ta V .. . r f INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. VOLl XII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, DECEMBER 12. 1889. 4) - . J " 1 If m 1 I f I I f I 1 k I ... II . ! X - I If 111! V PITuRI A I, 50TES. lUE WiT'.il'n Pair guarantee fund n -w Amounts to ".n."! 377. An fi;v'.io:i of a Ner brewery V. resulted in a loas Fcr YuJc Str:"5-C:;M -ffijaflloa Disordered Liver. T- soiii BYVAIX drugoists. ;PR!CET5rCEniTS; PER BOX. -7lLi & AJ2lKX &JO.i Sole Agents romcsano vtatm, aw 'irr ci.1il n r.. v.y vohu, W Ti"UrufX ?o f tep them') w.'.i . ul ; n N w r 'k . of IIMMMHI. 1 V .:;:': sLm ; Hiv i-.' u r r.-. 1 it) N'i' iu : .i. I :)'.. ! k Hk: : v I. : w lectured n (i i w -lued.-y n "Is THE PlfTT-FII.fi' (OMiKS Now it the tiroe to u:i-itiIv lor the .lul'liNAL. It h." liecii oar purj.o-ie to aiike tlie Jnl'HNAi. a homo .r Htol onr tfTort-4 in this direction will have no abate men', hutju-.' now i , .4 :.:;... 1 jll.irs MMit OK Klltr MA ION. of earth-Hanipshire are looming up tions, and il 'oeeome.-J n-illll-.jjellt attention to the i r a . . c re :i (Tie: al ! v i!en led that on 1:1 roriujjAl 1 'ihrnent of 5 K ''antte p Opo- ; : v e roi e.-s 01 events at t!ie national capita!. E.-om the nature of the i ie the Fiftv First ('ongre.n will be a moxt important one. The Presidents me.-sdK'' nan fi' t reached n-; 'out current of Kepubhcan sentiment of the oouu'rv eipre-ned in party For: .Macon is fdtnated on the Eastern txtrenuty of liogue, or Borden'.- buiks, a narrow sand is land stretching ot!"to the Westward fiom lopsail Inlet at Morehead and F.eaufort. to :i distance of I'.l miles, and separated from the main land by P.ogueSonnd which is navi gable onlv by viry light draught boats. From a pni-.t opposite Carolina C,r ;o ;!.. f.it,n distance of five Hides, or more, the surlace of the island is broken np into sand hills or dunes, except the sandy beach along the ocean aud the salt niai shes n.-x;t the sound; and i spirseb covered by a growth of cedar oi juniper and live oak. stunted and Cta Wktai i K S iKTrr'a L. iZ f N" t'xrr.. N" i'. r ETTINCER BROS -1 T' ' r. r v Ilavo'for BalQ fft lowcst Prices Possible: 1 I r -i Wm. SULTAN Still Leads in LOW PRICES, Bwft8lt4 Stuek I vr ktpi, t 2oti to Sell Cheaper than Any One in the City ! targcst.Btock of Clothing in the City ! yii'lBaltfrwtUOiP' BajH Ka Sita, foar to f:h: T-t:. ? '. TUiHat'aCiStCt! aai Vtw Mrkt : Ioli:.' Ckjlf ftim ia lwtl $!-33 UmI fl SWw 1 10. IfiMMtttUl M1 Lm Skra, Aoc to 1 1 0. Jtml YltMl XTiienlLrt, t3c. CXAJLFXT3 Vtll aoU to; low. A full lie of Tram t i v - My wladr T7 flood aai Jfotioa will b ioli t liHDl ( KD akr iAs J. A. TVOXAS, Slu. NEW HLBNll. N. VAH VillKtE CIMMMACHINERY C0 COTTON GINS, PRESSES, FEEDERS III CONDENSERS. HhTu Wmiis Cotton Hichinsn Cia 8i t.-5 l'- . w r I I Mr4l. at i T'. lulhk Bs ltlm v1 Tr. 1 rmlr. rTto P Tu Ylaija ft tsi Iiciiiirr Co., pra-'Siumn TiHH-oAsra row wagom. tw.. zZZ?j2J' ' ' ' ""L",J7- n,, - s1 frw. Ua . -s . ' - ' " " irCOIIif fc HFU.IV.VN, - .ii in tin joClirsTTH, rr. FROST, KIWG COMPANY. W(rr, ArMi ! Frnt do PmiiiJ Bf1$iiTmUtW 'i Krrp H WIU nd fur , . WiUfpncfs Brick ud Stent BUkk Wll made "bk'" proof. You P.int Over Cm.nto or Brick W n 1 1 X k. . .r-, i- - '. rrrrrz-i:r&milY!rd tft. hill.. Pi- 1! Bmi-17, I- t ' -s- co'l r ni'-n ' . ,r.d ; Br.r.l revolution na.vd a f Hepubbcn feclingin many ei of M -mi ircii n 1 govern- organ justifies the comdasiou that dwarfed by the severe action of the s.-r I'.il'iinori' will be -r. on : n a tw days, 'he ig i'. ' o i the Nor t h 1,604 IU. tonl!4 Savf, i.eoo ia. cu apoj Cotton, 100 of TTko. M. Hole P. iv 100 WiM Sep, th b: if :. - SO of 4-4 &hunf, LC VrSM -inB on! Hm:nr B-r. i S .. : 500.Vta No rwk, 3.000 fir f ZiUr Brc ai iUy S;: Sr. A FI'LL LINK OF flrj GcciJ. Ready Uade Clothing & Furniture. AT DETAIL Al'P WUOLESALK. Wo rojcprti w fW 70a ti riWi FrfinJ for thr l.t.: M a'y.J 0ETTOTGER BROS. Sign of tho (br'.d Pear! Shirt. three measures will early claim and receive the sanctum of the Kepnb licau members of Congress. These measures are Setfol'h m the W'ash '.ngtiiu Post a lollow s. "Wlien the House h.ts it ii lully orL'nuized. and the oflicrrs h-ive heen inducied into their respective The Fvei te ville people showed P'""-;. "'" ,11 n pnblicans nave decided upon so amending the rules thar they may not enable the minority to delay or nmder legislaiiou at wiil. The purjxse is to tramo the rules m nucha manner as to s,.