& -vo !L .r. r.' a - 1 1 il C VOL. XII. 1 -4 1 w 7 J 1 I I V I III VM .-tgQKHi2lB:-ffiPBiED OlfiESTOS: DISOEDKD lUKH; -fW SCT lX - - , Tt . KMWt-ck l)M H t4M H ?". PWatalM ttc-k. tic. N-KJ- tntr omr W of C- -r tl2H. .- ttm Lh :u. 1 tSjIil'bsioujwills on receipt of price :5 CE.NTS A BCX. Have for sale at Lowest Prices Possible: S,0"O lb. LocUUri Snaff, 1,000 do- Co' ?po.t i'o'.-m. XOO UiM Tob-o, 10( rf Ti )- M iloit' 10O bIM 0 Arai ai Um-ncr !'-.-. &0O ibU. X M' I'ofk. A :-n.L link i; Dry Goods, Ready Hade Clothing & Furniture, AT liKTAII. AMI U UOI.KSALI OETTINGER BROS. Sign of tl. br.'.. .1 IV .iri Sh;r. Rubber Goods ! ' Rubber Goods! GOIiSTAIITLY ON HAND. Mm'iuJ Bof(XAT3. !' 1 T'S r. i Sii-: VAV ROOTS. THIOn B(X)TS KNKK B -7. TMlKISH WHiP Kio oar YKNTn.MKP KV BBKIi COATS fa boL aa ' . Kail ii-. UJIm' bJ Ml-' SIDts WATKKVK "r cJ QenU' Llnen-Pkated Bosoir. Shirts, Bmt iwM fr i-t mcotj M -.r. : , W. B. KtLANNER. J. W. STEWART, Sale anfl LiTerj Stable. Tin IIorS and Mules iIwiti on hnd, and will be dlspoced of on easy termi. I tar oo bad naaibr of Ftn Teart:j, th i- ,iv lit' .i:-..l Afi; Xa traiaail 8adil IIotm for both UJim an.l n'.'. nn'n. road Street, ilfew Berne, N. C. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS, Tor ii a y. . NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. ('.. A! s i UST 2), 1889. 'i mm a i. otks. - i ;ret do il of viUl air .von! v ( '. l ! Aril t el ,iu aj t he Ha- K hd ., ; L run hoa I t L e 'ETT1WCER BROS. Tbnnul.iy hext his c.ie will be taken np on li,hea.j corpus pro Thk WiiunuK'oa Star .-aye; "A telffjrHin from New York estnLi ( VVt (lne.),( Anions tilt' c.i''in p.Dencr- d the Me.imer St, it, of' Indidud, T':iW'h .uriveil fro.u (ila.sjjow idd.ty, we.e eighty five menibrii oi the North C.iruliu.i bcIkmiI Te.ieherw Awmh!, who crossed to Europe ,tbou: t, uuMii.li. ugo on a pleasure ti ip. Tiik xobsidiary high io;irt oi the Ancient Order of Eore.-ters ,r Minneapolis volol to t-ever eon net't ion with the h i g it really land atul orfc'Aiiiz -New ork hurt) court. 1 tie oTt-r the ml m i s-ion of colored iren 1 :.: ; ::n .oiopted by the t the Order, the Englih high ;)cm,,-r,i:.r St.ite Convention court lusibtmg on it and the Anien- stnkea as ,n being aneicptktDible. , can objecting K'Chmond D-spatf-h. A NEv YfEK Special 1 II K ( (INTKM The poli: ica! vepi: I Hi; ( 0 1, OK K 1 TEOPLE. O.ir ccl-Ttd pcqmlatioa is rot less. 'Ihis is ;i nt cepsary conse- joined in Virj: , i 1 l-TA 1 tpuence ot their conuiuon. mey p0sed t have not yet learned the essentials IU,Vi N to succe.-fi in life and are dissatis ukici. , tied, and wo'ild be d issatiiled m ,iirt at:y condition in which they can tios be j laced. They were told wonderful thmgH when they b came tree, and accept ing the ; in possible aa the inevitable I III.lM t, ttl - ha-- been i )i nincracy op m in. McKin i: icail the De- 0HTH CAROLINA .HS. From the State Taner-.. 1 "' i 1 1 1 1 1 i , New Berne's Gratitude. Under the above caption we copy the ' following article from the Twin-Citv ' Daily published at Wineton. Our clti- Lenoir Topic: No deaths ilmre or.-.u . , red within incorporation, thus far. tint- zenfl are gratuitous people and are will- ! year, Where i the town with near !y ing to bestow proper honors upon the j a thousand inhabitant with eu -h a Memp and deserving. We may divide on some , rcord ? This a lorem country I'.mnl.iinin nnoatinn. nnH . t o t . .1 a u , , , t A fl f ty t hou san d d j 1 ! a r h o tel . T I i : lur ng T ii : r :. i . !- ' 11..,- ;d. 1 ii i n d , i) nu j 1 1 ' MT'itre , : i t, i ' over three ! of grarves ci , Ltid . ii'" Iias an iN'h court ot ling an Amei :e.i;i dillerence a: ex it , ' ' .: not tic I c 1 k m M ,i h, in- up-, i h:ch i lel I.ir biicees n '. c.ui fear. Hi is a great or; it is expected l because they did evt,rv j-puli conceded 1' t hat the c m.i al-o !i: i:' 'W fhoiH.iii e- i'i ti, " Uiii t ii the have blandered, and will con tinue to blander to the end. For a t lie ' lie1, t're'.U' n, c hive what was termed civil r.gi.-.-. 