v X V, y L sew 7 I NDl'lI'KXDKNT 1 1ST ALL rI'I I 1 X Xx-xxxa H.OO 1 r Tear, . VOL. XII. NEW I! I". I INK, C1IAVKN COUNTY, X. ('.. d; LY 1SML XO. 17. J 6 ) 0 I WX V" Crrrrj i r l I a4l I l k T ..,;-a. Fcr Y3i Stoc6 lapalTBd' Oliestion Disordered Ltor. SOLD BY AIXDRUGGIbTS. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX- vMMMAthTTlinN.DeKrH iM.st.HolenUcashirFkflantf. FOB r-TTU "TiTK KPITURI A I. MM KS 1 'ronrli l!!F taken -'(Mis a a v . The l'rrsnleii; i looking "iTii ncetls rtitt. TllL l'ri'Snli-ul see in (iovenni cut vire .k tir-t i' rriHirU . as is.s lit' to iiie no A Ins t Cell ' in ' ! h.i f 1 i - r:! r I' ll, s.li.l i. ! 'ii - :i.-, I . ::i ire 3i; '. .So : . J fft'tltS i:av voru, W (if v. ur PU1 ou rrcc. of Wool. 5,000 Lbs 'l viern .muMig tln ie.nl 1 11 (C men in j.r ( n rert . 1 ) U. l:. L. l li K . ! iie Uu.oufl l'i i s'lvteruui divine, i!ttlw 1 lwiri h: wt'it. TlnT.' m u hi'ie of re t '. i:k.s.m is n 1'. 1 . k k in RIIkiK. (let ! .I.es urmU! sol u ltdt 10I1S t become ; ciud i d a: e !' 1 ( i ver nur of K c n t u c k v . SavH'KI. NlIllK. t.iruierl ol He:..!en.'!i N w.is i!rnnrtl in :.e .l.imeM liiver, U rlinicinl lt Saoday nijfht. l'Kf EKPINii'H will be lgan lajmediately ugmunt I'liarlrs Kirb, on w liose p r i ptrt t r i ( !-cl:' ;.n ,ir - tr.i'e.l nr.-er i r - the : I-U,'. . I COD 1) I i' t . ( I :i i:i 1 1 : in - is u 1 1 i v ft n ' ! i : 7 xir.i:; .a red NV wi!' bij j u bip il for jou to tbr !' I f yoar wool, b'-r prwv.r .(' -.nuor. OETTIWCER BROS. -h tt 1 lir.im tijh: tok I'lai'e. Thkkk .tre but two inixrtan: iliji'.om :c jsi'itions that remain to bo filled, tho.se ot Minister to lln :a and Minister to Chiun. HmN. J-hn Nh H"i -s. of KaU-igli. ha.s Len appointed hief of the mail and files division oftheTreas ury Department s.ilary f2,-iOi). A i-1.' m i has recently ocrurreil ,n ctiiiii by which f,000 live were lost and 10,(X0 persons .1 l'earl Shirt. A lot of Mason's Fruit Jars just received. 0ETTI1TGER BROS. KBWSEY SESVJINARY, r.i; m r. t :i:i" ::i de .1 he i Dii. . - : ! t.iry 1 i nl t that he -per' d ay s in the plao' 1 j u u : ' farther .ii. 1 hour I di-'. i l'hir.i;. H, : Tup t t-r aceord ul, State in iU" fall. (r a tn in'- pi : ness, luivi i i r : and tiioraliy, are i...: : the deeen t joiirn.il.: the HUM' n !' moral .; . charity at all adv.u.i puhhi' and sun -at ion:-,! i e .'ii t 1 1 ve . :'li VIRIJIMA. In tin , a: 1 ut da s of the Kepu -lie, no S'.ite in the I'nion was so : n il uen t i al as Virgi nia. At a time when the partition id Virginia w;w beiDg debated, .1 oh n IIanded). of Koanoke, said, l,r.reak m twain the most precions jewel and its iragments are compara tively worthless. Separate Vir ginia and the Mast and the West w.M Miik into comparative insig n i :io iru'e." The separation o.ime. no' !i l,e free will 8nfferagi' of her peoji'e, but. by the strong aim oi 'he l'ederal (iovernmeiit. . i g. n :a ha.s not become ''insig :, ;, an'." The sun of her prosper .: v rosr o-o high ever to be totally eelipsed. Shorn of mich ol her -tieiigth .-he is still one of the ton-most States ot the ' rm-rii-an 1 n : o n . The S uith, especially, looks to nginia for leadership. W hile some id' her sister States may equal her in material development and industrial progress, all of them reverence, hive and estol her. X irgmia is -ust about to i :pon a gubernatorial campaign will attract the attention of n at ion. Present appearances indicate that there will be 1'our candidates for caused (iovernon The Prohibition eandi 'r,1IiL,'t ' Lr ton ,1 ro .-. i . i 1 i i lenirie.i : . : , . h . . i . . i. K o.-ia ... i .-, p a i r r. . . : i. 1 1. I . '1 rv ... i . . , i. Ie ill!::; -. :.t Wi!n..: . ; :. .: 'I i, i i '1 1 1 . , : : i . I I ;i r.ii.-. In : :, ; "P.-Mi- ... Jt're.l Hi I l.'.e :-; , 1 . an ii r T. : ' rr. i-A-'h.- e. Mr. I i i'jbe. : .Or,' i ' ' .fliiv-' K r a i n - , a ;. I r,un.- i , i ; A hi v;i'-. J ,n .. . o-.'i , jl : y :;i. r eu:.'.-iis t "r,;-i'i :i here f..r I : ; c. ii. in:; f ,c;- r . S; jle- 1 1 1 e v in . i ,i: , V0 S aliil rktt-.'tieS of tiu mado aii.j sei.l out I- lite tt llii t!.e ie'.v to I I I f Hie -,,t- ni in Ci 'ii ii t and it is ' y ,i e hor.-e r tin- u ai.'n ' - 1 will : i ' e tt" a s leie la-t t Han il. ere rea- dby. K.'ht yf nr. fi' j.n I'l.f-eterlicid V.'i rih. where lie del a iarge lewii.. of probubiy .-" 'U ' death . Mr. I ivh ;.k0 Jlr. Kf.