. would save '.'U" Iliiles ul t he distance by water between New N.oik and. New Orleans, and veiy nearly as much between F.uropean New 1! 11,1.11-1 . 1 1 , ports and the Gait ports ot this I":n.. ,l - :- t h:- 1 u'. W , 1 . countrv. . . p , , , .11.1 gra T. 1 1 o: 1 w ' : : Nb enterprise for many eai s has ,iir ,,r Wi.,,. ) .iwakened more interest than w, : , ;..r: being shown in this. A report ot ' polit imat.s am'..:;, the Russian Government .says: !'. the construe', ion of the Florida ship canal, the cost 01 tne tran.-por V : --,-.:-:. L in a S. R. Strttt ami (' . Il.otl.- oa 1 a i ili i niilislie.l in the were t-U clad said committee. a ciin-i oTrible nu liter cf. MoHnro. James A . Bryan iwid W'd 1 1 on oe veicr.'om .f i 'mien county j B. Lane were cboseu as dlenti o. 1 - 1 ' ot hmi-n in New represent the Craven County Ahum 1 1 " ' I. 1,1 t!.f Fourth cf tlon in the Statu Veteran Annuel .1 :mi at ; -i- , ; . r'arozine a imy meeting o bf holil during the rr ' ( r ' V.-terans rent year It wan then resi.l Ted that n rnm m 01 Ml- rt It .n-.,fi w.is failed to of one from each town whip b. appomo -.1 " ' rieml 1 tolen A. Battle to recommend two Udiun from i-a.-li - i' 'a;-. township to the Executive ( 'om no 1 o-- : ..-a. 1 . . 1 . ii l.'.e c-hsir. who. when endorsed by a m.-itav 'I - ' ' 1.; a few well the Association . would ha nom mat - i t.- 1- ' ' 1 Tdi. and the President of the State A 1 o 1 ai '' n. a 'in. organized "tn bn comminsinncl by the IVhi Kia 'V t u-.m -. 'iiH-e prcscLt , of the State Asnonation to aid 01 !l v '' u 01. 1 Ttrs of the glorious work of eptablishin a II tn. ma w !-l,ii,a t,, iak.. pari there- for the old and broken down veieran- : . a." '..rward and of North Carolina, or f..r an v "tbei ' ' ' 1. .a.t B-ii'nee meapure as may b- ndoriti d l.y th- S(nt- '' ! A-oci o. inn . " ' ' ' ''.' I -7:;, Infan- Th President ftated that he wu- in.l prepared to appoint tlno eommito-e but that the co remittee would be an ia ai e 1 e.l at an fcarl y d ay . "i hjfrtrnrj . , n motion of Mr. James A. Br j ..n uii" " T1 f'th plan of organization was so amended k t, , , to constitute ten members pnv. ru m .try 1 . L' 1 Intan- ( .1 Wet). IS. ( , : : :i w : in b ( o;.- : -. : : ig '. i.e: had ta leave to '. was gran " 1 Jul -" ! d :le Wm. It 1 . ill. . I ': J ni 1. : . 1 1 1 n. 1 .. B K l! ' ... K I . It I , ; - ' . all.- A . 11; an 1 'a', M M .. el v . B i. . ren.a ' 1 A : . ni -W. o I 1 1 -I , r . .'. tiiata ' j :!. i aim- . 1 ' i ' . 1 't Cavalry. 11 1st Cavalry. P. h 1 nfantrv. '' I a fan : r y. . VT n Inf.itory. . S ' alt tiar ' ' 1 V i liO.t 1. try . ' 'TO- 1 a I 1 1 1 1 1 y ' ' "i 1 - -' I.' : a lit IV. '1 . I '' 1 1 Infan- K ito.ii.iry. ' ' . i , 1 1 . 1 1 a ! i n . 1. 1:0..! I ry . t ' al 10:1 . any meeting a quorum for the 1 1 1? tion 1 f tmsineen. lhe him.'i havitii; Oeen expri 1 ' ic a 1 1 x pre -non of the senne of in - elation he liad to (hr- b u a .' ' elJi- ti : illkj the old Hold leri. I 1 1 I. I 1 . I sorn, (taptain J.ine, Mr Jine- Bryan. Mr. Bar I 1 nton mel oi h r - -1 i, . to IhP Hi'iij-o: after which it mi- lieaolve.l. That i IS the n-.' ..I iim-A--01 iiteni tr .t the h.'ht I 1 . 