t .. : ' , 7 4 1 v fSm if iff ff W Stab rut. I INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. 'VOL. XII. XI-:V ISKKNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, XOVKMISLU 2s. 889. r I'l rum U NOT r r. ax FcrVf ckStcraASTSftl' missHon Disordered Liver. ; . c q c -i co iJb czxsr all druggists. -RftlCE 25TCENTS PER BOX. rVrriC3rb7T3rtUIKJ'(in AX, StHeln.ancAshin England". ,tQrJ'A. ATT,EX Jb CO.. Sole Agents Wno (if jomr dragyist do-s not k-?p : ) w..l flUa- receipt ( pice 4uJ imp.rt Jtm i DC:'. : . 1 ORk.. - ::.::: s : . e -. green a: St i: - 1':;,- . State Senators Irom n r ( 'r ;,if. n I '. M oody . .i :; " i r i. u. r ii '. h i. . A:!. in Me .i: .i'il.i r.i:..-i!. . '. : -t i-':n;ort'il ol I r. j1"- with ,i blue irr '-in M.i.T.'ned time- TIIK IM TKI SI V IKS The m irrh i I ! i n-r r Wh.i'i'Vcr emu! :n b. v. 1 1 1 ;i ; the a n ti : tr,u;n.h i'!" He " i b! . a in th.- ill 1 a t! ! , o.ir w.rh .Hiinrerue ple.'ire Anu:ie:i:i people throw- clT the nh.i.-k'.es of iiion.ireliy ami t.tkes ,i pi, ice iinimi free repubbes news from Ur.i.'.l m e.pt" i.i! It K A 1 I. i Mi w nl . r-Wrll clir :i i'l ! lie j i ; lie : . les t i . r i . 1 w lien ,111 Th ly kth: ifv in T i4DM be had ( R. X.Uvfpt Sve, New iW-rte, N ( OETT1NCER BROS. ONT. O., i. :n ' i" ei i .I'jfc'ri-n t lit rcvolii'ion is sucees.xful. The republic is est.tb bstnvl anl I )oui I'edro i a refugee in I'ortu'.il. The Tinted States should be the tir-t of the nations of the earth to ree.'gnize the oung republic and congratulate the jx-o pie of lirazil upon their deliverenee W'orldV Fiiir from the oppressions of monarehial h ive heard leveral government. No time should be lost in adopting measures that will unit the two great Amec."" re nublies in bonds of amit,and in r " ii g i I i N Civil In ix" f the Vort Hare for sale at Lowest Prices Possible: WOO IW. LorUIwJ Snaff, 1.000 dot. CU' Spool oito3. 100 toxa TVeo, 100 U!m of Tho. M. Hoii i F. 100 N"l SVp, tho - -m -r i- 10) boxM of Arm ud limaier Hr&ad So i i 500 bbta. Kt M Tork, 3.000 pir of Zilr Hm- aj Bt S. A FI LL LINK OK Ory Goods, Ready Llado Clothing & Furniture, AT KKTAIL AND WHOLESALE. Wt u ftvfrl to gin ra WB-t: lUr t.cj f-r the l.?i; M .r. y. 0ETT1NGER BROS. SljTa of the C,-Srve.! 1'ear' SI. r. KIS3TON. y. C, Aagnn. 19 Wui. SULTAN Siill Leads in LOW PRICES, Hirbf rt tarad from ih 5orlhrrn Mrk-t w;.h I. ir. i Rm SaCMd 84oek I iwt kfpt, I km going to Soil Cheaper than Any One in the City! Largest Stock of Clothing in the City ! iitra'a 8iu from 2.50 ap. Doy'i K ?iiu. foar : y i.--. : Fta Udut' dxki N'ew Mrkft. I' CUM'a Oo&kA, for u iv1t jrr, f 1 ..'. XtVl fod8& At 11.00. LmIim' Bttoo &ai Um Si--, S5o. to II ui RryV IJU, 10e. to l.V. Bi Fland Udenlirt. CABPSTS VU b oid tctJ low. A foil lint- of Trun't i: M kal itook f Drr Qoodi uti 'oiiow will be noli TRICES, m I kT to Bk rtHn fr my Eoormoa Sto.k f . -. i - J. A. TQXA e i . mm: : e a ' e r Administration the court ladies P lbbr-dpir.u-d citizens offer to give their check for a million dollar?. Norfolk Landmark. A as n i n. T' ' corres;oadent : i .i. I .i-. hoe husbands ar.- . c.a ' ! 'u : ;:iei!i a. e i . ; 1 1 1 e . : . ' ari-a is mew hat : ,'i i n that or the I ited i i !u of Alaska, and ..a: on : alniut lhatofNew I vania and Ohio. Ci.-t.iiKu r A. I'ikri'e haj beeo eicctt d a 1 . S. Senator Irom North I KIT KM UtOM Ml?. (LKVKI.M) "Principles not mean-' is a car dinal doctrine of the Democratic party, and we cordially endorse it, bur Mr. Cleveland is so identified with the leadinp issues before the country that he is very generally reai ded as t ho purest living em embodiment of American Democ racy. Not ! since the lbindanna Chr,t, of Louisville. Ky., declared in favoi of Cleveland and Campbell as t he 1 rmoeratic nominees o! lS'jJ, and addier-sed a letter to Mr. Cleveland inMniiing him of its ac tum . The following is his letter in re- ph: Nkw YuKK. Nov. 15, 18(J, John II. l'age, E.-q., Secretary, etc.: My Dear Sib: I am very much iiattered bv the note which I have K V MHl l.s a Hi 1 1' I ruV 1'if r- rnatfr. c 'i i i j t , ! i t i ; - i e juiiir'. . ko. i ' ,i i; n,J l:.-r or an) 'a hf r lidi Mi i i trvH."' 11- t-ie 1!, 1 h l o " - Jtr ! ,mil liis echool :i ) ei.tfcr.lay a article, l--tter rec-ivtd from a rt-fiil. .- in the hill v 11- -tait-H. 1 1 h desolate e . -hr-rc is tmitiirjK in the ii.t ruts ,-ind f-cra chef", e t-e nbuut there O? when they nht, aDd for more bear stories LATEST LWS Culled from tlie Tress I)i-.!.i1 In . ' K1I.N OH m it nit: ti. 1. ii hi- n;ii: iti ;i ' w;ij reo IV. be pa-int' in uh Daniel Stimson at time the hoy a letter Mallir-ou happened to Htreet. and he was stopp-d hliI tne iui ..riiiiition Klvt-n hicn. 'Wtll.' he replitil. "the bear stories are n it iput- exhau-ted. I cm add a few to ii. ose pu L 1 1 h. i . A bear," h.j contintikd, "came a few nil.ts sioce within ot-venty-tive yards of ruv hou?e for water, aiid I h'.ve eeerj the tracks in my li-.