(-nre all proper r;gh to the minority, but at the same time give t'.e ju-t and natural ointrol of legi-da'iou to be "Tinrreil thAf. under present cir ount of having ramst jn..,1(j. Lij Democrats will tall id on board a case of Asiatic 1 in wi: h t h:n movemen r. Tlvv will ,-r ..t fri-i from flnhn. nnnrwfl It With all t ier still. iUl.l possession in --o i.c.ur vexittions. '. ap ic sq uad ron . fhr ppreeiatlon of the Marine P. nd ' for .1 rd : n g a reoinlion of h 4: - s '' Sec. Tracy. T;; . p' 4tform of a theatre at 4:1. , i Irni, collapsed ilurmg a 'hiM'fi-i! performance and killed a'vou. two hundred people. A (.hkman ship is ijuarantined o :T 1 ir i w ire on a winds from the sea, like the fir trees j:i tue tops o! our high moun tains. At the tune o f the battle of New Heine 1 oit .Macon was commanded by ( ol. Moses J. NN'hite and garri . oned by -U- men for duty" oftht Krh. '. C Heavy artillery.) Col. White was as brave a man as ever drew a. sword, a aiaH ol unbending will whose character for integrits and justice was beyond reproach, a lirst class disciplinanon. and every inch a soldier. He was subject to mood and was at times so morose and unsocial in his disposition as to have the impression that his mind w.. un hinged. Tnis however was not the cise he was a model commander for a loi t on this very account. As soon as Bnrnside was well in condition d surrender. This Col. White leiused and notified Gen. Paike tli if he would immediately reopen fire from the li rt. SOUTH CAROLINA SEWS. From the State Tapers. LATEST SEWS. Culled from the Pre-s Disji. t: li. tim. 1 irke reqies'ed that t he , g0me sections of this State county scrip tin ng sliou d cease dui ing the night , is at a discount, here in Vance it is rer and (.ol. Life no Ciled to req lies' : Next morni between 1 was agieed. rnert i A NEW ENTEHI'hlSE. Baltimore, Dec 4 The Mdnufacm- the ' worth dollar for dollar and there is not tion at Salisbury, N. C, of the North c yyuv wiiiuuv ouuopi j Carolina Steel and Iron Company with :I1 . r i st m a. Whit. Tim id, on I ' . men ol i ho dome. This was Hid retlecr? ' P.Dlintv ordpra fin ronilir aa tha naaV H, on a consultation .. . i. rke and Purnside, it ""S0"'- be d.,8t.re9fl m , . . , outuo ui mo uuuuu couniies or me east- 11)111 be ham- ern portion of this State must be great- gei I sach an ob er than was generally thought. Already they would grant movements have been put on foot in inree counties, ii.aeecomD8. Halifax eh : m j. Iiaule ' 1 ol ei e a in os u're,i contem p the Bri ade of John C. Paike was dis patched on the lUth. of March i :ty of .Mexico j ejj the committees appointed, itiitl down the Neuse to biocums ereei elebration of t he i t hi new 'on trres has sett led do wn and hmded. i ; being the intention In irnrt lni;:l I V the .lUestlOU O I Wl'Il. 1 .11 Kf lO "After the rule have been adop of Archbishop Sabaa bolrr.i :-. ri i .i;;: in i;. (.inn ,4'es kM:::k- to o at 'end the lde:. ; l t)i ier tide TilK pa;x'r are all teeming with tho President's message. It ia a fnll d.-s-umer. t and elafiorates qait ex'ens'veiv in the condition of N ;on.i -x fT :r I r is stated thaT Henry M. Stanly ha.t sold his forthcoming bixik for fi)o,,i ien Kider Haggard mast envv St an lev with his wide open r-M :' African romance. I ' S- P. '.ersbarjf twenty eight thousand persons are sctTeriDiT from iniuen'i. The malaily affecta the people more or les iu all oi ice towns ;n Kus.s;a. TilK removal of Trinity College to Kalrigh was carried by an otpt whelming vote. On a rery close vote Krv. ,1. T. Hagwall was admitt . ed into the Conference. inn S:. Jame Gaxett oays that Parne.l J mappeare J several weeks ago. i4nl since then haa not been hea.-'i fr-m. His whereabout Is a mystery, and his prolonged absence causes m uc b trouble to his adher ents. Ma1 .1 iin 1). li"ciKEd, a rela tive oi ("M :i. K. F Lee and Qaarter-ma-ter of A P. Hill's division. . ,,- v...K, I that ha.s justice on its side and the Smd at Lexington. Va.. from &ood of tb P,0P- f ,r . i j ... i and to ouniwe anv cnance tnar is haul the siege tram on cars with horse power, but t he Con lederates had burned the bridge at Newport creek and the traveled the country road and ar ried at Caroliua City on the L'2ud. Meanwhile Col. White burned the bark trlen, the Klhason hotel, and all the out buildings witbii. range of his guns, threw down tb ligtr house tower cleared ever t lung for action, threw pickets t every point atid had his men a' t heir guns. (leu. Paike threw some com pauies into Morehead and Beaulort and siezed all :he boats catting oil White's commnnication with thos places and on the J.'Jrd. summonei liim to surrender, which he refuse! . 