f ' m v ii -frVs . y 1 D i (ssiilifrflfafl Mi If !E1 II II III h II el . El i ' bp INDEPENDENT IN ALL Vj i i X I - r v VOL. H, NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. OCTOUER 17, 1889, I num. t m 4 am, . . aal III MOT I ctimi X I I 1 1 1 v A I. NOTES. VJ I m ft mmim Mi f ti I tl I !' 11 IllWllini . Tnl OOSt WILL Bill HtLltr b ictm. mrr to mt:y irmtrj ur trr out Box of t.re . . ... rilliti Mil r I "i j-31rr N-t. - Lit !! riJLwn adxrcfU. wtarrickhy M""f'" tooa?lt itf -t-th. F : 1 Ii 1'lH - r n popular ile s. mt li . iii the Temp-W,t,tnnptoii S'o re J eij;tin.i!s server, tl: and t ho ! Vt .it.- , t!i.-:r !;: h'.iK-r.i j i s r s : i '. h gre .it '. nf tin' Ni''s 1 1 II 1 I 1 1 li : 1 ' n M' iz.iv et h Cirv I-!.-. pi:-...! 'L.-mi ; : u; .ire e;i ; ; : l ! :i tu ivnise of t h. ;r o; r.il Xim STOSICU; IMPAIRED DIGESTION ; DISORDERED LIVER; Trie nu.il l'em pl.ir riMiMwm nuiui Or NAM. I It IM mmmia mw"' ""7V i ou HO ill .' I- ; 'Ve.f Th a: a a- ' re x , r r : e i; - i 1 IT,' i ) in-t t!:n. ::r : i . i 1 .- : 1 ' AIIJI1 Ml illlf Iw MJUA rma dmctiuu wit r H i- x. fwfu Jf t ittx mcnt t nu, ii-, umimj. Ji --- ay gi ' ri I I a f LL a CO.. 3 td 36 7 Cj-; SI . h Tarx. jaaa fee laa CMm ttf y tfracxut docs oat iv WttL EllIBXTDurS POLS C?C RECUPT OF PRICE 25 CE.1J.TS A Cv . Gu b km4 . DrF F y's Drug Sferc, Nw Borne, N. C. 1 ! irc- :r, .in n t A ' it r: lili ill.- !. rl.er. niljL r us ".li; The: 1:1:1- be t :!,. i 1 1 ; : 1 in . :ii 1 - i Ii.i.iy r: S t il l' 1 i tile; .iMire the .irni ()': ,:!-. t in :st . r fle J I ' . 1 1 - - i 'til i eell : iu in . e.ipg Alilerir eeordetl every proper t'i,'i!;ry liielit will be lielJ o (i . t-r t he water. 1 ; . !' t!ie ('hicago worl to it that Arueric iiNn h.ive au etpi il : 1 . 1 -e :i .--.'if to 1 1 ETTTtlWCER BROS. mston, 1V-T. O-- M v'.- c' a Democratic I i o r :i (i r . nml Legislature thus - - . : r : a 1 ' 1 tin-1' v , ' : ' I . S. St'ii.it.'t.t Kepublieans elt et the member of ConprePH. ext'elleneiei ol' every editor is ex pee Mil ter re - ett i:ie : iiiiil to ; ile r ! 1 1 1 1 .:n, ami t supph every induce ut to brinp lnai it the uiiUKi-ers d's tair will m-c iltlt! Auierie.Ul." s'u v. It t lie occasion is to lie a profit able out: to tb 1.-country it mu.-t be iiiileetl a "world's" l.i:r, ami not a cheap copy of a lYench or Kiigbsh or Austrian exposition. It must be one in which Ann-ric 1 north ami on!h. east and west 111 all her l,m cat boss, ber resources, to-: lie 'elopTH-!-.t, and li.'I illstltlltlDliS. -hill iie honorably ami adeipireh it prt senteil. Such a world's 1 : 1 ;.- i 111 pos-i i I .:i N.-w York. Only siicii ;i lair c uld be hL-lil in Chicago." a, it-i.-i bo.l v. ( 'arui 1 : eco; : . an ('-., OUTiI CAKOLLM EVS. th.s ab;;;. lor;n.-. 'i'l.t-rr 1: ' A Xorrii ; Ornish an - long, as cuuiui.iiid- iu.n:'. iroI;n,i .tie ' tin- aged .- ! i iers of" 1' their . e '"'t-n . ! o 1 . j - e ' . . i -;aa:oii From the State Papers Trie Winston lawyers played a match .-arue of baseball with the tobacconists. Tot lawyers won the case, as ueual. (Ivkioboro Mercury '.urt fur the trial of criminal and civil car-H will convene in this city Monday, and will last one week. tie prosecution of mining ,.n other induetries. Jur cbruait- i e ild and uuiform, lal-or ih ii rni.t lit-al cheaper than in the mining r.-i mi hih nf the went, and our mines instead r.f hi located imoot; bleak mouniaiim an 1 surrounded hy arid wastes, are in tin midst, nf fin Huril-nllnrfil I'inH j l..r-.- Wayne Superior au bjndg of hUp.(iItil, ran t,t. 'h:i , , abundance and at cheap raten Tat..- ! .tliell, tl i.I '11 g t :;e '. li; a p p 1 1 ii a 1 ' 1' i;r, at a a. rv to Have for sae at Lowest Prices Possible: KK1' ltui-r:, o' b-so-::.' t : from h raker . lec:e 1. ica:e that con tident has been &000 IW. Lftillali Soaf, 1.0CO . CW'jtpool Cot: 10O WlM ''bacto, 100 W!m oi TO. M. Hoit't I'll 100 bx o il Soap, the bx? 54) bale ( 1-l.SiMUnjt, ICO bo xea at Aria ia i lUmmcr l'.rn : iOO bbla. 2 Idt Tork, i5 o o J r. Scia 2.000 patr ol Teller I?roa. lai C.ay S A FCLI. LINK OF 81".: Dry Goods, Rfldy Llade Clothing & Furniture, jjjm.i c d his part of i : . I '.rot her A--I.e. 1 Iro. Kingsbury and Hro. Creecy have styles of their own ami are ac customed to express their opinions m their own way. When Captain Ashe takes r position cannot endorse we naturally conclude that if will know better when he gets older, and when we fiud ourselves in opposition to Dr. Kingsbury antl Col Creecy we console our selves with the ntlection, fee snail ktvnc 6-f i'f r w hen we are as old as they. Chanty is a blessed thing, and, at this moment, it is emphasized rimlred gallons of Illicit bv the imperative demand that r el- i)i' n must stand together. ali . Afr larTAii. and wholksali.. i . . M OETTIliGER BROS. i ,( '.