TILE JOURNAL. -v1 VL. JULY 19 IW EOtTUttAI. SOTTX. IT I ehrxi tint Kilram mtaiior. from anntluT State. Judge MeAli.-ter. t.f N ih ;t!.-, ruut L.r run .'miiiile'l llif pract.ce of Stat ol the .-.line go eminent, with II. t- jrlnO i.I 1-ulfpeinlrIlt nation. ,!.t e-. N h h ; a ctni'r.i.-t Letweeii Sulli- the ' (i.inniion of the world." n.kiiul, W 1A .1 L. II i'hdoao; h is Kaat, N .1 L'r Sldinf. The i. r tu . a-, er V-ir. on And A dnxxrd by Mitchell. TITS Lat&ersa Cfcareh biu been Mppre eJ i HaMi. TUB Ameriaa nukim(D are Stftklag crwl record ia KagUnd. IT U th prevailing opinion that Ham-o hw arTendered to too 8eOAtor. J Tanner i aot dtaaiiaaed very aooa K will hve Hwrijon'H hide la tk Ua-jard be (or loo;. CoL. L. C JojES,aapriateadent f tb (X C R. died in Wilminx t0f X. C, Lut Knday vening. A 5XOBO fomio ia florid in Tttd three other nefro women Co dinner aad poiaoaed them with TOGXO-oa-rat,"' 10 dish batter bean. Tux hoc vtre id xettin ia ;ts deadly work in 'ew York. Within tirtjaixhS hoars children died, tractive one. Aid lb hwptUU are taking in the r.ji-gre.:nan wMal proportioa of sunstrokes. IT 14 aoaietiaiwi the ea.5 ibi: aapUrtoa attaches to a good man, aad, whea It doe, it is da:y to M that the State affem no .let? -neat becaaje of b;j tnufor'.-jrte THE Soathem Yellow P:::e Lumber Association m: at if on. gomtrj, AU., IjMt Thursday DelaU were present from Ala ktai, Oeorsri, Florida and Mis aiaaippi. "PITIES K, kmdQc And coarte ij are better videoce of jrreat sm thau bomba!, ill oitBr and W4 Bjanorrn. Turn is warm weal her l?ic ; tae it. a- on :t aad keep cool.'' MllCIK I 51 KRSI T 'i . tLe l!l( tlst follej of Georgia- ami one of theforrmoMt denoai laa'.n-m al chi-,! la the country, ha followed tbe lead of the S'ate I ,-. ;ver-.' !n adopting free taitiou. A ruripo-ilTti '5 n twlore the North Dakota State ooveotioo to provide a legislator? wiCbo: a Sea ate. It woald be money in the North Dakota porket to leave oat the lloa.M too - Philadelphia Times. Xw th.-t John l. Salltvan hi foe th "Slog collar" what will he dowtthitT ila o- aaid he didn't vast It. Doatoo Globe. Joat aa th other dC did that crawled into ta horaw Baafwraod had do p tiU for eta Ft- schfr schools. ii y. jrsr and ki:b not S imraer :hooU are no longer an Dof of ihc inot iinportar.t in H eriaieut, and tt u gratifying to veatigation- ih it ever attracted the know that the religiona element ii attention uf uur people i now in uaraineJ. While the decay of j progTe at t be Insane Asylum in aectamu im ts olnervMe there is Kaleigh. no evidooro that Chriatianity is ' The superiutendf nt of the insti- looiag U hold. 'In addition to tntion taniN high id hi jirofoaaion ; van "the ' ' h .i ni p i o n ot the the A( nlioo of Christian Kn and h.- for many )ers held tbe j receiving ! he plaudit.- of n deavornow in ne.:on in Tbiladel confidi nc- ul the people of the ! and Su!l; .in the cnlpiit. Stale. The cliarges against him j from jus';, ,.. KkulkniL' in d are of the mont serious character, ' hilling i n d.n k !;. '. and the directors of the AylQm! All honor to Governor Livvry. who are charged with thin invewti , Whether Siillu an and K lr.un ;ue gatiou fihould be jut and lear not. ' ever b; onph t Luc to I aec in iri.son While the personal and profea-i walls or nut. puM.r v:i tue Ii is been mon.il character of Dr. G riftsom at rcugt lu nt d an d a .strong fortrc? uiimt not U sacrificed to prejudice, of ice uv-i thrown. jealousy aud malice, the rights ot W e trus: that tin- da the ieop!e and the interests of ed when i:o !.r ; b humanity must Ik careful ly 1 '-a dead letter.' guarded. 1 The dclei.ce ol i..'e. ; Ol K Al 1.1 AM K ( OI.l .M.N A Southern Exploring Expedition, lhc Manufacturer's Record of 1 ; Utiinore, which is ever workiDg iur the advancement of the South is undertaken one of the greatest nterprises of the day. With a lew to making known to the world he vast wealth of the unexplored :::z szlf-masty&zc peiest. phi w :u o:: toward 10,000 dele gtc!, t'ri.in all parts of the couu t r , ii at te n ii . n i t."- a. thi C hr for se : the T ti no w ; a Jo1. -at lab 1 r ture-. lecture on (irrek l.fe. will also Lyman Charles ley and ol. I". !:. t V- She; New York The A m er i' a subject to no if willingness tor n, t !: e an tr aier schools culture, e 1 ually uu . i week enter upon i urxes." i jij'.i i Asaru.biy is !- Professor l.ly of r.s I. diseases the n : n a erles of lee vr MahotTv .s to '.11 not do in investigations I properly is dependent el : upon he v-red bv Doctors Abbott, .1. K. Paxton. S. V.ob: usou. J. M. Huck- ard of Lectures ol this kind to apply of criminal pj-oceedure. the rules ! execut um of the law - , and In trials public benolae'or v- b-efore t he courts the act-used must : dignity of oil. cial .-t.ii.uu be guilty tx?yond reasonable doubt claref, wit h Andr r .'. u I 1 1 : u : -. on at . 1'. Difuu rojjramrne ! an at icludmg a lecture by P. . e c k . d r i d g e of K e u Politics of ( hnstl :on as t o wheth- before a verdict can bv rendered the litem against him: but in cases of this obeyed." ol kind tbe role is different. Theman key in whose care our insane are placed pre- must U1 atxive suspicion. The i oik u; K lio l::-iier e. Ullage is t indignit: iosm-.-s the b-.r Mil i r : ) ii v. '..,. k of An e,! a io a to 1 " : ! w I in :. a-. '. ! o : A -'.: i no: . w i Tile i Vi slightest taint duqaalifiea for the iirjg'- positiou. What father would send To 'H'l'HK'" an invalid daughter to an asylum to olll'r 1,1,11 tlu' ivv presided over bv a moral lener. or JeL h,"v '"'lllJ 1,1 one whoae smallest act of slightest pures. elemenls of . ourag. ' o ner sc ene than inilis.'retion indicates the presence Many of us lee! that wo . I. if si. what of mora tx lution T l,J"'" - ' " ' ' " ' 11 1 11 . . 1 " t 1 Dr. GriSAOUl COOid not be con- repine ue. an- o, i :, Meted in court of the charges u";.v :"1"'', "' n:-: ,n. a t.oi rt a f ,.