t 1 J -. -.1 .4 I ' y jf J lit. . T sit; ii .' ' T : f. ty r n ' ' ' asBnsnaaaaaBBSnwBMasSMBSsssssBasaaasBBBa - t - t. . . t : ' ' INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS, NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JANUARY 9, 1890. NO. 41, a r '-'. - " 1 i'.if'" Fcrv;::i SS:-:i:J:E!3stlaa " pnifes icewts per rox. ' Bi'vEtAXiIi2&&&iO SoU Agents w: Igtfx.miai rrATxX'as 'r caiai. new tork, " VTl4'(lf otrtUrdjsrdotl .rfol tefcp them) will mail Beecham's - - oa efceWtTc priceii fnptihfrst (Please mention this fcaper,) r V i " - E&TOTorle ut Lowest Prices Possible: "a'dowCo.7 Spool Cotton, TTKXT'Ula of Thoi. M. HoIt' PIida, ' - ' Kit r 4- Sixeetin. !-. - .- 100 bozo Hammer Brmnd Sod, ottCOaftWoiloSroov Bay 8ut Shoi. " CrC!-JnCIpi!i!ng & Furnifuro? I f" lETAjLlfD iWHOLESALE. J-.- ifjoa tlrt larBert BvjiM for the Lcat Money ; lpOiblTOGEB BEOS. ' " f. ' bvJ'V -6 Fl'n the Celebrated Pearl Shirt. 3 j im. . . . , , m it. If ITeT7 Gooo 'consianuy emying. : PGllSo of EtabfMania: . . -. - - . . mnriirnvn cnrPT nil aiua 6Jt-s Tie. , Full ? Wbev ia aeelof n jooda In my UA!!.7II!!(LEiSm5ACh1NERY CO. r - c 'I '; Tr. ' f3f?VrBrwKl:cr,; ; - ';!-. ,-4-ui; -A "AeO; V -. " ,-fjrVr-V ' V. W if A - !..T r r r- SiiliaBW WW PRICES, '. ; HarlaieTetTrffiefronr theTJTerthern Market with the Largest and BuavMU HK.JtTsjiiny;Bm :!l-ft!rIii2aAilnr Ono in the CHj ! tlMHnfmari.&ft an. .Un'iKiM fiaftaJ fotlf to eisht Tears, fl.00 w -' Haa liae of Ladiei.CIoaka and JNaw Market also DolmaDs. CaildTa aoakjrdl Jir.twalTa jOara, $15. ' . ' !! feed Shoee'attliQ., , - Lfediea' .BataajlAoe.Ma 5c to tl 00. V j 2lesaa4 EoyaHattiOf . to 15 Boat i1aeler5jv r f Uadanhlrta .aa?j5y LaJIaaMJadaiaiar ,;, . ' " - ' i CAEFET3 wlllii aoW VeVj-fow. . JLfnll line of Tianks -nd Valises, --ij Jiry whole itaek.of Dry Ooodi afcl-ITotioBa will h sold at REDUCED Urata aaaka wfr "ky En ona oaa Stock of Clothing. EJEeaaaaafcer the pW. : J.TsdytAJSY&3mmMa.- i .-. "; iait d-iik-f ' L- 4 Iff ' :1 I T ! fit A Li jncin n 7 a nh"irv 1 & r' Boja Uolaandfied -Shirts,' 50tv The Lenox Shirt, warranted Warn- eatUl60d.i' . Kew fine of Flannel Shirta jnst reeeired. s- -..2 JSOW use 01 ooana ana doj b iburoi . ' Rock or Qente' Lanen ana buk tsjtcbed Handkerchiefs. line giro me paiL oau f t-i QTI "Till. tV1 tempt, Etc. ft i otim Till. 111 1 r' Eto- w fnt-Krwtrtw Atlanta , C. Flr. i aja,a'''a 5tdlTi;Ct;u4 IitWiiri Co., .IWejicr acida maid Fi 1 not aJTect It. Froat do ' Pmwlj'BrtcUTBnlBjWIllt. ' BTeepe all Wslla And Sur. : i ' -xncea Clean. Hxtsrercofs Brick and Stone. Itliuik Wrii Tnadc Water proof. You Can Paint Over Cemented ar Brick Walla I roaxeo wixn freaervaxive. Aar It. 4tJT" Sand for Prices mod Catalogues. . I v . avu,e v k of HotHing. in the City ! v Oppoaitf.BaptUt Church, . HEW BEBHE, HEW BEBFE, N. 0. EDITUKIAHL K0TE8. La Geippf. has atrnck Norfolk. . There is a bowling blizzard ia (Be v est. Another Nihilist plot against the Czar has been discovered In St. Petersbnrg. The Grady Monument Fand has now reached nearly $ 14,000, nearly all from Atlanta. In the race of life it isn't the fast man who comes oat ahead. Birjghampton Republican. State attorney Lonqnbckbb is authority for the statement that the Cronin oase ia by no means over. Goveenoe Fitzhugh Leb re tired last Wednesday from the office of Governor of Virginia. Governor Lee will-make his home at Lexington. No man improves his fortune by being defeated. Let gentlemen asDirine to the Senatorial seat of Z baton B. Vance take due notice aad govern themselves accord inglj. The war clond in Earope has blown over for the present. The Czar and Kaiser have both got the grip, and can't stop to think of any thing so trivial as war. Boston Globe. The most discouraging feature ot "the race problem" is the Door quality of most of the men who come to the front as the leaders of the negroes. N. Y. Evening Post. Is inflaenza daogeroasT Well that all depends on what you do for it. 'If you dose yourself with all the prescriptions given in the news papers youMl be a dead man sure. Toronto World. . Cardinal Gibbons, of Balti more, ia spoken of as the coming Pope, but it is thought in Rome that he will stand no showing for the Papal chair. Cardinal Poro cehi ia thought to have the field for himself. A band of horse thieves has been stealing horse y the hun dreds in Tennessee. It is estimated that within the last two weeks. .209 horses have been Btolen and tub into Kentucky. The Kansas farmer aits by the cheerful light of hia corn fire, with corn at 11. cents per bushels and thanks his Creator for the blessings of a high protective tariff which gives him a home market. Wil mington Star. 