v ;f ., i y. -. r. i i i Hji i iif..:''''- " '"if s X t i I X"T)FT-K'N"DETT IIST ALL TIIIN( 'I ' r- in w a u.oo VOL. XII. NEW PLUNK, CItAVKN COUNTY, N. ( .. ,! ic. Ml EDiTvRlAI. OTK. VJ f tnrTuryTn. ?? t-v- erw imi wu iu. utf m Taialt .Mlttl, TteMMtMM. WTTnmt Uemm'.T mr.l o try"" College Cam : u : The full rnl'iv.i' tt'l!."-!ll..: !' :xvl 1 1 1 c t ii ( i Ii .. ing domes: fill I . , I : : : : n! Am.-' ' . . ii I .iii . ' si i' I - '.'' f-, yyi w IT Iff. T- VTUIX STCHACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED UitR; r7 "t- VtA-LT, toi tort CJltio . bf.atK tfMH. ST - -V i M - , in,, in, j t r - tr & . . 'a f -"'-' .-!; -f th b nrm.- 3,, . iTTt 1 - ' - ICHJ NA'.E The lUSiUSI UU W AT AliaT aiatcwc n Tux wmla. i-a trtctaxj win t-w i- i. t . i t . f. LL1 CO.. 3 lid J7 Cin SI WILL Bill BETCHASTS PILLS CM RECIIPT SLlLSIllh 5,000 Lbs. of Wool. L A I I i V UI bay joar N -o! r. $k'tp it for joa to tK dairy kanJ, from wh.ch j 'U a ' at of your wxj!. for pr-..--i nm. W chf no !')iua:!)-5 OETTINCER BROS. KI.N3TON, . C A lot of Mason's Fruit Jars just received. OETTISGER BROS. KIWSEY SEIV11NARY, o, INT. O. 13 s - S o CO o. aa a .2 a o 1:: . S 3 K W A Boarding School for Girls and Ladies. Fall Term opens Aug. 29th. For Catalogue with full particulars address JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal. J W. STEWART, Sale and Livery Stable. lliE estimated number of people ;n 'ew York daily is lihh,oxi. THE North C.irulin.4 St.vte Alli ance meets tt rl te 1 1 !e, .ni;., 1 ',U. 1 NKA-INK.-H is frit ill I. on (oil for the vifety nl Hntisti rroops in Eiy pr. I'UKU l)"ri.l.i.-, nero Intt-ly ;,,,.., uppuioted umiistei to II n 1 1. is --.ihI to f worth f.H,tm. ,i , M i.i.i AN is reiorifl ii-s liiltirious tj,,, over tlie renlt ot ttje b.ittle, wh.ie K ilrjiii is all torn up. t i- i Mhs. T Mk, widow ot 1'riMiuleut : , r 1 1 i John 1'jler, died ndden!y in Ru-ti- ,. , j, mood on Iat S'edrjeai Tin: peiple of the wbnU- State tn- m; ; , :. ! i u i n i en t i u the Miiivr.ss of t l.e IiifSi, euotupBieul tt N ritfbrville. Min'er. hi THE State Line Alliance, of North regard t. (,'AroliDi, wA ditt'uu the de?iratnl .in:..: .r, ify of lAdie.s joining the Alli-ince. t. .!.. I'-wis is always stealing from .n ;' n- the many to the few. Tih people should constantly be on their guard TnK nrbeat counuriea of the world are not tbo-- where nature is must bountiful hut where l!ir ; nmst eflicieut. In m.ikiug reoiovLs the I'fes; dent n.e(i no sapairlurous word he ninipiy write " on are removed. It. Harrison." Thk Depjirtnrent oi Agneolture rxrts an iiuprovemen t in the condition of the cotton crop during the p4t month. P.i kkai ii l'.ii.i hi bvvn eugged by tbe r'rnob government to teach 10"-1 crlry otlicers to nde ,n the Americin style. Ir ii 4erteU that lr. Dudley hiM been cllel m to apply the block-of rive treatment to Montana. Tuffilo Courier. Thk wheat hjrvivtt iu K.iua.i.s is said to te the Urgent ever gathered iq that Scte. Some fields yielded busheU ptr acre. Kive Alliaocea in Mei-klenbQrg hu-U county, V. aaved ll.J4o.7J by side r parcbajnog tbeir fertillem through sev. r . tiie coactj Alliance agent. IlKHKV M. 8TASLEY, the Afr.can explorer, i eipctd back in Lon don by ceic September wben he will eatr apon a coarse of ki-ture. Ci.evei.a5D said, "rublic otlica ii a Tablic Trust'.' Now we bare U "Tublio oftic is a "Family YOUTH? Uoot." Greensboro North State. u i, i : hi i : I h:it ' ! () h .rg- Th. (i: re-il W.i-. ' .. 