, 1 ',: s .- 1 it i c i i mm M . weir I X D E I J K X I ) K NTT ITST ALL THINGS. Tra Mtu.oo X- Tear. VOL. XII. NEW BFRNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, DECEMBER 1889. iTT-tt rr rUlM A : J Kill fulU VI, NOTlS. -t-' of Krazd h ve 1 - ."..or nl herer.ee to the lle- '.crl.u ob' m ed Bismarck was v. Fa -Tt S!:ri ljixf J Dfpstion Disordered Liter. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. rttisM ti ft t Tti f5&BEEClIAlt Hfcfc-n, lJUirtwh irt En Ian d. 1 'Tfc'ott rrc-Sf cf trfct Hu' tWWrr (Pleac :-.:c:-.: 0 b a4 i U. lTsrrT' Drug 3!rf, Nw Brnt, C SeTTINGER BROS. KLinston, INT. 0-f Have for sale at Lowest Prices Possible: A v. i- ;: : a v. :-. n :. 1 ' ' ' i r .i k . I : . - , i . 1 t r.i i t ure Ii.m oc- i-.ir . .1 ; r.-la io;i tetween rr-i:, fn :i ! ' h vjI Oil). ilK.N. m fioflled h w.-elf, . ! ii... if i ! pi-fecU ut tie 1 .:. Malt. Q I UlOD. la;-. i. .ii n a AthirMc Ciub has . :'.-r tin ihk par for . :-. k ; . - i n kson ud Salli- 1 I'OLIUCIL DILEMMA. T II A N KSUI VIXG. Craven Col.:; y The rt cognition the Unit-d (Id lav I'harsdity, oar National Tne c-ur' States of Brazil :b bt-in ():8cu.sed Thaiikpgiving Day was celebrated morning ai l 30 iu France. All parties seem to be throughout the United States of jrra';tUd .it tu-- tstabl f lmient of Americi and in foreign lands, the Ke ubl.c, I ut d : tl. r ,tn to t he Hen- religious worship and family proper tiiM'lor the formal recog- gathennK" characterized the d-iy. nition by the Kovt rnii,ent of In France it wan a festive occasion France. Unheals are m favor ol on whwh Amcricau homes weie mii imaitdiate recon 1 1 nn , while thrown ojien to the elite of Paris, S 1 p - I i ;l Convent d ourt. Wed dss i ay RAMBLES ABOUT TOV. : . li r,. -t h pre disposed of l.'irnihrey: assault at the corner of Union and East Front j by Bicknevs of aDy kind. lily weapon : jury "treeis. inere, irom nis btrtb, the On the square neir i ; v (.jutit-el - !l Or. Hi j ' lite. O.N I f c ; e :i ' t. : r -, j r : : tie heavipt rnr-, and mny snow ii-. .rn d; it M feared :. i- uci'U much los of conservati res ini-t that it would be improper to recognize i he Kepub ic before the permanent govern ment is established. Bat the threatening a.pect of afTiirs ) preseuted ty nionarcli'.sts in Knroie. A Ixodon disjatch to the Wash ington Po8t of November 'Jl sis: "It is openly asserted in I'. iris that the Pope is in favor of the move meet to bring about the restoration of the dynasty in Brazil. It is not Lyons ad Marseilles, while iu Germany there was a grand dinner, in Berlin, at which the great Bis marck was an houored guest. All this is well; honorable to oar lie public and creditable to mankind. Among all the nations of the earth none is more exalted than these United States, and among all her citizens none have more cause lor thanksgiving thau the people of North Carolina. Onrs is a goodn b ntage. Iu ; 1 ! n:r ji.t :ic,eoded on 1 ii crT.y ; guilty; u injment of t iianksgt v.ng Jy the Char- i .ir.'t::iie "liid: "The man .,1 ;i :i . n g to tw thanktal for :.e v ::n of his own un- oonaidered possible or advisable to salubrity of climate, in fertility of 4000 lb. LorUWi Saaf, IJOHQ 4. Co' Ppool Co:'.. r.. 10O Wm of The. M. no;:' P. TOO Vox f Xil S.-?, :"' SO W of 4-4 Shtia. I0 Vox of Arm iai Il4ai3ir Braii &0O VkU. Pork, 1,000 fair ( ZijUr Broa. tai Bj Sfc A FULL UN K OF Otj Gcods, Ready Uade Clothing & Furniture, . AT B.KTAIL AND V HOLF.SAI.K. W mr frfrd U4if 70a ih. WB'; BiruiaJ fr !.?v-. M ,u j.Ll OETTIKGER BROS. aira ofXhe Olebrated Pearl Shtrt. 1 n eek the replacement of Pom Pedro himself, but it is hoped that circamstances will arise winch will lake it possible to eeonre the throne for his gr.wuii.on. who has some popular qualities a to I won id probably receive the warm a! legiance of many Brazilians, who would prefer the empire to a re public, provided the former were l'KSBLETON, administered in a little more pm ,: .t Slates minister to Ber- gresive fashion than was possible : t:ui.V, the head of tfie Mei.' Party, h.ts been, or artested on a change of bv ci IVepre- ' Tk:ng founpir.ics preferred suta':vr ( 'a'. I ag h an . II N. (tK li. United Siatea died m Brussels -K-ivT ciTTT rn 1 xx Will. SUAjJLAr Still Leads in LOW PRICES, ' a Haviac J nmnd ftwa ih Norther Market w;,.h th- Ia-: ir. J &m4 8o1 Bwk I vr kp:. 1 im gora to Sdl Cheaper than Any One in the City ! largest Stock of Clothing in the City ! KM, 8aita from fiiO . Boy' Ka 9iu, four eth: v-'- 1-1 T CVH'f CU jrirt. $1 IU goi Shm a t l , L ta-iW BatMi Lm 8aoa,SA;. 10 tl v. - MVa4 B47V Iis 10 to BtrtTlaBMl CaJrilr i UasltfvainB U a UaJarTrt, Sft. CARPETS wtfl U Mid rwtj low A fall '.me of Trsuk. 1 "V '"'V.M 1 rUVoisUek oCDtj 0o1 ad Nouoc will b : UKPl - l" i PRICES, I ka tf f"T my Knormom Stok ft . tn.r,: X. JL.TX03CA4, SaJamaa. 