si4 rvr v&. . xa -v mv it lllfMMiifiif gpu WWW SK 4 INDEPENDENT IN ALL THING i- VOL. XII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, A I '(JUST 22, 1889. s(). 21. K TUTORIAL inn rr ninp miners of Northern 1 s.i.d tr be in starvation's Uf r' Cljssto Dlsorisretl Liver. . .-nOLIV ATX DIU7 OOISTS. .-RHICE -25 -CENTS PER BOX. Who (ii your tlru'it doe not kep th'm) . : ' - H-c, ium's PiUs oo receipt of price i'yif tV. Please r.;c:-.'.:...:i tut pujr.) 1 i.nois cr. clniwiun as the most humane for ii i f i t . pn n :nh nit'n t to w hirh i r.minul c.n ! 8 '.1 bj c i I ! . Tux ; ille ()bservir will b r. 4 ,,-m :-( 1 1 v iitvont tho first ( i i 1 i: i. OETT1WGER BROS. Have for sale at Lowest Prices Possible: 100 Uim Toko, too w tv m u ;; r tOO 1smi f 'mm! bout -i" tl)t tatt Ana aJ lUanr I '.-". i WW kbU. K. I'ork, I IV fil, tt'inlr -d Hurr'tt.. ' il I': ! IV. Ihe I-- rl io.iKHi null was in ..: -r,j i . ' i 1 1 , S'o lives w e re j. it v of l'aris '. , .i Y'i; . S rlni'iay ;,c :r; '.o iuetMiHto w n in .1 hours ami J'1 minute Kaet ' (irArroi il . . S v , . of TP l.l l. 111.' i .1 ;;t 1 mi the Htate i r.! :i of CuorRia. :,or ; rt j uia 1 1 ; on . :k. August 2'ith, is the 1 f. r :hi exi'oution of Mr. :i I vfrjKu'l. Mihitr i:. n.-tny A ni ern'iinfl in i..4 - gneil a retitioa for Ali!'.iiii.i, waDti als who rccentrj ine, and 8.13 s he Tins year the Democratic ma jority in Kentucky ia double that of two years ago. MKXtru does not favor thr im migration of colored n'Ople from the I'uited iStato. Tiik French Senate, sitting , 13 a court, found (iencr.i! Imlan ger guilty of runn piracy . Hu. ,1. I, Caiiki : , .-cunir meiii ber of the faculty of the I Diversity of Virginia died on the 12th instant. Thkrk are five murderers in thr Tom be, New York, who have, been condemned to be hanged ou Friday Ang. 'J.!. IT is estimated that (he l'.ino Kipoaition this ear bus oaused nearly 1 ,.' KK ,0(X of American money to te dropH'd in Europe. "THE Knser pays a visit to tos grandmother. She kindly shows him how ea.-i! her n . ivy could w hi p hts, axid he wants her to h,i e a look at hig ai my." "VlIK5 a joung lady begins to manifest an interest in the arrange ment of a youug man's cravat h:s batehelor days are numbered. It ia time to begin to hoard numex." A MisskI'KI man named Weems gotten up an electric motor I II K OTTS AM) INS. The Outs are always restless, often turbulent. The Outs ex hibit more energy and dash than the Ins. They are the attacking !itiii auu iun Ku iu iuc aoe.iiut j gooJ c 1 o z. u uf Ih j Statr . with igo and resolution. hehssan intert n in coturu Major R. S. Tucker We bfg it.ii gi-l ; .n? rirdonfor using bis 11. 1 -De it. i u?s ug the A. & N. C. K ipu'piioii. I"jt weiiseure him it ii not for 1 h e j urj. , f criiriK any re flection u;on iiim ,1 -er.ilernan and a A fShort Visit to Beaufort County. It is a little over forty milea, as the crow flies, to the hospitable farms of Haslin, in the eastern end of Beaufort county. Tired almost to exhaustion of the confined limits and weary routine of city life, we left Newborn on the 27th but because ot July to go to that El Dorado of gen n 00 q lartro erous hearts, fat chickens and delicious n, as a large . , ., . T, . .... tsuaily iu political counts -he ' .tockhol,er. w u,. the people of Len0lr, 7.j wasa goprVVfwi to struggle is bet ween the two great ' Crsven -i ,1 Idmliro in the A. & N. go any where, wo sought our first streak C. 1: jot luck rt the quiet inn and sandy Major Tw.Lcr 1 nan of wealth aBd i .each n the o'r Bide of the Neuse. - . , , from there to Urantsboro we had a influence; he is loubi a valuable ; ciear 6ky, fragrant pines and all the citiz li in ti c c nimunity in which he j green, tranquil charms of the country. lives, ami is a cntlemnn of integrity ' after that, up to the very gates of and high charoct. r The people of this ' Aurora- raind as if Noah's flood had ttih.l to have and will (JeJ Bunshinn or rain wArn vuri... o . . n H national parties, but that which now challenges attention is between the Republicans that are in and the Republicans that are out. To the victors belong the porls" relegated to the rear by Civil Service Reform, but it is again to the front with tlying ban ners and ringing shouts. Creu. Harrison is plainly asked it he has I'irgotteii that there is t est. Around old Hath, where wo tia l tbe pleasure of sleeping in a large colo nial mansion one hundred ami titty years old, we frequently pasBed beauti ful cotton. At last we boarded thf superb steamer Manteo. commanded by that prince of sailors. Captain South gate, at the opeuing of whose line w ith the steamer Olive we delivered the ud dreis of welcome twenty years ao, an 1 whose commercial energy gave the lirt-t successful impulse to steam on thene waters, and turned our fdee towardn the patient, long-suffering city by the Neuse and Trent. John S L n 0KTH