THE JOURNAL. JIJ BtlWC. 3. C-. OCT n Uglf.HT skll'v li- i at rm ewe i . If c foar F-t.r Edison h taken ou'. orr aadrtd patent. FT A3 Ct ALLY th State ML TlU V.L hu bea ordered 7 ai doctor to gtr ail politic: VO(k tW fO by for the winter. TaT tall w that the 8t:? Cfcfoale( 1 jat four year aid. It te ffiM taoagti to b hundred Til Kw Orleans Su:m bj airoote th rpAf of the 1 4th ftJBdant m a o4auon of '.he rmc qwatloa. Til French forerun:-,: doub ting It frTi.ioQ oq tb A! - Lorraine froatier oa acvoant of the la-riM ta th Germa jjrr.)o. CUifNCSY It. IKiK of Sow York, aaya lid! ia ta b: poiitn-nn la 'w l'ork. bat Cllaa 1 will u tfc Democratic nooainw for Pr.i dat. Aet'oBin.v. to :h New orlt Trtbane) SOO.OOO tons oi cotton ?d. ara now pxed for their oil, from 26 to 40 pound txnnjr oM.'.nd from each too. The e hernial of :be 1 nr.eA Slate Af ricnUaral l)prtrrint ar a boat to bein tbe work of to ealifatiog tb different artificial foods and Infant food bow oa the market. A BXITISH ifoo worker offer, to build a bridge for 150,000,X acroea tbe Briush Channel, some aixten or etgateea nail wide, bat requires teo jer time. Take if Wilmington Mes-sener. THE delegate to the Pan Auser ku conference, will bard!? ee any Iking eo wooderfal ia their roar t&rovga the coootry a ;he tariff yatein, which prevent. it Iron i hartag ltd share of tho world'. ' trad and comawrw. Providence JoaniaJ. THK adoption of t he Scotch )t tern, under which a rerdiat ia reach etl by a majority, of nine oat oi ibe iwtlre jarom, would come near' to aolrtog loroe of the difficulties . . n -:lo er. en no: "ir'c 0'i r p : w ho. : r r t h n.i n h o : ' irr . r. r ; ' ' r .i'l'i I. ri. Hon niMH n ii i i-i- 1 hocoiumamlin g positioii u:" '.!.. S:at of N' York invests h-r -:r l:o men with a (rrepTd:nt; portance au.1 j n -1 at tl;..i t:n. :!- H.'D. la ;.l l'.f ni.t-tt 11 ..i .-r prominently leiv're tlx- j 1 1 . ; i' 1" r.e.irlv every national iMuipain inr 'he the I'emoer.itio pre-: i.;d.t' !i !-.n a i t; n ut New ctrk, aii 1 cur ui.i) Hir. :"u 1 c, mp.i'ii- were led by i I i; 11:1 C ure w i ' : t : . '. pa':ng contr:: a! Arm wh:.-h The :1 from the tnJiev.r. i' State of I i a i : . i ' ' a u r , an iona "f !i er : . . 11 t r : n it ( t my e r n S.i m u el .1 . '1': !den i. r oil. i 4 r 1 " 1 v i . win,: i . r jT r I N tUM!.li 1 ) TlOTit : ti.t' : ii ' mil in -d'.An.v Ohio I u . r rr a i e t h - w a Perh i;n no :. e 1 in o re 4 : ' e ' ' 1 I Ateb . a- ' '. 11 tn maaicipal !: i.- t ' ii v ' ti . 1 ' ' i, - .ri m !l:n'. '.In- r.i'j tM 1 e r w ; '. :i tin' loll v of the e hi r rijoa pur'iel .'.cr'. : . ah a '. ! r a. ! . :.. the i li of nc 1 nilian.p'i'. : 1 ni;aeation . k in 1 n ' rut Ion i- ; 14 to b at , oVKTec to the ln-uu'eri'.y .tad winoli Mr. liar m his pri .'it-nt;.t. a 1 den t wi,; ln i-: ' or ( I .', . 11. : r. l;. h:,:1. ;n 'he and lie 'ore the State.-. Sii' h i now j re'e r. t ' o ipe 1 1: of ( 1 0 v 0 1 w d a .,;.) at I'lOdiiionl ipo ( ; a , o e r n o r : n t ro. 1 '.(- 1 1 .ild In beti.tlf of w Inch I a;n proa land. did. He -r Mr ' : : ' a n '.irt t pvop!' ; n k' ' 1 on : r ' 1 o r the ' Hi!'. ( ; " f I' mot : a. ..' r 1're-. '.e eiand err fii :hf holier of tl,efe 1 : f e a "e , w e re ad e r.t the lliK made .1 e 1; 1 n of " he at Atlanta, having Ixhmi ri ' r to a ; : put,, e e f-'ro-' it 1 1 :. .. ;.' .1 pa--. - . d koi d . :i t :; : 1 a; ion , ol.. hliriie: e.vd that would and f nii'i -1 1 r- ' 1 ' ; 1 - A . t h I W e . : h .-i vi : I'.llldel an I ' 1 1 ' " : .ll:0e .11 ' I.e. .', lor . 1 .1 mi p dano, flol;, se r ' ; - 'ii 1 :n ; 1 K.ii i n 1 11 o : 1 1 e a. I- 1 -: .in.l I! 1 pro: ( 1 1 I'm ii.. ii ;. oi-. ho a ! e 1 .1 1 ii. e 1 - and ; iieiii !ri ? !: : p : 11 ; ; .. 1 .11- I.e '. I'll U 1111 .. I e - Ml : k ; ' . 1 lie hi,,, Poieli ! I V ' ;.. :. i 1 1 I hat In ed 1 l,e a u 1 1 1 n 1 i j I to , .it , .1 ml ; 0: hei ," ;i lid i 1:0 --so Aiii -11," i : tl.eli a:e 01:; e!eate-t I'hey ti 11 11-. e are ' .v r d" hope t he A li 1-l.-ei-ed 1 11 I'l l 11 " I) iT a' Mill t I 111 ' ' , I' I d eell S . I V to d 1 any t In ne; in 11 1 1 -1 ioh 1 li a e . 1 1 ; 1 1 oiilv a lew. m rrneiit cvi-ry ! 1 : 1 ' Will 1 I II poll : 1 ' 7 "1 pi !' ee 11 ' . of t he I 1 1 ; t e 1 i ' . 1 ' e 8 e 1 o 1 d , I i ; e o ; 1 -vn ! I 01 1 de II - the la-.-e-, and are 1 - i . 1 ; ' 111 an ordi r. iI u h 1 eh 1 - Hi -' I 1 1 le to 1 ,i 1 -e hy .-oe 1 a'.h ii .1 ! . . 1 al eo'l 1 1 1 1 1 on . We d 1 , 1 . Ill' I .1 . lie; lend 1 1 1 it ...'' I e the repr. h this km n ( it V. -e. We 1 Ii . s .t n i e :h. 1 in!- 1 'I 11 1 .j : o , and e now than we of I lemcxrrat ic e 1 4 : 11 the rom i n g ;r in for in at mn from tr en', of the l'i n' : a v e f irthermor a !- 1 a :1 ie :. . . nrit mo 1 tli . if, 1 more i-onhden' hve done hithert 4 u a p It' e 1 1 'Ii A 1 1 ee ;hi; ijj.rter 14 e n ron rag : 11 A very el ' to tiie Mate ueadtjuarter at ColnaihUH writes to the e-1 'or of the National Dem ,vrit tti 4 week: 'It n oar fr.ncere -?lief that Dli'.o will go Pemociatir. Oar etTrt.t irom '.hi time forward until election day will be pot forth to keep up the enthusi.wm which now pervade the Democratic ratik4 everywhere, and to get oat a full Democratic vote.' The d.iat-i.-d! etTort to as.vrl the 0od name uf Hod. Jame K. Campbell has recoiled upon the beads of its originator, and should of itael asure Ins election. We devote a good deal of space this wevk to the able address with which the Democratic candidate in Iowa opened his really brilliant cam psfcm In that State Democ racv is surely advancing with rapid strides. We believe Uiat the to -en t a t i v e. and for w ti eipreasion of esteem and hospital, tv ii in!e:ider. 1 wish to thank yo: mo-t cordially. The Mmpire Sta't of the North sends a warm greet tug to the Kmpre State of tin South. She is proud of your prog res. .4.4 she is of her own. The North ha.s not forgo' ten the ,4 message which y ou r eloqueu t (iradv, u brought to the son - of New 1 In gland ; two years ago. He touched, a.s no ora"or in the generotion since the war has touched, a chord of syru oathy and chanty whose sound vibrated from Maine to California, and the echoes of whose si '.very tones have not yet died away. He told us merely whtt we knew, but which we never before fully ap predated. "When I rtflect upon the scenes which took place in this vicinity only twenty five years ago how ;i stubborn and loyal army, battling for a cause which it tx-lieved to be pis', for homes, for families, for eountry, for lite, was driven south ward "step by step by a force su perior in numbers and resources ; how, day after day, the eonnd of cannon "and njusketry reverated throogh these valleys, and the tlame.s of burning homes lit np the hori. iin: how vigorously the Fede ral forces sparred on by the one desire of preserving the Cnion of yoar fathers and theirs, lought their way through shot and shell, de stroying homes as thev went and :i 1 : N e'.V 1 . . or .11 01,.