1 reform. The purpose is to rob the lu"u- , . , . , On the 2'Jih, the flrst troops were mtnorty of their rights and g e to tQ the'binkg from dTohnd the majority absolate power. Party Cty ;o tbp head rjoop p0e creek, machinery is to be used to circum- opposite, and trom that time till ill of the people and April tbe lUtD. every nour nigm tariff adjustment will have prernl enceof all others. The last admin Istratiou claims to have been elect ed because of its tar ff polic The pre-sent adminiatratiua claims to have been elected because of its advocacy of n contrary theory. Th majority in Congress, equally with the minority, is pledged to tariff reform, though on different lines. The discussion of the question is, therefore, of parauoant importance, and i., m truth, a necessity of the situation." That the roles may be improved in some particulars we aie not pre pared to deny, but the contemplat ed changes are not in nature of 1 dowu at 1 aod Warren to give assistance to those . , , , " farmers whose crops have failed, who prn and ttie Were dependent upon their crops for aiiowed to go the means of meeting their obligations ana eupportiug their families. We ri'l i-,r ,1h1'iipo notice this benevolent disposition with , , c , , pleasure, for while it is creditable to Cleillf Upon Col. thnao whr. oV,, It ll v. White, who laoored under many 1 distress and help the unfortunate to get disadvantages, some ol which were ; upon their feet again, the want oi men to lelieve each Snow Hill Baptist: Ex-Sheriff Luby other at the gnus, t lie sickness cf Harper has two hundred and fifty men, the want' of mortars, the want ' nePhew,B ani neices. But this gentle- ,, i i. I,, ,i, . ,. ... , , man is large enough to stand it, for he ol g od she.N, M. imkik v d the i9amongthelarge8t menof thU coun. land lace ol iiielo;;, an.l thedis- ty weighing not less than three hun- Hlsf.u tion a:.ii mutiny of the , dred pounds. Messrs. J. E. W. Sugg g irriso . who-e oiJicers did not aid ! Bro. , farmers, residing about four rhe Colonel .is iber sli.,n!,l in m ninJ rnile8 frotn here, are probably the mrgeBi, gruiu growers in ine county. They raised this year 650 barrels of I c .rn and 450 bushels of wheat. Thev Beaufort, one from New Berne. : make grain a eDecialtv. which is an ind the res: from along the coast, i important crop, and the rule adopted unl as soon as thev saw their i by the Sugg Bros, is worthy of immita i i , i i , r'tion. In addition to their grain crorj homes and famines in the hands of tney raised 40 or 50 bales of cotton P 'he edera.s. many ot them de-j Kinston Free Press: At the meeting serted, and t he l est were mutinous, j 0f the county Board of Education. Mon Five hundred shot and shell took j day. Dr. H. D. Harper, who had been effect within the fort. After 12 m. chairman of the board for a number of n the LT.th everv shot- from the vear8- resigned. Dr. Harper has made Federal batteries' fell inside or on ZlT'ojVl! tutort- ! ey, daughter of Mr. J. R. Kinsey, of Col. White lost 7 killed aud IS j Jones county, teaches public school at wounded. j Woodington church and school house I donor know what became of i aboat 8ix mi,es frotn Kinston. She ' ol. W hite as 1 never heard of ! V" T u ' . nim aft' r the surrender of the raining disoiplme. One of the companies was from toi t. Pungo Notes. vent the will of the people make the majority in Congress representative of the country. A majority of the memters of the Fiftr-First Coneress whose seats aud day was occupied in transport ing men, Beige trams and supplies Daring this period eight eompa nies ol tne -4th. 11. I. seven com panies of the Kth. Conn, the 5th. li are contested, are Democrats, and 1. liaftalian Co. C. 1st C. S. Artil erv Co. 1. drd. . i. Artillery, and one object to be attained by a change of the rnles is the seating of Republicans iu place of Demo crats elected by the people. The Journal stands ready to approve any change "in the rnles "jrirs rece.ved in a ra lroad col Ir ,s seated that all negotiations S-tweeu Kngland and the United States a.s affecting Canada have Qirrowt-il ilnii to correspondence la regard to the p.ehr'ng Sea and Al.wska tK'iin.'.ary questions. llojea are entert iiued id a satisfactory settlement. '.e!ore next season. A coKKKsi'i mknt of the New Vort K veiling Post in Ku.saia sends word that the Kus.sian censor has for '..den the following New York newspapers in the Czar's dominions: The Kvemng Po the siege train were transported to the Hanks, and commnnication opened with the blockading 6quad ron outside. On the 11th. an advance was made to withiu a mile of the fort and the pickets driven in by the Federals. Col White immediately opened tire with the guns from the rear face of the fort aud continued i j . . . . i. i. .1 to :4ii no v t he h edera work in s par nrenoeii 10 secure me uiuni iu 'i - . party over the people. s object. 