- ' r ' - " i - . V' - v . . 't . -v. -, J II ill M' - I II If 11" 1 " f ' - J ? " ".-' ! "," ir f-- ! rT'c'ii'i fin !.. n-' - -- a X 'I Sffi ilfif fffff ' 2PIP wP ill (!& ft . WC. Hiaru, I TsTD K H K NT I ) K X T IN ALL THIXGS. VOL. XII. 1 . NEW UK RNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. XOVKMHEK 14, 1889 ' f i 1 IT If 1 1 1 I H K I ll riiKIM. Mil KS. : ' Virg r w as the WW avataTOS, J I, mm m4 iMimi lnliM. A. Tki Hill 0441 WU.L nr ULJtF yaa kM j, i, mm lnii ifcli hiiiiiI ImM to try as az o tSx-w 4 1 1 1 1 ' n 1 1 1 1 ( i fTt A triM nfSi -T irMitm TOXSTCIUCH; IMPiiHE DISSTE1: DISORDERED LIYER ; 9mwr jct l iiac.uro, -i-tii.i ! hve . ' e.l : n thin coaa thdt .Mr. ind that Mr t he i'rt'si ! i ! i - - c i rs cau te i.ijud nature a swEi:ri vicioKV. The etention of l.iht Tiiesi!.' reaJtetl la onpreceiUnrt'il Demo cratic success. THE FARMERS. Tiiere are honest ami patriotic men m all professions of life, but Larsro ;is oar farmers are more uamerouH i.ki tio.xs. NORTH CAROLINA KEWS. Trlaropb in Virgin 1.4, New York than any other class of citizens their !) mi cratic Oliin. New York, hnva (in itein-'C (.aiii Virginia, New Jersey and it! ic. From the State Papers. RAMBLK.S A HO IT T0'. Within m to an mum 1 1 n Pu mtM.im (mm mm. I, -mm---l r v '- cum- m tette Till tC mm HtCMmJH rU.S m T 4 LXItbCt r SXl vf XIJlX H IU Fa Hi 11 wt tt Boc M4r mmmrtm f kLllt k CO.. 1 umi 11 Ciu ti . .'x. 5oi4 jaa ar k KawaM SMak - 1 I' r t&jaa bu kt Li. EJLTL E22C3JUrS PILLS C5 RECEIPT OF PRICE :: L'EJiTS a Ka. rtiiil thr Solid Tijih of it we 1 1 every jia'rintw '..' yraiid uld w,.r'h id" h.-r Qui b t D. N Di rr . r OETTINCER BROS. 3XT- O., i e. i K 'A Haraior tale-at Lowest Prices Possible: l.OOO io. Cou' Spot Co:-., a. tOO Win ( X' BtMf, b: - . . i -i ,A b;n o -4 Si i's boxt Arm miI Hia.aT :.-:. t MM bttU. '. Mm Tork, I OX) pir of tUr Hfx- n i Kit - n A FULL LINK r Qij Goods, Ready Uado Clothing & Furniture, AT BKTAIL AN'D WHOLA I I . W r prp4Ti U fi you lit W B-: lUrfasj 'jt l.-w. '! -. OETTIKGER BROS Stgn of th brtd rr' Sh r KIJJ8TON. N'. C Ajtw, lvv. and New Jersey w.n eipic:eii. SacceMrt in (:iio w,n h n-d lur, t'Ut the fii'i'liiui i f l)cmiicr.i::i' i-unl: d.ite in Ioa v. ah us unexpected m It lit gTiit f U)g. : r i n i . has retiuked M.iliune and his met lux s, the public Sou: h is uu broken a remon- u, enough to till , plr of heart with j v . isnrueiits commini weal: h ;s :i uflli-e of tame. ': l.dii'.- If present accounts are vei r. !!-d thoilisof the Republican party :s int at axe numbered. The ad in ; n ;st r.i t ;on ;. wi.l tve condemned, the tariff doomed and rush of britery and corruption i -rusiied out. I tie li later accounts ii ) not snow -;ie sweeping victory th.it has been .in nouno'd. enough i ;vcomplishi'd to stimulate t he National Pemoc rwy to yet grander a. :i.-v-:i.e!it. in ttie f'.'.'ure. turnt fr. i ; ; . . a r i :, 'he '. ed ' : e i.irger th.Mi which supports ft j-arly Piii.'t.OoO,' : fro :n i 'a r : s. N ov f!, gar: tne i:g;.pt r e - S 1 W a. ; .sh e ran it v. he : ;.e r ; game r '. t: ' l: candle, s r. ' tt r U dis- ' .:. .e w !; the 1 '. : riyr.i:: war. tton M e "-c n ge r of' eared w.:h a game 'MTV um d r H K l.t0.S UK I II K HOI 1 If tiiere be those r :. 1, ,e ; ld ti qilPstO'n tiie wis,! on o! American i n it i ' u ' ion?. l ,i:it the corruption in p '..::. '.: ; re i. : i,- ; :. .it r : lash our -p i i- tlia.SS Ot t !. pei o.'e lire ab'.e. The ! I nits of the Quay and ( ' arksn are that h is influence is con espondingly more commanding. When a few weeks ago we said that tlie farmers of the West had nej V tnaj ,niy. I: i:. declared in their Alliances and he has (Mrri. 1 il,e Sue (rrang. s in favor of tariff reform, ' thousacl m-.j .ri:y. we telt that the hour of our political A,Un v T''!!,rm:i" 1 redemption was drawing nigh. , B ... C , i , f) -. ij. line we d.d not expect such results ,i , i v as w ere exhibited on last Tuesday, aker l.a- irr-0 :. ,. bu" we ..I" assured that the rovo- can i i-- i-i t n:. . I In: ion thi: ha 1 com nienced w ould go on tot tie day of deli verc nee. There e in be ii o ipicstion that the agrtcuUur A associations, of vai.o is kinds, arc having a moet beiietihia! eile. t upon the coinmun- of llo:, ities in winch they are located, an The c . on the country at large, and we iiutcnio , .i in n n.v i trust tnat their urem!e'rs will see that the Democratic party will secure for tl.em, and all classes, the pi;:t;iti ends most conducive to tV.'r wed'are and liapuness. a few davf. n " i ! I .i 1 v meetiDg Uen. Kjbtrt It.udoin in the Work on the water worka for Golds- street. "See here, "naid lie, ' marks ,,( boro is progressing. rain-drops on the dusty walk, and rmn soTal vn-f e98en5er:, htfbri'Iiant still seemingly falling from a i-loudl.