CAK0L1XA NEWS. 1 V : 'ft commuDiiy are iad always wc-lcoti.e any n ai uf capittl depressed and discouraged look until who deeires to iLvtHt bid nujney with uf, I we reached the famous South Creek In the A cc N. C. K the stock held by I re8ion-, e saw noble corn and , . . very beautiful cotton. These rich fields ,Bt cou""fl' of noir. Craven and , ot ioamy 8oil seemed absolutely to defy Pamlico if u.uch ,vc r than that held the weather, and to hold out promise of by Major Tmti such a thing as the negro iu this this Htock to ih. ee country, and he is given to under- twenty timfs greater than the cost to stand that an avalanche is coming Major Tucker that will be ijuickly followed by an earthquake. for lii.i stock . P.ut there ia a greater intereet t-iill. au.l in this the counties of YVa ne. J nee arid Carteret share touallv wiih the t-tockholder The following luminous letter is COuntirs Kjthe interest held in the .ight upon a storm)' sea, that A. & N. C It by thef-.e counties is incon- M t 1 . e v e discloses treacherous rocks: ''o thr Hon II. ' Cheatham, M. C: DkauSiu As members ot thc colored race of the Repnlicau party, we respect I'uh'y urge you who, under providence, now stands as the sole representative of our race iu Con gress, to hold yourself aloof from agenu-utof the the caucus of the party in relation Mjor Tucker V.-' A FT t.I. LINK DK Dry Good, Riady Uade Clothing & Furniture, .VT.BKTAU. AND W HOLIvSA 1.1 :. W rm ftfrl u (it ? thi Wl--.'. lUrim for I 'if, M r. 7 OETTINGER BROS. Sifa of the e ebrad Rear! Sh.r. an the necro exoxlua or :.. . -'.-d 'itti'in lXtids lo the riewpAr fakirs who are always -ei.d:ng out faLe reports a!ont this at Ate effec: North i am; ; n a . 'har- lo: te 1 hr.'nirie. 1 . ; v. k 1 . K x 5 . return from the wmch have come show that alout women have voted, arc elected to oflicr. whicli on a trial a few days ago ran for ten in ilea at the rate ol two to the organization of the House of miles a minute. Wilmington Star, representatives, and to take suet) iiituiKK K. of New York naa len charged witu geuing a 0c-1 1 0 ri in an equitable manner, divorce by unfair means. At .a We hold the balance of power in ' hearing in court laat Tuesday the the Puited States and we look to . ,.. Ja. aMide all the oroceedio cs -vou for t he proper handling of that lguai i. auoi - ' delicate but omniK)tent -Uool letroof nu nonuneu toe urc.rr u. u.ui. for onr a(ivancement-for ceivably L-ra'j r than that held by Major Tucker. Hut we 11 c( gr.iz ; the fact that Major Tucker i a 1 arge stock hold e r in this pnipt-rty. and a;; a prudent business man it is not only his right but his duty to mtu. i.'est sonic interest in the man- thine. must recognize the feet that the counties we have mentioned have a much larger intertt t than he, in a position as w:ll compel the party Uci the-e counties are mom directly leaders to recognize our race aun int rested aiei are niori lhan all lie Si in very afrwly ),(XM) ;Kaaa4 weapon securing .SffiSFSErt SErJ31WARY, arise, INT- O- THE Governor haa "The Board of TaWic L hvnties of th otate o( North Carolina," under ehaptrr ten, vol II of the Code, and Krj:i:iMKNTs have bee-n intde'jhfta designated Dr. E. Rarke ilay ac Atlanta and liirminghtn vlth ) wood aa ehatrman thereof. Dr. the Rrown Sequard elixir: ia ne 1 Haywood bM MOepted the appoitit r&Ae a m arvellous cure was affeetW, i mht while in the other very farofablej srratMsC9URT ' ACAiCJf . lymptomfrMuld. t . ITi AVMbfntfjAi correspondent tiovEuyoB Foeakeb, of ObM- veir Yort Star, writes to haa declmeHl to the ei trad 1 1 ion of iMue a warrant Wifer, wider date of August of Richard Carrolt, ( 'SiariDjr the past week appointed as proper election laws, the passage 01 1 ne lsiair ruucauon uiu ano 01 the Brown Internal lievenus Re peal bill. It matters nanght to us if we must wear shackles whether they are forged by our Republican friends ot the North or by our Democratic opponents of the South and we insist that you shall wield tho entire political force of the colored race independently of both parties! lor our common good. This letter aprears in the New York Star . f last Si'imlv, and proper State. No to :h k no s . it seems thing that Mr President. 