11 ' i I' a i ' e :: .. r ..iii e : ! I - ' - i .It t i i Ii III rh at .11 sr AS VK KXPKCTKI). Ni -.v 'ork World lends oil in the .i..wilt iijion tbe South mi .ti'rount n: the .Sullivan Kilrain .i iV ii r. It w.is mi' content to await the result, but on Monday morning lieliiic The contestants had eliteiid the ring it published this para gi aph . If the Attorney General ct l.uiusian.i is right m his opinion that there is no law in that State under which prize lights can be prevented or punished, not only will tne Millivan Kilrain ( -tt'i; come oft today in the pretence f a multitude of spectator"", but Louisi ana will :i' once become the home of .-lugging watches. Kvery jiair ot pugilists who desire to try their skill upon each othei's person w,I! oneulv adjourn to that Livored State ami have the thing ou'. with !'::: a rich result in gate money. The Ion mm win iifi-oine as wen esranii.Mieu an indnstry rn Louisiana as the lot tery is now and it can scarcely :.c les demoralizing." I. ai.i- ,1 t: I' li .1.1 , I V I Hips - t : o . r fi leu 1 1 A i ifrman l.illl Hi;n;k tr.i t. ves- coni in unity w :t.-i hhiui..i ; , . IIIDlTlltlH W'hiTI til.-! IU'WM re. I !l : , that Mr. W.O. Whitehurst r,f Iiad committed suicide in tint ' h-,-have Hhootintc himself through ile h.-.o ' fl,'iH feeniB that lie had licodnn. ira :;! nare n-itne linatnial com pi irat n .in, nut i Heemn hir) way out of hH h o rm- u i; . i ourrapsmect ne runrludi il to . n i . existence w hoe wrfti-hcilms c. In was intolerable. Hit hmlv , l,,ur on Friday morning in a field in re.ir the cemetery ly in Huaini-t :i pmetn 4 O! til III- Italph r I It H'.il I .-!-,-r. rent .- at !i'4 a III f i ..in 1 lr :.:tH. k of on. 1 him et o. Win '. I: - -i i f It'.her- n'-i'TiT" Sltiow Hill Baptist Tli.. , re -k I. with ordinary Water i- ni.,nr i ams wide, but during I hi- Int.-, w id th wan i Htim.lted at ei,;l,i Imr,-'! ards. Considerable r .111 i.i. l ton on the low lai)J ,.f tl,.. , r. 1 1. , -. much damuKed by the 1 r 1 -1 1 : v.'i farms are under water ;.n 1 n , entirely destroyed. Mm h 'hmt crop in tin- i-i.iiov lr..j. il by the run-, i,si : ,-, ,. i I;. d ir. th.- spri.ut. 11 1.11 . 1 : r. r 1 0 a .'ifiirtur J writ'- to lore li: le: d. 11 the n,i town ..imi'il .1 Ml :!ered I e. eh t '. I the ;: 10.! t 1 ' 11 , N 1 ilo : . a 1 - . : I' true Cra: : Mil W M - ! t l.t; 1 1 1- Wil Nm : .1 ( a: 1 1 d Ii if n; .. eteil lie we No 1 . 1:1 1 , ii:. J Pear! Shirt. t a ry 1'r ic ' - .1 1 . depart:::! :.', i ' ' declares 1. t' ' I. Tl.. ' : .' was ih - 'he 1 0 phi r. M 1 1. -.. in the 1 ) f n . h ilt--;'. : r i- : people - :: :. : g w .1 . - i -. : 1 - 1 Tnr n i-iiher Ln:.ir. s a- w '' . -:.i: - : :. , i . :.'.:,. sii 1:. :: r 1 . ..if - t: Is large, t he U.o:; Mi 1 :i: e 1 . I, 1 h.s :-. an li n ill i i a ! 1 and is a'; : i ien: s . W M H. W ii I K. S . w 1 i sv a s a N ice tht- o ! h er i distantly relatei and in ve-t ;ga! n !l ,1 . ob-X .'.;n.: : : a 1 1:0 .. ' her .:,h;na : . ti ; ; - a 1 ' : - 1 ! -e.l-it .i.'e ..:.'. -d. eaMer peoj-ie T'TOS- 1 1 1: 1." . p.. :.'cl i 1 . ;s r. 1;. hi the Pre :i w . id 1 .roha Id v ; o 1: sn I1 to be ll the Woild s as capable of binding it would blush ;it Inning the l.e thrown ill its teeth by the t icts of the ca-.c. Whatever may lie the opinion of t he At : ' u tiey (ietieral of Loui.Mmu. (loverrior Nicholls determined that the light should not comet!!' in Loui.Mana. '''' ' and it didn't. It the words of the D-.i,h : A W orld has encouraged any of the M-.