-lds. thonijli I have kill.d cone lately. A colored man tiled a gun on the lakes ,asi week and killed two. I saw the meat for s ile at Croat in sta.ion, and I learn it in r.o v frequently in the Newbern niarkt t. "But now for a ilincher for th-? boy, and he ehou'.d have been there to ri le with them. I was informed by two Thou lieat, dead eagle of the desert, but Preserving yet in look thy tameless mood . .as ir, inougn etui by death, thy heart centennial celebration .j, were unsubdued. powi.e's h-kech. "A proud life has been thine; i Fayettevillk, Nov. 21. The centen- High on the herbless cliflf thou wok 'st n'4' celebration of the ratification tiy to birth. North Carolina of the Federal Conntitii- except And. gazing down, saw far beneath thee 1 tion began at noon here today. ehine, Uot. Kowle arrived at noon and made Outstretched, horizon girt, the map a stirring and patriotic speech, in winch like earth, he paid a glowing tribute to the Cunsti- What raptures must have gushed tution as an immortal instrument, the When round thy heart, when first thy week of pure patriots and sanac-ious wings essayed statesmen, and by far the best model of Above the space '8 vacancy unfurled, civil government which the human And, far down, the dim material m'nd has ever devised. world. Referring to the fact that amonR the "How fast how far how lontr 1 trooP' in Iine before him were many ex- ininenaait Deen from rocked-vale -"'"". """'""'"K mem. eyrie hich said: "lou acted your part in the !. he late To swoop, and still the woodlark's lyric unPleasantne88 at the commaud of your song. ! mother, North C arolina, and in your you discharged the duty The levernto mhnl uA i. i, i service to hei ry member of that organization. The best compensation lor the dis is t be just received from you, conveying farmers of integrity that they came a report of the Bandauna uemo "i" " PUC " l" wooas. , i c t ii, t Liuiiauiieiiwuuuu3unaueni8aD- securing such reciprocal relations a craticllub of Louisville, and I pi1D(;. and pne Mandmg on ber hind feet will promote the mtere.ts of both accept with thanks the honor con- swinging them up and down with her ' r . II AlA.,Mn .,1, llnnrn T lerreu 0 tuy rireuuu .in uuuwirt- lore pas. Mr. Stimpon and the w r;t( r both cried 'tough ' ' ' ,.u .f l,li (j ii,u Q1. -'laiusuu leyoeu. ian.13 ten- I'Liiim i-iunii. der. to this: hear me: A sow was put in provalofgood people. It 1 liave a pen near the lake in the woods. A gained that, and in addltiou I bave bear, taking the scent, came out of the succeed 1U giving to the principles pocosin, reared up on the pen, and of Democracy increased life and PepiK "jer. boheld a hoB', a mere T . shadow. Thereupon the bear made for activity, I am conteu . m corn Held Dear at hand gathered an I hop that I shall not appear armfun of corn, and returning to the unappreciati ve if I remind the Clab pen threw it in and walked off in dis- he k fhn inat Hie wort uowiuLiauuexiiiBioio i'ui. h aouL.L auuwij wueiutr 1 ' i iiii fnrilior ra nm so n t n cr t n the the bear had quit the drag or designed ' progress of republican tendencies ,r, f, n(, beneficence "enmg his own pork out of the field D .k-ta.M, Iberce-,, colleague had by the Imsilion 0f new burdens toe party 's princple, rather than riedcUre.-'8,aid Mr. Stitnaon. D'H !i i hi sen at lat acc.)nnts. aDd the exercise of arbitrary power, the advancement of the claims of "that bear should not be molested : ' 1 here some probability that he , Qar dispatches say "that "among any individual. I am glad , howrver, and the writer concurred w .1 :,e , Demcxrat. th ca08e, t,iat It,j to the revoIu. to see tnat "e l an nas u, warm r . , .L , . , . appreciation of the gallant nght run December number of the tion were the tj ranical measures to m.lde U ()hj0 )y our Governor- l orun: will contain an article by ' which the government resorted in (.ect and of his" services to the lb ;.. IMwrdi5. 1'nelp on divorc. order to at cure the return of its cause of Pemcrasy. ours very truly, GKOVEII Cl.KYKLiTD. What could be in better taste or more appropriate T republics. The earls part of the reign ol Dom Pedro was devoted to the best Interest of Hrail, ami gave evi dence of stability and rapid ad vancent in all the elements of national greatness. But the peo ple of Ilrazil became restive under monarchal restraints and the gov eminent attem ited to kin's cry The terror stricken dove Cowered down amid the oakwood's central shade; While ferny glens below and cliffs above. To tby fierce shriek responsive echo made, Carry the wild alarm from vale to vale. That thou, the t -t king, wert out upon the gab s When downard Lr-ns were dark, 1 And o'er moist earth glowed morn ing's roBy star, High o'er the scarce tinged clouds 'twas thine to mark The orient chariot of the sun afar, And oh ; how grand to soar Beneath the full moon, on