I w TILE JOURNAL. flu B mmra. W B. 3. C. XV Ti U l)K.H'ir' in:.'- from Kf pt say th : aUrr. -e pr-v.l .it Khar'oum, K.Ij. Tokr iml o'fier river toE. Tht M:rv;or a b f-fd iri aiM the bod : e r. t v THE DKiTH PE ALT Irom time lmmemori.il ion here i U w m, al r BwM. O A UKTTssti aa bow br n: Afoaad ta world in nty day, v. a Vnaeoaver " , COJtOB.KS.-4H 1M .USD. of NeVA.il, tu by a arjncal operation lYat waa aanciMAry . I8. letter of res: di Uoa 1-4 X'x'xi one. If : : had be a VTtttea earlier ic woalJ Uen BOr appreciated A BBLA ' 'TI Ft' I WOESi!! pi" . th eye, xooi woman pi.a. '.L.. oa i ;!, the o' :..- . trear. N j i n OK, ra a ii Seen l.rrvied by th W ar Iep irtmeaC to drive tJi oiarandia c 1 Indian back to the: r rwrv .:on :i (dorado. IF the rc;o,-'. o! far: hi r '::5r" Of British staler by '.h Ka.h b confirmed, tlx Dnnog Sea qae tioa will toco me a fry lively otx. V. 8;u. A "t .v , niaia :a . h W: h.t aVfpliU for a pension from tbe GoTtru men 5. He claim, that be vie bora th day Fort Donelsoo vm captured, TlIK colored editor at S1oj do: audio a secoad to h;a motion Co gist ap m race war ia AUImu uaa retired from the newspaper profee ioa la d'Sjtajtt. Washington Post. Is th Ant wek of August M trite occarnsd in the single--State ot' Pennst Ivaaia, where Ubor has. been t&aghz to expect no mnob from oar protective tariff. cH Loan Pont pupate:.. WaiN Mr. Wanamaker Phila delphia' Arm id Jed the 5O,0O o.Id foarth potaiM'.ers to u. ofseatube d U pJ j f d a bamraf lorwsigbt which will b generally ftdmittd. Kaosa l ity Time THE Hiitiniore News sajn :ht the renojlvaij cel Company late ad tft etAbhjh An imcaeaM ship y rd t Sparrow Point, 12 mile lroD Haiti more. The company will have the mcmi migaifieient qalpmeat la the Taited State. ASHISTA.VT rosTHisTSB-Osa KSat. CUESS"S owua ap to har lag Uiiw. the Mraipa o( 1.5001) poat aaaatera ap to date. Yeaterday ad detl 1 1.4 to th acor, iad he didn't oaut tC a large daya work either. dead v t i.i r. i r-.v . arr 4' a' Kr ! 4 1 ' i r i f r V,T o ' :-. r : i ' ' man) A Sou", a : I y .4 r eri. i1 f r. o he .1 ( r la w r .e in iv. i '. 'h....v r e n. ; n' ; n - , ii 1 ;.pi-il.; ..- n . ! r " ' " 1 1 r.i.T.4"i'- ' iir . f.r haTe rxvD tho who have opposed tbe iDftirtion of the death pen.il' . They y th.it. it id f.nitr.iry to the diTinc Uw aiul hurtful to .-ot .cty. Then, agiiir!, it .'.' innM'en: mmij ! i uies sull J ii , ' ' s nf'rll jjo I rt-c !:).: Mif H.N.i' i x p re 1 boil su .41 1 r. o' W : , 1 , tl f l: If 1 1 , t 1 '1 ! It 'ii a . ever ohedeth nun'it l!o" i iu- ; o! the I V i 1 in: ( Hi h i'I h'.s hhioil h sht-ii. ; ;f il.ve l.i ; the M-i'.Uld pvii.i'. 'y for its tr:tn re.-8'.ori 4 , k no i! . . ' - ' 4 - . v . fifth o '. x : e ed to rr. o ' c ' 1: s I) i f of .' v t! ! know i ". ' ! he iici .' ot commi'int'in !e' ' " 4 X . lie n .r .ill . aio o : w r ' r I r th.f. otTo'. and h.t r he niiiit art? bi ; . . ary aud -hov. '. be done 4 ; ,i : w i ! 1 not oa', i surplus in si h ill the ! a r p 1 , i s 4-fi 'ro i :i g . a g are to lt .is wel. arty e di i o r : hi- willows , i onl'i-di-ratc ;. l or the M.x! '( r orhl. t'k' i- the A-:uy, o-t tis i f : h e m o r t : s a f. 1 1 million i alrraih a:d 'i-iuutie-s and rrfc-e of one n ill t lie real I ;' : t ;s i a ten d f ii ettta'e to '!). nation I : : he name t h ere He no N . r . I . m . , 1 i4 ti run to 1 1 ideas ,4'.l;l .4,- law given L into t he t reas ' i e su r pi us an d 4 : h ls r a e he t a itb 'he ihort ord ly pulilu- . 1 1) 1 1 1 ; l en fin d weak- 1 ' ; s t r :i e tin Jim:!', en pee: a hardens the sen en- the moral New York Tntnine, relerring to an atrocious murder, in the very shad do w o f t tie pillows, sa . -The death nenaltv is i'O :n in 1 1 t ed i'o ! or o ! 1 i 'a a e i :i t h Mis. Siitr.it it h ,ts r tie 1 1) o .i pi d o S4 Ii , . e .1 slapp.i, -- ;; ch'o :. p . i . ; : ,1 Us! ,ee, .1:0 t)v D.i:d M ai sh.ii w 1 was loilnw : Attorne ( tie . , ", te ie jjrap h ei person 01 .1 laritv witti ards. Thi I that the -r. and t lie -.-1 -ay s, ran not be W hoso 1, ty man ,1:1 .Ul'h up 1 KKKK . .1 udre Terry ;s one .trooioiis arts eer :i;s oountry , under s : t ho 11 1 a parallel, r.,;;oal muiilei- id 1 (apt Y;i: ,nid ne appearant e 01 1 .1 ne 1 e T!o first 1 1 ,4 n 1 ..reeil ions 1 tiiive iH-en more to to ; lie m 1 i ' : 1 1 n .1 1 r e ! ( n 1 1 eruptions. The . A. .,,., He was .-ho only e: line w a : a man h .- po.-i' .. :. n! a ( li!e . ti.e ...:u was Nale. I 11 : ' . 1 Stat o eon soli-rt d t ha ' 1 1 : ne : u.-t r -ir : : 1 'ii.- ot 1 ! . ' let", who had :i, to p! otert t he e l'.r'.d ,it ,0. ha.: 1 -: 1 urt ;i 1, -(ro'j ;, 1 not i-r lol.uw ed on', .iiid s.r ,-tart ion ol the 01 It ALLI.VM'K ( ()I I M N. V, I.. '. . Ir Oar -pa 'e ; 11 the --ne 0 T'lKN : is -: s'e :i ' o the pn ! 'mil id 1'res: annual add. ;n he Stati ti;. A'li.inre uider. The ei ust i 1 11 1 ion ot ( ): der renders hi 111 : nelii hh the U- Ii t I ess. T: held :n men 1 1: 1 n 1 Alex '-re is no n 1,1 11 higher es ' ee III ill S. I', Alex the to KM as ein-r 1 to 1 a U'e the rai lit oft 1 1 1 e r a 1 :i snort it tna ;h' '.ojrether : a t.ie n it ni.i eeu.ury for th- ; e:. 4 . ; r-'.i instead ot smaller, a;; o- o rare .1:1 s :n a. er. mm -H name or a woman s 0:1 the nens;on roll it geta ell. N :;.nmgt4n Star. TlIK attempt inaugurated by the i f e e b 1 e me 11 a nee 1 n t De pre ven 1 10 u o 1 er.uje. No Ivetter evidence ot the futility ol hemn justice as a deterrent agency can be offered thn is to bt foand in the details of the horrible murder in nrwmiju i-uunuiuru i twenty four hours Ivefore the hang inp of four men in the Tombs. The execution of the death sentences of j the.se foar murders was planned, either dehbertely or for the conve- j nienreofthe hangmau, so as to have a cumulative effect. Each had arrogated to himself the right to take life, and each was required to pay forfeit in kind. Konr deaths on the scaffold were arranged to oivnr si mnltaneou.wy. and thus' vindicate with solemnity and 1m preA8ivenesa the majeaty of the law. , l-'nr WHilia the imiendine fate of theae four diKimed men ha.i been j a the subject of daily conversation! and ribald jest among tbe criminal , classes of this community. At last ; only one day remained on earth for the condemned wretches, and the' ail carpenters were at work fitting tint together the boams of the scaffolds -,rA ..linahnirtlia -oicrhfi- blltpven ,lK'U L14 .! JU.lHU kuj " tied Nar s!