- --t ' ', fx 1 0 n wt, i INDEPENDENT IN ALL T T ormiv. VOL. XII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, SEP I EMI5ER 12, 1889. ; ). -21. ; -A MM To HI U. '0TIX THK NillONAI. ( OM I IT TEK i . ..r . i , m. il-w till i. km ii c 1 :i I'm: ,"V . - ,tm ' .i tobacco crop is fine. h.l.H JL CtllJ freer. i n oot. re X nU aud rc Important Reolu. tionn-Hold Your ( otton. l :i : re a K x ni bo si nut' r tarrr to try l!rr k tnnmi 'IinrmIXXlHID DIGESTION; DISCRDIRED UYIR; -ITLLIIATI. BrSXHirS PllLrtfiJtECEUT OF PRICE 25 CENTS A BOJL l M i 111, r The National cotton commi'e of the Karmers Alliance sends Milker m the Kr" 1 1 n &h a a 1 important ;i.iiceto Cincinnati En- t he Urmern of the oath Hold onr cotton ! That m the substance of ir. i New York, The committee held a quiet meet eel) Lead were iojf at the Kimball Honse. Atlanta, Ga , the result of which wivsthe adoption of the following resolu i, I.at.or Day" UoDR hration wm 1. That the a: umal cotton com- An i ti. fe8Jiou may or not be called, but in any event it will not ' Orange l':esl be lone lelcie' the Congress will at Bethel chat, About lnrt rn- as.i mble. Thifl wa 'i;r : It wa thought that the tariff the 1'u-un-s woiilci in- the leadintr subject for usaally s i i . l;ulUtr ition, anu mui me suver i""t ijiie-stion and naval alTairB would rt reive eai ly uttention. Hat Kepresentative lleur Cabot : first Pi i s! ten -.n church in Colum Ludu'e of Massachusetts, dclares bia, S. C., : v. S. II. Chester, iii.c tl... crreur fiuestion for the ' giea up Haw 1 Jr of the JOURRAI." OK v.;;k i in s ii ytehv. r ..' met last week ; ir Greensboro, t ; v ere present. rf rip at which ri' urh is not : ,s ia the h vi-wr three . Key. S. M. Smith, ). I), removes from Wash- ' ingtot), N. C . to take charge of the valuat'h We , .-. ineMi be COllllilK v. Ollgicoo 10 iuc icic,..u wi . T IViKln-t.n.n mute) rconimeii.l ; h it the farmers the i ul. of the House, lie says Kev. 1. II. Dalton s and ( 'ross Roads i the I'ranklin, church, and f. Ml u4 117 Cwl M-. mm !. 8ui4 sa Map Utoj "OETTflMCER BROS. ir,EZ3JClBrtoiOLf TXT- O., Have for sale at Lowest Prices Possible: 00O LonJUvl 8a if. 1.000 4dC CoAia' Spool Cot '..-n. 100 ktterfTU M. UjIC. T I0O UlM NtI Soap, tio W. i - SO kia 4-4 5iii. 10O boIM Aral i Haaa(Cr li.-aa i Soi SOU VM. Maa- Itwk, J.OOO paira o' ZtUr ini IUj S:: Mi; A FI LL LINK OK Dry Goods, Ready Uado Clothing & Furniture, AT RKTAII. AND WHOI.I'S.VI.: Wa r prapATaJ to t jj tk IUraia for tr. i .:- Mj- 7. J 1 0ETTI1TGER BROS. S.a of the Vlebr!Ud lV.r! Sh r'. r lb of the South Oiall sell no cotton duriDg the month at' September. ; ie change eii-ept what may he abMolutely necejary to meet :he obligations , which are pnt due aks ai.it Jit- L Tliat t he Nanonal cotti n com U' the next n,1ItM instruct the president of i I Keprent each primary Alliance, W heel, or Colon, or nome person appointed ndoa u that - -: lit that 1 1 : h. House rf isf,ue overshadows and Concoid CresbUery. sstem of rules of the Lacy, now ;it Mtd). in takes woik in Rev. .1. II. lie, has been Representatives is riglH ! U1V(, u, :,' ''''T " ' KeV ' : Mr M'Ciir .- e u-l n. -l .uviimtnii then the entire American system of aml H,eh FpLr fUlll so0n weVjn government from top to bottom is ordain a minusier in the Nalial ah, Scotland Neck evan prelistic (or a y.u K writea to wroiiL'. Mr. Iodge's declaration amounts lield. . , -.. . ., . ,i r On Saturday ing Sabbath-school meeting with secreury of his county Alliance, Representatives lu to De partisan, two leading addresses from Kev. . we had an interest- br him, to meet the president and n?w.- ..t;.. rs 'ha: be haa learned Whel, or Cnion. on Saturday, the and all obstacles to party manipa- A. Sprant of Henderson, on "the ' t h At I : j i j ii ned the t ripple alliance 28th of September, at the oonnty iat ion and partisan legislation are Teacher's vocation'' and one from on H-.I- I.-.VDI o N'DWmwr. aur, lur iuc pmpw ui . i, ra m v TUm cm m hn ive . jir. jjavis oi wnsion, on r . i r . , v - - - - - - - innner icsLruciioD iru:i; uie a i K Thprp are to tie no i m O rr Ari7inr t Ii r ; , r i 1 t i i r i .1 7 J Gnn 1 R. .t.amjkk hs de- mmirtM qualms of consciei -.-e becanse of the ,-,,T.f.,EL 1. ' ;d--d :o - ; a. t to arreat the week, 3. Tuat each State secretary of protests of reason, patriotism and Were arranged and Kev. F. H. -reced.ng the election in order to eTery State be charged with the regret, but the Kepublican party is Johnson, ). D., was reelected .v e.j ,,. ar U-fore hi amvaJ in ' 1T ot Pacing these resolutions to move right on to the accomplish- Presbyterial evangelist, with some immediately before the respective modifications of his work until next ment of its obiect. 