- ... , - - . . ' I - . - .-'AjwuhiAAMtjftjfc.J, V'-fVMt ;; "V m w 0- 0 & i f rNDEPKXDEXT IIST ALL THINGS. Tarmn 9U.OO i o r jr . VOL. XII. NEW KERNE, CHAN EN COUNTY, N. C. DECEMBER 1889. NO. Mi! 1 ui; I U Mills. rWrrir BOX Fa VKk Str:1: t;idiDJ:3 Olsortered Liver. E iD D3T- 'AtlATjnUOOISTS. PRICE..-. 3vCEi JT&vPER BOX. PrrtMiTii only W inOtUlETOI AH, fiLHtfc n. laneavhf it. Ens I an J. B. F'AJZX,E2T SirCO Sole Agents roi rn-EO Jrr-TKJf, rt O-tiL nt -f.w yoria. Who (if tout 'drvtx tf n.-.t keep them) w.ll - ! . $ PU1 on receipt of price sM ifnirt jirtt, (P3C ::..:. :;r GdS be hil il U. M . I )l'KFV'S Dr-.jh' Sr. Nvl.oir . OETtTlgCER BROS. INT. O., A tne: i ' her. , ,1' ' . I".' 1 . a .ire mutually , i u'.r .i ; 1 1' caucus :n : ' on Hlec- u v e: ; g t e the and report. i: , . I List Moo r Henry . -er iou i v ill at 11 t I il. lio not " M "f-r tat.es i tl h u n d red i omplaint, x m ; i ! 1 E m -, nut return declines tu I' I rum the Have for salt at Lowest Prices Possible: i,ij IW LovUWJ Soaff. i.tWO .o. fVw' tt. u. 100 boit IWo, IOU boi. ";! Str. '-a" " i 5) J -l" 4-4 Sl-V.nf '; box ' V"-- al !! ---- r J. )) p ri ' f'-t - '-r - :i i A LI. 1. 1 K. t '! rk;aKI rimrti to partici- ! . ; 1 . . . ;.- i le The I . i - i :; a I.nt ;er n u t ii ; ii tu t btf : h . : ' f ' ti c ik'i'j CaI.TIH S I Rtt'K. I'tiilim in o! the National l)r ruovr.iti'- Ksn u!ive t'omui itfe, feeU I'niil) lent -I his election to the I'uitnl St.iten Sen ate from ( hio lit'SHIA.V lllfllleliZ k liA.s 111 lile lt8 iip.ie-iraiic ill New Yoik. 15.)!on and Providence and will doniitlet-fl appear in other pl.ioeH ;u the I nitt'd Stte. It n a Aid not to be dniiKe roui if properly treated m its in cept A Altl.K dispatch tt.n the t'zr hajt reiQs! to recognize the I'uited of Hr.izil. Now U-t the I'mted States of Hra.;1 cut the acquaintance of the Crsr and hot) ora will t easiy. N" 1 1 ur iigton Scar. Mtt. (,'l.KVKI.AMi s ii,i-i.i.ik-i- de livered at IioMto'i his heiii mure widel read aud umre l.iviiratilv re called thao I'resldeut HarriiOD' uefiige delirred at W.iwliinKtoii. Philadelphia Keoud "( kn . Kki'I.kn 1a i, a ( uiisin of the n l'rebidrnt, si) r hi rousm wa worth vit) near JlM),UtMi hen its IMH-H1RHL ISSUE Of THE WAMI- be uuccessl'ul. Mr. Banderlin, in IXfJTON GAZETTE. corupany with Senator Ransom aud We have before us the industrial Kepresentati ve Henderson, called It contaiDS thirty pages, and in embellished aud illustrated with numerous picturesque LATEST SEWS. Celled from the Press Dispatches laid the matter before him. That OL'R PATRIOTIC WOMEN TO HELP. NT r it- f r r . T n lv i O T t i - gentleman . .xpreHsed himself as tiaa Women's Exchange of New Or being interested iu the matter, and leans. adnntrl rftanltitinna invitinor all landscapes indeed, presented Mr. Sanderlin the women of the South to form women ERfKV YIMM Awake ye honored ancient bards Array yourselves in trim. And bear away your just reward From the critic Ercky Vimm. Scott filled scrip l ve Oh! Shakespeare, Byron Hume, and handsome buildings. It is with his oilici il report, in which a aswciations to assist in raising funds As loudly rings your awful d...m with cho.ee literatare, de- recom mendauou ,s to Con- - , From tbe critic Ercky Y,m, historical and a ,u rt Vv' u- 0f L nited Confederate Veterans, aided our frandest lines shall fade and di ' PriatlOIl. Il IS Stated t l;lf thf hi Ihn ..il,... C... r; f ni - - "J UUU IrUk A A 1CDO IVtiriB iUUUUUlOUb -vwvi u ij l ( lil IV . rlmrming and accurate acuounc OI National np-.ropriation for this Association, have in hand. Before the all discerning eye a heaveu blessed .country that in purpose w a ; .")