' r, ' A," 4 r -J V THE JOURNAL. a. . ft Hill ' " tlV I :. on i IMIIIMi Mi (. K V , ( i . . r i . i . md and II':.: liliiih. i'tf !!, most hoi :aes.s ana I r i : i l-1 1 . i ; s ic.nc 'he ;i:in:i i! I ). i r. ' " z.v.--. .1-. a . :n c. i :; 1 1 t , t - r ' i' i ;n ; t I . I he Mer : .i : A .. I'"" ' is ,i mi- AN .UVEAL. - u 'he banks of K.-..uj"k'. i'. n li.L'ri med by 1 i me mil ke. : n 1 iglit-woi i-l tire. 1 ear v r. .Ill ! ).-rtm !,-r uijl, . 1 llalli It'll 1.111. ia 1 ill'd p .''. a I're.M .J e a : i . Brmnpi hJ m ep: '.eta -;" - MlHORHt. wt:w :a heir -Mr. DTt 'rt u!d in ev.-.-v la U Sou h THK American Cet;ou ha de rid! to demand the '.nil of M u.. Ray for the oiardsr ot' i ir. :.mrv lK VIA IH.'i i r i Pte-barj, i'sir:. Viem lr r. tad will probablj v j-.: A:r.er: . eiti. THB coaatry tx . breach' it th id -tk ::ro.'M ry to proJa.- ri. -'.-ve. Plowm a JrKKii-f N : i r : . I m hi eot.r ;.. tr : : ' COaTlCtion MZd to u, : ;'; - i li i;.-S;.i l brea Ik, ta. ih ;:!. its. ' W Aa m 44 ir a . Ak.'H'. lt h... r. t th Soq; L v ". o a: 31 : '. ti StJ Affiir' n on for '. ii r 1m( of affsrrr by wrc. k of uJ Vad;.. a.t! '. tj th ip;e, a Ai ' j. 3 t3o Sim I ntt? J r- K F : : ii ' . r tioa 00 th einrwor ial pj wrrKr(i of Waiagtu a n:r batioo to Aaiir-.ua l.tiri'.i::-- b ch ia fartjrrr w . .'. uaqxtMci'. tV rakfd iron; '. is aj o '. . , : aad itn pce: vt n::?rir ' 1 r pa bite mn of th ;.'.'rr :-. Til K l Avlou .U Ji : ' . dfOBd oa 1 Yloa liy ic.i-r - ' tr circuajjtaa"- T..-- :: ta a af". andr r.wr aci! hta a blA.: w fij'ioJf.! ritt brt throujci; Aa.i ff !! :'.:' nior. Tb ast'a r';y witli their Iwi rbo ri:ji ot r i' -o Tf. n . M 1 V : : .;- ti :i o 1 1 - ;-y .; . ... 0 1 .on - -v . ii f r : . lt'Ot; vi'.l . S.-.'h . r. ' .-:, ; r. w i 1 . r 1 , : "1 ! , f r . 1 ! ' vr ri .!' '.tie c.i!'!i . ' . : : ! ii-.i. .. 1 -1 ' ' -. N r 1 ' ' ' N- r '. .! 1 " , ; 1 . . I-, .1 : 1 1 u .1 - 1 1. ,.0:1 . 1 . ; ! 1 - :oi' , .mil M i ( t r.u! .1- .. n-i';o ii ,m :n linoi a:t1 cot::.r.- , , 1 ii, -j o! i.t-r k .i- . . - ..ml i- 11 - 1- 1 ' uu-ui. i .1 prod ... ' .0:1 i: 1 :. hi.- s ' ' tnri'.! miavdhe i;.-:-ry cf ' ''' ,. .. pri-'n;, .nr mi) ni.Uor:.'. y .1 :! ' .t:. ! t f 11 ' 11 re of o : r o ve.! 00 :, r . r..u ' : i ". r ; cA : 1 ! .1 - : ':. :.t: t "'' ' ill'! : , .i A 1. 1' r . 1 -' :.. li : t a .i.- r. -:..! a ' h . ....i 1 ioii .ip ... ,. 1 uir. Ail' ! i i. un i .1 :n : 1 : ! '.1. t' w.l. !., :.n.. . n - r.r :.ii- .! ,ippro'.- !"' ' :.n ni'l .i'vo I i - ' v ' ' "' w ,i ! i' rcl u .1 r -t- : .1. ,,), , - K.iv or:-.v:., ' . 'j ' S .llr.i-r," ! i...-: ' :i- 1 ;!.. r:n w..ui.l 1"' .u X" r,''-': pro.i'"' Li: -.eerli ra'.iri'. a h :-. .aipr.io'.:. .i'.r. w o 1:.-" .' iX . 1 1 : 1 -o: .11 1 i 1 VI :l 14. . x- ill. ' I .ill.' ! ! I ' 1 . . i . i 1 ' : o 1 1 - :;: p: , .id' Iiimii: ,fu. , ':oir. !oi- il'l-KV 1 1 1 ' in.- ..in r l; Mi- 1.. I ' - : !..- r.l ' '. :" 1 0 there hniii: it ft-1 nrr.' never sin ' ' 1 w. .1" h ..I he 1 1 : .uae ; !: hrv it :u 'h fray i .vn . .p. i -lir.r: i i.o. . lliat Touches tin- Sdhiliein Heart and Awaits a lieerfnl innl K- - .n-i ve trho. YAi K I KVIi IK N . I llt. Th:- Ho:. " . .' t ii 1 ' li i 1 r hi ' . 1 . : 1 . - - : . ! : .. :. 1 1 :: : .ipp--.tl a iiii-ii e , i. .1 1 .: ' : Alt A j,j t un ! i l n i '' 1 , To-d.iy oiit- o! : h,- : in.': w ho ha i i '. 1.1 " : ii.- ! , . f.'IH fi to I, IS ti HI) ll. ) :. v. In 1 pet-1 1'. pa' I :ot 1 Hi . 1 . ''fivus and niiin.u ul iu- 1:U- I ;SSi 'xYnki A 7i llll'll I iiue"' i:IS iid.lUt 1 is en I : r . r . m ' ! : 1 i 1 1 1 ; n r 1 : 1 s n ! i i:mi n 1 v .1 Ki i', ii ' ' 1.' '!, , . : ! 1. 1 h i-. , 1 : .. : ' i- -r: . i.t.-.l o..i v .; ii, tN- '... : ' i.e . hi-iTi-n -..ie !. i'i" ii 1 oiiti.--' i -A.:.- '.ir.-m--' -i' M ..1.-i:i 1 1 .."I in. .1 h- ijii" w'.u 1 i ; i ie . Bt-r ,1 : '.t v : '! . . I , n ; .1 i i) L The .iii.'c.T :. )'U'.I rp..n ' I," li ...r. -''.l'l i : .1 ' : I ;iri'i ti..- ,.'ii.i . - : .1! ' i . ' " 1 . in: ; v. Ii'. keri:i- -I li .'oill c 1 irio : vis w . ;. .if v . n ; iMrii . 1 ; ; im li :: e ' :. . , .4 '. I .0 ; .- :.e -..1. .IOVUT. re : n j r e 11 : t r k -.1:1 'j '. r 1 f. j.uevi o pie.. 1 on '. u- . ' A w .1 n c o 1 wis : r r Aa.i : v if'- : e r. e 1 . :r. . r ion. : :h- proprty deatrojetl will b re.i' Trie W'Mhini'on con JercQ. thCOHtly prAct:-o!'piAr'Djf; a palmr balldtaf in trjou-ti ivery '. . :m J dj who nuo presided over tb bum of lai: ; i ! I'i - Ia a tiaKly Aod -a. if-'' 'n thAt w ill andou b( . i v -o am r .1 ...?. to Ch 00m mon r.-e 4i.. Approve' of lb ixfopi' ii 'ri' '. y T-.c'i ' r.-j VirjiJiiAa. WttSI hufory. tb'. -hi., r. tulf fAbli. '.j f iltien, ; '. i.. ' e . o' tk th.ai la lb: bo :- . i:e oitiicra 0 Ibe Soalb icd tb n.-' ie vn o( : be S.a'.h ilimc i!h (tory Ioa; bll bo unr.d.li'd TtM )oni( Ivepablic w i bor: liTed bat it ru a mibty jjus' htt at never me y ipoiot: fof It p-C Pri Oi". pie'' nfTrr d Wilmington M a j r PitiiBAHLT .h. rn.v: .