-;i , as I.r V 1 too d a 1 1 g e r 1 a put.lir.m p ir semMa;,. atl"0r.ii;;s ; not ; ti In:;.-: 1 of f adet.re I mon y does 1. 1 only sho - s ! I 'indignity ; : 1 weapon, ti,rn 1 t tie duty ot : : prott'L-teil uie even to the k a 1: , a : ; .-1 1 a. .tor: had lerry 1 p u 1 .1 1 o the e 1 e -mil in d ta.s w as paik a a.-; ; 1 . e :i 1 ; e drawn o any u-e n ia r He, Tetry . wa.s not t In win ti he w niHiii a 1:1a: a , : 1 a , 1 e 1 r r had 1 would 1 Ma; sh.il !e of dadgr 1 .eld ng ot ,1 Lidte Terry, not armed, and lie man to arm himself, tied to put an atlron; like -1 udge ldeld.'as he anot her successive teim, anr Carr has been chosen to till his po sition. P.ros. Alexander and Carr have simply exchane-ed places: Pro. A. being now chairman of the State executive Committee. Pro. l-'.lias 1 ' irr who 1ms been o etiietent and taithfiil as chairtnan of the Kxcrn'ive ( 'oui in it tee Will prove himselt in every sen-e wmthyot ; he h:gh and honor, iM,- rtl; a-' to wtr.rh lie w'as elected. Kt-ports of the Secretary . Treas urer, Tiustee and r.:i-::;ess Agent appear :n the Progre--'1 ve l-'ariner ot tlie L'oth, which sho.".- 1 orogiessive movement on t lie p 11 ! ot t h e Order. ( 'ash receipts tor :e iigrticy fund, -Tl 71; good pledges, 10. ' M i king a 'oral ot 'JT, 7'. 1. 1 1 tor the agetiry fund. Pro. Harden rejiorted J7"."'M yards of cotton baggaig effect our credit and weakei r order. THE LECTURER'S DEPART 1 KN ' The strength of the Alliance con sists in the individual intelligence of its membership. This fact makes the Lecturer's department of more importance than any of the others. I recommend that you give the Lecturer more assistants 1 and deline their duties so they ! the lecturer and assistans) alone will be held responsible for their work. They should be made the authorized agents of our National and State Organs and lor such other Alliance literature as will benelit the order. If we can get our membership to read our paper, and other literature, to keep them informed of our progress, to better understand our purposes, we will be able to accomplish whatever we undertake without it, we will fail, for no people can act together without understanding the ques tions that conlront them and the measures demanded for their relief. An intelligent membership is more to be desired than numbers, for open enemies are few iu comparison to those of the "advisorv lamilv," THE STATUE'S FALL. 51 1 N N IE 1 K 1 N 1 " kmni in :i temple In i;uy . Found her buried m the elm. mi. And the du:-t ot (oei-i.-m l'oo Like 11 lilv 111 a tuinb: And a n.an ot wt-uith aii-i ( 'lianc-etl up' m tie' sp. a m be. And lie bought h.-r tor IPs ijli-a-ro And he took tn-r o'er the sea In a lofty lib he lie set tin . Yhei-e lie might, fiom dusk m i Lift his eyes from leaf or h't'o-i. And behold her beauty rare. "Ah," lie cried, ' if thou wen hui I could woiship at thy feel. Statute of a perfect woman. In thy majesty complete I" Sweet the piaiso -he thriiied to h And the man's impassioned torn For a Koman maiden , spirit Was imprisoned i:i the -tone. So she grew to hoe hei ma-ler. Kven longed his f 1 -n t told, Kl.-s tlie blow of , debater. And the curls .1' -lnicti- -M A ' he 1 1 i;n wl.i n Hi-i.i .t-i c'i'-i Ami 1 lie bi ills f Ol get to ,-;ug, An i the ruin of tin- in.-- - i doom and shadow seems to bi 1 To tin- loom ot stately splendor, And the statin- of ho;- pi.eie. Came a lady, hiy--leudei And as lair his prom -a-d !., .V Swansboro Items. procure ( trd.el : tor t he members ot 1 1 w a. s . i ; . . i Alt ar irs UKI.l) . a r ( ; . X ID-tit b r . : . - .- .i : i g w : : n the Attorney i; si ems to be an axun u .'. r.iii pane, t n at ; ne v : 1 i t a I never g. 11 a n ame never DIckxI four a mile deaths till the rejn rementa. Charlotte Chronicle. Ha'a a big Iojan. Boaloo Herald. E .vkb"c CiHKSox made j ot to secure tbem is rwi.w one, aa otteriac which will probbiy ' ontf M , u not atteajpted to Wn-ooie faaiooji, if not naOoaal, Mtablih marketa at jioints which ba h said that ifPreaideat Har- I qv,, not ibe capital of facilities to rttoo end orsed for ilahooe he aiaat mot com pi a; n if h hMild g-o to pro tat with lb.- little General. flich Bood Diapatch, Dem. A50THKK woolen miil in liao.1 laland haa fild, protected to death by a staptJ tax upoa1ia raw maOrtai.4. I'he Pnitetl State is ta oaly nation in the cin!iid world which, handicap its roan a faccareri in this barbaroaa faahion. New York World. vs tne nammer BiroiteM uu mc creaking of the ropes were heard at tting larger ,he Tom tbp victim of a fresh the Tanners inj peculiarly atrocious murder ,.at it will lay weltering in his T- . V. a -,.. i away. ratu wuu idanned for an many minutes on the morrow the law had so few terrors in reserve for evildoers that three burglars were calmly plotting at the further end of the bridge a mowt revolting murder." H. is not to be denied that "the guilty often escape and the inno cent sometimes suffer. At this moment the prevailing sentiment sems to be that Mr. Maybnek, lately convicted, in Liverpool, and the murder hnnC is innocent of the h produce, so that it can to da ternuie cnme of which she has poeed of w.tl, the least excuse and .n ed Admitting delay. The advantages of home the probIoin of at1ja9t. narkrtii are obvious, and the move , , ,a j ing puniaumeui. iu irjjuiciiuu m I unsolved. An emphatic warning ' is given to the conrts, but this is Frmer-' Alliance Kxchange ol Kknd., to make Jacksonville the market for cotlon raiaed in that State is an illustration of the grow ing tendency in the South to make the trarVi - in her leading staples as c 1...) .,..,,1.1., T-k nr mucu ....... ... v , condemne, todie f0f dacer desires a noine marsei lor ( all. The preiKinderance of enlighten ed tboaght seems to be in favor of the intJrction