1 hej did not kuow that soeie : 1 1 gi. : .i : t s it sel t. and that laws ai e made lor the protection of society and not its overthrow. All over the world men and women chose their associates, and fit A mnrHorn lmnriirf monJo ia , .. always wise, positions that sometimes j DuiIt at BlowinK Rod, overlooking the prove injurious to both ourselves and beautiful valley of John 's River t,y oj.ee the progrees of our city, but, be it said I iDK time next year. It w ill be built I y to our credit, when we have occasion j NJortern capitalists, who see the super, n, , ... ,i advantages in climate to other siiii-.uk r to show our appreciation ot a worthy reg0rt8. public servant, we can lay aside any j Jonesboro Leader: J. V. Inman. f manner of ill feeling and render due j Chesterfield county, S. "., swallowi-i i fle lll.IV lie elt if, but can pialitits in b.'p'ablie.stis e their de anizer, and that he will bring out unor to tne meritorious. ir NN'hile this is "There is one thing that can be said lu me creuit ana nonor or jxew cerne. Uer people are never selfish in their praise of thoee who have served her interests faithfully. Only last week and her citizens turned out en masse and met her lire company that had just returned from the tournament at Ral eigh, and bestowed unstinted praise the candi- upon them for the victories they i ' lie.- h;ug to ki.ow l.:c "I Vi.lhouc will er;. 1 lemocrat, and ; rr:;.- 'hat will go -.r,it.'d,u,i ,f McK'.u- d t. .1- , v. Tki:k was infinitely the and Observer ot Ang : ,i !.idg l'.eld in all that .:,) nigh character and V s and Observer. 1. Ki r.KRTs, of Iarhani, ime superintendent of the Asvl'jm at (toldsboro, i a -:d,date o snrceed Ir. Grissom at one 1 tisane a ;gti. i1:: ii::--'M m a private letter person in this city says that he will leave the Insane Asylam as ( iiv. 1 iwle has -'packed" the Hoard ag :!.- h;m. A: ; ; iie members of the cabinet ar v.ov absent from Washington, and, w. th possibly one exception,1 :ion- are expected to retnrn for several weeks. Tii!- Murphy C. Advance armouuees the death of Mrs. Boston wb'.'h occurred at ber home oa val ley K.ver near Mnrphj. She wsj Twen! Arabs ol both si Cime on the Steamer La die are detained a Castle until the Turkish consui consulted. It is. said that 70,11 Arabs awaiting to this c m n fry pro-, ided t he are passed through. TllK Farmer's Congress, a Norfolk Landmark. to N e w s 1 1 s,iu: XeS who No! II..'. II- Garden can be there are cane to e twenty orikionnrl dacy ol Mahone. If t ic, e is a man , ..WhinAn v M SirTO. any attempt ol government to lvmg against whom I he Democrats home this past winter at the expiration change this condition of affairs 0r yirf,jI11;t -VM iis an (..divisible of hia lero in Congress he received a would result in revolution. ' unit th;ll Inail ,s Mahone. At present there is great com- Tnere ate tlc.-e who suppose plaint among the colored people at thattheold Confeilerates who fol the course of President Harrison 0wed M.ihoneV standard during the w at will ra:! to him now. 2S"ot a in: of i i . fr it lid of 1 soldiers ot Yirciti i a .moiie tow ards ttiein. They do not n tleet that a majority of them know nothing of State craft, and that very many of them have been dir missetl from cilices to which tluy K..l K.,i .,.,.ir,t..l Krtn.ic 1,. u ui ni ii mi uctiin.-: eartii to were incompetent to fill them, the Nor t,k conventi lo.en sotuern siates were p.e- Prt,,hid.t Harrison is doing all he Mited met in Montgomery last 0jn for tliem. ne can't take the d I'olk made an mini : n w h ich Tuesday Co able grand and spontaneous ovation from the whole people of that ancient city of the elms. The citizens vied with each other in doing honor to him for the faithful and valued services be had rendered his district. "A little later and the Board of Trade of New Berne acknowledged in a befitting was never the manner the debt of gratitude that city , , . f T , , owed to editor M. a. Nunn for his val- liooerr n. ut, ,nm tne uab0 services in working up through the Army of Northern his paper the fish and oyster fair, by e the last men on Pa881nB a resolution of thanks. And e tne last men on year8 eUU urther back in the time9 this nominee Of , that tried men's souls, Hon. W. T. R. Bell, a member of the State Senate from the counties of Carteret. Onslow w.ll support hniinH orioa f t frViA lifTovanf nr a a nt itol his ventures m poll-1 New Berne, taking its municipal affairs been r:r,-er ible' failure?, out of the hands of a thieving set of in- , i m i i competent officials, mnd placing them the men who lodowed himHn tla honj. uCDt ;n.- ong-treet was a n.ucn more and Jones, secured the nanHfto-e of & bill ist in guislie ! mibraiv leader than I through the legislature that altered the great mass of the negro population Mahone a' address and Resolutions wem i i... .1 ,-, r ;u .. i tL( IM I f fit' Lft) I1HH 1 llrtlvf ftp hi,-. offered and referred recommending m.-,, .,ta k .ftrMitni,,Minff .ol .1. ""'"'' UL'CUI' 1 111 un' IU-'uvt-u Ultu I in the hands of the honest and intelli- the ne 01 cotton nagging ai.ti tit Not hing but years of constant labor in war will not follow him in peoce. gent property holders of that town, daring against the nse of jnte. aml application to the study of The plat forms of the two par. , Th' deea, while it wag but the plain AUn enmmendin the State Com- ' . .... '.. J. .. 