-.! nrulrra.l afrainit COUraiJe 1 - d : S 1 1 .1 t 1 1 . him, because the supposition . f mno-eeneo woold accom pany frm all through the in vestigation until removed by evi donee that established his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt; but whether he can be acquitted before a trihaoal that mast pass npon tiik kitnkss of thisos consider. Carolina may !ng the environments of the srtua- I'hrntian sum tmn and the complicated interests imposed of the of all classes of citizens, is alto- rtlemen an I getber a different thing. .e country aud is 1 1 as he cleared his skirts, so that a le.el spirit of fattier of high metal woald not hesi i' v Tie icien tate to commit to hia care a beauti- -. m p re favorably fu1. passionate, deranged daughter! the command universities, ll i-ven tutpco keeps any the centuries. .A l.iame Men (Juu'lit In Mi. The .North Carolina Laiim-i State Alliance will convene Pay ettes llle on the second l'uesd in August. Ou the lirt-t i '.- 1, July, according to the Const.:. it ot the nler, the county Allianeeh mineral and timber regions of the ad over the State met lor the pur- South, which railroads have not pose ot electing delegates to attend yet opened up to public investiea- t.eemg that meeting. It is to be hoped 1 tions, that progressive journal has n- and that good judgment was ustd in j organized a fully equipped Gxplor selecting men ot good common ing party, under the management .sense ; men competent to do the . ol .Major Goldsmith Bernard West, important work that will come be- of Birmingham, a noted expert in loieiliem. The Pai mer's Alliance the exploration of mineral regions, us in lis infancy. In our State it In making this announcement in may be said to be only oue year its last issue, the Manufacturers' old. d u il ol .1 tiutb. it may be said Iiecord says "we have arranged to to bein its most critical penod. place at once in the field an expe- l;s giuwth is unprecedented, and dition, scientitic and practical, its opponents may feel encouraged whose duty it shall be to visit, in- by the idea that such t hi ngs as vest igate and report upon all the giow veiy iapidly are short lived, mineral districts of the Southern It may be so that many have Sates. and the reports of united with it, "in a tit" of short its work will appear only in this lived enthusiasm, ju-" as many journal. It is estimated that the loined the Southern m my in 1SU1, mission will last sixor eight months behev:: g tint lacing their names i Major West will be assisted by a on the ii. ii.-ter roll mean t death to scientilic staff of his own selection, jhc enemy, dust as th,; failed to and will remain in the field for the see t he magnitude of t hat struggle, next six months. Outside of the sM'.' who hae . it.ed iho Alii- several districts with which Major ance may tail to see the magnitude West has been intimately connect- ol '' m There wcie thousands ed, he will carry with him a regular who belonged to the Confederate force, aud proceeding on horseback, cause and made it no stronger, camp by the way. Generally, he nay they made it weaker. Pailiug will have the assistance of an en to do in six months that which re- ginecr and geologist, a timber quired y ears of patient sullering expert, a secretary and necessary vears ot hardship and sacrifices servants. The idea of the expedi- h a s ilaw n reg.irdei i n d the i a t tic 11. OY.'YNN. All the lepers of the Sandwich Islands are sent to the land of Maloksu in the Hawaiian croupe, mill there, forsaken by kith and kin, are left to the i avages of this terrible scourge. J-'ather Pamien de Venster, a I torn an Catholic Priest (re cently deceased), learning nut only of their miserable physical condition, but thoir more desjieiate, sinful state (given up to lustand blasphemy) repaired tlnther to consecrate his life amongst them, and if possible, ameliorate their lot both bod ily and spiritually. This saintly Father faced a certain death, by contagion, from the loathsome plague, but this did not deter him, and before he fell a martyr to his self-immolated and holy work, he had the glorious satisfaction of creating con tentment out of utter, wretched despair, with the most revolting depravity, and converting a host of human devils iuto christians, and charming their hitherto most sinful lives into a bearable, christian and resigned existence and dt : ban a : i :.: :i w ., bo partiei -i'.. e-sor Sim or. 'ew- : rig-..--.. P.'oIh P. II. V K . 1 1 o : s of t he r n : a. Pruf. .1 . i 1 1 . .4 I ., an 1 J oseph ' : oi ,i i on vent ion i s Mm N i.hv ille which d w 11 '.' far reaching -i- n : r- - u . wliv the Teacher' Ttll i w Mi i ' S Ci g'' are and under the most rigid discipline aud ti on is not to jump from place to hard lighting they gave up to de place by rail, but to go through the spair, and grumbled and growled country in a leisury way, Study its climate, conditions, resources and oiipoi : unities, and to give the pub l:,y een men t . great ue- Auvi-rsity is a- iu development a bod; to physical di' i lime aspiie to greatness, we must bear the diMipline without which real greatness is impossible. If we wish to be considered bra e we must not shiink at the trial of our courage, h o w e v e r it may come. The seasons are bad. but that is none of our atlairs. All that the law ol God or man n quires is that we go forward. Standing on the borders of t he P-d Sea, ilod said to Moses. "Speak unto the children of Isreal that t hey g until uur ranks contained many in efficient men, and our woods wa filled with deserters. Let the Al liance men take warning. Pirst, let them realize I ho impel tanee of the woik that they have under taken, and the ! isasiiis nf defeat. A way. thou holy man (If God, to .iiider loath. nunc, leprous isle Where in-maU cut -oil uf earth, in durance vile, Kndure their awful ban, Thou go'st turth from all thou lovest here. To face a living death without a fear. "Unclean, unclean '" the cry The leper made of old to tell the doom A hile passing to the wilderness alone, Without a fiiend. to die. Is heard not there, for all alike are free So bear the plague their lives will have to dree. Amid that outcast throng No ifelon seeks a Saviour's healing hand, Nor help nor hope for those forever ban ned Inspires with prayer or song To seek from God m man a pitying tear, While all seemed doomed and God-forsaken there . A pand.