of the death penalty H1PPISEX.S a Ul'TT. ia ol clearly ascertained cases lc ta onr parpoe to keep up t he , 0f mar(jer , but there is a wide dif moral tone of the Jot'ESii., and ferenc of opinion as to how the occaatonaily , esjiccially on Sundays, penalty shall be executed1. In giva Original artaiim and choice m 1 1 1 ta ry executions, all over the selections of a re. ig'.oas character. world, the condemned man is shot A lew ,-veuingt ago a layman , of ljeAtBi but there is no universally dicided piety, wa.s conducting a adopted mode ot civil executions. the ab- i Driver meeting service in : stance of the pustrr. and to lilas- ALI. So'ithem Cotton hxchangrw tr f g, tbe dutv of going oui after have bren mited by the New Orleans i ttoa Kichange to meet In eoo'eation in that city on i I th of fWptaitir next, to jgre on a aitonn adjiatment of the differ tac in tare Not ween rot ton and jat baggtu. Vilmtagton Me eager. WlMLspii para.le waa the Bfml formidable demonstration the Loadoo atrikern have yet made. 1: U report el that JO,(J0O, men wtre ta hue, and the appear anc of the red rlag a( taa had of some of ta onarefciag .lauitiin excited ap prahensious of more serious diatarb mac A DtJFvTi u Irom San Francisco ays the lawyer are beginning ti fear that Nagle, who killed Jadge Terry, cannot be held by the 1. S authorities, as he cannot claim to to aa otTiC of the Circuit Court if the Federal right to interfere is not recognised Nagfe will to return to Stockton for trial. Good street for the cities; good roada for the State: theae mark the 1tg of a people's progresn. Th next Legtalatare can do no better work thaa iniorove npon present tatutes so that a compulsory ay tent may give as what has not been attained under present laws: good eoantry roa!s in every section ol Virginia. Norfolk Virginian, Hem. Dt'is X C.i's Ust weekly review of trade says Tbe monetary preamure. of wh .ch so many warn- logn have been given baa operated lata week to modify aa improve aaeQ t in general trade dne to the xcellent crop proepects. Failures for the week: Cnited State, PX Oaaada, Jlo: total compared With 21 ' last week and gill the week previous to the last. Ir would do: to detrimental to tbe basnes interest of Boston :f there wa lesa goaaip ia coaating rooms, tiwk parlor and horse cara abOQt failure. The topic i won derfally catching The mention of firm in connection with a failure If apt to be ru:.s. oof r-ce.l, and con mna which are every way solvent taJer from aojuat saspiciou P--toa Journal. 1 r ta very well for a roan to do U own think mg. but it is not well tor hini to attempt to do (oP taiakia. Freo thought and free tpeech 1 not a license to think and peak contrary to truth and right. If m at aa ch;owe to deHare that it the nnoiy cnau sho one of oi : he r" for tfio bi iXi n s l ! e r r bigger i - Vr t..' SI n P. e Th. I e tTo r '. r v. i 1 1 i es :s to sion on ;. to happy . ani on j i n jaf u '. happy. 1 cnlca'e lege n J oice i n In Krunce the nnhapov culprit is brought to the guillotine, and its keen blade severs his head from the er'.ed, said . "If a hunts ( body "in tbe twinkling of an eye." ild take h - position on in Pngland and the Cnited States :r s:ree- .rners and sr. tn0 gaii,,ws is the engine of death, t: g'i , and dog, waiting sim eti mes 1 1 dexbs its work qu ickly, r - ''"me, he would to aui then, again, it lacerates and 1 . :'';, 'out he is no tortures it victim in a way revolt- :i4i 'an- ehnrch mem- lng to the civilization ol the age. -.: ::.: and eipect.s to see Hanging by the neck has so often "-"i4 :;u '-hurrh. be-n attended with strangling that cas, in numan ne.irlv approaches savace butchery. that other methods of executing die. are If Clinicians n ie a t vorable impres criminals condemnesl to huc. averted they m us t , bM D considered. Tne p e : s : : i n s is :hit thev :e Scripture clearly in yfulnes-s, not a.sapnvt determined. ly. but as a doty. "Ile-1 Tlie great object of penal stat ; and again , nteg M ti,,. prevention of crime auguage is Solitary confinement is a punish a.'ent mistake xDe state ol New York has de hat they may ciarkd tB favor of executions by ought to to electricity. The experiment is yet untried, and its merit are yet to to re. he Lord al i :re '' TL ay ;s 1 1 s'y , r. i not only permisaive but imperative, 1 mpnt from which the guilty ond if happines to a dnty, then nn- instinctively shrink, but nothing is happmes :s sin. Rightly view this so tern ble to the condemned man matter and we see that the sad. gloomy, professing Christian a much misrepresent his religion and does ; mneh harm a-s ttie im moral professor. Some seem loo happy in the ser ;c ot Christ than they did ;n the ser ;ce of sin. Young people generally have the impression that the religion of Christ is unfavorable to their present happ-.nes.s. .md the conduct of gloomy Christians con Arms thus conviction. ( n the contrary, the .i the prosects of death. So long a men commit murder let the death penalty be inflicted. The manner of execution is not so important as its certainty. Let it be clearly and inexorably settled that he who commits mnrder must die, and the community will seldom to startled by the commission of the crime. Very rarely if ever should ex ecutions to in public. As at present practiced they are, not in- happy i nrtstian impressively repre- frequently, carnivals at which exhi- sen t. h is rei all cla.s.ses else makes perse ven n g anil cheer I gion. i ml thereby wins to ( ' n r : : . "Nothing one so erect, resolute, : r. defa' i gable, zealous ul. a.s the conscious bition.s are made which are demor abxing and hurtful to society. It sometimes happens that a wretch, guilty of the most abomi nable crime, harangues the intilti- joy of the Lord in the son!, one tude, with the roe around his neck, such happy Christian will do more and claims that the gallows is but for Christ and stmls in a church the wicket gate that admits him and community than hundreds of into Heaven. Such an exhibition is the sad and melancholy ty pe. j no deterrent ; on the contrary it Kvery d.s.