1 111 tl M wf"ww, I farWUn. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. VOL. XII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, )( TOiiER 21. 188(J. NO. :!(). FlHIuKI U. OTl. : i ii 11 l r w rinn-w. " ata tfrf rrra U Li TJ ICO J 01NX Fcr Wui StzacS IsIrtl OIibsBot Disordered Liter. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. Il5J4lTbTTH08.BBi:Cn.lH,Stnrfe,Lanca.shinEn?iaii1L 2r. Jr. AJjLKy il CO.. SoV Afjrnt v r.l A rcrl. I not tr't Tl) . '"" V I" "T " 7 . : . .-".., ,;-.., ----- ,-r) v 1 UK I.NTKIO "AT ION A I. (OM.iasS. Considering 'ho !-p:r:t t" the t;r.e'. ''.' progrrs. of tl.e ag- a:il tin- ci'i: ::i and : ' p-"-:' on !" the 1 nf ed S'.i'cs .irr.org : he i:.r :' '.( w.'rl.l. ri!i'. n':;ifr Im-'-a :: .Tt!; A m:.-t:c i. ' ':.tra! w a r '. a r h An. ' tie v nin Are rtnd to h.ive to A n.i unlet il astonishing. Tin i'.in:;'ioiis ;:i territory. : n s ' i ; n t : ouj, .iud alilic are Mtr.ingt'rs to iVicli 1 1 of thp A. most total a not tri PCU o receipt of prKC (twr,''i M. I 'i'l A .N r;n:.o uH:ti or.ee r. ti nlip doesn't to b-0 oat." ; - r n . t h o ir tivr ;:ii!i'ii.i!en: S: 1..cs arc w::hi:i tin south of us. 'With : of a tew ilamls. t here OETTfiNCER BROS. BLlnston, nr. o.f Have for sale at Lowest Prices Possible: J,000 IU. Lorvllwi Saaf. 1.000 do. CU Spool Cotton, I0O bote Tobcv XOO Ul of TU M. Holf Pl.i. 100 WlM r 3Ti Sep, ti b.s -o!j n t .rk -. 100 VoiM f Am ni iUtaaitr Hrad Soi. 500 bbl. y Pork, X YVLL LINK OK Orj Deeds, Ready LJade Clothing & Furniture, AT RETAIL AND WHOLKSALK. W r ftTd U fi 70 U WB.t Bwg.ni for ti- M ''JI 0ET1TCGER BEOS. Slgo of the CoJbrtJ Tear! Shirt. .i ( ir 1 orator, h.vs gone to i :i t ii j l :. io ranv.ivi. I ! e f .:;.. : n: '.e .i s if.-ti.-.in txirjjain w ... M .;:..-. :, oou:.i'ln Jed to try hn hand ou ForAiLer. Mai. W. A. IIKAR5E, so fvor t : , ; v r.own to th-' reading public, .. : ..: ir. . the i i i tor of t tie (iolds ,i, -r . Me:eur. I'ne Jot'KS AL eioler-" r.ratu'.Af.ons and good ;jS-.i t" A 1 parties coiiCerned. W k b arn from the Wilmington Star th.it ' .1. 1.. I.. I'oik, editor of the i'rogreN.Mve Farmer, has accept el an m nation to deliver an 1 - d re.s at t i the Jith :n.-t. A spt-cial car will t eut on to F.ileigh for the ns of Colonel I'oik and friends who will accompany him. America."'. similar in 1:1 deH'.iny, er beeaa.se sen co of com ( ) er t wet. ty a'e arnl c 'lo t wo Americas he exception is practically and a.l is on y commander, a curcuit juderc d a i o.lee jiresident he magni I his ( :;.ce. As a citi.eti he was ro:ii"'e: c'; material prospoiity 1 social refinement, and as a i.-.t;an lie whs an exemplar cf i;. manly virtue. A M( K KETTLE OF FISH Montana went Repnblican after 1" Indeed! On what ground claimed as Republican Not popular vote, lor mat is ( AK!I.!NA !.VtS. LATEST SI W oniv a letter post between us t ! m . It was to establ..-h elo.-i I ieia tions of the western coiitiin-nt the Congress of the Americas a.--&mbld in tbe city of Washington. The session began on the second of October when representative dele gates from the following countries were present : Honduras. Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Salvador, L'm gnay, Venezuela, Kolivla, ltrazil, Colombia, Costa U:ca, Guatemala and the I'mted States. Mi. I'.la'.ne, Secretary of State, was elected president and Senor Komero, Mm- t he concede, 1 the Oemocrats. Put they sr.. - - f . i i r h u ndred e m ploy r ( s of ti..- Anaconda Mines wiij eoulil no read i : rite English voted the I emocr.r :c ticket because told to do so by then employers, and but for this there would have been no 1 boi.oerat le majority in that State.'' Tins is a bold aKseition that is not -upportc.: by the evidence in the case Put suppr.af it is true, what then 1 It nsed to be said that "what is sauce for the goose is sauce lor the , gander." They say, -men who c in m : read or write English cannot be expected to understand the issues in .m election.'- Apply this to lie pub '.cans, and how many votes will the G . P. get in the South! Ninety-nine hundredths of theni vote without the least conception I nr.. i At .1. ; u h COrji '.T- i c a i ug i a: i ' - '. i Trie C r - i: en :, -v :. I die i. i. I r o Rfv. S 'li J in Dur!i m lu tli're lu I.;, nr: V i 1 ::i i n j. 1 :. of S' c li-.f i . at hia Ijoan l.j Ruv. S.ru J hunri C ' tj l r l ! i ),;.( i.- co.'i'tc-sei Jom-s rjjffet- i : 1 c : m e court at I ; r e ii e I v .- il , ii s a ut .i for hi 1 i .- w.ij ; i r, n : ! r h: - e y e lh--y will ' lie d"re b.inH of l i e I vi ic '."Stule ir nir f-0 ill mi: . Tr.e w hole ' in r.i . vytote an i 8 1 r i f i n - . R :oky M. 'in; 1'i cui n t y h tuh -ii" ; 1 a r mak-.' iji'T-; ct-ar n: of the uci'il li.-iii w cjtun i., : them. Rjleih Cbrccicu-: We see ic stated thr cvpr rifty ya-.nji :jt;i id North Carolina haTC-p!e.li;e1 thetrmelvea to go a1? forpjn ni Hi miri-. s. The Y.M.C A. has wrought a oo j work in this line. Goldeboro Argu-: It wiih sineerest regret thht e chruhicle the death of Mr. W. F. I)ld-om. one of Wayne portation will be estabiiBhed. A bright future awaita our old eaaitarium. Pamlico Tribune: A correspondent Keekvillee, Tex . O.