'The steamer City of Pari" ixom New JTork for Liverpool arrived at Qaeenstown on the last day of the year 1889. The time of the passage was five days, 22 .hours and 50, minutee. This beats the record by seven minutes. People in the North have very little conception of the race problem as it presents itself for thoughtful and patriotic Southerners. It has been discussed by Northern pob lications as exclusively a political problem, and almost entirely with a view to immediate partisan ad vantage. N. Y. Times, La Geippe has made its appear ance in North Carolina and it is probable that .it will become epe demic in some localties. This should pat oar people on their guard, bat theie is no cause for panic. Live soberly and avoid all unnecessary exposure, and there is little danger. A special Washington dispatch says: "President Harrison does not eee any joke in the published story that on his recent hunting trip in Virginia be shot s hog for a coon.' That s nothing; Waana makef has crippled the mall ser vice of the entire South for a coon. Charlotte Chronicle. If anything could make the South more solidly Democratic than it is now it would be the pas sage of a Federal Election law by the present Congress., The Sooth stands by the Constitution of the United States and despises the party which is constantly attempt ing to override the organic law of the land. Macon Telegraph. these will be an eleceion in Novembor for Judge of this Judicial District, and the friends of Clement Manly, Esq., will press him for the position. We are not advised of Mr. Manly's wishes in this matter, but, should he be presented as a candidate for Superior Court Judge, he will be warmly supported by the Democrats of Craven, and folly endorsed by the; surrounding counties in which he has a large practice. The present outlook is that the eight-hour movement will eventual ly succeed In England it has been adopted as a plank in the ' Liberal party and will be atrennoaa- ly opposed by no class of politician. In this country it has already ob- tained the control of the centers of political influence to such an ex- I tent that, by law, eight boors con 1 stitute the duration of a day's 'work for the Government. Wash ington Post. The Freeman's Journal says that Mr. Parnell has instructed Mf, ! Lewis, his counsel, to obtain for hip at the earliest possible moment the citation to appear and defend the salt for divoroe brought by Capt. O She againat his wife, in which Mr. Parnell is named as co-respondent. Mr. Par-! nell, the paper Bays, desireto set- j tie the issue as quickly as possible. News and Observer. These are Republicans who are ready for revolution in order to maintain their grip upon the Con gress. To keep in office they wonld to-morrow vote for an Empire if they believed they could succeed T.r. na hiTA hallnt rfnrm in alt Tha States, tut let the Federal Congress keep its haBds off the ballot-boxes in the States. The people neither desire nor will tolerate Federal intervention ia voting. Let the corporal of the guard again appear at the election precincts and the Radical party will disappear in a whirlwind of wrath. Wilmington Messenger. Washington Gossip, among many other things, says: ' Senator Quay is known as the only man who wears light colored suits on the floor of the Senate. Senator In galls has a weakness for red neotiea. Senator Brown has a habit of washing his hands in in visible soap. Senator Morrill is noted for his persistent love of bread and milk. He has eaten noth ing else at -luncheon daring the last twenty years. Senator Daniel always has an unlighted eegar in his mouth. Senator Blackburn has a foot .which a woman might well envy. Senator Ransom never fails to look np into the ladies." the galleries to see These is no provision in the act creating the Government, warrant ing it In recognizing the existence of a manufacturer, a merchant, a farmer, lawyer, a doctor, as such, or a man of any other calling, nor is there any provision authorizing this Government to make any legislative distinction between any two class ess of citizens, much less to favor one ahd impose burdens upon another to benefit the one favored. Bat this is precisely what a tariff for protection does; it makes an unauthorized distinction between two classes of citizens citizens of different callings and taxaa one for the benefit of the other. Wilmington Star. A Psesb dispatch dated Alton, Pa. Deo, 30, says: Three ctrloads of Pinkerton detective left Bell wood this evening for Ponxtawa aey and vicinity, where about 1,500 misers have been out on -a strike for a couple of weeks. The miners have been ordered to.leayve their houses by the operators Wednes day, 'or else go to work. The miners have equipped themselves with fire arms of every description, having saved a number of rifles from the riot of three years ago, and are buying np all the available firearms they can get. Great trodble is expected. ON Sunday The Chronicle in decrying the outrage, remaked that it was not known that negro murderers in South Carolina, had been able to defeat justice, and tht there was no motive for the Barnwell crime save a brntal spirit of