Btrong pinion driven, ' To pearce the regions of grey cloudland ) o'er, And drift amid the star-ialed seas of Heaven: Ev en like a courier sent from earth to hold With space-dissevered worlds una wed communion bold. Dead king-bird of the waste; you owed your State. .iheers I want you to be able to show to a wit nessing world, if the occasion (dnni1 1 ever arrive, tnat you are ready to nir pass the record made then under an other flag, in your zea! and heroi-un in behalf of this republic and re-united country. " Tonight the Ooverner held a recep tion which was followed by the Cen tennial ball, an elegant atfair. with music by an orchestra from the Marine : Band. Tomorrow is Centennial Day, and Sen ator Ransom will deliver an address. The city is brimful of people, patriotism and enthusiasm, and the national colors and emblems decorate and adorn every building. whisky smcqglinu l.V CANAI'A. CHICAGO, Nov. 20. A despatch to the Times from Montreal says: The gigan tic frauds on the revenue, discovered in Quebec are the sensation of the hour. Customs officials estimate the Federal Treasury defrauded last year by whis key smugglers at Quebec alone of more than 8250,000. Much of the contraband "i. 1 J. 1. 'I JUICE f C ' . ...:A. -'"': inul " : . " to be lit Milan KIDNEYS, LiV:rt,.Nij EOWELS. CLCAf.Cu H,UTi rr t;i ally K' (Jill 1 C S CA I i r, !' CO. n r l AX I'erhaps the late minister to Enf laud will answer the question, ,-Is niarr'ae a failure? "bf.rK.tiH this yesr are Luedi c.na!, " sij the li? publican organs. Eroni the number of doeea taken an.; the drastic quality of the physic wiiiniiv. infer that the patient is very so k. Nashville American K HKKi l'.cssKR has gone to San 1'ranc.sco to see his new par chase, the wondt r, Snnoi. Mr. I'.onner is probably the only man in snpporters at the last i lection; when many electors were arrested and imprisoned.' The overthrow of the Brazilian monarchy is regaided as deiini ti ve. Of3fnior De Eonseca, the jto visional President of Brazil, we know bat little, bat what is known is hirhlv favorable. The minister of finance has announced that all C'PP8- contracts entered into by the mi perial government will be main It is due to Mr. Mallison to state here that he would nit vouch for the truth of the lat er story, and that he denied the ownership of the poor pork. How . ever, his known integrity, courtesy and hospitality would clear him of any bus picion in the matter. To sum up, we be lieved Uhat is. Mr. Stimpson and the writer) that Mr. Mailison thought the first swinging story the fact, the second d' utnful, and that if be was the ! stream girt ; world who ever paid fW,(X for tained i v::-. KEDEi ED jal - Opposite BaptJJt Church, 5EW BEKNE. N. a horse ! never saw. ew York Star. A KKPinLirAN contemporary rise" to remark that ''.Mr, Harri son's ad.m i n ;s; ra! lein has given great satisfaction." Judging from the result of t he late elections we are inclined to say it has Wil m :ng:i:i Star. i 1'h;::;'KN i" ILviiKisDN approach-' el the Presidential Chair with quite a giy step and ii..-. ujiriiip-ii o i utrnMu luc sumu j South, but it appears that the gun ' e n : o :1 , i knocked a large lioie e!. Macon News. Thk. next step aftei Business is temporarily paral ysed. It could not be othawise, bat, it is believed that a reaction will quickly follow, and that Brazil will enter upon a rareer of great national prosperity. owner of the hotr in the Den it will A great political revolution is never be knowD. going on. Men who have been Referring to bear meat, the first . historian of North Carolina, Lawson, blinded by prejudice are opening gay8. ..The tUnh o this beast is very their eves to the true light and It Kod and nourishing, and not inferior . , . , to the best pork in taste. It stands be- is a propitious time lor the mcnlca- twixt beef and pork, and the young tion of sound JeiTersonian prin- cubs are a dish for the greatest epicure inner i nrorer rneir nsn nerore nv , . . . , . --j tsut nature s general law, beef, veal, pork , or mutton , and they t-i i rj -1:1 . - , i,v. 1-., o . ., .u..:. ... iuooio mu necujou uiuoi nunc CUU 11 OL uuutil LUiU til iiac luoi a wen e mty tji. tutu i uciuk ' obev ' proper time the National Democ- 8wblle,a8 snow-and the sweetest of pfide reels; and power, that kept a any creatures in the world. If a man, world in awe racy will place candidates in the drink a quart thereof, melted, it never , Tbe dreadful summons heats; and field who will have the confidence will rise in his stomach where are they Th nlii hwt.