-. i . 'e'jrau d l'earl Sh:r. KIS3TON, 5. C. A.gwt, 1 :ne s ucc ) !n i ditl a sensible tii ::-. l.r-: her now repudiate For .i k e r. Sava n nah News. TilK Democratic ed:;ors of South I'akota have prepared a memorial to the cue. ij t i iii urging organiza tion throug'iout the State and ask ing tii.it t:.e press be recognized on the State i 'ru:r.i! Committee. 11: i n pea.-n Liraiitly nas ueen captured in Cieorg,.), and shipped to Atlanta where it will be sold. This explains the reason Georgia's 1,-egislatnre, after an all -iimnier season, won't a-C'.irii ev.-u to p:, k cotton. Char 1 c. : e ' ' h roll :cie . TliK alae of Agricultural Fairs da T:tv-r be fully ascertained, as ;ev beget new ideas ami cause im- Mlt.HVYlS AM) THE FAYl TTH 1I.LE ( 11M H.NM U. Tiie lollowing letter lrom Mr. Davs will iittiact the attention of our readers: I.K v. v. ni. Miss.. Sept., Id. 1;vj. .1)-. ...- U'. Wi.it. : Dear S.r: 1 have received yours of the !':h instant, and thank you for oi:r kud remembrance anil oiler to renew your attentions in the event of our going to Fayette vi 1 It-. Whe'her 1 shall go or not is M. 1: irited Spirited ci'. .;: donated "the i: lMdgeway lor a f o 1 1 o w i n g i ; Ileeki Kai.kii.h, N V. ( '. Stronach erate all thepe matterH into conniderati-m we can easilv se that North I ar S, I.hlirange Sentinel: Mr. Noah Kouee, furnichee opportunity and ..dv oo w no has been sufferinK severely with a for investment in no rium i t. -i i . sprained ankle for severe! days, we are surpastst d by any nil.t-r . :. .. ylad to know, is improving. Union. Concord Times: The jute bagging; Washington Pron-. k : ',- trust is throttled ut last. A Cabarrus 1 stated in the Jtik ih 'In-: oi rnau came to town Wednesday with his cate that Kev. Mr. IVar-mi il. i. biile of cotton wrapped in a bed quilt, series of meetings n tM- i. Durham Globe: The Dukes made time during the enming t o tiurinu the last fiscal year 823.000.000 neKro by the na e ..f - U-art-ttes. which is raid to almost equal stole a horse from las f i.lur in la", the product of the two largest factories Thursday morning lat n-:.r in the world. Quarter. Hyde ctmnty. H - t.i.' 1 CJrensboro North State: Beat this beet uu T lrom lne "n' " - " " a-h,,rn 1'nP ,o,, h 1 1 o , . . in the mormu( and -anif Ki Ihw fiii hat Mt. Hope church, has given us a beet Iessr9 JJone.8 an(i u:ni'"r '"" ,: which wfiiffha tn nounds and mflM, fl,m and Kot ,n 81ht of him below t " L 23 inches in circumference ; Ihe negro discovered thcin ran th, ;;tq ,, , ,, ,. horse and left tbemj Thevtnl l paru.-i- ,, e bA-' t0be Llven complimentary to be OQ lh(J look out forhim. -r ,,,.v at to Miss Winnie Davis, the .laughter of ; did BO BD(1 about 9 oclock th!lt ,,, tion. je terson uavis. auring tne Mr. David (u rKanufl aI1(i oth,.rH , tayetteville centennial will be a most him. They brought him to town K,el ,4 brilhar.t and elaborate affair. morning and Messrs. Jon.-s and l.d The Globe says Sam Jones is preach-1 Spencer took him back with tin- Ihtm inn to about six thousand people at each to Hyde. He is a notorious the-f and Si-rmnn in Tlnrliam "Ma nr bon their ' hia naninm O 1 .......... .. r. 1 et'Ietar COl.teU- seats from earlv morn tillv dewy eve. ". to those neonle. etetans' Association ol He makes it hot for the whiskey men. - ral Jir ti. d Ii . 11 an -oh Oi g ii tai i i Itilll".' er of t. :-, IV The Col. 'j. North Carolina: My Dear Sir : I have of the opinion that we FROM THE I'KENS IHM'A K HI v oug been ought to Sam Jones at Durham, Saturday: "I don't guarantee a man until he's dead I and in heaven and the pearly gates are j Helkna, Oct. S. The election of ocked hard and the fence too high for Joseph Toole, Dem., for Governor, is of li'm in Con- federate soldiers, lecated in the rhBrWt TnQ Pnnroati wu- er' lieP - 10r ngresR. i,.,. but am far lrom being able different sections of the State. I of the Associate Reformed church of,1"000 iity-. The Democrats t laim finite umlesitled ami will depend 1. .1.1. .t.O.l. ... f l.ij tlmn nQT-i k- ni o 1 1 . .. ,m li.r I .1 Kl,. I.nmna f-. 11 O U II I I . 1 1 i i 11. " 1 I LI il L I Ills i tmLXi C,t.'i-tJiiii,Vu'U.llUllflUlClJ'J.l-lCOiUlL; " t rr T'.i is' bvno means promising 1 have our aged, infirm and disable Con- J .-t0 Jump ut' Tben 1 ' grantee t now conaeded by a majority a great desire t ) attend that Con- federate soldiers, located in the Charlotte News: The ven t ion an v certainty what I have on the Kaleigh .V. Gaston Kail Charlotte today bought one of the most ! th Legislature by seven. The Repub- beautiful building sites in the city, and hcans will not concede as much, rut i- Win. SULTAN Still Leads in LOW PRICES, pr i emeti a! .