revenge. A statement came after that article was written, and which irai published in the des patches in Sunday's, Chronicle, in which several citizens of Barnwell attempt, to justify, in a measure, the massacre. If what those gen tlemen claim, be true, whilst there is no justification for the bloody deed, there is some palliation of the horror of the affair. But even with that amelioration being ac cepted the crime is yet heinous and dies out for vengance. Char- otte Chronicle. ' IS THERE NO REMEDY ! It has been said that t Here is no evil for which there is no remedy. We trust that this ia true, but we oogafess that we are discouraged by the lynchings that have become so common. Abstractly speaking, lynching is universally condemned, but every now and then we are shockedby the announcement that some com- inanity, noted for the refinement and Christian character of its people, has been the scene of a terrible tragedy, the result of un bridled passion and an insatiate thirst ibr revenge. We know that these lynchings are usually beeanse of the commis sion Of a erirae of the deepest dye, bat it mnst be remembered that the truest manhood is displayed in the mastery of the passions and a sublime reverence for law under all olroam stances. There is not one lynehlng in a hundred which is not regretted by the community in which it takes alaoe. It is only in moments of madness that such a thing is posstpleV - ; If; h6fe no remedy t We con fes thstf We are staggered by the problem. Perhaps the best pre ventive fs a sonnd public opinion. At the first blush it would seem that public opinion is sound. But the psblie is an aggregate of in dividaala, and for public opinion to be absolutely sound there mnst be no unsoundness of individual sent! ment. NO PUBLIC IB PftOYEMENTS. Capital Will Net I area Where Energy "and Public Spirit arc Kot Apparent. Editob Jouknai,: The prog ress and development of our State and country, the life and vigor of the times, are all primarily doe to railroad building and extension. At those pomts, and in the re gions beyond, which , these haye not gone, there is nothing of any value in these days; ftp energy, no push, no prosperous population. It is not deemed by any that a ipeople can profitably exist now without advantageous railway con nection and convenient communi cation. Everywhere the people are clamoriDg for more railroads and better railroad facilities, and through communities' oftering the most flattering inducements, and across teoritones over which it is necessary to reach desirable locali ties, capital, uninterested, is eager ly laying down new lines of rail road, but there are other sections so situated that they must help themselves, if they would have others help them. New Berne is of the latter class. Her position in the commercial world, for the past forty years, her industrial progress and material development, have not been sach as to beget an anxiety in outside capital to give her multiplied rail road facilities, -and if she gets any more than she already has she mnst show, by her own works, her faith in their value as investments. She has entered upon no such system of public improvement as inspire in business circles abroad the idea of a live, progressive com munity of prosperous people. OatBide capital and foreign energy do not eek such places of congealed public spirit. They have got to first move, by doing some thing for themselver. - Mechanic. DEAD IS THE WOODS. Prosperity Languishes in the Finest Agricultural Area of the State. Editob Jouenax : Agricul turally considered there are few naturally finer sections of country than that lying between New Berne and Jacksonville, along the pro posed line of the East Carolina Railroad, from New Berne to Jacksonville. A territory is embraced con tiguous to the proposed line capable ot sustaining ten times the popula tion of Craven county. Such a population, engaged in the various industries, and cultivating the soil, would pour into the lap of New Berne a treasure of wealth never dreamed of in the hour of ber highefct commercial prosperity. Tnat such a population will ever Beek that locality withont the ad vantage of railway communication it is idle to speak of. The popula tion is not there now. The number of working people is daMy diminish ing, and the section is year by year yielding fewer of the products of the soil, as the decreasing trade ot New Berne plainly indicates. In stead of coming, people are going where better facilities offer greater inducements. And so it will con tinue. The eighty-five thousand acres of rich white oak lands, which the city of'NewBeme aquires an interest in, through her fifty thousand dol lar subscription to the East Caro lina Railroad, stripped of its tim ber, would constitute a farming area not surpassed in Eastern Carolina. These lauds lying in a bodv, will afford the opportunity of inviting hundreds of thrifty