-iriHn m r.urrfct &h to thr) ! . .... ... . and snnnnrr of the nnited Democ iw. w... . k i v anisnea HKe nigns-areams irom tne - Lv-it.v..v . . - . luu&a Ui uuai, auu no w vu baok, " v are satisfied with the assertion He states that he learns that panther meat is hard to uown, anj so wouia oe ! whiskey is landed at various riverside And is thy curbless span of freedom i PTjahe' 'j the way up from the Oulf, O er I ouu -oepoiaiiy uu trie lriauas in me ri No more shall thine ascending form be i Lwreljce, where large deposits, in one traced. - place alone 200 barrels, have been seized A nri ahull ilio h.,mr r,f hHi. r, ! The spirits so far seized are principally umu wines 01 greater strengtn man tne i-no-i.-Canadian standard and supposed to be ,,, . American manufacture. So far none has been found in the possession of t merchants here though there is little doubt there are merohants at the bottom of these smuggling operations. Rumor is at present busy with the name of mors than one prominent Quebec im porting house. Mr. Cornelier, Queen s Counsel, declares however, that his in structions are to proceed irrespective of rank or politics, and spicy revelations are doubtless forthcoming. hotel burned narrow escape i GUESTS. Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 20. A fire ai Baldwinyille last night caused a loss of 8250,000. The flames originated in the second story of the Seneca hotel, and the entire hotel, block and two large warehouses adjoining were destroyed more Hark to thy regal cry ; While spiring o'er the vales, thy form. Lessening, commingles with the azure sky, Ulimps'd 'mid the masses of tbe gath ering storm. As if it were thy proud resolve to see Betwixt thee and dim earth the zig zag lightnings flee: A child of freedom thou Thy birth right, the tall cliff and sky beyond ; Thy feet were fetterless; tby fearless brow Ne'er, qualing, tyrant man's dominion owned Unh AM BALM iSraTxT Slots' r-Dr 1 . . ii r rim,..,. ,i. rcrntUvl HrM-fl 1 11 tin m iii b tion. II n 1 a the S o r It rnt o re- flit Sense itf Tnl' and Sin j 1 . TRY tiik cr:ci A parllclM ht,j. Is HfcirocHiii. I r: malt. r't iH!-rj. 'i W a r 1 en UM. HAY-FEVER . h 1 i.Rtrll and " 1 "'.tirlHlji; hjr Hid .TIIKRH, : :o. I.'hI w ly racv, sleeper's mind, Dusk 'mid dissolving day. or thunder on the wind." 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER HAS A TIM. STOCK OF SAMOA. bear meat with some, notwithstanding I haye before mentioned I was at W. Congress will meet in a few days. ,u ,, ruJ f ; Stimpson's steam saw mill. -1 tur o n cuiurp? ui no lot. 1 - 1 er -l a jT All hail Bra- and w ith its meeting Samoa comes Lawson, though generally conceded : " mnnuea. r . as aiming at truth, has given some, ,.r..,, 1,1. , , . .,, a-aiu to the front. rather ..l0uh- fish Pt0r.es and as tbe Bl11' Hfe ln Beidsnlle. Germany has been showing im writer designs furnishing one to which The "Drummer Evangelist has been . ,1 1 - ; , a ftna newoua respectiuuy can toe autuiiuu 1 uoiuommci i. j. jjo wu.oi iu patience because the I nued States v ' Biye ' sixteen months ago in Wilmington, and the the others precedence. "There is j for nearly lour months nas Deen an another sort of these whales or great j earnest, successful worker in the cause tish,'' observes the historian, though I of Christ. The following is my candid not common. 1 never Knew or aoovo , opinion 01 tne man suu u wuu. jfttJfj " 1 e i m m v 11 1 u : -w m mat ft. ; 4 t Im WlYTinTriln 1 v l . 1 . a . . . k'li rr. , rr iiTjr:i iit.iHi 41,1 b. ti IDS' he rru u VAN 71UKLE GIN ViMACHINERY CO., COTTON GINS. PRESSES, efiPERSH? CONDENSERS. Th Tu Wokli Cotton ja Michinen pro;er : 1 Jour-: ii .! has ' : v ac an t bt'ncii o the I ''; 'ed of loi.r; een at ' 1 el -e etl THE FAN AMEBK AN tONURESS lievond nuestion. the most im rwirfa'nf aa well as the most infer- h3S delayed the ratificatron of eetiDg projioeition which will come treaty. William's people do not before the congress is one for the seem to understand that " the con- announced ' admission of all raw aDd tnanufact- urrwni. Mf ,i,a qatA i pssenfial one of that sort, found on the coast of 1 Physically he is a very handsome man, nlid ' area material Irom American COUU t North Carolina, and he was contrary to j presenting a nne appearance, ms au- tries atlSOln'elV free Of llUtV on c iow.i 1 l.vulj. ail others ever louna oelore mm; oeing ureas ia very iiom.ui, ma ywiud bviuu, H,f, ,h,; BimiU, o-.X.l h., asmuch as congress has not been sixty feet in length, and not above i rounded and sweet to the ear. dKJ uuutuu . turn c t-u im .inu 1 v - and , . . , . . t i- f three or four feet in diameter. Some- CONSECRATED. - . taken by those countries in regard in session since the Berlin confer- . Indiacfl ia Amerjca wil, c0 out t0 ; n the solid to goods imported from the Cn.ted ence there has been no opportunity : sea and Kt upon a whale's back and tht 0 r";oughir wnor.l to States. It is probable that this for the ratitieatiou of the treaty by PeK .r Plu "P :J8p?a,tr3 ?rd"0JLl" God; he- iB one of the moat earne8t . i! oii-f iiiuiiuauiuu ir, mtint icuiauu, nun - " woraers u nas ever Deen my pleasure me Xi allot . . , , . 1 :. oi 1.. the Senate. XnrihOarn inikn 1 .. n.