-t. : (o from Oriental writes, that L. B.Midjett Perry, of Florida, died here today. 11. killed fiO birds at one shoot; that hia : bad been f,ufferiD(? from ronsumotion three month3 old puppy set birds the and came to this tlace several months tirst time he was in the field. John ago for the benefit of hu health, lie W. Stilley. Esq.. of this place is soon to died rather unexpectedly from a m-l.c succeed W. H. Sawyer as postmaster. of paralysis. Mr. Stilley has forwarded his bond and , Cincinnati. Oct. 0 Tco Btean. r received hiacommiision Vandemere Minnie Bay, bound from Ma r.cheeter o item?: "Wild turkeys are very numer- Cincinnati with 15 passengers aboard . ou? around here now and that denotes struck a snag yesterday while round in hog cholera, and its right too. The . at Kramer's Land ing. opposite sweet potato crops are very fine around ( Ohio, and sank. The paBHcnKcrs became here; Borne have very fine crops of Irish panic stricken, but the office and e.rw potatoes in our neighborhood. j lowered boats and yawls are! palely Raleigh News and Observer: His 'transferred all the passengers to r-i...re. voluntary m any friends throughout the State will Ruthebfokdton. N. C. (i t Dinham. reeret to learn of the middon death of i Walt.pr FitP fi I'r. W. P. Mallett. of Chanel Hill. , ter L. Fito. fell in nlw,iler,.r l in- in a Wednesday morning. On Tuesday 1 hum today and was sctld c d to ,i -rv trik- evening as Dr. Mallett attempted to ; Raleigh, Oct. 13.-Ti.e lr -I i printed 'eave his carriage, it was found that i ever seen at a fair in tins Si.o- or- sad he had suffered with arrattack of heart ! ed the State fair today, 'ihe .: uisease, ana was unable to alight. Res- j traction was the marriage of Mi loratives were applied and he recovered , m, Bateman and Miss-Joeeohme into his house, but early 0f Washington county. The In.!, groom were both aimed in eo-ui:o meetings went from . T-. i . brink, r J:i y n i r n ; n g a a e 1 77 years, i t have to ko V-v - :'k. rocijij ti Li i ham, ur- jld CJ L '.'". lOIIil tr.at i I iater from Mexico, win placed at Atlanta Kipoau.on. on head of the committee to ar- raage basinesg for the considera tion of the Congress. As Done of the delegates were commissioned to bind their respec- at his lioni" i Sunday night. only a few da s. "Ihe Washington Progro.-: c.mes to us this week in the s-hape ot an indus trial iesu. illustrated, etc. It is neat ly gotten up and contains interesting " write-uns" of Wachiniton and sur- of the political issues involved. The rounding country. Asheville Journal: Wagon loads of the finest apples we have ever seen are and walked the next morning he passed away. Dr. Mallett was a man of fine culture, a kindly gentleman, and was much es teemed by a wide circle of friends. He was about 75 yearB of jige. Wilmington Messe'bger: Mr. M. Roeen mann, No. 5 Market etreefct between Front an4 Water, has remodeled and greatly improved his place of business, and has opened up a pants factory, em ploying from thirty to one hundred and fiftv hands in thft hmv aanann. TTa hfla county's best citiz-n-. w rich occurred heretofore manufactured nnt on C.-.u.tham s township 8maller scale and the experiment has after a confinement of been so successfal as to induce him t o ' go into the business on an extensive scale. A dispatch from Beaufort,! N. C. ?ays: "There are two large three-! Southern cotton bagging and e-. c tended by four couple all ct t-tui.i o n the same material. Numerous pre-e ,i -wre presented to the ne ly mani.'j couple by merchants ot the citv. MARION, N. C, Oct. 15 The jury in the Brown case said not guilty alter being out sixteen hours. The State failed to identify the person who killed Page. Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 15. Governor Hill and party, en route to the AtUnt i Exposition, arrived here at o'clock today, and a large crowd of prominent citizens was at the station to pay re s pec ts to the distinguished party. Gov. Hill and Messrs. F'lower, Pearson. p v k : r;ioc: . The World brags. World has a r-ght to Republicans claim on that score is nonsense. The only thing apparent on the surface is the laet that quali fications for votes in Montana were not strictly enough drawn to meet be:ng brought to the masted schooners outside, lying off and on, and a large steamship under Cape i l'"V w(r to Lookout, apparently in distress. The 1 tut J wl LP ,h f a r wind has been blowing a gale from f tlaDta- Wfhent 'he trB'n BtPP. d for a north-northwest since the 14n. Pilots ,V have mde two attempts to go out. 1Dg a larf 6 crod assembled and cali- A.heville being prevented by a heavy ground , r"ry. "a''' ; short talk. ! New York. Oct. 15. John L. Sullivan and the building will cost a round million. I: will t thirteen utoriea