, ..... .. i Jt . . " ' . i " ' ' ' ' 7. : : r .. i.,' .... lift f liPff M JSf M W will ($f ll LNDEPKXDKNT I1ST ALL THL(i VOL. XII. NEW BLRN'E, CRAVKX COUNTY, N. C, SKP Ti :.M l!KR l'.i, 188D. IM Ii' III VI. MtTKS. 1 i 1 1.1 TTTT TT r?Mb a: ler.itoH at : on iled the 'i'",:. : 1:1 : :i M isais- i.en Harn- .lillitklT (Mil't Fa Y12X Strata fclnl DIjBstlon DIsortisred Liter. SOLD BY ATT. DRUGOISTS. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. Prv9r4 Wtr J TH OR. B E FCH .1 SL Helen v Ln ea.h I rt Eng lan J. U. JF AL LEX SS CO., Sole Agents worn ctttsd itxti. w t ca.iii. r.. vonu, VHr Tif Tour drusrrist dcx-i not Pills on recent o( pi rni r 11 f.. keep imfirt Jin: v. I.l i ) t :; ETTINGER BROS. 3SLiXJJ3-tOi3Lf INT- O., Have for sale at Lowest Prices Possible: 5,000 lb. Lordlri Anaf, X.ffOd din. Cots' ifx ('ott. a, 100 boxe Tobcco, 100 bj of Ttio. m. LioU'j r:.i.. 100 boxes of iol 8-p, )C " 50 boio of 4-4 Shuc. tOO box of Arm l!unai!r I 'rn i S. SOO bbi. ' M Pork, 3.000 pir of Zeiler Hrvm. nd lUy S::; A FI LL LINK OK Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing & Furniture, AT RKTA1L AND WHOI.lAI.1 Wo ro prprod to yoa the Hr.iM forth - I.ei.: M OETTINGER BROS. Sija of the ''ebratei! lV.ir! Sh:r'. 1"". .C.l ., i-nu'cr.itic of W-at to hare than hi iT -News i- thmks '. o to un it ;u etirly r i e 5 1 b ; w, ;m: t-e is . that ail). no lia ru.ned the Cttif Industry ot the WeaL. so far .t.-i ; lit- out.i.dt'Ti tre ivinceroed. f:ou i' mon g ot Ihtm mi the counter, which he did and that correctly, and then n'ar;ed oiT 'n-t : romp one entered, livery morninp he .i.Hnis: . the t o bi 1 U ; n ti : c - wood and occasion tl!y docs out her simi lar errands ahont the ln'ii-c. This is vouched f. r ly neigh1 'Ts. - tt:ieen County N. Sen'.iifi. TU''sk who are interested in the apbuddinft of the genera! trade of this country mn-' le.ilic the im porta no.' to ;: ( the trade of C'eutra! and Smith America and the '?st Indies It would neeni that, in view of the magnitude to which the manufacturing interest of t ti country have grown, and the clou- proi 11111 n of Sou; li Ameri ca and the West Indus, tiiat territory should he largely supplied from the factories and mills of the Tinted S'a'es.- Charlotte i (iron ical. Taxation by Tre.vso.ry decision HKNKY II V 1.1 O.M IK TICK Kit, D. IV. 1. 1.. I Uev. II. !. I'iic'-' t, a prominent Kiptist niinisf yAt Atlant3, fell out 0! a scroll . 'story window at Atlanta la.-t Saturday, and after lingering three da8 died jester day. He was a very gifted and emu ent man. He was immersed in the river Tiber at Home, beiDg theiirst l'.aptist ever baptised in that 1 Her. Kaleigh News and ( : : tT. I M . 1 ii' ker was a grand fon of the celebrated Georgia di vine, Henry Ilalcombe. He entered ; he minis! ii :u early life, but was for the u. ot part of it engaged in educational and literary woik. We first knew him as a professor in the Southern Female College at L.oi range, (i.i., and subsequently as President of Mercer University,, and later still as Chancellor of the University of Georgia. lr. Tucker wrote and published several books of a very high order. W. s. ( J! ; ;v !i i. . :; ders of A . Mi.reic -..1 ::v I'ffr.'i - ro 1 . r to orci. r ". r e to act fi- : r: ; .r i-'ap'. : 't porary -t ret ir . Then- :h r, perm mi 1 n i The 1'. !:. ".. ; liioir r-pi it v. 1 The St.'. Eeij . an ni u tors on ti.r Cha.i w u k teret: V ; sti,:kho'-.'.Tc-ned at ii.u-ruhrjn ruaoe - i r V-t '1 Oil t n 1 Tl !!riu- .'1 tlr H 1 X V . f Il 111 ar. wh I 111 ; s of ale 1 1;, is further illustrated in the ruling A :- i: who w.i- captured 0f the Department, said to have V .1 at l-.l...i!K-t ti, N- tHen greed on, taxing Mexican i - lie .-. h ie t'roken loose mixed ore as lead irrespective of -T"m : en. :.e g"t him by the admixture of silver which had the ti.i.r a;.d hang "ii, and nothing her etofore and under Kepublican ' ".ild do would shake her otT. administrations, too let it in free 1 Si K.vixK.i; 'aki.isI.K thinks under the law. This is done avow- tie for will Lh Unit lie- eiliy to irite the lead mine owners md -hit C.rover Cleveland of the new States to support the the churches of the Southern Bap the Democratic candidate Republican ticket in the approach- tlst ('"avi'nt,"n Iost their ablest I'his ls-the gneaa of ing elections. Meanwhile the public it i res : ' ie 1 ' t; e forrr Will tor a .ong-!.ea 'irginian Pk. i-:.K to the wav n Kiioch." is a liter spiritual treasure, 1. ludin irks K -set" -t rouges' of 1 1 cent At the 1 1 me of his death Dr. Tucker was the editor of the Christian Index. There are manv who believed that in his death man . - r L. ': til i U Gli pteJ. l"!i merit M.in'y . f. liowiny Di.