-. mi 1 1 We in o, mi . 1 h ' e Pill . 1 we ,1 p i 'A el 111 o- ' 111 1 1 ' e I Ilde. a 'oi: ' pn I' 1 1 ar 1 . 1 A . 1 ' ' 1 in 1 ll-e- 1 ' . -u - ; - ,v N . an and law v. e I ( I u' a n : 1 1 ' i i. and e el y 'and up in 1 1 1 '. e 1 y mm w Ale pl'Te-- 11- .' 1 I K W.N ROBIiLK.s. II V I. 75. I.K.MjEN. i w.i- cnyuiec r of the ! . i '; lie express on ;i leading . to.-, iii. : all oad, and had stopped my' 1 1 .ii at a water tank that stood by 'in- ti.iek in a lonely spot far from any pHia.ineiit station, dust as my hreinan was swinging up the i pipe alter Idling the teDder from : the tank, ;i 111,111 stepjied suddenly into the cab of the engine with a j revolver in each hand, and said, in a tow, determined tone: 1 "l'ull o ut, run to the woods, and -top there." 1 recognized at ODCe a noted d"sperado for whose discovery a' rewaid of a thousand dollars hud been oilered. I knew it was as useless to discuss a point with the revolver he held at any head as- it w onld have been for him to dispute t he 1 ight of way with my locomo tive it he were on the track below, where 1 heartily wished I had him. The woods were four miles ahead, and. of course, his contederatea weie hidden there, waiting to rob the 1 1 am. I knew that the express 'ii contained a good many thou---!!.d ' ! m! 1 1 1 s that day. aud t hat any ,1 m,- 11.1111 robbers Mich a.s the -1 ''1 ,1 o o besides me won Id belong '' wi u1. i think nothing of killing i! e leer-.-enger in charge if he le -i-'ed. or even le-stated for an -! nt in do their bidding. Then, lu-.-liles I he mail IUK . I.e. .Mill li j - I .. An.t t ;;l th h;i- YV till . -I.e 111.1 I al li . 'lie w iie re r t lie ei a: 11 . The h.-i : . 1- ii-.-W'l.iii- the in th- lie : h via u 1 A ' ' Ir .11- linn 11 ni will 1 -hie-, pi 1 1111 , 1-1 i-l Old h Ami iii I - .'lit' ll;i ,-1 .' lur the w :ue; il with ilny, - 111 " i i i ins. hi and ML' tl 1 ! Ami th.- littii -weef 1 1 -a . 1 1 l 1 1 1 lT I . v ;',,'- .! hr.iwn lie. 11 '!,.,, hi ill ll ;iu 1'. v 1 the h. I 11 1 1 .!'.;-. 1 . h . .e I 'i e I II- e -kin I h 1 II IV. I .1-1' a- 1 1 I. d y 1 u km man d vei. ' 1 ; 0 1 ' 1 ni- 1 Km ( 1 ' ' tell .1 k I ' ii ; 1 1 i d .nd a v e 1 1 : r . I.'. 101: 11. a I I'X'l le'. . ( "1 rt e I. '. ten,;, d beyond . rout e ! 1 will be 1: C treight A. . N, .1 K: ust 0:1 route. 1 lit' e 1 1 ' 1 ' .' p ' 1 . e 1 I i- in all 1 lest 111 e ' e nd . I ni.ll .e and K : eigh K 1. id W 1 1 1 1 a in .-1 1 1 1 ' ' l'l y 11. 0:1 ' i, . part of t lie road 1 1; 11 - para 1 Ii 1 Ko.inoke r 1 el , w ia ie 1: o (i :. t dreamed of a roa I being b ill'. .111 comes in com pel 1: ion with a,i : boat 1 1 lies now haii d 1 1 ng t he t reigli t in 1 ; u. a p. . 1. : b e .--:! y d: 1 eci k. and .'li the oilier ' ' I . . e C.) Ill lelle ti ' on the C.iil-e to le ed in a. r. 1 1 1 , 1111 A i be - Irom ; ; I j t II farmers tbroughot the West are t devastating fields: how finally bvgtning to have a clearer percep I those brave men in gray, driven j This road will bo complete u Wkicl. now embarrasa the present 1 ioq of tbe)r rQ? lnrest.4, and the j from every stronghold, lell back practice of our coarta, c-imioal and eirll. Aabrtil Citiaeo. OtTX oa America u hip, running rfgTjlArly bet we a th porta of the Uaitesl Suce aoi tho of Sooth aad Ceotxai Aaietica, and we will aooa distaoce banian 1 ia the S-u'. h oarican market. Tuat is the first aad eaatial eoaditioo, and it i tor CoagrvM to e to it that the ooadiuoa UcorJil wit h. Ur xik IjH rf 1. A BjtrtrBLira.X msoator who baa aa a frt)aat naitor a: the VTaJta lloaa danog the preaeul adaiiaiatration, renarked with eooaldarmbU ccnpoaais, that fr. UaxrUoa la gwuitgkiaif cordi ftilj dialiked biaa.4s h pi oft? to koorw 1 1 all and d-on not laiok aoyoo capable of offering him aggvattoaf . lie woald have bad BO boabla witk Tanner," said the aeaator, ( a had liatend to the ad vic offered b tin by true party frteda." AabTil!8 Democrat. TH Atlanta Joaroa more thinking they A short a a v a j - 1 1 "Coaunodorw A. K. Batemao, who baa for aon tine bo working m ta ialereat oi 'orfoik, claiina that a4 baa acoMfatly earned oot bis aadertaking to make Norfolk the baakio port for cotton for the eas tar bjiIIj, laateatl of New ork 11a tbiaka fifty ihoaaaad ba.ra 01 COttOQ will bs broaght and tberw, wblcb bare h?rtofore gone to Bowtoa aad Prondence. aad ;n fatare Norfolk wnl bo mognired 1 tbw diatn bating point for cotton asd by N' w F.ogtand mid." SrSAKiao grnerailj, iC may W aaid tbat th trust system baa ken aaaagled oot of all semblance 01 ltaiity. Bat two great, and per kapa baJf a doxen small, "combiDea' atiQ afflict the coaotry by tbeir re tricUoas of commerce. Persv aoica la aach legislation as most of tb StAta bare maa-jrated, and wigoraa CoagTTssioaal action in the dlrcsrtioo marked 00: by the Sn to'a aaU-trost bill, will mike a perfcC end of these nn American aad ineqaitab.'e aasoctaticma cf eapitai. Cb.icago Inter Ocean A TlElf F organ ci'.ien the impor j saitaiar tatioo last year of f lOl.wX),"' pr. ect; worth of woollen manufactures as alive : proof tbat a higher Chinese Wail is tho over ceded to give oar manufacture. J a lav-ti-poMMioo of the home market. If ot 114.0 the more ! within the fortifications ot this fair Detnocrafc otes there wiiir? on 1 cltv - how at last Atlanta tell. As election day. I a low a tariff reform a Northerner, old enough to have is a Uading isne in the campaign, 1 observed the tendency of" the ante and it has a poweriu! champion in 1 beiiam outh, I am amazed : as an Mr. p.oies.' Th-' though: ot tn. gr is work lag our ;o;. ncal redemption. Among recent sigtutk.-nt events is the declaration of President Kliot, of Harvard ! n;versity,of his inten tion to act in future with the Dem ocratic party His espousal of our cause 1 worth more to us than the oiaii'.'iii'n of a pxd,t;cl leader would tv. Pres dent Kliot u a prlnco In the realm of mind, and thoasands of young men will turn t.) him a.s the suntl ior tarns to greet its k n g He ees that De mocrai-y is Ireodoui of thought work'ngoot the hbcrat. on of the m ase fr. m the tliroldom of mo nopoly and plutocracy . His ex inn!, will !