(). (Kjo m lSOS;and the Russian ixfluenza spkeadisu. Of the critic Ercky Vimm. natural advantages and progres- now when the pulatiun is seven- New York, Dec. 18. A number of And Virgil e odes and Dante s hell . ,Lr,,,mm(,nt has Renrcelv an fo1 1 greater t hau then, the appro- cases of Russian influenza are reported With MiIwd's Tisions grim, snt development nas scarce ly an tiQQ ,s (Ujv .i40 000 The today. A reporter on the World, a Shall hear the final funeral knell, equal even in this highly favored S3erretarv f)r ar la in favor of street broker and a police captain From the critic Ercky Vimm. clime It is one thing to be in doublm- the prosent appropria- A prominent physician of Boston Whiie BurD8 and Moore the w or:!' hall 1 trti pr.Mtic ;. ," ho rasp ti.e . -. u n t r ; s really 'mull. the war began, artl nothing ( lose. He thinks, K'chinuiid place for his burial if the ( crate S' it unite : n ' 1. ilur.n'un Mes.e: er. rftk Ne Vurk Herald ingt-oii correspondent no fact that there is a large pn the :". ti -ng- t i.e another to have the ability to tell of it so as to fascinate the lovers of the beautiful and attract the capital which is the great und essential need of the South. We cougratulate our eon tempo rary ou the splendid success of its industrial issue. What induced the editor to pub- ll.-h this industrial isslle! lie Is "f let him speak lor hun-elf: "The motive that has mduced '.he publication of this industrial issue of the Washington, N. ('.. Gazette, is two fold. Prior to this no systematic, studied and elatio late edort ol any consequence has bei n ma .e to iniorm the outside wo: Id of the multiple resources and stren ... . i. . i . : . . f .1.: . i : . ca pa on 1 1 ies ui inin i in in eu i a i e sec- i. .... Exposed in every whim, the North Carolina military will get of influenza in that city and that there ' Their fame disaol L'(). Odd annuallv, instead of ftlO. 000, as heretofore." With this increased appropiia tion our State Guard will be great ly strengthened, and be at once onr ornament and defence. ved like momma By the critic Ercky Vimm is good reason to believe the affection will become general. A EHOCKIN'O TRAQEIiV. LixcHBL-RtJ, Va., Dec. 18. A hock ing tragedy ocourred just across tbe rivnr from this city today. Thos. V. . Marks a dissipated and qaarrelsome ! High throned on hio triumphal car. man shot and aerie us! y wounded his ' He'tl on ward , upward climb, son, Wm. Marks; then going out of the And criticise each twinkling star house into the road, he placed tbe pistol This critic Ercky Vimm. And when this tiny orb of oure. Shall grow too small for him. Ue'd soar aloft to try hid powers This critij Ercky Vimm. It we can judge from Wedaes- V head and shot himself, dying im B mediately. The son will probably re- da 's pi uceedings Con g ress is pre- , cover. No cause is assigned for tbe panntr lor a loiitr and vigorous raeh act excePt the desperate character "of the father. session COL. T. L HAKUROva DEAD. In the Seiin't M r. Morgan of- Oxford, N. C, Dec. 18. Col. T. L. teied resolutions recognizing the Strove died here yesterday . He was i- :, ,;. f p . x'H nujouui muuu ic;ii aoiniy ana was nited Sta'es of could be more He'll give the sun a brighter niv. The moon a wider rim. And plan another milky whj-. The critic Ercky Vimm O let the earth from pole to p.jl Unite in one grand hymn And let unceasing anthemH roll. In praise of Ercky Yiruin . I Z 1 1 . OLUintT Artnrnou flcor.l M,..U I' I I In nlnrln.i. BoM l,'ll ,.l,., ...!., iPIirotu late. lhe unaer tbe administrations of Governors Ana in rame s ocean swim, r,. i iiajo .i t-t . . t;.i . j.. i u't'un if tin rrn- n-ill vaiuvciiuu oruitn. lie was SDOUl vjauriei b k um p btjuii rena mHKiew ..v-.v .. 1.. ..J .WIVIULUU Kill (fll years of age and had served as n ;theii the infant republic at member of the Legislature prior to the That our section is bv nature e and abroad. Il IS P received with Hn mroi - -upi. "J J ortun highly favored in its fertile soil, that Russia has officially declined friends throughout North Carolina. And call home Ercky Vimm. Frank T. Wootkn .NORTH CAROLINA "EWS. orviv i;..()ys Roll t!.,. 1-. :. .,) : i ,, , ti ),nn yi'i'p ' '' i ' ' : u i pl.'iisuiit I ' ' ' 1 . I t. . iieU ''. .' ' 'it' K id in' va, I .: I' :. !!. ii.e HV- t 111 ! : . cm.U. head " h - ::: ! : h.il.itual ""-"i'- ;- ,;- ' I ': ia the niv r . i ' -. I '' " I-. a: -I OC- '''T::'' 1 1 . ( r wijl in net :. . I, :.. .:. in iu I ' i ' ' i:i(t l..-:i!t!a : ; j, li.ai.s . i : . ml it t" all : i I i; ; most ltn:..r ,. ' . ; ' I ; f.(V ami .v 1 1 ' 1 .'. . ! r,i- K i -' - ) : I who Ina V i ' ' i -i . I l.r,. cure r ; .;: . w ho ui-!.. , . i ' : ;:.;.! :nV su!..