4 4 Oppoito lUptij'. Church. NETW BKBNK N. :'ff-' 1 g ir iu. , 'wuuMy VAH VlNKU 01N VJ MACHINERY CO., COTTON GINS, PRESSES, FEEDERS CONDENSERS. ftsTu Wcili Cottoa Bia Michinjp L.M. MUM Tr-0'. " A r.o fc ik ti.iM - I'UHim C F1- rri i Tu Wlitla fill ui Hic.iiinr Ci., ATLANTA. ' - -V BtaJ & SDlUTin Tfill-QMIITH WASOH. Mat f I ah--- BftflST KING COMPANY. Wairr, Acid and I ret not anrct 11. 7 NUg. PrrrutJ BricijT.H.'j VV- VV6 1 V. UrfM ll VII on -1 -V C W . Witsrprrcfs Brick S': T?; niauk 1- s .it. pr trfk Trc..'.. J s to V - ... tnraiCto. IiHat 5t't. P.ili. Pa. 12 Bni.7. I T I tormerly a; or irom Oiiio ! ' Snil.i) d $ ii t . HE fat.jQicy surplus may a we.! descend the tree gracelully at once. Tanner ind Dudley iiare opened slim agency in Waaiiing ;on. Philadelphia Record. Niu. ( i.kvki.imi says he will not go-into t personal canvass for tne iio.i. ination in lS'.f'J. That is :n luces-sry. Tlie people will at tend to that. Wilmington Measen- in the latter years of Pom Pedro's reign, bimpered as if was by the bigotry and ultra c it.ser vat is in of the Pn:ieet-.s Isabella and her ad herent.' ' Here 1 presented danger that threatens the Brazilian Republic The interlerence of the crowned heads of Karope in Bra zilian affairs would be promptly checked by the government at Washington. Tne attenp ol foreign powers to re establish the monarch v bv the soil, in mineral wealth, in beauty of land-cape a. id m agi n i ficence of scenery, in treasures of forests, cons and rivers; in past achieve ments, present environment, anil future prospects that spread before her iik ever mcieasing grandeur, she is unsurpassed by any STate in the civilized world 1 "Go West, young man," may have been sound advice when Horace Greeley gave it to a young man in a crowded Northern city, but to a North Carolinian, in the morning of his manhood, it would tie the voice of misguided philan thropy calling from green pastures Th- r Stale vt and battery imp.it;. . ,i . r, Stale Si) 1 it , 1 for d.-i' i.d mt M ..nr.- Wilt!-', liceiir. : ;i i iv piyrn..;, ; , e D.01 el Wi . ju fjmei.t Mi-t). Cost Jaructi Kreinnn; A 5c B; nul proa. Arr.os J nes Iarc-nj : ii'iilty: judg ment pu-peixi. d on p i m.-nt of copt. Slotnm Huri.cv : A & 15 ; uilty '.judg ment r.u-p n lfd 01 p.jm ui of cost. B H I ;; k : iareriiy and receiving a raft li no n :o t'- -: ,i. 1,; guilty in both chrgon. 1 ...uii-i'l f ,c d-fendat.t. L J Moore and J K O'H ,ra: tor ih- Stite, P li Pelletier acd So ijujr Wh.te. Robert SwiD.'eli; He llicg 1 quor with out li:cnse:Kui.ty:jadmentsutipeDded on piymeut o' cot. Hon C R Thomas, Mr Kli Sin.ili u -nod r .. , , from his birth to wiibiu t'o r n.ree Continued. weeks of hl8 deathi whl( h ,.rilir,.(1 Passing up the street from Mrs. Moul- 1 when he was 78 years of ae ii.-u a ton's taxidermy shop we are presently , never confined a single day to the l . d mere, irom nis Dtrtn. tne. On the trmarw ne.r m m h. f, for brigbteat half of the years of the writer 1 mentioned, reside the direct deeni- t- , , "ereseen. iroana mm still are a few I ants of Thomas Pollock, and on the ac. or tno old landmarks n and L J unchanged, I sauare onooai e is rh ret. id en re nf V n though fire and storm have not been an liam Handcock, wbo was the atrornov unaccustomed visitor in that locality. ' of Poliok The PollokH omiit.-d ihe i hout The NeuBe rolls by as of old to the sea, I "c" in spelling their name and in- fir Pt l u t3 oiu ueuar on me corner is yet 1 tiandcocfes inserted ihe "d as above, unbroken and erect, defying whirl- , The Hancocks of this generation foil ov wind and age. But where are those so j ed the bold signature of John H-ncock. near and dear that were there with us 't the patriot, of Boston. Gone, forever gone "What a scene would Mr. and Mm Our pleasures are born but to die. Daniel Stimson have in their pretty They are linked to our hearts but to 1 room8' finished with native woods of sever; ' different kinds, if they could call back And, like stars shooting down a dark choee who have been over th" very sky, I ground their fine mansion now coverc Shine loveliest when fading forever. There once stood the d wellinc house of ! John Wright Stanly, surrounded bv Ao w often under this cedar hava we beautiful and rare flowers. They would wat:hed, when armed with either 1 see around them first English noblemen rocks, bow and arrow, or gun, eagerly and otricjers in their dazzling uniforms for the opportunity to bring down ! then, following, the patriot of the K. v rooin, tiook bird or sparrow then at j olution. with their wives an i daughters " . -m -..u.., uwuk, j mere wouia ob uen. rvatnaniel Wreen. me uuirping ana notes oi alarm ana rush of the wings I For years did we sail, paddle, and fish, in the broad river in front of us but where are the boys, our associates, hat were with us on W01 JMK--: W I-iaiah Smi'.n: A & B; jury impaneled, 1 tDeee excursions ( Excepting one or verdict guilty. Counsel for d ef end ant j g all, all over the C Ii Brown, fur State, Solicitor White. Near this place centered stirring I-iiah Smith. A ii B: guilty. scenes in the past. At present, com- David Ho. s ami Perrv ' had wick, 1 paratively, it is like the calm succeed , , , . , . irjg the storm The hum of business is colored: lar-eny: two charges: jury im-, and the ..Ahoyf ahoy Qf tfae paneled: ver.Ti.