' ' ..Vv';' . rvTT' "." . vf- rV' " ; VV ' V ' ' , -x ' , , ' C aX a v 15 k ,Sa iiv $1 fsm j ) Mp-l n Pflll J W IP J $ (Iv INDEPENDENT IN ALL THING Terms tit&.OO Pr T"er. VOL. XII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, NOVEMBER 2K 1889. no. ;;i r KlUTuRIU. 50TE.S. 1 i Ni 1 1 I 1 f 1 iirii. K .irv dow l'ortj two StaUM Lt ! n:on, and foor more will lor a irrttJrin::?! Olswdsred Uw. BOLD BY ALLiDltUOWiai m, -PBICE' 25 CENTS PER BOX. iiV CO., Sole Agent . k v y. mi n iv ' in-., I; uA'. Inncsicn this wioUr. . MaU"K rented w i v bnilC tit No. 1L'1 k v e n a e . V aa h i gto n S the Demo ( overnor- c.itc iu oppo- HOW AM) WHAT TO STl 1 Kducatuin is advam ing in North CaroliDft. TheStalf rnnermfy at C'harfl Hill, uinl t L il iimnina tional colli't'8 at Wake l-'oicnt. Trinity and Dnvidwon, ;iiid the acudfmies and schools nil ocr the Stat are m their establishment in a manner HISTORY REPEATS ITSEI.K. livery day we nee repetition ol history. Like causes produce like effects the world over. It is nothiDg new iu personal and political conflict or one antagonist MMti CAROLINA NEWS. - LATEST 5EW8. RAMBLES ABOUT TOWN 1 iMNi the St. ite racers. M L.111KP TATW, -WO-' toot drajjr.st dt? n-t icep th-m) wi!! Oa b kad at K. X. Di fft's Drag S:r. Nw Ivern N P. .-.am 3 .ip;r. s : n t v,-r 1 ro liji : f I 'l l w. 1 1 i..- KM tin ' " AXi-od. tl.o telecrams of congratala , ui !f addiessd to Grover ,p,. New York. It i mighty , l- only a private Cltl N''A orU Commercial Ad- to wrest a weapon t'roni the hand eetingthe objects of of h.s opponent and ase it to his own advantage. it wa to mis mar. highly satisfactory to the friends of " - aa uw.-v., 1U l.nrii, n'Uf ll.oa.. lm un unuuuiuu w . niua. .rauu, is an important It OET-TMGER BROS. HftTjior ile at Lowest Prices Possible: ;S,fl IcriEari 8a af, r.lCO 4c Cola' Spool Cocwa, I 100 UI TW M- Half. PUiJ. i 10a bM f 2HwJ 8op, i g-x-i i :,',ri " . & Ulm 4-4 Staac. 10O WlM Of Am a4 LiajDoaer Kraa l Sxik. "C'-MQ UW. S MM Pork, V I 600 fin t ZitUr Bro. ai Bay Sum A FULL USE OF Ory Gccdj, Ready Uad Clothing & Furniture, AT RETAIL AND W HOLES ALK. la f-RC HarfaiM for l.xt Jlgaj.tJ OETTOTGER BBOS. a1a rtU reJtwatti lVarl Shirt. edacation and what to study enijiiiry. It is impossible for any one to be constantly engaged in study. Man is a trinity and his life, to be a miccssfnl one, must conform to the demands of his three fold being. Physical, mental and moral de velopment are essential elements of education, and the neglect of any one of these is fatal to a well uiiun ijj3 iioA iiiariv people in thti Stat- art- a art' of i he lacl hat it is an indi.-t. .:.!.' nlfruci' t point even an empty tin; i..r a pir-t"l hi a p-rson '.' Kington Krt-j I'i(Bc: Mr. J. W. Creecli. of Iu-itituie inaijo an assign ment iluu.'lay l i Mr. J. V . (iramer. Liabililictt a!.--wl ilj li'i.i; .-.sr-els about S.UUU; Bi.ti ' cudiie utuutthe same as a?n . San ford Km.. - I ; . I v U'iilclv ..f As one writer expresses it "he W.IH Stanley county, ai. i rtpui'u-J to be 11? fortunate in catchinc the radical years ohJ. vvili t.e hi the Kayetteville in baihers in the water and stealing their clothes. The land purchase bill, now brought ftrward by the Tories in Parliament, waa introduced by Mr. Gladstone j ears ago. The defeat Will musket be c.irrif.i if) l!, tbe old :an War. bout M-xi K;nston I ri-t I'rtnr-: Mr. V ana jiirs . iumas w t-m mar ried at the repidcueo i;l lh bride's mother, Mrri. 'iriui.i Xurnae, last Thursday rvemni; ut o c luck, kuv. V. 8. Uuiie oflicitiD. Wsnbiutun l'zoite: An mbtitutioc m ..ol Pieulent Uarriaon h i- . tug n atel a new caatom for President, lie now take moon- l:gh: wilks. This waa probably roandel and fully matured man tegnn s:r.c- Tuesday. Moonlight hood or womanhood, n.fh'.s .w good time for medita- Everybody has a different sys t on riavamah News. tem of Btndy. Much depends upon 1:.k first statue erected in this strength and temperament. To i-ou;.' v to a workingman will aoon stady beneficially one mait feel tx u:r. e:!ed in Sacramento. It is like it. Ye do not eat when we in honor of K. .1. Stevens, late mas- are not hungry, nor sleep when ter mechanic of the Southern Paci- we are not tired, neither can we tic, w ho had lor years been in obarge stady when the brain is fatigned. of immense railroad shops In Sacra- A man can never succeed in a mento. The funds for the monu- profession in which his heart is not ment wi-rv contributed entirely by engaged, neither can a child protit vrorkingmeu." ably study a subject in which he is Th-sk familiar with war soene not interested. One of t he highest will rev .:! that the negroes were a well as the moat difficult, duties the flr.