- follow e 1 1'V i-ho!ai s 1 ' of all sections, and a sounder I ., I 1 Ii'.ical economy w .ii pc ; m a . e oar , I schotds arid colleges. Mnch as we ire ''hirnn 1'; ty these reflect iou :' is ple.vsing to know that o' .1 neat ; or al 1 n op nc- 9 j are baatenmg forward the philo- i sopinc emp re cf Dem-rav. The1 Crnge.4 and the Alliances are all 4c'..o.N devoted to the solution of econom'c .jneat.ons and every problem solved is an argnrer.t in favor of De met-racv a 1 . ago farmers in Knsa4 sent a representative to Washington to present to the Presi dent the.r petitien that all fibers used in making twine Vrnti-n the iree 1.4t. Tins show that the edu cational pros-ess s doing it- work and will eventually reach r.s le a;3c, nt ends Thee farmers !eel 'be oppre-s;on that is er-hi!.g tbem, bat have r."t r irr.r.'. 1. ' to throw 1: 1 ' Thev c.uini t long remain ignorant of the true situa t;on. and when ;he hour of illumi nation comes they ;.! break tbeir hinds an Simpson burst 'he withes '. a at Isiu n d h ; t . Last the Northwest vote' b '. 1 , a c J . w 1 : h s American eitizen, proud of my country's institutions, antl form of government, I am rejoiced. "This is indeed the Sunny South. The great dark cloud which hung over tho South for so many years has gene, thank God, and the bright sun of Heaven looks down upon a nobler civilization, inspiring new life, new courage, and new aspirations. T coold give yon figares about the growth of industries which make up this increased wealth. 1 could tell a story of the develop ment of cotton manufacturing which m as interesting as any romance, lint these things I know by read ing and heresay. Von know them by actual observation and by careful study, and I shall not weary you repeating dry figures, which by this time yoo must know by rote. Be sides, 1 left my encyclopedias at heme. 0 In the rapid development of the South and in the conditions of society which now prevails here, there are suggestions for serious though'. I am not one of those pejimists who. while recognizing and admitting the glorious pros perity of your industries since the fir, profess to see in some of your institutions and conditions cause for grave apprehensions for the future. Such apprehensions are due, porhar.s, to the agitation id selfish politicians ; to that igno ranee which does not understand the Southern nature ; to the sur vivmg remnant of old time jealousy and suspicion. I would not have yon understand me as depreciating present dangers or as belittling the obstacles w hieh now csnfront you. "Great problems will have to 1h' grappled with, and the North is watching to see how you will solve them. One ot those problems is the education of the masses. The nn one mouth. and ;il a'.laid .m a. I 1 route lrom Plymouth to N'. 1 lo k i Richmond, or any Northern m Western 1 :ty . K : :i.-:- i: 1- ;' : u 1 t he I'ii.itlir e t e 0 1' 1 ; r h, id, Hyde 1 e'.ility v la ( ' ilnm ma. lyiie.l county. 1 Ixii-n-iv e -!rj pmg immi is being arranged at Ply 11 .m' li. and a rece n ' ride over the 1 . . i t n 1 ble -me to say that t lie i " id w . I i I e ti r.-t cl.i 111 e v ei y 1 e - ot. 1 1 sat is fae ; o 1 y arrangeii.eii ' - are m ule with t he Noi lol k and S Hit l.el 11 Kailroad tran.-fi r baig. s can be used be! weeti 1 '. ! en ton and ly mouth and Ireighls iprckly handled by that route. This plan is being .-iu c. -.-billy hive . 1 I : V e 1 1 e n , 1 e - vv 1 ' . : e . . k :!;;.-,. - li . 'I. I line- and phi . . . r on camp.-. A :'.! be bec.lll-t 1 'on : y u k n : : . t -1 1 . we:, a llieit. we ::::ib I good disciple, w h".- i,.-i. would have no' h nif from twentv-live men enga ;. ii , ust cause . We have the nua.ei .cal -lieiig'h and all that we need is united, manly aeti m. Some refuse to unite with us, le-cau-e they say we aie a secret organization. I deny t lie chai ge tif ours be.i a secret org miatiori. ( );ir by-law and our constitution are open to the world. )ur declaration oi principles ;s open to I he free in -ptclioii ol ail w no will. When we cine to oui Alliance halis to rea.-ou together to torniulate plans and to dti. 1. we elo.-e our doors. The chinch of Christ is an organization, and some ol its most i tleCLlvH work is done in secrecy, i.e., "when thou praye-t enter into thy closet.' etc. S'iII we find some Christians who ni'l'i" to the Alliance, because of its st ere t v ' i k . I likai' to see a m all straight. bu! not so sH aight as to fall iivei back w al .!. Now, I want to ' e ilrnilv understood. I say that a gieat many intelligent men, eligible to membership in our order are playing the part ot "skulks." If .ie bid to do what we have under taken, know all men. that those w ho -k u Ik , it ri' at I ers not what m ay I have actuaU'd them, whether bri la i v, ignorance, or cowardice are the boss who did the work. New l-nirlaiHl Mas-aziiie. The New England .Magazine lor Octoher presents a varied and attractive table of contents. Many ot the urtii' i's mu .l..-,a,.,l t, ,,v'. 1 baggage cars i(,,s .!, ' o, plunder there were the ten lU fact , , hat , he iid,; mug 1 mger coaches filled with pas- i, .im,i , , - ' i- v. ni w i 1 1 11 it ui ifri Mr. Allien L .Marble, the retiring president of the National Educa tioiial A--ociation, conrnbu'e- an aitll'ie on tlie iiistorv ami t , , is .nr-t , , , , . , of the Association; W. A. M...vr. e as hard and slow woik of ti,,. i-,, ., . . ... tneeuit(;r ot hilucat (in. wia estei Dr. Han is and ,he Bureau ot I-;. lu nation: thele is a bl lei ;ii o, le Oil History, by A. E. Wiiisliip. the editor of the New England Journal of Educatioi : and then- is a long auu iuny illustrated article on the i-. well toward a thousand e. such as ride on a first-class -s ii.uii, and are sure to have amount of money and other 1 III a i g' t iing t he heavy train under head w, y a- I could, so as to gam time ' lirnk: and while we drew too rapidly nearer and nearer the xo d.s where I must stop my train and deiiver all up to the robbers, I i an vasstd plan after plan in mv A Iiiin-Iy M .li ning. Till- time is at baud when great numbers of persons, of all ages, from onng boys up, roam the woods and lields and marshes, with guns, in search of game. There will be "music in the air: yes, and iliuujir too. N'umbeis of these sportsmen have never learned to handle and cury a gun properly, and before the "season" is over, it is to be feared many accidents will occur, and many lives, more or less valuable, will be sacrificed. Tuose who wound or kill their coin p. in ions and friends will be ovei whelmed with sorrow, and will MilTer life long regret, but this and the sympathy of t heir lriends will not bring back the dead, nor wholly excuse the act. No one ought to carry a gun at all much less has he right to go shooting unless he is able to carry' it m such a mauner that at no time and urmer no circumstances, will it point toward any human being. There is no case in which it is necessary that a gun should be pointed toward a companion, not even in passing it by him elevate the muzzle and pass it over him. This is an easy thing to learn. Keep it in mind and practice it till it becomes a fixed habit making the rule as imperative in the case of an empty gun as a loaded one, and the habit will soon become automatic, safety will be afforded, wounds and death will be prevented, and tho.-e who go sporting should ; not only adhere to this rule, but ; insist that those in their company do so. I used to "shoot'' and know wheieof I aflirm. EmvAUD Hull. P. S II I was able I would pub lish this as a part of the "life stving apparatus." daily and weekly through t he i-ea-on. lafo Wr.lioiU IliflUultifS If the world ever had a golden age, the people of that easy-going T lie Art of Eating. There is little if any doubt that cooking has been employed by man in the preparation of food from the remotest ages. It is probable, also, that empir ical ideas of what conduces to comfort in diet early formed the basis of a gastronomic art not without some relation to physi ological truth. It has been reserved for later times, however and for civilized man, to discover and formulate a regular method of dining. By a process of natural selec tion, tho work of elaboration, this system has in a great meas ure passed into tho hands of the French, who have thus been able to develop an art charact eristically tnoir own. Our simpler nat ional customs rela tiong to tho table have, in common with those of most other peoples, attracted less attenion, though it is not likely that they will ever disappear. It is needless here, however, to discuss in detail each local pecu liarity. We should rather aim at understanding those common principles which underlie all rightley constituted systems, and give to each its value as an aid to wholesome nutrition. The time of eating is a matter of no small consequence. This is to some extent subject to indi vidual convenience, but we may take it that, as a general rule, not less than five hours should separate one meal from another. The short interval of rest usual after meals will commend itself us being in strict accordanco with physiological necessity. The quantity and quality of food taken also require eareful attention, and these again must be regulated by reference to the work to be done by a given of person. Some difference .. i, euaiui .nucie oil me ei, i-uc t'cu c t,i lutii c.ioy-guiuKi- - , ilwnvR existed as Kd near inn;-. In.hhiti,.,.. .. x. i. tra mnol hit" I ....... . . . . ..... I r, -1 r ! Opinion fi18 aiwa8 CXlSted OA mn.d, rejecting one after another ; Vlll(1. vhvi,i: t,i m,,Sr,hi, uJ' ' to the proper daily allowance of a- impracticable. The wrong end I10tlce in ;i , c htituted ; (MrereI):, v from llie. ' meat. W e shall probably do ofa.evover barrel close lhist0 d uew ,,reut. ,h men ant, WUImM1 o- ut justice to the digestive powers your head is a new factor that se- Hou. A. S. Co!yar. This article : day. What should have done I Pf8(0nS', howeve.r' , iiou.-ly complicates many an other-;aLso ia ru.,,lv . - ; in .. .,.. . ,,. H:ir. h vlA,,All ; advising that only one substan- wi.-e simple problem. ! esneeinllv t,mN- ... ,1.' .r ,.r.t...nh- .uft ' tial meat meal bo taken daily was to ha re . Of course, we could I . . l.;l n t -.. -ueauwuue my nremau iiaUimMt;.,r,i,,, v it... .- ,i , t i . u- t ".v-v-nuf, Kit liic nuunai i.uuciliou- luietly kept about his business,..,! Assoe.'at ion in n,,. ..a.k.-,., i .i . ' - ta i o ni u n vi i has drawn to it the ()n Ust Satiuday the liMh, ac . oiding to appointment, the far mers ot tho Yanccboro section worked by the Albem.ule and Pan Cissernbleil for the purpose ot reas tego Kailroad. Tran-l.-r barges on ing together. The (.range hall make the connntion bet ween ol t hat place was tendered us by Edenton and McKeey 's I'eny , from , the brethren of that order, which which point the road' w..s :ii -t built j made us very comfortable in the to K"per C;;v. and is now being 1 e.eiei-e of the duties of the ocea Pante'o and Matt . 1 the par , e tariffs t h e s ; i i ' far::; ers of the d urn the Mills guhir unanimity and they are . !.-m and c ; t r n s t V .1 w n an 1 r'lC ar. d the n American manufacturers coald get the wool they need on the same terms as their competitors they woo Id not be compelled to a s . much shoddy. The foreign g oshJs exv not bocght because they are forcigv, Tbey are demanded and eoid bessaftose they are better either ta qaaflty or sty le. ln eaal terms oar manafactarers could compete sritb tbem for more 4c-es!i: ly N. Y. World. THE Georgians gave G -vem r Hill of New York, and the tr eud.s wbo accompanies! him a cordial grew t log at Atlanta Wednesday. Hie address at the Exposition was well conceited, hapyily expressed uJ in good taystc, a brosd, natloaal spirit worthy of the OoTersor of a gTeat State and : tb occasion upon which it was de UTerwt. Governor Hill is no ord. nary man, and the solid hold he M apon the Demorraey of New York, and bis popularity in other ett, will male bis name a power ia lbs next National Democratic Cooveatioa. Hs and tx President CtoTcUad are said to 1 goo.1 frieadtt, bat he i aboa: the only Bu whom Cleveland need fear if 4 decide to enter the race in 15l.'. With ltbr, however, the Democ encj will bare aa able and strong jitaadard bearer. - Wilmington Star. ti i v e ;s.4 : e - . ' tr. -ti ' ;ng tow a ' 1, 1 4 i . .4 u. i ten l.ther' ti tr.e i: they emmal f i I 1 n e n: iv in J to worst foe to our democratic forms of government is ignorance. It is a startling fact, indeed, which revealed by the census of Kni, that in some of your States half the population could not read or write. The census of 1S90 will make a bet ter showing, I am sure. "In the field of industrial enter prise you have great opportunities Your resources are inexhaustible see that tbey are not monopolized I'iscour.ige such legislation as tends to enrich classes at the ex lense of the masses. It is within i-n,,r ,,.r in .1.