-hn social event occurred at St. James . Episcopal church in this city last even- Bky the 8ap 00z tr"" ih no, ing at 9 o'clock in the marriage of Mr. above us.'' Theodore Marburg, of Baltimore, and This afternoon while alone, at home , Miss Fannie D. Qraincer of Wilmin. . twen'y five ton. mubing, nappenmg to c8t my eypn cut Elizabeth City Carolinian: The Eliza- in . he bright 8UD6hine' 1 could r" beta City Fair ODened ausDicionalT. . B18t tne temptation for rambling. Half x- . i . --r-- -j . J- 'C -N '. I. ; .v 0. l;s'J Re in c r e a r p McKin re ov el d inied that -r.t tn ful ni q j )rny i-datur . elecii A see. dated 3 a. State C'o- Hutcl.;-e grad ja!! c !' ; lien ( i rover v.-rnnr For '.e Iipubli ' vnn claim .f ' l-.i-l I.pg. ican - M in ,rh.. n- 1. s the s ii, i i i ; u r h ' t v :e 1 victory for 'do e u , -u d . bat it line ih jy on Never before in the history of this Fair dozen steps, and we were pausing under have so maay entries been made so j the "old sycamores" at the corner of rn7rT5eK?Xhibiti" halL wa8u9uite ! Craven and Change streetn They. , full early this morning when this re- i . J port closed and the exhibits were very Were lvlnK UP thelr BaP crjetal tine and attractive. drops, preparatory to going into w inter Raleigh News and Observer: The ' quarters. These trees have withstood Bo Vie Case has not Vft honn arrh ! tha ofvrma r.f a hi,r,.n,l 1 i:r. 1 d to the Supreme Court. The papers in ! and one at least had defied the liKht the case have all been prepared by the ; ning's terrific bolt. It blazed through I "-.a. defence, and have been served on the J its lofty crown and striking then tr.e uu'"-aul' in capital cases tne law stately trunk ran do wn it . mh r I belt. s r f i mi . ri nrnwilnd .un . . . , . i , moi, mcy may do taaen up in , uenina ine mars or a narrow i.no oupreme oourt at anytime. The harmlessly to the earth. A esse will probably be taken up in the not far away on New street n i . lv.-d near future. , also a bolt uninjured. But another. only a few fet from the first, in the ip: w U: - 1 ' torn; i u r of ; hem t may great r r u : W i in : a e ai . o w ; I ! Yiiv. news from Virginia wa- re- ved wi;h deep gloom af the' ;;;'e Hons,-. ( , , neral 1 1 an ison ii i 1 stai,; n great part his hope : t the IU-; hblican party :n the soiiti) on "i;g;nia. The Jesuit has shown thit his house was built tinon the sands, not upon the so,: '; rock of official honesty and pubhe confi dence. New York Star. mem r it c in, m 1 : t c e : J J. it. i. ,r i The returi.-'. s.-, f is tlected t y ab ;. .Signed t'n take Nashville Argonaut: A cotton fac tory is to be erected at the Oxford Orphan Asylum, to be ODerated bv rh orphans, and also a pants factory is con- e: t ti an Ijwa templated. Charlotte is going to mo .-ratio National erect tabernacle for Sam Jones' meet ing, to be held next SDrins. whih will seat 4.000. Onit nnmhar t persons to the contrarv .ver;;3rt. hwn:- white people have left Johnson countr 1 The weather at this season seems to i:, i Icate that Boies 'or Arkansas, and others contemplate writers yard, was struck and killeu. This all occurred in the same squall. Thus we have conclusive evidence that the sycamore is as liable to be struck by lightning as any other tree, notwith standing the belief of many intelligent ill; C: PUR'. ' r T'!,;i i y arfp. . . u."i plurality. Li jm State Com. the fT'is nt gerrymander it will I -ni'. crate" Iic.j .r.ty of 5 000 ma a . hi 'W Wni. Still Leads SULTAN in LOW PRICES, 1 ne first is hap- eirthuuke d rvuth, the second their party. na h ;he third re- As in ersonal affairs, si it ir Mahone is routed, , ordained in national affairs, that, a 0. :':i s delighted that Harri- reckless disregard of morals and 1. vs oe.