-: to frighten at the approach of the teacher is to get the child of troops. Perhaps it wm the at- Interested, delighted, fascinated, if utude of the Fiery Foraker and joa pleAe, with his studies, and in Fiuhtiz Mahoue which drove so proportion to his enecess will be his m an v of the measure placed tue present for training ftebl minded, idiotic aud government in power. But the Irish cause has steadily advanced, and now comes the Tories, nnder Cijahleson, 8. C, Nov. 12. Col. Al- Looking back as we stated, a century fred Rhett, one of the most prominent ago, in the rather humble two-story figures in the war history of this State, ' house of Col. Joseph Leech is a spacious died here today. ' parlor and ball room. He kept up an Ha commanded the Confederate troops elegant hospitality, and few, if any, in Fort Sumter during the war. till Col. private houses in this State, up to this Gilmer and the Union troops made it i period, ever had under its roof so many untenable for artillery and when the distinguished people. There Governor infantry relieved him. In 1862 he Tryon and his accomplished and grace fought a duel with his Colonel. Ransom 1 fui wife, 'Her Excellency" I.ady Calhoun, and killed him. The duel Tryon and sister, the beautiful and grew out of the bombardment of Fort ; fascinating Esther Wake, with other Sumter, in April, 1861. ladies andgentlemen of Tryon s court, Kansas City, Nov. 12. A blizzard is ! were often entertained. Col. Leech, it sweeping over Southern and Western I w'" not be forgotten, was with Tryon Kansas. The wind turned to the north I in command of the Crown troops at tbe early in the evening and brought with battle of Alamance, 1771 . There Gen. it snow, which in nnm lnnnliMoa ia Nathaniel Green was frequently seen C. Mayo d rifting badly. At Arkansas City, near I wnen 'i New Berne negotiating with the Indian Territorv line, a regular 1 JODn vvrignt tanly for monev to aid norther is reported. At Wichita snow is flying, and at Syracuse the blizzard is at its height. Selma, N. C, Nov. 12 From the coroner's inquest held over tbe re mains ot Mrs : JUICE f CaIi'a RrAVn and trmnil. .ulu-iuiUcuii' liimuiui i.aa uctu esiau son, who were round murdered near hshed in tbe town of Washington, N.C.. ; here Saturday, it appears that the by the individual efforts and energy of victims met their death at the hands of that self-sacrificing, talented, and above John E Starling, a son-in-law of the all, Christian lady. Mrs. M. Ii. Brown. murdered woman. Starling had baen Wilmington Review: There is a pe- heard to threaten her life and had a culiar incident connected with the quarel with her some months before the death of Sirs. Elizabeth Landar, which murder. Mrs. Brown owned a small occurred in this city last Saturday. She ! amount of property which she had made had a pet cat which was 20 years old ! over to her grandson. By bis death and which died within one hour f ter ! Starling's wife becomes heir o the Mrs. Landar breathed her last. property. This, it appears, was motive It is said th.r at aof a hnohpi r.f nnra i 'or 'be deed. Starling has been com- verts to his theory of government gold has been taken from the Saunders m '"ed 10 Jail at Smithfield to await ,AP ,,, Irla), TMahnr an adroit "find " in Montgomery county (reported , t'l.a.1: When arrested he wept like a for the Irish. It is but an adroit in thja column ,eatrday) AUwork 1 child. He was asked to take a farewell movement to disarm a powerful is stopped and the place is guarded, , fook at tbe Dod'es of the deceased which a.lvers irv and t)Ut themselves in peud'g the arrival of the Saunders he Positively refused to do, saying he adversary and put tnemseises iu Brotherg frQm TexM T Qwn the could not bear to look at them. The the possession of his weapon. I he land. general impression is that Starling is guuiy aunougn mere is no direct No new developments have ap- ana tne case is purely one of evidence as it now the leadership of Mr. Goschen, in advocacy of what is essentially the Gladstone bill. Let it not be supposed that the British Tories have become ad mirers ot Mr. Gladstone, or con- C! I : L,n.iueiu ny icuuumist. ine rourtn nmt t n...k..u re l VrOOl. l juocu uij i iiuay. tuu iu t) uuutifj will of them in Ohio and Virginia pupils' advancement. 'Win. SULTAN Still Leads in LOW PRICES, :n ran away from the polls or vot Perhaps tbe hardest part of a the Democratic ticket. New Yojk student's l;fo is to learn how to j. concentrate his mind on what ho is afndvinff Thf mnmpnf the mini! KKS i k.- Ullilil.H'.l UMIUUUU out that it doeen't pay him for the Government to interfere in South ern elections. The Soathern people s..' v rsr thov should be allowed Srt- affair.. Pods upon IU LllUr' lUCIi v " - and they are disposed to protect Tones assume to be the friends of Ireland, and yield in part to Irish , '""" ," lue a''"uein X. , Y r ,, 1 Peared ioccu ij x iiuaj , aisKA tu c jjiiuiiu will ucLuauuj iuai iucj l-li t- v ttiiv uei ua uui iu uiu cypiuiun taat n was a f stands the possession of tbe govern- wuuuumK iae posipooe- of the weather, and other impediments to its successful progress. Fayetteville Farmer and Chief : The largest pine in this section is over three feet in diameter. It is reported to be fourteen feet in circumference and staDds on the line of the W. V. & W. R. It., about 'our miles west ef Red Springs. Messss J. C. Guerrant & Co., near Fates in this county, during the past week sawed some pine logs which vn : Ik s syM"i:i, nnd i IT, m ilt 1 v i ; , !.:i!i..::. L Hi 1 1 i C'U!.;i! . : KIDNEYS, L l! :- 1 CLEANSE Ti.C PURE D L O O t , HEALTH ! ! to Ix.' 1: ii ni;iii ,ib!, ina-isti- 1 SGWcLS. 