1 r i ry large majority of 1 the actual cost of a goodly harvest. We were particularly ouuties is at least I ""Pressed I with the splendid cotton crop yjL urwiB iuuiuouu, wuicd, inuugu seen under angry clouds and a driving rain, spoko eloquently of industry, fertility and able management. A night and morning spent at Aurora brought us to see again the genial face of our great hearted old friend, Tom. Bonner, and to grasp the hands of many old friends, linked to us by a thousand memories. Aurora, after an absence of sixteen years, was a great surprise to us. It is no longer a cross-roads, with poverty on its front and despondency in its ac cents, but a rarely comely little Tillage, with a mayor and city government, filled with a bright population, with the fair forms of beautiful girls and VOlincr ehiMrpn nn ifa orranla arit-li , J n .... . w . j . . vi? , vr 1 wu (in the other hand ' churches and schools shaping its future, and with a commercial enterprise and purpose marking its growing history. At the head of South Creek navigation, with noble farms all around it, and with Buch intelligent and patriotic citi zens, it is compelled to go forward. Nevertheless we had a funny exit from Aurora. That gallant and popular sailor, Captain Wallace, had greatly against his consent lost a five hundred pound wheel from the steamer Wash ington in the Creek, and gravely an nounced that, instead of crossing to Pantego he must go back to town to avoid further perils. It was refreshing to hear our arguments to this level headed old salt, to convince him that one engine was as good as two, and that as the town of Washington was further than Pantego of course it was more dangerous to go to the former than the latter. Somehow there were sundry From the State Papers. Co UmalPVQ CLAsr liectei by this balance of tte pi out : Maj ji Tucker to us if he knows any Pryan, tbe present objectionable to a the people in these Alt department. Healthy location. Eight teachers. Full course in Music. Rates low. Ho extra charge for languages. lfoaxdIngH3chool for Girls and Young . Ladies. Fall Term opens Aug. 29th. , ' " Catalogrio with full particulars address JOSEPH KINSEY. Principal in comment ii g ope m h ,t x cellent journal sas: pill pe corsiiiering a plan for the !!.- r iad, Major Tucker ceneral i,uuenntndent of theiu. i j ' -"j - .,. ,u.,.n for his view s and in Uueen and ( rent railroad want- I VT . ''heaibam is a North Carolina RlvlCp, tl ai cl,ar!y fbo wed his anxiety yn tn and reaceDt rail I road , basy infbrmlng an anxious pabJ.c Congressman, who is disgruntled for Mr. Bry;in-8 rcappointmont, J. d by Gov. Lowry, or iliMlMlppt, tjjat Atlornej-General Miller will with the Administration over the thoDgh the meeting was not for the an aider in the Snl!;van Kilrain transferred to the Supreme ( distribution of patronage. He is a : purpoee of considennK th6 Presidency pri.-e-iignt. bench. Iu snite of these positive 1I,CUU U JJlu" l' ' oul1. 10 oa,u L"y 1 of the road at all. as every gentleman who attended the meeting will testify. counties Knowing this, u-hy is he so anxious fur Mr. Hrynn'-- veajqiointment ? It may be askc d , how do you know he is anxious for Mr. Bryan's reappoint ment'.' For two reasons. 1st. we have been reliably inforruid that Major Tucker d.nicd himself the pleasure of a European trip this t um mer in order to look after the appointment of Mr. Bryan. 3d. at a meetingheld inRaleigh last winter by gentlemen from New Berne and other counties solely for the of the P84- had 10 visited under a ciouu 01 vexation, u lsappointmani ana discontent. However, Tom Myers, who suffers neither propellers, aide-wheelers or anything else to cramp him, fur- Charlotte News: Jim Washingti i. , a darkey who was sent to the chain gang last fall under a two years' srnteiiee, made his escape last Christmas. Yester day he was captured at Pineville. Ooldsboro Argus: The death of M;s Dave Perkins, nee Miss Emma Sherard, occurred Friday afternoon in "Ni u town," this city, of consumption, after a lingering illness of many wseks. Elizabeth City Economist : The Metho dist church is being overhauled and fitted up quite stylishly. Mrs I ir. Lumsden proposes to put in a memorial wiadow in honor of her father, (the late Rev. W. W. Kennedy. Kernersville News: Mr. I!. A . J..rdan has a stalk of corn which has l'.t ears on it. Mr. A. Lewis has the tallest stalk of corn we hve sea grow this season. It is sixteen feet in height arvl ten feel to lhe ear. Salrtn Prese: Census of Salem cor poration proper whites, l.tGT. colored 212; total 2,0?9. This does not include East Salem Centreville, the western suburbs, nor Happy Hill, all of which are tributary to Salem, the total of which will be given at an early day. Durham Sun: Mrs. T. Y. Pardee, living near this place, submitted to an obstetric surgical operation on Thtiri day, from the effect of which she died shortly after. The child of which she was delivered also died. Mrs. Barber leaves a husband and six childr n. Concord Times: Died, in Cabarrus county, John Barrier, on last Friday, aged 93 years, 11 months and 10 days. Farmers say there is too much rain for cotton. The plant is growing rapid ly. Tbe continued wet spell has not wholly destroyed the chintz bugs, eo -the farmers say. The peach and grape crop are injured by the wet murkey weather. Tarhlrrt Rannr' A i .