1 1 for '1.. oidnildi-f i" t a make t k in i an : . a able in their own Homes, by an n.. n of p-nnii; ' ul if tlii-1 is itiipru- ti.-..i-i. tilt' A-v:('l ilnMl w ill c.i opertt e l ' a i mea-ure of n li.-f that tie- St-ite ' . citttem may ade.pt. The A - -.a. -1 it i .ii 1 1 en ad ,. ai i ii . I 186 i . esmi-n t nl't In ( i: t -1 i rn a i i " : : ! i i or I'ect ! : l .I.e same linn I 1 1 gate lis i v. No. Mr. I d r . II V. ti Ill al. tMrrti..rirA l.Al arutlpt kai rhA.l miKcion, ,Ual tbe other aide, that the rain ii over gever,.;v aad the cocnLry sale withal: tk) .;Ilfr .m,d,,. mot it be G-oldsboro Argus. death proses ti Term opens Auc. 29th. For thk eridenc rr presented m in;;-l;.,tr,! ' the investigation now being con nf n,.- dacted of the Sape'intendant of the the trial : : .. Insane Asylum is exceedingly dam- take tl.e ..us :: aging to that orticial. Whether he 1 M ' ! )"' l: k l shou.d has , is gailty or not of specific charges !;u. ,(i , ir . enough has Nen developed to justi- Litter he plac fy his immediate removal. vantage gro i , , tn'e u e n a I 'led Sfc-NATOB AUK llAMr-li'N IS and the pel. 1 . one of the liest story tellers in rW Washington. He is said to be the f,-i)ow', only man who has the tt-merits to -j,. ., r i ted the President a r;.-qi:e tale. theory oi sel ri)iiimi;.i Record. Get out! Vou oorrobora di the te-' .mmps ed ci iita ci Mcl)a.s's ,y tilled tia- in i- I ' Ladies. Fall Catalogue with full particulars address JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal. 7 W. STEWART, Sale and Livery Stable. i. 9 -f"SS l-y . 5C . e Va: i- the are t o L s man I r is cur re :. I gossi p i n t i.e A n.er. "an m ny in Iamdoii that the pot Browning and Mrs. Bloom i a old man l.--m : e I,-w ; : ' - - i e : , a n .' . 'a a si ,;i a. e 1 : t to i-n I.o lllelnils 1 il t la- pi 1 1 pose i f .-:: g : f :. e ist :g i Th i 1 met his a' M, I )."-.v. ; hough i.'- A :..s a-gai rigi.ts : .. m. 1 lie less,.:. , e t I age ds al.d of fill sl.ollid ; .s own h md. e si-rung 1 ass -on ..led to I i.e lass i ,. ll.Sekll.g the s ..; ni, flit on d trom ss i.i.'h he has o r-cr a the gallows 1 1 '. .a i s . t k S" ar - p. pi'--.,! saoas id ' a. to t:da::t's ibo, !.-,- SI 1 ' i 1 s-; !, as : t re or: sa d 1 : om : 1 1 irp'-r. tie clor i .. i s-a . Fearing 1 i:: . : :: ' '. o he h.ai w . . .''.::'.. ! o colleei S 111 0 , "1 counts . r " ot SI.ro: tat'.on of grain from the Mississ:.- mteies: i:i, ;,;!,.-: pi X'ailes to Liverpool will be ot the d. u p. diminished more t han .all per cent," l .... Clllilld lte I,: I,. hat ",t would render the 1 inted ( (i fSp,., pi, , States t he absolute controller ot the 1 a-u : . a f h at -d w ; r:ces of gram in t'c B.iitisii levy I a spn- m a: ki t s," t h a ' '-Ua.ssi.i seo'.hl be w B h. . o : . Ut te rls tillable pi compete sv 1 1 h hi r." British reports di riare that "ihe Florida ship canal will istabli-h sa hei e The naS'e 1 Uge tills s ; n ;re.. do t ii t -ige a pro- W. IP M-.;.. .-. ! !. 7. ( '. P. 1 arv:eu. . ... K . ( 'apt. Alt x. Milh-r. far: try. P S. Wood. Co. K. 