THE JOURNAL. ..war. - - e ! 11 ! m i - .,..- ' umm aa r e m i i. o M I'm MMM. Kissi.1 city, Miv.'un, An l'. ami n.Uuto lnui ()'!' whose Tbe storm which Aael over the (' c.ireT is ,m noi,orto Mtaaoari Valley MonU. night L9 the State ol Jefferson, M i l -on, tha mot diaiafroas known in this liiuddlph and Ueor. sAxJTaS mkm bea coarirtM of MtS. M AYBRICKS deal attLeOC? fca ba comaati to iapcuoa . uat for lit. XaOUt, ta alajar 0 Tarry k beta nlal by mmbm aorpos procdiaa u hot ai libarty. Ui. Tvbbt kaa aaoairad a war rant for th arret of JaJf Fll aectioa. Orar twenty person -H is aid, were killed by lightning, and the damag in mimiU killed, ruin ed crop- and wa-thoata will run up to over half a milium d,!l.irx Sr' to News and Observer. H'TII rifi iio -i nature lunde them, and, bwi a . t j I un eiaJ, thy were uot made to live together id the same coojoj units on Utrmt of equality on any groti :'d Toe political party which 1ia ora afid confusion In the South ls re poa.bJe for every riae coo diet in We regret that n i unio iw the platform in full. W must content ourselves, in this ii-npeet, with th- following extract as pub lishrd in the Norfolk I.iiidiu.irk: o'.h. 1 lie party renews its ad herence to the principles and policies on the tarirT and internal revenue so often enunciated in the pi. it form 8 oi State and National Conventions ol t be Democratic party and sus tained by the vote of the inviple at the polls, and estHMally dos it in aial upon the irunieliate atolition of the tax npMi toharco and fruit brandies. lb. The lVtuoratir party ol lie w.i- a :n m ot .--'roii pa-ions, with no li -pcrt tor the lawexi-ept when Miuiil h,s purpose. His attitude was always that ot lie t:ancev to tic regular aut horitie.-." "A ::i in cannot go through life delving tin- law v;th impunity, even in the West, v it hou t soon er or later in ut i n some one equally roads to settle d stuites Uv torce. l'ti relet i have Norti the South, and it alone is blind to EA aewttocy to the ktliiajr of her th? folly and hopelosaneaa of it irginia favor a complete reniotie a ,ri .,h- ci..,i.,f 'Uation and frev coin.iK- of sd Qua. D. II. Uui aaa baa cooj- Newa and Conner, polled by eicaneaa to nmig hui The President i certainly b position aa Praaklent ot a ooilegw mg a very bard time ol it in h s at MillrfdtafiU, Ot. diatribatioa ot lederal patronage Thb cooneU la ta Iowa StjUe a ltl utb. lo the flrat plw, ver. Sth. N1 e are in lav or of a law requiring the agricultural mstita tion'' of the Stat' to ! placnl under the ixDtrol of practical tar mers. 'Jth e recommend a revision h . iiT i i.i . 1 iiat l.e str-;- passions" is . , ..i .i i 1 ut t iiat lie nau ; he i a v fi,'t-il w hen il l in'' ' is not true. Alabama in the pi line ol iboity ami a reproach. a up a s an as an line ;n a ' : i - c a '.v Paaitntiry bare J qiiwij froai tir" are, of courwe, : iajt ten of the law imposing taie ou land, troog applicant !of every p,w1ble t wun m iu rrnr u oi that e.v-h aniiMntnjent',,,,JuV uurj w-.- mane nine uuirr enucn lor me" ,,,,,, vv. . nn.l.irmi i n. rnidenl' policy, and yourdiap- tnotic and jndicioia administration .rt poiotetl Southern oflicesker l an , of Governor Kitr.hngh Ix. tm:t ... -..'I. - I ..t. ..lwlv ,m,-,imfnrtiM. ,.n,1' Hill. 6 WlieTB lU.ll IIHMI uu , t i . ., , were disabled in the service Uiu.cti.i ami .o orai uj. 570 to 21'). Iowa ii not a RpaWao Stat aa oni to cncy. o be. Wilangxoo Star. WaiT appear to ba aa .Bior aot inrntioo kaa noentfj ba aiade pabiic ta PVilUp. WU., It la ao itM taaa taa pcaetieaJ and hiap Osa of watar aa tumL So paprt aravaliac taa kil ling of Ttrry a party qaaatleo. Jt ta doc a m attar of IVmocraUc and KpabCt-aa ditTernc. Ilota J adgr Fiokl nl Jadg Trry wr Dcao Ski'ji'iED'-t KJixir naka lato :a aigaid-aac ta coaipaxiaoa with lb alinr oor N'ortara frtaada a'J Southern aa a beahag balm for ta ertaie of auinier. -Tha dead dof, wa-i a S1. Ncr lc oar br(ara orer tb border bead il taatr orwa to ta eWUoa of Ukiaay aaJ throw aa aalaacow of Vixgiaia'a Sacrrl Soil on top of la traitor Maaoae. Jfawa ao4 Obaarrar. TUB DaoaoaraXa af If be do not t.rt . niall relndliou iu bia Jiatrk i ia pretty certain, throagh the gea- of hm CoofrfM cnia, to make hit il.appouitment vry slurplv frit Iwl'ore the ad m i n nit ration hejrs the l.iat of Dim. Ia"ri 1 of dtrmginemag liepubb fjiiani i i tne South i 'reaiden t 1 1 ar rnon hi:mp'y ijivrii it jioulier wrench ever? I; ie he h made a ! n t m fn t Pro v ule n ce JiMirnal, lod. 'lKil5ia has it K.chmond Dia patrh, S.iuth ("iru'.iQ baa the Charleston Norhl nd if excellent State daring th late of th' con 11 1 1 W be tweeu tne atat-ei auu t;.e w hiowsoi thce who loet their lives in such service are deserving ol aid and protection, and wo favor ach IiIkt al apropntions within the revenne ol toe State a will tend to this end. l'Jth. W hile earneolly 111 favor of reforming the tariff upon Mist, conservative and economic princi ple, we rcognie that the isue and conditions which confront ua in irginia in t he imjendiDg contest to oppon are of immeasurably more imKrt laws ol ance than tariff reform or a reduc- to;ils (,( linn nf KiVilcral Laiitmn. 