PtK JOURNAL. HKW BCiClE. n C, OCT. H, . 4AN ft. AmTaBla,a'. "' -Tat NlMMfi H wrU (CIAL rLl'BBMO R1TI1 aaa IB IBM paa4 Mat- ink LaTXST XX W. WaMMarTO. J- C, Oatabar IS. TWa area aiaAael ay daatracaJve taja aaralac a 1 'viae. de RntllWiMra W O. M Bricki. J. - K. BaaBla. W. Z. KttlM, prti4Hr M Maaaaaa' HlMi. Bea By Spacer Bras Bee TaaaBitta a iaa tra ia aa ttotn. Taa aaar MfM fcr Brht a4lURi a4 la kana Beoa y 8pa ' aaar BnUM ajar mJ y O. Bw MT4. a Oraa.UJx 5. C . ibow loaa 'la 93M.m Iinmm. Bria.a.'e loaa WSLjIU). tMIMM iXX SMttB1! kM la S100. tMrM 00. SiwMMBfw-' la inaaraaxa I.0 Moa-toa ia3BCv. m lMrttc. Taa total laaawt f U.0O. wka a total iaea- iti ko ah ti. sjaa tioy J wara eUaaaad t tke f laa taa. Maia ta tax wa Lane Bra tare aaafca. buck cm . M. C Oct. li Jaatja Qmarf w- Lc. Saparioc Car JaJfe 4 Kara, CarvkLaa d4al aat twt BtCaiaaaey Vck ukt di'm fir im fcara taday. Jixir Loan w tear aa till aa aaacte Mufxrw OwtefcMtia l3. fwf aatea h M4Mh, m admitted to jw.-u tm 1M3. we aaecta U au tha Ciaiaieri : i fear of laa Coaati- CMfMwi c 13 aa a BMWWrtfU LUut 1M7. waa KeM Ja4a I IS, waa U k-i mt 5orB Carol iaa we 14 aevv" eiial veare. Ua araa a Wlui Mtf laa war ui a CakmJaa rtc aaa Bapab l laa timtm. Urn aMaiaait gvaas aaaa rtaay ky nathtic aomf usloai of -kmW aTara mm. Bacara the war a raaa fiaa Caataia t Qsasral la the 8tMv ratlriac f tv ik i kt I Wa i triM Jadi Lacaa awJ CaiaMy Boak . a tm root f BU aaoatij. oa o Lh scat okail flaaiB la U 8At. WtMmmmm, OoC It TW PrwUrai wJif af ! Ova. Ota B. EUaa. llllanai. ta a Cbaaaalmlrii ar o Paa )ai Oaati Kaai ago fai al th -aaoa afloa) imU avwiiat aaxt alr lak - laai i aaik dt aSa araavatad to ta-kia W tW 4 lTiakaa a4 at&ar aar. LBSBOBt. Oo. !. TV Cua Pora ra.k ka km Ul for aoaaa Una, at4 M It iNt kkia Baarsiac. TVa Data a mcMM. MaX worn mt thm KteC aka aaaonila Bo Imm ikraaa. U1 ana ib law liaia aa Carloa. hnUia. Oct. IB. TVa Sattaa kaa giaai kfta BrBLka aoaaal aara a wrfeaaa j,nailn Uaa ail akiUra kora ia kia aaaalahia aTtav tka tm ot Jaaaary asl aaail ka fraa. TVia ia ooaaiJaraJ laaa a MaaMl- a-ar iaa to a Care- JocxVaL mad Yolh' Companion $ J .'"' Amar'n A jrlculiurn t 3 2) Soalaam CaltiTator i 25 Damoraat'i Maaxine ! 8cUntiflc Amaricaxi 4 00 Ht. Ntchola .... .00 ' CaoUiry Droit Frmm Pr 3 30 Xorth Amar. RTie 3 Saw York World. J Star J 2' Homt ajid Farm '. "5 Countr Journal - and Obarrer J '0 Harpr 'a Uiuii( i V) Weakly TO Yon ng People S "0 Atlanta ConUtut;on. .'3 (Hi tubacribari rcc.a( ;.". J r UL, aad daairing to bar acy of thM papara.eaa. bf making application to Um oAc in prn or by latter, ha-.-.- a Maiaaaaat ot thair account on our S - n aao-wing what lhaj will hare to rr-1: to aatitia lhatn to any of ti-.a iNjh ealioQ thay mar xiact. CITY AND VICINITY. A TOTAL WRECK. 1 Thi ;.-a :u "hip rioneT," of Ihf Cljdf 1 I.ini, Da.bfJ to I'lfces on Ike ShoU Ni'ar Orrarokc I.lrht Sa'.urJav morning tba tohooner Baaaia. . apt T. F. Williaan, of ()cra-t ke. br uijht to ibn city tha craw of ih C.i J iico ilrtmihip Pionear. ( apt. i Norton, which now hai on tba iboali near ( Vrac.-kf a complete loaa. Th Flchiit wii cn the way from Sew York to Wilmington, N. C , and w4. da on lt Tuiday. Sha n prieocd Tery rouh weather cn Mon !t and tnat niht the ftorm became ao : !r.'. that the ti vl w at d rTan a bore . :T '-r-' k- '. iht. The ttorm con tinual. 1 ' n W e 1 r.e d ay ' he Pioa aer wf nt to p:.-,.. Th" stoan-.or : about in hundred : n buriJ--n and carried a full cargo o- k'.--i1 freight. Sne hadontjard r Wil otber rti in- DANIELS WINS THE RACE. t : W 1 1 , 1 a; erti;'. 'I t:io ti le - "ti "1 'in IUuir:. t Tacc in t lie a I toruv n w ' ! iv nd a by Ianif . .Ve. 'lie ;:i!i-r "f the l: o Kireni in- t uri'a:ni,:i ltalniors und T. ror'.h of goodf f . I'LBJCH Clean Hi- O Et-BiRTs -S;.-kh .!-r. r F 'Of. 1. H C l Tucs mir.iur m rrhar.L . bendn f re. iht. Nimi of the freight uri'd ic lonif u no. A gr.tln-.r . of ihn city, who wis al '.-r'?'k Jur;c thenuirm witneaaed trie wrck;r.g f the tteamer. It wu a kk ara BaaaaTB a haa faiar r. Oa. 1 Tka lock -oat o ifaeaarara mt mit aiaoa Eaxaa tkoa a4 tC vavk. Ira taoo ni Cakaaa. vkaaoaaaoaa tka Urjai Ma aaa af atrga aaaJtara la mil tka faaaorUa. ' aa ageaaaahla aakara aa4 of a BJ la tmmrmd ia4 sa V4aaca aa4 aaa Arm UmMUrt, H. O. . Oo Soaaataiag ol a kara yaaaartlay ky wktea aaamaaly kM a tUala ammiUnT.C. ioaaatoaw af ikla pXaoa. a iaa koy. M ra. Jaaay aJaa' to fail ika acg aaj. M. Jooa faiJa4 ka a aaamilar aUaasp, ka4 ariiBBBt raa aa wiaJk aa aia aa4 aaarty aa atf iaa aaa; a fcaa4 kafora tka TVa fcayja araa aa 4faa4AtlIr ilia. . U araa lakaai ka CaartoBia a., ka araa fea4 tka wail k BikB ka aaaiW Oua. IB. CVariaa aUVAXXAJa. Oa.. Oarrsa. aaarrr aa ktUa4 taraay a LoaaW City ky a 4VWtf BBjatioT wkiXa fiatailac arrawa. tBrB U Ua VaXi araa Wa4 mmd Ib k kaUawaa) Dka aitiu Braw la to aaiaan iaa 4aaia aT Bartka. DaXUdOoft. H. TVa aaaacad pawpla aa! UaaaiT Ua4 ko aarOwanac T aaaar a iaa 13araa aa reaaa wkioa tWy tka aay k faUB i mm4 araf4 far tka aowa ac aaa AiaaJakar ka raiaraa iaa iHtli ac ikaj 0kaata f rei l laBBf Bay wma iaa day aa it ooarramaiaa a ooa- aa laalJaaaeoiia for 4amlka. oa kaaai or aaAar1a airraaa la iaa Soata. A 8s. Laaia aaya aimiiar Iaa taw aa taa aoaoraw .tr are !. ; r i r.oi fooolf Jan now. A i . r.-1 Mr C 11 Mlark i mil ao U rar cui of bia A wn . oa Poilock atrt Tha old tnmr.t h u r. rv. n tr(. .-ppo:-' the J ksi' . kaiag rrpalrd. An ofviar for jjb-work ail the it frvaa Florida haa jut be n turnrd out ky tba JOTMiL effl.