'T: i s run;,. ." , : ; CALIFORNIA LOUli 1 '.it A ! I i SY! (0 in nient, and continue to be the mas ters of Ireland. Nothing is more evident, 'in this country, than the growing demand for tariff reform. It is the irre pressible demand of the hour. Every election proves it, and he is Dot wise who does not see it. It mav not be supposed that the Re- squared twenty inches and fifty-two l.lintu I 'rtn rrria j will r Q n n n relaiM and losee its grasp the book t'UUULOiJO 111 ... Snow Hill Baptist: The colored man, ahoald U abandoned and rccrea- mindful of the teachings of history Sam Lofton, that was shot a few days or the essons ot eiDeneece. xney ; ,o "y'is, ..c.j- .c.c. &sjtytu4 SkU I kepi, I aa JT0ia 5ortkra . Market wi'i to 'ScILCSsapM than Any One in the City ! X -I W vigorously when the uovermeni step in and tries to take control. tb' I..-irt and Savannah News. It is ai'.ogether probable that New Ko gland popU have mor ctMtal engaged In iron mannfuct- tion taken. How much (ine should study de- the individual case. No flied rule can be applied, bat it Is safe to say that little children hoard not b required to stady more than two hours a Jay. They may study three hours if they are Inclined to do so, bat more than this will usually result In injury. will not advocate the Mills bill, but lDg ha8 left for part9 unknown. we McKinley, or ''some henchman of are sorry to learn of the extreme illness ., ,, . of two of our old citizens. Messrs. John the nan Melirpfor. Will DriDt! nr., j vv. -a---, - - wiuiams ana oetu iauacaeiiora, wno !t(,nj tr. u ,l t . . , , , u u ui j I lnteDa i nave the Legislature change forward ft measure for revision oj , have been feeble for sometime. Age and I the eiection iawgi 3enator joun Ciiatta.nooga, Nov. 13 There is great excitement here over the an nouncement that the steamboat A. C. Conn, a Mississippi craft, has passed through tbe Muscle Shoals Canal and will arrive at the wharf in this city to morrow morning. This is the first ves sel which has passed through the great canals, now about completed. The construction of caDals to overcome ob structions in the Tennessee river at Muscle Shoals was commenced by the government in 1878, and nearly ?4 000, 000 has thus fafbeen expended on the work. The opening of the canals. which will formally take place in a few weeks, will give water transportation nine months in the year frdta Chatta nooga to the Mississippi river. Richmond, Va., Nov. 15 Notwith standing the large Democratic maioritv of last week, the Democratic leaders V j largest Stock of Clothing in the City ! yVsai trm t2J9 w. Boy H Ka Salu, fjor to ih: t-.-. : Vm U OmLi aa i Xsw ltrku-;o Dolai;i CkZr Qala, fom twslrt yara, 1 1. 23. good Shm al II 00. (li4tto.aa4 Lm B u II 00 Um aa4 BoyV flats, lO-r u I V. Ba riaaai Ca.JriUt, ii UsWsJrti low U IV. LaJW UaWw4s rrrm'im mfU Vm told vrT U A fmJl lia of TTaak Ify wW sok ef Dry OxJ " i 7auooa will b toi i : PSICES. m I Iav ta mak rm hr wj Knormoai 8:ek t f ' A rrv hiffh anthnrifv in Hn. ancg and immediately axuea miex-, fc ' ctionaJ work has said, '!A man est than ever oeiore. m wuy-, trtion of Southern trom which h i txing feit here so keenly la largely .created by the investment of 5ew F.nglacd capital in the Bouth. Ikwtou Advertiser. Say which ahoald not study mora than four or fire hours a day, or at the most six hoars. The brain must not be ovartaaed. A student should never forget this. A student should take the tariff in the interest of Ameri can Labor. Let Democratic members remem ber the Trojan horse, and fear the Greeks bearing presents. The Republican party cannot j Daniel said to the Post correspondent that he favored the Australian system. with certain modifications, but he de clined to say what the modifications were. Governor Lee says that a change in tne present law is doubtless needed, but he is not prepared to say whether he will recommend the Australian sys tem or not. He is rather inclined to HUM' c F.D -X7V i a contemporary, in a Pirlt:tp tnd should get what recrea even Mark Twain might j tln h rin in .hfi n.n , r -. have envied: '-The RepoUicana . We QDCe knew a distinguished have held their own." Tals re- chief Justioe of the Supreme Court m:ticone of John I'h.roii's en- of ft neiKhboriDS: State, who was counter with a Western tough, in BOted for training young men for which he held his antagonist on tbe the b(r IIe alway8 bdd a ,.la88 of 'oor by inserting his nose btwen twe7ej aD(j it WM pr0perly es his adversary teeth. Thiladel- tmi an honor to be one of them. atksaat nine hours everv dav for ' po.it.e.. bands and rivets that cannot be broken. disease combined makes it hard for them to steam the current of life. Wilmingtou Messenger (Raleigh Cor respondent): The people of the West ern part of the State do not find this a disastrous year. They have large crops, grow no cotton and buy no fer tilizers. Tbey raiso their own food and srend little or nothing