-- - 1 - - . . , . OJ uieev. xiib buui bwuib vj utj uu uio It is by no means certain that the During the lasCfair in Newborn the with iove to Q0d and fallen humanity. , K , , wrlter happened to mention to Gov. I Realizing the fact that he was rescued treaty will be ratified when it comes : jarT19. the sizs of a turtle caught atlfrom the brink of hell, he labors with up in the Senate. The question ; Beaufort, when he held up both hands I all hu might t0 BftTe 80Uig. ,, , , . , 1 with the exclamation, "I could soon! . will be raised, --what business have believe Jonah swallowed the whale.'" STYLE, we to interfere with Samoan affdirs Here is the proof which at the time; He has the boldness of "Sam'' Jones, could not be adduced The folio wing and the gift of Pearson in the use of the at al. T by should t uere be any - extract from a letter to the editor ! Scripture. He has obeyed the injunc tion of Christ to search tne scrip tures," and uses with power the "Sword of the Spirit." He denounces tli two won cmiuht. Ust week hv the whale and sin in fearless, though chaste language. 1- , .1- r,r porpoise men. in one of the r shark nets. : He has no special way Of conducting tbe huropean nations, and maker our- T feet 3 or 4 inchM in !enf?th. and services, but follows the guidance of selves partners in a tripartite over from the end of one fin to the other, in the "Spirit of God." width, is feet. and 2 S 12 feet througn THEOLOGY, the body. Tbe back is black, which He preaches freffgrace as recorded in The flames spread so rapidly that the WatCllCS ClC" jWErV hotel gussts, about forty in number. ' had to flee for their lives, many of them SOLID f I' T'Il losing all their clothing and valuables. AWTl TT AT1" M TtrATJV Landlord Wright, who was sick in bed, U 1 LA ' LjD WASL was carried down a ladder to escape sr kc i.i. with his life. I keep a lan.-er : . I ' , 'f Spectacles RALEIGH, N. C, Nov. 20. The case than any other m. re m North Carolina against postmaster Stancil, the recently I take particular pan.s t,, nt them to the appointed postmaster at Selma, N. C, eye of p.-.i n, k , ; K ti,, . ,. arrested on a charge of robbing' many registered packages, was today heard Having woi h. , t ench by United States Commissioner Purnel 1. for over th-ey 3. . , . , . 1 rRn do Stancil waived examination and was as good w 01 h a:. , r in the bound over to await the action of the State. the adoption of a Corrupt Prac es act for preventing and punish use of k v, a 1. r K K oe en ice 0:1 f North ' ed er A : o Ill ('..IKK, who appointed to tbe he Supreme Co art Carolina, entered urmi t the age 1 he graiuated 1 V.TJ2i r 0 1 C M Vd a h). 7 I': Ua rlr fr tH aW 4.l(- Ma Tu TU ui litkiurr Ci , ATLANTA. 1 . -V 1 1 1 HKOT A SfiUJTin TlREI-pUTEf? ROAD WASOM. thar. if It is unnesiislnl. it will fi Keform law for the improvement of made tne 8tarting oint of an agi Natioii il and State politics, shoold tatlon for an inter-American zoll verein or onstom union. In all likelihood this finality will not come nnder consideration at Dresent. but mo liey , i r in r-ar,- pertain thar fh muin .elect;, ns. The great and growing ' effort of the congrew will be de- ;ev.; of American politics is the im- vted to establishing commercial Samoan treaty to consider! e 01 money . i'rovidence reciprocity as tar aa may now oe practicable. Washington Post. This is very line just the thing 1 Now, will the Post step to the front and show ns how 1: is that what is excellent for the Pan Ameerican Congress would be monstrous on the part of the Cnited States Congress 1 But, perhaps the indorsement of the Democratic position, in favor of the admission of raw material by the Pau-Ameri can Congress, is to be the prelude to its adoption by the American Congress. Ye have no doubt that President Harrison will advocate a modifica tion of the tariff in his forthcoming message; and, If the Pan American Congress, under the management of Secretary Blaine, can be induc ed to pursue the course indicated by the Post, the Kepnlioan party will have t.iken its first step to wards meeting the demands ot the people. In whatever way we cast our Why of the Centinel, Newbern. dated Beau- should we involve ourselves in any f, V' "common kind on H 11 College, and when 'eti re entered the Ker nel o: the sixty-ninth .A l.e ' m e n t -W ash 1 . 1 r. . l'o-: Nl r'.UKNCK of the most pro t col -red men in the State held mi Richmond on the mlwr next, to consider t : on of colored men in 'y and otherwise, en n.n.-d for represen :n ever;, county and city ' 1 ' co in m : t tee will ; ; o mi te d to visit tiid -ry and indue on a; election a country whose affairs in no legiti mate way concern us!" It will not surprise us if some very plain langange is used in the discussion that is inevitable. It may be said that we are already in the entanglement, tmt there is no reason why we with his sides, are in quares. tne ! rnhn a. lfl. .