-, ,i.i, f.,. ,r.i i larmers are Ht'O w v i. , .'"t iu ytj ui.eL. i" n ..i ii nr.nn rrynra o.lnlfaKI., r . . I . f . . fu . 1 ' d ged pOWtT til c-. v i , . t li li v..t- .uiianii tt.i.i. tetween employers and employe. 1. striking ev idein- ot p m these Thus far you have been particularly Pir;s ls tl'1' ' :!"; a '';Ttain ,1 U'l 'N 1 1 o was in i I ;e l a - l .-l-ll.lif Hid vo'ed aga:n-t the railroad corn el! ended to Pungo. fni- latter place is the deep water terminus stlcetcd by the company, where Pungo liver and one or two creeks come to gether and soon enter the Pamlico river. 1 learn that I he plan is to use transfer barges acioss Pamlico -ion. Our county lecturer, brother Daniel Pane, ad Iressed the meeting in an appropriate manner, and held the attention of his audience spell bound for about one hour. It is gratifying to see that our organi zation is bringing men to the front, suitable to our every emergency. It is a noticable fact: that our min- nver to some point on the sou side and handre lumber and other j istrations are'now being performed freight in that part of 1 leaulort and niore gracefully than in our be in Pamlico county by building aj road across the country. New Heme and Wilmington w ill have I to'look out, or this territory which! they have so long had all to them- selves will be made 'i.lmtarv to ginning, and the idea is about to explode that no one except such as are engaged in literary work can perform the duties that come before nubhc assemblies. ( It hashing been the case that appearing M accept the suuation as souieth g that could not be avoid, d, and for which he was in no way responsible. Yet I i bought he betrayed a little nervousness by ins man uer of tiring. He would bi'ing small shovelfuls from the tender, going to and fro more times than were necessary to put that amount of coal on the lire, and, besides, would do this in a sort of -hnfll ing, uncertain way, ao if his , mind was so much on t lie trouble , at hand that he only half attended to w hat he was doing. A hammer lay on the bottom ol 1 the tender, that was used lor break ing lumps of coal that were too , large. Jt had a handle two feet long, but a comparatively small head. It was much like an ice i pick, with a short hatchet or wedge 1 shaped head on one siue and a point or spur on tho other. I re l member noticing, without much thought except that he did not seem to know what he did, that iev. ry time he came from the tender ' this tool with his j loot and moved it nearer the en gine. We came in sight of the woods, approaching thc-m with express speed, and my heart chilled as I thought of what the next few minutes must bring forth, when, quick as a flash, he caught tho ham mer and dealt tho outlaw a blow in the back of tho neck at the base of the skull that dropped him dead across the footboard. The revol vers had hardly touched tho hoor before each of us had one iu our hands. We emptied every one of the twelve barrels iuto the woods as we Hew by, hoping that some stray shot would go where it would do the mosi good aud secure our departing passenger congenial company for his long journey on the other line. Within a wetk e.fterward my fireman was "pas'tifeeft, rich" with t he thousand-dollar reward. an . o' :. r ' 1 1 er Norto North. Am.d all ! h.s pu-h and ty the .l.iniesv ilie am Wa narrow gauge seems abou ou'. Their engine i- so b.idiy worn that thev cannot pull a passenger coach, and have Ua'ti carry ing ex press, mad, lieight and passengers bodies of farmeis, assembled litical primaries or in conven- ro.-pt-ri imgt.m id ived la i l n tions, have allowed one or two professionals to count them in any matter they desired. H ither than stand up like men and openly op pose, they have allowed their silence to be taken for consent. The error of this manner of doing bnsi ness. is now fuilv realized and the to be something Jones County ltema the fine past now, bat the many surveys being made to and li.'tii these points are only the toreruniii r.s ot the many roads which will per me at e our country and unite us with the onward march of enterprise. Not the least among these evi deuces of increased pro the Koaiioke st . ' ion i all ui cue liin i' ir. 1 ' 1 1 a new en jine is so. .n i'i;i,'i'h''l and better : i.irnn-rs propose to be accommodations generally . Fortune; else than mere ciphers. does not seem to taver a-hington , Pro: her Lane performed the du and. New Heme m railioad building ties of speaker well aud when he had taken his seat. another brother arose, and stated, that he fei: assured that some had been convicted by the speech that the do ts of tin- Alliance were open and called on such to join. The result was. that live good and in- eri'v in ! liuential men made application at the All; I once. There is good material 'round ance moveineti' ot tic farm l'i ill', tllnll Wi ll the w he le ee They .have i o' been orgatiled but a sh ut wnle. ii,;' are establishing Alliance stons at almost every town and some pi .e.-s tn the coun try. Alliance p'ct.lcs tie Ire.jllellt. and ..le largely a tended. Tl.e tanners are Pecoui ng an .n-knowl P.. !..,.! ll'i er.- iu : about uutrv. anceboro anil we nave a right to expect much in that quarter. We have good material and it will ci me to the front. dioe fact. i:igh r e an I'd by i r n e he w or k i n i n ! as us; n t tie hirt i a ra ' p.v, a se :i g. 1. UiHe ' e m j a g ' r i g a hi h u :: d c.rii'Cil loved. While rem a n-r a'. :v e ! . - for r sc a! s, ' a '. honest 1 "he people reds 1 1 i'1'ii i : ; an to tie '.hem 111 - i.t 1 Mes le t ; .4 a tr. nj lortunate in avoiding disastrous la Nvr aeitation. Put when there shai !h collected in vour manufacturing 1 I-r'S--'-"n is attend. ng the.-e pi cities large bodies of workingmen, wh.