-r.:Ti: roughs to settle in LouiMina. t heir w ,M -: " ktocL in trade can now- be bought for much less than cost. Ihit the World, not satitici ss:;h it-, thrust at J. iniMlanaJ has this to av ot other Southern States: "All that bluster on the part ot the Governors ol MissisMppi. Al.ibma. I .. .ii 1 Man a and Teas anetit the prize light was designed to head oil the Northern people who might feel inclined to brand the South us lurbamus once more. The 'resent outlook is that the Northern black guards will be permitted to enjoy theui.-elves to the fullest extent upon the lgvely soil of Louisiana. There never was anv si nous intent 1. 1 interfere w h them : 11 t u it I.'., ral State.'' 'I' he Prophet of the North has missed his calling, but long ago he w s a.-.Mgiu il his true iomMoji among the prophets ot Laal. All that he said of Louisiana ha been branded by the facts in tin-ca-e as v 1 1 1 a i d 1 1 ' 1 s slander. 1 1 is true t hat the light did e jiut oil trace 1 Iimu iu Mississippi. Hut howl Thechatn- dodged an 1 lie - c : Hon. h fit. : :ri munition tu nil i . : .- j -.- I May. i iin.ft appropriate . -1 -i of (itn. Win. '.:i .er in the held. I" e1 crops of thiri . ut by (he recent 'iiaoly well up t j ' g. od uplands i i . l.!e s asons from ! made to feed . ..liii romc to sell. ' r. .. hi. Jachson, -m oi' rii-ar Reids ' ro.'.-i ilif. railroad i- Mr;. !; i,y tile on t'.n.i n ot. erf! y 1 .i i- v. hnura !.! . r:.--:il,oh . - 'i At. t;. a., of i. n , jail Su od ay iii'i ln-ni a thirty :n: v. uh l he yiri-..Mhv-h Khiy A h-: ar 1 fr .- I. t.. ti,-- L -ard : the v. of . h .r . hi- :. a r wl..c':i th -:': i-: . -. v ma .. A II Mr. J :. crei. k and i ': : : '. 1 a y i -'. -a , J . - t W l I v farm iia:. i hitzh- i t.. started h i was riJ.ru !.:-. r d to at. i a 1 A - ! i.-.t lun !h htw-eell ' h't ll I . Ill ' a wii i I e or: hen, err hoiU i:; I lit is an index .I n r- .'-tan .y to the v a re '..-i i o i . o pr. an. report-. .i n-e-;. iir.ts in:-i e i;-.e Ci.iuirh bus. i! v severe in w..terii url of the county. If ii. o -' i'-t:. their duty hour will r : n.-.-t wel . e months. te-iii n. : ! ..reel nairt b- nt arlv run !r pin i . -' i - the 1 -ah ..... ,t as a 1 nn- i- and . II.. : th- M - w a s .,. i r . u-h. .-. h. " K II it , 1 1 ; il. ...r A. -ample uf wh it ' i i: i s h re doi rig in a! Imri-i b. u atforded in . I I av cl-i.n I 'ol- of I ir, I he liai vented c tn the acre. On 0.1 " : l. l-h. Ii of wheat v. v it is ni -r the oy. i.i harh v. i.e a; . ( th,. iii .11 , rye and n . J. SV. A ailsw,, nil's .1. It. nla e an '1 I. at a I. l.t ll.-lV 'f .lack Kilo-nri-k. a lail ahnnf 1 fi years ohl, oe d last night about half h t,hsO bushels - wen- threshed on farm yppterday by John P. Hunter. m.rk in threshing dent, pious went to the held under cover chain wrapt -1 ar this ci.l it cm t :. . pa-t -1 1 II I at t -1 r - . snli I 1- i th night. The (Jeveruor's r ' " fey It Is announced that General Fitr. Lee will accept the Supertend ency of the irginia Military Insti tutefwben his term as Governor ex pires. kC KE r Alii L within a'ten mile radios aroand Charlotte the pros pocta for an abtindant harvest are etery where apparent. Charlotte Chronicle. Dispatches from Jackson, Misa., 8y Gov. Ijowery la determined to bring Sullivan and Kilrain to jus tice. It is said that he will demand their extradition. TnK. first bale of new cotton was sold. in New i ork last Monday at 1 ' s. centa. It came Irom Georgia j and will go tn Livarvonl Wil mington Star. The Rowan count , N. C Alli- W 1 1 ! am a i.. c ol i try had I thing! re veul t he fact t 'u r part o! h:s name. A 'O1' !;et Henry, and a ' . ' io-r i ;a nepoti-m. 1 1 a-o'; : he . about eiioiigii ot t i. s rt Savannah News. TlIK New Vol's. Star bull 's ev e siiuaiei ss in n that "President I 1 ai i ison 's ehang in the Civil Service rules dome eiintvl nisticc to I iiioti veteran". Ostensibly prei i ring ail o! lleins" is ii ;uard iittemjited to halt thorn od The train him aba i;t r. i the engineer rushed on to tin and sailors 1 1 s ei c : ing the 1.::;:: ot : 1 of those ss ho has e iu the I V. i! S.