3 spring. The present rules have worked T( , mpptin of th. oocnty president in every county 1 a a v. care of your farming im- in hia State, and charge all ei plement. M ny expensive icple- pense of printing and postage to well. That there have been ex- Presbytery will be held in Tarboro, merits are allowed to stand oat in tbe National Alliance. ceptional cases is admitted, but in in Apnll lb!0. - - luc LiraL tun uiai ui ludcs lux. 1 have met the ends of jastice and facilitated legislation. wf j'tn-r and te rained because i.ivcr poo 1 1 ; is said that tut accumulates wealth at the rate i .;,ihiirfi ,;A::N . This is eqaal to W. U. Lacy. Winona. Miss. oae third the accumulations of S. h. Alexander, Charlotte, N. C. ; a One of the chief objects of the rules is the protection of the mi- I1AN VILLK AND LYXCHBUKG. On Sunday, Sept., 1st, I rested in Danville, by preaching twice lor Kev. Dr. Alex. Martin, the dis- i tingnished pastor of the Danville Presbyterian church. This new nority. There is no tyranny more charch building is a very beautiful J. W. STEWART, Sale and Liver j Stable. exercise special cure and caution in of sheer neglect. sheltering nd protecting his cot u ktki;n Mexico is becoming ton in bale from damaging weath- com;v:;:..r in the European wheat r' d ftl' ,rom 'inK on ttu" , ground. mJ"p:- rhe crop is very large 5. That every newspaper in the in,l ah mminfii i r i n 7 mAl! tO U k . n ..... U n. , . U t I, ,ntv " ' '"v " uwu in i miuiiui ii.ii iuo iuici- . At ., . .1 ,l: 1 via New Orleans. est of the farmers, is requested to "ll""' """" lJuu) lU41 a V th Vn nnhii ininn- t h e m a , or 1 1 v m a v i n tl ic t u non t h e 1 n v Pro perous. Ihis City and i !,c til(, I nited State ,vnp ihnri' nre cranfi fohacen , V? .1 Hi Jul era pha rman KvlA minnritr nn oa rtiot pq mail hv iir - rV . of iVu', r n jc uimu",J o..v- ...... centers and ful ofst r and push.! f " . Jr ' iuo rules now in iorce is toe worii . Danville has also larcre and nrosn- ' of years, and not the product of erons cotton factories, for both ; i m ai forn j and ilAtVio T i j oartoinlr i l' v.ik.r.inn vrat Cirr an v part icniar party, xney are me j u v..wLUa. la t'.w .' . r .,n- L-0.u r ti.t.nn;,.,,i ni..n cheering to move m thronged! Tv m ' rv ari horitipw in ltr o n' t vt v. i , , , streets ami liear the rumble of Tu. m.. , u.hor.ties inlvOBe g J Northen, Sparta, (,a ; investigation and are endorsed by trafic over paved streets, the rattle hUP --nmenUng with , H. K Kolb, Montgomery -.Ala. : H. 8tatesmen of long experience. of electri, street railways, of the sn-.okeieai lewder. Iq target prac- M. Hort N aahyille, ienn.-Na I)unng tLe period of Democratic enlivening calls of the newspaper I tico with the new powder doabUa . llonJ 1'0onoml8C- in .i,naonf iw0. carriers, and to walk in the light of he res: of mankind. 4 rine Horses and Mulea always on hand, and will he d!apoa! of on aaay terma. llartoo kiad t aaotwr of Fiae Team) th : are gentle 1 afe: alao tralaatt Saddle Qn for both ladle and geuUemen road Street, -New Berne. N. C. The Bergner & Engel BREWIWC CO.'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER, IS UTTUUISTIOSrABLT JHI Finest Beer Extant. . It U browed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and highlj recommended for its TONIC and NTJ TETTIVE qualities. T hih rvpaUUoa enjoyed by the KEIiGNKli & ENGKL XJHPAT ui da to tVe fact tJiat only the FINKdT AND HEST MATEKIAL3 axa omJ and Uiat tile greater: SKILL and CAKE art &tardd ddri ng iu taaaaXaMix. jy -4 dwif the usual number of hits have been m.ide. (C e ii v i: L-'WUY, of Misa issippi gained merited applause by his conjuct in the Snlliyan-Kilrain affair ana he i now receiving plau dits for his maiugeaient of race troubles .a his State. Tat: h a. in il Protection sheet do no, i.ke the enthusiasm and rapture in leading Democratic pipers over the Ohio platform. There is a l.md chorus of praise ,all aiong the 1 t-n.i ra t ic line. Wil mington Mes-enger. A western editor wants to be considered l.ke Washington for having told the truth. The differ ence is, W.mhmgton always told the truth. The Western editor stumbled on it in the dark and wa frightened out of his witd. T h e ii . is unquestionably a reac t.on of sentiment taking place anion g thousands, of those who voted b r Mr. Harrison last Fall and for the protective olicy ol which he was the chosen represen tative. Wilmington Star. Ir the government owned the Western I nion Telegraph Goru- Ihe JOURNAL 18 now, ana 1U- -' ' , rh electric