-Fnr Clnd n lni-i th under prt i-i blick and white, and the; wori(j that he gave his only begotten bill resembles that of the hawk. He ; gon lnat whosoever believeth in him died shortly after he was taken, and ghould not perish, but have everlasting the skeleton is preserved. life." He emphasizes the doctrine of Why not get one for the n-xt fair : ; a8Burance .John 3: 36: "He that believ But as astonishing as the eiz of this j etn on the Soa hath everlasting life." turtle seemF, see what th world had in He doeg not uge technical terms, but should tiententhe aes Paflt : uses the Scripture language itself. His . .- ' LC.M -i J- -ir.,. ''Ji 1 u lUtJUlCO BIO. IWIOUWIlliiO, f BlbU 1(J C0rdsth.it bind us. ihere ought to Nilason. the great Greenland or right Christ, New Birth, etc. As a Method to be manhood enouirli in Ibe Sen- whale Helena mytlcetu. L 1 weighs . ist, I watched his theology closely, and luu tons as mu;ti as or eiepnats ur uu nearciiy enuorse everytning 1 uearu bears. Vet the remsins of the foseil from him on this line. whale I Ii irira) found on the coast of Ystad . in tne Baltic, indicate that the animal, although not more tnan 50 or 60 feet long mui-t have had a body 27 time,s larger and heavier than that of the common or right whale." ate to break trom an alliance which is "entangling," unnecessary, and in direct conflict with the farewell address of "the father of his country." HIS WORK IN EEIDSVILLE. He came here to hold union services on Oct. 10, and closed Oct. 2id, hold ing two services each day. He does not preach what we call sermons, but gives Bible readings that are very prac tical and pointed. The work done here ,k-s a n at But won't you come inV" came from . has been wonderful; over three nun Mrs. Moulton" We had been musing d red persons have said they would take at her corner. Certunly." and we Christ as their Saviour, and live for entered her taxidermy worbi-hop. Here him. Many of these were already we were surrounded bv all kinds of members of the church. I never saw a Ir is irrjfifvinir in nnr Dia- eeuis. etc.. eve. oum aoaujy oujov-wv,. .U..B.UU, . " i il is feiainy mt, oui , ,,ln.mHr tiken bv Mrs. verts was. oerhaDfl. the most cultured 1 - o! 'lie I mted S'ates, tie partisan strife of a'.. and IN its interesting report of the banquet ol the New York Chamber of Commerce the other night the Associated Press isaicl: "The Presi dent of the 1 uited States w as drunk birds, ducks, eq nrrels. raboits, snakes, town as thoroughly aroused upon the in silence." spnsp of the nronneties to know . Mnnimn sixtv-three of her voumz were man in our town, namely. 001. a. j. i ,i,mu ii,i0.,i nnt rininiu fully matured. They were preserved Boyd. About fifty joined the churches lu nines J l . Olio Liaa a auat, B iiidu uuu uv... - w v grand jury of the Federal Court. He was immediately arrested for stealing an overcoat from a store in Ralsigh in October and, on examination, was bound over to the State Superior Court. New Orleans. .Nov. 20. Last night Jefferson Davis suffered considerable from fever, but towards morning his condition became normal. This is the first time since his removal to this city that tbe patient has been absolutely free from fever. He is, however, ex tremely weak. Stockholders' Meeting. The 35th annual meeting of the stork holders of the Atlantic & North 1 aro lina Railroad met pursuant to adjourn ment at the depot, in the city ot New Berne, Thursday, Nov. 21st, 1889. On motion, Mr. E. H. Meadows was made chairman, and D. S. ( arraway. secretary. The chairman announced that there beag a quorum present, the meeting was ready for business. Mr. Washington Bryan called atten tion to the small number of stockhold ers present, and suggested that this being a fact it would be best to post pone any action in regard to the object of the meeting. After some remarks by Messrs. Wash ington Bryan, James A. Bryan and Clement Manly, it was moved and car ried unanimously that tbe next regular annual meeting of the stockholders be held in Morehead City on the third (lid 1 Thursday in August, instead of the third (3d) Thursday in July, as per reeolution at the last meeting in Sep tember. Mr. Washington Bryan stated the necessity ef this in giving the officers ' of the road ample opportunity to make their reports after the end of the regu lar fiscal year. Upon motion of Mr. Washington Bryan it was then moved and carried that the resolution offered by Mr. James A. Bryan at the last regular meeting in regard to the extension of the road be postponed until the next regular meet ing. Mr. W. G. Brinson then moved that the adjourned meeting now stand ad journed, which was carried. E. H. Meadows. Chairm-ui. D. S. Caeba'ay, Secretary. 0KTH CAROLINA SEWS. ''O.MZ A N , . .SAM I.A'l N. . I 1 ' s'. root, fet- dwtf Oppohit.- Has-: :- I 1. 1 i, K. e, JONES, Oroccries 1 Dry Goods 3 Notions. Full slock and liir!' n ri riionfc Prices a low as ti..' lotv.