V ' I . w - ' . - ' -. ... w '' ' " i V ' " ".', '. W : 'J IT f. ,. r . , ' ' -A t, , ':.'..' r: " ; . . . V 1 .'- . - I - -. t r 7 9?SV. 0 1 : 1XDEPKXDKXT IjST ALL T: VOL. XII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, OCTOI5ER U)s 1881). NO. 2s. luteins i-1 J-l l II iteiy box For Wcik SteadJ tapalrafl Dlpstlon Disordered Liver. SOLD BY AT.T. DRUGGISTS. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. pirrTbyTllOKnFTniAX,StHpIenIjnrashin',Kni;laii 1. B. F. sLLLlJX CO., Sole Afents FOR nmi ITATCS, Jt. T CA.Vi.1. T.. VORk, Who (i WW 4nigi CP thrr. : I s Pills 00 neenpt of price &t i-irt jint. ricuic .. :.. , . -., -.-.. Ca tx bd t R. Dt-y-Y!i Urnir Sft-ff, New IW-rce, N. ( . :: ..l:I.i. n:i Mrs. W NOTE. NN'ashiiiijtoD, STATE I AlKS. ('ibirrus County Aricul H K K M 1 A I. , ir and ac Vnrk last 0ET-TJWCER BROS. 33". O., Have for sale at Lowest Prices Possible: 5,000 lb. LriMr4 8ni5. 1.000 io. Coals' Syool 'o::oa, HXJ be TobK, 100 bla oC Tbo.. M. Holf ra:i, 100 Vox o( 'iwl Sop. th b-ei'. jCH-ii . . ir M bl0 4-4 8ht;n ICO bos, of Arm ma 1 Hm3ir l'.rn i S- : SCO bb!i. X I'ork, A. F!'LL LINK Of Dry Goods. Ready Made Clothing & Furniture, AT BKTA1L AM) WHOLl.AI.i: W. u- prtrt.l W rtri too tha oy-B"t 1Utj-jm for I -t M r- 0ETTI2TGER BROS. Sign of the Olebr.i'ol lV.rl Shirt. XLSSTOX, 2f. CX. Aijrn, 1SS9. i : - H' . r : i; : .'.it on I' UK :;tv, '!: tfr.i' . i t'- ii .-f i :. rt' ii ; r.i i. i. : n ton . ' N K AH ("n nr.il ;wid Mech.kuuMl A ssoont ion , ( Kt n Lxr 1 to ." H. ('. Mr.llittT. 1'r.i dent ; II. T. J. I.:ii1 ig, Socret r . A 1. 1 m ii nee I'.iir Ansooi.ition, ): toU'r 'J. in, 11 W'rtlt.r I.. Holt. rre.-.idont : S. H. WVbti. S.cr-t.iry. Uistrii-t (rr.inpf Fait, ( , 'tuber in, 11 I). M. He.U, TreMdent. W'urren County Aprieu'oiir.il Fair, !. 1 1 J. M. I'-r.im.'. 1'ies; dent ; II. A . Secretary. North Carolina State Fair. Oeto her 14, 1'.) V. G. I pelnirrh, l'resi dent; !'. M. Wilson, Secretary. Kastern C.irolina I'air Ai.soeia tion, October -2, L!4 I )r. M. K. Kobinson. Fresideiit: T.ll.r.ain, Secretary. Koanoke anl Tar Kiver Agnenl tural Fair. October ".n, .1 T. F. Fmery, FreHtdnt : W. V. Hall, Seoretary. Tbe Kdgecombe Agricultural and Mechanical Fair, November oth. Gib, 7th aDd Sth. Cumberland County Agricultural Fair, November L'O, 2'J W. Wat son, President: W. A. Tillmghasf, Secretary. Kano'ke and Albemaile Fair, N'ovemlor otb, tltli, 7th and Sth e that he left that H. H. Winborne. Presiilent and W. n Knreati fo hot H- Spencer Secretary, n hurtau po hoi ,.:lizabeth (-lty Fair holds lts fourth annad exhibit on t he '.d, J4th and J nth days of October. The "Kdenton Agricultural and Fish Feir." Dr. W. K. Capehart, President: Jno. C Hend, Secre tarv, October L'S, L"J, 30. 31 ami ; i:i o all power at November 1. News ami Observer. N. V. World. We wish that we eonld attend Ull In: 1 1 i: i: : - N woculenng . -A. :, w ,ih ins largest mistake :!.. a', .-r appointment of 1 ;. ; ( rr .loiirnil. i.iN lly r u Y.i u ; h as j u.-t been ' ' N '-v ork and o' her north- , ' es. H.- :s very gray, but ..h : . r .1:10: :.er t wen ty years. 1 iiK anti Maiior.e Kcpnbheans in .rfc- :.:a :. i e v ::r!inb d Dot to put a . in.ie; . nde::t ticket in the field. l:.-y w be m ratcliers (vs well as k . ' k e r s . i v : ;;k ' UN O. WAI.K.KB n. i i I'll ordered to Cake command ot aii the new naval vessels in com mission and pnx'red to the Kuro peari S : i " hi ; r ::. i a:1 ..-d ( 'orix'Tal Tanner SK.NSIOF VH TOltV. I.-o:i Abbett has opened the gubern.itoii.il campaign in New .lem-y ::i a way that means vic tory . The campaign in Ohio is mo.-t ehcoiiragiiig. Wi' are not san guine of the election of Camp bell over Foraker, but evidences ire incontestable that the educa tion a 1 process goin g on in the West thai is working admirably and will pro- T ant f i uit in the near I III. M ritl.M!: l n. THE STATE HAKUOK. The (luce a ou ml future. 'The progress of tanil reionn in I'rt sides: has delaved the apooiii'iiM-n" (! .: uc -sor of t he i . . i . . . - . . I. li C .1 '!'. 1. e .'11! He .'.'S ou Supieme Court ii. iirl . and i Ho vv .-.iid t i' .1 ' ! ! . I will be ilppoiti'iiieli Uitt i f hi llleetin; Congress i 1 1 ii t he nauie of toniey Cie'ici ,il M wi to the Seii.i'i- l'.r t o:, !h ;. ex ilti il . !!;. ie ' e 1 Ii ' i, ' 1 II 1 1. ' i men t moie ho:. : 1 Ue, i; i ' (juires lor t hi. t he t is no - of At- lie d;s earn 1 n e ex-'in narg, : and tition I bt; sent latii.u in ,;overn- e 1 1 a ". ot "ii to r l't'n.- :,e .-eems to sit want to Globe. f.nl in their . better than the atf functions and 1'au d : e n duties mor New lingl.ind is indeed wouderful, or more ent especially so in Massachusetts and litical Luas. Ii ti-in i;: ; lo. Connect i"Ut. lCven N'ermonters intimate aeij'iain'ance w: are beginning to enquire why it is toniey Geiier.ii M.ii.