1 I and simple duty of any North Carolina " iM-iuujeuL uu piepa-ie uiemioi ties, in lrginia, are as opposite as Representative, did not go unrewarded. ; missionns and Secretary Kusk for the duties of oflicial etation. These are the candidate and the popu- TTor "pon CaPtin Bell's first visit to .their effort- in !half of ,-ottonb:ig. trnths are ,elf evident, and the ,anV of the Democratic platform WoTSJS!S ',nK- sooner the colored people recognize willlie attcsteil in ill parts of the ! of ita m08t prominent citizens, and I To win the Legislature, insure them a.ol confer 'o them the ' old Dominion. ' ' orTcipal ottoUowerSf: Oast apportionment, congressional oetttr sa 1 to be l.'l years old. t . . . . t. k a. r t t ti l'eparinjeni 01 jusuc umm 1 grprxTKSor to Kvarts i n 11 for them and 1 a well as legislative, to render terity. or tbe election of a Democratic This ar t icl.? is suggested bv the paragraph taken from W'01 Id of 1 ho I'.Uh and to lollowiug in--r :c.etl the I nitd auteAlWr- tfnt the standard of the State the New York ney to take charge of the tiense t fi,, . -L- t) entrenchments of ol August : o Deputy Marshal Nagle. tb national Democracy, are the fa m : y 4.: . f.-r the pre--. ,-on t. r:v. ed t'am Mi-t average size of an Ameiiam JofiMi8'Trit8 that can this year ordfng to statistic, to beVcWppttfla'ied by "a long pull a traction proba bTtaoaa,. atrooc nail and a noil all together." I T' . their1 pes- There is another el.on.nt oft band. There he was treated to a royal , , , . 4 , reception. No, the people of New Berne Strengtu that has ocen givel) tO'havebiir hearta and thnv nr forMt the J)omocracy by the Republicans, their friends. They are not bo selfish . , , , , that they would be ashamed to ac- Senator Matt. uay, who managed knowledJe their appreciation of a kind the Republican national campaign, service, while those who sorve them are and shocked the world by the ; SLSSafffSoS?' prodigality of his wickedneb5, was! - at Norfolk, and eravp assurance Vachavia. tha' "he s inu- measures wouid be Lditoe Journal I wroteyoa an in ni.iti.- M l: honors -Terre Hant Ei -isew York Star. Wk have read em p hail 1 icbaach Virginia that successful in the national Tn: ia :Le gc.lt S' w-.:: t. crop ; ; A : CIIAKLHTIK, N. (.'., Aug. IS. The Convention of dissatisfied colored Kepu' !;eai - w..- he'd here last evening iu g .. t. e - ub- , 1 . town, and boo utgiutt. iiuj ihi.- State aud-South Carolina wero ,,f midline : present. John Wilson, a politician , canmai-'n- Add to this the fact that :KEi , of Jtalj. has , churches, stealing C.bles and other eElTtoFt aml wiU irs on Edison, the ' ajta at unadulterated derravitv. .1- 1 be on the stump in Virginia, and - ' 1 1 -u 1 1 v, .1 uuin 11 uci luc waio American electrician, by bot we never heard of an educated several times, and a terrible on- the imagination can hardly rise to' be, omes a count and his ; man try ing to steal a tomb, until slaught was made on the method , the height of Democratic resolution ss. iroM.ntlr The other dav an Enc 01 a,8Cn m m dl 1 "S l euerai ajipoi nc- and eE t husiasm t ha t w ill character- to run ize the impending contest. ...... - 1 1 1 1 v. - . t -..oa urm uas Hpmnsu , luumnn t nuua tutrr. here- .lame .T. Sims. Knnerittten- M :s-msippi valley and the, away with a large piece of the'dent of the new public building, Tue od13' thing that has ever j-e, an 1 it j believed there I famons tomb of llomeo and Juliet, and John 1. Eaves, revenue colltc caused Democratic defeat in the a great laiiing on ol tne "lie is nt lor treasons, ptrategems i-ui mi "cmcm -'win vaionua, aouiu is lUKewarmness, auu toe : ho-e over regions. have he n . : . t 'C .11: ::er 1 pl'ame will lead and siwils." Wilmington Messen- w. 11 c ,a" uul ucu. 1 lu "i" Republicans t he 1 on venttou s contempt ior such . . Commonwealth ger. oflicials. A new indenendent col- ence lri irlnui :in possi oiiiy. oflicial 1 grand rally ing under t l stkwart. of Clinton, has ored Republican party was organ Chil McKinney. Uia Wn mentioned fur the Presidency ll- and Joa Wilsn w8, f''ll x . xr "j kU ot tne Agricultural coiiege. - cor made indiffer- absulnte im- the another convention in Rettpmber. v.. - i. i.cnourg.v trginian. respondent of the News and Ubser- and colored RepnbUcans from every Thk American exhibit at the ver savs. J. L. Stewart, of Clinton, Southern State will be invited to Ear:- EtP.-sition is all right now. ! fills all the reouirements for tbe participate in the exercises i l .