'J a. Inl o.try. a; A rtillerv. P f iiaiv P.. dull Ar '.. a I .' y . 1 Ii.f.iinrv. 1 1 d I. oi). 1 . . i a . - Leg:l.P 1) I i'. T'ae.-e : dldttes ! o- ; (. . .he Missis tieloii ged ! o t h e Fa: i sippi V.. lies and Europe. Tlit' ' lt u 1"' ,, , ,' , . , . ch .ii ged is Pa In-! i: g a W hat additional enlerpiise.s ale . , , , , " , ' dale, al.d ll he sv.;s . ' in the wouiu of time, to be brought evv a seei ii r forward in due tune cannot be evrn Muirill miglp get ii imagined. others pm ilaeir ()uw;ird moves our gallant ship together to b.-.r l..a to her lieas en-directed dest my. duced and pa -.-id ;. All; a n ce a i e -o; 11 : Affair In OiMuw. members i:,a ;,, v Pi1, i K d i i CRN A I. : 1 see in s our ..r the I 1 . ; : s.s ie ol .1 u ne -Ul h an art icle head-'d p ,,- ;;t. !,-, : n . ( i.gan hs m )ilslosv" and sigiu-.J W;; lei',:;:': K " in svha h lt asks permission vo;,. o::. Mha-l. to make puhiie througli cur col- Muni! :. ,n ::,;- umns some serious retlections upon An d f-. r ie if i.o : t lie condition of a flairs m Onslow: i,. asm oip id his and ai ter going on at considerable leavin" it t.. : leiigt h about State sovereignty and p,. U:r, ,p;. n pi, no a : on you i a . s . 1 1 1 to f ' ry .,- di.'iiT i.ist to I. I' f.lll- .1(1 all Aldai.re. led W.ls 's rand: he won Id d.T that V 'Idle 1 1 1 . 1 - i : ..- s y "I'm- county n g t h e r N ksv i a lav k. N i ' . ,; ; v -, ; Tl.e hoard of appraiser" and to vnlue the prop, rty of the AH an I N ( ' H. H. I o for the ear ! "onformity with sec t mn 1 '1 of tie enji'ded an act to provide for 1 1..- r. ment of property and the eolli ai ! taxes, ratified Marrh 11. --a . after due notice met at the court Hon-.. rV- in New Berne. Craven eountv. N ' '- K. '.'1 la- on Friday. July a. ls-'j, at 1! u', i.,rt a. m.. for the purpose of a-m -es i ri k tc- lafoarv. IavhHIp nr.uiprlir ttf aniA Rilroii.l I ..,,. IP P. lljil. Co. K. tid Itifaritiy. finny accord mg to said act Pre-, ta itiiiiiiLr y . (. raven, Jas. A. Brvan, Kmi . rhiii P. t . ia In- man board of com in issionprn of Iravi u county. . .. -o;, io chairman, ia. . .'th Artillery. Wayne. A. J. Brown, repren-nt irn !.(' Cavalry. E. B. Borden, chairman of the boanl I .vl.ibama of com m issioners of Way ne con nt v . Carteret. W. B. Arendell. chairman iUib-ry. of the board of commissioners of Car A. . a'lth A r- teret county. PQnoir, IP W. C.mady. chairman of 1 Ph In- the board of commissioners of Penou county. rtillerv. Jones, B E. Duffy, represent"? cbair- u 21 Begi-imaii board of commiesioners of Jones : county. On motion, Jno. A. Richardson w a V7 i i J. s i. . i . 1 r,i. ( .. neral P 1 ( iener:il C. f.ntry. W. P . I i f . ndeti . n i a. r, oi-- a ! . Bet: l t , as o. Sou. -.1 . l)ed Steven r y . S i n 't I. -'!' v a (1 l "MIL''' i .fi - i-4 0. y 88. il". taclna iolin. to th c- nc.h an do in the street. !: dwtf air.-i'iii: la. I . 1 a : S. i I ! . Si. St: Br. J. P. 1Pi m.'r.t. Infantry. James I rein. .. f o 1 G:h 1 .far.try lll.V - CREAM BALM ( I .da Jno. . Pa. :n. C I. (17;h Infantry h. P. .rrv I i. i o K. flTth infantry. Stephen 1 .. ij.' a n , 1 o. l' loth In- I an t ry . C-.