-t s . placed, it in f ict ot s a ti r a : . - ' ' c r : i's , : a -' ea. 1 i ' or .ridaat-h.'s . : .,-ty."- - Memph.- i 1 ii. -: Vei.eUle: . ..lail: re. iireli ' and refer- by n iiinv i s ; a t e ir. e n t em ploy ed been dis nii. kind i: ! makes ;i it rod :stn the iiordorsol the State was 'flagged, " but : refused to stop, and the "battlefield. " Yes, Sullivan and atid Kilraiu fought in .Mis sissippi, but they came under says cover of the law, an skulked 1.1 ing place-. Put (he Woild not content ssith its cast igatioii of Louisian a arid .Mississippi, brought Texas and Alabama under the rod. 1: has roUhh piiiey w after the ns:i -i! C'! mine in a i i te "OU ' III h i .. I our ! 1 i r ! i a . ; :: Mr. - f ;' Ml a 1 i ' . on la i e of hia sister, idy been sick a i r . h canst . I it ut, Iu Ii.l u-e. t r.i-n.-l.oi i N.jr ill". f .eti'.l hillal II,).' is ; makenan itnpoHin ap lreat liniroveiiient in A . Starr, living near vviir a row which li..pp-.i cilvek few dayr auo. I la both iiils-H aregeiting a!..n." i J u I v 1th was a fad l a v .MethoUi-t church. m ar I 1 1 1 1 -were four rnrpnpn in th time for hu rial, the far the t i . from there, the others with. The following are the n o (lead : Missen Annie Mi.v ; Robinson and infant t w in a Chatham Kec.ord : Tl... curiosity ( natliam nimii longing to Mr Sylvester . th is tn wri k h ip. 1 1 ih a r hi I. leg rrn s. ing on top f 1 1 : copied last week an it-m f r. . horn l.'ourier that a cit i -n , laid cut 1.11 drzen tuindh s i one Jay. Of course vvn kne ham could heat this, and h -year. Mr. John Hart, nt tn, in one day last month cut ! Straughan 111 d( v m bund h and stopped iu time to sh , it. N'o w 1 1 t Hanth J ph he 1 1 Kaleigh Newa an 1 i ih-. directors have finally seut, far the cotton factory and I it f 1 r 1 hat Jul rpose 1 1 is i i i:f land just urn th of tie- : a the lialeigh and (hi-o.n r-u It vi-as purchase! f .r -I 1. 1 . Cameron, who tn .k f , : i in paymvnt. for the pu r-hase tn .1 is easily accessible and pr. v i l.-s failing ftream of wan r Mr Lewis has been elected pr. -i leic mills, and Mr. John II Win I. president. Mr. C H. Helvin w a ed a director in plaee of Mr L-wis. Mr. Oeorge V Strong elected s cr-tary and (rnnsuri r. In. 1 acceptance u:ih not yet tieen r-reive Asheville Citizen: Another II . . i aud terrible homicide has nr. urn d m .Ashtville that may reijuire aru.th. r tedious and lengthy invest itralmn he j for the criminal court of the county : Onehuruau life had been taken and an ! other jeopardized to su-ch an extent thai even the attending physicians Icivo not the power to determine at present. Ami all the result of intemperate w ords and heated passion. Yesterday the elam Preston Jones was buried and the slayer W. F. Justice, placed in jail, to await a trial by his countrymen for the crime he has committed committed, he ah leges, in defence of his own life, and the testimony so far adduced seems tn bear him out in the allegation Ho is in a precarious condition, and if he pulls through it will be because ot ,,n unusually robust constitution . ahle ana careful medical attendance, and faun ful nursing of the terrible v -. mui.I s h. LS. l y ( 0. t r I (J i.: i . h Jul: d. darkness to violate 1 when it was done they e cowards to their hid- d lei s i r tht m , ba hearing t found tin the gain BO flight th- -am.