farmers, of means, energy and new ideas in he, cultivation of the soil. The addition of such population is an acquisition to be desired. The combined products of such an area newly brought under cultivation, would be most welcome today in the empty market places of New Berne. Faemee. OUTSIDE CAPITAL A Proposition to Induce a Million Northern Capital. of Editor Jouknal: It is proposed thit thcity of Nw Berne ehatl subscribe fifty thousand dollars in thirty year five per cent, bonds to the capital stock of the East Carolina Land and Railway Company, and by that subscription will be a part owner of the eigbjy-five thousand acres of land granted to it by the State. The conditions are such that the lands cannot come into the bands of the Com pany until the a&ilroad is completed from this city to its terminus at Jack- sanvlle, Onslow county, where it meets the Wilmington and Onslow Railroad; and the city is required to pay no inter- sat until the road is completed and the cars running to Jacksonville. A fairer or better proposition was never made to a people, xne burden proposed is not a heavy one. The sub scription is small, and the rate of interest low. The interest for tbe amount, exolusire of sinking fund, is but two thousand five hundred dollars a year, and tbe principal is not called for under thirty years, and in all like hood never would be. Every taxpayer should hare the in telligence to appreciate how muoh tbe road will probably beseflt the town, and add to the value of his estate. There may be some who will oppose this scheme. There will be none to dispute that some such step is necessary for tbe welfare and existence of tbe place. Of those who may probably op pose the project, there must be few who will say they are satisfied with either the present condition or future outlook of affairs in New Berne. If there is any place that needs help it is New Berne Those are helped who help themselves. Since considering the matter, I shall vote for the. road Tax Payee. EPOCH. The transition from long lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoeb in the life "of an individual. Snch a remarkable event ia treasned in the mem ory and the agency whereby the gooa health has been attained is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. 80 many feel they owe their restoration to health, to the nse of the Great Alterative and Tonic. If you are troubled with any dis ease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing-, you will surely find relief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at 5Qc. and$l at R N. Duffy's Wholesale and Retail Drug Store. 1 per dozen. Wholesale price, $8. A REPLY. New Bbrne, N. C, Dec. 31, 1889. Editob Jouenal : My atten tion has been called to an article published iu your paper of the issue of the 23d aud 2Ctb of this month, the following being a copy : A Warning1. A man by the name of Olney, a native of the State of Massa chusetts, and claiming to be a Dis ciple minihtt r; and as he says. 'a self-ooustitnt. (! evangelist,'' has been bofding loith at Trenton and other places near by. . Be it known to all that he has no authority whatever to preach, and that they as a people are not at all responsible for what he says or does. We know nothing of his charac ter. Give him a wide bertb. Respectfully, H. D. Haepee, R. W. Stancill, I. L. Chestnutt. Dec. 23d, 1S89. iy Missionary Weekly, Rich mond, Va., will please copy. Now I am snre there has been a mistake made on the part of some one- as you will see by the fol lowing which is taken from the minutes of the North Carolina Christian Missionary Convention which was held at La Grange, Lenoir county, N. C, Oct. 24th, 25th, 26tb, and 27th, 1889, and found on page 5 : Committee on Examination and Ordination reported : We have examined Bro. E. H. Olney and recommend that ordination be de ferred until next Convention. We lurtber recommend that he remain with the congregation with which he holds membership, do good in tbe way of preaching, and in other ays, as opportunity affords. Adopted. I. L. CnESTNTTTT, Ohm'n. Although the above will no doubt do me much harm, yet I believe it to be a mistake, for none of the above parties have ever heard me preach, to my knowledge. Let us be qaick to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath. A Disciple of Christ, E. Homeb Olney. . FORGOTTEN ADVANTAGES. The Atlantic Road Worth Millions the County and City. to Edisoe Jouenal : If anybody is disposed to urge his opposition to railroad subscription with the example of the connty subscription to the A. & N. C. R. R. let him stop and ask himself what that road has done for Craven county and the city of New Berne. How many Craven county mouths bas the A. & N. C. R.R. fed daring the past thirty years T Ilow much money did the building of that road scatter through Craven coun ty T How mncb permanent wealth! aid it lay down in the county 01 Craven