-ms wpnt e unty. S. t. to Port Ofi- njil a store aud -s, having a fortune ' the war i ,ne of the clerks A I'KNSIVE ItETItMAT. I-et him who loves to whorship nature come To finmo ilafiprrH'dnn. haul. 1a a atf-aam time of his Anrt tcmh .h alnir, -- i.i uh. , u iiriic,. a, uiei Klieam. Ami listen to the buey insects hum. Davis lotto Chronicle: fJeorce Williams U, log m read- the 8tream unfoldi, Hornets" Nest iMlemen. cant-ht a tjich Pa8ainK bubble notes some pris ! rn a r '"i-i;ei in 1 1 yd . of t r " -: n one r in -r a in ve -rt rising i n i j -i n y i : -h i u r a : ' .. ii-.-. Sur ly have been l-: r.t corapa ..rir:' water and shot Fvans In a r! illi -u Ity . was f .rruerly a. clerk al Monroe Chsrl ol the Hornets Nest iMIemen. ca-aght three l.,ii, ired pound turtle on the bank "f thee .iind at Wrihtsviile Saturday. The rec" ling tide had h ft the turtle on dry l.,nd. Mr. Williams turned it on its hack with a board. The turtle is the The saucy minners gather near .-n.1 pet of the camp. It will he brought to play. i "hiirloite. Jiev. .nek Ilauehtou was Tl)eylide across, around in splecliJ '' v irsoid. He had been preachine erace- the i io-pel for a period of 4U years, not Bui should he pass I.U hind a -roes 1: tine pace On which he roijjht intentlj- pore an age And never dream the awetest thought ' it holds oiny in l iiarlotte but in Salisbury, and at other points in the South. He was one of il. pioneers of the olored Bap tist church in America. Scotland Neck Democrat: 15y Mon dav s mail we received three special c -emu moat ions from Uingwood Klvmt; mfori.i.aiion of the burning of Dr. ( ; I'.. Matthews' d welling on Saturday niht, id'.h. Dr. Matthews lives near ICinu ttool, and on Saturday nifc;!.t between twelve and one o'clock, the family wt-ro arou-it'd by the burning of the d welling. It was too late to save anv of the fami ne face They vanish witli a lUsh of silv'ry Kray. Beyond the stream the copper head se cure Hehind the alder bushes nurses wrath, AnainM him who presumes to cross his luiiii. X sui per, acting as of welcome sure. The bull iron leaps and leaves n wiJ' nirjK ring, The terrapin ashamed slips from his loir. . : c i" hat the tt in kj f.jr Ins c ii i.r.ine Sei.-.iCLd-: I'r, in the ture. the family barely escaping them- 1 be half-grown tadpoles lash the shal- Seveu sprma net nun wire badly dam- selves. The fire was supposed to have low bog. ;. 1 l- the r. I ei.; i a ins, bin tSit-y are originated in tho cooking apartment. While up the stream the heron coming on', i,,. I, - - We 1,'im that catching from the stovo. There wag no smooths his wing, the c .in un.l t .. .'ia.;-.s in ll.e I'.ui'k- insurance, and the loss was between Tha n le-berv -c. . a' rv , ' si i OH and S "00 Jibe stream flows on, the dreamer .,. " - - - . " " N. . L ' dreams of peace, 1,v,:i ' l Daoy ,,rtua the 1'res- --.'ws and Observer: The State fire- His burning heart finds rent in broken ui,ri..i. c.-iuic.'i ii .r,er,siig very 1 mens tournament which is to bo held lava for the roof nere August loth am: lith is drawing He leaves the nrw.ro fr lays ,s;f Gf" V' teVA -j ' 'Hv I . TMT. I A. A I oi o ' i . M JUICE r 'C. ( ' ' : . . C : . - inn! :; : i ' ,.!., " 1 l ' I I I'l.lll ' .. .able .1 1 1 1 1 i 1 ! . , I , : -ma nelltl'.' i ' t '. nMi- I . 1 1 1 el. de- H'lld-t;i-. I ' colli':: ''.ii . live KIDNEYS, Ll'iiirl AND BOiA'ELS. CLEAHSi: w hie d: 'ah r 1 1 ,i. i slallii being put on. sail.-!,. L..i IS ,,i ti.e 1 liilis:., d t:.,- tt ,.; I.e an elegant ai.-l an .. n. i... i. . ihe c.t v. . a-Miiige ,u 1'rocr, Tvchoi i fever - (ii.dent in cur tou-n. o arc reputed. Is this oy ttay by the digging of seems to several .. , Il A l li!i:es ea: - B 3 o O CO a u o ,. CO ei 4- n II I together in Girls and Young A Boarding School for Ladies. Fall Term opens Aug. 29th. For Catalogue with full particulars address JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal. J. W. STEWART, Sale and Livery Stable. r i ' and lO.oXK) persons wer rendered homeles-s mid destitate. Uohert Lincoln, l'. 3. Minister to England, and Hnssell liarriaon, Son of the President, have dined with Queen Victoria at Windsor Cictle. Peck. I.kwis Swikt, of liochea Ut, N. Y., discovered a new comet on tii e morniDg of the 6th of. July. It is not visible to the nakesl eye bat ic ia supposed it soon will te. THKKK are now five avowed while the candidate for speaker of the House mere tricious mean- ! al l of KpreoUtive. They are theilishv sheets win h re Keed, McKinley, Cannon, Barrows them."-Norfolk irgm a". and Henderson of Iowa. T1IH M. ioltk "I 1KI IST Snnday Dr. Charles K. The New oi k Post is pre- Deems closed the twenty thin! year its campaign ng.rns' ; of bispaatorate in the church of the It believe : h r be. ' Strangers, New York, and complet- arouse tin- p. o; l, to an a: ed bis fiftieth year in the ministry. i"K of the fallacies oi pr ' It is firmly believed that the tLe pres.