-ren:fAl Aad w Am bievropC ihIi';. ,ia a '.!r. coootry :o.iy u (ioTirnor l'ori." of Ohio. He n tor oil : h ia Mi aoae, wtso hid no re. utA': n -o los. tor ae !o: Sir ii b . ro i-r-.e a.l l. repa: ' i' :i- ' . VOO( i'ld 0 3'i'T : r. .-. thAt for' ii 1 pit;. 3 or. ei Ba!. Ph.i Adeipb '.:.. -' I-I the .-Vn k'tf Yr 1 . . ' ftjotn'. ri'K)iu'.;..a A.i'.b. .".:.' . Fr-Midn: : . " itl the iotiT33ia'. . ' p 1 thw AtA;l :.n ner. : r.-p: Lh iAlAad oi 1 u ') '. .3 ' with th:t Mr 1 '." : -d lit 10 a of n '. : v ee V i'j' 1 (OA of tht ' J e l A' - . '. tAteti .hA: Ua.1 : --er. to hm thAt aeAr'.v a.. - i- r too a were : a vor . : ae re. Si.iiT' a I . .".1 an :.-.- ;.:-. ' rMoJa'.toc pr.-v ..! n ; f r a!):r. tin J to the ?;i;,' '.r.e ;o.,ow ; r. UMalma: '.o :a. Con;itu;:oc "CoogTfn h 1 ai'.' p.ifr : o i.-j- Ia1a(a apa ae ia". ad divorce by eaer cW Alike '.ii ii e ToTUoriei, a ad -e. -,h. Mf pol y i a as y . 1 . 1 e x mitteU w ; ta a :'... ' a or Any pi a. e u , d:ioo ." A : t ti IiTiV e. ta hoi ti 014 1 pa'.AtlOQ 'A ; ' w aj Abo : '. . tre.t n: e : o ..-:" r 1 aot to ier. 1 '.::". d Cruet;ou of -1 ' kopC ' be . - i . OoAk I :i e j r p'""t Ti"3 :t: ; to ot:i.j:e j-r. : .- -TA hoi ai in 1 to Us BJide ije :; looked apoii 1 1 Tan N" : u 1 dy pab d d : - 8CAt, - : ' i j for t h e 1 : e bJl I " k"' e 1 -,- . thcn. I : itt - i CAfOI i' pooitiou " i 1 r 1 r. M A dee "A 1 " in 1 feaerAi -nvi- . We Ar ,-'.! . ' th ritA:e b.-Ar ! CTAtA will take ', h th ch 13 1 N ' r. e . r : : . .11. j :i .;i i ; . w . 'die lei' 0:1 e h : :i . red ;.. ..'::: :..r'. 0, op::er .v -..,!. vered w :. ; ''-! :r do irr ! . " He w,s : i';;ril' e '; 1 ;.. . He re id .i : n . v e r- 'i .! a: m:i ! f or..!-. ' :. . - :i.e nr: l e 1 ever :ue- !'.-. : !. I ' . bad I .10C' yi '. .. .iii i 1 . : e oe i ! ;i Awert.o;; thwe Are fear-' 1'. sr. I w - n .'.e r fa 1 ' y n:.u!e.' ' I . i. 1: in ge. rUKKK wii, jreiicr j:'.her nz of 1 on:.lcr:o so.d or ;n New w ; h h : 1 I'onr.'i M r. (. ;eve'.tr.d we I'.ru: '.f en .n.d 001. '. !e:.' " ' ' ., , ;, . : , a direct con il i : ; r h t ht i"'"r rii : reaobei! foes i.f our pol.r.o.i cried of Att, we I.Ae not hilled to so. . ... 1 .mother hone which h.ia manifest, ii H'Vi . ... i'1 rliij n.in af ii',T..e o! j ..mu i' ... mv-.'v.. 1 t ' -r.e IaihI. I: tCAchc.i them th.i' r0J, ,;,,. ,;;;!! he :ny not 1 m aied i.: , . j. t), de.-t'.oy .it their source the evi..- w'-.eli : tlo-ni, they m.iy die. :h':n'!"n . .tlin mliaence .i:;d u.itA. ::.o p. .io'. ltnl,.l7es .ig.i'.nst th.-.r !.i:.e'..il .-onnectjn: r e u ','.. . I!.;s hope, risen l:ke t!:e be re Ad ft.ir :u the H.isr, hu liied tin- ga.-. NOl'n 0 0!'lt' pAi'.o..c 1 e 1 k w - ieu n 1 1 111 e 11 A-id evfrv where nonr tuisv ni.ir's ( fin . i th. ' , I A I III . I , 1 I'MlI I.O :i ':r;-.d . "!: u t1.. A ::ier . 1 11 ! 111 poop .vie 1 o . oilds ol I! 1. :.d 'li- il .- 11 1 1 '. 1 ' liV r ' , wh'i i.f tr.i.'.e .tn.l on our t.irnis :n . ur o;'.:e. .ind monr villages- :n the dwell. m;i of the r.e h and 1:1 the h'-in-.e-. of the poor in our un.v.-r tie an in oar workshops- oi: 1 t . .. repoli pror-; tlel.-'--. l! ' it .1.1 -.Hid 1 though how! ;t w . . 1 : "' ' 1 d . pA boil . ' . ' e -- .1:1.1 ,i-k I. ,.- 1 1, .!.;-: be ! 1 : : i . . v e . : t - . - e : . 1 : l e 1 1 r p 1 1, ei no J ones (Jouin v Iter mu ,i::ii : :. I 1 : 1 r le a '. od y . to Mi'- . 'am tii '.- ; . '. . i. e a t the war. pAid to :he .leid Pre r a.- . : r. c-' : ri . .it any Ti.e tr b:;te . 1 e . :r h'nk;ng h.Hi.-ei .uid :n the r.mks of inexorable toil they greet r :i . :.:hu..i-' 'o .id'. e:.f of loll."' 1 reform. 1 h . : 0 .ire no .eAders ::; iiiii' li.oe w ho seem to U-,i moMii.i iit are bu, swept a' t':' :.-oii' by the surging lore- ! ;.atriot;o entiment. 1: re t.ir .it .) v.- partisanship, and only tin' beedle. the Bord.d and thede praied refu-e to :n : u ::.etru side. "l'o.s reforu. ;.i pretl ...itet! up o. he co,) del; bration of p.-l.: !.'. ; n : 1 1 . : ' - ti i.. in. ir I" ; - t :o;i . : ii.u; r.it ;.er m-.- ::, ;. j -. 1 r. 1, .!.-: back t !..- .pie' . :. r;g;r -ol ved t !i .in ' " -10 ' in 'ii g it 1. el . -i 1. ier con '; n ue .-i with 1, -. 1.1 .; v. 1 : ht .; :i d . ;. g ' m- ii 1 . ' 1 : . ' . T v. 1 ( i ii v'S n. r'- i In' j'l li'i' i!".vii- ! Ill' . 1 . ' lid people el'ni:i: 011' and f he m'.iio.: ot nione to purch.if-e. W h;le .-rry er; s b iVe I ( en the 'i.er.ie '.''.til ever, olio, wi' notioo 1 ; s tie 1 1 1 1 . fe .in 1 t P' V t g i :n 1 f the I : - prob . ipres- e ru bra n ' e he S rh ;:.! r arni otn : n oett . eltth.np.s in itfl endeatn to pro tude our ("ufTrage to the pr.r'.t f i in : hi. t.-.e t ;:" it : 1 :. of - :v. pit-'-of a .ost -!',:. :.," era . I. Iters I 1 1 .loi t lie v we re b-e.i' e: . T:.e rroirr, ,:ig . 1 , r t'l.irr :-. ' ri.-e of . -t a t . a 1 .- 1 1 : 1 : . o f t h co u r -ieo'i. ;. .aes';. ..f pur;oe wh en mtH-.i l a whole p-. -o; le to try the 'err;: It arlutrarueat of stir. - Ph'.lA li'liAn :cord I .- the N..rt'. d ' not re'rinee '.'p-. .'' it i! hw :. t return to a ; ' 'ru.';ia . f org ad :c ! aw, "it in 1 p-r. "' t .I v not 1-.,: i. i :,. tie 1 or.st;-at .on l t .e ore At wAt-r . !' de pot : ni "ad ' be . I :' 'a.