- ' ' 0r Goods, Ready Made Clothing & Furniture, ti i : i.. a r kvta k s : w iio:.;:Ai ; OETTOGER BROS. S - -. , ; . e. f - '- ! J ' v - . . ( w r . t leu tif, ti r n a 1 . as "a m a: n '.en an ce JU3dTTO N A : . ut young men in the present H mse, many ol them In-ing in the thtrttes, and the average .iff of the House Republicans. bing only iorty. As ;ne Herald and that kind kaa, thin i a n " departure. It ' not a but one. (jive the wmng men a ch ince Ashev :!! l';:;eu. Me. 1 1 1. a ; '.si v.. in hm reiusal to initiate ag ta'ion on t tie eight hour i;urt;,.n, cvi f-se" lor almost varied and valuable forest growths, to recognize the ip-w government waters teeming with fishes and Very we ti every States. and i n . tel "Urnai. o U- trvirig up h: Win. Still Leads SULTAN in LOW PRICES, m g---land 1, and :hi n o m l v. Ie is not t ii.;: w ;: the firs: t.me to the eti'Toachincir.s of time. He toid t!ie committee that t !i e . f 1 1 1 e n. e n t of I r : s h matters wo-;ld absorb most of Lis time, and :ht the innrmitif s of ae forbade -. M. his .wsamiDi a n v c 1 1) e a. tig part-fl in public affairs ton Post. leading A" ash : n g- Havia jwt rrai f- Sell Cheaper-than Any One in the City Largest Stock of Clothing in the City ! 8ja rr it 1 ' ' l" Ci24'a C11a, ' -"'- f Um' (mJSam at II (X). Lmm BaitM aAi Sa, IN '. '' U aa4 &yV Qau, 10e. u IV BwC FUaW Cltii., i. OJL&PCT9 will k mU ttv low A f-il. Ml mmI mik rf Pj l-A - Nn..-ow. PRICL3, M I kart W biaA n:m f-r i- t Kn -ric 17 BiBmb4r tik pi we. "A. cation -. e :n New York of tii rm . np ti terms of r! vi-s. I ; :t so ::. c nor'h, 'he r"iigej: among k 'no least dig- '"or! !. itillest ni-lit. w.th all . c:on of the and means to boot," w-vs.r.lt instead of guilty of electing Hen f W .IS T-u- man who w aa ,.w y.Srk J. A. TlIOXAA, Slmaa. (ppoL: Baptist t'har-b. NEW HKRNK. N ri) ii'ic re , I .. . e s , Tti;-. i H . : ' red -t ti n-.g a ti ::t. r a in ' it: : il 11 tVr il II". I h A or.d !p . -t.rtUVnIil( VrtiWINKLE fllNV MACHINERY CO.. COTTON GINS, PRI-SSliS, FEEDERS 35 CONDENSERS. c i -I. ' ' i run ; n -' -: i : i w. ' are ' h r d e g trf IT. SEN A i u iv: a V is a nun .b.e nu.'Trrer fr.'m insoniiii.i. i.iuv has I r : n t? 1 1 sleep. Sep v . 1 -m: '. h" high nd g:dd in as seal up the ship b,'s eyes, and rock his braiu in the cradle of the rude 1 m per ; ou s .surge, " e.i.Mi r than "gi e repos, in the calmest and most a p p . ; ,t 1 1 e s to a man H arrisun. turn Sullivan Chicago Herald pPcates a re Vol' can't give a letter a good r of the sharp character. Au exchange in a sen- ,ist;,-e under timental moment says the letter R and natural la the b-nt. in tbe alphabet, because it is never found in sin, but alwayti in virtus and temperance. Veo, and you never iee it in any good, but it's first in rum, not and re bellion, and you can't get drunk nor swear without it. Where R yoa now t Burdette. With America, according to Mr. Carnegie, making steel rails as 1p could not vote to cheaply as England, and according bei.,g on purely cir to Col. Shook, making iron at t2 a .dent-e. His scruples ton less than it can be made lor in en looked into before Kngland. the whole superstructure of protection, resting on tbe wild assertion that we caunot compete with England unless we reduce wages, falls to the ground. The trath remains that high wages are esseutial to the most economical Louisville Courier- i :. ' w that the i n -.-l. t . :i the Cronin 'he conscientious t irvnian named Cal "itleman prayed and :u '.he j iry-room and ned with mvriads of luscious bi valves and. we may add in suitable locations lor cotton lactones, can ning industries, and enterprises ot almost every conceivable name, these pages will show convincing ly. We have the resources, aud we invite most cordially, all capi talists to invest, and to come and lie among us. This is the first object cd this paper. In the second place, we have gathered together a fund of information, historic as well a,s descriptive, with which our people, and especially the young should be familiar, and have com plied it in thest tial, attractive may be read and preserved for reference." Well done, g'o.l and faithful brof her 1 Now, we have a snggestien to make: All the towns ol V. tstern North Carolina are parts of one magniticien. whole. We have a common destiny, and are bonnd together in indissoluble ties. Iu February Nt Berne will furnish the b.st facilities for advertising ail lli.ern North Carolina ever preset! u d . The