-t.r. luri:; a tlYMident will call the (ingress np;': !'"" extra session about the Part-V I're'ml.ce , v v. minus are i nen ( Ml k Ol .1U.CU1 f LfUl. UU VUC CWCUIO to have any idea what the Pre-si-' dents message will be about. .1. N. Tkatner, the spinningmill man of Paterson .)., who offered to furnish the machinery for a cot ton factory in the Sonth, taking his pay in stock in the factory, has accepted an otTrr from Pock Hill S. ( '. 'The daughters of ,Iu!:a.i Haw throne are named Hildegirde, 1 1 wendolen , (i lad s, Beatrice, and Imogen." That settles t. Mr. H aw t hrone never wrote the A rt h nr Richmond" letters with a'l those .ii 1 ) i . 1 v i: an's 1'ite oil si V date, the Democratic candidate, and tw o Kc)ublican candidates, one t he regular nominee of the party, the other the choice of the negroes of Virginia. Put, appearances are deceitlul, and we veutnre the assertion that before the canvass is ended there tt ay 11. W , f If belter be liflavul uui l.ul Jsboro Arab t j tt ;i . for d rain- so that ork had l.l the fail. And r to I they come When near, and all the liremen in the State hurch are preparing to attend. There have not usually been many spectators at the asylum investigation, but the announce ment that Col. Fuller would speak jester lay morning brought out a large attendance and proceedings had to be adjourned from the chapel to the large theatrical hall. ol. Puller's spef-ch was prouounced a masterly eHort. His comment upon Dr. Jlogtrs' Utter which he took tip sentence by sentence was in tensely interesting and pertinent. Ualei2h Call: The funeral snrviees'of the late Col. L. C. Jones were held l.o sweet buried this strife will a.iin the encampment. It is an open stcret tint us to location and 'high priced rurr cund nigs the encampment tins ear is real salislaclorv to the bias. la- IcCiiti'cu u i;i a - jri aly b" changed Joneshr.ro yesterday, and were prc ba tor next ear. I : i,o. u oy n j; .- bly witnessed by a larger crowd of j:eo- Snow Hill I'ree-W Oil Ho.iin- D wh P' i'ian ever attenaea a luneral in ; iiurio uaroiina hetore. , and feare 1 tl .t th excessive rains had The friends ihmw.ii!,,, ,-r.,n,,.n i.ei, tunil ,th,'anu ac o u a i n t a n ces of the deceased will be but one Republican candi- section, but the snowers in the last few Kfn'leman. from all over the-State were ciavs have been of considerable ad- . . "'"':' ruurspec.ai irains nr- date in the held. Now, n I 1st l. vantage, and the l i o; are in lava , ; a fairer Washington ( ia , tie f am ii lar faces have bet the colored people of t! 1 1 seems that a on .et L Mahone s for seems to be the choice of the or r is gani.ed Republicans of Virginia, an and I.angston that of the negroes. their However disgusted the colored cat ion, y such clamorous they may be for their makiDg blister rights, however bitterly they may 8mnL I sort to complain of the injustice of the Harrison ,um inistration, tue iiy oi trie rew n.rne visit .Mahone will muster them into his 'cts at present, rived in Jonesboro during the morning. all bringing hundreds of admirers of the deceased gentleman who desired to lie wanes to learn never cease. Till at the gate of dread eternity . We shall be callous to besetting sin. Our boats securely anchored then By heaven, i ,u in tessence of felicity! IlRHBEIlT TllHONK." ( 0 IT. I IK KATE VK1 Kit ANN I CALL t i ,H A CORRECT LIST I 'I- M HTII I Alii l I.I V. TROdl's. n r I Camp Latimeb, N. C S (J., WiiTuiiTiVl : I.E, N. '., July 12. Vj. At a meeting of the Confedate Veter- I ans, assembled as above, the following preamble and resolutions er unani-' moudv adopted: Wiikkeas, It is the opinion of all who , have examined the present socalled Ko- I ters of North Carolina Troops, that it is I PORE OLOOD, HEALT.i I. !- ' ' u,.l;oii:' ' . C A I.I K)K M: I' CO. CREAM BALM i i:::s FEVEIi AND CatarrH HAYFEVERiVj? mi i . i iny . . , . . . . " i inacuraie. incom oiB ami m ,aioua ,nr. tn ' : nav n m nfl aur nrwaih dcopihhTtr.hnifl i ' v. -r. -, z l " -ru; ::::r:i v"7v. i such an extent that it fails of its nur-: nriin hmHHAy-fevfd - - - - - - -al a.nong of respect. The starting points of the ! .ex e l"8 " 8"', 118 Pur" wii of late, trains were Wilmington. Favetteville. PS en Vrely aD(1' a'"-'K the ,mPor- people of Virginia may be, however uu" ,s U1I1U r-' D auvisea i here iija to revai.iLi.;. W i lining ton Mea-engcr reporter talked last ni,;h; be a rustless A Meacnger . with several i and they all lngton. Fayetteville, Kutherfordton and Raleigh. About one huD Ired and sixty people wero in at tendance from this city. Jinl-e .McAllister Takes the Vhole Kesponsihility. ASiiviLLE. July U The American eI,r. ssprf t'.piniiilv, j u .: earr-,.1 ,e n tt tOmOfrOW Will DUbllSh the follnroinff rosr. oiaiione wi.i musier mem lino n.s .,:,,,,.,,, rr " "1. .Vi: :,"." rrd frnm Mr.Aiif, nr r li.initi i " j ti i n uuiiui, i.i'.' liauua w ' - in-' on uaiLaiions.anu ou me uay oi tMt-L-uuu of in . s . i . j . u-jva. Tiuv were CUIC ourc, wnose aecision Bet John L la 3 " f j i "-it"i i -1 -Lzi Fine Honei and Males iIwjvi on ban disposed of on easy terms. I dt oo hand aotaber oi" Y :' IVa-v Jso tmaed Saddle Horses for Nr.h l-id .