nhinfs as well as nrdi ways ha been "in sympathy with Natives, the Kopablicans made;nitry ga8 ' lamps r wjsh wc the interests of the farmers," and DO objection to the rules. There could transport some oi this activity cooseouently publishes these reso- wa no room lor objt,ction- on their npon the shaded and quiet avenues part, for the rules protected them of the beautiful lam City. If r,, .fmi-a and the Democrat ic majority was It 1 unnecessary for us to make J J extended remarks npon them, but wiIling th;U tlu' hU,ul11 1,e l-"v we wish to emphasize the advice Ii: given. The policy of holding back the crop for better prices is usually a good one, but it should never be done to the injury of creditors. The mortgage system, that pre vails to such an extent, is a well nigh neoesaaxy incident to the timea in which we live. Whatever may be said of the folly of having inaugurated Buch a system, the fact is we are confronted by "a condition and not a theory." The farmer who makes it a point to tected. But, the majority in the House has changed sides, and Ke. Ki'iNOKF. ny chief object in writing is io .-.od some notes ol'out this Majje Cay of the South"' as it is called. It lies at the junction of publicans demand a change in the the Norfolk & Western, Shenan rules. They are not willing to ac" doah Valley and Koanoke cord to the Democratic minority Southern Railroads; about two the protection that was freely ex-: urs west from Lynchburg, 2.18 miles from Norfolk and lol miles tended to them wnue tue uemo crats were in the majority. The obiect of the Kepublicans is in the next seven or eight years, not limited to any particular meaa- i (aa a banker tells me) they expect ut it is evident that one of .. . . IL ia uidiuicu o Buuio tuai mc ceu- ' esst of Bristol. In 180 its popu j lation was 100, now it is 10 000 and ure, the purposes to be attained is the : gu3 of 1S()0 wil reach that figare unseating of Democrats elected Immense industries are planted from the South. The Kepublican , here. Yesterday, under the kind h.m,, i, tn miKt f rn m t h rpnr. ! an d in tel 1 igen t guid an ce of Kev. I Mr tf 1 a m Kil 1 trio nnnnlor anrl . . onntnhcn rs c i t inn D I in m f r r a r a fx rif ' meet his obligations as they ma- """ xu.. successful pastor of the Presbyte-j tare, esUblishea for himself a busi- have bcen dalv declared elected in rian cburch, Mr. Geo. Allen and I neaa rapatation aa valuable to him LULit '"i,cuno owim tuiu- u,4Uc mC y aa bank aecunties, and such a man -tall in their stead Republican com- I Pent alt hasverv little to fear Irom his , Peters whose defeat at the polls ; manufacturing jnte 'mortgagee. A good business man , uaa bcen ascertained and an- teaixtiful new brick Presbyterian who holds a mortgage had much , nouDl ea luC proper locai church. Its auditorium with cu mber give reaaonable indulgence authorities. cular seats will accommodate 500 aa: nr f rar ci i u ' i r pn no uiau ou lu u to a reiuoie iarmer man to iorce a hiinriP hann of tbpWnrid'a aale by which property will be Lodge in tbe pretense of putting Pre85yterian churche8, displayed, this partisan conspiracy on a high ' :n tkp conncil in Philadelnhia. Ve ; p.m , it wou.d doubtleiw prove to , oommiUe have Jone right in plane of statesmanship will deceive ; ascended the steeple and got a fine j be an elephant: bat that would be , ,'no one. KeDnblicans as well as birds-eye view of the city with the ,...f...,U Ul-1 O IWUUJUICUUIUU l,Ut IUC lUIlXiCiawi . !mntoia cnrrnnnHIn if !?ftm0 ' , the South "shall sell no cotton du- Democrat realize the true charac- Imosi . "Ee i ring the month of September, ex- ter of the Quay scheme to take limitSi MllIa mountain, about aj 1 cept what may be absolutely neces- 'with a mailed hand' all they can . mjie away, furnishes water from' 1 sarv to meet the obligations which obtain from the result of the last its mamouth spring, which has the Tiik charges against lanner : na,t dn election. Democrats will resist , capacity for supplying a city of , , 100,000 inhabitants. ineiioanoKei The fourth resolution is an im- the eilort to change the rules, and ! workg haye recently beeQ I jxjrtant one: As a general thing they will appeal, with confidence, ; parcnased by a company for $230,-1 farmers expose their cotton too to right minded Kepublicans to re- o00. They propose to terrace the much. It ia a great mistake K sup-; frain from depriving them of the . mountain, .just in front of the j . fair nlav t hat R-nn hi ic.ans secared notei) so mai puvaie lesiueuces preferable to the Cnited States go ing into partnt rhip with Jay Gould in the telegraphic