-Sv k t s chillies . : ,' !v mi i d t h i 1 1 - vet. grant,, t, i I -a vi l I e... thi l a I til in .f we-t id-' ' r . 1 a p..s ..I A la'", e ami :. ., : s !' r-nl ,- a.j. ar-a-i .I Mr. I I I a- .tl I in t Ol nf e regret to chronicle l . 1 1. nu rst , d ruggist, ma- to make an as . r- very sorry to nth of 'Jtev. j. L. r-1 Ihntut e hn reh en nervation have rece'ved d"r'nl? an affray-; I cm and he expects ' of whlc1' had abready been Mat Raleigh Call: Governor 1 turned toiay from Ph.ladt !j New 'ork. He saw the N u lina teachers sail for I'.un.te ne -"3 ot wood there i zevaca, ana as the steamer el 18. THl soli;; ; AND PLAT V I" I I v I la ' ,. .. hl.-l than a i , - : c . -1 .-'.. i I take p irt i. mini p ' eyes of part ies nee. ! . Hiiv ing worke i - a for m, r llnlly s as pn. -.. i v "tl .,.-.' State. i i i M I , us.A. 'ER .! -'ARK. S . . inrtea o.'li.ia i ni in to the i!.e benchj I t an do r in tb . N , l eef . , I w t f .rings in tar same the Shite. W'e were shown g cane that was 3 of woo. I .there t h ' in !I;l - c i : v . and Titxm Iloraea and Malea ilwtvi on tun dlaposed of on hit terms. I hare on hind a aaai'-xf r of K Tea-.: g U) traloM 3addle IIort ' r ' ' :. '. id ! g ' ' a . n '''oad Street. New Berne. N. C. will be ace reduced the aoraage of cotton and tobacco one fourth, and in creased the acreage in corn and p.vMes one fourth. . 1. 1 Anier.i in in uch t o .s iv ! .: ly notified ! ha ministrat ton i- , - rc . a . . lie 1 e - pei :t:e Harrison is aS f.iv.ir "LahiiK h.is built all the alaces panpt-r labor of lingl iTid. that adorn the world, and yet has announced that 'he ( iovertin.r always dwelt in a hovel. Idleness going to impor' irmii I :igland has never created the most insigui 'H' enameled Kngl ...ti- ol had so Inl Ad t he l - h 'I : never appeared that Sullivan kilram evi-r entertained the i.lea of going to Texas. The roughs ot tin- North are hard customers, but then- nothing of record to show a defiio to tackle TVxans and ,i. I'or Alabama, to have gotic there wc u!il have been deliberately going into t he penitentiary. Let New York, and alt the oMiei State- of the I'nion, follow the example of Alabama and pass a M.iiutc declaring Prize righting to be a felony, and an end will be m -de of this base inhumanity. lie r VAN WINKLE GIN MACHINERY CO., COTTOX HNS. PKl'SSI-S, FEEDERS H' CONDENSERS. Ih; Van Wlaki; C:tton Gin Machinery 5 7 i T . ' - " - - 'r. ' r I i 'A Tn W it i i I Mici nry Bi I ASIA A: Engel CO.'S The Bergner BREWING PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER 13 UNQUESTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant. It is briwed from the West Barley Halt and highly recommended for TBlTlVE qualities. finest Pale Canada Laazer Hops, and its TONIC and NTT- ncant value snd set reveHs in ued i laxtiry .' ' 'on gres-: 1 1 A TKKKii.t K tragedy is reported h, wha' a ho from Pelonse W . 1". a man killed ' '"' 1 ,,MU ' "'r 1 ' ' hi9 wife and children, aud then ' :-l'l) -''' killeil hiruself, for the reason that p. i i; he did not wih them to lise longer a r a;-' in thu ainfnl world. f i;;,ir, . : I i i T a K i: K h.u teen a fall-ng ot) of ( ' 1 r'---.. nearly '."per.eut. in the emigra 1 'o ! : a t o Mi . s co u n '. r s i n t h e lis- -1 x r.