-fc-!', State: V. S. 1 Webb of Car ..f t'raven ; P. M. Piaisa.l of Ji tief. Col. A. C Davis and Dcmpsfj W.dof r.er.cir W T. Caho of ramlico auJ C!us. Dtn-y of Wayne. Mr. Wool f I.'.noir. ,ie lined the appointment The f .Hot. ilk b.r. ctoro were elected by the private ttcckhold erf : P. F. Faieim.J L Morebeaa. Arnohl Bordon an j K 11. Mead owe. Finance Committee: J C. Wcoten, T. II. M;ilii?ou andThOF. Dat. i . 1- on the NOKTH ( AK01.IN A N II S. From the Mate I'lipcrs. out fi pij.er Saliebury Truth: M IHH Bet t ie t i about 70 years old, wlio lives two n, , .. and a half from town, caja the m -money she ever had at one time w;i- 1 cents. Raleigh Visitor: The atir-roachiiitr j union of North Carolinians remdiri o other States, to take place during tb. i fair, will be of great intereHt. Then are hundreds of North Carolinians 1 1 v- ing abroad who will avail ihomselv-- I I INI'. company. And whereas it is meet and proper that we should express our ap- 1 1 1 1 N I . preciation of his services and deep re- great at hid demise, therefore be it Resolved, 1st. That as President of Kbius II. Busbee. I . iinu. this company. Major Ilughes was faith- Attorney for the Eastern dri-tri t ful in the discharge of his duties, and North Carolina, has reHned . "o v c tuc ucdl iuw.osv ui mo the printers on the Duihain (.:.. f",uu: ,- , , . struck last Monday, but th. meeune , a 1 Dac ln nls aealn' atate nas hustled around aiel k",t ori, a wib. uuutierviiuvt) biiu patriotic same r.rair?cn citizen, ana mis company, a stocsnoiav er, the memory of whose many virtues will be ever cherished, .a Ho '.( m- 3d, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased. After their adoption Major Tucker in a few remarks paid a beautiful tribute to the deceased, and Mr. M. A. Gray moved that they be sent to the bereaved family and that they be pub- usuea m me iew cerne JOURNAL, At- of the ODOOrtunity in hP r,rpBnt lantic Seaside, Kinston Free Press, Charlotte News: The business Goldsboro Argus, Wilmington Messen- of Winston Salem have contibuted t' l11 ger and Raleigh News and Observer to tne fair- which it is proposed to hn 1 l and Pamlico Tribune. Carried. thsre this fall. It will prove a xr TT u - , 1 investment. By order of his ih-i D j wu Cians aenator v ance haa dec me, to speak at any of the fairs in North ( ';.; . lina this year. Elizabeth City Carolinian: Lury Mor gan, an old colored woman of Powell s Point, received a pension check lat week for $2.400. The manaRern of the Elizabeth City Fair are making in creased effort to make this year's exhi bition a thorough exponent of the an cultural and industrial interests of tin section. Edenton Advocate: We have nt r seen fruit so abundant as it is now Our farmer friends are learning torm-i-more peaches, pears and apples, than cotton, and they will goon learn that it is far more profitable. We have just 3 following resolution on the New Berne Fire Department which was carried: Resolved, That the thanks of the stockholders of the A. & N. C. R. R. Co. are hereby tendered to the New Berne fire Department for the valuable services performed in saving the proper ty of this Company at the late fire on Neuse river in New Berne, and that in our belief the preservation of the Com pany, extensive property on Neuse river is due to the efforts of the New Berne Fire Department. On motion of Mr. Manly it was re solved that future annual meetings be fir CLL held on the third Thursday in July of pan of the private t-tociholders: on the eaeh and every year. Meeting ad-1 pert of the State, C. U Foy and I. S. D. journed. led statesman. Norfolk smelters and other consumers of lead must pay tribute to a Lead wh) have anv doubt th. a-s Trust. New York World. negroes will vote As Illinois syndicate that Lad tins la'.i may read the signs in the contract for building the Tex.'S L.ingston's letter ot eaptitnlation. State House has been fined rtU.tKJO The negroes will all ,vote for Ma- for importing sixty-four foreign hone and, in our opinion, his ticket . laborers in violation of the Federal w.ll get the largest negro vote pol- statute. As the sy ndicate has in led since lv?-'. Danville Register. ; ita membership a United States tj . . . . j .. v. r i it Tiik Democratic campaign XUdtUi uu "" "oust. m.!.- fnrrrot an arrangement was cnectea that a Kepublican National Ad ministration nas. in time or pro- pending an appeal of the case to found peace, increased the public tbe administration at Washington debt nearly S.