-r t i. that their farms are becoming so dent knows hi!:, to be the bi valueiiis as to induce t he Governor for the place t hat ! he ou: of North Carolina to suggest to the ford.-;, he should appoint him Secretary of War the settlement of out hesitation. The clatter Geronimo and his bravts in the Haw partner Millet'' should Green Mountain State. the idle wind. The The Democrats of New oik met in convention in Syracuse last Tuesdav to nominate cuididates who will undoubtedly till the minor obligation In S; te ( ili es for the next three fall under t! eai-. The lir.-t section of the platform adopted is as follows: "The I'emocratie party of the w isdom re in po g and i At-I'u-si. t man try af w ith about be as xident Fayette villi?, to whi-h the I the Cape Fear ami Yadkin Vullry lini!- Neiv Heme, the Central Comiiiercial way has given euch an itn..iu hi- (itjoftlie N'orlh Carolina Coast. highly essential that the A V N (' Letters hv nn 01(1 Timer. Railway 8o to Fayetteville: und i,. t more bo now than aftr the e entH j, I, , NL'MHER 4. foreshowed shall have trannpired. In coneiderinn Beaufort harbor, and Several eystemH will come tneih, i at the feasibility of an increased depth of 1 Fayetteville within the next few ith water on the bar, reports of engineer ' Competition will then open t radii . ki .I officers of the United States, during the tDe Atlantic Itiaii. hi ih.ii p int n u past few years, present valuable sug- i perfect systems of Sonthwe-t. m. w . i -gestions. ern and North western eminc t k,u- Captain Bixby, in 1885, elaborated, to connection with the i :Hpe I-. ai : .i the chief of engineers, the project "to Yadkin Valley Komi Iihh all ainn e. . n protect tbe bar entrances from deterio- j rnoet desirable for th. A & N i 11,.. ration, and thoroughly re-establish this road. The point of such rnnnei 1 1 n ,s re- valuable harbor, and bring back the Fayetteyille. There reaehe- - ii: jjs depth of water on its bar entrance to i North Carolina Kxtcn-mn i.l 1 1 1 t ' , j , Is feet least depth at low water , as it is i F-ar and Yadkin alley lini.i a said to have been in 1737 and in 1830. " ultimately to Camden There i- :!i He also pointed out that "Newport short routeof the AtUnlii' ('oast I : river and the adjacent sounds afford a I The Lynchburg ml le.iriiam l; . . i ie tidal reservoir ot sufficient capacity to coming A line is l,-o in -ihi (i preserve a minimum depth of 15 feet at 1 from Salii-bury via 1 In mar I - t the bar entrance and of 25 feet over the j Fayetteville: and we nt-lievc tt.el.i i, greater portion ot a snip Channel or 4 u-ionu ana uanvuie peopn- w o ex ' . tne xaign 1'oint ana Ashei.,,rn i, Fayetteville, to meet, by nhmi the Atlantic Coast I. me. mih I is under solemn the country tne best administra tion he possibly can, and to that mi miles length. " This tidal basin, or reservoir, has only to be thoroughly protected, or guarded against waste, its full power they appear to be closely allied, if not husbanded and utilized on the best in actual partnership. (Hher Inns of a engineering principles, to enable the local character will undou bled ly cent re force of the outgoing tides to scour out at Fayetteville. the whole channel out over the bar I The traffic resources of the Frr-tnui of entrance to fully thirty feet. No doubt I country on a direct line f rom ( o a igations to give some drsdging would be necessary at boro to Fayetteville would go far to tirst, but this only incidentally; and it 'justify the building of such extensCn would not require constant re-dredging, of the Atlantic Road, ami it would a, i I as is the case on the shoals in the river as much to tbe trade of New Pern prol.al.l v i ' 1 : ! ! KIDNEYS LIvF'i fiS'D ROWELS. l.e tuous and parties. The country is receive the el t be obedient, or below Wilmington, and on the bar at any construction that , 10 mourn oi tne L,ape t ear. ; oe unaertaten . oslire 01 taeir- Closure of the mouth of Core sound, , New Berne people mud p i i , : . d of ali political by throwing across a stone jetty or dam, manifest ad vantage of ! ireet imn.et,: ' i 1- v' 111 1 nt.nn ,''-ff -Trtu r . Hi w f : 9t'l o . . I Cation through that section, ari l such a center of traffic as Fayette ill. The management of the A. A N from Shackelford banks to Bird Island shoal and town marsh, in front of the not disposed to town of Bsaufort, would give the tides! vation of Mr Miller a sweep in and out, from the ocean j Railroad cannot fail to see it io me tiaai reservoir aeBcriDea oy ; mere vitality enough to the Supreme Court bent'b. with Captain Bixby. increasing the velocity reach such an end V State of New ork in convention assembled renews the pledges of , ., I .. 