1 m Vrt.lllt 1 . . - , , , i :s tee mildest .anguae :n ;u'e to , e-t. Terry t hat w e m i.:, .:. ,;ny ne'.v spaper at t he U ; : list to the m ,:ti who hot down I k e a dog a lew io ;:, l w as a man i t - not to be deli let no respect tor t it suited h; Terry 1 man htiotl, a law v -r 01 ailtl a ejeii ' le::i an ; 1 He went t alvent urer ne w held . b;i a s a ot his p., a theatre i ! Address: n .; i,. .1. of his profession on the Supreme ' and such w as hi,- ;.i!it ..s ; , i .: s I'rUll IToiesM pjl I tlt'.l 1 OppOl.e U t . said that Terrv was man on the Supreme Court bet of ( ' ihloruia. How was it that he teh Irc-ui Lis iuli t state, and came to be ' for tht' aei.m ; 's l i.het J He was a 1 leinoerat : a S t ,r es r ; gh t s llemo cra : a inl a So n : In r ii man. i :i the tier i pol .:..i ! 'iiitVs in al ; -forma Tei r ,! a leader ot daunt- lot d it w .; the 1 acipi vv he I only 1'ieM T! matl, t i. ; ; s , o i . ; a : -,ir. .n le ot Jud-e I'tt ; ..: it ! he '.vis u:...; p:,:i, .,n :.: ; : was i., .o tii i . Cede: ul C '. uneli ; i del . let !i sh'-t . d ..lo : . " on vv in n savo in be 1 err v THE LI5HT-H:U!::: maiiv encro..ciiiiu-n i:gl its ( ! tu a t e s s upon ,i!:d the li bert it before eon n ; i . I- obligat I: ;t C. . . : ant! W ho spe I t hot u tf the jieop.e. but never is it proclaimed :n thjfi l:a; : he e: itmnai e,de on the c.t.en is not v o: i -: oi li the mist and through i lei.rly seen though far away, Mauds the lictht-house toweling hiiTl. i 'inting upward toward the sky, 1 'ieri inj tbrouh the midnight daik. ieetls a ray to greet our bark, l'aves a patli for it to keep !!.uldo a i uiul acrOb.- the deep. St . 'i in :md w ind may roar in vain. Whilst the demons of the main Ai, unite in angry strife. ' the fragile vessel's life. Ibavely stands that single light. In the grandeur of its might. . l.e.s its duty, does it well, T. lis tho tale it has to tell. GREAT BARGAINS. belonging to the busineep of i t ill! to try u ' as , : . en : e r i - : ollS tier nor. . t i an' t an ace i ; a , i in t n- e i esc to a nit o t I ' a can; : n r . ' rein loiial r.v i:l.s ami V. veil 1 '.: o.!ei lek lie one uj.iest :h i the ' tlei al oil; c i al . .s coinpt tel.t lor the l etleral t: in i ; t i o arm all oib ' r with nt v to s1(,,,r down anv man dissents 1 1 run ; ' - decision, - c ,r.t tnp' ii of its au- v.and, unarmed, assaults one s ( fh.-ials. ; hen ! solemu ni m ay be sou ' o ed . loi i i bt'r Ir.lll Aiih ii s .11 .mi fid 'I ( ulnpcilia. Volume . 1 Alden's Mamfo'd ' '.. .; i i ; i a ' :: . ludes t he t It It s t : . u. I'lurtu i'.i' to Ci.dv .inism. Follow ing' the same cei.i ;.il lines as its pi edi cessnrs it is. i u some respect s. a in ii ked advance upon the in in solid worth. We notice with pleasure the l.ire number of prac ti. al tcpii-s whtt'h are Heated, and the t hoioiighness a Till accuracy with which the h ive been li milled. Tuere :s also the same thorough in en ' o f se: etr i i: c niaVrs and UNBELIEF. There is n unbelief. 'A'hocvci plants a seed beneath the s-.d. And waits to see it push nway the clod, I le trusts in (lod. A hoeve'i' says, when clouds are in the ky. Be jTitient. heart; light bieuketh l,v and by." 1'rusts the Most High. 'Ahor'.ei- sees, 'neath vvintei's iield nf SlluW, l'he silent harvest of the fiinnc jt.c.v. 1 lod's power must know. in e v.r i;es down u In- c. .uch t. . -!e. .. ' "iitent to lock on h s. nse in sinnih. i deep : n. . a s t iod w ni keej.. V !: ver says "To-mono "The In known.' "The Future.' I i lists that nower alone .lies u i.s. i vv n . lie Tic ait that on vv hen l he elid-l-ii life has only v . 'es. u mo -u a aostriise iia' ur al! v bel-mg o O: her p-ibb.shers h ive detu ; he possibiltt v ot m ikin e elaborate c v ch c n . inv.ilu ib'c tor professional men, but far iifo'n1 rlio r;:ri"e of ord ' n ary li fe. which work. ris'ated - T 1 v and which are And dares t live u 'i''W s kiiow.s, fl.eje 1S And day by day, and night, unci'iisciuusly I lie l.eait lives by that faith the lips deny '' kn. aveth "why. Saved iu Time. The oid and curiously- paradoxi cal advice, "lie bold, lie bold, 1,6; The Stock of General Hardware, Cut not too bold' is sorely needed atjiery, Locke, Hinees, 8awB, Saddlerj. some cries ol our liv es Irving I Cart Material, Wall Paper, Paint, Oil, Montagu, an Fiiglish war ai tist, j Glass, ShoveU, Hoe , Fork. .Iron Pipe says that he spent a reat deal of" and Fittings. Iron. Steel, &o., Ac, also ":"':V Xe', Cu.Ur.tor., Farm M.cbio.rr, " , fe -y.e, 1JC1C uc Cotton 0inR Ao euvei tu innumerable canvasses wicn ambitious copies of great pictures. j On one occasion several art fin A lion Xr students were strolling with me miCU (X OU., ! about the deserted passages of the wi" be ' loed out during the nrxt few ! I house, when I, being of an inquisi-: weeks nt VEkV X)'ff PUicks. 'tive turn of mind, penetrated what1 (seemed to me a dark, capacious All persons indebted to ieo Allen & 1 cupboard. JLhe others instantly 1 Co., by either note or account, are noti ! shut the door, which fastened with tied that payment munt b made at an ! a spring, and ran off to continue early day. Indulgence cannot be tueirworK in ti,) galleries. Tuns imprisoned, I remained patient ODongh at first, but when a half- hour had i l,i sed, the situation began to pal: on me. and 1 set about finding ouie me ms of exit. I commenced by slowly feeling and pushing against the walls round about mo. Greatly to my relief, the back part of my prison house proved as flexible as if the paper of the adjoining room was only strained across it ou canvas. An idea struck me: nothing coffld be easier than to take my penknife and cut a slit, sufliciently long for me to slioi thronrrh into tht. imvt 'f ' ie;t?, .... .. '7", Vt. !. ..T.W.2 HOUHE8 AND LOTB n'iu uucui, m ilu iui. j n urjici'i ui l iu ; ui i , oconp ed as aw el lings. escape. I was just on the point of 1 0nuA'av"n htok" waki?hoo8k making a rent in the canvas, when ; n. r- kk'kk moke and dwelling I heard footsteps, and a cheery j Cocig"AVKN kt occopied b, k.o. k. Voice Without exclaiming: i. A fuU ''escrlptlon or thii valuable propr- oni, I H;,v .1,1 f..ll,.J , IU elhlr.w"h lh! best .term, upon which ") u"j j w'u jiitjvT, w i lijvi L ouiuc Will BO 1Q JAUES REOUOflO, ( I)ltlllr ifDl given. BUf? 1 d wtf L. S. WOOD, Trustee. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY As agents for owners we offer tor MJ on '"! ftcoommodftting terms the follow ing d escribed improved Keal Estate In the CUy of Neir Berne: . No ' WHAKK PROPERTY AT UNION Peil NT ; includes the piece ot laud known aa "THE ISLAND," and the wharf or roadway leading thereto from East Front sueel Also, water space now being filled In. Th location Is the best in the city for all mum facturluB purposes, whlla iha largest oiaft visiting our waters have ample depth of water for loading and unloading at the wharf. ."MO. i. I WO HOUHEfl ANO I XYTH AT I I i ha fiiTntaKfi still t We'd forgotten all about YOU. .?.a"" nnderslgned atihelrofflce . "'uui r i on t hl r l. I his is almost too much of a joke. Abien : o vv t: , ;o vv u'JMJ i i 'iirage. l.e tilt a.s thoo inetions. are, l.very tQSine5.v mtrewt of the State, competitor the New and Courter. every nonal interest, erery pohti In rfeorgi. mere i the AtJaiiulcal lntortvut, demands thai Uu , ,, 0 t, DemtH-ratic partv, the party of the ( ooititation and the S-iraanah ' 1 , y - , ' J i i people, Uie prty of iaee, c,0d News, in Alatiam, the Birming ortier nd cock! rovernment. which baai Ajfe Herald, anid the Adom KaJeJy and wifvelj oonducted the Vtrclai. 1 uq Hot lUiaf. and iq Louauna. the iTOvernment of the SUt through the lei. was eretit ia! and tin We d. but it iei 1 el t o t ! i e ens not Terrv tht r.r. : i . . i ii i "... II .in i ;e i 1 1 l.e i i n the t .me under t !. fltanee-s that he fotiglr. nave us: ni . i; i !ei U'ri . at cireum- i e w o u 1 d 'alifor- I . i l i a. . ft. rt eoaiioa fti Biek-oosi, b(t i Orin Ti me- IVmocrmt. irJ ID " irouwrwinr n m.-o iu . - 7 . ' . ... , . , , , i nut. shall b contlnneHl in power. M.taG.p.m.lMeKii-jlortTliQ the 1..C could b rootioaed S e ; t()e ,publlcan 1 party GwTsrnor, I. Uo9 TjtsK lor LJn. I ao tu every isoQinerri iaie ia men i a party of lx rule; aa a Qoror, aaa R- Taj lor Sootl for Attora7 0oral. ESTBTSItsnc aaxBioy la la d4(irniiaoa lo i a diet a Watr.ko dwft m MAoa BpbsieaaUai tiaficUritttl jetrdaj procl imp ot im DiDOcraii CoTctioo t ViCisuk. Nov York Star. ATTOT QUIIIL MlIJJUl baa ba laterrWveO rlUr to ta a&ooiia; ot Jm4fr Ttrry by dpty NacK aad b txpr Ik opiates tkaa tbm aaooHaf vaa jaaUHaW komicii. WUn mow u protM 'tiao for las) rlUamaf Pt. CHisxxa Vxrrrr Ja. ol Nw Eera aaa bema appoiateJ a mtmbt ot Imm Board ot Pabiic Cfearilioa and aaa aeeaptad. Dr. W - T f IT 1 torn, mad J. P. Saw-jar aava alo - aoggytel poatCaiiaa oa tao Board. W a ax rd j1, aad if taoy can ataad tao racket Ut Uoaa pot ap taotr groat riof naatar BHIj Ma kooo. Tao Stata of Vlrfiaia ia DomocraXJe bj 30.000 lf wm preoa tao iaaoo oa trao DoaocrmUc pria eipioa, aad Uai ia joat waaX we will do RicasKtad TiaiM. Mb. Drsi toiJa ml friaada ia Daraam that kia aooao will not aell oat foe are BiUioo doalara aitaoaf a tiy baro rcotrod aack offer aa reported, for tkoj woold aot kaow vbat to do wita tho snoaoj. Tbey koro to aiia a oi dlioo apioco and kacp ap th boaiaecM (or poadiof tonoj. Cat.iFOKM t a and ita Jadiciarj mo to too froot jfjotardaj Terry waa killd for aaoaoiUag Jadfe KuM, and Jadgw Pierra t San Dico tu aaoC by a oowboj be naaae bo bad rendered adiaCaatafal optaloa ta a diroreo raao. New York World. laCahforala Lapmojf into baraoriaaif ( 7 fi of tbo Nw( rules) la ooover atioa , seter to say a thing which any of the company nn rea.c biy wi.h we had raiaor left aaaaid. Nor can there aaythio b well mem coatrary to tbo eo.U for whien p9plo meot toWthr than 'M,Vrr) to ptirt ansatlJilei with each other or thm.eirc. wift. S-he of oar conteaiporarioa write ot N.tTada aa -a dying iStato." In poto: ofTaci, thla bat faintly de- rnbe.4 the playod oat material coo dittoo of lhat "rotten boroafu ot oor poiitiai ystom, aad which, un lea m plan for breatalag Into ita body aad member! aa ailorathar bow hi bo aroiTwd, maat akortly giro ap tho gkoaiV Chicago Newa. The New York WorU aaja ot ih largely lacraaaod vote La Kaatacky at the. receat aJoctioa; 'Tao Doaio i ...... . erauc party ia ive a (oca y (aai we believe erery w hero eiao) ia atroa ger witkoat too feorai offico-koiders tkaa it ta with them." Thia will be ioily deaoaatratod by tao roan It of tao Virginia. eiectioo ia Norember NorfoJk Yirglaiaa. BXKU Ang. 15. All aoeooata of tko eiporioaanta with aaaokeleoa powder at the Spaadaa ban tight, eooc-ar in aayiag that no anoke waa tuiU at a dtataaoo of 300 jarda, and thai ao too ad waa hoard bojood a alight tappiag. A aXraage ad't waa prodooed by tko apeciaclo of a largo aiaoa ot troopa La lriag pooitioa aeoatiagly laaetlre bat raJ tj poartng forth m deadly lit. Wi coagratalato tke Faraiar'i Alliaoce oa tho aloctioo of oar old tiooeti with the discouraging excep tioa of North Carolina. Here we have no nrrto tatire newspaper that will compare to tboae mention ed aa the joornalialu: eipooeotA of the State named, and in New York newspaper office it baa been aaid that there ia not journal in North Carolina the name of which could bo read iiyq not el. larbam Globe. Very modeat, and itrikingly nolqae. Is the killing of David S. Terry yeeterday