-e Tnraa hand torn a moo am en r aoipvod to Kiaaton laat week frcm tha yard ot Mr J K. Willi Wi acknowladga receipt of an :r.. tatioa to tha Ed e a to o fair which will ba haJd October to Norember : Tbera wara thirty ooe coot ar 1 1 -r. at Iaa old M E church Su nd ay ni ht. boat t'300 wara raided for Iropro"' aaael oa taa bulidiog Wa ara In foe no ad that a lyndicate wii J bay tha Saw Barae gaa worka and aataklaah an alacuio light plant, all to ba andar tha aaana m anag mac: Cap. W. A. Dardea will addreaa the paoola of La Orange and aurroundicg oodalry on tha parpoaaa and objecta of iaa Farmer ' Alliance, cn Tuea-lay, o 13 iooa tha aixty li imu.ic.i ap poaatad by ehiaf marahal Carr for tha FayatiaTlile Cantannlal. which op-rca woraaa bar 10th. wa notice tba aeiaction of Cap. Mat t Man lr from New Dama. Wa aotdcad y-aaterday tnat T. J Tur aar A Co. , f arnitara daalar on M idd ', aaraa. kara pat a atock of furniture la to tha balldisc flrat door north of their tor a. They occupy tna two ttorea BOW. Tba eottoa axecanga platforoa ia now ooaaactad with tha Trwnt river ateam ra'whaxfaad tha E CD line by rail p4na rail Wa wara told that thia Ha tha kwfloainc 0 tha Saw Berne and Ooataw railroad. Mr. Jihiti W. Watara and Miaa Klor aaoa Bryaa. both, ot thia city, wara max riad at tha roaadaaca of tha paranu of Iba krMa Uat waak ky Rar. Dr. Vi Wa toaa iaa friaada of tha aawly mar Had ooarpia la wiaaiag tham ail tna bap paaaaa aad proa parity wa know them to ka daaarrtauc. A party af eight gentleman from New Ealaad aa atovp4ag at Hotel Albert i TVry wara kara daring tha war and are ' bow oa a riatt to tha oi d battle gronndi j TVaaa axa iaa gaotlaaiao. that had pre- j aioaaiy pJaaaad ccanlag and wara pre- raa tad ky ia bliuard oaa time and ) aaarmaUaa raV"1'00- aaotber time. an 1 d iah 1 t, : 1 1: . .r. a u r i r. - ha r. r a r '. v S '. Tho p;:r' ty . for t.'.e r:u e were F I . 1:iu-'.h. 1V.:..' . W:.: Hr..k, Wi", Wir.ii and C-y . .lords::, of Halei-li. I', t .m; w.'i: t,y P.i::.. '.. wi; .. tv t!.:5 v;. torv.,l t.-'.a'.p '!; ; ::i;tr f the Hlzle. 'Tho h.-.i: vr. '.' jar T!.- :.i,---t. k p:a, n front of tin- ; i i " s tai, ! and wa. w.'nd h t:r::n-:id us crowd am id rn 1: o n : !i us: a.:n . 1 ! .r ,'o;i' 'an: a", ran t.v--t!;-r. ''Two hratn wr'1 run 1 ' ' r-: :!.c time o; ilanuv- wm :; Mc ' '; t:io .Mi ! 1 , : t ; :r. t a - ' ' 7 - ! . , : , : s .:.",'. : 1 an i 11 r " k '. ii ; : a MAiiMKiiLM i'a:;k. T h At (."eorfro Vanderbllt Will. do Willi lour Thousand Acres of Ind Near Aihei i!e. Amiei ii.i.k. N. C . IV-t. The pur chase of four thonsand acre of land by (iao. andertoit in thesuburcs of this city ia now a matter of current notorie ty, but hat be parpoeee to do with bin real eatate here ha been, up l) the pre'nt. a matter of conjecture. Mr. Yanderbilt ia now in the city. He brought witb him from Ne York city one of the beet known architects of liotham, and a landecape gardfr. er from Kurope. It i now certain thut he i.l make hn large 1 a n ,i into a piirk not r. !;ke Tuxedo park, in Nw Vi'it The work of laying off thee four ihou aand acrea will begin tomcy ro w , mik ing drirea. artitloal lakea. fountains and otber natural orca men tat ion suited to the location. The property embraces many eminence that command vi-jwh of the aurrounding c.iuntry and are conaidered the finest and most compre- hniirn in Ikij 1.,,-tmn. T)i im rir.inwrrT me eighteen cf the j, be made far the mo-i magnificent and moat attractive of im kind H be round in the Mouth. It w.u graduuliy be made a resort f r Northern mil lionairra. each of whom will own his cottage for aummer uee Amoon others will be a club house, the moet elnborbte and elegant in the .Sou:bern .St8teg tl 1 r r r r: The terrific rorce r. d cr of the huge liy. aeething -. . :i the a h o r e , the Le i nr whirling, ar. 1 upray.thrilled ' ith awe The ahip i :. ! n :-. dr:er. here an i there at t . rr. r v ' '. n win 1 and wBrea. until ; . : : r g : ! ahe ia aent high n the r .aia M".e l r.gera hero a whiie and t he n w i th a i ad den crarhing noiae i daahed in pieea. The reasel waa completely- wrecked and bar cargo a - at r r . I t tf S' . ;,tm .: 1 t There ere fcur t u'i N. r v r. came to the city with ; tarn and tirat n:te were f th-. r:k n valued at about tnt re was r.o marine in- tota". ' will probably NOKIli ( AK0I.INA tS. From the Mate l'upeis. The State Fair waa sUo a aurcees in a pecuniary point of view. The moet wanton cruelty the Mur phy Bulletin saya: "Some fiend in human shape cut off the tail of a horse belonging to Mr. Henaon Taylor on last Tuead ay night. ' Oxford Dav : E M. Fsecue, Eq., of Jones county, ii in the city. He brought Lis daughter, who is attending Greens boro Female College, and placed her under Dr. Hays' treatment for some eye trouble. (freensboro Workman: There hare heen freeh diecoreries of gold near Troy, Montgomery county and some-1 thing of a boom has been awakened. The precious metal found ia generally on or near the surface. Wilmington Advertiper: The lare and co tnmod iou s o flic ? of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroal company, on the corner of Fourth and Kedcross street, and also the depot are 1 5 be lighted by e ectrieity. In all there will be nearly lights tued. This will be a grand and magnificent display. Asheville Journal: We sa toJay an apple which weighed one and a half poun js Thia apple was raised br Mr. Daniel Davis, on Spring creek, in Mad non county. He passed through the city a day or two ago on his way to the State Fair at Raleigh . He ha i twnnty fotir of the;." appl 9 wl.ih jut one t u she! . 1'ndi r the head of North Carolina news. ( n the lirst page c f this paper, is a p a r a g r a p h a b o u t the Cipt lire ofa gang ' of r.egrt) thieves in Charlotte. The i.'8'ti'r "f ti." gang. Bill Alexander, has since bten tried in court and convicted. The penalty is death. In-tead cf 5100.- O 'o. n should be about Si COO worth cf goods etolen by the thieves. Durham tilobe: Mr. J. J. S to we. v. ho for years past has been the eflicient and popular gen-'ral secretary of the Dur ham Y. il. ' A., has tendered hi-i res ignation to the bourd of d i rectors of that .rgar.:. ition Mr. Stow e has decided to enter the ministry of the Methodi-t church and i 1 1 m n U e early appl icat i n to enter the Northern Aliibama Con f tren e. i s-ive Far no r: li - 1 igh l r I ' 1 1 r t h 1 J eek . tr.e annual exhibit ar 1 1 n .i i d ire d 'M'.i n and wi'l t e held It will b i i-i,el b v Amorg the it trac: i : g, .M A rtH I KI) A correet ondent fr .m Moreheaj City ; writes t'.t Mr. John II. I'iaton and Mies Ida L Web'n, of that town, were married in the Baptist church on Wednesday evening, C'ciober 2d, Rev. T. J. Leary otliciating. He says "the bride was beautifully dre.-sed and looked as freeh anl lovely as a young rosebud in early morning." and that ; "quite a Dumber of beautiful presents ' were presented the bride by her many i friends " Anl rviis. "we sincerely j wish the happy couple a long life of , peace an .1 happines.