1 . , f . , 1 l..ninr,li,i l',:ll, iri,t I? li'H ill in 1'onuv.i dill, mi L u, aim , , , -j . , jj- . , reaflirms" the doctnnes of' the P-bation.. The bar does not re- oMheud. '-to.e national iilationi! ot adopted K'u uiui as one oi us ungates, water, and increasing no little the! Ki'Ki kk, the Cnited these fairs, and we intend ihat the ftt St. Louis. We have not advo ornaments," and the peoiile at large' depth of water in the ship channel from 1 Eight Hundred Waitin-r A GREAT REVIVAL. n tin In at Consular Agent at Koenigs- h astern Prussia, has been , as many LI JuruNAi. shall be represented at eated, and do not advocate tree see in the suggestion still further of them as possible. Ali i .(ie Uul .ic.u,uj u.alt evidence of the disposition of the .- .i t a. 11 L11C IllUtl 'ICO Ul UU1U 1L1UI UJi LC condemned to four months in prison promise to be highly crediiauie io h r a.ihprpnrta ro thfl ri,hf Fresident to use his ollice and "ill fine :,.r usury and fraud. , their projectors and of great value aione carries in Itself the certainty sonal euds to th Win . SULTAN Stilt leads in LOW PRICES, JlTif mwtwd from tb Nortitro Mrk't with ti I.rjs: SaSiCtiJStoek I ith kpL I aa going to SsirChoaper than Any One in the City Largest Stock of-Clothing in the City ! Mm Out him fJ-iO t. By, Ka ?ii. r-MlitM vt Ladi' Clok u i N'tw Mark-- D . -CVkiW CUojs foar to IweWe jfn, $1 ". Mrt'. (oUSa at H O). . WW Battoa ad 1 Sho. V-. : fl Va't an4 By Uate. 10e. to 1 Eit yU-jMl TJiriiir, ioo. Ca4rairij Urn a CAlTB IU W oU rexj low A full i .3 ,VwKoI UMlt o Drr 0od aaJ Notiotu will PRlfTEA, Mkava W m room for my Tiin friends of .Judge Greham , ate planning for his nomination for l're.-:den' : u 1 s'.ij. Tan nerism, , on civil service reform, el'ceteraare in.P1'0!1'6 iIarr:son' way for 4 seeondjterm. c 1 i'ivi.k, of North Carolina, has gone to Washington to have a t ill. w.;!i Secretary Froctor relative to the proposed removal of Geroni r.i i's imnd of Apaches to this State. Gk 'KiiK W i am Cvutis is oat in a vigorous arraingment of the Adm ninttation. lie declares that the Republican party is no les bound to s'ipport ('iv:l Service Re form than to perpetuate Frotection. to their respective communities. But it is the State Fair at Kaleigh which the mterest ot an our concentrates. luere win be exhibited the productions of every section and the handiwork of every craft. Sheep and fowl will be there: cattle from a thousand hills and horses that champ the of triumph. We heartily endorse the honest, fearless administration of the National Government by Grover Cleveland." The New York World is no friend of Mr. Cleveland. Nevertheless it' concludes an article, on the '-State Convention" in these words: "Of course the convention will reaffirm with clearness and vigor the national policy of the Demo- public welfare. The New York article on this words : i he i resident can the Shackelford banks to Morehead City and tbe Newport river. Whatever slight deterioration the bar mnv havo aiifYrpr hua haan Hiia In lha )F pt?r waflfft nf fjaft pnercrv through r.hp in- detrimectof the How into Core sound, the effect bf which is so perceptible on tbe sound tides, fifteen or twenty miles of that Star closes an body of water. ubiect Hi these uC tn6 erjgineerB have attributed whatever deterioration they claim to 1 have found to erosion at Fort Macon be allowed a anc Shackelford points, wnich they good deal of his Cabinet. latitude in selectine have sought to arrest by putting in stone The enccess of his aA administration depends upon the large sums of money here, and while wisdom of his advisers, and he cau they have restored perhaps two bun be trusted to look alter his own dred yards of ground along the shore intrpt In ilnimr Cn ir i nrottv lines, they have not gained an inch of quiry Room. By letter from Kinston . we get tin following information about the re ivi.l now being conducted there l.y evange list, W. P. Fife: Mr. W. P. Fife, tbe "Drummer F.v.m gelist," is now conducting the greatest and most successful revival in Kinston. ever before known in the recollection our oldest citizens. Tbe power of Co I must simply be with him. lie is awak ening and shaking the town from center to circumference. We have services k; nn.i f .-. thfir manes like ban "uu lu" . . ,. uanona, P"' j iuc ,-u..v --..o. ... B , ........ v. . water on the bar. and never can. net?. The products ol the Celd, cratic party in favor ot tax reduc- certain mat puonc interests win From Shackelford point to the Bird the anvil and the loom, will'be tiorr through tariff reform and its not be totally disregarded. But , island shoal and Town marsh, nearly , ,h onnosition to Dleutocracv in politics with the Supreme Court the case is the whole way is shoaly, as Bhallo, fhoro iini P 'i1 H Hi 11 H 111 tCU" - -t. . rr. i.. U .l tu.v, - j iRsiness. it h Ohio. 1 entirely tribute ttaeir treasures to me pi... .-c pennsvlvanui -ew Jersey and can different. load it down The President with an incom- and honor of Carolina. But better than all this, the people will be there. Citizens of the West will 1.. k : the face, would do affa.r.