for hired bring redemption to the people, i labor. The third biennial session of . think that the Australian plan, wit i nv modification by them will be " umw. "J"0" OI M -vangeiicai rew changes, might answer. J J , Lutheran Church South, convened in: Wonnm-prj V T Vn-7 iq a m-on for the purpose of check.ng the this city yesterday, at It o;c.ock a. m . ;eJS odnuAixl giant strides ol tue democracy, in j y c. " ; was hanged in the corridor of the coun onier that they themselvejS may handsome edifice had been becomingly and fasten the decorated for the occasion. Wilmington Messenger: Messrs. Alex ander Sprunt & Son cleared yesterday the British steamship Lochmore, Capt. Hawkett, for Liverpool, with the enor mous cargo of 8.000 bales of cotton weighing 3,002.777 pounds and valued at 5390,300. This is the largest and j most distinguished as he struggled with m Aar ralna Vila r q r ty r nrnr rlaararl rtn t ft n w . i . Cleveland, to bring dell verance to the of Wilmington, averaging ! in sufficiently freeing his hands to al- the people, and with the blessing nearly 100 pounds of cotton more to the j most reach the rope. The hangman ot God, she will move right on to ton register than has ever been stored stood by, and reaching up to the noose k.v catarrh UntAM BALM Ckfliinra flir 1 Natnl PaftKacm. . A llay I'alll find I II flam nmf Ion, HrnlM the Son . Itrslorru ( lie ! Stnn of Tnialr an. I Snirll. TRY THK (IRK HAY-FEVER Ii'. Rt rl I nnd ' i If. ' 1 hi l;y K liilKHH, i: l.n! m ly remain in power bondage with It is the province of the De mocracy under the leadership of ty jail here for tbe murder of a Jewish peddler, Zeiderman. When the sheriff pulled the trigger holding: a 450 pound weight on the other end of the rope, the body shot up into the air a distance of 15 feet The noose failed to tighten and tbe rope slipped around on the wretched man's neck. He groaned and shrieked and his cries could be al- her high destiny, PUNtiO NOTES. Oppoetu Baptist Church. 5EW BERh'E, N. C. 'rVxffillftP ipUw&i if "wiilf ' . t '. . . I " phi Record. As an instance of the quick way ip which some things are done now adavs, it is told that in a late di-. rorce trial in Maine, at the moment when the Judge was decreeing the divorce, the clerk held in his hand lie ad to say, "Three hours a day u enough to read law." His ad vice wa, "Get up at satirise and read the morning papers nntil breakfast. Eat slowly until you are satisfied and then walk out and see what is going on around you in lost fact his a telegram from the litxdlee aaking Kead law until twelve o'clock, and to t informed a soou as her hus- then go to tbe gymnasium or wood No fires for some days none since Mr. Watery barn. Rumor lias it, that the Sheriff ot Hyde has resigned; at least as tax collector. Several days since, Mr. Soloman Northam, of Currituck, died, after a short illness. He left no family. Mr. Pitrott of Virginia is bore before, the vessel havina; a burthen of 1,602 tons net register. The Loch more with her cargo draws 17 6 feet of water, mean draft. Raleigh News and Ubserver: Joeiah Stancill, the late postmaster at Selma, gave his bond yesterday and was re- finally succeeded in getting it around so that the weight of his body rested on bis throat, and life was slowly strangled out of the man. The struggle lasted for t vo or three minutes and until the hangman got the noose under the skin. WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. It is esti server Ptatfd that the negro was rescued from the sheriff on Sunday han.l iiM iinl his divorce as she nile and exercise vonr nuiscles for , ,l an of Malralrrillp- night 12 miles from Pitteboro by a . . . . J -i nnrtv of i and another man were waiting to an hour. late a good square meal visiting Ins sister, Mrs. ii. YAM WINKLE BIN 'MACHINERY CO., COTTON GINS, PRESSES, FEEDERS HC CONDEN SERS. Tb Til Vizi Cottca ia Michiasn be married as son as it could legal- about one o'clock, and after dinner ly b done. G i 'ii rLuts organizations whoee objects were entirely worthy, have time and time agam, loet their twariDgs and wrecked themselves, whenever they have entered on the sea of politico. All classes may think over what you read in the morning. "ever be satisfied until yoa can recall lu the afternoon every principle studied in the morning without reference to the book. In the evening read some vigorous English author for an hour, or go into society. Nothing j: 1 Wynne. few daye ago, what we thouRht of the Mr. 11. Ii. Hunter, accompanied future of Asheville. Our answer was: by -Mr. J. T. Eaton, Bpeut 80me "In fifteen years, Asheville will be a .l.m l.-tnrintr for t h variOUS city Ol iw.wj peup.e-. nit tuqu.ici Alliances. ruhtfnllv combine for mutual aid of the respective members, but the ls more beneficial to a young man instant any single class undertakes ot virtuous and L 1 u I r Caw biu Cla td. Go twno E Amnr4m4 Fm M4tl lk T-. 