-. " I At Polloksville. J, ;-, .s count v. Fridav. ' October IS. Mr. Frteman Wilcox and i P10NEER Miss Lilly Fi: patriok , bot a cf this city . Reported to bo a runaway r.i tch. i.i:wi;ii, power Of the various Baking Powders illiiB- trated from actual tests. ROYAL ' 1 r""TTnrn i 1 iiiManiaaaBaaaaaaBaaai GRANT'S- (Alur.u. . BaBBBBBBHBBBaaBaBBBBBaai RL'KFORD'S" (:;..h,. . .BaBBBaBBBBBSBBBBBBBaBBw HANFORDS iv JOE K. WILLIS, I'll OPI1IETOK EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Marble Works, I n this i fi at 1 ") minute' thias Manly, and C'cr a A o 13 days. O.t. 19. h, p ro . Mat harlea E. ' o u t h .i and Nkw Y' !( b i r e I y s t - a Oct'-'L: r. Nov. !' i. J w.uary . Februarv Mai oh New 1 : r r CHARM ,.ljm r-jwder)..! DAVIS' ii.d 0. K.- , Aiumi CLEVELAND'S I ra;.. . - . CZAR . DR. PRICE'S SNOW FLAKE o '.. if. CONGRESS HECKER'S GILLET'S HANFORD'S iN, nc Su. h PEARL .Andrews ;.: L . RUM FORD'S (Phosphate 13crnc, 1ST. C. ; in Tin: ' :v i ; : of; H Bell T(i3 Jeweler" Will convince any one that wo have in Btock the LnrRCEt, Most Varied, and Complete'Line of Diamond, Watches, F'ine Jewelry, Silver-Ware, Fancy Lamps, Riirmi kc. ' fold and Silver Head Canes in the Sit'.-'. It will be to uuyers interest to sea our goods before pu-eh.-.Mng. when riot fresh . .aBBKwSBB j jrrii . t Fiaur - s of 1 "T.Ti o A 1 1 1 . ,T;i:.. '.'. A : .' H'ke: k'. s dosed bales . 10 04 '.U 10 10 16 : u u i lU.tij b .lit -4 - N I ud ing i r ru . : h.-.rd irt it oo'.O. I" por ii;. IUUigh F.-"o will have ul, I; witl le of th'- N il Icdustrnl A-s. at Cam p li ; --el tiov. Foul, mi- Oj. pair' half F? r 1 1 1 i a d t Marriage at kloston A brilliant marriage tvok place today i iOct 16 at 9 o'clock at Bond s Hill, the reeidence of the bride'a mother. The conlracthcg parties were Mr. N. J. ! Route and Mia Mattie 11 Rountree, the charming and accomplished daughter of the late Dr. F. M. RouDtree. The ; groom is a talented lawyer of brilliant attainment, is deservedly popular accomplished to reetore life. He died i wbererer known, especially in Eastern at t 30 o'clock on Sunday morning. ! N- C.. and is the son of Mr. Noah Rouse The tody was Ukrn ia charge by Mr. ' of-ra'' Fatai Rij.t from Asphyxia, Mr. N North, from near Waahing ton. atoppmg at Hotel Albert, retired to hu rcxm Thuradaj night and ne glected to entirely turn off the gaa. Ha was found nnconacioua Friday morn ing and a phyaiciin waa immediately aummcneJ who did all that could ba be a colored femile bra- military coibpscy of clored K H. Pickles and wife, who were here rith lliii Balhe aere Rountree, Mr. H. E. during the iickneaa of Mr. North, and j Moaely with Mias Liilie Rouse, Mr. A. carried to Washington on the ateam i aaart ar tba araat alBryi , aa Saadar. Bik Rrr. A- Taa DaTyrwr araa soaaa arata t aad Cataalia BtaBna. la 8. rCatkadrai. Cardbaal Jaaaaa Oib- soaaacraaor , A lar-ga it, taotwdkaax UaStat QMxnca. O . Oa. Waaav aaadmaa la aat aa faoaraala BaaJkiataa waa kooad. Htepayaiciaaa ay aa via aaa ka aaaa aa laaaaia fcw i Uaaa aad aoaaiBiy sot Ha la a vary tick aaa. Mxnmnxmm, 9. C. Oct. IL Sariral aat rUa, k asisr taaaa aa iaa traaaaaar aasaaiaJ aadar Faaraaai. k Vald- laasrM ar Baeaaaanu ranrvia ia Taa aliar kaaraa Iaa 4 taa Baafarilaaa aad i far Baraabar arar a kaadrad. eoaa laa Baiaaai iaaaa loais of Vha 1 aad tag i aa hka fcrara. Oa. tl. Saw at ai aaya ago it araa errata i ia Baaabarg by taa dkaaorary of aaWtf lay s aaa ar. a aaborb ef that eity. atat la fea dataHa BB tacraa parpatratad Today aaatbar aaraexty siaaOar io tha aaa ai lunl aa taa 19n, taa data of taa tra. araa aaartad ta Baaatarg Thai Viiar taa rfaniai waa a baa yaar 4 girl, aa4 taa a Iaa araa aaora ha taa aba ra star taaa tka eaaar TVa aaiU waa artaaiaailr aaaaaUad aad traatad ta B aaoat braiai ataaar Blaia by tba aaa of a kaife ooaeairan ia. Taa aaatiliatioaa war bom My raaoit- Tba body waa faaad la aa obaoara i tg Uaaabarg aad iba ertaaiaal a af Laatdoa ar Bf taa iiauiiaalr iaa U taa. Cp ta aoaaht aa aafraaa baa kaaa aaad. aad tka aotaoa daoariaaaat araoaa to ba eatiraiy la aaa lark. StonWaJl Itanu. Wa ara kaaia aaaaaiScwal waatbar tug Lime Maaaey. Mrs. Picklee, we , learn, is a daughter of the deceased. He waa about sixty yeara of age A Cure for Diphtheria. The following remedy ia going the rounda, and Ii ia claimed to ba a sura cure if carefully adhered to. "Take r jaal parts ;aay two table spoonfulaf ot turpentine and liquid tar. , put into a tin pan or cup. and aet fire to the mixture, taking care to hare a large pan underneath a a aafegnard against fire. A denae reelooas imoki ariaea. making the nm dark, and tha patient aaama to experience immediate relief; the chokinr and rattling stop; tha pa tient falls into a slumber, and eaema to inhale the amoke with pleasure; .the i fibrinous membrane soon become de- tachad, and tna patient coughs op mi I crobaa. Three, if caught in a glaaa, mar be axn to diaaolre in tha smoke. In the course of ibraa days tha patient : wall oo tha road to recorary. " Wa wiaa tha en a riaii raa article la thia weak a Jj; HiU baa dad "A TLanaiy Warning." wrilt.-n by Rar. E.iward DolL, coolaio vrry baa adriea. Erary one who handlea a (aa at all ahoald read it, anl than practica tba rata which Mr. Ball sng- M an y of tha ear ions accidents that hap pan erery year come from the fooiiah, aoaaenaicaJ way in which Sraarmi ara handled. The rule referred id U a rary aimaie oce aVcudantaliy Shot Hitnaalf Mr. Seta Parrott. ferryman at Street a farry, ap Nauaa rirar, want cut to ih.'( aqairrala oa laat iaturdar, ani irci- daataiiy shot himself. We learn that ba wu tak ing Lie gun fr oca a boa t . polling tha anaxxla towards bimelf TVa haxaaaar atrack ecmethicg. the raa firad and emptied the load into the aid a of tha man The woual n not thoaght to ba damterooe. bat is itk ui Dr. Soaith attaoded acd extracted the sao from Mr. Parrott s aid e Tha Data Tixad According to action of the Hoard of Diracaore of tha Eaat Carolina Fair A aooiatioo . ia saaaion laat night, the next Fair wiil ba held on Febraary H to March 1. 