-n retitiked, the fifth is honor is the inevitable prelude to ,i : ic ie o er ii io, and t he sixth destruction . The people h a ve been happy to indulge in partico-1 aronsed to a realization of the peril of the country and they have rush ed to tho rescue. The educational process inaug urated, by the great Cleveland oie&sage, has enlightened the maAses, and thev see clearly the Itr- .:-.d hurrahs for Democracy. lm wr.'cr : just from Morf he.ul C htv The fever was on ns for everal ilays, and Tuesday eren- Tiik liepubhcans will introduce a bill in the Kilty first Congress in favor of Kederal supervision ofcori gressioual election, but it will not become a law. The Democrats will vote solidly against it and there will be a suflucieat number of Republicans voting with them to kill the bill. Augusta Chronicle.! tu carry il.e L-. -g;-1 t u r e. Nkw Y"hK, Nov. , i; Tne lO.oO a. m. edition (f the W...r; J fays that the Democratic vie; tv m miire sweeping in ti e light . f t day'- returns. It : s the iJem XTats bavo not only curried th; S:a:? bv from 20 000 to 2 j.O'.1' 1 m -.j .: i : v . bu t ronowing if reports are favorable. fools are not all dead. Greenville Reflector: The other day we saw Mr. 8. F. Erwin bringing a large load of peanuts in town to be shipped. In conversation he told us there was more money to be made rais ing peanuts than cotton. He said his peanut crop this year was only H acres, from which he has already sbioped over a hundred .bushels (about 125 we think he said) and has a few bushels left. When it, comes down to making COLO DarirtOEH. r honour I c- h,llUT. k , . - . ui.u.a bud nav.j gamea ten farmer can make mora m o n p v rn anv. tiierabtTe i. ' tlic I.eiryldturt'. thing he will plant than cotton. And Abijttt. I'tiuoornt. it tlecud m New ic iB BoinK to take a wholesome diversi- fio-. 9 j i . . Jersey. Democrats claim majority of " ti ' f T . S closer stictmg , . , to the farm to bring about better times Lemslature. in this country. Massachusetts an i Nebraska have Wilmington Star: We have had fre-g-me Republican. F. A. O. quent occasion to comment on the new discoveries of valuable minerals and 1 in ci n .V at i . Nov 7 -Unofficial re 8'0Dea a this State in localities where turns, including a few cfrijijl returns, their presence was not suspected. Sev- bave been received from all the coun- . V- 18 ag. We mada metion of the tiWU in Ohi., Tor .i,. ..,,: discovery of a copper vein in working u ui-j. i iii j cuv a piuiaiiiv . tt . - . .l ,,i.,- , Campbell of 11,404. BBW" ,n "aieign. or slate and whet- THK Democratic victory in this ,: chh-aoo, Nov. 7. A special dispatch Chacoal 1?' State is a sweeping one; a regular from Des Moines. Iowa to , tne Journal. and Bince then of the discovery of coal' v-v, .cvo in rne flftmA nonnf.v ( DnathQr n AA mj HUVUUWl IBO tidal wave extending from the Claim tnat tneir entire biate ticket is The Henmnn.ilU T.. t w m IUJ to Vl ISDk n CC m ll 1 m ft: IT V- -':; D :ba:a I Nort'arn Mark'' ''. 'h L.---'. Sail Cheapor than Any One in the City Largest Stock of Clothing in the City : M "a Si frm U-SO - rv i fmm I UI'k' CUk ai Market Ciil4 Clai. to twtlvt jr, f I S-Y tft (x4 Sbo at II IjmaiM' Batta 1 1 ' ' yttm'm ai tV7 Dat, IO- l v lUwt FTa1 CtJtiirt, ti:. lMmw Cirv fJf. CARPETS wtil V d j a oi ha Vf mU tmk at Drt Qok1j ia-1 ioaa w PKiCEA. mm I kv to tuv rot-m. f"T aj Kn iracm S-v-t J. .V- foaiA, J-A- ing i" ros so high we boarded the . . . v a m a aak anil tliov at o.-irlv- thtt . . n . : n frt V, a n V. n w ? Tkn alni.raH ini.arirtnj f-,rlo r. .V,n U ira.n an.i s -. out ior me nsning --, ." muuuuius iw l'io ncnouuir, auc -.-v, ..v.at.v,ua ,.UQJ a.c VU,v t.u notes tne purchase of a tract of sixty grounds. Much a-s wP had heard normity of a tariff that oppresses magnitude of this victory, the over- f.Votful.nf t"at"eeRe?ub: : thrDu-rchare WhiclJ - the : leasures of trout flghiDf ' the poor for the benefit of the rich, whelming nature of Mahnne's de- licans wi.l have seven majority in the valuable minerals i. TwdBwiw a k o,.,., , . . o ihr ,la i. nu i . House aud one m the Senate. .jji.i..i :a a l,i-f hi-,1,1 we had formed DO UJ luc" 1 u'tn iucj " e iC- ieai, can uunio ue appi ediaien . 11 -"'w"1' cuueuto ui me extent ana ade.p.v.e oi-a of th sport. If then, ( oied that It shall exist no longer. 8impIv 8nrpasses all expectations,- ' Cain. i ;u the State a ureu lournaiist,: .a .o. i,ueuuuig yiiiuian. pietes tne eiectioa returns irom tne en- ,i ... inrow an illusive cnarm over every thing, and my mind, embracing Un agreeable deception, lives over my boy ish days once more, and finds in tiiere shadows of departed joys a melancholy pleasure, the result rather of remem brance than anticipation. Oh, yes, gii-e me autumn, give me the runtime of the leaves, the whirl of the partridge, the note of the redbreast, the barking of the squirrel. There is a munu- m them that reminds us of old time enjoy ments when life was young an! prom ised to be happy. "The golden days of all the year, In mellowed ripeness now appeal The goddess of the russet fruit Makes music on her golden flute. '' Being undecided whether wo would walk to the fields or to the river, u t o w came along, evidently in similar doubt If out without