Pish, Ciamc, Oyster and In dustnal Exposition i as much in the interes' of Washington as it is of any other ploce. It embraces E istern N -rth Carolma, and if it is to be the sjdend.d -uecess to which it aspires, it must have the patron age of all Eastern North Carolina. We especially covet the kind of fices of the Washington Gazette. Let us join hands and show that ours is indeed a land blessed by heaven o'er all the world besides. The pen of our brother is in good DISASTROUS FIRE IN TCSKECEE ALA. let Brazil discriminate J .Montgomery, Ala.. December 18. -A uiisbuuub ure occurrea in rutte.ee, From the State Tuper. Elizabeth City Economist: Elizibeth CALIFORNIA r, Rjp rc. in lavor oi tier irieuus. aud a com- fnrtv miiea at r.f h i. ;u a r;it a liuhtoi h. inrmHi i.,;.. munitv of interests will spriue UD whole block of brick and frame stores I lights, being the only town in North . . ,1.. .1. ... :!! ... . 1 - ou mis luuuuiui iuac in mate. Ptock were destroyed. The Masonic America t lie arbiter of the world. lodge and the postoffice were in the ,,, , . , j burned block, but the mails and stamps Mr. l.lair has again introduced 0n hand were saved The loss is esti- h s educational bill. It is not ex- mated al S25 000. The insurance is very small. THE RABIS.B IN ALABAMA. was ournea ana most or the goods in I oaronna east or nenderson that i no lighted. actly iu the lonn in which it origi nated, but tne marks of the beast aie st ul upon it roaring lion, but it is the skulking u'.'oc rauivs. Smithfleld Herald: Six failures in Selma last week. The majority of them bad money out, expecting to collect when cotton waa sold, but that crop came in short, hence failures. Ooldsboro Argus : There ij a pio- Bl minuHAM. December IS. Grout i lific and seemingly inexhaustible onan- I: is not now the excitement prevails sround Mid way , j tity of wild game along the lme of tho ttullock county, on the question of ' A. x n. C KiilroaJ, below New Berne A larcn number of tina Hnsi and around Beaufort. Everv Hav w won. and it becomes Senators to seo have been killed, and afino horse bitten hear of some fine "luck" hunters have that our tl eks are not ravaged by by a 08: la8t weelt was abot yesterday. I had at the rare sport down there. ll,M,V.trm,r Vn nnnls urn mn ZT.ZW J"'"" ; v,oiu8uor argus . e nope mac an ... .... ....v.. """ uour county. lages, in siibstan- sensible of the importance of eda- form. wherebv it n.i,. in fl.Tii 'lit. rliu ni.rifild nf trin rsow aon t all run at once for your South. Ihey thirst lor it as for wallets and checkbooks! It isn'tcor livmg waters, but thev would have ' ner lot8 in Chicago, Minneapolis, Kan- c , sas City, or the "Future Great'" It it as. puic as the spring from the isn't options on wheat, corn, pork or niontrain. The people are griev- I lard nor"puts" or "calls" on North , , . . .. . : western's or South western's, nor yet is ousl v taxed to bear the j)resent jj gas, oil, telegraph or telephone stock. school Mstem. nut thev would bear It is better than any or all of these. It vet he ivier 11 v CatarrH CHEAM BAiMryr, CREAM BAW f HAY FEVER I On ll wr n llir NBnl I'h smk; i . Allaj h fn t n nn.i I it fin in m ii f 1 1 ii . IlrnU li S... - Kr Nlorfs (Ii Sen bo of 7nhie a il (I S jii r I I . TRY TJIK (TIU- 1 Hpl' I " uu. I KAY-FEVER Chance for a Secaldtion, M i-'intHl and .' thi: pint; hy I K- .TMKRH, ti n J mIu'Ijt uroens rather than ' "usu -.7" ZZu w .r ' " uiu cci j uurj LOU laj ano vj iuc will " accep the Plan bill, and vield in chase and use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant the sl,L'hre-,r navicular t h ed nca- Pellets in all casea of chronic constipa- " 1 tion, biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, tiou of then children to the guardi- liver complaint, and the like. Sold tbe anship of the Federal govern-i rueut. But it was the House of Kepre-' sentatives that was deluged with bills, no less than 1,00-1 having been introduced on that day. Several measures were introdaced, based ou the BUir bill, and many world over. Mr. Fife at Raleigh. Yesterday afternoon, Evangelist Fife held a meeting for men only in Edenton Street Methodist church. Every seat in that large audience room was filled, and the galleries were called into requi sition to accommodate many more. Tbe meeting was glorious. Mr. Fife made one of bis plain, earnest talks, orhir.li waa rAiinivari artth mirlrad inUp. propositions were presented for the Mt Tne einging bj tbe six hundred Bills were I men (for there were that many) was I inspiring. the building surely was neyer Delore tilled with sucb vocal music. After the talk by Mr. Fife, such songs as "That Old Time Religion," and "I'd Meet You in tbe Citv of tbe lieidsville, Oxford, Ilenderson and New Jerusalem," were sung with a i.'