California derive a eab taaliai benegt. Hrom Ibe day of hi entry la to that tate Terry baa been a tarboLent and menacing citizen. lie represented the tg gTeaaive pro alavery element which endeavored to dominate the State back ia tbo flftie. He fattened a quarrel npoa the gallant Broderick, cha!engBd him and killed him with deliberation and premeditation. Of Late years be qaj been a disap pointed, deaplaed man. lie allied himself to a depraved courtesan in the hope that be might share the mil bona of Senator Sharon. Foiled by the coart his venom and rualute wore duecteJ against Judge and lawyers who bad sic! between him aad the realisation of his hopes. In view of his marderooj instincts and hi threat his annual; y eater day npon Justice Field justly merit ed the intervention of the Coiled State Marshal who trcvHIed with the Jaatice in the capacity of esoort. The killing was apparently justifi able. New York World. I Ml. Yirg-.nia b.n .iin sot before- her sister State a splendid example of party harmony, and devotion to Democratic principle. The Convent. on thjt waa recent ly held in Richmond waa t he large t gathering of the kind that ever party ol sectional strife; as a party of high t-xe, of corrupt and extrava gant expenditurr of pablie rev enue, of anjat and oppreAsive treatment of th people of the Smth ern StAtee; the creator of trusts, the promoter of monopolies. Vo op pooe the KepoWiean party its stirrer up of strife between the race; as a faUe friend of the color ed raco and an enemy of the white race, and we confidently submit the claims, principle and cindidatoa which we present to the judgment of an enlightened and patriotic people. aa.emblel in Virginia, and from ita Iie, it waa ' puroee commencement to its character; red l v n ' and reo! a te act . n . There wan eirnetnes.4 id the idvix-acy o! tLe of the an delate, but, when the ueci.tion or rue lonvenlioo wa reached, it u unammoaaly su.s tamed, and will i t enthusiastically sapported. Tbe Nortoin l.m dm i.-k. nf Ust Fr.ihr, 4iva The nominations are revive with a.s genuine eothnsusm by the member of the Convention as any that could have been mode." Captain McKinney for Governor will add greatly to the treih of the party in the bia. k count ie. which for a nam ber ot years have deoired a man from their own ranks on the State ticket. Major Tyler, of Palaaki, I.ient. tJovernor, will pleaae the Southwest, and gratify (he membem ot tbe Farmer's Al liaoce, waoac candidate he wa understood to be. Col. Scntt of Fanqaier, for Attorney-General, is ooe of tbe ableat lawyers in the State, and bia large rote from all part of the Common wealth atteet bis widespread popularity. It is an honor to any man, under any ei ream stance, to receive a nomination for Governor from a Democratic ton vent ion of Vir ginia, j Tbe nomination of (ptain McKinney is signalized by hi triumph over distinguished com petitors, the least of whom waa ortby of the cove tod distinction. Amoog tbeae were Tteirne the ac- frieosl Mr. Kliaa Caxt, of Kdga- compliabed gentleman, fearle cooabo, to bo pre ideal of tko great j e1itor and uncompromising Demo ergao ixa lioo He ia a fn in of erat, Tyler, the abU- representative advance! Uoaa ao4 owaa oao of of an lUattnoa.s house that throagh THE kILLIM; OK Jl'IMiK TKKKV Tbe miserable spirit of tho North will now be displayed in tryiug to make it appear that therv is no law in that laUUide against the killing of a Southern man. It will be satisfactorily demonstrated that it ia no offense to Bboot through the heart an unarmed man, if his name be David Terrv. News and Ob- server. This is a bold aociwation. Is it juatifled by the facta T However much we may deprecate the reign of sectionalism, we must yield to the inexorable logic of fact-s aud admit that it dominate pmblic sentiment in the Northern States of this l uion. Jadge David S. Terry was shot and killed by Deputy Marshal David Nagle at Lat-hrop, California, on the 14th of August. Justice Field ha narrated the following particulars of the s hoot rug : "I can tell you the story in a few words. For tbe last few months all manner of reports, both public and personal, have reached me that Judge Terry threatened to subject me to some indignity if he should meet me. Thia fact caused the United State Marshal to provide such protection a he could during my stay in this State. When I started, for Los Angles to bold court Deputy Nagle accompanied me. He seemed to be a quiet, gentlemanly official, though I only met him twice while away from Lo Angle. He asked me, in that city, when I intended to return, and accompanied me, taking a seat in the sleeping car opposite to me. We heard this morniDg that Judge Terry and bus wile were ou the train, but paid no at tention to the fact. When we ar rived at Lathrop we entered the eating station to get breakfast. I took a neat ;U the end of the table. N agle sat on one side of me. Terry and hi wife came in the room soon after. As soon as she saw nie she went out of the room, a I afterwards learned, returning to the car for i her saebel. Jndm Terrv roe. and ! I BnnrvMul fA rr.ll.-tr h.r I rwr.e.i.1 nf Hindi doing so.he how i .line Ti rry involved in .lVe-iil:;.' wrh .In-lee Field '. The f.ifts have been much distort ed. As we un ierstand them they a re aUuil t he.-e: .1 nd Irv inir a e.w in which was greatly mteie.