- 1-it : ; . f .: doe a o r. a Fed--: a 1- ;rp.it;on ! to 1 n ' 1 r I : e w . : h the . 1 ? 1 : k . . ' . : : : . e e n a t d . -. p 'n-rr n-.. r '. . f the - 1 - 1 ' no: adopt the : ' ; ' ( ': . i se : o e ' r h ' oh '- 1 . - , or A d , . h, n .t i d ;. :. 1 . . in the .:. . i : 1. ' '. -.'i-grat.. n, s.-n-: a I .. , -t . '. i . . e .;.'. w ; . 4 t 1 r .- - i .1 :v : - , r. ' o I: e w , - : - v- : ' 'A.. ' : . private gam. It is rigntiy ;.p peti that corruption of the o-. r ; entered uvi)ii with unrh bu;ue.- oalculation that th corn.) pror will onlv pay a ln tve when he ha ocular pro'-td that the sniTrage he has bar gainetl for n eA't m his intere-' So too, it is reiwonal'lv expected r fallen 1 that if the employe or l.itnirer is . . ,.m...f afinrrKl l.jl'.t' terness in ' il- LUC iiL"u wk t-"iu ",r ..' . removed from tbe immediate con trol of his employer the futility ot feAr and intimidation will lead to tbeir abandonment. "In conclusion let nie fray th it g.xxl men hare no cense for d;s couragement. Thongh there are dangers which threaten our w.-l ! fAre and gafety, the virtue tind pAtriotism of the American people are not loat, and we shall tind them snfiicient for us. If in too great confidence they slumber, the ! will not always sleep, lo't then: but lo aroused, from their lethargy and mditTerenoe by the conscious, ness.'f per!!, and they will bur.-t the tonds of ixd.tical sel lisliues. revive their political freedom and restore the purity of their suffrage, j "Thus will they discharge the sacred trust eommitted to their kep.r.g. thus U -.11 they prou i.y pre.-eiit to the world proo! of the va.ue of free institution ; thaswi.i 'h y denionstras-e the strength .and per; efii'y id a government by the oeo; !.: thus will they establish VmericAti patrioti-m throughout 'lie length and breadth of onr land, ii: ! thus will they preserve tor 'i.ein-elves and for posterity their .1'. 1 . A 1 !.- .ipp .11. d Mr. and: 1 : ' o 1 1 - - -1 1 1. :i,. : .' pr.-.-:.- 1 . e.ii.del.r, 1'; e-.dent I : .1 1-11 r ,:i o to ' ! . e - ' roll iS p ,r-.i ' ::: '. ,i::d Mi'l, 'i- '- " '! .1 I ,-', e'.illd e ' -.Itlie . - ;'. :v.d -t 1 ..:. Ti b: 1 I ; .1. IP and : e I re- '111 t lit le ;.- 01. e cro j hive I . e V t r 1, 1 . 1 1 W 1 t 1 1 . 1 i ' 1 e . 1 1 1 o - ' .'.-pee t b 0 'I..: ed tr;.To!. w hiel, 1 1 1 1 1 1 re ' Ii : e,i 1 ii in i in ' 1 ii 1, .1 . kt - -1 nut e. 1 ii wh :eh we be ,1 l.ohire aaiong on: : in cut ire t ivln'i; nnd s -rmirds. 'II I .' ike 11 II I MO 1 . .'.: r. w,. ki.'.w -i.at thev a e deat), i 0 ".. in .'...!: . . -'' .0, we f... let l he d'-ad past -lee 1 ' (: Us liial w shouli.l weep I i iia: : 1"-;'.' be eneil. A! . '.n! i I he l.ithei n:a.l reply, I ' . - : ' .ii! I'l'iltfitll to di'' ' ' ,..'i here he -'-tTr.ed t" paa.-.p- I' - : T 1 ih. iii li'iiif I 111. .am be -"id. the jacket torn. I v. . ' rear k.-T cause I '11 11 we hut wuii 1 ci'iilil have died ! I-' i'i a pan i.T father's pi ide. I . ::'. I hoe b.Tne the c I . '. li.ov I weep wbh a hitler p'lin I k t lie s leri 'lee wa.- vaii;- - l b r ail . a", all is be-'." N ;. i."t '' I he nntiilen cried : I'lie cause f"r which my brothers died 1 an iiit. i lie b-t lu me : l'.'.ey fought, yon ay, the bitter ficht 1'. iti.vp .1 ii. ..p..-'- -an ed 1 i.dit nobled our un moii n u 1,1 a 11 1 (y and reileert-d ni)du.e i .1 - 1 a.. mi, hi am- and pt'ople. Judg'-' i inerir Hllllpiy. Sllell tl: i ,i' ...ioll'id have been placed l .. g-.r.-pi ,-. niitry above the pet', a n 1, . 1 1: ei dent to sf 1 1 : g ' . .o-,i :n a ul- -tunce. lillt It I - iio'.v iv. !, w li t h.ll t he 1 .1! it 1 e a r- 1 1 11. o 1 vt-'r tul and hlto;;e hie were no ' ir leinoved "' ''' lioni want. Too p. ..ml to beg, and alike di-d umng :he ioie oi charity's recipltil", he t k. (I nut and tnundrd ( IV hi gi( ii 1011 1 1 le a .! ;d tile noblest of Adielll-in-. -.11 named the .itlsd. a I u o i in a -1 ,r c .0 a 1" 11 a I ;'. n7f need. And th it too w hen he had 1 U" ni. 1 i;..T get a id give h .- own consent for leliet to lie in..-. ,,iii.I i.hdertM!; : 'u under far le-.- temp' ation. others w lio have -t.iikt a! i he n ,-t 01 ie -tage have held out the ii.it . Hat he would have lived on' th- remnant 1, ,, ,,,! of his life on the Sp.1t.t1,'.- broth and lii'Owu meadeie ue wmibl have a mu to and tio grovelled to h,i e d'uo. r And so , his unci. in- l.iin'iig . ei r . '.a-nit " - :'"' a: 1. 1,1. le.l-i (d a' T 1 1 ! Mi! e-. F 1 1 o'her wise, it was mou- t-nii ..ingtiiali would have been tir :i-:i ot ,1 Oaesus, ancient m r; bin. an llOUt'Sf. UIi.let!i 1 !; bbi: I.-' ie. I: gentleman I Suip .-- 1 i.o c :n 1' In spite of p il ' : Ti Oei 1 act loli, lie had in the os'im ui"n of hotjest men throughout the m ui id. lived down party in al 1 gn 1 ; , and suc cessively phled Ills ..u a - I (To. statesman and sago. To relieve hi.- tin nitnts and to provide a m. . , e oompe tency for him-elt ann lamily, an enterprise has lately i.