--t guilty: sentence, three sailors on the vessels is a thing of the years, each, in thu penitentiary. past. Where is the Apprentice Boy, In the cise of Violet Wiggins, colored J lJ?e Oold nucter, the Frances, the c . .-e j I Mary, the Ellen Douglass, the Rufus for resm.r.g an officer, judgment was j Kin tbe Topaz, th AitaUa, suspended. i Kimberly, the Karah, the Cassandra, Court took a i ecBs till Friday morn- I Bt . Picere, the C. Slover, the Julia and ing. 9 .: 0 o'eluc L- i Nancey, Sea Bird. Edwin Alonzo, and ' many other vessels once receiving and The curt convened Friday morning , discharging cargoes at the Neuse et 9.30 ..'ci. i k. j wharves 't Gone. Where are the flat- T, , ; i , t , , , i boats in the docks laden with naval ThetrMl of Jesse Br.w,:. colored, for , stores and produce and staves? Gone. the murnor of Flora A r. n Harris, col- ! The riyer steamer, from the upper ored, waj set for this dir. and was ; Neuse, Waynesboro and Smithfield V SUht 11 11 1 e. CALIFORNIA 'l V o' CREAM BALM the greatest and living waters to "unpropitious accordingly calieJ. climes and inhospitable shores." Far be it Irom us to indulge in vain boastings; rather would we life our hearts m grateful thanks to the great Creator who gave us The prisoner w. Vr. uht in and placed at the bar He ileadfd "not guilty." He is a medium sized man with a rather flat face, and a treacher ous, restless ej e. He was very Bhabbily dressed and maintained a sulky de meanor throughout the trial, only occa- t h is lair land. Lt us for a moment compare sionaby ri.,i ifepting the slightest emr intervention of farming in North Carolina with the tl0U a nervous motion of the body to and Iro. and looking sharp. y at the witness on the stand. A fDecial urv was Crawn and lm- U en displayed, ana the wnite ana tate iarmtng oecause arms would call into exercise the same business in the most produc ()Kof the greatest connagra- Monroe i)0riue asithas never tive of the Western States. We tlOU of our day wal that which .. ;ltJnroH and rhu whir and ttx fnrmincr hecanse it is the of the paneled, consisting of the following named men: E. J. Muthews, J. H. Stevenson, J. P. Stewart, A'iodzo Ful cher, U. McCotter, James J. Howard, wept over I.vnn, Mass., on laat rfd Rtnrx-a of our star enankled representative avocation Tuesday, destroying 10,(X)0,000 in banner would float by the side of yeomany of the country. property and leaving a scarred, the green and trolden stripes of the Leaving out cotton, sugar and blackened area of sixty acre". gtar ppaugled banner of Brazil. tobacco, which cannot be profitably B B- Davenport. S. G. Roberts. J. P. In i'tah the Harrison adminia Bat if the movement against the ' nroduceil in tho West, we are con- 'tanl'- colored W . D. Kirkman, , , , , , . , Jame- Lucas, colored. Martin Arthur, tritiou i perseentiug the Mormons young republic is to be led by the tent to rest the comparison alone- colc,rc.d for conscience's sake with great Pope, and church canons are to b upon the grain Indian corn if you C. R. Thomas. Esq. . assisted Solicitor energy. Atitna same time it is naed iastead of the cannons of war, please, the one great product erf white in the prosecution, and J, E. a. pointing them to post office in tne situation lecmes complicated all the States Psoari St. Louis Ke.pnblic. I r. r IV a nn I van i ana will be thor ot;g(',:v ,4, armed when thry learn th: d- ed tiger skins are to be ad mitted free of duty. The dried tiger ss..., tni.;ness is steadily sap pi.- g our infant :ru!ustriea. Cour- and difficult. A majority of the dust at this moment our eyes people of Brazil are Catholic, and have fallen upon the Aebeville any position assumed by the Pipe will have a preponderating in Citizen, of November L'7, and in it we find an editorial exactly to our purpose. The Citizen says : .1, :i:;u,. Ihk :..-s- Assistant Postmaater (tei.er v! ha.s made his annual re port On the 1st of July the nam iter of postoflF-es in he entire conntry wis ovlifj of which 2. 