-1 . r . . r, - . tion of the county from here to Old j U01Q HI f 1 oparta, and lower down last week, con , UlOE , be o.n i .1. i iiia ' nstl-dc- . i ..u t ivc 'JWELS. rruALir IUL. '. LI JlTH CAL CO. CREAM DA! 3 1 ATA RRH i CA CI lore GOUJl ANi yrf I the farmers' complamts we had to give in. The pill was bitter but we had to take it. Back to Wash ington we went, and this dear old town. every root oi wnose sacred soil is bound to us by the tender associations of It the charge made by the Cap- For t-aaa of the American ScJooner ! positively that Miller : M arlc that pilot in San Dommfo the appointment." ) are purposely wrecking and looting ! The Joi'RNAL will bench. Ia spite of these positive iwwmenui, i wmii iu bihib just aa OQ ri,nl ,l rill not by II. G. receive Gsmm of North Carolina aud j George of Sontb Carolina, both loin in negroes. Gu&sam was a delegate American vessels, can be sab- the hue and cry because the Presi- Azain, it may be said, where is your evidence that Mr. Bryan Is objectionable to a large majority of the people ''. In answer, we say did not tbe magis rates of Carteret county and a large number of citizens assemble at Beau- W- STEWART, Sale and Liven Stable, to the last liepabnran rfaticniJ stantiatd, it is about time to send, dent appoint his old partner to the b original Harrison man a segment of our Navy in that vacant seat on the Supreme Court He was employed in the Treasury fort and unanimously pass resolutions direction. N. i . World. bench, if such should be the case. Departmens lor a number of years, requesting the Governor rot to reap- PreBident to ana 18 vtr.v luiiuennn wuu ms peo- iai ni uyi w m . , I r 1 H I 1 I t J 1 i I 1 I irll llllllil. 1 rill r 1 ui.v.j. unhappy. The .distri- appoint the bst man lor tne place - Did not the County Farmer s Alliance pie there lias been 1 he can get. If long and intimate gontQ. He is said to bo worth in several adjoining counties pass reso- Tiie Itcptiblican party i ..1 I1 III II t ' "" " III North It is the duty of the Carolina n unhappy. The cUstri- bat;onof:ln pie there lias ben 1 he can get. If long and intimate followed by bowl of pain and rage. ' aoqnaintan-e with Mr. Miller causes ( 300, 000, and pays taxes on .9,1, It is not nect'saary to explain that ! the President to beleive that he is DOU. George was a candidate for the howN came from the armv of the beat man for Snpreme Judge Suited States Marshall of South cr a .u Carolina, but Harrison selected the left. The men who received that the country affords, the ap 80meb. else for the placc. slices of ! he p.e are serene and hap- I pointment should lx made withoDt Qgorge spends his money freely in py, tint they are frightfally in the respect for the criticism it may politico, and is backing Tom Miller, i' r.or.'y Louisville Courier Jonr- porvoke. If on the contrary tbe who will contest Mr. Elliot's seat in n.: . President is intluenced by persouaP tb,nextTIIo8e- . , , r The Northern negroes are as riiK .true progress of society con- considerations Independent or any angry ag ,liejr Southern brothers sits ir. the steady advancement thought of tbe public welfare he- is and have better cause to be, as toward a jast n ppropiat ion of wages, not only censureable, but highly Towsend of Indiana is the only the giving o every man of that to criminal. which his industry entitles him. If Mr. Miller is ot all men best NVre this done there would be no suited to fill with dignity and honor Northern darky who has ben given a ii vv i 11 Fin Hone aad Males always on hand disposed of on easy tsrms. I bar oa haad a nambr of Km' Team, th.u are gentle and af also trained Saddle Iton for both ladies and gent Km en. road Street. -Hew Feme. N. C. ie poverty ani all would have the op portunity for intellectual improve ment, with which would come moral development and social happiness. National Economist. TnK further developments in the a seat on the Snpreme Court bench he has kept hia professional breth ren in utter ignorance of his per sonal character and legal attain ments. Measured by tbe usual rules Miller'd ability, attainments and character are so inferior to manufacturing interest of New England mntinue to point the moral' the poorest of those who have occu and adorn the tale that safety can copied seats on the Supreme bench VAN WINKLE GIN V, MACHINERY CO., COTTON GINS, PRESSES, FEEDERS H CONDENSERS. Til Yin Wiaita Cotton Sin Michitrcnf 4 r 9 1 Ci.i. 0 J Si - i ff Hllw.i 4 m-m r4M T-mr (il4 M.J.I. . I ili l Ibr BU . r.lailai klr-T H.J.I ml l.i.rTi.ll. T r -.