-n rivalry for employment and Csd wages shall have U'Ccm.i keener, -yon will have to nn e' serious questions, and if you would take warning from the North's ex perience, you will prepare to meet them now. Your employers must reaiire what ours have been slow to realize, that one man's rights are the rights of another. Let the benefits of yoar proserity Is1 en eyed, not bv the few who would use them for their own selfish ends, but encourage that broad human charity which looks to t he greatest good to the greost number. You may have within your Ixorders vast numbers of an unfertnnafe and long oppressed race; it isyonr interest as it is your duty to lift them out of the estate in which tate has placed them, and help them to c n;es and making speeches, explain ing Ins rea-oii- tor -r voting con trary to the pe ' ; t : or. s o! a large number of A!i;a v men of t In state, lie in ikes a good speech, I u '. e.sit :- an oil' yea: : ' is on ly t he -t roll ge r e V 1. 1 e !, . ethat the 1 II 1 1 tie ii ee of the A I . I . nice i - even bei ng te! t i n pel ; ; '-. A - pi r. i n ' s for ( t lire make it convenient to be piv.-e n t at these gathering-, and ate m.ikme an oil v ea r c in v a--, While 1 do not be! clea: ly ' greater greater and ill llg to every d pio-per e Ah: nice 1 lell ' e 1 - L'rnw ,1V : that ty tor ; 1 re-pon-t m e.i n -i a r m i i - V. a . v l-.v 1 ,'vak- I o ti g ' : i F.-a:.' e Le friend of h ,-;iy ",l :' : r: g L r ' f c h i .o dialect N "i - San ::. ; ': a - p, -. . re ceu' y sa.d t 4 who : - no - . :; I nevrr catch r.: when I can m a k e se rv e m v f'l'f.f.' : v e . ti a '. : . 1 .4 t r v the a-cmo the resonsi run ties oi ct: .- e n s h ! p . The expsT ieni e of t he last t w en t y years has proved you the advant ages of free lalmr. Most of you well rcmeiriN'r the predictions ot vour statesmen before the war. that without slaves the South could not profitably produco cotton: yet with free labor you have raised more cotton in the last ten years than you raised in the twenty be fore Sumter was tired on, n"!w::lr w -ens: c IU' 1 we 1. I ii i in pan ell w e are lie men we ought to tie doll! tl- of talking too m uch. h e two eooil things, their go : ti inn and our own i mprov emei w h a ' w e h a v e t " - I V wi' kiln : w h i ' ': i have - i v we kin N ( 'TICK. In addition to contract made by i ipt.D.ndeii lor 7o,; on yards of biggmg, f have inSt closed a coil tract with the .1. Turner, Morehead , Co. mills for ail the cotton bag g:ng they can make to December l-t, at l-' cents per running yard P. (). P.. U per cent, off for -rash. It p i 1 inches wide, weighs ih' ounces p.r yard. Will be shipped to busi nes.s agents as last a.s it can be iii.iiiiihii'tilii'il, say from .'Id, 000 to lo.i'iMi y aids per inonth. Will be -hipped wtli cash diatt bill of attached. Ordeis will be tilled m iegular order as received. Pii-int-ss agents who have not done -n. w ii I place t hei r ciders at once i"i- bagging. W. I 1 . Wei: i II. S'.pe 1 bis in ess Agent. i . rm M ', i : r s i n 1 ' s ; . n ; tni'y Alliances who wish to their -hoes and boots through Farmers' A llnince, will write to .1 . P.-: rv. ( 'harlot te. N . C, and inge dates when he will meet ir Alliance and exhibit shoes 1 take vour orders. the South attention of thousands of the teachers of the country. It is the first of an important series of articles, in which the New England Magazine proposes to present the enterprising cities of the New South to norihen readers in a completer way than has been done before. Fir. Holme-', whose eightieth birthday has just been celebrated, receives liberal attention in this number of the New Fhigland Maga zine. The frontispiece is a portrait of Dr. Holmes, from a recent photo graph. There is an illustrated ar ticle, "F)r. Holmes at Fourscore," by George Willis Cooks; an article on "Dr. Holmes's Pilgrim Poems'; and interesting facts about the poet among the Editorial Notes. Profes sor Ilosmer's story, "The Haunted Bell," is continued, and there are some short stories, one by Mrs. Celial Woolley, the author of Loir and Tlieology. Mr. Mead's study of the question, "Did John Hampden come to New Englandf" is finished, tho whole evidence on this puzzling point being laid on the table. Another historical article is by Prof. Charles Jl. Levermore, "Pilgrim and Knicker bocker in the Connecticut Valley." Mr. Ilrfhi has a gossipy paper en titled "Tarry at Home Travel,'' not easy to describe, but delightful to read. There is a brief article on John Boyle O'Reilly ; and a long and thorough one by William Clarke of London-, on Parnell, which will attract much attention. It is ac companied hy a striking portrait of Parnell, from a recent photograph. The articles on O'Reilly aud Dr. Harris' also have fine portraits. The number altogether is very rich in portraits. Ketribution . What worse punishment could be the portion of any human being than ho bear about with him the hourly consciousness of having repaid trust with treachery; child like confidence with betrayal; and with having worn to the eyes of innocence a life-mask, even though tney be closed in death before the dreadful secret be discovered, which would have extinguished happiness and poisoned peace forever? Of the many who have suffered and will suffer to the end of time through the unprincipled, none may suffer more than himself, to whom thought and silence are so intolerable tbat oblivion must be purchased at any cost of present risk or future downfall. We hesi tate not to affirm that no wronged human being, how great soever the weight of sorrow and injustice he bears about with him, may after all suffer more than their diabolical inflictors. Truly do the scriptures say: "Vegeance is mine; I will re pay, saith the Lord. New York Ledger. ( bnv W. II. WeUTII, ;. a. A l I ION 1 O MOTIIKll" Farmers are utilizing weather gathering crops. Hog cholera is raging, we learn, in the Chinquapin section. ur jail has three inmates: two colored and one white man, who is crazy. The health of the county is good Very little sickness, mostly light ch'lls. Jones Superior court couvenes next Monday, the t!8tb, Judge Boy kin will preside. Seed eotton sells fiom 3 to jo.oO per hundred. Com. new, from 43 to ') per bushel. Lott Herritage col. has taken in two fine coons in the last three days with his steel trap, Trenton is a good beef market. Three large ones were sold thereon Saturday last from 4 to 8 cents per pound. The County poor house has five inmates three white and twocolored. The whites are all cripples. One of the colored inmates, Judy Lof tm, is said to be over one hundred years old. Farmers say that thev have picked over their cotton lields and tiud the yield really more than they anticipated, and corn, where gathered, not