(HX),(HX in tbe two months of duly and August. Cin- c.nna.i i.nquirer. i lookftd for with interest. Thiladel- Speak iNi; of Major Hughes, the phia Record. Will TeU, thai ot taocn km ro Ifc-r nmi aolii; auur and watVt iJnrt Ja nJ cnrou but Wears cfTrinj io tht. Rctai great i 3 J ucrraf c.ji in Trde FHlt$MLOWlB THAN EVER Xm scfl aai mora ptrooa i out litl mi tmmtmlrim. Wa don I worry Hake Prices Bight, Tobacco and Cigar! railed to Tbe Unnoo of (umiin is lis CeUbralod Imperial Beer, for whwrh f r t Wilmington Metsenger says: "All we know of him as a mac. as a citi en, as a Democrat, as a leader in his branch of the Christian Church, is to h:s honor and fame. We share with those who knew him as a friend fn the:r regret in the loss to the . S:a'e of such a man. TlIE pm-.M' of no ; ::; tiie mail ser .ce on a HIH CATION. Ii it be thought that the Ji't'R nai. too often has education for its theme au adequate apology may be found in the importance of the subject. Today, however, the mind of the writer is directed to the subject by the enquiry, addressed to us on yesterday, "vvhfit books ought I to st udy ." u0 It is usual lor schools, academies tween the attorneys in the case by and colleges to have courses ot which the fine is not to be paid studv. which matriculates are ex pected to pursue, published in their . i. .... .. - . i.- . r. This is peculiar. What can the ! aiogut it . auuot ue too oueu President dot The result of the repeated that these institutioas are negotiations at Washington will lx bat preparatory sehooh to the great uuiver.-rs we all enter when we commence oai 1 1 IV woi k in which Siul. Proxy (.'oriiiuiu, e . V. L. Arendall, J H Lav:s. J. A. IViltfen, C. H. iO Altr. I. E Du tly and O. II. Guion. At a metticg of the Directors the fol lowing crlicerH were elpcted: Presi dent. W. S Chfolwk k. S-cretary and Trea-urer. V (.'. Rjbtrc?: Attorney, The Storm. The terrific hurricane which pre vailed on Tuesday along the North At lantic coast was continued all through Wednesday, and the reports from all points show that immense damage has been done. New York City was com pletely drenched, and the water in tbe rivers was a foot higher Wednesday than on the previous day. AU the sea side resorts sustained heavy damage, and a Urge number of vessels have been driven ashore and wrecked, with some 1.1 ' C. C Clark. The rep .it of President Bryan, which ss of life. Wilmington Star. was full and comprehensive, was read ' Fu,rt.er ruepAor,t8 fom the Kre Btorm . . it,- , . on the North Atlantic coast show ihat it and a.Uptc). A e hope to give the re- wag of an unprecedentedcharacter, and port mire in a few days. that there has been great destruction of The reading of the reports from the life D1 property. The Delaware coast ditTerrt department? w -.s d ipensed !8 lnei with wrecks of vessels, and the . loss of life will reach nearly one hun w dred. Atlantic City was nearly swept On motion of Mr. Clement Manly all away, and many narrow escapes from Press rcpresf ntati ves present were re- drowning are reported; the property quested to take eeats on the stand at a ia estimated at not leas than 8150,- , , . , . 000, and months wilj elapse before the table and act as honorary secretaries. I city cftn recorer from thVeffects of the A motion by Hon. F. M. Simmons to storm. amend sec. 4 of the by-laws by striking . Z , . .T . . . . . , ,. . . . , . New Substitute ror Jute. out tic' wor.lH arti 'luted by chair- . , , . , . , , . , A Cnarleston special to the Green ,nd ,!''r'. e!ccttd by stock-. yiUe NewB eayg: A Bensation was M'lJ : M ..- oitruJ. caused in the cotton market here today Tui. fo'l .vmg resolution, withapre- by the arrival of a bale of cotton covered amble, was introduced bv Mr. J. A. 1 IP an entirely new styie oi Dagging. SEED Thn natET m afaria I rfno a fa rt m n i n nor the extension of the jacket for the bale made of plated salt THE SOUTH. we hope to make a living, and souje George W. Cable, the iurafe day gain wealth, distinction, lame j i . i r i . . . i - i . tl. . . : . t . . f anu sycopuaui. wuuse iuui lajugue auu immoriaiuy. jluc oujecu ui Brvan relative to 11 : . 1 i .. r. .., ) , i .- . - . . . 1 . . auu lying lips na.e bo oueu sianu- acauem ie en ucauou is w tiaiu tue a.