-.jrg. .V.:-i-n. ' "... Id, aih lafantry. M x . J. J. W.dftnden moved the afa. ictrra-nt of a committee :' prepare and pres,.r,c i I tnrvlitllAll iiAPPAfnrv nf tha Hnar.1 of sir. , f. - - - j . - - - - - - - ... - r I praisers and assessors. Washington Bryan, Esq., President of the Atlantic and N. C. R. R. Co.. re turns to the board of appraisers and assessors a statement, under oath of th" property belonging to said railroad comoanr reouired to be listed for as ii,- nieeiinj a pisn or , sessment aod taza ion by said com- FEVER AND CatarrH iCA. OiorrCOVWl 1 li r HAY F EVER 'HiJS pr jcee.iu re. th- t .otion was adopted, : pany for the year 18S9 with valuation and the chairm.oi announced the fol- ' of Hg "took, &c, as follows, to-wit: Annual statement or property exist- ItUJ n mg in man -I y.Ce ar : t a ' a,. ' t . . in, ; ti.f He dge. and (l , A . w ;. initl.f P.r ,.n. P .' h .. m J. J. Wolfenden, I'lnoch Wadaworth Cold in IicadHAY-rcVER A ih i I , .- s '. ; , ; ' i f, 1 -1 ' , ' ing on the first day of June, 188'J. liable to taxation in the State of North Caro The committee at i lina listed for assessment and taxation ;i i.. Willi ntrll and "1pIP; I'.y I II H US, i .1 m 13- ret ! ri d '"r- ni th room to prepare by the A. t N. O. R. R. o. ty sovereignty, county right only serious iellections I p, the h t.eld Moore, the wealth v Fiulade Fine Horse and Mulca a'wav ou lum'., :n! dlapoaed of on easy trrmi I h-e on haad a ooalxr of F . a Teams, .-. -i f get.'.: aJao trained Sa.ldle Horses f, r bo-:-. Ii lies an ! ger.tb men. 'road Street. New Berne. N. C. will Pe k;i. 1..: d. a m a gf . : . s ' . . f : the C id ! 1 -neS.ses to ss :,,': : phia lady , contemplate matrimony, .u-. r, ;e d k no -a led, Browning is 77 yeais old and Mrs. tacts. As be wee Moore is on the sunset side of oo. ' tragedy, :h ing lllustrat .on . I 1 i - IM that the. President haa the absent VAN WINKLE GIN MACHINERY CO., COTTON 'GINS. PRILSSILS, feeders:-:' CONDENSERS. T'- V in n :.t'.2 C:tt3n E;n Machinery r i'Ji-: S E ..-,-. I . - I Ml.. . o - 1 . tX ... . - ' n-.i " -' - I nri ., I . i l.ffii.i'..'..1 1 -s , .-, ! 1. !.; I ' j is,... -, i y- r. f" t' 1 J - . - - - i r . i - ?jj 'v u.i 3 , iti iK.Jirf Cr, ij . : l. . s 1 -. ' . .v. 1 d '1 io' II 1 1 The Beriiiier A: Enael 9 BREWING CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, 13 USftUXSTIOITABLT THE Finest Beer Extant. . I . 'A I S s w amented 1 )a s.a; idra very firmly tiled m hi amid story, ai d the -v;. that he is the man whom the peo- vivor of the .:.:::.: wa Pie elected President. -Chauncev true. The hspothes:, . " manslaughter in a in Depew. That is very plain, but a jes ,,.,., ;,, p ,. n;:re important question is, has he ered. Tiiat M. l.. v any other very important or inter- dereii Iawson o estmg idea ftrmlv, or at all fixed in n!m 1:1 s,'! d-ifi.-e i i v- ,, i , i alterna' : ve ,res, :; , , his mill'!! Norfolk Landmark. . , , of t he .ia r-. and. ' S mh good white Republicans at l.p;er s.d'p-on. Atuiry Park N. J. recently gave an h p , : pr. entertaaimen. Some colored peo g :.'