leave she seemed to an ticipate no trouble. Looking stealthily at the writer for a moment or two, nlie ; started down Change street towards j the Neuse. After a few steps she stopped, gave a suppressed low. and hearing no answer wheeled and Btarted back; then turned again and kept slowly on. I concluded, after so much reflection, if there were indecision ex hibited in the beginning, she must be right, so I decided to follow and was immediately under two beautiful maples, now in gorgeous attire, and dropping beneath them a carpet of ruby and gold. The leaves of one of the . r i.i t CREAM OA ;' Y''AM - i.oAS I li II n iii rn I i t, r, .. ll.aU III, s,,, L 'J ff &-,P', 1 f$vS ninl n,,,.ii miM USA. i i 1 1 : i .i Tin A i 1H hlO niHi .h W j HAY-FEVER IIIMIK, : ! v. I y 1862. TM A II .. 1888. Vn Li'..- who needs rei'reation d w n li is pen and go Democracy. It is no part of a h.f K m T-vn f k j. , ,, THE people Of Halifax COUUtV, for Governor; Brackett (Rep. ), 126,801: to Morehead. bTe man to crow over a fallen iM " ''Russell ,Demj, 130.S17; Blackmer i Tiik farmers of the I'm ted States i-. iuin :.l l, n adversary. It is right to feed ela a., aio icn.u.j auicu u.r. pro ). 13,f54: Marks (Labor), 111. , " ., r attempted assassination on election Brackett's plurality, 0 9S4 f ! mvu LKat une ui tuc jnu?in.i ui 'Ot- - .1..- K.- r,t n-hlta Tlc-ruv. ti. ST, TU Q . I that spreads llcjt o uckhai i-onoi a. ixi.., . umci tire State, and mike tha total footings The Attorney General's Opinion on the Oyster Question. ,ra gn market for all 1 1 h e i r farms. Tnat , . .T. ' r o-s re ' a 1 lh' ar.d :n t:.e v.e o . o . , T:i i -m I ' : v. 1 : K ; D : c:ni r ' ir g 'o . a :-. e ;i c t I .-;-. .call v onlv one free s A n A I t , rr. 1 mi rift- the nrorlnrt of yt'-j market is Eng. i Mt to ot Vc wi" 10 . . . r : y . v. . .... . . , . , t i in triampu or rigut, m-cause- u is l::e other Kuroean coun- y , ir tTs for tanfi. e i Bae tha freat lesson to oar partv, ii, nr'.il'.f ci'mBoditiM, r.i ' , , Ls in the fact that the constant urn thev tax oars. As nit ot our exports is the dence to pr.nc.plo will have luc- , four urm.it is the iU "ward. h ears t he brunt or tariff ! Lt every Demon at stand to h.s for what he hM J Pi nd lift h.,h h.s colors. They men: the negroes tired on the party- day. Judge DaWolf denying the right from ambush and murdered two of of the minority of the board of canvas- them. sers to appeal from the order of the court directing the canvassers to count th vote of tne tunnel precinct. The court issued a mandamatorv or- OppotiU RapLut Charvis. NEW I.KRSK. N f II . I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iC I k ir.i:i:o' : ; i... e i"t:. t ir. : " en;:r:s i: ,.Tn-!v,': 1 1 s w . . . , n g more lor what I'h.ladelptna 1 Record, n '.ted that the e NN'orld's Fair I, ,: cominj up n. There is no :e : s a lack of will attract oy their beauty, and whoever looks upon that tlag will feI the exhilaration of hope and the luserpation of patriotism. d are e tat: Tne e th , !,e tear VAfl IVIUKIE CIIV MACHINERY CO.. COTTON" GINS. PRESShS. FEEDERS HC CONDENSERS. Th Tc Wiskl Cotton Bin Machine p -r-i wan ar 1 r ' i t . ( II' llM J ;:!-: -rSj-J JT-f Hm4' tmmtm rr W l-t.l Cmnmm MlWt; pi if Wrt tarn prtsj M Tu Tiilli Eli ui Ma:kiairy Cr, ATLANTA. . -' c r.ir e : h n: e :. 1 a'.s ! ;ri. HOSISn). & SOlUTin TlHEE-DmTO ROW WAGON. r that uned and t. . t e co m -e matter by noiecess-.ty if the park! lie park is i of :he Fair. peril the A , rl !. f dcrs-y T.'iursday e ..t Wash ! to Mon t 'it y, Ht.tts received it ''"h and, s':i.e time, c . -i.arked : rt c'atst -. n. ,n g ; he of .U-rsey 1 r ;!' at the ,; the er ; :.) .ate. : i;c first .. d ::... the p:e- of a She THE SOLID SOl'TH. Again the attempt to break the Solid South has failed. When the enemies of the South attempted to draw her sons from their allegiance through the in liuenceof foreign emissaries they failed, and in their dilemma cou o?ived the idea ot seducing some 'I'i,, trusted Lieutenant ot" t Lie South tin 1 Attorney General Davidson ves terday wrote the followiog letter. to liov. i owle : Office of Attorney General, Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 4, 1889. Sir: Replying to your inquiry of the 2d inst., I have to say that in my opinion the Governor "is not invested with any peculiar or extra- der, and Hail and irvin counted the ordinary powers in respect to the ui wiD uul.i p.t. muu ior iuo- , enlorcement Qf the law8 Df this Hatton. Democrat. This decision also q,.