t To how many people, outside of the railroad employ ment, has the A. & N. C. R. R. afforded tbe means f earning liv ings? flow many thousands of strangers has it brought into New Berne, and caused to spend their money for board and lodgings t How many hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fish caught in Neuse river has It made markets for in the interior of the State! How many thousands of dollars worth of truck has it carried to the Northern markets from points not accessible to the steamers? How many millions of dollars worth of fish has it carried to the interior of the State from Morehead City ! Has it not been the means ot keep ing alive the business that has sustained the steamer lines so im portant to the commerce of Kew Berne? What has been the value of the mail communication which the A. & N. C. R. R. has been af forded the various points in the county, and adjoining counties ? These are some of the questions that an opponent of subscription should ask himself before he ex amples the incident of tbe county subscription to tbe A. & N. C. R.R. As one item alone, the strangers whom the A. & N. C. R. R. has brought into the city of New Berne during its existence, it is capable of demonstration that they have spent in the city alone ahalf ' mil lion of -dollars. Is that not something, of itself, to justify the county subscription, and to in part compensate for tbe money paid out in taxes, to say nothing ot the innumerable bene fits and advantages? A Well Wishes To the A. & N. C. R. R. and a voter to the Onslow Road. J1ERCIRIAL POISON. Mercury is frequently injudiciously used by quack doctors in cases of mala ria and blood poison. Its after effect is worse than the original disease. B B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) contains no mercury, but will eliminate mercurial poison from the system. Wite to Blood Balm (Jo., Atlanta, ua., for dook of convincing proof of its curative virtue. A. F. Britton. Jackson, Tenn.. writes: "I caught malaria in Louisiana, and when tbe fever at last broke, my sys tem was saturated with poison, and I had sores ia my mouth and knots on my tongue. I got two bottles B. B. B. wbich healed my tongue and mouth and made a new man of me." Wm. Richmond, Atlanta. Oi., writes: "My wife culd hardly see. Doctors called it syphilitic irritis. Her eyes were in a dreadful condition. Ber ap petite failed. She had pain in her joints and bones. Her kidneys were deranged also, and no one thought she could be cured. Dr. GUlaoa recom mended B B. B., which she used until her health was entirely restored." K. P. B. Jones. Atlanta, Qa., writes: "I was troubled with copper colored eruptions, loss of appetite, pain in back, aching joints, debility, emaciation, loss of hair, sore throat, and great nervous ness. B. B. B. put my system in fine condition. R. N. and F. S. Duffy, wholesale and retail agents. New Berne, N. C. PIMPLES OV THE FACE Denote an impure state of the blood and are looked upon by many -with suspieion. Acker's Blood Elixir will runove all im purities and leave the complexion smooth and clear. There is nothing that will to thoroughly build up the constitution, pu Ttfv and strengthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed by R. Berry, New bern, i . BEBXE PROGRESS? No. 17. There is an old and homely proverb, "Yon can catch more flies with a drop of syrup than you eaa with a pint of vinegar' and it ia aa truthful aa it is ancient and homely. In discussing toe importance of sub scribing to the capital stock of the New Berne and Onslow Railroad it is notour purpose to offend any ona, or to "drive" when not able to lead. We are in fluenced solely by the desire to ad vance the interest of New Berne, and honestly believing that tha coming of tbe new railroad will do this, it ia but natural we should endeavor to impress others with our belief. If any one honestly differs with us, we hare no fault to find with him, bus if bis oppo sition be baaed upon prejudice to some one identified with the movement, or because he is not "in on the ground floor" or because of any other selfish or personal reason in other words, if there be those who, knowing the propo sition to be a good one for the com munity, are unwilling to divest them selves of a personal prejudice that tha many may be benefited, then we hold that such a person is an enemy to New Berne1 progress. We do not wish to be misunderstood; we make this declara tion in no spirit of unkindnees or per sonal feeling; it is a oold, logical de duction. In view of tbe freqaency and futility of propositions in the past, to advance New Berne's material welfare, it was sincerely hoped that tbe present ques tion would be viewed with practical unanimity ; that especially among the gentlemen who are looked upon as leaders of public sentiment would this be tbe case, and while it is so, to a very great extent, yet there are a few