1"0. inclaaire. beginning on Moaday aad closing on Saturday. We her flra moo tha ia wbicb to get up another ba; Fair for thia section We ' wall to excel all prerloua rtTorta I et i erary bod y go to work Tba resignation of Mr J K Willis i Sacrrtary, waa oi ared and accepted lt ! Bight Mr O 11 All tba raceacr. (iji in n Thara ara Adva- tag-a Xdl. Wa hat bran Inn Jed ectd tO Pper tr.e If tha faraaar bad aay ooasoa so pack a aa Una aroalat tbay bare Kad for it. bat IbjFjBB Ik I hire bad pttfttag doae t a port a laaall t Md ao far Hwrat po usiiaa ara aat aaar ap to aa areraga. Casra as a bow aa arwraga. TVa I aaa ear; aor a aatta aaftoaa. at bat cava raaa r eowriag. anj aaa treated by Dr. Jao. Parana Tilgbaaaa Peal aad Jaa Weidea. tha aaal aoatraaaor fraaa Y aad a aaar to yaar tty. bare each iaa a raJaaWe aataaai by a TVa Priamilira tUotkst Asaoeiatioa at Oraaasbora waa U attaaiad iaita a larga aroard aa haad aa Saaday. praaaa a a aaa Bar oc aaraaaa aloqaaait aapaaa lea-e aa tha Uoaawt aa ajaasr rana. laava waa aratta a aaaabar rroaa rarxsaa swoawaa aa iha Stata. Taara baa baaa aayaral mmmm of bam arrhaerte fa ka Taxiaaa portioaa of m ft. . . k ikal ITmmrtmm lau aaa aa attack 9 aaa far Dr. Aataaor Ihi Baoraiag ( Moaday L ):cj letter, which waa rr-e:ved a few daya ago by tha eacreCarr ef the B. ard cf Trade Bi ii n iti.r. Mr i'-t '. k -v aV Sr.--.' j .' S- :- . Dar Sir I'nui end vd any ir.f r iaaa t too by ruru 1f thai o i mar have laawad . anowiog al-r advaolag'a for e ta hi ah tag a gtxxi m iipr m .I ammg yoa. t'f curi. itdui(N largely woald ta. cheap fuel, low freifhta poplar oo.l aee ft. tiopa to aooo hear nmathiof Very truly. J. H. Bx is. : i . Wa k oo w cf oo place more favcrably eitoated for a papar mill than .Sew Berae There ia already a po 1 p manu anaaafactory bare- the S H liray Man a factor lag Ccxspany make woodrn piaia. palp, axe Fuel ia aa cheap aa it ia aaywbaie. fre4bt rat a are low. With 5naa and Tram i :- acd tha creak e tribaury to lham which iiT I aay accaaa io ipru ca or pop " or woud f or f a a I . medium wi 1 tiopa to aooo hear eofnath i o TMbea aaaaataa aaa , mi) of tha dartaai iha pas ttaaa Bant that boats aoceae to iha Try heart cf the swampa, wa aaa ao rraeoo wnr pipiar aad oa and almoat 'fn kicd of w o ,) j taaa grow in uu: cannoa o fuhj Broagat to tne mil A a to ncor, m eoanaallt can furnish aa gocxJ and aa . . cheap labor aa caa ba found any w here 3 u.1 akf aJaia that Wa raaeactfally refer the gentleman 9. xi. urir nanuiaciu He Will Kaow Better Next Time. A man living not far beyond Urtnts boro started , with hie wife to New Barne on Tueaday. They d rore a young home to th buggy. When they got to Urajitaboro they stopped at a wall to give the horse water, the man getting out of the baggy and taking the bridle otT the horse, so that he oould drink easily. While the man waa drawing water the horse took a notion to run a little. The lady pulled oo the reigns, bat thia of course had no effect, as the bit waa no; in the horse a mouth. A genuine runaway took place, in which the lady was tnrown out and hart, though not seriously, and the buggy waa smaahe-1 completely. Murder N'ear Pitch K:tUe. I.aet Saturday mghc Francis Ann Harrta. who lived near Pitch Kittle waa ah t anl k :'. led t y J ease Brow n. It ia aa. 1 tlvat Freeman liarrn, huiband of the muriered woman. hd retired and hu wife wa.i cl oe-ing up the houae, pre paratory to ret. ring, when ahe heard an alarm fr ai the chicken house. She wont to the door and tar ted acroas tha yar 1 toward th chicken house, but before he ha 1 taken a half dozen atepe was hotded. 1 here bad been some trou'o'.e bet -sen Brown and the woman. B.nh are colonvi . Tnere u great e xci tement among the colored people on Sunday, and there waa eocne taik of lynching, but Deputy Sheriff ii. B. Blackledge went up early Monday morning and arreeted Brown and he ia cow n Craven county jail. CoroDor Oden summoned a Jury and held an icqueet over the dead body The verdict w aji tnat Francis Ann Har ris came to her death by gun shot, the gun b-tfing in the hands of Jeaae Brown. AllowaaJicea of Board County Com- nt.aaioifri for September. Hubert Meeiy. house rent for poor, S' M T Bryan, burying paupers, $20. F. II Mead iai A Co , medicine for rxir. S'.1? 6 J J. Tilnon, feediog poor. S'T 'J'.. I1.-- l.einater Duffy, superin ten lent f health, ser r icee f n m May 2-4 o . -- lr 1 . -J $74 17. M M. Wil li n. a. T'rj'. r if p.- r. $12 50. Fannie Willia-ris. c.s k f r p--or. ?3 . J. A. Mal ws supplies for county poor h-u.e ?o 7o S . T.adale. milk. So.5; Wm toy. tax litr in No 7 township, $4 N.v Be rue J rkMl. advertising f -r -vep'.err.brr. Si 2 '.'.'. M. M. Manly, f ' r co p i n g ar. i com pi e 1 1 n g the recor d s ' ieat . f (."raven county to date. 8'0. l'v;l Tnjp. f Nr repairing stock law fen -e in N 1 1 towDship, 87 O'c . R. T. H '. abernT of Baufort county, $.7 - , W B l ane, aheriff, conveying luna'ice t -. Faetern Inaaae Asylum. :.''".. W 1 Line, sheriff, fee. 830.40. W H ohen.'T. feeding prieooers. jyl J A Meade i, for rraanev ad Tr. - ' 1 on repairing bridges; 8o7 32 . Jim.' A Bryan, chairman board of county com m laeionera . per diem, 811. r NV Small wood, wmmmioner, Dr i ? . '" Daniel Lane, commissioner, p t J.fiu. S'j . ' J A. Meadows, com -mijiaioner. pr diem, $34: William t'leve. com m ;a i oner . per diem, 8 10 50. J A R.charJaon. clerk of board of ommisai ner. S-4 '.0. New Berne J :-,: alverlising for August. T. Hill with Miss Mattie W. Rountree, Mr. F. M. Rountree with Mii) Lidie Iaseiter and Mr. J. R Hartsdeld with Mis Hattie Slocumb. Mrs. J. T. Mid- ytte played the beautiful wedding march, and Rer. J. J. Harper, of Smith field, performed the ceremony, after which the bridal party proceeded to the depot where they took the 10 o'clock train for La Orange, the Lome of the groom 'a parents. The happy couple will be at La Granre sereral days, when they will return and be the guests of Mr. B. F. Nunn. in the unique and handsome hotel Tull. The lore and affection with which the bride is regarded was tested by the numerous and handsome pres ent sb received. The beat wishe of an admiring community attend them. Cor. News and Obserrer. JAlh TH E Rl PPER'S LEITFU HI W ARN? WNDOSIMTI1AT HE WII. I. HE "CN TH JoB" tH TOBF.R Io. IyGNlxj!. I ict. 12 The secretary of the Wbitecbapal vigilance committee baa received a latter signed "Jack the Ripper" that reads aa follows: WnrrxcHtPtL, Oct. 9, 19. "Dear Boss: I write you thue few line to let you know, as you are the boa of the vigilance committee, that the laat job