- ,i,a t u . t. , covers the legislative contest, and by it Stl enacted lor the protection of the Democrats secure ten of the eleven OVSters and Other fish. The legis members of the Silver Bow delegation, lation On that 8UbjeCt may be found The contest is now as to the certifi- in the Code, vol. 2, ehap. 43, nam- cates of members of the Legislature. I bera 3375, 3376,3379, 3389, 3426; After the State canvassers adjourned chapter 119, laws 1887, and Chap- . j . v.... ..fevco tors t-i a "anil l i Iotibso A perusal of these enactments of the Silver Bow delegation. The will OlSClOse tne tact tnat the Iegl8- 1 1 I . I. . A . .( . 1 j lrv-i-iA V.nn n A 1 1 A. inizc-i ;uui deneral Logan, as already iund crrrtificaten and the visions for the protection of the was th. n made a speech and Democrata-eirct r.-fud thn secretary s citizens of this State who are or iiuiiuiieti v. ui. A'u, i. . c 1 1 e t i ,i n ,1 . u i Jadze Laga-a Aid tior. VaiKe. The recent death of Judge Lugan recalls the fact that this IP 'ted man was ths rir?t person in the State to nominate Col. Zeb It. Vance for (iovcrnor. The facts are these : There was a general big muster at Hamilton's Old Field in Rutherford coiintv, as was the custom in those uavs: ana alter ' election ie me memoers or tne L-egis-t)o. teolir nrv oYercises had hpen 1 'ature, including the six Republicans ncludcd. a meeting was or- wceo are uiigui, rea ana tne otner aeep ' jy k. TellOW. inus. with th nnft ortun mineral resources of foliaee of a laree willow overhannim, WS.tflP.f - i them, we have, even for the season, a , very pretty scene. Following these on ' ' A the street is a row of ash trees. AND i'i ... The willow is an off shoot of a tree at the grave of Napoleon, on the island of , s,.J(:, St. Helena. Capt. F. T. Bryan, a I keep a lat.e, , i, . f brother of our townsman, H. R. Bryan, than am other sc i i Esq., then in the UDitod States army, I take particular pm,- i . i t i obtaicea a cutting, from which his : eyes ol partiesi !;. - w.aw. mother, Mrs. John H. Bryan, grew a 1 tree in Raleigh. From it the writer! Having wo :, : iH :,u i the n t.,-h was kindly furnished a cutting. About for over tinny ve.ijf I i in ve I mn do sixteen years the tree has been grow- as goo, t work hh an w:c, hniaki-r in the ing. The willows in the Baptist church state 1'eetnrles urohriA in l the n for ( Jovernor. The motion was carried unanimously, and the tiles of the Ualoigh Standard of 1 -'... will hnw that this was the jirst pr.h'.tf exiiri'iJt.iii in favor t i in in- auce , ;;i pr. fi Vr lovernor. contagious who coald play the part and secure their end- Firt L.iugstreec was a;:d in bitterness ofsoir;: tli at the heroic men who tields, Coll'.il not he lead against thd South T t dadas thi w selected, he found had fob en battle : n revolt :icn they tried Alahone, his failure is more congpieuor, than ttiat of l.tmgstreet, and If he has a decent respect for the opinions of mankind he will lodow the example ot ins pnoto, j pc , and go out anil hang himself. The fao:;ti. -, 0 now as .-tie ' .f ever 1 been since she laid .'.o'a ;i 1 r arms j1 at A ppo mat toe s. With r.o re j ret f .r hi: .-Y. :', vcita lu humiliating prayer for pardou a'ue accepts the sitiuunii hool ' io- .ir.c. w : i . . : ; s.-v.-roi was eo f A;;' 4': a c I Will. tc : :. rt.-,i by kran an 1 re tirni itl'i-r, htcial od the; aoh ... . i . it ; i ar. ting alter meeting was .ok succes.siiin an over until C.,1. Z-b. R s ma le the candidate Men" fur ( iovernor : ;'. rniahtv than I he 'iuty meetings. le 1 -n th - first Thui'sda v . I .-. by ,,v,"r .mi :.!.-:,,!;. Y Char : . -. tii.it 1 . i v until Yo'h (ionr'oe W. 1 .-hi:! ,-u V.. Vance iris. i heir "--.s never disturb- s. 'iiol attachment, for .n i no man th roitgh- . . odea dU'Ige .tii n.hre than Sen ( 'to- more ti-.' has i ti.at hni'ls S"ii;ittir '. . . j :.-.v 3 uf .i '-' That Fishing Frohc. It was ago 1 one. (JuTiusday after noon. I. S. D. Saul- cf Goldsboro, T. F. Harris, of Baltimore. T. H. ilallison, of Craven county, and W. F. Rjuatree, James Thotcas. Rudolph L'lrich, Dan Jones aDd C. A. Battle, of Sew Berne, left our depot for the picas-urea of trout rixhing in the vuinity of Morehead City. The d iy w.is su a. rueriy , and the may hereafter be engaged in this industry, bat their enforcement, like that of other laws, ia confined to the courts and local authorities, the executive having no power to interfere except when he may be yard here came from it. The ashes were raised in the same time from the seed of a rigorous growing tree on Craven street near Change, though over a century old. Daniel Webster, in a letter written at Marshfield. to