-monium Duth r-:.gn supreme, and How to JIauagc The m. Control by mere authority of the faculty should be used as little as is compatible with the high ends sought in the conduct of a college. It mast, indeed, be made plain to students, so that there is no shadow of a ground for misunderstanding on the point, that the faculty, and not the students, govern the col lege. But this being established, let the rules We as few and as smi pie as possible, and only Midi as can be reasonably well en bu ceil Let the hand of authority be dis played only when indispensably necessary. Punctuality in atten dance and fidelity in work should I be insisted on. ll a fair degree ol Noi.tii i'aiko.ina, i In the Oirteu-i i mii.i.Y. ) Hupenor Court. 1 ho re a 8 ("nrrirlt . A d in in 1 1 lit or ol Itn oli 1 '!! . ni l a, I Nollee. (). T Woctt. C. f. Wood, ft Bin. I To (i. T. Wood and C C Wood-. Von will take notice that a Pperlal lro reedlnf ( milled Ha above lin ten com minced lu ihe fuperior Court, i trUirnl l ouoty, be'ore the i lrra.to k, 11 real eatato in make HdHi'ta to pay ibe d-lu th ui nf .Iaciil It ley, d.c'd. lo wll: Lot 12, aguara ! ,, M ,,, eheml I'lty, rtli Carolina. 1 on will Uo 1 1. er take Doti v tlat yon are reqnlrml, Ii. Iih :ii lwif said Joob l lley, de'd. to ir i.c i.i-c Hie Clerk ol th Huperlor Cool t .1 c, :, r. i (-..urily. Mirth CarollDa, al hla i: :.i no i i, ni t Houae In th Town of 1',-., i r .i i , s i'. Annual. 18HI1. and ' it ii.n.i.i i., 1 1, p.. i ion In ihla proceed I nx i r it..- i .lion ! 1 1 h pel y Ui the court for Mia !;: ,.i . a ,t. rant petition. .ii i UN ii. oa vi e.erk Hup-rior Courl. Tms .ill . ,f I ,: ' i , ! I III I A I I .1 A 1 1 I 1 ; dwli a' success m obtaining these is f-r-j GrccnsbDro Feicale College. cured, the other details of thei , . student's life mav enerallv h.. ho, 1 (.Iild.ShBOnO, ri. c. student's life may generally be leu to him with salety. But he should be made to understand that a decent and manly life is expected of him always and everywhere. It is unwise and useless to confront him, in a pamphlet of college laws. with a long list of mala prohibit a, The SIX TV MNTH 8ES8ION of ilia well eipiiip.-d nnd proaperoua loaliiu- tion will begin on the. StW I.m August, 188. SUPKKIOK AlJ ANTAOE8 are offered in nil the departments of instruction uphsIIv nuraued in Female which he is forbidden to commit. ! Colleges of highest grade. Charge NO College faculty has genius j verv moderate. enough to name all the acts whi h I Fl,r ('ftt.R,lo"f ' PJ1?,1" . , ought to be forbidden. The w.ly j , Gh. Hiuueni wuu is presented wirn a d ti,. i ,1 J :u: fc1 I 1 " 11 al ii.;. iii ii ii pi e j uuiceu auu intelligent ni t,.af, repoit. ihis is undoubtedly one of th-' moot remarkable instances of enterprise which any paper in this country has ever undertaken, and kin- a gaunt that cur-ed forward,' : r, ' n n and own rg' e . . - a . '. ln! o t 1 heoiog hvs-sons are far daughter of North Carolina from There is no such thing as than thoa taught the ajy lam, the cae of that sua- ing for something to turn il sminne. ipicion mast be removed. Lt tbe The word of succcs ;s "-mn. arumcr s-hoolj, raasi ng ' Board say that Dr. Gnsom ia not he who refuses to obey is i.nglmg of religious thought guilty, if such is their jadgmen t , away by the on ru-hing bi a rar culture are highly and y et, if the interests of tbe in- Whatever the situation P. and he is blesl who stitution and fhe people demand it courage and g let the resignation of the super in leudent b demanded or his expul sion rompllel. an 1 M-.' X'Ti' o t n 41 m c These th cc-n it! Ii' Iwilrll comes under their inspiring, im pruvmg and ennobling iotlueDce. wait up." and wept o w s . s, take forward. 1 is not in the rowe.r of man to command Hucces.s. but every man may deserve it. TUE AGGICTLTl BAL COLLl,E Th bord nf traste ot the Agncultnral and 'Meghan iral Col-1 A rcLiLxaoTS poman oi th LU PrwJial UeoiM, wkkeh haj kwwa hoiftai la U capiui for mxtrai jes, hcaa there was bo BoXtaiJw plir u kJaar it, u jaItfLaVJ pat ia poaitioa ia tb Hte7 rooas. Albaay Argo. COVSEBVATISM. The time has pasad when que kege of North Carolina established tioos ol national policy can be set the lastitatioo in the cooffdence tied by radical measures. kath mi cnor ui i.i.mi h i ida i J ti 1 y aad affection o( tbe people when Labor is always conservative they elected Hon. Thtimas J. Jarvia , nntll madened by oppression, and its president. Mia wis administration ol the gubernatorial ofllce, his exemplary life, th honor h hat reflected upon A CXOriv-BCKJT ocenrred Wed- sute at home and abroad, give UmJlAJ sight, oo the Sata Ke road, laLMnrane of fidelity to tbe trust In 5W Meilro, which did great , bento wed and ability in the dis taaaafw to the line: two bridges aadaeveral milea of track wen VMbei away, and even steel rails "Were twisted into all kinds cf ahaps. 5IAKLT all the small boys who kd iateoil to be rretdnt have Bow cnaagrd their mi ads and de idl to bwcoaie slagjers "pmj U higher aad the faae greater. XT small boy, thoagh, will oatgrow beta anrbltiooa it rives long edoagh. Socth t'isoiixi coagralalatea charge of the duties inip"ed. Of the meeting of the board of trustees the New and Observer say s The trusties of the Agricultural and Mechanical College met yester day morn ng, Mr. VY. Primrose ia the chair. A report of the exec utive committee w&s taken up and The di-scassed and th following regu lations were adopted Applicants for admission to the college mas: lw cot less than four teen Tears age, mast furnish evidence of gxl moral chara: trr, nui', tie able lo read and write iad ilin? a kno ledge of arithmetic r'or the reU Und in if liih, lv.. CENTHAI. OKFICK. AuKI'lI.l 1 UAL Bi iLDiNi;, Kaleigh, N. C. The repen ts of correspondents of the Weekly Crop Bulletin, pub lished by the North Carolina Kx penmcnt Station and State Weath er Service, co operating with