-. 1 ., .-.-rt a:n t : it ' v : a pes d"'..g bt-ii.r. : o;:r 1. ::'.:; N iw . THE MOULD'S FAIR OK Many mouths ago it was detenu ineil to have a world's fair at some point in the I "n ited S: at es : u 1 so' It will, 1:1 all probab.l.'y b- a splendol ailair. and the .piestioa of it locility is one of deep interest. New York, Washington ami Chica- hat are of incalculable!!0 are tlie principal competitors for to sa v with mav do. road at Ividgeway, situated in a 5 My family renieinber gratefully ( five) acre square, a 'M) (thirty) your kind attentions to them, ami roomed, Mansard rooted, brick mv daughter desires kindly to be building, with long porticos, cm.-., remembered to you. Very respectfully. "Jkfferson Davis. The desire of North Carolinians the next spring they will begin the erec tion of one of the prettiest churches in the South. WiDBton Daily l Winston needs anew assessment of her real estate. Property is selling here coday from SO to 50 per cent, more than it was two years ago, 'nrourage them by i-o - '..:: il- a; : rv lXsviaf jot rtarol from tha N'onhfru Mirk't -h ' - I i- - - Ba4 SiCVaii Stock I tt kipt, I am goxa to Soil Cheaper than Any One in the City Largest Stock of Clothing in the City ! 31a SaiU (roem 3.50 p. 4Uy'. Kne Soita. four to h: 7 a.-v r TUltM f Lavdiaa' Cloalj aai N'tw Markftn alo Dolmi. CQ OoAia, UT U twtlva year, 1 1.2-5. Un'i good Shoe at 1.00. Imdim' Battoo and Lo Shoea, "Oc. to tl 0. Mt' aa4 Bj' Ilati, 10c. to l.V. Bwt Flaaaal UadenbLrt, 4o. UsJanairta ktu CARPETS Wlllk told Try low A fall iic- of Tror-m .:. : .:. -lf kl atock ( Dry Good ad Notiooa will b-e noli : KF.DI ( PB1GX3. aa I kay to male room f-r icy Knirmoaj Stock :' Ci t:.i: -RB9kbr tb place. . l . 1 . : . . k ::. w s t ii at world's fa.r agon..iiig ar.d Fmla.b in the base the c:t ;. i-1; - anx.rt ( ilCsT to the honor, an.i the compe' tion sharp an animated. The question is to tie dcc.drd. leiieve i'V digress. N e have already njift l",...,rr.. -.11 rrnt d, P T C f C f C 1 1 C C f 0 T V A S il '. H g " V ' il.l Jf," n .11 f,tt lUl ' . . ' r- ..nnr. u ).r,f i, ' because it is the capital of the na l l...UWUk,U,.'UllUCl ruggle be: ween ( 'hicago 1 oil r h:e::v tion anil in our judgement the place most suitable for a national expo sition. New York insists that that citv is the great metropolis of the Western World, and that no other place on this continent is so we'd adapted to a great world's fair. era! orT.ceholders of Uiat State t0i"''"""''"" ami Clark themselves in regard to the part ol C i t I.n U l rt U . I.n ol,n,,l.l IOPtmaS ' buc LUJ Pu WIJ1,-lJ loe ia.t suuutu er-Ceneral, soliciting contributions. . The Central Dark has been eug m New York ro th s.rrn Pm, geated, but a large, and probably Iphia for third place in ball league is causing hair to turn gray with aicago News. think of it! Orjav in 'en nsy ! van : .. assessing an ad-; ::.oiia! three per cent, on the Fed-: 'ass:st Mahone's cause son, the First Assistant that Mr. Davis attend theFayette vii.e Centennial is very great, and the failure of the illustrious cheif- tain t j be present on that interest ing occasion would be a in very general aud most serious regret. We trust that the good Providence that has attended him, through years ol his eventful hfe, will con tinue to sustaii; hr.it u U'.S liecliiie i.ng ye .rs. and that it will lie our good fortune to meet him at Fay ettevdle in celebration of the ratifi cation of the Constitution of the bv the State of which, 1 think, would be suitable for one of these "Homes." If your association should tie of the same opinion, after examination of the aod it is unfair to the reputation of the , n ,,, i .:,, , . ir f ,. . to wn that, the old assessment should rc- property, and will i..-e it for tum main, The tv in thia town ia pui (lose Uiey may na e I lie iree use worth between six and seven millions. Man system of voting, and r.