63d were Presidential: there are monev rder oftices, and 4ol free ilf i.verv post iffiiv. (FN hearing of the revolution Br-tz :. the J.'fESil l il ted Sta'e of America aboald !e 'he firs'. (Jvernment to recog r. t :.e l'r:'d States of Brazil. And s f. The new Republic recognirfd by the V.tshi " gton on the tiuence. We trust that there is some mn take here, and that the Pope will not interfere with Brazilian na tional affairs. Catholics were' among the most ardent promoters with an eye of commiseration upon of the independence of the Ameri- our own farmers with their scanty can colonies, and the establishment domains, their rough and moun , , ., t- . , tainous fields, and the meagre oat- of the government of the Lmted . a,nit, of a loDg yari8 hard Ubor. States. Charles Carroll, of Car 1ut ht.Te js auother side of the Catholic, was one picture we are not often asked to Declaration see. and wnicn admirers ot tne O'Hara appeared as counsel for the de fendant. Freeman Harris, hu.-bacd of the mur dered woman, was the first witness for the S:ate said: '"On Saturday night. October 20. about 7 o'clock, after supper, me and my wife was settin' in w a ( c O V r ' : s t f . r m e r 1 y n.nifnt at l.l-tilit. T' tell ti-.e truth., much of the o o i : s s p i r , t with which a 1 1 o f u s e i oo'ed to herald stateho'nl has been ack'.r.k. The people of Montana rolton, a devout of the signers of the of Independence. We trost that Brazil will Ih said "the apared the horrors of a religious . i . i i war, ana mat, uutrammeiea oy foreign interlerence, she may es tablish a free Republic as enduring as the everlaating hills. TUK Ki ng of Siam in everyday life is only a common plag ot a maja, going around with feathers on his coat and his hat caved in, but now and then, when he wants to fling on style, he pins tl, 000, (K0 worth of jewels on his robes and ascends his throne with a tread "We hear 60 much of tbe beauti- before de lira in my house at Pitch ful crops of corn and other grain iD : Kittle, and presently I got up and went the Western States, so much of the ' 8nd lay down in the room. I heard a large farms, the eiwy tillage aud iumberin" in the kitchen; my wife the bursting garners, that we turn wetU t0 eee wha. it wag; 6D6 thought it was the cats; the dog runout and run around de house batkin', and my wife, he started nfter an dog. but afore she went more'n a few eteps. a gun shot. I called her and sh didn't answer. I says. lor. somebody's killed my wife! I went out and found her lying dead. I hollered and blowed a horn for help must tn- vindicated, popular suffrage which mates his whok assured, and the sovereign ngbt ot shake. Detroit Free Press. he ms'onty to rnle mast le settled n l i before the people of the State will As coal is now burned in the fur :el irfrctly at home in a circle of naees of locomotives there is a State that never permit fraud to waste of from fifty to seventy-five ta:nt their trie Anaconda .Mnnl I?r cent. That is, if the beat S" andard. S K N A T it iN.iAi.t.s has tx-cnpied a very e.jaiv.H'al position on the iet:on of prohib.tioa, anil both i rt;es are loudly demanding that he come out of iwer. Whenever he do-- l.e wi,', have either the ; to:,: tw or the an t is reaching for his ' i' u I l.e oulv visible avenue of e. a; e tor t h or .s to divert public attention to 1 . ;T I i :s and the question of se- - -s:o;i N-kshviile American. 1 i I k K K does. Tbe Central Pacific alone wastes between d,toO,Ot)o and t', 000, 000 a year in fuel consump tion. What must be the waste on a'l the railroads in the countrj? Buffalo Fx press. U'esturn rnnntrif R do not like to talk; what prices do the farmers nd ficaUr weDt for he,P' get lor all this exuberance of crops T A half dozen or more 'eases for What disposition do t hey make of the Stat f. 'lowed Hams, and the tea their mighty surplus of production T timony introduced is substantially as We" might, with a little figuring, follows: Flora Ann Harris was shot auswer the first question ; we would and killed in the yard at her home on learn their distance trom the mar Saturday nigbt. October 20. 189. Sus ket and in their ability to control it picion immediately pointed to Jesse for all prices lare regulated in Brown as the murderer. Brown had Kurope, the great market centre of threattced to kill the womn. The all production, aud hence the ab- woman was shot while in the yard; surdity ot asking a tariff production some of the shot struck the house; ac tor farm production and also the cording to thi-i the shot came from the direction of tha eate: tracks were traced from tho gste; they were made by a person running from the gate", the tracks corresponded exactly with those of the defendant; on Sunday morning defendant wenr to a Deibbor 's house ; while tbere he said, "dat big gun last night ki!!