1 These measures a change of the i rules, the tariff and a national 'election law, will be fully discussed in these columns, after they have been formally presented on the floor of Congress. ties bv cannonading aud sorties Put Federals taking shelter be hind the sand hills broke ground within l.oOO yards of the tort. They constructed their flatteries j ov cutting a section out of these j Mr. Gray Harris is on the Scrau 'oii Lumber Co's nulls as tiler and general superintendent of ma chinery. lice i-; beginning to move, but lowly, producers being loath to -ellat the low prices that rule, 70 to 7j cents. Mr. Chas. 11. Carpenter, of Piney riove mills, is spending some days ui Indiana. We fear we shall lose mm trom our midst. Mr. W. H. Wilkinson, a leading no! prosperous farmer of Aurora, ias been visiting his relatives at nis boyhood's home, Uaslin. We are always glad to see him. There aro two more men going to start stores in Leechville, Mr. J. O. Hoyd is to occupy the Bate mau store, and Mr. Wm. Harris rhe Rrook's store, it is reported that Mr. C. J. Squires is to bay oat .Mr. H. W. Martin's stock and will continue the business. If the writer desired to leep goods for sale now would be my time, and Leechville, or almost auy placo in Beautort county the p!ace, unless it was to sell on time, then if he sold indiscriminately there would scarcely bo room in a store for clerks work to handle goods fast enough. We were on the A. cc P. K. K. recently, aud a portion of the road is as smooth as we ever rode over all that has been ballasted is splendid for a new road, and re flects gieat credit on the builders. We spent some hours at Iloper's City aud went through the mills aud fcuud everything moving on in good style under the efficient management 01 -r- J- Jewell. Fhey have seven kilns, a gang of Mrs. Stanley, Monday morning for mis conduct. As Miss Kinsey was return ing from school that afternoon to where she boarded, at Mr. Jas. William's, she was assailed by the mother of the boy and severely handled. The case will in nil probability go to law. A P i s r a T i " H from Halifax N. C sayp: A large mass meeting of our tops of the hi ia-iiil wtm hf-M here todav to con . . . , On tin L'Jnd. Cen. Purnside ar- sider the distress among our peo- . .. , ..,, i b rived in Lore sound with several pie caused by crop failures. Fully bi)M an(1 Cpl white opened on S.00 people were present. Mr. Thos. lim wit h his i lried gun and forced t he Sun. the Tmlnr representative to the Leeis hi m to re 1 1 re near liarker's Isl and . sand hills to a sufficient depth to aws wiui capacny m -to uoaius at lav the platforms for the guns, aud . enr, with a circular cutting all eVetting the interior faces with o !, some 00 000 feet per day, sand bngs, the embrasures for the llt:h ls,l,, ,ded dlc tr,om the dry Parrott guns being cut through the j k,la f th(1 ;j1"- ' h;ive alri a and revetted with sods taken from the marshes. mailer mill cutting lumper ex clusively, of which they manufac ture considerable quantities. They work on the mills mil yards abont i'id men. Dr. Foy's Resignation. We take the following from the St. Louis Republicau in regard to the resignation of Dr. Joseph H. Foy from the Fourth Christian church of St. Louig: "Rev. Joseph H. Foy, D. D., an nounces bis resignation as pastor of the Fourth Christian church, which has materially strengthened in numbers, and influence under his ministry. He goes to Columbia, Mo., to take charge of the Christian congregation in that city. Dr. Foy has spent 16 years of his ministerial life in this city, and leaves only friends behind him. H9 is presi dent of the Christian Ministerial As sociation of the city, and was a mem ber until Thursday of the Board of Charity Commissioners. Maryor Noo nan expressed regret at the necessity of his resignation, and appointed Mr. J. M. Battlrf to fill the Tacancy. '"Dr. Foy leives for Columbia this morning and will preach there tomor row. His place will be filled by Rer. J. H. Garrison tomorrow. An effort will be made to secure R9v. J. J. Haley for the vacancy in the Fourth Churoh. Dr. Foy people gave him unmistakable evidence of their love and appreciation on Thursday evening. The protracted meeting in progress at the church will go on under the leadership of Rev. Mr. Bartholomew of the First Churoh. " Dr. Foy is a native of Eastern North Carolina, and has many warm friends here who cannot forget him. They wish him abundant success in his new field of labor. We hope to see the day when this able, scholarly and eloquent divine will retrace his steps to his first home and again become one of our citizens. a capital stock of SI, 000, 000. to build h Bessemer iron furnace of 150 tonn daiiy at Greensboro, C, to be fallowed by the first Bessemer eteel rail mill in the South, rolling mill, etc. The incorporators of the company ;in Geo. S. Soott, of New