-i-uli.d i: ol it lor 1'.". years: orai- toug as used Aeheville Citizen: The Ver:ern North tfae election of the Republican caiuii ia!. for a ( 'onlederate soidleis' home. Carolina Baptist Convention will meet ' toT Mayor. iay that on the face of the returrs it w Democratic, and claim fraud in Silver Bow and Deer Lodge counties. Th" general opinion is that there will be no oyntest, and that the Democrats will have the Governor and the Legislature. An election was held Tuesday in Chattanooga Tenn .. under th Auti . A r s.vv. . We may not be able to give large in the First Baptist church, in this city ,r nf pensions aud maintain in intilaence 1 Uctob:r Z3 and continue in session 'Ule these m-Kl infirm mul ,1 hi.) abouc five dye- lt is expected that ... ' , , ,, , , two or three hundred delegates aDd soldiers, who risked all and have visitors will be ia attendance. Ashe butfered so much for the defence of viiie will bid them welcome. mercifully what they believed to be right, but Goldsboro Argus: At hia home in the man we can give them such care and Grantham's township, this county, W. comforts as will make their lives U-ooa, a wen known and highly es- more Pleasant and convince them teemed citizen, and one who was uni- , . t j versally loved and respected, departed that they have not been deserted thi8 life in the triumph80f a faitQ made by their (ml forurades, who have zealous by a life of exemplary devotion been more fortunate in the Laid and Christian purity. The Knights Templar parade in Washington city Tuesday was of a moM maggificent character, and Comman denes from all parts of the country participated. The city was gorgeously decorated, and together with the rich insignia of ihe Knights, all mounted on horseback, the scene was brilliant in deed, fifteen thousand Knights were in line, wbo were reviewed by the Presi dent from a stand in front of the Wmte House. The nember of visitors in the oity if estimated at fifty thousand. The Raleigh correspondent of the Wilmington Messenger says that BoyleV Co)r 1,00c Cotton 25,000 liiiiLi; Bags. The ' . .'iNii I Rl 'ST Hascitiar Htig?9 w2m fa on t hi He Pt I nited States North Carolina. Put. if it is ordained otherwise, battle oi life, wii. -h has been so Wadesboro Messeneer-Intelliiitencer : mauCIv fonlC ;'"der adverse Mr. Frank Ratliff has a cow and mule I counsel believe Boyle wtll get a new CirCUmVtancesrsirice' 'the linal furl- that have stalls near toother Not long tnal The counsel for Boy le also be- ago tne cow was iicsing tne ieua num i -- - - i'"..o to the Mtr.o Norfolk 'irginia:i. Wx, ::i common with the people gem-rally, rr; nee m the work be--ing dot..- :n oar State by Mr. Jones, M r. I V ir-on , M r. 1 ' evati g i.-'.s: It i- ae . o s ;i ; 1 1 iose that J. A. THOAS SJfa. m, i ! 'J -- ' .! 1 1 v i In ft f J ill MV Oppit Raptut Cbarcb, NEW rF.KNK. N. th- p..O KTS 1 v.vj: p. la bors o A l'i ors ove. ri:: .fe and other a great mis thev can take do t he work of pas t heso st'a-jous of re hi uld be active in 10I51MUJ VAtl YII1KLE GIN l MACHINERY CO., COTTON GINS, PRESSES, JREEDERSH? CONDENSERS. r Tfej ha Wkiif Cotton Gin Machines 11 1', e at;.-:: exel a road du- w : At zr i V 1 " i.'t'.e Maa., s c . . if ..I4 X.. . t ik T- t "4-4 P. mtmtm fmlr mr I (ilt t limU 4-4 9 mt ii.rwUi I M14. lMt.U. mt lll.( m4 i Sm'-rm . m m ( V' ' f- . 1 Tu Wiitta Si ui Mid 51-7 C: . 1 I. A V 1 - . ' PiK : ti Iowa lias I h.c rt.lw.iy companies r.g::' to -usper.d the opT-li-ci paying iranehes. The ve r.ght granted to build the irriesw.th C the paramount : keeping :t op.-n tor t he pub :;ve:i , nce If sustained by :; re.-ce i -nrt the decision 1-a ..sii a N.tin.iiiie principle ol r.ii. A.iy management m the pub lic : :. -..-rest . - '.V :'.m , u gtoii He view. 1 il K 1 )::;. xrat .c weekly papers that .'tiit .1 ap so suddenly four years .- ad ,-r Wotrn Kansas art- tall.ig a:.d dying now like autumn leaves. They lived four years ou land i fli -e notices, like tue festive grasshopper on the sweet me. ha; thev lortrot to et itnple of the ant and -i g !i tl a r i n g t h e summer . when the cruel blasts d.-teat blew o er the controlling part, of tlie people -ire opposed to it, and some go so far as to oppose the fair's going to New York if there is any probabil ity of its being in tin' Central Park. We received by last night's ma.! a marked coppr of the Cliieago Daily News, advocating the claims of Chicago, and setting forth the reasons why the South should favor tbat city for the world's fair. It addresses itself to those in the South '"who honestly but mistaken ly beleive that the interests of the South would be better subserved elsewhere than in Chicago." The first point made is UkC Chicago has especially been kind to the people of the South in periods of epedem ics. It says that "when New York was arresting these peop'e for "violating", absurd and useless quarantines a thousand miles away ami confining the uu fortunates on a lonelv island in her mg oi me Lonieueratt nag ai vp- the mule-8 tr0UKh through a crack, and ; to 8ee f-im pet anew trial rwimorfiiv r mufo. orii nritifinn. -. i . 1 - . . .1 - ed cllort we can without abundant ' proceeded to bite about two inches of 1 ul. l JP i. - .1 i:.