- l Fiora Ann Harris"; then the defendant talked about the affair; said '"people have undertook to hire me. but when I r eek reveDge I seek for mvself"; a difficulty between the de- go, are uurning tneir nay in ineir t stoves. Well might the Dutch 'n M5'- defendant had said tnat he man say 'mein Gott 1 what a conn- would kill her . when arrt sted, defend- trys.' When a man has to toil all ant said. "ou've pot me, but you through the summer heats to make haven't ( t the balance of them"; he corn enough to keep up his fires repeated this several times and said, through the winter's cold, we do "you haven't pot the balance of my not think our farmers, with their friends": hen earned to a buggy and charges lor transportation by rail road to those markets, we wonld find that from ten to fitteen cents would bd about the net price of kingdom corn, and thirty to thnty-five ceuts that ot wheat. Aud we recently have seen that in the disposition of a surplus, the farmers of Kansas are advised to burn half of their orn as luel, as Doing cheaper than coal. And many ot them in Da kota, aud other blessed regions could all be utilized, a ton of coal where the youDg men are urged to ould do almost twice what it now bound he tai 'if PUKSIPENT IlAUKI.- stinguished Sena- formed office-seekers must wait until he has i.N has lii that they devoted a j Cil e!i :! '.Dg me, I hint; -j balance of Berne he smaller crops, but with their nearer markets, higher prices, sure, pay never expect to and plenty ol wood for fuel m the u- before r. a forests and mountains around them, neeii tie iu name to cnauge w.s ,,,-,, t0 hane him: de -few days to the business of the place or fottune with their rivals ot fendunt a!so said the deceased ought to Gone. But we have left immediately by, as one of the active participants in this kind of business of the "by gone," and another only the side of a square distant. We allude to Charles 8lover, E-q , and to Alonzo T. Jerkins, Esq. Tne former could reach back in his mercantile operations more than seven ty years. Both were for many years ship owners and shipping merchants, and previous to and up to the late war both were presidents of important banks in Newbern. We had then here bank ing capital aggregating three quarters of a million dollars, and prior to the Merchants Bank the Newbern Bank of Newbern had one million capital. Mr. Slover and Mr. Jerkins are sisters' chil dren, and the sole representatives of the business men of two generations ago. They have attained greacer age than any other white men in this town, at this time, and there are but three among the burials in Cedar Grove ceme tery for ninety years who encompassed more year. as follows: Robert Hay, ninety-six; Jacob Gooding, eighty-nine, and Elijah Clark, eighty-seven. Mr. Slover was born before and Mr. Jerkins about the date 1807. Fulton's steamboat "Clermont" made the first voyage to Albany in 86 hours. Eleven years afterwards, 1818, they together witnessed" the ar rival, in a thunder storm, of tha New bern steamboat "Norfolk," and the in tense excitement of our people over the "new comer." Some fourteen or fifteen years after this date they heard of the turning of tbe wheels on a track in England of Stephenson's engine "looomotion " The writer has a photograph of it, and an odd-looking machine ic is, compared with the locomotives of this time. Eleven years subsequent, Thomas J. Pasteur exhibited in the Merchants Bank, Newbern, of which Mr. Slover was president, the marks on strip of paper of one of the first messages ever passed over the wires in the world. Pastiur was a delegate to the con vention that nominated James K. Polk for the presidency of the United States in Baltimore, in 1844. Perhaps one, or both, not distant from this date, heard in a lecture in this town the Baptist minister Mr. Fory predict that the time was close by when electricity would supersede gas and other lights in the cities and on vessels on the ocean; that it would also be used in running en gines, etc. Fory was put down as a crank of the first class. Doubtless it has also survived in their memoiy, as both have passed more years man either the Presbyterian or Baptist church in this place, that there was a period when it would of fend a B .ptist to designate the "meet inghouse" a "church," and to suggest a steeple or bell for a Methodist chufch was an affront not readily forgiven. This was when the female members discarded flowers and feathers in their bonnets and rejected jewelry of every description. How strong would have been the condemnation at the idea of an organ or a horn to be introduced in worship. Wonderful the change since these citizens started on their earthly pil grimage. Is it not striking and extra ordinary? wonderful to behold To Providence they are in debted for their lives, and is not their long con tinuance Jhere