high, L'f' feet, the tallest office gether the three Americas in ties of friendship and interest. no w market, buncombe county still holds BWt". her position as being the banner county Wilmington Star: A construction for the production of tine apples. force on this end of the W., O. & E. C. Hookerton Clipper: Mr Benj imin railroad is busily engaged in building Taylor died at his nome in Old's town- an embankment across the rice field to ship about the 4:h ult. lie went to bed tQe river below Kidder's mill and the apparently well and was taken sick track-lay ing will soon begin at the point them it is that night and died before day. Mr. where tbe road crosses the rails of the t i . l i. i 'j--. - neacflBt mai. A trcnt hOf o hrtnr rnranfv commerce, and me ftrengmening heeanse the nonular ma lorit v is on . lur " i " oiue-t man m - 'V-Ji . j 4 . ttle COUDtV. - " aau HOB uoou K,auc?u X uo oi t tie ties ma: suouwi oinu to- the side of the Democracy And ine Uve governments, the Congress te present emergency. The law brag. The wftJ, limited to the discussion of wag framod by Kepnblicans, and if site for it. new home cost tooo.ia;, plans for the better regulation of ia wnrt-pd against announces that he is ready to light again, and would like to have a match I arranged as soon as possible. He is anxious to meet Jem Smith, and would pay his expenses to America. His next choice of antagonists is ( harley r : . i ti i i , juitcoeu. out ne is reaay to meet any- CA! T: ' i:i.y CREAM BALM " I fn iin h lh All . SULTAjN Still Leads in LOW PRICES, building cn the glob. And The World, with all ita faults, is greater nd more superb than its magnifi cent offices. Saratoga Pnion. y U.t Monday in the Kpiscopal NTnfiv Tr,am.u C.: uy mi win cnauenee nim. Shelby Aurora: it is dangerous in roa(j ,hrow B out the' -..; th.t if , PlTTSBCRO, Oct. 14. -A Gallit.en i Pa I l ancey county to t-noot ana Bin anotner ,u. k.h. ..j " . . . . - , l l. . j.o v.v ..j , .. . - , me orroiK ana southern road is ex of experience we were not I' r v,t on' ki.d' wi h" a : 5!"... Berne-. as h?9 been prepared to Bee Montana counted pistol a tenant for shooting W.Ison.s TaHroad wil I U oth Vn"e Memory has its ? ,ow .cne"? u!e D.uman link between that citv and Wilming- hvfts . i son t.honcrhr. hm iinj lifn -. . p, ., " . ton. jonn Kooinson s circus swung was more more valuable than a man s. through the central portion of thi8Sta Goldstoro Mercury: It is calculated recently and scooped up money enough that the Building and Loan Association to start a couple of national banks. The will give Goldeboro such a building circus is an American institution which boom as she has not enjoyed in ten will live as long as the Republic, but as years. ineneaitu ci tne town nas been remarkably good during the sum mer and fall, attributable in no email as Republican uses. The lessons of 187G, when Hayes was counted in, despite the ith the Lr-: x TT..4. rtnra fVtm Lh Nortkrro Market ' Sell Cboapur than Any Ono in the City ! largest Stock of Clothing in the City ! Cm' aiU tnm $2.30 p. K Sif. four to :t j.-ir, f 1 T Ua f C1ax al yw llaxku !o Dolir Ckxir awb, fr to lwlv Jr. 1 1.25. f 8&n 1 1.00. LiWltn aai Iam Sm, Soc. to II 00. UJniut low a UCm1 TJI5, 'i2j :- CARPETS tll U wt '.aw. A fi nd sold like sheen in the shambles, or aegree to tne excellent attention or tne , . , authorities to street drainage. a demoralizer and a first-class nuisance it out ranks any other institution or peripatetic extant. 00 if in the light of experience The necessity for closer com mercial relations between the coun tries represented is apparent to all, but the ciUes of the yonth are Convenfnn now in session in New especially interested in the success eieCti0n of Tilden, have not been ork a resolution was offer! by of. the measures to be adopted in forgotten, and those of 1S3, when S. Corning ,Iudd, of Chicago stating ' the furtherance of the purposes for working men were driven to the that the title Protestant Kpiscopal which the Congress assembled. terrible alternative of being ' was misleading as applied to the The establishment of a prosper- irL- i,,v,l, fkt.V. ami i rt rvi TTi . nna rrmrrifkm wifh Mpiirn Anil fhe viumiieeuuuu, nw y. . - see toe ir it's .iLiituiiuicu uuc in Wimington Review: Mrs. P. L prehensiblr to tbe uninformed; and States of Central and boath Amen- want and wretchedness are fresh Bridgers, of this city, ha? received let- a.king that the words be omitted ca, would bring to onr gulf and in the minds of the people. ters patent for an admirable invention . i r 1 1 designed by her. It consists of a grate and the "American Church be South Atlantic ports a degree ol sach has been the brazen : oornise desiened to rrotect manteh nht.f nfe.i Drosncrltv never dreamed of in the ,Trt .rr r mmro.inn that it is : from-burning or being injured by fires other which is craoked up to be what it . . . ... jit , bmrllod in cratps: both the ton LloMiHD WoeLsEV BiCON, in brightest days or tne past. no WOnder many assume that the .ides. It can be made of Dolished brass nate individual who has escaped Us en i.