-o::. t ;,e --King of Light" ia ; position in an eminent degree, He there .; !!i:rop combined can't is the fullest and lx?st rounded man -Wilmington Scar. we know of, and our acquaintance :i.n i. Carlislk is now with the pnblic men ol the State is ai.d is receiving more by no means limited." We approve ii.in im hf..n acmrded the snggestion. ith .nr. Mewart i . J !ei;ce nt ;on lie so lutions were adopted to the effect that if Harrison does not change many o! his appointments and deal fairly with the negroes they are forever done with the Republican party. We do not mean to imply that A R.-volutiocaiy Pa triot. From tbe Elizabeth City Economist wo t-ee an article- in regard to the l06t grave tablet of that able and patriotic statJ?man, John Harvey. We copy the troiluction to the Unitai Fratrum (Unity of the Brethren), or as they are now generally known as the Moravian Cnurch, and will now endeavor to give you some scraps of history of their early settlement in this section. Ih 1749 tbe British Parliamentpaseed an act by which they were recogniaed- as a Prot estant Episcopal Church, and by it en titled to the free exercise of ail their rights as a church throughout Great Britain and her Colonies. Prior to this they had made their ap pearance in some numbers in Pennsyl vania, and tbe testimony of Thomas Penn, proprietor, in their favor not only aided them in getting the act passed by Parliament, but also directed attention to them as a desirable people to induce to settle in new countries. Invitations and offers were sent them in such num bers that they could not all be accepted for want of men and means. The most acceptable offer, however, came from Lord Granville, President of the Privy Council, who owned a very large tract of land in North Carolina of which he offered Count Zinzendorf oae hundred thousand acres on very reasonable terms. In was resolved, at a conference of the Brethren, held at tbe Lindsay house, 1 London, on November the 29th 1751, to article, also a letter from H. S. Gordner of this place, which R.v light as to its ; hfa fl whreabcuts. 1 Count Zinzendorf desired The first assemblage ever held in North Carolina independent of royal authority, was presided over by John of the rnited Scat at its head the AgricnUnral College the appointments here complained narvey. It wa9 heid in this city just Grant visitel that conn- would at once command the conti dence and patronage of our people, a.: Minister of Finance A letter received in Wilming tax the Protestant ton, N. C , from a gentleman iu he lItic provinces Idaho, a delegate to the Constitu :,. d.m,:uh,ug ;the in- tional Convention at IVuse City, e German Protestant states that Ex-Congressman James W. Reid, who formerly represented r 1 g is the thill of a the (reensboro district, and who is ot cheP notoriety and ' now a resident of Idaho, has made the duel IS the Off npieuuiu ictum iui uiiuocu a mc of are good ones, but we respect- one hundred t.nd fifteen years ago to- fully suggest that it the Charlotte morrow. Convention had made the appoint- The article fr..m m,,lo inotnoil ftf lrai,lnnt ll irri. follOWS.1 HI l. 11 L . lli.ltlLJ L ttCUH ll L kit .11.- son the condition of affairs would have been inGuitely worse. In Ala!). una an attempt is being made that his erg . i ::. pr: , brute s , o e gate montM spring of a fools idea of honor. The Convention, and that he stands fine chance of being elected to brethren might not only have an oppor tunity to be of spiritual benefit to such persons as in process of time might set tle near them as well as to gain access to various tribes of Indians, such as tbe Cherokees, the Catawbas, the Creeks and the Clickasams, but his main object , ,. ... ' was to acquire the possession of a large the Economist is as tract of land wbere the Moravians ' might live undisturbed and have the "Our yc.uDg fiitnd R. L. Blount, of liberty of excluding all strangers from Hertford. Pertiuiru.ina county, was in their settlement. On this account and town and called to see uc on Thursday. ! undivided tract was considered of more Among other pleasant subjects, we dis- ; importance than the quality of the cussed the eubit-ctof John Harvey 'a : soil. to go several lengths ahead arve tablet, which cannot now be latbocenter ot tne territory a town c .,. m, ;,r ,,,c,.,i 1,,. ti, n.n, found in the family graveyard of the 1 was to be laid out containing the chair ut tuiu,, rurJtu Harveys in Harvey's Neck. The re- lotte Convention. In the city of mains of John Harvey, our leading house for single brethren, single sisters and widows, the educational institu tions and mercantile establishments. leader of the Democracy in mm w v m j j w wswm, smim v. ). ' duei and tiie prtr.e fight must go - I an die Register, Sk era;, othersealers have been captured :n Rehrin g Sea since the so.. vire of the Black Diamond and there .s intense excitement in Y.eton.. and much interest is man ft'-tt d at Washington. 