- , ,1' V,m- t.,w,-n r,fT let no true son of North Carolina i eauu cueei me uecuuiu;- taiui -' .uu, . ... . , , the survivors of the, rapidly thin- Wilmington Star: The Pittsboro stay away because ol tne probab.e Qi nkQ of these ol(1 ,F0:(1ters and Record announces the demise recently, absence of Mr. Davis. When it raise th f enougb ab ve pinch-, was announced to General Kodes mg coitl and gnawing hunger to forty and fifty years. Its age is vouch at ( hancellorsville that Jackson let them see the bow of pension ed for bya citizen of veracity, who is i ho iinirt which is now turowing the light of hfty-two years of age, on whose place iUC llCllll , , 1 the. mnoa t. . a mnmiAnA "t-nam olnno ho none over r np wno e i n r oven "-"D k-vvvv fan icsiucu sunny Southern land. Hoping that at an early day we may have sever al of these '-Soldiers' Homes," I Yours very tiulv, J. M. Jhxic. ikmi 1868. Mas a nsi' ktiK'K of Watches. Clock?. Jewelry had fallen, he replied, and spirit ot Jackson is with us," and we may be assured that the heart and s irit of Davis will be with us at Fayetteville. The event we are about to com memorate is woildwide in its iniluence. Wherever among men there is an asperation for liberty, the Aiuti ic.'.n Constitution is the polar star towards which ail eyes are turned in contitU-nce and ador ation. Especially is the day we celebrate dear to North Carolinians, and we and our children will hallow it as tin- birth day of the American I'n mn . am CONFLPLi; VIE lIONDS Tiie fact that au agent of a syn dicate of Fnglish Confederate bondholders has come to this coun try, to see if something cannot be realized on the investment, has aroused certain malcontents in the horses can remember Fayetteville Observer: It is learned today that Bingham's School and Davis' School, of LaGrange, will attend the Centennial Celebration here in Novem ber in a body. It ia to be hoped that Oak Ridge Institute, Thompson's School, of Silver City, Fremont Military Institute and the other military schools of the State will do likewise. Wilmington Star: Five horses for the use of the fire department arrived yes terday, and were driven up to the city hall in the afternoon for inspection by the committee of the fire department of the board of aldermen. The largest a dark brown pair, weighing N KWSI'AI'r R .ENTER PRISE KNK.1I1S JHMI'HRVS CONCLAVE. Fverv dav there are remarkable North, and amChemas are being hurled alike against the South and the bondholders. This is all wrong. The South needs no vindie ition. Her history is recorded in the brave and exhibitions of newspaper enterprise archives, but we haw setii nothing of the The South failec kind that comes up to the Wash- independence, and nigton edit I: gall our I1 ost's Kuights Templar dependent u n of 1 ist Tuesday. neeessai i.'v !o-. s at once a beautiful picture There was no f to secure her whatever was i success was d in I nessue- ry ami a minate delineation of ing of Cjiiledcrate bonis, and of the grainiest pageants of whoever purchased then d,d it suc-.-e ..it a.o :n ti 1 t ' . harbor when her affnghtened modern times. No description of kuowiug that their value health oJTicials, were dragging Prof. Proctor from his hotel and consigning him to death in a hos pital a Chicago physiciau, Dr. i: iuch, secretary of the State board of health, was lighting the unneees ours would at all be adequate to pendent upon th give an approximate conception of Confederacy, this wonderful display of journal- The thurst at the South, because istie enterprise. of the effort of a mad-cap to collect The Post justly claims that no Confederate bonds, is unmanly, event in the history of the country From the time the soldiers of Lee 3,19) pounds were attached to Hook and Ladder truck No. 1, a pair of grays, weighing 2.S90 pounds to the Atlantic engine, and a bay, weighing l,3oO pounds, to the Atlantic hose cart. Rileigh News and Observer: The figures show that the cost to the State ve f l.ln'wl al' tlie f the Boyle case since his arrest in "l. UlUvtl OL LUC , , , Ann r- Jiay itifcL araoumeu 10 c-i .o'jo. kju t-ctire in imperishable Saturday night as the night freight train w as coming up from Goldsboro on the Richmond & Danville Railroad it ran over and fatally injured a colored man named Albert Rowland as the train was pulling in to Clayton. Row land attempted to go across the track and was struck and horribly mangled. He was in a dying condition when the train left. The Baltimore Sun of Friday says this of Governor Fowle: "He is a jolly gentleman, with merry, twinklingeyes. and seems to be pleased with the wide- the spread circulation that his joke about Secretary Proctor taking the Indians to v ermont has gained. The President assured Gov. Fowle that the Indians would not be quartered in any State where there was any objection to them Before leaving, the Governor invited the President to visit North Carolina, promising to show him the most beau- was s of de- sary and barbarious quarantine was ever before so well recorded by laid down their arms to the present tiful country in the United States. at. t i I r i . Z . dost-pb. Mo. : a 1 the K u rope an y be held at Prus : i.e. i. -.un s for the ' ;. A:;;i-.i:i si a e en s i.d with some H3jci & S5umn raEE-pmfl road wagon. rs : ile a :i " ave al .1 o I k of i-. t.rst, :i.