the labor i United States Signal Service, show , iu s,i, i.m.nf r,t that there has "been a deficiency of UJ l 1 I O v u l h U C BIMIUJI'IIOUUIIUI V. ' ram fall, au excess ot temperati want impels to hot. Then it is that madness rules the hour and holds high c-arnivaluntil conserva tism restores order and its legitimate objects. Fortunately the great mas-s of our countrymen are conservati ve. Attached to the institutions of our fathers, they are satisfied to pursue the even tenor of their way, content with the natural rewards of lalor. ipcrature and sunshine for the week ending Friday, duly Uth. All crops have been favorably affected. The week has been favorable for farm work and harvesting. The oat crop has improved very much and in some places is said to be the finest tor years, lobaccowas injured tosome Especially is this true of farming extent by the heavy raius of the lanelt. Spwaking ol the siagfing throagh fractions, and hare a fair Batch the Cbarleatoa News and knowledge of geography, and the Conner aaj. "The pity of it ad is that lata tight occurred in a sooth- stk(s: happily for oar already and agricultural communities. But, let it not be suposed that conservatism detracts from its bo tanes any of the elements of man hood. Conservatives are satisfied with legitimate returns, but they insist that "the workman is worthy of his meat." Tbe business men of this couutrv previous week but is now looking better. Cotton has had just such weather as it needed and is gene rally looking well. The prospects for an average crop are good. The hot wave which crossed the State the latter part ol the week was very beiu Iicial to the growth of all crops. The following special torn-peraturc.-. are reported : Lumber ton, KoK son count v, '.'S degrees : Tii en let them realize that is a is far ahead of anything of the kind lite uoikupon w Inch depends the ever before projected by any weekly weal or the woe of the farmer, journal in America. The Manu- Nii legislative body ever made a lacturers' llecord has done a great law so perfect that experience could work for the South in the past, and inn improve it. How much more to that it now adds this brilliant diiVictii: the task ol such bodies that , scheme, to accomplish still more for make lules instead of laws, with this section. The heavy expense nothing to enforce them but moral of this exploriug expedition will be sanction. The convent ion will, no borne solely by that journal, doubt, do some coopering'' on the - ( oustitution and perhaps make To Save Doctors' IJills. changes in the rules governing the Never go to bed with cold or 'Business Agency Fund,' but the damp feet. great work of this convention is to Never lean with the back npon adopt some plan by. which the anvthing that is cold. the Parmer's Alliance may be Never begiu a journey until the brought under discipl.ue. Much brea k fast has been eaten. has been said about co opera; ;oa in Never take warm drinks and Alliance work, while the idea of then immediately go out into the discipline is much neglected, l.et co no care be spared in giving alii- After exercise of any kind never ance men the education they need r,de jn an open carriage or near in me uiscuarge oi t neir uuues. . tno wiudow of a ear for a moment And if education is broader than lt ,s dangerous to health or even can tie re, ictied at present, let t nem tie iife thoroughly instructed in their work. 'ever omit regular bathiDg, for Let it oe understood ttiat me ai- unless the skin Is in regular condi hance makes no nnpty resolves. , tl0rj, the cold will close the pores Let it be known thatwhen Alliance and favor congestion or other people resolve to do, that something ! disease. ni be done. When hoarse, speak as little as Ifmembersol the Alliance hinder ,)0SSible until the hoarseness is tin- iron, tney must be turned out. i recovered from, else the voice may hen a suo-AWiauce act the mem- be permanently lost, or difficulties oers oi it muni oe governed in mat . Gf the throat be produced actum. When a county Alliance. Merelv warm fhn hack- hv the llpll l' T IIH Ss 1 1 I A l.inPrt n-ncr hearken. When the State Alli ance commands, "fall in," let every member in the State "get into line." with '-heads up" and "eyes in front.'' Such as disown any allegiance to the Order, let them get out of it. A small band of dis ciplined heroes is worth more to any good cause than a large undis ciplined mob: The Alliance has something to do except pull down. They should at least put up a better structure, for every one they pull down. In fact they had better use judgment in tearing down, they might get too much rubbish in their way at one time. Let them not encroach on the legitimate rights of any class of men, but let them not forget the first law of nature. Fifty thousand people, united inaju-t cause are invincible. The Alliance should not attempt to oppress other classes, or domi neer over tneni, but it should know no such word as 'in' m the object for which it was created- L. L D. farmers, mechanics, merchants Goldsboro, W ayne county, de an.! lab,, nrnf-winnul n.onand Kr : e IdoU , 1 1 al I fa X rounty,lS rlerr'S uiiMlwim liunn innn I -..II 11 "f'-s .v, Sub Alliance must fire, and never continue keeping the back exposed to the heat after it has become comfortably warm To do otherwise is debilitating Never stand still in cold weather especially after having taken slight degree of exercise, and always avoid standing on ice or snow, where the person is exposed to the cold wind. When going from a warm atmos phere into a cooler one keep the mouth almost closed, so that the air may be warmed by its passage through the nose ere it reaches the lungs Keep the back, especially be tween the shoulder blades, well covered; also the chest well pro tected. In sleeping in a cold room estaplish the habit of breathing through the nose, and never with the open mouth badly disfigured repatafon it did sot take place in Sa'.h Carolina." A CniaLUT' 'M. ? ' ' spect:, ' o taa New-a-Obaerrer cf the '.'