-iple of ( hrist owes it to exci tea to emulation by mvestiog tbe fiUH of Christ and the anbap-jthe criminal with the martyr's py world around him, not only to crown and robes of victory, to a consistent, but a serenely ;ov fa I Cans; ; an ." While only the Christian can to superlatively happy it is tlie duty of all men M cultivate the spirit of happmesa. He is an unworthy father who keeps a rlond lowering oa his brow irom wh.ch lightning :!shes to frighten his "hlldren. The C;'.;.-.eii who is per pjtu.l!y i . n g for something to blame an ', ran on A see the dark spiots ;n h heid. :nm in too much contempt. We have no idea that the min der er Nagle w .1 be tried by the laws of ' 1 1 -1 o i i . . a . . . '. 1 . o , i g 1 1 the c : : m e was i .iMMttrd again.-1 the pe ice and dign-.'y ol : ',, it S' ale. The Govci nor o i 0 .1 . : g-n ; a w :ll hand the en :n ;:..! -.'. v to : be 1 ir.ted St a' es ill! b r , : i : to I e W waslied alo Genera', a- wili. i n e ic j Stat s have v. w no r:gb' 1 ha t lie liid'.cal ( "o r r n :n cu t a' Washing, ton w hi n their party is in po.vii i bound to respci : ; am! t he resiiit will tic, that any Cnited States Marshal will he In Id harmless, w hen he. shoots down ,ui individual who presum.s to rt an :ud;gn;'y upon a I n 1 1 ed S' a ' es otlie ; al . We have known .Cidge Teiry ever s'.nrc may !va and wc have never known a man more maligned and mrsrepresented. .ir first in troduction to l::m was through the est imable I )-. K chard P. Ashe, uncle ot Sam A-he of the News nd Olo. rvi-i now oue y ears deceased. Terry was then quite a young man, but he ltnpres.-e.l us very strongly i . h:s favor. His appearance was rry imposing, he being ov er six fee' in heigh'. His manners upon f.rst aequ nntance a ; ' ;d; i; ( r- ri: i-:.-1 o- i i f ANiif.i: 1 1 ' r ii k n . ' 'I KKs' S f Al K A 1. 1. 1 A N K I II lit I A.N.N V AI. SKS b iN A f t A '. i If K V 1 I.I. 11 . N . ' 1.1. 1 I, la, LSs'.l. ),, ( is and 'fii jii 'is i 1 1 ' . - 'iirnlrna I'lirmers' tatt A ilia net : The third annual meeting ot the Noith Carolina Partners' State Al liance. marks an era ot unity ot ai'tioti among the agnciiltui al and tailoring classes that is phenomenal, and I congratulate you in iepre sentiug an Order in numbers and intelligence that has had no equal in our .State. Lass than six months old. at our first annual meeting, it had eight county Alliances and LL! Sab Alliances. At the second au nt, il meeting it had titty-two coun ty Alliances and lpd.S Sub Alli ances, and today we hav e MJ county AKi.it.ei.-8 and 1 , Sid sub Alliances with an approximate membership create monopolies bv which thev of 7. thousand members. So rapid- robbed the people of their wealth ly has the State been organized and political power, and when the that many of tlie Sub Alliances enormous wealth of "the few'' be have not been instructed in the came so great that it was not remu purposcs and principles of our iterative in the cities, they monop Order as thoioughly as they should olized the land of the couptry, and be, to insure their active and efTa 0- the people became vassals in fact, tne work. The l m poi tan t work of When the Goths and Yandals con organizing new Sub-Allicinces in qured Rome, they only conquered unorganized sections can be com- the Barbarians of Rome, made so pleted before our next annual meet- by Roman laws that enabled "the ing. 1 retei you to the reports of tew-' to rob "the many." Laws of the Executive Committee, Secre- that act thus, destroy individual taiy, Treasurer, State Lecturer and intelligence, for individual intelli Organizer and State Pusiness gence cannot exist without individ Agent for the condition of our j ual ability to acquire it. The Order, and deem it unnecessary to classes to which our membership say more than to commend them 'i.-'ok. lie said, iris aim around 1 'A t thi- costly treasui ,. hei . I In a temple old they found hei buried in th.- earth last year, Many a.i eve; alone ami lonely-, hvviu the twilight and the' dew. H ah her for com jinn ion on! v. I I -It and dream of von ":'" Thus Pe talked ii, And his ladv fir oils pas.-iou marble breast . 'i, to leel again the solemn Dust of age- long ago, iidenleu'li t tie bn.k-ii cl u m v many ol whom are equally as shiewd as their ancestor who "got in hi.- w oi kM ou the mother of man kind in the Garden of Eden. The finaucial condition of the mebership has not improved since our last meeting, nor can I see any hope of improvement as long as trusts and combines fix the price of, YV bib- astoiui of . nearly everything we buy or sell. I Filled the statue " - -. hether the crops are good or bad, j t hey manage to leave the farmer in about the same condition; and thus t he intelligent and ambitious young men ol the country are being diven to the towns and cities. They see "the few" in the cities controlling coiporate power by which they annually collect millions of dollars, no matter whether the seasons ae good or bad, and lured by chance they take the risk. This making it easier for a man to get rich in the city than in the country has caused the downfall of the civiliza- Vi-l s a i a.-.- -bioll. ll Ib-av.v o;, hei d'hr. Ui gh the ni Sounded i leai a pa--u j An I, wit In nit a .- ai ml . . From tier pi u v the , I.o I a cbuid .,(' ,!i:st ai -i Finn the l:igmri, t Freaki ng fi om its mai b e pi 1 n ward - ai w as the , iiicui maiden ' Centuries since, with ge-tuo- tragic tdie had scorned a sculptor'- hem And he called the aid of magic To the service of Ins art, CrvitH'- "To (lie rmvli'e ue.nu.a tlOLS that have preceeded US, as It Dumb alike to joy or tears, enabled "the lew,'' by combines, to i In a foreign soil embedded. I ihou shalt lie a thousand year- " l So the curse b him selected v ame 10 pa-- witn all its pain , From the darkness resurrected. She had loved like him in vain I To his servants said the lover (And they hastened to obey For the thousand years were ovei i "Take,the broken bits away." belong have . suffered worse than were somewhat ie-erveu. ne as to y our eai uest cuusiuei anon, ai otners irom evil laws in au ine the most r mai katde man wc ever the last meeting of the Nations 1 civilizations that have proceed us, knew; as a lawver he came rapidly Alliance a basis of union was agreed j and it we fail to do onr duty, we upon between the National Alliance cannot complain when we find like laws produce like results." to the front, and at the early age of twenty eight was elevated to the supreme Court bench of California. Living in the same el'y and thrown often in h : p sera'') . v e -o in leai tied ice a ; a-, e.