1; -tr.hes us that the abuse of , t are. .n a j uat now as a xor tt 1 e in has gone far cnoagh. ave been :n some eight South tates and we never saw a bet ;.i'e. There is always room at .p. - - W I'-iuington Messenger. k k-Eivk Lad!cy is cre-d- the a the a i 1 . T- i revolutionary natriot, were nrobablv - . washed into Albemarle sound before ! Here also was to be located a prepara- of Rryau has med this language in tn0 graves were removed from the ' tory school for ministers and missiona bis paper: shore by the late Charles VV. Skinner, I ries, and the direoting boards for'the . I ouuid " 1 , iv , . v, . , l ...... -. . . .. ....... " r - ere you (the w hltes) to leave viejted the burial place of the Harvey brethren. Besides this town, the rest this Southland, in twenty years it family in 1S3G and it was not more than would lie one of the grandest sec- 20 feet from the bank upon which the the Democrats have a majont v' in tions of the globe. We would show sound was constantly encroacmng. the new State Eeg,9la,ure.-Nor- you moss back crackers bow to run ""The feldefof 'the RtfvoTution a country. 1 Oil would never see in North Carolina and the 'Moderator' convicts, halt starved, depriving nf thn eonventiona that Drotested DBMoeiiAis differ, but they do honest workinemen of an honest against the acta of the British crown. United Btates Senate in the event folk Virginian. of the territory was to be parcelled to farmers belonging to the Brethren church. According to an old plan still existing the little capital of this new Moravian scttlment was to be built in a circular form, the eight-cornered church to form the centre, to be surrounded in a large not divide; they mingle and move livin forward like the great river, w draws its supply from a thousand different streams, none exactly like the others, but all swelling the cur rent, which sweeps irristibly along. This was the forcible illustration applied by Captain McKinney in his remarks of acceptance to the great party that nominated him. of largo wealth and circle by six chair-houses, an apotho- fire Bergner & Engel BREWING CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, 13 UHUUZ3TI05ABLY THE Finest Beer Extant. It is bTewed from the finest Pale Canada West Bailey Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and NU TEITTVE qualities. kitl xtpatatioo o.oyed by the RERGNKR a. KNGKL XJMPAJTY U da U Uie.-t tht only the FINEST AND REST MATERIALS srw td and' tbat the great: SKILL ar..! C.vEK m xerds44 darlnf It maaafactar. 5?- lr ia nnif- a nioHor r f timo He was Q mail . . Tr-hpn throno-hnnr thi w hole State 1 reat distinction. His ancestors for a cary shop and a Moravian inn, between inch when throughout this whole State ; bundred year httj been the most dis-! which buildings we to radicate eight and allairs will be changed, and 1 hope tiDguielle(i anj mogt wea. thy in North streets, each with twenly town-lots, to 10 your sorrow. Carolina. In tee graveyard, an or : De lnterspersea witn garaens anu rows We were never destined to al- them have marble labia's over their i of shade trees in double circle, wavs be rervants, but like all other graves with the -Harvoy rose' engraved ; This elegant plan was made in London r.e'.w o-ill -ind mint immniirilur upon them : and yet no tablet in that i by Count Zinzendorf and other Breth races will and must liavo our day. r1 rd records the name and deeds j ren to which North Carolina was terra oa now have yours. ou have , nd charaoter of john Harvey, the incognito. received your revolutionary and ; m0st illustrious of them all, the man the selection of the tbact civil wars and we here predict that , whose marble statue Colonel Saunders wa8 ief t to Bishop Spargenberg who at no very distant day we will have I thinks should represent North Carolina waB wen acquainted -with American our race war, and we hope, as God ! ia the National Memorial Hall at Wash-; 8ffair8, and he 8ent in 1752 to recon- no di- intends, that we will be strong I 11fl ftnH WHsUhT famiiv Disced some , -;,mm n ua 55th nf "" J'" i'ul svLucciiAn ui mo visions among uemocrats. 1 ney euougii lu wipe juu uuiui caioi- , memorial taDiet over nis rave. wnere the Viwinia politicians before have a common motive, which ence, and hardly leave enough of , is it What has become of it '.; It is Dr countervails all minor things the you to tell the story, ic ia Donna , pronaoiy BOme u.,. preservation of their civilization, to come, ana just sucn noc-neaaea ; -7h"the crumrjIi ng bank before the thn rurnAtnarmn n hnneof into i. cran ks as Lue euiLuiu ui some 01 uui . j ;i k v, . , , ,M,i ,,i,ru,.jan ,. aroat 1 ' 7 . , . i remaius vvtlr icuju'cu lu.auu nor9eDacK. un ine lumoi wpwmur ..t ..