was not me. You might bare known it was not me, for I would not hare made such a botch of it. "Nerer mind , young man: yon can keep your lamp open for the 18th of October. I am on the job again. There's no blood knocking about, or I would let yoa see some. Ntver mind look out, old man; you're a brave sort. You thought you had me once. Yours in haste. Jack the Ripper. " The letter ha been placed in the bands of the police. Sam Jonrs' Sayings One man and (od Almighty makes a majority. I d rather boa dead lion than a live dog. Ool enough dogs without me. Beef it worth only four cents a pound. Manhop-d, is worth a million dollars an ounce. When a preacher wiih one wife and eight children can live on S-0O a year, he ia a financier. Yoa want one good man in Durham. Y'ou'vegot snough pieces to make one good man. Can t you get em together '.' There are plenty of men in North Carolina that as ther hare money tbey cannot be saved, (iod may lay them fiat of their back to save their souls. A bowlegged fellow haa a poor chance in this life. A country girl won't have him because he can't keep the calf off ; and a town girl won't hare him because sbecan't sit in his lap. Durham Bun. To the Officers of the TeopIeN Mutual Assurance Fond of LonUTille, Ky. GatXTLBXEj? It givene great pleas ure to aaknowledge tba receipt of your check promptly and in full at maturity for the amount of insurance carried by your Company on the life of my hus band , E. F. DeBrubl, deceased. I take pleasure in reoommending the People's Mutual Assurance tund to my friends and others wishing life insurance, as safe and reliable. Yours rery truly, Mrs Si'San Df.Bruiii.. 17dl'2t Beneficiary. The Colored School At a meeting of the committee of the i:h school d ietrict held Oct. 1st. 1"9. the folio ing teachers were elected to the respec.ive colored schools of the d istr ict : New Brne Graded School, C. E Palmer, Principal: Teachers. George F. Davis. Georgie A . Physic, Betty E Whitty and Alex. Bass. Pleasant Hill, Hyman Thompson and Mary Lucas. Red House. M. D Frar.-di Rockey Run, Jno. T. York. Willis' Chapel, Susan M. I-ewis. It was ordered that the New Berne Graded School be opened on Monday. Nor. 4th, 1 SSS. and that the country schools be opened Monday December 2d, 9. Wat. M. Watson. Sec y cf Com. of ?th District Superior (.onrt, 1 -'.. FAI.I. TEKM. Jonas October Onslow November 4. Dare Norember 4. Hyde Norember 11. Ienoir Norember 11 Pamlioo Norember 1?. Duplin Norember 25. Beaufort Norember 21 Craren Norember 25. Judge Gilmer will preside there i band Hioi g i r s . Winston L a i y : We were chon li v e pears this morning that weighed in tbe aggregate cine pounds and two ounces. One of the pears weighed two pounds and three ounces. They were growu on the farm of Mr. C. F. Davia, who lives about seven miles north of here. We have never in our life seen such fine fruit as we are occasionally shown by the farmers of Forsyth county. Washington Gazette : Lsst week the wheel of a double horse wagon with 14o gteen rails on it. ran over the head of a three-year old son of John Hodges and scarcely hurt him. He missed only two meals in consequence of tbe accident. A remarkable escape. The same boy at one time fell into a well, and when found waa lloating on the water. His mother went down the well and brought him safely out. Rileigh Call: The students of the College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts were out in the fields Saturday in short sleeyes, with hoes, plows, etc., learning agriculture in a solidly prac tical way. Rev. G. S Williams, who has been here for two years paet as pastor of tha Baptist Tabernacle, has accepted a call to the Second Baptist church of lirookln. New Y'ork, and will soon leave for his dutea there. Chasbam Record : There is said to be a blockade st 11 in this county that beats anything of the kind that we ever heard of. An old churn is used for beer stands, a two gallon pot is used for the still, tbe cap of which is a pumpkin cut to fit it, and the worm is the limb of an elder bush with the pith bored out. Tbe amount of whiskey made in a day is a pint to a quart. Wonder if the revsnue raiders will ever find this still '! Oxford Orphans'Friend : A piokage of interesting and instructive books and papers was kindly sent the children last week by Mrs. J. A Simpscn of New Berne. Strawberries transplanted in October and early part of November, mulched or littered with pine straw, cut hay or straw, cotton seed hulls, wheat rye or rice chaff, to protect them during winter will produce a crop of choice fruit in the spring. And a top dressing of wood ashes before the litter is ap plied ia also quite beneficial. Raleigh News and Observer: Mr Francis T. Bryan, son of tbe late dis tinguished citizen of Raleigh, Hon. John H. Bryan, now a of St Louis, has donated to tho library of the University of North Carolina 160 vol umes of rare and costly works on en gineering, architecture. Biblical and Greek and Latin literature. The gift comes in moet apt time as Major Cain and Prof. Gore have determined an ad vanced engineering department. Mc. Bryan graduated at our University in 1S42 among the highest scholars. Raleigh Call: The exodus movement is very quiet here, but is quite vigorous. One exodus agent ia operating among the negroes and the representative of a railroad is here sending the exodusters over his line. They do not leave tbe city any more in the daytime. They have cars attached to the night trains and leave under cover of darkness. Four car loads of negroes have gone from here during this week and another car is tilled to leave tonight. The ex odusters start without any clear notion of where they are going. They are landed at points in Arkansas and at places along the Mississippi river. BASEBALL. New York and Brooklyn Are Playiii? for Championship of the World. Brooklyn having won the Association championship, the two clubs, New Y'ork and Brooklyn, will play a series of eleven games, alternately at the Polo grounds, New Y'ork, and Washington Park, Brooklyn, for the Championship of the World. Of the eleven gimes, two have been played, resulting in a game for each club. Under the rules it is agreed that the feriea will termi nate w hen one of the clubs ehall have won tdx games. Each club to Belect an umpire, and one of th moet important points agreed jpon waa the authority of the umpire. The games will be played under the joint rules, and either of the umpires will have full power to fine u player or to order him out of the game if necessary. The tines will go to the opposing club, and must be paid in cash within twenty-four hours, or the games will stop until the fines aro paid. The baseball cranks are intensely interested in the game, and those who have seen the two clubs piny or have received "tips" from Northern or Western cor respondents are offering 5 to 4 on New York. Wilmington Star. The third game, which was to have teen played on Monday, was postponed on account of rainy weather. DO.HK C ' l -tN Oa sacks. Fcl'Mo: - No TVM-XS 1'IMt yellow ,iip. -:-Spii.