&M.C.K: marsh which is a native growth, pro- ered his mother to gain ''the grate- mind learn how to acquire knowl-: Resolved, That it is the Fenee of this ' tected by a twelve inch mesh wire f . v . , , ,. , . . . , -, meeting that the A. ilt N. C R. should 1 netting. The bale has been placed on ful .ncense of New Mugland s edge, and how to apply it. be exteKndcd t0 90me f0int n th cape I exhibition at thecotton exchange and flattery." says that he "cannot Then, in pait answer to the rr- ! Btar and Yadkin Valley Railroad so as will be tested tomorrow. The inventor flndanychangeintbeSouth."anda ticular question asked, we say, to bt come a part of that system, or to , claims that the marsh covering is flre J " 1 ' " such other point or points in the int- ; Droof and that the wire prevents dam- penp.e oi , country win leading Kepublican organ indorses stndv those branches that most rior of the State a mav be deemad for i age bv the cotton hooks. begrudge the funds needed to ; the 0pi diod of negro agitators that closelv relate to the business that the best imerest of the people along its l A considerable quantity of cotton i : .,rr - imeauuioriue. -i tite generally. cicu iti wuu uai id wuiiu iu uwo ?t ti I . ct 1 .- n cn ra n t rd morr; r e f ti ri fi 1 win nil to follow. Goodi a awr Urn have ba too kih , th i m Way ia it. W aim to brtn hm Vewa W a propar Uvl; ar fo.of a The Luxuries of Life AS CHEAP " ' PRINCIPAL IUH".-F. fe thfi Necessaries ! e. Middu si , oppou s. n soon. BKANJH HOU5FS N. W lor. 'jn and I'jiur Si. R K LVpnt S. W Cor. S-uth Front nd Middle St. Ulil lli nmi STSCI Whole.ale and Retail Liquor op Dealers. To ll c; en cy . economy 1 sections : remen ' s . - r t1 s ; it is still "the same old bontt. is to be your lite work. 1 erhaps Revived. That the a a- N r U n and as vet no objections have been en -y is tne tino This is true and false. In tbe you have not decided to what call- extended into the interior of the State made to it. .; at 1 s needed, and OI intondAd h v ("!Ahle and his in or run will lvftfe rnnr lif. Then .. . -. v. 1-, . . . .. , The Tolleire of Agriculture und M p. . . p. . j portation at ew nerne or Jioreneaa . . 0 . : t t..e roun.r.V the re- r-rv-ennanirirnra it la CiilaA Tlipv wonlil )n . 1 1 n.. r , 1 hr n;irent.j ami tpneht-rs Citv to Weetern noints. would ho as it the Northwest in Km' 1, ... . .. ..v-., , seus luieuueu u vjrtuii- auu ins iul' uiu i.i uevuie iuui inc. iucii ,,,,,, f v ,r- nra r me vuneKt- Pi.nn'pv t hp rft.L. : . ri t-i 1.1 i , i i . i i u-. i ChaniC ArtS. : U L . I :t J .'i . : Tnn Tnnra Nrtl-Jri ffll-Allno l' n W 1 U..U- I 111 1 l I UUW II, LUC aey IU LI K IS lUttU OIL U al lVU I alio wD Vi. aiwi u vaa vi iua auvua have the world believe that this is who will lead you in the way best of North Carolina, enabling its owners norating this institution, orovide one ect are most imperative, - ri. ianri nf hnnriaoro- that rhains vmireil r,i ,i : sc, nl i r.p rhf mind, anil ana enntrollprs to fix thn rate nf freicrhfji ; free soholarshiD for Craven countv. s , - ( ,r, 1 .nrnil u i u t . v. i i i i .1 from said Northern noints to man v of ' The President of the Board of Trustees . ..x .. . Journal. . on the hm5a of the negr0, and mcaCAie mral principle that are hm mc NortrCa,0i?u now , request, me to bold a competitive ex- I II " L. Si : i.ivan haJ announc- that his prentended freedom is a useful in all pursuits and helpful on reached by other roads traversing the 1 amination to fill this place. The candi- e ! h:ms,-;t . candidate for Congress ' miserable cheat. No where are the all occasions. State and therefore that the S i TttCnU tV,"! JJL " should never part with us stock in said way in the College. 1 therefore give from HoTtun, whereupon the N ash-1 rights of man more adequately pro- 1 1 is certai n t hat all men must road unless to a corporation composed notice that I will hold this examina- lngtoa Tot: observes: "As John I,, tected than 'in the Sooth. When come in contact with the world. and of parties identified with and personally tion at my office on Wednesday, 8ept. , , ., , . , '. ' .,, , . interested iu ihe induatial and commer- 25th, 1SS9. beginning at 10 o'clock u.l; van wi.l be enjoying the hospi- justice makes requisition for blood, questions will constantly arise re cial development of the section through a. m. Persons wanting information talities of Governor I.Dwry .about because of "man's inhumanitv to quirmtr the wisest judgment in ; which it runs, and then only upon the 1 must see me personally and not write Alaay 004 ot nur fEurta Mifh'-f ' tym fo4 a the time the congressional cam pa:g:is open next year, he may find it more convenient to seek a nomi- na'.on ::i Mississippi than M assachiisett.a. a rraaaaA nnlnlitinn ll,Dt i o V-, i , I rl norar lpttPrR. oungmen 8Hoaiiibe'trsn8ferred.80idi turned over or in John S. Long. man." no ayengiDg angel will their solution ' " " " . uc li nuclei i t u , duiu , t u i ii c u u ci i rr u T .t,.j visit this san-kissed clime. accustom