Mr. Fillmore, when President, states he had caused to grow there many thousand trees of various kinds where before there were none. His success ia this particular appeared to have gratified him beyond that of the praise bestowed for his un surpassed speeches and orations. Numberless trees could now be grown in this section of country on idle land, without work or attention, for lire wood, timber and fruit. Mr. J. Havens has demonstrated in this town that English walnuts, "nigger toes" ami pecans can be grown simply by putting the nats in the ground. Passing along a purl of wind brought over from a lot on the square back of us, the perfume of a Japan plum tree - 1 I TTT , 1 I , rnnnM in a . rw,ofJf; - i now m uioom. w e were torn oy a navai v-vjo.., l. vv-ucuiuuuuai officer who had visited Japan, that tin ner, to call oat the military power 0dor of the flowers of the tree in that of the State to assist in the execu- distant country was sometimes carried on the wind for miles. This pretty- evergreen, blooming in autumn h?ro. deprives us of its delicious fruit. But Mrs. Susan J. Dudley did pluck a plum fully matured from a tree in her garden which was exposed to all the changes tiou of laws when the civil authori ties are powerless. I direct your attention especially wind just i-ght Arrive i. at M irehead to chapter 302, laws 1889, which it was found d ih.-iiit to procure boats seems to have been passed to meet for the night at a t rict? " loch an up the difficulties in the wav of an- I of the winter. country gero.le-r.a.i uct-hi consider at , forcing the lawa against non-resi-! The penetration of the fragrance of o , . i ii ' Antc nrA ,i, lour wild honeysuckle, howevei. is a.i reoti Y oh A:t,r c.rsiderable dents and others, who carry on , to that of the Japan pluni bl(. "palaver to ! -us were procured, their operations upon water and j gom?. It was stated in the presence of ani every thiu ma ! reidy to "tackle'' in vessels. It seems to me that if the writer, by Mr. .li Small wool, a thetSh. The tp r :s n d i vided into the local authorities energetically wealthy and prominent citizen of New two parti s. Mers lYri-h Jones. Sauls Utililize the powers thus Conferred, Berne, that he, on one occasion, stn.lt. t a. ...... i. u. joici, uttuiB ' J i w a r when several miles at sea off tho capes andllargin. goin.-outb.yond the bar, there Will speedily be an end Of Lf Virginiat Btrongiy the perfume of and Me?srt-. K luntreo, Mallijon. Thomas tU6 COfflplajntS that our laws are I the honeysuckle borne on the westerly CO Ml-. AND s !.;; mi;. SAM. K I.ATON, Mid d I e bI root. Oppoiito Bapti-u ( hurch. f.U dwtf K. R, JONES. Heavy Groceries Dry Osscis c: Nciions. l-llli ' l-i : Cai -.: Sa: lO J. li. joh:: b'!ij,fi Hull. Saw 1to. -,'Vi !' 'A. and Fia'aY cc-nieatin t'umselves with trying t..Yr lu.- in thu chaant-1 a few hundre i av is fr-. ;:i tue railroad wharf. Tne bci s sjnitism c.. v. vtrifurtid out on the a .,. -,o (.-.-an, ' hooked" during tn.- hih.t ah-.,u: throe hundred aj ci-e gr y trout a w, r-j t-v-r led into tempiatijr. t y th.-- c U u a i a of man. The not observed. Very respectfully, Thos. F. Davidson, Attorney General. To II is Excellency, the Governor. and dedicates tier self to ho com mon welfare under the .'." :".:' : di and the I'uloa. Self respi ct and sclh prc.-cr atiou dernana her sotiditj'. LI) ion6' as i Wo. ICS T. i. . Jm mmr- "a - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,-m-r-. m -i-. I - '" r.uroi e. and the she is confronted with a iace issue lift-: oh these ! that threatens her civilisation and Their increase domestic nearth eho will jtand an Sum In Division. ral K in i.v. of Ih-vdut i' ivu a man Y qui "US at was i i. re ived at wind from the shore. Philip AmednH and Arthur Barlow, the first visitors io the Carolina coast, wrote to Sir Walter 1 Raleigh in 1584 as follows: "On lie- second of July we found slml.' I water, when we smelt so sweet and t;rrifts a 8meel,e as if . i had been in the midst of s in- delicate garden, abounding m .11 u'- A n r ,.a -; . . . . - , .i , . , .- ., , i .... I -, nil A 1.1 u o UI JX Cl I1CIUUD u'jwrip, nun in Qnniii nrhinh hna ,,1-1 nn.H i, T-ri- s i""i"-' "am c"u"cu i?lJthe fourth we arrived on the ; n r V II A Dog's Peculiar Mania. T. Jaeger has a valaable field tarn o-ptl , :.ii thus ot the a e entered .em l'.ritish, The effect lar, in olid a a stone wall in deleuce ol season. Anglo Jaxon supremecy, social ::. ike YV;'.m:ngtou a very ;. i co.ua) pori. There is a char fc'e IirGllHON A: HTTddVAN nocii FROST KING COMPANY. ,,4aii mMAcr o Wmlrx, -Icld. sad Kro.t 1 irr. Acid mna rro.i n Pntiitj Brick! Tiniij Win nil nlli una ur ftrr Iran. and order and local self government, two Nor is this all. Federal legisla has tion, tor more than a quarter of L ceystary, ha boen avertie to the in terests of the South and unfriendly a the current of to her development, r.earlv all the cotton ship- Should the time come wheu sec are foreign, very little coast- tionalism Bha'l be numbered with - A -Lev .lie (. 