.: or ::.:..-.!.. 1 pie vent u red in, btit were eipediti- .a n. p. : P. ou-! y ar.-4. u r.c err moti : cis! s hustled (lV ; ..a, .. ; out. As this wan not in the South ai!:. n -' r - : 1 i s oar d:s'.::iju stied Keptib.ioan head 1 .g n 1 1 are not spb; ting their throats howling about p.- Wilmington S' ir . - , , . . , dastn.it . i Ha a . Ir n learned from t iPcia. sources r . , n- m a : k ; n g t ,. e (n: ii.it the revenues of the 1 o.st olnce , , n at ton ai ; ' ' : . i epartui'-ii. is rapidiy increasing. i o ''r'(!cot's.r A large immU'r of towns will be 1 a. a ..s. (r. ,l.'.v..rv -i 'KVS x" h, -- 'r- '; JqIv. and tnev w.ll U promptly blished. lt is also probable ,u rkj lun ia j of rhrt t'r.j d e 1 l v e r e P ' S kUC I . H C.-. O. l.. ..VS. . svstem wio b-e measurab.v enlarged i . . w ;.. great . s e bv tt.e next ( ongr ss. It is believ ed that the President will recom mend a large extension ol this servii in hi nieasage, and it will ss . bl v N- one of t he tirst .piest ions to o-c ipv the attenti'di of the na tional law-makers up-m their meet ing in 1 ifc;n ber 1 lal 1 1 more Herald. "oil! C. c . , can see that he has made known is in the fact that the joint board ol magistia'ts and commissioneis. acting under the advice of the creditois .mil now and then an t-v-ollicial dead beat delegate at large. levied a special tax ol d.Oid) upon ,. : r Po e 'he .eoplf ol Unslow.'' "ov. Mr. , !.,- w .; Kd.tor, I base too much lamtide nee , ; o port in the honesty and integrity of our : important magistrates and comniissioiieis to par",c:pants believe tor a moment tli.it they ni' s sink- would swerve from what they be- :. i m. The lirve to be their duty, or sunk any :,.r)g." The respoiisibdity under the advice of P I :, ; p.,. iTeditoi s, delegates cr any oae else. I'ellet oi ..f the in., s I If an W. nit-' th:'. irr.t . th.ii R,,U;,vj St,,rk. 7 locomotives, value 'J passenger cars, value. ... 1! exnress cars, value jot Hushed. The 7 coal cars, value to the court room 36 platform cars, value , ii . imi'.n Cunt- 20 hand cars, value s . . r.-port. ! : i r i r. their absence, at 01 ' I t.ne fii-etm.fC, patriotic re- s w -m ;. : . j,. l.y t t.-neral Ransom . I '. iiiMi 1 -P :1. ! t i:e sill' taken tor of i nlpable i.noi liegii-e bfi: consul fi'iar mur t: Puly k 1. ! as : : e o n 1 v o P.- :nnd It It ! i l . d- aril. so mo; lor war in tt.e ; den. e nation w it ii a iti'S f dm i o A d. i s of our in..; t er hat the i"n r urc .ay be oi the " look : e tha: ::r ..lis Pros i- eS'erS' ex-ccpt a legal adviser. The truth ot this thing is this: The board of commission, r-i seeing that the State had levied for State purposes eight cents on the 1UU valuation oi pro; erty and nine ceuts on the poll more than last year, thusiv iiuca.g the amount lett for counts purpo-fs and estimating our coun ty expenses considerably higher tnuu they were last year on account ot rebuild ing and repairing bridges cm, they asked the board ot magis tiates to give them two thousand ilollais sptcial tax for current ex penses, and they did it. Then not only the creditors but some of the holiest debtors of the county said :t tney would les s a special tax tor fl 1 "Pv -- : ' -caiiei. i expenses why not lew some maumo. ;. to pay ou the debt f And they ' ' ' .... II11M' added Sld'OO more to go OU the ome sninit):' c'o d.ebt. "K." says that this is some- of the la a i- w- thing new, and asks if any one ex- pound s pected to liud it in Onslow! He New: n P-.a.