York, prcxi-ient of the Richmond and Danville railroad i Julius A. Gray, president of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railroad com pany; A. B. Andrews, president of the Western North Carolina railroad; Jas. B. Pace, president of the Planters National Bank of Richmond; li. 13. Os ier, attorney for the Canadian Govern ment, of Toronto, Canada; Tho.i. P. Kluiz, President of the Yadkin rail road, of Salisbury, N. C : Sam'l H. Wiley, president of the Davis and Wiley bank of Salisbury. The company has secured the famous Ore Hill, and other iron ore lands neur Greensboro, and other magnetic iron ore lands in Western North ( arohua and about 2.000 acres of land in ami around the city of Greensboro, which is to be laid off in streets, building lots manufacturing sites and parks. The Confederate government aiipro priated several millions of dollars to wards making these iron ores available for war purposes, and work on them was only stopped by the close of thn war. This is the first Baaaemer's st.-td andiron enterprise organized south of arid 81 I Maryland. gisl.-. A CONDENSED NOTES. limy ji ' The Virginia Senate has adopted a curr resolution direction the Governor to ac oept, at the hands of the Lee Monument Association, the gift of the equestrian statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee, now about being completed in the cityof Paris. No change is reported in the con dition of Hon. Jefferson Davis. I ut the fact that he has had no fever lor th past two days is regarded physicians as an encouraging tion rive nunarea ana tlve bills were in troduced in the Senate Wednesday, most of them being bills which failed to beoome laws during tho last 'jn gress. The President has nominated David J. Brewer, of Kansas, to be Assor-iate Justice of the Supreme Court. ;'-. Both the n,. ;' Syrup-?.!' !', -and rein gently y- I i Liver n: '1 ' Lein ( II- i .. . aches :ind 1 omMip:!! . only , ducnl, .l ceptab!.- ; . ; its :irti n :,: , effect.-. :.-,::,. health v :n 1 many eio to all ;o. i ' popular iv:. ) Svnio f 1 II l Wishes !. I ; y , substitute. CALIFORNIA L0LHSriI!l ' i : i . v u i h- when ii itsnnt : id acts ' inevs, I :n s-ys- . liead I idiitual iho ro- :..: OC- i t in i in its ho most 'iocs, ln( lid it in; most In f.Oc who ! Jine ' VillO pi :my arrH s j CREAM BALM " V-ly'sTI regular monthly meeting voted 48 ti n favor of revision of the Con fes.sion ot i'aith. The three im vortan p int.- -n which a revision is rec "uniftnled are the reproba te n o !' White still refused to sur- WotU, the Times, and the Tribune, lature presided, and Judge T. Un l"e -,ra- knottier emauu -r. v v- i ii ii m -r. r t- , , was made on Col. hite lor surren- Tne New ork Herald is allowed to Hi , Msi.T. L. Lmry aud ,. W. , ... , . m ' J J der, the l ederals having uow com- en" r i:u!ia. Johnson, Kaq., were appointed a pieted all their batteries, which con 1'eik P.rookU n Pre.sbvtery at it committee to draft resolutions ex sisted ot three .50 pound Parrott, pressing the obiect of the mreting. tour KMiicti .Mortars, lour 5 men Several addresses were delivered -uul l.r ? ' 1 ".K".'K'" that deplored the condition and the distress of the county. The committee, through Judge nr.ers, and damnation of Hill reported the resolutions which ;: elect infants, and the love of suggest that (he citizens through a .I :.r a.i sinneis. committee memorab.e the Cr ver- At llaltixotw, Md., the jury in nor to call an extra session of the e Nava-s.sa case brought in a ver- Legislature for the purpose of em- indmg tirorge S. Ivey guilty powering t be co i n ty com m :ss mm-i s ;.( tirst decree, Moses to i sane bonds to be applied to the ii:. .v is Dke, not guilty; relief of the people, and to do what ... ..v -ed as to thr- other six ever else may b necessary to hen , - . i .i .. i i . i, .. , i ., ilie verdicts HO uiaui aiu iuc j-c-uj'ie. ii een lor trial on Judge Thos. N. Hill. M ...i . T. I.. Emry, W. A. Dunn, Fsj., ai d Thomas Taylor, INq , were appoint ed a committee to inemoralize the Governor as to calling an extra ses sion ot legislature. di teen pr n 1 re. e ise f..e of., r ip; ea'.e.;. r-t:. - i :. i .U. 1 ' ; . . A in r r is w re. & tiers. the ml. Key haa eamsa.p tiaelic, Irom Japiti, tirings news that- icau ship Chefleborough ,-d Oct. .'.