.,rn.,ii,i v i" 'glorious vim and happy energy. A free coinage of bilver, introduced for the erection of pub lic buildings at one hundred and thirty places, including Winston, seat : n ! he ! nrv box . ae the Washing s not t he number to s n tie r in this f the pnnish number of those nreaent stated that The Washington special to the they had that "Old Time Religion." News and Observer savs : May r08e nd .asked for prayer. , , Others arose to signify that they held ' Nearlv everv member from the .;ik ik.i. r.ni - practice, ana nere is a tneme wortny tobacco-growing States was armed number stood up and promised to erect of his genius. We know his heart w i t h a measure for the repeal of j family altars at once and hold family is with us, and the owner of the the tobacco tax, while many of them Pr.y.. : in " went still further and introduced ! meetJDg enjoyed it as they never en bi lis for tho total abolition of the j0yed anything before, internal revenue svstem." At night Mr. Fife conducted a meet- In common with a mnjoiitvof in at J fhe baptist Tabernacle. That - ' vftHt auditorium waa literal Iv nacked tne people oi jortu arouua, vv prettiest house in New Berne in vites him. through us, to come, and extrbit to the world the mar velous productions of his wonder ful section. 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER HAS A Pit. C 1-1 ' ' K ( V Watches. Clock;,' Jcwelr, SOLID y VI. I AND PLAT? l'. WARE- SIM I 111 I.KS. I keep h lir;i-r t-t... I; of Spectacles than any other nlore in North ( arolina would like to see the tax upon to- THK STATE i'l'AKI). oil Tin 1 aa Winkle Cottcn &nMach; , I I . C oi. X " 1 " ' -' T I I--. -Oi I S lS ' m 1 -4e . i i i 1 . . - llhariM. I T' i- T J T.-v N 1 . - fZ- v""i' 4. I V "'J e.-.-i.e.I ' in n. e r i ': . c t gf'-:r . .se l seen-, t IT 1 ' , I Tu W it j Sn ui ii:ui7 C: PRBST KING use . COMPANY. W aUT, 1I1 anil I i !. uoi nir t it . Prirvtj B: :u T: V :: u 1 1 o 'i.i 4 I. II I 14.-. - PRE5 fcKVATl V S. - - fiUSUSJ & SOLUTin THREE-dUlHTErl R3A1 W.. to them, with production. are most con Journal, nt that interest TlIK News and Observer repre- ls whether the sents (iovcrnor Kowb ah hnviin' hall give Ihem said: "New Orleans is the (Jueen than they before City of I he Soutli, and par excell he machinery of ence the Southern city. I think unknown to the Mr Davis should rest here and no where else. 1 shall favor New Orleans as the final resting place, and shall do all I can in my State to secure contributions toward the erection of a monument. I was I irtr.ers. by reaaon of pleased to see the press of the ; the monthly crop South take hold of the monument ":.e Aurtcultnral movement." A M A ! N y. farmer is proudly boastiDg of ra'sing 7 US bu-hels of Irish potatoes on one acre of ground, for which he received a more pnx of ."x.s), offered by an agn- h.i:eerin cultural paper Bu he will have to surrender the horns to Mrs. Elita Day, ol Wyoming, who trips proudly to the front with a record ol 1,010 bushels But North Caro lina is still in tbe lead, with a pan out of l.l'Mi bushels from a patch within the corporate hint's of the city of Ahev;llo. "A.lming'on Star. SKNAT"k CHiNPLEK's new Federal Election bill prov.des that npon the certificate of fn citizens from rich county in a ( 'on gres-ion al District that thev don't think ..ii more is whether rendered rt j r 1 1 y ig i n ntlal- -erve to arrest is nefari '. 