-s : road Street, New Berne. v . .1 I light . A s e i r i tt h.oh t o-ctl. I a , I , oil ca i ulai i-'s the ;.. i r - OOlbali I I I, t s N. C. VAN WINKLE GIN V MACHINERY CO.. COTTON GINS. PKHSSl-S. FEEDERS rJ. CON DEN SERS. TlseVai Winkls Cotton Gin Michinerf " Bs 1..- i st i' T'- 1 4 4 J gi r 1 s t easi n g him. 'The .itiicli'"!. in New Mrii.o h l'i l-eli In lied M e '.cans to tt T k VCU'. the ado; 1, ,; W ll oh will d e ; .f a i or pro. .l.ge.s M U. KliW K. a A il; IH ! L.tV ing res;gnel t he si i ti r-1, ; p i - f tie I'hirieston W iirld has purchased the liurham Tobacco Plant which he will change to a morning paper w,;h press dispatches. It Will b' known as the liurham Daily (ilohe. TiIK Duke of Wellington ns,-d tostv tl.it he attributed his suc cess, in vniie measure, to alwas being i ijaarter of an hom earlier than he wa eijvectei) and that the w.e i nr-e in action is to attack vonr enemy at the inomeii' he ; prej'ari eg to a! tack ou 1 '. Km K l in .in be a ' o w and ;m:n'ereting town, Put '.' ''', bu.ld :og permit , : nv olving a cost of i i '.".. 7 ii, haw been i t . 1 for the first six months,. I tins vear to J.117. at 7 f. I 'f the sauie, This is exactly by t he .I"'"i:n : extract from t he July 1 1 i!i, is a'.ii gnage used by ; : ami again, to diver' ,n anot her m i ever guise n permanen'l tion and .a: liberty." We to,.l. . to ,-all t lie .1 dent of our 1 lemocra: o o I k c e p 1 I a' t ir. . la a g r : c 1 1 1 . r . 1 th- d ... : arc 1 .; N ca .-:..c up oi : :. -gov ei;,:;., :. ' ti r. . t - : i 111 e li t - . Tile i."' - a poor t ine lit:.' il ! h- or in h ich . man t hat la Par". S" when i ' :- . s 1 1" e i , g ' 1 1 ' at' em ; ' W he I: 'In re poll!;.'. a -e.l ire re la a !. s' or in iog'i' II. '.Ill 1.. e .11 rn' ect ion . fane to dcr stand tec tion is political .I'd appeal to and few ti. en's n t o I'oTi o ; ion ' ' ii- po--i: ,,.ii t alien I :i ' I.,- following the Republican cohorts will move ciPec 1 1 r o a e r : . n v : i iv loan's tt h i e UT.'.I', uiid.-r I'aT.ll I . of 1 1 11 . me eks to ll.lf or - me in solid plalanx. For this reasoD, if for no other, we regret that the Prohibitionists of Virginia have entered the lield with a full ticket for State oflicers. Pevoinl all dispute, Prohibitionists as a general thing, are men of high moral principle lighting for a cause which they believe to be tue c uise ol God .irid humanity, and to its success they ill bend all their energies. Pointing to pa-.t defeat do, a no' d.seourage them. .Secure in ; he coiise'.ou-aie.ss cf their integ rity and the i ightcoTisiK'Ss of their c.ri-e, they move iigh: on to the aeoouipli.-uicn id their object. It is i , aso n able ! suppose t hat a large inanity ol the Prohibitioiiats of ".rgiu:i are -1 e ii'crson i a n 1), :no ,'T.ia. ttiio. in the absence of Iho hib'.tioti candidates, would vote the I b-iiioerat io t icket. It is lor this rea-o:i lli i' we regret the action ol the P r i i 1 1 In; ion party of Virgti :a. i',.e : wo great p irtleS .lr t". i :. , b. dan. meed in Virgi;. a 'e". ; ..ii'i- i'i'l votes taken ! i. :u -r : ' :c n ir t v a in I g : ' he 1 ' a '. . o. ; io:a t s w .aid ; I .,', g . , : i.e S ate to the Kepu''!. M n o h i- been sa;d atol v i ig i :a: M ihoiie. bnt that ne it ii'y. industrious dai ; n g atol leader a not to be denied. I L muster under his banner everv public. in in Virginia. The .1 1 r i; ,a r. is , friend ol temperance and will advocate it on all proper occasions, but we cannot withold the expression ot regret that t l.e J'ri'hib'.tionists ed Virginia have eTiten ,1 the lists at a time when success is impossible, and when, too. the defeat of the Demo crat .e part would be a disaster to the elegant Sullivan at liberty last Thursday: at Jlr. ( ireensb th N irt':. blab : . i my of the Wrigbtsviile i i b a - ar . wcud ing their way homettiir i. p is amusing to see what a diii .