- 1 I V m I r . T . t i VI.. Tti flilil Ell ui liekiairr Ca he tale that safety only'e fiiiKid in free access to tee markets of the world, and that to attempt to pay a bonus to men to engage in any form of iudustry is dangerous to the welfare of com merce. Providence .Tourn al . Ir :s probable that England re gard the la-it irruption of fanatical Ar.i'ii i::'o I'pper Egypt as a fortu nate ti; tig. She ; under promise t oo:' the N ie country w lie never the '.ite i-t a! i;r !H-elnes mo net tle'', that Hriti.iti troops are not needed to preserve order, or defend the irontier. She will never have to go s i long as Arab invasions exvur at regular intervals. Macon be of t Jr l The Bergner & Engel RipDEL LAGER BEER, Ml!' J ia BMaolJTIOirABLY THI IHiinest'JSeer Extant. It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada lXTbs Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and WKly lecommended for its TONIC am NTJ TE1T1V14 qnalities. kbm WfH repaUtioa en.ojed by the BE EG N KK & ENGKL X)MPA5T is dae to tb fa-t that only the FINEST ANI) HEST MATERIALS aw asd ad tast tas gTatst SKILL and CAKE are usreiied dartijg iu maaoiaetnTe. Jj dwtf .-AgcitT and 'Bottler. New Berne. N. C- that any comparrison would odius. He is the embodiment all that is ordinary. Then some reason must exist rather than fitness, if indeed the Pesident intends to nominate Mr. Miller for the high position o) , justice of tbe Supreme onrt. The reason assigned with most plausibility is the desire to recog nize the services of Clarkson by giving him a place in the Cabinet. I The plan is to appoint Miller to the i vacant judgship, make Noble Attorney-General and Clarkson Sec retary of the Idtejior. This move ment would strengthen Harriaoni anism in the Cabinet and make tbe political family more homogenious. Blaine is not liked, but no man of his ability can be despised. This movement would Isolate him and lessen bis power in the government bat it would make his abilities more prominent and his achieve ments more splendid. Think of the Government domi- lutions asking the Governor nottoap- point him, and sent a delegation to Morehead City to inform the Governor of their action and lay before him their reasons, which was done in writing 'r1 This cannot be deniod. Did not the county commissioners of Lenoir county pass a resolution, unani mously, asking tho Governor not to ap point Mr. Bryan V This is true. Did not the association of business men of Kin6ton in a meeting of about seventy five members unanimously pass ;,n nfli under th nroopnr. Admin. a r'mion asamg me uovernor not to istration. Perry Carson, the negro ,' reappoint Mr. Bay an . We have been boss of the District of Columbia, is 80 informed. a friend of Gussam and George,! At the recent appraiser's meeting held and it is believed that he is encour-! in this city, in which every couniy aging the signirjg of the petition to , whioh the road touches had a reprosen" Cheatham, though he has not yet tstive, we have been informed that it signed it himself. Carson is an was the unanimous opinion of the board applicant for Eecorder of Deeds of that Mr. Bryan's own statement as to the District of Columbia, and his the condition of the road ought to be sufficient to prevent hia reappointment. And again, so great was the opposi tion to Mr. Bryan in Lenoir county that prominent Democrats there had to pledge themselves to use every effort with the Governor to have Mr. Bryan removed in order to keep them from drawing out the Governor on this ques tion when he spoke in Kinfton before the election. even plan is to keep quiet until that matter is decided. If he gets the job he will stand in with the Ad-' ministration; but if ho doesn't, he won't . The negro idea of holdiDg the balance of power is not giving much comfort to the liepublican bosses, but there is every reason to believe that the negroes are iu deatl earn est." The Negro is a power in the lie - nished another steamer the next morn' ing, and we headed for that region so rich in Indian lore, Pungo river. What a wide, beautiful stream it is. It only heeds the illusion of moonlight and an hour without wind or wave, to see again the Hash of the Indian's paddle, and to hear from Woodstock's silent shore the hum of his council fires. At the junction of' Pungo river and Pantego creek we passed by steamer, and afterwards visited by buggy, Jack's Neck, where the Northern and Southern have pitched the terminus of their rail road. It is a most convenient and suitable site for a depot. No pent up Utioa of waters here, but a wide ex panse, where by steam and sail the navies of the world may come to anchor. Thr conductor of the train, before shouting, "all aboard for Eden ton," wheels upon the platform of the rear coach, and looks with one un broken vision, past cape and bay, to wards Pamlico Light to the very verge of the Sound. Within a few feet of the bhore large vessels can ride, and the daily line of steamers which this Company proposes to run to Newborn will, in sevea hours from the Elm -City, transfer their passengers to coach and rail. Now when we come to consider, that this railroad is already Half built, and is expected to be finished in October, we can imagine tbe fiery activities of men outside Craven county. Pantego, the point at which we left i the steamer Beaufort and its gentle manly commander, Captain Parvin, is a