who still hold out in their opposition. To them we say is your attitude wise or patriotic i - Is it wise to permit the weight of your influence to act aa clogs to the wheels of progress ? Come together, join hands, and let this occasion be the dawning of an era in New Berne's history. When ques tions of general interest and impor tance will meet with a cheerful and prompt approval by all classes, and with the concert of action born of this, tbe old town will move forward to prosperity. J. No. 18. . The question of subscribing' to the capital stock of the New Berne and Onslow Railroad haa, wa are pleased to observe, become -the primary and pre dominating one with our people. This ia pleasingly and capitally illustrated by the? cogent, forceful, and earnest expression of opinion to be found in tha columns of the Jouenal raeently, from other pens than our own. Some of the favorable arguments havej been almost epigrammatio' and appeal directly to the intelligence, wisdom and interest of oar people; it is a sub ject that bears discussion and the more it is talked of tha more apparent be comes its desirability. In discussing the proposition how ever, every one should 4 1 tote fair" and not seek to advance or retard it by dis torted or untruthful representations; in one's zeal upon either side, extrava gance of expression may occur, but when, as in known instances colored men are told that the success of the measure means a five dollar poll tax for them; then the boundary line of ex travaganoe is passed and tha broad, illimitable domain of untruth haa been entered. Let both sides stick to the truth, for nothing ia bettor evidence of the goodness of a thing than that you can tell the plain unvarnished truth about it. Misrepresentations upon questions of this character serve as boomerangs, be sides lessening the aslf respect of those that make them and losing the good opinion of those to whom toey are made. The present discussion is doing a good work, In arousing the interest of every class, as to the necessity of doing some thing to Dnng new Berne to the front, and the railroad project being the only one on the carpet, it ia eagerly asked about, and inquired into, by persons who have hitherto drifted along, while permitting other ' people to do their thinking for them. In fact we are having a gentle, local, Renaistauce of free thought and opinion. It having been made apparent how desirable the coming of the railroad iaJ it wm De our purpose tn luture com munications to impress upon the friends of the measure what is necessary to be done to insure its success. Z. No. 19. At tbe election to be held next Thurs day. 9th inst., every one possessing tbe privilege should vote. Tboae in favor of the proposition to subscribe to tbe capital stock of the New Bferne and Onslow Railroad should be certain to vote their conviotion, and those who are opposed should do likewise. Upon this very important, question every one should show his hand; there should be no dodging, no "running with the hare and holding with the hounds," no sitting astride the fence to "flop," as interest may dictate, but each and every one having the right should go to the polls and vote "for" or "against." In this way only, can public sentiment be correctly arrived at, and after the result -shall be made known, the -fellow-who-k no ws-it-all. will be cut off from telling yon how it would have been had there been a full vote. This election differs in an important respect from any other held in the city, as a majority of those who vote will not determine the question, unlVss they also constitute a majority of the regis tered vote. In other words, in order to carry the proposition a majority of the registered vote must te polled for tt. Hence tbe importance ot every friend of the measure, not only voting him self, but seeing to it that others who may be lukewarm or -indifferent are brought out, and asked to do their duty to themselves and New Berne. No event has taken place in New Berne, within the memory of any of the citi zens, that equate in importance tha question to be determined On . next Thursday, and a failure to realize thw by permitting tha defeat 'of tbe ques tion would ba indeed lamentable. Let every friend Of -tha meaenre, from now until the polls closer constitute himself an earnest worker in the cause, and seek to arouse that interest that will result in a sweeping victory. Let it be born in mind that "sub scription" must have a majority of all tbe votes that are registered. Those who register but do not vote are oounted as voting "No. " So the friends of the enterprise must exert themselves to get those whose names are upon the books to come out and vote "For Sub scription." Z. SHALL NEW Oar Oystermen Engaged In the Oyster! Traffic In Month Carolina. Quite a number of eystermen of this section have been obtaining their oys ters this season from the rooks in Pam