proof that they have been objects of His care V Words are flashed around the world as quick as spoken, Bteamships of dimensions that would astouni Fulton himself are racing aoross the ocean and defying its highest billows at a speed of twenty miles per hour, and tbe dazzling light of electricity is (jen. Caswell. Col. Spaight.Gov. Nash. Gen. Nash, Col. Leech. Gen. Mcdlure and many others of rqual fame. S an ly was wealthy, until stripped of his fortune by the British, and his liberality was equal to his wealth. Amon the children would appear a very bright blue-eyed boy, born two years before the Declaration of Independence it is John Stanly, who, in after lif j. Jmie Gaston said, ' "was emphatically the ter ror of blockheads and whitlings." thai the purposes of his legislative exerli ins were elevated and noble the property of hie native town, the honor and, ad vancement of his native State: the equal rights of all classes of citizens, the sta bility and faithful execution of the laws, the indisolubility of the marriage tie, the education of the poor, the sup pression of gambling, immorality and vice these were among the cherished objects of his zealous support, and lon must be remembered, the eloquence, skill and ability with which that sftj p port was yielded. Further, Judge (ias ton says, "yet, tiard and msennible must be those hearts if they do not love to dwell on the memory of him at whose grave the solemn admonition hts just been repeated. It was for thin com munity that he fell, a sacrifice, surely, at least. Those amongst us will chenh bis recollections, who rave especially experienced his deeds of beneficence where is the poor man that told John Stanly a tale of distress to which he d id not lend an ear. and at which he did not open his heart ? Where is the widow. where the orphan, that ever needed TRYTHKi and did not find in him that prompt A parrel.. counsellor ana zealous advocate.-" Where the oppressed being, however low his condition, or whatever the com plexion of bis skin, that turned to him for relief from wrong, and was not cheered and upheld by an efficient and zealous protector. These, at least and certainly there are many others but these, at least, will join with him who takes a melancholy satisfaction in "doing these fair rights of tenderness,' and exclaim, 'truly, a great man has fallen amongst us; peace to his asbss, and a generous oblivion to his infirmi ties. ' But let it live long let the af fectionate and grateful remembrance live of bis genius, his learning, his H"t! i ;" r I I vhen s.vn:p ' I I " j !, :,.,Mnt nn. I i. Ii. - ,; lu.lit P'O'Iy y- ivi.liievH Liv, r .. , i ! . ;! Kys- t.;;: " . , ,'U-lie.- I ! ". . .Itml '""-tlo.'l ' I il, "iiiV ' i pro duced, j.'. : i :-. eeptal.le ;., L.e . .,. , mj i. in t- action ::: ' '-. i . :'.. in its ('li''1'!'- i it., most heaitliv : - - - ... j iiimiy ( - 1 it. ail '' . ":. rt popular -, ;. S nip if i - and il I ,.-l;ir. gi.-i - A v i v !, may ?.: ... !...- v ' pro cure it (... , r : . ,, wishes ! : : " :.. i . .:.,', i ' f A r3 H H f "1 e n II MC H III' ... . .. . .. . .re ' HAYFCVLR Ural. N;,, . Sp , ml s.nrii. BmeSL Cl u r'ti. HAY-FEVER Iv htiriTjiblt niRil. rt-i inn tt Warren s- i H i 1 i. rtril and IIKRH, 1862. E&Tm TliP J Mi Watches. Cicckr. wTcVvrclr, solid i.i .v:.:; AND PLATL1) VAEF.. I k. M" T A 1 M-.. eep a larger o-cK !sp""taoies thftn Anv othur Rtrtr in N,,rih (li.r.tlinn oourtesy, his eloquence, his virtues and ! i take parli,. !lir ,,.,,. ,,, ,,, ,, ,., lo the hispubho services. eye o( parli,.R ,.,.,!,.. ,i ln. Thus we have given the words, the . opinion, or wiiuam uaston, or jonn IlaviriK work. -1 ... Sunly. They were boys and men to- ! for ovf.r thir v y. .-o- I - -gether, and intimately, personally and aB KCM)(j WOrl. ic , -. ; politically associated, to tne ena or state. t.ench I run do r in the Stanly's life. He was also equally honored add esteemed by Edward Gra ham, wbo was his friend on the unfor tunate field with Gov. Spaight. A great and lamented patriot there fell, and the life of one not less great was clouded by the fall, until the shadow of death obscured his vision. W. To be continued . CO M f- - I i K Opioe.ite Baitit . iiuij K. R; JQKLS, :! i. I VION. on- mi reet. r- li d wtf ""ST Dry UqqCl C: Now's the Time. Never put off till tomorrow. That which needs doing today. If you do you may find to your sorrow, Too late, that you've trifled away the golden opportunity of a lifetime If those who complain of weakness and debility, have hacking cough and puin f" y rfr f in 'the side or chest, poor apnetit- , 1 " m -- ' - broken sleep and other symptoms of h general decay of vitality .would promp -iy procure Dr. Pierce's Golden Medie. 