near up to their ex pectatious. Many of the farmers report that the yield of-crab grass 1 is shorter than they have ever I know n, but the crop of common I weeds is euormous. I Whoever it is that repairs Tren ton bridge is quite an adept at j patching. We are inclined to j bcleive that it costs more to patch a j plank than to put iu a new one. J We sometimes think that garments ' w ith a patch a loDg side of a patch looks somewhat neighborly, but a patch on top of a patch a little shameful. ; Kansas agents are lecturing around here, trying to spread the emigration fever. We learn that j several families have consented i to try the goodly land as soon as J they can house and dispose of their crops. We learn that tbeir meetings are well attended. But we find that the loafing, huckleberry, brierberry, portions of the colored race don't take much interest in emigrating any where. Why don't the agents tell t hem somethingabout thesweet, ! A little shrub grew, by iis roots held A Historical Bell. At Lumpkin, Ga., is a church bell with a history. The old bell has done n.uch service foe many different people. It has engraved upon ir the year 1000, the year in which it was made. F"or a number of years it tolled the hour for con gregations in a convent Ln the Netherlands. It was afterward carried to Lisbon, aud from thereto Madrid, and was ia the-nionastery at that place when the great Napo leou invaded chat territory, taking everything as he pushed his forces over plains and up mountain sides, and all bells were being taken and recast into cannon for the further ance of his wai !d e ambition. The owners of this bell, seeing his intentions, and loving their sacred property that had so long served them, secretly took it down from its lonely tower, and placiug it on board a large vessel about to sail for this country shipped it to New York, where it remained for many years, until it was purchased by a Lumpkin man lor his church. It has been used so much it has lost its tone, and will have to be laid aside. The Little Seed. A little seed lay in the carter 's path; A little shoot bowed in the strong wind 'a w rath: have done nothiug, aud in doing it must have deplored our too happy fate every hour of the day. Diffi culty is the sauce piquantc of ex istence. Without it life is flavor less. In the golden age, sav the poets, man had no wants. That's a fit). He wanted occupation. Alexander, when he completed his conquests, got the blues because there were uo more nations to subdue. Philosophers and theologians have talked aud written much about the vanity of human wishes. Well, human wishes are vain pro vided they be of an honest kind as incentives to exertion ; for exer tion, after all, is the only luxury that does not pall. It is born of hope, and Heaven pity him whom fortune should so overload with temporal benefits as to leave him nothing on earth to desire. Would an individual so circumstanced be contented? Not a bit of it. How ever, such a condition is impos sible. F'ortunately for our happi ness, we all think that something more than we have is necessary to its completeness. All men who are worth calling men like to wrestle with difficulty. If it does not lie in their way they go out of their way to find it. One starts for the source of the Nile, another for tho home of the gorilla, a third for the "bleak Antarctic," a loin th for the North pole. Each has his hobby, and it is indispensable to tho pleasure ol hobby-riding that tho nag be hard to catch and somewhat unmanage able. Furthermore, no human being cares to trot his hobby over a macademized road. There is no excitement in ease and safety, and without excitement of some kind we would all rust, body andsonl. Doctor's Visits. It is not only for the sick man but the sick man's friends, that the doctor comes. Ilia presence is often as good lor them as for the patient, and they long lor him yet eagerly. How we all have watched after him ! What an emotion the thrill of his carriage wheels in the street, and at length at the door has made us feel .' How we bang upon his words, and what a com fort we get from a smile or two, if we can vouchsafe that svnsnine to lighten ! Who hasn't seen the mother nrvinc into his lace, to know if there is hope for the sick infant, that cannot speak, and that lies yonder, its little frame battling with fever I Ab, how she fooks in his eyes! What thanks if there is light there ; what grief and pain if he casts them down and dare not say "hope!"' Or is it the house father that is stricken. The terri fied wife looks on, while the physician feels his patient's wrist' smothering her agonies as the chil dren have been called upon to stay their plays and their talk ! Over the patient in the fever, the wile expectant, the children uncon sscious, the doctor stands as if ne were fate, the dispenser of life and death; he must let (he patient off time; the woman prays so for hie respite ! Due e;u lancy how awiui the responsibility mnst be to a con scientious man ; how crnel tue feel ing that he has given the wrong remedy, or that it might have been possible to do better; how harass ing the sympathy with survivors, if the case is unfortunate; how great the delight of victory. Herculean Strength Continually on the strain, or overtaxed at intervale, is far less desirable than ordinary vigor perpetuated by rational diet and exercise, and abstention from excess. Professional pugilists and ath letes rarely attain extreme old age. A ordinary vigor may bo retained by a wise regard for sanitary living, and fcr the protection against disease which timely and judicious medication affords, so also it may be lost through prolonged sedentary labor, uninterrupted mental strain and foolish eating and drinking, the chief and most immediate Bf(iuence of all four being dyspepsia. For this condition thus, or or any way induced, aud for its ollnpring, a failure of mus cular and nerve power, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is the primest and moat genial of remedies. Not only in digestion, but loss of tlesh, appetite and sleep are remedied by it. Incipient malaria and rhoumatism are banished, and kidney, bowel and liver complaint removed by it. More than this woulfl tend, if continued, to overload the tissues with digestive products, and less would hardly suffice for full nu trition. Drink, if alcoholic, should be sparingly taken, or not used at