'it :.-en . the things that were, and the cen , ku.pa gn of the Kepublican t tralizing tendencies of the govern ...is iKpen a combination of ment shall give place to a broad Y.uster, and capt, and conservative nationality that ..g rou ;.Ues of the hour, will hold North Carolina aud Mass a:t i. is resorted to a per. achusetts as equal States in the i h.tica'.on of the I'cmocratic I'nion, this solidity may depolve to a'e tiiat eta only b parallel- unite again at the first approach of campaign of 1 SSoh It danger, io- :.a, W .o- iiru-r of a cent The present indications are that he feelings lick i ii, 1 ready wit. and aeeustuiViou u- .--:iy ..ho. .-ittor the war Thoinaston, Me., where he had a large est at t (i.-neral liuurge tUiucr, of one uf the lieighijMinng towns, pre. beiited lum.self to Gontdal Knox one .lay as a land-surveyor. He detailed somewhat ostentatiously- his h,ng experience, together n-ith his recent purchase of r. iitw at1'! V'-'-v" so. pti'or sot of ..istrameais. If General Knoi needed any service in his Hue, he would eniaoj tj yivc peirect satisfactiun. You're th.e very man I have three hours n.- : been looking for!' exclaimed fish, four shaY Cieneral Knox. "I have a hun dred acres of land which ! wiYn to divide i.:. h 'liaO-h.t ct ten acres hYch ll'.oc many will it make" hiur w,i, t'uiipiderably dis coiicrrted by the suddenness of of the question, and. naturally enough, was prepared to find it difficult. He began to collect himself, mentally re-stating the ; His ,,1. r r v- w e. o - n t i m oMijt-pnrrnpm , . -. .. . .v. -- ujc. neon nar rrair. savs r.no tf,nchpsr,r a .. .ui,i. n ,,a tr- n r- u - i ( -- ( v - Y -JT" " i mauKD kudu vjva. uit-., hUa little bji-.s near .ne score, ihust,- ( x Y. Herald. At intervals Mr. ! arrival thither, we manned our boats teJ thj uhl iiIik- ' To -.hi-io ventured, Jaeger has missed, him for a half- j and went to take possession of the Pan-.e notLiair u .::u-..! " The r,ci! morninz the .! of a f-imo hnf. iia olararo in the right of the Queene's most ex -el ....,.,., i ,,.. l. t. .i. , . i i lent maiestT. as rightful Uueene a nd Buarr,Bi,ii f,ii.,i: n.- n ui. i v tied with the ?pjr:. a c i Y ,--.i; tree and aia.t.sa r.t .ic o to meir puc in an appearance lor two days, were the first hicgoscaneu on the r.t homes ULca-.-.-fe to- p:e--: t j. irands Thinking him lost Mr. Jaeger in- ern Continent. They oom to utenl ofbir.csi. serted an advertisement with the "J " from w1h;"'v' ; ,t .i t j . ui they uuizht find ia the new world and VtdDtsiay tuoM.iiu'. b:.g..t and result that the dog was r3ttarnad,taaim-whattbey hadtole,ve,it)i!nd early, Jjui?. Thomas an 1 Battle board- the next day by a ID,an who had tfeem. p,l a soirr.ie weil mi':d bv ter.tUmen discovered tte reasOQ fof this' We are now at the corner of i. of the 'n -an o. rsu h-id - ekii canine's freouent a'oaeuces. He Front and Change street?, and fonVV- hi- c ot- -1 Tea -i ' s cut had developed i mania for riding something about what haPptu.-.i tor t.. ..aiii.ij .tea ..i.s cm " ni k? 'a century ago. the anchor was ct and th fun 1-428.3- """'r v1"- "J0 "WU01 ua" ! To I', Cw.fei-. We cau t de-cri.e -u ,vu W r i ; ; j ,. --1 a n i L o ' e . i n -1 ; The , . . j , . . - i . . ... leuii uid lom i , m iiKuviui v 1 ' ' 1 1,1 miucu itoum uiem uuie uutu uu n,i. ,!,,, i, ,-, -.h t.d,n ,i,: M' day last week, when he failed to thev landed on Roanoka iaUcid. mid if" t-il say cau, confound ht 'era. ai ii u y j e r I the luck." Hut, we t " o oarhj. Ia about aj landed one B.vord .. five dev.! i-.-h. si ;'.y . -oak;rs aui one Yity twt'u trout. Tha r Mor -'. 