1m ajuaa r.ir. Tu TJto tl Ui IK-Iiirr 6a.. A. . . to prevert th .s government for tbe selfish ends of its individuals, then surely is the end of that organiia ion. Charlotte Chronicle. Ai ri.K cul ure oagb.t to be I great industry in North Carolina, cliould ield the I irmers of our S .:. .in ii u .1 ly many thousands ot ! . . .i r -. which :t would do if that .. ieiition wc.-e given to it which it deserves. There n no portion of than the society refined women." The Lanct reports au interna tional congress recently held in Paris at which was presented facts and theories worthy ol attention. In this congress England Prussia, lielgium, Italv, land, Mexico and tbe United States were represented. "So far as the debates bre on questions connected with the pub- heaith, the following were the leased from jail. It was remored , mated that it will cost 810,000 to repair nere yesieraay inai. a negro namea . the damage done by the recent storms John Bumbass had nhot a mule belong- to the new silver vault in the Treasury tng to Mr. John IMrd, of Chatham coun. I court, in which nearly 8100,000,000 ty, and that upon being arrested he had standard silver dollars are stored, been taken from the sheriff and Washington, Nov. 13.-The new lynched. In answer to a dispatch last - Catholic University of America was to night a ppecial to the News and O b j fnrwr,aU j.t.-j j j with impressive ceremonies in the pres ence of a large number of prelates of the Church and distingished laymen from all parts of the country. A large part of the ceremonies, however, had to be omitted on account of the inclem ent weather. The interior decorations of the build ing were simple but effective. The national colors predominated in every thing. The banquet hall was specially attractive. Masses of cut flowers, palms and other foliage plants occupied every available space, while flags, both large and small, were draped about windows and doors, and festooned from ceiling and chandeliers. Secretaries Tracy, Noble and Widom, and Attorney-General Miller, arrived in time to participate in the banquet, which took place after 1 o'clock. Covers were lain for about two hundred and fifty guests and dining table and ban quet hall were handsomely decorated with fUgs and flowers. Cardinal Gib bons occupied the seat at the bead of aa ta ibm aajS ' 1 " I awn"-' '- -' ' ' " ' 1 itaa, a BaaamBMf Caaaawa aarf r I aa" '""i Cu" " ' .Mr. S. S.Barber.of Swan Quarter, who has been for some time serions- lio health, the folio North Carolina from the sea shor principal points elucidated: First, tn the mountain tops where the ap-, teaching was to be based exclusive- t , , ly on ecieDtific principles, dedac- ,,.e d.s not grow to perfection and ' f . einerimsnts. in. .eld abundantly, and in numtwr 8tea4 of being told, the child ws to ly and peculiarly ill: we are glad to i i varieties surpassed nowhere, be made to discover, if possible, :roui :he S;i)f nan crab to the mam- that which it is desired to teach. ....... r .,t inohP- Every natural proclivity was to be l . I ' J . LLl C U 1 I LI 1 LJ ' V V 1.4. i k v ... . :a d:an;eter Wilmington Star. The was surprised and doubtful ; but we are still of that ODinion. The almost cer- The '"Disciples'" at l'autego have tainty of two other great railroad lines; secured the services of Mr. 1). W. one from the North, crossing at Ashe Davis, as their preacher, lor the '"He towards Atlanta, and the other coming up from the Atlantic Ocean ensuing year. through the great Broad River section, Crops are coming in very short, to this city, will make this place t e and in consequence, business is greatest intermontane city in the United quite dull, but drummers and horse States No other place iu the moun- ' , u " , tains has so many natural advantages, droves are plentiful, but do not do or c(m become go great a faiir0ad cen- much. tre. Those who live to see the year Tho Pantoim mil A I hemarfl rail-I 1905. if we are not deceived, will find aH will rooM, PantAcrn in f ho near here a great city with future, the rails are laid to the "Old Field," a point about 3 miles distant. We can now reacn Nor- ! ranee, Jolk, from Leechville or 1 antego in yesterday by the sad news of the dent left the city last night by way of Switzer- one dav. drowning of Sir. John L. Stone at the the Baltimore & Potomac railroad, for Mr. F. . C laik OI ew lorK.uas corner of We8t arili Jilhnnon streets. ig not known exactly where he has disposed ot his mills ana lands on Mr. Stone has for many yeirs been in g0De. but it is supposed that he went to Broad creek, Hyde county, to some charge of the pump house, and yester-0ne of the famous duck hunting parties from Sorauton, Ta., who are day he went there as usual to start the grounds in Maryland, in the vicinity of manufacturing lumber and doing PumP Shortly afterward air. jonn Chesapeake Bay, Private Secretary business a,s the "Scranton Lumber Co." manv kinds of industries, and Lhe greatest health and pleasure resort on the continent. The News and Observer of yesterday the table, ?ftys ."Thecity w as startled about noon WASHINGTON, Nov 14 The Presi- encouraged. A child should never be forcd in anv direction, and Hk who eares to write on a sub- should never be overworked. The e.