flourishing little village, about thirty miles east of Washington, and on the direct road to Hyde county. It has several churches, a number of pros perous stores, and is surrounded by an agricultural country at once fertile and well cultivated. It seemed to us that its chief chronic disorder was an un fortunate grist mill, which catches and holds all the floods of rain, overflowing and ruining the farms of the back country, from which all the corn and cotton are to bring the trade of Pantego in the following fall and winter. This seemed to a traveller on the wing as a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. However as we have a num ber of these disfigured cases nearer home, we said nothing. In the heart of Hasliu, an enchanting rural district five miles farther east, we spent an ideal vacation, such as tired poets and authors spend in the shady nooks and romantic dells of the Hudson. 1 HAY-FEVER are welt founded. We have never seen cotton look smaller and sorrier at this time of tbe year. Cotton that is con sidered good is not more than half what it should be. Avery extraordi nary season will have to follow to make anything like an average crop. Tbe crops around Falkland, in Pitt, though I not good, are much better than those j spoken of above. j Aaheville Citizen: Chief of Detec- j tives, W. H. Deaver, of this city, as- ' sisted by deputy sheriff Howard, of! Hamilton county, Tenn., yesterday ar- ' rested near Chattanooga, a man named Ballew and his wife, Mary, upon a warrant- charging them with the mur der of their eight-year old son Joseph Ballow, oa the north fork of Big Ivey creek, this county, in the early part of the autumn of 1882. Ballew and bis wife were lodged in jail to await the arrival of requisition papers from tbe Governor of this State. Charlotte News: Mr. Murrill, a young man of Lowell, Gaston county, arrived in the city this morning in charge of a doctor, and was at once escorted to Butler's jewelry store, to secure the use of the madstone. Mr. Murrill had been bitten in tbe calf of his leg by a mad dog. The stone was applied to the wound at 8 o'clock this morning and adhered until 2 o'clock in the after noon, having been boiled out four or five times. The wound was full of virus. Tbe water in which the stone was boiled turned green. When the stone finally ceased io adhere, the young man said that all pain had left the wound. A ).-!.. .. is arci'iit.l' mull, i-fi iw -rH Warren : .1 TO li noMrll and I ir:iL-t'lm.; l.y l'.Ul TH KRH, Mill w 1 y 1862 TKE JEWELER Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SOLID 311-7X11 AND PLAi I.I. T7AR1:- SM I i A l I.I.N. I keep a larger t-ii it of Kpectacltt than any rthir ste: in North Carol inn I take particular pairtti to lit them to the eyes of pa. tie-n neeil nig theic. Having w .-irked i; for over tl J i r . y j i as good wort: ns an State. ''":e a-- Oppoi-ii ad il at the henr.h ' T l" I ieve I can do a iii limakor in the sr.K ME. '.I. K. KATON. M ui ii le ptroet. f. '12 dwtf BUY G00D8 LOW, tl Was there ever such opposition shown back meatt0 haunt the sleeper's dreams to any man who aspired to the presi- publican party before elections, but dency of the A. & N. C. Railroad . after the battle is fought and tbe Bat Major Tucker may reply, "Mr. viefnrv won. hp in m;ide to serve Bryan has given us a successful busi- his lords and take for bis portion the crumbs that fall from the rich man's table. nesa management and he ought to be retained." The figures, taken from Mr. Bryan's own reports, published else where in this issue, show that he has NN e tlout know how lODg ttte 1 not given such a business management struggle will last. Cheatham ia here ' of the ioad as increased its receipt?. , .-s J n 1-. nVin r- ni 4-Vs i Anil nrroin (ho f n mr ro Q vr inaiar. triAfc iquesouitu uuc dapii ui tuo ,;r- r-,. , r-- . nicturef,mi- because roads in that country. Fresh milk and butter, delicious cream and buttermilk, and, what sweetens and ennobles all, an open-handed hospitality, which has long made Beaufort county tbe paradise of tourists, greet tbe traveller like a bene diction. St. James, the holy Banctuary among the pines, holds the gateway of Haslin. The visitor enters it with the thought of hallowed memories crowd ing on his mind. Then though he finds no rich and splendid farms, he meets a people manly and independent. The Telegraph. Onk of the most remarkable de lusions of the time is tho religious cra.