-reeee ihere is in the manner ef tntimating the beauties uf the re sort. One man will say he had a de lightful time, anil another will say that he was driven away by heat, sail i ilit-s muf tjuitocs. Winston Daily It a'omt that this sec tion abounds in curiosities :- h tance ot having a correct roster pub lished without further delay, belieting that it can be done with a greater degree or accuracy while those who engaged in that struggle are living; therefore Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the commander of this body to memorialize the next General Assembly, to be held in the State of North-Carolina, urging upon them the necessity and importance of having prepared a correct roster of Ihe North Carolina troops engaged in the late war between the States. In accordance with the requirements of the resolution, I have appointed the following named gentlemen as the com mute to memorialize the Legislature: General Robert B. Vance, Asheville, Col. William L. Saunders. Raleieh: ;l!v v ell i l desire to state to tne public that in delivering my judgment in the case of John L. Sullivan I did not mention the name of Governor Robert L. Taylor, nor did I ever refer to the practice of the Executive Department of the State of Tennessee in refusing to extradite for misdemeanor. T hftqprl mv -itirlo.- ment wholly upon my own construction ; Capt. William R. Bond, Soctland Neck, of the Constitution of the United States i W. L. DrRosset, and the statutes of Tennessee. Commander. The reports of the press, so far as' the v At tpmnt to d i vi d e the resnonRihi lit v I rnNcrirnriAi, -, ... - j 1 f - - J . . J - , , . MJ 1 t'-terday nf mr iuHirmonl hutnraan nuraal onI . , i . .. , Mr lohn ; X onn-r i -h, i.,tn n,,r T 7, An oiu puyBician, retirea irom practice .ur. joun u. loun troant into our thai nromnr -,f ,i,u ,111 : t j , , , . , . . ' .. olhce a Jove colored crow, w hich he without foundation. says was kd.'ei from a d.jck of black if there was any error or wrong in crows a few miles from this plao. This the diseharge of John L. Sullivan I de ls the 1 1 l.-t dove colore 1 crow we have m th twmlo nf TrnA t.n fcnnw T assume the whole responsibility. Gov- A c-iHsr Mr James ernor Taylor was not in the city of Jan. pin.: b aa killed a Nashville at the time. I discharged A purl I . ' I is :i i . , I 1 . , 1 , 1 agri'i'iiM. 1 1 . , , , mall . nu isi . r.-a , ill Warien sii, fi. .Ni i "i ' lemirll and 't 1,-1' I hi; liy I in I HKKH, . fl 1 1 1 ' il w ly ) ever seen Wi lit) u.;L . n llewctt. I, ear Coacii whip si,: tt as s I X f. , : ! oi c . rc u :, 1 f. : .-1. a ke s 1. 1 1 y w . t :a ;ord f a.. ; - "-a'-'it :ay w hich John L. Sullivan becauss there was no i a:. i.t ri.' inches requisition from the Governor of Mis- hi.- a the first sissippi nor any warrants of extradition hc.-n called upon from the Governor of Tennessee. The 1 was a monster question of extradition for misdemean- 1 ii,'' iry is all ors cut no figure whatever in my judg m l r. Wn.aiAM K. Ml Alistep., Judfe. day J. 11 a. brought t ) plain Kim char i'.'I r i th'j "V" tt Wa-i ukin 1 a : a i :,;-:. a 1 1 u a -. 1 oi 1 . f 1 'rio-A an county r , :': a h, i;'.i eg- with a ' a'" marked in elevated ,,!, tlic .-hell. Ho thought unmistakably for us, but back when he wa invited ' a p a. .1:0 a''.v a : . s . ; t e 11 a a ible will lb' to tl. an 1 : lo r 1 ti 1. r t.'opelaud ' en ; 1 uncut l .tO e '. i . IT: rail:. .r.t a ; bet: r I ic is fre-b, Loviry and the Fighters. J a . KSo.N , Miss. , July 13. Gov, Lo wry still expresses his determination to have Sullivan and Kiirain arrested, unless they so out of the United States. Proceedings will also be begun im mediately against Charles Rich, on whose pioperty the tight took place. KITXl'ATKP K sCKRENDERS. J .. K:' 'X, 311SS.. July 10. jonnruz Patrick of New Orleans, referee in SullivanKilrain night, lie went having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of -a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for .Nervous Debility and all Nervous 1 Complaints, after having tested its won i derful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive aDd a desire to relieve human suf fering. 1 will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe in (ierman, French or English, with lull directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by ad dressing with stamp. Darning this paper, W. A. Noyes, M'J Tower's Block, Roches ter, N. Y. novl wly Stonewall Items. TH la PI. A f BUY GOODS LOW, Is AT ROBERTS & BRQ. We keep conM.o lit 111 Mock Provisions. Groceries, Dry Hoods, Boots and Mtoes. Don't fail to give us h trial when is need of nn thing in 0111 line ROHP.KT.H A PRO. First Shipment of 50,000 li. -y waived and Mr. Fitzpatrick gave bond in the sum of si. 000 to appear at Pur- . e S' a , e 1 : national e,w. mi ni at n a : I :.' S '. . el p J- .: .; -. r number i 1 this crop . .