-; i threadbare as dnuk will ::rid of ripe promis- in Washington, lesrerday afternoon I w,vs passing KOOaXarncK. FROST KING CGLIPAWY. .....ifruitit at Wilr. AmtA avavd ! da classes were to follow each other in such a manner as to provide the greatest possible chuqge, and thus been working juniper off their prevent weariness. But, above all, . lands, have made sale of their mill one of the most exclusive restaur- the children were to be fed, aud and land several thousands acres, :inu ;n the city when I observed well fed. to the Baltimore Ceder works of hree oud' ladies emerge from "For the preservation of the Baltimore, which will assume con- ... , ., morality ol children the congress trol shortly, i.e e Ugant vestibule and eater a . J . , . . T, rl was strongly in favor of mixed When the 1'. & A. K. K. is com- publir hack that had the curtains 8rhooU. Ju8t M brothers and piete(l and a steamer put on to partly drawn. All thre-e were very staters were Drought up together run from its terminus at Matta voting and very beautiful women. In tbe family, so ought boys and Kingo to Aurora touching at Ore- 1 knew two one the daughter of a and rirLs to work together at school, gon arjd Makelys, Aurora will and t hT ahrvald have hoth master -i Senator; the otuer " , uuuuhoto lum .i c., as it brings mat piace There is a pool here and the water is .liir.ann im-hM Hn. ThTH WPTrt PV1- note is much improved. Mr. Bar- dencea that Mr. Stone had slipped ber is the only 1'. h. preacher in while changing his valves and had the county, and his people miss fallen into the water. Dr. F. J. Hay- himsadlv when deprived of his wd- his family physician, after ex- u"ui F amining his remains, pronounced it as services. , hig OpiDi0n that the deceased had been Messrs. Burwell c Tazewell, seized with a spasm, to which he was T.iinil (r of Bubiect. and that when he fell in the Norfolk who have for some years afterward Mr. John Price was going home to dinner, ana Halford said today that he could not passing by the pump house found Mr. , tell where the President was, because Stone's lifeless body in the branch he did not know. The President want which runs right by the pump house ed a few days' uninterrupted recreation and from which the water is pumped, and the only way be could have it was in supporting our troops in the Kuvolu tion. There Richard Caswell w as a constant visitor. So also were Abner Nash, Francis Nash, John Wright Stanly, Richard Cogdell, Richard Dohbs Spaight, F. X. Martin, John Hawks, architect of the palace, John Sit greavea, Thomas Badger, Alexander Gaston, William Shepard, Kllwood Pasteur, John Daves. Martin Blount, and numerous other prominent and eminent citizens in this and other Slates among them, George Washington. What a procession of heroes, patriots and statesmen ! What grace, loveli ness and beauty, if we could call back spirits from the "vasty deep'' now. would pass before us! Washington, there in the ball room, with all thai dignity and air of heroic devotion which threw such majesty around the Father of his country, leading with Mrs Richard Dobbs Spaight in a minuet at a ball given in honor of the great chieftain during his visit to New Berne. Miss Mary Leech had married the Colonel Spaight about two years before. If not equal- , ling the ball given by the citizens to Washington in the palace, it was never theless splendid and comprised much of the beauty and fashion of the town. Col. Leech had spared neither cost nor ! trouble to make the entertainment de lightful. Among the fairest of this fair, on that memorable evening. Mrs. Speight's beauty was pre-eminently conspicuous. Her form was faultless, her face, animated by wit and liveli ness, was lovely. The writer knew quite iutimately "Aunt" Betty Kyler, a "cake seller," tho servant of Mrs. Spaight and who waited upon her at this ball, as well as at her wedding. She continued the slave of tho family until her death, which occurred about 1845, though for years living to herself and having her own time. This old colored woman would often exhibit to har frianHa KnnnAtn n n rl rl rnjan oa 1 1 as pieces of furniture once the property i .ViMH.rri'1'!' !','' of her mistress, to which she had fallen ' mail, rwimered. mi ns i i ! heir through her attachment of kind- r5' Warre -:. v- ness. Old Betty, withal, was no mean ' " actress. At will, the tears would as i ID CO BTATHM ifkQQ freely gush from her eyes as water from I OHfcs LH I Ull lUOOs a spriDg and the next moment would follow tbe heartiest peals of laughter. She could represent the different char acters at a ball and could and did "trip, with ease," "the light fantastic toe," until prevented by the infirmities of old age. It was interesting to hear her stories of '"ye" olden time. In 1792 Richard Dobbs Spaight was chosen, by the Legislature, Governor of the State, and Wheeler states, "he was the first native North Carolinian chosen her Chief Magistrate," and continues, "it is not very complimentary to the State that ber first seven Governors, from Caswell, in 1776, to Martin, in 1793, and all of the signers of the Decla ration of