-en started !i!-w. . .:e pa-t. I- That .-he c let- :i i 1 r 1 w e 1 1 . lu ck if:.' a a :n v,i a-: . 1 p.i: 1 M'Olk v bib- ' .,c li. . :u- r .if., ,1 Li.iriA nc IU AT If, I 1 Pi L ew LU Kj Innl r-WflSH OUT IH OR FADE ONLV Sold bydruggistS I A LSO lTKItLFSS I'll NTS fi Colom, J'KKlil.KSS 1.41 NHKY l(l l'I. I'I HK1.KSS INK Poll ItKRS - 6 K1bI 7 Colort. HKKKLKS SHOK OH II A It MISS DKKSSI.ie. l'KKKLENS KOU K Ls -1 ( olore. DR. G- K. BAOBY, SURGEON DENTI8T. Olbce. Middle street, opposite Baptist church. deed! dwtf NEWBERN. N. C. Prof. Loisette's DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD ., i, .ite of adnltmtM imlmtiotm which mlm tb I- ... id i.n i prrtiMj fMolUol tb Oritrtoml. l apito a , -'. .Ht nnnTpi wwnt4tti.iti bf miTKitu w-old hm ..r nl m "pit. "bMttniUto rat"Mv i . f. i t .'.I Int. ltx,T. ill o which diaounia tte i -e.i.l M ii.Mit.nt and pnpalanty ol hii taaahiaw), . ! Art t.f -vr K(Mttlinff l rwMHTBtMA m e.i'i llttnimprira marklim an Bpoab tm l t. His Pn.potuaaaiittoatfr"")l" I f Hi ll prta ol lbs (lob who hwV si . ' ...I ut" vtin otn iwiiiNi(tD, phowiaar - i i o,....:,eii,,,l .ni'i vhi'f hrine ttudcd, net ii,wi.ii, 6. I can lf Uornrd m a miMffti , ' ir,in.lrrii,.j .'Ml ft. tlf. for eruapaClua I..- ii .1 f - t i ii n I h a.ldt-HK 1-...I. I.OIS.KTTK. 2J1 Fifth Arrnir. Ti.Y 'I wo tilings an- iiorossary for true glory: power and bounty; the former without the latter causes terror, the second with out the first inspires contempt T'nito bounty and power, and you will win admiration; add power to bounty, and you will win love. s Do you -uller with catarrh? You eta be cured if yon take Hood ' Baraauar. ilia, the great blood purifier. Hold wj all druggist. Heeoham'a Pille cure bilioui and nei tous ilia. Battled Electricity ! Nature's Great; Pain Remedy Cures Hesdachp Instantly ar. d has rf stored Hearing and Eyesight. li, ' toy remedy that will cure Ca tarrh. A !,. 1.1 LICTKI it KELTS for sale. J. F. TAYLOR, W 'h. J.il. fir.il lOr.i! tirccer. Middle Streut. .A 'nve S.jap i Ifer jut-t the eame -i in. I-. a t! of I- rfumrv for every 25 w i -i i j. r - return, d VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Aa agents for ownsra we offer for aal oa aaj and aooommodallng Urmi tta follow lug d escribed Improved Hal Eatat IB th CUy of Neir Bern: No. 1. WHARK PROPERTY AT UHIOM I'nIM : lnclndaa the plo of land knowa aa -THK 181AN1) " and tba wharf or roaAway leading thereto from Ea4t Proot aUaav Alao, water apace now baTng HI l la, . Tlaa location la Uaa beat In the cltV tor 4I r faetnrlns pnrpoaea. while the laraeat ian vial ting our waters hart ample daU) of water for loading and unluadlng at lha wharf. No. a. TWO HODREH AND lOTB Al UNION POINT, ocenp ed aaowelllno. No. i. THK IRON FROM' WAKmTuOUBK ON uKAVfcN HTREET. No. 6. BRICK HTOHS AND DWKLdjIirO ON CRAVEN HTHKKT oocnplee by K. O. ' lxdge. A full deacrlptlori of tbla TalnabU proper ty, together with the beat terms a bob wbtoa the same win be sold, will be fnralabad application to the undersigned at tbelr ofBee i iiHoulti Kronl street WATSON STREET, deed dwtf Ina and Real Estate AgU. YAIOABLE TRUCK LAP FOE SALE. Spu triP T?P-5t T,inP nf Atmol KOHTY ACRICS CMAHIU U, UC "ie AJCat XJ11J.C Ul Kl! utila wUhln two mllei of the elt y. suit- Silver Jewelry in the capital rny ot hi Stale for t 1. Qfat0 his relief. This is to inn chase from ALL Lue otdLt,. him a valuable tract ot bind ot Hair OrnameiltS. about .mOO aeies in Arkansas on White river for one hundred thou- BrOILZe Bracelets, Sand dollars, duided int., share. rno U-;r, T) able tor truck ralalng. A great bargain. Apf I) UI WATHON HTKKl'T, riiayie Real lieu Aei,la. SPECIAL ELECTION l rou THR, CITY OF NEWBERN. sh.ll.e their th -till V. icli. ihi.iub o. oi aieixl. that thev wen I- "i evt-rv U ", l'"a 'A .e ll Th-' . r s son wT. m sr. J'retr.o: was a l:elv pi. ice tor , Ti a tl.oie on Sat ill d ay . Seed cotton -N wa- 1 1 i a i. i I in fi o: , . , , i v d ire ct ion and sold !:o:n - : ;. t h l't per bun b.'.- dre.i. ' hi. lo'ii-e purchased about -et ' in i ;.. t 1 1 ; pound. Kirtrs are : :i il, -riiat. i .: ' Treii : "ii a : l , ret: ts pt : ' b h'll . I. t I a 1 1 1 . Aiiothei c o i ti train will arr:ve at Core eieekon Tuesday or Wed nesday ot tics week to cany away III To ot the o cored people of till. eoiin'i, -eveial ot whom are now .'.hit .1. ot. lt i no 1 .1 . .in.i .1 wait ol ten dollars each, a full descrip tion of the scheme b-tno- heiewith , Combs, Ring's, Etc. appended: as al-o a powti ol at tor-. , . , ney to me t.o act as an .itit for NO TrCUDle 13 iHCW uOOQS. North ('arohua in dispo-n tr ot the ' . rj ii ti i i t k-iiK'th shall 8t0(.k. It is believed : bar i ne land , D8II I HQ lJ8W3l6ra will in the near luture 'ie worth as - -- !VAllt- much or more than we now propose : Filie Florida TOIliC ! ... , , .to pav ior it. lint mat is not , r- . u . ,i,,-e - "'.:;.' ;fi. - the -'iret l'iuu . , r,-, . i . . . . Mr. router S Chnpman, one of the : ,,, material. J hontjh each sux kho der . ian niRri-a c,t in,. t:nri, r,, , a. ,., a-- '"mnie-t li.es-aiirs sprii),' iron) pain : " lanutuarke oi tno tieorgia nrug trade. And w hen ;i.e:r w..rk i- done, should pt reliance lo.