- Knf . . that this i a crnvflrnment. nf or nickel, and is adjustable, so as to fit 1 thrallment The Talking Machine desires .u ,o.u. - (iEN. HE!BT D . CLAYTON. 1 " any grate, and is both ornamental and 1 hnmonst of the mist andacions Gen. II. D. Clavton. President ol the people is to be relegated to the u8(.fui. j ' type wo-ild venture to sp-eak o( an the L"nivexity of Alabama, died at limbo of furgetfulnesf, or is only to 1 Robert Berrier. who murJered his American academic degre aj a Tnscaloos.- last Sunday morning be thought of among the improbable mother in-law Mrs. Walser, nearLu- . r o s w:-. . ington, afew days a:o was arraigned Of honor." Any bod V who auer a onei nioes.s. v enerai lay - things of legendary lore. Put we for preliminary examination on last h.I'nvA that n rrrear de- Monday. His counsel waived e.vami- A COOX HUNT. It is Xot What It is Cracked Up to be by a Jugfull. If there is one thing more than an- kindled in grates: both the tops and j is not, Jt is a coon bunt. To the fortu- . .. I II II il III MOO i. 11 t.' - Rl ll. nl. II.. S,., . . c.-i- I f 1 o re ili Srnip of Tli n lll Sum II. B nFm Emu . . i lit An , MAY-FEVER K HI . I I ! ' ii'n'r'l and I ' m 1 m; hy 1 1'loernKKH, lioil .,lwly Im- of Ttuc'i : VrkI ttoek of Dtj QootSt tad uons wwl o. i PEJCK3. m I aT to vax rvim far my Knsraujai iok pkpi ". ' : r. i n . wants one ctn have it for the moat triti'ng trouble and expense. No condition of learning or culture, tr even super. or intelligence, is re qui; te. and the Wrto. all Oppowiu IUptiit Ctarvh, SEW DKKNK, S. C i elf C r ;c w ire-.' in w .iNivf rrn::ntl n.nf. go. All com- praticeoflaw ninii-t il,v: hrmme. m the-cifv he located in the town have ot out lnnnctions restraiuine where he continne the mayor from interfering with toft waa sixty-two, years of age one of the foremast men n State. Telegram. Henry D. Clayton was a tive of Alabama, having been born been jealous of their liberty . in Chambers countv. Soon after The vote of Montana must stand as deposited at the polN. The r -n n n o r ,, , ,. , nation and sent the prisoner to ja.it. A generacy will ever befall a people large crowd of citizens from the ceigh who were born free and have ever borbood of Mrs. Watser. the woman whom Berrier shot, remained at the jail tT,,im Hi! pZiMM country. 'r. til Maw '-tmmMmm VAll XtmWi GIN MACHINERY CO COTTON GINS, PRESSES, FEEDERS H CONDENSERS. TisTu Wisiis Cdtai S'a Hichissn ha , .'.cided tli.-t all the fiflishine bis college course, he set- York city tied at Kufacla and commenced the u 01 a nueuereu wnue mau iui Not long afterwards Ll"' i'l-mocrais is as Koou ; luc of 1 ivton vote oi hu lguoiaut uiacKixiau iui 1 to reside nntil the liepuolicans : and upon that h became President of the I 'mver- issue we are ready to go before the their wire. but a way around these sity a few years ago. In the early iajur.c-.ion Iim been d!covered, spring of lH'.l he and. before cih: days have passed no: a wire "ill b left above the gro-ind News and Oaserver. 1 hk ;.i:i I'd Ihv.hen, Henry C'innty, Aiilumj, hitherto unknown to fame, ha. been suddenly brought into prominence bv i seriOQs riot, in which .i".t".il persons lost their iiv.-v I: grew o i: of the refusal of regiment the first in actual service, the Parmer- Alliance '. t.av the He reached Pensacola a tew days licence t ii on dravmcn employed after the maugeration of Mr. Davis K(.view .Ml'. Davis gives Lord 1Ml,;rjr.Unllot rnir.1.1 ID IDC 111) Ul J1U11 I LUUlfl . . I u i ' i u u g u '""""ti ilraymen generally. The only during the entire evening. At seven o clock a crowd of masked men came to reveal its iniquity. The first requi site is a dark night the darker the better. If it can be induced to rain pitchforks the night becomes perfect. You want about a dozen mongrel cur's who are more than apt to bite the coon hunter than to attack the coon; a half dozen darkies to carry pine-knots and the coon hunters. No coon hunt is entitled to the name unless the coon can be chased into a swamp. The real ecstacy begins when the whole tea party gets into the swamp First Alabama Kegiment of Confed erate troops and was sent to Pen sacola to relieve tiie State troops then holding the Warrington Navy Yard, and forts Parranjs and McKee. Clayton was probably the first Colonel commissioned by the Confederate Government, and his . 1 """ y ' Cl4A $!. G 0'1 M4aN IB T'i IJhi UnlH Mj rr. 4ail i lttilil r.ir. Tr' 1. r. fu Till Eli ui Itcllitrr Ci., .V . ( . -A m -t J-o. TO". iniit-io ot race rjaestion involved lay between the farmers and the town authori t.'V, and ln.it h seem to have got there. In some of the high protection organs Gov. Hill is being savagely criticised for his alleged bad taste in his speech of welcome to the Pan Americans at Albany. His bad taste consisted m reminding the delegates that, reciprocity can no: tv one sided, and that mutual co:ico.