-.. -nary, ar.d I: a no. re l.a . :.ow be adopted 1 be able to form he sincerity ami o,- who (irofts-t ' eoutmuan.-e S ' far Africa t her dght conouest and inviting all who chose to come freely into Chicago nmi northern Illinois." The second point made is that Chicago is pledged to the greatest engineering woik of the ct-ntuiv a work that. mea.-u:ed by its in evitable resa 1 ts u p. n the material prosperity of the continent, w.il eclipse all that wa De I.esseps' gigau The com p'.et -on ot w a v be t ween I . i k i the Mississippi r:'e; much to the Sou: h as (.'hicago. Again: "Tlie S c; ii newspaper. The record of the moment the South has shown her Winston Daily: The old fire engine, Charlotte, N. C. Oct. s. The Synod of North Carolina conveaed tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Firnt I'rpnyterian church. Rev. J. Henry Smith. I 1) of Greensboro, preached the opening sermon. The Rev. J. M. Wharey. of the Concord Presbytery, was elected Moderator, and Rev. Alex. Sprunt and P. R. Law temporary clerks. EDE.VTON, .N. C, Oct. 8 Two men were drowned today from a steamer of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad company while under full headway The fireman named Gilbert Spruill w ho lived in Cresswell and a deck hand named Williams, who lived at I'lvni OUth, were wrestling on the stern of :h. steamer while under way w in n th. lost their balance and fell overboard Before the steamer could be stopped or assistance rendered both were drowned A destructive fire occurred in Savan nah Wednesday. Six warehuuees an.i two compresses were destroyed, tnK.-tl.-er with 4.090 bales of cotton: the loss is estimated at 400.000 Lexington, N. C. Oct . s. - r ,i.. m Berrier shot and instantly Kblel mother in-law, Mrs Her bet i '.'- .. this afternoon at 3 o V lock . i u west of Lexington. It h- ns. !Vt r .- i and his wife could not live : ' i and that Berrier went to his n, ti , r law today and demanded lo- toi -. which was refused. Therein, .n ,i !,., culty arose between the fHiioli.-- v. n Berrier shot the woman, to .k his end' and fled. A large and indignat e -.i i . are in hot pursuit of the lleeing si o er The Illinois colored folks. hoh,. been in State conference at Spr i n n fi.-i i have issued an address to their hreitoei throughout the country, in wlot-h tn. i set forth the objects of their urgnio tion. Among other things ih.-v w ..ic the abolishment of separate h :,. -eland the advice is given to tt.e S .i.tin it negroes to secure homes in tl.;- n- States of the Northwest, "as ..m- -n-i-towards overcoming the .s.u.nrn question. The feature of the second day of tl,. grand triennial conclave of the Knights Templar in Washington ciiy. was the exhibition drill, in which a number, of Commanderies participated. Tne e lutions were of the most attractive char acter. and elicited throughont the most liberal applause from the thousands of spectators. The electrical execution law- in Ne York has been declared onstitutiorn. AND PLA' V7 ARK. 1 I - , ; . r. than anv . t 1 take par eyes of pa; '. r- lar, - er s : bo : . . ,-flttrr-loa t h ( arolina ih. ;n to the Having worked h 1 1 . i 1 1 v m th bench for over t h i r y - c ir" 1 1 . I i. ve 1 can do as pood win I, a-any -vao '.foUr in the State. com;- a ; . i . i i : i. --am. ::.'.ToN. v uld le ntret. I Ian' I ' in : ii f 1 1 L' d wtf OppOMt !; - CREAM OA .iv! linn... in, t teli I I i. . .. .. . . AllDl - I ':. 1 e I II II H IM Ml - - : i II.nl. It.. - . -IS.-o - sro-'M.. L I' .v 2 A . . . v ? ....! . 1 y . . . ' I.H, v. i y tod. ! 0 paid V 0 . l.e d w I i l e tm hantH, .-oi ,1 .ve ,s eomt.lef.. a,,.) a,,,,, ti ,1 e 1 ! r v rn A m e, i n interests, and wnicn we puousn a cut ot on mis page, Willi arti: of it in iol the unique typographical and has contribute. :c features of the paper make revenues ol th and a condemned man has been handed was brought over from Germany to ! over to the sheriff for execution under her full part to the Salem in the year of 1785. and was the the law a souveuior that will be the ch. treas- ilrcn and grand S:r Knights who hoped for from undertaking. Ut- great w .it er M : in and t-a ii si as docs to v ciiild.