-.ts Tl'lll R, iS:n s.i. s Tau 8! ' i BjiiiBW AS ; Bzs?-. On I' H.lis--Ci i.-i.ry '. La Hi. Co ji.'.ry. 1 . IJ ay 1 rab tTHrs :;" O.VK'NS - J 1 111 1 or I P'TAT;.T.S - Bahara -0 Peanuts j: 1 j", -lt.r OHIOKENB (IrOTHi grown, 22ia2oc. !ei:.- r;.-.e. r lt--a 'Yw,.i. - 12 .iv-. Staves R O. hh.i. tie- M. Timber Cypres-.. 1? in in demand at 85.00 per M. Shingles West India, dull and Dra ins!; 6 inch 2 C0a2 25. Building f inc.- . jircs. 33.2 0; saps, 81. 75 per M. WHOLESALE PRICES. Mrre Poi'.K New 812 50. Shccldek Meat SalOc. C. R. 8, F. B's. B.'e.irji! L. 7a?. Flock ? Lard 7.-. bv the tierce. Nails Bariis 10's, 82.50. SuOaB llrsnula:r-a, v-o OOFFKF. li'20c. 15. Salt 80a;5c. oersnck. Molasses and Syrups 80a46Ol Powder So .00. Shot Drop, 81.50: buck, 81.75. HIDE3 Dry. 35 j. ; ?reen 2o. Kcroszne 9 c. Tallow to.rer lb. Deer Hides Dry. 15a25c. when nM fresh .. .BBBBJBJ Reports of Government Chemists. I he Royai Baking Powder is composed of ;::: a:.d wholesome ingredients. It does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other in juncu , iti'ttanccs.-LDWARD G. Love, Ph.D." I .e Royal Raking Powder is undoubtedly ti.f purest and most reliable baking powder ottered to the public. " Ilrs'tY A. Mott, M. D.. Ph. D." 1 . K yal Baking Powder ii purest lnqual-a- ,; ' ihest in strength of any baking pow c r - ! '.o.ich 1 have knowledge. " Wm. McMurtrie, Ph. D. ' " All Aium baking powders, no matter how high their strength, are to be avoided as dan gerous. Phosphate powders liberate their gas too freely, or under climatic changes suffer deterioration. Italian and American Marble and all ' qualities of material. I Orders solicited and given prom,; attention, with satisfaction u irn teed. G. E. MlLI.EU is my agent at FIn.i and Alex. Fields regular tra.l ., agent. STATE OK Nolt I'll ' 'A Kol I N . , UUB.iev 1 'only, 1 . ' o , : t Ell W. D'.XOn. Pdlll'r Wit M ti.e V. :oo . y., of Serena tl inev. J. h. ;;i:VA, Ym. I. II. (I UI:R. ire Tm i;. I!. iill!;ms, Casliirr. THE mmUkl BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. 1 NCOKl'l 'KATI.D 1 ' 05. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus x'rolits. - bC.,700 DIUEiTOIwS. Jas A. Buy a n . Thomas Daniel, L. IL Ci'Ti.nt, ('has. H. Bhtak, Geokoe '. M. Simmons, G. II. R0I1KUT8. 1 vs W! ' ' 1 1 1 X ' uretfrd, : and 15 over' . , (3? SEND FOR OUR CATAtOGUEawp PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, IN D. Lucetla Reeee. Amelia IIoM.k, I Asbor, Lucretla Millis and W assignee of Lmauuel Dezay, I )e ,'e no' a n 1 s To Lucre tl a A ber and l.ueretla M 1 1 lis You and each o you will take notice I loit an action as above entitled has been e-on meoced In tbe .Superio- roun of Onhluvi county before tbe Clerk thereof, to ell reo ! estate to make arsets to pay the dehmaml t-barges of tte administration of tbe esiute of Serena Hney, deceased, and iir hereby required as devlBees of the tld eei " na Honey, and as parties defendant to ihih action to appear before the Clerk of tbe hu perior Court of I inslow county. Nor' Ii inro llna. Bt hlsomee In tbe town 01 .Jin knoo ville, N. C, on tbe 21bI day of icioiier., and answer or demur to i lie plain 1 : n s pen tlon In thia action, or the plain ti II w 11 ! uip y to the court for tbe relief demanded 1 0 Hie said petition. inis 2d day of Septe ruber, is.!. I'HAI ('KKOCK. .In . sepo wUt Clerk bup. court ol OiibIow Co .l.s dr , nubt Peculiar For Sale, One Becond-hand Vertical Boiler of thirty horse power, in very good con dition. The boiler is made of extra heavy iron, and has only been in use a few years. Needs no repairs at present. Two Vertical Center Crank Eogines of ten horse power each, fitted with link, in good condition and ready for immediate use. Apply to JAMES REDMOND. ocl2dwtf New Berne, N. C. tho vegetable .Peculiar Iti and economy saparma is cino tf be said. VV One V" C tV lis Many peculiar points mako Flood's Sar saparilla superior to all other medicines. I ecuiiar In combination, j.roportii and preparation of ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses the full curative value of the best know n r e 111 e di e s ? o f strength VHood's Sar- tho only medl- which can truly One Hundred Doses ollar.'' Medicines in larger and smaller bottles equire larger doses, and do not 11 'c as pood results as flood's. Fcculiar in its medicinal merits. ITood's Parsaparilla accomplishes cures hith erto unknown, and has won for its the title of "Tho greatest bloodltt purifier ever (liscovored.''r (7 i eruuarinits"gooaname at home, " there Is now riore of Hood's Sarsaparilla sold In Lowell. Blifre JVit Is made, than of allr otlier blood puruier s. rvr Peculiar 11 its nal record of sales phenonie abroad has no other preparation ever attained such popu larity in so short a time, and retained its popularity and confidence among all classes of people so steadfastly. Do not be Induced to buy other preparations, but be sure to get tho Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold br all druggit. Jl ; six for fi. Prepared only by C. I HuuD i Co., Apothecaries. Lowell, Mai. IOO Doses One Dollar CLEAN RICE, Whole and Broken, Sold Cheap. 1,000 PRESENTS To Be Given Away! Shoes! Shoes! Hats! Hats! Shoes! Shoes! Hats! Hats! Large Drive in Tobacco Prices raDging from 15c. per lb. up Dont't forget to call and examine my stock: of various other Goods at LOW PRICES. Yours, anxious to please. t- J. F. TAYLOR'S, Wholesale and Retair.Grocer, Foot of Middle street. New Berne High School FOR BOYS AND GIRLb. VALUABLE C. 7 K-,,, DEox- Sale Ht TY New Heme, C I Ah at'en 1 f for o v HrtHy Kiel 11 'C ; 1 ; : 1 1 1 ' j ing 'I en.