() by running on i ff riluchi-ri hama, aDd . ; he crew were lrow ned. Oscau Dickson, a Gothenburg merchant, already famous as a gen erous patron ot Arctic exploration, nt C render. On the L'-lth. Col. White held a consultation with Gen. Purnside, ou rthackletord P.inks, at the request of that officer, who tried by persu asion to induce him to surreuder he fort, but he obstinately refused and returned to tho foitto tight it out. At six o'clock a. m. on the -o all the Federal batteries ou tho banks opened the on the fort, and at 0:30 a. in. the fleet in Core Sound and the blockading squadron or. the ocean trout came into action and a fetntio ei oss fire from three direc tions was concentrated on Fort Macon. Col. Whi'e replied with the guns of the tort to all three, and so well did he tight his guns that the naval vessels were compelled to withdraw in the course of an hour, some of them disabled. Hut the fight was maintained hotly between the land batteries on the banks, and the lort. During the day 1,150 shot and 'I lie Ainliur of ".Nancy Lee.'' Theieisn man living quietly in Loudon wiio is one ot the most suc cessful writers of verse set to music that is iu Knglaud to day, yet he is not very widely known by name. It is Fredeii''k L Weatherly, and ho is the author of ".Nancy Lee," a song t ha; has been sung in every quarter of the globe, and has Drought to ttie author an amount of fame ami money that makes him practically independent. The song was written at Oxford ia au hour. Weatberh had made au appoint ment tor a pupil whom he was coaching for the annual commence ment. The pupil tailed to keep his appointment, aud, while waiting tor him, the piece came suddenly to ids mind, and it was writteia then aud tnete. One of the strange things about the song was, that it was in the heyday ot its popularity, abont the time of the Princess Alice disaster. Ic was being suug on deck just before the vessel went down. That fact was printed in a 1 the English newspapers, and the song suffered a temporary check in its popularity, Out thous ands of copies of it are now sold, not oujy in Great Britain, but through Australia, Canada, and in Thanksgiving Day at Christ Chnrch. (COMMUNICATED.) Thanksgiving Day, 1889, will be long remembered by the congregation of Christ ohurch, New Berne, because the last services held by the beloved rector, Rev. V. W. Sheilds, who left the next morning for his new home in Jackson sonville, Florida, were held on that day. The church was beautifully deco rated with the fruits of the field and the flowers of the garden. The services throughout were admirably appropriate and heartily engaged in by an unusual ly large congregation. The sermon was upon the subject of the day and the duty of giving thanks, especially for the blessings of the gift of our Sayiour and Redeemer, which was to be com memorated in the closing services by the celebration of the Holy Communion. A large number received the blessed sacrament with feelings of solemn sad ness at the thought that he who had so often broken the bread Of life to them would probably never do so again. During the day, it being his last in the Parish, Mr. Shields was actively engaged at the eleven o'clock services, preaching and administering the Holy Communion; in the afternoon adminis tering baptism to an infant in private, and at night solemnizing the rite of matrimony to a couple at the church. This was the closing act of his ministry in the Parish; a ministry of over eight years, in which be has baptised 192 persons, presented for the holy rite of confirmation 75. read the burial service over 115, and united in holy wedlock 42 couples, in the Parish, besides others outside of it. In some families all of these services have ben perfermed for some or its members by mm. ; No minister has ever left a better I record behind than he has, and none ever left a community in which a more general regret was expressed at his going. This regret ia not confined to bis own congregation, but is felt and expressed by all denominations alike. May the Great Shepherd grant to his successor a like measure of usefulness and esteem. C. Jack Jenks was a victim of liver com plaint, His strength was exhausted, his pulse had grown faint. He bad uloers and humors and all sorts of tumors, And the ills that he suffared would weary a saint. Folks said that Jack Jenks would never be cured. But Jack said they would that they might be assured. Pierce's G. M. Discovery wrought his recovery, After all the poor fellow so long had endured. Such a multitude of serious, distress ing and often fatal maladies spring from a disordered liver. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery creates a healthy ac tion of this important organ, and the ilia that have their origin there can be cured by its prompt and faithful use. AU druggists. Naml Phnm Allny I'isiii I II (Inlll mn 1 1 . . 