- .1 p.e.Lii a. physician or. great peQt government. Norfolk Land- Democratic journals are jast the late Charles w. Skinner. Mr. Blountithey reached Edenton, N. C, where ibht - Kansas City Times. ! mark. right set to hasten it. It is fate.'' has promised to ascertain this fact by tney were joined by Mr. Churton, the -1 with sajing that the Iiepnbli- Xhere are differences, but in e get through with them. Wanamak-er has demonstrated that August of that year he set out from Bethlehem in Pennsylvania, accom panied by the brethren Henry Antes. Timothy Horsefield, Joseph Miller, Her man Laesch and John Merk, all on un tne lutn or eptemoer : t . A; v , is still stirred op: EXTKA SES8I0K 0F CONGRESS, on .u.vui.: of the race trotible. . For some months it has been con ar:a:.:sot arrest have beenisaoed,-,,,.,- OD..f-H i,Qf - V V. U WIT wu U1UI w r . an We know that this man Brvan an examination oi me suuna rowiD surveyor-lieneral and agent or J-ora being given Crouse. e KUOW turn luih IliauXJiyau, thn ,iM nf thnnH Harvfiv e-rflve- n ;m- k iu t n.hr R B does not represent a majority of his yard, and the pious labor will entttte reached the Catawba river to which race and that his mad words are ' him l? l.ne gratitude of every patriotic they had directed their course, but the exhibition of a rattled brain and a malignant heart. There is steel pen 47 years ago, which lodged in his right lung, and he was thought l c wasting away with consumption. I. ant Thursday he coughed it up and ;- a ready looking much better. S- i--i the Charlotte Critic. This heats R M Phillips' record with the sprite of , -eh t which he carried inside his anatomy f,,r more than five years, the idei of u i,i, l: was laughed at by phyri-iari". leit which was there all the same till ) , coughed it up last summer. Charlotte Chronicle: Prof. W. K Perry, the a-ronaut who was wounded by a fall of 700 fet at Mt. Holly on August 9th, died at 9 o'clock on Pun tay night. Mr. Perry was a patient uf ferer, and was cheerful to the la : He had been in the balloon busi:;, -since 1871, making his first ascensi- i. in Nashvilie, Tenn.. on October "i-a that year, acd his last at Mt. Hole . N. C, on August 9tb, 13. Hi be-: record was 7.000 feet, the highest eJe tion ever attained by a hot air balloon. Washington Progress. W learn that tbe crops in the Pantrgo section arc fairly well, considering the unfavor able weather. We mado a trip to Aurora last week. We found the crops good and the farmers and merchants hopeful. The town and surrounding country is making marked imi reve ments all tbe while, new lands me be ing taken in and put in a state of cube vation. New houses are being bui t and improvements in general visible Ti.i is one of the moet prosperous sectiof-.s in Eastern North Carolina. Goldsboro Argus: The crops till c ai tinue to improve and the prospects of a fruitful harvest to brighten all nut through the country in this KHiion, and it is to be hoped that, after ale tne country is safe. The resignation of Capt. W. A. Darden as State Agent of the Farmers' Alliance, by reason of the duties of tbe position being too onerous for bis physical constitution, will be greatly regretted by members of the Alliance everywhere throughout the State. He has been an energetic, ef detect offiser, and to his efforts and sagacity is due much of the unpre cedented progress and large meed of success the Alliance has met with in this State thus far. Aabeville Journal: It is generally believed that Asheville has a larger number of visitors this season tban ever befor.in its history as a summer resort. , Almost every State and Teritory in the Union is represented. The many friends of General Johnstone Jones, of : this citv will regret to learn that he has 1 decided to make his future home in San Diego. Cal., for which place he leaves with his estimable wife tomor row morning. In parting with General Jones the people of Asheville, as well as of the whole State, wish himsucces and prosperity in his new home. He has , served the State faithfully and well as Adjutant General for the past twelve j years. Raleigh News aDd Obsefver: Undt r the management of the psesent Board of Directors much work is being accom plished toward the completion of tbe building and the making of tho insti tution as near self-supporting as can be under existing circumstances and laws. The legislature provided for the hirifig out of certain large numbers of convicts