themselves to looking at ' any wise placed under the management i"u e" ,,,,,, . , v,i r - i or control of anv corporation whose ; Raleirh, N. C, Sept. 11. A mob of If Cable means that there has both Sides of questions, and ex- .. nf r -lwnr - n psp thp Stat(, - a ioo men broke open the iail at Morgan- in been no advance in the South, he pressing their thoughts in the most north or south direction. ton at 3 o'clock this morning, took out r 0 tt 1 , rr-, .i t i - I C...I.I,'. Qfwr V .nkirorTTor. ..J DoVirl DT-nnru 1 ttt. to m.,nn0r l',.r tl,ia rua.. ' UeSOlVeJ, IHH IDU UOtHnOr OI nB , i " kl W O n 1,(11 1 LLi Ul COol t. Li LlUUt 1 1 i tl I U IU J. t is a swift witnesa and FcrdS illd DCHStiC WlHIS Jobbers of Cigars h r r n LIQUORS, a NEW BJRNE, N. C. Porters, .Ales, &c. TRUNKS ! TRUNKS! TRUNKS! Hew and Large Lot Just Received ! Tiikkk are hundreds of deaths against world acknowledged facta, son, and many others, it oc armg in this country weekly and by his own testimony proves regretted that the debating socie now from tvphoid fever. There himself a liar. ties have lost the are more deaths in this State from But, it is a glorious truth that once held m academies that than any other disease. And , this is "The same old South." The leges in a large maiontv of oase the same old Sooth that made the first causes are clearly traced either to Declaration of Independence. The the unhealthy .surroundings or to same old South whose Ilenry kind- ;:ie wter iis0d. Bd water is a led the fires of the Kevolution. The same old South that gave lead thing. Big Trunks, Little Trunks and Medium Size Trunks. Trunks of nearly every descriutior and to suit all tastes. We ar atr W4JJa lb n.tr Patent Roller Tray Trunk, popular bciaw of iu (ISK T '"ON VK S I State i herebv reauested to aid with 1 Boone, a negro, and banged tnem. is to be bis advice and influence such com-; Stock ambushed Robert Parker, a stu- mitteo or committees as may be dele- dent at college who killed Stocks brother some months back, and Boone position they petition the next General Assembly to shot and killed a man at a camp meet- and col- authorize the A. A: N. C. li. K. Co. to ing. ine people 01 morganton propose T.or,a Oc Una in.,, iio i.-iorm, n( tV.a tci fprisBt out the lynchers and nunish They have been snpplanted state uoon such terms as mav be satis- them. by small secret associations which factory to and agreed upon by the ! Hat FlVKB Burre;;r(. ought to kBOW decorate themselves with Greek souV, Thathe secret nry of this of its efficacy. Ely 's Cream Balm was letter titles, but which, If they are meeting forward a certified copy of , j;60060" Uterarv at all. can never furnish 7n the stimulus which the pres 4 , , .. . .. , specific for that much dreaded disease. birth to haahington "first in ence 0! a large audience always earneBt appeal for pR0. Hon. ' ferer from August 9th till frost, and war, tirst in peace and first in arlords. The Lite President Bar- c c. Clark Ppoke in eloquent terms of have tried many alleged remedies, but , , . ., , , . , . h , , , i Ely's Cream Balm is the only preven tive hearts of his countrymen nard, in writing of this very thing, the plan and wioh-.d it Ood epeed, but tive j have ever found. F. B. Ains- who acheived American liberty. say s: -I can only regret the change, thought that the preamble should be worth, Publisher, Indianapolis, Ind. The same old South that" pro- It seems to me that with the loss of omitted, that it mi ht be abbreviated n TTwaVe-ArTdiii . . .. , , .. , t. , . and better understoo.l before its adop- Jnsatle asj lira, duced JefTerson, the author of the her literary societies half the glory Rleigh, Sept. 12. The Board of , 1 T 1 . 1 1 1 1 t - 1, r I . . - I 1 1 ri .f r ii T-a rf thn TnaflnA A av 111 m m At sen' e i' ' ti e sim.. iim it Dec irai uu oi i u uc in.-u nt u ur , a u u nas uepaiieu uom l aie. iu ine , . - -j , Ak ti.t same time t 1 ' ,,,,,,,, t meDt- today and elected Dr. W. R. Wood, of a.s .stated t ha: the price of beef to iiadison, the father Of the Const 1 oM Lincoln Hall I spent many oi The State prosy requested not to be Scotland Neck, Superintendent. Dr. tution. the most profitable hour, ot my col asked to vote on the question if im- J- rearsan, ot rayewevuie, was The same old Soufh whose Jack- lege life, and I witnessed there mediate action was to be taken. H,s son humbled the pride of England some debates which for interest remarks on this line indicated a highly Crawford, should be continued until Von- Origin. Tl, r rr . 