-, i urplus :, Star. the facts straight in meet tUeir fellow-citizens of the as any business man y -.at and the fellowship of kindred ::i figuring on his own :.. .e Sam today has no rail hn own New York Tru: be to i : IlF.PFi spirits will be swe-et and profitable. People will come from beyond our Ivorilers to exhibit t he i r w ares an d merchandise, and see with their actress, Misa own e es the wonderful riches ot been spending this grand old commonwealth, the family of The State Fair is to be more com novelist, haa nlete and attractive this vear than . ;v recovered her health ever. The Kaleigh correspondent n excellent spirits. 0f the Durham Faily Globe says: the companmes which have "The State Fair is just now a mat I'M k t vented Ander-on, win. has t !.e - a a. :n e r with 'A . :: F.lack. 'h ci ' m and New York in line upon this Issue there will be no longer any doubt that the Democrats have -got to gether. ' " Not less encouraging are the re turns from North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Washing ton. The Dakotas are liepublicam bu' by much smaller majorities than were expected, while Mon tana is certainly and Washington probably Democratic. When it much of tie distance, as one to three feet at low water. The stODe they have .. , . . . i .. , . . i .. i. ... i j petent man like Miller, and after Dave about pa 8tone walj he has once faced the Odium Of the abovestorm tides, and with a little appointment, that is the last head dredging on the bar have made us Of it. The fact that it is a life po- twenty-eight or thirty feet depth of sitiou makes the selection of snch a ; WM r;t1Mn a I" appropr.auon. i- .i , . would have opened the town channel man for the Supreme ( ourt a crane from BeBafor; down into Core sound, not only against tne whole people, along the town side, to the mouth ot but against the next generation as North river, to answer all the wants of well." i commerce to and from Beaufort and Core sound, much better than the pres- ,. . ent round-about way by the Bulk head. hy is a word of excouragement And Beaufort would be in possession of 80 charily spoken, when it, as noth- the sea-wall so necessary as a break ing else. will lighten the cares of the water for thesafety of the town ix- i U ajMrtuil -1 trr x-.ii'L'U itrn tliut ilir 'ind nriTO rlii, il i ii.nn rci rri.l hoa rt . . j, . . , ub reuerai point, utjiuw vv iiuiiugLou, J)eniocrats had "a fighting chance on with renewed purpose, bspecial- Cearly demonstrates the practicability jved ciiiid uuugei lor uie of w hat la here suggested, which has word oi approval spoken by t he par- tne endorsement or one oi tne best in the new States," it was recei with incredulity by Democrats and ents. The daughter, striving as known engineers in this country and :d r.nonow Stock '" ' recently Uen formed or chartered , ter of particular mterest. Itissaie . - - " - -; t";'";;, Wilmington, after raising quite two this interest is greater , ,,:.t; ,,rn : . . . . j I" .. - .1 . mil none or appropriation at tne nanaa J. A- TH O A Si -m n. c3 ppoi.j Bpti.'t Chir-i., np:w ffknf. im.iao ffl with absolute ridicule by Kepubli- best she can to uert'orm her duties Eu,?Pe 1 e : . . r . . VV 1 1 m cans. ion .n me unci iinwuu w aa, ..w ..... , ( u wiiniuei uuecuou o L tn u rv 1 1 c r ii e e n s nave a s rnn" wi ami i o.nm .n,.i,i --- 111. 1 - O ... . Ul , CUftbUI AhUDWLk. , , W . U.OU 1,VU,U. ITU h. -.11 M materialize, than ever before, and that tne iu- ,)Ur eyes, our vision is blessed with a high sense ot duty to enable her displace him with a mediocre citizen of or ti,,it article tendance, with tavorame weatner, origin sk ies auu uui ueni is um en to stand nrm it, instead ot occasion- ner owe, auu uio wBO uui a preBB will break the record. On Tuesday "J signs oi viciory. the 'Farmers' Alliance wedding' is (.UOL AUDACITY. the crowning attraction, and on pUe New Y ork Tribune is an ac Wednesday a band of Cherokee knowledged organ of the Kepubli m i k e our s t a t e . rg.ma's output .11 !' very greatly increased in e new future. Norfolk Ledger. TliK rtcei.t colored Uaptist con dition at Iudianaolis, Ind., 1 1 solution that the ne- "go West." lUt is been 'io formal them by V dming- 11 a uro. s o'.:'.; th::- f tr the: invitation extended to NS' es ' e r n 1 1 e p n bl 1 c a n s . - ton tar. Tit v. I V a. oerat :c campaign speak era are r.o. likely to lorget that a Keput'l.. in national administration h-, iu t .uie ot profound peace, in-cre.w-e-1 ti.e public debt nearlv her own, and there was not a ally a word of praise, nothing is tnerewMoiiM sucningrauiuae.ixow.ei , ,- , , . , him try his hand on Beaufort harbor, to vouchsaled her but a stony silence, the eD indicated, and he will find that or, what is even worse, constant New Berne, Morehead City and Beau faultfinding