-ted. Something occurred that otTendetl her and she impulsively gave expression to her feelings. .I.idge Field ordered her to be taneii from the court room, aud as the otlh'er approached her Judge Terry said no man shall lay violent hands on my wife," and for this, Judge F.elds sent him to jail for 6ix months. Fvcr since then it has been a Common saving, ferry will get even with Field" but i is not pre tended that he threatened to take thelile'of Judge F.eld. He was uot ..Iter him. All lit it Judge Field apprehended was an iudig- j nity ii they happended to meet, ami for this Terry was murdered. It is fa t ber stated that protection was accorded to Justice Field by authority ol I'nited States Attor ney-General Miller, who telegraphed Irom W ashington to the Marshal of the district to see that the person of the Justice was protected at any hazard. What a spectacle! A citien shot down, a I'nited States Marshal the murderer, and a Justice of the Supreme Court aud the Attorney-General accessories! in the Manifold. o m ike lor a l. w price a cy 1 : a which s h ,il 1 st-r ve the iu eds of the great ::im-m::v of scholars and also be especially suited to meet the everyday wants of the masses of reading people. The mereli mr, mechanic, farmer, gard eio-r, and laborer, as well as tho student and the college graduate, can here find a vast amount ol Among the 1 1 ea'ed iu this that Food and lges: Force, 1- ages: 1- iingi.-') pages: pages. There art (.ettinsr Ahead or the Old Man. A good story baa never been told in print of royal Reuben Wood, that genial friend to everybody, whose death was so widely mourned. e was a true son of good old Izaak going to be shut valuable information thousands ol lopa vol ;i me we n. it :ce Drink have '. ; pages: r uei. Galvanism, also biographies oi Hear Admiral t'oote; Archibald Forbes; J'.ejamiD Field was Fran klin:Geueral John C. Fremont: Mrs. Terrv James A. Froude: Robert Fulton: Galen; Falileo: and many other eminent men. The pronunciation of the words is another prominent and useful featun especially in the case of proper names. This important work can be had ol booksellers of agents, or will be sent by mail jirtjmiil for only CO cents a volume in cloth or 7 cents in half morrocco binding, or, the entire lo vols, now ready, if order ed at once, arc offered prepaid, in clot h bmduig ft 'i ' I", or, in hall morocco, for rtMo. A sample vol ume may be ordered and returned if not satistaotory. John Ii.Alden. Publisher, New York, Chicago and Atlanta. I. v (.It VM.K I.EflS. tiik wii.lim; ok ji im;k tekky. In speaking of the killing of Judge Terry of California, ir. our article in yesterday's J(n;N'Ai., we did not mean to justify hi con duct. There is very much ir. his career that we do not admire, but even an abandoned man is not to be killed because of his wicked dis position . I'.efore a man can be justified in the killing of ano; her on the ground of e!f defense, it must be shown that his own hie was in immediate danger. It is not pretended that Nagle's l.fe was in danger. It is perfectly com pe rent, for an odieer to kill in order lo pievint the com mission of a felony, but there is no evidence that Judge Terry con templated the com mission of a felony. The testimony of Judge Field, and the c: rcu instances of the i .use let.ii to show that .Judge Terry intended to subject Judge Field to an indignity and nothing more. A slap in the lace is not given for th injury it it.:: ets. but lor the insult it An indignity does not justify the kilung of the person The La Grange Collegiate Insti tute opens on the i"Jr.b inst. There is no section of the country where the crops are as little dam aged by recent rains as through this vicinity. Our colored people advise the sowing of turnip seeds, during the full of the moon if you desire "big roots" and small tops."' Miss Laura Wood, a lady of su perior accomplishments, and well known in our comity, will teach in the Institute the following year. The colored pastor. Rev. Isaac Taylor, of tho colored Missionary Kaptist church here is to be sent to Africa. He assumes to be quite happy over the appointmeat. There is a spring some miles from our town so infused by mineral qualities that the sulphurons odor is detectable thirty yards from the spot where tho spring is located. Rev. Mr. Rose has been conduct ing a religious meeting at new Fal ling Crook church. We are happy to learn that his ellbrts have been rewarded by many converts to the church. Mr. I. M. Stanton is onr next appointed postmaster. Mr. Sutton our present postmaster, lias filled the office dining the past four years most fittingly and excellently. Mr. Stanton takes charge the tirst ol September. I interest is manifested b our tanning people over Met olTenn ' it by the person OlTeuded, ess does it Justify a by alked back of me, aud I slander in committing a homicide-. struck me a heavy slap in the lace. I wivs completely astonished, and seeing he waa making ready to strike again, Nagle cried out, 'Stop, stop,' bat ho did not desrst, and aa he waa raising his arm a second time Nagle shot at him. the bullei entering hi heart. He fell to the door, Nagle p-booting a second time, but the second shot not striking him. Nagle wa arrested I; is. said, ;n ust nieation of Nagle. that he was instructed by the Attorney-General to protect Judge Field at all hazards; but, the Attorney-General cannot authorize the commission of crime, and any connection with it makes him nr t li''' 1 i m i i . We have no idea that Nagle will aTTracy and taken to Stockton to be punished. ferry will be painted thm flaoat farm La La Sou La. We ar alao graU fll at Lh ro-aiactio ot CoL L. L. lulk a aaeraUry. Ha at lira