1 1 . r , 1 1 i c , , r. T- Q r-a n n n r, f r, n r a f wmwimi'Cl.'" m f""' ll d gerous ai. d a Wilmington Star. II ; s t :, e .est i m en y has been in the cattle y ears ; a.i; ; j,,. price of hi.- fa 1. e:i from t. e ' gh t : n 1 s.s ;. to I one who business l'0 i.ve cattle per hundred- in the pre- learned that the army worm haw mad its appearance and we are told that iin depredations on the growing cotton alarming. Raleigh Call: The cotton crop in the viciDiiy ot rtaieign win oe urnisually late this year. On the poor hills it has opened but little. On lower grounds, where the weed is large, the lleecv staple has declined to put in an appear ance at all. The dehisence of the boll, should occur forty four days after the i Colli IT' " ' i appearance of the bloom. It, has failed ! to open in Bome places in fifty-four CRAVEN S days. Wilmington Messenger: The Chamber ' ' of industry has received a letter from a 1 Afip T large wagon manufacturing: compaDy iri ! i""" Indiana making a proposition to moe I theire entire plant to Wilmington. They I J. will require five acres of land for their j plant. The output of the factory is from ' 0,00 U biiiibjr w ivi,y wttKUUB jer uay auu lih'j employ about one hundred skilled mechanics. A large force of day labor era is also employed and these would be drawn from the idle labor of our city. Goldsboro Argus: The death of Mrc. Julia Borden Jerman, tbe beautiful 1 young wife of Mr. R. S. Jerman. which occurred at their home in Raleigh j Monday at midnight, after a brief ill- YcltcllCo nees, nas casiaaeep gioom over thin community, where she was dear to every heart that watched her walk with modest gra;c I. o.- earliest child hood along the paths of religion and love, dispensing gentle charity ami sweetest ministry of affection to thone who touched her life and came within the radius of her kindred and friends. 1 The cv on tic in . Hept. i. 1862. . i . ilitS ton rig 088. 2 kit. AND PL I kee; a than ai. ; I take p irn, eyes of p.-.i 1 1 Il.r, :, , for ('vi-i i OppO: I. CREAf Co' A : 18 ui: mih i W&Jafc b Wa4 fc Vmmom popvlax bca of iu (ISK - IXy wutM a Tnak call txmA tof yourwif I.' hmt mH aa4 Uw anyway. M p to show Uim. W. B. PLANNER. J. W. STEWART, Sale and Livery Stable. the consumer has remained sub stantia, ly tlie same. The Senate I'i'aiiiiitti'e to winch this informa t: ui ws given w; i be able to lniti a'e, lfg..ia:;.in of tne highest im portance l':t tsburg Times. L i i K tarmeis are at the bottom of the pile and are the sure foundation I business prosperity. Their line; ernps make work for the railroads. The railroad companies, assured of tncrcksed earnings, make necjjsary renewals ai.,1 repairs. The busi ne.s.s i' ; h,. roads sets the steel works and car shop.-, in act ive opr-' ation. And so it gie?: other busi-i.ess- s are st.mulated in tnrn. The t'arn.er is a: the bottom of it all. I' ti .l.i' lei , ' h : a Record . ru.ar leatnre atout tne ;.:.;:. '.mo the ballot-box : n lie 1 .str:. Fowle. He said that the State and the The selections by the general satisfaction neie. Board give at New Orleans. Ibe same old and brilliancy were eotual to any at l-,..1. l. . . T . - ' .1 Ti.,... l..l 1.. 1. T 1.. l I 1 .1 rt Vtt ouLiunuii.ui mmiMu.ncu w ni. u i na e utn. pi i legcu t u uc , . . . fp, tin()lvtoMr, immortal glory on our arms on the present in assemblies of much 8U- Tucker for the intereat be manifests in "standing with reluctant feet fields of Mexico, and gave the perior dignity since. I would the road, and that Mr. Tucker being a Where tne brook and river meet." Union an empire rich in all the ele esteem it a great benefit if the large stockholder of the company, he is a period ot maidenhood wnicn is could but feel that his interest was r ,'V. " " utj Dwlo .. people of 8ure 8f certain times, which induce i 11 r. . 11 e s : !': i .'!- menta of national greatness. The societies could bo rtfsascitated!" mA nlrl Snnth that crnve to tl,. Tl, simp crrPat pdncat.nr fntlier allied to the counties and - ."v. -...v. w r. . vr..v. fs,- u uaA : unn .w m. . foil- world the highest civilization, and says: -In my view of the matter, much at aUbe in the proper manage-' young life. To all afflicted with de sustained it by as brave men and a man's education must be mainly mpnt of the road hen all null to- rangements of a uterine nature Dr. , , , ,, , , j L"c"k " v Pierce's Favorite Prescription is of m- virtuoua women as ever adorned his own work. lie may be helped gtther it will be a day of triumph for estimable value. It is the only medi- societv and blessed mankind. or he mav be embarrassed greatly the road, for the people and industries cine for women, sold by druggists un- Thank God the