business. Char- lotte Chronicle. pressed by Congressman Flood and others will not relate merely to personal demeanor. They will be baaed uxn the allegation that his :Vii-:al c.iniluct has been without dae reg ird lor law or the economi cal administration of the Govern ment. New York Star. i'.ui: ; -: k Gkaham successfully raade his trip over Niagara Kalis wa considerable, but it will be poee mac cotron ia dob injurou u, e.an be hailt ud there. The Koan- lying out after being packed, or by by reliance on the rales which r. Qke riref He8 about baJf a mUe bfl. TACT- JEt TTOIVLQINrXD. Agent and Bottler. New Berne. N. C. la-st S inday. It m his life's sm bition and h. w.us determined to succeed or give up his life. He went over in a k nd of barrel made bv hni.self. He siislained no io- the ground. Under the Lodge assails as spokesman of the yond the city limits, and will fur- o Itunnh Mean machinA " J . ! . . 1 v. . nlsli all neeaetl water power. Koanoke machine works, valued A i KLEiiEAM, dated Decatur, at s5. 000,000, manufactures loco Tex., Sept. 1. says: Lph. Huffman motives, passenger and freight cars, was tried in the District Court and does all sorts ot repairing. lying on old system of packing in jute bag ging the injury lrom these causes Mj I VAYIU I u " u J greater when the cotton is packed in cotton cloth. The tendency of the covering to mould and mildue will be greater, and the existence - i . - :ii : l. .,f 1 Ol luese Will RUB IUO eueuilW ui ,lrirtl, .urntkn inrclnm Villi 111, CUV I 11V. J U I J K.Ul- tit.rs iuf,-i n . ir Muises, out cxjtton clotu oaggingan argumeui against its use. Besides, cotton that has been well protectetl is better and will bring a better price in the market. With these few remarks we com I - f I. Aift V. n i r v T r i n K n m m ro yesterday for horse theft. The t , , 1 ' rtf rAnJ TRUNKS ! TRUNKS ! TRUNKS! suffered from the shuck. m- kp, i. r- k:a. in her s;ee-ch from the throne, yesterday, con gratulated "my lords and gentle men" on th of disorder in Ireland. Wonder if I!cr '! i ; c:-.ty eer t.iw a good engineer suppress escaping steam by ty ing down th 1 1 -ion ' 1 1 1 1 't . 1 1 em: v t i. a court room is used on Sunday as a place of worship. This morning ed a verdict. The prisoner was bi ought iu and sentenced to five years in the penitentiary, after which the services were resumed. gradual suppression mend the resolutions ot the Na tional cotton committee to the favorable consideration of our farmers. salt : v v a veT Tiik funeral of Mrs. Julia Jack son Christian took place in Lexing ton, Va., Sunday morning: the entire population of the place turn- tion, and we watch with interest ed out, ami many battle scarred the process of forcing the great iron ful. The Rolling mill takes crude iron, scrap iron etc . and turns out bars ready for various industries. Next wc come upon an extensive can ning factory, with a capacity for: 4, COO cans per day f vegetables ' and fruits. This is a great fruit country. The magnificent red to matoes on our table are five or six inches in diameter. Peaches, ap ples etc., of similar excellence. The car axle works attract atten Perry, who boasts that he car r ed 7,000 North Carolina negroes veterans of the Confederacy, with wheels on tncir iron axies dv ny never thought of, to Indiana to carry that State for heads bowed in tears, watched the JlSi; "V 5fL?J , iai . 11' I U C t,tiv,uiim vi v. iv'.v.. . ut v 4 j a a higher taritl rate than 20 per cent, Garfield, has not yet received bis remains laid to rest beside her,tr0 comDauy. They have one ve today he would reward. We are curious to know father, Gen. Stonewall Jackson: nlant in Chester, Pa., where one of communicated The partiality of friendship has eo frequently adorned with panegyric the memory of those who have fallen be fore the Great Reaper, that eulogy of the dead rarely passed unsuspected; but if a virtuous life, one of unoommon sweetness and purity, furnish evidence of worth, eulogism would not be, we believe, deemed misapplied of the sub jact of this communication. Tho late melancholy occurrence which robbed our society of one of its most cherished members, Miss Ann Maria Slover, so speedily following the loss of her sainted sister, baa sunk many in deep affliction for the heavy blow, and although "Like a shadow thrown Boftly and Bweetly from a passing cloud, De-atb fell upon her," it yet came at last, with unutterable distress. Partaking largely of the sor rows of those whose loss is irreparable, we cannot let the occasion pass by without some expression of the feeling which such a sad event is calculated