-pt. Call and examine ti.v i-t ..ek. Satisfaction t'ui,r ,i;,i i i J. H. CKABTIiKK I. A SI I. MANLY. JOHN 6. cr.ABTF.EE & CO en g i r.rn s , Founders aiiil Mat.hiiiiats Manufacturers an I li jilers in LN5IKES AND Uk&l.-rA l SUPPLIES Saw Itlllli. K Ut i.i. We nr pre j ir : with pron i pt i M-f.s Part lou lar t. n-i . to rpttl R ! m J: ; : W' e w ; ! 1 I - i m . ' ' for an v iIchc t ' ; t . 1 W e a r M. c n c . : cn u sit w. a . 'i hraL-(l I r.ilht r. I We v- I s'hc! llnllrn, ft MarblDM, k of ail klodfl i t : m cl Yen J 'M I in fcti in A uier in'i oel- ! mirk W 1 V From the State Tapers. t wo p irtic high- . ten m TJ1V FROST -KING COMPANY. 5? i'fn ro "cyt1 1 Hslrr, irld. and I'roit ! not !Trct It. Pmiatj Bncti Tmisj Wi ll krp nil Wall and sur-fc- Iran. Witerprwfs Brick ad Stone. UUnk Wall, madr alr proof. Y-j Can P.nt Over Cfmtntcrf or B ' r k Wn n Trotd vnith Prfi(ri:.ic k mr ! i 'l Ai-. W '. : . i ' .' :i. lie .. a -i ' lie ' . :r. e' lind s of 'Veriitr. enr. - . is ; , s r.c ii y in ous n limes 'e. : t i a i !i is l(i al to the .:;:' 'A iib:tijrton I'cmt. .l1 ' i.k Alm.i; the CnHilloo 'ri.-.! as tlie result of "the ' -'::: . :i j..l:tio" is still go :. ' :. ; .ij.er. The (icxxl ' r .iK-ei! y a s the " ' 'he a bom i n a- -' : '- u.ore prevalent, -. :i keurneky than elae irr in K- eonealeti wea '' is ueeiieil in every ' '-:i ' '-e country is an ' o eit.zens who A.e 'l.e.r tuiSlllMS tO 86 . 1 na AN-Aii!s: carrying ron f ij.orin -ire en forced. Ve eties tor th prevention of in . a, a !.-i, itud for half a purposes, not one of avba w kpa fhr t i Olfc.vt.1 An ll lll- v. ... mat I lie X lesiueut him uui huiwuo- ' ...... ,.. .. ..,.i wili .A mn .ill An mn. W. Ihnk ucatioual process is working oat its ly jruot. This is, of coarse, a free down the Neuse last spring, about five God that Bro. Fife came to our town. country and if the President of it feet in length, ana the preservation of ana neartuy recommena mm, to au wno it is tquai to anv in the Museum at love God. a faithful workman. If you wants to be drunk in a regular wild Washington City. The animal is as want to find a man who certainly is a western wiiv. with a whoop and a natural as life when in the act of swim- firm believer in the power of prayer, - 1 min'. The alligators are all sold. The send for "Bill" Fife. May God bless him HCUllle, there is HO hiw to prevent It, killed by Mr. Congdon at his mill and his faithful wif. A. McCULLEN. but, after all, we believe good taste some few years ago will probably never suggests that if he is going to be drunk at all, he should be drunk in !' o 1.1 - ... in j.lmilbu legitimate results. .i a certain sense of Wherever commercial boards a the dispatrhea from amble to consider questions of tin r.icy is triumph- trade, or any convocation ol Amer "UeiinMiritniam pre- j.-rj citizens concerned with busi- - im.., however, the Qeaa affairs voices Us sentiments, they are in opposition to the pnu ciples of the present tariff. Manifest destiny proclaims ::s down fall, and the Repnlican party mat escape or be buried in its rums. COiiKESSMA.N IllVNKS, who represents the district in wlrich Ki-Preident Hayes lives, says t hat "Mr. Hayes is devoting all of his time now to tx?D?voleut pursuits and is very much interested in the subject of prison reform." THK attempt of the men on trial for the murder of Dr. Cromn to Drove an ahJjx brines to mind the charge of an Alabama judge who mittee said, ''an alibi, gentlemen, is a solemn declaration that the man was not there when hu did it." ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mas. WlKSLOW'8 Soothwq SYBCr - t ,lu. a. M tnZil : CST t L Cor. U iti f tint Xt t. Piili., Pl 12 Bnidtiy. M. I r pa i'ii!.viie or as beneficial as should always be used for ohildren -....i ,wt th.. t;nH i teething. It soothes the child, softens -S: Louis Cilobe Demo silence. W ashington Post. Kkt i lii.n'AN papers have never uttered a word of protest when millionaires have been elected to the Senate by the Republicans, and they do not mention the fact that Senator Sherman ol Ohio is prob ably worth ?l.nt),(KK. One thing may be said a bo at Mr. Calvin S. Lriee. If he is elected to the en.ie it will not be because he is wealthy, but because his party appreciates his services last Fall as Chairman of the Demo cratic National Campaign Com Mr. P.rice did not elect the Democratic ticket, but he did some excellent work for it. Savannah ' e w S . LVl . IS LIFE HOHTIl 1.1 VI Id t if v,.u go thn.Uih the world a dvanei - La Grange Sentinel i Work will be commenced on the railroad from ( reen ville to Kinston in a few days. The depot of the new railroad will be on the south side of town on Neuse river. Monroe Enquirer: A day or two ago a good looking damsel, aged apparently about 1(5 years, was noticed driving a three mule team through the streets, riding bareback upon one of the mules, while