'j tiding but hhtuinXhm and Catarrli- oa street cars. His owner ,-ifrnn Tintinoil tlidf nkavi ha atuTtii1 tlO- a 5 We , ' 1 1 1 1 UVlVLU I 1 1 , V " 1 1 1. U Ll V- DbUl 1V.VI rkand trom home the dog would always be id tne car nrst, cut paver ;w ; , .. , , . , , , . , ' , "! Rheumatism and catarrh are bo ! agiued that he wouha U.,ard one bood dlBeage9. in niBIlv ,ever- co alone. Inquiry of the drivers they have yielded to treati-iieut with B egcited the fact that be was a B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm i, made b frequent passenger, unaccompanied Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, ( .a Wr t. by bis luaater or members of the ebook of convmcIC- ,ri"fH u:" family. His favorite position was rR-p. no. Atlanta. (Ja.. savs--Mv with his paws on the Window Sill, wife bad catarrh and nothing did her crabs, a' oi. . hundred ai. 1 c waiic't rnu'i i it was. s-tr.a ivi ui. lLi'ewere aoout a child, looking oat. (jQthe&ny good. Her coDstuution tin titty fisi.irv bj.v.s out. sr.d H waa esti day that he was lost it ?aa proved j failed and poison ot into her blood maicd th .t ui. -ut Y '.c ' uuui were that he had Uoarcied a Monroe i Piai;eu ue.r u" " " taken with h and lice that day. avenUB Car at Union Btl Macv . p'.id .'tc ci ressod a-to why as far as the "foar OOmerS," where I W. P. McDaniel, Atlanta, (ia. . . it ithn-ovcv I'l,. are ;ake there he changed to a Lake avenue Car, "I was much emaciated and ,h, - . i .. ,re ihaiisible is that was elected hv the driver ar. Driv- . rheumatism bo had . i t. i f ..,.( nlnff thev have been in these watera Vioreta- ing jrarK avenue ior noc paying dis B B. , and t, my surprise her recovery was rapid and t &c- No. 11 a lh, ha 1 1 could not ct without crutches. I also l a i neuralgia in the head. First class phy . W itirpfiofs Brick wd Stane. Dlan's itir mmlt' roof. y nit v l,.. fe..Inr and the tOUtll i,e t ; 1 War. Cheap the grt West become her ally, s h.iv. i Uen borrowed With no disturbing elements to i.gs to impress the separate them, with a Y o j Cie P ! a .tViBrtrB trr imcti : cr t L Zv . U ui I Lit It'i.. PWl. Pt. - - r - Crr, .n:rrl or B' c. v-r Trttod Prr W rt irr,llt 'e.iik i a I'-elo community ignorant and invest a of interests springing from simi .date with the glamour of larity ol industrial pursuits, it t.u-neral Kiio.v man c seccnds as necessarv. and !! Bmiif. I. T. I'he lputilican canvass t; a r-een one tLl every ln- member of that party has o .'.ash for. It has simply isre; utahle. Newark Jour- eremises. and .triVii.g .o ac-quire . . , far uei0W the surface fare, was found later under the seat ;;. H;a m r,n ,na Then i trie,, pufiici -ait coolness to. solve th , . . rpach them, and deeD by the Same driver and again put ; r. r. r. and its effects were maYcah I ill remain fiQiid.. and problem Correctly. water hook and Ime fishing had not off, when he was picked np and j cheerfully recommend it as a Kood been resorted to. Another theory is, rettdrned to , t,wner as P Mrs? Matilda Nichols. KnoxviUe. A "nt nit at porpoises have abounded -,a ih.i uBOiu,bu. rot x.uiug uu I Tenn., writes: "I had catarrh ,ix years i then interrupted rcn. ..... ,.,) to-,-, ,hP cars the dog is said to be a perfect ! a' t ditre,in, coneh. and mv the "thers cogitation, by ry B lbinaeJ l Ut t,UC of iate years crank, but is otherwise verry in- eyes were much swoolen. five bottles marking, abruptly, "Oh, weH it s "ouVltin u ' J telligent. of B. B. B., thank Oodl cured me." 110 matter about "an immediate Porpo.se n-heries have been estab- John M. Davis, Tyler, Texas, writes: ther time will ii'neo, w uk-u nue ut-sn, n,uc. is life huutu liviku' : 4 was suoject a numDer ot years to otonisAfo of them, an 1 troii: ana oiotr raiau unii s,0t it vou go tnrougn tne wsria a clyspep- ; spans oi lDiiammaiory i iieiiiuaiisni requires no prophetic ken to antici pate a union of the South and West that will dominate this continent. answer, do just a- Any weil Mohtn'i Pilli act like w mmk stomach. mag ic on a to talking atiout sometnmg eise. i-i . l,n,,rinfid nt ohar?PB at Mor.-head l. luiei as u iiiaiin ... own stupiditv that he never but the sport is r'-ae a-, broached the subject afterw 8-od as a?.v th c. tic. Acker s 1 yspepsa Tablets are a pesi-' wnien six Dot ties or - t. iv, tnanR ure or the worst forms of Dyspepsia, heaven, has entirely cured. I have not Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation, felt the slightest pain since."' Guaranteed and sold by R. Berry. New- , R. N. and F. S. Duffy, wholesale and bern, N. C. ' retail agents, New rne, N. C. increased. Boat arc exhorb'tan ti-e cure jir the worst forms of Dyspepsia d the ish are as I Oil Hi 1 '- Mix- : W Ice i tin o W the i 11 v ; ; Ac, i : -dealers in l N I ; M I ' ' A I. ,,1 litid SCR LER'S. v Money . , . la iidy . C ATI IS. til "I'ackerH" -.:,- and hi-o, , c r v ?lonic in., ili i.- 1 1 tie, unit re .eiMle 1 V .V (iATKS. i -.. in V 1 1 1 iarns d l aiOB. and o ti 1 1 d i ' 1 aiJ t e r . - t-Vl i t t i ... i S -1, : O ' it Si I ) ' -i -1 '7

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