-; :;na:e upon uis to great mental ab:ll':e.-; the nearer one got to him the bigger he grew. He was verv sticce-stul .is a prac- Tloner, made money very and dispensed it with a lavish hand. He was austere in his hab its, did not drink or dissipate in ' any in inner. He was as affection ate as a child, and loved his friends, ( towards his enemies he was bold trr.d (leti.in: and the bravest man we ever knew. Much has been said about his aggress:v cues.-; ho was represented as a dangerous and lawless man: we will admit that he was a dangerous man, but danger ous only to ttiose who were his enemies: Cut that he was ; lawless man, we most emphatically deny. He was the nio-t daring upholder of the law in California and several times placed his life in p'onardy by and the National Agricultual Wbtel and the Cnion. This, if ratified, will change the name ot the nation al orgonizetion to "The Farmers' and Laborers' Cnion." It does not change our Statu name nor effect us in any way, as all the important features of the constitution of the rapidly National Fanners' Alliance are re tained in the proposed constitution of "The Farmers' and Laborers' 1 nion." 1 recommend its odopt ion as it adds very much to the strength of the National organization and will that To you, delegates, our order in this State looks for guidance, and in returning to yon, the Executive badge, I return my sincere thanks to the State Alliance,to each Coun ty and Sub-Alliance, and to the members individually for the kind ness and consideration shown me. and especially do I commend to your consideration my associate officers of the State Alliance. They, not I, deserve your praise for the great work of organizing enable it to accomplish work onr State so well. it has been too weak to do I To you, delegates, the welfare of heretofore. 1 believe other farmers , the Alliance is entrusted; on your and laborers' organizations will join ' labor it relies for those laws that will promote the welfare of our members and the advancement of our order. May God bless your labors and blesss the Alliance. -Progressive Farmer. a i - -1 aw and endeavoring to c order. I lull one Oci i-ion we were wit ue-.s to hi' successfully withstand ing alone. ..n armed, body ot 'Jo or do men, who entered the city ot Stockton tortlie jurpcseof ly nch- a man whom they wrongly sus hi g pected ot horse accused had t closely pursued Terrv 's edict : steal. ng. The party ikeii refuge, while , ;n a house near a- soon as Terry us at our next national meeting at St. Louis, and also a better under standing will be arrived at with other labor organizations. These organizations were brought into existence by monopoly and as long! - as monopoly shapes our laws to rob : senator Ingalls on Prohibition in the people the war must go on until Kansas, monopoly is dethroned or the pro- ' Kansas has abolished the saloon, pie crushed. jjue 0ptia dram. shop traffic is as alliance hkmanhs. extinct as the sale of indulgences. The demands" made at our last A drunkard is a phenomenon. The meeting lor certain legislation have j barkeeper has joined the trouba not been granted, and I would re-; dour, the crusader, and the mound pectfiillv and earnestly recommend , builder. The brewery, the distillery, ; hat y ou determined at this meet- i and the bonded warehouse are ing to either abandon making po known only to the archieologist. htieal demands or take such action It seems-- incredible that among a heard of ltdae armed ly and none too soon, barrel gun and an ami stood in holding the himself quick with a double arm y revolver he porch ol the bouse, would be lynchers at bay, told the armed crowd that he would protect the man at the haz zard of tins life, that he should be tried by the laws of the State and not hang by theirs like a dog. We will never forget his commanding as will ensure your demands being complied with. If you resolve on the latter I suggest that hereafter all demands be submitted to the Sub Alliances for ratification and when three-fourths of the Sub-Alliances ratify a demand, have your Pres.dent issue a proclamation set ting it forth as the demand of the State Alliance. The discussion in the Sub Alliances will inform the members as to the necessity .and propriety of the demands, and the members knowing that they made figure that seemed to expand with ' tht demands will see that they are the danger and his calm determined ,. forced snd then "taffy" and look and the glitter of his ey es. ' .q0vt." for the farmers and laborers He was linmeasurbly the superior W1i!gic way lor measures of real physically, mentally and morally of benelit. I would also suggest that Judge i-ields, whom lie deemed ;i corrupt man. IPs worst enemies, 1 as much as they di-liked him politically, all admitted that he was the person i tie it ton of honesty.1 The duel with Proiienck has been' represented by Terry's enemies as murderous and uutair. We lately read an account of the affair given by Proderick's second, audit agrees substantially w ;th tlie account giv en us by Dr. Richard P. Ashe who got his information from one of Terry "s .' friends, Mr. S S. Prooks, who was' on the ground. According to their, accounts, and they agree, it wa.s as fair a duel as ever was fought. Terrv was a man to be feared, but he possessed in you scud no petitions after a de population of 1,700,000 people, ex tending from the Missouri River to Colorado, and from Nebraska to Oklahoma, there is not a place which the thirsty or hilarious wayfarer can enter, and laying down a coin demand his glass, of beer. This does uot imply