-i , ', ' . i . a :;i ,n'!n. '1 lie decrease s as not from any particular nation, but from the wtiole l.uropean cont.nt lit. Sk.nathh Ingai.i..- id credited with sjymg that everybody in Kimm is aatisflesl with prohibition. The prohibitionist have their law, aud the drinkers have their wins key . 1 KKSIUKMT HililllM'S should take warning by the mefl-s Son Lu.s sell haa tirade of Montana polities, and let tbe new States bold elec tions without' further interference, unless he wants tbetn all to go 1 emocratic. Philadelphia Tunes. N' AV it ls sauI that the President has leu slighted in New York. The bnited State Ibspatch P.oat w;th the Presidential party aboard i way to son., was iguored a it passed the Navy w''o u"t' ; 'r yard. Tne captaiu slowed iiji is HH'ting a salute, but not a gun was tired. ti i . i hu.:.! o -ii.i i w 3r".a-.. t::y. Ti.e tah Virri-I.l.iy adverti-o.. II.v.xi Mr . .ili!- - . . :.' 1 'ear S. r arti '. d-.-an 1 i ira ; , r friwt.d . f hoier- f . o id p an; muniaati. live to star place, but conciu-i ni Mr. Ji-lai frien 1 . an the hosiery h --i s la 1 1 I y v of start time j r--Ib.-iery '. wil!l tea cotinect-d a thiir. iu!; of th" hu-; iln; i Ct. il. I. a 1:.:-, lini . ... i - r . 1- Till I thai o, th by the riva r i vs .-. a. I -VI fn d. viz: Cherry. 1 dock the company cave him a t.,,i-i, a . w . od being stained ' ovation. In Philadelphia he attend. . nr. w io -ii gave it a beau-! the meeting of the i ioverrmi -. ..f t a Ir is a specimen of the I States, and the Ledger of ih.t . : A. l-.ptin;, who is em- states that be stood fnrene am. : it, c."ker at the 1'urn i- j them. Tne ob ject of the 11.1111,. preliminary to arranc,iri i 1 1 1 monument to commemorate ;;. n. nial of the consititiitiohal hi- is 1 country. Governor I-'ou le w a- a. to respond to the add res- t v. . 1 , which he ilid liracxfullv a' ! . , , 1 y . 1 1 u r i c the nio'iit, !. ni 1 '. ;o. Other speech . w h ii ii . w 1 1 1". 1 i, ; : 1 of one by Lt. Gov. Jnnen. ,,f N a was the only one reported I -. il.. It was cur Govern'-rwlm o,,l. in itiative and offered a res., hi': a , following eirect : "Tlcit the 1, - . m , of all l he Siat-s and 1 e r r n . .1 1 1 a Wnshin.'ton in ller.inher. : - - purpose of memorial 1 7 1 m; 1 . a -e a suili. ient amount to er. . 1 a monument in com 111, ni-,r -i ; . ctntt-nuuil of the cruiHtuiiti n .i I . : of the country. In- 1. ,. -, -. a lopted. H: a Liis Co .e h ,dy of Capt. , liiL' lishermen j . a- mentioned . wn up on the : n naro I nlet ( - - e informed :aa, j ,- .-, Mr. '. 1 a-a -i I'.each : I lev. ed the in- I as t Ic re- a;i ilcrs. ' n ad , 1 en. f ii l.utl 1- I .. n il, lrj 1; i ..hn F. la istern l- I n m . reports ic com crop on a-eii desiroyod river, and the lved last r admis 'I'ii e en ,p i.- t 11 the 1 V 11- rel ir I i r. d. HllKt Itiinr ami l'i-i. -l'.,)Ko, July :h- A R II 10. 1 n t h 1) tnc-s- w il an v v. he r we have I hit. v . u r ; 0 w n . C"RH anv i , f to p-r c Ad'h.n S':t!ci h.r reiisoti ' i. ne'gbbor' thrahiiie on. -P.. h-ks h char: ty." 1 1 arris. "ii rebukes people, o: the err,-, pubh. can it, i'tr s. them. T i ; h i: ,1 . -:u . w a-. :i:,c : a mlT 1: 1 ver v o W. 1 t ih-- a shmii i h least have an c-arl' w ha: the 1 r ... v-rv ; r , ; I v , a : ar. - :.c.t he 1 .1:1 party t he n.-ter l lb aiiout e ' ' 1 1 k e XI- Tin. v-f.s . and reliable 1 .