-e a tt-w cents, now of (irlando. I lorida, writes: "I ri,..e mI... have lo-T m this bitter f.ei.T we nevertheless propose 10 pay off - can hardly Hfdeet, a tdngle case of the 'Vat pr.ee ta.i'. wrwj can b0"coti- all of his itidebteduess. incurred ID ' m.Dy wl,om 1 have fold Guinn'e in. '' : by rtlit Tb.it thev in truth have wen . r .ne -.'niacin n . l. bv -i .-I' a tl unavoidable hosnitalitv. and to Pioneer Bloo.l len. wer. but what have been satisfied; and I find it the beet :r in.iih y. .nth oi-qaer jt -h .11 t.-a. h ..'ir .-a with the sw. .i ii of u tnii una mtr a mue someimno LU him remtdv for skin di-eawee I have ever lamfly besides. Veadlse uone to s0!d , an 1 a f Ar Fu;va Tunic fro into u as a mere monetarv 1'"sti:k s ( hai'mav. ! ' ... 3'h," ' m 1. 1 c , h a .- '. :; e hllil w.l.a. Nor ' rr '; at, m i , i ' i V .t . 3 d o' - m r :. iv r . e r . . ' i : e ; r'.T ' M a r. . ; n e e .1 - ::iher::anee ot tree and pear, and h . Mr. t,i.lv w i. i at m u ; we.'. '! ; .1. ' ;.i'. a ' oi ' it h" 1 ' ' ' . a. 1 - lit : I I ' TT " laial are fri-A'. i;i3y dwrer- Tbr '' '.:,- whoarr mlwtj t3' '. IJ'i dart ..ie io mimtttv Sow be ii: h.u ; t.i;. b, tly r tar :j izd i'-c-3-y Ttsjw uf ."- oq my p ;: '. yo ;r hope) m mouC rid. ia'- bo.- ut will biocch .'. . i'.b b.i.-i wba thj come '. .. ' mr9 sUwt Kwinj d.21 -t pib, tioa 'a 9 n t I :.e p ecli ct .Mr. bu.b a a- v.i-' y ,!::Ter. n' from that of M : i ei '.in.!. but :'. wa.. directt .1 ;. t:te same enJ, the con. mon ."'i II .- s.r - ct w.i.s "The Kace 1'rob e:r.. " and every sen tencr contained a ii. frora a r; h md eih.iiis;.-,! n:.:.e Wc present a few -etitetice-fr ni h,s .eech not the best, :' r all ..re e.piaby ej,..l. Mr. (ir.ob. spike .w f o I ! o w s "1 ;,i' l're..;dent ot the i rol 'atc. ;:i h.s late message to ( n ijtes. .1 mi'iiMin p the pies that the outh should bo left to solve thi ; roi'lem. asks 'Are they at wt.; ; n What solathTi tbi the;. ,,'',t' When w.ll the black in.,:, c is; a fr. e ballot T S hen wi.i he h . the : 1 r.'ht.. that ;.s Ir.-' 1 -h.il. :;.'t here pro;et aa.n-' a . ii'e.iii' . t ;. i' , t t t he t'.rst t me 'l r I. : -' . r i , . n ' . in e o : . -ace. L a s' itr.pt ! wr:, the 're.it -e.il .. , :: 1 i ver :: tr, .ti ; , a stipma upon the . e .pie . f a cj r eat and ie;. al section . h. . . T.ite!u. . rciiii'iiiiicr t .. r J : i: dead -oblo-r who he! I :. c r- ' : rt'.a in s t r ac t ion . never f. ..:.: ..'ni : r .-ucii a step : and t hmi h : ;. . - ti o ; rt ', al - ac r . b . e I w . .: . ' :. ' ::.a.e h. remo'. e th. . : .el ah : :: i-t . n; put '. :o;. on in ; . o; . A ... the archive of my o. u:i. A - t o ; : e c!:arge.s ot . I . - r i b - r . ". a .rid :nt inrda' .oh. Mr liti '. - i . i 1 1: at e v cry . n c: . ie h t ' : i - ' . : ; '. e .t:::. w i. e t a e ri'ed .ir.d dhst.T'e.l tor par" s tt: '' .-. ' 'A : ie n w ; 1 . t h e ;. , k tr. it. a -1 .i 1 r ee bal lo t T " he .r k e. I . h . :. fc'nor a::ce anywhere :s :,,' .o:i. n ii'. 1 : the w.ll, :" ; !. e ; n ;. 1 . k-e :;' 'i'i hen the ladorer anywhere cu-rs ,i . ote unb.ndered by h:s Isiss. ;..:, the lots of the ir anywhere ;- aot intlaenced by tflc power of 'I. r:cb. When the strung a:. l t : stead fast do not e ve r v w here c. : trol the suiTrage of the weak at. ihd'ileM then and not tbi the w.ll the ballot of th- negro be fret ' 1 II 1 I 1 1 1 N Is I'I M I i i . , ; New i ir'. at,- ic ver ii i ; ;,c - -1 1 a :. , ; e : in i .o -: : t spec ;,. ; I, ia e - ' . i 1 1 i ' - o b-eqn i es o V e r tile : ' a . 1 ' - o ! the cite .1 e ll er - a 1 i r. - i 1 ; : r-i :. r . ve men Iron . 1 : ,. e . .'it it wire t I: e r e to pa'. : . :n h e to the in a :i no had lor t i e i. ' t. . e e a I - I The ad the o t.i q :.;. i .t ,i 1 ' c r i - . 1 . ; g 1. 1 ( i.o. crior-i : S .:; belt: ' re- acted as pa., beater. 1 ho r :i Oh- were te ;i. p. T il ; . y lid i : -' : :: t :: Met, line l . -n e'er'. . :. o :iii ::."r,.u ser :ce "ere lie.! : ", ,- er e.ry and to -v :: :a '. he ."-:; : . r 1 m ai. cord have pra ' : t arr.!d more eii pba' . , . b-nc . ot si TI owl The IU . al I 11 ih.ihiies'ed tor Mr. S ii:' b exc.te- !: a: ' :.. t r.'.U'e ot a 1 tl.. ::.! o er'br.'.i : ,.: a ii.i-diie.". d a ca're. have i;- . : : heir fa" h! r. I, :. W.th . --t :. . '- - : pi irtcr ol n . i n. .-1 y m eu. or . t -1'. ace and the w r h the g, ild.en New 'Tk Worb Here are k:rd .-.- cr. d : '. a 1 c c ':..'. arc to ; :. i to lli.e'l t!.e III . -1 e a i a I. . ' I tor ': ri.iii.ir; tram: whre m.ili :i, ''! li.ui' .-md ou' and boxed up. i leads to depart at ! he fir.; warn : n ur of the ; rain' - arr i a I . V. e learn that one of Treti'mi'. ro -i! . id and (.-Herpetic merchants, M. . '-riddel. - cehteUipiateS IU0V- :nr I,.- stm k oi p,,()ds to Ciiddens ille, - imp-on county, dun tip the month ot d.iniriry nest. We wish him pond bi. k and much trade at i ridib ti-vr le. We well know that ii.