that absolute drought prevails every where, or that "social irrigation" has entirely disappeared. Rut the habit of drinking is dying out. Temptation being removed from the young and the infirm, they have been fortified and redeemed. The liquor-seller, being proscribed, is an outlaw, and his vocation disreputa ble. Drinking being stigmatized, is out of fashion, and the consump tion of intoxicants has enormously mand has been made- Demands i decreased. Intelligent and con- and petitions are incompatible. Iflservative observers estimate the we are to beg let us do it in the I reduction at ninety per cent; it approved style, and not demand cannot be less than seventy-five, one moment and beg the next. Prohibition prohibits. The pre- diction of its opponents has not alliam e ( HA1.IEL. , been verified; immigration has not ltd the approval of your Lxe- been repelled, nor has capital been cutive Oommitte 1 had a eh urter : diverted from the State. The prepared incorporating the State , ponoci has been one of unexampled Alliance and each county and Sub-1 growth and development. The Alliance (provided only those Alii- I jror'um. ances that should accept it should . be incorporated,) It is a liberal A Fair Hit. charter and I commend it to your. About the time the temperance tavorable consideration One very , reformation began, a well-disposed important section ot the charter 1 f,rmpr tnIrl llia hjrpH m tht hf. - ' i nr-.ia cfri'ilrnn rnr K' tlifJ a 1 1 n t tl Q Twl ! , .. .. .. . . an eminent degree " 110 ""'u -, tll0ngQt 0l trying to do his work that peculiar magnetism w hicb o r 1 .l'r''1 "l I without rum, and asked him how drew around him hosts of friends, ' another time, lhis acbion ol the j mucQ more he 8nonld have t0 give Will somebody who happens to know about it please inform an anxious and impatient people whether the coroner has done his duty in the case of that white man's Republican party which recently ! .vet came crawling ont of the canebrake down South, and has not been heard of sin.vT Washington Post. and that magnetism was the result of a kindly disposition that was ever ready to succor and assist the needy. IP1 was the poor man's friend and ca r ready to champion his cause. In all car acquaintance and friendship, which was of the most pleasant character, we never heard of his insulting or indicting an in jury upon any one without provo cation. Take him all in all he never had an equal on coast. Retributive ju to follow this terrible murder under form of law. fhe end is not Senate and which it and petitions was hostile to us the contempt with i hjm tn (in wif.hnnf ThA man mid treated your demands, nim that he mj ht give faim wfaat 3ns clearly shows that it i h niaSPri. i.Well" said th farmpr "T will crivA vnn a sliAAn if -: .1 1 ll, -loo,-, !. " irieuus meie auu u.c, ..eocye uu. , yoa wjH d() witnOQt7 Tbe edest thanks. An inspection ol the 80n then a8ked him if he wonld give Senate journal will show you who . him a sheep if he would do without were lor us and who were agaist rum reS) Baid the father, "yon ns- shall have a Bheep, if you will do state rrsiNEss A.iENcv. without." The youngest son then The State Pusiness Agency has asked if he would do the same by not proved the success we antici- him. "Yes, Chandler," was the re- the Pacific pated and I urge you to give this ply, "yen shall hare a sheep, too, if ice ought department every thing you can to you will do without rum." Presently make it what it ought to De. 1 1 is c nanaier asKea: '-u atner, naan c the right arm of the Alliance, and you better take a sheep, too?" What Is a Hero I One might as well ask of what shape was Proteus ? of what color is the chameleon 1 The genus has a hundred species. It has been said that no man is a hero to his valet; but every valet has a hero neverthe less. There are world renowned heroes, national heroes, state heroes, county heroes, city heroes, ward heroes, village heroes, family heroes, and men who are heroes in their own esteem exclusively. The "Killers," the "Bouncers," the "Babes and Blood Tubs," the "Dead Rabbits," the "Short Boys," and all our other Associations for the Sup pression of Law and Order, have their respective heroes. Tbe judiciary, the bar, the legislature, the "ring" (aldermanic and fistic), the pot-house, and even the jail, have all their ' bright, particular stars," around which the smaller lights revolve. The Champion Race is an im mense oligarchy that rules and guides the orld. It comprises an enormous amount of brute force animated by brutal instincts, and a large amount of mind without principle, but, fortunately for so ciety, it also includes enough of that class of talent and genius which bears the stamp of high moral excellence, to keep the grosser ele ments in cheek, and thus the preponderance of power, as between good and evil, remains, upon the whole, on the right side. We agree with Lord Macaulay that it is a pity that people of all countries have not the faculty of choosing their idols with a little more judgment; but yet, not with standing the multitude ot ignoble and self seeking Heroes of cabals and factions with which Christen dom is infested, the truly great and good, the Reformers, the Ameliora tors, the Regenerators, grow stronger and stronger and extent their influence more and more with every passing year. Xot a Slave to Fashion. The woman who cannot be hap py unless she is fashionably dressed must sometimes envy her sister over whom fashion has no powet ; who cares only to be neat and com fortable, and goes her own way re gardless of tbe temptation of dry goods stores and miliinery estab lishments. Tbink of the time saved, the money used for better purposes, as well as the peace of mind enjoyed by the woman who entered the milliner's store, placed a bulky bundle od the counter, and said, calmly : "I'd like to have you put a couple of yards of good black rib bon with a little velvet on this bonnet, and some new lining into it. l'.e worn it for six years, and the trimming needs freshening up, but the bonnet itself is good for six years longer. PJ1 call for it to morrow."' Then this feminine philosopher walked out of the shop without be stowing a glance on the charming creations in lace and feathers and flowers, over which other women would have made themselves hap pily miserable for rAlf the forenoon. Pretty weather lor a week past. The farmers are about done their fodder. Plenty of fine mullets now ; they sell for 50 cents per dozen quick, 2 inch size. We are going to have a shingle machine soon, Messrs. O. II. Perry Cv Co. Irom Craven county, proprie tors. Mr. E. M. Farnell dud in this place last Saturday, the 17th inbt... of dysentery. Aged about years. Revs. W. Pimples and Noah Smith, Methodists, tailed by some Northern Methodists, preached some excellent sermons lor us last week. They will build a church here this fall. 