aditar, aad a aaa ot arua a. Wilmiagtoa ateoaeogar. await th result of tbe impiest. That is the complete story, so far a I am aware of the facts." Tbe story is complete enough to fix murder on Nagle and make Justice Field acciwory to the crime. But .Nagle, the murderer of Terry, stands acquitted by the newspaper preaa of the North. With one ac cord they condemn Terrv as an au outlaw, and, while the ground ia yet wet with his blood they pro noance his murderer innocent. To sustain the accusation of the .News and Observer, we will not quote the language of jienny sheets whose literature La dear at such a price, but we quote from a journal which by the weight of ita name it sentiments upon the public. The ew ork Star, tne all tbe vicuM.tude of persoual and I mo-t orth(XjOI of New york political fortune baa kept it name 1 C4tl0Dai aavK . pu t in the blackest colors, while Nagle is held upas a public benelactor. The New York World of Satur day, August 17th, says: "There seems to be an impression in some quarters that while public senti ment approves the killing of ex Judge Terry of California, it is going to be very difficult for the leputy Marshal who shot him to set up a defense winch will stand in court." There's the rub. I: is easy enough for Northern paper to siake Nagle a hero: but when he j appears in court he must stand as. a prisoner to be tried by the law digestive organs. aud the ev id en e. It will not do for the I'nited States to say that one of its oflioers Can SliOJt down a Cltlell With llll- m-.e. n: a oelil punitv. Officials who violate the lion of cotton weighers foro'ir town. There is a decided variance betweeD the commission and the farmers. We think t ho farmers are in the right and should be accorded the privilege of installing a farmer, if they so choose, m this position. Tho farmers have cogent reasons for dissatisfaction with past expe riences in this matter. However the young man who holds this position will beyond all doubt prove himself entirely worthy in these duties, and give pel feet satisfac tion. Medicinal Pniperlie et t iretahles, The following information may be useful tti some at this season ol the year, if not now to many: Spinach has a direct effect upon tho kidneys. Tho common dandelion, used as greens, is excellent for the same trouble. Asparagus purges the blood. Celery acts admirably upon the nervous system, ana is a cure for rheumatism and neuralgia. Tomatoes act upon the liver. Ueets and turnips are excellent appetizers. Lettuce and cucumbers are cool ing in their etTects upon the system. Onions, garlic, looks, olives, and H Walton, an enthusiastic and sue cessful angler, of course. One evening while in camp in the Adirondacks, he was challenged by a member of the party whose knowledge of angling was but slight. The conditions were that they should stand near each other by the side of a favorite pool, each casting into the pool daring a period of fifteen minutes, the con test to be decided by count. Uncle Keube's eyes glistened as the de tails of the match were considered, and at the same time he 6et about "making np" a new cast of flies, that he might be able to do his best when the struggle came the follow ing day. It was prepared with all his wonted skill, cunning and delicacy, and layiDg the new "cast" and his cigar aside he lay down to dream of how he woold lure the dainty trout to his creel. At the appointed hour the contest began, with the nsnal judges and a referee. The challenger oft and repeatedly led beautiful tront to his Bcore, bat Mr. Wood was less fortunate". He was not successful in "striking" his "rises," and only now and then did he secure a fiah. Late in the contest he exchanged the leader he had made up so carefully for one which had been much used, and then his lack began; but it was too late, for when the time for the contest expired he was badly beaten. The real reason of his failure was kept a secret for some time, but it finally became knoVn that while Mr. Wood slept the challenger had filed the barbs from his hooks. In no other way conld that noble-minded man have been beaten. Forest and Stream. Just a Fit. If a boy sees a coat that fits him, he sometimes puts it on before he knows it ; or we may say the same thing in other words, "A guilty conscience needs no accuser." Two school boys had quarrelled and finally had engaged in a real stand-up fight. The teacher got wind of the affair and called the combatants before him. "He struck me," said one of the boys. 'He said I stole his knife," said the other. "I said somebody stole it," said the first boy. "Well, you meant me,'" replied the other. "Why, Charlie," said the teacher- "if Willie had told me that somebody had stoien his knife, it would not have made me angry. I should not have thought that he meant me." "WelJ, but you don't steal," was the ready answer. Kind Words. The Industrial World. World's railroads, 342,000 miles-, America 131,000. Eighty miles per hour is the high est railroad speed. England is complaining of the arrival of pauper labor. Pittsburg has the biggest ax mill: it makes 3,000 per day. Brooklyn has the biggest bakery; it makes 70,000 loaves daily, Georgia has an S00 arce water melon patch. It beats the world. The San Francisco 'Barbers' un ion has 7,000 and pays 10 per week to the sick. At San Francisco given to locked out brewery men cost 04; cents each Von might have been thoie all night." Seeing tho knife in my hand, he then asked if Iliad eontempl ited suicide during my solitude. ertdinlv