-i-: h.-d imp t'lly of ,e V Mi : 1, No. 1. U II A 1: h l'Ul NT ; lie .udi H 1 "'I'll KISl.ANI. j lead 111K 1 her, I o t . A IRO, Wlilel f.,.;,- ' t . on , s 1 i o. i f , II' A T ii't 1 C. R. Thomas, Jr., ATTO kN BY AT LAW. Omn: Craven 6treet. near Pollock street, two doors north of Jocksal, office. Practices In Ciayen, Carteret. Jones, Ons- iow ana r-amnco ooanue, in tne Bnpreme Court of the State, and In tbe U. 8. District and circuit Courts. October 18th, 1889. dwtf Genuine Choice Pale Cream Cheese In Stock. HIT. XTlieli, WHOLESALE GEOCEK, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. C. The New Open Franklin Atlantic Itaptist Association. I This body will convene with the Bap tist church at Piney Grove. Jones coun I ty on the 2yth, inat- Reduced rates have I been obtained on the A. & S. C. R. R., ; as follows: j From Goldsboro to Ne Berne and ' return, S3 00: La Grange, S2.70; Kin 1 ston, 82.00; Morehead City, S2 15. It is at the believed that special rates will be pro- Your Attention, Please! We hve a nice line of Feed Cutters, Cider-Mills, Apple Peelers, Mowers, Mowing Scythes, Fruit Jars, etc., for the summer trade. Our stock of Paints, Oils, etc., is full and complete. We are agent for the Cele brated "ZEB. VANCE" COOK STOVE, and invite yoa to call and examine it before baying a stove. Respectfully, WHITTY & GATES. jy24 wtf GUINN'S PIONEER BLOOD RENEWER. Purely vegetable in composition, safe to use under all circumstances, and to cure all blood disorders, rheumatism, neufalgia, mercurial ailments, scrofu lous affections, swellings, catarrh and Bkin diseases. For that moet loathsome ana obstinate disease, syphilis, it is a specific, and as such has been used by many physicians in the South, who have given their unqualified testimony re garding its peculiar efficacy in effecting a permanent cure where all other meth ods of treatment and alleged specifics have utterly failed. Its wonderful and admirable effects in rheumatism recom mends it to that large class of sufferers who have hitherto unavailingly sought relief. For sale by R. N. DUFFY, New Berne, N. C. Fall Term commences first Monday 1 fact u in September. vn- inu ." Three Departments: Primary, Inter- . 'j,',', '"' mediate and Academic. 1 n.. ' 1 Building large. commodious, and fur-l1' N1"N nished with a well-equipped Laboratory 1 y v ' K a V' and Library, and necessary appliances ' no. m-; of a first-class Hiffh School. ! "N ' K, 1 faculty consists of live, experienced and progressive teachers. Instruction thorough and practical. Special attention paid to Voice Cul ture, and to physical, moral and spirit ual development. Discipline mild, but firm. Special inducements offered to poor boys and girls desirous of procuring an education. Boarding facilities good Expenses reasonable. For circular or information , ad d res jy28dwtf G. T. ADAMS, Principal, 1,... in... A Il.ll di-n-ty. lot'el her the name , : appll 'ul ion I USiilllll I-1 . docb dwtf YAIDAfiLE TRU'K Lil A bout Fi 1 K'I o, A 1 Hi t uated n ; I . n , I o aide (or 1 1 in k mi n; Ai I 1 Io Barrington & Baxter. Dry Goods and Notions, MIDDLE STREET. Having just returned from the Nor thern Markets, where we took advan tage of some Extraordinary Bargains, we are enabled to meet most any de mand in our line, and we guarantee that our Goods and Prices can not be excelled. Call and examine them while they are new. THE PLAOK TO .BUY GOODS LOW, IS AT ROBERTS & BRO. n the '. i ON .' II ILS .w.iy : - il The s AT . :.:..! 'INK ' ' ' ' I . ' 1 , 1 y It. K. vhIiihI.I. propor- r run 11 t"ii w hlrh I " f 11 1 11 .blied 1 ilk I ' o J,l llielr elbf-e '. .". S I ItKKT, it, 1 .i-I ale Atfla. ;D FUR .ALE. I l: I- I 1 I AMI, ' I lie el I v . I-II II- a I I it 1 n., 1 n . K (. 1. t .1 i Ak.-IiI. may III ' . Slioes I The Tucker & Smith Brand, Best Shoo in the Market for the price. It will cost nothing p call and ei- jyo dlaw&wfim C. ("RAY?-. 1 L Hid k U t A " FOR mEN ONLY! A DnCITIVP For LOST or FAILTNO MANHOODi rUOI lilt GencraJ and NERVOUS DllLITTi "TT "3 p Wcftknesi of Body and Mind: Effect J - AwXal of Error or Excess? f in Old or Younf, Rajbaajt, Hob) 9 II ANIKHlII fullv Hmra-d. How f.. RnUntf mm4 StrsafTthen WKAK, t NUKYKMU'FIl 4iUliAS h I'IKTMnf ROIY. Abao)titely DnrallltKr HOMH TH I TI KST - He nrflla U day. Mante-atiry Tnm 47 Hlala, T.-rrlf nrl. . nnl V on lrn 1 nunl rle-a, Yoa Jn write Lhesn. llooi. full i 1 iitnrt ai ln . and nronfa malle) Xi-ied; free. Addre.ii ERIC MESCAL CO., BUFALO, T. CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK AT We keep constantly in stock Provisions. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to give us a trial when in need of anything in our line. ROBERTS & BRO. E li. Notice. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad Co., Secretary's Office, Newborn, N. C, Oct. 22, 1889. A special Meeting of the Stockholders of the Atlantio & North Carolina Rail road Company will be held at Newbern on the Third Thursday (21st) in Novem ber; 1889. oc22td F. C. ROBERTS, Sec'y. Is the BEST and MOST ECONOMICAL Heating Stove to uae. Call and see them at L. H. CUTLER'S. A o-'.'.er 1 itr. I- 1.. I'larke's r Hub) '. L.cftr. r. 111 Mr J W. Ruby. In ion im "1 have uaei your itra t 1? Plai Papilloni nc f 1 om- . by correapon 1 f -.-al aasaXTB IO .Maui., mmrr ot aoaatoa- paay. new neri. .-a . 1 , Baaa vAil raaava ail iaa ra- , " w - "-r a- " - I earf aeaa. Tm f aeaua y isiotuhimjo tfavaa Bo iraaa eatarra laaJlaraa aa ka aUaai I aat TVa eleaaaiaf . annspoc ani 1 II- saaiiwaa v - - . . . , . ,- . , fa tlya Ceaaaa tUiaa. are aaaaai-a ll1mZrZ kaa ar -oava, 1 Do yosi aaff.r with catarrh o-i cxn mmmZr Bait..