1I-r1h (h- N'.i . IlrHtnrf . ' I. Srllffi of rIns). n ml Sin. II. TRY THKi I A part Ic ir ri i , 18 rpt-fii i -. rn i I . re; Is; . rr( Warren 1 1 c r -l'r?rc is I J m USA, 1 1 1862. THE , ' "ir1I and ;'VNtll; 1t i" ' I 1IKRH, ..! '! IT 1633. ;'r, Jcvclr, Watcher j-cc'r, 50 . .1) f:i V; li AND PLATLD V.'ARE- SI'WT.I I.HIi. I keep ljir-er nock of Spectacle than any other store in North Carolina I take particular pmns to tit them to the eyes of parties need in them. Stonewall Items. Having worked sti ie for over thir y yenrn. ! as good work (in ht . v. , State. to reach this CO MP A N i 1 The Journal failed office on Tuesday last. John William Lukens. of the firm of Lukens & Co., Philadelphia, is with us ' Opposite Baptist ( l.ur h looking after his lumber interest, and shooting a bird once in a while. The farmers are having better show ing for their year 's supply of pork than for several years. They have been more exempt from cholera than for some time. C. H. Fowler, as well as being one of the best merchants of Pamlico county, comes to the front as one of the most successful pork raisers. On the 2d inst. he had slaughtered twenty-eight hogs that dressed 182J pounds each. nt tho benota i ii'vp I can do . . I.i r in the I. TON, lie Rtrpet. f.d 2 dwtf K. R, JOES, Heavy CAUTION TO MOTH Kits j Every mother is cautioned against i v -ng her child laudanum or paregoric: it creates an unnatural craviDg for stiniu- lants which kills the mind or the child. Acker's Baby Soother is specially prepared J to benefit children aDd cure their pains. It is harmless and contains no opium or; morphine. Sold by It. Berry, Newborn. , N. C. Dry EXPENSE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Kuli b' Price-i hs i Call :-.t.ii S:itl-f:.cl. J . 11. ',. . . State of North Carolina, t Craven County. ) I, John A. Richardson, Register of Deeds, ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of Craven county, do hereby certify that the following is a correct statement of the amount, items and nature of all compensation audited ; by said Board of Commissioners to the GI p, members thereof severally, tb-; number ; of days the board was in session, and I the distance traveled by the members j of said board respectively and charged ; for in attending the same, during the j year ending November , A D lSSD as per records of said county, to-wn : JAMES A. BRYAN, CVn Bd. Co. Cum'rs. Attendance at meetings, 25 days at $2. 00 Sr)0 00 Examining treas. accounts h ( 0 i Sieninor vouchers 12.00: Supervision courthouse and jail. 4 a. 00 sm.co E. W. Smallwood, Co. Commin'r. Attendance at meetings, 32 days at 82 00 804 00 Supervision poor house ff.('0 r Mi.il. I uu mu... W. iiri- ; : . w-ltli pr. in . j- i'an i i. . o r, im! h . Hi w i 1 for h n V li-N- We n-llii- ICUn S.H'A lirm.-i! 1 CO . ta . n iftUES Sua oo J. A. Meadows, Co. Commis'r. Attendance at meetings, 27 days at $2.00 Supervising bridges $M 0C 10 00 MERCURIAL. POISON. Mercury is frequently injudiciously used by quack doctors in cases of mala ria and blood poison. Its after effeot is fact wherever the Publish language ! worse than the original disease. B B is spokeu. Mr. Weatherly IS the ! B. (Botanic Blood Balm) contains no author of scores of other songs j mercury, but will eliminate mercurial Danirl Lane, Co. Cornmis r. Attendance at meetings, 28 days at $2.00 144 miles to and from rm-eiinK at 5c S64.00 5.-.G 90 7 20 ?C3 20 EASTERN ROTh ISVw I - y - OLINA William Cleve, Sa., Co. Connni.t ,i,.,t ,,nf , ,,n v-nnn-n TT " "J"11" .... .attendance at; meetinga. u ua b that are not so well known. Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga . for book ' at S2 00 -. : has been writing songs ever since ! of convincine broof of its curative 1 aak mii ,.n nn from me.tir.es he was an undergraduate, twentv r.v---was from Hokodate to offers to delray the expanses of a s iii 1 r.-iic.sco with sulphur. Only n,w pTiuilition to the North Pule if si,n iroru tlirno-n :T rhe lort from i.'iir ..f : :.e cr.- were saved. Doctor Fnthi. of Na izen. who com- land batteries 500 of which took Ijck re election of Doctor Mil- manded the recnt Greenland ex- etlect inside the lurr, tiiamonnimK five years ago , ii n ..w i i v. the guus, tearing up the parapet : irn At ( hii'uiu ul tbe House en-. pedition, will accent the leadership. . ., .. i. , 1 1 , ., ,i ,i li 11 U miaiit, ilUU (V I H i u q hum rtuuv.