not. onlv I u.i-iit up iu such a place, ' wheu I found I could cut through that partition." "Partition .' What '.' That can vas at the back ?" His look of horror st.uiled me. "Yes. and why not ?" "Why, you were on the point of walking through 'Childe Harold's Pilgrimage' getting through six thousand pounds at one stop, to say the least of it." It was true enough, as 1 after ward discovered; it was Turner's masterpiece which stopped the w ay, and not, as I had supposed, a can vas wall. Hay Fever. I have been a periodical sufferer from hay fever fiince the eumrarr of 1879, and until I used Ely's Cream Balm was never able to find relitf. I can truth fully say that Cream Balm cured me. I regard it as of great value and would not be without it during the hay fever season. L M. Georgia, Binghampton, N. Y. I can cheerfully recommend Eiy'e Cream Balm to rbe surTeriuj; public for hay fever and stoppage of tbe nasal passages. I have tried it and Mad it giyes immediate relief. J. E. Rector, Little Rock, Ark. Pasteur's Method fur Itabies. Before the Academy of Sciences a paper was lately read by M. L. Pasteur on the prophylactic method as applied to patients after being bitten. In his brief report for the year ending May 1, 1889, the direc tor of the Pasteur Institute an nounces the treatment of 1,073 subjects, of whom G were seized with rabies daring and 4 within a fortnight after the process. Bat 3 only succumbed after the treatment had been completely carried out, making 1 death in ooi, or, including all the cases, 1 in 128. THE LADIES DELIGHTED. The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladies may use the liquiu fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, un der all conditions make it their favor ite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kidneys, liver and bowe Is ii Ho ii lh Front street. WATHON RTKEKT, ii.-. 6 ft wtf ins ftn,i Ju.a khIuUj ArU. VALUABLE TRUPK LAND FOR SALE. About FORTY Al'KKS PI, FARED LAND, eie, led within two iiillt-H of the rtty, sull--' 1 " '"rliuek iHinnn A Kieat liarKuln. A . I , t . , H ATPIN STKI'.KT, :n3 ''i Ileal Km. Agrniu. Importer and Wholesale Dealer ia Liquors and Ciders, CRAVEN STREET, m:au cotton kxchange, New Berne, H. G, Kfp constantly on hand COWPLITI STUCK ot UilieiU and ClUikl. Stock la tha largest In Ut Mata, and waa purohaaad front Ant hand WR CASH. Gonaaqnantly am anablad to sU aa low aa any NorUiarn MarkaC Have on uaDd tha following branda of WINES, LIQUORS ud CIGARS. RYE WHISKIES. Old Family R x x x x Oolden Crown, Old Caotury, Aome, Lax log ton, die. Ao. Mitchell's Pure Old flootch. Pure North Carolina Corn Wblikey. '..vri'h.i v.'.Uh IHOLIRa I iiRSLE WORKS, V V f- HFKN K. t . Slonuments Tombe. WINES. Old Burgundy Port, Old Hcnppernong, Old Sherry, Blackberry . Madeira, Claret, Bt. JtrTtam, Sweet Catawba, Kbina Win. California Angelica Win. tit H I 11U( irl ITALIAN AMERICAN MARBLE i Nw En"Und RUM. Jamaica. W. at India, Orders will receive prompt nttntio and satisfaction guarantoed JOE K. WILLIS. Proprietor a v obavkt at, sxw bxrnx. n. c U. E. Mil .u ir my authorized agect in Kinston. Alex. Fields, Traveling Agent. Reasoned Out. "Ma, do the Esquimaux live on oil V "Yes, my child, very largely.'' 'And is oil fat ?" "Yes, child." "And does oil ever come out of the ground 1" "Y'es." 'Well, the Esquimaux live on the lat ol the land, then, don t tbey f " TVK CAN A'0 DO Guarantee Acker's Blood Elixir, for it Las been fully demonstrated to the people of this country that it is superior to all other preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoDiug, Ul cers, F.mptions and Pimples. It purifies the whole system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Sold by It. Berry, New Berne. N. C. 16,000 meals Height of Ureat Sea Waves. Carefully repeated experiments made by an experienced English navigator at Santander, on the north coast of Spain, showed the crest of the sea waves in a pro longed and heavy gale of wind to be -12 feet high; and allowhig: the same for the depth between the waves, would make a height 84 feet from crest to base. The length from crest to crest was found to be 38G feet. Other estimates of the waves ia the South Atlantic daring great storms give a height of 50 feet for the crests and 400 feet for length. In the North Sea the height of crest seldom exceeds 10 feet and the length 150 feet. A n Eminent Doclor'i Preicriptlcii. r- ( V TT n n rxr f" V. i r o rr Til nrlin snaiots, all ot wnicu are similar, . nag practiCed medicine many years Scene Bootmaker's shop with legend, "Boots mended while you wait."' Credulous Party (handing in his boots) Look sharp now, and I'll wait. Bootmaker We're so full jip of work, you can't have Vm under a couple of days. Credulous Party A couple of days! Why, you old humbug, you have it stuck up in your window that you mend 'em while people wait ! Bootmaker Just so; and if you'll wait a couple of days you'll have 'em. Those Sample Hats TAKE THE LEAD. BRANDIE8. Apple, Peacb, French ( Jamea liw j), 0rrtU Oocmo Brftmd, Cherry, Blackberry, Qimfar. OIK. Holland and Domestic. A NICE LINE OF Summer Ties and Scarfs. Also, a full stock of the Celebrated Anchor biand Linen Collars and Cuffs Ail shapes and aizee. A FULL LINE OF Battles' Shoes NOW IN STOCK Barrington 6 Baxter. Land For Sale. TWO TRACTS IN l.ENOIR COUMY i.i mile south of Kinston, on South Waal Creek. No. 1, 'i'A acres, with onenundrad cleared, balance well Umbered. Well adapt ed to growing corn, cotton, peas, etc. A portion of the cleared land embraces a rich anch. No. '2, '2.S0 ea of timber land, about one and a haLf miles lrom tract No. price J.i.000 cash, or 0art cash with ap proved security for balance. Apply to JAMES WILLIAMS, Kinston. N. U, or lo JOUKNAL OFFICE, n21dwtf New Kerne. N. C JBEER, ALE, Etc., Etc. The BerKner A Edge! Brewing Cu.' Celebrated Lager Bear, Imported Ala and porter, Clauaaen At Boa 'a Export Baar: Wm. McEaraa1 India Pale Ala froea Edinburgh. Agent and Bottler of tho Bergner & En gel Brewing Co Celebrated Lager Beer and Porter. Cordials, Augostina Bitters, Imported and Domes tie Champagne. Agent for I. Calrin Shafer Wild Chen? Bock and Rje. K. R, JONES, CIOAES. A targe aeaortment of Cig-ars and Cherocaa Agent for tha Virginia Standard One roots, tha beat ia tbe maikot. AND A'OVirE TO MOTHEHS. Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, eoftene the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy fcr Jdiar hoea. Twenty-flve cents a bottle. COMMERCIAL. Dry Goods & Notions. Full stock and large assortment. Prices as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Coma One nd All, And 9. 0 r,r, different kinds of 8TRAW HATS to be sold at Wholesale Cost at J. E. SMITH, Agt. Will guarantee to sell as low as any home Iforth, and lower than qy hones in Worth Carolina. i W E ALSO MANUFACTURE Qiogtr Ale, a SarsapsrilU, . ' Iemon Soda, Kw 3)a, California Pear Cider and Mine! j Water. Our Ginger Ale ia f ual lo any im ported and superior lo aij procurable in the Stale. Orders promptly tilled aad satisfac tion guaranteed. JAMES REDMOND. augl I d a tf SALEM FEUALE ACADEUY, SALEM, N. C, Largest, Oldest Beet, FansaW Cal- 1b the iMIa, says: Last Spring be used and pre scribed Clarke's Lxtract of i-iax (fa. possess medicinal virtues of a mark ed character, stimulat iner the cir culatory system and the consentient ' Pillon) Skio Cure in 40 or 50 cases, and increase of the saliva and the gas tric juice promoting; digestion. lied onions are an excellent: diu retic, and the white one are recom mended to be eaten raw as a reme dy for insomnia. They are a tonic and nutritious. A souji made from onions is re garded by the French as an excel lent restorative in debility of the never knew a case where it failed to cure. "I know of no remedy I can rely on so implicitly." Positive cure for all diseases of the skin. Applied externally. Clarke's Flax Soap is best for babies. Skin Cure SI. 00. Soap 25 cents. At F. S. Duffy 's druj? store. kind of upon ; a f , vv Jones Bather an odd contest, that! Smith What contest are you alluding to! Jones A friend of mine was just telling me that at a fair in Sanfield, You cannot Connecticut, the people voted a silk your Jittle hat rr rh wifrVftdASt man in town. nph mny fasten Itself Hmifh -fnrlaoHf Whinh WOn-tho UJ LtU LUUVVUI - l.l'A HI) At; A I. VST THE STItlKK. An : alwaTS Lave a bcttle of Acker's Ed; .1-1. K.Il.idy in the boll.-'-it'll Low -non 'ro:;i ui.iy lr; atollietl and above reproach; Ven a bia., acini aa a rock, and of neh ILoaaJi Tirtae that his eaemiei ne ''It teamed like retrilnitive jus tice that ex Judge David S. Terry should have died a violent death. ;iV uv. cure' ah Throat lawyer or the auctioneer? AW must be tried a common and l.n:..- tro-ib .-s vi.-'..i its treatment. ' , , - le bo-: e 'v. n v.,u free aud ite S500 offered for an incurable case of riaiinaPH are tried. , hein-.-dv - . : i.v i; .-. rry New catarrh by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's If itcau be proven tuat 'agle j Home N t 'Remedy. 50 cents, by druggists. DOMESTIC HIAKH ST. Effgs llal2c. Corn 4Sa55c. Oats New crop,. 3037c, including sacks. Fodder, Sl.00al.25 per hundred. TtofkntTN Firm. Virgin 82 25; yellow dip. 2.25: hard, $1.00. Tab 81.00al.50. BiiZSWAX lSa20c. per lb. Bkkf On foot, 5c. to Co. Hams Country, llal2c. Lard Country, lOallc. Hay Crab grass, 35a50. Onions 80c. per 100. Peanuts 85c. aSl. 00 Der bushel. Chick in 8 Grown 40a55o. pair; half; grown, 22ia25c. Mkal 65c bolted. Wool 12a22c. Staves R. O. hhd. dressed, S12al5 per M. Timber Cypress, 18 in. and over, in demand at 85.00 per M. Shingles West India, dull and nfm inal; 6 inch $2 00a2.25. Building 6 inoh hearts. 83.25; saps, 1. 75 per M. WHOLESALE PRIOB8. Mkbs Pork New 813 00. Shoulder Meat 9al0c. 0. R.'s, F. B's. B.'sandL. C 7. Flour S3.00a6. 50. Lard 7tc. by-the tierce. N AXLfl BasislO's, $2.50. SuQAR-Oranulated, 9io Ooffee 20a22j c. Cheese 15.; Salt 80a85c. per sack. Molasses and Syhupb 30a46o. Powder 85.00. Shot Drop, 81.50; buck, $1.75. Hides Dry. 4a6jc; arreon 2o, Kerosene 9 c. Tallow 4c. per lb. Also a good line of MEN 'Sand BOY'S CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and DRY GOODS that will be sold very cheap for Cash. J. E. SMITH, Agt., Middle St., New Berne, N. C. 1 1A 1 VV Baaslon opens Accost ITrta. 1MW. raealty 30 Professors and Teaebara. BparlsJ feature the DYcIpsB( mf Character, Haallk anal Iatfallaet, FuUy equipped Prepara tory' and Oolletiat departments, baeWea first cl aaa school In Blaaia. Art, Lam (( a Commercial Sinalae. Bend for Catalog-lie to lUv. J. II. CLKWILU tag! dwDw Prloolpal. R libber Goods! Rubber Goods! CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Men's and Boys' CO ATS, BOOTS and SHOES, HIP BOOTS, THIOH BOOTS. KNEE BOOT8, TURKISH WRAPS. Examine our VENTILATED UVUttk COATS for both men and boys. Full Una Ladiea' and Misses' SHOES, WATERPROOFS and CIRCULARS. Gents' Linen-Pleated Bosom Shirts. Best ever sold for the monej 30 oanta. B. FLANNER.

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