at the little mistakes fort will not prove the ingrates that he made. W hat a disappointment to encountered on the Cape 1 ear. . lr. x- r . . I I. u j.,-1.1 1 o.t " u 1 t.e A ' VAN VIHKIE GINVMACHINERY CO., COTTON GINS, PRESSES. FEEDERS 5 s? CONDENSERS. Tla Tia Wiskis Cotton Gin Machinery " l I n. a -ee :n . - New or', H't'U keep, a g a . w l C ; m -; n g u ! a r tiririst , record Indian will play lacrow, as they c.m party. It may not be too the little child who has brought wh7uc0h"au"har'b';; tcZuTe 7t call the 'bail game." This will be much t o sav that it is the organ, ;um warmed pau.. t, sappers ana Core sound will mak at Beaufort. plaved witb enthus.a-m. as it al- though the 'indianapol.s Journal 1 The people cannot make a more im- ' " with no svord Ot thanks. Ine portant move for the future greatness way s is. and will delight t he popu mrty be regarded as the accredi- mother who complains that her and glory of the dear old city, lace." ted representative of Benj amin daughter is not so willing to help as . Will they not pursuea way that lies Scarcely le.- Interesting to us Harrison. should be should jiause and' 80 plainly be ore 1 em ' will be the Fastern Carolina Fair: The Tribune publishes, with ap- thlnk 11 ny encouragement was JriL tPn(,in ' t.Ven given or it tne willingness to The A. & N. C. Railroad, extending the hdgecombv ran: the Koanoke prov.il, tne suggestion of Lewis 1)el f once w IS a ,,ieasure had to Beaufort Harbor, is one of the most and Tar Kiver Fair: the Roanoke F. Parsons, jr , I'nited Statos Dis- not be,n crushed in iu infancy. oPJ enterprises in the annals and Albemarle Fair; the Kli.abeth tnet Attorney fur the Northern A young holy, whose school life had it3 accomplishment was the result of City Fair, and the 1. lentou Agri- District of Alabama, concerning J111 closed, arm was nappy iu tne years of pataent thought, consecrated months nr cultural and Fish Fair. All of the wavs and means of capturing ' -i' n.onins oi , .,. to her mother, had her ambition inn at i En- these are E.ist North Cartdma ex- Southern States for the Republican" crnhed hy tearing her rem.uk to a hibitions and should be encouraged party, as follows : caller, who was congratulating the CAi.il tiflNI., I In YIU'F ( 0. S.W.&E, .Smallwood SEED DEALERS on Commission Merchants CRAVEN ST., NEW BERNE, N. C. d r Id; l t ue sai.i; 1,000 Bunches Cotton Tips, nnrl twice a day, morning and night; in the ! spacious opera house. At the evening. ! O "1 OHO Porrcrinrr "Rocro or night services thebuilding is literally 5Ut'UL' -DdlS51I1& -DagS. packed to its utmost capacity. He j The cln-iip. - -ANTI Till ST Bugging gives the slack-twisted, hide bound ., on t he nmr lo t . dramdrinking churfh members goss;" j Kept. 1. Binnersare Deing awaaeneu ana coming to Christ. These meetings commenced last Sun day and will close next Sunday night, as Mr Fife has engagements elsew here. Tbe Baptist and Methodist churches, with a strong following from the Dis ciples and Episcopal churches, are heartily co-operating in this grand work for God. The writer has had the pleas ore of hearing Rev. Mr. Pearson several times, and he is a power, but we sin cerely believe a greater Evangelist than Peareon ''is here." We believe Mr Fife is one of the humblest and most consecrated men for Christ it has ever been our pleasure to meet. He has a great, grand future before him. May God bless him, say our people. .' Rugi'9 w2ra 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER HAS A KINK STCK OF Watches, Clocks. Jcv:cli, SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE- Ml- T I KS. I keep a larger stock of Sjiertacles than anv other store in North ('arolina I take particular pains to tit them to th eyes of parties net-ding them. -0KTH CAROLINA NKHS. . From the State Tapers. f ri n Li. Mwh S- C in l: .a-i : ..sj. . . 11 r-4-4 F.r fci.lj ( ili' T i ' ih" ' i.ii" I (tilMrr.Jbl4 M-4m mt I nr 1 1 . i. 1 rw rMin KtyMtliMi il llm i-4 - I I rtm. t frtir ml Tirkm T C rlr. In WiiL'i Cia mi Kiciinirf C:. ATLANTA, ( . to you, but I've for these twenty years past, and I have fonnd that nine murderers out often are ardent adni.reis of tlowers, and u.o-t'.f tl.ein prefer daisies and '. .'. i.