-a must not be very old if he does not meeting o B y ' r.-member when the commissioners xi'ht'rJ are ufOnslo.v and the commissioners s0 many o f' m' - of almost every other county in the chines m u. State were eornoelled to disrecard take many - k- 4 -ft" the Constitutional limit of taxation and did lew svhatever amount that to t ho h n, -';'.. n i .na-g: . m : he better 1 is, o. ,,ia p. .. 'j -oink they :., f..--,.ng '; . 1 a, : :.,- a ll air," in : in- , - 1 -1-; fan's of Onslow .::.. . te ' -' ;.. : i..-g -l.i-1 1 ve c imp t I .. ; .a. : i n-. a-s . 'hat v .1 . ; : : n. ai v, ho the ( ' :n ::.-- . :..;, , . io . n ,. a : o s 1 h.r.d- in i io : ... , ,a -. !- mr,.-"u longer - dan i . a; d . bu : i h, .pe yon will p.a i ; - p.: -. ; , o-ii:- i.ia- in.iv ee :.: ! 1 : 1: I ; I..- (Pi gai f lis : :: ( i. . si , .v." n . sa- ,; ;. , a wrong. :; is : a v. ; . n d .'a- a. t re s ent a pre P.-r ss a g v ha h 1 have al-vavs ;; ii de i s; oo. : :.. '-, aia-.U'lr follow ing rd- i .4:i;.iti.in t' u ; ! e plan : : rat- Vet- .i -' -. io..- vie : . . : a--a re r ; ; ve all : i . ;.am .ti. ai: i a i .a.'iie of !-r .1.' pallor for inen.ber- 39 all other cars, value. ijutnl St--!:. Amount of capital stoe k. No. of shares into which stofli i-. d ivided Ain 't capital i-U. k i i up !iill!r i i V. -, . No o: miP's in Wavri" enfv Penoir .1. ia ( 'rav.-ii Carteret Hazard St - : Lii . . a: ..: A: ; Mi Co . (TB. cad a T8. in .P; NOP 1 11 P A Ko 1. 1 ' A PO . ! in 111 the Mate P. II- I s. B.O..P -a Tra a-,- Id: - Pal t scar i la ,..i, . 1 a ... . V. Bi li.-.fi. i near Ar ip..li- -e. wa- k i -1. a I v a on last S 1 1 i r d ; y . v -: , 1 1 . i . : a his . 1; u : i Ul tie f eia-lo - . la". iv:i. fill, i i :i and .;:-. ; w Th- laa- f. P a s : IPxfc- i ' a; I- a" 1 : -I'.all he . pre,; P ut (he I r . 1. Vatll 1 a i en 1 1 r oj -1. : ! tarn a Pi 1 ,a . '.. a : t a. - -: i -0r a :r. t : li.-iiv arid -. a, a ; i f eh ad i : : eiat i. n shall recom .a a- - oi . acli :oir:-hips who pi- littij i" 'iiiiiiiisicneii oy the i ti. : at i as -oc en ion to aid in . horn T. aal i . miies in Slate I Wci'hinytm Brian, Pn .1 the A iV N. I". B. 'o . h.ai I y that t lie fore(;oiii is a corn c ; r . a subj-'cis therein set forth. W.SM1 1NOT' 'N Ida a . i S.vi.rii to an-1 suhseria. 1 h, 1 iof'a ranoif this 4th day of July. 1-a1 i " ther f ' ! ( : . IS I I. ii horse : u a s- 1 .. . . : Hie- ' . t;at. -. '-'!' nat- s tor.-. III. '" ,t,c f It" d I ..