'l'.h rs-y Judgments. : r ;..: the gram specula dealers : ti produce gen 4 : ae t.o undue advan .... h tli ere h.wi t.e complaint, s prepared a o. : ite this ditli- i-a.ni.iti with people and there were enough there to pack it by balf-past six o'clock. bacco removed, but we wouid have thal hour might have thought that a We have had little to av in the it done in the interest of the peo-1 large congregation had just been dis- , , , ... e , missed, so great was the crowd that was past concerning the State Ouard, pie, aud not tor the purpose ot pro- cominK away because there were no and wtf should, perhaps, still hold vidinga pretext for the cant inua- seats for them. There were between ... , . f . .,,,(y rriic twelve and fifteen hundred people in our peace but for a conversation tion of t he preseu t tui HE t the chuTch heil Ut. Fie to open we lately lia'l with Col. Cameron, the peuscs of the government must be the meeting. lie hrst announced that, at tne boh 'or Geneiil of our State. Our lathers .......m. .1 .-,.,.1 . rt;..,. . T..T..r. K,- f . v- . i , . r, Tn.i m n n h mnnAV ""-'I'""'"' "uu ruiuciHiuL "J -i-- " "-iii.imn nf friends, he had decided to is being drawn from the people, as : remain in Raleigh for some days longer. who founded this the condition of the treasurv during and that so long as the present great interest was maniiesteu, tne meetings (rovernment were averse to the tne Cleveland administration clear- wonid be continued. This week the establishment of a large standing Iv showed. The government was meetings will be conducted jointly by , . ,, , . . , Mr. Fife. Rev. Mr. Morton, Presbyterian arm. believing that the best de- being economically administered evanf?6ii8ti and the Baptist and Melhod- leuse of a free people was to be and a large surplus remained in ist ministers of the city. Thedaymeet- r i ii oil 10 i. t . .u ,.- ings will continue in the First Presby- found in her citizen soldiery. Sab- the public vaults. But the present tei&n Churchi but will be held at 10:30 sequent historv has vindicated t heir administration is rapidly reducing p.m. as heretofore. wisdom. Hvery victory that has this surplus, and the day may not m' crowned the AmericikU arms has be far distant when there will be a praise songs swelled grandly and glo- beeifwoti by nn.i'ia It was so in d ticiency in the treasury, nie war oi 1S1J. in the Mexi.-an The demand of the cuuutry is w,r. and in everv oftier contlict. la Ht:r-.-jii.i. I the negroes who want to leave North mail, rei-im. -r. -, Carolina will do so and will do it at , M WBrr" -: ' once. After tbe 1st of January those left behind ought to settle down to work for the year asd learn for once j that it is better for this world and the : next to keep a bargain than to break it, ' even for tbe sake of dying in tbe mias matic swamp of Arkansas. Raleigh News and Observer: News was received here yesterday of the death of Dr. Gregory, a prominent pby- : aician of Greensboro. The students of Wake Forest have inyited Hon. Henry W. Grady to deliver the com mencement oration at that institution 1 rli.r nnn and flnv FnivlA Isaa u-ritlon fn Mr. Grady urging him to accept the in- ; 1 tabo particular paum to tit them to the itation and to pay a visit to North , eyee of parties needing them. Carol in a. -rr- . t-i -i r-n tt" .u j Having worked steadily m thf bench Winston Daily: Bill Fife the drum- for overKthirl y(flIB , ,,.,. , can do meetings in Durham next week. He ; ,., has just olosed a very successful meet- i ing in Raleigh. So far the Winston tobacco market has been unusually active for the autumn season. If the! sales oontinue as large in proportion, the present year will lead, by far, all others in the history of tbe leaf trade of Winston. Wilmington Star: Tbe British steam ship Bentala is the largest cotton ship ever here, her net tonnage being 1.76? one hundred and sixty-five tons larger than the Lochmore, which carried as hsr cargo 8,000 bales of cotton. Cap tain Campbell, master of the Hentala. says his ship will take five bales to the ton, which would make ber cargo 8,835. Tbe Champion Compress people however think that they can crowd 9,000 bales between her decks. Wilmington Star: The Lenoir Topic mentions tbe fact that one farmer in that county this year cleared 3,000 on tobacco, tbe product of 28 acres. He cultivated nothing but tobacco But the Topic while noticing the succeBH of this farmer warns other farmers not to follow his example and place their sole dependence in thie crop. As it was it turned out all right for him. His crop was a success and he hit it. But if the crop had been a