. th last., says -A Lgh: e.r'.baaae ahock was fei 5 her at 1 17 '.ooignt Dwrattoa of the thine t wis iboct tarew MttooJ, moTfmcn'.j 2'-r.h tvaj soath, and the m.V.o"! y.'-ri Lory , aecornpan'ed by a l g'.c Bonae." A J ili , M ts s . ?Taarslay sajt (.iovern r his'orv of Norm Carolina. Applicants w.:i t-e wpircU to i ' 1 ty. b'i degrees ; Charlotte, Mecklen appear O-foro 'he omaty superin- 'something is wrong in the conduct burgcountv, to degrees: N liming tenden: of educa:;on in coauection J Qf public affairs. What that some- ton, New llanoer county, !U de- thing is causes a w ide deversity of Rtees ; New Peine, Ci aveii county, : degrees ; uaieigu, aKe coun- witn not the (tia a ' y s a b m : '. c ten ';ae' pir.l 'T Sea- 1 ret res.'t; ' .". -un '. es r. a nan two members of ird of etlucalion, and e i : n a', l on by writ ,t .a. o i ' rey ia(emwl last a zb". He aid betore U got tfcroujrh w tii'i.! tooaw who had anything '.o do w . : Ut tight the laugh wca'd c :..r AChar stds. 'T will se :hil every BBSO, tnlndiag the i,ir:; and CrwacenC aathoruies, who aided aad abetted the tlgh'.er. r ewted to the end OU r i ftO'tse i g ' e n . 'P :df xr per As opinion all tending to the which will txprr- conclusion mat capital is oppres president of the col- 'sing Uiwr through the subtle agen ex T.:natioQ shall be j ,-,( ,-,r rantT hi There is no danger of a radical change. Free trade is as far from the m;nd- of the people as a pro hibitory tariff. Conservatism that has o often came to the rescue of the country will again assert itself, and adj ust toe machinery of govern ment to the purposes of its crea -Very light d tempera- r . v . r' : :L- "ICS '. ' -e r ue eiamin vs of quail -men :t :co i j -l i to t !. e '.,'.e;r restie.tive .'.. i I :i5 of liepre . ! n h thus a d l r. i r on : He tx!s of rresenta -in :n the lower '.he !eg-i ture. wdl te . . - n w : ; - c h ar ge a n d i ' e g 'i : if' '.her stole;. ; fjc ations shall app tie char if1', I o ojr p.- and : -' ;- ts '.i.c same v , but the v n fee of r'i) stationery s t u len ts at Wiikx en, r.' ma-s j axe gaveo over to do firm, whea dog Ar given Turkoti ad liae j-.il I'.'f.i ci ' rn be n co !i ' n e a r-1 - i 1 o n eat .1 aa. pel we d r o ; e a dog w would h ivj . j. I u.Ies apecul f oi let perfume : - aider down peial d.h.-- aar Tiers, lau't, :'. ' aie Vhe phre -treae! Treated bk a man the better application in mul of ease. Washington Post. IT ia aot sa prising that the satire KafMbtteaaa o( North Carolina sfcoaJd fel eoasisiarabJy uUd at taa parUaJitj shown by Mr. 11 am oa to the. Re-publicans of Northern Mrta im appoataaeaCa to office. A. W. ShaJTer, appointed postaiaater 4 RaJvlf b; Paiemoa John, Collec tor o the Tort, ai rUiaabeth City: O. Z. French jwa tan aster aad E. J. Peoaypacker Coi lector of 'ostoms ml Wilsaioftoa. S. Cramer, AMAjer mt the Miat at Charlotte, and L G Eataa Doatofflee Inspector are all Norther a men. Coasidcrmg t.e leja 0' lie fit mark. if. . . .eal.t.g ,ir- or. .. hat :.s ronsider ' i s-.-n.-e daring the -. :. ': . i ' i i pushed '. -e h 1 control ' . - ' ;vfiui' the - ' cry g-eatly. The ; -g ti.et.i. bowri er. ' ... -ic w ho can ra: se . ' r ge : ; :. e cred . t . T he ' 'o t r c' j to ilei'r.'i.ii' i ' Get along with less : . .:i ! dor. e w : ' h a lit nd ilgence and with a health Norfolk Land t .on . inerva: isdu mast hae its in ti uence in private as well as in public. If erery man will stick to bis business and pursue it j udiciously grasses doing web adopting no rash experiments and able forgarueiing w following do visionary theories, improvement will be seen in every section of our land. No amount of political corruption will wreck the .nd.wdaa! fortune of tne man who keep his house in order ami walks the paths of industry and peace. Tan ff reform is greatly needed, but reform in industrial methods and personal habits is the supreme i ee l of the hour. I.OYER.NOK lOWRl . Governor Liwry did not succeed in preventing the meeting of Sulh livan and - Kilrain in Mississippi. ty, 'J I degrees. Paste it. n I ;.- i i:m i showers. An excess ture and sunshine has been very favorable to all ere. s m this dis trict. ( KN r I ; a I 1 :.s ut. i . Although crops genera 1 !y hne improved, vi-t a little ra:n would probably have been Ik iielicial. Some complaint of cotton tiring. Tobacco is reported as looking we. I w:th prpees of a good crop. Westekn 1 i -1 i;i. . A num ber of correspondents report the weather to have been ;ust what wa-s needed. ( 'ccasional showers, very hot and au abundance of sun shine. Cotton, corn, tobac-o and Very favor eat and oats. i ue prospeois ior n lie crops in some sections of the district are reported as exceedingly good. KKMAItK.- '1- 1 K 1 A I . KKKs I ' 1 N I ' E .N I .--. Pacikkn DisTKic;. Hertford, Perquimans county ' W e have had but one little shower and that ap peared to do good to all crops, though the land is still very heavy. We cannot make half of a crop of corn or cotton. The peanuts are not much damaged." Boeky Point. Pender con n ty " We h a ve had no rain for the last seven day s and all farm work Is progressing very favorably, and all crops are looking weTl." Weldon, Halifax county "The past week has been tine for IJ ti pes. .Mankind is easily duped: quacks in medicine, quacks in religion, quacks in politics know this and act upon the knowledge, Men are like trout; tickle them and you take them. The ingenious syco phant is sure to commend us wherein we lack the most, he knows that to be our weak point. Dr. .John; 1 ugs : on p Uae Both Hands. Pecently, from my close atten tion in many years' capacity at the circuit court, 1 have been suffering from partial or incipent paralysis of the right hand, or what is other wise known as pen paralysis, tbe result, of course, of constant writ ing with that hand. With so little use of that member, I am begin ning to make my left hand very useful, and I find it is a much more important feature than we usually imagine. I think the habit of cul tivating the service of the left hand should be more general and taught from oarlv childhood; in that wav on w as rignt