- tine of th- ! e g.ves goo '. .1 !s fir 1 cat Th alfth reputatton e: .OMPANY w da to tie" VI ATKAIALS ax ued u ! ar euroi-M! dar; ag iu man - 1.1. V, N U KJj AM) P.KST and CAKE ' S 1 ,1 W'f Thk civil service law if one ol those experiaieuts wh.. h must bt irepuentlv made in the ellort to bTing about the best conditions in the conduct of government. This particular experiment is a dismal failure, and should be abandoned lor something more practical and useful. 'harlotte ( hromcle. JAR Agent and Bottler. New Benie. N. C. the 0:; s - 1 . " i : a l take la ' .- 1 alsall t ( 1 c s 1 land ,1 Star and i.'br pap-ei s f ho a hi u.ei true ! ac' s sv : ii 1 hscs and 1 iciiaa r. all ' her gr.-at 1: The;r endeavor : - sion 111 t lie 1 leinoo it certain! s' cati'r Miss Hki.kn Gi.ais fnNK, Jau ghter of the graat linglish States- the :n'tid;c: man. and .resident of Neevnhaui crat. c editor a li .11 ic.-.s -v.-;, a per. 1 cm : ry. , indirect liip.,; arief u this I.:,- in .-:! .on. 1,-d. 1 1 : e ft .111 il to :'!: uis 1 1 1 1 ss 1 II.:;. and The I 'cinocr.it a- em sv i : ii t he -1 e v 11 cc to the . ol th,,-e and 1 ot oar part s . : , ' orea' e ' 1 is sen -at ;c i'.hi p, sv h ich n ic.-' af : f t ed by i;ir-c of ltfino acd.o T.ti.e-. : g a I';. , A ! lCl.de . a 1 , I Pl.TI V ATIOX" OK I.AM). hen out riding a few das ago ss e inhiceil coin that in our opinion had been badly damaged ii s' lowing. dust .1: this time the glass i a is' iaige in the crops and the :,'iiihl':nii is very great to plow dee p and 1! : g it 11 p by the ro its. In doing i':o the corn roots near the Mil fare ate broken, and a- these are the pr . 11 c: pie feci! . r s nf the f : a! k incalculable 1 nj ui y is done. e have 110 doubt that deep plowing is the thing to be done in the e.uly stage of the crops, but after the latrral roots have been formed it is absolutely ruinous. Some of onr farmers have net vet planted their corn that is to tolloss- other crops. We suggest to them that a fresh coating of ma nure would be highly beneficial The plowing now should be es pecially deep and the furrows made to .nt into each other so as to enable the land the better to retain moisture. The greatest danger to an 1 d.--:r-j-corn. "hinted in July, is drought. J Vnalv"' a''" and it is of the Ii r.-1 importame sry 1. u-t 1. that the land be prepared tor it. 'orn planted as late. is the mid dle of duly should be intended alone lor grain or only for fodder. It is very seldom the case that late corn reaches a stage when the fodder can betaken from it with out inj 11 ry. The writer was once a e planter, and while he realizes that many of the readers of the , Inn: N a 1 . are much better farmers than he eser was, he does not consider ;t proper to look upon a ruined field and not give his opinion of s the cause of its failing. -mill,.; .- ii a 1 n - , than u-La -k 1 - 1 ae a n 1 . ,1 1 .- -h ! .1.1 C aptain hfliogton s comp 01 v . ! I. villo (Company I. Third It. izim. nt and wounded, but not .l ooa ' -William Beat, colore., in fr .10 el bai ber shop, under the ( I reca ,r s 1 : about a o V 1 c k this afternoon The affair grew out of an ale, of some members of the comp ic a one-armed colored boy. J ,inr II o ped d 1 inn apples, the boy alh-ona some member or members of ih pany had taken bis apples f 1 out I.e. the dispute he gathered a rock u r one hand, which seemed to an,'' 1 party of a half dczen, and they , n him through a train man laiz 11 streer. acres into the simp ' 1 where the party attempted to L. at and liest and some of ins a--,-, sought to protect the boy. durm:; Best alleges he received several hi Orb era nf tha enmnnnT. rn.ro. o .r :, ylr W1" help shop, quieted the disturbs .. proper shape brought ttieir comrades au av. Afterwards the parties c.u.