-s." Detroit Free Press. Tn;: corner-tone of a monument by the people of this section of the (jive me money enough audi mother on hiving her labors the State. It was planned for the good S-ate and the Eastern North Caro- can carry Alabama for the Repub- lightened by the daughter's help, of the people of North Carolina Its c,n tickt't ;il everv e ectiOD, ana 1 tnac sne dian t uouce an uinereuce - wrjm A'sciufin TiRiioiflTU road wagon. to b Mar w a s W I- 11 grave Tin d : l.e 1 No. lOW d to t he memory cf the; of Washington, Fredericksburg, thia - ' ! ".It eeti ears ago. base of the structure ai.,1 ; be shaft rests in he nver ;lat near her Norfolk Virginian, lamination of snch a man is Chalmers, by the party which In-vo outrageously (.'heated, for the ". ;:. e- i ill e ;:. the State in which ::.e cheating was done, amounts to :i the part of the ts eyes virtue is a crime a legitimate litii-al endeavor, to be ou ly when it is em he benefit of the other . World. :-. u"ii. ;.y that has had the oppor unity lor observing the a irt ret . ara r i i 1 an . tdioy i.; j. loietlined ' e d I" o r t le. N. Y is ,.t FROST 1(1 WG ixjfivi atiuricruiim or V" W . - rr VS. x -s. r JST n COMPAWY. Tlcr, Arid in tl I'rt lo nut iitfl'd It. Prirntj Bnch Tanue Wli la Ko)( nil all inI Mir-fii-- I mi . v n a ii.. pi uu i i d i lua inu utuuu ?5 prool'. M far s ir -a. - You C.m P .1 r- r O - r Ccrrrntcd cr Berk W.V Treated vsitti Prcipr.i: V" f IltStMVAIJMt- rr-s,r Tusi r r aMi rn rf hx. am. ifrais : ar x. l u. u ui f tint st't. mi., pl be negroes ami whites 'b ai.d sc.o.tb, resjvective t'.iat the lines (if social e It tween the t'o races more stnctlv drawn in h'-isefs t h.n in South Caro ! that the colored niau has it.ee b.r po!,t.c.! preferment i than he li.vs m Virginia, ingiil ir fact, iu- the Phila , lb . ord points out, that in eirsMi-.ee the close of the ed man hjs eer been ti.e Legislature ot any a'e. though :n them the negroes hold i ,i,..,t n eces hna Game, Fish, Oyster and In dustrial Association should be rep resented, at all of them, by regular ly appointed delegates instructed to use their best efforts to make every one of these fa;rs an auxiliary of tbe great Winter Fair that will lie held at New Berne in February. We want North Carolina to excel every other State, and Fistern North Carolina to be tin' garden spot (if the world . A STATE MOM MEM. Severil times the Journal has advocated the erection of a monu ment to North Carolina's Con federate dead, and it is gratifying to know that there is a prospect of a Confederate monument at Kaleigh. We are glad that the movement is in the hands of the ladies, and tliat it will be a monument, to the Confederate soliers of North Caro lina. Much as we admire leaders, ready as we are to swell the acclaim that heralds a hero's name, it is to the army of North Carolinians that fonght for independence that we would dedicate our contribution. It is always pleasant to follow the lead of the Wilmington Mes enger, saying, led all others in the number ot troops and losses in battle should not be satisfied with less than a ?.(, mh monument. All over the North monument.s to cost that sum or morn are being erected. Put let us by all means have a State Con federate monument even though it should cost but flu, (loo." The effect of the closing of New inlet W ineton Daily : The revenue collec tions at the Winston brancdi ollice amounted to ?75. 87.94 during the month of Septetn her. Thia is the largest collection ever made here in any one month during the past twenty one years. Elizabeth City Economist: There i an epidemic of disease arnong the hor-i h in this vicinity. It is a disease of th. lungs and not of the abdomen, as some of pur best farmers and most careful of their stock have been sutTerer from it Mr. C M. Ferrebee of Camden e. i:i,t lost recently several mules, mi . I ; tm driving horse is now v i sirk of tl . eame disease. Washington Progress : Today at '. J ni (Oct. 1), Rev. N. Harding, rector ot . Peter's Church of this place. n 1 a in .. who is honored, esteemed ami lot i .1 : all who know him. an i Mrs i; n , Handy, one of Washington's m .-: charming lad ies, daughter of .Mr I Hoyt, one of our most highly eieem i citizens, will be married n St l'. . : -church. Rev. Mr. Israel Ilar tu . f Kinoton, and brother of tin- groom . t ficiating They will leave imrneii ne v after the ceremony tn attend th- (oi eral Convention at N. Y Raleigh Call: The council of S: it. have decided to repaint ai d nn...-n the entire interior of the caimo! m eluding some fresco work on the i n h i i. .i of the dome This work will he begun . a - y next spring. Mr. I'.M.W'il-i.n.-.. retary of the fair, has closed a e : tia. i with a band oftwenty Cherokee Indian to come to the fair and give an exhil.i Hiving worked nt. .nlily nt thn bench for (iv r t htr' v 5 o ir- I helieve I can do as goo. I work as any watchmaker in the State ('(1Mb A Nl SEE ME. SAM. K EATON. M idii Ie street. Opposite bantist ( hurch. fit 12 dwtf ,v" CatarrH CREAM BALM ( I KE HAY- FEo - 1 vr'Ci, -4ChRrcC0UJ . 