failure bow deep in the mire he would have been. It. is better to be on the safe Bide and not de pend on any one crop. Charlotte Chronicle: Not least among the events that will enliven Charlotte during Christmas week will be the en tertainment here of the National Con vention of the Sigma Alpha Epilon fraternity. There is an alumnus chap ter of the fraternity in Charlotte, and they will do the honors of the oocasion. The convention proper will be held od the 26th, 27th and 2Stb, in tbe Y. M C. A. Ball, tbe sessions being held morn ing and afternoon. Every Southern .ari.,.. State will be represented, some distin- lorepu: guished men being expected. Supreme v.w Court Justice Lamar and ex-Speaker for hh v ,i John G.Carlisle are members of the W(, r,. fraternity. Thev have been invited to ' loan s.u attend the convention. State. COM E A NH SEE ME SAM. K. EATON, Middle street. OppoHite Baptist ( "hurch. fV d wtf K. R, JONES, Heavy A V I Groceries' Dry Goods & Notions. l ull HUu'l; lin.l inii' 'Mii.t r ( Br i.'e H- 1- - n- : : 1 Cal I n d i x . Slit i-f .:. t , .?; , i ' i J. 11. I K' JOHN II CO Founder., '' Manufii' i:i i i- engines a'd Hull;!. . Sak.IV Mllla. I r 1 n; tu I l, : . I . W( are 'r 1th 1 r n . KB-:, 'iai liiiiifts : S" i PLIES rt..l 1. rm. ri vt -4. i I n ri, i-. it: i ula i; ' v till tirHW'il I rxW'M r ' VV( !-: ve MO '. H dona l.v im. r .. w..r 1 w w 1 v PIMPLES O V THK FA K Denote an impure state of the blood nr.d riously rrom tne great auaience, lea Dy ; are looked upon by many with Kuspk ion. h uuru.i auu uuuii ui, i.ii-i., u,. j Acker's B ood Elixir will remove all nn ie iiemann oi me couuiry is dred voices. Mr. Fife's talk was im- I ..iti tna ,!, c,.,i . j UUildlC) 41UU 1CA VJ VUv. (O.AK'U i,ii. . i.. for economical administration, and pressively earnest, its innuence was j and clear There is nothirjp that will JOE K. WILLI I ' 1 . I I It I II I! I .i:g crops the e to -ecu re. i delegation ie:.. part at the ' a '. . s . t New flimrtit of the in 1 of the Iot ' ti ;eeial duty ie cry hali in t, -ta'c. The t.teder.-e tlig i ."om p".ny r's (in.ird urool Tra oameat-.npaa more thAn itfl ' .. ..iii;ij .1.- .;...: .... The highest order of militia our Keprescntat ives must see to it is the best soldierv in the that nothing is taken from the that preat audience to tears, and when I g'0id and guaranteed bv H Hi rrv New- .i - i ' u-. . , . i i .i v the invitation to rise for prayer wai ei-: u.n x; woild. "such is our owu State pockets ot the people that IS not tendedi tbere wpre many responses. Guard, and other military organ- demanded bv a wise anil economi- An after meeting was held, at which a izatioi.s to ho found in nearly all cal administration. Change is not TheeVe l.'o'e.timle oT&e numbof the towns and cities of the I nion. necessanlyretor.il. e trust that professions in the meetings so far, but ' of business men who the burdens ot the people will De "' " At New York Cost: EASTERN KGHTH CAROLINA Marble Wsrks, i'otLi I iose take tune to study the school of lightened, ami that the first reduc the so.dier and become skilled in tion of taxes will be on articles of arms. Thev are better than regu piiuie necessity, and such raw ma lar soldiers because they have more tenais as enter into the mauufac- spint. and being business men, are personally identified with the interests they arc to pro'ect. It is pleasing to know that our 1ST. x r i , X t Vi irte r's ttsgs, alo the coming election is going to be 1 . " ( ontetler.tte r.Ag o-.; to was the only one : : t e.-:o;i. Mesaen- a 'f:. . ; comes from : ' i . lovers of that ' : e .'.en asbaek duck. !- at.- :.:i h-im1;t scarce . '. 1 :i. n. iii'l such :. i unscrupulous i e -eft; palming off in - from Nor', h 'arohna on N--w V-.rk I'lirchaser. eip. r.e o'cd residents of ; at ! Baltimore cannot and manv trrcx. jos aa aa aa ia aia aef L- " Sate Guard stands high kindred oi gan:r.at :or;s thron' the I'nion. The Inspector General with bout a lair one, I ncle Sam is to take lhe Inspector General is very charge of it. Ten citizens can be desirous of adding a few good com- penses of found easily enough m any county panics to the State Guard. New "IERCIRIAL POISO.f . Mercury is frequently injudiciously used by quack doctors in cases of mala ria and blood poison. Its after effect is worse than tbe original disease. B B. D rDnfanirt Rlidrl Ralm (.