- a n i a -a ii r I'!' I ks. A. tO.; van, Ch'n P. d. ' . m -able to A fter examination of tie- f ' -. ft ,-iib- r. port and due considerate.:, lowing valuation and ns,.srner.i ! v who said railroad property wa- aitrefd a: rmv or and adopteti by the Hoard of A ; a a : - ' Ujied to wia this or- Bill-". r.'i'-P . Roiling stock -a t' " ' '- i.i.nu.al Pn rn it u re and tool .i dele New Berne 1 -eoo.. r alter- K itiston. d'1 1 ' ' ai at all ' ioldsbor... 7:, i . I! PaCrantie, f. ,o- i.eiation Morehead . '.'"' o 'clock B i i B'd . etc ..'a miles .it i'i. i 0o;v:"": Uw, JTS, - - la of. a ' !.-, or: : : - a--i'.f : at f n: ta:.-. a In- I - r - as a: gress s .- ; , I .. arts and maiaa.e' commerce, e Thk Kepublican party is sold to base a iv.iti. t r the Money Power, which Rks the earth . Tt is brewed from the finest Pale Canada MUbilflhm'nt of5,:ato"rauo ni;e 0D ; A the rums of popular self-govern- ;, a. i and LaaZCr HopS, and m.-nt. bays what otn.es it wants, t . - lb - mn vt1 J 1TTT CH'rruptinjf ooio elections auuicg.s- grata; highly rt3C0IIlIIiended for ltS TONIC and hJ- u!urw, n.l tnvem. the lan.t by time,; Owner, ii .a tue iiiusen oi tue oi e: Democratic party to opp-oe this in the KNUEL assanlt npon Iree .nstitutions and the sv( NI) BKiT ''.efeat it: to owerthrow the conspir- the fa, "i CKF ,". f w0'tl1 Bn'' ''''P al've that Iniag.: government of the people, by the will '. . p-eople and for the people under ,.peia w Inch the glory and happiness of An.ea the Kepubl.f have been won. .N . (an.P . W orld. wa: 1. West Barley Malt THITIVK qualities. .OM PA NY ;j da '-. tn- ( M-i '-'' lV MATERIALS ar aW an.'. M jretaKl da.-.a ' ni. " -"e rei'ys t ttl sv a. . V '. ( ' 'plnellt or).;, !- ot P 'P I a s : n g g: eat r.ess. ' ' S i: : oia 1 i n , 1 1 Agent and Bottler. New Berne. N. C Mr. Ml on Pi- f r i. : .. a .. f . I. svas necessary to pay the expenses j,. vi their county. And that the f,,i,o'.a w people came forward and paid it this, chcertully until they were stopped Murph. I by in pmct ions : and he must also -l,::as' ' . knosv that since that time Onslow. ' '' ir!':'' ' ,, . , d wi la: a-, wed as a great many other conn- .., . ties in the State, has been com Unas ,::: polled to ask the Legislature leave .n Ta-s ., to levy a special tax until that rap-on r iiooy, seeing me irouuie ine conn ties were in. two years ago took tin right of injunction from the tax 0f . ar s b: pa;, .-r and compelled him to pay it. b- at a a svas shown to be levied for a w, r-m a. ire rn,; : . fr an t: - - t t : r of - : : a rn issioners, magistrates and a large wuiout h number of the best people of Oris- ir.-s-r.a-i low are anxious to pay their county debt, and two years ago asked their Representative in the Legislature to pass an act authorizing them to levy a tax for that puroposc. which m he d.d. provided the people voted A , (I , , ,, ; , , tor it at an flection to 0e ueld lor t lia, purpose, but the people vo'ed it down, and "K." must also knosv tii.p at the last General Assembly the band ol commissioners and magistrates in joint board as se milled, passed A resolution urging wh-'.her Id.- a!-i ani-nded pr. s. -n ; ,: ; . i . -ai a t ': d - i -lis a 1 1 5 I s na; ie- ni !