lico and Core sounds, S. C. Ia faot, last year Captain William H. Elliott, of Portsmouth, obtained all the oysters he planted from that sectian and is. buying largely there tbis year. Tbe oysters are caught by the North Carolina oyster men and sold to the Norfolk vessels at 25 and 30 cents a bushel. This is com paratively a new field for our oyster- men and they have developed a profit able market for tbe tongers in that sec tion who have never heretofore been able to get over six and seven cents a bushel, except when a few hundred bushels were taken in carts and peddled through the country. The bivalves, in faot, were mostly used for burning and converting into lime for fertilizing purposes. It is against the law for Vir ginia vessels or vessels of tber States to take and carry oysters from the waters of North Carolina, but the laws are never enforced. The North Caro lina oystermen do alt the catching themselves, and would promptly cap ture a vessel detected in dredging or using the tongs, but they are extremely anxious to keep the buying vessels there, despite the laws to the contrary, in order to sell to them, and as the county officers are mostly in the fish and oyster traffic the vessels purchasing oysters are rarely interfered with. The present iaws are likely soon to be modi fied or repealed. A large fleet of ves sels from this section have been en gaged in the traffic in Pamlico sound the present season, and some of the heaviest planters in the business have procured all their plants from that resion Nor folk Landmark. In the foregoing extract two state ments are correct and two alone. The Virginia oystermen are certainly en gaged taking off oysters in large num bers contrary to law, and the law is oertainly not enforced. As a matter of fact tbe Virginians pay but six. eight and ten cents per tub, and as their tubs are any size they choose to make them, they really pay considerably lees. The North Carolina oystermen do not do all the oatohing themselves by a large ma jority ,as it is a matter of general notorie ty that the Virginians dredge and tong whenever they get a chance, night or day. The reflection upon tbe county officers may be dictated by the experience of the Virginians with their own officials; tut it is a gratuitous insult to the county com missioners of Hyde, Dare, Carteret and Pamlico counties. The article appears to be an impudent effort to sustain people in an open violation of the laws of this State. LATEST JTEWS. Called from the Press Digpatches Cartin fe Co.,- a large iron manu facturing firm of Belief ont, Pa., made an assignment Thursday. Over four hundred oases ef influenza are reported among the prisoners in Clinton prison, New York. An engineer was killed and several passengers injured by a railroad wreck, Wednesday night, near Pine Bluff, Ark' T. C Power, Republican, baa been elected United States Senator from Montana; ha is the defeated candidate for Governor. A railroad collision occurred near Savannah Thursday morning, which wrecked both engines and slightly in jured eeveral passengers. Daring the progress of a bull fight in a Mexican town, the plaza fell, in which ten thousand persona were crowded. Fearful scenes ensued, but while many persons were badly injured, no one was killed. .The down-town shops of the Edison Electrio Light Co., in New York, were destroyed by fire on Wednesday morn ing, patting out eighteen thousand ia candescent lights; loss $103,000, which is covered by insurance. A heavy rain storm prevailed in St. Louis Wednesday night, whioh greatly demoralized the electrio wires, and several persona came near losing their lives by coming in contact with some wires that were prostrated. A pet dog was instantly killed by stepping on a wire and a lady who went to his relief waa thrown some distance and fell un conscious. A horse was also killed by stepping on a wire. The Blizzard in the Northwest. St. Paul, Dec'. 81. Advices here seem to indicate that the great snow storm of Saturday night raged over a very extended area. Rumors were rife in tbe newspaper offices- that many wires weet of here were down and travel muoh delayed. The cemtre of the disturbance appears to have been at Huron, S. D., where the wind veered to north, and the storm increased until it became a veritable blizzard, blowing fifty miles an hour. The memorable experiences of two years ago. prevented people from unduly exposing them aelvea on the prsiries and no bad re sults are anticipated. Tha storm has been marked in places by singular phenomena. At Winona, Minn., rain descended in great sheets, and thg, whole city was flooded - When .the rain stopped the mercury fell thirty degrees in three hours. People can skate to business this morning. At other points electrical disturbances preceded the fall of snow. Duluth was visited with a severe blizzard, ushering' in the heaviest snowfall of the season. Much damage