-tdl of tl were in line. All the Statis of the Union were represented. The North Carolina section is em'.iellsheil with a por trait ol John A. P iter, aud gives the lollowing account ot Tempia- rp Federal Govern ment. We have nothing to do w ith the Englishman's demand lor the re turn of his gold. and ii the northern people tret ove: it they betray a spirit that is neither indicative of geiie;e--i' v nor c;t ii.: dine- to their first fire engine ever brought to Amer ica. Below we give the amount of freight in pounds shipped from this point during the past twelve montht ending August 31, under their different heads: Plug tobacco, 10,474.004; leat tobacco. 3.394.187: cotton factory prod ucts. 757.249: dried fruit. 1,075,639; merchandise. 3 202.844. Wilmington Messenger: Gov. Fowle New York, Oct. 9. Dr. Charl. Burka Bishop, the well known come dian of "Strictly Business" fame, dn d last night in his dressing-room at I In Lvceum Theatre, where he was playing a prominent part in "Lord Chum ley . ' Baltimore. October 10 The er- at fertilizer factory of G Ober Son .V o. established in 18"i7. at Locust 1' mt. Baltimore, was burned Has no. n h JOHN : Foil" h.Nj H : t; i cY. CO connections cf Chieagi iv,n bug 1 1 a . . n a gg: a mfm i Mfc'- 1 te. mm mm WTVm ' "T fur ItttanewJ -.!- rr:,-m - 1 b KCLI-IVAN. Ic. " it- en d , n g i II -ther. new FROST KING COMPANY. IKlUtrvf M4MtfaCTUClt Of lb Water, Arid and I rtl not alTVol It. Pntut BriclJ TinJaz Wait. kr-p wll VVnIU and Mir-fic- 4 Iran. pr- ,. "tl -e - -, g is are road mi e r .i . w . v , er con- hich work while the several of the in aVl mr.mf j Prilr unA 5tnna naieipiuui wi ivk auu uiwnu. ry d tere: miitlf proof. ill r r You Can P.-i'rr 0rr Cemented or Q' c Treated w.ith Prr,.-nii; Kmj m .- . rt a . v . mT ' ' r I"-'" 1 - r.i; . t hat i wbl be bu:lt e. I" eenis to tie no ' ::. it t -r to get capital r. rabroad enterprise in and from the present tne- : s n far l ,st an t h i ' iri'l iia wi'.I have rail--. c .nd to no South It i gratifying fact, r .- diimercial devehrp- trrSllGf' L if H Ui Iilait Jt'i.. PWl. Pl l Brwdtiy, . I hi r ra:.ro has beeu.- kfpt pace with raptd ah that -NS'ilm.ngton Star. li an 'gres : ia:. extern south west to the Mexican cap south east to the Florida peim: are more complete in evtry re spect, cover a grater irea of the "New South," and are doing more more in the woudeiful development of the vast resources of that migh'v empire than those (,f any other nort hern city. Finally: It is to th,. i::;crt. ,,; t he "New Sou; h" t hat tiie exposi tion of ISO- shonltl be held tu Cm cago, because here only can the material resources of that region r properly exploited. If held m New York the fair will be a more tDe or less imperfect attempt at re peating me ariineiaiities ot I'ans, of Vienna, of London. The Furo pean exhibitor will be catered to and consulted and toadied. Ward McAllister's Oxi snobs will domi nate the whole afTair, and the American exhibitor and the Amer ican visitor will be snubbed on the one hand and apologized for on the other. Here in Chicago no American will be compelled to take a back seat. The European exhibitor. who in in the Pine I ree State. North Carolina's grand com m.uidery was organized on Janu ary pi, lSs,it when a convention of Knights Templar representing Wilmington Com mandery No. 1, Charlotte Com tuanilerv No. -, ami a Durham Com in andery No. .i, eon venrd in the as lum ot llmington at Wilmington, N. C on orders from Craml Master Pean. It had sixty -eight member and fully equip ped for Templar work. A code ol by-laws was formulated and the work of knighthood laid out. The regular conclave were made migra Pdy. a.,d under this regulation the ordei has grown to a membership ol J"s. Sir John A. Porter. U. F.. Com mander of the Cirand Commandery, was born near Asheville, NT. C, January 7, ls..;i, and has been a resident of the State all his life . In 1SSU he became high piiest of Asheville, It. A. chapter. He was one ot the charter members of Cyrtue Commandery, No. 5, and in lss was elected Cirand Com mander of the State and ie-elected this year. 1 1 is k nowleilge of Tem pi. uisin and constant zeal in the cause has given the order in the State an impetus that it never bad before lie subon s.ic.u-: ty . War is al.vas a wli I't-vi r '."bleg.it ions by beilig' rait I powers to the arbitrament of Id iriL and are incurred arc subject the sword. and Col. L. L Polk have been requested consisted of three laree builio to extend to Cnited States Stfcretar which cost $250,000. The fire sta-ted of Agriculture Rusk, a special invitation in the acid storage room . perh.ipi. from to attend the State Fair and deliver an epontnneous combtti-tinn , and -..in The fate of Confederate bonds is no exception to the gener d rule, but it fobows the uuiveisal order in accordance w;t!i the demands of inexorable necessity. every fire engine of the eit was m the scene. First the buildings in win- h one hundred men were at work- u.n burned to the ground, and the ll -co -driven by a high wind . sprca I : -.: Other large building, eomplt-tel-. ti.; ' tin it The fire is ttnd. r coioi -I. 1 iully S260 000 norm of dam.