1 Discovery and take it as directed, they might throw off the disease which threatens them, and soon regain a hold on the health they are surely losing Consumption may bo averted, if prompt measures jare taken, by the use of this standard remedy. Let those who have reason to feel that their general vitality is running low be wise and do some thing for themselves at once, for delnvs are dangerous. "Golden Medical Dim covery" is warranted to benefit or cure in all cases of disease for which it is recommended, or money paid for it re funded. XOJS Full sl.s. Pi ic s a- ('ail nri.i S oi-f... J. H. filA 70 HIT j JO country. As this is the first inti- the west mation that Mr. Harrison has given m aiked improveajenr i 'i.e iiold-fkoro Mercnry under th- edronal management of Major A Hearne, who has long ranked as . the U-st eqippd and m.w: forcible eilitonal writers in t .. S-.i-e. His pen :salway warm ' Is a discourse at Pocktord. 111.. ' i' be Mercury pretty November C. Mr. D. L. Moody said h gh no :u the journalistic ther-j taat he hadjaat received a draft oueter - W .iniington Star. Tree. for t-'.-VM) from a man who had I ::e M. rcury has uot been recieved bea a Canadian smuggler, and r 'I;. - r it n a i office, lor some i hAd converted under his nun- 5' i', aiid ". ts greatly m faded. v:Kt''fs KepuhiicaM of tbe '' '" 1 H-'.ir school, who con - '. r "to-.r p rt a colk'ctton ot all "a ::'s .a ju country, and the 1 1 i'Ho" : a" c ,m male p of the tia--. read at.nit the killing of - ti.ea n : h-e bkoody vendetta ' -as ;..-, : raging for jear in .-.: . . ;i.t, Ky., and conspla-e-'' sa t.. t he nn serves that it ia :. ii .it :s to be eipcld la an o e r w i.e 1 u. : ng IVmocratic com tr. .;:,.". But the Tri bune Almanac ;':.; Perry county is a,nother ! ' lie jmblh-an strongholds" . i"ern Kentucky, casting tjty o"es f.-r Harrison, against only "jo for Cleveland. N. Y. Evening Poet. This forenoon John Chana, a of his connection with the people of. hopeless paralytic, aged thirty-five, the Lnited States the utterance is wis found dead on the floor of his worthy of especial notice from hovel with a leather strap loosely grateful heart on Thanksgiving fastened around his neck. Dav. New YortWorld. istrations. Mr. Moody had told him that if his salvation was to be made sure, he mnst make complete restitution to the government which he had defrauded. The man asked Mr. Moody to send tins draft fo the proper authorities ot the govern ment, and said it was the total amount out of which he had beaten the coantrv. Ki -bmond Times. maintain that it was suicide, while others say that it is a case of foul play, though snicide is the gener ally accepted theory. Cutil recent ly Chana was a fine specimen of phsic.il manhood. It is related that one day he cursed his Creator iu a most terrible manner, when he fell over, struck dumb aud para lyzed from head to foot. He re ! mained in this condition until his deatti. Richmond Times. already contending with that of the sun, making night as day, and is actual ly running machinerv. Yet in these a-kt-d Uie deputy sbeniT if what he had ionfir seventy-one years, since the "Nor folk" came to our shores, no other steamboat equal in cost has been alto gether owned by any of our citizens. Mr. Slover still sprvives, after a life so pious, so conscientious, so upright, so lone, of such rigid, integrity, the facul ties of the mind unimpaired, enjoying the society and tender care of tbe com panion of his early manhood, the selec tion and solace of his heart. Such a life could not be without its benefits. It is now and will ever be an example safe to follow for prosperity here and happiness hereafter have teen kdied twenty years age. Dr. L. inster DurTy made a post mortem eiamma'.ion; the woman was wounded in three pla-.es. iD the head, in the heart and in iho abdomen, either one cf which '.vcunds would heve caused Some death. an With Ely 's Cream Balm a child can be treated without pain or dread and with perfect safety. Try the remedy. It cures catarrh, hay fever and colds in the head. It is easily applied into the nostrils and gives relief with the firet application. Price 50a. Mr. Jerkins, notwithstanding he car- j Supervision poor house Here the S:ate retted the case. The defmc tttempted to prove abbi The ciise was well arruf d by bo h tfce ries the weight of over four score years j , . .... 1 ...... t3. m-tr-,iT a Kit. rf fnn a n ri toll and counsel tor tne btste ana ior tne ae-; j D C".