men are like tne flexibility would be established you may carry thom where and the right hand saved from the : great strain upon it. It is not at , all necessary to be what is termed 'left handed ' to be enabled to use that hand. 1 know one young lady artist who is not at all so, yet who can use the lett hand as well as the right perfectly by cultiva tion. She can draw with the left hand as easily as she can with the right one, turned toward the right. Mv case should be a warning to writers especially, not to leave all strain to one hand, but to cultivate the service of the other, or at least its assistance. I now have to do much of my writing with my left, aud accomplish it quite as well as bv the ears. I l o Sparrow anil the Allisatur. An alligator and an Pnglish sparrow were seen to engage m a battle near Harieii, Fla., the other day. The 'gator provoked the tight by snapping at the bird, which in turn ilew furiously at its ugly an tagonist, aiming with precision at the saurian's eyes. The 'gator finally gave up the contest and sought salety from the sparrow's attacks by hiding i;.st-!f under water. but it now seems probable that he killing grass and getting crop: will achieve the higher distinction clean." Lumberton, Pobeson coun of having put an end to righting on this continent. It is not suppose tv "Ihe (Tons of all Linda Icivp 1 1 r 1 7-e , - . - , , , , 1 u)i'n n:ir 1:1 - iiiinru, in- tin. wn ' j'...i.i...j ...jii.i. t, LUV "Ct A go, ,! a i-ruge ot ciia; ,u tt i is better than a i..ver leu-i ol char i with right, and I am by no means acter: but a trood averace of char-1 "left hauded." St. Lonis Globe- ueter is never reached by a man Democrat, w ho is satisfied with a good average. Only tin- man who per- Kare Thought, sistently strives to be at a high' "Harry,'' exclaimed the blushing level of conduct, will reach the, Laura, "this declaration is so sud plane ot the average well doer. An Men that I that that I hardly average is made by the balance know what to say. I was unpre botwoen the slips and the successes j pared for it. It uunerves me." The slips will come of themselves. ; "I was afraid it might,'' said tbe I he successes are a result of efrbrt. : young druggist," rising with alac Ile who aims no higher than an rity from his knees, "andlbrought average, will be sure to fall below 'along a bottle of my unrivaled it. j nerve anoydine. This preparation. - - i darling,'' he added, soothingly, as um: night last March lbs he took the bottle from his pocket, patients in the Bonifacio and St. , quickly extracteu tne corK, ana poured a quantity ol the medicine into a spoon he had also brought j Lucia l lospitals, m l loreuce, were violently attacked by what the superintendents of the institutions declared to be cholera. This oc casioned a panic in the city. But G. br.iin Jobiiam, President ol the Georgia Midland road, and of bruisers will become extinct, but continue. Pen T. Hatcher, a large stock hob der, had a disagreement. Jordan challenged Hatcher. Hatcher ac eepted and proposed to flgh: in a small ring with ten inch bowie kaive. Afterwards the affair was aui cably settled. along, "will allay any undue ex citement, quiet the nerves, and digestion, and restore lost aDoetite. I . weather, bnt will make an average 0I1 investigation it has been shown i I sell it at sixty cents a bottle, d that the race if the present favorable seasons that the attack was occasioned by j This is a dose for an adult. Take meat and soup that had been it dearest." Chicago Tribune, cooked antl allowed to stand in ' - COpper vessels. The SUperin- Uooil Advice, Showing; Remit. tendeuts were suspended from Edward Silvey, Chisago, gives teati- ofiioe, as a punishment for their moriy: "My wife had catarrn iweDty carelessness and ignorance LlllCg sill I shore, lilasphemii-s ris-j therefrom That doth above a l othci iiuisos sweli. And sur-m to -pi in i h ui.i mit some , nt of hell. i t li 1-eei.ini; s.ns thus frmiht; ith souls repulsive as their liodics are. And feeling that their fates ai e srided, they dare, And every vileues.s sought That could in desperation find a vent To lull awhile in wretched pleasure's bent. To such, with steady feet, Self-banished lone, to face despair and gloom, And bravely bear the leper's fearful doom, Their sins aud death to meet Went forth that saintly soul, from kith and kin, A glorious, i.nmr.rtal crown to win. lie sought and bore sucli dearth For sake of fellow mortal's abject plight, anil ere ins soul to (iod had taken flight, Those sou's to "second birth" Were born nnd quickened from that hell to rise Reformed and sanctified for paradise. Oh (tod-like martyrdom ! Thy crown hath shooe on many a saintly neatl, Hut none whoe'er, with joy, to heaven speu, Such crown more truly won; For none, who e'er were tortuerd to de fend Their creed is faith, e'er met a noble end Good Things to Know. That salt will cardie new milk, hence in preparing milk porridge, gravies; etc, the salt should not be added until the dish is prepared. That clear boiling water will remove tea stains and many fruit stains. Tour the water through the stain and thus prevent its spreading over tbe fabric. That ripe tomatoes will remove ink and other stains from white cloth, also from tbe band. That a tablespoonful of turpen tine boiled with white clothes will aid in the whitening process. That boiled starch is much im proved by the addition of a little sperm salt or gum arabic dissolved. That beeswax and salt will make rusty flat irons as clean and smooth as glass. Tie a lump of wax in a rag lor that purpose. When the irons are hot. rub them first with the wax rag, then scour -with a paper or cloth sprinkled with bait That Bine ointment and kerosene mixed in equal proportions and applied to the bedsteads is an on- failing bedbug remedy, as a coat of white wash is lor the walls of a log house. That kerosene will soften boots or shoes that have been hardened oy water, ana rentier them as pliable as new. That kerosene will make tin tea kettles as bright as new. Saturate a woolen rag and rub with it. It will aso remove stains from var nished furniture. That cool rain water and soda will remove machine grease from washable fabrics. Xo Use as a Lamp A stall-keeper on the central market who had been "stnek" with a number of green mellons plugged one yesterday, poured a pint of kerosene into the hole, and after waiting a quarter of an hour gave it to a colored man. The latter sat down on a box to eat it, bnt after removing fhe plug and taking a smell he arose and returned the melon to the stand. "What's the mattei!