- cotton ac, d tv the ; ly. tt hile ,:. ij Tt-M,rted ar.o Tae lott ed ,-ut Ly the oar this week. ariiJin ; a a a o !'..;. t: liiey say : 1 .'a s . mos pin 'a ,111 1 r- ni l : '. . c s abound at ti, e t la ,, in pn. .. li'. . an 1 are eources of great w,.,.-ry to the s .Id 1 ,-r h c)S. Try M-n load m 51 ear A committee of the You::,- Mill's Christian Associa tion, t 1 wii'iru tie' matter was referred, has after pravurful c ::-i it ration de cide 1 lo !. 1 1 pr.'tr.i'U.sl s- rvi.-es in the rouxs of th a-- "baii ,:i fr 01 the lirst Sunday 111 A::;;!-:. W 1 1 .11 1 v g: 11 Mar : 'I'.e ti .veiling of Mr. J. If lf'tn-u r. , n fourth betwe-in Uladen and 11 irn-T. -ireels. was entered by a b ar.-lar 1 isi S iiurday night, who van 's representative the stakes as soon r'.b! ed Mr. N . 1). (.'a-ieen. a boarder, of as he receives a formal statement from about s'J a ;u 11., ray. Mr .Casteen was Referee Fitzpatrick that Sullivan won in bed asleep. His clothing was found the tight. in tho back yard Sunday morning. The same i.;,:ht the house of Mr. Joseph C. H. Fowler has proven beyond a doubt that the cultivated grapes, espe cially orchard and red top are a suc cess. Mr. S. B. Lane, had the misfortune of . ' ! having a mule bitten bv a rattle snake. lne r 1 o ; , . u . light, arrived last "-i" to the Governor's, of- ; C0TerV- tice this morning and informed the 1 Alonza Johnson, eon ol tienjamin Governor that he had come to answer j Johnson at Smith's crek, was bitten by . . . . . . 1 i.U ,. . V, . . 1 I. any charges there might be lodgea ; t-ur"""1" mmo bub u Boaimi him for alleged violation of the me Join insn. la wg of Mississippi. Preliminaries were Have Arrived. V. P. BU'L.thS & 00., GENEU.M. COMMISSION M;1!lI HANT8, AKD GRAIN DEALERS, Mahkc.t I), it I.. N I ; v 1 1 1 ; i ; s s . . . t ' (.'tiTisien nu . -1 r pr. 1, e 'n .1 a GEORGE &LLEH t GO vis, ilxrion oounty, on inurstiay tne ; loaa or nricK irom tneir dtick yara at i ISth. This bond was promptly signed 1 Goose Creek island, where they Bra j by citizens of this place. ' manufacturing an excellent quality of DF.AI.V IN He has suffered consld- ' erable and will probably recover. Greiiertll ilivTi'. x T6 Mr. Dudly, of the firm of Young and 1 Dudley, was in town on thePith with a I Acrrlcu 1 tti nil 1 10 pi. 1 . . 11 t . llovs, llariowM, ' no 1 oiiir, JIoch hikI A HEADY TO PAY Till: MjNEY. brick. Nrw Yukk. July 15. Today is the 1 The wet weather just passed did lots time set for paying over to the victor of injury to all crops, especially cotton the recent fight. -the S3. 000 stake money, which was injured by the water. Work and to hand him the Richard K. Fox ' being expended so long that it was over champion belt. ' run with grass, and the grass still holds Al C. Ridge, the stake holder, stands j a footing. Truly the farmers have a ready to deliver over to John I,. Sulh- i hard time. lb perio ld v.dent! v some ti, in I Til f il l 5.1 iii Ui:i mrf Ci -X 1 I A N 1 A . 1 The Bergner BREWING iV Engel CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, 13 UNQUESTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant. It iJ brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and NU TBITIVE qualities. Ixst Year. v es there. I' 11 k President evidently ha fp.v en up all idea of ling a candidate f. r re-election. No man with a rain of pulitical sense desir,n re election, no matter what his incli nations mitfht li. would outrage all de.t'iicy in his appointments to public otb.ee .s Mr. Harrison has done. Kansas 1 1 v Times. H' k .1 1 ' K A. Fa 1. 1 K , ol" S ist'on s.u, sarcitis (ieneral Joseph 11 Johnston as Federal commissioner of Railways. The Washington i;je friem Corespondent of Ihe New ork 1'ost ,-iallv an sivs: Iteneral Johnston has con tluctl the ciiice on a hig'h plane, but he his not been able to bring sutliceot energy to the administra tion ot the oftiiv, which could hard !v Ik? expsM'tetl in a man past 7" : a: other po.i ia.. , lac t s a' 10 :i " e 1 t . are desired b 1 t is also preparole the work that is reform, w hp-h h : and maps a;, 1 a of the discusa oi the last c 1:;.; a reformer- ire grow ' h e : 'a: a1 r 111 every The s. o ed in tie' I: " v n pro. o 1 r the 1 1 a r ' s re-:;l! . in t hat 1 the ii aie 'a , , : . 1 et u r ::.