to railroads at the yearly compensation of $125.00 per convict. These convicts , are turned over to thef directors who hire them to contractors on the line of their roads at 10 cents per hour and work them 12 hours per day. Just so long as such laws are created and car ried out so long it will be utterly impos sible to make the penitentiary a : elf supporting institution. Some of the Effects of '-.Elixir." That the discovery of "Elixir t f lift is something wonderful, is beyond question, but its effect ia not always for the best. We copy two accounts of its peculiarities: Cincinnati, August 17. Doctors have decided that tne man Steele named in recent telegrams has blood poisoning. He will sue for $5,000 damage). Selden Weir, the first man experimented on here w ith elixir, and whose wonderful cure was telegraphed broadcast, is 1:1 bed again. Great hard lumps appear when the incisions were made and he is delirious. Dr. Longfellow, who made the first experiments, m a pub lished statement last night, says, he has lost faith in the elixir, and that a local paper paid all expenses of hU experi ments for the first news. Dr. Langing beck, a chemist, who prepares nine tenths of all the elixir used here, says it is dangerous if used after an hour. a.nd rank poison after two hours. The scare amounts to a craze, i here are re ports that the workhouse physicians have experimented indiscriminately with frightful results. Newark, N. J., Dispatch. Aug. 1 A startling story comes from litilhng ton, up in Sussex county. Japper Crouse, eighty-two years old, has re cently been treated with the "elixir of life" of Dr. Brown-Sequard by a local physician. A portion of a rabbit wan used as the injection. After a week the old man grew perceptibly stronger. His youth seemed to return. Then strange changes occurred. He left oif eating meat and took to devouring raw cabbage leaves, lettuce and clover with avidity. He nibbled at tho leaves like a rabbit. Then the old man 's steps grew springy, and gradually the spring has developed into the jump, jump t f the rabbit. His body became stronger, but his reason has nearly departed. At the present time t'roueo ih nothing but a two-legged rabbit with all thw habits of the animal portions of whose body was used as an elixir, lfatlo. barks he makes long jumps until le reaches home. Yesterday he dug a large hole in the ground with his hands The doctor and bis friends are n u thoroughly alarmed. No more elixir is ..man tat lc i ina- e.ctivc ,VELS. . Tl,;,LLY 'REP CO. u 1 1 L , e- i L. . H&Y- A N I rrH uivrrvrt) urn n-"-ri uii is IIIM ' .; V ; HAY-FEVER 'io nontrll and - ' ! -micitlPt; ' HK HHKRH, ii ii 1 Vl w J y IBiih. 1888. Watch'.:. Jewell. AXl PLATnii WARE- s . . : I ' SpectHClun inan nnvotier sier, .1 rt i t aroima I take oa: ; e-u.ar oair.s ;. oi tl,em-0-th eyoo ( part. ,. i, . .. ; .,, u. . Uyt lie; wol Kee for over thirty y , ii v i.i Un bench h. live 1 can do aa got), I v or i. s ..- .... .meiker in the St.lUe Oppoait. . .. EATON. M m, lie street, fi-ldwtf BI , V COBS LOW, v. r I V . Ih . '-', ' 1. Pr. Gi ll.;, net a ' -, 1 1 JS ll O 8 . ; ,-1 I t hfn in r into. p ?r : cnt of GrOOMl Iiuv ..; arrived. co:i3u : AIh Ii "' " v tj, t :. J. l1 ). jc:-.- u HANTS, : a co Carolinian .' They had suffered much from fevers; Brother Horsefield had to be left at a house, oa New Berne, N. C, Aug. 0, 1S89 the route, in charge of Brother Miller, - tt", t T , T T ) v' 4 T T riArir'o.'l i r VlO , ? l 1 4. T : l O . l . .li-i. no danger that tbis country will Elizabeth City Economist of August j butthree companion, the Surveyor and ever become Africanized. If God 6th an inquiry in regard to the tablet tw0 hunters when he reached the end T.t 1J TUn nklAf . - designed to blot out America and w89 removed mKyself ftna the late Proiidwlth bread for fourteen days, leave it a wreck amOD the nations John Skinner in April, lCj, to another They manfully entered the forest wil- ira r fl ohnnt holf o milo frnm thfi ! 1 v 4 !vt:t extra r i.r.ant, tiark, ana Jones, oi , M88ion of Congress would be called ! 1 .lependent, tor inciting ro' to assemble on or aboct the first of ,a a, - 1 es. but they coald not be It i(J UQW reported that . 1 .n the city. The mill tory is the pre8ident has arrived at no .:. rear.. for any emer-.