- ii.i the vim atnl energy to sue eed almo-t any w iiere. Wo trust . ur farm.-r- will next e.,r plaut b;i' little cotton and j t. ileUiir to r.i. -. iiii'ie of ibe ; i i And 1. A 'id, the w. : 1 a e . A r '.bVr h, T .': , '.','. . . .,1 bb -.1' 1. - lie laid h With a c.h "I n.ocr t a 1 : a ' i no ..' '.rue 1 a "M.,v e'.er. .b and i a that a .- r, a: el u j i ei he : Le.i .k ine v. ice and iua : cii.c ; :- iv,ii t, !;,;::,. i'i'. s.i y the -nee ti.L'l et'S the in coiehter I'ci that "in' c.i'ise is Truly w ar A nd InC" v,-r the e. In The eyes ..i' H'ni '-'.ll-i waaelh i V In raaiketh the -. rr- w and 'VI . me. , i e -lune crer ...-. baitinmre 'lit hern M a Lrnzi i: Kichlunds ItpiiK. "e made poor crops this year a: speculation, but for one I am fain ueivd ' to believe, that the:e are at least 1,000 men in North Carolina, who will take ten dollars ..rock each in ".sentiment" of suit indicated. I n. an Agencies have been established at different points and will be ex tended at once to all of the j .r in ri pal commercial ctinres of the State. Each subscriber will, upon re ,1 .;,,n mittance of snb-enprion to agent, be supplied with a corresponding amount of stock a scion as if can le obtained from the home of lice. Uelieving that no other incentive or argument is needt 1 ro induce subscription to this meiritoilous stock, 1 am Very r. pt. W T GTiF.EN". i'Vi'IVVV 1 1 e I e supple.-: have their i,,,- ho killing time has come and P. O. box 1 73. Fa, etiewlln. N. C meat raised at home ur ,V(. -lrH -. ri.-tb-,! r.ow. I (imning season i.s about over and the cotton all sold. There were 4,U biles ginned last ,ear and -U bales this year at Rich lands, a fall of h'OU baie. Wn will n-ffciv onan'ol s, onr , r Willi ".- rii , : e hi bah w l Ir an . i ' I r. . a e i I ; .aa 1 1 1 1 o ' Id. i - Wi a: W orb'. -sorrow: ; I V.ir f.l'b'- ; he b.; :.t h he i. ate c . , r : w - h :. !... ore id an stead of having it m (Miicago and fini innat i. Would it not tie a goo I ide i lo: o::r farmers to get topeiher :n a ph'.la' meetirip .jtid take cmiti -.I i..,w to proce. an.! maj out th- prorer plans to pitch and cultr r e their 1 n d ? ( on Id not labor -iv inp ri p'e nieti ' s - n pplem en t -. ::. e i : , .; ' i ::r pre-en .-.'.uei'y ot li"'! :ti .1' : v.r :;.g o.i r tie c;.n '.- t i p - . Al'ir W . ! i ni'-i! ,iy id 1 ,i : s w ek ill : be e,., .rial pep!" w iio i esi. e I I, t , e 1 I e ll t o I, a;, , . r l 1 . c i lit r id 1 r in .! an; p. 1 1 : a t o I t ,-n -'..". a d:-t ro e ot lie ulv f.-ur miles, i ' ! ! ii.ivr ;. I ' tortile promised l.iin md other p. '.r'., leaving the white in lad j o--e.-.-ioii ot the whortle u-r ry t.r.di.nds and .ill the good old ;i-!:.,p places along the Trent in 'he same iocaiiiy ; and by theiiy, won"; the ti -h bi ' e much be! ter ! 1 he c. l.Tt d people li-hed afiei i.eiti s, tira.-li they kept their heaths ai sore ih.it it wa i.ird to pet a nibble iiotn them m be wince locab'y fir the list few .-ar-. V. ' r a c. i .1 ' ll a r 15 ti i c i i n l c h 1 ,1 ii . i i-t bt rt sj.erry. Treni.ait. Id . had r 'i'.'lie in bath Confined lo ic beii-e -.s c. ecks II.' mvc "When i w.is ut ie t '. t on my lp-s. I had an it nine; J. n-:iti n that nearly ran me r zv. I -erut-'hed lliem raw to tb- -: - i ri-d -verj t b : nt; without r, ..-:" 1 wa- i 'merited in thi way for w. I'.len ti nrid (dirke'tt Tlx r.i ', "f I',. :t I ',!' d ha. Skin Cure at . e : r :: ; .' re . ci-a d it m.,1 l : big cured - u: I c ell. " I a t 1 - x S "ip 1. a ::-i. p: 'd f -r '.':... : ' i ' s k : n 'a re .- : ' a-. .'.:.: It ,-aic :r . S I rT Jru For the Nxt 3y Days . :,'. e t e I ' -coil ' 1 e'T r tl i ' ll -I J. a ; : the it '. m - HI - : . .' -t i t yi i i:.k i. .'. V r . i.r.Mi sivui f 1 i r ciiti lleE . h dd . f . tt dp ,;i. c u " wind ri y ' .' Jdiar- - .1 I O.'.le. i hough we have short crops, young people cont . r, ue to mat r y. inctuCeilie ntS TO mer 1 was ;it the m.iriiigeo! Mr. Iiich ard (r. HuHman and .Miss Susie phonf q n H r-i en 'l Prl rajli.r. on De-ember 11. Tio-e -ULS aiiil bJubUulgTS in attend, rice wete Mr. Geo. I5ai- : , . III UU1 dL.sL-Z SJ bee and Miss Mmma Rhodes, Mr. A . li. Cox and M iss Sallie Kliodcs. ti;.,,i ci i o. i V.. L Rranck, R-(p, officiated. The fi lends ot Mr. ilutl'mau gave him The serenaders, ahou our and For sale tiy Berne. N . C . It. ( Irlando. Fla. DVFFY. New New 1Wn2y Goods! Great Reduction Prices ! A Full Line of IIATS, Etc Latest Styles ! A on ar o. :: i t,. a'a ni .1 , x amine our stock. Scarborough & Koonce Pollock Stiet t. Oppoi-i'.e F.pisL'npil Clmrcli, dadvtf NEW BFItNK. N. C. Ths dgh ntm Davis. of i serenade that night. This has grown to be a ctistom ou Hominv swam fifty ,n the band, were led by Wm. TOBACCO and CIGARS. Cavanaugh. They were dressed in dll kinds of costumes and each man had his instrument, which was either a fiddle, accordeon, harp, tin pan, C"flYe pot, cow bells, tain bonne, conchs, or