-' asked the donor. "Ize much obleeged, but I couldn't use it onless you'd frow in inachimbyan' a wick, an' dat would be axin too much of any body." catalogue oi iorDioaen sins is tempted to commit all which are not included in the list. But he knows what Is decent and becoming and manly as well as the Professor of Moral Philosophy, aud if inform ed that conduct which is manly will always be expected of him, he is much more likely to refrain from unbecoming acts than if held in subjection to a long code of petty rules and a system of espionage. The prolessor should not depend so i much for the control of students on I legislation as on getting near 1 enough to their pupils to exert a ; positive moral influence upon them. I on appeals to their manliness, m engendering in them the spirit of right-doing. Some teachers lack this power. But it should be coveted and sought after as one of the "best gifts" of a college oflicer. Members of the faculty should spare no personal efforts to induce students to abandon bad traditions and usages. They should strive to reach and control tho younger Students through the counsel and Influence of tbe older. That is one of the most effective ways of con trolling thoughtless, impulsive students. By all means the attempt should be constantly made to pro duce a public opinion in college in favor of manly conduct and in con demnation of all kinds of unmanly conduct, from mere childish tricks to disorder and vice. President Angell in North American lieview for July. Saccharine. Saccharine, which, as is known, is three hundred times sweeter than sugar, is beginning to be felt by the beet sugar manufacturers as a very dangerous enemy. His Btated that in Germany, already, so much saccharine has been made as to render 5,000 tons of beet sugar superfluous. It is principally em ployed in the preparation of fruits and the production ot sweet liqueurs. It is not a lood stuff; indeed, it has been comdemned by eminent medical authorities as di rectly prejudical to health. The sugar manufacturers are of the opinion that saccharine should only be 6old bychemists. France, Italy and Portugal are already contem plating imposing a tax npon it. "Sir, L always aim to tell the truth,'' remarked a politician whose veracity had been impugned. "That may be true," was the quick retort, "but justice compels the observation that you are a mighty bad shot." Bring your will to your late, and suit your mind to your Cicum stances. A man's own good bi i dii.g is his best security against other people's ill manners. K ASTER?! MCETB CAR0LI1U gRBLE WORKS, 11 M 1 Any the dta:ng :' a B(B be r of Northern men compared arg imen' w. .witis tba native liepabiicans they fen and Wv nn.1.-mhtiJ r rotten a rerv for the pros, rl !Iow-a of the official stood that 'oi. W.nld. pia, Wilmington Star. the lat speech. : -n m Cost. te ma ihe clos: at ion. r a : . o a is est; The opening e for the de ng argument when " backers" and abettors, and railroad companies, come to under stand that they will be held ae ;xir it.rjn rnntimi, the '"ring" will lose its attractiveness, and the "txdt," its glory. One of the most remarkable things in the whole affair is the re le.vse of Sullivan after he had been captured. We do not sup)ose there light a is another State in the Union where II Pa i i i.e. Pii. 1 ).. I ;rector. P. P.AI.IiW IN, Signal Corps, Assistant. Literary Aspirant: Were you able to use my article, sir! "Yes, sir." Literarv Aspirant O. I am delighted to know it. it appear T Pditor It pear it disappeared. I used it to :ar. When did himsell ui didn't ap- it would be held that the Governor It is under- of one State cannot demand the .Jones W hy don't you lay by .something Cora rainy daT Brown I have done so. I'm make extradition of a criminal, charged keeping tho umbrella Smith loaned , with the commission of a misde-1 me a week ago. fivn vaars. Buffered severely ror six vears before ehe began to use your rem- , . edy. Unable to breathe except through A man is never so much a master 0,,; in most critical condition, of himself as when he has given Trind evervthinz without relief, when Dr. Streeter advised her to buy Clarke's Extract of Flax Papillon Catarrh Cure. Relief followed immediately. She con tinued to use it until she is now entire ly cured. Her health has not been eo ' . m t- : oi nn creates an unnatural emving for stimu- Ku lu 'UUJ u ri lants which kills th.- mind or th-child. Wash the baby with Clarke s Flax Soap. Ack?r'sl5al.vS.,other is speciallv prepared 25 cents. F. S. Duffy, druggist, now o benefit children and cure their pains. It has the Flaxjemedies on hand. :s hamdesi an t contains no opium or , " ,., morphih-.. S..U i.v K. berrr, Newbeic. , Beecham 6 Pills act like magic on a N.i' ' weak stomach. (UTIOV TO MOT I IK ItS r.vry mother is cautioned against piv ,' her c:.o 1 lau i.inam or paregoric Doing Good. 'There,'' said a neighbor, point ing to a village carpenter, "there is a man who has done more good, I really believe, in this community than any other person, who ever lved in it. He cannot talk very much in public, and he does not try. He is not worth 2,000, and it is very little he can put down on subscription papers. But a new family never moves into the village that he does not find it out and give them a neighborly welcome and offer them some service . He is on the lookout to give strangers a seat in his pew at church. He is always ready to watch with a sick neighbor and ook after his affairs for him. I be lieve he and his wife keep house plants in winter mainly that they may be able to send bouquets to Inends and invalids. He finds time for a pleasant word to every child he meets, and you'll always see them climbing into his one-horse wagon when he has no other load. He has a genius for helping folks, and it does me good to meet him in the streets." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The Sewers or Paris are one of tho modern wonders of the world. That marvelous netnork of underground streams, over which the tourist can travel by rail nnd in brats, constitutes tbe bowels of the Kay capi tal, this labyrinth of streams ia krpt with scrupulous care; for any obstruc tion in the flow of tho sewerage would be attended with serious results to the health of the inhabitants of tbo city above. The sewers of tho human sys tem are the liver and bowels, and in order to keep disease out of the won derful city of which they are a part, they must be always kept free and unobstructed. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets are the best laxative and cathartic known for the purpose. Tiny, eugar-ooated granules, iu vials, always fresh. An error of opinion is one of t he most frequent causes of errors in conduct. A little boy thinks that it looks manly to walk the streets with a lighted cigarette iu his mouth. Apart from auv question of the right and wrong of tho thing, if he only knew how foolish he appears to the average grown up smoker, he would keep that cigar ette out of sight until he was some years older. And there is many other ways of making one's sell ridiculous by doing that which seems to the doer an imposing ex hibit of his manliness s y v. Ht it K. . v.. Monuments Tombs. 1 1) n Hill n i ti ITAUAN&AMERICAN MARBLE OrderH will receive prompt uttonticr ond aatisfaotion cuarautood JOi: K. WILMS. Proprietor ''.r. v.i:oai .t.M craw nt. KKW BKBXX. TV. O. K. MlI.LKB ti my nithntr:.. J M I in Kinston. ALEX. Fiki.ps, Traveling Aitnit Old Virginia Cheroots. STILL IN THE LEAD ! More cf them were sold lavt year than any other brand of Cheroot in tho world, and an increase of 75 per cent, of sales for the first five months of this year over that of last your. They retail FIVE for TEN CENT8, and are the PEHT Roods on the market, being F.(l'AL to any 10 ceiil and BETTER than any fj cent cigar. Smokers, beware of the numerous imitations on the market, and when calling for a package uf the OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS be ture and see that it has the name and sifc. nilureof P. WHITLOCK on it, ofhei w ide you will be imposed upon. Trade supplied by IF. TTljrxoItL, WHOLESALE AOEST3 FOR dw3m NEW HERNE, N. C. JpFi n e s 1 asuB c s r 2 P?) WOODWORK cg)fef3 Af f ACIMEHtS fc?) CONSUMPTIOV Cl'RED An old physician, retired from i r.o ii.., having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a .simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of Consumption, Hronchitis. Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Ltin: Affection?, also a positive and radical enrt for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its woo derful curative powers in thousands cf cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated bv this motive and a desire to relieve human suf fering. I will send free of churge, to nil who desire it, this recipi in (ierinan, French or Enplish. with lull directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail hv ad dressing with stamp, naming this piqwr, W. A. Noyes. 149 Tower's Block, 1'clifs ter, N. Y. nov 1 w 1 y ,-rv0- 28 UNION SQUARE.NY. 6T.L0Ui5.MO. Uingmg Vq DAUASTEX AGENT WANTED. Kinsfon Book Store, In Motel Toll Ilulldlntr it Bnckltn'i Arnica Sal v.. Tub Best Salvz in the world for Outs, Bruiaes, Bores, TJloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively' cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 35 oents per box. For sale by R. N. Duffv. Ian 17 You may boast of your ancestry, but your acsions demonstrate what yon are. Before the Fourth the proud fat h er of a musical family was con sumed with delight when he heard Young Hopeful whistling "Johnny, Get Your Gun," but on that event ful day Johnny got his gun, got his gun, got his gun, and now father g9ts a poultice, gets a poultice, gets a poultice. phobiusn. It is very important in this ao of vast material progress that a remedy be pleasing te the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and healtby in its nature and elTects. Possessing these qualities Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known. S -ho'il l.oi kn rind prhool piiji'Imk a specialty and tit living price. Royster" candy, the best in town; fruits, cigars, tobacco and snuff. Headquarters for li-hing tmlli-, crockery, glussware. etc. Agent for the New Iiin S'wir.(f lla'hine. Respectfully, J0H& L. HARTSFIELD Kim-ton, N. ( '. The Season Is at Hana FOR Refrigerators, Freezers Water CojIu.s, Wire Dish Cover?, Fiy Faiio' and Traps. Wire Cloth'aDd Bath Tab?. A n i l. I.1NI5 A N I AT HOT lO.Vf I'itlC'ICS L. II. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW HKKXK. N. t) Round Knob. This favorite Mountain Resort ia open for the Season of l!sf8. Uuepts enjoy the advantages of the boat Mineral Waterm among them a superior LITHIA SPRING within one hundred yards of the house. Terms, SO to S 10 per week. I'oet Office in tbe building. W. I). SPRAtit'E. je''5dwtf Proprietor. 5-Ton Cotton Gin Scales7$60 ., BEAM BOX , Brass tare beam. A WjTnti for Ymjv I v rrelcht l-fcJd. 7 A C EN T8 WA NTKD.l K.4 for T.ru. ' " inuro ut navo "rue cd r. i put " UUnconcrftlO intrntigni.j For hYre lrtr l.itl, Adtirat JONES of BIK0HAKT0N, Binphimton, H. T. 13 The Tucker & Smith Brand, Best Shoe in the Market for the price. It will cost nothing to call and ex amine. jy3 dlaw&wGm C. GRAY, Kinston, Is'. O. Highlander Tobacco Works, I.. I.. A'.;MISTEA1, riiciitn kh, l, v c i i m n v . Smoking Tobacco from thoio works took the medal prize at V'enna, 1873, at Philadelphia, 1S?0, and is now com peting at tho Paris Ezpoaition. D. T. CARRAWAY, Aent, ml4 dwtf New Berne, N. C.