-Mons onl will stimulate in tenia" oi, (I commercial relations. Th'.- may sound boorish to some ear-. I n: the average intelligence will rate it a.t gocnl, sound common seuse." Pi:. Ht u kuki: describes a novel way of treating consuxption, m the Iverlm. klin. N'ochenschrif t, 8 'ptemter ', lS'.i. Tins consists in a-lni.nistering to the patient a te i.ip.ionful of bicarbonate of soda be:", re me. ils and following it up with a g'.a.-i of water containing twel; e drxips tW" muriatic acid. There i generated aliout half a pint '7o c. c. of CO, which is gradually absorbed and exhaled by "-.e lungs. Weber reports nine c h :n .me detail favorably a( :' "ed by this treatment. Medica. icc: d to the jail, broke down the front door aCI luf uo, cr and rather than have further damage they get into the awamp the higher the done to the j.il the sheriff gave up the ecstacy. The writer has been in coon keys. The prisoner was taken by the ajvampa where the ecstacy was up to mob and hanged. his chin and everything under five feet ,. . , , . in height bd to swim out or drown. Norfolk irgmian (teltgram from a dense undergrowth of brambles Charlotte. N". C ; : N iue negro men and and th0rn-apple trees, with spikes as three negro women were arrested Sat- Bnarp a8 razor9 and three inches long, nrdav nieht. charted with robberies j j. , . 1 t .u ., toi Let the Kepnblicans join extending over several months, Over have ruQi waited, crept, tumbled. th issue if they dare! iuo resiaences ana ousms8 nouses in waded swam, and climbed till your organized the issue n intj uaie. this city have been raided by these hnnon'hanira dntcn on onr RhnnI(1r. , ,,,,..,, nr,T thieves. In one instance toOO worth of the coon wiU probabl y be treedin the t AK Utl i.itHi. jewels were t-ken from astore, and the biggest, bushiest, gnarliest, toughest e have received, through the losses traceable to the gang aggregate old 8wamp oak ia the county. The evirte-v of W C, Prinson I'0 of near'y SlC'i.OCO. Th: arrests were darkies come into play here. - One gets L ' ' .', brought about by oneof the gang sellicg on each Bide of the tree and chops away. New Feme. ,i copy of the '"solid a gold badge which had been stolen. The rest stand around in a circle, hold Muldoon " published at Durav, They will be tried this week. Burglary otr the dogs, drink peach brandy and ' , . ' . ' ua in this State is a capital offense. swear. Finally the tree tumbles and Colorado, py i )ay cc At kins. ii. is Proceedings of State Synod at Char- the dogs plunge in after the coon, as bright as a star, aDd as sound as lott-e: The rew Presbytery formed out There isn't any coon there, but they of tne Eastern portion or orange -res- plunge in just tne same ana nave a bytery was ordered to meet iu Golds- free fight among themselyes. boro on the fonrth Wednesday in It is a well settled principle that in November ..the 20:h day 1 for organiza- the first coon tree which is cut down tion. The Rev. J. M. Atkinson. D. D.. there is never any coon. Ignorant peo- was appointi 1 ti preach the opening pie who fail to see a reason for cutting sermon and to pre-id e til 1 the election down a coon tree unless the coon ia in of a Moderator. The naw Presbytery is it are silenced by the unanswerable ar- SEED DEALERS Commission Merchants CRAVEN ST., NEW BERNE, N. C, OFFKK l i: s ; i; 1,000 Bunches Cotton Ties, and 25,000 B:.-:n0 Jags. -: Hugging i v'2'.l w 2m 088. j The cheapest i on the market . I Sept. 1 , ibvj. "1 !.i 1862. THE h ? o m -i , AND i- r it is bright. Following we give two or three specimen paragraphs : In the October North American im- I beep ; than any ol her t : I take paiin ular i eyes of parties nee Having s(.rked r-t for over th i r- v e u - OPP' k if r 11 Nor r.r.r- Hi Ic ; in I hern. lU Ml 1 h, laclea irolina i to the bench can do . ap I in.il.er in the T . .1- - .. . .1 i. - T),f. mmmoni .a. a r m ar b b Jens auauceu age una uui paired his intellect, and only the to be known ss the Presby tery of the gument that if you didn't cut down the bony of men. den. Pragg said ,ir,j0 Q,,rfi, i,0 anr Albemarle, by order of the Synod. It first coon tree there never would be lid furnish a Kl10jno(w mm,i.vin wi,h ,hp 'nld begins with brignt prospects of opening any coon in the tree you did cut down . . .. u . . . . rrmnv avpniips or evan-?e nzsticr . h rsl.. and conseonentlv the coons would man. Clayton's regiment coul Cabinet that would be a credit to anv administration. Among its distinguished men. all of wl were privates in the ranks, were John Cochran, regarded by many Durham Sun: A very serious acci shortlv become extinct. PeoDle who 'Secretarv of War Proctor wrot e jfn, nr'nirrPa t riiaDrl'H.ll lt Tues are so dull that they can't appreciate hnm the Governor of North Carolina D day. Mr. Walter Lloyd was accident- the force of the argument wouldn't like regard to the proposed removal oi ally shot in the race Dy .no anarew n luu ' " " w (Jprnninm s band to the wes eru Jones, ic seems mat an ou pisioi nau 11 a. r,A .i,a been lying around in their room . un nortion of bis State, and the ,:, ,,H the ablest man the State has ever ( overnor immediately suggested to had lo'a,1ed it for some purpose in Mr. 1 .1 Um.. T l'lioh "ut- I'roctor the Propriety Of locating lnnc' nhw-ien. Nfr .lonps came in on l"UUUMU' U",1U" "" " .. '..t.