'Turpentine is booming right now. we have three or four buyers in our community. Sometimes it brings 2.25 here ; this is more than Wilmington or New P.erne priceB net. James Laughlin and W. N. M irvin are the distillers. The rest are buying on commission. Rev. Benj. Ward, Missionary Baptist, assisted by Revs. D. J. Aman and T. J. Leary, has just closed a protracted meeting of six days at Piney Grove, near here, with La accessions to their church: Id were baptized here yesterday. We took a trip over in Carteret .county last week, visiting the j farms, &c. ; heard a good aermon j by Rev. N. M. Jnrney ol the Car teiet circuit, went to Morehead and Beaufort, heard some good preaching there, saw an old war tnend, James Marshall of my old 27th N. (J. Regiment, Co. I. We had not met before in 20 years. While at Beaufort we stopped at Mrs. Sue Roberts' boarding house. She is t fie widow of the late Capf. Jack Roberts ol Carteret county, who was drowned last year at the Straits. We were accom accompauied by Sol. Gornto, Esq., Miss Nannie B. Hewitt, his niece trotn our county, (Jnslow,and Miss Katie Roberts, who has been ou a visit to 1" q. Gornto's for sometime. Stie was lately taken sick with sore eyes and went blind while at Mr. Gornto's house, aud at present can not see day from night. Miss Kate is a lady of refinement, loved by all who know her. She has many friends in Carteret and Onslow, also in Cren county, and all will deeply sympathize with her in her sad affliction. We hope the cause of her blindness will goon be re moved and her eysight restored. We visited the farms of Dr. J. W. Sanders, R. W. Humphrey, Esq., Benj. D. Turner, Joe C. Smith, Dr. G. Ennett, Kassey Bell and others. Found the corncropgood for the sea sons. They will make three fourths of a corn crop ; the cotton is not bo good; peanuts better; field peas good, but the melon crop is a failure entirely. Dr. Sanders is feeding to his hogs about 200 sorry melons per day. He keeps his hogs in pens all the year around. PROFESSIONAL. BODOLPH DUFFY. a. B. KTXO. Duffy & Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. O. Office over R. N. Duffy's drug rtorc Branch Office: Catharine Lake, O Be low county. pl dwljr P. H. PELLET ATTOKNKY AT LAW, AND MOM Y nitOKEIC Or n ven St , tu doora South wf Journal office. A apeclalty made Iu nrgotlatlny until loan for abort tlm. Will prattloa In tha Oonatlaa ol OraTn, Uar teret, Jonas, Onalow and Pamlleo. Unltad Btatea Oourt at Maw Barna. and Suprema Oourt of tna Htata. fabl dtf CLEMENT MiNLT. O. . OVIOM. Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office 3d floor of Oreen, Fay ft Oo. ' bank. Middle street, Netr Bene, N. C. Will practice ia the oourta of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Sapreaae Court of the Bute, and in the Federal Court. aplt dwtf r. m. Simmons. n. i ouaa. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the oountiee of On Jonee, Onalow, Oarteret, Paaalleo, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courtt. Office on Craven etreet, next door below Journal ofltae. aplSdwtf DR. J7 D. CLARK DENTIHT, nswaaafe l9r V,B svrl aaWM J. and Brood. irl l Hay Fiver. I have been a great Rufferer from hay fever for 15 years. I read of the many wondrous cures of Ely's Cream Balm and thought I would try it. In fifteen minutes after one application I was wonderfully helped. Two weeks ago I commenced using; it and now I feel entirely cured. It is the greatest med ical discovery ever known or heard of. Duhamel Clark. Le, Mass. 27 2w UXTIEJI H0RT1 ClKOLm tJIARBLE WORKS, SEW BEKHE. N.C. Monuments Tom Dp. iii t ' ia 1 u o Jdim won ITAUAN&AUERICAN MARBLE Orders will reoeive prompt attention wnd Mtiafaetion fraaranteed JOE K. WILLIS. Proprlevoi Oor. BROAD ASP OJKAFXA Ja. Jf MW BMMltM, J. C CLE. MiLLnn ia aay entkorised aai I in Kinaton. Alex. Fields, Traveling Agent. LnU J L M 2 f Y m Land For Sale. TWO TRACTS lit LSROIB OUOm lx mile ton th of Kinaton, on. Booth Wo Craak. No. 1, U0 acraa, with on handrW ol eared, balance vail Umbered. Wall adapt ed to crowing; corn, cotton, paaa, eta. A portion of tha claarad land ambraeee a rtah anoh. No. X, 250 a of timber land, about one and a balf mllaa irom treat No. price 18,000 oaab. or part oaab with aa proTed aronrlty for balauo. Apply to JAMEH WILLIAM. I Kinaton, N. CL. Or to JOCHNAXr CKF1CK, nimiwtr Naw Raraa. W. C MAJTCFACTUREBS OF ELECTRO BRONZE GOODS Bronze and Decorated Lamps, Etc. RALPH W. BOOTH, Manager, NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. ,b N A tit 11 AVKN 1 1 v i" ; n a Hip Tiik Republicans who are growl ing in North Carolina becacse thev urronndmg n nnff. to have ,en ,eft sl ,(1 find conso,A. tion in the (act that there are many wltl Rfa' ilr in always unmairr time at th North , b.v- ic , a b-e n : i 1 detract- I pole, aad that the t'lHiW u aa belty he w only how".D hi own foll.T. Biblo dctrin are God'i AteUuntiooM of truth aod facta, from tkm there U ao appoai. To BctpC taem 1 not meaUi bondage. 