-o' . were married last .e la -ldence of the -Mai v Ann, at out -:. r of Mr. J . A. lay n ,or n in abou t i 1 ..idy a short . n his W:fe. : i : . ' 1 1 o 1 1 1 lie be- I I'l . . be I - I -f l he f a 111- . ai y ,f the c 1. tire The farmers have hinder, d in their : s ;', ,r the past two -s hs become plenti 'a a-1, i crab I o daman- I I t a 1 ei (-ill- whi-'h I in the field. The Pi M a. 11 in out-d and is e is not irre i few more of ( ;ii-i With a c at the t 1 eh every family n source c f re . . : g t-n v , an 1 in , re i S t - c mi a : c ist-s t it a: w hat our c:-: a Ihirlina; :: P.-sf "l. -: Media::. - - hum: red 1 .'. .: bills.-- '.V . "a 11 r w.t :- 1 a c.i.-e ' We a: an 1 a- b 1 :.-. ;.. KeV.eW Cih -s dlii . hiive on; v : " '"' si,-h vah... care to b Pa. 1 he ctl kno sv h , 1 ss phreys ul l'r. " sv - : 1 i : -n and cot s :1 .- ; .-. ;ih stand ihf -in ' '( i hirious : and inla-day for i - i-i :i t" "i people ; : ; lie in and v. ltncss , i 11;.; t iif ne sv n- bm i . ; h- m iiitary . li,. ' : i ! . Ho ss ai a rol : - , a ; r: ir.iii,- an d - ;.i , s-. Tli,- s pee cht-s let: ; ; ,a ne. ex cell en t i i - u z . - s s f 11 1 1 y . I a, I . at th" heme ;n this cty. yesterday ona-rinz; illness nf ... n- devoted Chris--l-.v e.l vonna; towns , ;. . ,-t. li-r death . r 1 h- community ' an 1 sympathy wells i a 1 he stricken bus a 1 : o ss and irrcp r t !.e t wo little chil--ais that will never at .- and iht'iuence. front of the barber -hop. an 1 I'. -t one of them got intoanoth. r .-. in which Best was knoclo u ,j. on rising began to cut at hi - .. w ith a raz jr. and fol h. n . o I . m paces, cutting at the 1 e 1 . ai the soldier, when Io 01 a . , i accounts of ey e w itn-s.-. s :.r. int- - lire a pistol . when l:- -; run iDto the railroad lizk.-t . was shot in the side, the bail -nh and glancing around the b Pr. Tbomas lidl atteu it d th ed man. located the ball. ; nouueed the wound in t h.nee f v . )ns. '..it. I fo a m n Attenipl tn Mow I . a -.1 ' Army Itn 1 bli hit. 1 M I N a 1 ana-, July '.b- An i.o.nj was mado before davlicht s. -o r ! .-. morning to blow up with po.s.l. r tb. molding in the central part .f ili.a ia iu which the Salvation Army lue i-i-h. liBhed its barracks. Tho explosion wa heard throughout tho city, and t he 1 1 g hi from : caused the wst-hman in tin terday Jones city fire tower to turn on the alarm. A Uev. M. P. stone iu?. full of nowder. was nlac. d in an alley near the building and the fa lighted. The building was badly dam aged. The Silyation Army meetint haye caused some complaint 111 th. neighborhood of the barracks. &II, s " for it against the fol ell. W. N Prath I ( iriiiith. W. T. !,. and J. K. P. n 1- lor libel. The VI A , 1 ' ' ' i : 1 Hum 1 I bound in c app',1 'a: : a" stre- : . N . '1 ii.-i i o ,-itiU tl an in Texas explosion is regarded as a v. aim 1 1. IS III 1 s the .Slasonic t.hn Armv. at t he a 1 ,ov e ) 1 ir h 1 11 a; the 1 i a 1 -1 in i i. is- s . Since : : 1 a l h , h H S j. I. 'IIOI' : : I. Thousands of cures follow the use if 1 , Pr "sage 'e Catarrh Remedy . '0 cen's ace of the : .s e b--n a ,1Dii the Ujl w hole 1 a;!i Acker su pt-r: f a- -h 1 .,1115! HI el.C f-i posit . K. K Kill Will. s ; at' -men 1 v 1 , . 1 . l-'.nirl'i-li R.-nic r to nnv and n. I Thro. t and I. an; and 'ri unit is S'e ,,ilhr y, I b-nieni: ir, its. ive tiua rant... M s la.l 1. -ma. h ' i It W : M ii l 1 a 1 S X i 1 di V heap for lil I ' Li Tha .1 i-x:t o Ilt. Mt-sv lierue, N (' 1 - r , V 1 V " 1 '