horns of some t;.7 Pnces before buy- All we ask the public is to examine stock jtn niBinti rn.MiiiE i ing1 elsewhere as we propose to sell Siaifde, Idurable an i Iad'ht Running. The only en i -al f tl Machine. All sewing dene without baming. J M. HINE8. Agent. New Berne, N C I and Whlakar Haa Its cured at bone with Ill tlonlara aent FHtC. LaiiVfii B. M.WOOLLKT, M.U ' AUaatsk, Oa Offloe WolwbaU BV Ask Tour Retailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE OI THE r JAMES MEAN'S $3 SHOE. According to your Needs. .7AME8 SIF.ANS M4. RTTnw Unlit and Itvilitl. It flu like a. stocking, and KFOIUKKS NO " BEKAKINOIN " be- lng perfectly ey th flrat Uise rt u worn, it win taUsrv tne moat .fiwUdlon. JAMKS'MKANS 3 SHOE l absolutely the Nuiirp. im heiebj given that All ELECTION will be held, at the various preoinciH of the City of Newbeo, oa THURSDAY, JANUARY tk, A. D. 1890, for lh purpose of sabBatttiDX to all the qualified voter of said city, the question of subscription, on the part ol said cut . of 50 000 to the Capital Block of "The Hut Carolina Land and Ball way Company ." aa per order annex ad of the Board of Commissioners of Gra ven county, passed at their aeeaioi oa Tuesday, the .':h day of Novenobor, AD. 1889: Obiuhiii, 1 iiat an elrrtlon be bel-L In Ibe cltvof Nrw HtTue on Tbureday, tba 6th mmw of January, A 1). lxutl. for the purpose of aab mittlnK 10 the quallfled voters of salaeily the qiitstli.n i.f antitrrOtli.R. on lbs part of xalil city, the atim of .'!. iNki to t bs eapltal Hlt.i.k of the said "The test Carolina Laad and Hallway Oimpanj." In e npoo aoods running thirty yars. to be lsoued by said city, of itie denomination of two eaob aad (lruwlns lnlereal at the rale of & percent, p. r Riinuin, t'tiyahle annually, and ibe levy of four thouaand dollars aunnally lo pay KHld interest and provide a slaking f and far the ext Inguishtnent of said pri nol pal. As4 ll ia fu'tner ordered ibal thli ty days aotles hall lie given of said slectlon by advsrtlaa ment at tb court boase door and at eak of tho election precincts In sal I city, and alao hy publication thereof in tha New Barn IA i i.y Jot' km a I., a lie wipe, per publlebed la said city, all aa provided in tbe aot of As sembly, entitled 'An aot to Incorporates "I'lie Knat Cat olina I Ant and Ital la-ay Com. pftiiy. " a ul the aforesaid act amendatory ihet eof. Hy order of the Board of Oommiaalon- era of Craven county. J. A RICHARDSON, Clerk. Newbern, Nov 14th. 1880. novl4 d wtjanlO THINK! THINK! I 3XT KZ. ! l iLLM r- aV I I A Hi , - r Bf.uc of Its pnoe which has evrr l-fii placed fi , tcu&ivt iv in the mark. ft In w Iiich durability i ci-aiiJered bfbri mere ont- WsVnl ippejx- J. MEANS fc C O., Hobh.... Pull lluea of lUe alio', e lio h lor sule b A k for the .Tamft Meuje f2 Shoe for Boys i As they approached the great dis cord of sounds struck horror to all the canine race, and they immediately tied to the woods. I'tie musicians marched around the house two or three times and then halted in tbe front yard. I was struck with some of the characters : Sallie Ann. Jim John g n and Kaeking bill. Eli was there, too, with his "tiuke, tinke, tmke." They sang several pieces and closed wit-h a sacred piece, "The Victory Won." These are a good and prosperous people, they d their own work and depend on no on e cbe. A DITV TO VOIRSELF. it s Mirj ris Dg tha-. people will use a i thing" concemins" ouri c ii. tie ii , raiD-tr. pm '.vhea thev can te- , - & are a valuable Encbsh one for tbe same cfonV nf TIT T J T7 G ! "Rvocc O n ri Potior SYlollfl IT. Acker's English pills are a uvjUl. Ui A ilxJ W j.j-.au.oj iu.u .n-woi. ui"" J. M. Howard, NEW I'.ERNE. N. C- THAN THE i HEADQUARTERS i LiOWESTi We won't say any-1 Breech-Loading Gun? in it, ev pir.i', cur- l'. .r tuck-lien Jaehe and all livrr e. Si) i i v 11. Berrv. titk-:: -tad de re N w He: be . N C ihey are -mail, sweet, t:..-:lv I i-ziVj, U JJXD, Z.IU., Vy'iiiCU is well known to be idicre i r,.:inanwhom fi.i'tuuejtJie latest in the es nei vi-it rtice m his hletj l wlicn diedocs not nnd him f v n Tl r a rrl 3 np.p in tn A V J Va a V atwaa V atk a-aV ly S ill v t.i rocoivf' lior. she walk , : ... .;.,.! m at" the tk-or and iiios cut at either of our estab ; ! .:,.'i:,:.:tit!,;,';vj V"' T', K ; lishments will con " ,..c .ii.i i he breath of a chronic catarrh pa- I - I tieru is ofren fo offensive that he be 1 1 r i ii .. .i I, ii i f . : r i.i a . i! k u'lifiii, ; 1 1 m ulceration, gets in. tne eponey i - ' a.i . : . '.! i ','"r:i,.f the, bon-- are attacked and freauentfy en- ucai tnaL we are in It 1 entirely I tireiv di-.-troyed. A constant source of , . . . I - ar,v .f-b ef child- ! di-cimfort ie the drinniniz of the Duru- , Tiflfi TinSlTtlOTI t.f Sftll TP "KT -T T T i TTiniiQ ?" Vt mnef oItoti- conieH an object of disgust. After a v Aiiuo tut axiuou oacu bronchi 1 lent secretions into the throat, some which in its turn has been the excitinf? for tiiiie.