has been done in tbe city and street oars are blockaded. Trains are delayed by drifts six feet deep in many places. "Had Been Worried Eighteen Tears." It should have read "married," but the proof-reader observed that it amounted to about the same thing, and so did not draw his pencil through the error. Unfortunately there was con siderable truth in his observation. Thousands of husbands are constantly worried almost to despair by the ill health that afflicts their wives and often robs life of comfort and happiness. There is but one safe and sure way to change all this for the better. The ladies should use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. LESO ELIXIR. Its Wonderful Kffect on the Liver. Stomach, Uowels. Kidneys and Blood Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a pleas ant lemon drink that positively cures all Biliousness, Constipation, Indices tion. Headache, Malaria, Kidney Die ease. Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers. Chills, Blotches, Pimples, Pain in Back, Palpitation of Heart, and all ! other diseases . caused by disordered liver, stomach and "kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M.D., Atlanta, Oa. LBnoi HOT DROPS, For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronohiris, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For all throat and lung diseases, take I Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable preparation. Sold by druggists. 25 cents per bot tle. Prepared by H. Mozley, M.D.. At lanta. Oa. novldwly For a disordered liver try Beecham'a Pills. Both the method and. results -when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly 011 the Kidneys, Liver and Bov.vIm, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dLpc-ls colds, head-, aches and fevers v nd cures habitual constipation. Fynip of Figs is the' only remedy of" its kind ever nro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the Ptomacli, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agrccahle substances, ii many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs ia for sale- in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it 011 hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. ' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CA!. LOUISVILLE, KY. in Yfii.r, , '. . M CatawrH UHtAM BALM elt Cleana the Ifaaal Passages. Allays Pain and Inflammation. Heals the Sorts. Restores I lie Sense ot Taate 'uivrrvrrWl and Smell, HAY-FEVER TRY THE CURE A particle is appIJed into each nostril and Is agreeable. Price 6(1 cents at Drngeisls; hy mail, registered, til) rr ki.v upth wad 5 Warred Street, New York lanlMvlr 1862. EATON 1880. THE JEWELER HAS A FINK STOCK OF Watches;1' Clocks. Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE. SPECTACLES. I keep a larger stock of Spectacles than any other store in North Carolina I take particular pains to fit them to tha eyes of parties needing th-em. Having worked steadily at the bench for over thirty years, I believe I can do as good work as any watchmaker in the State. COME AND SEE ME. SAM. K. EATON, Middle street. Opposite Baptist Church. fe!2 dwtf K. R, JONES, AND Dry Goods & Notions. Full stock and large assortment. Prices as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. H. OBABTBEE. BASIL MA.VLt. JOHN H. CKABTREE & CO ENGINEER1, 'Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers is ENGIHES AO MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES Builders of Ena-lnea Boilers. Saw Kllla. Edging & Cut-off Machine, We are prepared to do Castings of all kinds With promptness, Particular ami Immediate attention glrCa to repahs of all kinds We will be glad to plve plans utid intimates for any dqsci lptlon ol machinery. We are the agents 'or tbo Rale of the Amer ican Saw. Also for (J. & A. iSHrgamln's cele brated Indestructibly Mini Valves. We give satisfactory uuraalee fcrall work done by na. 1 dlaw wly JOE K. WILLIS, PROPR1KTOR EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Uarble Works, New T3er no, N". c. Italian and AmericanJMarlrle and all qualities of material. Orders solicited and given prompt attention, with satisfaction guaran teed. G. E. Miller is my agent nt Kintiton, and Alex. Fields regular traveling acent. fhfAlliance to the Front! Tm fvjRESsrvE Farmkk. hold, vigilant. agKresslVte jfi-ud progressive. It has opinions and expresses tuem. Forty-eight columns, eight pges. All Home-Print. Official oisb of North Carolina and Virginia btate Alli ances. The Llveat paper in the Houlh! OoeS to nearly 1200 postofflces in North Carolina and to 23 States. ONE DOLLAR A YEAH, Strictly Cash. Send for sample copy. Ad dress , THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER Raleigh, 14. L. L. Polk. Editor. 1). U, Bbowdkk, Business Manager. tf era s-iaa, 'X' . V .". '. 'V- r: ."A. .? " -V''.': -.IV V Mi t-r-;' - f t

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