1 .,VW." HAY-FEVER to that work: were some of the brightest and broadest intellects that have lent lustre to the North Carolina name. The Atlantic Railroad was of patriot ic design. It was conceived in love of will do it simply by paying men to in the work. 1 0 0,0 00 tons coney e . t .e I .. mil th iii'hr she f if 01 lDelr oirtn. luey vtwo iiu raereun- ion ui nuuie ui men aim-ieni gum- - 111(1 lIHIUrlU v.Ut i,Ul Urn a- nn vain cntiill.iftBlii nnr 1Hq anI QTf.ri.iaoB inplnln.r Lu-rnu r . ,-. be honest. I will say to the judges along quite as wd 1 w ben the daugh-; dreamers: but broad-minded 8tateem-n wrestling, throwing, etc. A college of election : ' e are going to vote ter was at school. Je noL atraiu oi and patriotic citizens. We never con- game of foot hall is a tame air. or ahmg so many Kepubjican tickets at this making the child vain by praising template it without a profound se2se of side a game of lacrosse by I mi mi:-. box audit ou count that many I her, tor often she is made worse ov 10ve veo',uu 'V -uuaa Braua Eayetteviiie observer: .Mr. j, tm w,!l pay you so much' I would the withholding o it than harmed --L? ImVroVement in North 1 T InN pay them to count the votes as by the speaking.-Paltimorean. Carolina. rltsn 0 lu , m ies a dav. H ha- they are voted, pay them to act Tq6 Atlantic and North Carolina never married, never used tobacco, and honestly for once, and we would Philip Conrad Stilling' Railroad was to have been an essential has been throughout bfearemarkahlv carrv tne State tiv a big majority. Died in uaieigD, .n. c, on mesaay, ist vai " , v"' lemDeraie man in an respects, nu , ., , October. at the age of 6i.. terminal ino uujoait e puiuu ui me ex- whitfie township has long been not. 1 I hese words are iHueworttiJ OL- Mr. S:ibing was born in ZizenhaiD, port traffic of the State, and of sections for lhe good health and longevity of its cause of the sanction given by the Ilesse-Natsau, Germany, and served beyond. It gave lite and inspiration to . inhabitants; and Mr. Campbell s:n ,.;,, u, r ,1QranT, Lid time in the Herman army. He was the great ecneme or me iNorin uaronna, thttt Jos McKethan. colored, in seven n.ouur, on otLlluOL ot fcuc rr.10v.. trajned jn the baillt!t6a f a cabinet and the Western jNortn Carolina Kail-1 . years older than he-being full-, uttering them. Mr. Parsons is a maker. Many years age he moved to roads. Beaufort Harbor was the key u6 years of age and is even now the New Bern, and engaged in his trade, that unloosed tne treasury vault, tne best basket maker in the county Tn i,ih ho ninnmrl Hi!i,ntlir end argumentthat persuaded the people to tuallr in l.nwn anrl hck the- same ilav ., of his Ollice, he is a man of shrewd- efe ilTully . and proved to be an upright, ' PeD lbe Pubiic purse, build the North j distance of twenty miles, is only an or ness, energy and social position, induimous and good citizen. Some Carolina Railroad, and undertake the ; dinary act for Joe. , ,' , , , , monthsagohis mind became affected Western Extension. There is no mis- ; In the days of the Old Whig party and his health failed, so that recently take about that. j B. B.u, (Botanic niomi itnim his father Lewis K. Parsons, was it was necessary to send him for treat- The accident of war, alone, defeated! If you try this remedy you will -ay ment to tne insane Asylum, rcaieign, ' "-" p,cc" f .-k-" - Cu- . aH many oiuers nave sain, ir.ni i- 1- u N. C. He wsct cheerfully, saying it terpiise. John M. Morehead had fully I BKST blood purifier and torn - Writ.- was best for him. and his trust was in matured all plans, and mastered every ; blood Balm Co , Atlanta, (ia . f r book God But he grew more feeble, be- detail. He had secured pledges of all of convincing testimony, came parulyz-d. and passed to his re lhe millions required to complete the J. P. Davis. Atlanta, (ia. 1 West End . ward on 1st October. Western Extenison and establish its writes: "I consider that B B b has He leaves a desolate wife end one Cumberland Gap connections with Cin- permanently cured me of rheumatism son. His death was un the thirtieth cinnati and the even then rapidly arjd sciatica." anniversary of his marriage. Thesym- growing Northwest; had secured the R. R Saulter, Athens, Oa . says :" I ' pathiee of the community will be ex- requisite trans-Atlantic steamship co- . B B. cured me of an ulcer that had tended to the t ercaved famrlv in their operation, and arranged for the deep i resisted all other treatment.'" sorrow. L.C. V. ening of the water on the Beaufort Bar. E. G. Tinsley. Columbiana. A i , The North Carolina System, in its en- writes: l,My mother and sister had ul I5reP.il! Ureuul 1 lie Cry for Uread! tirety, was about to develop into the cerated sore throat and scrofula. B B. ,,. , t , , reality of an accomplished fact, when R cured them "' citEi the long, dreary, nitrous, dismal day Jacob E poncler. New-nan . b, . State! Fi of the Great American Conflict dawned writes: 'B. B B entirely cured n f 1 , thia mnntrr ft iinalp ilav vet often olJ '"""''"""J - rneumaiiBui iu uiy snnuiueis. i u not remember having tn'8 countr-v a 'n' ua- yec 0,ten y-e are rapidly coming around to 8IX bottlep. " lsss it is eaten and the result'is dvsDeD- that point In the cycle of time when the : (Jhas. Reinhardt. No. 