-i producing inveterate bronchitis, i 1 OWPT thai! t Tl V TPfflll a' '. S. c aue of pulmonary direase. The bril- i V, cp iy. fVp Gfnfn iint rettu.td which have attended its . UU USstJ 1LL Oldlti. re a 1 1 : I u-e for years pa-t properly designate m Ely's ( ream Balm as by far the best nd only cure. A trial will convince. .i.ng I iiiJ Tl l " . in 'irg:n:a ca--t :n 1- 7". pt r c n '. . ul tier vote. M i.-a cba-et'e. the S'ate in which i;.e-a'a, . ' j ;er cent, of her .tc S .a it u ppreAAion in N .rgur a'o! QA'.i'.ral cairsea :n MaA.u-htinett" : . r i'ir ir . .". e y .4-' 11 ,tr..l i.i-: mon: a i.i .;.!... t . , , of . e:.-. ' her v..'e, a:.d Mas..-: i . I't'iH : t -North. 1 to r.'.t of t ti , , . u..,t f r tec. i i 'he. c i .iiiiir.'-rniair 'it s-ilitudof savs: m i g a g " I le.-- lit iiior, arc only lit for A. Li lifggOry L jQ9 - .ii'.tt.ir wh. i like nobody, are like n.dioilv. atbl arc liked bv from ,he i ..b dv LiQuor Dealers and ir i- .:nt- of tha . ".'M and South. Bnrklea' a iraict Malvc. i i-t l.-t thenoo.-i Tint Best SaLvj In the world for nwe.i bver. tier- Outs. Bruisee, Sores. Clc-ere, Salt aii.'H. impure Rh um, Eever Sores, Tetter, Chapped, Tobacconists, t i e . ,:e A :r..''..a.". ' S w and C oariff t'.tli'.ing caa: oa: v ever i d:-tr. I'i tier cent, of her he ( ... 1. r.H'.i-M. an i many other die- Hands. Ctulblains, Corns, and all Btin Old Market site. E. side Middle et., tond r , ' re ur-e- of in- -vii.-m that make men Eruptions, and positively' ourea pilei r i-n .r.a. th-re i- n "rcm dy. Thousands or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to S. A . Cor. South Front and Middle Ste .,;,;v tri at IT I.tT.'e s ritasaiu iur- K1c5 er 1 ifci naiuiiiuibiuu , ui iuvucj o- . ,.':v;. p.-iif.m care the-e troubles, funded. Price 25 oenta per box. For beetr :,h bat p .tent one a dot... sale by R. N. Duffy. in 17 I NEW BERNE, N. C. uk16 dw W hen the writer stops to think of the distressing times in East ern North Carolina it makes those old bones or his shudder, and for a moment he pauses and wonders to himself if there can't be some relief had so that the people, both white aud colored, may not leave their mother land and move to other States. Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! it is distressing to see the people shaking the North Carolina dust off of their feet and moving to Kansas, Mississippi, Louisiana and other ytates just at the time wrien New Berne and surrounding country is about to be on the greatest boom she has ever had. Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Think that one million or more dollars will be scattered among the laboring classes of New Berne and ur-rounding- country by -iJortbeffi men during the year 1890 in building the East Carolina Rail road, PROVIDED WE OO TO THE Poles on the Oth day of janu- aky 1890 and vote for the town of New Berne to subscribe for Fifty Thousand Dollars of the Stock that she may have this much power in this Railroad, thereby bringing it to New Berne Yes! Yes!! Yesill Voters, don't stop at this little sum of fifty thousand dollars, but vote far hftv thousand more to be given to five men who will build fact ories in New Berne, employing two hundred men, women ana children who will get from fifty cents to two dollars per dav. Yes' Yes!! Yes!!! voters, women and children, this is just a little fight between thr properitv hold er and the laboring man, aud 1 assure you if you will weigh the matter well, that on the imt day of January, 1 890, a handsome ma joritv will be given in favor of the Railrorad, and the road wilt be built and the factories will be built, and New Berne will be a thriving city of 30,000 inhabit ants within five years. Yes! Yes! Yes!!! this is the greatest enter nrise of the lUth century in Eastern N. C, and to induce every man, woman and child in the town of New Berne to give it their hearty support, Big Ike, tin-clothing 'man, next door to K. I'lrich, the wholesale grocer, will reduce the price of his all S T ft fi -tri rutton and wool pants to 41i, 7i, J .c j j n nml !MlU, heavy )loubi0 twil j drawers at 244c. ; an all wool coat at 14'jA; heavy, all wool ; overcoat at 249$. Dress goods, shawls, cloaks, buttons &c. 'must be sold at half price. u hole stock brogans for 794 to c. Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Think of our .sister town of Go.ld8Uo.ru who has just voted three huu. died thousand dollars to im provements and is the most . 1 ........ 4 . . TJ- -. 4 XT 41 , r U 1 x LU. Voters, voters, bear in mind 'd -. -ir r-ezi ' tlllt 'ou have to register before ScJLJUfc.! JL fc e. t ho sun sets on the 28th day of Do , Urnend Banking business. , December as the new law closes New Banrino Dovsk, the registration books on that day. New Berne, N. C, feldwlj NltW BKRNK. N' C. " iCC, JSV. iPblb Powder and Shot, L. K. CUTLER'S, new !'!.::N' . n . CLOSING OUT AT j. E. gt. Midale Slrctt, fourth door below Hotel Albert, I . i. . ; r. '.?. ; "r"-; - -. ;- r . . -'-, ' i - At u :- ""ve '.... c. . C',....i-r V .. . s r -V' 1 i.' J .