Independence, were born in other States, "?. But the historian certainly errs rela tive to tbe marriage of Gov. Spaight and Miss Mary Leech, as well as to the date of the visit of Washington to New bern, which, was on the invitation of Gov. Spaight. Wheeler says: "After serving his constitutional term of three ; years, Gov. Spaight was succeeded in 1795 by Samuel Ashe, and retired, as he hoped for ever, from the cares of public life. About this time, being then thirty-seven years of age, he married Miss Mary Leech, of Holmesburg, Pa., who was of the highest social position. ; and of one of the oldest and most in1 u -eotial families." Now, to quote from a diary kept in Newbern at the time hy a prominent family, there will he pri ii conflicting statements, as follows: Monday. Sept. 21st, 1789. Went to Wilson Blount's, where I spent the evening. Saw Polly Leech there. She I is to be married next Thursday to Co!. Spaight. She is a lovely girl. " This would seem to make the mar riage in Newbern where no doubt it occurred, on the 25th of September, 1789. Richard Dobbs Spaight was born in Newbern in 1758, in a small house on the lot where is now the residence of Mrs. Alex. Holton, corner Broad and Craven streets. Therefore, when mar ried, he was 31 years of age. His father was an Irishman. Richard Spaight. His mother was the sister of; -, , Gov. Dobbs, and under him his father J UxllN 11. LlilXL) i held a prominent place. Miss Mary Leech was generally e llled , LMGIMd;!!-, Polly, as most of the Mary's were in those days. Also, the Ann's were Fouixdcrs a:".;1 'A a i !,:. Nancy's, the Elizabeth's, Betsy's, the Margaret's. Peggy's, the Rebeccas',! Manufarif. : :- :i .. ! ..i. Becky's, the Sarah's, Sally's, the , ..irnTjTiP ivn ! ) Susan's, Su key's. The next generation LnillflliO KM) & h o. .. . i'U ,1 was more dignified with proper names. In this generation there is less formal ity again, only the "ie" is substituted for the "y. " Thus it is now Pollie and Sallie and Susie, etc. .Well, fashion rules the women and women control the men in our generation. Again Wheeler errs when he staffs that Charles Spaight was born in lCO. Mrs. John R. Donnell, his sister, was born in that year and died in 1831, juet one month after her brother, who was younger and only a few weeks before , his death had been elected to the Legis lature. They were both stricken down very unexpectedly to their family and iriflDUB. " (7V be Continued THE JEWELER HAS A FINE STOCK OF Watches, Clocks. Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE- SPECTArLEK. I keep a larger stock of Spcctaclo than any other store in Norfch Caroline. I take particular pains to (it thorn to the eyes of parties needing them. Ilaving worked steadily ;it thi bench for over thirty years. 1 believe I ran do as good work as anj watchmaker in thp State. COME ANI SKK ML. SAM. K. KATON. Middle street. Opposite Baptit Church. f(12 dwtf Beecham's Pills net lik. weak stomach. magic on u K. R, JONES, Heavy A ' ' ' G-roceries Dry Goods S kiions. Full slock and irj;r .. Prices as low the !. Call and examine :n Satisfaction guiirnnli . Mti.cK 1. J. H. CKAUThKK ha;il mam.y. CO FLIES Builders f I Eiulti- llotlrr. Saw Mill. KgiiiK ' T Ii Wear prepared t. 1 with pr n i pi iicwi Partlruiar uiwl 1 n, ,. to rep. i nof a ;i fe : mlh W will he c i r il in 4.-' for anv dt'Hi-i : j ;s .:i : We ar HiphcphIh f loa.ii Xn w. AiNiifurii brated I ndM r tin ! 1 . 1 We i; 1 v e fut t : h r h . dona bv uii. t 1 1 HH i A in U HEADQUARTERS tiicLuaiM auA5T 00 0 trrZl-GT t'L Ut. U ui flint ITl. PVlh. fx. WaUr. AU mm TT av tkJrvari It, PrmiU BrkiiTmiu Wl ti kra( sUI WalU b4 fcur (ac Ocata. f tlsrpxit Broi d Stona. nijaJtk WalU anavdc lrr proof. You Can Paint 0er Cavt Brick Wal Tratxl ltr Prwvtie. Aar a rmm rri U rnca -J-i near'.y relate! and tbe ward of mem 'ht 1 f the Supreme Court. All were drunk. They were not simply t;psy, but drunk.. One dropped her ha: -nd the extra exertion re quired :o replace it so exhansted her that the Tijroro.vs aaaiataaoe of j.- leha who drove the ramshackle w n iieoe.Hsary to place her inside. Tw helple-w dndes who tnod to start a tju-ck fiirta'.ion with the uinn.' women were promptly snab- aod irirLs to work together at school, and tb7 should have both master and mlstrss. "Madam Corrodi, a Russian dele fat, described the tortare of chil dren t to uninteresting- taka of wiii .ionbtlefm trive an additional Itin nd Orek, tanght like par- impetuH to those places, especially rota, not allowed to think, and so m track bashiesH; and shoald it, (as aaeleaaly and atupidly overworked Do doubt it will) carry'tbe mail, the tnat saiciae among acnooi cuuaren Northern mail will te in the upper water he was helpless and unable to get out. Mr. Stone was 5y years of age, and has long been a trusted employee of the Raleigh and Gaston Company. LEMOS KLIXIK. Ita Wonderful Kfteit on Hie Liver. Stamacli, ilourli. Kldncj i aud Blood Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a pleas ant lemon drink that positively cures all Biliousness. Constipation, Indiges tion. Headache, Malaria. Kidney