- ' - - i w .ii..in,7in.KA.l (TantUmnn 1 rwti"i r Kri r h i 1 a w 1 1 1 1 n cr tr. tabp , , ry. . , . t, , , , , i f the MS. of Miss Gushington's ! had sores in my mouth and knots on to ge-er.! congratulation. There a command ot a Polar expedition, Col. White had no means cl tongue. I got two bottles B. B. B. , . . L . . m , . , ... V. ; , 1,., mnrtor hattAHPiin i""""" "- """h- i r:i , ij . A ...K n p- .. ;c.s in ins prayers mat do(d dui aa ne is au omcer oi tne rtor ifnumiR iuc ..v.. j.,t(), Well, here are j . , , . nip i-HiierrtiN urumu lud oauuuino, p r . e s i y 00 Foreman composing room- virtue. Bt 5c... A. F. Britton. Jackson, Tenn.. writes: Ferriage. "I caught malaria in Louisiana, and i when the fever at last broke, mv svs- Some tern was saturated with poison, and I : Hi 1. t ' . . , . r ca in his nravers lhat both bat aa he is an officer of the Nor reaching the mortar oatienes oi . . . . tha .'i m k hehinn t he sandmlls. not sutxicnb to, ana wegian government, he desires that . - f t. ' . ' as the tort was built for the pur- spiritual but orway snail aetray the expense. ()f liirbtirj,r vessels attempting He c.io se as far and . . ro rnme into the harbor, but he nrcr'a wnicn neaiea my tongue ana moum uray s . , . . Q i h 1 1 1 1 iimtin a ii n w iiinii ul uidi Aiiatoinv aim tne "urt'ssuianei o a ciear. la 1 11 re as i') c-s;gh:. 1 iin i ei.tei.inal uumUr of the i ii -'t. vii.e Otierver is worth a y -a: ' iitiscription tojthat DOlUl re.. -:.- ; pt-r 1: is extensively an ! iw iuttltioy illustrate !, having ng more t ban eighty likenesses of pro- JAKS KlLBAilt has gone to Miss Manual " Make it up iu ahoir eijual parts. n'.t rh.. mn riM n ni fivi.tr snm i .11. Hmuu uttjuuauco h- man w i't h tbe bt of '"lppl llke Uw'abldinK citizen to aD( gave them An elevation of 40 Th .n.i stand trial for prize fighting in that degrees, and used them as mortars State, and bemg a good, law-abi in. mn..n v, v..... .x iv.. . vv in theeveuiue , , work OtllV two guns, andseeing the ory acl the agency whereby the gooa early and easy, so that he mav go , u , - o 7 ' :ntain;nr tt,a health lias ,,n attahu-j is gratefully i-J.'rL I'opelessuess ot maintaining the He. 0,-it is that So much is heard n u.j. u.i o.u.u tiglit against sucn ouus, auu um match where the laws are less bind- communication being entirely cut otT, he ran up a while flag for a cessation ol Hostilities, ana iuiiuj Wm. Richmond. Atlanta. Ga.. writes: Irom them i "My wife could hardly see. Doctors I called it syphilitic irritis. Her eyes : were in a dreadful condition. Her ap ; petite failed. She had pain in lier -ininr.a and honnfi. T-Tat kidnevs were nsiin n from long, lingering and deraD(!ed also, and do one thought she EPOC II Total amount fc-4 42 .1 I further certify that ti e board was in eeeeion thirty-three dajs. nnd that no unverified accounts were auilited. In witness whereof I have lierennto subscribed my Dame, at fhire in New Berne, on the 26th dy of November. A D. 1889. JOHN A RICHARDSON. nov27 Ex officio Clerk. ft, -.j SL r 1 " u i i. . t. .:-.:i;" ' ii ' ' ,. keeping up the light till 6:30 o'clock -hia 'the life .Van individual. . Snob a 'aed B.'b. B.'. wMch sheTse'd TnTi'l A Filie Florida TOlliC ! WDeD D61DK apie lO ren.ark.iiln event . tre.wrf.l ia tne r.em : ... . . rMtoMd . 0 f.1, . j . m r. r oHLer o. vuMuiunu, K. P. B. Jones, Atlanta, Ga., writes: . andmarkg o( tne Georgia drug trade, agent "I was troubled with copper coiorea iw of 0rianao, Florida, writes: "I a ; H a 1 kn ' nnAt-1 f n na in in KoPtr ! . . i rr.-e , :" F.'.etric Bitters. So many """"v' "V can nardly select a single case or ine fcelP lev ,'w.. th.'lr restoration to health, I ach.ng jomts debility, emaciation loss ' whom I have Bold (5uinn-s , ,! ue 01 the lir. Kt AlteriUive and f bair sore throat, and great nervous- pioneer Blood Renewer. but what have r if vmi Hre tmv.b led with anv dis- . -j i been sattsnea ana i nna ii me uesi 1 i n find A i i u 1 1 ' 1 1. -w if m.-.t . Ord . rs p 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' atteiit mi, w ii Ii teed. CP. Mil v 1 i and Al.i.x. I 1. I . r l 1 1 . 1 1 . r 1 I . l,r:,i .; f. '.! .,i liland all givrn prompt , ii guaran- i it K innton, . '. .: tiavelmg n THE attendance at the Clintou .i . : 1 rw. . . . . j . . . .. II 1,1 IPS llllll BUHCUiiri UUWi.- i I. .I'ttiii arouuians, iuciuu- iuk aneuuance at me, ciintou , , , h i union tuat liib mm ouwu.u .ng S.i.atur i.itisom. Governor t air baa been large and it is pro lowed t() K0 home on parole taking : . .. Auditor Sanderltu. Chief nouneed by many to W the best ail their personal effects. Marshal t arr, aud ilvangehat Fife, erer held there. Geu. Parko demanded an an- B. B. ease ol Ki.'.te v. lAver or S'omaeh. of long , remedy for skin diseases l nave ever or shnrt sun.ih.g. vm will surelv find , K. N. and F. S. Duffy, wholesale and and a FlNB Florida Tonic. relief bv use ..f Ki.V nc Bitters, bold at . retail agents, New Berne. N. C. Foster S. Chapman. ."in- aiidfli-.; K N. Puffy 's Wholesale and Orlando. I la. IMa.l I-rng St.-re. Wilohsale price, $3. ' For a disordered liver trv Beecham's For sale by R. N. DUFFY. New GREEN, FOY & C0.s WTU V : ' ' - t"'SM. Do i O M. 1 Hotel pe r dozrn. Pills. Berne, N. C. Ljwiw.'iiaJ."i.rjgfHiaMii in u

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