old South lives! by his environment; but neither along its iW J?. Lives in history; lives in civiliza- books, nor teachers, nor apparatus, Mr- uasniDet.on tsryan movea mai in every ca8e, or money will be refund- tion: lives in the pure hearts of her nor other -unrounding conditions XZL t.XS and the indomitable of any kind will be of any avail, t0 the Governor. He thought it beet carried out for many years. unless he himself furnish the ener- that it should be postponed awhile un- "WILD OLIVE gizmg spirit which shall put them til it could be considered and better An engrafted branch of wi"ld 0iiTe; to account. A mind is not mould- understood. Mr. Simmons spoke in Beaten against the rock, i:.r.i: i hpartvancord of the movement and Tn the whio-like scourge of tempest en as an carmen essei is lasuioueu . T.,. .h Ha i ir U S. Tucker next madaafew molds itself by virtue of an inber- ta ,.,ino fhat ho Vin(1 h.tn mi.a. danghtrs spirit of her eons. The South is moving onward not the old South, nor the new South, but Tiik Si'CTii. one and hoe.strmg C'ongrea-: indivisible. ,f Mississippi is that The sky that smiled oa the birth Wilmington Star: At the champion compress yesterday out of about three hundred bales of cotton stored in one of the .wsr3housps. i 8 it was noticed that there were perhap-i t"1'' a dozen bales in pine fibre bagging, and three or four in cotton bagging. All ' the other bales were covered with jute bagging. It is probable, however, that as the season advances more of the Alliance bagging will be used. A col ored man who came here recently from Rocky Point and secured employment at the Hilton Mills, was killed yesterday morning by a peice of strip -from the edging-saw. which struck him in tie stomach. The unfortunate man wj'. named Thomas Lewis, and leaven ,; wife and one child in thid city. Wilmington Messenger: There eeem to be a rivalry between Mississippi nrni Arkansas as to which bhall he tic "promised land" of the colon d inn grants shortly to leave Wilmington !a the west and southwest. W learn ilc.t some of the emigrants deBire to go to tbe Mississippi Delta while others have made up their minds to go to Arkansas. Tha M laaiaairrrii aC7Atrtja are InnL-nH fur m ' a few days, and for fear that the en i grants might get somewhat mixed, the Messenger has been requested by a col ored man interested iu tbe Arkan.. party to state that no agent for th o route has arriyed in the city as yet. In other words . tbe Arkansas crowd i warned not to get mixed up with the other crowd and be carried off to Mis sissippi. Washington Gazette: While our farm ers are down in the mouth about the crop outlook, yet we think that the crops are not so poor after oil. The corn crop is usually good, and what rice there is is first-class, and the cotton is doing well where it iu not drowned olit. There are not so many forms on as usual, but there is little or no drop COuIIMi ping off, and the bolls are largo. . Our citizens are talking railroad con - tinually on the streets, which shows that they areinterested on tbe subject. We think that at an early day two rail ' ! roads to this town will be an assured fact to-wit:The Norfolk Southern, from Edenton via Washington and Kinston to Wilmington, and an extension of the Scotland Neck and Greenville branch of the W. & W. road from Greenville to this town. : .rloe .linn i on! to t he I. -rich n do t i the 1 k i. 03r JTS, IT r Th W V, U ... .ana 9 $Slc potter. . s. , ,n i iii'uiN i, k iu wiu ; oi vv asnington glowed in beauteous ent force which makes lor symme- represented in various ways in regard is-T'ii rewariled with effulgence over the cradle of Lee. trv or for deformity according to to his position in Extern North Caroli-:i.-.'!ei.t Harrison. It is '-The same heavens are indeed over the direction eiven it bv concions- na. lie also deemed it prudent that : " ui;.!ertaiid why the our heads, the same ocean rolls at ness and will. Libraries, I'niver i .. -ix stuffer'our feet." seties, museums, and foreign travel '"ni i: e ot :y the pres- I f conditions are changed, there are powerful auxiliaries to a man 'r'4'' ::- that the ha.s ben no change of elements, who is determined to be educated: ill but he will find them of no this resolution should be postponed to With its terrors of glare and shock. Oh ye, who have trodden and tumbled Along this thorny path, Pray that some hope and patience May burst through thij torture of wrath. Oh God, for a crumb of the comfort, That thrilled the martyr's breast ! . n fla Uortei and Mulea alwara on hind. nl will he L'o dUpod of on eaay term. 1 eo haad a aaabr of K.ae