- :.. . j- J--.---....J 4 lno.at.oa it. B-rfPnt himself nd thn other a Pi i ii e renegade jiuauues uuuu luc tne uay uecigu-n-eu u.o iwiuicj n, a-. - - - - -- nnrtinn. ot Vermont now ein2 lioiu, nniuj;. 1 '"'J The dog which locates the first coon hunt is always kicked for his pains, be cause there isn't any coon in his tree. As no one is ever at the. tree when he Cnited States Senator from bama: Henry K. Shorter, for many abadonned by white peonle. It years a prominent lawyer and now wa8 a happy and appropriate hit." Lloyd could tell him th he was shot in the face. President of the Alabama Railroad "While in the Senate Mr. Har- known the u. S. mail service to be in a ( 'om mission, and Kd ward Courtney rison said : 'I earnestly hope and ni0re deplorable cond ition than it is at pray mat no i resiueui win eei uc tne present time, issuers are juisjbu moan e n rm cr h t n v in I ;i f e ci v il ser v i ce after beiDg postmarked and often sent Bullock was a State raies j iut .nen ,ir. Harrison is to the wrorjg cilice. At this point a natnr w h p (hp Cnnfederate u-.iAt nU- htt in'f a large numoer oi tneonneru papers . j i u : 1 . J . r I l, u U nefore uugs, no uau uo jLt&cu, uui vuiy vj iud i it : t ..;nw..L.:n . u : . u . . Il wa3 loaded loruiy air ui -jiupiiciuiDui-j wuivu lid Bullock, the most ever knew. Mr Woods, and east-bound train and returned the next morning. We never had such service on this route before, except now and then when the train was delayed, and then it was Government was organized, anil real President.'' was made the chairman of a com- " mittee anoointed by the Legislature Judge Gideon C to meet Mr. Davis on the banks of ex-Delegate Frank Pettigrew have onpy a few circulars of unimportant the Chattahoochee and welcome been nominated by the Kepnblicans matt him to the State. Mr. Bullock oi ooutu ikuuj lu icyicocut tua. Ierformed the duty assigned him. State in the United States Senate. and Mr. Pavi.s pronounced his speech on the occasion the most eloquent he had ever heard. Clayton was soon made a Priga-dier-General, and subsequently rose to the rank of Major-General and served with distinction under Generals Pragg and Johnston throughout the war. A little while after the restora tion of Alabama to the I'nion, John L. Sullivan has had a high old time since he wound Kil rain up. He has gotten tbrongh with all the money he wou and is now dead-broke. A man: who is dead-broke would make a lame run for Congress. Wilmington Star. er. reenville Reiloctor: Greenv i 1 1 e busi ness men are delighted with the better mail facilities that the railroad has given us. Greenville people feast on fish shipped around by ra 1 from More bead City. They come in twelve hours. While in our oflice the other night Mr. Frank Powell, editor of the Tarboro Southerner, told us there had r een 2,100 errors reported against Mr. Bryan, the postal clerk on the A. & K. Koad, during assumes over the tree and a peculiar ferocity of demeanor. He says "this is my meat" as plainly as any dog can. Sometimes the coon hunt trips up in its attempt to read canine physiognomy, and the wrong dog is licked, but the right one suffers just the same, vicar iously, if not otherwise. It doesn't matter much, anyway, for the dog that is kicked would have treed the coon in the same tree if he had not been com pelled to stop and chase a family of fleas down off his ridgepole. Mo dog objects to fleas particularly, but he does hate to have them sit on the roof and give themselves heirs, when they haven't paid a scent of rent since they jumped his quarter section special says: Diphtheria in its worse form is playing havoc with the lives of our little ones in this place. Durina the past two weeks the average number , TK Y Till of deaths was three or four per day. i Ajmrt:. and tbe doctors report at least fifty 'is imr.-.Hi.i cases down with the disease in town. ""41-r, i K Four families, with Six or seven little :M ar"'" ones each one month ago, now are . orsir it childless from the sweeping fangs that S.W rV F " " ? IV fl rtfl fastened it. dth rWli Ui 1 1 : l.Jwi.MUOU n . ........ . upon their offspring. A committee has I been appointed by the borough council , to investigate all cellars and inspect the , drainage in order to prevent the ravage. , Rahway, N. J., October 13. What was one of the nearest approaches to a frightful accident in the annals of railroading occurred here this morning to tbe fast Philadelphia ei press train on tbe Pennsylvania railroad, due here at 11:13 p.m. The train is made up of two combination parlor cars and three coaches, and runs at a high, rate of speed. It passed the main depot here today four minutes late, running at the high rate of sixty miles an hour. Tbe engine.just as it reached the east end of the long bridge east of Ma(in street, jumped the track, and was foll6wed by five cars. The orash, as the whole train left the track, was terrific, and was was heard by people at the depot, a quarter of mile west of where the acci dent occurred. The train ran along the ties for two hundred feet, when the! p couplings broke between the cars, and , v each oar took a shoot in different direc I W eLLC12.CZ, tions, tearing up the rails and ties and1 digging into the stone-ballast roadbed. There are four tracks at this point, and the cars were twisted around in such a way as to completely wreck the roadbed and the cars themselves. When the cars had finally been stop ped the passengers, who were naturally badly frightened, came out of the wrecked cars, unable to comprehend what had happened. The most remark able thins is that although the train was running at sixty miles an hour the aH good work an a only persons injured were two ladie. State, who were cut by fly ing glaes. i EDENTON, N- C., Oct. Hi. The Kioop Annie Colton, owned by Capt J. Weed of this place capsized in tie Albemarie sound off Skinner's Point ye-aerdav afternoon about 4 o'clock. Capt W.J Pratt and crew clung to the wreck. Ai about 1 o'clock last nuht one of the crew, Wm. Overton, was overcome b cold and exposure, gave up his lend and sank to a watery grave. I he others were rescued today at 10 o'clock by the steamer Roberts on her regular route from Columbia. They had remained in the water clinging to th partially sub merged wreck durin a northeast gale eighteen hours. London, Oct. 10. An explosion oc curred in the Bentalee Colliery, at Langton, county of Stafford, at an early hour this morning. Seventy miners were in the pit at the time of the aeci dent, only eleven of whom are alive. The pit was completely wrecked, and the task of getting out the buried miners will be one of great d dhculty . A band of volunteers made explorations at once for the recovery of the bodies Tbe latest estimate ib that sixty persons were killed. A relief fund has been started. It is supposed that the explo sion was caused by leakage from an old fire in a disused seam . FaYETTEVILLE, Oct. 17. The regular centennial committee met this fter noon. A letter from Senato.- Ransom was received, saying that the Secretaru s of War and Navy have assured him that the United States Marine band, one hundred and eight pieces, of Washing ton, D. C, and all the flags, etc., need ed will be here at the centennial. Ar rangements were perfected for a special train to go after ex-President Jeff erson Davis and family. F.nthu siasm is great. The Marine band is the finest in the world and has never been south of Richmond. Chicago. Oct. IT. A dispatch from Columbus. O.. savs: Mayor Ilunt. of ni:v i J. H. CHAHTHl-" JOHN H. CTwA F.NG 5 Fouuilri s id Manufacture . ENGINES AND MA HmldM i.r I Saw Mills. I. :.:!.. T T J. . l.i hi) I'll Well, the coon hunt progresses. You Sandusky, O.. has telegraphed the run tillyou can't run any further and then the coon goes up a tree again, just to lure you on. It is fun for the coon, but mighty rough on tbe hunters. There is a succession of runs, rests, tree chop pings, and fights. Sometimes you get a coon. The dogs and the coon have an FROST KING COMPANY. Tin: Ke; making a b S-ate I.eK'; Sam Junes is in jail at Hopkins ville, Ky.. He attempted the life of a man with a pistol, but was dis- il.caus of Montana are General Clayton became one of the armed and locked up. However, d attempt to se'.re the Carcnit Judges ol that State and ;t 13 gratifying to note that the ature. The returns filled the position with distinguish- wicked man now in" the hands of a it- f ii 1 rrnnH t.imfl whan th ft f.non is twomoDth?. Why the government will caugat Tney 8Wap gampie8 and ex persiFt in keeping such incompetent ohaDge locks of hair. The little dogs men in the service, we are unable to ch0ose the rings on the coon's tail , while see. the biggest dog chews his neck. Catch Wilmington Review: We heard it ing the coon throws a damper over the stated the other day that the reason whole proceedings. It is so late you why Robinson s cirrus did not visit can't catch another before morning. Wilmington this year was bscause the ; while if you hadn't caught him, you aggregate taxi8 amounted to 8800 a could have hunted for two hours more, day. Thi is what miht be called That is the worst thing about a coon '"steep." The venarabh' Mrs. Re- hunt. The coon sometimes allows him- becca Frown, of this city, widow of the gelf to be caught and it breaks up the Julian S. Carr, Pres. dent of. the Associ late jonn mown, oi omimvint, win, rUn. ine most successiui coon nuuu I ation. State Board of Htaltn in regard to the smallpox ravages at Pelee Island, the famous fishing resort in Lake Krie. The dispatch says the wildest excite ment exists, over one hund red cases of smallpox having developed there within the last four days. Raleigh, October 16. This morning was ushered in by a cloudless sky and the day has been all that could be de sired. Prominent people are here from all parts of tbe State and many from Other parts of the Union. At 12 o'clock the reunion of ex Con federate veterans was held in the north end of the grand stand on tho fair grounds, which was well attended. After the meeting a sumptuous lunch was served throuch the ccurtet-v of W . nr. with pre I'll it leu , :i -o re lal h ! i w h w i : i , , for an v i leu. i We nr.