-p among negroes in the neigh borhood of P.irmingham, Aba , An old negro by the name of Jackson liainii to be the prophet Daniel. A few days ago he caused three young tegro men to represent Shadru-k Meshaek and A bed ni go, and walk into a blazing iron fur nace. They were quickly consum ed, but .lackson sas they will re turn mn: Sunday. FvI'ukmdk.nt Dayis hits sub mitted to arbitation his difficulty with his publishers. He lias not be-.Ti receiving what he thought r,ii his due in the way of royalty. The Augusta Chronicle probably of hia class. explains the matter when it says.! Clartson and Dudley are twin The truth h Mr Davis's work is j brothers, and if Wanamaker was not appreciated at the North and j born a little later he is of the same Southern people are too poor to bay j family and wonderfully preco h;s tn k. Now if the Southern ' cious. whole colored race in the United lne lacl lQBl mr' Drvau 18 uuJBUlol,au'D ; and fields alternate with quick changes Hratps Wo will not sav that he is ! 10 the Pe0PIe haa not lo3t the road aDy of light and color, magnificent oaks, States. ni e win not say mat, ne in , bu8inefjg In reply to thia rpad the fol. be6ches and pine8 fiu the perspective, not a worthy representative of his 1qw- Dar h from the Kinston good and level roads make drivings raM h,,f hnw whiffl Kpnnhlifans , u r continual charm, and the culture Of the race, but how White Kepublicans Free Press, which we can verify as we u tQe Iruit'ion of Ustei Bkill ,nd Can look upon the picture with com- have heard shippers use similar lan- common sense. The spirit of the coun- placency is beyond our comprehension. Who is to blame if not Mr. Bryan? If "Truth" will come to Kinston and con sult our shippers he will find many of them who will never patronize it when they can avoid it, so long as Mr. Bryan is president. A competent tusiness man would secure much more freight .... JC? M T7-:. J r. li;r to the futureif you stated yesterday that the Governor ! places onK where" there a Guv. Eowle yesterday received and accepted the resignation of Dr. J. D. Hague, of Fayetteville, as a n&ted by Ilarrison, Win dona, V- member of the Board of Directors namaker and Clarkson, and look of the Insane Asylum. It was also hopefnlly guage at that point. Speaking of the try is eminently social and friendly, small receipts of the road that paper citizen of that district may have oold feet, but he never has cold hands or a 8aJB- i cold heart. Crowds of vounar DeoDle. can. would ask lor tne resignation or ; competition . Clarkson is the man who bought Cant. W. S. Flams, on the ground Now come. Major Tuckir, together. people desire to do Mr. Davis a .-rv;c- every man who can should purrh i.-c a volume of "The Kise uid l'.ill of the Southern Confeder- intelligent and polite, ride, drive, dance and sing, giving the roseate hue of dawn to a region which has long worn the crown of old age. The Clarks, Johnson, Overton, Jar vis, Latham, Trip, tbe Wilkersons, Ways, Edmonsons and many others constitute a representative population, which gives tone and character to tbe entire section! Tarrying with the at kt us traotive family of a Confederate soldier tho mailing lint of the New York thir he holds the oflice of chief clerk : reason togetner. mere are pienty.oi uu umu,u .lunuinu, .JUi .u, tne mailing net oi tue -ew l orK that nt noias me omce oi tuiti cierh. . , , r;rr.A were at a most charminir. centra do nt. Voice, knowing that it was stolen of the Bureau of Labor Statics, and experience and will conduct the road where we could enjoy the country, property. He is a man of genius that the resignation of Dr. Jackson on busies principles and not make study the people '-"d drink to the re- r r J b iu i. themselves so universally objectionable, freshing winds rrom the Sound. We and pluck, and as a manipulator of had been asked for, for the reason felt it a sad necessity when the last votes he stands among the foremost that he is superintendent of Health The Chaplain Visits Mrs. Maybrick. hour struck, and we were compelled to of Columbus county. It is also re- Livebpool, August id -airs. Mar cmnty that ii for BuroriMS On our ported that Dr. McCormick s brick the condemned m tendered his resignation.-News e in moaning fo'r her ton, we suddenly came out of a thicket and Observer children and weeping copiously. The f ,7" . uPn. another ilrosd. r h nrknn i evntin mue.h startled and astonished we said. What of his time to the condemned woman 9 V1'8' ?,ur companion said, ,nH aho nnnears to ereatlv aonreciate 11 16 a railroad, started at Bayview on - - - r r . i , hia visits acy." "Ihe seconds the Messenger. Messenger heartily ni ot ion. Wilmington We will say nothing more of this, but we shall wait for futher devel opments. If what has been sur- Mr. Gladstone says that rea son why he and the old woman have gotten along so well together is that "when his wife insists he submits. it i V DI TV TO YOURSELF. surprising that people will use a Pamlico river, already six miles long, and bound to Plymouth. In Craven we look upon a railroad as a National revolution, a change of government, or they can se- the end of the world. But in that coun- fnr t Vi e fiinp Irt- if vnii fin t a Hin nn A mftn'a ohnn I. miaed becomes established facts she broke him in at the start, and m,,nPy pr. Acker s English pflis are a der, and knock it off, he starts for his we will all become Episcopalian never had any trouble afterward, positive cure for sick-headache and all liver spade to dig a railroad. r 1 ....... troubles They are small, sweet, easily All the way from Leachville to the and fervently pray. "Good Lord There is nothing like beginning taken and do not trripe. Sold by It. Retry, county seat the crops, though greatly deliver ns." right. Wilmington Star. New Berne, N. c. 