Tem. :h r- 'g,-'"" i tralad 3a.idl llort. for bolh ladies and gent . iter. road Street, -TJew Berne, N. C. t:ie baker i.ews stori . l it o:: a t ;c stutTer should The same race dominates and will food for cenous hold the mastery to the end of time. ub;e. t of election 1 "o "liifuaiou of new blood," no "iu- .ouis culcation of new id was," can obliter ate the paat, or dun the What our fathers made glorious their sons will make more glorious until the South reaches the high, unapproached and unapproachable, position to which nature and na ture's Cod have destined her. Mr. John II. occasionally f r : he morn- reccut visit no o:,e near, he de ls Piaster's paper some future d ite. diecussion by Cel. IJinedale and a few others, it was decided that it be pub lished as formeily i-t-Ued and submitted to a called meeting of the stockholders avail, if he makes them anything to be held in the c.ty of New Berne on m,,r.. Hon secondarv instrnmeri- the tii Thursday of November next. talities in the work. On the other f.,t.,, 1. 1 .. l .1. r ,.,,V, r, .1 r-n t, f ,t ,,t. nuuir. uauu, IlO HICK ui nueu iiuihuiokio , , T r. TJ ir tr-A u , ji t ii ne9 ir p.. Bryan b.-q.. otiered the ni, 7ak and wearv. and wavward will prevent a man from securing a foli0wing resolution on the death of Weeping we strive and pray valuable education who is resolved that honored gentleman: Jesus, carest Thou not thai we perioh lr . Now, now in this bitter way .- to educate himself. ltness, for Whereas. We. the stockholders of Saida Petht. instance, a lienjamin Franklin, a the Atlantic and North Carolina Rail- La Grange, N. C. , ,. ,, , , ,. , read company have hehri with pro Hugh Miller, a Michael haraday, founJ flOrr0W 0f the death of Major Beecham's Pills act like magic on a and Abraham Lincoln." John Hughe;, a farmer President of tbis ' weak stomach. Raleigh Call: On Saturday aflernoun. Marvin Whitaker, aged 16, and An drew Snelling, aged 14, were in the city on a business and social visit to their uncle, Mr. W. N. Snelling. fl.ey left early in the day for their homes in St. Mary's township. On arriving .it young Whitaker 's home they decided that they fcad timo to take a tquirrel hunt and began preparations for one Whitaker took a breech-loading rifle ana began to clean it up. While hand ling it, he proceeded to insert a cart ridge in the breech, not conscious of holding the muzzle toward Snelling! who was a few feet away. There was a sudden explosion. Young Sneiling put his hand to his left breast, walked rapidly around in a small circle once or twice, then fell dead. The bullet had struck a -vital part near the heart. Elizabeth City Economist: We had the pleasure of a (fall on Friday from Messrs. Thos. Mann and Cartwright of Hyde county. Their accounts of I irnnn in Hvde. excent rice, are unfa- i vorable and gloomy. They report the public feeling of the people of Hyde a decidedly adverse to the administra tion of Gov. Fowle, because of the r moyal of the convict labor of the State from the Broad Creek and Alligator Canal, which is an important work for Hyde county and would enable the farmers to drain their lands elTectually. This work is of the first importance to the county and to the commerce of this Refr i; 1 ' ... Fret i Fry V A I i i-i L. I 26 & N w 1 . J. II i -i; i Tlv'T J0H1 Found : ;s. i abs. HOT t i j I X. i, . rvvl, ; ;. : i v. . .. or CO : i i t H !oi- ill After some further Ah, may be our hearts might ache lees gection. The Nags Head properly After a few appropriate introductory remarks on the death of Major John Grow calm on life's rack of unrest. Is life a play of passion, Is it a farce of fate This breath that is forced upon us; This passion of love aud hate 'i They say that tho angels are keeping A watch o'er the pure who sleep But Jesus, Jesus, is with those Who wake in pain to weep. was offered for sale at the courthouse in this place, on Saturday and was knocked off to John P. Overman, who was the last and highest bidder at 81,500. W. W. Carraway (the formeJ D. R- Walker of the News-Observer staff) made us a call on Tuesday. He is now a postoftice inspector and was en route officially to Manteo. He is the best informed man upon public men and matters in North Carolina, that we have met in many a day. Oyster planting is going on at Far Creek. Mr. Makeley has planted Si.VOim bush. -Is and is still employing men m the I u-i ness. For a disordered liver try Beei !cu. Pills. H.i 1 1 J i . i. f sw mini. i. 'i w . W1I h p. to r- i -. ' Th li l ir. i i r r s r l i nri, ' .i ' I; Inils , '"ii Kt v m ' iiHlM in.ir- . .Il.lt . u IT ?vis. ,.lg. .''"tW.-, (.