to elicit. That "in the midst of life we are in death," is a solemn and affecting truth, attested by every day's melancholy ex- : perience. wnen we cast our eyes around us, what do we behold? De vastation and death! Visit ''Cedar Grove," the home of our dead tbia house of deep forgetfulness, where strife is buried and peace reigns what do we find beneath and around usr The ashes of oar fathers and the bones of oar friends; the remains of those we loved and revered are here: the com panions of our youthful years; the part ners of our joys and the soothers of our sorrows. Look there, we find the mon ument itself mouldering into ruins; the hand-writing blotted out; the in scriptions are obliterated; whose dust and ashes that is resting beneath it al ready unknown. "The things that were have become as though they were not." No trace remain of the glory which has passed away. "The places which once knew tbem shall know them no more for ever." But amid all this terrible gloom, desolation and death, comes the cheering voice. 'I am the resurrection and the life." The greedy earth shall give back its pre cious dust, all shall live again in im perishable joy, and "The forms we loved so gladly here Will reappear. " Returning home, having finished her education at a Northern school, pre vious to the war, Miaa Slover wa ac corded at once an enviable position in society. Unaffectedly shrinking from prominency under any aad all circum stances, yet she was carried along by other ladies of intellectual capacity until we rind, her at the head of com mittees at'our Fairs and in our aocietae aad other place where she conceived her aid would benefit our citizens. The writer ha not forgotten under the strong protestations in which she was induced to aerye, when she was acting es vice-regent, a chairman of a com mittee of our most intelligent ladies to make arrangements for the reception of the Hon. Edward Everitt for the deliv ery of his Washington Address, and with what ease and dignity she per formed the task. It wa a place at the time calculated to embarrass one with much more experience. Bat as before said such position she did not oovet or desire. From her kindness of heart as much pain as they gave her she wa in duced to fill them to oblige others. In Miss Slover were happily blended that mildness of temper and dignity of deportment, that unaffected modesty and hi;h intelligence, that exquisite good humor and Btrength of under standing which we seldom meet in the same individual. To her parent the was all that give ecstacy to paternal affection. "The tender and silken thread of her life was inwoven with purple and gold." She lived in their shadow and her pulse eyer beat in unison with their own; she wa the dazzling light in the cirole of her own family. To her other accomplishments was ad ded sincere, humble and unaffected piety. While ever genial and cheerful in society and especially among friends, yet at home she realized her happiest hours. In the midst of her flowers sh was a genius a queen indeed in the floral kingdom, and as tbe poet so sweetly and beautifully sang so sung she always "Your yoicelees lips, O Flowers, are living-preachers. Each cup a pulpit, and each leaf a book. Supplying to my fancy numerous teach ers, From lovliest nook." "Floral apostles, that in dewy splendor Weep witnout woe and blush We thout a crime." O may I deeply learn and ne'er sur render Your love sublime." Quietly and stealthily ia her garden sometimes she would toil for exercise. How often there has she watched with eager delight the expansion of her spot less lilies and then seen its petals folded up droop and fall. With what interest has she beheld the bursting of the rose bud, its leaves unroll and then drop as softly to the earth as the flying snow flake. Typical of her own life and end, so sweetly did she live and so gently did she fall and pass away from earth, and it may be to endless fields of heav enly flowers that neither wither nor die. i And now all is over and forever gone, save the example of the lovely charac ter bequeathed to us as a priceless legacy. The memory of the measured step will ever be before us, and the soft, sweet voice like notes from a golden harp, will remain on our ears. Tbey will not be forgotten. Yes, the affectionate and devoted daughter, the tender sister, the ardent friend is consigned to the tomb. The flower that bloomed so fair lies withering. "The wind passed over it and it is gone." But we hope and believe tbe cruel stroke (as it did one as dear who preceded her) has ren dered her release from a world of jwoe, her