1 C '. a a happiness a poo 1 1 light. .v :. ."'vl co mm unity. - : m.t:i' creattMit who I'un'r.lin'w to it in 'or, aril he who w-t i fully om : ' a in ncroa n t. la'd thing to know that : a a duty, md atijj-la Never get a roputat small perfc. ion , ; t ' n for fame in a lotty area. an only ; tidge by gem ' sees that ! hoe ho siderab!e at ten t : on to n: dom have their niinils h : i::'-i. There are if you (io nothing else at tlns lhis was a home question; the meeting but perfect this depart- j father had hardly thought that he ment vou will deserve well of the could do without the "good crea- ie trying Alliance. Its failure to uo what is ture:" out tnis direct appeal was n, .,,ri,i exnected of it creates a desire for not to be disregarded. The result lor a good places vacant: among them the Koasiau mission paying a salary of 1 7..V) a year; the miaflion to China, flL'.fXXJ a year: Corea, ;.. hi Iloliria, I'ersia and ISiam, fo.iMX) Cod milM each, and Ijberia, a t.fKK): besides a rfioire in its large number of consulates and a lew post oflicea. true, except ion., t tie world does lilt t o ' attei lis and it pay oon- n ni a , sel-neeupied it is except ions I H I.IK K N : i f y . ai : ! a.-. A kirn I ' .: v cur" :..r '. 1. Ia.iiff.-sti n. V. i r uirir.t- I .. ' rn, N i ' . t IHITII I.I I ! - ; k :. Ii... w rM a Iv t".H 1'h : '.r: - ar' a - rn. : I1 v.f -p-.ia . i nst i pat ;i in. II- r-v. N v. co-operative store, anisis to oe was rnac ine aemon was at once regretted, for co-operative stores banished from the premises. have no place in the plan of the - Alliance. Some one has well said that while Tlie Alliance was brought into we cannot control our circum- existence to protect the agricultural stances, yet we can control what and laboring classes against mo- we shall do in the circumstances. nopoly not to make merchants and its agency system is the only The only guaranteed cure for all one I have ever seen that suits the blood taints and humors, eruptions, present' condition of the farmers pimples, blotches, scalo diseases and 1" uu LUU" , . T . scrofulous sores and swellings, is Dr. and laborers of our country, l.et Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery, ns keep it within its sp'aere and not You get a cure or money paid for it form entangling alliances that will 1 promptly returned. A Pleasant Harbinger or Autumn. September "Peterson" comes to us bright and fresh as the days of that most delightful ot months. The illustrations are charming. The full page wood-cut "The Young Family," is as good in its way as the steel engraving ''Pick a Back," which is, if possible liner than usual. The mammoth double fash ion plate opens a tempting array of novel costumes for autumn. The illustrated article will prove par ticularly interesting to the ladies as it recalls some of the fashions of long ago. The two serials end well; each is especially good in its pecu liar vein, and the short stories and poetry are really admirable. One of the invaluable articles on Nursing of which "Peterson"' has been pub lishing a series, constitutes the "Things Worth Knowing," and the whole number is as complete and New Berne High Schoo FOR BOY8 AND GIRLS. Now lSerno, N. C. Fall Term commences firet Monday in September. Three Departments: Primary, Inter mediate and Academic. Building large, commodious, and fur Dished witb a well equipped Laboratory and Library, and necessary appliance of a hrst-clans High School. faculty consists of hvo, experienced and progressive toachi rn Instruction thorough and practical. Special attention paid to Voice Cul XL' RE . and to pha fical , moral and spirit ual development. Discipline mild, but FIRM. Special inducements offered to poor boys and girls desirous of procurmg an education. Boirdinj? facilities good Expenee reasonable. For circular or information, addrea j?28dwtf O. T. ADAMS, Principal, Old Virginia Cheroots. STILL IN THE LEAD ! More of ihem were sold last year than any other brand of Cheroots in the world, and an increase of 75 per cent, of sales for the first five months of this year over that of last year. They retail FIVE for TEN CENTS, and are the BEST goods on the market, being EtUAL to any 10 cent and BETTER than any 0 cent cigar. SoiJkird, beware of the numerous imitations on the market, and when calling for a package of the OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS be sure and that it has the name and sig- GREAT BARGAINS. The Stock of General Hard ware. Cut lery, Locks, Hinges, Saws, Saddlery, Cart Material, Wall Paper, Paint, Oil, Glass, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Iron Pis snd Fittings. Iron, Steel, Ao.. Ate, alao Plows, Cultivators, Farm MaoMncry, Cotton Gins., Ate , b longing to the business of Geo. Allen & Co. will be closed out during tbe next f weeks at VERY LOW PRICES. All persons indebted to G.o Alien A Cj., by either note or account, are noti fied that 'payment must be made at an early day. Indulgence cannot be given. L. 8 WOOD. Buxldvrif TruiM. Those Sample Hats TAKE THE LEAD. A NICE LINK OF Summer Ties and Scarfs. Also, a full Block of thfi Anchor brand Ci Irbratad linen Cellars and Cuffs A I ha pee and aiza. A FULL LINE OF Battles' Shoes NOW IN STOCK Harrington & Baxter. K. R, JONES, AND Dry Goods & notions. Full took and large assortment. Prices as low as tbe lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. interesting as possible. Terms: Two Dollars a vear. Address i 8ee Peterson's Magazine, 30G Chestnut nature 0f P. WHITLOCK on it, other Street, Philadelphia. j ise you win uo imposeu upon. Trade supplied by XJlx-lotL, WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR je27 dw3m NEW BERNE, N. C. advice to mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syetjp should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Jdiar hoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Como One And All, And see 105 different kinds of STRAW HATS to be sold at Wholesale Cost at J. E. SMITH, Agt. Also a good line of MEN 13 and BOY 8 CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and DRY GOODS that will be sold very cheap for Cash. J. E. SMITH, Agt., 'Middle St., New Berne. N. O. Tho High Arm Davis. Simple, Durable and Light Running. The only vertical feed Maohine. All sewing done without bastUg. J. M. HINE3, Ageat. New Berne, N. C.

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