-. sample. Tin hin bov sold it for "r-'A'uo. That beats crea tion and takes the cake. He made a crop of corn, wheat, roots, iStc, and a good one, in addition. Now do not U is true, and ;s of great credit to "orth Carolina as well as to old historic Granville. Spn-ad the news. Wilmington Farrow, on Wot -'. r between Six and s-.atiilh. was rota. I of - 7 7 i . .: . .: : T. b ,cc I'. ana 7":. i : a of wiping ,' u; Tl.,1 a lac 1 . ! ', , i, . . :: e f DurhamV landmarks, is a - c:r - t f re gret :o seme of ' ur cilia n- w i: hAve become attached to th- nam-. lb-v. W. I!. Oliver, the talented young pastor today to spend 1 . s writer has afrain and again a I : 1, C (iianviile county can beat ;u line touaceo ana in We wish to give one Mr. Hagan Crews paid lor a bov. He and the ma, lr a rrnn of tobacco and gelic.d vo:k. iiistir in tne eastern par. ci 111c -pects to be a! .-, ia. until : ( ictober. News and ' 0 , r broken y e-a-r I ,y ,n ).-n;::g factory site, to -arry 011 illow jealousy to deter you f -r the gra din 4 ... . . , .if.l'll VMIIIIII roui cujv lug in is of the Black well Baptist church, left it against all comers A Serious Mistake. To ' clean out" the bowels by strong 1 purgative medicines, that weaken them. 1 'o. - 0 iN'DinoNs. is a grave mistake. lake those reli- The Police Gazette, however, is not 1 abIe little sugar-coated "Pleasant Pur ready to hand over the belt. William ' gative Pellets, " prepared by Dr. R. V. E. Harding, of the Police Gazette, in- Pierce. They are mild, but prompt in formed a Cnited Press reporter today relieving constipation, sick headache, that Sullivan would not be allowed to bilious attacks, pain in region of kid take the belt until he had deposited neys, torpid liver, and in restoring a si Ob ft with Kiehard K. fox as a securitv , neauny, natural acnon 10 toe Biomacn for tho safe-keeping of tho belt, and I and bowels also as a guarantee that he w ill defend ; let ' a dose. 25 cts. a vial. One "Pel- veral weeks in evan- lforts v. ill be -: a. c. He ex Si ; f. rod er or KILIIAIN PASSES PITT.-r.UIiti . riTTsiiuiio. Pa., July la. Jake Kit I."ttis is p-a ..i.g r.gh: executing 1 ' tt ,,: k ; Wynne 1- ta.sa.g in the the same. A c 'a.-U m nationul r, pa: a: n was the So ut h port an ce In r po-: ' : t 1 a'l si- ' all 1 I l.-Se- :h.i' i "T : e , c s 1 -tar.ib . spe- I t s , u '.111 : iiMnis I rmhts M es.-enger. 1 is', night Tt) hltfb rpa:tTon -:.' .Oil PA NY s dje .0 t..e !A. MATERIALS at us.l :d tr e2rciwU daring ::.s 2jr.i i.i.Nr. i: KNGilL " 1 Si's! AND UK ST : SK 1 1.1. and CAKE jvl dw.f Agent and Bottler. New Berne. N. C. years of age." 1 r i, mterestiug tiut not astou i.ihmg to se how unanimous the desire is growing to have a magni ficent World's Fair m this country in Its'.'-'. We say country .nstead ol'citv, becanse it is lar from true that the entire press is urgmg the desirability of holding the celebra t.on 111 New York snob oneness of feeling upon that particnlar nnetion conld Dot be ettpertecl. New York Journal. .I u',. an Haw a card . :i tt i. ., had IH''.!: n- the -Arthii: He a.--1 r - : : . 1 ten one or in (Mlol.tii'i! t :. C ted to n-e b Scarlet ic ' : t he nios '. -':.!. .th 'he :: an . e r:,e ha- : in- .- 1 - ' e e r . 1 I V , with teis. w I : ' - ei, 1 oi,.y on i, ell 1 on ', t- H'e. lilt- .-' .1 1 ein.u 11 r o 01 nected The Chronicle has great respect for .Mr. Whitney, anil it does not assert that Mr. Cleveland will be the nominee in ls'J-1. But 11 does protest against any combination attempting to force a candidate on the party ahead of time. Wait till istej, and let the party, through its delegates, give an untrammeled expression ol its choice. Charlotte hronicie. I'ie.'cham -ttt'ik 1 i- in a- 1 Republicans are howling and saying that Democrats are trying to stval the new States. It is nothing new for men who steal to lay it on somebody else. A party that succeeded in stealing the pres idency aie certainly able to gobble up three or four States. Go in. gentlemen, while your hand is in. day. Th on in g t A- hevalc L it!, the Wi -:cr;i N ' jnv era . :: w :!i tist ckur of il forna. a: 1 I, ,ui:- i-f "i.a-ci-n 'ii 11. . - is tt : i' '' o oi::',' and th . ray L dered Co! i -L-.-r.. M ed l y a g ia'. n quest . ur 1 x n date, th.- J...v . the year, w : held 1:1 I I reel.-b of the N. C. R. 1 the board of ,i the time tt io n eheted ro lb" road The an 1 :.:. bar wi.i : e tt .'. 1 I e E- d. lav !U the fact .ry to w r u 1. 1 v as n tin- c at on .... c-..ntra:t . 1- l be c-j ai des. Pr-siJect iil.i a 1 I., ve in n ! 'i i a-.surer c ish to p iy fur .U architect of ah-crapiied f.-r I Tii C lO That Made It Plain. "Say !"' he began, as he halted a rain, the defeated pugilist, accompanied pedestrian on Michigan avenue, by his trainer, Mike Donovan, passed j "I'm stuck ou a point in history. through the city on the Pennsylvania Why did Wasilington cross the Delaware r' 'He never did." Wootl'H Mower. ; i- iir. Steam t'.ir,-- CottOll iilis e.ail CiriM-n, Fertilisers. I .ami I I - 1 e 1 , li mult Mechanics Tool- iind llaiilware, Lime, Itriek, i esnen:. I'laMer Hair, I'nint, K :il -o mi i 01, Var nlsh, Oil, ;ias-i, full', ami llnlr. Freezers, li 'lit,-' ;itor, Oil Cook Stoves, I 'm-(in Itorgdur Proof Sash Ian l.s, iv.a rimlMl to gflv secnrily and t. iiel:,eil.ui. I'ltlCI'.S I H i I tr i !; . i , i . v . 