'damaged by rains, indicate a fair bar- Like a sensible woman common ordinarv pill when cure a vainaoie r.nt:nsu one N. C. State Agricultural Society, Raleigh, N. C, August, 18S9. In view of tbe fact that tbe rates of transportation are the lowest that can be obtained, and therefore put it in the power of the largest number of our farmers, specially those at a distance, to come together for conference and discussion, and of the further fact that a great deal of interest in the way of display of stock and farm products, will instruct and benefit them: and the fur ther fact that excursions will be run from Northern cities to Raleigh during the week, when an opportunity will be given to owners of lands to meet those who are desirous of inspecting them . it is deemed advisable and of advan tage to call a grand mass meeting of the farmers of the State in the city of Ral eigh, October 15th, and the subscribed committee have consented to act as a Board of Management: S. B. Alexrnder, Pres. State Alliance. Elias Carr, Pres. Agric'l Clubs. L. L. Polk, Pres. So. Ins. F. Associa tion and Sec'y State Alliance. J. Van Lindley, Pres. State Hort. Society. John Robinson, Com'r Agriculture. H. T. J. Ludwig, Sec'y Grange. J. A. Lineback, Sec'y State Hort. So ciety. Distinguished speakers from other States and from this State will deliver addresses on special subjects. The oc casion will be made one long to be re membered, and it will be tbe endeavor to make it create in the farmers a new and firmer spirit, the results of which will be of lasting practical value. 'Review of Royal Troops. Berlin, August 13. The whole army corps of guards paraded today before the Emperor of Austria, making a bril liant display. The weather was splen did. The Empress appeared on horse back. Emperor William commanded tbe troops and led first the entire corps : and afterwardsjthe first regiment of the guards past the visiting sovereicn, who then headed the regiment bearing his name, and marched past Emperor William. W i.e. Provisions, Gro. t i ; D. Don"! ;., need of Mioes. lien id I.Iti . First :3H ' - a Vi' sf of Have Arrived. & CO., AND G i : A ! I, N i V. : . . W Consign U" 'ANTS, ,i:,R3, I'ttT t Iru ur p. for H G y ui sr i W f Ar' W.r :i lean Saw. A i brnLtnl i ndcM We t vp ku ! don a bv mh. it B TIIK INVALIDS HOPE. Many seemingly incurable cases of blood poison, catarrn, sororuia ana or,i rheumatism have been cured by B. B. Wf) B. (Botanic Blood Balm), made bv the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa. Write to them for book filled with convincing proof. Q. W. B. Raider, living seven miles from Athens, Ga., writes: "For several years I suffered with running ulcers, which doctors treated and pronounced incurable. A single bottle of B. B. 13. did me more good than all the doctors. I kept on using it and every ulcer healed." D. C. Kinard & Son, Towalitja. (la., writes: "We induced a neighbor to try B. B. B for catarrh, which he thought incurable, as it had resisted all treat ment. It delighted him, and continu ing its use be was cured sound and well." R. M. Law son, East Point, Ca.. writes: "My wife had scrofula 15 years. She kept growing worse. She lost her hair and her skin broke out fearfully. Debility, emaciation and no appetite followed. After physicians and numer ous advertised medicines failed, I tried B. B. B., and her recovery was rapid and complete. " Oliver Secor, Baltimore, Md.. writes: "I suffered from weak back and rheum atism. B. B. B. has proven to be the only'medicine that gave me relief. " J. H. CKAHTHKK. JOH'jN ii. w7l EiGi :'...; Founder ar -s . Manufacture: I ENGINES AND Uil Unlltlera of tininM Saw Mill. Iliiullli W l .1 Wearp prt1; eree i mi with proi,. j.; . . k,. CO if in JlolilTI. i ft M 1j Ines, 1- ( f a : i k ) nrt .on Kl ven "Hi i mo t n iln.-ij . IN TH! 9 V 5 d l Hip Hhle (. The A A. Um run m I n" oei -M a ai vt8, t,uurR;.1.'o for hI 1 worlT ' 1 'Z'i 1 !i!h w w) v 'k- 1 -. ! MIM ! TL Jeweler" M11N1 ( ) Y n v i te the I Will i stock Coin pie Fine J'.wlr Lamps. 1 ' i nn Canes i :i tie It v. ill b. our -Doil" i f Botanic R.1T. . t Ii i.t v ii have in Musi aried, and i . k m i . i ; i. . Watclips, m i Ware, Fancy , I m l Silver H ed I -lil' 1 1 -1 to H! Eiood Balm. '. I-.-;;-, i'ru agists Beecham's Pilla act like weak stomaob. magi : on a Cash on deliv ei ) ! 'S. j J w3m ii 4 4 1 tV i i ? t . 7