transit to a blissful immortality. We attempt not to measure the afflic tion of the survivors. We may mingle our tears with theirs, but we cannot realize their loss. l'I,ean Dot on earth, 'twill pierce thee to the heart A broken reed at best, but oft a spear. On its sharp point peace bleeds and hope expiree." W. TKOCBLE WITH TIIK NK'.KOls. Four of the Ringleaders Killnl Mu!c Resisting Arrest. New ObLKaNS, Sept. 4 . A i-pn -ml from Greenwood, Mihb., hmj -: From present appearances it lookn an though the sun of peace wouhi peparate the cloud of war. The sheriff of ihi.s couiitv returned from Winter City, the neiu ui l war, last evening, and reports eveiv- thing quiet up there. Four of the rin j leadrra. Adolph Horton, Scott Morns, i M. J. Dial and Jack Dial were k 1 1 lel . The military arrived at Winter City at i 7 o'clock yesterday morning. Upon the arrival of the troops it w. ;is learned that a party of about 10(1 negro.-H well armed with Winchester rillen w (-i e encamped near Cane Lake, a dictate e of 7 or 3 miles from Winter City. A i reconnoitering party of citizenH mini bering about fifty men were orgni.--J. land proceeded to interview the t 1 ligerent blacks. j Part of the men were detailed t in different directions and make ;i thorough search of the entire nirmn ti ding country, in order to discover their whereabouts. A party while passing through im plantation of Mr. C. A. Low net) c.une , upon Adolph Horton and Jack Dial . and they were commanded to Hurrr n der. Without regarding the command of the officers they drew their pistols and started to run. when they ware shot down. Those two were very des perate and mischievous, and had been the principal aiders of Cromwell an u Thomas in arousing the negroes of tin- county. The other leaders were killed this morning while resisting arrest. Thomas, Allan and Cromwell, the moving spirits of the insurrection, have not been arrested, but the whiles and the better class of black negroes are de termined to bring them to jn-tiee. Geo. Allan is theone who killed anotht r negro last Saturday night on Town send's place for refusing tojjin his band, and it is believed he is still in this city. Cromwell i an ei convict, and one of the principal ins: igntt rs of the riot. The best of feeling prevails between the whiles and the better class of ne groes, and when this troublesome ele ment has been brought to justice the machinery of affairs will move on as though nothing bad happened. Bill Fife is Coming. Mr. W. P. Fi e, the "drummer evan gelist," will commence a meeting here next Sunday. He comes by invitation of the Y. M. C. A., and will no doubt do much good for the community, lie has conducted meetings at several places in the State recently and his efforts have been signally successful everywhere he has been. His meetings are non-sectarian and we are requested to urge that the Christian people of the town, irrespective of denominational lines, give him a warm weloome and ! cordial support in his work. Koeking ham needs a revival of religion, and now is a good time to begin the work. Dr. J. M. Covington and 1". L. Cole. Esq., were appointed a committee on devotional exercises; and Ulessrs Robert Sanford.Eli Goldston, Frank Worley and J. D, Hastly were appointed a com mittee of arrangements for the series of meetings. The first service will be held in the Baptist church. Rockingham Rocket. I i q' V mm ' Jn JUIOC '( . : : I ill . d.lc I ist l 1 e ll I i I'll'' KiLifc...- : 'uWELS. Ti'Aiir r i 1 1 i I C i fi vri'i1 ro. i ,-;r. H f S.W.&E.SmaHwood SEED LlLERS Commission Merchants CRAVEN Vi.. NEW EFENF, N. C, 1,000 Bunches Cotton Ties, aim 25,000 3fiinf- Bags. The , h. on t h.' ii i 1 1 ' Si-pl i . I !. I - I' Hanging if'..".! 2m 1862. ZkU IB EE .MWELR 1 i : i N OK Watchc:, i:::'":, Jewelry C i - AND i i 'it were a! New and Large Lot and if h. shrink with horror from t he present t ar.:T averaging some 17 per cent. Toe iniils b.l, proposed the unsigni ti -ant nductiou of a to 7 per cent. bat the monopolist fought this with ays, until Quay comes in, unless, from the mining region of Illinois day. But they are now doubling the de.-peratlon Utrn of averice. indeed, Clarkson should propose to reports the situation as "unspeak- their buildings, and their immense W . 