1862. E&VOH 1888. THE JEWELER HAS A riM : ii" K .r Watches, Clocks. Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND PLATLD WARE- : W : h t t 1 i e : 1 1 next s-ion t f irobna baptist the ,r-t Bap 11 V.. 1 1 need ay . -;. 1 . p ji ice lue u ro ar natty ads d d of the y to re us the io.ii . and am w as -miction . c t i --ii of i road at :,cad was t;f the e liiat ,1 j ii,i Kaiiroad limited train this morning. Their stateroom was reached, but they ,11 1 f nm.fljr fr.r hraubfnal Q n A seemed fearful of their presence be- "Didn't he? Wh.T, h , story sav s . l & ZJ Speetacle. coming known. No reporter was able he did.' , , , , 1 than any other store ... N'. ..th Carolina- insecure an interview. "No it don't. It Speaks of Lord ' , take partiru.ir j.uns t,, 1 1 Hie.n to tb - Cornwallis crossing the HudsoH." eyea of parties nee, bn,- ih. m. 1 ne wi.itn rrai.o b. u. b "Ah! So it does so it does. I - - The sufferinc of women certainly oil i.,it- n Tl.ot moVon ir Having worked nl, a bis at the ben oh ti.-, i.i, i,ii-ieva n . t i. u iu a awakens the sympathy of every true , ; Curious llOW a 'or over thirty y.-.-.r-. I philanthropist. I heir best friend , bow- 1 as good w ork n any a at ever is B. B. B. Botanic Blood Balm). , w in gci i nine 0.1 u turao state. H. L. Cassidy, Kennesaw, Ga., writes: things now and then. I'll try and , COME AND SKK MK. Three bottles ot B. B. B. cured my remember that much obliged:' ' ' HAM. K. RATON, wife of scrofula. "' . 1 M iti d In street. Mr;. R. M. Laws. Xilaba. fla , writes: iu ppi iKSS and contkntmesit j Opposite Baptist Church. f"12 dwtf "I have never used anything to equal Cannot go baud in hand if we look on the li. 15. 1 1 7 I leve I can do binaber in the J. B. CKABTRKE. HASH. MANI.V dark side of every little obstacle. Nothing will so darken life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Ackker's Dyspepsia Tablets ' THTTTT TT fT? A T.TT! F.F OJ CO will cure the worst form of Dyspepsia, I J U 1 i..LiI- OH Constipation and Indigestion, and make life a happinsss anil pleasu e. Sold at V?."i cents by K. f.srry. New tlerne, " Moniifnrlnriirrt sml ll.filrTin great 'packmg house iu Chicago . ENGIHES AND MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES Ceo. 1 . the Col on an average to of in lie l.VallS W 1 1 iv is at .rt A Gov. Men .h, 1.. -1 1 '1 a .- 1 11 11 1 l.i -' st i.CU li a. : v. 11 at ti, a of r .. 1 r : 7 i.f :::.:ili.iii has I .. si . tie i ! . at Harwell and killed by W. J. nil, Texas, last Th.uts- Mrs. C. H. 1 lay. Rocky Mount, N. C. writes "N'.t a day for 15 years was I fice from headache B. B. B. entirely relieved me. I feel like another person." James . Lancaster, ttawkinsvnie, and ;u 1 la. . writes : ' 'My wife was in bad health X C. tor eight years. lve aoccors anu many patent medicines had done her no good. Six bottles nf B. B. B. cured her." Miss S. Tomlinson. Atlanta, Ga. says: "for years I suffered with rheumatism caused by k idney trouble and indiges tion: I ab-o was feeble and nervous. B. H. B relieved me at once, although several ether medicines had failed. " l.'ev. ,!. M. Richardson. Clarkston. Ark . wsi .-.-: "Mr wife suffered twelve Rheum, Fever Sores, letter, Chapped veins with rheumatism and female Hands, Chilblains, Coma, and all Skin c imOaint. A la 1 v member of my ' Eruptions, and positively' ourea pile ci.iirt h ha 1 be m t "ired by B. B. B. She or no pay required. It is guaranteed to persuaded my wife to try it. who now give perfect satisfaction, or money re- sa s there is nothing Iikc B. B. B .as it funded, frioe 3SD cents per box. for we icive BatiHfii ouicklv ,;ave h.er relief ."' sale bv R. N. Duffy jan 17 ' Join bv tu. ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists now amount .fao.OOO.dOd. Bulldfir of Ktiitllioa llollcra, Saw Mills, Killnu A. (10 efl tlii klaw, Hucltlen'a arnica itelv. Thk Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Weareprepan.il tn,l with prom ptneHH. Part 1rn lar and li 10 re pa I , a or all la 1 . a h We will !. Klatl I" V . for any iIphci liait'i, ' a j We an' the kio. ts f. I loan Haw. AIboIio i. . brated IndeKlrun ; 1. , ikii ef a-l 1 kinds U t -!, tl II. U. , . ' 'he A mer ouiii'On'a o)- a. t, r all worl iw'iilw w 1 1 n - a :V . .- fr- A ' S'S ' ..' ! s. ' 1 -J f.- , .-yt ,i- ;fc Tvfc - ejf , '-I 'a ': ' 4 ' 7 7a '"..'i't.'"- , .

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