'JUliC, Eountam tr h lousnes;. -k Lad" Baltimore, Md . writes: ' I suf- .riahed i.innd. mmnles hlotches and are to resume tne.r rormer importance fered with bleeding piles two y. scrofula. For the correction of all this, For w t. , ' ,.. I We .1. We v. :.. If ..ll st-ed wilt. SEED, ! e idle w. p. mmus & co.9 I 'oil 1 r. 1 n 11 M r i han t s. I V ,.K,'T I1' i.liNt Ths Season is at Hana 1 Rcfri Lib I'nited States Attorney, but aside a leader of the people and com manded the respect of all parties. Young Lewis, as he is called in Alabama, knows full well that he could not buy the judges of elec tions in Alabama with millions of dollars. Put he shows a willing ness to handle the money, and the Tribune, with less knowledge of the political situation, gives the Parsons' plan its endorsement. The New York World savs: -We do seen anv where or at anv time a and we earnestly join iu franker proposal of election by pur- "we hold that a State that V L 1 , t'Mtors, iff ,:r Y air; Wire I) 'lis and Tr;, W n- (Toti. L !l o, Covers. i 1 1.1. 1 a i( diul tTilh Tabs. 1: M AT itor iKU'l I CO. ; o Hutu..' Arnica uin Tm Bkst Salvi in the world fox certain number nearlv Ouu, Brui, Sores, Uloere, Saat votes previously - . . . n T , , 1 ... KSfum, rever oorw, leiier, unippea himself " tl&naa, C nilDiain. corns, ana 111 Dim cuase tnan tins, or a case in wuicu a rascally thought was uttered with more perfect unconciousness ot the impression it would make upon honest minds. Dudley's 'blocks-of-rive' plan was akin to it but less daring in its proposal to pay men for being honest.' lie only proposed to hold purchased voters to their contract. Mr. Par sons proposes to pay election 0 111 cers an agreed sum of money on condition that tbev shall count a and as a general tonic for the system, take Golden Medical Discovery, pre pared by Dr. Pierce of Butfdlo. Its ac tion i like a charm, a "benediction that follows after prayer." A remedy for stomachic and liver troubles, as well as a specific for throat and lung disorders. It is guaranteed to benefit or cure, or money refunded. in the consideration of great affairs. , and am glad to sav that on They are to conserve the greatest prop j B B. cured me. " erty interests of the State. The future J. J. Hardy. Toccoa (ia . writ vitality and valueof the North Carolina B, B is a quick cure for catarrh bottle of B. Railroad is bound up in the Atlantic Road and Beaufort Harbor. Within twelve years the North Caro lina Lease to the Richmond and Dan vilie Company will expire. The lease will not be renewed. The Richmond arid Danville people are falling in the s ' It Three I had been t mu 1. 1 e.i 1. t ,i1Mlw,.,r,bnf gaps. WI" presently nave acorn lt'.cal power and Eruptions, and positively' cures piles dunlnh- t, ........ or no py required. It is guaranteed to Is there in this a hint of what is contemplated in the scheme to in- this nation or c work too much. of Republican much, or they may confine them tixed upon by selves too much to one eternal grind of the same kind of work, but work we. I and intelligently done kills nobody. - Tlrod shorter line of their own from any other nation i)anTjiie to Cnarlotte. Thev will not They may fret too want the North Carolina Road after 19 1. The State will resume the opera tion and control of her property, and she must revitalize and protect it The Atlantic Road with Beaufort Harbor will be the only salvation, bottles cured me. several years A. Spink. Atlanta (I. . n.v. "line bottle of B. B B cnmpleo ly oil. .1 m child of eczema W. A Peeper. Kretieiiia. Ala., writ' s "B. B. B . cured my mother of u I cm tne. I sore throat R N. and F S. DulTy. wholesale an I retail agents. New Heine. N. (". AKK Ol SKKI'IK A!,! If Mi we will c .nvine,. eil t! . e English Remedy for th- i- .: - r to all ether j reparations. :o..i . .1 . -cure for all Tl.roat m, 1 1 :i: 1 r i. 2G &, 28 Middle Street, N K.W KltV I.. N. (I J . II. I'MI'TUEK. it A SI L. M A M . V . joh:t h. ckabtree & co ENGINEERS, Fuu i ilc ia and Mac bin is tn Mann fait j r r" r.i'J I'm1, rn in tNOES AND KACEIMSTS' S'JFPLILS K 11 1 1 tl ei -f I iu-Iit. it.nlrr.. s ,v tl I I la. I Uluf ,(.,.! ,,(1 l,lniM, 't , . ii.' t . , ' u 1 1 k I mil KM. , 1 : on tl vftn . w WIT Hip... Irm Oavis. , in :ng. Republicans to carry a.a Pri a ,r ix Vo stitate 1- ederal control of elections :i election. Petersburg Appeal. Silebr B. N.Dnffr. im 17 :u the Southern States! Extension of the A. & N. C. Railroad I Croup, WI ping ' 'o.; . n. , coild well wait upon these events but I guarantee th- preparation a: Beeohani's Piiis cure bilious and ner- for the rapid development of the j you u sun. pie imtt.-ii., voua ills. greatest railroad centre in the State at 1 Berry, New Berne. N. ( V I Ti: :i 5;, t V vl 'f ' i 9 i , n o I ' r , 4 : 1- . : J-' - ' , , o. 1 "-7 -.

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