Dis ease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers. Cbills. Blotches, Pimples, Pain in isacK, raipitaiion 01 aran, buu an other diseases caused by liver, stomach and by keeping his movements secret, During the last campaign, said Mr. Halford, it was annouced that Gen. Harrison was going off on a shooting trip, and the consequence was that about 10,000 other sportsmen selected the same time and place for their sport. Ex Senator Sewell and Mr. Knight are with the President, and the party ex- 1 pect to return to Washington Saturday-! A resolution was reported in the Far-! mere' Congress, in Montgomery, Thurs- j day, demanding that in case of a con tinuance of the protective policy, all Guiif, farm products shall be as fully protect ed as any article of manufacture. 1 nlonir without crutches. I also had The New Orleans Chamber of Com- neuralgia in the head. First class phy merce favors Chicago as the site for the i sioians did me no good. Then I tried World 's Fair in 1893. B. B. B. and its effects were magical. I cheerfully recommend it as a gooa . j tonio and quick cure. " I Mrs. Matilda Nichols, Knoxvine, Tenn., writes: "I had cutarrh six years Rheumatism and Catarrh. Rheumatism and catarrh are both blood diseases. In many severe ca.ses they have yielded to treatment with B. Tly-fion V Trn-'iri B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), made by Ol CClli-ijUa i ll J, Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Write 1 for book of convincing proofs. Sent ; T P. Dodge, Atlanta, Ga.. says. 'My ;3rass pamV. Shells, wife had catarrh and nothing did her ' any good. Her constitution linally fa.lfid and noison tot into her blood. 1 placed heron a use of B. B. B., and to my surprise her recovery was rapid and complete." W. P. McDaniel, Atlanta. Ga., writes: "I was much emaciated and had rheumatism so bad I could not get Powder and Shot, L. H. CUTLER'S, NEW I l'.RNK. I xo.000 disordered that route, ten hours from Norfolk. Oregon ereat cause of all fatal diseases about niHe and Makelva seven, and cents and one dollar per bottle. by druggists. Mozley, M.D had become Hnssla. quite epidemic in A BfTJ TO lOCHSKLF. l. urpriina that paouie wiii 1! BrtiirtT. I ..(. l , - W V. -V ur.,, u k,u r 7C- troable. They sr small. iw,t, easily on ra u buuiikuii v record. Bar Harbor Ecord. 11 l. urprlaing Uial pnpie wiii use a cemmon ordinarv pill whea thy can s cura a ralnable tlngliah one for the same mioney. Ir. Acker's English pills are a all liver taken and do not gnp. Sold bv R. firrrv, New Borne, N. C. LK.TlOi HOT DROPS, For coughs acd colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. and middle portions of that tor sore inroai u.. county. shlllgtOD Will probably rpumonul and laryngetis, take lose the larger portion ot her large Lemon Hot Drops. trade from PllDgO river and the por consumpii m and catarrh, take upper aDd middle parts of Hyde, Lemon Hot Drop. 1.1.1 n,a ,,11. Pniurn and the For all throat and lung diseases i,in Lemon Hot Drops. lower parr, oi I iiuiucu a n elegant and reliable preparation. Sold by druggists. 25 cents per bot tle. Prepared bv U. Mozley, M.D.. At- Six men were killed and two had their eyes blown out, by a premature explosion in a rail rood cut, near Butte r . on i : i- . iuuuwua, xueu, xi.Ka.. . ! and a m0e distressing cough, and my Paris, Nov. 13. A dispatch to the 8 were muca gwoolen. Five bottles Figaro, from Rome, says an Italian r r r r ihanVOnd' rurndme." kidnevs, the first oruiser and two torpedo boats nave Deen John M. Davis, Tyler, Texas, writes: Fifty despatched to langier to demand sans-1 ..j wag BUbject a number of years to , . . . Sold faction from the Moorish authorities g n8 of inflammatory rheumatism, UlCl VirSTlIlin by H. for the burglary committed by thelwhicngjx boUe8 of B. B. B., thank Moors at the office or tne Italian onarge neaveDi has entirely cured. 1 have not d 'Affairs. If the demand is not granted, : felt the slightest pain since. '' the Figaro says Tangier will be bom- R N and p 8- Duffy, wholesale and barded tomorrow. i retail agents, New me, N. C. Berlin, Nov. 13. The Emin Pasha .jr relief committee will instruct Captain He who has neither friend nor Wissman to dispatch with all possible enemy is without talents, powers speed a caravan to the reiier ot tienry M. Stanley and his party. Prepared only Atlanta, Gv Just They will OF li. c c c Cheroots ived. eli. or energy. take their nrodncts bv that road its business will bo of considerable magnitude. lanta. Ga. covld wly The official vote of nearly all the coun ties in Iowa has been canvassed, and , Boise's plurality for Governor is esti mated at six thousand, lhe rtepuo lican candidate for Lieutenant-Gover nor will have about rive hundred plir ralitv. advice to moth fhs. Mrs. Winblow'b Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beat remedy for Jdiar- i hoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. ' UI:r I oil, WHOLKHALK GKOCKK, .::::!.!. . tklet, new 111 un e. n. l. Tl i I f , .- I: ! f ' , 'r m r '3

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