---hi p . f this and to o-ri iaait e a- to 1 ill . : i r a. re net eligible. -alar: icav r. altered or a ni - .j -i ll) r -o call The ii .sis beine ' :s arm 1 -''a' M -PP.1'.' per mile, ry. due proportion of said i.-.d -anirs the (-".iuties through v. hi - i, it no. another Mihte.-t to taxation t v e-ich wa- a re-er.tilii: tinned bv the Hoard of Apprais.r- ! a iicale ssesr or s follows, to , 1 1 r:te f'!' Carteret 17 mil.- . "P ' r county (VttV).n r.i) o. r'.;'1"" :;- " ;' : ; ' ' : 1 " I ."ii.'ir 1 - t - X. ,,v ne . ll . RO 0. Tne proportion of iaid road 1 within the corporate limits of the . a f Pi- members B,m ,ui ,ln """ " ' ' fuvalton he the sme is i . i . r .1 1 -. 1 r r. ,.11; tr meetings. , , , - fcilows, to wit: i rati: a -A a '.opted. , , , - Mor. head I 1 tv t in 1 1. - , . n :: : ai.c.-d that NeW Heriie : P idem a:.- in order. Coldsboro 1 ' '; Kinston P Ba C.ranfre Ni.dc nor I - I ' 1 : " 1 i en and. i dipt a in K. B. l-n ani-d a .;. ,-s. Tin- bal- 4. ::t. I ale; C.j .. Manly svas i i;i motion, the chairman is in-tin, : t if the to for ward to t he Auditor of in.- S: 1 lit; ,a.d i .-.j :. Matt, d in o- oi mat ion . and a 3. 1 Pre Veteran 's and to the chairmen of thr hoard t ! t. . in a 1-g il or authorized purpose. '-KP must also remember that the com ( 1 : -KO-.. c'na r. :.:: a id,- . ot Mr. Id . : .red cnaiiin Hied from the the various counties, and to the niaior-- of the different citie and t.aoe elec-, through which the A. .t N. C. B K. ' runs. A certificate, &c.,of the number of Til a oison, retnei Irom tne milee and the proporllon of the vaue of fc p ', t ..,.1,., fl a o ; M irdy hi med it and tne A. & N. C. B. R apportioned by this Est?? I ;P Jfa t lg a ciaaoii, tenaenne board to eaid counties, cities an. 1 towns ,,. , . . h .r.or conferred and aa requirea Dy law. i 1 1 : 1 ut.. t. t'onfeder- runo-r- v. . -Spi.nc.-r. a: i wa- turn iff ir. I Mr. town n. -1 i A: On motion, it is resolved that the t41',,K ''" aot-s. iv. i tii'ii'.'' ii 1 onreuer- . , :. .,,-. . i , UUB I UB VI UUUUIJI UUUUIJ i,uiiiiii mnn Mir I r v oii . 'lPr of each county through which the A. & j.-,,,.. ,, , - -I.- .: n i Viec-Presij nts being N. C. R. R. paaaes are requested t" j . ( ,. , r P r a billot svas taken which ascertain the exact number of miles in '""''"'' ' '' " . . ,. , , , -I., r, j j i their respective counties of said rail- tan.- in o i n a-1 !-: a op. of j . , , Pidd le, , . t ., . , , road and to reDort tb same ti Alex. Miller and W. R. Bryan, chairman of this board. It our c aoieed the deasurer in BwckiM'i arnica kjiv. Thk Best 8alvk in the worm f. i B.-,f' V - Outa, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt SivfiSy i.t rt . i-n a n r. - Rheum, Fever Soros, Tettet , Cl.app. d ( a . , a ilnic Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Slim ,. Eruptions, and positively' cu:cs .-a.-t d to or no (lay required It is guarant. (jive perfect satiaf action . or mi .:::!..!: a. il funded. Price 25 cents psr bin. ) J. 'lies. W. 1.P sale bv U. N. Butt v. ian 17 have in and A Hlohes, 1 i.ncy . , i 1 lend lie. Is. ft icrn il. a "... i-.-'w-mv.... . .. ,. . . --

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