-, fraely aa oarW It yoo tak. Hood . Pf-P -ZZLITmmlmom dmtnmimM , Uia. iaa Craal blood porlfler. Sold by IjBlttOaaB f taiai IO Ba. ail iracziaia. I t'ouh Care and lind it a complete cure for dep abated cold. It has done m- than two of our moet skillful phjC rial.' ifv children had the Whooping j-i acd with the aid of your Coujh '.tncT had it very light compared nil bora' chiHren who did not 1: I believF. u to b" the beat cough rurd id th -market.' Si it is A large Kittle only $ '. '"' ' Clarke's Kiax Siap for the Skin. It lsada them ail. Price 25 cents. Coogh Cure and Soap for sale by R- N. DufTy, drugxiat. court of Pamlieo, Dare, Hyde and vided on boat from New Berne : d istance Beaufort counties; Judge Boykin at to Piney Cirove, twenty-five miles by Jones. Craven and Onslow, and Judee 1 water. Delegates going via. New Bynom at I-eDoir, Duplin and Carteret. '"Berne will spend the night there. -- --- ! Goldsboro an i Kinston papers plase STfd from Camaamptloii. copy. everal physicians predicted that Mr. " " Asa B. Rowley, druggist ot Chicago.! -We Point witu Pride'' would soon have consumption caused by an aggravated caaeof catairb. Cus tomers finally induced him to try Clarke's Extract of Flax 'Papillonj Catarrh Cure. He says: "The result waa nDprscedenlad. I commenced to get well after the first application, and am now. after a few weeks, entirely cured." It will do the same for you . To the "Good name at home," won by Hood s Sarsaparilla. In Lowell, Mass . where it is prepared, there is more of Hood's Sarsaparilla sold than of all other medicines, and it has given the beat of satisfaction since its introduc tion ten years ago. This could not be if the medicine did not possess merit. If you sutler from impure Diooa, try Price SlAO. Try Clarke's Flax Soap Hood s Sarsaparilla and realize its pe- for tha skin and you will use no other. 25 cents. All of Clarke's Flax reme dies are for sale by F. S. Duffy, drug gist. 1 culiar curative power. 1 500 Tons Cotton Seed WANTED ! For which we will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Come and see us before selling your seed . E. n. & J. A. MEADOWS. ocl2 lm Just Received: A very fine lot of YOUNG HORSES, good workers and sound. Foi sale at VERY REASONABLE PRICES for Cash. Can be seen at the Old Gatton House Stables on South front, opposite Gaston House, where X Brock will be pleased to see all hia old friends and customers. JOS. L. HAHN. For Sale, The Sea House, Beaufort, N. C. con taining 13 rooms. A large dining room, kitchen and outhouses. Also a cistern holding 3.500 gollona of water. Lot contains 99 feet front and 270 feet deep; excellent garden spot. Also water lot about 300 feet. oc22-dwlm Ladies of Craven, Attentior. All who are afflicted with Female Weakness and wish to be pleasantly and cheaply cured, write for trial pack age free or one months' treatment for one dolar, of Dr. McGill's famous Orange Blossom, to Mrs. S. E. CHARLTON. County Agt., Oove, Craven Co. , N. C oc2 wlm WantedOvsters ! The Pamplico Oyster Company de sires Oysters, culled, rough culled and unculled, delivered at the Company's wharf, Ocracoke. Also, wanted, several vessels of one thousand bushels capacity and upwards, for use as lighters. For additional particulars apply to the undersigned at Ocracoke. F. WINSLOW, ocl dw2m Gen. Manager. The High Arm Davis. Simple, Durable and Light Running. The only vertioal feed Machine. All sewing done without basting. J. M. HINES, Agent. New Berne, N. C. Cotton Ginners. Attention! We are now ready for your orders for the Celebrated Daniel Pratt Cotton Gins, Feeders and Condensers. Everybody using them unhesitatingly pronounce them the BEST so take no other. We guarantee full satisfaction. Send for prioes and terms. WHITTY & GATES, Agents for the Boss Power Cotton Presses. Roanoke Band Presses, etc. aug!7dwtf S,;u Life, lire, e Plato (.la.--K, : The anecta Ben ted by me rri;;il' o, ei $ 1 00, 000. (UK). WILLIAM I New ber 11 N . C tie i -.!; Atlantic GREEN, F0Y & CO. GREAT BARGAINS. The Stock of General Hardware, Cut lery, Locks, Hinees, Saws, Saddlery, Cart Material, Wall Paper, Paint. Oil, Glass, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Iru Pipe and Fittings. Iron, Steel, &c, c, also Plows, Cultivators, Farm Machinery, Cotton Gins., &c , belonging to the business of Geo. Allen & Co.,- will be closed out during the next few weeks at VERY LOW PRICES. Oi l i' r N 1 w Th Pi : 1 1 t 1 , t -; I - I'll '- 'i 1. I 'M- All persons indebted to Geo. Allen Co., by either note or account, are noti fied that payment must be made at an early day. Indulgence cannot be given. L. S. WOOD, augl dwtf Trustee. lot I I ! 1 x 1 .. ; 1 irei' e;if I-'.'"' Kinston Book Store. In Hotel Tull HOlldiii,'. School book, and school supplies a specialty and at living prices. Royster's candy, the best in town; fruits, cigars, tobacco and snuff. Headquarters for fishing tackle, crockery, glassware, etc. Agent for the New Davis Sewing Machine. Respectfully, JOHN L. HARTSFIELD Kinston, N. C. 1'eecham's Pills cure bilious and ner vous ills. X. M. Bltoe x, Manager. oc!8 d2twlm Do a General Banking business. ; ! Nkw Banking House, ! Middle Street, fourth door below Hotel j Albert, ' feldwly KGW BERNE. !( C Notice. Go to the Gaston House Barber Shop for an easy shave and a good hair cut. Shaving 10 cte. ; hair cutting 20o. Prof. W. H. 8HEPARD, Proprietor. I..,,.: now ill the K l o Ht ." I- . Aii'-i Hl'.U 1-t, the freici.i S.ile 1" Toe f",i p 1 li rieeH . :i r t anion ill i i J '. Mi rUn. A .1 1 leiiat.t K ( 1 Culhhert. Wysoii A .lord RiiiiHoni V' 1 1 II Murphr. 1 pkR. 1 Io . pee ciiet . 1 .: J;V Ileum. .r k F W Ilrtiiii eh. J B Watson. 1 lot l 1 1 j-1. S B Waters, ',' unall Li . J W Messic 1 1 rl . .1 C Whitty. 1 r"ii.ler.M r. 1 ; oi J T Scott. Trenton. 1 hlol erori. Dr I. Dully. 1 bx p-it. 1111 0.0 i.-ie Ed Owen. 1 trtin I: TRJarviH. Madeville, lbx medi cine. 1 show card Bridgemari A Co. Nliidi ilie, 4 bxs mtdicine, 1 tdiow card T B Jarvis, Makeley villv. 1 bx hdw I) W McCatiley. 1 ' intlHC Crabtree A; Co. 1 pe.e pipe G 1) Jainion. 1 k I'HStinRS 1 B Branch, Gooee Creek ,1 hx d trunk J C Whitty. 1 condeiiM r, 1 Hue.. M B Will ir-on . 1 b x ink. . Singer Mfg Co. 1 pki; chkIiiii;" John Murphy, fi bx com eoap. ... A H Denmson. 1 car brickbats Jno B Bell. 1 pa I cuds tohaeeo ... Jno C Whittv. 1 k'in mid feeder R 1.1 Garris .V Co. Harlow e. 1 l x seed n A Slemhe per. 1 dust nriet-ter Jno Mumford. 1 bx caslingH A & N C R R, 2 trunks J T Midyette, 1 bx paper L G Moore, 1 refrigerator ,'iy 7fi 2") 2fi ' :i Mt ....-)( 25 T -lli li 22 . 42 10 -IT :o 1 01 2 25 2 2. SI 4 21 2.r) m co 4 c 25 paid : 00 4 in 1.'. 50 45 61 (-0 25 2 64 Also, 3 to -1 tjus i;uiui il0 39 oclSU - ( -' 1 't--. v t,v "it V . . ' ,

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