1 in : ii g t on Star. I iikkk is no tetter evidence of he progress nf this age of invention ' hat llarrison proposes to do about the scene at the church and grave the proprietors or managers said it. lie and Dadley are a precious wa8 nnusuallv pathetic. De worweu i.uw nanus. pair. It looks like thev will have l1" 1 bei,t, C'St 1 siGOO,000, and they make pig iron, to "walk the streets ' us (arson A tiENTLEMAX just returned r.ina(.irv nf i rnns tw ban the achievements of electri laiis, ai:d the subtle timd is now pay them. News and Observer. The Boston Journal is exercised in mind because a candidate who was lately a high-tariff man is run ning on a tariff-reform platform in Big Tninks, Little Trunks and Medium Size Trunks. Trunks of nearly every description and to suit all tastes. We are now hn JUoc th Hon Patent Roller Tray Trunk, WkUk to hommd to aeo popoUr bcue of in (IRKAT 1 '.nv kS'IKNCK nd Wosst ef 4lta. Um vutW fcy Trank call nJ for yoarflr. If j .i i ; t fcwy Mil aMft tan aoywaf - No Uoabi to tho w ihrn. W. B. FLAWWER. one of m m's mot powerful agents 0hiQ- The Joarnal may as well and submissive servants. The I roadest sweep of the imagination rr. av not demerit' its ivokmi hi Ii f iax a - - . , V, "krtKillV lr,f urv nence. .orlolk Landmark. lul evCjucic. become used to sach sights. Con versions to tariff reform are to ably distressing. Hunger and dis ana I01tJ 8mo" or mast stacK , . , , ., . , shoots up into the sky beside its ease are abroad, and death is deso twiQ nva', The hot bl (;t( made hy lating the homes of the hopeless the gasst;S. fI0U the melting, and victims of this unnatural struggle." mingling ores, limestone rock, and These starving people are among coke, does look very fearful as it those to whom Mr. Harrison person- roars in its great cylinder before . , , ,. , being turned upon the metal. These ally promised prosperity and high mat(Trial6 ,ueall weighed and then wages if they would vote for him. hoisted up some fifty or seventy- Tlic Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., tes tifies: "I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles and was cared of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abra ham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, af firms: "The best selling medicine I ever handled in my 20 years' experience is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at R. N. Duffy's wholesale and retail drug store. Large size, $8-00 per dozn, wholesale. Norfolk Virginian. Ce -tat ei 1 that a New York politics has kept New England from S.od.cate is seeking large invest ments in iron properties and lauds in the South, anil that an English Company has made purchase of large mineral properties in Tennes see: also that two companies have made large purchases in Virginia I and will build a town tar. being a tariff-reform region for the last half-dozen years. Politics will BdcIIm'i Armlea SalTa. Th Best 8alv in the world for Out, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped not hold her SO a half-dozen years Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively' ourea pile in the future. Boston Herald. Pennsylvania is iu line. Her Democratic State Convention Vilmington ' adopts a platform for tariff reform, and demands free raw material. or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale bv R. N. Duffv. ian 17 Beecham's Pills act like magic on a . weak stomach. five feet in the air, anil tumbled down on the blazing mass. Twice a day the glowing metal is turned out into the channels of moulded sand, and the "sow and pigs" are soon glowing, and the ifon, called "pig iron'' lies in many a gleaming row for commerce. L. C. Vass. Koanoke, Va., Sept. 1th. i T In- Continued. ) How long we live, not jears, bu actions tell. The world is made of such hard, flinty substance against which your better and holier thoughts will be striking fire; see to it that the sparks do not burn you. An Offensive Breath is most distressing, not only to the per son afKicted if he have any pride , but to those with whom he comes ia con tact. It is a delicate matter to speak of but it has parted not only friends but lovers. Bad breath and catarrh are in separable. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst cases as thousands can esti fy. The swetest thing in life is unclouded welcome ol a wife. the Resolutions Passed by the Carteret Co. Farmers' Alliance. Whereas, By the lasi census then were in North Carolina 3td,'J.'i7 persons engaged in agricultural pursuits, while there were but 119.250 engaged in all other vocations; and 22.363.5'iH ne.