a man was sitting in the wagon eating potatoes and two other men wen following behind. Kinston Free Press: The postotliie Old Virgiiiin Just They will xi.C . Ciieroots eived. en. ,1. ,.f ,Ku urltar . itneumiuim ana etl.rru. Mrs. Moulton was so kind as to divide Rheumatism and catarrh are both j a steak from us tail, superbly cooked by blood diseases. In many severe cases I herself, w ith him. Tbe truth ia, it they have yielded to treatment with B. ...umc.i i.n tir e m iRte as the meat of a B. B. ( Botanio Blood Balm), made by crab'n claw, et. as Lawson said in re- Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, ua. Write , nas Deen movea 10 me nuumr uunu mt: . gard to the pHDther meat it was ex- for book of convincing proofs. Sent ' corner Queen and Caswell streets. It ceedinglv bard togodown. I attempted free. is a better place for the poetoffice than to make 'those members of the family R.P.Dodge, Atlanta, Ga.. says: "My than where it has been heretofore- around me believe I was loving it. vife had catarrh and nothing did her ! We are pleased to see in the Buckles- wben every mouthful would stick in any good. Her constitution finally berry items that the farmers of that mv ti'.n.af r tiy to th- end of my failed and poison got into her blood. I 1 section (and they as a class are the bent tongu-. Tie- prepared .-k in was sent to placed her on a use ofB-B. B., and to ! in the county ) are sowing more w heat Fngland an i mere sold, aft.-r receiving my surprise her recovery was rapid and j It is a good example for the farmers all a' premium t the New Orleans Expo- complete." over the county to folio w . Plant more j;. , rVail..-r work on hand is W. P. McDaniel, Atlanta, Ga., writes: i provisions and less cotton, and you will ex'i'i -He. ihougti her business now is "I was much emaciated and had be more prosperous. chicilv in (.hipping bird skins North, rheumatism so bad I could not get Raleigh News and Observer: The Newbern cuin t be b.'sten in taxi- along without crutches. I also had j iaet wjil and testament of the late ( hief dermy . .-ii d en iMibt-dlv in tlie new neuralgia in the head. First class phy- j Juatice W. N. U. Smith has been pro building the taxid-rmists will have a eiciana did me no good. Then I tried pounded and ad m itttd for probate in much better oiportunuy to exhibit B. B. B. and its effects were magical. I I the office of Judge C D Cpchureh their work, which is an art as much so cheerfully recommend it as a good j The estate ia said to be S I f0( 00. Mr. as painting ir sculpture. Those that tonic and quick cure. " j S. D. Harrison, well known to all this can reproduce a mm or an animal or a m.io. ; commuDiij. uieu buuucui jminuni tish or reptile, i.n i make them appear lenn., writes: i naa catarrn six years to liv ver Bgaiu. is as much an artist and a most distressing cough, and my a ti, imimer rr -ciilnr-.r. Tho officers eyes were much swoolen. Five bottles i of the Yaw. from tbe nrt miums offered. IT. UIx'IcIi, WHOLLSAl.i; C.LOCLK, Mii'p: i. : i.i i : N i:v i i u i-: s i J W. STEWART of B. B. B., thank God! cured me." era'.. tic, Ackers Pyspepsia laulets are a posi tive cure for the worst forms of Dyspepsia the gumt. allay, all pain, cures wind indigestion, riatuieuer iu i ousupauoD - - . . . v. k , , Mi... (.lu.irantee.i and sold by H. Berry. New seem to so consular it. Johnju. uavis. lyier, xexas, writes. But among Mrs. M .ulton's beet work "I was subject a number of years to was an eagle, still looking as though spells of inflammatory rheumatism, ready to soar to the clouJs. The de- which six bottles of B. B. B.. thank ceptijn is peifect.yet there is but tbe heaven, has entirely cured. I have not . .. fair li,a alinlilaat no in ainrA " skin anU leatners represennug tne Ring of birds But let 'he poet speak lex pect to refer to taxidermy again. Be hold. morning, tie was on tne street an nay Tuesday and up to 8 o'clock in th" evening was full of life and jovijl ss he i was wont to be. About 10 o clock l.e hesa. Twaty-flrs cents a bottle. lxrn.N. C "With prrud curved beak, plumage, bold and complained of feeling bad and soon after became unconscious. Dr. K Burke Haywood was quickly summon ed, but after his arrival Mr. Harrison never regained consciousness and was nnnhle to pivn anv svmntons of his pros R N. and F. S. Duffy, wholesale and tr(,t,ion- Mr. Harrison was for a long retail agents, New me, N. C. tjme a prosperous merchant in this city . He was for several years county treas- wiry Beecham'a Pills cure bilious and ner vous ills. urer and at one time a 1 Bourd of Aldermen. member of the 1 : ' l 1' con -t .ii, 1 1 v "ii I . a i . 1 l-Mi 1 1 1 1 r.i f t i.i. 1 ! :u t:i w. i I. ;. o.l and safe cngle and i imi-. Sa-d cle I th. men. night. .im foi ..;h 1. ipen all d.iv Mule 1 to driving. double I ics and Ken" and late at scpl d4t

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