all. Cookery has in these days been elaborated almost to excess. Variety and delicacy are carried to an extreme, and we should probably gain rather than lose if plainness combined with care were adopted as our rule of practice in such matters. Hasty words often raskle the wound which injury gives; bat tolt words ansaage it, forgiving cores it, and forgetting takes away the scar. Vance Academy, .Boaraing ana uaj . ocnooi,. For Mate m.d Friualr. Opens First Monday in September, 1881 Special attention paid to MatbmaUo Commercial Lsw, Book-keeping aad Penmanship. Experienced teacher lav instrumental mmic. Vocal nsuaio a prominent featnre. Tuition, including board, washing, lights, etc, SOS to $70 per teaaion of five months. For Catalogue apply to W. It. SKINNER, Principal. g2ua4 tf New Berne, N.IC NORTH CAROLINA , I Craven Oonoly. I Buterlor Coui I The National Rank of New Heme. va. Joseph I.. Rhem, 1 U HaRbca and Wm HulllsUT. iiecuu.n or 7 boa. J. Mitchell; J W. Walker, trustee of the children or Tbua. J. Mitchell-, Ilioi. J. Mitchell; Fred. U. Mitchell: A. J. Mitchell; X). M. Ooopef and Halite M. Cooper: H. O. Tuli and Nannie K Tall; Hattle T. Mltdiel), J. U H. Mlall lier, adm'r of rjarah K. Mitchell; K U. Meadows and J. A. Mtadowa; Uso. Allen and Wm. Cleve: Geo. O. Mannlnc, S&mnel is. Miller and John 8. Ke-se. tradlnf aa John 8. Reese Co.; U. Braker. Jr.. H. J. ltraker nd W. D. Paris, trading as U- J. Baker ABro.; IsaaoM. Frank. Kara Beeh Ferdinand A. Well. Bllas A.. Well, Bleary Metnbardt, Isaac Melobardt and Bam net Mel n hard t, trading aa Frank A Co.; J. W. Btewart; Wm. Foy. State of North Oaiollna Craves eonnly. Notice la hereby given to tbe following de fendants ln tbe above entitled sot Ion, to wit: Oeo. O. Manning, Samoa! B. Miller and John 8. Reese, trading as John S. Kaeee A Co.; C. Braker. Jr ; H.J. Braker and W. U. t. arts, trading as a. J. Baker Bro.; Iaaa M.Frank, Dave Heebt, Ferdinand .'Wall, Ellas A. Well, Henry Melnhaidt. Isaac Metnhardl and Pamoel Melnhardt, trading as Frank b Co., that tbe above entitled a tlon was commenced ln tba Bnperior Court of this county on tbe lUtn day of rleptem bar. 1888, and that the object of tba aaae la lo foreclose certain mortgages held by tbe aald plaintiff the said National Bank or Hew Berne, on the personal property and rei tat real estate ofrf defendant Joseph L. Kkssi, said real estate being ln the eonnty of Craven and commonly known as tba kbtn farm, embracing tbe original Rhem plane the Hart land and tbe Carter tract near New Berne. N. 0. Also that tract of land known as the Rhem plantation, about aevsn mls from New Heme, N. (.'.. and fully deeerlbed Id aald mortgages. You are therefore noti fied and required to be and appear before tbe Judge of our Superior on 1 1, a t a rourt to be held for tbe county of Craven at be Court House In New Berne on tbe 12th Mon day after ibe lit Monday in Meptember 1889, and answer tbe complaint which will be deposited ln tbe office of the Cleik of tbe Haperior Coiiit of said county wlthla the first tb'ee days of tbe Term, and let Ura laid defendants take notice tbat If they fall ta answer the said complaint within lhattsraa, tbe plaintiff will apply totheexmrt for tba teller demanded ln the complaint, aad tba cost oi tbis action to be taxed by theOlark. Herein ran not. Olven under ray hand and aeal of aald court this 2d dsyof October. 1W. !. W. UAM-fKN IKK, Clerk Sup. Court, Craven county, S. O. Great SCOTT! Tlift complete novels of the great Sir Walter Scott, "the wizard of the North," peerless ainono- romancers, all for $ .'t.00, may seem incredible, but it is one of the latest achievements i-f Alden's Isittrary Revolution. Waverley Novels. t'Ott The Waverley NoTela, by Mr Walter S.-olt, R.ti Roy Edition, complete In 0 volumes, mall octavo, with 49 llluKtraliolut. cl., price S3. I-IbI of Vol. 4t llluntl-atloiis. 1 Hiwt of Midlothian, ("ount K.bert of Tans, Fair Mai.i of Perth, Woodstock. r.Tic it .-I l :i u - Cl.llil. K I (U UI l'l I II , -up n I ii' :-. i r- r .ira' lo " i. nr. I he ( crinoii mi Rave us this morning:, having nad tliroc st- . r ui reading. I move that it now bo passed." delicious huckleberry of Texas, Mi.stdssippi and Arkansaw 1 Why not tell a few of Col. David Crockets stories about the big cat fish which r.-pai i hVvi(n.s in the Mississippi river and 1 which measures nine inches between ": .;'n the eyes, and preface the same with a few o'possnm and coon hunts ? Try it, Mr. Lecturers, just to see what an efieet it will have. We know more about this class than any of these agents, and see if we are right fast: Then a stout tree braved all the winter's blast. A little cough started 'twas only light: A little chill shivered the hours of night ; A littie pain came and began to grow, Then consumption laid all his bravo strength low. I Be wine in time. Check the little cough, cure the little chill, dispel the little pain, ere the little ailment bo comes the strong, unconquerable giant of disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Marliril lust try it, : Discovery, taken in time, ia a remedy ' for these ills. Nothing is so contagious as ex ample; we arc never either much 2 Kort unew , f Nijj.-l, Anne of (JeifrHteiii, (uentin iMirwa-d, Surtf.H.ii's Oaughter. S I-e(rend of Montrose. The Talisman, The Antiquary, lt.xl (iauntlet, St. Roivan 8 Well 4 The AblK, Hrlde of Lauuuerinnnr, The Betrutbed, l'evoril of tbe leeJ, V Roll Roy. Old Mortality. The Monastery, The Pirate, The Ulack IJwsrf tl W'averley, Ouy MatiDerlntr, Kenilworth, I vanhoe. of in This " Rob Roy Edition ' Scott's Waverley Novels nearly identical with the " Pop ular Library Edition " of the same author published by good or much evil without imita- Appleton at $10.00 for the net, t'0f, . the paper beincr, only a little sviiiir of Fids. lighter in weight aad a little Produced from the laxative and nutri-I rheaier ill nuilirv but K.ll. tious juice of California figs, combined 1 . I1 I"4"1)' b,It ,M,th with tha medicinal virtues of plants , vry SatlStaCtory. known to be most beneficial to the Tliphnolfn nmvlinaonn of III., human syetem, acts gently on the kid- "e rjOOKS may DC Seen at the neys, liver an i bowels, effectually OTuCe OI tniS paper,Ora Specimen cleansing the system, dispelling colds volume returnable will 1 ie sent and headaches, and curing habitual U1"m(r leiuraauie, WU1 e Sen oonstipation. . J stjaid for DO Cents. '