-es in farms valued at 9135,793 002, and all other property valued at S20.3fiOG01 showing that more than three-fourths of onr people are on tbe farms, and more than six-sevenths of the taxahle property of the State is invested in an riculture; and whereas, much of the poverty and misfortunes of our peop. are the results of bad and un ju-i man agement of public affairs, therefore, in view of these facts, wo, live I'-irmeiH Alliance of Carteret county do Resolve, 1. That we send greeting to our brothers throughout North Cuin lina and pledge ourselves anew to unit of action with them in demnn iin ac. l securing the rights that beloi. to us freemen. Resolved, 2. That we demand of nr public servants more consideration for our interests, and less of the pretended favors of demagogues and politicians, such as was manifested in the defeat ol the Railroad Commission bill, notwiih standing our farmers throughout the State had petitioned for it and our pres ent patriotic Governor recommended its passage. Resolved, 3. That we condemn the present management of tho A iV N. ('. R Co. as hostile to us in its enormous freight rates and its discriminating ac tion against the farming and fishing in terests of Carteret county. Resolved, 4. That tho A. & N (' K. is not the property of a'private corpora tion, but is owned largely by the Slate and counties; and we respectfully sug gest that no man should be pla ed at its head who has made himself obnox ious to the people by a course of con tempt and indifference to them and their interests. Resolved, 5. That we commend change in the administration of said road in the interest of the material ad vancement of this section, and respect fully request the Governor of North Carolina to favor as President thu elec tion of some more suitable person who. if not a farmer, at least one whose antecedents and education have famil iarized him with the wants and needH of the farmers, and who will respect and protect both lbe interests of our selves and the whole people. Resolved, 6. That as the agricultural class compose so large a body of the population of North Carolina, and con tribute so much to the support of the railroads, we respectfully suggest and recommend to Governor Fowle that he appoint, as one of the directors of the A. & N. O. R. from this county, one of our class, to be recommended to him by this Alliance. Resolved, 7. That these preambles . and resolutions be published in The Progressive Farmer, or some other State paper, and a copy of them he nt to Governor Fowle. ColnrliH Proof. In many instances it has been proven that B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Halmi. made by Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., will cure blood poison in its worse phases, even when all other treatment fails. A. P. Brunson, Atlanta, (ia., writes "I had 84 running ulcers on one leg and 6 on the other, and felt greatly prostrated. I believe I actually swal lowed a barrel of medicine, in vain ef forts to cure the disease. With little hope I finally acted on the urgent ad vice of a friend and got a bottle of H B. B. I experienced a change, an 1 mv despondency was somewhat dispelled I kept using it until I had taken sixteen bottles, and all the ulcers, rheumatism and all other horrors of blood poison i have disappeared, and at last 1 um sound and well 'again, after an expo rience of twenty years of tortuie. Robt. Ward, Maxey, H , nn "My disease was pronounced a tertiary form of blood poison. My face, head and shoulders wore a mas of camp lion, and finally the disease began i at ing my skull bones My hones io hi I 'my kidneys were deranged. 1 I l flesh and strength, and life became a burden. AH said 1 must su rely die. but nevertheless, when 1 had used t -n l ot ties of B. B. B. I was pronounced v ei! Hundreds of scars can now be m n oi, me. I have now been well over t lo months. " For a disordered liver try lieicham -Pills. than .'ii. -. i r I tak ' p .i e ey e-- . .. ; 1 i . -. for . r as i ' State !! : CREAM ii; HfiY- FV:: A ' - ! 1 Oi)i :.. 1; A I i.o Is !..- . . , .,- j f of Spectacle rl h arolina : tin m to the the hrnch I run do m il- er in the ! '!N. . i t.n-et. ' ": '-' d w tf arrH v& : " w.o yi UJi KAY-FEVER i" ui rl I and i i n Mm, i . : .Im ly Fin ut of f '. j j U riels. ni.vo arrived. w. P. l AND (.;" S GO., , : ANTS, LERS, I .1 s Seaswii v sf Nana i Kffrir.c; otoi':;, Frotv Ooversr Flv i-dtll Tdbs. a ii ii : -. n i . ! t nor i n : i ; 1 1 a : L. 1?. TTLKK 26 L 28 Street, K i ", .v i; f i . : .. n . i. J . M . ' ' ! ' -,!''! I'!'." '. i ' I 1. M A N l. . joiiii ii. :r.Ai'n;EE & co ? -::iii:uh, M a ( h i n i e 1 1 t I ' !' rs in c Found" : s ; M c ' sc.-... , .. ;;;,:;,; supfliiS In., tt.tilvra. Tl 1ai bin r. ' h 1 1 k Inilt i . i Miii K i vn . i mi UnitLM . A inr- . Ii 04tl- i ul work Oavis. banning. m 1 1 1 ne. I 'i h ing. A tent. IM , i; i t -iS ' - i.i .:f: f.-s

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