-,,.- 1. . been done to two buildings, win. n member of the firm says l s"J .o o; .. and to SfiO.OOO worth of stock. In shed" TilE IH.FKAT Of 1'ROHltUHON. The prohibitii u amendment in Co- necticiit is defeated by a ma jority of over 'b. p'0 m ii total vote of 7l.uU or thereabouts." Such is the report that con c-, to us from the Nutmeg State, it is the most called crushing defeat that prohibition has sustained: howbeit. it is iii line with the results in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. Does this mean that we are a nation of drunkards '.' Not at all. It does farmers ' chickens In ex-Sheriff fav- not even imply that the people of lor's neighborhood hundreds of fowls these States ate opposed to tem- have been destroyed by ihese marau- peram e. It siuipl . m.-ans that the rlers of the air, and people are up in ! . ,ii.. . i ti, arms against them. At Julge Russell s best methods io. oh ante the cause pUoe on Brun9wick rlTerK a coiored 01 temperance h.n e md been man ba8 cau(iht over fortv hawks in adopted. People aie slow to be- steel traps set on poles and stumps and lieve that t he o: gan law of the baited with a dead bird or a bunch of ,.n!rv shou d be invoked to sup- feathers. It is likely that his example addres3. Gov. Rusk will be requested to s-elect the day for his attendance, and the Messenger hopes he may be able to accept the invitation. He is a practical farmer and is doing big work as Secretary of Agriculture for that all important industry. Our people would give him a hsarty welcome. E izabeth City Bconomist: Lieut. Winslow & Co., are planting oysters eilCUPl. CM 1U in in x auiniu nuuiiii , , . , .. t t . . j ii i ii i u near by was stored a mass of ferttl ;z r - and will purchase all plantings brought , yS400c,0. Thi- was rot hum,,.,! toh.m It will pay our friends living ber of (irm ir, near Ocracoke to avail themselves of . ... , . , ,, .. . t-t , . rr. , ful y insured, unit another khvh th. i the offer. Hyde county news: The; ot largest aesemblage of people gathered ; are no on Sunday. Sent. 29. to witness the FaYETTKVII.I.k. Oot. in -Preparation funeral services of Mr. William Swin- for the approaching Centennial a a II nihnio uaa waa unnrorHanf S:' tinUe with Unabateti int'TeH! and Cnc'le Billy, as he was familiarly grand scale. was one of the pioneers who- Ibis afternoon the executive commit- kJmH tn ent Hooc-n .nil nlo.pthaUnd tee appropriated fc-tCli tor a nn:-e tote around Wysocking now Nebraska, 1 awarded the visiting military and the where he has lived all his life. : band accompany ing them l or the military the first pri.j will he ..20". Wilmington Star: Our neighboring , Becoml ;l00 Rtl(1 th thir(1 -,( Tit county of Brunswick is said to be in- baD(1 prjz?g arp: FirBt, ST5. second , $r,n feeted with hawks to such an extent as an( third. ?25. to almost threaten the extinction of the ' . - ,co f V . r. I rid, A ' IMlB . . .. k : vn , r e r r : w t ft I W H IT s, Coll en a M Z .(L cl iC ICS, ;'i lutions. goes wherever there is a prospect of the North State decided not to ance. press the l;q tor trallic Moral . . i .i.e.. Slia.-'.on appears U) oc i ue emet Imate commanderies lelumce oi the friends of temper- will be followed and a steel-trap war on the -armint3" will begin all over the county. Nashville Argonaut: North Carolina xnunufacturers of Dr. i-age's Catarrh fliers many important advantages in'Reaiedy. Cotton returns of the first of (Vtohi r to the Department of Agriculture main the jjeneral percenlae SI 4 p-r eetn of a full crop p. o pen . com p i red n '. p r cent last O. fob-r The Grand Encamp-nnii 1 Kto : ' Templar of the Cnited Sum-i in s. -n i in Washington, yesterdav i le - oi ' ficers for the next three year-: the n- t Cone 'ave will he held in D n . er . 1 i a : o SjiIU Reward for an incurable ease of 'V.ronie. N .sal Catart h is nifered h tn. lull St' l'l . -. - . and I oli' enl New 11 CJa ' " geui. ( m-m. ,-m, s". j

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