- r lOh II Sn v lirH I,-1 ! I. ( le - W p tt : vp h;i 'lone tiv U8 i !.' w iirfe Heavy v.. ncLuarvt atAjrcTufs or Vm. Bar liiBb4 IfTSZl ; iV l.LU.U ui Wifrst Sl'i Water, AH4a mnd Froi do not frw-t tt. PnmU Br1itTini2 Wk 'u krp all Walls and ur-fi-c 1 Iran. Witerpnafs Brick and Stout Blank all nndr lrr proof. YJ Can P l n: O.--Comrrtrd O' B' r W.i i Treated u tii P--'ii- . -. i,t - i - tjj , from a Democratic precinct In Si 1 - 1 ed ability until elected President (iie ;aw is not the great Sam Jones, if her life is spar?d, be 101 years old on are those where you don't get any vit How i iinntv were rhnurn nnt. of thei I 'niverslt V. which we believe Ti,n a,..,Iii,it ia tirpaehinrr wav the riday or next ween, me :nn insi. coons - - ' 1 1H I , UllgVUUl I "1 ' t- . I i V le : e ". lie Ac : " e n c . r S Iver F.ow ( 'miu'y Republican con: i i at their suggestion by was in the wiutor of 1N4 o. In the of Canvassers. If this proceeding spring he was for a time istauied it will seat the a very prominent candidate for the u:i:ca;i delegation from Democratic nomination fur Gover and Klve the nor, but fearing that his candidacy C the l.egiula- woulii embarr,uis his brother-in-law I The crowd orj the grounds is estimat- i ed at from six thousand to seven tho-iB- Sho i the oldest resident of this citv or With this brief introduction. The ,rA to his admirers, unconscious prob- section, and it may be that she is the Machine will tell a little story. One of j The most exciting feature in today 's ablv of the shadow that is resting oldest person in the State. doctor Hammond's patients is a young ; programme was the Indian play, which , , ruhdih ritv F-nnnmic hpai gentleman from Middle Alabama, who elicited the greatest admiration for their on that unique and classic name. . Elizabeth City r..onomit. Nags neaa 0WD8 an immense cottOD pUntation not!8kiU Washington Post. l?f"Up ' Tt! VeoebTe heal from' its far from Selma He was descanting .on Many new entrirs have been added ..uaaji. .- -r-r howed condition. C. W. Hollowell, tbe pleasures of plantation life, when gince yesterday, and all agree that it is l ull HLock and lurt IV I'M M HH 1()V .IH t'U' ire. 1CV ,:. d a: ; lers of the Democ w State have ap- I lie leai : n t h e c : r wr.ts of maDdamus to "... canvassers to cunt the !' : Le rejected pres mct. New A orld. Hon. James L. Pugh, who was a candidate for re-election to the I mted States Senate, he volun tarily retired from the canvass. General Clayton was faithful m all the relations of life. Asa mill- sale by B. N. Duffv. 3 . V T ,J U rt W - nkiinrl7' B"k1"' ' Ar.Bl" UT'- , 'he Ei,i0" BJTt' of,Biltlmre" C'ark ! wouldn't live , on an AlaDam. Th Best Salvx m the world for Perry, of eorfolk, and some ethers have nratinn for tha hole State as a Outs. Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt formed a limited corporation and will plantation for the whole State as ri f- awxa TflttAf nnoH o o if nnnn a tnhstttntmi hfiSLis. nnripr rkUf UUl f I CCJ D , - - vuup (vm F 1 Q V ' tj 4 i t i vr J v ' nnrAfl rxfo 1 wr i 11 hia prpftpd npar thp hiii Mint? K,ll lue J CLI UJJU'-'i'r), nuu w j w u . vw r""-o nen. r no pay required. It is guaranteed to on the pier, a railroad will be built rivi nrfeot satisfaction, or money re from the hotel to the sea, a new pier . r . . . i t- ,, -il e - V, . . 1 1 . .. I t ana onage in uc uuut, auu ui i.uinoo a quick and frequent steamboat trans- tbe hnest exhibition, except the hx po sition of 18S4, ever seen in the State. Ah! doctor. " said the young man, you never went on a coon hunt, did you r" Exchange. advice to motheks. Mhs. Winslow's Soothing Syiu v should always be used for children teething. It soothes tbe child, soft"nn the gums, allays all pain, cures wind funded. Price 25 centa per box. Fo ian 17 Beecham'a Pills cure bilious and ner- colic, and is the best remedy for ,'diar vous ills. 1 hcea. Twenty-flve cents a bottle. Sal ih ' a H -: i t " I ' ' ;r'.-.-. - ; IX) I ' 4 rtment t'sLS, n.ter - '!'. ui li. ; ,t4-e - Vt- "WV - Ov. y T0i6 -ij - .V: Fur v, i. : . . he , " pa el " We w , n. ' ",. W e u . . -, l r i.o . : ur seed write cr i . . Wi Pa by ii-i-X" 5i li'a 1. Cotton an 1 1 i :i : ;i i ieintB, ;' I; . v I

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