-"J , . . receive a joke with the hearty, ringing ft'DCS" I laughter as in the long a.o when Jim The jury retirei a:o.i: j 33 o'olo -b, my Templeton's safely-hidden bottle and the court took a recess till 9:30 exploded in the stove, to the terror of o'clock this morning. His Ho. or Judge his brother Johny, who unsuspectingly , EXPENSE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS State of North Carolina, Craven County. I, John A. Richardson, IitKistr of Deeds, ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of Craven county, do hereby cert fy that the following is a correct statement of the amount, items and nature of all compensation audited by said Board of Commissioners to the members thereof severally, thw number of days the board was in session, ami the distance traveled by the members of said hoard respectively and charged for in attending the same, during the year ending November ,A.D iss'j as per records of said county, to-wit : James A. Bryan, Ch'n Bd. Co. t in'rs. Attendance at meetings, 25 days at 82.00 SV 00 Examining treas. accounts S Signing vouchers 1- ' i' Supervision courthouse and ;ail . -4 . 10 Si lri.i 0 E. W. SMALLWOOD, Co. Comuos'r. Attendance at meetings, 33 days at S2 00 Mm II .i : 1 e -sw .iii.i.. r wit:. I"H ! 'or mi . v. ..... . In. I . - ;i u l.llO.il 1 VV . ' l Ioiip l. y j j JOE K. EASTERN .fJUNA X. 01 ( ii .'.I'll cil 9 CO J. A. Meadows Co. C..hii.V. Attendance at meetings. 27 d-s at S2-00 .:"'4 ( o Supervising bridges lo on I a t ' . .aa tka nrmA r A r. O , r-.1 ! I I4aiU, bUCID nno wvu w uv.wi " , fiovkin made the or'er. h iwtver the court liouse tell should be rung j cake seller, Hagar Blounts, whose pipe- whf-i. tne i-.irv had made ud their ver- ! stem, while in her mouth, would diet. About . o clock the beil sounded "MoiiA.MMKDAMSM in Turkey is evidently declining. The multipli cation of mosques lias alrrnxst ceas ed. Only one new one has been erected in Constantinople, one for Daniel Lank, Co. ' ' Attendance at meetings. J at 82 00 144 miles to and from ni si 5c 1 (niiht, !G d h B tTiJ ("I tir.Ks "THERE ia a church in New York the private use of the Sultan. In ciLv Tnnitv Foieonal lan w h ich the meantime the religion of Christ, sleep is a regular diocese in itself. It which "the little popgups ot has more clergymen and parishes gction.'' and the onesided than manv regular dioceses. It officers are decrying, goes on has innumerable chapels attached creasing. Methodism is still build to it owns unlimited property, has ing two or three churches a day." great wealth, and whenever 10 it at The sc, Louis Silver Convention tmpt to do anything alwayys urge upon Congress the Free coin aeea that it is done." age of Silver. so m vsteriousl v lose its bowl. Still aeain. in, u,.. roinm t r, ,nrt hnn.A there was old Robin ia sore perplexity. and he ird the verdict, "guilty." i with his peremptory orders to move the big anchor. Forty-five years since a woman' DUrovery. I some of these scenes were passing before i -o:l er wonderful discoverv has been ' ue, and still fresh in our mind panicu made ar.i that too bv a lady in this county. : larly the old cake woman and her dog Disease labelled its'clutcl es upon berand! "Askbim." However, if our aged and 1 . 1.. ..,.i ;., , . . .co I hiorhlT Aatnomerl friend had a deft I . ,!.:;,! rndlbandintW, UM tri3k. we all .oiDiile.to.nil from m death seeded imminent. For three months much epjoyed, he liberally paid for the she coughed iucrssautly ami could not ! whistle. May he too yet longer Burvive he Ix.ucLt of us a bot le of Dr, . ana 11 not aiBposeu m euK in a new j King's Nt-w Discovery for Consumption, i contest, let us fight the old battles over modern , ,,,,,,-i, Tsii-rH nn Kliin first I mmin md spain. Mr. Jerkins turned army dose that she s ept all night and with one : aside from his regular business once to hot: le has been miraculous! v cured, tier , represent tne county in tne Legislature name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus wrote : and twice he was called to preside over 1 in session thirty-three (lay. ari-1 tno V. C Hmrick & Co , of Shelby, N. C ' the Grand Lodge of' Masons of North j no unverified accounts w ere audited tiet a trial botti.-at U '. Duffy's whole Carolina. His selection for such prom-' In witness whereof I have herennio sale and retail dnu- store Wholesale, 1 inent places is sufficient evidence of his , subscribed my name, at Hire in New s CO per dozen worth and prominence. i Berne, on the 26th d -.y of November. - Obliquely across the street from i A D. 1889. Beecham's Pills act like magic on a where we stand , lived for manv years,! JOBN A RLtHARDSON. B . t it (' ". - d William Cleve, Sh . c Attendance at meetings, at 82 00 at 5c Ferriage... . i.n t .. s . I'l Ol .1. ; Hi 1 .1.1 i, to. .1 I, ! and 1 - i, ml all lrompt H uaran- . iriKton ellDg ?r-l in- Total amount I further certify that t . ... ir 4 4 "-' 71 e board whs Y & CO. 1 to Mi weak stomach. in the house now the residence of the 1 nov27 Ex officio Clerk. frl.l w4y w noAi . N I.. IV- C.

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