- deoigion in the matter. It is sup ' : -' posed that the indecision of the i:t; ' ' ..oiieia resolution in ''resident results from the uncer av, r ot he lhair hducational bill tainty aa to the ioliticaI status of e, -he to ,Ti;;a Legislature shows the new States to be admitted into i- - here:- i growing sentiment the I'nion. If the Tresulent vas - - a1 h ;:i opnosition to the bill, sure that all of them would send mil Kepublican representatives to uie llia;orJ 01 UUUi Congress, he would call the extra The truth is the nero has reach session ; hnt, if the House is to be etl his highest political elevation wanted8 eitr3 808M0n 18 aud l'ower in this countr-v- If he WThis shows that the panose con- attempts to seize more he will lose temptated in the proposed call was what he has. "This is late. ' nope for the that he will - r a u . - i : - : l .3 i -.... e ; . .1. 1- ; 1 1 1 , , - accessory to the 01 tue c-ounuy . coniorm to ttie present poiuicai ami nw uo-u When a President n intlneneed sceial tnatinn. and seek to im- CKer s 'f.'T'"1"" s S!H L'.al1 infinite wisdom could devise better plan than to turn it over to now recollect, about half way between ne-ro domination. But it can the soun.i ana tn es ue w ner en arvey p hall used to stand. The grave then never be. Such are not the ways wa9 washed away. All we could find of Providence ; such has never been a small bone and a part of a brass dernees. To be Continued. THE NEW DISCOVERY. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from per- ; have weight in increaa--trustofthe measure al ely 1 "elt at the North. e Sentinel. lav hi. Justice r le d 01 ; 1 ,. 1 o cuir.t .-.upnuie v ourt the advancement of the P.epubli- There is but one ted on a warrant charging can party rather thae the interest ueero. aud that is. Mr. Skinner took charge of them and they may now be in the possession of his family. Very respectfully, H. S. GoKDNER CAUTION TO MOTHEItS. Every mother is eatition-d s gainst giv iii; her child lau laiui-.n or jar-goric: it creates an unnatural tra ;n- for stiniu- tlu is. It you nave ever tnea 11, you aje one of its staunch friends, because the wonder ful thing about it is, that wben once giveu a trial. Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted - i , 1 i n 1 4 , . wun a congo, com, or any iuroai, iu"g i catarrh, ine more complicated your or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once 1 disease, the greater the number an, I and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed , diversity of symptoms. Thousands of every time, or money refunded. Trial hot- ca8e8 annually, without manifesting child . ties iree aixv. i . xurry a v uujewue auu ; aif of the above symptoms, result in A Business like Oil", r. For many years the manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Ksmedy have of fered, in good faith, $500 reward for a case of Nasal Catarrh which they ean not cure. Tbe Remedy is sold by drug gists at only 50 cents. This wonderful remedy has fairly attained a world to,: reputation. If you have dull, heavy headaohe, obstruction of the nasal pas , sages, discharges falling fiom the head into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery and acrid, at others thick, tena cious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid, if the eyes are weak, watery and inflamed; if there is ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of of fensive matter, together with scats from ulcers; the voice being changed eni has a nasal twang; the breath ot fensive; smell and taste impaired: sen sation of dizziness, with mental de pression, a hacking cough and geneial debility, you are suffering from nasal roth: rris ui. : , acT.iiusI manufacture:' ar.d Dealers in L-NGINES M; iauTS' SUPPULS ftiitidirs of S : -. ItolUr. Saw rnilU. l.,!fclui: it rf flachlan, W -,-. ..,. of !! kinds I ' -1 ',, 1. ' , , , 1 1 ! 1 1 n kI vn w - , 1 , o rnt.M To! 1,:. lf-;e 1,1 ii - . a. U, llon I. IN ,'. , ,f 1 1i Amer i, 1 l'ii m ; n '1 oolft- : . . ; v o fer ll I WOT k '. idll W WIT -' a t r- e- v , L.- ' m'i I 14 hn T. W 1 i i I . 01.. 1 '.o . V I NT OK Jeweler " t ' o we have in '.it ietl, and . , Wat'lies, -, hj.ney , i r I lend Balm. Agent and Bottler. New Berne. N. C. repared retail urug ruore. noienaie price, w QOQgvimption, and end in the grave. No . - h ,nnri nliM riin urwl f.nr.1 tlw,! Tiir,o Tt PT UOZ 1 'El . A I qoq aO ia ark onirnnn m orn Mt'cro ? 1 more by party spirit than he is by prove his condition through the ls Lsr.,.leSs an i contains no opium' or " " and dangerous, or less understro.t. er patriotism, it is ominous of the elevat hilt influences of education, irnrnlitn-- s'ohi It Jti rrv. Newborn. Beecham's Pills act like maffic on a more unsuccessful! v treated hv tdnsi In1 ntu of J.'HHi, and on future of the country. morality antl obedience to law. N ". ' weak stomach. cians. Uo T 1 errv on eunes- eld was released B."' L'-;f;r. Iruggists :.; i i. u i .s. t.el' n "i.iviry "2S dwtlr" a Agent. : . lst-ti.

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