(intBina nn Hire ot Ameiicau goods. mercury, but will eliminate mercurial The whole internal revenue poison from the ByBtem. Write to . , , t ,, t, o,., -(.-.,, inn Blood Balm Co., Atlanta. Ga , for book Si s t e in om,, r. iv to die genias of eonvinciDg proo of it, curative Oi our g-iVi-a nun at and should virtue. i, t . . ,,, qq A. F. Britton. Jackson, Tenn.. writes: he eia la ..-il as soon as r , , . T . . , "f caucht malaria in Louisiana, and t!ie tar I! lestoieii to its when the on ii'. n a ! i ii i . se, t he rais suili Its when the fever at last broke, mv svs- nc of a tem waB saturated with poison, and I o i : ...... A L-Ai. .i, . i nau Burets iu my muum auu auuvo vu en: ievrinie to detray tbe ex, mv tongue. I got two bottles B. B. B. 'oveinment ecouomicallv which healed my tongue and mouth administered, and so adjusted as Wm. Richmond. Atlanta. Ga.. writes: A Large Lot of SAMPLE HATS, Latest Styles, All Shapes, AT Barrington & Baxter. t-q ual a .1 of any Congressional District who Berne is one of the points where a to bear will certify that they do not think company should be organized with- cin7.en. the coming election is going to be out delay. dustry. a fair one. Senator C handler s law Audi'or sanderlin has just jeen woold make I'ncle Sam a kind of to asuington City as the repre- oentralized despot, with plenty of sentative of Gov. Eowle. One of work to do. P ncle Sam has ul rem) v t he nurnoses for which he visited . iol i lie pu one g' mn. y upon all branches of in- all classes of "My wife could hardly see. Doctors called it syphilitic lrritis. iier eyes were in a dreadful condition. Her ap petite failed. She had pain in her ioints and bones. Her kidneys were j J -I J (kAnki eliA s., nn,.4 4V "Ir won't aerangeu a mo, auu uy uu vUUuu, benetit in e1. so I take it." Every go. id citizen wi could he cured. Dr. Gillam recom no stock in mended B. B. B., which she used until ... .- a. ail wnrk ber health was entirely resiorea INSURANCE Continental Fire Ins. Co., OF NEW YORK. Net surplus over 81 .300 noo. Assets over $5 .000,000. Losses at the Boston anil Lynn lire?, 8110,000. I : ,u , i, ; . ( r i ;, ti Vur bl nn.l nil ' U ;i 1 1 1 t- o 1 t: , .c. . : i !. 1 . Or. lira Hilintel anil gicn piomt attention, wuli ; it-! ac 1 1 on guaran teed . (1. II Mil. i i ii is my dgent i.i Kinton, and Al.r.x. liKir ngular traveling a cn t I t iicqiihopi A: interfered with local elections moie the National Capital was "to ap- than la good for his reputation, and pear before the President and Con- ach a wholesale meddling on his gress to ask that the appropna part as Setiator (.'handler proposes, tion be increased from 10,000 to eu;!v, iiini manv wouiu rviissianize America, ana T-o.ot me naiein b,id. iiol ciuhs there have gain for us the warm approbation '-There is reason to believe that 'lack- off their bills of of the Saltan of Turkev and the the movement to increase the ap eruptions, loss of appetite, pain in back, STRIKE while the iron is hot.'' aching joints, debility, emaciation, loss of hair, sore throat, and great nervous Iu other words improve every op- neeg B- B. B. put my system in fine Donuuitv for doing and getting condition. ' R. N. and F. S. Duffy, wholesale and iJ0CKI- retail agents. New Berne. N. C. k. p. B.Jones. Atlanta, Ga.. writes:! jEna Fire Insurance Co 1 was trouoiea witn uupper uuiurou The Alliance to the Front!! CONN. I ire. -New York Star. Shah of Persia. Boston Globe. Beecham's Pills act propnation to the State Guard will weak stomach. ike magic on a HFor a disordered liver try Beecham's Pills. OF HARTFORD Capital 4,000.000. Assets over 89,000.000. Losses at tbe Boston and Lynn fires 830,000. Tbe above are without question two of the strongest Insurance companies jrHe dsing business in this country. WILLIAM H. OLIVER, Newbern, N. C. Agent Till- !'..... HUKOHH' I It h 1 . 1 1 i i ri-'.. .-11 ! "!.;. k .' N.. I, . :i unci a I ' ' to ti. nr . ' titi.1 t. . J -1 .. : i m h-1 uu 4 11 . t'llanl - iilona . 1 1 inn a, 'u ..tan H I I ' A 111- ..!' linn i a i . M lift U A II, H Ail- I Bl- THK I'lUHlliKSSI V r. KAHMF K iu;. iti l . . I.. I'd h y il'.tor. 1 1 . IIK'.H !' K. HtlK til hi TtfBllBKI'r. tf i..